Rachael Simmons
68 posts
Playing cards brief
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Remediation professional presentation of cards
I used Adobe fresco to present my final playing cards back and box, u decided to change the layout in the one with the box because it didn’t fit them all in so I bunched them cards together but I also added in the cards and back on a slide to show each suit clearly. I also wanted to present my cards on a plain background so I went for a neutral grey and just added a small design of lavender at the bottom because I didn’t want a bit design that would take away from the focus of the cards and I like that the lavender matches the purple colour theme.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
Choice of concept and reasoning
I have decided to take forward concept 1 my floral theme. I have really been liking the work I have been producing on my iPad which include the female body and face and I feel like this is my strongest work so far and will really work well for my finals. I’m happy with the style and colour choice can be versatile as I have such an open and full range theme to focus on. I intend to continue to work digitally because this is the easier way to produce the work I am creating in said style and I am finding it so much easier to work this way.
I have also remediated my brief. 
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
For this block we have been asked to create our own brief and timeline to work with, i feel like creating my own brief gave me a plan to work with I was able to look back and have a basic structure to what I was working with, however having my timeline I did try to stick to it and I used it to know when certain deadlines were and when I should be working with each concept however since we had an extended deadline I stopped using the timeline and started working on my own after the presentations because I felt like I was working with a different structure and deadlines and I didn’t go back in change the original timeline. The main aim for my playing cards was to create a deck of cards covering each suit clearly in my theme and style, I feel like I stuck to my concept since it was very open and ideas did flow easily I managed to create several decks in within my concept before coming to my final. I can see where I started and how my ideas went from prints and paintings and drawings to a more analog design which I much prefer and I can see the progress I made to get to my finals. I’m happy with my developmental work I feel like I covered a lot and used different mediums and styles before coming to my final. I realised while creating my developmental work that lino prints just weren’t working for me because I was trying to use thin lines and smaller floral designs which may have worked better as screen prints rather than lino prints because they were coming out a lot messier than what I wanted, however drawing my designs I was really happy with them and I found during the days where I had lack of motivation or I just couldn’t be bothered getting all of my sketchbooks and inks and different supplies to create work I was able to use my iPad and I was able to work at my own pace and I’m really happy with being able to work this way as I could digitally manipulate the images and create the cards with different drawing layers. I feel like at the beginning of this block my time management wasn’t too good and I had ideas but I just wasn’t sure how to execute them the way I wanted too and adjusting to not working in the studio environment with my lectures and peers was a big changed for me and getting the motivation to do everything myself was hard but after I got into a flow of things and became more confident in my designs I felt like the work flow was much easier and my time management was better, after the presentations I took different days to focus on each concept and this worked better. I’m very happy with my finals I have met the brief and feel confident in my design and colour scheme, I have managed to keep a theme and I feel like I worked well to stick to this. If I were to change anything it may be I would like to have had more physical work and not all analog, I would like to have created a box because I feel like the layout of the design was good and it linked to the card design and colour theme however the box is the only part I’m not completely happy with.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
Box and back of the card final design
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I kept the back of my card this design and haven’t really experimented with anything else as I feel like it fits my playing cards really well, I like the design of the outline of the flowers and u like the water color wash underneath the flowers in spots as it adds a splash of color to my cards while keeping with the simple design on the front and not taking away from that as it matches well.
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The box I have decided to use the purple color I used on the cards as the main color on the box, and with the small gap at the top of the cards I added the design from the back of the cards. I also added in main parts of the cards like all four suits around the box which when the box folds out will be the sides and top of the box. I also added in an unused face design that I had developed but didn’t make into a card so I decided to use that rather than repeating the card designs.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Final card suit
These are my finalized digital mock ups of my cards, including all suits and examples of the purple colored card which would also be represented in my deck of cards. I decided on the purple color for my cards as I felt like while doing my research I had a lot of purple undertones in my flowers as well as just really liking the way it looks with my style. Overall I would say I’m really happy with these designs and if I had access to the studio I could use these designs as really pretty screen prints on textiles.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Final development complimentary color testing
After creating my final cards I realized I needed a colored card too, I decided to make the flower suit and the number the color but I wasn’t sure on what color to use so I tried the basic red card and I do really like this I think it makes more of a connection to playing cards since I have changed mine so much from a normal deck of cards but because of this I don’t want to use red, I want to use a more pastel complimentary color like the purple or yellow because I feel like this suits my cards way more and I will be able to use this more like on the box for my cards.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
Final development
After developing both of my concepts and experimenting with different ideas and mediums I’ve decided to take my first concept of flowers onto my final cards and presentation. I feel like my first concept has had a more finalised and professional look after creating some cards which I am aiming for in my final piece. I also feel like my second concept pop culture I was really enjoying and i honestly felt like I would have way more ideas for that theme than I actually did, I was starting to come to a mental block of ideas. I also feel that I am more confident and happy with the work I am producing for the first concept. I’m happy however that I did work on two concepts for the entirety of this block because it forced me to carry out new ideas and work with a bigger development workload which I haven’t really done before to this extent.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 2000s pop culture
Hearts development
After drawing the heart hair clip I really liked the way it had the different lines and shapes and I thought it would work really well as a simple lino print, I decided to do one as well where I over lapped it and like the way it sits on top of one another with the gaps to show the under layers.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 pop culture card development
These are some card I have created with the developmental drawings I have created during the week. I tried to keep a different suit drawing in each card and make that the main focal point. However I didn’t really stick to a colour theme which I don’t really like because I feel like they would work better together if they matched a bit more but I do think they show the original suit well and I just added in a number in opposite corners so it would be clear.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 2000s pop culture suit development
For these I picked some of my favourite pieces from my developmental drawings for the diamonds and club suits and used posca pens to colour them. These were the suits I wasn’t 100% happy with so I choose a few that I actually liked and used posca pens to take them further with colour and fix some details that I originally wanted to show more. I’m happy with these and I have enough to create a deck of cards.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 2000s pop culture logo development for spade suit.
For these I developed the colour better with posca pens and pastels. I’m really happy with the way these came out and I added the original logo for reference so you can see the changed I made to match the spade suit.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 2000s pop culture
Hearts development
While adding colour and detail to my drawings of my representative objects from the era to show the heart suit I decided to use different mediums to see what worked best for my images because I was doing a lot of experimentation with this suit idea anyway.
For the phone image I decided to use acrylic paint and I felt like I lost some detail because I couldn’t get the smallest details that I wanted and I had to go back in with a posca pen for the writing on the phone because there was no way I could write that with paint. Overall I do like how it came out and I stuck to greys because normal flip phones are just silver / grey but u did add pink to the heart to draw attention to it as it is the part of the phone that’s representing the heart the most.
For the tamagotchi I decided to try and use pastels which is something I don’t use very often and I felt a little out of control while using them because they were so messy and u couldn’t really get sharp lines or fine details like I wanted and I didn’t really like the fact that they were really hard to blend, every time I used my finger it just wiped it off rather than blending together. I think I’ll try again with pastels in the future however with this I just didn’t like it and don’t think it looks as good as it could.
For the hair clip I just used acrylic paint because it was so small and basic anyway I didn’t want to do much to it while just adding colour because there wasn’t really anymore details I could add right now. However I feel like if I were to print this I could probably get some good reverse prints and overlapping prints because of the shapes of the clip.
For the game boy drawing I decided to add colour and detail in just using posca pens. I use posca pens for loads of stuff but I never really colour in with them and I was worried it may not work as well as I wanted it too because I have really thin tip ones but I do like the way it came out and I’m happy with it. I decided to colour in the game boy red as I used to have a red one when I was younger and I felt like I had used pink a lot with this suit, while doing research pink is a really popular colour for this era and it does fit in really well however I wanted to go from my memory of the early 2000s and I also wanted to add red because it is an original suit colour and is heavily connected to the colour of a heart.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 : 2000s pop culture
Spade development images in order. Headphones, cbbc logo, bebo logo, old computer.
For the spade development I have used the shape of a spade to change the shape of circle logos and objects and I found this one quite easy to change and add too objects from the 2000s. I really enjoyed this suit and creating and thinking of ideas flowed a lot easier than I imagined. I also drew an old computer and used a game to make the suit clear which matched well with the computer rather than changing the shape like the other objects. I’m more happy with the logo ones I created in this suit and would like to develop these ones further because they are the clearest with the theme and suit.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 : 2000s pop culture
Club development- objects in order of images, club penguin, care bear, my little pony, croc shoe.
For the club development I decided to look at characters because I felt like adding in a club which looked a lot like a clover which is quite popular within cartoon characters where quite easy to swap out and replace with the club suit. I decided to also try and draw a croc shoe which had pop in accessories that I used to have when I was younger which also had a clover add on but I found it was easy to replace and add in the clover within my objects I decided to sketch however I did find it a little tricky to keep a flow of ideas for characters to use for this suit, this isn’t my favourite out of the drawings I’ve done for my suit development compared to my last ones.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2: 2000s pop culture
Diamond suit images in order : MP3 player, sims 2, video tape, groovy chick.
For the diamond suit I looked more at media from the early 2000s and Incorporated movies and music and video games while trying to keep the shape of a diamond to represent the original playing card suit. I found this quite hard to have a heavy flow of ideas because it was starting to get more focused on the object rather than the suit when I started with the hearts which were a lot clearer with the suit however I managed to get four objects from the diamond shape and I’m happy overall with the way these are coming along I’m just not 100% sure on the next steps of development.
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Concept 2 2000s pop culture
Heart development
List of objects in order: Flip phone, tamagotchi, hair clip and game boy.
I decided to look at accessories and iconic electronics from the early 2000s that were easily associated with my theme. I decided to create these suits using the heart icon in different styles that I could later develop further into cards. I’m really happy with these drawings and the attention to detail I have put into these, to develop these further I could paint them or digitally draw them to create the next step to later make into a card suit. However as a first step I am happy with these and feel quite confident that I will be able to create more suits in this style with the diamond suit also however I think I may struggle creating a club and spade in this style as I’m not sure how I would modernise them into objects like this. I’ll definitely look into it further as I go on. 
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rachaelsimart2 · 4 years ago
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Card development concept 1 flowers
Using previously made lino print suits and developmental work I decided to digitally edit them together and make different versions of playing cards. I tried different focal points, I tried some with a colour and just the picture of my work in the middle but I thought that looked strange so then I tried ones with the images of my work as the background of my work but I thought this made the suit and numbers hard to see and wasn’t as clear as the other way. I’m also not really happy with the number placement with these cards, I felt like everywhere I put the numbers it just looked really out of place and strange. But I am happy I managed to use these lino prints suits and actually take them further than just an idea however I don’t think I’ll take this development further but it was a good experiment to see what was working for me.
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