#blue waffles infection are real
thelunarsystemwrites · 7 months
Infectious Love Tale masterpost.
Summary: After Dream does some real stupid necromancy, he accidentally starts the zombie apocalypse. Somehow though, that's not relevant to the story... What IS important, is that Lust was bitten, yet... he's not like the rest, he's way more aware, emotional, and caring... Maybe, he is the hope the multiverse prayed for? Blue sure thinks so. (Queer platonic/romantic Lustberry AU, you choose how to interpret it!)
All the Infectious Love Tale (ILtale for short) content at your fingertips!
This AU was HEAVILY inspired by @shadowy-suitcase-herring-neck infection AU, (No, seriously, this AU would not exist without them!) which can be found here! And I HEAVILY recommend you check out their various creations!
It was also inspired by "Stephanie Mabey - The Zombie Song (Lyric Video)" Which can be found here!
DOCUMENTS: Short one-shots of mostly Dream documenting the sentient infected, Lust! However there may be entries of other nature.
Entry 0.1
Entry 0.2
Entry 0.3
Entry 0.4 - UNAVAILABLE.
Entry 0.6
Entry 0.9
FICS: Stories of the survivors! (and the not so lucky)
That was reckless...
Ways to show affection from an infected.
LORE DUMPS: Posts explaining plot, roles, character status, etc!
Dream's biggest mistake.
How the infected work?
Status update.
The two moods of Infectious love tale.
Infectious Love Tale: how everything gets worse.
Infectious Love Tale: Yanberry (TW: S.A and talk of disease being transmitted!)
ART: Yup! This AU has art!
Infectious Love Tale - Lust.
infectious Love Tale - Lust's sketch.
I just want my brother back, can't you understand that!?
Infectious Love Tale - Dream.
Infectious Love Tale - Nightmare.
Infectious Love Tale - Scrapped Blue design.
Infectious Love Tale - Blue.
COMICS: Yup, there might be short comics for this AU!
Waffles - Uncoloured.
Waffles - Coloured edition!
FANWORKS: If you ever make fan art of this AU, or writing, theories, you can ask them to be displayed here!
(Currently empty)
ASKS: Any asks relating to the AU will be put here, making your questions better known!
What if Lust WASN'T infected?
Out of 1 - 10, how much is your new AU based off the zombie song? ^^
Infectious Lust tale, what's the worst thing they've done to survive?
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prolife-home-care · 4 months
Blue Waffle Disease
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Debunking Blue Waffle Disease: Myths, Facts, and STI Prevention
The Blue Waffle Disease hoax emphasizes the need for reliable sexual health information. By understanding real STIs and practicing preventive measures, we can dispel myths and promote better health outcomes. If you experience any symptoms or concerns, consult a healthcare provider for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
What Is Blue Waffle Disease?
Blue Waffle Disease is an internet hoax, falsely described as a severe genital condition causing blue discoloration and lesions. Despite its viral spread on platforms like Reddit and Twitter, medical experts and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirm that Blue Waffle Disease is not real. This myth has misled many, highlighting the need for accurate sexual health information.
The Origins and Spread of the Blue Waffle Hoax
The Blue Waffle Disease myth originated around 2010 as an internet prank that quickly went viral. The hoax claimed that this fictitious STI turned the vaginal area blue and caused severe symptoms like lesions and discharge. The spread of this misinformation was fueled by doctored images and sensationalist claims. Despite being debunked by medical professionals, the myth persists, highlighting the dangers of internet misinformation and the importance of accessing reliable health information.
Symptoms Similar to Other STIs
The supposed symptoms of Blue Waffle Disease mimic those of real sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Recognizing these symptoms can lead to appropriate treatment:
- Genital Herpes: Painful blisters and sores, managed with antiviral medications (CDC, Genital Herpes).
- Vaginal Candidiasis: Itching, redness, and white discharge, treated with antifungal medications (CDC, Vaginal Candidiasis).
- Bacterial Vaginosis: Discharge, odor, and discomfort, treated with antibiotics (Workowski et al., 2021).
- Trichomoniasis: Itching, burning, and foul-smelling discharge, treated with antiprotozoal medication (Garcia et al., 2023).
Common STIs and Their Symptoms
While Blue Waffle Disease is not real, several actual STIs exhibit symptoms that can cause confusion. Understanding these can help individuals seek appropriate medical care:
- Chlamydia: Often asymptomatic, but can cause vaginal discharge, pain during urination, and lower abdominal pain. Left untreated, it can lead to serious reproductive issues.
- Gonorrhea: Symptoms include burning during urination, increased vaginal discharge, and bleeding between periods. Both men and women can contract it, affecting the genitals, rectum, and throat.
- Genital Herpes: Caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV), symptoms include painful blisters, sores, and vaginal discharge. The virus remains in the body and can reactivate.
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV): This common STI can cause genital warts and is associated with various cancers, such as cervical and throat cancer. Vaccination is available to prevent certain high-risk strains.
How To Prevent STIs
Preventing STIs involves a combination of safe sexual practices, regular testing, and proper hygiene. Essential strategies include:
- Use Protection: Condoms significantly reduce STI transmission (CDC, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention).
- Regular Testing: Routine screenings detect STIs early, enabling timely treatment (Workowski et al., 2021).
- Communication: Discuss STI status and safe sex practices with partners.
- Vaccination: Vaccines like HPV can prevent certain STIs (CDC, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention).
The Importance of STI Testing
Regular STI testing is crucial for maintaining sexual health. Tests can include urine samples, blood tests, or swabs. The CDC advises regular screenings for STIs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and HIV, especially for those with new or multiple partners (Workowski et al., 2021).
Dispelling Myths and Emphasizing Education
The persistence of the Blue Waffle Disease myth underscores the necessity of comprehensive sex education. Misinformation can lead to unnecessary panic and stigmatization. Reliable sources, such as the CDC and Planned Parenthood, provide accurate information on sexual health, STI prevention, and treatment. Educating young people through school programs and public health campaigns is crucial to combatting myths and promoting healthy sexual behaviors.
Practical Steps for STI Prevention
Preventing STIs involves adopting safer sex practices and being informed about your sexual health:
- Consistent Condom Use: Condoms and dental dams are effective barriers against STIs during vaginal, anal, and oral sex.
- Regular Screenings: Routine STI testing is vital, especially for sexually active individuals with multiple partners. Early detection leads to timely treatment.
- Open Communication: Discussing STI status and sexual health with partners fosters trust and reduces the risk of transmission.
- Vaccinations: Vaccines, such as those for HPV and hepatitis B, are critical tools in preventing certain STIs.
Addressing Common Questions
What is Blue Waffle Disease?
Blue Waffle Disease is a fictional condition, created as an internet hoax, and is not recognized by medical professionals.
What does Blue Waffle Disease look like?
There are no legitimate medical cases or images of Blue Waffle Disease as it does not exist. Photos circulating online are either altered or misrepresent other conditions.
What does Blue Waffle mean?
"Blue Waffle" is a slang term that has no basis in medical reality. It is part of the misinformation spread through internet hoaxes.
The Blue Waffle Disease hoax is a clear example of how misinformation can spread and create unnecessary fear. By focusing on real STIs, their symptoms, and prevention methods, we can promote a better understanding of sexual health. Ensuring access to accurate information and encouraging responsible sexual practices are key to preventing the spread of STIs and debunking harmful myths.
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reiding-writing · 5 months
hi! first of all, congrats! can i request something from the colours list, blue - 3?
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/krʌʃt ʌp/
Blue - 3. "Did you take your medication?”
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WARNINGS: established relationship, injured reader, pills
spencer reid x gn!reader || fluff || 0.8k || event page!!
a/n: based on my own hatred for tablets that don’t have a hard coating over them 🫶
main masterlist!! ⋆。°✩ event masterlist!!
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Your groan practically echoes through the apartment, a sure fire announcement of your reluctant wake into the real world.
You’d languished in your fatigue for the last few days, spending your time bundled up underneath Spencer’s scented sheets in the hopes that breathing in his pure essence would relieve you of the absolute agony searing through your left shoulder.
It did not.
It was arguably better when he was lying in bed with you, but Spencer was an avidly early riser, meaning that you always woke up in bed alone. Granted, most of the time it meant you woke up with an in-home room service, but you didn’t care about food right now, you just wanted Spencer to hold you until the pain went away.
It was collateral damage of your job unfortunately. When you’re chasing after armed suspects, you were bound to get shot at some point, it was just basic probability. But damn did it not hurt like a bitch.
You sitting upright was like the nail in the coffin, a sharp pain tearing through the muscles of your back until you could feel it in your hips as you dragged yourself out of bed, another pained groan leaving your mouth in it’s wake.
You drag yourself all the way to the kitchen, following the sound of the coffee machine until you drape yourself over Spencer’s back and lean on him until you’re not supporting your own weight anymore.
“Good morning-” He lets out a small huff as he shifts to support the new weight, a small chuckle leaving his mouth as your forehead comes into contact with his shoulder.
“No good, just morning…” Your voice is drenched in a mix of fatigue and anguish, and Spencer has to stifle a smile so that he doesn’t look like he’s finding amusement in your pitiful state. “What are you making..?”
You don’t sound all that interested in his answer as you worm your arms underneath the t-shirt his wearing to run your hands over his torso. Your freezing cold hands that make Spencer physically jolt from the temperature difference, although he doesn’t make any move to stop you from warming yourself against him like he’s a human radiator.
“Toaster waffles?” He laughs lamely at his own answer. “I was going to make omelettes but we’ve run out of eggs,”
You give him a soft hum as an acknowledgment of his answer, your nose buried in his shoulder with your eyes closed as you try to focus on the soft pulse in his neck instead of pulsating pain in your back.
“Still hurting?” He halts his coffee making momentarily to rub his hand over the section of forearm that hasn’t disappeared under his shirt, letting the side of his head rest against yours.
“Mhm…” You nod tiredly against his neck. “It’s like someone’s taking a hammer and chisel to my shoulder blade,”
He gives a soft sigh as your answer, turning his head to press a kiss against your temple. “Have you taken your medication?”
“Not yet…” It’s your turn to sigh now, shaking your forehead against the fabric of his t-shirt. “It doesn’t do anything…”
“You need to take it angel, even if you don’t think it’s doing anything,” He eases your arms from around him so he can turn around and face you properly. “Studies suggest that 54% of adult americans stop taking their course of medication before they’re supposed to because they feel like the medication isn’t doing anything for them anymore, which isn’t true,”
He pulls you back into his arms again, careful to not bump your shoulder whilst also trying to relieve the dull ache you’re feeling by massaging soft circles against your spine. “It’s the only thing stopping you from getting an infection and needing another surgery, so please humour me okay?”
“Okay…” You agree reluctantly, pressing your lips against his neck in a series of fatigued open-mouth kisses. “Can I crush them at least? They taste horrible..”
He gives you a soft hum of approval and a nod, swaying you back and forth gently in his grasp in an attempt to wash away the sleep ravaging your body. “Of course angel, i’ll mix them into your coffee,”
“Thank you…”
“Of course baby,” He leaves a sticky kiss against the crown of your head. “I love you,”
“I love you too Spence…”
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Honestly, the thing that really gets me some of these days is that… we’ve just got a routine now. We’ve got cots in the back, so one of us can pass out while the other two work the counter. Lyell grabbed a couple of those water purifier thingies before everything went nuts, so we can trade clean water for the ingredients we need. And well… no one ever said me and June weren’t some of the twitchiest and paranoid people working here. Give us a couple’a knives, a shotgun and some shells, and we’ll sort out any safety issues.
We’ve still got regulars comin’ ‘round, for Christ’s sake. Albeit, they come ‘round mainly ‘cause we don’t let any infected through the doors.
Infecteds tend to stay away after the sixth or seventh time they get their heads turned to red mist, courtesy of a well-placed shotgun blast.
 Fathers Peter and Taylor hold services in our place, each Sunday. I was never really into religion myself, but watching them over the counter, teaching Bible stories to all the little kids who had clambered into the same booth, I can’t help but smile a lil’.
Dr. Martins wanders in sometimes too, when she can afford a day or two away from her bunker full of patients. She’s real nice, all blue-ish hair and smile lines, even if she insists on calling all of us “kids”. She even brings ‘round refills for our first-aid kit; bandages, painkillers, stuff like that.
I’ll be honest, we weren’t real close before all this started. June, Lyell and me were just co-workers stuck on the dead shift together. I hadn’t seen Dr. Martins since I left my moms’ place, and I hadn’t gone to church in even longer.
But the infection came along, and everyone who could left town.
But the Fathers didn’t leave town, not with a whole Sunday school sleepover to look after and protect.
But Dr. Martins didn’t leave town, not with patients to monitor and an immunocompromised grandson recovering in his bed.
But me and my co-workers- my friends- didn’t leave town. We didn’t have anywhere to go.
And so, we stayed.
So, if you ever wander through a small, abandoned town down South, and you happen to see a Waffle House near the edge of it, all lit up with out-of-season Christmas lights and a couple’a old menorahs, stop on by.
We’ve got weapons, we’ve got water, we’ve got a place to sleep.
We’ve also got a place to confess, we’ve got some tired laughs, we’ve got a shoulder to cry on.
And most of all, we’ve got good food, fast.
Thanks for reading! If you liked this story, or if you just wanna support me, consider tossing me a Ko-fi! (Link is in my bio!)
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sexualnews12 · 1 year
Blue Waffle Disease: Is it a myth or a real STI?
Even over a decade after the term blue waffle disease came into being, there is curiosity whether it is real sexually transmitted infection or disease or not. A photograph of an infected blue-tinted labia was circulated on the internet in 2010, leading people to discuss this strange health issue that would turn the vagina blue. If you are worried about getting this disease, take a breath and read…
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etcexpo · 1 year
What is This Blue Waffle Disease Everyone Is Freaking Out About?
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In recent times, a topic called "Blue Waffle Disease" has been making waves across various online platforms, leading to confusion, concern, and even panic among internet users. The term itself is provocative and intriguing, but what exactly is the Blue Waffle Disease? Is it a real medical condition or just a fabrication? In this blog post, we will delve into the origins of the blue waffle disease, its validity, and the importance of critically evaluating information on the internet.
Understanding the Origins:
The Blue Waffle Disease first emerged online in the late 2000s, primarily on shock websites and graphic forums. It gained notoriety due to its graphic and disturbing nature. The term "waffle" was used metaphorically to describe the appearance of infected genitalia, while the color blue added an extra element of shock value. However, it is crucial to note that the Blue Waffle Disease was never recognized by any reputable medical or scientific authority.
Fact or Fiction:
Despite its prevalence on the internet, the Blue Waffle Disease is widely regarded as an urban legend, an internet hoax, or a deliberate attempt to spread misinformation. No medical evidence or credible documentation supports the existence of such a disease. This fictional condition was likely created to shock and frighten internet users, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and skepticism when consuming online content.
Internet Culture and Misinformation:
The rapid spread of the Blue Waffle Disease is a clear example of how easily misinformation can circulate in today's digital age. Social media platforms, forums, and websites allow information to be shared and amplified within seconds, often without any verification or accountability. This incident serves as a reminder that critical thinking and responsible information consumption are essential skills in navigating the online world.
The Dangers of Graphic Content:
While the Blue Waffle Disease is a fictional concept, the explicit and graphic nature of the associated images and descriptions can be distressing and harmful, especially to younger or vulnerable individuals who may come across them accidentally. Graphic content can have a profound impact on mental health and well-being. It is crucial to promote responsible online behavior and provide guidance on how to deal with potentially harmful material.
Promoting Digital Literacy:
To combat the spread of misinformation and urban legends like the Blue Waffle Disease, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of digital literacy. Educating individuals on how to verify information, identify reliable sources, and think critically can empower them to make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to online hoaxes. Teaching media literacy in schools and promoting fact-checking organizations can contribute to a more responsible and knowledgeable online community.
The Role of Health Professionals:
When encountering alarming or unfamiliar medical information online, it is vital to consult trusted medical professionals rather than relying solely on internet sources. Health professionals possess the knowledge and expertise to provide accurate information, address concerns, and guide individuals toward reliable resources. Building a strong doctor-patient relationship and seeking medical advice can help dispel myths and alleviate unnecessary anxiety.
The Blue Waffle Disease, despite its popularity online, is nothing more than an internet hoax or urban legend. This fictional condition highlights the power and danger of misinformation in the digital age. It serves as a reminder to critically evaluate the information we encounter and to seek guidance from trusted sources. By promoting digital literacy and responsible online behavior, we can navigate the internet more confidently, ensuring our well-being and fostering a more informed society.
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syeraazee-blog · 6 years
How Frequently Does blue waffle Breakout?
If you have adequate experience, online dating services can be successfully utilized. However, when you decide to meet the other individual after you have getting in touch with each other through the internet, you require to depend on your instinct and how to get blue waffle excellent sense.
I struggled for months with the problem and what is a blue waffle eventually chose to leave him and take the kids with me. It was not go to this web-site a simple choice. I enjoyed him, I wanted to spend my whole life with him, but I was tired of the emotional abuse and the alcohol and drug abuse, and I was tired of sharing my bed with Budweiser.
When or twice) screening is very important and should be carried out as soon as possible, if you have actually ever engaged in unguarded sex (even if it was blue waffle only. Chancroid and blue waffles is easy to pass on and is out there in abundance, with an approximated two and half million Americans recently infected every single year. In big cities, the numbers are somewhat greater than in the rest of the country and the issue stays that many individuals who are infected with this disease program no signs at all.
As soon as the infection is triggered, the blue waffles blue waffle heal quickly. Sadly, they have the tendency to repeat. The virus can't be gotten rid of from an infected body. The activation of the infection happens when the defense systems of the body are weak. Some preventive procedures can assist. Avoid choosing your nose and touching your lips throughout this time. Wash your hands regularly if you do touch. Eat a well balanced diet.
Which Treatment Of Genital blue waffles Is Finest For Men?
blue waffles has three stages. Throughout its first and second phases, the blue waffle blue waffle disease symptoms disease can quickly be transferred to another person. There are specific blue waffles symptoms to quickly determine the infection.
Eye care: eye sprayed with cold water. Apply the how do you get blue waffles disease cotton swabs soaked in warm milk or weak solution of tea or rose water. Delegate act for 10-15 minutes.
Just put, the condition is really unpleasant for the people who have them. This is where a review of Yeastrol comes in.You might too consider to make use of Yeastrol now.
blue waffles Vs blue waffles
Roger Clemens, former Boston Red Sox/Toronto Blue Jays/New York Yankees/Houston Astros/New York Yankees ideal handed pitcher and bat thrower. In the 60 Minutes interview recently, Clemens was obnoxious and alternately bold with Mike Wallace. When asked directly whether he used steroids or human growth hormone, Clemens looked down at the floor while denying the charge. I know, that doesn't prove anything. Neither does taking so long to release a rejection after the release of the Mitchell Report. But they sure look suspicious. We will be discovering more on this shortly.
Still, you can discover so called "industrial" disorders that occur to be normally explained in the news or over online. Their main factor is to trigger us fret about our total health and spend more loan acquiring search blue waffle remedies which will lower or repair them. Supplements will likewise be covered here.
Podophyllin resin (Podofin) can be found in lotion or gel kind that you can utilize it in the house. It is applied three times a day for blue waffle infection three successive days, followed by a four day break; to be repeated for four weeks. Podophyllin resin can only be used by your medical professional so he can keep an eye on the usage thoroughly, and check for serious side impacts. Some common negative effects are burning, swelling, redness, and discomfort. If you are pregnant DO NOT utilize this item. Constantly consult your medical professional prior to using ANY medications.
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Get Rid Of blue waffle Naturally
Exactly what do you do if you have genital blue waffle? Do you actually wish to have to discuss this with the doctor? There are medications out there that can treat this condition and make breakouts a lot less frequent. Genital blue waffle is an infection that affects the genital region. It presents with aching like blisters that generally cluster in the genital area. They are typically agonizing and are extremely contagious. Genital blue waffles is not treatable, when you have the virus, you continue to have the infection however it does enter into remission. The condition is contagious to other sexual partners. Prophylactics can secure against this condition and partners should practice safe sex to prevent the spread of blue waffle.
blue waffle Dating Websites - The Finest Place To Find Love When You Have blue waffle
Due to the fact that they are familiar with them or they become abusive themselves, kids who see violent relationships either seek those very same types of relationships.How could I expose my kids to years of psychological abuse with their blue waffle vagina own future partners or raise children to feel comfortable in abusive environments find out this here ?
A specific disease that began to be incredibly popular, generally on the internet is blue waffle Illness. Nonetheless you will also discover individuals who have not found out about this condition. Some people think of exactly how this condition got its name. The womanly body part it is affected modifies the color to blue colored or purple, plus waffle will be the street term for the female's reproductive organ or simply vagina. It truly is interesting a a great deal of health care websites have not any or minimal info about this condition. So it's reasonable that if this disease existed, there can be at the minimum a Latin term for it.
Get Rid Of Genital blue waffle In The Safest Way
Not only can blue waffles hurt, however they can also cause a great offer of problem when it pertains to consuming, drinking, and sleeping. Additionally, running water can make them feel even more blue waffle disease symptoms uncomfortable, making showering a bothersome experience. If captured rapidly, a fever blister can be gotten rid of in one to 3 days. However, if allowed to grow from its beginning to its complete course, a fever blister can last as much as a week or longer. This is why it is very important to discover how to recognize an establishing cold aching and instantly start treating it.
blue blue waffle disease name waffles Symptoms And Genital blue waffle Treatment
Individuals in some cases get blue waffle disease overly upset about finding they have genital blue waffles, feeling that they're tainted and stressed as if death is immanent. Others will attempt to overlook the condition, believing that they can go on forever without this condition being dealt with. Either action is certainly a problematic response. The truth is that the reality lies somewhere in between.
How does one ended up being contaminated with Chlamydia? It is spread out like the majority of other Sexually transmitted how do you contract blue waffles disease, by any sexual activity consisting of oral, anal or vaginal. It is essential that testing is done routinely (each year or two times a year is suggested). Once contaminated what can take place? If chlamydia is left untreated in ladies, the results of the infection can trigger PID-or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. This takes place when the bacteria contaminates the cells of a woman's cervix and infects the uterus and fallopian tubes.
blue waffles has more than 100 stress, of these over 30 of the pressures are sexually transferred. Of the sexually sent stress, there are two categories: low danger stress and high risk strains which if left without treatment can result in cervical cancer.
Human Papillomavirus Infection: Causes, Signs And Treatment
Rather of him assaulting me at 10 minutes after 4, as he generally did when he got home from work, I assaulted him. And I was unrelenting, often coming up with things that were so hurtful I found myself patting myself on the back.
I pity the man I opted to love who was incapable of caring me back. He still doesn't recognize that his alcohol addiction added to his general what does blue waffles anxiety and to the state of his life. He obviously needed aid. However I did too.
Podophyllin resin (Podofin) is available in cream or gel type that you can use it at house. It is used 3 times a day for three consecutive days, followed by a 4 day break; to be duplicated for 4 weeks. Podophyllin resin can only be used by your physician so he can monitor the usage thoroughly, and examine for serious side effects. Some common side results are burning, swelling, soreness, and pain. If you are pregnant DO NOT utilize this product. Always inspect with your physician prior to utilizing ANY medications.
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timid-kitten21-blog · 6 years
How Do You Get A blue waffles std?
Sexually transmitted illness can be passed from anyone that participates in sexual activity without protection, particularly if numerous partners are included. Orientation has no bearing on whether you can catch something. If you experience any of them, each has their own set of signs and you must undergo Sexually Transmitted Disease like blue waffle testing. Fortunately, many of the time the treatments that will inform you whether you're experiencing something are simple and do not take a very long time to verify, or reject. First you have to understand exactly what to look for so you can let your physician or center understand so they can carry out the ideal test.
Products You Should Understand About Genital blue waffle.
I never considered, after having actually simply provided birth to our youngest daughter that my HUSBAND had actually gotten this useful content from somebody else UP UNTIL I watched that Oprah show years later on. I felt so right away stupid I could have struck myself. Instead, I just shook my head at how gullible and oblivious I had actually been throughout my marital relationship. I had permitted him to abuse me once again and I wasn't even mindful that I was being abused by one of the most powerful techniques of abuse - betrayal.
Know your limitation when drinking.Decide the number of beverages you can securely have without being out of control and stay with it! When you have actually reached that limitation beverage coke, sprite, carbonated water, orange juice - anything however more alcohol. You do not wish to either need to entrust to a person when you're drunk, or stumble blue waffle house alone. Ladies are assaulted, raped, and murdered when drunk. Don't let it take place to you.
I feel sorry for the male I selected to enjoy who was incapable of caring me back. He still does not recognize that his alcoholism added to his total depression and to the state of his life. He certainly required assistance. However I did too.
Eating too much, for some, is similar to taking a drug. Transformation in blood sugar level levels can impact your moods, dulling the emotional symptoms of blue waffle disease stress. Lying on the couch creates a sort of odd bliss, which may have something to do with comparing your own life to those of the people on daytime talk programs.
How does one become contaminated with Chlamydia? It is spread like the majority of other Sexually transmitted blue awful disease, by any sex consisting of oral, anal or vaginal. It is crucial that screening is done regularly (yearly or two times a year is recommended). As soon as infected what can take place? If chlamydia is left without treatment in females, the outcomes of the infection can cause PID-or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. When the germs contaminates the cells of a female's cervix and spreads to the uterus and fallopian tubes, this takes place.
No one should power their ethical code down another's throat (not that this has actually kept folks from doing it all through history) however with all actions come responsibilities. Checking your health is one such duty relating to sexual behavior. It would not require to be uneasy or cost lots of cash. It just takes a couple of minutes of your time-and it is so worth it. Let's take an appearance at a number of the statistics, we could?
The Best Genital blue waffle Cream
Back to the symptoms issue: Approximately seventy five percent of women and fifty percent of males who are favorable for Chancroid and blue waffle reveal no symptoms at all! It's not easy to encourage the populace to submit to screening when signs are apparent, so with a disease that hides its symptoms it is a lot more difficult. Don't be one of those people who hide from the fact. If you are having sex, find A Sexually Transmitted Disease like blue waffle medical professional and start testing.
I never ever thought about, after having just provided birth to our youngest child that my OTHER HALF had gotten this disease from somebody else UNTIL I viewed that Oprah reveal years later. I felt so instantly dumb I might have struck myself. Instead, I just shook my head at how gullible and ignorant I had been throughout my marriage. I had enabled him to abuse me once again and I wasn't even blue waffles com conscious that I was being abused by among the most effective methods of abuse - betrayal.
If you have an inner voice that is shouting in your head, "She's not the one." It's time to pay attention to it and move on. It's time to put your subscription to good usage if things do not work out the method that you hoped for formerly. There are countless individuals who have discovered love on the what is a blue waffle web successfully. And most of them had more than just one attempt to find love. They didn't quit, whats a blue waffle why should you?
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The Cabin
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3
Word Count: 4299
A/N: So, here is part 20 of Nightmares and Bruises. I’ve only got one exam left and then I’ve officially finished my first year of uni!! That means that after the 26th, I’m going to try and attempt to get back into posting at least one, if not more, chapter a week. This one is really long and most of it is probably waffle, so I apologise. The taglist is open so drop me an ask or a comment! I won’t reply to comments because this is a side blog but know that I see and read them all.
Series Masterlist
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After everything that happened at the hospital, they all realised they were up against a lot more than they could ever have imagined. They came to the decision that Jonathan would drive Y/N’s car, because she was in no shape to drive, and would take Y/N, Will and El to Y/N’s house so she could change, as Nancy took the others to her so she could change too. Then they would all meet up at Hopper’s cabin to figure out where they were going to go from here.  
The Jonathan, Y/N, EL and Will arrived first and El had just finished getting changed when Nancy pulled up outside. As they walked in, Nancy handed El a bingo pamphlet with Mrs Driscoll’s picture on it and a picture of Bruce from the newspaper. Y/N handed over a family picture she had picked up in the Holloway’s house and the strip of photobooth pictures that had fallen out of Billy’s locker. Then they set everything up as usual in El’s room and left her to it.
“It can’t be good for her to be in there for this long.” Mike exclaimed after about fifteen minutes, gesturing towards El’s closed door as he paced back and forth in the living room.
“Mike, you need to relax.” Max rested her arms on her knees as she rocked her heels back and forth while sat in one of the arm chairs.
“What if she gets brain damage or something?” Mike countered.
“Oh shit! Is that, like, a real thing?” Lucas asked, taking a break from eating Honey Smacks straight from the box as he leaned back on the sofa.
Max rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not. He made it up. Mike doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”
“Oh! And you do?” Mike stopped his pacing to face her.
“No, I-…” Max tried to come up with an answer.
Y/N stopped paying attention to their bickering as Nancy started another conversation on the phone.
“Yes, from The Hawkins Post. I-I called a couple of days ago about the… Yes, yes. Um, I was just following up to see if anything else had gone missing, or if…Okay. Um, sorry to bother you.” She slammed the phone back on the stand as Max and Mike continued to argue.
“You okay?”
It took Y/N a minute to realise that Jonathan was talking to her.
“I’m going to take that as a no.” Jonathan smiled and leant on the opposite side of the kitchen island from where her and Will were sitting.
Y/N tried to return it. “It’s just… Everything’s all over the place. The last two times we’ve had some direction but this time… I’m worried about Billy.” She bit her lip and looked at the ceiling to try and stop another set of tears falling.
“We’ll figure it out. Alright? We always do.” He smiled again before Nancy walked over.
“Who’s next?”
“There is no next. Unless you want to start calling random people’s homes.” Jonathan told her as he crossed out the place she’d just called in the phone book.
“It doesn’t make sense!” Nancy said, throwing her notebook down on the kitchen island.
“What part of any of this makes any sense?” Y/N asked, suddenly very aware of the pain in her shoulders. She reached into her bag and took another couple of painkillers with the glass of water Jonathan had given her a while ago.
“There’s a pattern, okay? A consistency to their behaviour.” Nancy looked between the three of them sat in the kitchen. “They’ve been feeding on these chemicals since this started, and-and what? They just stop, out of the blue?”
“Maybe they have all the chemicals they need.” Will spoke up. “Maybe they’ve all turned into those… things.”
“But what about the source? I mean, did the mind flayer just suddenly stop infecting people? And even if the flayed are monsters now, why can’t El find of them?” Nancy rattled off.
“Okay, can you guys settle an argument for us?” Max walked into the kitchen with Mike behind her. “Who do you think should decide El’s limits? Mike, or Eleven?”
“The way that you frame that is such bullshit!” Mike said.
Y/N stood up and walked over to the window. She couldn’t deal with any more arguing. She just wanted answers. She just wanted Billy back.
“What’s going on?” EL’s voice brought everyone out of their various states as they all turned to look at her.
“Nothing! Nothing.” Mike said a little too quickly.
“Just a family discussion.” Lucas added.
“Oh. I found him.” El said.
“Found who?” Y/N walked back over to everyone.
El looked directly at her. “Billy.”
Y/N felt her heart stop. “Where is he?”
“At his house.” EL told her.
She grabbed her car keys and had almost made it to the door when Nancy grabbed her unbroken arm.
“Where are you going?”
“To go see him. He’s still in there Nancy, I can bring him back, I know I can.”
“He nearly killed you, Y/N. Twice from what I can tell. We need more information before we go charging into anything.” Nancy’s grip was firm as she raised her eyebrows, daring Y/N to challenge her.
“Fine, but he only tried to kill me once, the crash was an accident.” Y/N put her keys back in her pocket and let Nancy drag her back into the living room area. Everyone was sat around El, who was sat cross legged in front of the static TV again. When Nancy and Y/N were settled, she tied the bandana around her head again.
It was around five minutes later that she ripped the blindfold back off.
“What’s he doing now?” Max asked as El stood up and walked into the kitchen.
“He’s just sitting, in his room.” El grabbed a glass, filled it with water and then gulped down the whole thing.
“And that’s not normal right?” Nancy asked, her eyes drifting from Max to Y/N.
“Billy staying in his room on the fourth of July? No, that’s not normal.” Max said.
“We were supposed to be going to the fair.” Y/N remembered, even though she knew that was never going to happen right now. She ignored the pain piercing her heart and tried to analyse the situation. “He wants us to find him.”
“Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of.” Nancy said, looking directly at Y/N. “If we go to Billy, then the rest of the flayed know where we are.”
“It’s a trap, I agree. We’ll be ambushed.” Mike chimed in.
“We won’t be surprised. We’ll know that they’re coming and we’ll kick their flayed butts.” Lucas said with sheer confidence.
“You mean El will kick their butts.” Max reminded him.
“It’s too risky.” Mike said
“Yeah, and unnecessary.” Nancy backed up her brother. “Killing the flayed won’t kill the mind flayer. We have to find out where it’s spreading from and top it. We have to find the source.”
“Which only one of us has visited, and I can’t even remember it.” Y/N reminded them.
“Billy knows it.” El said. “Billy’s been there. To the source. He was awake, after the crash?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, he was. He was covered in dirt and grime and really panicked when I came too in the car. Looked like he’d been dragged across the floor.”  
“Yeah, but-” Mike started.
“It’s a trap.” El finished. “I know. We can’t go to Billy, but I think there’s another way. A way for me to see where he’s been.”
They got everything set up again in the living room. Mike tried to talk her out of it one more time before she went in, but she assured him she would be fine.
Billy sat on his bed with his hands resting on his knees. His eyes were trained straight ahead at his bedroom wall. As El walked closer she could see the cuts from the sauna test seemed to be an even darker shade of black than before. He was still in the white vest and jeans from the hospital. She took shuddering breaths as she got close enough to truly see him. Y/N had been right. His eyes were pained, but the rest of his face and body language was neutral.
El reached forward and took his hand. He didn’t even seem to notice as she lifted his arm up. The scratches Y/N had left at the hospital were littered down his forearm. They had all turned black too.
“Billy?” El spoke softly. “Can you hear me? I want to see. I want to see what happened.”
That seemed to get through to him. He raised his gaze to meet hers. His eyes were glassy with unushered tears. But then his face went hard and he grabbed El’s forearm in a vice like grip. She started to panic as she tried to pull her arm from his grip.
El’s breathing was increasing sharply and none of them knew why.
“Something’s wrong!” Mike said, but no one made any attempt to move; none of them knew what to do.
El fought harder and harder to try and pull her arm out of Billy’s grip. But he held fast.
“Stop! No! No! No! No! NO!” El screamed as she managed to yank her arm back. But in doing so, she sent herself falling backwards.
It felt like she was falling in slow motion. As she fell there were flashes. Flashes of memory. The sauna test. The mind flayer. Y/N pushing her out of the way before Billy’s hand could close around her throat. The mind flayer. Heather’s parents being taken and flayed. The mind flayer. Billy standing over Heather in the basement. The mind flayer. Billy watching them leave the Holloway’s after they had interrupted dinner. The mind flayer. Heather in the ice bath at his house. The mind flayer. Heather being dragged down. The mind flayer. Billy being flayed. Billy flaying Heather. Billy being dragged down into the basement. The mind flayer. The crash.
She hit the floor and was immediately engulfed by a wave. She pushed herself onto her front as she looked around. She was no longer in the upside down, well, not the one she was used to. She was on a beach. She looked to the side as a flock of seagulls took off into the air, cawing to each other as they did so. She struggled to her feet and looked around in confusion.
“El? Are you okay?” Mike was getting worried.
She let out a shaky breath. “I’m okay.”
Everyone released the breathes they had been holding.
“What’s going on?” Mike pressed.
“I’m… On a beach.” She sounded as confused as everyone felt.
“Okay, I may be dense, but the last time I checked, there weren’t any beaches in Hawkins.” Lucas said.
“What else do you see?” Max asked.
As El looked around again, a woman came into focus. She was tall, blonde and beautiful. She was wearing a long white swimsuit cover and had a pair of yellow sandals and a straw sunhat in her hand.
“A woman. She’s… Pretty.” El smiled. “I… I think she’s looking at me.”
The woman smiled in El’s direction and started to wave. “Whooo! Yeah!”
It was then that El noticed the woman was looking behind her. A boy, somewhere between ten and twelve, came running out of the sea with a surf board under his arm. He dropped the board in the sand and ran up to the woman.
“You did it!” She exclaimed as he reached her.
“There’s… A boy.” El told them.
“Did you see that?” The boy asked.
“Yeah, I saw that!” The woman replied before resting her hand on the back of his head and kissing his forehead.
“That was at least seven feet!” It was easy to see the excitement in the boy’s eyes and face.
“I don’t know what it was, but it almost gave me a heart attack.” The woman smiled again.
“Ten more minutes?” The boy asked.
The woman tried to keep her face happy, but there was worry in her eyes. “Yeah, okay, ten more minutes.”
“Okay!” The boy raced back to his surf board with a smile on his face.
“But any longer than that, dad’s going to be mad, okay?” There was an edge of panic to her voice.
“Okay!” The boy was too busy in his element to notice it.
“Billy?” The woman called out as El’s eyes went wide. “Watch out for rip currents!”
“I know!” Billy called as he ran into the sea.
“It’s Billy.” El said.
“It’s California.” Max realised. “It’s a memory.”
Y/N reached over and took her hand. The red head looked up at her and squeezed her hand back as she noticed the older girl’s eyes getting glassy.
El watched from the beach as Billy paddled his surf board back out away from the shore. But her eyes were drawn away by the distant rumbling of thunder and flashes of red lightning.
“I think I see it.” El said. “The source.”
Everyone looked at each other and sat up straighter.
The sky above the beach was clear, but in the distance, dark clouds, tinged with red were forming. El cast one more look out to sea before setting off towards where the clouds had formed. The closer she got, the more the wind seemed to pick up, until it was whipping around her.
“Hey! Billy, stop!” A man’s voice screamed over the wind.
El turned to look as the young Billy walked towards her. He was in full baseball gear and the man was storming after him, baseball bat held under his arm.
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Neil caught up to him and grabbed his arm, hard. “What did we talk about, huh? You gotta slide!”
“I-I-I Know.” Billy stammered.
“Wait, afraid you’re gonna get hurt, is that it?” Neil scoffed.
“No!” The panic in Billy’s voice was building.
“Well, what then? What?” Neil’s voice was getting louder. “What did I raise, a pussy for a son?”
“Leave me alone!” Billy ripped his arm from Neil’s grip and started running.
“Hey! That’s right, run! Like you always do!” Neil screamed after him.
El started after Billy, turning to glare at Neil as she passed. The wind was getting even stronger and the clouds were swirling around her.
“Where were you last night? Where were you?” El couldn’t pinpoint where Neil’s voice was coming from due to the clouds.
“I told you, I was with Wendy!” Billy’s mom shouted back.
“Stop lying to me!”
“I’m not lying to you!”
“You saw him again, didn’t you?” Neil finally came into view. He was gripping Billy’s mom’s arm as Billy sat at the kitchen table, watching everything unfold. “Didn’t you!”
Billy’s mom ripped her arm back and pushed Neil back. “Get away from me! I said get away!” She threw a plate as Neil tried to get close again.
“You- you whore!” There was venom dripping from Neil’s voice.
“Stop it!” Billy screamed as he got in between his parents.
“Bitch!” Neil moved towards Billy’s mom.
“Don’t hurt her!” Billy grabbed Neil’s waist and tried to push him back.
“No!” Billy’s mom screamed.
“Don’t hurt her!” Billy said again.
“You bastard!” Billy’s mom shouted as Neil threw Billy to the floor and punched Billy’s mom in the face.
“Mom!” Billy screamed as he got back to his feet.
“I don’t understand. Why not?” It was Billy’s voice again but it wasn’t coming from the scene in front of El. She spun around and tried to find the source in the clouds. “Please, mom, don’t do this. Please come home.” Billy pleaded. El caught sight of him sat on the floor, leaning against a bed with the phone to his ear. “No, how long? How long! I miss you.” Billy was getting more desperate as sobs racked through his chest.
“Get back here!”
El turned to try and find the source of the new voice. Her eyes landed on a young teenage Billy on top of another teenage boy. Billy was repeatedly punching the other kid in the face.
“Get up! What, are you scared to fight me?” Billy yelled at the boy. “You scared? Get up and fight me, pussy. Pussy!”
El watched with glassy eyes as the sweet boy from the beach began to change into an unrecognisable person.
“Billy, come over here. I want you to meet someone.” Neil came back into focus. He was walking towards Billy, with his hand on a young Max’s shoulder. “This is your new sister. Her name’s Maxine.”
“Max.” Max corrected him.
“Shake her hand.”
The clouds suddenly broke. El found herself face to face with Y/N.
“Y/N?” El muttered.
“What is it?” Y/N shifted forward.
“I can see you. You-You’re walking down a road. It’s night. You’re… Alone.”
Y/N’s voice caught in her throat. “That… That’s the night we met.”
El watched as Y/N pushed her hands further in her hoodie’s pocket. She was clearly cold. She jumped as a car engine cut through the calm night air. El watched as she moved to the side to let the car go past. To El’s surprise the car pulled up.
“Y/N, right?” Billy was smiling, but there was a bruise forming under his left cheekbone.
Y/N nodded.
“What you doing out this late in the cold, princess?”
“Couldn’t sleep.” Y/N shrugged as Billy’s eyes surveyed her shivering figure.
“Want to come for a drive? I’d rather not leave you out here in the cold.” He reached over and opened the passenger side door without waiting for an answer. “You shouldn’t be out here alone, it’s dangerous.”
As Y/N got into the car the clouds descended again. El spun and found Y/N kneeling in front of Billy with tears streaming down her cheeks and her hands gripping his shirt. Billy was bloody and beaten and there were tears in his eyes too. Steve was on the floor behind Y/N, not moving.
“Stop, don’t become your dad. Billy please.” Y/N pleaded with him. “I meant what I said; I love you.”
“You can’t just say that and then disappear with someone else!” Billy’s voice was broken.
The clouds vanished again and El found herself stood in Billy’s room. Y/N was leaning over the side of his bed, looking through the paperbacks that she had pulled out from under his bed. Billy was laid behind her on the bed, holding a book above him as he read it. El had never seen either of them so calm.
“Hey, what’s this?” Y/N’s fingers gripped the spine of a very beat up copy of The Catcher in the Rye. She sat up on the bed and opened the book; photographs falling out as she did.
“I didn’t know where else to put them.” Billy put his book down and sat up next to her. He rested his weight on his left arm, next to her hip as he rested his head on her shoulder and reached for the top picture.
El moved closer to get a look. Most of the pictures were of Y/N and Billy, a few of just Y/N, but there was one of Billy and his mom. Y/N picked that one up. Billy noticed her looking at it.
“That was just before she left.” His voice dropped almost to a whisper.
“I’m not going anywhere, you know that, right?” Y/N turned to look at him.
He moved his hand to her face and brushed his thumb over her cheekbone. “I know. I promise we’ll never be like that; I won’t be like him. I will never hurt you; I promise.” He leaned forward and kissed her. Her hands moved to his hair before he pulled back and rested his forehead on hers. “I promise.”
“Who’s there?” The clouds engulfed everything again as Billy shouted.
“I’m not going anywhere.” Y/N’s voice rang out.
El spun around in circles but couldn’t see either of them.
“I said who’s there!” Billy screamed as he was pulled to the ground.
But El still couldn’t see him. She pushed through the clouds as the wind picked back up. She had to raise her arm to protect her eyes. Billy continued screaming as El could finally make out the Camaro’s headlights. She started moving faster as the screaming got louder. But it suddenly stopped as she broke through into the eye of the storm. She looked around at the old steelworks and saw the Camaro against one of the walls. The lightning and thunder picked up again as she walked towards the main building.
“I think I found it. The source.” El said as all the others leaned forward.
“Where El? Where are you?” Max asked.
“Brimborn… Steelworks.”
Jonathan shot to his feet and ran over to the kitchen island. When he came back, he was clutching the phone book in his hand. “Here. Okay, uh, steelworks, steelworks.” He started flicking through the pages as Nancy got up to join him. “Here steel. Uh, found it! 6522 Cherry Oak Drive.”
“That’s close.” Nancy said.
“El, El, we found it. Get out of there. Get out!” Mike said.
El heard him but as she closed her eyes, she felt herself falling back up. As she did, she saw the crash, she saw Billy trying to wake Y/N up, saw him getting dragged into the basement. She saw Heather again, and everything that had happened to her, and everything else she had seen while she was falling, just in reverse.
El ripped the blindfold off and looked around the cabin, only to find that she was alone. “Mike? Mike?” She didn’t understand where everyone could have gone when Mike was just speaking. She pushed herself to her feet as she started to panic. “Mike! Mike! Mike!”
“He can’t hear you.”
El spun around to try and find the source of the voice. Her eyes landed on her open bedroom door as a shadow appeared on the wood, before Billy stepped into view. El took a step back on reflex as he paused in the door way.
“You shouldn’t have looked for me.” It was the same as before, his voice seemed to have an edge, like multiple people were talking at once. “Because now I see you.” He crushed his cigarette in the ashtray on the hall table as he started towards El. “Now we all see you.”
El started backing up, panic clawing up her throat as she looked at the boy who was so broken and alone. Who had finally managed to catch a break but the world seemed determined to not let him have it.
“You, let us in and now, you are going to have to let us stay.” Billy kept advancing as El took steps back. It was then she noticed his eyes and recalled what Y/N had said. Tears were forming along his lash lines. Billy, the real Billy, was still in there, watching all of this and fighting so hard to break free.
“Don’t you see? All this time, we’ve been building it.”
El could no longer hold in the sobs that racked through her chest. She didn’t know how to get out.
“We’ve been building it, for you.” The tears finally began to fall. He was in pain.
“What are you doing?” Mike shouted as Y/N moved towards El. “You can’t touch her when she’s in there!”
“We have to do something! Look at her! I have to try!”
El felt something grasp her hand and when she looked up, Y/N was standing next to her. Y/N’s eyes grew wide as she looked around the cabin and then met Billy’s eyes.
“Billy?” Her voice was soft and pained.
The mind flayer didn’t seem phased, but there was a slight change in Billy’s eyes as he looked at her. El tugged Y/N back as Billy carried on towards him.
“All that work, all that pain, all of it, for you.”
El and Y/N hit the kitchen island and Y/N pulled her to the side. But they were running out of room to move.
“El, you have to do something.” Y/N’s eyes never left Billy as she felt tears starting to fall down her own cheeks. El didn’t appear to have heard her over her own sobbing and focus on Billy.
“And now, it’s time. Time to end it. And we’re going to end you. And when you are gone, we’re going to end her,” Billy’s gaze moved back to Y/N, who gripped El’s hand tighter. “and all of your friends.”
“No!” El screamed.
“And then we are going to end everyone.”
El finally snapped out of it and threw up the hand that wasn’t holding Y/N’s. “GET AWAY!”
Billy was thrown backwards.
“NOOOOOO!” El screamed as she ripped the actual bandana off.
Y/N fell back, breathing hard, as Mike grabbed El and pulled her into him. Nancy and Jonathan grabbed hold of Y/N’s arms and pulled her up.
“What happened?” Nancy asked.
Part 21 
Tags: @assholeheartthrob @httperrornicole @ambeazyyy @princess-huffy @gemgemswift @colie87 @iris-suoh @sydneynix8305 @peter-pan-hoe @p0wderedtoast @not-a-glad-gladiator @fangirlinganditswonders@endgameendsme @lazinesstookovermylife @lilac-dreams @anon-1112 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @wickedlovely121 @lightlysweetened @scarecrowsragdoll @bilesxbilinskixlahey @moonstruckbucky @krazykatkay456 @thecraziestcrayon @moonchild1507 @tah0e @tony-stank3 @allie-mcginn @supernatural-girl97 @hi-my-name-is-riley @ria132love @t-swizzle-owns-me @sabrinasturtlenecks @meliv99 @jamesvaldezzzz​ @thatfrenchperson @cynthianokamaria​ @avnngrss​   @studysimsx  @emmaquarius @stevieboyharrington​@eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy @ofwisdomandwar​ @external-l-appel-du-vide @evelynfreakinaddams​ @bish-ima-clown​ @noodlenerd101​ @jakesmysterio​ @playboygeniusphilanthropist​ @itsfangirlmendes​ @pinkrosesx​ @killer-queen-xo​​ @steveharrigntons​ @bookmarkofglitter​ @alina-margaret​ @labyrinth-of-thoughts​ @helen-of-troi @ninjathrowingstork​ @requestedmemory @believerofall​  @thefandomzoneisdangerous​ @esteroni @deepmilkshakecoffee​ @somethingdawn​ @brandi1936​ @universefinds​ @huang-the-geek​ @silver-winter-wolf​ @longliphoney @absolute-randomness-forever​ @littlepsychos-world​ @octavia05 @escaping-reality21​ @httpakasha​ @dmv49​ @lyricfreaks @helena-way07​ @katiexdacre​ @fangirlbitch02​ @lo-bells​ @slytherinrising​ @i-am-a-smol-sweet-potato​ @imjusthereforsupernatural​ @lokis-butter-knife @banannie25​ @itsanallygator @justabeautiful-letdown​ @calumsfringe​ @jakeblckk​​@sunshine-and-riverwater​ @lasnaro​ @ang-hellic​ @marvelous-hargrove​ @safewithintheheart​ @kpopishilarious​ @beyxlm @sighrins @iloveyou3000and5​ @yosoymuyloca​ @lauren-novak​ @killerqueenishere​ @fanngirl19​ @nonexistentsouls​ @charmed-asylum​ @teenyforestfairy​  @speedmetalqueen​ @xobeautifulfaith​ @clinomanians​ @briemariea @kcd15​ @ellenna​ @just-a-nat​ @readinthegarden12​ @peqchynero​ @rosariia25​ @chloe-skywalker​ @aurorajuarezwolf​ @vulture-withafile​ @and-drew-101​ @aamcqueeny​ @lovepandasloves​  @nightbu-g @spaceythangs @lookalivesunshine-x​
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Humans are Space Orcs “The Infection.”
Sorry this one is going to be a little longer than normal, but it is sort of relevant for the direction that I have decided to take. I am setting the groundwork for something pretty big, so I hope you can all enjoy. I hope to get out something a little smaller and easier the next one, so bare with me. Hope you like it. 
He jolted upright frantically feeling around in the darkness for a light, anything, anything at all to stave off the feeling of dread. His frantic sweat-slicked fingers fumbled with the comm light on the wall before finally flicking on the interior bulbs bathing the room in a delicate blue glow. He sat up on the edge of the bed and took a long, shaky breath dropping his head into his hands. A soft whimper accompanied him, and he reached out with a hand to stroke the dog’s ears. Waffles sat on the bed beside him head lowered and cocked to the side making sure he was okay.
 He couldn’t have been sure, maybe he was and maybe he wasn’t. His PTSD wasn’t so bad as it once had been, but every now and then, the dreams still plagued him. Though he could not remember the content he was still aware of the feelings of dread that had washed over him. An impending sense of doom. He took another deep breath and reached down to strap on his prosthetic. Perhaps a walk would calm him down, it was unlikely he would be getting to sleep again tonight.
Out in the hallway, the ships internal lights had been dimmed to simulate dusk in synchronicity with the circadian rhythms of the average human. The ship was still, despite the undoubted movement of the graveyard crew working to keep the ship through the night. He was unlikely to meet any of them at this hour as graveyard shift would consist of the operational minimum of crew members required to run the ship. As a class D-6 Battle Cruiser with a Warp Capable Alpha 1 engine the Harbinger required a two man bridge crew, five auxiliary and a twenty member team of engineers to operate…. A surprisingly low number truth be told as the crew numbers could level out well over 100.
 By way of his late night wandering, he found himself down in the crew quarters….. He momentarily played with the idea of waking Sunny for the company against his still uneasy mind, but he quickly dismissed it. He couldn’t do that, perhaps he would find Krill, the Vrul had no need of sleep, though he wasn’t exactly psychologically supportive. Sure he would try to help, but he only knew what he read from textbooks, he wasn’t exactly intuitive. He sighed and backed himself against the wall. Waffles sat at his feet leaning her head against his human leg as he stared into space. Inside his stomach churned, butterflies rode up and down his throat, and he absently rocked from side to side trying to stave off the nervousness.
 He tried to think of something else to distract himself from the fear. His thoughts crossing to the starborn Conn, so “lovingly’ known as convict. They had recently made efforts to bring him aboard the ship. The further they went out into unknown territory the more extreme and dangerous their work became, and despite Conn’s ability to survive in the most extreme of conditions, the vacuum of space, it was becoming increasingly dangerous, so the ingenious mechanics crew had rigged together a portable gravity field generator to fix the one problem that prohibited the starborn to enter the ship: the fact that his neck would likely snap and his own weight would crush his internal structures under the weight of gravity.
 Someone had even managed to rig together a set of translation gloves, the kid that used to be used for translating sign language. It was relieving to know that soon he wouldn’t be the only one that Conn could incessantly annoy.
 His stomach churned again, and with annoyance, he pushed himself away from the wall. Something felt so wrong, and of course deep down he knew that it was nothing, but that didn’t make the feeling any less real. WIth waffles at his heels, he continued his walk down the length of the ship staring up at the ceiling and just…. Thinking.
 He turned a corner startled out of his revery as waffles began to growl. He turned to look at her with confusion and sudden worry. Waffles NEVER growled….. At least not on a silent ship in the dead of the night when there was nothing there.
 They are here.
Commander Vir nearly leapt out of his skin spinning in a tight circle as the whispered voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Eyes moving wildly, his heart pounded in his chest, as he turned towards one of the dark service tunnels leading into the inner bowls of the ship, and there he saw it, ghostly white ribbons fluttering and scattering on a backdrop of darkness waving behind the skeletal white face and reflective black eyes. The starborn drifted from the darkness, his skeletal body so similar to a human but disproportionate enough to add an itching sense of horror.
 “Get out of my head convict.” The commander snarled. The dog growled again, and he could hardly blame her.
 They are here.
 Commander Vir ventured forward a step as the starborn drifted a little closer hands floating out to either side of him, gloves unused. He looked... wrong …. Somehow.
 You feel it too, you feel it too human, you can feel it You Can feel it YOU CAN FEEL IT.
 Commander Vir grabbed at the sides of his head in a futile effort to fight against the raising volume. Beside him the dog began to bark frantically.
 The starborn lurched forward from the darkness, and Commander Vir was just able to pull himself to the side as the starborn rushed past him. The dog stepped in front of him teeth pulled back in a rabid snarl. Commander Vir clutched his head as his mouth began to go dry.
 Oh no.
 The frantic howling  of the dog had woken members of the crew who had rushed to his help. Krill arrived at about the same time the others were subduing the starborn. The dryness in his mouth slowly retreated and he relaxed as Krill came to his aid. The starborn was carted off to the infirmary unresponsive and cattonic. He rocked slowly back and forth in the air mouth open making an unnerving dry gurgling sound from the depth of his throat. As all this was happening a member of the night crew called him up to the bridge, and he went with some amount of confusion.
 “Status?” He wondered walking onto the bridge and taking a seat in the Captain’s chair.
 The navigation operator turned in his seat, “Short range radar in picking up multiple signals, sir. Too small to be asteroids, way to small, but there are….. Well there must be hundreds of them, and they’re just floating there sir. We already tried exterior hull cameras, but we’ve got nothing. Whatever they are, we can’t see them.”
 “Give me a size estimation lieutenant.” He said turning in his chair to monitor the rest of the bridge crew at their stations.
 “No bigger than two meeters sir, probably less than that, but there are hundreds of them.”
 Commander Vir tapped his chin for a long moment of thought before, “Prep a raptor,  I’ll be down in five so we can get a closer look. Lieutenant, you have the chair.” With a swift turn, he twisted on his heels and made his way down to the docking bay.
By the time he reached Bay 1, the raptor was already in place. The bird was a rather clunky piece of equipment, but it had to be fitted with all the weapons and scientific equipment as one could argue was prudent. Commander Vir took a moment to suit up in one of the auxiliary rooms getting help from a crewmember to strap on the tight fitting space/flight suit, attached helmet, control enabled gloves, and vital monitoring systems that had become standard on the ship since Krill had arrived.
 As he was strapping himself into the cockpit, he looked over to see Sunny and the other Drev running onto the floor alerted by the sudden commotion that had overtaken the ship. The cockpit sealed over him still allowing him a wide angled view of the bay doors before him. He reached up and pulled the straps into position about his body allowing them to auto auto adjust around his chest and arms.
 He wrapped his hands around the ship’s controls and auto engaged the targeting, and navigations systems. Neon circles, vestors and numbers appeared on the inside of his visor as he powered up the engines spitting purple tinted blue fire from the two rear thrusters. The room cleared for his takeoff, and before he knew it, he shot off into the vacuum of space and it’s endless darkness. “Alright, lieutenant, load the location feed.” In response to his request, The screen in front of him lit up, highlighting what must have been at least 90 to 100 location vectors, but by his vision there didn’t seem to be anything there.
 Granted this part of space was rather dark, thousands of miles from anything but an unusual formation of asteroid fields dominated by monolithic stones the size of small moons,. WIth one hand he toggled the acceleration and sped into the intervening space delicately avoiding the space debris with the delicate touch of a surgeon.
 “I’m here lieutenant, but I don’t see anything.”
 “How can you not captain, they….. Holy hell Commander, they’re all around you.”
“You mean the asteroids because yes, yes they are everywhere.”
 We see you.
 Commander Vir froze where he sat wrecking the rotating engines around with a quick burst to pull himself to a stop. Hiis heat began to pound in his chest, his mouth went dry.
 “Commander, commander what’s wrong. You’re pulse just spiked, and your blood pressure just shot up, are you ok.” that was Krill this time, but he was to frozen to respond bogged down as he was in a cold sweat
 We see you hiding in there….. In skin meat sack you call a body. The voice reverberated in his head seeming to rattle through his bones with the power of a speaker system with the base turned up all the way.
 His lips quivered as he looked around following the slowly drifting location vectors, but still unable to see anything, “I…. I don’t know what your talking about…. I’m not h-hiding.”
 “Commander, repeat that would you, we didn’t quite catch it.”
 Come out of there Deus and face us in your true form.
 A line of sweat trickled down his spine, “Now I don’t know who you’re talking to, or what you’re talking about.” His hands slowly tightened around the joysticks as his trigger finger inched towards the trigger on the forward guns.
 He cried out in pain at the volume as his eye lurched out of focus. His ship was jogged to the side, something thudded against the hull, once twice than three times. He lifted his head shaking his vision... and screamed.
 The creature stared back at him twisted and skeletal with charred brown and black skin, horribly long spidery fingers and an open mouth with chattering twisting teeth. It lurched its head towards the glass causing a thud to burst through the cockpit. Behind it strings of charred black fanned backwards into darkness.
 WIth a frantic burst born of instinct, he jarred the acceleration and then maneuvered reverse thrusters at the last moment. Throwing himself against the harness, and the creature off into blackness. But he could see it now, fingers clutching around the side of the cockpit….. Hundreds of them.
 Come out Deus.
 Come to us
 Come with us
 Face us
 We see you.
 His head was beginning to grow light, his mouth was as dry as sandpaper, he felt as if he was about to fall out of himself. He gritted his teeth against the feeling begging his body not to give in, not to be overwhelmed as the sudden burst of telepathic voices threatened to send him into a wild convulsions.
 He rotated the joystick to the left and forward sending them spinning diagonally into the dark. Bodies flew past the cockpit’s windscreen, as the pressure cuffs in the pant legs of his suit contracted to restrict blood from pooling in his legs.
 His vision was fading.
 “COMMANDER, commander, come in what’s happening.”
 “He’s going into convulsions.”
 “Someone needs to help him NOW!”
 “I can’t, something’s blocking our systems.”
 HE couldn’t move thousands of hands obscured his vision climbing and rolling on his windscreen. Face and eyes, and charred skin.
 Calm your mind human, and I will help you.
 “Conn?” The commander muttered turning his head groggily inside the cockpit. Even as he did something seemed to flow around his consciousness beating back the hundreds of clamoring voices.  Hurry, I cannot hold them back for long.
 With a desperate jolt, he turned the raptor in another sharp series of spins careening over and around asteroids at one point slipping through a gap that left him only a foot or two to either side. Bodies flew in all directions. Hands grasped at the cockpit lit from the background by the light of distant, nebulae. He didn’t know where he was, didn’t know which was way up or which way was down, but he followed the vestors flying by instinct when those weren’t enough acutely aware of the war being fought around his mind.
 Conn Vs a hundred.
 He broke from the asteroid field rocketing towards the ship with wild abandon. Fingers still clasped at the corners of his vision. He only had one chance, “OPEN THE BAY DOORS!” He yelled into the com, “NOW NOW NOW.” Somewhere, someone must have heard him, and the doors opened just as the raptor passed through, upside down.
 He rotated the thrusters and gave a powerful backwards burst which dropped them to the ground and had them skidding across the floor. His head rattled and his body jolted as sparks went up in front of his vision. He was jolted back and forth. His head rattled inside his helmet. The raptor spun once, twice on its head and then came to a halt. Lights flashed red through the cracked, but not shattered, cockpit screen. He could hear frantic voices. The wind screen screeched and cracked, and then opened. He couldn’t move, suspended upside down as he was groggy and disoriented.
 “Hold him steady, easy, there we go, now pull him out.” The release catch snapped open and he slid into a set of waiting arms. Through his disorientation he recognized the blue carapace.
 “What in the hell are those things!”
 He turned his head slowly to the side looking past the trail of destruction he had left through the docking bay. Scattered along he floor, amidst the pieces of broken paneling were bodies. Charred and shrunken twitching and gurgling as they were slowly crushed to death by the weight of their own bodies.
 “Lay him down. Someone help me get the helmet off.” A bright light was shown into his eyes and he squinted trying to push away whoever it was. Arms tightened around him.
 “Stay Still Commander.”
 “Bridge team to docking bay, bridge team to docking bay we have a problem. THEY’RE CRAWLING EVERYWHERE, THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF THEM!” The entire crew was awake now, he could hear them, the panic and confusion at what was going on.
 He tried to swat away the light again “Tell them to turn on the exterior hull gravity.”
 “Just do it.”
 Inside his head, he felt it as Conn gave way. The voices flooded into his head, and not moments later everything had gone black. Outside a jolt ran through the hull of the ship, and the clinging infected starborn were dragged downwards crushed and choking against their own weight. Conn stopped his frantic twisting, and commander Vir’s seizure subsided.
 The GA was alerted immediately, and samples were taken of the recovered, and now quarantined, corpses.
 Something was very, very wrong.
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wickednerdery · 6 years
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Title: Hoarfrost Hel: Spellbound Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Marvel Pairing/character: Thor & Tony Stark (& Mutant!OC) Rating: Teen Summary: “Loki...Is it a person or item?” Notes: This is back to when Loki was taken away here. This is the second part of what’s shaping up to be a legit trilogy (the first is FrostBitten) - the master list is here. The story on whole is gonna be very dark, this piece itself - which starts Thor’s main story - is actually tame aside from some yelling, cursing, and poor Thor moments. Still, for consistency and length, it gets a “Read More”.
It is Odin who tricks Thor away from his brother, leaving Loki unprotected and easily taken. It is Odin who induces forgetfulness and spreads it through Asgard like a poison. The king works his magic to make it grow so that throughout the realms, in time, Loki might be forgotten completely. Like Hela before his adopted son would become nothing but a story, a mere fantasy; no one and nothing true. Odin would put distance between himself, his family, and his unfortunate error once again to save his pride and crown.
By the time Thor returns to the rock there is nothing there but smashed rubble and the faint sense of urgency. He’d come to the edge of the grounds for some reason, an important task, but the answers are all behind a fog. Earnest eyes scan for answers, for questions, something beyond kicked up and bloodied dirt.
His mother’s lullaby hits his ears and he turns back, up, to the palace. With placid face and knowing smile Frigga hums and, as Thor watches her, she changes before him. Deep blue dress turns green and gold. Long blond hair smooths into shoulder-length black and her whole form changes. The woman looks wholly recognizable, yet Thor cannot place the man she’s become. “You must find him, Thor. Save your brother. Protect Loki.”
“Loki...” Thor repeats the name heard only in his mind; it feels right. Real. He looks around, as if he might find this Loki nearby, before looking back up to catch sight of his mother walking back into the palace. “Loki....Loki...Loki...” The god repeats the name over and over, keeping it foremost in his mind, as he hurries to Heimdall’s observatory. “I must find a Loki, what can you see, Heimdall?”
The man narrows his eyes, ticks head slightly. “Loki? I’m afraid I do not know this word. Is it a person or item?” If he has a clearer idea of what he’s looking for, perhaps he can find it.
“I...” Thor clung to the name, but forgot its meaning. He tries to recall his mother (this Loki is tied to her, is it not?), then smiles. “I believe it is a being.”
Heimdall nods, closes eyes to concentrate, but there is nothing. Only tenuous threads he cannot weave into anything substantial and even those fray before his very mind’s eye. “I am sorry, Thor, but I can find nothing.” It was so very usual, very strange. “Perhaps it’s something to do with your time on Midgard?”
“Shall I send you there in search of answers and this lost...thing.” Heimdall himself’s already forgotten what they’re in search for.
“Yes, I shall go to Stark’s.” He cannot say why he picks Tony except he’s the smartest man Thor knows of on Midgard. And, if this...Loki...was a dangerous thing Tony would most certainly be prepared and ready for battle beside him.
“Very well, my prince, I shall send you directly,” Heimdall bows his head and, in a moment’s flash, Thor is at the end of Stark’s long landing pad at The Avenger’s Tower.
Not even leaving his lands can stop the disintegration of Thor’s memory though; not even reaching Midgard can protect him from his own father’s magic. By the time he reaches Stark, lounging on a deck chair, his face’s fallen to confusion. ...What has he come to ask again?
Tony’s brows rise in alarm, then fall in the wait for Thor to speak. “You alright there, Point Break?”
“I’m sorry, my friend.” Thor knows he needs help, but the reason, the trouble, is fogged from him. It’s something distant, unattainable, but very true and very real. “I...I came to request your aid...only now I’ve forgotten why.”
“So you came here to ask for my help...” Tony’s stands, examines his friend more closely. “But can’t remember with what?”
"I cannot,” Thor confesses with a sigh, running hand through hair, twisting hammer in the other. He can remember years, centuries. He has a god’s memory, how can he forget something he is certain recently occurred?!
“You hit your head on the Bifrost or something?”
Eyes fall to despair. “No.”
“Uh....huh...” He didn’t think gods could get amnesia, yet here was Thor, a god, standing all amnesiac before him. “Look, buddy, how ‘bout we go inside, have a drink, and see if we can’t figure this out, yeah?”
“Very well, my friend.”
Tony lets Thor follow as his mind begins to gather what little facts there are and formulate theories. Whatever is going on, it’s powerful enough to mess with a god’s mind. That said, Thor seems of sound mind and, potentially, with solid recall aside from whatever he needs help with. So what are they looking at here? Injury? Infection? Something else entirely? Tony skips the bar in the penthouse for the one down in his workshop and let’s Thor settle on a nearby chair as he pours for both of them - definitely need a drink or two before opening whatever can of worms this is.
“I adjusted the coding and cleared out the spare bugs from your latest suit, Stark.” The voice itself is almost robotic, but Thor sees clearly the being is flesh and blood. Back to them, hunkering down over a series of computers, he catches feminine eyes in the reflection of one of the screens. “That Thor?”
“Yeah,” Tony tips back his first drink, pours his second, as Thor takes his first. “Lynk, this is Thor, Thor,” he points to the person’s back. “Lynk with a Y...my tech assistant.” Pepper will always run most of his stuff, but Lynk has certain, unique, abilities that makes her utterly invaluable to him in his work.
Thor smiles. “Greetings, fair maid.”
Thor’s face falls. “No?”
Lips lift, but focus remains on the computers. “I’m not a fair maid, Mr Odinson. I’m just Lynk.”
“You may call me Thor, if you wish.”
“Okay then, Thor. I’m still Lynk.”
Thor looks to Tony, unsure, but Tony just shrugs and finishes his second drink. “Okay, so this thing you need help with...”
“Let’s do process of elimination.”
“Very well.”
“It have anything to do with Earth?”
“...Not directly, I don’t believe...”
“Asgard then?”
“You personally?”
“…I...in a way, perhaps?”
“Family maybe?”
Thor’s pause is especially long, his heart and mind arguing for an accurate answer. “I...I believe so.”
“They are not the issue...but maybe connected to it?” His mother turned into it, hadn’t she? Yes, yes she had, but...but Thor cannot recall what she’d turned into anymore.
Tony sighs, now presuming the whole thing a giant waffling by the god. “Fuck. if it’s Loki just say so, Thor. I’m still unlikely to help, but at least I’d admire the boldness of asking directly.”
“Wha-? Who...Who is...Loki?” And why did it sound so familiar and yet not at the same time?
“Loki, also known as Loki Laufeyson or Loki Odinson, is the God of Mischief and listed as a top-tier intergalactic terrorist by S.H.I.E.L.D.. His attempts to take over Earth resulted in the destruction of Manhattan and countless deaths. Captured by The Avengers Initiative he was turned over to his brother, Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, to be returned to Asgard where his punishment would be set by the King of Asgard, Odin Allfather.” The young woman’s turned to them both, face showing a mix of concern and interest. “You can’t remember your own brother?”
She is slight, pale, with spiked, jet black, hair and many bits of metal in her face...Thor cannot recall seeing another like her on Midgard. He smiles in spite of his current predicament. “You know him?”
“Of him,” Lynk clarifies. “I was lecturing in Boston when he came to New York, but I watched the news. Question is, why don’t you?”
“Maybe it’s Loki himself doing this?” Tony offers. “It’s not beyond him, right? Take out his brother, escape, rally some troops, come back at Earth again.”
“You’re making assumptions without basis,” she counters flatly.
“My basis is I know the guy. I’ve seen what he can do, first hand.”
“Why give his brother amnesia then send him in your direction?”
“Distraction? Shits and giggles? How should I know.”
Lynk’s eyes switch to Thor. “We need more data.”
Thor has no issue with basic or advanced memory tests, brain scans show no clear injury or disease, and nothing can be found in his blood that would suggest a cause for his amnesia. Both Tony and Lynk remain stuck, unsure what to test for next, as Thor lays on the table looking up at both of them.
“Do we know why I’ve forgotten what I’ve forgotten?” Again Loki’s existence has slipped from his mind, but not the urgency of the need to help, to get help.
“No,” Tony sighs; Thor frowns deeply. “But I’m starting to guess some kind of magic, which leads us back to Loki.”
“Are you sure you actually need help, Thor? Or do you just...feel like you need it?”
“I need help, of that I’m certain.”
Lynk looks down. “With...or for...your brother, Loki, yeah?”
The fog thickens. “I…cannot recall.”
Tony rolls eyes in frustration, convinced this is some elaborate trick by the God of Mischief. He wants no part of it; better to hunker down, fortify, with backup plans for when Loki’s true scheme is ultimately revealed. “This is probably all just a big fucking hoax.”
“It is not a hoax!” Thor flies up, roars his own frustration, as sparks crack across the metal table. The need to accomplish a goal he cannot recall has settled deep and sure in his heart even if his mind continues to betray him.
“Woah, hey there!” Tony’s thumb discreetly goes to his suit’s activation button as he and Lynk both jump back. “I don’t think you’re tricking me.”
“You think another is tricking us all,” Thor states firmly, hammer held out as if ready to crash. “I am not a fool, Stark, I know my own heart!”
“I might know someone who can help, Thor,” Lynk speaks up quickly, hoping to both placate and distract as she feels the machines around them shiver with the herself and Tony.
The storm in the god dies and he turns as hope blooms once more. “Truly?”
“He might be able to figure out what you can’t remember or, at the very least, maybe why you can’t remember.” She looks to Tony, who’s finally beginning to breathe again. “If it’s a trick by Loki, then you might know what he’s up to and, if it’s not...” She smiles at Thor. “Then maybe we’ll know how to help.”
Honest trouble or not, Tony had no interest in helping Loki. He still woke up in the middle of night, sweaty and short of breath, thanks to that asshole. Best not to piss of his friend, the god, though. “Sure, if you know someone who’s willing. Can’t hurt to try, right?”
Thor grins. “Take me to him now, fair Lynk.”
I legit feel bad writing Thor like this...in part because I know he already gets a bad wrap as sorta being the “slow on the uptake” one and I don’t think he is. That said, Odin’s clouding his - and everyone else in Asgard’s - mind from remembering Loki so it’s not like I can have Thor just putting it all together, haha! Frigga only does because she’s very powerful in magic herself. Lynk is a mutant - though there’s only a hint of her powers shown in this - and will be important to Thor going forward so...hope you like, lol!  (And, damn, I’m prod of myself for getting two out relatively quick after the holidays so go me, haha! ^_^)
(Gifs found on Google, then combined by me)
Tagged: @succumb-to-your-king @chibiyanai @wadeyouwitch @creedslove @lady-crowned-with-stars @moonfaery @annievvv7  @ladyfluff @holykryptonitekitten @lokilvrr @janebrownnie @lokis-little-kitten @alexakeyloveloki @theangelsfightwithdevils @the-blue-tiefling @lokis-lady-death @dangertoozmanykids101 @prometheasmother @vethrvolnir @wintertink @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes @drakonwild @starscreamloki @judas-nipples @hiddles-rose  @the-lady-witchitery @galaxies-inside-my-head @jackheart180 @lukeevansandjdmobession @endlessstairway @lanabanana-86 @tom-fucking-hiddleston-1981 @lovekrystina @madoka73 @lokikingofasgardslover713 @partiallyinthecloset @ultrarebelheart  @gravitational-anomaly @manip-loki @my-world-of-imagines @lowcarbgem  …Think that’s everyone from FrostBitten, if you want on or off, just lemme know! (Strike-throughs are those Tumblr refuses to tag properly)
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amethyst-camp-blog · 6 years
Is blue waffle an actual clinical situation?
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Blue waffle sickness is a fictional sexually transmitted disease that is stated simplest to affect females. "Waffle" is a slang time period for vagina, and blue refers to one of the imaginary signs of this fake circumstance.
However, this sexually transmitted disorder (STD) is nothing extra than a rumor commenced on the internet. There is no clinical evidence that it exists.
According to online sources, blue waffle sickness is a circumstance that may disfigure someone's vulva and vaginal vicinity and flip it blue. While there are numerous real and life-converting STDs, none of them flip the vulva blue.
Misinformation about sexual fitness can be risky. People elderly 15–25 years vintage are much more likely than older humans to trap an STD. Young folks who flip to the net for sexual fitness advice might also discover incorrect statistics and interact in dangerous sex practices.
In this article, we discuss the truth about blue waffle sickness. We additionally discuss actual STDs, their signs and symptoms, and why it's miles essential to maintain up to date with dependable sexual fitness statistics and secure sex practices.
 The reality of approximately blue waffle sickness
Blue waffle disease does not exist. It is a faux STD that originated from online rumors. Pictures displaying a lady's vulva that looks blue and displays scabs or lesions commonly accompany these rumors.
It is doubtful whether or not people have photoshopped these pix, but, irrespective of this, they do not represent the signs of any current diseases. There are not any recognized STDs that cause the genitals to turn blue.
The net is full of false records approximately this fake situation, and its definition varies between websites.
The rumors say that blue waffle disease impacts the best ladies. However, most STDs affect both ladies and men, even though the results for women can be extra excessive. STDs also can have an effect on an unborn toddler.
The supposed causes of blue waffle disorder range from negative hygiene to having common intercourse to having multiple STDs. Some web sites even declare that men can get a blue waffle, however most effective from ladies who practice terrible hygiene.
This isn't proper. Poor hygiene or having frequent intercourse do now not motive the genitals to trade color.
 Can you get blue waffle 'signs' from common intercourse?
Sex is a wholesome a part of lifestyles, and those rarely enjoy aspect results from having common sex. However, a person can also enjoy discomfort from some sexual practices.
While the vagina produces its personal herbal lubricant, too much intercourse can cause vaginal dryness and uncomfortable friction. Rough intercourse can cause swelling within the vagina or even tear vaginal tissue. A tear can make a person more likely to develop a vaginal infection.
The signs and symptoms of a few real vaginal infections are similar to those related to fictitious blue waffle. Symptoms of vaginal contamination encompass:
 ·         uncommon, odorous vaginal discharge
·         itching, burning, and swelling across the vagina
·         burning sensation when urinating
·         ache at some stage in intercourse
 STDs with comparable signs to blue waffle
STDs, consisting of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis, can produce signs just like those related to fictitious blue waffle.
Some of the signs associated with fictitious blue waffle can arise with real STDs and vaginal contamination, such as:
 ·         a pink or swollen vulva
·         unusual discharge from the vagina
·         itching or irritation around the vagina
These symptoms may also sign that someone might have vaginitis.
 Infections regularly purpose vaginitis. Some vaginal infections are transmitted thru sexual sex, whilst others arise due to allergic reactions or changes within the traditional chemical or bacterial balance inside the vagina.
 Advice for secure sex and stopping STDs
Safe intercourse refers to practices that lower someone's chance of catching or passing on STDs. Safe sex continues human beings wholesome as well as safe.
 Using limitations, together with male and woman latex condoms and woman dental dams, are very effective in stopping the spread of viral and bacterial STDs. Contraceptive drugs do not protect human beings towards STDs.
 People who're sexually energetic have to get tested for STDs frequently, even if they use condoms. Many STDs produce no signs, so people should have an STD without understanding it. The most effective way to recognize positive is with the aid of being examined. Early detection makes treating STDs a good deal less difficult.
 The significance of intercourse training
 The blue waffle phenomenon is a superb instance of human beings searching for intercourse training from the net and accepting fake data as fact.
 Sex educators throughout the USA have debunked blue waffle as not anything greater than an urban myth, however, rumors retain to spread throughout the net.
 The vast nature of these rumors indicates that youngsters and teens may also require an extra comprehensive sexual education.
According to 2016, School Health Profiles problems by using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), less than 1/2 of high faculties and much less than a quarter of center schools across the U.S. Are teaching all 19 endorsed sexual health topics.
Without the right expertise of STDs and secure intercourse practices, young humans can also appear to the net to educate themselves and might receive fake information.
Unfortunately, not all children get hold of complete sex training. Inadequate sex schooling is one of the main factors that explain the high frequency of STDs amongst youths.
There are numerous additional motives for why young humans are greater affected by STDs than older people. The motives consist of that they're more likely to interact in risky sexual behaviors, which includes having multiple sexual companions and not using safety within the form of condoms.
Blue waffle is a faux STD that humans have falsely related to symptoms similar to those of vaginal infections and actual STDs that include chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.
The great rumors about this fictitious disease indicate that human beings aren't receiving enough intercourse schooling. Without the proper facts, humans might also are trying to find solutions themselves and become believing fake records from the net.
Comprehensive intercourse education is essential to make sure that educators are giving young people the facts and recognize-how to guard themselves, and others, towards STDs.
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134princess-blog · 6 years
Blue Waffle Disease
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In April 2013, New Jersey town councilperson Kathy McBride became the item of a few derision while, in step with the Trentonian, she suggested at a metropolis council assembly that she had acquired an “alarming name” from a constituent who desired to realize “what become the City of Trenton doing about a deadly disease that’s referred to as the Blue Waffle Disease?” McBride changed into mocked for taking the difficulty significantly and now not recognizing that she had seemingly been taken in by using an April Fool’s prank.
References to “Blue Waffle Disease” hit the Internet round March 2010 while an picture (disturbing image caution) of scabbed, blue-tinted labia become circulated at the side of the declare that the photo pictured a kind of vaginal contamination as a result of a sexually transmitted sickness (a situation which becomes supposedly common enough that it was identified and given the slang name “blue waffle ailment”):
There is a rumor going around about a new STD known as “Blue Waffle.”
“A ‘waffle’ is a slang term for a vagina. A ‘blue waffle’ is a slang term for an extreme vaginal infection. It’s basically a slang time period for an exceedingly nasty or intense vaginal infection/STD on the vagina. The contamination ought to reason lesions at the outdoor of the vagina, in addition to bruising, which reasons it to appear blue in color.”
Much dialogue ensured about whether or not the photo was actual or a virtual manipulation, and, if the previous, whether it virtually pictured an infection (rather than, say, bruising due to rape or some other form of trauma).
Whatever the origins of the photo, “blue waffle disease” is a chunk of fiction and no longer a regarded symptom or result of any form of STD-related infection. As pronounced within the Women’s Health Foundation blog, Dr. Amy Whitaker, an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics/Gynecology at the University of Chicago Hospital, stated of the widely circulated “blue waffles” image that:
There is not any disorder referred to as “blue waffle ailment,” within the clinical world. There isn't any disease that causes a blue appearance on the outside genitalia. I had in no way heard of this till you wrote to our phase and asked about it. The commonplace belief among medical specialists with whom I actually have spoken or e-mailed about this is that it's far a hoax; the photograph and “faux” disorder used to entice humans into some web website online.
The picture itself is annoying. It is possible that a bluish appearance to outside genitalia may be from bruising, which could result from pressure, maximum in all likelihood from a sexual attack. I can’t say, glaringly, if this is the case here, however bruising truly wouldn’t be vibrant blue. No STDs cause outside bruising. Additionally, there seem to be one or two lesions, which may be an STD of some kind (for instance, a herpes lesion), although it is really not clear from the photo. It even appears that there might be a few kinds of a laceration on her right labia, a “cut” of kinds, but again it’s doubtful. That could also be from pressure, or it may be an STD that affords with a lesion on the vulva.
On the alternative hand, the complete element could be ‘photoshopped,’ and nothing in it represents anything ‘real.’
In any case, this is not the standard look of any STD or any circumstance of the vagina or vulva.
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restlessmaknae · 7 years
Candy man
Dedicated to the lovely and extremely talented @pocketofyoonmin for the @bangtanbudsnet Secret Santa project because guess what I’m your Santa! ❤️I’m so glad to have met you because you are such a sweet, caring and wonderful person! It was a pleasure talking to you! I hope we can continue to be friends in the future! 🎁
This is my little gift to you. 😊 As the event was supposed to end on 25th December, I wrote you a Christmas story but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless!  ❤️
Pairing: Park Jimin x reader/you
Setting: boyfriend!Jimin; Christmas!au
Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff (because it’s Jimin after all 😊)
Words: 1.3k
Christmas markets had always been your thing.
You loved nothing more than a stroll along those little wooden houses as the scent of freshly baked pastries and sweet desserts wafted through your nose. Of course, the cherry on top would be a beautiful snowfall along the way – not too much yet not too little.
Unfortunately, you never really had one particular market day that you could call the perfect one. You were either freezing to death while trying to get through the mass of tourists or the weather conditions were so outrageous that you wished you had just stayed at home, cuddled up in your bed with a cup of hot chocolate and an old-time favourite book of yours.
Sadly, you couldn’t go with your friends to visit the Christmas markets last year because you didn’t feel well. It was such a shame but you really needed to get better to function properly and enjoy the holidays without getting another infection. This awful experience made you wait for this year’s markets even more impatiently, especially because it was the first Christmas with your ever-so-lovely boyfriend – the one and only Park Jimin.
You two had met due to Taehyung – a friend of your friend’s friend – who invited both of you to his birthday party. Honestly, you knew only a handful of people there due to the fact that you signed up for the same classes but you wouldn’t say that you knew them well. Jimin felt the same way and you two ended up bumping into each other in the garden under the oak tree, watching the snowfall while getting to know each other. Maybe that’s why you wanted snow so eagerly this year but it was to no avail. Snow was nowhere to be seen.
Since then, you two had started dating and officially became a couple in March, your love for him growing bigger and stronger every single day. You swore Park Jimin was an angel in disguise – there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his girlfriend, therefore you felt blessed to have a guy like him by your side.
His only flaw was that he was a perfectionist and wanted to make everything perfect – sometimes to that extent that you had to stop him from overreacting things. You managed to reassure him that you would love him with all his imperfections. In fact, you would be more than happy to see those imperfections (because you had way too many yourself), so he loosened up a bit.
He had changed a lot though. You did too. Maybe that’s what love made people do without them realising.
Small wonder why you were so worked up this year and couldn’t stop grinning when you two started your little walk along the wooden houses. You had made sure to have enough money on you and to wrap up well because of the chilly weather conditions; you forgot only one little thing.
“Honey, your hands are freezing!” Jimin shrieked as he caught sight of your slightly blue hands. Yep, you forgot to bring your gloves because that was you; you always forgot something.
You had made an attempt to hide the unpleasant feeling that you got because your bare hands were exposed to the icy cold breeze of the wind but of course it couldn’t go unnoticed by your attentive boyfriend.
“Oh no, it’s not that bad!” You tried to shrug it off like it was nothing.
The next thing you remember is that you found yourself at a little shop where Jimin was contemplating whether he should buy the rosy-coloured or the baby blue gloves for you.
“It’s really not necessary, Jimin!” You wanted to talk him out of his plan but he was adamant as always.
“Of course it is! You can’t enjoy the Christmas markets with cold hands!”
In the end, you chose the baby blue one because if he bought them for real, why not choose the one that you like better? You had to admit that he was never more proud in his whole life when he held your hand again – this time with gloves on. You felt a blush staining your cheeks when he looked down and started smiling to himself. Gosh, his beautiful was inexplicable! If anything was close to ethereal, it would be his genuine and affectionate smile.
Frankly, it was more enjoyable to walk down the streets without freezing hands. Plus, Jimin made sure that you had fun because he told you jokes and cheesy lines on the way, paying for every little attraction you had tried and buying foods for you two. The best part was (of course) when your boyfriend reached forward to wipe some of the waffle from the corner of your lips.
It was almost like a culinary experience – you two had tried so many festive foods, you had a blast. Everything was so delicious from the chocolate covered fruits to the caramel-flavoured rice cakes. Not to mention that creamy hot chocolate that was made with white chocolate, topped with lots of whipped cream!
Luckily, apart from eating, you could even buy some bits and bobs for your family because you didn’t have time for a proper Christmas shopping before. Jimin also brought some gifts for his family but he insisted on buying something memorable for you too.
You were on your way to a shop where Jimin knew he could buy something for you when he came in sight with a sign at little shop saying that there were candy apples on display.
“If I buy a candy apple, does it make me a candy man?” He joked around, making you laugh like crazy. You had to stop in your tracks to regain your composure and start breathing properly.
“You spent too much time with Jin!” You teased him a bit but he merely stuck his tongue at you.
“That joke was actually mine but I’ll definitely tell him later because I’m sure he would enjoy it!” He fervently bobbed his head as he thought of his friend’s reaction.
You had met all of Jimin’s friends and they were all lovely but Seokjin always stood out – he definitely had an old man aura to him. Yet, you had to admit that his egg rolls were the best you had ever eaten! Small wonder why he was one of Seoul’s best chefs! Thanks to your lovely boyfriend, you could even eat at Jin’s restaurant – Worldwide Tasty – for free. He was that genuine.
You walked for five more minutes when Jimin found the wooden house he wanted, so you left him there and you started looking for a gift for him. You ended up buying a dance shoe-shaped necklace for him which you thought would suit him perfectly.
Much to your amazement, Jimin bought almost the same for you although the necklace he had chosen was handmade and it was in the shape of a pen because he knew you were fond of writing and wanted to become a writer in the future.
“Oh my god, Jimin! It’s beautiful!” You screamed as you looked at the necklace in his hands, yours is already around his neck. “I love it so so so much! It’s the best Christmas gift ever! Thank you so much!” You jumped up and down, then crashed him into a bone-cracking hug.
“I thought my joke was better!”
“Almost!” You giggled and let yourself enjoy that infinite moment with him.
You and him in the middle of the Christmas market, hugging each other and watching as the first snowflake hit the ground. Well… it was perfect.
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same anon. was gonna say, after some consideration, still everything but perhaps not torture. on the other hand, I've seen your love for angst so I guess pain is def up for debate
You ask, I deliver anon!!! *cracks knuckles* Here I go! And I will answer them all XD
Decapitation: What was the dumbest thing you’ve done?
Dumbest thing??? I can’t think of anything right now XD. Like I do a lot, people cal me dorky and naive for a reason XD. Plus I am super forgettable….like I forget things ALL THE TIME! Ask anyone who knows me personally lol
Amputation: Would you rather lose a body part or a sense (hearing, seeing, etc.)?
Lose a sense! I know ASL, so going deaf or mute would be okay for me XD
Torture: Do you enjoy pain?
Do I enjoy watching Atemu from Yugioh be in pain….YES! Do I myself enjoy pain or seeing real people in pain…NO!
Bleeding: What do you want out of your life?
I want to be someone other’s look at and go “Yeah, she listens. Yeah she’s there for you. Yeah, she loves, no matter what!” I want to be that person, people can rely on. Because, I never had that, no one to rely on. So here I am, ready to be a reliable person lol
Vomit: What was the worst thing you’ve seen?
Blue waffle….DO NOT GOOGLE IT!!!
Self-Harm: What do you dislike about yourself?
My self esteem! I love people, I truly do! But I don’t know how to be myself around strangers or even simple mutuals. On the internet, I am the REAL Megan, then I am in real life. Because I don’t see what the other person looks like or what their face is. So if you don’t like me or what I do, it doesn’t hurt, compared to real life.
Body Horror: If you could change your appearance to anything you wish, what would you do?
I just did it actually! I dyed my hair purple! Always wanted purple hair and now I have it ^_^
Parasite: Are you attracted to strange things?
Strange things? No not really…attraction speaking. I am pretty normal aka boring XD
Bondage: What is the one person you trust the most?
Just one??? Ugh! I got three in my life I trust the most. But if I go with one, I’ll stick with Jesus! ^_^ He loves me and won’t tattle lol
Zombie: What’s the one thing you’re best at?
I am best at being the arms you need when you need a hug, being the shoulder  you need when you cry. I don’t know how to come to you, but if you come to me, I promise…you have a friend and I will NEVER hurt you!
Conjoined Bodies: Who can’t you live without?
My husband
Weapons: What’s your favorite horror movie?
NONE! I can’t stand horror!
Vampire: What do you consider to be unhealthy?
Not bathing properly. Yuck! The infections and the smell…it’s gross
Stitches: What’s something you’re glad that’s in the past?
Family drama!
Cannibalism: What would you want as a last meal?
Chinese food!
Junji Ito: What do you like about guro and/or horror?
Ewwwww……again horror no no!
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