#bluey's mum
abluehappyface · 1 month
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It is now time for the annual birthday lion! Time for another magical purple one! I LOVE how this turned out! Feels really cohesive with the female variation of it! Happy birthday to my mum!
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bunfellow · 5 months
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australian family should be like this
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atompalace-official · 5 months
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rainroses45 · 3 months
Rain, Please Never Go Away
Description: You try to stop Harry from running into the house and leaving a mess, while he tries to stop the water from escaping. (James Potter x Wife!Reader) (Mom Reader & Harry Potter) A/n: I was watching one of my favorite shows (bluey) and I could not stop crying to this amazing episode so here is my take on it :) NOT EDITED AT ALL Song Inspo: Rainbow - Bluey Warnings: None zip zero nada
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"We'll be back darling," James called out to the two of you. The boys had to go finish some paperwork for tomorrows early mission, leaving you alone in the house with your son.
"I don't know why we couldn't have taken the bike," Sirius grumbled from the backseat of the Ford Escort. "It would have been far more exciting than riding this hunk of junk."
"Frankly my dear, I don't give damn," Remus readjusted his rear view mirror starring at his husband in annoyance. "And I quite enjoy having all my bones in tact to answer your question."
"It was one time!" Sirius shouted causing Harry to let out a giggle.
You stood on the front porch of your house with Harry in your arms watching as your three troglodytes argue with one another.
The pot of English Pearls you had outside, hanging from the exterior of the railing, swayed with the wind. The sky was still clear but the wind gave its surprise shower away. "Surely, the storm won't be here till tomorrow," you thought.
"Be careful," you yelled as you saw them begin to pull out of the driveway. Harry waved his hands, shouting continuous "goodbyes" and "I love yous."
"I love you two so much," James smiled as he sent air kisses to Harry and you, his window still rolled down in order to hear your voices.
"We love you to dada!" Harry jumped up and down on your hip trying to see the car over the tall trees. All that could be heard as a response was a couple of laughs and coos for the young five year boy.
"Okay angel, I'm going to go start on dinner," you carried him inside, closing the door behind you. "Would you like to help or would you like to go play?"
"Can I play in living room?" He asked, looking at your hair as he fiddled with the strands. You thanked Godric he no longer had the habitat of pulling your hair anymore.
"Of course love," you set him down on the carpet, before heading to the kitchen to make dinner.
You opened the pantry to see what you could make tonight. Maybe a soup, or some sandwiches - in the end you decided to make tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.
Just as you finished cutting off the crust of Harry's sandwich, you heard the strum of pitter patters on the window. Quickly you looked out the window above the kitchen sink and saw that the sky had darken. Without a second thought you grabbed the empty laundry basket near the sofa and ran outside.
A confused Harry followed along behind you, soon falling behind as he mesmerized at the water coming down from the clouds. He soon dashed his way to happy green grass and enjoyed the rain drops.
You on the other hand headed to the side of the house, quickly pulling down the clothes from the clips on the line and shoving them into the basket. "Out of all the days it decided to rain, why on earth now?" You muttered as you tried to take down all the clothes as fast as you could, laughing a bit at James's soaked unicorn boxers.
"Mum can we play in the rain?" Harry asked as he spun around on the grass looking up at the rain falling from the sky.
"Just for a while darling, I don't want you to get sick," you replied before entering the house and placing all the clothes in the mud room. You stretched them out on the counters before heading outside to watch Harry.
The gentle fall of the rain from the roof through the gutter, soothed the house as its magic came to life. Your little garden you and your husband started began to dance with joy with the clouds tears just as your son did.
Harry giggled and laughed as he felt the squishing of the mud beneath his feet. He stuck his tongue out to catch raindrops, feeling a rush of happiness in the weather - when something caught his eye. A funny growing trail of rain water began to follow down the stoney path of their porch towards the empty road.
Jumping into stream on the path, he laughed as the cold water splashed against his ankles. You saw him jumping in the stream of water, and let out a soft smile. If only you have your camera right now to take a photo of this memory.
"Harry, darling," you called out, "I'm going to get an umbrella for you." Your son continued to jump in the stream completely infatuated with it, "okay mum."
Watching as the water flowed, Harry put his two feet together watching as the stream began to build up. Soon it tried escaping his little wall, until he placed both of his hands down and tried stopping it once more.
Looking around he tried to find something to help stop it, and when you came out with the umbrella an idea struck. Without another thought he quickly ran to your arms grabbing the umbrella and running back to stop the flow. You looked pleased at first, thinking he was going to use it to not get wet, but then you were soon let down. "If that is not James's kid I don't know at this point," you thought, grumbling as you walked back inside.
Although in his mind it did seem like a wonderful idea to use the umbrella, he then realized that it would fly backwards as the weight of the build of water was too heavy for him to hold.
Closing it, he threw it away and soon decided on finding another way. In his five year old mind, your son decided to use the newspaper on the lawn to stop the flow of the water. That idea also failed him, so quickly he went inside, startling you with the slamming of the front door as he ran towards his room.
Carrying four toy blocks in his hands he ran towards the front door, but was soon stopped by you.
"Harry James Potter!" You yelled, "look at the mess you made, where is the umbrella I gave you?" You asked as you pointed towards the muddy shoe prints on the floor.
"Mum I'm sorry but I-" He tried explaining but you kept talking about the mess on the floor. Harry tried wiping it away with his foot but it just made you sigh.
"Go," you pointed outside annoyed to which he gladly left to go complete his mission.
This process continued over five more times to the point you even tried barricading the open front door with your body to which harry swiftly made it through any open gaps left. Curse those stupid quidditch practices.
Finally you ended up giving up, leaving the front door open and sitting on a chair outside. You watched as Harry ran back and forth from the house to the path trying to stop the run off of water. The little wall made out of newspaper, towels, blocks, and boxes outside the path made you smile. Even if your house is a mess, its living with excitement.
Harry put his feet on the side of the other and placed his hands the same way as before trying to finish off this little wall. And as the water slowly began to reach his hands he soon realized he wasn't going to make it. There was still a gap left.
Disappointed and sad, he prayed that the water would stop at his finger tips but it didn't seem it was going to end that way. To his great surprise, you walked up from behind and placed your feet on the side of his hands.
"I thought you didn't want to make a mess mum?" Harry looked up at you, his face finally clear of the rain thanks to the umbrella you held above you.
"I learned that a little mess isn't something we should fuss about love," you shrugged, smiling down at your son.
"Mum, quick, its going to escape!" Harry said as he watched the water begin to turn over your sneakers.
You looked up at the umbrella and smiled before throwing to the floor and placing your hands next to your feet.
"I don't think we are going to make it Harry," you said as the water began to flow farther than your hand could stop.
"We need more blocks." Harry said, just before he was about to get up a pair of shoes appeared next to your hands.
"Look like you might need a little help."
"Dad!" Harry looked up to see his father. James was completely soaked from head to toe but he didn't care. He just wanted to be home.
"Darling I thought you had to finish some paperwork?" You smiled up at your husband.
"Canceled the mission because of the weather." He shrugged, "and plus how would you two ever survive without me? I mean look how the stream almost escaped- OW!" James crouched down to hold shin. "What was that for?!"
Harry tried holding in a laugh at his dads pained expression.
"That was for criticizing us," you smiled, "and this is for helping us." You gave him a peck on the lips causing a faint blush to appear on James's face.
"Ewwwwww!" Harry twisted his face in disgust.
"Oh pack it up Romeo," James said as he tried stealing another kiss from you.
Gosh you really did love you family.
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i kinda of rushed it a bit at the end but potato potatoe 🦦 (also i’m kind of crying BECAUSE WHY WAS THAT EPISODE SO BEAUTIFUL) also im out of storage soooooooo I don't know what to do
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beeclops · 1 year
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redcofu · 1 year
haha funny dog cartoon
*proceeds to curl up and cry for 6 hours straight*
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i cannot describe how much i love them
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feltcreature · 1 year
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loganslowdown4 · 7 months
I find them EVERYWHERE 😅
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nerdstreak · 5 months
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well of COURSE cinna has to be included in the sign after it wrecked my heart in the best of ways
tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @amessageonthewind @rosieaurora @little-shiny-sharpies @plucky-belmondo @as8bakwthesage
@lex-n-weegie @eggsywifey @psychoticdrawer1 @tropicalgothships @wisp-herr
@carnival-of-love @camellias-and-coriander @aquaticcryptid @swapthewoz @breadtheend
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wulfums · 1 year
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Remember that I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me, because I love you.
[Image Description - Mort Cattle, Young Chilli Heeler, and her mum standing together. Her mum has angel wings and is partially transparent. She and Mort are looking at Cilli lovingly. There is a sun drawn behind mum. The background is lined paper. End Description]
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puzzled-pegasus · 11 months
Screw star signs and meyers-briggs tests, which Bluey episode emotionally wrecked you the most and why?
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abluehappyface · 3 months
It's been a while since I've been growled at...
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revrads · 1 year
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I keep forgetting to post this here so here it is
Found out Kate Miller-Heidke voiced Chili’s mum in the new Bluey episode! She represented Australia in the Eurovision 2019 so here’s a Eurovision reference! Last time I drew Hatari was like 4 years ago so here’s a redraw of that iconic photo lmao
Also, the episode aired on the same day as Eurovision this year! :)
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blaithnne · 2 years
Yeah this isn’t how either of us expected me to combine Hilda with the blue dog show
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lefty-of-the-day · 6 months
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Today's Lefty of the Day is Mackenzie's Mum from Bluey
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blurban-form · 10 months
Mum on the Phone
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Mum goes through a range of emotions and facial expressions while dealing with a call from work in “Driving”.
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