eyk-hetaart · 1 year
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Day 4: “I wish I had a say in this.”
of course the idea that they’ve both always more or less been on the same page is delightful, but considering Aus’s canon personality I think it’s more likely that he was absolutely clueless about her feelings
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trashshouldnt · 2 months
chat im gonna be honest im having a bit of a hard time
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thegreatestheaver · 9 months
im so mad that i dont have one million dollars cos I wanna buy my partners so many things but I only have so much moneyyyyy WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK MY STUPID BAKA LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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persianflaw · 1 year
good news: i've written 2.5k of my shiny new exchange fic idea in the past couple days, multiple scenes worth with real connective tissue between sections, and the most fleshed-out part is the most important part instead of a random interaction i decided to spend too much time workshopping
bad news: none of those scenes are finished and i've got a few others i want to add, which means ihni how long this is actually going to be
worst news: i have no idea how to start this
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pepiempanadas · 5 months
Gogdammit ididnt savevthe drawing
Mild annoyance for 4h💥💥💥💥💥
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ladysick · 1 year
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One step closer to getting the skirt done!
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dustox420 · 2 years
okay this new update to the app for android has got to change. color palette settings should apply to posts, not just the app background. it worked fine before! post boxes are white as freshly fallen snow and my eyes are burning
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Wally gives you a drawing! :]
[TW for Scorophobia/Ommetaphobia]
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charlie-artlie · 11 days
First Aid Month Prompt 1: Rust/Spark
Just a little short about sparkeater!First Aid having a snack ^w^ (cw: contains animal death)
First Aid regarded the cybermouse in his claws with equal levels of disgust and hunger.
He was intimately familiar with them and their particular taste. They weren’t pleasant, obviously, not in comparison to the real spark of a complex, sentient mech. But they were plentiful, especially on old ships like this. They’d kept him functional aboard the DJD’s old ship while he waited to be “rescued”.
Sighing, First Aid brought his other hand up and cupped the creature between his hands. He angled two clawed thumbs into the center of its belly and pressed in, ignoring the poor things thrashing, and pulled his thumbs apart, parting it like an envelope.
On a full sized mech, or even a cyberfox or something with complex internals, he’d be able to preform a wireless hack on his victim, puppeting their frame and peeling them open from the inside out, spreading their spark casing like a flower. Once opened, the spark could usually be coaxed out untouched, a ball of pure perfect energy, directly into his waiting mouth. Cybermice were too small for that, so he had to do it the dirty way.
Not that they had that much energon to spill in the first place. A drop or two rolled down his hands, but he ignored it. He’d lick it up later, he needed all the energy he could get right now. Energon from mechs didn’t really sustain him the way a spark would, but it helped to stave off the hunger. Also… First Aid just liked how it tasted. Even in packages like this, he knew it would still satisfy.
First Aid had to dig just a little with his thumb claws, but finally he cracked its spark casing. (Technically a cybermouse didn’t have a spark casing in the way mechs generally thought of them, but it was basically the same thing.) It was small, proportional to it’s frame. Maybe the size of one bulb in his optical array. It didn’t matter, he needed it.
It was too small to maintain form outside of it’s frame. If he tried to coax it out it would just disintegrate (that had been a crushing discovery the first time around). He’d found that with anything smaller than a petrolrabbit it was best practice to suck the spark out of the frame, like a glut of coolant stuck in a straw.
First Aid thought about coolant spritzers while he sat there in the dark, lips wrapped tight around the cooling body of a cybermouse. He thought about energon treats, dusted with flavor enhancers, bubbling sweetened high grade fuel with crunchy salt around the rim, and those chewy energon sticks he’d glutted himself on while he’d been a student at the academy. It felt like it was just yesterday, but he felt lifetimes away from the mech he’d been then. What would that younger version of himself say, if he could see him now?
He dropped the hollowed out cybermouse. He was still so hungry.
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tangledinink · 1 year
this is really stupid but like.
... is there anyone else in this fandom whose twin has died? am i the only one?
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carcin0-88 · 16 days
dudes its so weird bc the person that i usually always talk 2 im now not talking 2 and idrk what 2 do :/
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phonification · 1 month
GAAAHHH i wanna rebrand so bad but im so attached to this layouuttt i wanna rock something related to the fandom im in but i can't decide!!! ack
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trashshouldnt · 2 months
my bully still being in my friends list feels like poetry. the ugly hateful kind
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intertexts · 9 months
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weatheredcopper · 1 year
theres something about walking to the convenience store next door while im on break to buy an energy drink so i don't pass out from exhaustion that is so humbling
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thegreatestheaver · 4 months
Day one no caffeine I’m starting to taste colors and see sounds
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