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i don't like your perfect crime, how you laugh when you lie. but i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time. honey, i rose up from the dead; i do it all the time. i got a list of names, and yours is in red, underlined. i check it once, then i check it twice. oh, look what you made me do.
name: heidi jean hunter. pronunciation: hi-dee. jeen. hunt-er. meaning: heidi: nobility. jean: god is gracious. birthday: november 3rd. scorpio. age: twenty-eight. pronouns: she + her. sexuality: lesbian. siblings: august cole hunter (26). cora margaret hunter (23). jude seth hunter (20). eloise birdie hunter (18). parents: remy hunter (father). mabel hunter nèe armstrong. other family: hunter and armstrong extended family. languages: english. current residence: london.
wizard fun.
hogwarts house: none. year of graduation: 1968. occupation: in home hospice nurse. pet: betta fish named boo. blood status: muggle. species: human. affiliation: PAM.
height: 5’7” hair color: black. eye color: dark brown. typical hair style: short scrunched, afro-like curls. fashion style: stripes. color blocking. mom jeans. mom shorts. converse. slouched shirts. jackets. sleeping in underwear. distinguishing features: her hair. her hair is so big because it’s full of secrets.
positive traits: + leader + loving + steadfast. negative traits: - obsessive - skeptic - worry-wart. negative/positive: stirs the pot.
quick facts.
oldest of five siblings.
family always was an still is her heart.
two of her siblings, august and cora, have disappeared.
began as a nurse in a hospital. she since switched to in home hospice because she has more control over her schedule and keep up with pam needs.
in denial that there is actually magic. she only care they were a group that caused destruction.
was stella's right hand before she died. since then, the changes in happening within pam are pissing heidi off. she's to the point where she doesn't see any kind of talk changing anything. there should be action.
has a drug routine of pot and xanax to keep her emotions pushed away. she doesn't want to feel because of all the losses the magical world caused her in one night.
theme song.
look what you made me do. taylor swift. spotify to come.
to come.
born into a normal muggle family heidi jean hunter would always be more than normal. it was obvious she was meant for great things. she was always curious. reached milestones early. she easily played with the neighborhood kids and never missed a day of school. her parents remy and mabel, were proud as they watched her bloom. she was not only caring and lovable she was fiercely loyal.
heidi's family filled her whole heart. the four siblings came one after another: august, cora, jude and eloise joined the hunter clan. heidi grew more and more confident in herself which she extended to the little ones. she wanted to be a good example. she secretly loved when they would scrape their knees or elbows because she could tend to them. band-aids were precious toys to her. and ace bandages were a golden treasure. it was obvious where life would take her. once she completed secondary school, heidi began her journey to become a nurse. before she knew it she had graduated top of her class and became a realized her dream.
heidi quickly got the reputation for the nurse who treated her patients like family, no matter how long her time with them. all she ever wanted to do in life was in front of her. between the hospital and her family, heidi was always on her toes and always winning.
it had been a late night at the hospital. upon leaving, heidi went to the local watering hole where she was very well known. her laugh, the music blaring, small dance moves, hugs that squeezed out any uneasiness and shared drinks with bar buddies were reasons she loved the place. she could decompress. but that all changed in the snap of a finger. the winning ended like that.
shattered and broken glass wasn't only on the floor but also embedded in the skin of the people she called friends. she had injuries herself but needed to take care of the people who got the worst of it: the ones in front of the bar directly next to the windows and bricks. heidi jumped up and ran outside to see two figures standing there one minute and gone in a flash. heidi ignored what she saw – it was something stress induced. she returned to try life saving measures of those around her but so many wonderful humans were gone. they weren't given the opportunity to live -- and for what? loss number one.
she didn’t want to leave those she cared about lying across the floor or struggling to move but she had to check on her family. she looked around the room and whispered “i’m sorry” before leaving, the strained music still playing.
when she got to her parents’ home, heidi discovered their street had been affected but the damage was fairly minimal. the two youngest siblings, jude and eloise, had been staying with their parents at the time. the four of them were in the clear. but what about august and and cora? heidi didn’t know where they were. her heartbreak quickly went to anger. she wanted to scream but a flowing river of emotions meant nothing could come out aside from grinding teeth, clenched fits and tightened muscles. losses two and three.
what heidi saw the night of terror was all wrong. the two figures disappeared in a flash. she didn't hear gunshots. or see a wrecking ball. she didn't hear anything familiar, but the building was utterly destroyed. her scientific mind couldn't understand a "magical world” but whoever they were, heidi would not accept their actions.
when pam was created heidi was first in line to sign up. stella held herself in the perfect way and heidi looked up to her. stella was someone who saw that words in a newspaper weren’t going to fix anything. fixing this issue would take more: more action, more ruthlessness and even more blurring the lines of morality. seeing as she took to stella so fervently it took no time for heidi to become her second in command.
but then stella was killed – loss number four. somehow mona — fucking mona — took the group from heidi’s hands. she hated and resented it and wanted stella back (or anyone with half a brain). why not leave? someone had to stir the pot and remind them of what brought them there in the first place. heidi wouldn’t let them forget that stella was killed for standing up for what they all claimed to believe in. if that wasn’t a reason to keep fighting, she didn’t know what was. she was determined to bring people back around to see what monsters were among them. heidi wouldn't let a "wizarding" community ruin their lives anymore than they already had. she worked to be active and bold.
to deal with the pain of those she’d lost – including pam, loss number five – she began smoking pot and popping xanax to dull her emotions. if she felt it too much, she would crack into a million pieces. as time went on so did her high. it followed her like a ghost; followed like the ghosts of all lost.
this was heidi's life now. for better or worse, this was it. she still wanted to help others and make a difference, but she wasn’t the heidi she once recognized in the mirror. her desires hadn’t changed but life had. regardless she told herself, “come hell or high water i’ll make everything right again.”
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x e n o p h i l i u s a e o n l o v e g o o d
name: xenophilius aeon lovegood. pronunciation: zeh·noh·fee·lee·uss ee·aan lah·ve·good. meaning: xenophilius- lover of the strange. aeon- age. birthday: february 1st. age: twenty-six. pronouns: he & they. sexuality: pansexual. siblings: step-siblings. parents: diogenes lovegood, eurydice fawcett nee carrow. other family: alpheus fawcett (step-father). languages: english, french, greek, japanese, korean. current residence: tbd. hometown: devon, england.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: ravenclaw. year of graduation: 1976. occupation: philosopher & freelance consulting magizoologist. pet: niffler named xanadu. blood status: halfblood. species: wizard. patronus: narwhal. this patronus symbolizes magic, freedom, and empathic abilities. a narwhal is the unicorn of the sea – channeling magic through its tusk as it points to the sky, constantly remembering its spiritual mission. narwhal uses its own self to connect to the divine and feel into deeper realities. those with this patronus don’t need a special tool or gear to be connected. they are part of the universe and can tap in at any time. their unique tusk is packed with thousands of sensory receptors. the spiral shape guides the natural flow of growth and perspective as this antenna feels deeply into its environment. narwhals are incredibly empathic and sensitive, noticing and experiencing things beyond the average gates of perception. so sensitive in fact, that no narwhal has ever been successfully kept in captivity for long. those with this patronus need freedom and space. they will seek out a nurturing social pod that respects your sensitive nature as a gift. boggart: xen sees contracts. he sees an interrogation light. he is terrified of those in positions of power using his emotions to control him. he fears extortion and most of all, losing his integrity and free will to choose. amortentia: walnuts. sweet and nutty, but also with just a bit of chemical scent, walnuts are rumored to be what space smells like, and xen could believe it. he has always felt a fondness for the scent. in many ways, it reminds him of home. wildflowers and mint. it is a strange combination of floral and menthol smells that invigorate both the sense and the imagination. both are earthy and natural, but absolutely distinct. burnt almond cookie. xenophilius’s mother was not a very good cook even though she tried very hard to be an expert. in fact, she regularly found herself burning food while being distracted by other things. so often that xen considered just slightly burned cookie far more palatable than the normal ones. he was the only one who like almond so he always knew they were made just for him. wand type: 13 3/4″, sycamore wood wand with a unicorn hair core, boundless. the sycamore made a questing wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities. it was a quirk of these handsome wands that they might combust if allowed to become 'bored', and many witches and wizards, settling down into middle age, were disconcerted to find their trusty wand bursting into flame in their hand as they asked it, one more time, to fetch their slippers. as may be deduced, the sycamore's ideal owner was curious, vital and adventurous, and when paired with such an owner, it demonstrated a capacity to learn and adapt that earned it a rightful place among the world's most highly-prized wand woods. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled. affiliation: xenophilius does not associate with any political movements. (order leaning)
height: 5′ 8″. hair color: silver. eye color: dark brown. typical hair style: kept a mid length, around his jaw and chin, it usually is very windswept and loose. he occasionally will style it by tying it up in a little ponytail or gel it into various spikes. fashion style: his pants are too tight and his shirts are too loose. xen can very often be found in jumpers with cosmic motifs. he prefers to wear shimmering and silky fabrics and colors that give a metallic sheen. chains, baubles, charms, and other assorted accoutrements are essential. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: xen is a short king and people have noted that he has a very impish looking face. he is a little cross eyed. there are tattoos on various spots of his body. one on his left ankle of a flying saucer, a large piece on his back of ‘extraterrestrial magic markings’, and a narwhal on the back of his right elbow.
positive traits: funky. devil may care. unprejudiced. negative traits: impertinent. odd. anarchist. theme song: starman by david bowie
when xen first stumbled upon the crashed satellite, close neighbor and lifelong friend, arthur weasley, was the first person he grabbed to show and explain his new theories. arthur immediately agreed to help him build a magical machine that could help take him back to the stars. they often work on it together at the burrow.
xen writes and prints a zine primarily focusing on his philosophical ideations, the ethos of the extraterrestrial, and an index and deep descriptions of magical creatures that mainstream society largely ignores or believes to be fantasy.
he definitely knows how to play a theremin. it is one of his favorite past times, and he claims that it is a soothing sound which helps him clear his mind when experiencing any form of writer’s block.
eurydice carrow was the oft forgotten middle child of a well to do pureblooded family that desired a place of belonging. diogenes lovegood was a halfblooded rapscallion who wanted nothing more than to experience all that life had to offer. both were too young and too immature when they met to realize that while they might be in love, they were wildly incompatible. their marriage lasted only long enough to see the birth of a child. diogenes hung around to give him the family name then disappeared on a breeze without so much as a farewell or explanation.
so eurydice raised xenophilius alone for the first five years. the mother and child lived in a little shack on the edge of another family’s property. the rent was a little steep, there was only one bedroom, the kitchen stove still required chopping wood, and the building was practically falling apart. however, there was always a well tended garden of dirigible plums and an assortment of critters who made themselves equally at home. during this time, xen developed a deep well of empathy and endless curiosity.
despite the less than common circumstances of his home life, xenophilius rarely felt as though anything was lacking. their simple life never seemed odd as he had nothing else to compare it to. eurydice did not share that perspective. so she decided to remarry an amiable gentleman in a similar situation to her. they moved into his nicer home in ottery st catchpole, and xen into a basement that was converted into a bedroom. he had never felt so out of place in his life.
unfortunately, that was a feeling xenophilius never quite seemed able to shake. it lingered. it became exacerbated as his mother, step-father, and step-siblings grew comfortable together and began to thrive while he obviously did not belong here. xen grew to hate that house. where was his real father? why did his mother think he suddenly needed one now? why did this nuclear family feel so forced and wrong? it was supposed to be perfect.
most of his time came to be spent out exploring the neighborhood. xen liked to befriend to local fauna, experiment with the flora, and observe the people both magic and muggle alike. his curious nature never faltered, and he made close friends with a handful of the other kids that resided in the area. they became the sort with whom xen shared all of these difficult coming of age thoughts.
then one summer night, a loud explosion and crash startled him from bed. while it still woke the whole house, it was surprisingly loud even in the muffled basement. his step-father exclaimed that something fell from the sky. they would go report it tomorrow, but everyone should go back to sleep for the night. xen knew that would never happen. instead he snuck out and gathered his friends to go look for the impact site together. they found what was later thought to be the wreckage of a downed satellite just north of their property line. to xen, it appeared more like a method of travel; a spaceship.
this sparked the beginning of xenophilius’s love of all things extraterrestrial.
he delved into an interest in the stars, planets, asteroids, comets, and even any potential inhabitants of such places. for the first time, he felt at home in these concepts. xen came to believe that perhaps he too was a spaceman. had his father been alien too? is that why he left? or is that who was trying to return for him and crashed? all the questions that hounded him for years seemed unequivocally answered with his new theory.
that autumn, xen received his letter of acceptance into hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. unsurprisingly, he was quickly sorted into ravenclaw. the house of wit and learning bolstered that infamously curious nature and matured his abstract pondering. he showed a natural talent in herbology and arithmancy classes while he all but flunked out of defense against the dark arts as his core ethos could not reconcile with the systematic opinion imposed on the curriculum. however, he proved to be exceptional at care of magical creatures. by and far, xen stood out as a singularly gifted student with all matters regarding creature care although his methods were considered as unconventional.
as were the rest of his ideologies. while at school, xen continued to chafe against the status quo. every year he grew more at odds with what appeared to be normal. eventually, he stopped pretending that like that was something he regretted. he didn’t. xen was well pleased with his non-conformity and the philosophies that he began to incorporate into his life. that and his obvious aversion to any war influence certainly effected how he was perceived by his peers, though. it made it somewhat difficult to find a steady job after graduation.
xen moved back into that house he hated for a while, but took the odd magizoologist job here and there to search for rumored and unknown species. eventually he was able to scrounge up enough extra money to afford a disreputable place of his own. he had not been moved in for very long when an offer was extended for him to participate in a long term research expedition to find the elusive star munching snifflebits. it was an opportunity that he could not refuse.
it has been two years since they departed, and xen only recently returned to town.
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n e s s a l e i t h b u c h a n a n
name: nessa leith buchanan. pronunciation: neh·suh leeth byoo·ka·nuhn. meaning: nessa- miracle, pure, butterfly, not gentle. leith- broad river. birthday: may 20th. age: twenty. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: pansexual. siblings: cooper buchanan, logan buchanan, ethan buchanan. parents: filip buchanan, fiona buchanan. other family: maisie buchanan (grandma). languages: english. scottish gaelic. current residence: tbd. hometown: scotland.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: hufflepuff. year of graduation: 1977. occupation: general manager of hexcade. pet: a raccoon named pacman she found in the highlands one day and lured home in secret. blood status: halfblood. species: witch. patronus: weasel. those who cast a weasel are as playful and mischievous as anyone would expect. many of these witches and wizards are spontaneous and quick to make decisions without taking much thought on the consequences. this means they can bite off more than they can chew and get in way over their heads. in the long run, they rely on luck more often than not to keep them out of trouble. even if these witches and wizards can get themselves into deep trouble, they are feisty when threatened and can pack a punch when you least expect it. It is when they are faced with a real challenge that they start to show amazing strategy and wit. if it seems these individuals think everything is all fun and games your assumptions are all wrong. boggart: nessa is more terrified of cars or car crashes than anything else. especially when it could potentially involve one or any of her brothers. amortentia: orange blossom. the sweet floral scent of notes just citrus enough to tickle your nose have always been among her favorites. it sparks an endless slew of happy memories, and her mother shared the preference. she always wore a perfume with that scent. static. the smell when the television first clicks and spatters to life or when a balloon pulls your hair up to a clingy end or a heat storm overhead leaves the whole world feeling tense with potential energy. fried eggs. nessa is a big believer of breakfast. she is a fan and tries her hardest never to miss one. if she does, you can catch her eating breakfast for supper that day. never forget the eggs and toast. wand type: 10 3/4″, sycamore wood wand with a thunderbird tail feather core, buzzing. the sycamore makes a questing wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities. it is a quirk of these handsome wands that they may combust if allowed to become ‘bored’, and many witches and wizards, settling down into middle age, are disconcerted to find their trusty wand bursting into flame in their hand as they ask it, one more time, to fetch their slippers. as may be deduced, the sycamore’s ideal owner is curious, vital and adventurous, and when paired with such an owner, it demonstrates a capacity to learn and adapt that earns it a rightful place among the world’s most highly-prized wand woods. thunderbird tail feather wands are very powerful, but difficult to master. they have a skill in transfiguration. wands with thunderbird tail feather cores, like the birds the feathers are taken from, are able to sense danger and can fire curses pre-emptively when supernatural dangers are present. affiliation: neutral currently.
height: 5′4″. hair color: flaxen. eye color: tawny. typical hair style: wavy and frequently unwashed while pulled into a scrunchie or stuffed under a hat. fashion style: nessa has probably never worn a shirt that didn’t at some point belong to one of her brothers or her dad. her preference is vibrant patterns and warm colors. she tends to lean towards sneakers with really good grip for skateboarding and accessorizes with scrunchies and old hats. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: nessa tends to look a little like she hasn’t slept in a really long time, but still has a wired amount of energy buzzing through her. her fingers, knees, and elbows are regularly covered in brightly colored bandages of various sizes from accidents. it regularly appears that her hair is frizzed out and static.
positive traits: sprightly. handy. engineering. negative traits: flaky. pesky. erratic. theme song: I like giants by kimya dawson
nessa has a personal goal to own the high score on every arcade cabinet in the shop, or anywhere else she’s seen one, and has put in hours and hours working towards that goal. her best scores are usually on pinball, though.
by the time it was nessa’s turn to start school, a brand new wand would be pushing the budget of what the buchanan’s could afford and instead suggested that nessa might like a wand that belonged to her great aunt instead. it has a rather rare core and a large personality that results in it occasionally casting spells of its own accord on nessa’s behalf.
nessa mostly skateboards everywhere she needs to go because she has a petrifying fear of cars and has never managed to figure out apparation. for distances too long to board, she sticks with the floo network or a broom. before the crash, her parents often had to reprimand her for leaving it out in dangerous places for others to slip on all the time.
tw: death, depression
at this point who doesn’t know the story of the buchanan family? it is certainly one that has been heard before; the dad’s a muggle and mam’s a witch. the lovely young couple were completely in love anyway. filip and fiona married without a regret and set about to begin an idyllic pastoral life right on the scottish borders. they built up a family farm and soon filled it to suit the name. cooper was first. an eldest boy dashing as he was daring, he always fearlessly lead the way, even if he didn’t know which direction he was going. next born was logan who certainly helped balance the scales with forethought and planning. he was always clever as he was capable. then came ethan. he was sensitive, sincere, and sometimes a bit secretive. yet the complete array of specific personality was never really complete until their little sister was finally born. nessa leith buchanan jolted into the world nearly at the dot of midnight right on the cusp of summer. she carried in her very presence a certain warmth and revitalized energy much like the season. their mother used to claim that nessa was like catching lightning in a bottle- breathtaking and so close to being a disaster. childhood bustling between the farm and the family was brimming with excitement, especially as each of the children began to discover their own talents. between sports, fine art, and music, it seemed like the only thing they shared was a devastatingly accurate hand-eye coordination. even nessa, who spent more than her fair share of time not thinking things through, figured out her love of game cabinets when she spent two months worth of saturday afternoons helping her dad rebuild an old pinball machine he recovered for them. she had a talent for the circuitry as well as ticking up a higher score every day. the fast pace matched her own. nessa always seemed to lean more towards the muggle side of things than the magic. yet still, she showed the signs early on of being a witch. a letter of acceptance to hogwarts came as no surprise. still by the time nessa received that simple wax sealed parchment with welcoming emerald ink, she could barely manage to contain the electric energy inside of herself. unlike any of her brothers, nessa was almost immediately sorted into hufflepuff house. it turned out that was where she belonged. nessa thrived amongst the hardworking and fair-minded yellow badgers. however, she never did show proclivity towards any particular magic. her marks remained average in every subject until graduation which did not leave her with much direction on what to do afterwards. nessa returned home to work on the farm until she could figure out what exactly she wanted to do in life, but nothing magic ever seemed to feel right. the options just never suited her. apparation even proved to be too tricky for her to ever get a license. admittedly, she probably lingered far too long with indecision. although it seemed obvious to everyone else, nessa had developed a real skill with electronics. there was nothing that she couldn’t eventually figure out how to rewire and fix. tinkering turned her ever jittery fingers adroit and adept. then the crash happened. it felt as sudden as that. their parents where here loving and living and laughing, getting ready to celebrate with them all, and then they were gone. the world seemed cruel for it. nessa still wonders if she hadn’t pretended to lose that damn necklace, could the timing have been different. would the collision go unmet? could everyone leave unscathed? should she have simply reminded her mother how beautiful she looked and let them go? was it her fault? the pointlessness of that question forced it’s way to the forefront of her mind on those days following when nessa no longer seemed able to light up the room or even pull herself out from under the covers. no one needed to know about those days, though. those days happened somewhat less often now. the distance between them much greater now that life had started to grow around the grief. nessa needed to find something else to do. she found a job as the general manager of an arcade that cater towards magic. it was a perfect fit for her, and recently, she took over all operations as the owner left town to go on tour. between fixing the broken machines, she spends her spare energy trying to get the high score on them all too. anything to distract from falling back into that listless lost absence again.
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introducing margaret eleanor verlice
name: margaret eleanor verlice meaning: margaret meaning pearl. eleanor meaning mercy. nickname(s): margie, marge birthday: january 25 age: 26 pronouns: she/her sexuality: bisexual siblings: raoul verlice languages: english, french, italian, german
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hanrp9202/margaret-verlice/ positive traits: intuitive, charismatic negative traits: argumentative, invasive zodiac: aquarius (clever, self-reliant, detached, scatterbrained, honest) mbti: entp (debater) alignment: chaotic good theme song: bette davis eyes - kim carnes
more fun:
hogwarts house: ravenclaw occupation: co-owner of revolution paper pet: hamlet - hedgehog (https://www.pinterest.com/hanrp9202/margaret-verlice/hamlet) fashion: https://www.pinterest.com/hanrp9202/margaret-verlice/fashion blood status: pureblood patronus: wood mouse amortentia scent: sage, roasted coffee beans, parchment paper wand type: walnut wood, unicorn tail hair, 11 3/4 inches affiliation: order of the phoenix
loves investigative journalism
thankful for harlee and wouldn’t know what to do without her
distrusts the daily prophet
constantly sneaks into raoul’s restaurant and steals food from the back
if she isn’t interviewing people for the paper or writing it up, she is usually doing pottery
despite pretending to be well put together, she is a mess. very indecisive
keeps bottles of wine stocked for all times
loves a good bubble bath
has a lot of inner turmoil
TW: SEXUAL ASSAULT - below read more
when it seemed she was closer to joining the order than the death eaters, one of the death eaters (or future death eaters) trapped her in an empty classroom. without going into detail (much of which she prefers not to think about and only those close to her know about), she was nearly raped before escaping. she was never able to figure out who it was, and deep down knows that not all (or even many) death eaters would stoop to this level, it secured her position in the war.
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r i t a d o l l y s k e e t e r
name: rita dolly skeeter. pronunciation: ree·tuh daa·lee skee·tr. meaning: rita- margarita, pearl. dolly- cute child. birthday: august 10th. age: twenty-four. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: pansexual. siblings: curtis chapman (older step-brother). luke ‘scratch’ chapman (younger half-sibling). kylie chapman (younger step-sister). parents: creed skeeter (biological father). norma chapman (mother). luke chapman sr (step-father). crystal ‘crysti’ chapman (step-mother). other family: tbd. languages: english. current residence: tbd. hometown: london.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1976. occupation: journalist. pet: parakeet named sugar kane. blood status: halfblood. species: witch. patronus: beetle. people with the beetle patronus are always in the right place at the right time and know precisely how to get there. folks with the beetle patronus never give up on a project. they always find a way to see things to a full resolution or completion. these people waste nothing, recycle obsessively, are frugal to a fault, and have a profound understanding of mother earth and her needs. their life seems to be one of constant change. however, they always maintain their sense of integrity throughout all of this. people with this patronus can turn all things negative into positive. boggart: sources say voldemort, apparently, but that is most likely because it’s difficult to physically represent the fear of mundane obscurity. he currently poses the greatest threat to the one thing that rita is genuinely concerned with, her writing. amortentia: cigarettes. rita started smoking at a surprisingly young age. it was all around her and easy to get access too. plus it calmed her down from the regular chaos in which she found herself. despite the fact that she’s trying to quit now, the smell is still absolutely intoxicating to her. agave. rita likes tequila. nylon. maybe it was how much time she spent in that stupid old corner store that endeared her to the cheap smell of plastic, or maybe it was the little thrill of pulling on her tights to complete a perfect outfit. wand type: 11″, elm wood wand with a unicorn hair core, understandably delicate. the unfounded belief that only pure-bloods can produce magic from elm wands was undoubtedly started by some elm wand owner seeking to prove his own blood credentials, for I have known perfect matches of elm wands who are muggleborns. the truth is that elm wands prefer owners with presence, magical dexterity and a certain native dignity. of all wand woods, elm, in my experience, produces the fewest accidents, the least foolish errors, and the most elegant charms and spells; these are sophisticated wands, capable of highly advanced magic in the right hands (which, again, makes it highly desirable to those who espouse the pure-blood philosophy). phoenix feather wands were always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken was one of the most independent and detached in the world. these wands were the hardest to tame and to personalize, and their allegiance was usually hard won. affiliation: neutral.
height: 5′4″. hair color: bottle blonde. eye color: jewel green. typical hair style: rita has been bleaching her hair since her mother passed. it remains a platinum bottle blonde and she styles it most often in tight, marilyn-esque curls or voluminous madonna styled fringe. it isn’t very healthy, but she hides that well. fashion style: tacky bitch. she’s giving madonna. she’s giving malibu barbie. she’s giving dolly parton. we love a gaudy jewelry moment. we love bright and loud colors. we love feathers. we love sharp heels and shoulder pads. accessories? a million is barely enough. glasses, glasses, glasses, glasses. cat eye, sleek, and rhinestones aplenty. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: rita is perhaps best known for her eccentric collection of reading glasses, her bottle blonde curls, her bright fake nails, and unusual lipstick colors. she has a scar from a dog bit on her left ankle, and road rash on the back of her right arm from a bike crash.
positive traits: investigative. charming. visionary. negative traits: liar. greedy. trashy. theme song: material girl by madonna
she recently decided to try to quit smoking cigarettes. it’s not going well. she’s started chewing bubblegum instead. she goes through a lot of it.
when she was about twelve, started bleaching her hair using peroxide that she stole from the corner store. still bleaches it now, but uses slightly better methods at least when she can afford to.
rita has started the process of becoming an unregistered animagus, but has not accomplished the full transfiguration yet. currently, she is awaiting the next convenient lightning storm to finish the spell.
tw: parental death, implied drug use, child neglect
it’s a story that you have heard a million times before and frankly, it isn’t all that interesting. a wizard man meets a muggle girl. he is charming. he is handsome. he is just so magical. he woos her. he screws her. they get hitched in a shotgun wedding and pop a kid out a few months down the line. that’s our star. then suddenly daddy can’t seem to stand the sound of cries. he goes out for milk and cigarettes, or so they say, and he bailed. no one has seen him to this day.
goodbye and good riddance. right readers?
onto the bigger and better things or at the very least onto the very next man who would marry a woman that had nothing to her name but another man’s kid. spoiler alert: this one wasn’t so magical. however, he was the one that stuck around. it could be argued that it was never really out of the goodness of his heart. it was obviously not with the idea of living some great romance either. he just wanted someone to watch his kid, wash his drawers, and cook him supper since his last wife ended up six feet under. (suspicious circumstances? sources couldn’t confirm.)
so what do they do next? that’s right, just like every other trashy couple who can’t bother to wrap it before they tap it, these crazy kids spawned yet another mouth they couldn’t possibly afford to feed without government assistance. so predictable. so blasé. where’s the spice? where’s the drama? just imagine for one little moment the experience of living three kids to one bedroom. not ideal by our star’s standards, but she always made herself stand out. at least if she tried to do that it wouldn’t feel so much like she didn’t fit in.
rita never fit in. who in the hell would want to? to fit in at the bottom of the barrel was essentially admitting to fill the lowest common denominator. mark her down as a big ‘no thank you’ on that statistic. she was clever at a young age. her instincts her sharp and her tongue was sharper. even as a toddler, she had a talent for sensationalizing questions that stirred the pot. her step-brother, rumored to be the most reasonable (aka the most sinfully boring) member of the family, wanted something to occupy her imagination and keep her out of trouble. so he taught her to read and helped her learn hand writing well before she was to begin primary school.
it helped her in school. she never had to worry about her grades despite the consistent complaints about ‘attitude’ problems that would seem to arise, but really those reading lessons just lead to rita making extended use of the five finger discount on brightly colored fashion magazines from back corner the dime store on the weekends when she was bored. as she got a bit older, her stolen selections extended to cover sunglasses, pretty costume jewelry, make up, nail polish, and harlequin romances. anything that felt fantastic and could pass under detection. it wasn’t like anyone was really paying attention.
rita was though. when no one thought anyone else would notice, she would see when the neighbors got new curtains, when their post didn’t run, when they wore the same outfit two days in a row, and she would be whisked away into a world of answering why. the most likely conclusion was almost always a torrid love affair although her half brother preferred to posit aliens frequently and loudly as a substitute explanation. (sources say unlikely.) she would notice when her mother’s eyes seemed glazed over and distant just as often and she noticed the frequency with which her step-father resented them all. she noticed all the strange ways that she never seemed to be on the same page as her peers.
then, as if she didn’t have enough trouble her mother died. it was sudden. it was suspicious. the official report says heart attack, but the real news here was that she had a heart at all. who knew? certainly not the daughter now left with no other option than to be adopted into the step-family that saw her as little more than free child care and an additional poverty paycheck. it didn’t help when he married again and brought another step sibling into the mix. it was loud. it was crowded. it was crazy.
it was a goddamn relief to be offered a home in far off a magical castle even if it was something as abysmally dreary as school. it definitely wasn’t the first time she had been called her a witch. however, it might have been the first time where something appropriately special. of course she was magical. of course she was going. how could you ever say no? with the decision to adopt her father’s name, rita skeeter took to hogwarts.
where she still didn’t fit in, but cemented the fact that she was born to stand out. rita showed a proclivity towards transfigurations and charms, but it was her love of writing that blossomed above all else. her favorite past time became watching her classmates and creating stories about what must explain the little details she noticed about their life. eventually she started writing her ideas down, really building a story out of them. rita wanted to know how right she was. so she got people to talking. rita wrote everything down and eventually, someone found it all. that was really the birth of her gossip column. although it wasn’t the ‘detention garnering gossip that you love to hate’ until her first official issue.
it sky-rocketed her to popularity. of course everyone loved what she had to say. it didn’t matter if it was true so long as it was fantastic. rita gave everyone what they wanted to read. she gave everyone a little world of sensationalism to escape to, and she used that word of mouth to force her foot in the door of the prophet after graduation. it started as an advice column, barely a paragraph of text in the bottom corner of a middle page. then she started getting more and more letters. they let her write two paragraphs, a column, a half page spread. she had the perfect words to fill it all. besides, she would do next to anything to avoid falling back to where she came from. the only possible direction is up.
there are new faces on every street corner that her readers are dying to know. who is who? what are their hopes? their fears? their secrets? who can we trust in such turbulent times? what is this war really about? the daily prophet has finally given her an entire dedicated page to tell them. she will dig her claws in and get the job done. it will only get easier when she perfects this animagus thing. (unregistered sources say she’s very close.)
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basics ~
name: stella miriam levitt age: 38 birthday: august 25 pronouns: she/her sexuality: pansexual blood status: muggle species: human affiliation: P.A.M. family: naomi and samuel levitt (parents, both deceased) faceclaim: natasha lyonne
muggle stuff ~
boggart: her goddaughter being swallowed by a beam of magic current residence: an apartment in knightsbridge, london west end hometown: welford, northamptonshire, england occupation: bar owner/leader of P.A.M.
biography ~
Stella grew up as the definition of a military brat. Her parents only child, she found herself dragged from military base to military base. Her father was a soldier, who spent most of his time deployed, her mother was a brigadier in the Women’s Royal Army Corps, and she had served as a nurse and a mechanic during the Second World War. Growing up in such a manner has a way of hardening a child. Stella rebelled against her parents choices, her mother wanted her to take up nursing, but she had always preferred crawling through the mud with the soldiers.
Despite this, when her mother once again tried to interfere, and get her a place in the WRAC, she rebelled once more. She left home at 17 and made her way to London, with only her backpack and a need to be away from her parents, away from the stifling upbringing she had had on military bases.
Stella had never been good at taking orders.
Turns out, she’s pretty good at giving them though.
She’d always been a little bit…suspicious of some of the goings on she noticed around London. People disappearing into thin air, strange shapes and smoke in the sky. Then suddenly all her suspicions were proven correct when the brick wall across the street from her pub exploded, and the war that had gripped the magical community spilled forth into the streets of London. The sight of terrified civilians taking shelter behind tables and chairs in her pub, the sound of screaming... And then she discovered her young goddaughter had been hospitalised because of the violence.
It had started as the smallest ideas, an angry, bitter conversation had with a few of her friends over some drinks in her ruined pub. Someone needs to protect the civilians. If they’re going to bring their violence to us we need to fight back. We need to fight back.
It was alarmingly easy to fall into the role of commander, perhaps there was more of her father in her than she thought. When she spoke people listened, and when she gave orders, they were followed.
physical appearance ~
height: 5′3 hair colour: faded red eye colour: dark brown distinguishing features: her hair - which she usually wears out and tousled, or in a haphazard updo, her sneer, the way she carries herself like a giant despite being only 5′2 fashion style: practical but with a distinct style, almost like practical grunge, tight black pants, long coats worn over dark, loose blouses, industrial jewellery, dark lipstick.
traits ~
positive: + assertive + organised + strategic negative: - jaded - bitter - would rather be anywhere else than here
⊗ – — more info
#⊗ – — stella threads#⊗ – — an eye for an eye | stella visage#⊗ – — capable of being terrible | stella musings#⊗ – — hit it till it breaks | stella character#ahintro
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Name: Rosemary “Rose” Maddox Pronunciation: Rohs Mad-ox Meaning: "dew of the sea, or rosemary (herb)" Birthday: November 14 Age: 25 Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: straight Siblings: Cassius Maddox Parents: Noah and Francine Maddox Languages: English Current Residence: London, United Kingdom Hometown: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Wizard Fun:
Year of Graduation: 1969 Occupation: Apothecary worker Pet: tabby cat named Herman Blood Status: Half-blood Species: human Patronus: Ibizan Hound Boggart: hospital beds Amortentia: pulp paper, ink, tilled earth, fresh bread, English roses Wand type: 7" Cherry Wood, Phoenix Feather Affiliation: neutral, Order-leaning
Height: 5′1′’ Hair Color: brown Eye Color: blue Typical Hair Style: down and in curls, often around her face so it hides her scars Fashion Style: soft, proper English girl, lots of cardigans and skirts Distinguishing Features: she has dragon pox scars all over her body
Positive Traits:
Optimistic - Despite the fact Rosie has spent her whole life in the shadow of her brother, Rose always knows how to find a silver lining. Especially after surviving a nasty case of dragon pox she looks at life as a glass half full.
Determined - Rose has always worked hard to push herself to new heights, new things. Even after her world shrank and her self-opinion dimmed, she could remember herself before what she survived and strives to return there.
Negative Traits:
Guileless - Rose trusts easily and openly, which often means she falls for people’s lies or trusts those who don’t have her best interests in heart. (Especially her mother.)
Meek - Now more so than ever, Rose shrinks in on herself when pushed or in conflict. She would rather avoid it entirely, and is often all too willing to take the brunt of the punishment to make a problem go away.
Quick Facts
Theme song: Bleeding Heart, Regina Spektor
-Rose was more before the dragon pox and her father’s death: more outgoing, more adventurous, more willing to stand her own. When the disease that ruined her health and her looks took her father as well, Rose shrunk.
-Her parents always favored Cassius, but Rose loved them both deeply all the same
-She was a Ravenclaw in school and excelled at Transfiguration and Potions in equal measure
-Her best friend is Ambrose, they bonded in the hospital
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Name: Laure Angelique Deschamps Pronunciation: luh-OR Ahn-jzuh-leek Duh-sh-ah-mp Meaning: Laure “laurel or sweet bay tree; symbol of victory”, Angelique, “Messenger of God”, Deschamps “from the fields” Birthday: June 19, 1960 Age: 20 Pronouns: she/her, they/them, he/his Sexuality: pansexual Siblings: Rene Deschamps (20), Celestine Deschamps (17), Jules Deschamps (15) Parents: Marius & Juliette Deschamps Other Family: https://glitteringxgilderoy.tumblr.com/fam Languages: French (native language), English Current Residence: London, United Kingdom Hometown: Aullirac, France
Wizard Fun:
Year of Graduation: 1975 Occupation: trainee architect for a French firm Pet: Two horses, a bay gelding named Braise, and an Arabian mare named Chou Blood Status: Half-blood Species: human Patronus: Nebelung Cat Boggart: Rene, alone Amortentia: paint fumes, lavender, brine, wind Wand type: 9" Vine Wood, Thestral Tail Hair Affiliation: neutral, Order-leaning
Height: 5′7′’ Hair Color: brown Eye Color: brown Typical Hair Style: bobbed short around their ears, or it curls everywhere Fashion Style: practical, sleek pieces Distinguishing Features: button nose, her series of bangles, chin usually jutting out
Positive Traits:
Determined- Laure is not a woman who accepts defeat easily, or who sits back and lets her goals move away from her. As the unofficial eldest child she spent much of her life shepherding her wayward twin and her younger siblings. Now, she’s decided to focus on herself. Affectionate- as someone who grew up surrounded in an abundance of love, Laure has never been shy in showing her emotions: especially the positive ones. She is physically and verbally affectionate with the people she cares for, and never holds herself back.
Negative Traits:
Headstrong- The downside to her loving and privileged upbringing (as well as her de facto ‘eldest sibling’ status) is how infrequently she heard the word ‘no’ growing up. Laure is used to getting her way, eventually, one way or the other. Selfish- for the first time in her life, Laure has decided to focus on herself rather than just looking after her brother. While she loves her twin deeply, there are times she’ll admit to resenting Rene for the time she had to spend looking after him.
Quick Facts
Theme song: The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows, Gang of Youths
-Laure loves swimming, she grew up swimming in the local rivers and lakes and taught her siblings how to as well
- presses flowers and interesting plants
-She loves jazz music and wants to learn how to dance
-Always focused on her siblings others, Laure hasn’t really spent much time discovering things about herself
-she doesn’t know her sexuality and hasn’t really had much of a serious relationship beyond a few passing boyfriends from school
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r e g a n l o v e c r a f t c o r t e s
name: regan waite lovecraft cortes. pronunciation: ree·guhn wayt luhv·kraft kor·tez. meaning: regan- royal, regal. waite- watchman. birthday: october 13th. age: thirty-five. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: pansexual. siblings: tai lovecraft. parents: park lovecraft, camilla lovecraft nee chambers. other family: nero cortes (husband). languages: english, french, spanish, latin, greek, russian, gaelic, etc. current residence: calantha’s residence. hometown: manchester.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1963. occupation: wizengamot judge. pet: black cat named void. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: octopus. octopus represents our willpower and focus. octopus patronuses are very wise and smart, having the skills to get out of sticky situations. octopus looks at circumstances, adapts, flexes and then finds a strategic way to fix things or make them better. to humans, octopus may seem mysterious. as a sea creature, this patronus touches our deep emotions in unanticipated ways. she shows us our potential and supports our ability to reason things out. if octopus walked on land, it would be a life-long student of energetic realms and the ancient mysteries. many people who encounter octopus find they have very detailed dreams some of which are precognitive. octopus loves students and frequently comes to those immersed in higher learning. boggart: regan fears more than anything the unrelenting call of the otherness, the void, the chaos to which her family was lost so many years ago. amortentia: pine. the smell of the deep wood, specifically right after a night long storm when the mist is clinging to the evergreen pines through the haze of breaking dawn, is absolutely intoxicating to regan. coffee. coffee when you can’t decide from the smell if it’s too sweet or too bitter. a deep, complex roast that clears your sinuses and wets your appetite. brine. the spray of deep sea. the water of depth of the unknown. the mist that even a lighthouse is unable to cut through. the obscurity of salt and water. wand type: 11 3/4″, blackthorn wood wand with a veela hair core, encouraging. blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. this does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the dark arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand’s prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the aurors as well as among the denizens of azkaban. It is a curious feature of the blackthorn bush, which sports wicked thorns, that it produces its sweetest berries after the hardest frosts, and the wands made from this wood appear to need to pass through danger or hardship with their owners to become truly bonded. Given this condition, the blackthorn wand will become as loyal and faithful a servant as one could wish. veela hair was a material from the head of a veela that could be used to comprise the core of a wand. it is known to be temperamental and is not commonly used. it is typically between the power of a unicorn hair and a phoenix feather. affiliation: death eaters.
height: 5′4″. hair color: black. eye color: variably black or grey. typical hair style: often parted in the middle or slightly off-center, regan wears her hair with soft curls an hanging loose around her shoulders. she does pin it back during trial. fashion style: regan prefers high quality fabrics with uniquely silhouettes and asymmetrical cuts. she loves a dramatic drape and a cinched waist. it is rare to ever see her dressed down. even her sleepwear is finery. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: regan has a beauty mark above her lip on the left side of her mouth. her eyes are very cutting. there is a combative soft harshness to her features and expression.
positive traits: ordered. incisive. regal. negative traits: nihilistic. antithetical. conflicted. theme song: once and never more by shadow academy
ever since regan was a very young girl, she has suffered from horrible reoccurring nightmares. nearly every single night, she will awaken screaming in terror or gasping for air at some point. usually it is easy for her to settle back down and fall back asleep, but some nights she will remain awake until there is light again.
regan owns the ancient necronomicon that belonged to her parents before they were lost to the chaos. she’s read it through several times and studied it extensively as it is probably the only copy of such a text.
martini’s will always be her drink of choice. regan wants them dry with gin, stirred, with as many olives as bartender would dare include. she is very particular as to the taste and is not above sending them back if she thinks that her tastes have been offended.
tw: lost parents, miscarraige
There are some families which are uniquely destined to answer the call of the void. Lovecraft has always been a name associated with the loss of sanity. That is why it never came as any surprise to hear that the majority of the Lovecraft family had been lost to the chaos. Park and Camilla Lovecraft had never been the avid social climbers that their peer’s ambition pushed them towards. Instead their interest lay in an old family pursuit to uncover the unknowable.
To the outside world, all would have appeared to be perfectly expected of the two purebloods. Park made a career in arithmancy while his wife, Camilla, was a linguist who focused on dead languages and ancient runes. Their marriage had been arranged, but the couple learned how to get along famously. It was never a passionate love, but a genuine partnership. First they gave birth to a boy named Tai, later came a daughter whom they called Regan.
However, as the Lovecraft family firmly believed, the outside world understood very little. It was best that way as most minds would shatter to know the truth, yet that was the truth that they sought to know. The couple delved deep into dark magic. They acquired books that had been made illegal for generations. They sought ancient spells that landed you in Azkaban. They ventured to the limits of what they believed possible and even further.
One day, when Regan was only nine years old, they ventured too far. No one could ever be certain what happened to the Lovecrafts. It was only ever said that Park, Camilla, and Tai were ‘lost to the chaos’. That is to say, the young girl suddenly and unexpectedly found herself wandering the recesses of her family home all alone in the world. Rumors circulated about what could have happened, but the truth remains as they would have wanted it: unknown.
Thankfully, before her family was lost, they had ensured that Regan was betrothed to a suitable match for her. The family of her affianced held no hesitation to take her in as a ward until it would become time for her to marry. She did her all in her power to ensure that she would never be a burden of their generosity. There was no desire in her to be lost to the chaos. Any rule that was made, Regan would abide. Any expectation set, would be met. Order became something that she relied upon invariably. Yet, there was always a strange sort of call in her to some otherness.
As expected, her Hogwarts letter arrived in emerald ink instructing her of what materials would be needed for the year. Regan was sorted into Slytherin house, fitting given her keen cunning and ruthless resourcefulness. It was also a relief to be near her fiance, whom she had grown as comfortable with as her own order. Academics were never a struggle, nor even a consistent occupant of her consideration. School was simple. Study what was assigned, complete the syllabus, and successful marks would be achieved. Regan did show considerable talent in Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Ancient Studies.
Following her completion of school, Regan pursued a career in law. The role of a judge suited her well as did her much anticipated marriage. Her husband always seemed to quiet that call of the otherness. Regan grew to truly love him, though the nature of their relationship did leave her often questioning if he felt the same or if it were all obligation. Fears which were only made worse as they tried in vain to have children, although she attempted to put them at ease with work. Regan rose in rank through the years. She even managed to secure a role in the Wizengamot.
That did not dissuade her from studying what might be considered illegal or dark magic, though. Regan, much like her family, became a student of the same ancient ways. It was knowledge that boasted a unique usefulness among her companions and even especially her husband. The couple were both of high status under the Dark Lord, although she preferred to keep her activities to a more theoretical application than performative endeavors.
It was after a particularly trying trial that Regan came to the shattering realization that she had miscarried again. Unlike the previous times, and much to her heartache, she had not even realized that she might be pregnant before it was too late. Overwhelmed in her grief, guilt, insecurity, and simply weak to that call of chaos, Regan left. With no explanation, she separated from her husband and took a leave of absence from her work. There was a desire to disappear, but even more desperately, there was a desire to demand answers. How could everything become so lost? How could anyone know what to hold onto? What was important? Was anything? Can anything answer those questions?
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introducing: thalia mendoza
tl;dr: girlboss, gaslight, gatekeep, play drums
24 years young
5′ exactly
drummer for the hex girls and all around scam artist
thalia was the product of a one-night stand, and subsequently spent her whole childhood going back and forth between her father in mexico and her mother in brazil. both muggles, it was a shock to each of them to learn that their daughter had magic abilities, and when thalia got the letter to attend castelobruxo she planted herself in brazil. she’d spend a week or two of the summer visiting her father, but the rest of the time she was either at school or staying with her mother.
both of her parents were musicians - it was how they met - and they instilled a love for playing drums in thalia.
at castelobruxo she met zina, barbie, teo, and not long after kimiko came around. kimiko was the one to come up with the idea for a band, and the plan stuck. the hex girls were born, with thalia on drums.
school wasn’t exactly thalia’s forte, but two things were and are: playing the drums and finding unique ways to get things. she wasn’t a thief, that wasn’t thalia’s thing, she instead enjoyed convincing people to give her things. not begging, just... asking. flirting. tricking. it was so easy, and it’s her favorite hobby today behind drumming.
the group very recently moved to london with the intent of getting inspiration for a new album and just seeing new sights, and thalia’s obsessed. it’s a brand new world. they’re living in a mansion courtesy of an old ass man who lived in america but loved the idea of helping some “pretty girls find their footing” before he went back home.
the war’s... a thing, alright. it’s not half as prevalent in brazil, and it was a bit jarring coming to britain and learning that there were a shit ton of people who wanted her dead just because her parents weren’t magic. she isn’t too worried about it, it’s not like it’s written on her forehead that she’s a “mudblood,” or whatever the brits are calling it, so she’s just minding her own business and making music and living her life.
other fun facts:
goth queen
in a poly relationship with teo and barbie, definitely not the most affectionate of the bunch but is very much april ludgate vibes
changes her outfit and hairstyle like minimum 3 times a day
is very into gardening, not so much herbology and all the brain power that comes with that, but she just likes her little plants and treats them as her own children
much like rab i’m sure more will come as i write her but she is also very new to me so don’t go wild if she’s weird for a bit lol
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s t r i f e d e l a n e y k i l l i c k
name: strife delaney killick. pronunciation: straɪf duh-LAYN-ee ki·luhk. meaning: strife- angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict. delaney- descendant of the dark defiance. birthday: february 29th. age: twenty-five. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: bisexual. siblings: ciaran killick, branna killick, darcy killick. parents: brandon killick, ciara killick nee macdougal. other family: very, very distantly the sayre’s. languages: english, french, latin, gaelic. current residence: a flat with rosalie sayre. hometown: galway, ireland.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1974. occupation: ballerina. pet: pet crow called st. bitch (or brian), an owl called cognito & a mouse called lunch. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: western barn owl. the patronus of an owl symbolizes a strong aura of wisdom, and individuals with it shine intellectually. they are not very social people, but they tend to be very admired for the impression their blatant knowledge of the world. common in bird patronuses, the owl has a strong spirit that gives them a freedom to do as they please, with little interference of the opinion’s of society. barn owls are secretive and like to remain hidden. they are very rarely seen and have the ability to hide and strike when they need to. however, it is often possible to hear them very clearly with their loud, shrieking voices. boggart: strife is deathly afraid of the concept of a boggart and boggarts themselves. she has no idea what she would see if actually faced with one which only serves to further terrify her. (she’s got a healthy fear of paradox.) amortentia: heather. heather absolutely dominates the fields surrounding the killick properties and the sprawling beyond. strife did not even know what a world that didn’t smell of heather was like until she left home for the city the first time. to her, that’s just how the world should always smell, anything lacking is strange. nettle wine. lazy sunday afternoons were more often than not filled with helping her grandpa brew a colorful variety of wines, ales, liquors, spirits, and beers. most did not make the old house smell good, and strife liked to loudly complain about his crazy hobbies. however, she always helped and the days when they made nettle wine together were strife’s favorites. wild irish rose. strife stayed up in her attic room most nights. she far preferred to sleep by the light of day, and she would keep her window open to see the stars. she could smell the old wild roses that had grown up the vines on the side of the house. there is a singular solitary sort of comfort in that scent. wand type: 13″, rowan wood wand with a horned serpent and kelpie hair core, outright difficult. rowan gives a definite boost to charms and transfiguration, but is one of the most willing and reliable all-around wand woods. it was commonly used for a bow-making wood, and carries this significance into being a good dueling wood. also known as mountain ash, witchwood and sorb apple has long been known as an aid in protection and control against enchantment and beguiling. sticks of the rowan were used to carve runes on. its lovely red berries feed the birds in winter. the rowan was sacred to the druids and the goddess brigit. wands made from the rowan are famous for their protective qualities. these wands are the equal of any, often the better, and frequently out-perform others in duels. those who are independent, proud, cynical, stubborn, wise, true and loyal will have this wand core. native to scotland, kelpie hairs are incredibly temperamental cores, explaining their rarity. having such a wand core suggests that you have a stubborn, volatile energy, unable to yield or to be controlled by most. your naturally cynical and not easily convinced when you are proven wrong. horned serpent core is exceptionally powerful, sensitive to parseltongue, and can warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone. affiliation: none.
height: 5′3″. hair color: brunette. eye color: like the sea after a storm. typical hair style: it is almost always braided in some way and often tucked into a coronet of some sort. she likes to wear bones, pewter pins, and brooches stuck into her hair. fashion style: strife’s style can best be described as forest witch who is heavily influenced by stevie nicks met a biker gang and is interviewing for a government job. she likes to wear layers, fringe, dramatic lengths and cuts. strife leans towards darker colors and lots of pewter baubles and accessories. she’s not afraid to steer into posh statement pieces or leather, either. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: strife is known for her sharp, precise, and somewhat performative movements and is notably light on her feet. she has piercings running up both her ears and in the center of her bottom lip. she has tattoos on every finger, her elbows, her shoulders, and her spine. strife has a scar on the left side of her lower back from a rogue spell, and laceration scars across the center of both her palms.
positive traits: enchanting. ardent. canny. negative traits: flippant. callous. homesick. theme song: foreigner’s god by hozier
since strife was born on a leap day, it’s always been a joke amongst her friends and family that she’s really only six in age. she also refuses to have birthday parties on any year that doesn’t actually have her birthday on the calendar. there is no picking another day. to strife, there is only a huge party every four years.
strife has always just really love flying. she used to take the broom out over the fields behind the killick family home. in school, she played as a chaser for the quidditch team, but was never really a star player.
strife has developed a lot of owl like qualities over the last few years. she widens her eyes quickly, tilts her head jarring sometimes to the side, and is even more the night owl than ever before.
the killick blood runs deep in the mountains beneath their ancestral home. rumor in the county believes the entire family was molded from that old clay, and breathed to life like many stone golems through the generations. as if that is how one would make a proper golem, but muggles will spread any old story to believe in something except for what is the obvious explanation. they were simply a family of old magic who loved their home enough to see it through the years- both living and dead alike. members from every branch of the sprawling family tree haunted the halls and hills- great grands, grands, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings.
it was when brandon killick took up the mantle of patriarch that the true price of family was measured. the man, newlywed to his childhood sweetheart ciara, had expected generally to live the same easy-going life as his father and his father’s father had before him. he was quite shocked to realize that the vault he inherited was rather empty, the coffers were dry, the old money on which the killicks’ had existed for generations had dried up. it had all been given generously to their kin or used to repair the home. there was no more left. nothing. brandon knew with abject certainty that he could never let anyone outside the immediate family know. their name would not recover.
brandon stepped into a career in the wizengamot, while ciara continued in the respectable ranks of a specialized obliviator. ciaran was their first born, a dark-haired boy whose easy humor made him impossible to refuse. there was very little genuine behind those welcoming, warm smiles. soon after came their second child, but first daughter, branna. she balanced her brother by being every bit the cool, meticulous, pragmatist her father needed. the family dynamic built itself quickly and with steadfast resolution. they would reestablish the relevancy of their family. thus life continued for several years. then along came strife- unexpected in all regards.
from the very second that strife killick entered this world, it would be of her own accord. three whole weeks late for labor and on a day that only existed every four trips around the sun, she arrived the unplanned third of the family, though still not the last. it was only complete when her younger brother darcy was born soon enough after that strife had no memory of a childhood before him.
in order to keep in line with his ambition to rebuild the family, brandon and ciara raised all four children with exceedingly high expectations placed upon them and very few means to accomplish said expectations save through will and creativity alone. they wanted the killicks to be extraordinary. they were pushed to pursue any talents they showed from a young age and perfect and polish those skills. especially those skills which their parents thought might be valuable in the most monetary sense of the word. it was an easy motivation when strife realized that she performed well under that pressure. the girl loved a challenge and rising to meet it. she loved the praise and even in her young age became an accomplished dancer and orator. the attention molded her, and she wanted a space all her own to toy without supervision. strife moved her bedroom to the attic space away from everyone but the ghosts that haunted it.
hogwarts went much the same when strife received her letter by owl. every task that was placed before her, she was eager to climb and conquer so long as the praise continued and her appetite for competition was whet. needless to say, the sorting hat wasted no time at all in declaring her a slytherin. she showed particular proclivity towards potions, transfigurations, and defense against the dark arts although did reasonably well in all her classes when the material suited. her parents could not help but be proud when strife went on to become a prefect and later head girl in her final year. she even made time for quidditch. her father often remarked that she was very promising. although he was never quite pleased when strife boldly declared that all the politics of war were not a challenge worth her efforts and changed the direction of her fascination from minister of magic to simple cursebreaker, as the latter was definitely a step down in his eyes, and brandon killick was a man with very big plans for her.
it was the christmas holiday of her final year at school that really began the events which unfolded later. strife would mark the moment that her father told her that she was to be betrothed to another pureblooded boy without her consent as the very second that the challenge presented itself. this was not something that she wanted. strife would find an out. after returning to school, she began to ask a lot of question to a certain feline professor about the nature of her easy transfiguration. if that animal form felt like an escape, and if it still felt like her in the recesses of her mind. mcgonagall always suspected, and often attempted to subtly dissuade, her young student of her attempts, but less than a year following her graduation from hogwarts, strife was able to become a fully realized, though unregistered, animagus. it was always intended to simply be as a last resort, a plan z, a just in case spell that strife had up her sleeve for the worst scenarios. there was never any real intention to use it until she needed to.
then one day, she needed to. the wedding was fast approaching, strife had accepted a position with gringott’s, and her father asked her to come with him for a night to talk about ‘family matters’. instead, he brought her face to face with a cold-blooded man with no light or humor in his eyes and asked her to give herself over to him too. as if forcing marriage on her was not enough. strife couldn’t. a part of her knew that to refuse would be giving up everything. her home with the dirt beneath that may as well be the blood in her veins, her future ambitions wished for her and on her and by her, .her family. it would be losing her family. the ghosts of her past that told her where she came from and whispered who she could be. the flesh and blood that expected her to help them make means. it meant losing everything, even herself. she was going to one way or another. what was this if not the greatest challenge she’d faced yet? in a blink, she was a bird. a barn owl in flight. gone.
so strife remained an owl.
there was nowhere else for her to go, no one else for her to be, and this was safe. it was definitely an experience like no other. how long would she have lived that way? perhaps until the end of the war had a rogue spell not struck the owl in the back and flung it from it’s perch in the tree in the middle of one night. strife landed unconscious on the side of the road. a good samaritan found her and took her in with strife expecting to disappear again as soon as she was back on her feet only to realize that she could no longer turn into her animagus form. why? what happened? how did she fix it? what would she do now? the questions are piling up with no time to find answers. strife managed to pick up a job as a dancer to help foot the bills while she tries to create answers before she’s found and made to face the consequences that she already flew from once.
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introducing; anna therese
Name: Anna Therese Whitlock Pronunciation: ˈænə ˈθɛris ˈwɪtˌlɑk Meaning: Anna meaning ‘grace’ or ‘favor’, Therese meaning ‘late summer’ Birthday: tba Age: 24 Pronouns: she/her Sexuality: pansexual Siblings: Declan (20) Parents: Martha and Ethan Whitlock Other Family: tba Languages: English Current Residence: a small apartment in Diagon Alley Hometown: Hertfordshire, England.
Wizard Fun
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Year of Graduation: 1973 Occupation: Private tutor and nanny Pets: two white Russian dwarf hamsters named Pickles and Tomato Blood Status: Pureblood Species: human Patronus: bloodhound Boggart: herself, in Wizengamot robes Amortentia: wax, fresh printed paper, pollen Scent: soap & marker ink Wand type: hazel wood, springy Affiliation: neutral, Order-leaning
Height: 5′7′’ Hair Color: blonde Eye Color: hazel Typical Hair Style: Pulled back in a braid or a bun Fashion Style: flannel, overalls, doc martens, chokers Distinguishing Features: nose piercing on the left side
Positive Traits: generous, loving Negative Traits: headstrong, obsessive Quick Facts: overprotective of Declan, loves to laugh, Theme song: Raising Hell (feat. Big Freedia) by Kesha
-she was the one who got Declan Sprinkles -Anna can count to ten in 5 languages -she’s left-handed -she had a very strict upbringing and did all the rebel things so Declan could fly under the radar -smokes cigarettes
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a u d e n a n n a b e l r e y e s
name: auden annabel reyes. pronunciation: aa·dn ˈæn·ə·bel rai·ehs. meaning: auden- old friend. annabel- grace, beautiful. birthday: december 31st. age: twenty-eight. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: demisexual. siblings: aleksandr eugene carter-reyes. parents: anton reyes, lourdes reyes nee goddard (step-mother). other family: avonlea castilla (biological mother), xavier willaims (brother’s biological father). languages: english, spanish, greek. latin. current residence: small basement flat off knockurn alley. hometown: non-specific.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: gryffindor. year of graduation: 1969. occupation: historian & freelance writer. pet: two dogs - an irish setter named homer & a rescue pitbull named sappho. a new dog named calliope. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: maned wolf. elegant, gentle, innovative. the maned wolf, or kalak, is a spirit of independence – aloof and secretive, sometimes avoidant, but steadfast and loyal once trust has been gained. a maned wolf can teach us to follow our own path and not give in to the pressures to conform. maned wolf people tend to be unique, individualistic, sensitive, shy, and are often misunderstood. boggart: auden is absolutely terrified of thunder, lightning, and really loud storms. she will always find a small place to hide from them. if caught outside in one, she will cry. amortentia: oatmeal cookies. oatmeal raisin cookies with just the slightest hint of cinnamon are without a doubt auden’s favorite treat in this world. if she did well in her studies during the week, her mother would make them for her on sunday evenings. lime. auden’s father absolutely loved the taste of lime. he would put it on just about every single food that he ate and regularly mixed it into his drinks. lime is the scent she most closely associates with everything familiar and comforting like home. licorice. auden hates the flavor of anything with black licorice in it. it’s so potent and overwhelming. it’s the line of too bitter. however, she loves the way it smells so much that auden will regularly keep trying it because it smells like she should like the flavor. wand type: 10 1/3″, vine wood wand with a unicorn hair core, dedicated. the druids considered anything with a woody stem as a tree, and vine makes wands of such a special nature that I have been happy to continue their ancient tradition. vine wands are among the less common types, and I have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and I have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match. reliable sources claim that these wands can emit magical effects upon the mere entrance into their room of a suitable owner. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled. affiliation: neutral.
height: 5′5″. hair color: honey brown. eye color: verdant green. typical hair style: at some point it was haphazardly pulled back, but is in the process of falling down. fashion style: auden prefers loose fitting and clean cut button up shirts. it looks almost as though she never bought any more shirts than what would belong with her school uniform. she is very careful to always wear very practical shoes. she does love a simple sundress too. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: auden has a beauty mark on her left cheek and a small scar above her lip from a dog attacking her face when she was a child.
positive traits: socratic. ingenuous. romantic. negative traits: escapist. self-centered. discontent. theme song: cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant
auden had always had a very romantic notion of being a poet. she loves to write constantly, but is terrified of sharing the pieces she works on. her father would be disappointed in her if he found out, and she isn’t sure that there is any merit to her work. recently, she’s been publishing her work under the pen name of ‘lee goddard’ with the quibbler.
no matter where she is or what she is doing, auden writes a letter to her brother every thursday night without fail. it started when he left for hogwarts, but has continued since. sometimes it’s catching up on everything that has happened during the week. sometimes it’s just a short note that everything is well. she always ends them with a rhyming couplet.
it is more likely to catch auden without her wand than it is to catch her without her journal. it is a small book with natural pressed pages and bound in a soft, warm brown leather. the bottom left corner is engraved with her initials. she keeps a collection of postcards in the back.
her father has been calling her little audie anne since the day that she was born. the only people who know about that are in her family. auden would never ask him to stop, but is terribly embarrassed by it.
avonlea castilla and anton reyes were the classic case of a marriage arranged by two families desperate to climb the social ladder that was doomed to fail from the very beginning. avonlea was not a homemaker. she did not have a maternal bone in her entire body. anton was a historian. he was a scholar and dedicated solely to his study. avonlea could barely stomach the incessant chattering of her own husband. while they tried to make something work for a short time, their divorce had already been filed for by the time that the pregnancy was discovered. avonlea was more than happy to relinquish all parental rights to her daughter and leave the infant with her ex-husband and his new bride to be. she truly never looked back.
this marriage was much happier. lourdes, the quiet, unassuming tutor, made a good match for anton in all his peculiar ways, and he found himself easily stepping into the role of step-father as well as father. the family blended so seemlessly that even young auden knew no better. in her eyes, this was her family and that was it. anton’s career required them to move around the country a lot. they were always just settling into or just preparing to leave another home. at some point each building started to blend together despite the father’s protests of historical significance. it was always the same, though- a bedroom for the parents, one for each child, a kitchen, a living room, and a study.
auden was a very curious child. she had many questions about the world around her that demanded to be answered. sometimes she would follow her father to work and drink in every single story that passed her ears. he bragged to his colleagues that she would be a little historian just like him. other times, she was confined to the school rooms with her mother’s many students. those days were far more boring. while books would always be a comfort, auden far preferred to have hands on experiences. from the moment that she was able to hold a pencil or quill or pen or even crayon, auden wanted to write about those experiences. it was her uncle that bought her the first journal she ever had, and through that little book, auden learned how to really appreciate the world. a true romantic was born. she filled the pages with everything from stories she encountered during the day to descriptions of eye catching rooms to silly rhyming words. both of her parents chided her for less practical practices.
hogwarts was different. it was the perfect blend of exercising her eager mind and exciting her drive for being involved in her studies. auden excelled as a student, although she was often corrected for focusing too heavily on one particular subject and ‘being too wordy’ in her essays. friends, however, did not come so easily as academics. auden always felt a little out of place in gryffindor tower. several people even suggested she would have belonged better in ravenclaw, but she was always thankful to at least have her brother around. it may have been annoying, but auden became content to tail after him until he graduated. there were a few other friends here and there, but auden remained a relatively unattached girl.
after her own graduation, she realized that there was still so much to learn. auden wasn’t ready to be done with her schooling. after begging her parents, they agreed to help pay for her to continue her education in the states so long as she continued her path to becoming a historic scholar. auden agreed. at least, she half agreed. once out from under her parents eye, she could make her own decisions. she just doubled her work. her mind was absolutely enraptured by both subjects anyway. auden was happy to be a student forever. she even managed to spend the last year studying in greece without her parents discovering it. then the new of the war started cropping up more and more. while bone-chilling, it excited her in a way that nothing had since school had begun.
auden graduated, and again, much to her parents chagrin became determined to chronicle the war as it’s happening. a historians perspective as a first hand account that could change the narrative for the rest of time. it could even be an epic poem. the once place in literature where her passions crossed paths. she could feel the itch in her fingertips. with no more help provided, she moved into a shabby basement flat in knockturn alley and has been selling her articles and poems on the war to the daily prophet and to the quibbler as a freelance writer. it is becoming more and more dangerous to be in the center of the action without having a side or a cause, though.
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n a r c i s s a l u c r e t i a b l a c k
name: narcissa lucretia black. pronunciation: naar·si·suh loo·kree·shuh blak. meaning: narcissa- daffodil, narcissism, numb. lucretia- to succeed, wealth. birthday: october 3rd. age: eighteen. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: heterosexual. siblings: bellatrix black, andromeda black. parents: cygnus black, druella black nee rosier. other family: orion black (uncle), walburga black (aunt), alphard black (uncle), sirius black (cousin), regulus black (cousin), evan rosier (cousin). languages: english, french, spanish, greek, gaelic, russian. current residence: walden macnair’s home. hometown: norfolk.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1979. occupation: socialite. pet: two pet snakes named ophelia and desdemona. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: luna moth. luna moths represent rebirth, renewal of body and spirit, regeneration and may even symbolize the soul itself. luna moths, like many types of moths and butterflies, are quite beautiful in appearance and have docile personalities. their physical beauty and charm make these large moths symbols of reflection, nourishment and life. boggart: narcissa’s greatest fear is always feeling as powerless, controlled, and alone as she has been for the majority of her life. she sees so many people, even lowly mudbloods, with friends and love and warmth in their lives, but she doesn’t have it. she’s so afraid she never will. amortentia: snow. the crisp, biting scent that hits your nose the second that you step foot outside the morning after a fresh snow is one of narcissa’s favorite things in the world. especially if it’s the first snow of the year. something about that is just so different and special. she couldn’t quite put into words the way winter made her feel. christmas garland. christmas was always exciting to narcissa because it meant that there would be more people in the household than just her sisters and parents. she loved seeing her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins, especially when they brought her presents. she also loved how much effort went into decorating their home for the holidays with garland, wreaths, candles, tinsel, and charms. narcissa was nothing if not a connoisseur of beauty. peppermint. narcissa, nor any of the Black sisters, were allowed sweets growing up. druella insisted that it would make them fat and lazy and completely undesirable. as a result, the closest thing they were allowed to have was peppermints, and narcissa went overboard on them. she almost always keeps a tin of them next to her bed. wand type: 12 1/3″, pine wood wand with a unicorn hair core, understandably delicate. pine is a quiet wood, not powerful, not weak. it is a softwood, and thus has a bit more yield, making it more inclined to a quick-learning but less powerful wands. it is, however, excellent for divination. pine wands choose independent, individual masters who may be perceived as loners, intriguing, and perhaps mysterious. pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including garrick ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. the pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic. delicate wands are a special case. it takes special care to learn spells with this wand, but it is rarely extremely powerful. they tend to choose witches and wizards with somewhat frail personalities, and once a spell is learned, although it is not as strong, it is extremely reliable. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled. affiliation: narcissa is loyal only to her family.
height: 5′6″. hair color: pale blonde. eye color: mint green. typical hair style: parted in the center and hangs straight to her shoulders. fashion style: narcissa wears only the color black unless it is a very special occasion. she only wears skirts and dresses, no pants. she prefers a short black dress with a high neckline and no sleeves with a late modern appearance. cissy wears boots with a heels most often. she has a love for jewelry that looks like bugs. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: narcissa is known for being pale and icy in appearance and demeanor, but strikingly beautiful especially against the darkness usually around her. her eyes are hawklike and intelligent, but the rest of her expression is almost always unreadable. she has no blemishes to speak of, but a scar on her thigh and one on her collarbone.
positive traits: maternal. thoughtful. observant. negative traits: icy. haughty. deceitful. theme song: behind blue eyes by the who
narcissa likes bugs and insects decidedly more than she likes most people. there has never been a time when she wasn’t completely enamored and fascinated by the often spurned creatures. in her opinion, they are by far the most beautiful and stunning creatures. she has extensive knowledge of them and has created a haven for all manner of insects in the greenhouse at black manor.
narcissa has always secretly dreamed of going to study dragons in romania. she’s always loved them and been fascinated by them. however, she knows that would never be allowed so she would never voice it out loud. in fact, only a handful of people even realize how much she loves the creatures.
christmas is decidedly narcissa favorite time of the year. it is the one time that she allows herself to warm up and be totally enraptured by the holiday. her face will light up as bright as any tinseled tree. she will spend hours out in the snow and picks her presents meticulously for everyone she deems deserves one.
From the moment she entered this world, during that liminal time before the sun has risen, but the sky is still lighter than in the depths of the night, Narcissa was the antithesis to the traditional Blacks. Where her sisters, mother, father, cousins had dark hair, sharp features, cutting eyes, and venomous mouths, Narcissa was a ghost; soft, curved, delicate, haunting.
The third and final disappointment to Cygnus the Third who so desperately wanted a son, Narcissa was all but ignored by her father from the beginning. If he wasn’t presenting her with a lavishly expensive doll or gown, he didn’t care to talk to his youngest. Bellatrix was the apple of his eye.
Alternatively, Druella became enamoured with their fair daughter. Her features were unlike any others in the family, and Druella valued two things above all else; beauty and how that beauty can be useful to her. Before Narcissa was even capable of speech, she had a string of pearls too tight around her neck like a collar that her mother used to remind her that her grasp was inescapable. Her youth consisted of years of lessons, tutors, and strict schedules. Even by Fitzwilliam Darcy standards, Narcissa would be considered an accomplished young lady. The better she became at any given task, the more her mother demanded of her. There was no such thing as perfect to Druella, only more to improve upon. That was the beginning of Narcissa’s deceptions. She was certain to never show how talented she was, and let her family believe she was completely average.
She envied Andromeda, whose quiet nature and subdued appearance made her free of their parents tutelage. The middle child was left to her own devices and could go as she pleased throughout the day. If ever given a moment, Narcissa would soon enough steal away to a private corner of the attic, basement, or garden with an old tome from the Black’s personal library. Of course, her respites never lasted too long. The house elves, her sisters, or even her mother would find her and drag her back into the endless lessons. Narcissa never complained. She did all that her mother asked, biding her time.
The solitary light at the end of the tunnel was Hogwarts. Bellatrix had gone, Andromeda had gone, and Narcissa had been left solitary for a year, yearning for the day she’d be able to board the train at King’s Cross Station and disappear to a year away from her suffocating mother. It occurred to her a few months before she was meant to leave for school that perhaps her mother wouldn’t allow it. She even thought she’d overheard Druella begging Cygnus to let her homeschool Narcissa for the rest of her academic career, but thankfully, he’d sternly refuted his wife. Narcissa needed to be sociable and influential at school if the Black family was to continue its powerful grip on society.
Druella wept when Narcissa packed her trunk for her first year. She’d been distraught about her youngest daughter leaving for weeks. Their mother kept wringing her hands and proclaiming that she had no idea what she would do with her time now. Narcissa feigned regret for leaving and assured her mother that she’d find some way to fill her time. However, Narcissa had never been more excited to experience the freedom that came with school. From the moment she stepped on the train, it felt as if a world lifted from her shoulders. Even her pearl necklace didn’t feel quite so strangling.
Narcissa sat in a compartment with Andromeda and a few of her classmates instead of trying to find other first years to talk to. Frankly, she appreciated simply looking at the scenery as they went along. She enjoyed just sitting and being without having to do anything. Andromeda warned her that there would be people at Hogwarts who would have heard of her, and there would be plenty of rumors about her and her family, but Narcissa didn’t care. They could say that she was the devil incarnate, and she’d still be excited to hear a voice that wasn’t her mother’s saying it.
After the sorting ceremony, she began to realize the full implications of her sister’s warning. She unpacked her trunk in the Slytherin dormitory with the rest of the first year girls and attempted to make her first friends. They all smiled until names were exchanged. She heard the whispers when her back was turned. They only intensified when the eldest Black sister appeared to check on Narcissa her first day. After a quick greeting and good luck, Bellatrix told the rest of the Slytherin girls to be nice to her sister or else. As kind as the gesture had meant to be, it assured Narcissa a rather lonely first year. Even those who wanted to suck up to a Black sister didn’t bother to talk to Narcissa for fear of invoking Bellatrix’s wrath. Not to mention, Andromeda came off far more personable- an easier friend.
Narcissa threw herself into learning who she actually was. She had plenty of free time without friends to worry about and without her mother’s constant presence, though she did have to dedicate a portion of her week to responding to her mother’s letters. She decided to have average marks in her classes despite fully understanding the material and even studying further than what the classes required. It was to her advantage the world continued to see her as the beautiful sister. While the rumors about her spread even more, Narcissa became more and more lonely. She decided to play into the persona that everyone had created for her.
Her school life continued as such until the middle of her third year. Narcissa began to study legillimancies and occlumencies. She was very good at it. Disturbingly good at it. During the middle of the night, she began to explore the innermost thoughts of her schoolmates, professors, and anyone else she thought would be interesting to understand. The more accomplished she became, the more willing she was to do what was ethically questionable. The more ethically questionable her decisions became the more her curiosity for the darker arts and divination became. However, her studies no longer fill that space in her that craves connection.
Things changed when she agreed to an engagement with Lucius Malfoy prior to her graduation from Hogwarts. He was one of the few to ever see through her facades, and managed to melt away a bit of her ice over the years. However, it was soon revealed that he’d been promised to her by her father from the beginning making everything a lie. This enraged the girl who promptly called off the engagement and absconded from her parents home. While the Blacks are trying their best to keep this a secret, Narcissa has been well hidden from everyone looking to pull her back into the fold.
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introducing jackson everett flint
name: jackson everett flint meaning: jackson meaning to follow after. everett meaning strong as a wild boar. nickname(s): jax birthday: february 14th age: 24 pronouns: he/him sexuality: heterosexual siblings: maxine flint (twin) parents: richard & amilyn flint other family: seraphina parkinson (chosen family), cordelia greengrass (chosen family) languages: english, italian, french
pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hanrp9202/jackson-flint/ positive traits: intuitive, realistic negative traits: cynical, possessive zodiac: aquarius (bold, original, independent, cold, condescending) mbti: estj (executive) alignment: neutral evil theme song: welcome to the jungle - guns n’ roses
more fun:
hogwarts house: gryffindor occupation: obliviator blood status: pureblood patronus: hyena amortentia scent: ginger, mahogany, bourbon wand type: ebony wood, troll whisker, 13 inches affiliation: death eaters
headcanons: (tw : emotional abuse)
thought being sorted into gryffindor was a cruel joke
rather enjoys pissing off his parents, just to watch them squirm
his father verbally abuses his mother, cheats, and is an alcoholic. he never wants a marriage like that. it has turned her into a ghost of herself.
honestly might kill his dad one day.
his dad puts on a show for max and jackson has never had the heart to tell her the truth of how their father really is.
HATES being social, will do it for his friends and sister but would much rather be in a small group.
his fiance from his arranged marriage ran off with a muggleborn that she was in love with. (he encouraged her, but no one knows that except for very few people)
despite being a cyncial asshole, he has made some very important friendships
it might be cliche, but he loves a glass of whiskey and a cigar
he enjoys a good fight. not a magic fight, either. a fight where he gets to use his hands.
runs the fight club with sera
will always claim to be the older sibling, especially to max
cordelia is his cub
favorite nights? at home alone with rosalie
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Name: James Fleamont Potter Pronunciation: Jay-mms Flee-mawnt Paht-ter Meaning: ‘james’ - the one who follows Birthday: 27 March Age: 20 Pronouns: he/him Sexuality: bisexual Siblings: n/a Sirius and Remus Parents: Fleamont and Euphemia Potter Other Family: i mean technically i think he’s related to ppl??? darn purebloods Languages: english Current Residence: godric’s hollow Hometown: bath, england
Wizard Fun:
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor Year of Graduation: 1977 Occupation: auror in training Pet: some random ass black dog keeps following him around idk Blood Status: pureblood Species: wizard Patronus: deer Boggart: being fully alone Amortentia: fresh lilies (ba dum ts), parchment, mint Wand type: 11″, mahogony, dragon heartstring core Affiliation: order of the phoenix
Height: 5′5 (short king) Hair Color: black Eye Color: hazel Typical Hair Style: messy <3 Fashion Style: oversized everything, jean jackets, crewnecks, converse Distinguishing Features: glasses, big ears, gangly
Positive Traits: proud, compassionate Negative Traits: idiotic, stubborn Quick Facts: he hates firewhiskey - prefers vodka, the vomit flavored bertie botts don’t taste horrible to him, he’s fond of deer, he has a scar on his right foot that he claims was an extra toe (it was not) Theme song: show must go on - queen
james potter hates raspberry. it just doesn’t seem like a real fruit.
he’s very good at defensive spells, not very good at the offensive.
he once played a whole quidditch game blindfolded on a dare. he has a scar above his left eyebrow to commemorate it.
there’s nothing he’s more protective of than his friends
his favorite color is blue (f u ravenclaw)
he’s ambidextrous
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