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sohannabarberaesque · 4 years
My day with Peter Potamus at his beach house community, and then some (part II)
Hence, picking up from last week, which imagined moi as a newspaper columnist being invited to the beach house colony of Peter Potamus and his troupe of divers somewhere between Oceanside and San Diego, California, and spending some time with the dive-loving hippo:
After looking at some videos of dive films made by Peter Potamus “himself,” many such on journeys to Polynesia Uncharted, he showed me over to the beach on thePacific’s shore.
“This,” he explained to me, “is where we all practice near-shore diving”--and, pointing to a pontoon at anchor nearby on a makeshift pier--”and open-water diving, especially ahead of extended journeys as will involve filming.” (The pontoon boat happens to be named the Aetalag, which Peter explained had “no real meaning whatsoever,” yet “is quite invaluable with open-water diving practice.”)
What especially makes that particular part of the Pacific of interest to Peter for open-water diving practice, as he explained it, was “quite the kelp forest this side of Monterey Bay ... quite the sea lion colony, who rests on some rocky islands offshore (and can get to be quite friendly, if a bit frisky, with our divers) ... and no less than two underwater caverns, as well as a beautifully predictable rock reef!”
“Why would you call it ‘beautifully predictable,’?” asked I.
Peter Potamus just stood there laughing big time, lost for words.
But there was one point of pride Peter Potamus had with that colony he was quick to point out and introduce me to: A glass-enclosed practice pool made from an old shipping container near his quarters, which is designed to encourage his divers to as much remain in prime condition as try out new diving gear such as is bound to come along (although Peter is partial to the Churchill dive fin, which Peter admits “is rather exceptional in the speed department” when it comes to descent). And can also be lit at night with special lighting effects thanks to an LED underwater lighting system, “which makes the experience especially stunning,” by Peter’s admission.
Which, as it turned out, was something of a highlight of the visit: Such is also a way for guests of Peter and his diving troupe to discover the diving experience for themselves. Climbing up to a rather cool-looking bamboo deck with some overhang into the water, which is heated to a balmy, almost tropical, 73° to match the waters off Polynesia Uncharted, Peter guides me to a changing room where, for starters, I discover the basic mask/fins/snorkel dive getup; fitting such on, and getting the mask adjusted properly, I couldn’t help but sense a mild feeling of excitement at being able to enjoy some diving with Peter Potamus “himself”--even if, as is more often than not the rule in such a setting, you’re basically wearing yourself, and you try not to be afraid.
Plunging in after Peter, I sense an almost unbelievable sensation at being underwater ... and even as I kick my legs and feet to help in the descent to the bottom, I couldn’t help but try getting my bearings trying to find Peter Potamus himself standing on the bottom, and likewise wearing himself. 
And what a hippo hug feels like underwater has to be experienced to be believed ... especially with remarkably smooth-feeling skin which, Peter would explain later on, was the byproduct of numerous coconut-oil rubs among native Polynesian gals over the years.
Following the snorkelling session came what Peter P. likes calling “the Big Kahuna of discovering diving”--going full SCUBA in the practice pool. And while it took awhile (with Peter’s help) for me to get fitted in the harness, practice fitting the air regulator in the mouth and a few other nuances, as well as demonstrate the requisite backflip essential in SCUBA, I was ready ... holding on to the mask as if for dear life, I got a decent backflip in, eliciting some admiration from Peter “himself” just before he went into descent, followed by moi.
It just felt quite other-worldly, discovering SCUBA alongside Peter Potamus in a pool which had a window with a view looking out to the beach--and, as before, wearing basically myself, which, I must admit, felt exotic. And this time, Peter--also in the SCUBA getup--was kneeling on the pool’s bottom with an eye to another underwater hippo hug, which was no less wonderful than the standing such with snorkelling (even if you had to consider the mouthpiece Peter was wearing), a feeling which could be said to help me recognise just how fun and how wonderful diving could be.
“Which,” Peter explained as we dried off, “has long been the point of my several documentaries and a couple of anecdote-filled books relating some of the more interesting episodes encountered with divers and the diving fraternity!”
“And how was it that you realised the potential for diving as a friendship-generating sport?” asked I.
Again, Peter was at a loss for words even as Breezly Bruin, with as unlikely a companion as his sweet-talking girlfriend, Betti Bruin, was preparing for to combine dive-related exercise with introducing Betti to the joy of diving ... and a sea lion preparing to calve was washing herself ashore, to be followed by a few others of the colony, prompting Peter to explain that the birthing and mating as are bound to happen on that beach could make the near-shore diving practice rather trying for awhile.
“But there’s also the open-water practice; I know of a shortcut to access the pontoon without disturbing these sea lions!”
Which had me only explaining my thanks for the experience.
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The Great Siphoning: Drought-Stricken Areas Eye the Great Lakes
"Water, water everywhere" is the egalitarian vision of those who don't have enough of it and would like to tap the Great Lakes to get it.
Outside Two Harbors, Minn., on a cliff overlooking the broad expanse of Lake Superior, you are overwhelmed by grandeur — shimmering water, crashing waves, a down-bound ore boat on the horizon, miniaturized by distance.
As you fill your senses, you may be unaware of the invisible others behind you — 2,000 miles or so behind you, to the southwest — eyeing the Great Lakes in another spirit, coveting all that water.
Lake Superior is big, all right. It and the other Great Lakes contain one-fifth of the whole world’s fresh water and, get this, hold enough to submerge the continental U.S. under 10 feet.
Those far-off onlookers thirst mightily for the Lakes’ 6.5 million billion gallons of fresh water that, to them, just sits there before running off to the ocean. Wasted.
It’s easy for us lake-landers to dismiss such thoughts, but those in the American Southwest are up against a 17-year drought that keeps getting worse. After an unusually warm winter, it’s expected to worsen still more this summer due to a dearth of mountain snow that will again leave Colorado River flow far below normal, with forecasts of dry and very hot weather à la La Niña.
What’s beyond scary is that NASA computer models indicate that the West could be facing a 50-year megadrought, the first such event since long before Europeans even knew North America existed. Moreover, higher temperatures and wind wrought by climate change dry things out and increase demand for irrigation water while at the same time increasing already problematic evaporation rates from reservoirs and canals.
Primary water sources in Arizona, Nevada and Southern California are dangerously low. Benchmarks are the historically low Lake Mead reservoir behind Hoover Dam (built in 1930) and similar low levels of Lake Powell on the upstream end of the Grand Canyon. Las Vegas, which draws 90 percent of its water from Lake Mead, has twice lowered its intake “straw” due to falling levels.
One relief option is desalination of ocean water, but scaling up that technology has proved frustratingly difficult and outrageously expensive. The largest existing plant, at San Diego, provides only 7 percent of that city’s needs.
Another option is to strictly restrict water use, but that’s politically dicey and can’t get much beyond talk.
Then there’s a plan to spend gazillions to capture several of Alaska’s free-flowing rivers with a grand network of dams, canals and tunnels to divert water south to the Colorado basin. It seems that the drought is getting serious enough so that even far-fetched ideas get a look.
So OK, now what?
To desert dwellers, an idea that makes intuitive sense is to pipe Lake Superior water to where it’s “needed.” Such a project would be staggeringly expensive but technically doable; besides, the Great Lakes surely wouldn’t miss, say, 50 billion gallons — would they?
The populace all around the Lakes is rock-solid against shipping any water anywhere, and advancing any diversion plan would set off political warfare.
Or perhaps one should say “renew hostilities.” This story isn’t new. In 2007, New Mexico’s then-Gov. Bill Richardson suggested a Great Lakes diversion when the Western drought was only six years old. Following bloodcurdling protest, fellow Democrat Jennifer Granholm, then Michigan’s governor, told Richardson to zip it. A year later the eight Lakes states, including Minnesota, adopted — and President George W. Bush signed — a compact banning diversions without concurrence of all signatories.
Plus, an international pact gives Canada (along with the federal government in D.C.) a veto over any transfer.
But because the ultimate power rests with Congress and the president, multistate compacts and international accords can be false security. What’s done can be undone, as evidenced by all the undoing from today’s Washington crowd. What’s more, some scholars say the compact could be vulnerable to legal challenge, especially if a national emergency were declared.
A political knockdown would pit the Midwest vs. Westerners accustomed to no-holds-barred combat for water (to the death in the Wild West) and who have tended, when all else failed, to get what they wanted by simply taking it (for example, the lands of indigenous tribes).
The West sees some things in its favor, politically. One is mushrooming population that’s tipping the power balance in Congress. Another is the always-powerful agriculture industry in the West. And still another is that Western states stick together like fired clay to leverage their will over all things land and water. Besides, they’ll argue, water is a resource that, like oil, must be shared.
And so, a prediction: Within the lifetime of today’s newborn, Great Lakes water will be piped to the Colorado basin to relieve a region that by midcentury will be in the throes of an unimaginable water crisis.
This notion was advocated last year by NASA’s chief water scientist at California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who added that national water shortages are more serious than most realize — and may be unsolvable.
On several levels, it’s frankly absurd to pipe water across the country to bail out overbuilt cities and nourish water-intensive crops in bone-bleaching desert. But growth-driven Westerners dismiss such talk. This war would come down to raw power politics, and it’s only a matter of time before the West’s political influence prevails.
Consider: Less than 80 years ago, North Dakota had more electoral votes than Arizona, and Phoenix was a remote outpost. Today, Arizona has more people than North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota combined. That kind of growth is evident throughout the Southwest, which means more and more members of Congress are being sent by dry states rather than by the water-rich Midwest.
It’s not realistic to think that pioneers more than a century ago could have foreseen today’s mess. Western settlement was blindly driven by Manifest Destiny back then, and land and water were both considered limitless.
Today, the West’s chief water user is agriculture, with three-fourths consumed by water-gulping crops like cotton, citrus, alfalfa and vegetables. Irrigated fields around hot, dry Yuma, Ariz., produce so many winter vegetables that nearly all of your salad comes from Yuma. Irrigated fields grow countless tons of alfalfa to feed livestock, crowded into giant feedlots nearby.
So much water is sucked from the Colorado to grow crops and quench thirsts that the river’s flow into Mexico is a relative trickle.
The Southwest’s water crisis is a result of dubious policy that pushed unsustainable growth, incented by federally financed dams, reservoirs and canals that delivered water at astonishingly low cost to cities and farmers.
Requirements that states and users repay the cost of building waterworks are often waived with little notice. Just one of these giant projects, the 336-mile concrete canal moving Colorado River water to Phoenix and Tucson, cost $4 billion to build in the 1970s ($26 billion today) and many millions to maintain. Relatively little has been repaid to taxpayers, or ever will be.
Another problem is that governments allocated Colorado River water based on 1920s projections, when river flows were abnormally high. When more reliable tree-ring analyses later exposed major distortions in projections, the West went into collective denial and did little to rein in explosive growth.
So, why should Great Lakes water be shipped to a desert where unrestrained growth continues? It shouldn’t be, but debating this one will get you into a sticky wicket of the outsized influence of infrastructure (water works, roads, bridges, wetland drainage, etc.) in too often enabling inefficient and harmful growth. Genuflection to development has skewed urban and rural planning since long before the country’s founding.
Diverting water west would require a 900-mile pipeline from Duluth to, most likely, Green River, Wyo. There, the river flows south into Utah and joins the Colorado near Moab.
It would be a colossal technical and financial undertaking.
Lifting, say, 50 billion gallons of water from Duluth by 5,500 vertical feet over the Continental Divide to Green River would consume the power of several hundred plants the size of Xcel Energy’s nuclear generator at Monticello.
The power sources would cost tens of billions to build and operate, on top of which would be billions more to install and maintain the pipeline.
And while 50 billion gallons sounds like a lot of water, it would take 10 times that amount to dent the Southwest drought.
These are dizzying numbers, but it’s a straightforward bargain plan compared with capturing and moving water south from Alaska.
Either way, taxpayers would surely get stuck with the tab — as the West keeps building cities and growing crops in bone-dry desert.
(source: Star Tribune)
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Scar Solution - Fast, Natural Scar Removal From Home
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-scar-solution-fast-natural-scar-removal-from-home/
The Scar Solution - Fast, Natural Scar Removal From Home
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      From The Desk of Sean Lowry Medical Researcher & Former Scar Sufferer Author of The Scar Solution
Dear Friend,
Like most people, you probably have an ugly scar somewhere on your body that you wish you could get rid of but it just won’t seem to go away. Every day, millions of people suffer from skin damage that will result in a lasting scar, and for many of them, that scar will cause a lot of insecurity and grief.
If you are one of those people then keep reading, because this may be the most important letter you read all year.
Have you ever:
Obsessed in the mirror over the appearance of a scar?
Felt like people are looking or even staring at your scars?
Spent time covering a scar up with makeup or clothing?
Wasted time and money on expensive scar creams that didn’t deliver?
It’s OK… we’ve all done it. Take it from a person who suffered from major facial scarring after a bad skiing accident… scars don’t just affect your skin,
they affect your self confidence.
After my accident, I became very self conscious about my appearance.  I always  felt like people were looking at my scars and not at me. It had a serious impact on my work and social life. I know all about the anxiety that comes along with scarring.
You Are Not Alone
The worst part is that scars are almost impossible to get rid of. Ask most people and they will tell you that once you have a scar, you just have to live with it. The best you can do is spend boat loads of money on expensive and invasive procedures, or try your luck with some ‘miracle’ scar cream.
The problem  is that laser scar treatment costs over $350 dollars per hour and requires multiple treatments before you even start to see results.  You’re likely to end up paying several THOUSANDS dollars to fade even a moderately sized scar. And if you think your insurance will cover it… forget it.Not only that, but many people have suffered from horrific side effects and even worsened scarring from these risky procedures.
This is why many people turn to over-the-counter scar products and remedies, but they are almost always disappointed with the results. These products have very little medical backing behind them and are often very pricey to top it off.
After months of effort with little to no payoff, most people will give up and just live with the fact that they will have these scars for the rest of their lives. Depressing.
Fortunately for me, as a medical scientist I have access to a lot of information that the general public does not. My area of expertise is in holistic and alternative medicine, and after my accident, I took it upon myself to find a reliable and effective way to get rid of my ugly facial scarring.
I already knew that most of the currently available scar treatment products out there just didn’t have any real scientific backing behind and were, to be completely blunt, snake oil. But that wasn’t going to stop me. I knew I’d have to think outside the box and come up with my own plan if I  wanted to get my skin back.
The next few months weren’t easy. I spent endless hours intensively researching and testing skin resurfacing techniques and compounds that could reduce and fade the appearance of my scars. I became obsessed with finding a solution to my problem and I wouldn’t rest until I found it.
Fortunately, my hard work paid off. And the results… nothing short of astounding!
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Not only did I uncover the worlds most effective scar treatment techniques and secrets from around the world, but I tested them all on my own scars. And now, I’m very happy to tell you that I am totally scar free!
Best of all, I am 100% confident YOU can be do. I’m talking about complete scar removal, with no doctor visits, from the comfort of your own home!
And forget about wasting your time on bogus creams or spending thousands of dollars on invasive and dangerous procedures to do it. My system is fast, effective, and inexpensive. I’m talking about The Scar SolutionTM.
Scarring is NOT Permanent
Using my highly effective system, you can get rid of your scars FOR GOOD.  There are no costly scar creams, no surgeries, no doctor visits required at all!
Here’s a sneak peak at what you’ll discover in The Scar SolutionTM:
Forget about Onion Extract – Forget about Vitamin E – They don’t work!
Trust me on this… an effective scar treatment program consists of MUCH more than just applying a cream once a day.  To get the results you want, you need a complete and comprehensive system.  A system consisting of only the most effective and scientifically proven products and techniques. This is stuff you won’t find anywhere else!
Using this simple system, you can:
Using this exact system I was able to completely eliminate my scars in under 3 months. You can’t even tell I was ever in an accident.
My Friends Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes
Forget everything you thought you knew about scar treatment.  The Internet is full of misinformation and old wives tales when it comes to scarring.  The vast majority of this information is outdated and some of it is just plain DANGEROUS. Don’t risk further skin damage on sketchy and untested information.
And forget about paying $100, $75, or even $50 dollars for expensive scar treatment products that don’t even work.  Everything you need to quickly eliminate your scars can be purchased for pocket change and some of it is probably in your home right now!
News Flash: many of the most popular scar treatment remedies found online do absolutely nothing, and some of them can even make your scars worse
By now you probably know that there are loads and loads of home remedies out there that are widely promoted, despite having absolutely no medical evidence that they do anything.  Some of them have even shown to make scars worse in scientific studies!
Stop getting ripped off by scams and marketing hype
Stop wasting your time with unproven products that don’t work
Stop wasting your money on expensive and dangerous medical procedures
The Scar SolutionTM costs a fraction of the price and can safely deliver better results for any and every scar you’ll ever have!
Get Rid of Your Scars, Keep Your Money
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The Scar SolutionTM contains only scientifically proven, natural scar treatment methods that are guaranteed to work.  Everything is tested and proven to be 100% effective. Not only that, but many people start seeing results within the first 2 weeks!
All the products and treatments in this system are both natural and:
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Clinically Proven
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Dermatologist Approved
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Personally Tested
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Click Here to Claim Your Copy of The Scar Solution
So what are you waiting for? There are no stones left unturned. There are no scars too great. You can start fading your scars today and be scar-free faster than you ever thought possible, no matter how long you’ve had them.
My laser targeted program is effective against every type of scarring, including:
Regain Your Flawless, Scar-Free Skin
This is a no fluff, no BS, scar treatment guide that contains everything you need to know to get rid of your embarrassing scars once and for all.
But don’t take my word for it; see what others are saying about The Scar SolutionTM:
“I Had Tried Everything”
Thank you soooo much for writing this guide Sean. I had tried everything to get rid of my appendix scar and nothing worked.  Since I started using this, it has already started to fade and it’s only been 3 weeks!
-Jared, Mankato, MN
“Already Seeing a Huge Improvement”
Until I found you I had been using Mederma for months to try to fade a large scar on the side of my leg. I was wondering why it wasn’t working for me, but now I know. I started using your guide just a few weeks ago and already I’m seeing a huge improvement. I can’t believe  how fast it’s working!
-Samantha, West Palm Beach, FL
“I’ll Never Pay for Another Scar Cream”
Initially I was skeptical about some of the techniques you recommend in this guide. That was until I tried them. Holy cow! After only 8 weeks I’m, frankly, stunned at how well this worked on a scar I’ve had forever. So happy I‘ll never have to pay for another scar cream again.
-Jackie, San Diego, CA
“EVERYONE is Noticing”
You’re the best Sean! I honestly didn’t believe I could ever get rid of this ugly scar, but I decided to give your guide a try. It took a few months, but now everyone is noticing how much better my scar looks! It’s hard to believe how much it’s finally fading after all these years.
-Mark, Portland, Oregon
“My Acne Scars Are Gone”
I couldn’t believe that it could really be this simple to get rid of a scar, especially acne scars.  When I  found your site I assumed it was just another scam because I had already tried every scar treatment product out there. You name it, I’ve tried it. Luckily, I was wrong this time! I’m only 2 months in and my acne scars are almost GONE.
-Jake, Ontario, Canada
The Scar SolutionTM is not like any other product out there. It’s the result of months of in-depth research, testing, and personal trial and error. Yes, I’ve backed every page with medical studies and scientific research, but I’ve also gone so far as to this on my own scars to confirm their effectiveness. I know from personal experience that my system works!
Get Your Confidence Back
It doesn’t matter how or where you got it. My program contains detailed tutorials for treating scars from any type of skin damage, including:
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Acne Scars
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Facial Scars
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Cut Scars
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Burn Scars
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Scrape Scars
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Stretch Marks
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Surgical Scars
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… just about ANY type of scar tissue you could possibly have!
The Scar SolutionTM is 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back
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Just in case all this sounds too good to be true, we’re backing it with an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee!  We’re so confident that this is the best scar treatment product out there, we’re guaranteeing results!
If you don’t start seeing real, noticeable fading of your scars within 60 days, you can get a full refund.  It’s as simple as that. You’ll get instant access and can start today! This really is a risk-free offer, so what are you waiting for?
Your results are guaranteed.  You have nothing to lose!
Plus, Order Now and Get 4 FREE Bonuses!
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This super effective treatment guide shows you exactly how to get rid of moles and other skin problems quickly and easily from your own home.
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3) The Metabolism Bible
Ever wonder why you used to be able to eat whatever you want and you wouldn’t gain weight? Now, it seems like if you even look at food you start packing on pounds. That my friend, is called metabolism.
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4) Understanding Acne This is a simple, straight forward guide that shows you exactly how to treat and prevent acne from every different cause.
Stop wasting your time with harsh cleansers and expensive acne products that just irritate and worsen your skin. Find out exactly what is causing your acne and how to make it disappear fast.  
Plus, learn many of the most common acne myths that you’re probably falling for and why they aren’t improving your complexion.
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The LAST Scar Treatment Product You’ll Ever Buy
So what are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose but flawless skin.  Get your copy of The Scar SolutionTM today and you can be on your way to scar-free skin tomorrow.  It’s risk free, so try it today!
Order The Scar SolutionTM Now!
YES, I would like to quickly and naturally eliminate my scars for just $67 $37.
I understand that after ordering the The Scar Solution guide I’ll gain instant access to the download page with free updates FOR LIFE.
This is a RISK-FREE OFFER as The Scar Solution is backed by a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Try it for 60 days, and if you don’t see a noticeable improvement in your scars simply e-mail me for a full refund.  No questions asked!
I want to use your medically proven products and techniques to:
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Prevent scars from happening
Reduce visibility
Eliminate scars permanently
Get results FAST
Never suffer from scars again!
Retail Price $67 SALE Only $37
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A Note To The Buyer: “The Scar Solution” is a digital guide in PDF format which will become available to you INSTANTLY after purchasing the program.
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send me an email and I’ll get back to you within one business day.
To Healthy Scar-Free Skin,
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Medical Researcher & Former Scar Sufferer Author of The Scar Solution P.S. You have nothing to lose. The Scar SolutionTM is 100% guaranteed to work. Try it, and you’ll see for yourself that this is the most effective scar removal product out there.
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tamipaul08618 · 4 years
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While a lot of a bowel movement every day, Aspen Acreage CBD reasons . have difficulty achieving this regularity. Individuals experience symptoms such as pain inside the abdomen, discomfort in the rectal area, a sensation of being bloated, possible nausea and decreased appetite. In severe cases of constipation, individuals might get hemorrhoids and anal fissures or skin tearing in the rectum. Omega 3 needs staying an important part of your daily routine. Try to make sure you get enough from it by eating fish several times full week and eating leafy vegetables. Walnuts are some sort of source inside addition to flax seed oil and Aspen Acreage CBD Review Oil Benefits. Including all previously mentioned will an individual get adequate amounts within the omega 3 types each day. Take supplements content articles feel helps make your diet does not contain sufficient omega 9. Fish oil has been highly promoted for years as an incredible form of omega three or more. Fish oil does not contain (ALA) Alpha-linolenic acid, it only contains (EPA) Eicosaentaenoic Acid and (DHA) Docosahexaenoic Chemical. This is a very important fact since individuals can convert ALA to EPA and DHA. Fish oil can also contain harmful chemicals in it due to the polluted waters in that the fish are bred. Many of our rivers and lakes have pesticides along with other toxins in the individual that the fish are living in and absorbing before being caught collect the oil from these items. There are also farm raised fish that are employed that could provide a more rewarding quality of fish essential oil.
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thewriteboy · 7 years
Cause and Effect
The year is 2013. The location is a small boat with a small crew in the Pacific Ocean off the northeast coast of Australia. A diver puts on her mask just before diving. Perched on the edge of the boat as she is, ready to get in the water, she can see forever in all directions. The water reflects the blazing sun like a borderless sea of sapphires, and the smell of seaweed is carried on the warm breeze. The diver lets herself fall backwards, and plunges below the surface.
When she opens her eyes, she is stunned by the scene before her. It is the incredible starkness and variety of color that first captures her attention. Deep red, sunset orange, bright green, magenta - it is as though somebody has come and painted the coral all the colors the eye can perceive - all in startling contrast against a turquoise backdrop. Great shafts of light pierce the surface of the water, illuminating the Great Barrier Reef. The diver can make out dozens of coral species; some are spindly and grow like trees, and some are named for their round, brain-like shape.
Schools of fish weave in and out of sight in an intricate dance, as though choreographed solely for the diver’s pleasure. A leatherback sea turtle glides serenely by. Swimming closer, the diver can see the creatures who stick close to the coral. Seahorses and shellfish and anemone and sea sponges and too many more to count. Life here on the reef seems to be infinitely diverse. . .
The year is 2016 and the location is a small boat in the pacific ocean off Australia’s northeastern coast. A diver prepares for a dive. She is excited to see the enchanting beauty of the reef again, as she has seen nothing to match it in three years. She puts on her mask and falls backwards into the water. Below, she sees the same turquoise backdrop and the same bars of sunlight puncturing the surface of the ocean. What she does not see, however, is the mesmerizing collage of colors and sea creatures. The scene from her first dive is quite transformed. In place of the bright, multicolored coral reef is a skeleton, pale white and devoid of life. There are no fish swimming about, no sea turtles meandering by. Nothing lives here anymore. The diver is not sure, even, if the white coral is still alive.
Coral bleaching is a by-product of lighting houses and turning wheels.  The ocean absorbs the vast majority of heat trapping greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which causes the water to warm up. Excessive heat puts coral under stress and causes them to release the symbiotic algae living within their polyps, leaving the coral in a weakened state, unable to attain steady nutrition, and susceptible to mortality. Creatures that live on or receive nutrients from the coral lose their food source or home and leave or die, and the creatures who live in or feed on those creatures lose their food source or home and leave or die, and so on up the food chain. The circle of life is disrupted and the ecosystem collapses, leaving a barren, starving husk where once there was a hugely complex ecological community positively teeming with life.
The industrial revolution was a defining event in human history which changed the world forever. It ignited incredible advances in technology, without which the developed world wouldn’t exist as it does now. We could be living feudal lives, working ourselves to the bone, to see no real return for our labors. Without the industrial revolution, we would not have the luxury, ease of life, and infinite riches that wealthy countries enjoy. Industrialization is a miracle, there is no denying, and one of the most significant human achievements to date.
Energy has to come from somewhere, and we found cheap, energy dense, and relatively clean-burning fuels to power industrialization: coal, oil, and natural gas. The mining of land for coal and oil brought economic success and abundant energy to the world, giving humans a leg up and allowing us to have higher living standards with less manual labor. However, it comes at a hefty price.
The greatest cost of using these fossil fuels comes in the form of greenhouse gases, which trap heat from the sun and keep it from dissipating into space, the most harmful of which are carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere by cars and factories, and methane is released by livestock and landfills. Carbon dioxide is the  most prevalent greenhouse gas in the Earth's atmosphere, nine times more abundant than methane, and remains in the atmosphere for decades or even centuries. On the other hand, while methane remains in the atmosphere for only a single decade and then dissipates, it is capable of trapping up to 100 times more heat than carbon dioxide.
The reason the effects of global warming due to greenhouse gases are not more  apparent is that oceans absorb most of the heat trapping gases, which causes them to warm up more quickly than the air does. But water can only hold so much carbon dioxide; eventually the various gasses will overflow and build up in the atmosphere, causing the temperature on land to increase rapidly. This will be exacerbated by deforestation, with fewer trees to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
If left unchecked, global warming will cause serious havoc and drastically alter life as humans know it. The ice caps are already in the process of melting, and if they melt completely the planet will absorb much more heat from sunlight, unable to reflect it into space without the mirror-like ice sheets. If all of the ice on land melts, though, we will be in for a much greater disaster as the newly melted water will have to flow somewhere. Sea level will rise 216 feet, completely submerging major cities, island nations, and whole peninsulas. San Diego, New Orleans, Florida - gone. London, Venice, the Netherlands - swallowed whole. Australia will gain an inland sea, and what's left of Antarctica will become habitable.
However, the naturally produced fuels with the potential for such devastation are not infinite. There are an estimated 1,687,900,000,000 barrels of oil left in reserves on Earth, a number which seems large, but will only last for approximately 50 more years at the current rate of consumption, according to BP. The remaining coal will last much longer, possibly hundreds of years. If we wish to maintain our way of life, we will set fossil fuels to the side. Fossil fuels will run out; this is a certainty, and they will not be replenished for such a long time that calling it forever is acceptable. More importantly, energy can be harvested from many inexhaustible, morally unambiguous sources. The sun, for example, pours more energy, at predictable intervals, onto the earth than mankind could ever use, and we know how to harness it.
There are two major obstacle standing in the way of utilizing solar energy on a massive global scale, though. The first is the price of solar panels, as they are very expensive at present, and the second is the fact that solar power is not available at all times, as the sun is often blocked, whether by the planet itself or by clouds. Both of these issues, however, are being addressed.
As technology progresses, parts become cheaper, techniques become more refined, and production becomes more efficient. This means that solar panels are being made now at a faster pace and at a lower cost than ever, which, in turn, means they are less expensive than ever to the consumer, and the price of collecting solar energy is only falling from here. Since the sun is not always out, we cannot always harness its power. The solution to this problem is twofold. The easiest fix is to supplement sunlight with wind and geothermal power. We could also store excess energy for use at night and in places that receive little sunlight. . . if we had enough batteries.
Elon Musk’s company, Tesla, is working hard to make solar energy a viable option. Tesla’s gigafactory, is producing, and as it is expanded, will produce increasingly more batteries than any other factory on Earth. And this is not the only gigafactory that Tesla is building. Furthermore, the company is pioneering, not only in the business of making batteries, but also in stringing lots of batteries together and storing solar energy on a massive scale, proving that it is feasible. Tesla has three battery storage plants, each bigger than any other built before it, which together, equate to 15 percent of the storage capacity planet-wide in 2016.
The environment is impacted by more than just the fuels we burn. The world produces a great deal of waste, and the United States is one of the biggest contributors. America is home to five percent of the planet’s human population, yet produces 30 percent of the earth’s total waste. Billions of pounds of food and plastic are thrown away by Americans alone. The vast majority of this refuse ends up in landfills, and far too much of it ends up in the ocean.
An apple core thrown into the woods would biodegrade very rapidly and cleanly, nourishing the soil where it landed; however, millions of pounds of organic material buried in a landfill to rot with no air spells disaster. It produces methane gas, a greenhouse gas several times more potent than CO2. And the trash that ends up in the ocean presents a hazard to fish and other water-dwellers. Some die from accidentally ingesting plastic, and others will get their heads stuck in six pack yokes, the plastic rings that hold soda cans together, and too often, are strangled to death by this unintentional trap.
Public doubt that climate change is real, or that it poses a real threat, is detrimental to the efforts of those who care, those who will likely still be alive when the heat becomes too much and the seas start swelling into our backyards, those with the foresight to think of the future generation who could easily be handed a planet in worse shape than their parents found it in. Citizens of Earth, however, are slowly waking up to the looming threat. We are no longer content to sit idly by while the planet dies. We are becoming more aware of the problem and are standing up en masse to combat it.
As of November 2017, 195 nations have signed the Paris Climate Accord, an agreement that strives to mitigate climate change by reducing carbon emissions. More specifically, the goal of the agreement is to keep average global temperature increase under two degrees celsius above average pre-industrial temperatures. Each nation party to the agreement sets its own target for reducing greenhouse emissions and investing in clean energy, reporting a plan to this end every five years beginning in 2020. Members of the accord are not obligated by any force to meet their carbon goals, but they are required to report their emissions. The United States, a leader in negotiating this agreement, insisted on having a single, stringent carbon auditing panel to track the progress of each nation. There have been similar agreements, but none as successful or widely adopted as the Paris agreement.
The agreement was signed by over 190 world leaders, including President Obama, on 22 April 2016, and put into effect on 04 November of the same year. However, only seven months later, Mr. Trump announced in June 2017 that he was going to pull America out of the accord. This on the premise that the agreement was unfair to America, and with the incorrect assumption that a new agreement could be negotiated, saying, “I was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris."
With the United States as the second largest emitter of carbon dioxide, its departure from the world’s best chance of keeping climate change in check is a serious blow. However, the process for leaving the Paris agreement is a lengthy one. A nation must wait three years from the date the agreement went into effect, then submit a formal document, expressing the nation’s intention to withdraw, to the United Nations, after which the withdrawal will take place exactly one year later. All of this is to say that the soonest an Amerexit from the Paris agreement could take place is the day after the 2020 presidential election. The process, though, of re-entering the PCA is purposely short and simple: a nation submits its intention to rejoin to the United Nations and, 30 days later, is reinstated. This means that, under a future president, the US could rejoin the agreement with smooth ease - perhaps as soon as 19 February 2021.
In the meantime, America is still a member of the Paris agreement and will hold herself to her climate goals until and unless the withdrawal is completed. Furthermore, a group comprised of 20 states, 50 major cities, and numerous companies, called America’s Pledge, is making the important decision to fulfill the commitments of the Paris agreement regardless of whether the current administration formally withdraws, saying, “Its is important for the world to know, the american government may have pulled out of the Paris agreement, but the American people are committed to its goals, and there is nothing Washington can do to stop us." However, the importance of having the strength of the federal government backing these efforts cannot be understated, and without that support, American efforts to curb climate change will be stunted.
As of October 2017, there are approximately 7,574,900,000 people on earth. The annual growth rate is currently 1.12 percent, meaning that the global population increases by approximately 83,000,000 people every year. Population growth has been slowing down since 1968, but it is not stopping. By the year 2100 the global population is projected to reach 11,200,000,000, increasing at 0.9 percent annually. In the year 2100, the human race will be tasked with producing enough food, clean fresh water, housing, and energy to accommodate its 11.2 billion members. This will be a daunting challenge, as resources are already scarce in many parts of the world, and already too many go without food.
It is within our power, and it is our duty, to ensure that our descendants have adequate food, fresh water, and abundant energy. If we cling to cheap fossil fuels, the world will be damaged and low on energy by the end of the century; but if we make the hard decision to make the world sustainable, humans will live on Earth with abundant resources indefinitely.
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
S5;E22 ~ February 19, 1973
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Directed by Coby Ruskin ~ Written by Bob Carroll Jr. and Madelyn Davis
Harry buys a vintage car at the same time that Lucy and Mary Jane are taking an adult school class in automotive repair. When Harry goes away on a trip, he asks Lucy to phone his mechanic, but she forgets. Lucy thinks she can do the work herself – but things don't go as planned when Harry comes home early from his trip.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter)
Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter) does not appear in this episode, nor does she receive screen credit. Except for the clips seen in the season finale, the character will not return to the series until the fourth episode of season six.
Guest Cast
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Mary Jane Croft (Mary Jane) played Betty Ramsey during season six of “I Love Lucy. ” She also played Cynthia Harcourt in “Lucy is Envious” (ILL S3;E23) and Evelyn Bigsby in “Return Home from Europe” (ILL S5;E26). She played Audrey Simmons on “The Lucy Show” but when Lucy Carmichael moved to California, she played Mary Jane Lewis, the actor’s married name and the same one she uses on all 31 of her episodes of “Here’s Lucy. Her final acting credit was playing Midge Bowser on “Lucy Calls the President” (1977). She died in 1999 at the age of 83.   
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Robert Rockwell (Jack Scott) is probably best remembered as biology teacher Mr. Boynton on “Our Miss Brooks” (1952-56) opposite Gale Gordon (Osgood Conklin) and Mary Jane Croft (Miss Enright), who were also series regulars. Although not the first to play Mr. Boynton, he assumed the role on radio and made the transition with the show to television. He previously played Viv's handsome match in “Lucy Digs Up a Date” (TLS S1;E2) the second installment of “The Lucy Show” in 1962. He continued working until 1995 and died in 2003 at age 82.  
In addition to being an auto mechanic and a teacher at the Valley Trade School, Jack Scott is also a sailor who docks his boat at the Paradise Yacht Club. The character’s name may have been inspired by Jack Scott Fones, an advertising executive working with Philip-Morris who befriended Lucille Ball during “I Love Lucy.” 
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Leigh Adams-Bennett (Mrs. Foley, student) makes her first of only two TV appearances after doing background work on two films in 1972.  
The character’s surname is likely a tribute to the show’s film editor, John Foley A.C.E. 
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Shirley Anthony (Student, uncredited, extreme right) made more than a dozen background appearances on “Here’s Lucy.”  From 1994 to 1999 she played Sally on “The Rockford Files” TV movies.  
The other female students in Mr. Scott's class are played by uncredited and unidentified background performers.
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The title refers to Popular Mechanics, a magazine devoted to science and technology first published in 1902 by H.H. Windsor. Since 1958 it has been owned by the Hearst Corporation.
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Chevrolet provided all the training materials as well as the motor parts for the car. They received screen credit. Series Executive Producer (and husband to Lucille Ball) Gary Morton was an auto enthusiast so he acted as consultant for this episode. He was, however, billed under his birth name, Morton Goldaper.
At the start of the episode, Mary Jane has come over to take Lucy to Morton's Department Store End-of-the-Month sale. This is the second time that Lucy's married name has been used as the name of a Los Angeles department store. 
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When Harry drools over his new Rolls Royce, Lucy quips “I haven't seen that expression on his face since he judged the Miss Borego Springs beauty contest.”  Borego Springs was where Gale Gordon lived and was briefly mayor. It is located outside San Diego, California, and was previously mentioned in “Someone's on the Ski Lift with Dinah” (S4;E7).  
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The license plate on Lucy's new car is 592-IMW.  The last time we saw inside Lucy’s garage was in “Lucy and Aladdin’s Lamp” (S3;E21) two years earlier when she had a garage sale.  
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Harry's mechanic is named Mr. Nickel. Harry has entered his vintage Rolls in the Classic Car Show and needs some minor repairs performed while he is away in San Francisco.    
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Harry mentions (but does not sing) the song “Embraceable You,” a song by George and Ira Gershwin originally written in 1928 for the un-produced operetta East is West. It was eventually included in the 1930 musical Girl Crazy. It is now part of the musical Crazy for You.
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The reveal of Harry's vintage Rolls Royce is visually similar to the reveal of the 1923 Cadillac when the Ricardos and Mertzes are “Getting Ready” (ILL S4;E10) to drive to Hollywood.  
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Lucy Ricardo’s knowledge of auto repair was also pretty poor!  She didn’t even know how to change a tire in “Off To Florida” (ILL S6;E6). 
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Like the auto parts of the Rolls Royce, Mrs. Ricardo also had no idea what to do with the many parts she took out of her television set in “Lucy Does a TV Commercial” (ILL S1;E30). 
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Lucy Carmichael and Viv Bagley went to adult night school in “Lucy and Viv Take Up Chemistry” (TLS S1;E26).  
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Lucille Ball owned several Rolls Royces over the years, including a 1965 Silver Cloud III convertible. Lucille Ball and Gary Morton owned a 1984 Silver Spur Rolls Royce which was put up for auction after Morton’s death. 
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The blue gingham blouse worn in this episode also came up for auction. Ball first wore it on "The Flip Wilson Show” (1971). This blouse is also documented as being worn at birthday party for Lucie Arnaz in the 1970's.
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Brand X! The brand name of the chart on the easel of Mr. Scott's classroom has been blacked out for broadcast. 
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Similarly, the carton of oil has the brand name taped over, but it is clearly the Penzoil logo. Unusually, the yellow oil cans have no label on them at all!  
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Lights! Camera! Action!  Mary Jane is unusually close to the camera (and out of her light) when she brings in the oil at the start of the repair scene.
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Script Girl! When Lucy is reading the Rolls Royce's owner's manual, a page flops open and there are some handwritten notes inside in cursive script. This could be some of Lucy's dialogue.
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Age Check! In real life, Gale Gordon was barely ten years older than Robert Rockwell.  At the time, Gordon was 66 and Rockwell was 56.  
Sitcom Logic Alert!  Uncle Harry rings the doorbell at Lucy’s home, but Jack Scott walks in without knocking or ringing!  
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Where the Driveway Ends / Where the Sky Begins!  The first time we see Harry's new Rolls in Lucy's driveway, the edge of the sky drop is visible at the top left of the frame – along with a piece of equipment or pipe hanging down. The wide shot also shows were the driveway ends and the stage floor begins.
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“The Not-So-Popular Mechanics” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This is the closest Lucy and Mary Jane come to replicating the antics of Lucy and Ethel or Lucy and Viv.  
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scootoaster · 4 years
The huge hospital ships deploying to Los Angeles and New York used to be oil tankers
The USNS Comfort off Colombia in August, 2019. (Morgan K. Nall / US Navy /)
Follow all of PopSci’s COVID-19 coverage here, including travel advice, pregnancy concerns, and the latest findings on the virus itself.
Two giant hospital ships, each nearly 900 feet long, are deploying to the US’s biggest cities: Los Angeles and New York. The USNS Mercy left San Diego on Monday and will travel to LA, while its sibling ship, the Comfort, is operating on a slower timeline. It could be “a few weeks,” before it leaves Norfolk, Virginia for New York, according to a US Navy spokesperson. The goal: take some pressure off hospitals crunched by the COVID-19 outbreak.
Both have 1,000 beds, can carry a medical staff of more than 1,000 people, have the ability to receive military helicopters, and contain a dozen operating rooms.
The Mercy expects to have a max of 1,128 medical personnel on board, Captain John R. Rotruck, who commands the medical treatment facility on that ship, said during a media briefing on Monday. Plus, he noted, they’re planning on having nine of its 12 operating rooms staffed.
Neither ship is intended to directly handle the treatment of people with COVID-19, but instead, will accept other patients from area hospitals so those land-based facilities can focus on the virus.
It’s rare to see hospital ships sent to US shores, but it does happen: Comfort docked in New York in 2001 after Sept. 11. It wasn’t a trauma center, but instead offered relief workers services like meals and showers. It also traveled to the Gulf coast in the fall of 2005 after two hurricanes: Katrina and Rita. And way back in 1933, a hospital ship called the Relief deployed for an earthquake in Long Beach, California.
But this moment is different. “This is uncharted territory, for ships to be specifically deployed stateside in a pandemic—it’s never happened before,” says André Sobocinski, the Navy Medical Department’s historian.
The Mercy left San Diego on Monday. (Cosmo Walrath / US Navy/)
A somewhat analogous situation comes from the influenza pandemic of 1918, when the United States was also fighting in World War I. It had a fleet of three hospital ships: the Solace, plus two older ships with the same names as their modern counterparts—the Comfort and Mercy. Those were essentially “ambulance ships,” Sobocinski says, transporting casualties back from Europe to the United States. These vessels “certainly did have flu cases on board, and they tried to keep the influenza patients separate from the other patients,” he notes.
Like nearly all of the hospital ships in US naval history, today’s Comfort and Mercy were not originally built for that job. Both are originally 1970s-era oil tankers, and each was reborn as a medical facility in the 1980s.
In fact, for over 200 years, the US Navy has deployed hospital ships that started out their lives as different vessels. The first, the USS Intrepid, was a ketch that became a medical boat in 1804 and was in service for just three months. Of the 27 total hospital ships, only one—the Relief, commissioned in 1920—was built from the ground up for that job. The ships have otherwise been vessels like passenger boats, freighters, oil tankers, and even a submarine tender. They’ve mostly had placid names, like the USS Bountiful or USS Tranquility. Go back far enough, though, and they had more routine designations, like the USS Red Rover (the hospital ship of the Civil War) or the USS Idaho of 1866.
All told, there have been three US hospital ships called the Comfort and three dubbed the Mercy; the first Comfort and Mercy ships, both commissioned in 1918, were originally passenger liners.
For a period of time during the early 20th century, the ships had a tradition that didn’t go over so well with the rest of the Navy: the top job on the ship—the boat’s commander—was a doctor, a rule that began in 1908 and came from Teddy Rosevelt. The regular Navy, Sobocinski says, “hated this.” The policy changed in 1921 because of the boss of the Relief. “The crew lost confidence in his ability to serve as the skipper of the ship,” Sobocinski says, “and he was relieved of duty.”
Today, many of the medical staff on board the Comfort and Mercy are called “hospital corpsman,” which are medic-like personnel on board. But rewind the hospital-ship history far enough—to the era before the Civil War—and you’ll find a stranger name for some of the crew members on board: they were called “loblolly boys.”
They received this nickname thanks to the food they served: “Loblolly was the name for a porridge that was given to the sick,” Sobocinski says. Staff on the Comfort and Mercy of the modern era have more resources at their disposal than porridge, though: each ship has a pharmacy, plus a large galley that can crank out thousands of meals.
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andrewdburton · 5 years
A self-made man
My father died twenty-four years ago today.
As I drove to the airport this morning — I'm on a short trip to San Diego — my mind drifted back to him and what he was like.
I don't think of Dad often anymore, and when I do it's mostly superficial stuff: Dad was fat. His hair was wild and wavy. He could be gruff. He was funny and had a contagious laugh. Sometimes he wasn't a very nice guy. Sometimes he was. But it's tough to remember what Dad was like as a presence, you know?
What I remember most about him was how Dad could do anything he set his mind to. This isn't nostalgic hero worship. It's how he actually was. My father could teach himself to do anything he wanted. And he wanted to do a lot.
A Self-Made Man
I'm not sure where my father's love of learning and experimenting came from. His parents were a simple, devout Mennonite couple.
When I knew Grandma and Grandpa, they managed a small farm. They had milk cows. They raised blueberries. They grew and canned vegetables. Grandpa cut his own wood. He'd been a janitor at the local high school, but by the time I was around, he was retired. Every night, he and Grandma sipped Sanka and played Scrabble. Their existence was simple, ordered, and serene.
My father wasn't simple. His life wasn't ordered. He was not a serene man. He was complex. He was messy. He was boisterous. He was a force of nature. (I come by my ADD honestly.) He had many interests, and he liked to indulge them all.
Dad wanted to be a pilot, so he took flying lessons. In his twenties, he became a flight instructor at a small local airpot. When my brothers and I were young, he'd sometimes take one of us on a joy ride to Salem or Eugene. He stopped flying, though, after crashing his Cessna while practicing touch-and-go landings in the field behind our trailer house.
Dad wanted to sail solo to Hawaii. Throughout the 26 years that I knew him, he nearly always owned a sailboat. (The only times he didn't were when our family was mired deepest in poverty.) When I was very young, he built his own sailboat following instructions in borrowed library books. My family didn't travel for family vacations; my parents took us sailing down (and up) the Columbia River.
Dad loved electronics. He built a lot of his own gadgets, designing and soldering circuit boards. When I was old enough, he helped me build a radio so that I could listen to Portland Timbers games and old-time radio dramas on local stations.
Dad built other stuff too. He built so much stuff that projects were often abandoned half-finished.
He ground mirrors to build his own telescope — then left them lying around in a bedroom drawer for years. He constructed a windmill, but something about his math was off and the thing collapsed from the weight of the canvas sails when he tried to mount them. He constructed outbuildings on our two acres, and then built an addition to the back of the trailer house — an addition that was never really completed.
In high school, I took over Dad's car — a 1982 Datsun 310GX. (Looking back, I'm not sure how this happened but it did.) The car “blew a head gasket” one day. Rather than pay a mechanic to repair it, Dad tore the engine apart himself, found and fixed the problem, then re-assembled everything. He taught me how to change the oil and the brake pads and the headlights…but there's now way I could ever pull apart an engine!
When personal computers became “affordable” in 1977 — looking back, they were the equivalent of $11,000 in today's dollars! — Dad bought one and taught himself to program it. (And I taught myself to program it too.)
My father could play guitar, fly an airplane, sail a boat, build a boat, build a computer, program a computer, build a radio, build a greenhouse, build a house, repair an engine, write fiction and poetry, build complex machinery, build a telescope, start a business (or six), and more. And he taught himself how to do almost all of these things.
A Serial Entrepreneur
As I've mentioned before, my father was a serial entrepreneur. He was always starting businesses.
He programmed accounting software but could never find anyone to buy it. (It was 1980, I think. He was a few years too early.) He built a greenhouse complete with automated watering system, then tried to start a nursery. Nobody wanted to buy his azalea and arborvitae. He mowed lawns. He sold chocolate bars.
Most of his business ventures failed, but twice he hit paydirt.
First, he built a business called Harvest Mills, which first manufactured wheat grinders, then added food dryers to the line-up.
In 1985, eight years after he sold Harvest Mills, Dad founded Custom Box Service, a company that produces small runs of corrugated packaging. Dad designed and built all of the machinery himself. Those machines have been in constant use for thirty-three years. They haven't been completely trouble-free, but come on! These are machines created by a random guy from rural Oregon. That's pretty amazing.
A Modern Homesteader
When I was in second grade, my parents decided they wanted to move to Canada. For once, they were flush with money. My father had sold Harvest Mills to a bankruptcy attorney in Utah and was to be paid $5000 every three months for the next fifteen years.
When Dad had money, he liked to spend it. If he had money, he'd buy a sailboat. Or an airplane. Or a hi-fi stereo. Or a personal computer.
This time was no different. This time, though, he wanted to use the money to buy twenty (or forty) acres in rural British Columbia. I don't know why. (He was always afraid of nuclear war, though, so this could very well have been a way to escape the “blast zone”.)
Mom and Dad piled us three kids into one of our two beat-up Plymouth Valiants — we called one “dirty white” and the other “dirty red” — and drove us fourteen hours north to Vanderhoof, a small town that's pretty much what you'd expect to find in central B.C. so close to Alaska. There, we spent a long weekend in real-estate offices and visiting properties.
I remember driving down dirt roads and strolling along swollen streams. I remember wandering around farmyards. I remember watching a war movie in our hotel room. But I don't remember any of the houses we visited, and I don't remember why we never moved. My guess is that Dad didn't have as much money as he thought he did. Or perhaps Mom had objections to moving to the middle of nowhere?
Instead, he bought twenty or forty acres near the trailer house and tried his hand at being a wheat farmer. It was hot and dirty work, but it was another thing that he could teach himself to master. Unfortunately, he had no way to master the national economy, which didn't have a high demand for wheat when it came time to sell. He abandoned that venture too.
An Inspiration
One of my favorite exercises is trying to trace a financial family tree. What did my parents teach me about money? What attitudes did I get from them? What habits? And what did their parents pass onto them? Did I get anything from that generation?
Dad was self-reliant…and he wasn't. He could do almost anything…but he seldom did. He was a dreamer…but he rarely pursued his dreams.
For many years, I thought of myself as “not like Dad”. I don't know if this was a conscious decision or if I simply believed that I was different. In any event, I didn't think of myself as a DIY guy. I couldn't build a windmill or a sailboat or a telescope. I couldn't repair an automobile engine.
In recent years, however, I've been very aware of just how much I picked up from my father, how much he influenced my money blueprint. I can see where I got many of my ideas and habits and values.
I'm intellectually curious. I'm entrepreneurial. I love travel and adventure. I'm drawn to the idea of living somewhere remote — just me and Kim and our zoo. And lately I'm learning to love DIY.
The older I get, the more I see my father in me.
The post A self-made man appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/self-made-man/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
The Scar Solution - Fast, Natural Scar Removal From Home
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/the-scar-solution-fast-natural-scar-removal-from-home/
The Scar Solution - Fast, Natural Scar Removal From Home
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 Buy Now
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      From The Desk of Sean Lowry Medical Researcher & Former Scar Sufferer Author of The Scar Solution
Dear Friend,
Like most people, you probably have an ugly scar somewhere on your body that you wish you could get rid of but it just won’t seem to go away. Every day, millions of people suffer from skin damage that will result in a lasting scar, and for many of them, that scar will cause a lot of insecurity and grief.
If you are one of those people then keep reading, because this may be the most important letter you read all year.
Have you ever:
Obsessed in the mirror over the appearance of a scar?
Felt like people are looking or even staring at your scars?
Spent time covering a scar up with makeup or clothing?
Wasted time and money on expensive scar creams that didn’t deliver?
It’s OK… we’ve all done it. Take it from a person who suffered from major facial scarring after a bad skiing accident… scars don’t just affect your skin,
they affect your self confidence.
After my accident, I became very self conscious about my appearance.  I always  felt like people were looking at my scars and not at me. It had a serious impact on my work and social life. I know all about the anxiety that comes along with scarring.
You Are Not Alone
The worst part is that scars are almost impossible to get rid of. Ask most people and they will tell you that once you have a scar, you just have to live with it. The best you can do is spend boat loads of money on expensive and invasive procedures, or try your luck with some ‘miracle’ scar cream.
The problem  is that laser scar treatment costs over $350 dollars per hour and requires multiple treatments before you even start to see results.  You’re likely to end up paying several THOUSANDS dollars to fade even a moderately sized scar. And if you think your insurance will cover it… forget it.Not only that, but many people have suffered from horrific side effects and even worsened scarring from these risky procedures.
This is why many people turn to over-the-counter scar products and remedies, but they are almost always disappointed with the results. These products have very little medical backing behind them and are often very pricey to top it off.
After months of effort with little to no payoff, most people will give up and just live with the fact that they will have these scars for the rest of their lives. Depressing.
Fortunately for me, as a medical scientist I have access to a lot of information that the general public does not. My area of expertise is in holistic and alternative medicine, and after my accident, I took it upon myself to find a reliable and effective way to get rid of my ugly facial scarring.
I already knew that most of the currently available scar treatment products out there just didn’t have any real scientific backing behind and were, to be completely blunt, snake oil. But that wasn’t going to stop me. I knew I’d have to think outside the box and come up with my own plan if I  wanted to get my skin back.
The next few months weren’t easy. I spent endless hours intensively researching and testing skin resurfacing techniques and compounds that could reduce and fade the appearance of my scars. I became obsessed with finding a solution to my problem and I wouldn’t rest until I found it.
Fortunately, my hard work paid off. And the results… nothing short of astounding!
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Not only did I uncover the worlds most effective scar treatment techniques and secrets from around the world, but I tested them all on my own scars. And now, I’m very happy to tell you that I am totally scar free!
Best of all, I am 100% confident YOU can be do. I’m talking about complete scar removal, with no doctor visits, from the comfort of your own home!
And forget about wasting your time on bogus creams or spending thousands of dollars on invasive and dangerous procedures to do it. My system is fast, effective, and inexpensive. I’m talking about The Scar SolutionTM.
Scarring is NOT Permanent
Using my highly effective system, you can get rid of your scars FOR GOOD.  There are no costly scar creams, no surgeries, no doctor visits required at all!
Here’s a sneak peak at what you’ll discover in The Scar SolutionTM:
Forget about Onion Extract – Forget about Vitamin E – They don’t work!
Trust me on this… an effective scar treatment program consists of MUCH more than just applying a cream once a day.  To get the results you want, you need a complete and comprehensive system.  A system consisting of only the most effective and scientifically proven products and techniques. This is stuff you won’t find anywhere else!
Using this simple system, you can:
Using this exact system I was able to completely eliminate my scars in under 3 months. You can’t even tell I was ever in an accident.
My Friends Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes
Forget everything you thought you knew about scar treatment.  The Internet is full of misinformation and old wives tales when it comes to scarring.  The vast majority of this information is outdated and some of it is just plain DANGEROUS. Don’t risk further skin damage on sketchy and untested information.
And forget about paying $100, $75, or even $50 dollars for expensive scar treatment products that don’t even work.  Everything you need to quickly eliminate your scars can be purchased for pocket change and some of it is probably in your home right now!
News Flash: many of the most popular scar treatment remedies found online do absolutely nothing, and some of them can even make your scars worse
By now you probably know that there are loads and loads of home remedies out there that are widely promoted, despite having absolutely no medical evidence that they do anything.  Some of them have even shown to make scars worse in scientific studies!
Stop getting ripped off by scams and marketing hype
Stop wasting your time with unproven products that don’t work
Stop wasting your money on expensive and dangerous medical procedures
The Scar SolutionTM costs a fraction of the price and can safely deliver better results for any and every scar you’ll ever have!
Get Rid of Your Scars, Keep Your Money
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The Scar SolutionTM contains only scientifically proven, natural scar treatment methods that are guaranteed to work.  Everything is tested and proven to be 100% effective. Not only that, but many people start seeing results within the first 2 weeks!
All the products and treatments in this system are both natural and:
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Clinically Proven
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Dermatologist Approved
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Personally Tested
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Click Here to Claim Your Copy of The Scar Solution
So what are you waiting for? There are no stones left unturned. There are no scars too great. You can start fading your scars today and be scar-free faster than you ever thought possible, no matter how long you’ve had them.
My laser targeted program is effective against every type of scarring, including:
Regain Your Flawless, Scar-Free Skin
This is a no fluff, no BS, scar treatment guide that contains everything you need to know to get rid of your embarrassing scars once and for all.
But don’t take my word for it; see what others are saying about The Scar SolutionTM:
“I Had Tried Everything”
Thank you soooo much for writing this guide Sean. I had tried everything to get rid of my appendix scar and nothing worked.  Since I started using this, it has already started to fade and it’s only been 3 weeks!
-Jared, Mankato, MN
“Already Seeing a Huge Improvement”
Until I found you I had been using Mederma for months to try to fade a large scar on the side of my leg. I was wondering why it wasn’t working for me, but now I know. I started using your guide just a few weeks ago and already I’m seeing a huge improvement. I can’t believe  how fast it’s working!
-Samantha, West Palm Beach, FL
“I’ll Never Pay for Another Scar Cream”
Initially I was skeptical about some of the techniques you recommend in this guide. That was until I tried them. Holy cow! After only 8 weeks I’m, frankly, stunned at how well this worked on a scar I’ve had forever. So happy I‘ll never have to pay for another scar cream again.
-Jackie, San Diego, CA
“EVERYONE is Noticing”
You’re the best Sean! I honestly didn’t believe I could ever get rid of this ugly scar, but I decided to give your guide a try. It took a few months, but now everyone is noticing how much better my scar looks! It’s hard to believe how much it’s finally fading after all these years.
-Mark, Portland, Oregon
“My Acne Scars Are Gone”
I couldn’t believe that it could really be this simple to get rid of a scar, especially acne scars.  When I  found your site I assumed it was just another scam because I had already tried every scar treatment product out there. You name it, I’ve tried it. Luckily, I was wrong this time! I’m only 2 months in and my acne scars are almost GONE.
-Jake, Ontario, Canada
The Scar SolutionTM is not like any other product out there. It’s the result of months of in-depth research, testing, and personal trial and error. Yes, I’ve backed every page with medical studies and scientific research, but I’ve also gone so far as to this on my own scars to confirm their effectiveness. I know from personal experience that my system works!
Get Your Confidence Back
It doesn’t matter how or where you got it. My program contains detailed tutorials for treating scars from any type of skin damage, including:
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Acne Scars
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Facial Scars
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Cut Scars
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Burn Scars
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Scrape Scars
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Stretch Marks
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Surgical Scars
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… just about ANY type of scar tissue you could possibly have!
The Scar SolutionTM is 100% Guaranteed or Your Money Back
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Just in case all this sounds too good to be true, we’re backing it with an unconditional 60 day money back guarantee!  We’re so confident that this is the best scar treatment product out there, we’re guaranteeing results!
If you don’t start seeing real, noticeable fading of your scars within 60 days, you can get a full refund.  It’s as simple as that. You’ll get instant access and can start today! This really is a risk-free offer, so what are you waiting for?
Your results are guaranteed.  You have nothing to lose!
Plus, Order Now and Get 4 FREE Bonuses!
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1) Moles, Warts, & Skin Tags No More!
Do you suffer from moles, warts, skin tags, and other skin irregularities? Would you like them gone? Well, you’re in luck!
This super effective treatment guide shows you exactly how to get rid of moles and other skin problems quickly and easily from your own home.
It’s all natural, safe, and totally painless. Plus, it doesn’t require any expensive surgeries, topical products, or doctor visits. Get rid of ugly skin irregularities and enjoy flawless skin faster than you ever thought possible!
2) Ageless
Skin looking dull and lifeless? Not feeling as young as you used to? Not a problem.
Ageless is your step-by-step guide to stopping and reversing the aging process in just 3 days. It contains loads of highly effective natural treatments that can take years off your appearing in no time.
Ever notice how celebrities never seem to age like the rest of us? Well now you can use the same secrets to rejuvinate and revitilize your youthful appearance and get the look you once had.
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3) The Metabolism Bible
Ever wonder why you used to be able to eat whatever you want and you wouldn’t gain weight? Now, it seems like if you even look at food you start packing on pounds. That my friend, is called metabolism.
This simple guide designed by a leading nutitionists will show you how to crank your metabolism into high gear so you can burn fat and lose weight like never before. The best part? You don’t have to starve yourself or follow any crazy fad diets. Get your inner furnace burning red hot and lose weight fast!
4) Understanding Acne This is a simple, straight forward guide that shows you exactly how to treat and prevent acne from every different cause.
Stop wasting your time with harsh cleansers and expensive acne products that just irritate and worsen your skin. Find out exactly what is causing your acne and how to make it disappear fast.  
Plus, learn many of the most common acne myths that you’re probably falling for and why they aren’t improving your complexion.
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The LAST Scar Treatment Product You’ll Ever Buy
So what are you waiting for?  You have nothing to lose but flawless skin.  Get your copy of The Scar SolutionTM today and you can be on your way to scar-free skin tomorrow.  It’s risk free, so try it today!
Order The Scar SolutionTM Now!
YES, I would like to quickly and naturally eliminate my scars for just $67 $37.
I understand that after ordering the The Scar Solution guide I’ll gain instant access to the download page with free updates FOR LIFE.
This is a RISK-FREE OFFER as The Scar Solution is backed by a 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. Try it for 60 days, and if you don’t see a noticeable improvement in your scars simply e-mail me for a full refund.  No questions asked!
I want to use your medically proven products and techniques to:
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Prevent scars from happening
Reduce visibility
Eliminate scars permanently
Get results FAST
Never suffer from scars again!
Retail Price $67 SALE Only $37
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A Note To The Buyer: “The Scar Solution” is a digital guide in PDF format which will become available to you INSTANTLY after purchasing the program.
If you have any questions or need tech support after purchasing, simply send me an email and I’ll get back to you within one business day.
To Healthy Scar-Free Skin,
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Medical Researcher & Former Scar Sufferer Author of The Scar Solution P.S. You have nothing to lose. The Scar SolutionTM is 100% guaranteed to work. Try it, and you’ll see for yourself that this is the most effective scar removal product out there.
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3ezentrum3-blog · 6 years
Doctor Announces a Breakthrough
Hello there Fellow Entrepreneurs!
Starting at July 24, 2008, I am eager to declare that I have been acquainted with a leap forward in the headway of drinking water filtration innovation. Out of the blue purged water that has been re-mineralized is a choice!
A prepared chiropractor, I have been very much aware of the wellbeing bargains encompassing decontaminated turn around osmosis water since its origin 60 years prior. In spite of the fact that it rinses the water of lethal and perilous poisons, switch osmosis expels essential minerals leaving the water acidic, not at all like nature's water which is antacid. Turn around osmosis might be compared to chemotherapy, in that it devastates both the great and terrible properties in water.
The mind-boggling prominence of filtered water throughout the last 15 to 20 years has added another measurement to the issue both in the domain of wellbeing and as for the earth. The dominant part of filtered water is sanitized by turn around osmosis plants requiring a lot of oil utilization and importation. Considerably further oil assets are required for the mass scale generation of plastic containers that are not biodegradable. Just 1 of every 5 plastic jugs ever achieves reusing. These plastic jugs have adversely affected the earth on a worldwide scale, in arrive fills and skimming canal boats all through our seas and conduits.
Our planet is in emergency. The extent of the natural issue has as of late incited and instructed authoritative bans on filtered water in certain US urban communities and states. This new headway couldn't have come at a superior time. This is a require an overall ban on filtered water combined with an instructive change to move toward a more wellbeing helpful and ecologically amicable drinking water elective.
As of recently, our decisions in water have been either contaminated and soluble or filtered and acidic, comprehensive of filtered water. Presently, out of the blue, refined re-mineralized antacid water is accessible and appropriate from your own particular tap! Home invert osmosis units have hitherto been not able give an adjusted water. This new use of re-mineralization is a hotly anticipated and truly necessary achievement.
Exploit this chance to be a rising star in this development against filtered water and toward a positive option. The principal US activities for this application in drinking water choices simply opened in San Diego, CA this year. We should get the message out across the country and to the world.
For more data on how you can be a piece of the arrangement and not the issue, if it's not too much trouble don't hesitate to get in touch with me in San Diego, CA at: 619-737-9557
My life has been committed to serving individuals. I anticipate sharing and associating with you.
To your Health and Wealth!
My name is Dr Ida L Spector. I am a prepared chiropractor who had been looking for a chance to speak to and advance an excellent wellbeing item. I am glad to speak to this leap forward in drinking water.
I am additionally a vocalist/musician whose unique music creations might be gotten to at: http://www.myspace.com/idaspector
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/master/Dr_Ida_L_Spector/211135
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1388141
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annyleonca · 6 years
16 Dispensaries That Deliver Marijuana in California
In late 2017, California voted to pass a law that legalized the recreational use of Marijuana. That law is now in effect, and a number of dispensaries in the state are open to business for all people above the age of 21.
These are sixteen of the best dispensaries that deliver marijuana in California.
The Herb Collective, Orange County
The Herb Collectiveis a premium online medical marijuana dispensary and delivery service in Orange County, California. We strive to provide premier care, service, and top-quality, premium-grade medical marijuana products directly to our members. Our mission is to provide our members with a safe and reliable resource for fulfilling their medical marijuana needs. We deliver to the Orange County, CA area.
The Herb Collective is a network of patients, caregivers, growers, advocates and enthusiasts with the exceeding passion for high-quality connoisseur medical marijuana. We would like to share that passion with you and make fulfilling your medical marijuana needs easy.
Harborside, Oakland
In 2006, entrepreneur Steve DeAngelo founded the Harborside dispensary in Oakland, California. Since that time, it's grown to become one of the largest dispensaries in the entire country. Harborside's mission has always been to build a world by the values that cannabis teaches, and offers their customers a huge range of options to fit each person's specific needs.
Harborside offers a huge range of both indica and sativa strains, although it's their edibles that helped them gain such a high reputation. They offer chocolates, pills, almonds, and so much more in a wide range of different strengths. Prices here are sometimes higher than other nearby dispensaries, yet it's the massive list of products that make it truly one of a kind. Deliveries must be over $50 within Oakland, $75 in nearby neighboring cities, or $100 in the larger East Bay.
Grass Roots Dispensary, San Francisco
The Grass Roots Dispensary in San Francisco is one of the most popular in the entire state of California. They offer one of the largest selection of marijuana products, and will deliver throughout San Francisco at highly reasonable prices.
As you might expect from a top California dispensary, Grass Roots offers a huge range of both flowers and edibles. Prices range around $21 for an 1/8th, and $3.50 for a high-dose cookie. This dispensary is perfect for those in the SF area, and it may not be long before they begin expanding south.
Goddess Delivers, Statewide
Goddess Delivers began in the LA region, yet they now deliver products across the entire state at great prices. Unlike some other California marijuana dispensaries, this company does not operate a brick-and-mortar shop. Instead, they provide their customers with a range of products through delivery incredibly fast.
Here, customers can choose from flowers, edibles, concentrates, and much more. Unfortunately, these products are only available to those with a valid medical license. In late 2018 the legal sales of cannabis will likely become legalized, in which case they will offer their services to anyone over the age of 21.
Coachella Church of Cannabis, San Jose
The Coachella Church of Cannabis is one of the few recognized Rastafarian churches in the United States, and now operates one of the most popular cannabis dispensaries that deliver in California. Fortunately, they also have great customer service that will explain exactly what's available.
This dispensary will deliver to the San Jose area at great prices. There's a reason why they've accumulated five-stars on Google reviews and may begin expanding their delivery service farther north in the coming months.
Harvest Bloom, Statewide
Harvest Bloom is another dispensary that only caters to those with a medical license. That may change in the coming months, which would open up all those over the age of 21 to their incredible products. At the moment, they deliver to the San Mateo and Santa Clara region at great prices.
Greenly, Los Angeles
The Greenly dispensary located in Los Angeles is thought to be one of the most sophisticated and technological marijuana delivery services in California. They offer free delivery services to most residents of LA, and allow you to track your driver to monitor exactly when they will arrive to your door.
Greenly offers a huge number of different marijuana products. Their vape products are highly popular, costing around $40 for a .5 gram vape cartridge.
Natural Green ReLeaf, Bay Area
The Bay Area is filled with great marijuana delivery services, and the Natural Green ReLeaf is one of the best. They serve only those with valid medical cards, though that will likely change in the future.
They serve all the Bay Area cities that have passed the sale of marijuana, and offer $10 off all new patient's first orders. Furthermore, they are giving all customers that refer a friend one free pre-rolled joint.
Yerba, Bay Area
Another popular marijuana delivery service in the Bay Area is Yerba. Leafly has praised this company for its great customer service and wide range of different products.
For the time being, Yerba will only offer their services to those with a medical license. They also offer a great loyalty program for customers.
Tops Cannabis Delivery, Chino
Those in Southern California that want their marijuana delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner might want to consider using Tops Cannabis Delivery. This company is based in Chino, and have become one of the most popular dispensaries in just over four years of business.
Tops offers a huge range of flowers and edibles. They will deliver only to those with a medical license at the moment, although their website states their intention to change this as soon as new laws regarding recreational marijuana sales are passed.
CannaHealth, Pleasant Hill
CannaHealth opened in 2011, and now boats a huge customer base in the Bay Area. They offer a massive list of different marijuana strains and products, and regularly update their deals to keep both new and existing customers happy.
This is one of the few dispensaries that deliver in California that will actually provide people with their own medical license. Simply send in your ID and a doctor's form they provide. CannaHealth is one of the best marijuana delivery companies operating right now in Northern California.
Vallejo Hollistic Health Center, Vallejo
In recent years, the Vallejo Hollistic Health Center has become a great choice for Northern California locals. They operate a brick-and-mortar store, yet it's their delivery service that's earned them such a good reputation.
They offer their delivery products only to those with a medical card. Every day of the week, the Vallejo Hollistic Health Center offers fantastic deals of 10% off different products.
A Green Alternative, San Diego
Deep in Southern California sits a fantastic marijuana delivery service with a massive list of different products. As is the case with most dispensaries, this company will deliver only to medical patients with a valid card.
The range of flower strains here is great, and their edibles make them truly stand out. They offer bars, beef jerky, chocolates, and so much more. A Green Alternative is one of the few dispensaries in California that deliver so far south, and is a great option for locals and tourists in the area.
Kushfly Medical Marijuana Delivery, Los Angeles
As the name suggests, Kushfly Medical Marijuana Delivery caters only to those with a medical marijuana license. Since their opening, they've grown to become one of the top LA dispensaries with one of the largest selection of products in California.
The delivery service is limited only to the LA area. They've formed partnerships with some of the top edible brands including Venice Cookie Company and G Farma Labs, ensuring their products are of the best quality. Prices here are fantastic and their customer service is one of the best in the business.
2ONE2 California Street Medical Cannabis, San Francisco
2ONE2 California Street Medical Cannabis is another tremendous SF dispensary providing locals with incredible products. Their delivery service is cost-efficient and quick, with many customers praising their great selection of different oils and concentrates.
Mercy Wellness of Cotati, Cotati
This dispensary opened up just seven years ago to become the first marijuana dispensary in Sonoma County to offer their products to anyone over the age of 21. That includes their delivery service, which is now one of their primary focuses as a company.
Mercy Wellness offers a huge list of products to their customers. Prices are generally around $45 for an 1/8th of top-quality flowers and $6 for a standard edible. Those in the Sonoma County region will be pleased to find this company has amazing customer service and safe, secure delivery options.
There are now many dispensaries that deliver in California, and many more likely to open up as new laws are passed in the coming months. Check out the ones available in your area today!
from News About Marijuana https://www.theherbcollectiveoc.com/single-post/2018/06/01/16-Dispensaries-That-Deliver-Marijuana-in-California
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johnlalford11 · 6 years
16 Dispensaries That Deliver Marijuana in California
In late 2017, California voted to pass a law that legalized the recreational use of Marijuana. That law is now in effect, and a number of dispensaries in the state are open to business for all people above the age of 21.
These are sixteen of the best dispensaries that deliver marijuana in California.
The Herb Collective, Orange County
The Herb Collectiveis a premium online medical marijuana dispensary and delivery service in Orange County, California. We strive to provide premier care, service, and top-quality, premium-grade medical marijuana products directly to our members. Our mission is to provide our members with a safe and reliable resource for fulfilling their medical marijuana needs. We deliver to the Orange County, CA area.
The Herb Collective is a network of patients, caregivers, growers, advocates and enthusiasts with the exceeding passion for high-quality connoisseur medical marijuana. We would like to share that passion with you and make fulfilling your medical marijuana needs easy.
Harborside, Oakland
In 2006, entrepreneur Steve DeAngelo founded the Harborside dispensary in Oakland, California. Since that time, it's grown to become one of the largest dispensaries in the entire country. Harborside's mission has always been to build a world by the values that cannabis teaches, and offers their customers a huge range of options to fit each person's specific needs.
Harborside offers a huge range of both indica and sativa strains, although it's their edibles that helped them gain such a high reputation. They offer chocolates, pills, almonds, and so much more in a wide range of different strengths. Prices here are sometimes higher than other nearby dispensaries, yet it's the massive list of products that make it truly one of a kind. Deliveries must be over $50 within Oakland, $75 in nearby neighboring cities, or $100 in the larger East Bay.
Grass Roots Dispensary, San Francisco
The Grass Roots Dispensary in San Francisco is one of the most popular in the entire state of California. They offer one of the largest selection of marijuana products, and will deliver throughout San Francisco at highly reasonable prices.
As you might expect from a top California dispensary, Grass Roots offers a huge range of both flowers and edibles. Prices range around $21 for an 1/8th, and $3.50 for a high-dose cookie. This dispensary is perfect for those in the SF area, and it may not be long before they begin expanding south.
Goddess Delivers, Statewide
Goddess Delivers began in the LA region, yet they now deliver products across the entire state at great prices. Unlike some other California marijuana dispensaries, this company does not operate a brick-and-mortar shop. Instead, they provide their customers with a range of products through delivery incredibly fast.
Here, customers can choose from flowers, edibles, concentrates, and much more. Unfortunately, these products are only available to those with a valid medical license. In late 2018 the legal sales of cannabis will likely become legalized, in which case they will offer their services to anyone over the age of 21.
Coachella Church of Cannabis, San Jose
The Coachella Church of Cannabis is one of the few recognized Rastafarian churches in the United States, and now operates one of the most popular cannabis dispensaries that deliver in California. Fortunately, they also have great customer service that will explain exactly what's available.
This dispensary will deliver to the San Jose area at great prices. There's a reason why they've accumulated five-stars on Google reviews and may begin expanding their delivery service farther north in the coming months.
Harvest Bloom, Statewide
Harvest Bloom is another dispensary that only caters to those with a medical license. That may change in the coming months, which would open up all those over the age of 21 to their incredible products. At the moment, they deliver to the San Mateo and Santa Clara region at great prices.
Greenly, Los Angeles
The Greenly dispensary located in Los Angeles is thought to be one of the most sophisticated and technological marijuana delivery services in California. They offer free delivery services to most residents of LA, and allow you to track your driver to monitor exactly when they will arrive to your door.
Greenly offers a huge number of different marijuana products. Their vape products are highly popular, costing around $40 for a .5 gram vape cartridge.
Natural Green ReLeaf, Bay Area
The Bay Area is filled with great marijuana delivery services, and the Natural Green ReLeaf is one of the best. They serve only those with valid medical cards, though that will likely change in the future.
They serve all the Bay Area cities that have passed the sale of marijuana, and offer $10 off all new patient's first orders. Furthermore, they are giving all customers that refer a friend one free pre-rolled joint.
Yerba, Bay Area
Another popular marijuana delivery service in the Bay Area is Yerba. Leafly has praised this company for its great customer service and wide range of different products.
For the time being, Yerba will only offer their services to those with a medical license. They also offer a great loyalty program for customers.
Tops Cannabis Delivery, Chino
Those in Southern California that want their marijuana delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner might want to consider using Tops Cannabis Delivery. This company is based in Chino, and have become one of the most popular dispensaries in just over four years of business.
Tops offers a huge range of flowers and edibles. They will deliver only to those with a medical license at the moment, although their website states their intention to change this as soon as new laws regarding recreational marijuana sales are passed.
CannaHealth, Pleasant Hill
CannaHealth opened in 2011, and now boats a huge customer base in the Bay Area. They offer a massive list of different marijuana strains and products, and regularly update their deals to keep both new and existing customers happy.
This is one of the few dispensaries that deliver in California that will actually provide people with their own medical license. Simply send in your ID and a doctor's form they provide. CannaHealth is one of the best marijuana delivery companies operating right now in Northern California.
Vallejo Hollistic Health Center, Vallejo
In recent years, the Vallejo Hollistic Health Center has become a great choice for Northern California locals. They operate a brick-and-mortar store, yet it's their delivery service that's earned them such a good reputation.
They offer their delivery products only to those with a medical card. Every day of the week, the Vallejo Hollistic Health Center offers fantastic deals of 10% off different products.
A Green Alternative, San Diego
Deep in Southern California sits a fantastic marijuana delivery service with a massive list of different products. As is the case with most dispensaries, this company will deliver only to medical patients with a valid card.
The range of flower strains here is great, and their edibles make them truly stand out. They offer bars, beef jerky, chocolates, and so much more. A Green Alternative is one of the few dispensaries in California that deliver so far south, and is a great option for locals and tourists in the area.
Kushfly Medical Marijuana Delivery, Los Angeles
As the name suggests, Kushfly Medical Marijuana Delivery caters only to those with a medical marijuana license. Since their opening, they've grown to become one of the top LA dispensaries with one of the largest selection of products in California.
The delivery service is limited only to the LA area. They've formed partnerships with some of the top edible brands including Venice Cookie Company and G Farma Labs, ensuring their products are of the best quality. Prices here are fantastic and their customer service is one of the best in the business.
2ONE2 California Street Medical Cannabis, San Francisco
2ONE2 California Street Medical Cannabis is another tremendous SF dispensary providing locals with incredible products. Their delivery service is cost-efficient and quick, with many customers praising their great selection of different oils and concentrates.
Mercy Wellness of Cotati, Cotati
This dispensary opened up just seven years ago to become the first marijuana dispensary in Sonoma County to offer their products to anyone over the age of 21. That includes their delivery service, which is now one of their primary focuses as a company.
Mercy Wellness offers a huge list of products to their customers. Prices are generally around $45 for an 1/8th of top-quality flowers and $6 for a standard edible. Those in the Sonoma County region will be pleased to find this company has amazing customer service and safe, secure delivery options.
There are now many dispensaries that deliver in California, and many more likely to open up as new laws are passed in the coming months. Check out the ones available in your area today!
from News About Marijuana https://www.theherbcollectiveoc.com/single-post/2018/06/01/16-Dispensaries-That-Deliver-Marijuana-in-California
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rickklane · 7 years
Why Does California Smell Like Australia?
June 19th, 2017|0 Comments
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By Doyle Irvin, American Forests
A eucalyptus grove. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
THE SHORT ANSWER IS, of course, the eucalyptus trees that cover the state from head to toe. The long answer is a history of colonization, of flora and fauna, of invasive species and attempts to resist them, of faulty research and fiscal ambitions, of public perception and eco-activist espionage.
Europeans first set foot for California in large numbers during the 1700s, but it wasn’t until the Gold Rush of 1849 that the population of invasive species really spiraled upwards. Prior to the Gold Rush, there were roughly 7,000 people of mixed-European descent living in the region. The 1860 census recorded 379,994 residents, with somewhere between 80 to 90 percent of those having arrived in the last decade, due to the Rush. Today, more than 38 million people live in the state.
What does this have to do with eucalyptus? Well, when you look at the numbers of vegetative invasive species, their spread resembles the human statistics. According to Teisha Rowland, a biologist at the University of Colorado, there were 16 non-native species in California by the early-1800s, and the number jumped to more than 130 by 1860. Today, there are more than 1,000.
The unique, colorful tree quickly became popular in Europe. Credit: Pay No Mind/Flickr
Specimens of eucalyptus reached the Western world during the 1770s, from Australia. They were quickly quite popular. The groves growing along the Australian coast were discovered to be quality timber, especially because some variants among the species can reach more than 300 feet tall (that’s a lot of wood!). The first recorded eucalyptus planting in California was in 1853, in the Golden Gate Nursery.
The Gold Rush depleted much of California’s old groves (miners eventually need houses, too) and sent many businessmen in the state looking for replacements. They settled upon the eucalyptus, believing it would have a wide variety of uses — everything from basic timber to industrial oils. Newspapers commented that “there is a pretty chance to make a fortune in the growing of gum trees.” Commercial plantings of the blue gum eucalyptus began in the 1870s.
What chiefly excited the entrepreneurs of the more than 100 companies that ended up planting eucalyptus was that the trees grew extremely quickly, and, once chopped down, would grow right back up without requiring a replanting — it seemed a wonder crop. A century or so later, these aspects of the eucalyptus would not seem so wondrous, but they convinced many at the time to plant the Australian tree. One notable example, Frank C. Havens, planted millions of eucalypts across 14 miles in Berkeley and Oakland.
A photo of Frank C. Havens from Localwiki.
Planning to harvest the trees for lumber, perhaps for use in shipbuilding or housing, Havens quickly found out that it would all be useless. Young eucalyptus wood has very different qualities than old eucalyptus; the millions he planted could not be quickly turned into boats like the trees in Australia, which were frequently over a century old before being harvested.
The tragic part of his story is that he began planting in 1910, long after the first commercial ventures in the 1870s had disproven the tree as a quality source of lumber. The mills and nurseries he opened closed shop in 1914. He wasn’t the only one: The city of San Diego planted millions of the trees around the same time as Havens, and continued planting into the Roaring Twenties, planning to use the wood for railroad ties. The timber warped and broke, unusable. San Diego eventually recouped its investment by selling off the forested land as estates to Hollywood celebrities.
Californian middle age — a eucalyptus in the Berkeley hills. Credit: John Andrew Rice
This marked the transition for the tree into its Californian middle age. Scientists during the 1800s hawked the tree as an antiseptic, deodorant, anti-spasmodic, expectorant and stimulant; also as a cure for insomnia, dysentery, tuberculosis, diphtheria, bladder infections, venereal disease and malaria. And even though it does have legitimate medicinal uses, by the end of the 1920s, Californians were coming to terms with its chief use: It looks good while it breaks wind.
“In the reclamation of many arid plains of the central and southern parts of California the blue gum has worked almost like magic,” tobacco-heir and eucalyptus-proselytizer Abbot Kinney wrote in his book, “Eucalyptus.” “It modifies the winds, breaks the lines of view all so quickly that one can scarcely realize that a valley of clustered woods and lines of trees was but a year or two before a brown parched expanse of shadeless summer dust.”
This optimism for the tree continued even through the 1960s, as even the nature writer for the San Francisco Chronicle, Harold Gilliam, wrote to attest that “the Eucalyptus seems an indispensable element of this State’s landscapes, as indigenously Californian as the redwoods, the poppy fields, the long white coastal beaches, the gleaming granite of the High Sierra.”
Jared Farmer details the change in public perception in his book, “Trees in Paradise.” He posits that the deep freeze in the early-1970s first showed Californians how indestructible the trees truly were. Assumed dead, the eucalypts were set to be removed — until it was discovered that only the above ground elements of the tree had deceased. Thus the Californians learned that only repeated and regular treatments of pesticide to the roots could get rid of the eucalyptus. Cutting them down or burning them would not.
Of course, their indestructibility was the reason they were planted in the first place, back in the 1870s. We can’t hold their selective memories against the Californians, however: something about this tree just sponsors being a step or two out of touch with reality, which may be why the National Park Service first decided to announce their intentions to destroy the trees in 1986 — on Arbor Day.
Since then, several efforts to clear parts of the state of the invasive trees have gained momentum, before eventually derailing in the face of the enormity of the task (and its side-effects: the poison required would certainly affect other species). Some of the efforts have succeeded, but most have been curtailed. San Francisco’s Angel Island, for example, was cleared of all eucalypts — except for a 6-acre plot deemed “historic.” Given that, one wonders what exactly “history” means.
Part of the problem in this debate is that there is confusion about the eucalyptus’ impact on the ecosystem.
Because the tree can be poisonous to local flora and fauna, are the eucalyptus choking out native, non-adapted species?
Did all of the excessive leaf litter created by the trees fuel the 1991 Oakland Fire Storm?
Are underground enviro-radicals importing destructive insects from Australia to wipe out the trees?
Eucalyptus leaf litter is particularly flammable. Credit: John Andrew Rice
In typical fashion, the answers for all of these questions are simultaneously yes, no and maybe — to all of them: Ecosystems are incredibly diverse, and California has many different types; the homes affected by the Oakland Fire Storm were cited by FEMA as the primary source of fuel, but eucalyptus litter is especially flammable; and who knows what sort of samizdat underground eco-activists might be distributing. One thing, however, is for sure: Something definitely smells.
And it smells like Australia.
The post Why Does California Smell Like Australia? appeared first on American Forests.
from American Forests http://www.americanforests.org/blog/california-smell-like-australia/
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