synthwwavve · 1 year
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Bo-Katan Week free day: alternate prompt "Death Watch" and belated day 5 "Mand'alor" 💀👑
mand'alor!Bo and nite owl!Pre clan/role swap au concept I've been thinking about 🦅🦉
I really just wanted an excuse to draw my trashlords in this ref pose lol
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The reason The Lawless arc of The Clone Wars is so incredible is because narratively-speaking it forms a perfect self-contained tragedy no matter which character's perspective it's from:
For Satine, it's a political tragedy in the style of Richard II, focusing on a conflict between vying factions and the fall of a well-intentioned ruler, but also with echoes of Dido, Queen of Carthage in the sense that it's ultimately not the politics that screws her over as much as it is the doomed love story.
For Maul, it's a revenge tragedy like Hamlet, in which his desire for revenge on Obi-Wan ends up not only doing harm to innocents (like Satine) but also to himself and his own family (as with Savage's death).
For Obi-Wan, he's the object of the revenge tragedy while also being trapped in his own Orpheus-and-Eurydice "you can't save her no matter how hard you try" narrative.
For Bo-Katan, it's about how her pride and ambition prevents her from seeing right from wrong and from noticing the writing on the wall until it's too late to stop the events which have been set in motion and too late to save her sister. It's the idea of a royal house torn apart by betrayal, remorse, and the dashed hopes of reconciliation.
For Pre Vizsla, it's similar to Macbeth in that his desire for power and his designs on the throne end up being his downfall.
In these episodes, every character is the tragic hero of their own little disaster, and I think that is just so cool.
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darth-memes · 5 months
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 1 year
Crackfic wherein obi wan really has slept with every single candidate for Mandalorian leadership and also with Maul, who is discovering this as he attempts to take over mandalore
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tarre-was-right · 3 months
Propaganda List
Green text = I have received propaganda *
Orange text = I have received some propaganda, but not much **
Red text = Still no propaganda ***
For those with screenreaders or with color blindness of some sort, I will have the asterisks instead.
Submit some propaganda for who should really be leading Mandalore! Get your friends to join in!
The characters participating are listed below:
Satine Kryze *
Jango Fett **
Jaster Mereel **
Tarre VIzsla *
Bo-Katan Kryze *
Din Djarin **
The Armorer *
Korkie Kryze **
Tor Vizsla *** (I did technically get propaganda but it is just one word so I'm not counting it lmao)
Pre Vizsla *
Ursa Wren **
Sabine Wren **
Commander Cody *
Boba Fett **
Captain Rex **
Alpha-17 **
Remember, this is about who is best suited to lead Mandalore, not who is going to win a physical fight.
YOU CAN STILL SUBMIT PROPAGANDA FOR GREEN LINES. I just want people to have an indicator of what's still needed. Yellow is mostly "I got a short paragraph" and green is "someone is holding back with great will from sending me a 3000 word essay."
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sapphicsparkles · 8 months
"Bo-Katan isn't mean" Okay because I'm so tired of hearing this:
[/mēn/] adjective: unkind, spiteful, or unfair. vicious or aggressive in behaviour. Not mean? Okay definitely not vicious or aggressive in behavior Like her first appearance where she's part of Death Watch, a terrorist group and slaps Ahsoka's ass without consent to demean her?
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Or when she shoves Ahsoka to the ground and *laughs* in a tent where Death Watch (including Bo-Katan) has stolen women from the local village on Carlac and put them into forced servitude?
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OR when she helps slaughter the village and burn down said village for asking Death Watch to leave them alone? (that's her on top of the roof)?
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Or after when she tried to kill Ahsoka and Lux for trying to help the villagers and leave?
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Or when she aided in a plot to cause intentional destruction and fear to manipulate the people of Mandalore into deposing her own sister and overturn Satine's very successful government that ended the clan wars (the Traditionalists then were given the lush moon of Concordia and their own political agency and government in which Pre Vizsla was the governor)? Then forcefully deposed Satine at gunpoint after she had abdicated because of the will of the people who no longer accepted her rule due to the manipulation of public perception by Death Watch.
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While Bo-Katan was likely traumatized by the Mandalorian Civil War/Clan Wars at a young age and there's no solid canon evidence but It's widely believed by fans that Bo-Katan was groomed and/or radicalized by Pre into DW from a young age--even if you believe this, IT DOES NOT EXCUSE HER HORRIFIC ACTIONS. None of it justifies her wrongdoing. She still had agency.
Okay so what about unkind or unfair?
Surely that can't apply to her sarcastic comment to Ahsoka when approaching her after she had watched her struggle on Kessel and made no move to assister her, only watching her to use her to fight back against Maul and reclaim Mandalore. While she does respect and befriend Ahsoka by the end of the Siege, she still initially saw her as someone to be used for her agenda.
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Or when she uses Obi-Wan's guilt over his relationship with Satine to convince him to aid her forces in retaking Mandalore, which Republic intervention would disintegrate treaties over a hundred years old and start another war on top of the ongoing Clone Wars. Which to her was a legitimate, even desperate method to reclaim her planet from Maul who was only serving his own agenda, but it wasn't a very nice way to do it. In some ways Bo-Katan is justified in how she is mean, but it doesn't make her not mean.
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Then there's her anger towards Sabine after she discovering what the Duchess does and that Sabine created it (after hearing how guilt ridden she is and how she already destroyed it.) Was her anger valid, oh yeah. Was it kind and and fair? No.
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What about in The Mandalorian you ask? She's not a literal terrorist anymore in the Mandalorian. She's surely not still spiteful or unkind. Definitely not when she insulted Din's religious beliefs and way of life and called the COTW a cult.
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Or when she took credit for killing that one guy's brother without any remorse.
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Or when she changed the terms of her agreement with Din and forced him into helping her by withholding the agreed upon information after Din upheld his side of the deal. Which was her plan all along. And then on top of that, mocks him by using his own mantra.
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And then there's the disdainful opinion she has of Din and her own superiority.
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Only agreeing to help Din save his kid when he has something to offer her to serve her own agenda. Which again, valid but not something she does out of the kindness of her heart.
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Oh and then she's so direct and straightforward to Boba, not mean at all.
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Then in season 3 when Din shows up to help her reclaim Mandalore the first thing she does is take out her anger on him and once again insult his religion/COTW and invalidate his belief that the Mines will restore his place in his religion. All unnecessary.
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TO BE EXTREMELY CLEAR: I'm not discrediting Bo-Katan's personal progress into a better person or when she does do good--a hero even by the end of Mando season 3--that's the whole point of a redemption arc, you have to be redeemed from something. And at her core is a commitment to Mandalore, but you can't ignore the cruelty and ego and dare I say it meanness that has gone with it, that's the beauty of her complexity is that she can be a character that grows and evolves and becomes honorable and also still be bitchy. Bo-Katan doesn't have to be morally squeaky clean or a victim to enjoy her character and her sometimes ruthless determination for Mandalore or appreciate her compassionate aspects and letting go of her ego. She's not an easily consumable or morally black and white character. This is in fact, what I love about her.
Thank you @armoralor for assistance with the screenshots from The Mandalorian!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months
I'm still thinking about that post from earlier because, really, as someone who has been into DR for far too long at this point, it is tiring and disheartening to see new fans embarrassed or nervous to post. I can't tell you how many times Ive seen fan posts couched with captions like "sorry I like DR now" or "this game sucks lol' or "I hated dr but I like x." And like, I get it, I really do. I felt that way too when I first joined the fandom, and obviously there is a lot to criticize about this series. But it is sad to see so much apprehension talking about liking something or a part of something that you feel the need to add negativity like that to an otherwise positive post. And its exhausting to see as a fan when you have to see it over and over and over again.
This isn't even an in-fandom problem which makes it kinda hard to do anything about too? Almost everyone who posts like this is new to the fandom or just passing through. It's just DR's reputation as "completely irredeemable trash media" that makes people feel that way, and its sad. I just wish people who are clearly feeling genuine positive emotions about DR could let themselves feel those things without the fear of being sent to tumblr hell for the sin of liking a piece of media that's not perfect.
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If the Mandalore story in The Clone Wars was live action
(A group effort by the Obitine server ❤️)
Satine Kryze: Cate Blanchett
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Ewan McGregor
Pre Vizsla: Paul Bettany (yeah, he’s Dryden Vos, I know. But look at his cheekbones! It’s too perfect! Also, I headcanon that Pre and Dryden are half-brothers, and you should too!)
Bo-Katan Kryze: Katee Sackhoff
Darth Ketchup: Ray Park & Sam Witwer
Darth Mustard: Clancy Brown
Almec: Charles Dance
Ahsoka: Laura Harrier
Korkie Kryze: Freddie Fox
Lagos: Lucy Boynton
Soniee: Katherine Langford
Amis: John Bell
Fenn Rau: Kevin McKidd (I’m sticking him in because I can)
Edean Tol’ket: Michael Ealy (from @the-obiwan-for-me’s She Said the Word series)
And bonus flashbacks of the Kryze parents (the artwork is mine and the full edit can be found here)
Adonai Kryze: Charlie Hunnam
Satine & Bo’s mother: Anna Torv
Seriously, Anna somehow looks like both Cate and Katee and it drives me insane.
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abagofmagictrix · 8 days
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Star Wars Villains in animation go so hard dude
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So about Satine and Mandalorian customs...
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She's mourning a dying enemy who just bombed a public place and killed/injured several people (and could have killed/injured her), and she's comforting him in his own language too. I can think of maybe one other Mandalorian who'd do something like that and it's Sabine (with a name that sounds like Satine, who's friends with the Jedi like Satine was).
Because unlike Bo-Katan "you're not Mandalorian" Kryze, Pre "that woman tarnishes the very name Mandalorian" Vizsla, Din "you're not Mandalorian" Djarin, Gar "fuck everybody who isn't me" Saxon, Paz "fate has brought this blade back to my clan, and now fate will end yours" Vizsla and her ladyship "then, you are a Mandalorian no more" the Armorer, and all the rest of the warriors, Satine actually cares about ALL the Mandalorians.
Not just the ones who agree with her, not just the ones who accept her authority and not just the ones who follow one and only one 'way.'
That doesn't mean she's ready to just let them run amok and do whatever they want (hence making Concordia its own province for the warriors, hence banning weapons for outsiders in the cities, hence calling rogue anybody who'd try to pull Mandalore into the war) but she freaking cares. She NEVER takes arms against another Mando or wishes harm on them, even as the traditionalists spend decades bombing their own people, fighting their own clans or houses for leadership, staging fake terrorist threats and putting people in danger, putting Sith or the Empire in power and then fighting those, and scorning any Mando not doing the same, all while professing to do that out of love for their people.
She actually cares, about ALL of them.
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synthwwavve · 1 year
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Bo-Katan Week day 2: Marriage
my big fat mando terrorist wedding 💍✨
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mearchy · 6 months
HCs about Tarre Vizsla are cool because we know virtually nothing about him except that he was taken from Mandalorian culture as a child, raised and trained as a Jedi (the people Mandalorians are convinced are their existential enemies) and then after being a fully-fledged, blooded and painted adult Jedi Knight, he showed up and became the Mand'alor. The leader of the entire Mandalorian people. Like, what??? the fuck ?? happened??? I know Mandalorian history is notoriously unstable (understatement of the century, moving on) but what kind of position do you have to be in to take a beloathed arch nemesis who nominally claims Mandalorian heritage as planetary leader? On the other hand, he could've just been so Fucking Chill that the Mandos were willing to overlook the glowing blade and the Temple affiliation and the force powers. Anyway I'm so intensely curious about him I love Tarre fics and hcs give me more, please,
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darth-memes · 2 months
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ladysqueakinpip · 8 months
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ive seen ppl call them DNA duo (which i love) but i also call them my mardi gras duo because of their color scheme ⚜️🟡🟢🟣 today is their day
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tarre-was-right · 3 months
Who's the Best Pick to Lead Mandalore?
Listen. Strange ghosts haunting a glowing sword, won in some stupid fight, is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some Jetii antique!
(run by @phoenixyfriend)
Best, in this case, is to mean the most suited to successfully lead Mandalore forward without fucking it over, for their given time or at least when they were up to possibly lead, and/or when they came into power.
We don't judge Sabine on the circumstances of Jaster's time, and we don't judge Din on the circumstances of Sabine's time holding the sword. We do judge Bo on multiple points of the timeline, but that's because she just kept on going for it. Satine can be judged for the time she came into power (the post-Jango/late-Tor era) more than the TCW Maul era.
I'm thinking of doing one poll per week, stretching this out over time.
You can submit propaganda in the ask box.
We are now voting in Satine vs Korkie.
Current state of the Bracket:
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Text Version Below:
Round One:
Match 1: Satine Kryze vs Pre Vizsla WINNER: SATINE
Match 2: Korkie Kryze vs Sabine Wren WINNER: KORKIE
Match 3: Bo-Katan Kryze vs Tor Vizsla WINNER: BO-KATAN
Match 4: Commander Cody vs Boba Fett WINNER: CODY
Match 5: Din Djarin vs Ursa Wren WINNER: URSA WREN
Match 6: Captain Rex vs Jaster Mereel WINNER: JASTER
Match 7: Tarre Vizsla vs The Armorer WINNER: TARRE
Match 8: Alpha-17 vs Jango Fett WINNER: ALPHA
Round Two:
Match 1: Satine Kryze vs Korkie Kryze Now Running!
Match 2: Bo-Katan Kryze vs TBD
Match 3: Ursa Wren vs Jaster Mereel
Match 4: TBD vs TBD
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droolingvenus · 4 days
People Who Deserve To Kill Palpatine and Who They Have Celebratory Sex With On His Desk After
Commander Fox: Guys, you KNOW this man deserves to off his shitty boss, thus living the fantasy of many, many people. I think that Senator Chuchi is an obvious choice, but she strikes me as not quite that type of lady, she would consider it, but I think she'd be more scared about getting caught than turned on by the possibility of it. Quinlan Vos would definitely be game to bang on Palpatine's desk, and if not with Fox, well, the Senate building should invest in some Jedi-proofing security measures, Quinlan would also be the one to leave some kind of evidence. He wants someone to know there was people doing the dirty on the dead man's desk, he strikes me as the type to get off on a little law breaking being involved.
More under the cut!
Padme Amidala: This woman trusted Palpatine immensely, and though that trust didn't last until her death, she still never expected Palpatine to be that kind of corrupt. Depending on what way things went, Anakin and her would be there to kill Palpatine together or Padme would do it herself because he took her beloved husband away from her. Afterwards, she and Anakin defile Palpatine's desk, or his desk chair, or both, or she finds someone else, probably someone she has a history or affection for, and lets herself feel some good feelings, knowing that she at least got the biggest threat to her galaxy out of the picture. And she's probably getting good sex afterwards, so she enjoys the day.
Bo-Katan: Palpatine basically allowed Maul to kill her sister and terrorize her people, and what happens to Mandalore after the end of the Clone War? Horrific. Palpatine can rot in hell just for that. I think, if she had Pre Vizsla around somehow (AU maybe?) he would be her first choice, because I do believe that she loved him, no matter how misguided that love was. If Vizsla wasn't available, Obi-Wan would be an option in her mind, he was screwed over by Palpatine too and it might not be out of the question for him to be the one helping her kill Palpatine. Proximity to the location and each other, the adrenaline of assassinating a Sith Lord, it's plausible to me.
Pretty much everyone Clone Commander/Captain and their Jedi General: Definitely Cody and Obi-Wan would assassinate Palpatine if given the chance and then have passionate sex on the desk and desk chair to celebrate the occasion. Bly and Aayla probably wouldn't be the ones likely to do it in canon, but we ignore canon a lot around here, so I think they deserve to stab and shoot the hell out of the wrinkly bastard and then have sex on every possible surface in the office. Wolffe and Plo Koon deserve to assassinate Palpatine, but they would probably (Definitely) bring their own partners to do the deed with. Plo, for once, pulls his rank card so he gets first dibs on the defiling, and Wolffe concedes, though he was pouty about Plo not letting him go first.
Lastly for now, Bail and Breha Organa: Just because it wasn't predicted or known at the time that their planet would become an asteroid field doesn't mean that Bail and Breha don't have their anger and bitterness towards Palpatine. Yes, Bail and Breha can be imperfect, and I think they should be allowed to have sex on Palpatine's desk, and probably renew their wedding vows at some point, they seem like the type.
I might add more later, but these are the ones who came to my mind first!
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