#cinna roll
nerdstreak · 5 months
IT'S FINALLY DONEEE im really proud of how this turned out, now to once again never animate for a whole year
tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @amessageonthewind @rosieaurora @little-shiny-sharpies @plucky-belmondo @as8bakwthesage
@lex-n-weegie @laioswife @psychoticdrawer1 @tropicalgothships @wisp-herr
@carnival-of-love @camellias-and-coriander @aquaticcryptid @swapthewoz @breadtheend
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cpahlow · 6 months
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moth-spiderling · 1 month
Cinnamoroll supremacy, who's with me
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small-world-au · 4 months
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Katana 🗡️🗡️🗡️
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gets ready to jump in the air, but when i bend my legs instead i sink to the ground and slowly lay down and fall asleep instantly
I think you need to take a nap cinna-roll….
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thecinnaroll · 8 months
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💛 Types Of Vtubers🧡
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lady-buggette · 2 years
So he did get to meow her a serenade 😩😩
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friendship-ditch · 10 months
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You really do
(Katniss Everdeen x Fem Reader) ❀
Summary: You and Katniss attend the party together at Snows mansion, then she starts acting a little weird, a little jealous.
Warnings: None really. There’s like one swear word in there but nothing dramatic. (Also, small note, thanks for the request!) (SFW)
Word Count: 2494
A clammy hand gently ran down your arm, clenching your fingers in its own.
The party was loud and colorful. People were everywhere, talking, eating and dancing. You were still at the top of the stairs but you could already tell how overwhelming this was going to be.
“Breathe it all in, children.” Effie spoke with a dreamy sigh. Her wig was tall, shiny, and hard enough to be made of plastic, just like the rest of her outfit. Her eyelashes were dangerously long as she turned to face you. “This is all for you.”
You and Katniss exchanged a glance, hands still locked together.
“Looks cozy.” You stared ahead at the bustling party ahead. Sweat was beginning to prick the back of your neck but you shook it off the best you could.
Effie let out another sigh, this one more exasperated.
“Attitude.” She warned, snapping her fingers. “Smiles. I want to see big bright smiles.” Then she lowered her voice. “I’m talking to you, Katniss.”
Beside you, Katniss mumbled something under her breath but you couldn’t quite catch it. You two looked at each other once more, only snapped back to reality by Effie’s high pitched “Come, come!”
Together the two of you made your way through the heavy Capitol crowd. You took in the odd, exotic looks of the civilians around you but mostly kept your gaze on Katniss as you followed her up the stairs.
Once you two could walk beside each other again, you slipped your hand back into hers.
“A little overwhelming, huh?” You whispered softly into her ear. You two entered Snow’s mansion, still hand in hand and on the trail of Effie.
Katniss let out a soft chuckle, a real smile breaking across her face for the first time in the past hour. “A little?”
You flashed a mischievous grin back at her.
Eventually Effie led the two of you into the backyard that was covered to the brim in decorations, lights of all colors, and various buffets of food.
Katniss locked her arm with yours this time, sticking close to your side. She wasn’t scared, not that she would admit it, but she was definitely a little intimidated by it all.
You were too, but feeling her warmth pressed against your side made you feel a little better.
When the time to dance came around, you rescued Katniss from a group of chatty women and brought her to the dance floor, arm wrapped around her waist.
“You don’t look like you’re enjoying this.” Katniss said after a few minutes, her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. Her movements were a little stiff but the fiery makeup and gorgeous dress made it seem almost natural.
You rolled your eyes playfully, hands resting on her hips. “I’m not a big party person.” You responded teasingly. “But you really look like you’re enjoying this. We all know you partied every night back in 12.”
Katniss let out a soft groan and gently bumped her forehead into yours. “Oh, shut up.”
A small smile teased both of your lips and you leaned your forehead back into hers, just resting it there for a moment.
Both of you were stiff and as awkward as a board, clearly not in your element and dragged far out of your comfort zone, but together on the dance floor things seemed almost nice, like you were meant to be here as long as you were together.
“I know the makeup and outfit is a lot but… you do look really pretty tonight.” You murmured softly, standing on your toes to be eye to eye with her. “Cinna did his job well. As usual.”
Now you noticed the faintest blush dancing across her face and that drew a bigger smile out on yours.
Sure, maybe you two were just together for the publicity of it. Your fake love story saved both of your lives in the games and it got you this far together, what was the harm in playing into it just a little more?
Especially if you were supposedly getting married soon.
Not to mention that you’ve had a crush on Katniss for… as long as you can remember. As the only two female victors from District 12 that won the screwed up games together, you both had some pretty cruel shared trauma and were the only ones that really understood each other.
Sometimes you thought maybe your fantasy romance wasn’t really that fake after all, but in the end, things never progressed past TV kisses.
Katniss recovered quite quickly from your compliment. Her gray eyes studied your makeup painted face for a moment and then flicked to your lips.
“Sounds like you want to amuse the Capitol.” Katniss whispered in the same low tone. She leaned a little closer.
You tightened your grip on her waist and let that same mischievous grin lift the corners of your lips. “Who says I’m doing this for the Capitol?” You responded, although you said it in a teasing way. You could never admit the truth to her.
Katniss took the hint. She moved her face closer to yours, just about to kiss you when–
“Katniss, y/n!” Effie called in a shrill voice, scaring the two of you apart. Beside her was a shorter man with white hair and wise eyes. She introduced him as Plutarch Heavensbee, the head gamemaker for this year's games.
You didn’t get another word in as Plutarch guided Katniss away for the two of them to dance. You let out a soft sigh and returned to the food table to maybe find those chocolate strawberries.
Once you found the snack you were craving, you scooped some up onto a plate. When you turned around, three other Capitol women were standing there.
They were even more decked out than most of the others there. Each of their hair was a bright, vibrant color and at least 2 feet tall. They were wearing equally colorful and blinding dresses and their faces were so caked in makeup you could hardly make out what they really looked like.
“You know, y/n, you were my favorite tribute from the 74th games.” One of the women chimed, nudging you with her elbow.
Another one of the women snuck up to your other side, her elbow bumping into yours. “Mine as well! I donated almost all of my money to sponsor you.”
You raised your eyebrows in amusement, knowing you’d barely gotten a single parachute in that rough arena, much less one that you really needed.
This whole situation, as overwhelming as it was, was still quite curious to you. You figured that while Katniss danced away with Heavensbee, you could learn just a little more about the Capitol citizens.
You spoke with the women for a while, most of your conversations were either about the games or about fashion, two things you didn’t quite enjoy talking about but you went along with it either way.
One of the women in particular had no fear at all getting as close to you as humanly possible. You didn’t really know how to stop her as every time you pushed her away, she just came back even further into your bubble.
It’s a good thing you were charismatic enough to keep their attention on your voice rather than on your lips. They weren’t put off from touching your face and the jewels in your makeup.
Finally, when the announcement music began to play, you noticed Katniss staring at you from a few feet away. The expression on her face was shielded and unreadable, but she did not seem happy.
You excused yourself from your fanclub and went to join her on the dance floor once more as President Snow stepped onto his balcony to make a speech.
You tried to slide your arm around Katniss’s waist as the two of you listened but she pulled away. Effie nudged her back into your grip and Katniss reluctantly gave in, though she didn’t make it easy.
You figured this was what hugging a log was like.
President Snow spoke about your wedding and how glad he was to have you here, though his face showed no emotion at all. He lifted his glass to a toast and so did the crowd.
Fireworks went off behind you and you felt Katniss flinch. You pulled her a little closer, arm still around her waist.
She wedged her hand in between your and her side and put a little space in between you two, even though her other hand was still clamped around yours.
After the firework show, you two returned to the dance floor for one last dance before returning to the train.
“Are you okay?” You asked the second you two were dancing. Your hands were connected with hers this time. Hers were clammy again.
Katniss said nothing for a moment. Her eyes flicked from your face, to the ground, and then beyond you. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Katniss snapped softly at you. She tried to pull away from you but you held her in place.
That’s when you noticed the whole dance floor was staring at you.
“To our lovely victors, and to-be-weds!” Effie smiled widely and pointed to you two. She mouthed the words “kiss,” and then waited.
Katniss pretended not to see, so you stood back up on your toes and pressed your lips into hers. She stiffened and closed her eyes.
When you pulled away, you frowned at her. Something was definitely wrong. Even when you and Katniss kissed for the first time in the games, she seemed to enjoy it much more. Now it felt like there was all sorts of pent up anger and resentment in her kiss.
You two stood there silently, soaking in the applause.
Katniss was the first to break out of your grasp. She said nothing else and headed towards the exit.
Effie looked at you with an annoyed gaze but said nothing on the matter. She just hurried you up to follow Katniss.
You two went straight to the train. You stopped to speak with Haymitch for a few moments and then marched right over to Katniss’s room.
Katniss was staring at herself in the mirror, still adorned in her party outfit. Her gaze hardened when you stepped into her room and she inhaled sharply.
“Katniss, did something happen at the party?” You asked. You were worried that maybe somebody had said something to her or done something while you weren’t looking. “Should I tell Effie?”
“Then what happened?”
Her tone was telling you to shut up and fuck off, but you weren’t giving in that easily.
Katniss finally looked at you. Her face was red with anger and her eyes were dark. She glanced over your shoulder at the door and started towards it, muttering something about getting changed out of her uncomfortable outfit.
You grabbed her wrist just before she could make it out the door.
“Katniss, come on, talk to me.” You pleaded. “I know you don’t like opening up, but I’m your friend! You can tell me things. I want you to tell me things!”
Katniss whirled to face you. “Are we really just friends?” She asked you. “Is that what you think? Is that what you really think?”
You frowned, taken aback by her sudden explosion.
“Isn’t that what we are?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows and tightening your grip on her wrist as she tried to wiggle out. “I thought that was our deal.”
“And so did I.” Katniss sighed, half of her anger melting away with just the release of a breath. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m getting upset, I shouldn’t be pissed over this…”
“No, tell me.” You brought her over to the bed, the two of you sitting beside each other. “Tell me what’s upsetting you.”
“It’s not important.”
“It’s bothering you, it is important.”
Katniss sighed again, this time a little softer than before. She let her eyes lock with yours and you saw the various emotions swimming in them.
“It’s stupid. I just… I get upset when I see you with other people.” Katniss finally admitted. “When you’re close with them, when they touch you, when they try to kiss you. It makes me so angry.”
You almost let out a noise of surprise but held it back so you didn’t anger her even more.
“Yes.” Katniss glared at you, though she wasn’t mad at you, she was just mad. “And I hate it. I don’t understand it. You’re my friend, you don’t really love me. This is all just for show.”
“Is it really just for show?” You asked, almost hesitantly. “People don’t fake kiss each other the way you kiss me.”
Katniss wrinkled her nose as if the idea of admitting the truth disgusted her. Her upset gaze darkened and she stared at you, almost daring you to prove yourself.
You were going to make the first move, but surprisingly, Katniss beat you to it.
Before you had time to react her lips were pressed back into yours, her arms sliding around your waist in an almost passionately angry attempt to prove you wrong. She kissed you for a few seconds, and then pulled away, face redder than before.
You were blushing too, but not from embarrassment, from a relieved surprise.
“You think I don’t really love you?” You said softly, running a hand down her arm until your fingers locked with hers. “Katniss, I’ve loved you for years. What I said in the games wasn’t a lie, and you know that.”
Leaning into you, Katniss just rested her head on your shoulder for a moment. Her breath tickled your neck and her body relaxed.
“I can’t love you… I don’t.”
You shook your head, gently picking her head up off your shoulder and cupping her face. “Come on, Katniss. I think you being jealous that I just spoke to a few other women is a pretty clear indicator that you love me.” You said, letting your voice raise a teasing pitch.
Katniss huffed and rolled her eyes, leaning into your hand. “I wasn’t jealous.”
“You were so jealous.”
The blush on Katniss’s face grew even brighter. She pushed your hands away and then pulled you into another kiss.
“You do love me.” You whispered softly into the kiss, letting one of your hands gently climb back up her face. “You do.”
Katniss’s arms snaked around your torso. “Shut up y/n.” She mumbled, kissing you again. When she pulled away, she kissed your cheek. “Stop saying it, you’ll wear it out.”
“You say it, then I’ll stop.”
Katniss sighed in annoyance. “I love you.” She said softly, her eyes still resting on your lips. “I really do…”
“Good, because I love you too.”
This time, when Katniss knocked you back onto the bed for another kiss, she was smiling.
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cin3maa · 3 months
Welcome to the Cin3ma!🎥
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Now playing...
you can call me cinema/cinna/whatever you want!!!
i love rottmnt. for the plot.(insert image of donnie)
fuck off t/cest hazbin/helluva thin ice, makes me uncomfortable
(^I don't count april and do the occasional apritello but it isn't my main focus or anything (he's married to me))
feel free to send any asks! i like yapping! also feel free to tag + dms are open<3
i dont mind if you want to use my art, i just ask that you please credit me!
requests: open!
commissions: closed!
mooties<3 (more tba!)
#corrupted file 📄: @urplepurplegurgleturgle
#ocean documentary 🪸: @atomic-rattz
#alien sighting 🛸: @reddbug27
#sweet n sour 🍋: @hahawasabi
other tags:
#rolling (my art)
#previews (ask replies)
#snacks (random/misc)
#5 stars (reblogs)
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nerdstreak · 2 months
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wanted to compile them in a big dance party with cinna once i made enough to fill the screen :D
click for better quality cuz this is 4k babey!
(apologies for double @'ing with the recent last five, but just wanting to have everyone with a tumblr here!)
@metalwinggedfairy @homeofthewhopper @zoakuma @natsu714
@wulfums @dogaidz @horse-time-babey
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archangeldyke-all · 3 months
prologue to the next ao3 fic i'm writing! it's childhood friends to enemies (to lovers) with sevika! hope you enjoy <33
30 years ago
Sevika trudges through the streets, kicking a rock along as she goes. Being ten fucking sucks. 
At the time, Sevika always thought that six would be the worst year of her life. That was the year her mom died. It was also the year her dad started drinking. But now she’s older and wiser; finally big enough to work in the mines: and Sevika’s beginning to suspect that life just gets worse and worse until you’re lucky enough to die.
Seven was worse than six. Seven was when Sevika learned that if she was going to steal and scam to feed herself, she was also going to have to fight. Sevika got her nose broken four times when she was seven. 
Eight was when she got tall and smart enough for her dad to feel threatened by her. It was the first time her nose had ever been broken by him.
And nine was when her childhood cat died. She found poor little Ladybug in the back corner of her dad’s closet, cold and stiff, curled up on top of her mom’s favorite red poncho. 
But even in those years Sevika wasn’t constantly sore, and her feet weren’t always blistered and bleeding, and she wasn’t coughing up dust all the time. 
And now she is. For less than a hundred bucks a week. 
Still. She has found one nice thing about being ten. 
“Sevika!” You squeal as you sprint up to your best friend’s side. Sevika tries to bite back her smile. She’s pretty sure she succeeds. 
“Easy.” She grunts as you launch yourself into her arms. You’re clinging around her waist, uncaring of the fact that she’s covered in soot. When you pull away to grin up at her, your cheek is smeared in black dust. Sevika chuckles and wipes it clean for you. “Hey, Honeybun.” She greets. The nickname makes your smile impossibly wider. 
“How were the mines today?” You ask as you haul your old flour bag over your shoulder. You’re so tiny, still only seven, and the bag is half your size. Sevika sighs, easily lifting it out of your grasp and hitching it over her shoulder for you. 
“Eh. You know.” She shrugs, trying to act tough, like she wasn’t just on the verge of tears from exhaustion. “How’s your Gramps?” She asks. You shrug, digging around in the little satchel you keep slung over your side. 
“He says to say hi to you. He said if I sell all these buns I can take five dollars of the profits.” You gesture to the bag hanging off Sevika’s shoulder. “Wanna help? We can use the money we earn to get some spicy slugs from Jericho’s!” You offer. Sevika grins. She’d say yes even if you weren’t buying her food. 
“I got nothin’ better to do.” She says cooly as you pull a bundle of fabric out of your bag. You unravel the scrap, and Sevika knows what’s wrapped in it before you can even unveil it. She can smell the cinnamon. You reveal the pastry to her with a grin, and her belly growls. Sevika briefly wonders if the sound is from her hunger, or if it's from the bugs that always seem to be crawling around in her stomach when she’s with you. She snatches the treat out of your grip and tears into it, trying to distract herself from the fuzzy feeling in her chest. “Cinna-roll for my Cinna-Sev.” You sing-song. Sevika rolls her eyes, nudging you with her elbow and huffing an embarrassed laugh. 
“Fuck off.”
She follows you blindly, letting you lead her up the winding streets of the Undercity and toward the docks. You’ve got a few spots around the city you frequently visit to sell baked goods, and judging by the way sailors are grinning and waving at you, this is one of them. 
“Bread girl!” A woman hauling a net full of fish off a boat calls. You giggle and wave at her. 
This has been the best part of Sevika’s days as of late: passing out bread to strangers with one hand, snacking on treats with the other,  as you exchange and count coins and loafs with your adoring customers. 
Sevika first bumped into you three days into starting work at the mines. You came down to pass out rolls to the miners dismissed at lunch time, and a few teenagers were giving you trouble. Two of them were throwing your bag of rolls over your head in a cruel game of keep away, while the third teen was snooping through the little coin purse you’d dropped. You were pathetic, and clearly about to be robbed blind, and Sevika was tired. But… She couldn’t help herself, and she stepped in to defend you.
You both ended up getting beaten to a pulp, and you still got robbed; but she earned your friendship. 
You’ve been there to pick her up from work when she gets off every day since then. She gets teased endlessly for it. She’s ten, and you’re only seven. All the kids she works with want to know what she’s doing with a baby like you. But those kids haven’t tasted your grandpa’s treats. And they’ve never made her laugh like you do. 
Sevika watches you work with a small smile. She wonders if you know how cute you are and play it up to sell more buns, or if it’s really just you. Bugs start crawling around in her stomach again, and Sevika tears her eyes away from you, looking up at the sky instead. 
It’s rare that she ever gets to see so much sky. Down in the Undercity, the sky is sliced into thin slivers, only visible from the right angles. Up here you can’t escape it. The sun’s starting its slow descent, and the blue sky’s turning a sweet yellow. A storm’s brewing in the west, dark clouds starting to cover the very edge of the horizon. 
In the river, the dock starts to fill up with fishermen and tug boats docking for the night. The swell of sailors and seamen quickly buy up all your buns, but you’re in no rush to leave the docks, and Sevika’s never in a rush to get home. 
So, she kicks off her shoes and socks and rolls her pants up, sitting beside you at the end of the dock, both of your feet gently kicking your feet in the river below. You’re counting your earnings on your lap, and Sevika watches with a cringe as coins start to slide off your legs and toward the water below. She reaches out and catches a few. “Thanks Sev.” You giggle, reaching for the coins and putting them in your satchel. You snap your bag closed then sigh, leaning over to rest your head on her shoulder. Sevika freezes for a second, and then she rests her head on top of yours. 
“How’s your dad?” You ask. Sevika swallows the lump in her throat. She’s never talked about him with you… or anyone, really. But you seem to know anyway. 
“Eh. Fine.” She shrugs. You kick her ankle in the water, and a tear falls down her cheek. It's quiet as both of you allow the lie to be true for a while.
“Do you wanna run away to my house? Gramps won’ mind. Y’know he loves you.” You whisper. Sevika’s heart swells, and she wraps her arm around your shoulders and pulls you to her chest, hiding her tears from you by kissing the top of your head. You’re so young. Nothing’s hurt you yet. Sometimes, Sevika scares herself thinking of all the things she’d do to keep you safe.
“I’m alright, Honeybun. You don’ gotta worry about me.” She whispers. 
Across the bay two men chat, waist deep in the water and clinking bottles of ale together as they bait their fishing hooks. You and Sevika watch the pair for a while, one broad tall man, one skinny and short. They seem to be in a deep conversation, and occasionally their laughs will carry across the river to reach the two of you. 
“They’re not gonna catch anything. Storm’s comin’ in, the fish’re all hiding.” Sevika says. 
“You’re full'a shit.” You giggle.
“‘M tellin’ Gramps you’re cursing.” Sevika threatens. You jam your elbow into her side, and Sevika cackles. “C’mon, let’s go to Jericho’s before it starts raining.” She says once she catches her breath. 
Before either of you can rise, shouts float across the water. The fishing friends have started fighting with one another, their rods forgotten as they shout, splash and tussle. “Are they… playing?” You ask.
Sevika studies the scene. An animalistic roar floats across the bay, and the big man shoves the skinny guy's head underwater. Her stomach drops and she springs to her feet, gathering your shoes and trying to tug you away as quickly as she can. “We need to get outta here.” 
“Sev.” You whimper, pointing. Sevika’s eyes catch on what’s got you scared: a growing splotch of red staining the water where skinny arms are flailing and clawing at the hulking figure holding him down.
“C’mon, Honeybun.” She grunts, trying to pull you away from the docks. The sky opens up, the first drops of the storm starting to fall.
“S-Stop!” You squeal. Sevika lets go, worried she’s hurt you, but when you fall to your knees and start screaming across the river Sevika’s heart shatters in her chest. “You’re hurting him! Y-you’re gonna k-kill him!” Your screams are ignored, carried away by a strong gust of wind before they can reach the other side of the bay. Sevika’s tugs on your arm cease, she collapses to her knees beside you.
“Honey, let’s go home.” She begs, her voice wobbling as her hands try to guide your face away from the scene ahead of you. Your eyes keep darting between hers and the fight where the skinny man has stopped struggling completely. The surface of the river is still beside the small echoing rings of raindrops falling. 
“S-S-Sevika--” You cry as you lean forward, burying your face against her chest. A crack of lightning flashes in the sky. Sevika puts her hands under your armpits and hauls you up, keeping you tucked against her as she drags the two of you as far away from the docks as she can.
Right before she ducks around the corner, a clap of thunder booms, and a skinny arm bearing a knife breaches the water.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob
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—𓆩[in our next life || EPILOGUE]𓆪—
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𓆩[masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - Finnick Odair x Fem! District 4 Victor! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, slight angst
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 1.7K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - Peeta and Katniss weren’t the first to fall in love after the games. That title went to you and Finnick, your mentor after you were Reaped at the age of fifteen two years after Finnick. After being dragged back into the Games with the Quarter Quell, you both are determined to stop it, no matter what- especially if one of you would gladly sacrifice themselves for the other.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - that I know of, there is none! maybe besides cursing(?) but it's pure fluff, just let me know if you think i should add anything!
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Ten years later…
This would be the second rope being tied around your wrist, to the same man. Things were different now; the games were over, Finnick built you that house on the river bank, and you had a son this time too.
Your dress was similar to the one you had before, especially because Cinna designed this one too, but this time, it was much smaller than the ballgown you had before. It was still poofy, yes, but this time it was lined with pearls taken from your first dress in strands of gold. Your hair was pulled into your preferred style, a flower crown of white camellias, pearls stranded in your hair as well.
You probably loved this more than your first outfit, a white bouquet in your hands as well. You were going to cry even more this time, you were sure of it. When someone knocks, you turn with a quick confirmation for them to come in, Katniss peeking her head inside. “Someone wants to see you…”
You giggled as your son ran in, gasping loudly. “Momma, you look so pweety!”
You laughed at his childish dialect, smoothing down the front of your dress. “Yeah? You think papa will like it?”
He nods his head vigorously. “Yeah! And if he doesn’t, he’s crazy!”
You giggled, offering your empty hand. “Wanna walk mommy down the aisle?”
He continues to nod, running over. “Momma, I’m glad you’re getting remarried. That bracelet is dirty.”
You laughed, nodding with him. “Is it baby? Well good thing papa’s getting me another one, right?”
You named your son Atlas, and for heaven's sake, he came out exactly like Finnick. Golden hair and bright sea blue eyes, a perfect smile and the freckles you loved since you were a child.
He takes your hand, leading you out the room as Katniss follows behind. “You look beautiful, Y/N.”
You smiled back at her, giggling. “Thank you, Katniss.”
You walked out the back door, stepping down the steps of the large wrap around porch Finnick had built himself. The second you stepped into the meadow of different kinds of wildflowers, all of the memories came flooding back.
“Finnick, we’re not supposed to be here!”
You whisper yelled at him as he dragged you to the edge of District 4, laughing.
“So? Come on, we’re almost there!” He pulls you harder, groaning. “Y/N, don’t be a scaredy-cat!”
You groaned. “My mother will kill me.”
He snorts. “Fuck your mother.”
You gasped, slapping his bicep before he sharply tugs you forward, a gasp falling from your lips before you screamed out as you both began rolling down the hill. His hand keeps your face in his neck as he laughs, your arms wrapping around him as his other hand holds your side.
You finally get to the bottom, Finnick laughing like the funniest thing in the world just happened as you sit on his chest, looking down at your grass stained dress. The Reaping would happen in a few days, and your mother had just bought you this dress. She would kill you if you came home like this.
“Finnick, my dress is all dirty!” You whine as he sits up.
“You’re so over dramatic, darling. We can clean it when we get back, look at all the flowers,” he says, smiling as he picks one and puts it behind your ear. “I know they’re your favorite.”
You couldn’t help but giggle as you picked one and tucked it behind his ear. “My favorite wildflower, Finnick. Not my favorite in general.”
He laughed, clearing his throat. “My apologies, your majesty, your favorite wildflower. Is there any way you could possibly forgive me?”
You giggle, humming. “I mean… I guess so,” you say, making him grin before you boop his nose. “But it’s gonna cost you.”
He starts to blush, but hums. “Oh yeah? What?”
You purse your lips, letting out a soft ‘hmph’ as you fix yourself on Finnick’s lap. “Well, if I’m your highness, that means I’m queen, right?”
He purses his lips in response, nodding. “Yes, it does.”
“Well then, you can be my knight. To protect me and stay with me for the rest of my life. Sounds good?”
He smiled widely, nodding. “Sounds good. I’ll be your knight, Y/N?”
You put up your hand, offering your pinky. “Promise?”
He smiled, nodding as he wrapped his pinky around yours before pushing his hand up. “Lock it.”
You do, watching as he kissed your overlapping thumbs before doing the same. “You can’t break it now, Finnick!”
He nods before smirking. “Y’know, we just shared saliva.”
Your brow ruffled. “No we didn’t.”
“You kissed after me,” he teased, chuckling. “That means you got some of my saliva in your mouth.”
You blushed madly, quickly wiping your lips. “Finnick! Don’t say that!”
He laughed as he pressed his face into your neck. “Oh come on! Knights and queens belong together.”
You purse your lips. “No, kings and queens belong together.”
“Knights and queens make better pairs,” he says immediately before humming. “Y/N, I want to do something.”
Your brow ruffled. “Okay?”
He shook his head. “With you. If you don’t like it, you can tell me to stop and I will, I promise, but I’ve been wanting to do it with you for a while.”
You nodded. “Okay, I will. What is it, Finnick?”
He blushed madly, cheeks turning a bright red as he looked away. “C-Can you close your eyes?”
You do, closing them tightly before something soft lands on your lips. You don’t realize it at first, but Finnick was kissing you. Your lifelong crush was kissing you.
You don’t open your eyes until he pulls away, slowly finding his eyes as he swallows. “W-Was that okay?”
You look at him confused. “Did you just kiss me, Finnick?”
He looked away, mumbling under his breath. “Yeah, yeah I did,” he was blushing madly. “I just… I‘ve been wanting to do it for a while and-”
You pressed your lips to his before he could even finish, holding his cheeks before pulling away. It was soft and quick, but that’s all you really needed. You could feel your cheeks heating up as you rub them softly, clearing your throat. “I uhm… you don’t have to ask next time.”
He starts to smile. “So I can kiss you whenever I want?”
You shove him. “Of course not, dummy! We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend!”
His smile falls. “Why not?”
Your brow furrowed. “You… you want to be?”
“Yeah, I do,” he says quickly, fixing the flower over your ear. “I want to love you until the end of time.”
“Forever?” You ask and he nods.
“And when we meet again in our next life.”
You inhaled shakily as you stood at the end of the white carpet rolled out between the chairs of people, only the most significant you truly wanted to come. Finnick stood on the dock, hands ringing together nervously before he saw you. His jaw drops as he stares, Cinna grinning as he stands between him and where you were going to stand.
Mags had sadly died a few months before Atlas was born, peacefully with you and Finnick by her side. Of course you were heartbroken, but you also knew you would meet again in your next life.
The drums started to play as Atlas tugged on your hand making you look down at him.
“Mama, are you okay? Daddy’s crying.”
You look at Finnick who, sure enough, had tears rolling down his cheeks before he wiped at them.
“Yes baby,” you whisper, your own eyes filling with tears. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m amazing, I’m so, so happy.”
“Well, come on!”
You laughed as he tugged you down the aisle, waving at everyone as Haymitch and Effie grin at you. You smiled widely at them, wiping at your cheeks as you finally got to the dock where the drums stopped.
Atlas ran around you both, running to Cinna who sighed loudly.
“And at last, the day has finally come,” he says, announcing it to everyone here. “Where the King and Queen of Panem are getting married again.”
You can feel the rope being wrapped around you both, your hand holding one end as you stare up at Finnick who leaned his forehead against yours. Cinna continues to speak as Finnick takes the other end, Katniss and Peeta stepping forward to do the same thing they did the first time, but this time, they cut off the previous rope from your wrists before melting the second one around again.
“I have a gift for you both,” Cinna says as the rope stays wrapped around you both, slowly taking a box from his pocket before opening it. “To add onto your rings.”
You gasped as he took out two more rings, one a thinner band with a pearl on it made for Finnick while the other was a vine-shaped gold with a pearl on it as well. He slips them both onto your fingers as you look up at Finnick, eyes watering as he sighed. “I fucking love you, Y/N Odair. I love you so much.”
You giggled, stroking his cheek. “I love you, Finnick Odair. Until the end of time, and in our next life.”
He sighs, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “Until the end of time and in our next life, darling.”
“Give her a real kiss, Finnick!” Effie shouts, Atlas groaning in disgust as Finnick pulls his hand from the rope, both of his strong palms resting on your jaw as he pulls you closer, kissing you passionately.
You could taste the slight saltiness from the tears, but you groaned against his lips as you pulled him closer, lower. Everyone cheers as Atlas groans once again.
“Stop being nasty!”
You giggle as you pull away, smiling up at him again. “I love you too, Finnick Odair. Until the end of time, and when we meet in our next life.”
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Regular taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪
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In our next life taglist: 𓆩[@poppet05]𓆪   𓆩[@ennycutie]𓆪   𓆩[@jewelrybean25]𓆪   𓆩[@arzua10]𓆪   𓆩[@savagemickey03]𓆪   𓆩[@ok-boke]𓆪   𓆩[@instabull]𓆪   𓆩[@maxinehufflepuffprincess]𓆪   𓆩[@starryeddie]𓆪   𓆩[@ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations]𓆪   𓆩[@taestrwbrry]𓆪   𓆩[@iveraly]𓆪   𓆩[@b1llzb1tch]𓆪   𓆩[@avoxrising]𓆪   𓆩[@aquawhore]𓆪   𓆩[@luna-ann]𓆪   𓆩[@maliaaaa]𓆪   𓆩[@jyessaminereads]𓆪   𓆩[@hellowhatthehellisgoingonhere]𓆪   𓆩[@crowleysqueenofhell]𓆪   𓆩[@alexa-33]𓆪   𓆩[@wh0re4life]𓆪 𓆩[@duwcsd]𓆪   𓆩[@nyainterlu4ee]𓆪 𓆩[@magical-spit]𓆪
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This is the last chapter, omg. With a heavy heart, this is (kinda) the end! I will start taking requests for Finnick in this universe, the link to request is in at the top! Don't be shy my loves!
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© asterias-record-shop
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cfsharma · 2 months
A Scottish Break - @anthony-in-action
When Kate opened her eyes on that rainy morning, the woman sighed and tried to realize if what happened on the previous night was the fruit of her imagination or if it truly happened. Touching her lips, the brunette could feel the sensation of Anthony Bridgerton's ones kissing her tenderly. She slowly rolled out of the bed to go take a shower. The day would be quite long, she had to prepare for a few interviews and rush to pick up the horses and travel at night to Scotland. Six hours of car ride.
As she prepared, Kate took her phone and realized she never gave Anthony her number. With a hint of panic, Kate wondered how she would be able to contact him. As she looked at her laptop, the woman decided to google him and found the law firm he was working. There was a phone number, probably his professional one, but if she reached him out via it, she would eventually get an answer from his personal phone number? She grabbed her phone and wrote a quick text for him:
(text) Good morning. I figured I never gave you my phone number, I apologize for texting you on your professional one. I will have the whole day busy with interviews, I will pick our horses around 8pm and start driving to Scotland then. We can call each other later if you wish. Have a lovely day, thank you again for yesterday. Kate xx
The day was busy, long, a lot of interviews for different magazines. As it was soon 7pm, Kate rushed to the horse riding center and started preparing both horses. "C'mon lovies. Let's go to a lovely Scottish getaway. Don't worry, Cinna. Your owner will join.." She scratched the back of the mare's ears before securing both horses in the van. She took a picture of both horses and sent it to Anthony before adding: "All set. Kate xx"
She slowly got into her Range Rover and started driving, hoping that the man she considered now as her boyfriend would give her a call. She wouldn't arrive to Scotland before 2am, the woman definitely needed some distraction on the road.
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 13)
Summary: No one ever wins the games, even fourteen years later, Y/N is still playing. Trigger warning: discussions of trauma surrounding ‘desirable victors’ and mentions of sex.
Prologue | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve
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The tribute parade is a glimmer of hope after a losing streak. Capitol citizens screaming and chanting for Katniss as the chariots are drawn out for display. Even the elites are vying to sponsor the star crossed lovers, who saved their mentors and the sweet little baby in Y/N’s womb.
There is no waving or smiling this year, at Cinna’s request.
“Way to make friends out there, you two.” Haymitch waves over Peeta and Katniss once they dismount the carriage.
“Well, we learned from the best,” Katniss shoots back.
“I want to introduce you to some special friends of mine, this is Chaff and Seeder.”
Seeder smiles in acknowledgment.
While Chaff closes the distance between them, giving Katniss a kiss on each cheek; then pulling away in a fit of laughter.
She is caught off guard, dismay painted across her features.
“He’s very friendly.” Haymitch chuckles, clapping his friend once on the back. “But don’t invite him over, he’ll drink up all your liquor.”
Y/N approaches with Cashmere and Gloss in tow, as if Finnick introducing himself with the sugar cube, before the parade, hadn’t been enough.
“There she is,” Chaff opens his arms, “come here.”
Y/N smiles, slinking around the side to greet him, for what might be the last time.
“It’s good to see you, baby.” He tells her, in earnest. For a minute there, I thought you were coming in with us.
“Good to see you.” She pulls away, giving Seeder a quick hug. Tears welling up in her eyes, without permission.
The older woman taps her chin, when they break apart. “Don’t you cry.”
“We wanted to come introduce ourselves,” Cashmere explains. “I’m Cashmere, this is my brother, Gloss.”
“We’ve heard nothing but good things.” Peeta says, truthfully.
“Pleasure,” Gloss grins, extending a hand to Peeta, allowing his sister to mirror the gesture with Katniss. Moving in perfect synchronization, like a well oiled machine.
“And to thank you,” Cashmere squeezes Katniss’ hand.
“For what?” Katniss wonders.
“Saving my friend.”
You love her too. The realization sits heavy in Katniss’ chest.
“Alright, let’s go get some of that makeup off you.” Haymitch spares Katniss from farther floundering.
They move into the elevator, just the victors of district twelve, until a hand slips in to stop the doors from closing.
Johanna she struts in with a heavy sigh, pressing the button for the seventh floor. “You look amazing.”
“Thank you,” Katniss responds, under her breath.
“My stylist is an idiot.” Johanna tosses her bracelets to the ground. “District seven, lumber…I’d love to bury my axe in her face.” She shuffles closer to Peeta, moving her, long, red, ponytail over her shoulder. “Unzip?”
“Sure.” Peeta stammers, earning him a death glare from Katniss.
Johanna does not look away as she strips down to nothing, without preamble.
Katniss’ mouth is slightly ajar, Peeta’s lips set in a nervous smile.
“Not in front of the children,” Y/N gasps, rushing to hold a hand over both sets of eyes.
“Come on, you know you like this.” Johanna chirps, playfully.
“I remember when mine used to sit up like that.” Y/N cranes her neck to meet Johanna’s gaze, “enjoy it.”
“Cry me a river, you’re a walking wet dream.” Johanna rolls her eyes.
Haymitch is strangely silent, enjoying their banter.
Whether they are fighting or flirting, Katniss cannot tell. In any event, she’s glad when the elevator dings on the seventh floor.
“That was fun, let’s do it again sometime.” Johanna grins, quite pleased with herself as she exits.
“Johanna Mason, district seven.”
“Explain to me exactly how this is going to work.” Y/N whispers, beneath the spray of the water.
Whoever is tasked with monitoring the audio from their room, in the tribute center, must think they have the highest libidos in Panem. Though they are here to exchange information, they are also in the shower, nude, at very close proximity.
“Plutarch has access to the trackers, he can override the information.” Haymitch allows his eyes to close, at the feel of familiar fingers in his hair. “Cannon goes off while the tribute is still alive. They are extracted by the crane, from the hovercraft, same as always. One by one. Ideally, Katniss and Peeta near the end, Snow will want to see their bodies for himself. By the time he realizes what’s happened, everybody is safe, underground, in thirteen.”
“What about twelve? First thing he’ll do is retaliate.”
“We have open lines of communication, we’ll be able to warn them.”
Y/N nods, in understanding. His lips are on hers then and they are no longer pretending.
Keeping this secret from Katniss and Peeta is easier than Y/N anticipated. They assume she is distancing herself out of self preservation, reverting to the calculated woman they’d met on the train last year. Neither of them blame her.
They score twelves during individual assessment, painting even larger targets on their backs. And tonight, the last night before the games, they are prepping for their interviews with Caesar.
Katniss is almost certain that the master of ceremonies will ask about her volunteering. She does not regret it, even now, she would do it again in a heartbeat. No one deserves a happy ending more than you. Katniss hates that she is being laced back into Y/N’s wedding dress.
“I think you’re going to be happy with the alterations.” Cinna fluffs up the layers of fabric.
Haymitch downs his drink, drowning the vision of his sweet girl in the dress; squeezing his fingers when it hurt too much. The way she shook like a leaf beneath him, “it’s just you and me.” She is still after that, steady; allowing him to bring her pleasure she has never known.
Crying when it is finished, because he locked himself in the bathroom to vomit. Sick over what he had done to keep her safe, while she thought he was disgusted by something she’d done.
Apologizing profusely when he returns. “Haymitch, I- I was just nervous. Not because of you…I’m sorry it wasn’t, I’m sorry you didn’t like it. I’ll do better next time.”
His heart seizes, thrumming to an unbearable ache. “It’s nothing you did. Please never think that I-” Haymitch stumbles over the words. Evidence of his ‘enjoyment’ is mixed with her blood on the sheets, rolling forth a fresh wave of nausea. “Like you said, it’s not because of you. It’s everything else.” Snow and the cameras and-
Y/N knows how much he’s already given up, the deals he made for her. “I still want it to be real someday.”
Their marriage, their love story.
“You tell me when it’s real, and I’ll ask you to marry me again.” No more rushing, no more bullshit.
“I promise.” Haymitch swears. I’m getting you out of here. No matter how long it takes, I’m getting you out.
They are no longer in that room, trapped beneath the mechanical whirl of the cameras. They are here, with Y/N’s arms around his waist, one hand resting over his heart. Holding him where it hurts, because she understands him better at thirty than she could at nineteen. This dress is a prison, he hopes the girl on fire lights it up.
“These victors are angry, Katniss. They’ll say anything to try and stop the games, I suggest you do the same.”
When it is her turn to be interviewed, the audience is enamored at the sight.
“Welcome, Katniss Everdeen!” Caesar is humming with excitement. “Look at you, absolutely stunning.”
“Don’t go crying on me now, Caesar.” Katniss retorts.
“Oh, you know I can’t help it.”
“You know I wouldn’t believe you even if you did.”
“Ah ha ha, the girl on fire, so cheeky. I love it. Now, Katniss…on a more serious note, we’re all here a little disappointed, well more than a little, that a certain wedding will not be taking place.” Caesar laments, sharing his sorrow with the nation. “But here you are, in Y/N’s dress, the dress you would have worn. How do you think she feels, seeing you on stage tonight?”
“I hope that…” Katniss exhales. “I hope that she’s proud of me.” She searches beyond the blinding stage lights for Y/N, finding her in the sea of faces. She looks at Katniss the same way she always has, with love, sadness; something more. Perhaps it is pride.
“I know she is,” Caesar nods. “It has been so beautiful to watch your story, to see this family you found. How you volunteered, first for your little sister and then to save your mentor. You are incredible. Would you do us the honor?”
The twirling.
Katniss finds Cinna, beside Y/N and Haymitch, catching his eye. He gives the go ahead and she begins to turn. The skirt of her dress igniting into flames, leaving a black and gray design in its wake. As fire reaches the top, it has transformed completely. Feathers at her shoulders spread with her arms. Wings.
The crowd rises from their seats, her mentors and stylist among them. Cinna has an arm around Y/N’s shoulder, “for both of you.”
“Thank you,” she leans into him.
“It’s like….it’s like a-a bird! Like a-” Caesar racks his brain.
“Like a mockingjay,” Katniss finishes for him.
“Your stylist has certainly outdone himself. Cinna, take a bow.” Caesar turns the camera’s focus to the audience.
Cinna kisses his hand and holds it up, sending all his love to Katniss. When the applause has died down, she joins the other tributes, on the risers near the back of the stage.
Peeta is last, in a pristine white suit, designed to match his wife-to-be.
“So, Peeta, the wedding.” Caesar gets right down to business. “The marriage, never to be.”
“Actually, we got married. In secret.” Peeta says, captivating the crowd to a stunned silence.
“A secret wedding? Tell us more.”
“We want our love to be eternal, Katniss and I. We’ve been luckier than most and I wouldn’t have any regrets at all if-” Peeta breaks off. “If it weren’t…”
“If it weren’t for what, Peeta?” Caesar is all but holding his breath. “What?”
“If it weren’t for the baby.”
Once again viewers are out of their seats.
“Tell us more.”
“Well we knew that Y/N would be too far along and we all agreed that Katniss would have a better chance.” Peeta explains.
“Stop the games!” The cry heard around the Capitol, is resurgent and in full force. The victors of district twelve have not one baby at stake, but two.
“Alright now, this is news to all of us.” Caesar reminds the audience.
Their outrage echoes off the walls. “Stop the games!”
“We’re going to find out what we do about this.” Caesars attempts to stop the riot. He leans in to Peeta, asking him to go stand with the others. “It’s a great night.”
Peeta trots up the stairs to Katniss, embracing when they meet.
“Oh, my heart.” The woman behind Y/N leans over the seat. “That’s why you tried to stop her from volunteering. Because of the baby.”
Y/N nods, sniffling for effect. “I just can’t stop thinking about the babies.”
“Don’t worry, President Snow is a good man. He’ll get this figured out.” She rubs at her back.
The victors joining hands only serves to further rally the crowd. Together they watch as the lights cut off. Leaving them all in darkness.
The deliberation is long, or Snow makes it out to be. Y/N, Haymitch and Effie wait, impatiently, on the bench with the other mentors. It was a good show, with a response better than they could’ve asked for. But in the end, the games are still on.
This is more or less the outcome Peeta and Katniss were expecting. Somehow that doesn’t make it any easier to deliver the news.
Haymitch has to hand it to Peeta, “baby bomb was a stroke of genius. Unfortunately, the games are still on.”
The room is still.
“This is goodbye for now.”
“Presents,” Effie reminds them, their tokens. “Bracelets for you two.”
Y/N opens her box, revealing a slightly thinner version of the bangle her husband’s been gifted.
“And for Peeta, the medallion we talked about.”
“Thank you, Effie.” Peeta hugs her, in parting.
This year is different. Mentors will not be seeing tributes to the hovercraft, only stylists. Presumably for the districts that only had two victors to begin with.
“Thank you, Y/N.” The boy finds her next and she squishes him to her properly.
“You’re welcome,” she sighs. Stay safe.
When it is Katniss’ turn to say goodbye, the girl on fire is struck by the realization that she cannot. Instead she buries her face in the woman’s shoulder.
“You can do this, Katniss.” Y/N passes a hand over her hair, “I believe in you.”
Katniss nods, “thank you.”
The five of them remain together for a while. Katniss and Peeta splinter off first, sending them all in different directions. Effie to her room, Y/N and Haymitch to opposite floors of the tribute center.
Y/N reaches the last level before ground. Cashmere is waiting, wringing her hands. “We almost did it,” stopped the games.
“This isn’t over yet,” Y/N reminds her. “I have something for you.”
Cashmere sighs, the rebel plan is a wild one and there’s no guarantee it will work in time.
Y/N turns over the gold bangle, “Katniss knows it’s mine. As long as she sees it, she’ll honor the alliance.”
“I’ll do what I can to keep her alive…the boy too.” Cashmere assures her.
“Keep you alive too, while you’re at it.” Please.
The blonde gives her a sad smile, “you know me.”
Part 14
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease @ninimackbrews @wittiestrain184 @r1dd1kulus @erenluvr69 @helpimhyperfixating @jackierose902109
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thecinnaroll · 8 months
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💛 Who Is Your Oshi? 🧡
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pupsmailbox · 6 months
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NAMES ⌇ aero. ambrosia. angel. anise. anisette. bakerette. bambi. benedict. berrie. berry. betty. biscuique. blanche. blanchesse. blanchette. bluebell. bonbon. brie. bubblegum. cake. cakerie. cakessa. cakette. cakie. candace. candi. candibelle. candie. candy. caramel. caramella. caramelle. carmella. carmine. cassia. cerise. chantilly. charlotte. cherie. cherry. chiffon. chip. chocco. choco. chocobina. cinna. cinnabelle. cinnabon. cinnamon. claire. clem. clementine. coco. cookie. cookilyn. creamine. creamique. creme. cremelle. crepe. cupcake. cupid. custard. custella. cwake. dahlia. darling. delight. dove. drizzle. dulce. dulcie. eclair. fleur. frostine. fuchsia. graham. gummi. heath. honey. honoré. joy. julienne. kandie. kandy. kat. kit. kitty. lacey. lollie. lollu. lolly. lulu. madeleine. maisie. margaret. marjorie. marshmelle. miel. mielle. mika. millie. mimi. moussette. muffine. nana. nilla. panettiere. pastelle. pastrie. pastrina. patisserie. patty. peach. petal. pippin. pixie. popsy. praline. precious. pudding. puff. puffy. pumpkin. pwuffle. raspberry. reese. rosa. rose. rosie. ruth. rye. sherbet. shortcake. sorbelle. sorbet. sprinkline. strawbette. strawbie. sucre. sucrose. sugar. sugarbelle. sugarlyn. sundae. sundaeya. sunny. sweetheart. sweeti. sweetie. sweets. taffy. tartine. tealyn. teddy. toffee. toffi. trixie. truffrill. tulip. vanilla. vanille. vaniya. wafer. weddicae.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ ae/ae. angelsfood/angelsfood. ba/bake. bake/bake. bake/bakery. belle/belle. berry/berry. bite/bite. blush/blush. bon/bon. bow/bow. bread/bread. bun/bun. butter/butter. ca/candy. cae/cake. cake/cake. candy/candy. car/caramel. cara/cara. cara/caramel. ce/cer. che/cher. chef/chef. cherry/cherry. chew/chew. cho/choco. cho/chocolate. choco/choco. choco/chocolate. chocolate/chocolate. cinna/cinna. cinna/cinnamon. cocoa/cocoa. confection/confection. coo/cookie. cookie/cookie. cream/cream. cru/crust. cup/cake. cup/cupcake. cupcake/cupcake. cute/cute. dar/dar. delicacy/delicacy. dessert/dessert. devilsfood/devilsfood. do/donut. doe/donut. dou/dough. dough/dough. fla/flan. flo/flour. fre/fresh. fro/frost. fro/frosting. frost/frost. frosting/frosting. fu/fudge. goodie/goodie. heart/heart. hon/hon. hon/honey. honey/honey. ice/ice. jelly/jelly. lace/lace. lolli/lolli. lolly/lolly. love/love. mac/macaron. mi/mix. mou/mousse. mu/muffin. nom/nom. pas/pastry. pastry/pastry. pi/pixie. pie/pie. pink/pink. plum/plum. pop/pop. puddin/puddin. pudding/pudding. puff/puff. puff/puffle. ro/rose. roll/roll. rose/rose. soft/soft. sprinkle/sprinkle. sti/stix, strawb/strawberry. strawberry/strawberry. su/sucre. su/sugar. sug/sug. sug/sugar. suga/suga. sugar/sugar. swe/sweet. swee/sweet. sweet/sweet. tart/tart. toffee/tofee. trea/treat. treat/treat. wa/warm . 🍡 . 🍦 . 🍧 . 🍩 . 🍪 . 🍫 . 🍬 . 🍭 . 🍮 . 🍯 . 🍰 . 🎂 .
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