videogameelmsworth · 2 months
I find it very interesting to look at how different it feels when Padme and Luke both say "There's still good in him" just based on the context and lead-up to that line for both characters and why audiences might view the characters differently because of it despite the intentional parallel.
Let's start with Padme. Yes, Padme's dying words are intended to parallel her son's line from Return of the Jedi and we know that she ultimately ends up "right" about there still being good in Anakin. But the context of Padme saying this gives a very different tone to that scene.
Because Padme is a character who actively tries to pretend that Anakin has no darkness in him at all despite repeated evidence being shown and told to her that he DOES simply because it's more convenient for her to do so.
In Attack of the Clones, Anakin straight up tells her he believes in dictatorship and Padme's response isn't to be disgusted or report him, but to just decide that he must have been making fun of her because it's a lot easier than dealing with the reality that the guy who is supposed to be taking care of her is in fact a fascist. And then just a few days after that, Anakin screams in Padme's face that he just massacred an entire village of people down to the last child because he sees them as animals and her response is to decide that this is just a totally normal response to trauma rather than, again, being disgusted by it and reporting him. And of course that movie ends with her deciding to marry him, despite knowing he's a murderer and a fascist and that this is against the rules for BOTH of them.
In Revenge of the Sith, there's an entire scene where Padme and Anakin sit there joking at each other about how love blinds you. They're joking around and you can see the scene as just a sweet little nonsense scene if you choose to, but it's also very intentionally foreshadowing a lot and has the subtext of the thing that is going to destroy both of them in a few days. When Obi-Wan comes to Padme to ask her about where Anakin is and tells her about what Anakin's done, Padme's response is to deny it. She argues that Anakin would never kill children, despite the fact that she knows he HAS killed children before. And then she lies to Obi-Wan, obstructing his ability to figure out the truth about what happened to his people or to gain justice for the genocide that was just committed against them. And her next response is to go find Anakin so that she can ensure he escapes any consequences for what he's done while still insisting that he hasn't done anything wrong at all.
So when Padme says "There's still good in him" it comes with the context of Padme spending two entire films refusing to actually see Anakin for who he actually is. It comes after MULTIPLE scenes of Padme rejecting the reality that Anakin has darkness in him that he is fully capable of acting on. Sure, she's not wrong that there's still good in him, but the line feels more like Padme just continuing to pretend that Anakin didn't just commit a genocide and bring down the Republic rather than Padme being right about Anakin. It doesn't sound like "Yes, I know that he's done a million terrible things, but I have hope that he can still make the right choice if we approach him the right way" and more like "He was probably just brainwashed or something, he didn't REALLY mean to genocide an entire people."
And this then directly foils Luke later on.
Because when LUKE says it, it comes with the context of the entire character journey Luke has been going through over the last 2.5 films. Luke's had to learn to accept his OWN darkness and face his own worst fears about his heritage and what he could become. He's had to face the reality of losing the people he cares about and seen the consequences of what happens when he lets arrogance and fear blind him. Luke has had to accept that Darth Vader is a part of who he is, he's not infallible, he could fall to darkness just like his father did if he isn't careful. But this comes with the ability to recognize that this could mean that Darth Vader might yet be able to turn around and make the opposite choice. If Luke has the ability to fall, Darth Vader has the ability to rise. Luke knows that it's always about making the right choice, and while Darth Vader has made a LOT of bad choices, it doesn't mean he can never make the right one. Choosing to believe that Darth Vader could still have goodness in him is a result of accepting that Luke has darkness in himself, too.
So when Luke says that there's still good in him, there's no attempt to pretend that Anakin hasn't done monstrous things. Luke really can't pretend that Anakin didn't do them, he's literally stood there and watched as Anakin did some of them. He's down a hand for the rest of his life because of Anakin, he'll have to live with the evidence of what Anakin is capable of forever. He CAN'T sit there and pretend that Anakin didn't do those things the way Padme could, it isn't possible for him. For Padme, Anakin will always be "that little boy from Tatooine," just like she says in Attack of the Clones. But Luke knew Darth Vader first, he's known the villain and the monster longer than he'll ever know Anakin Skywalker. Even when he figures out how to reconcile that these two people are the SAME person, he doesn't know enough about Anakin Skywalker to be able to pretend that Darth Vader didn't do the things he's done. Luke says that there is still good in him with the full awareness that Darth Vader has made a LOT of horrific choices in his life. There's never any attempt to try to convince himself or anyone else that that isn't true.
He sees Anakin in the full truth of who and what he is. He knows EXACTLY what kind of darkness Anakin has in him and is choosing to believe he can still make a better choice ANYWAY. Unlike his mother, Luke knows who Anakin is, he's never been given another choice.
That's why Padme comes off as wrong about Anakin while Luke is right even though they both say the same thing. The line doesn't MEAN the same thing to both of them and the audience can pick up on that because both of them have had several films' worth of context letting us know that.
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videogameelmsworth · 4 months
one thing that i’ve always found kind of interesting about dr. light’s design is his hair.
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from original incarnations
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to recent incarnations
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to mega man x
the dude straight-up rocks a pomp. inafune said he based doctor light’s design off santa claus, which i can understand, but last i checked santa claus had a cool hat covering his hair, not a goddamn biker ‘do
and it’s funny, because in-game he’s generally pretty straight-laced and serious. he’s the Dad. he’s megaman’s dad. the kind of father figure he is depends on whether it’s the archie comics (navigator/moral support), fully charged (invested in his son’s life), ruby spears (addled), the classic games (non-existent), or the X games (not existent), but generally he acts as the caring father figure overseeing megaman and trying to cheer him along.
but what does capcom think of him?
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ライト博士のコンセプトはひとことで言うと「父性」ですね. / Dr. Light’s concept could be summed up in a single word as “father”. 優しくて大らかで、でも時には厳しさも見せる、ロックマンの生みの親であリ、ロボツト社会の父です。 / He’s the creator of both Megaman and modern roboticism, and is quite a kind and generous man, but he has a rougher side to him… (My japanese is not professional, please take this translation with a grain of salt)
that light has a rougher/harsher side is honestly surprising, considering you can count the amount of times he’s been genuinely angry on-screen on a single hand. he’s one of the most successful and revolutionary men of 20XX and still manages to be chill a f, always coming up with an answer for even the most out-there situations.
but that would explain the delinquent hairstyle.
so, what do we actually know about light? - he attended class with Wily and shot down Wily’s double gear thing - depending on the translation, they either worked together as a team (english) or were only colleagues (japanese) or were cooperative rivals (megamix) - the dude’s biggest school accomplishments are winning the LIT Manual Design contest four years in a row, and a World Engineer First Prize, both tasks focusing on technical prowess rather than strictly academic prowess - that said, he has a Nobel Prize in physics so fuck me i guess - nowadays he works as a professor at the Mecha-Chuchets Institute of Robology - despite that, he likes keeping his hands busy, since he’s got a side hustle as a contracted roboticist for O.D.A. Electronics - it’s something that he actively enjoys and wants to keep doing for the fun of it, since in exchange O.D.A. provides electronic parts to him, rather than silly things like “a paycheck” - he REALLY likes keeping his hands busy, since he also provides technology to Nakaume Heavy Machinery and Tsubakuro Precision Machining - the dude super-believes in peace and justice - he hates fighting and hated giving rock a weapon to turn him into megaman - despite this, he knows martial arts, since he teaches X the Hadouken and Shoryuken. this is questionable in canonicity but i’m going somewhere with this, trust me - according to his diary, he likes playing fighting games to unwind. - he likes to smoke (don’t smoke, kids) - he likes rock and roll, as in the music genre. though i guess he likes rock and roll the characters as well. i guess. - generally he’s kind of a music fan. - he’s an optimist and generally tries to believe the best in others, that people can change and evil can be redeemed - he’s transhumanist before capcom knew what that word meant, and worked towards a dream world where humans and sentient robots can live side by side in harmony
if there’s a hard side to him, we’ve rarely seen it so my brain decides to start taking several jumps, right? what if the bitterness lies in his history? we don’t actually know much about light’s history.
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the pompadour and love of rock bring to mind a very specific kind of image, that of the greaser from the 1950s. rebels without a cause, delinquent teenagers causing problems and getting into trouble. coincidentally enough, it’s a style that the franchise has flirted before, with hideki ishikawa’s art of roll and rock dressed up in old americana fashion, with rock sporting a greaser pomp.
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but where would he have gotten that from?
let’s delve completely into the realm of headcanon. what if light wasn’t the most upstanding youth? the fact that he actively enjoys working with his hands and pursues mostly the physical aspects of engineering rather than the academic aspects seems to be the most telltale part of this angle. it’s quite possible that he simply didn’t do well at academic pursuits.
struggled at school. wore a leather jacket. smoked. hung around at arcades. listened to rock n’ roll. played with hearts. probably broke some hearts, too. given his extremely pained stance on violence now, it’s possible he very much saw the effects of violence first-hand in his youth. got into brawls, started fights. probably got into real bad fights. maybe ended them too. but Something Happened along the way. something that made him change course. and so, light started cleaning up his life. started learning and practicing martial arts to focus, to become one with himself. went to a technical school to start working with his hands, and managed to pick things back up and get his life back on track. he was in a dark place, but he managed to change, and so he knows first hand that people can change. that good lies in people. and that he knows even the most seedy of people have the potential to change and to become great. and a good decade or two later, that throwaway good-for-nothing delinquent starts excelling in this new field. something that lets him get his hands filthy and to make things–make PHYSICAL things. things that have an impact. and a good several decades after that, he’s finally advanced enough in his skills that he wants to make someone he can be close to. someone he can love. someone he can call family. i notice rock and roll aren’t super-curious about their metaphorical grandparents.
probably not important, have a rough sketch i did instead:
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490 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 4 months
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Daily drawing practice day 729 (3/28/24)
Treasure Knight as a Fire Emblem Fates great knight
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videogameelmsworth · 5 months
Wait is everyone just wrong about this?? I thought it was common knowledge that everyone wasn't 'trapped', but a copy of them was placed in the circus, presumably unknowingly for the real versions, i.e the empty headset at the end of episode one, so all the main characters are technically NPCs, which explains why Caine would view confusing them as each other as a valid possibility
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I know the popular theory is that Caine’s line about struggling to keep track of who’s real and who’s an NPC is foreshadowing that one of the cast is secretly an NPC
But consider the alternative
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videogameelmsworth · 8 months
I've been looking through a lot of Indigo Disk stuff, specifically YouTube channels that have the music up, and the amount of people who don't believe/didn't realize Terapagos was out for Kieran's BLOOD in that scene is staggering. I've seen multiple people state that it was just a random flare of energy that happened to almost hit him, no, that was a Tera Starstorm and it CURVED towards him.
Which is crazy to me. For the first time, we have witnessed an actual attempted murder on screen. Like obviously, Pokemon isn't a stranger to darker topics, and even attempted murder (Lysandre and Lusamine [in just SM] both were definitely going to attempt murder, we just beat them in a Pokemon battle and they stopped attempting the murders), but this is the first time it's been done Pokemon to Human, and it's the closest we've gotten to it actually occurring. Like holy shit..
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videogameelmsworth · 8 months
haha ❤️ hilarious post my friend! *eyes narrow and my face goes stone serious* but it does not resonate with my own ideological schema, so i shall not be reblogging it
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videogameelmsworth · 8 months
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the "average hydreigon is brutal and scary" factoid is actually just statistical error. ghetsis harmonia's hydreigon, the most fucked up and evil hydreigon ever, is an outlier and should not have been counted
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videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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transcending time, champions will forever rise
160 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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“In the heavens rests a grand theatre - the stage of the gods”
82 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
There’s one really neat detail in Inscryption that I like and I just somehow noticed it but I like it regardless.
P03 is a bad storyteller.
Each Scybe has one specific game mechanic that stands out above the rest. Together, they could have used it to create the perfect game, but they were always turned against each other.
Leshy is the storyteller.
Magnificus was the artist.
Grimora was the spirit of the game (having fun).
P03 was the strategist (always talking about card stats).
But the point is that P03 is bad at storytelling. He hates Leshy and thinks his stories are not helpful (well he hates all the Scrybes but his time as a stoat made him very bitter towards Leshy). The point is he’s bad at storytelling/ hates stories. He took the plot of Inscryption for Botopia because he couldn’t think of anything better and it’s clear he wasn’t invested in it at all.
But we know from all the ARG stuff that P03 survives deletion, and that would be the in-game reason as to why you could buy Inscryption on Steam. Because he was able to continue his work on Luke’s computer.
P03 could have just run the game that he had Luke made in Act 3. He even said that he used Luke’s hard drive, so he could just popped that version online once he reacclimatized to his new home. Or if it got deleted, surely he could have recreated it with Luke’s assets and videos for references. But there was still that chance the other Scrybes could take over the game, so he changed it.
As he said to Luke, he’d only control most of the copies if he released the game as it was. He and the other Scybes would be at it in millions of copies, not just one. So P03 makes a different game. A game that does the same thing every single time you loop. Doesn’t matter which Scrybe you pick to replace, doesn’t matter how many upgrades or achievements you unlock. Everyone gets the same ending. The other Scrybes live out their faux-deletion over and over and over again each time you boot up the game and play through it. Except for P03, who’s just chilling on Luke’s computer and can (presumably) do whatever he wants with it.
But for this other game, he needs a story, and P03 is a bad storyteller.
So he takes Luke’s story. That’s why, in-game, we play as Luke playing a game on a floppy disk he found in the woods - it’s more compelling than just a card game (and I can just imagine that little stoat face cursing out Leshy and his stupid stories as he made the decision). He uses Luke’s footage of the game to make it more thrilling, intercuts it with the gameplay at just the right moments to remind the player that there’s a middleman (and if you’re still in Act 1, make you question what the fuck is going on). In Luke’s world, this would’ve been like a living creepypasta. People would download it to see if the OLD_DATA really killed you or if the Lucky Carder actually died for this. It just ensures that more people would buy Inscryption, spreading P03’s control farther with each copy.
P03 still controls the game - it’s his, he made it, he assumably has failsafes in place to make sure he stays in control. He’s the one that put in out there into the world. Even if he’s not in the game, in control of it specifically, he has the narrative in place. He gets to make Grimora, Leshy, and Magnificus think they’ve won, that they killed him, and then they get to rest in peace thinking a job well done, only for the cycle to start over again, over multiple copies.
The Great Transcendence is a red herring because, technically, for Inscryption to exist and be played, it’s already happened and P03 has control no matter how many times Leshy kills him.
So Luke and Kaycee get to live on through this new game. Luke is already dead by the time you boot up the loading screen and Kaycee has been gone for years now. But you know their story, you know what happened to them, and we know it’s not because the Scrybes give a shit.
It’s because P03 can’t fucking tell a good story.
199 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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355 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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My little headcanon
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videogameelmsworth · 9 months
Daniel Mullinverse Dashboard Simulator
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🎮 lionelsnill follow
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Walk WIP! Usually I don't share these for free but I've decided this would be a great way to give the game some publicity and promote my kofi
#rb #HOLYSHIT??? #super weasel kid
(123 notes)
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🌵 ilovecowboys unpopular opinon, rust from waste world is a gilf
🌵 ilovecowboys
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I cannot believe you OP, rust is a fucking DILF not a gilf. get your fucking facts together
🌵 ilovecowboys
oh fuck you're right im sorry. rust from waste world is a dilf.
#ww rust #waste world
(200 notes)
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🃏 luckycarder
hey guys, sorry to have a serious video out of the blue but some important stuff has popped up. i'll keep this post pinned for a while since it's a big issue rn
#important #lucky card posts
(320 notes)
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored
merry christmas from gamefuna headquarters! as a little gift super weasel kid 09 deluxe is going on sale til january! #gamefuna #merry christmas (2 notes)
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🎣 carla51
merry christmas guys, remember to boycott gamefuna because they fucking suck and so do their games.
#carla goes fishing
(5,200 notes)
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🎩 thedarkclown follow
:) #i see you (666 notes)
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💎 orbofpoweryum
#vallimar speaks #secrets of legendaria (170 notes)
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🎣 carla51
i saw the secrets of legendaria poll and HOLY SHIT THANK YOU for saying all that nice stuff about the fishing bit it genuinly means the world to me people found that and enjoyed it anyways im gonna go cry now :') #carla goes fishing (61 notes)
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🐹 weazelkid01 happy birthday super weasel kid! :D #super weasel kid #swk #super weasel kid: radical road (20 notes)
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⬛ bandito7
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(70,000 notes)
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🔼 gamefuna-offical follow sponsored we are sad to inform everyone that inscryption, a game that many have been talking about is not real. it's simply a rumor that some very rude people made up. if you have come across any sort of content of gamefuna without it being sold, please not that (read more) (10 notes)
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📺 t0theweb follow
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🎣 carla51
taking a break from tumblr, alot has happened in the last few days and i need some time to process it. i'll hopefully be back in a week or two, sorry. #carla goes fishing #important (30 notes)
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🃏 luckycarder
gonna start a gameplay series soon! i know most people probably only follow me for card stuff but found this neat little game in the woods and i wanna check it out, i'll upload the first video soon! (120 notes)
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503 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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Weird aliens
324 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 9 months
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Before I sell my soul to Tears of the Kingdom, here's a comic about Kirby that I've had for about a year
No joke, this comic solely exists because I saw a YouTube comment on the "Full-Speed Farewell" track for Forgotten Land, with roughly this very quote.
I can't find that comment anymore, but to whoever wrote that comment last year, thank you very much for that laugh that day
8K notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 11 months
 Because I’ve never seen this spelt out or said out loud, I’m gonna voice my pet take that Taylor Hebert reads like an examination of the Spider-Man Archetype. 
Seriously, there are a shitload of parallels, from powers, to personality, to life circumstances. 
They both are:
superpeople with a bug motif (duh)
fifteen-year-old scrawny, Gangly, Nerdy, glasses-wearing brunettes from blue-collar liberal backgrounds with grossly judgmental running commentary on everyone around them
 relentlessly bullied by their more popular peers, with their costumed identity acting as a release valve where they get to be powerful
Are mourning the death of a beloved, idealized parental figure that they posthumously outsource a lot of their moral reasoning to 
Are keeping their living parental figure in the dark about their costumed career to “protect” them (and because said parental figure finds their costumed alter ego objectionable
constantly mistaken for or smeared as malevolent criminals despite their good intentions
conducting themselves in a deeply creepy and borderline inhuman manner, (it’s pretty normalized now, but Spider-Man had extremely unsettling locomotion when he debuted! He was a creepy thing to see on a wall at night!)
motivated in large part by a single “come-to-jesus” moment where they realized the costs of using their powers self-indulgently (Uncle Ben and Dinah)
possessed by enormous Atlas complexes, routinely breaking their own backs to save people who hate and fear them
street-level “friendly neighborhood” heroes, focusing on protecting and servicing a specific locality 
fighters with a style built around predicative, extrasensory battlefield awareness, using wits, webs, and on-the-fly deduction of weaknesses to hit well above their weight.
Where it diverges:
For Taylor and Peter, the bullying is presented as the pre-power status quo. For Peter, this fades into the background as his costumed life picks up and as he segues into adult life; for Taylor, it irrevocably fucks up her headstate from the word go and colors how she engages with literally every situation she encounters. Spider-Man is hounded as a criminal because of bad luck and bad marketing; Skitter is hounded as a criminal because she’s actually a criminal,  with a lot of her genuinely well-intentioned actions parsing as warlordism and cult-of-personality-building to a reasonable outside observer (because, you know, they are.) Spider-Man hides his life from Aunt May out of a sort of groundless fear she’d stop loving him; Taylor hides her double life because her surviving parent has genuine and reasonable ideological objections to her lifestyle. And, because Worm lets the consequences of the superheroic lifestyle play out without reboots or resets, Taylor’s Atlas Complex takes all of two years to utterly destroy her as a person, which, lets face it, is what would very likely happen to Spidey if there weren’t a metanarrative mandate to keep him alive for further adventures.
There’s too many parallels for this not to be intentional. It’s not as clean a line to draw as what the story does with Armsmaster (what if Batman’s prep time just wasn’t enough to keep him competitive) or Jack Slash (What if Joker’s metanarrative immunity was a codified power)  or Scion (what if Superman was an alien alien) but I do like to pitch Taylor as “Peter Parker if the story let him be as fucked up as his traumatic life circumstances indicate he should be.”
775 notes · View notes
videogameelmsworth · 11 months
 Because I’ve never seen this spelt out or said out loud, I’m gonna voice my pet take that Taylor Hebert reads like an examination of the Spider-Man Archetype. 
Seriously, there are a shitload of parallels, from powers, to personality, to life circumstances. 
They both are:
superpeople with a bug motif (duh)
fifteen-year-old scrawny, Gangly, Nerdy, glasses-wearing brunettes from blue-collar liberal backgrounds with grossly judgmental running commentary on everyone around them
 relentlessly bullied by their more popular peers, with their costumed identity acting as a release valve where they get to be powerful
Are mourning the death of a beloved, idealized parental figure that they posthumously outsource a lot of their moral reasoning to 
Are keeping their living parental figure in the dark about their costumed career to “protect” them (and because said parental figure finds their costumed alter ego objectionable
constantly mistaken for or smeared as malevolent criminals despite their good intentions
conducting themselves in a deeply creepy and borderline inhuman manner, (it’s pretty normalized now, but Spider-Man had extremely unsettling locomotion when he debuted! He was a creepy thing to see on a wall at night!)
motivated in large part by a single “come-to-jesus” moment where they realized the costs of using their powers self-indulgently (Uncle Ben and Dinah)
possessed by enormous Atlas complexes, routinely breaking their own backs to save people who hate and fear them
street-level “friendly neighborhood” heroes, focusing on protecting and servicing a specific locality 
fighters with a style built around predicative, extrasensory battlefield awareness, using wits, webs, and on-the-fly deduction of weaknesses to hit well above their weight.
Where it diverges:
For Taylor and Peter, the bullying is presented as the pre-power status quo. For Peter, this fades into the background as his costumed life picks up and as he segues into adult life; for Taylor, it irrevocably fucks up her headstate from the word go and colors how she engages with literally every situation she encounters. Spider-Man is hounded as a criminal because of bad luck and bad marketing; Skitter is hounded as a criminal because she’s actually a criminal,  with a lot of her genuinely well-intentioned actions parsing as warlordism and cult-of-personality-building to a reasonable outside observer (because, you know, they are.) Spider-Man hides his life from Aunt May out of a sort of groundless fear she’d stop loving him; Taylor hides her double life because her surviving parent has genuine and reasonable ideological objections to her lifestyle. And, because Worm lets the consequences of the superheroic lifestyle play out without reboots or resets, Taylor’s Atlas Complex takes all of two years to utterly destroy her as a person, which, lets face it, is what would very likely happen to Spidey if there weren’t a metanarrative mandate to keep him alive for further adventures.
There’s too many parallels for this not to be intentional. It’s not as clean a line to draw as what the story does with Armsmaster (what if Batman’s prep time just wasn’t enough to keep him competitive) or Jack Slash (What if Joker’s metanarrative immunity was a codified power)  or Scion (what if Superman was an alien alien) but I do like to pitch Taylor as “Peter Parker if the story let him be as fucked up as his traumatic life circumstances indicate he should be.”
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