#bnr alfred
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ind1exo · 25 days ago
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...What in the Magical Girl ahh introduction is this? 🤦‍♀️
I find it funny how Gerard interrupted Jack right before Jack says his own name to conclude his goofy introduction. Lol-
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Woah! Rupert's abomination of a cake is actually useful for something! 😶 It's way more of a deadly weapon than an edible dessert.
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But Rupert, the Hunter already tried to teach you to make something and you STILL screwed it up... 🤷‍♀️
One of the few rare scenes of Jack fighting. He's got some skills, honestly. The plant pest has been taken care of!
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memoria-99 · 7 months ago
Chemistry between the LIs is important.
I love the funny interactions and chemistry between the LIs.
And that's why I love Wizardess Heart and Blood in Roses plus The Niflheim
WH: Elias-Luca, Klaus-Randy, Klaus-Sigurd, Zeus-Hiro, Zeus-Klaus, Zeus-Lucious, Klaus-Albert, etc
BnR: Alfred-Rupert, Jack-Daniel, Humphrey-Finn, Gordon-Finn, Ioannis-Michalis, Alfred-Cecil, Cecil-Gerard, Cecil-Bridget, Bridget-Matilda, etc
TN: Skeletiano does 90% of this
Lost Alice on the other hand, though I like it, not as much as the others. MC is the only one who shines and LIs are mostly unmemorable. There ARE exceptions like Chronus and Allen but anyway
LIs here barely have any kind of chemistry each other... which is natural cuz most of them don't even know each other.
WH members are mostly tied to the academy, BnR members are mostly tied to the hotel, TN members are mostly tied to the Niflheim castle but LA members are just roughly tied to Wonderland which is very large and separated into various districts... they're more like random Gedonelune residents in WH
Sooo the point is... LIs' interactions should be interesting, to get more points for me
So why did I write this? Idk just felt like it
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ashumeii · 3 years ago
My friend @/Curious_Mouse on Twitter drew this amazing fan art of Alfred and I love every bit of it! I find everything about it is so adorable!❤️ Wish we have more CGs of Alfred. I miss him so much!
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isle-unto-thyself · 5 years ago
bnr characters as the 10 types of deres
yandere (obsessively in love, will kill to get who they love) - kenneth
tsundere (act mean to their love interest due to a lack of communication skills lmao) - alfred, rogan
deredere (love-struck, very kind) - rupert, zephyr, sasha, vance, caelus, seth, cecil, evan, michalis, humphrey, cedric, edgar, lionel, gordon, finn
dandere (quiet/shy) - rosario
himedere(f)/oujidere(m) (want to be treated like royalty/spoiled) - bridget, mc
bakadere (clumsy) - matilda, jay, daniel, jack
kamidere (has a god complex oof) - kenneth
kuudere (quiet, but is a lot colder than dandere) - spade, raymond, ioannis, shiki, gerard
sadodere (sadistic) - dominik, bradley
shundere (depressed and sad)
yes i put kenneth twice, i do not like him <3
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years ago
Sometimes you hear the reasonable take on a drama that you had no knowledge of happening and already feel tired.
It wasn't just Dick. The majority of fandom couldn't stand Damian when he was introduced. He was abrasive, put everybody down, was a shit to everyone and especially Tim, who was one of the most popular characters at the time and already at the most tragic ebb of his character arc. He also, alone of the Robins, demanded the job purely as his birthright. And Dick was stressed tf out and mourning and this kid did the opposite of help. Even the minority who did like him just thought he was hilarious and entertaining.
Morrison didn't intend for Damian to be sympathetic at the outset and even for a writer who was the God of Nerds at the time, it seemed like a serious misfire. I really do not fucking like them and I think a lot of Damian's early arc in BnR was mishandled, but the way they managed to build Dick and Damian's relationship from the ground up and subvert what most of us believed would be a disaster is an achievement I have to give them credit for. But there was no question of Dick choosing Damian over Tim. I mean fuck Fab Nic in general, but this had come out just the year prior:
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(From Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul (2008). Alt text included)
Later, we also realized that it was actually quite a good storytelling choice. Dick didn't have the time, space or maturity to be a good anything to Jason; Tim was his first real little brother, and that kid was low maintenance as hell, receptive to all his affection and deferred to him with ease. Dick, only child extraordinaire, didn't know it, but Tim was the training wheels version of a sibling relationship. Suddenly having to be the same for Damian was not only having the training wheels come off but also immediately asked to scale a mountain. But he became better for it. It helped him grow up and negotiate being a better senior partner and parental figure than Bruce ever managed.
The thing we actually did blame Dick for, and what we found OOC, is the way he gave Robin to Damian. Dick knew what it's like to get fired and come home to find another kid in his colours, he knew Tim was close to breaking point, knew Damian had tried to kill Tim twice. And yeah Tim didn't like Damian, but he would have come around to Dick's point of view once he reassured him of his place and value within the family. He didn't hate Damian until he felt like his last real support and place in the world had been ripped out from under him. It was in every way an unnecessary and out of character clusterfuck created purely to give Tim the final push to break away from his remaining support system and go on his editorially mandated way. And while the way they bonded again afterwards as equals was really sweet ("I notice that I'm not up there" "and you never will be") it was just Tim forgiving unasked and managing his own hurt yet again. There was no validation of his hurt, no real apology, and most importantly, no consequence for Damian for nearly killing Tim a third time (did Dick even know Damian cut Tim's line? If he did, would Dick not have some highly personal trauma about people's lines being cut mid-air? What are you doing DC??).
And this pattern is still holding thirteen years later! Damian is a sweet kid in his own way in his own storylines, but there's no resolution to the conflict between him and Tim, and in many ways the mistreatment has escalated (it doesn't help that Dick and Tim's own relationship and history has been all but erased).
Some fans choose to take this out on Damian, but for me personally, I can't blame a child for not being parented properly. In-universe, this is an indictment of Bruce, Alfred and Dick. It's frankly child neglect. If you love a child you're supposed to teach them how to deal with their feelings and what is and isn't acceptable. It's also a clear signal to Tim that his feelings don't matter either. Being the older "sibling" and young adult doesn't mean younger ones can't hurt you (especially when they're biological children and you're adopted). And meta-textually, DC is clearly getting some kind of shits and giggles out of using Damian as vehicle for conflict at the expense of his growth as a character. The systemic implications of using a character of colour that way is as lost on them as ever.
The problem isn't and never has been Dick choosing Damian over Tim. It's that he did one monumentally fucked up thing and never apologized for it or helped resolve the problems it caused. And then has been failing both Tim and Damian ever since by not taking responsibility for the security or well-being of either. If anything undermines Dick's "World's Best Big Brother" brand, it's that.
people have talked at length about the Dick/Tim/Damian Robin debacle and I do not currently have the mental space to wade fully into it (except to say that demonizing any of them is dumb). But I do want to say:
One of the most incorrect fan claims is this idea that Dick was playing favorites when he picked Damian over Tim because you guys. you guys.
At the time Damian became Robin, Tim was Dick's beloved little brother who he'd adored and fought beside for years, who he'd entrust his life to without hesitation, who he affectionately proclaimed to be even better than him as Robin, who he genuinely enjoyed hanging out with
and meanwhile
Dick couldn't fucking stand Damian
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jgmail · 4 years ago
Los entresijos de quienes luchan por el poder en Bielorrusia
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Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
 El "paquete de reformas de reanimación para Bielorrusia" revive los símbolos de la ocupación alemana de 1918 y 1941-1944
 Los disturbios en Bielorrusia se ven cada vez más como un intento de una revolución de color (1).
 Al principio, el símbolo de los manifestantes era una cinta blanca, que se sugirió atar a todos los que apoyaban a Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, pero después de unos días (en Bielorrusia todo sucede mucho más rápido que durante el derrocamiento del gobierno ucraniano) la cinta fue reemplazada por una bandera blanca-roja-blanca que restauró los “ideales” del BNR 1918 (producto de la ocupación alemana) (2) y el "Distrito General de Bielorrusia "de Hitler del Ostland Reichskommissariat (3).
El primer eslogan neutral que era “¡Creemos! ¡Podemos! ¡Ganaremos!" ya no lo necesitan los manifestantes. Este dejó de oírse en las calles y plazas, pero apareció la consigna de los nacionalistas “¡Viva Bielorrusia!”, una consigna anti-rusa y rusofóbica. Los nacionalistas, liderados desde el extranjero, comenzaron a tomar el movimiento de protesta en sus propias manos.
 El programa de la sede de Tikhanovskaya (su sede es políticamente más significativa que ella) se refiere al programa de los nacionalistas publicado en junio en el sitio web zabelarus.com ("Paquete de reformas para reanimar Bielorrusia") (4). Hasta estos últimos días, nadie se tomaba en serio este documento, ya que se trataba de una copia de un documento que apareció en vísperas del golpe de Estado en Ucrania en 2014.
 En Bielorrusia, los iniciadores del "Paquete de reanimación" fueron siete organizaciones de oposición de orientación occidentalista y antirrusa: el Frente Popular Bielorruso (BPF), el Partido Verde Bielorruso, el Partido Socialdemócrata Bielorruso (Gramada), la Democracia Cristiana Bielorrusa (BCD), el Partido Civil Unido (UCP) ), así como el movimiento "Por la Libertad" y el centro de iniciativas civiles "Nuestra Casa". Anteriormente, las autoridades no les prestaron atención o tomaron prestadas sus tesis. Ahora esta práctica viciosa se ha vuelto contra las autoridades.
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El "paquete de reanimación" indica la necesidad hasta el 2021 de abandonar todas las formas de relaciones sindicales con Rusia, la UEEA y la OTSC. Propone: seguimiento de las actividades de las "iniciativas a favor del Kremlin en Bielorrusia"; implementación de controles fronterizos y aduaneros en la frontera con la Federación de Rusia; la prohibición de la venta de instalaciones de infraestructura bielorrusa a empresas rusas; fortalecimiento de la "educación patriótica" en el ejército bielorruso; prohibición de programas rusos en la televisión, conexión con los canales de televisión de Letonia, Lituania, Polonia y Ucrania. Se prevé un enjuiciamiento penal por la negación de la nación bielorrusa y las críticas al idioma bielorruso.
También está previsto poner como único idioma estatal el idioma bielorruso, cumplir con todo lo que se requiere para ser miembro de la OTAN y la UE, solicitar la membresía en estas organizaciones, "restaurar la Iglesia Ortodoxa Autocéfala Bielorrusa como una alternativa nacional al Exarcado Bielorruso de la Iglesia Ortodoxa Rusa del Patriarcado de Moscú".
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Esto es lo que nos espera si permitimos que se produzca el golpe de Estado.
 ¿Qué es el llamado Consejo de Coordinación para la Transferencia del Poder, cuyos miembros no pueden decir nada más que su deseo de “organizar la transferencia del poder y asegurar la armonía en la sociedad”? Este grupo autoproclamado no tiene un programa ni un plan de reforma. ¿Y dónde pueden ser sino del mismo Aleksievich? Sin embargo, este grupo se compromete a hablar en nombre del pueblo de Belarús.
 Svetlana Aleksievich elogia a Ucrania por la guerra en Donbass y propone prohibir el idioma ruso para "cimentar la nación". En compañía de ella están los nacionalistas Yuri Gubarevich, Alexander Dobrovolsky, Olga Kovalkova. También están los ávidos occidentales Anna Sevyarynets, Andrey Strizhak y Svetlana Kalinkina. Esto solo haría descarrilar la integración con Rusia. En el mismo "consejo de coordinación" Pavel Belous es el fundador y propietario de Symbal.by, que vende símbolos bielorrusos; él, en sus palabras, simplemente está "molesto" con Rusia. Y eso es todo. Están haciendo recados para aquellos que trabajan de manera consistente y hábil para convertir a Bielorrusia en un bastión anti-ruso.
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El resultado de los eventos no está claro. Solo está claro que la profundización del “proceso revolucionario” procederá según el siguiente esquema: estamos en contra de Lukashenko; Putin lo apoya; significa que Rusia está en contra nuestra. ¿Tendrá la gente la sabiduría suficiente para no comprar esta propaganda barata?
 En cuanto al presidente Lukashenko, él mismo debe corregir todos los errores que cometió. Nadie más.
 Notas del Traductor:
 1. https://www.fondsk.ru/news/2020/08/17/glubinnye-smysly-i-celi-belomajdana-51643.html
2. La República Popular Bielorrusa o República Nacional Bielorrusa (en bielorruso: Белару́ская Наро́дная Рэспу́бліка, Bielarúskaya Naródnaya Respúblika), históricamente referida como la República Democrática de la Rutenia blanca (en alemán: Weißruthenische Volksrepublik; en francés: République Démocratique de la Ruthénie Blanche) fue un intento fallido de crear un estado bielorruso que declaró su independencia en 1918. Generalmente es retratado como un Estado satélite del Imperio Alemán. Fue proclamada por el Consejo (Rada) de la República Popular Bielorrusa el 25 de marzo de 1918 en Minsk y fue reemplazada por un gobierno comunista el 5 de enero de 1919. Para distinguir la República Popular Bielorrusa, por haber recibido también un nombre muy similar al de las repúblicas comunistas, es también conocida como "República Democrática Bielorrusa". Dejó de existir cuando la capital, Minsk, fue capturada por el ejército bolchevique de Rusia y la República Socialista Soviética Bielorrusa se funda para sucederle. Las autoridades de la RPB formaron un gobierno en exilio más tarde. Actualmente, la Rada de la República Popular Bielorrusa es el gobierno en el exilio más antiguo del mundo.
3. El Reichskommissariat Ostland (traducible al español como "Comisariado Imperial para las Tierras del Este") fue el nombre alemán de la unidad administrativa territorial que agrupaba varios países y regiones ocupados por la Alemania nazi en Europa del Este durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. La provincia de Ostland fue formada al consolidarse el avance de las tropas nazis tras la operación Barbarroja en 1941 y comprendía los países bálticos (Estonia, Letonia y Lituania), varias regiones del Este de Polonia, y zonas Occidentales de Bielorrusia, Ucrania y Rusia que hasta entonces se encontraban bajo el control o soberanía de la Unión Soviética. También fue conocido bajo el nombre inicial de Reichskommissariat Baltenland ("Tierras bálticas").​ La organización política de este territorio, después de un periodo inicial de administración militar tras la conquista, nominalmente pasó a estar bajo la autoridad del Ministerio del Reich para los Territorios Ocupados del Este (Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete o RMfdbO) liderado por el ideólogo nazi Alfred Rosenberg, aunque pronto pasó a ser dirigido por el nuevo Reichskommissar Hinrich Lohse.
4. https://www.fondsk.ru/news/2020/08/20/pojavlenie-v-belorussii-koordinacionnogo-soveta-chast-plana-gosudarstvennogo-perevorota-51663.html
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news24hrou · 6 years ago
Miniştrii Teodorovici şi Toader, la testul moţiunilor în Parlament
Camera Deputaților supune votului, miercuri, moțiunile simple la adresa miniştilor de Finanțe și Justiție.
Şedinţa este programată de la ora 12.00, potrivit Mediafax.
PSD va vota împotriva celor două moțiuni, a anunțat liderul deputaților social-democrați Alfred Simonis.
Camera Deputaților a dezbătut, luni, moțiunea simplă intitulată „Lăcomia pesedistă subminează economia naţională” și iniţiată de grupurile PNL, USR şi PMP la adresa ministrului Finanţelor.
Eugen Teodorovici a propus, la dezbaterea de luni a moțiunii simple la Camera Deputaților, un pact politic de neagresiune pe „temele de importanță strategică ce țin de economia” României, iar până la finalul lunii va modifica OUG 114.
Formațiunile din Opoziție îi reproșează lui Eugen Teodorovoci că OUG 114/2018 are efecte dezastruoase asupra românilor și a băncilor. De asemenea, parlamentarii PNL, USR și PMP spun că ministrul Finanțelor vrea să transforme ANRE și ANCOM într-o pușculiță de miliarde de euro a PSD.
Aleșii Opoziției fac o trecere în revistă și a reacțiilor negative cu privire la OUG 114 fiscală a BNR, BERD sau divizia Băncii Mondiale. Totodată, aceștia reamintesc și despre faptul că unele companii din România au anunțat că amână investițiile în zona Mării Negre, după adoptarea ordonanței 114.
Referitor la moțiunea simplă prin care partidele de Opoziție cer demisia ministrului Justiției, aceasta a fost dezbătută pe 5 martie, în aceeași zi în care Guvernul a adoptat proiectul pentru modificarea OUG 7 pe legile justiţiei, în ciuda avizului consultativ negativ al CSM. Moțiunea trebuia să fie votată de către deputații pe 7 martie, însă PSD nu a asigurat cvorum, iar plenul a fost suspendat.
Social-democrații i-au reproșat lui Tudorel Toader faptul că nu a adoptat o Ordonanță de Urgență în privința Codului Penal și Codului de Procedură Penală, așa cum a fost stabilit în CEx al PSD.
Pe de altă parte, pe 6 martie, Kelemen Hunor a anunţat că UDMR îl va sancţiona pe ministrul Justiţiei la vot din cauza OUG pe legile Justiţiei, despre care a spus că „nu e una raţională”.
https://ift.tt/2Kh9YfE https://ift.tt/2ujxJKc
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carlsaganuniverse · 6 years ago
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Alfred Hitchcock serving tea to Leo the Lion, MGM's mascot. 1958. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnr-v7nHL7u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=158o6h73ip9id
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ebooks-bnr · 7 years ago
Un nouvel ebook &amp;amp;agrave; la BNR :
Sand George – André
Sand George – André : Que faire lorsqu’on est chétif et de constitution fragile alors que son père, le marquis de Morand est un propriétaire terrien qui travaille dur, aime la chasse et les activités physique ? André, devenu son souffre-douleur, s’évade du quotidien en se promenant seul pour jouir de la nature. Il aperçoit un jour une jeune fille, belle et douce, parmi les fleurs… Ainsi commence ce conte champêtre auquel vous invite George Sand. Conte ou mélodrame ? Car Geneviève, n’est qu’une fleuriste et l’intérêt pour les fleurs de ces jeunes gens si dépareillés socialement ne peut que développer les médisances.  Le réveil se révèlera brutal et André, malgré l’aide de son ami Jacques, ne parviendra pas vraiment à être à la hauteur de ces enjeux. Écrit à Venise, au printemps 1834, au début de la relation de l’auteure avec Alfred de Musset, ce roman marque, selon Liliane Lascoux, un tournant dans l’inspiration de George Sand, inaugurant un nouveau style mi-réaliste, mi-idéaliste.
George Sand (pseudonyme d’Amantine Aurore Lucile Dupin, baronne Dudevant, 1804-1876) fut écrivaine prolifique (plus de 70 romans et 50 œuvres diverses). Elle prend la défense des femmes, prône la passion, fustige le mariage et lutte contre les préjugés d’une société conservatrice. Elle fait scandale par sa vie amoureuse agitée, sa tenue vestimentaire masculine et son pseudonyme masculin. Malgré de nombreux détracteurs (dont Charles Baudelaire) elle contribue activement à la vie intellectuelle de son époque et s’illustre par un engagement politique à partir de 1848, inspirant Alexandre Ledru-Rollin, participant au lancement de trois journaux : La Cause du peuple, Le Bulletin de la République, l’Éclaireur.
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ind1exo · 4 months ago
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No way. CECIL is the one to say that?? 😭 Between him and Alfred, Cecil's simpy self is way more than likely to do things to the Hunter than Alfred is. Wowsers.
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The irony in Cecil's words are pretty amusing.
(And spoilers here...)
But wasn't he the one that proposed to the Hunter after only speaking to her a couple of times, later in the route? Cecil's the type to speedrun Tinder dating, I'm telling you.
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The two mega simpsters are forming their alliance... Even though they should be the last ones to talk about making moves on someone. Dragging Alfred in the underworld for something so trivial is crazy.
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ind1exo · 4 months ago
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I feel that these particular fights between them happens in about every Hunter season route-
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Cecil... You got to provide a more concrete reason than that, such as how you'll be better than Alfred.
And don't say you'll give out free parfaits to every guest.
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That's one way to make a dramatic first impression to the guests including two Angels of Death and Tatiana's very descendant.
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ashumeii · 4 years ago
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isle-unto-thyself · 5 years ago
Random BnR headcannons
- Alfred would give his animals people names, and Cecil would give his animals really fucking stupid names just so he can hear other people say it
- Jack has a southern american accent
- Gerard has a german accent
- Bridget and Cedric have french accents
- Cecil, Caelus, Raymond, Alfred, and Rupert have very posh british accents
- Caelus, Rogan, Raymond, and Gerard have potty mouths, especially Gerard
- Rosario bites tf outta his nails
- Finn and Michalis sing in the shower, and Zephyr does sometimes
- Vance and Bridget really like horse riding and slow dancing
- Raymond, Sasha, Spade, Matilda, and Gordon are grumpy when they wake up
- Evan, Alfred, Sasha, MC, Jack, and Rogan are prone to blushing
- Caelus can eat as much as Daniel and Cecil, but chooses not to
- Raymond has a garden
- Humphrey collects shells
- MC is really good at makeup, she just doesn’t have the time for it
- Edgar has really cold hands
- Raymond doesn’t have a resting bitch face, he’s just mad all the time
- Rupert has a resting bitch face, so he smiles all the time to hide it
- Alfred has a resting bitch face and does not care
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isle-unto-thyself · 5 years ago
I accidentally deleted an ask!! whoops. but to the person who asked who my favorite BnR character was: it’s Alfred!! Sasha comes in 2nd
asks are always open btw! :)
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ebooks-bnr · 7 years ago
Un nouvel ebook &amp;agrave; la BNR :
Scott Walter – Redgauntlet (partie 1)
Scott Walter – Redgauntlet (partie 1) : Mais qui est Darsie Latimer ? Élevé tout jeune par sa mère en Angleterre, puis, à son décès,  dans un collège d’Édimbourg, il ne connait ni son père ni ses parents. Seules choses certaines : sa pension, qu’il reçoit chaque mois d’un avoué de Londres, et la fortune confortable qu’il touchera  à ses vingt-cinq ans. Peu intéressé par des études de droit contrairement à son ami Alain Fairford, il décide de voir du pays. Son tuteur londonien n’y met qu’une seule limite, celle de ne pas revenir en Angleterre. Il visite donc, en Écosse, le comté de Dumfries. Séparé  du Cumberland anglais par le golfe de Solway, c’est une région de contrebandiers et de passeurs, « des espèces de diables amphibies, qui ne vivent ni sur terre ni dans l’eau, qui ne sont ni anglais ni écossais », et qui échappent aux lois.
Dans l’ambiance particulière de ce pays de pêcheurs, Darsie va de surprises en surprises. Sauvé de la noyade par un pêcheur de saumon mystérieux, Darsie découvre un hameau au fond d’une gorge, puis l’exploitation d’un quaker industrieux qui gère une pêcherie révolutionnaire et enfin un joueur de violon vagabond avec lequel il animera un bal. Mais un volcan couve sous ces paysages paisibles. La répression qui a suivi la rébellion jacobite de 1745 n’a pas éteint tous les espoirs indépendantistes et le mécontentement couve …  Darsie en fera les frais et, par contagion, son ami Alain, qui mettra en péril un début de carrière prometteuse…
…Et n’oublions pas l’histoire de Steenie Steenson, qui affronta fantômes et diable pour récupérer le reçu de son fermage auprès de son maître défunt, conte repris par Alfred de Musset dans sa pièce, La Quittance du Diable !
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