#blue milky cap
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fugitiverabbit · 9 months ago
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You cannot kill me in a way that matters.
Art by me!
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mycoblogg · 2 years ago
Lactarius indigo?
FOTD #036 : indigo milky! (lactarius indigo)
the indigo milky (also called blue lactarius, indigo milk cap or blue milk mushroom) is a mycorrhizal mushroom in the family russulaceae. this mushroom is found across the US, mexico, china, india, costa rica & guatemala. it is famous for its blue, milk-like latex that seeps out when the gills are sliced !!
the big question : can i bite it?? yeah<3 this fungus is edible.
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l. indigo description :
"the cap of the fruit body, measuring between 5–15 cm (2.0–5.9 in) in diameter, is initially convex & later develops a central depression; in age it becomes even more deeply depressed, becoming somewhat funnel-shaped as the edge of the cap lifts upward. the cap surface is indigo blue when fresh, but fades to a paler grayish- or silvery-blue, sometimes with greenish splotches. it is often zonate: marked with concentric lines that form alternating pale & darker zones, & the cap may have dark blue spots, especially towards the edge. young caps are sticky to the touch. the flesh is pallid to bluish in color, slowly turning greenish after being exposed to air; its taste is mild to slightly acrid. the flesh of the entire mushroom is brittle. the latex exuded from injured tissue is indigo blue, & stains the wounded tissue greenish."
[images : source, source & source] [fungus description : source]
"thank you for the request !! i really love this one, but will likely never seen it in person. ^^" very beautiful mushroom."
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vestaignis · 24 days ago
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Яркие, красочные люпины на озере Текапо.
Озеро Текапо — второе по величине из трех, примерно параллельных озер, расположенных между севером и югом вдоль северного края Бассейна Маккензи на Острове Южный Новой Зеландии. Туристы могут насладитесь захватывающими дух видами скалистых гор днем ​​и ослепительными звездами ночью в поселке на берегу этого великолепного ледникового озера. Озеро — настоящая мечта фотографа, с горами и снежными вершинами, бирюзовым синим озером и красивой небольшой церковью. Необычный молочно-голубой цвет воды обусловлен мелкими каменистыми отложениями в озере, которые со временем образовались в результате движения ледников. Каждый год с середины ноября до декабря, красота усиливается красочным цветением люпинов.
Люпин Рассела (Lupinus polyphyllus) является экзотическим растением, которое может расти до 1.5 метров в высоту. Это постоянная разновидность, семена сажаются летом, отмирают на зиму, чтобы повторно появиться следующим летом. Люпины Рассела были высажены в 1950 Конни Скотт на пике Godley, когда семена были рассеяны вдоль сторо�� главного шоссе. Эти высокие цветы теперь растут в изобилии вдоль многих обочин, открытых областей вокруг деревень, и всюду по сценической области Маккензи.
Vibrant, colourful lupines at Lake Tekapo.
Lake Tekapo is the second largest of three roughly parallel north-south lakes located along the northern edge of the Mackenzie Basin on New Zealand's South Island. Visitors can enjoy breathtaking views of rugged mountains by day and dazzling stars at night from the village on the shores of this magnificent glacial lake. The lake is a photographer's dream, with snow-capped mountains, a turquoise blue lake and a beautiful little church. The unusual milky blue colour of the water is due to fine rock deposits in the lake that have formed over time as a result of glacial movement. Each year from mid-November to December, the beauty is enhanced by the colourful bloom of lupines.
Russell's lupine (Lupinus polyphyllus) is an exotic plant that can grow up to 1.5 metres in height. This is a perennial variety, the seeds are set in summer, die back in winter, only to re-emerge the following summer. Russell's lupins were introduced in the 1950s by Connie Scott on Godley Peak, when the seeds were scattered along the sides of the main highway. These tall flowers now grow in abundance along many roadsides, open areas around villages, and throughout the scenic Mackenzie region.
Источник:/online.zakon.kz/Document/?doc_id=31376231&pos= 17; 208#pos=17;208, //www.expedia.co.nz/Lake-Tekapo.dx55352, //www.tripadvisor.in/Attraction_Review-g644415-d301143-Reviews-Lake_Tekapo_Mackenzie_District_Canterbury_Region_South_Island.html, /www.goodfon.ru/landscapes/wallpaper-novaia-zelandiia-priroda-peizazh-ozero-tekapo-gory-tsvety-li.html, /wallpapers.99px. ru/wallpapers/download/257545/.
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joshslater · 1 year ago
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They say when you are in an accident everything moves in slow motion. That wasn't at all how it felt for me. I was driving down a slight slope toward an intersection out in bumfuckyall, where a truck was waiting at a red light. Why they would put a traffic light out here with nothing but crop fields around is beyond me. Getting some extra revenue from people running the lights perhaps. Not busy enough to warrant the installation though. Maybe to stop traffic when harvesters or whatever pass by, but they would move slowly and be pretty darn visible in this terrain.
The belt tensioner yanked me into the seat at the same time as I heard the crash and I had just time to turn my head back from the fields to see the now milky front window, shattered into thousands of small glass cubes suspended by the plastic film on the back of it, give way to the mass that had been thrown off the flatbed and flung into my windshield. Through the widening gap at the top of the windshield liquid was dumped into the car, all over me, and everything turned into black silence with a strong smell of chemicals.
It all went faster than I could register, and I just sat there still with burning eyes, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I somehow had run into the truck. I heard hurried steps outside and someone first trying to open the door then rapping the side window and shouting "Are you hurt, buddy?"
Was I? My shoulder hurt from the seat belt, and I couldn't see anything, but otherwise I wouldn't feel anything damaged. I fumbled a bit to find how to open the door and once successful responded "I'm OK I think. I can't see though."
"Thank Lord. It's wood stain. Had some buckets in the back. Some paint too. It'll make you dizzy and sick, but I wouldn't worry about going blind. Let me help you out and lay you down. I have plenty of water to rinse you."
Despite squeezing my eyes as shut as I could, reasoning that opening them would probably let more paint in than out, I had no problems finding and removing the seat belt, and stepping out of the car. As soon as I was out of the car he grabbed my arm and led me to a spot in front of both vehicles. My mouth tasted of chemicals and I spat on the ground several times.
"Just lie down here, buddy. Are you sure you aren't hurt?" "A bit sore, but nothing really hurts." "That's a relief. The car is probably a write-off with all the damage outside and in. This is all my fault." Without opening my eyes I let myself be guided to the ground while he talked. I could hear the steps of another person getting closer from beyond my car. "It is?" "Casy, get the big jug!" he told the other person, who answered a curt "Yep" in a young man's voice. "I must have put in reverse while waiting for the light and then... reverse into you," he said, talking to me again. "It's a rental. I'm sure they are used to handling things like this." "Just stay still there buddy, and I'll start pouring."
He began pouring water on my face, occasionally wiping with a rag of some sort. "Open your mouth and take some water. Then swig it around and spit it out." We did that a few times. A few more rinses and I dared to open my eyes. He looked like he sounded like. Trucker cap, beard, grey and blue flannel shirt, blue jeans, and boots. Hovering behind him was a boy in his late teens or early twenties, dressed very similarly in camo cap, blue JROTC hoodie, jeans, and boots. For my part I was wood-stain brown and garden-fence white.
"I'm Cliff, this is Casy," Cliff said and gave me his hand to help me up. As I stood up and looked past his pick up I could see my car. It looked worse than I would have expected. While the collision didn't feel that bad, the crumple zones certainly felt it. A few buckets of paint had landed next to it, but clearly the inside was ruined by the ones that had passed through the glass. I had no hope that my travel bag with what little extra clothes I had brought with me had survived either, as I think I had tossed it on the passenger seat. 
"I'm Bradly" "Casy, give Bradly your pop. He can't taste nothing but paint." Casy did a nod and another dull "yep", but jumped into the truck with ease and was quickly out again with a can of Monster. Ignoring that it was opened and with a third gone, I took an eager sip, swirled it in my mouth, and swallowed. When I had emptied the can the taste of oil and paint was almost gone.
"I reckon we need to hose you down before we can do anything else. Casy can stay here while we bring you to the house to clean you up. Then we can figure out how to take care of the car. How's that sound, buddy?"
"Sounds reasonable to me." "I'm sorry, but do you mind getting on the flatbed." He motioned all over my paint-drenched body. "No. Is it far?" "It's a quick drive."
When you are lying on your back on a tarp next to reclaimed wood, slowly drying into the color of an antique table, seeing nothing but the afternoon sky, nothing is a quick drive. I didn't dare move, not so much because I was lying unprotected in the back of a truck that was driving far too fast for my comfort, but because I was soaked in oil and paint and water, and didn't want to mess anything else up. The wind running over my body was chilling, despite the balmy weather. My shoulder and chest hurt from where the belt tightener pulled me back into the seat. Despite the wind there was a strong smell of paint. I felt lightheaded. My mind began to wander. I should probably call the motel that I would be late, or not arriving at all. I was thinking about how I decided to not have a coffee at the diner to get back on the road quicker. I should have bought one. The apple pie slices looked delicious. Eventually however I would see treetops creeping into view and soon after we came to a stop on gravel.
"Where is he?" a woman asked nearby. "Back there," Cliff answered and opened the tailgate. He extended a hand to help me down. "Hey buddy, this is Sarah!" "Hi," Sarah said smiling. "Bradly"
Instead of walking towards the house she motioned toward one of the barns. "Hose is over there. Then you can take a proper shower after." On Sarah's urging I took off everything but my briefs. She suggested I take them off as well, but didn't press the issue. The water was pretty high-pressure and ice cold. Cold water worked better than hot water Sarah claimed, not that hot water was an option outside the house.
Once I was hosed enough that the water didn't run brown anymore, and I felt I was near risking hypothermia, I wrapped myself in an old discolored beach blanket Sarah handed me and we walked back to the house. I shivered and my lightheadedness had turned into a dull, thumping headache. Cliff and the truck were gone. Sarah grabbed one of the white plastic chairs, placed it near the front door, and told me to sit down. "The white paint doesn't stick too bad to the skin, but we're never going to be able to clean this out," she said and touched my hair. I hadn't felt a feeling like that since I used way too much hair gel for Halloween many years ago. It was like my hair and the paint had formed a helmet. She quickly returned from the house with a trimmer on an extension cord. "Sides are not too bad. I can make a flat top," she said and buzzed away, clearly used to taking care of Cliff and Casy. I cringed when I heard it, and was about to stop her, but changed my mind. Better to let her keep as much hair as possible and decide on the real emergency haircut later.
She then led me through the house and what must have been Casy's room, with a home gym and a gaming setup, to his bathroom. Everything was big and roomy, but I guess it is inexpensive to build large when you have lots of land, time, and resources. "Take as much time as you need and use any of the soaps you want. I'll put some clothes on the bed for you. Just throw your briefs in the bathroom bin," Sarah said and left.
I looked in the bathroom mirror, the first time I saw myself after the accident. I looked terrible. The haircut was ugly, of course, but the uneven stain stains all over my body made me look tan and dirty. Like I had spent all day riding a dirt bike in mud, not the last ten minutes being blasted by ice water. I looked as beaten and spent as I felt.
By "any of the soaps" she meant the Axe Total Fresh 3-in-1 shampoo, conditioner, and body wash that there were four opened bottles of in various places in the bathroom. Somehow Casy managed to both have a messy bathroom without having much in it. The water felt like a blessing on my cold, bruised body. I just stood there for a while, letting the warm water rinse me. Then I lathered myself completely and rinsed off three times in a row. Neither the foam nor the water looked discolored, and when I dried myself with the one towel in the room it didn't become stained. The image in the mirror however looked disappointingly identical to before. The same stained me, but now with a more acute headache. Everything smelled like Axe Total Fresh, and it did my head no favors.
I peeked into Casy's room. No one was there and the door to the rest of the house was shut, so I entered and looked at the clothes laid out for me on the bed. Only one of each, so no options. First black compression boxers with a wide Nike band. Then a pair of green-brown socks that looked like what the army issues. Some lightly distressed blue jeans with a black leather belt. A military green Under Armour T-shirt in a glossy material with "patriotic" print with stars and almost-US flags on it. A hunting camo baseball cap. Finally a pair of well-worn leather boots. I put it all on, including the hat to cover the ugly hair and the boots because I wasn't sure what the indoor etiquette here was. Everything fit surprisingly well, though I guess she could have looked at the size of my ruined clothes.
I opened the door and stepped out of the room, trying to find Sarah, or anyone really. How long had I been in the shower? Probably an hour, if not longer. "Hello?" "We're over here," I heard Sarah shout from across the house. I walked in the direction of her voice and was soon joined by Cliff who emerged from another room. "How are you feeling, buddy?" he asked in a concerned fatherly manner. "I think I'm about to have an episode of migraine." "That something you've had before." "Never."
"Take your seats. You over here Brad," Sarah said as we turned the corner into a large kitchen with a table laid for four. "Bud... eh, Bradly." I tried to correct her, but she had turned to the big cast iron pot on the stove. Casy already sat by the table with a phone in his hand, but his eyes were firmly on me. His face didn't reveal any expressions.
Sarah placed the heavy pot on the table and with a big ladle filled my plate with a dark stew. "Here you go, Bud," she said. As the smell of beef stock, fresh herbs, carrots, onions, and slow cooked, rich meat reached my nose I immediately recognized the telltales. Weakening of the jaw. The increase in saliva. I almost threw myself out of the chair, rushed over to the sink, and managed just in time to throw up into the sink. I realized I was sweating. Then another heave of vomit. "Oh, poor buddy," Sarah said and patted my back.  "Here, drink this," she said and filled a glass of water from a pitcher. My body heaved a third time, but nothing came out. "Thanks," I replied and took the glass with some apprehension, waiting to see if my body would do something else. Once it appeared safe I took the glass and started to empty it.
"Casy, make one of them shakes for him. He needs to get something in his belly." Almost reluctantly, like I had ruined his meal, Casy got up and moved towards a cupboard. "I just need to rest I think," I said, my head now mercilessly pounding in pain. "Out of the question. You need something to fortify you."
Casy quickly scooped powder from a large plastic container into a workout shaker bottle thing, poured in some water, gave it a quick shake, and handed it to me. I had barely put it to my mouth when Cliff said "He can barely stand. Take him to your room for a nap." "Come then," Casy said and led the way out of the kitchen, with me following sipping the chalky mixture. "You know the way though," he said once out of earshot from the kitchen. Back inside his room he motioned at the bed and said "This is a bed," deadpan to me. I wanted to say it wasn't my fault his day was ruined. In fact, mine had gone way worse than his, but my head hurt too much for me to care. "Thanks." I put my back on the bed and was out in seconds.
The hard plastic of the ear protectors was what made me wake up properly, and it took a moment to realize what it was and get them off. Almost ripped the cap off with them. These were the radio/bluetooth kind that allowed you to listen to music while you worked. Bright, orange colored cups with the rest of it black. I got up from the bed and left them on the sheets. Apparently I was already fully dressed, so I headed to the kitchen. Sarah was there preparing things.
"Mornin' Ma'am." "Good morning, Buddy." I took my seat. Sarah filled a bowl with porridge, drizzled honey over it, set it on the table in front of me together with a spoon. "Better hurry. Cliff is waiting for you." "Yes, Ma'am."
It wasn't until I began eating I realized how hungry I was, so it wasn't a problem to be quick. Not having seconds though felt rough. Just outside the house was Cliff, doing something with a quad to which he had hooked a trailer full of wooden poles. "Mornin', Sir" "Morning Buddy! Get up in the trailer and make sure nothing shakes out while we drive down the fields. "Yes, Sir."
Once we came to a stop after a bumpy ride, Cliff showed me how to operate the earth drill to make holes, then how to insert a pole, and with the sledge hammer drive it down so it fit securely. He then let me do that while he was working on putting up wires for the electric fence. After we had been at it for quite a while Sarah called on the walkie-talkie and said sheriff Miller wanted to talk to us. We unhooked the trailer and drove up to the farm on the quad, me sitting behind Cliff, straddling him.
Outside the main house Sarah and the sheriff waited for us. It was mostly a boring conversation between Cliff and the sheriff that I tuned out of, but then the sheriff turned to me and asked "And who is this?" "It's Buddy, farmhand for the summer," Cliff answered and took a slight step to the side to give room for the sheriff. The sheriff looked me over for a second. "You were here yesterday?" "Yes, Sir." "Did you see anyone come by yesterday afternoon or evening?" "No, Sir." "Anything else out of the ordinary happened yesterday?" "Yes, Sir. I threw up, Sir. Hasn't happened in years, Sir." "Hahaha." He turned to Cliff again. "If anything comes up let me know. It's not the first traveler that's gotten lost around here, but they usually turn up sooner or later." "They have a habit of doing that, causing extra work for the local sheriff while they are wandering about," Cliff answered, smiling back. The sheriff shook his head and opened his car door. "You ain't wrong."
Once the car was well on its way up the dirt road Sarah motioned at cooler that was on the ground. "I was about to come down with lunch to you boys, but perhaps you want to eat it up here." "Yeah, let's take a breather. This was a close call." Cliff opened a small tool bag that was hanging on the quad and pulled out another pair of orange ear protectors, if not the same as earlier. He turned the knob on them and put them on my head. Noise was sloshing around in my ears like waves breaking on a beach. Voices were whispering all around me. It was impossible to focus on a single voice and hear its message. Just a school of slippery tadpoles swimming around and around. Impossible to grab. Somewhere far in the distance I could hear Cliff talking.
"Let's go even harder with the programming. We don't need him cognisant for the rest of the day."
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soupandmushrooms · 1 year ago
Lactarius indigo
also known as the indigo milk cap, the blue milk mushroom and indigo milky.
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It grows in North America, East Asia, and Central America. It also grows naturally in southern France!
Due to being a member of the lactarius genus it produces latex or “milk” when cut. The latex produced is indigo hence the name.
The species is however noted for not producing as much latex as other members of its genus.
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Lactarius indigo is edible and reported to have a mild taste.
It is also one of my favourite mushrooms!
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 year ago
Shoot for the Moon
Bo Sinclair X GN Reader
Warnings: None. Just fluff. Who am I?
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Keys jingle as you cut the engine. The thrum ceases and a moment of tranquil silence passes before the nighttime sounds rise to life all around. Crickets and frogs chirp, night herons splash, a barred owl calls. Cypress, oak, and maple trees creak and rustle in a gentle breeze. Car door hinges squeal as you slip from your vehicle and your boots swish in tall grasses as you make your way to the trunk.
Carefully, you unpack the telescope, flashlight, guides, and notepads. The scents of damp earth and decaying wood wash over you as you move. Already, the oppressive Louisiana humidity sticks your hair to your forehead, yet you wear a jacket and jeans to protect your limbs from mosquitos and ticks.
Satisfied with a small, nearby clearing, you meticulously set up your equipment. You peek through the eye piece and adjust the telescope’s position incrementally. Little flashlight clutched between your teeth, you scratch notes on the illuminated portion of paper before repeating the process.
An hour or so in, you abruptly surface from the lull of peaceful concentration. At first, you’re not certain what distracts you, but then you recognize the silence. All the wildlife has gone quiet, disturbed by something close by.
You frown and quiet your own breath, tilting your head to listen intently. To your left, a sharp snap; twigs underfoot. Something stalks through the brush, just out of sight.
A bear, maybe, or a stray dog. Your mind whirs with the possibilities, but you will yourself to stay calm. Nothing you can’t handle.
However, when a man emerges from the tree line, your heart stutters. Fear and confusion take root in your brain and you must consciously fight back the panic to keep your thoughts clear.
Where the hell had he come from? There isn’t a town or house around for miles, as far as you’re aware. You’d carefully chosen this particular spot for that very reason.
The man saunters toward you, hands buried in the pockets of the deep blue coveralls he wears. His pace is leisurely, every step measured and deliberate, meant to instill dread. You can’t make out the details of his face through the gloom and the cap perched atop his head does you no favors.
“Yer out here awfully late,” he notes, the pleasant drawl of his voice disturbing the hush of the clearing. He nods toward the crescent moon hanging low in the sky as though you need his help to tell it’s nighttime.
“Could say the same about you,” you respond, slipping the flashlight into your palm. You could blind him if he gets too close.
He stops his advance about twenty feet away, head tilting slightly as he studies you and your equipment. “Folks out this late don’t often have the best intentions.”
Pot, meet kettle. You resist the urge to call him out and instead motion to your telescope. “Just star gazing. I wasn’t aware this was private property. I’ll go—
“Nah, s’not private. Yer good, sugar.” He takes a few steps closer. The muscles in your shoulders tense. You swallow thickly, mind racing. What now?
You speak before you can stop yourself, “I, uh, I just found Saturn. It’s nice and clear tonight. Wanna see?” The man stops abruptly, obviously taken aback. He’s silent for a moment, contemplating.
“…Yer serious?” he questions. His steps are tentative now, cautious. You caught him off guard, it seems.
Roll with it. “Yeah!” You wave him over and allow the excitement to take control of your vocal cords, “And the Milky Way is so pretty right now. We can look at that next….”
He’s close enough now that you can make out the incredulous expression on his face…his very handsome face. The scents of engine oil, burnt grease, and metal hit you and the outfit suddenly makes sense. Still, you question why he’s out for a midnight stroll in such a remote area wearing his work garb.
You scoot out of the way and instruct him to look through the eye piece. He shoots you one more skeptical glance before carefully leaning over and peering into the telescope. You smell him now too: Cigarette smoke, faint aftershave, and woody musk that is not at all unpleasant.
You watch the exact moment the man spots the planet. What you can see of his face lights up and he shifts his body in toward the telescope, hunching more to get a better angle through the eyepiece. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he murmurs, hand coming up and hovering over the finderscope, hesitant to touch. You can’t help the grin that spreads across your face.
“So beautiful, right? Do you see the rings?”
“Sure do,” he replies, straightening and flashing you a hesitant, crooked smile. Your thoughts are almost derailed by the charm of it, but the eagerness to teach keeps you grounded.
“Here, scooch over a sec, lemme just readjust it….” You quickly check your notes then fiddle with the telescope. You’re overly aware of the man standing next to you, but he surprises you with polite silence, hands on his hips, apparently content to watch you work.
“Here, look,” you excitedly tell him as soon as it’s adjusted. With a quizzical expression, he leans down again, though there’s more enthusiasm in his movement this time.
“…What am I lookin’ at?” he asks, glancing over at you expectantly.
You giggle and mutter a quick, “Oh right,” before launching into an explanation. You gesture and describe, the animation in your voice and knowledge on the subject captivating the stranger.
He watches you speak with a mixture of admiration and bemusement on his face, like he can’t believe he’s listening so attentively, but doesn’t want to miss a word. All previous tension evaporates as you show him the charts you’ve drawn and move the telescope to and fro.
“Oh, and you should be able to see Phobos right now—
“What’s yer name, darlin’?” the man interrupts suddenly. You glance up at him and realize just how close he stands. Your shoulder brushes his chest, his body heat palpable. You’re glad for the darkness when your cheeks burn.
You do your best not to trip over your own name when he smirks, sudden shyness drying your throat and making your heart skip a beat. There’s irritation there too, annoyance with his smugness. You’re easier to read than you’d hoped, apparently.
“Bo,” he tells you as he holds out his hand. You turn to face him and accept his outstretched palm. It is then you notice your watch.
“Oh christ, it’s late. I really gotta go!”Hurriedly, you gather up your notes and pack away your equipment. Bo watches quietly and you can tell by the way he stands so stock still that he’s contemplating something.
You don’t give him a chance to decide on whatever it was he was planning when he entered the clearing.
“I, uh…I was gonna come back on Thursday if, you know, if you wanted to learn more.” Bo blinks at you, genuine surprise on his face. You’re just as shocked by your own words. Offering to meet a strange man with questionable intentions, alone, in the middle of rural Louisiana to teach him amateur astronomy?
Have you lost your damn mind?
Yet, the way he’d engaged with the subject and how eagerly he listened makes you think there’s something more to this man. The initial trajectory of your meeting had changed, hadn’t it? There was a spark, a yearning for connection. He wants to learn, and you want to teach.
That, or you’re completely delusional.
“Next Thursday?” You nod at his question. He tips his head again, like he’s thinking. Slipping his hands back into his pockets, he shrugs. “I can try and make it.”
He does make it on Thursday. You do too. And again on Saturday. And the following Friday. And Monday.
Sunday finds you seated on a blanket, Bo at your side, flashlight in your mouth and pen in had. Around you, the nighttime creatures sing their songs. Your trusty telescope points to the sky, ready to capture the comet you’re tracking.
You’re relaxed in his presence now. You’ve decided to attribute your initial meeting to simple chance. He hasn’t given you a reason not to trust him, and you’re not going to look for one.
Your name murmured in a hushed and careful tone breaks your reverie. You hum in response before lowering the flashlight and glancing up. The look in Bo’s baby blues freezes you in place and brings heat to your cheeks.
He’s closer than you anticipated. He removed his hat at some point and his dark hair is ruffled like he hastily ran his fingers through it. That self-satisfied smirk you tell yourself you hate pulls at the side of his mouth and there’s warmth in his eyes as they trace the curve of your lips.
“Been tryin’ t’kiss ya for the past ten minutes,” he teases, his hand reaching out to playfully flick the pen in your hand. You release a breathy laugh as your heart flutters in your chest like a trapped bird.
“Oh, um…s-sorry,” is all you can manage, mouth curving in a weak smile. Your teeth worry your bottom lip when Bo slides closer to cradle your face in his palms.
“Looks like I finally get t’teach ya somethin’ huh?” he jokes, lips ghosting across yours.
You huff, “Oh shut up,” but there’s no real bite to your words. Bo chuckles affectionately and smoothes his thumbs over your hair.
His next words are soft, the vulnerability in them meant only for your ears. “You been real sweet, darlin’. Ain’t nobody taught me anythin’ like you.”
“Oh,” you breathe, moved by his admission. The gratitude in it warms you deep in your chest. Bo wrinkles his nose.
“Alright, enough a’ that. Turnin’ me into a fuckin’ sap.” Your next scoff and eye roll is cut off when he finally claims your mouth in a searing kiss.
Overhead, stars twinkle, your silent spectators.
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poetry-protest-pornography · 19 hours ago
To make the March 21-28 Nestle Boycott easier, here's all the brands owned by Nestle:
*Nestle is an enormous company that has dozens of brands, it will be hard to avoid them unless you're very careful. It should be easy enough for the week, though!
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Thank you @whatever-letmebe for the source!
Written list under the read more, for those who prefer/want one!
*please remember that you can/should only participate in these actions insofar as they don't have a negative impact on your day to day. If you have restrictions or circumstances that keep you from being able to boycott some of these products, it is not a moral failing!
Coffee - Nescafé including:
Alta Rica
Black Gold
Blend 37
Cap Colombie
Fine Blend
Gold Blend
Nescafé Ice
Nespresso coffee and machines
Partners Blend
Mineral/bottled water:
Aqua Panna
Princes Gate
San Pellegrino
Santa Maria
Other drinks:
Processed meals:
Buitoni pasta & canned foods
Jenny Craig
*Rowntrees Jellies
Dairy products:
Extreme Viennois
Munch Bunch yoghurts
Nestlé Ice Cream
*Lyons Maid Ice Cream
*Rachel's Dairy
Rowntree yoghurts and ice creams
Simply Double
Ski yogurts
Sveltesse yogurts
Cheerios & Honey Nut Cheerios
Cinnamon and Golden Grahams
Cookie Crisp
Force Flakes
Golden Nuggets
Nesquik cereal
Shredded Wheat including:
Bitesize, Fruitful, Honey Nut
Shreddies: Coco and frosted
Confectionery & snacks:
After Eights
Black Magic
Blue Riband
Dairy BoxFruit Pastilles
Kit Kat
Kit Kat – Fairtrade
Menier Chocolate
Milky Bar
Quality Street
Rowntrees Fruit Gums
Toffee Crisp
Walnut Whip
Helena Rubenstein
La Roche-Posay
Pet Foods:
Pro Plan
Vital Balance
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semipreciousgemstonejade · 4 months ago
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I would like all the plushies as small figurines, with the exclusive ones as slightly bigger figurines.
I would kill for giant versions of these plushies:
Teabun, Fairymare, Babymare, Nightlymare & Tidalmare.
Warm Snowman, Happy Snowman & Spring Snowman.
Party Fish, Milky Birb & Sooty Birb.
Grumpy Crow, Snowfield Crow, Blue Crow & Headache Crow, Smiley Dino.
General plushies
Briny Narwie, Sailor (Dolphin) & Smiley Pig.
Do I have space for gigantic versions of all of them? I don't even have space for smaller ones, but I'll make space 🌌 !
Wouldn't it be awesome if we got a Glint Photobooth plushie pose? Wishful thinking, I know, but I want it now that I've spent too much time thinking about it.
Our MC holding a big version of each LI's main exclusive plushie.
They could call the pose, 'the plushie he gave me' to pay homage to the community fan art.
Each pose could have our MC interacting with them in different ways that signify her dynamic with each LI.
We need more backgrounds! A less detailed version of the arcade would be fine. Or even background props like an arcade machine. (Only problem is the annoying chocolate cap as per usual).
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heroesrest64 · 13 days ago
Been thinking about what scents the LU boys would use (if they had access). Mostly talking in terms of soap bars made using scented oils, while the shampoos would use the shampoo ginger plant as a base. Also little hcs for the types of bottles they would use :3
Wild: he gets a silent princess/honeysuckle/ vanilla blend. The soap bars have silent princess petals encased, it’s a white/yellow bar with honeysuckle being the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/honeysuckle scent. It’s a clear/yellowish liquid with honeysuckles floating within. The jar is somewhat ornate with a silent princess design on it.
Warriors: he’d get a saffron/cinnamon/ sandalwood blend. The soap bars have a speckled look, mainly whitish yellow with some brown speckles within and cinnamon shavings occasionally peeking out. Saffron is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/saffron scent. It’s a clear/yellowish liquid with a saffron oil that tends to float on top of the shampoo- best if shaken before being used. The jar is very ornate, with saffron flowers preserved inside of the glass.
Wind: a sea salt/sandalwood blend. The soap bars are whitish yellow with chunks of sea salt peeking out. Sea salt is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/ citrus scent. It’s a clear/orange tan liquid with orange/ lemon rinds within. The bottle is simple, only thing of note is the cork having a ship stamped onto it that looks like the ship Wind uses.
Twilight: a pine/ bergamot/ spice blend. The soap bars are a creamy brown with star anise visible but well encased. Pine is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/ spice/ bergamot scent. It’s a clear/ tan liquid with star anise floating within. The bottle is simple, the ordonian symbol stamped into the side of the bottle.
Hyrule: amber wood/ginger/ nutmeg blend. The soap bars are a creamy brown with ginger shavings peeking out. Ginger is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/ nutmeg scent. It’s a clear/ yellow liquid with a few flowers within. The bottle is based on the fairy tonic bottles from botw but with a more simplistic design
Legend: an apple/ clover blend. The soap bars are white with clovers visible but well encased. Apple is the reigning scent. Shampoo/ conditioner is an ginger/apple/spice scent. It’s a clear/ yellowish liquid with apple oil that tends to float on top of the shampoo- best if shaken before being used. The jar is apple shaped.
Time: a milk/sunflower blend. The soap bars are white with a single sunflower encased and slightly peeking out. Sunflower is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/honey/ milk scent. It’s a milky yellow color with sunflower petals floating within. The jar is milk bottle shaped with a Lon Lon ranch label.
Four: a rose/ lavender blend. The soap bars are a white/ yellow color with lavender and red rose petals encased and peeking out. Both are reigning scents. Shampoo/conditioner is a blueberry/ mint scent. It’s a clear green color with mint and lemon rinds floating within. The jar is a blue and green stained glass bottle.
Sky: a peppermint/ eucalyptus blend. The soap bars are white/green and use oils rather than the physical ingredient. Peppermint is the reigning scent. Shampoo/conditioner is a ginger/ citrus/ floral scent. It’s a clear/ orange color with orange rinds and wildflower petals floating within. The jar is simple but has an ornate red bird cap.
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cheavymedicdaily · 1 month ago
Leg Injury
Rating: G. Wordcount: 409. Summary: Medic attends to CHeavy's leg injury. Tags: Injury, fluff, medical care, forehead kisses, kisses.
Red gloved hands squeezed the bit of fat around the brute's knee. "Does it hurt here?" The doctor's blue eyes flickered up to matching ones. A grin spread across his face as he squeezed the area. His fingertips dug into the neurons of his skin.
"Fuck!" The brute cried out, gritting his teeth. Tears filled his eyes as he took a sharp inhale. "Jesus Christ, doc! Yes, yes, that's the area."
"I thought so." Medic quickly rose from the floor, his lab coat fluttering with every movement. He raised his hand to his face and adjusted his small-rimmed glasses. "Alright." He clasped his hands behind his back.
"I'm going to need to apply some pain relief cream to the area." The doctor said. He turned around and walked off to a table tucked away within a corner. In the dark, green light of the medical bay, his shadow stalked forward. The scratchy and clean pull of the drawer filled the air.
Glass bottles clinked and rolled about inside, scratching against worn wood. Medic reached a hand in, pursuing his lips into a smile. He hummed contently to himself as he extracted a pink, plastic bottle. Turning around, he walked back over to the other man. He twisted off the cap and squeezed some cream onto his open palm.
Medic knelt down again and grabbed hold of the brute's knee. He began to massage the medicine into his skin. His gaze clicked back to the other's. "Now tell me, how did you end up spraining yourself? Surely work couldn't have been that bad!"
"Ya don't know the half of it, doc. Greg had me move some heavy ass boxes into another room. Pretty sure I ruptured something." The older man lowered his head and shook it. "It hurt like hell a few hours later."
After a few minutes, the cream's milky white flavor had faded into the brute's wrinkled skin. Medic smiled and shot up from the floor. He pulled off his gloves with them having a sharp squeak. "Hopefully that helps to ease your pain, mein Freund!" He smiled wide, exposing clean teeth.
Medic took a step forward and leaned into the older man's forehead. He closed his eyes, leaning in. His lips brushed against the skin of his forehead and a jolt shook his heart. He pulled off and stepped back a few. "And if you're still in pain, make sure to check back in with me, lieber!"
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fanboundbooks · 1 year ago
Sorry, fell a bit behind on posting. Time for our next story!
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Choices by MesserMoon Fandom: Harry Potter Word Count: 624,178
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For this story I wanted to reflect elements of night, stars, and messiness/complication. So when I found this very busy blue, black, and gold paste paper I grabbed it immediately.
We kept up the celestial theme with some nice double sided end pages that also have some darker elements mixed in.
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I also found a great constellation font (Milky Way) that I was able to use for the volume numbers and chapter drop caps.
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The biggest challenge with this story was figuring out how to get it all to fit into books. I ended up working to split it as close as evenly by number of chapters as possible between the 4 volumes. There was a moment when I was afraid we were going to have to move it up to 5 volumes, but after quite a bit of moving chapters around and testing different fonts and font sizes I got it all to fit eventually.
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munchboxart · 4 months ago
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Fountain pen ink update, I've collected quite a collection of inks! Unfortunately, I underestimated how many blues I decided to get LOL I still have more on the way as well.
I just bought Machu Picchu by Diamine, Milky Way by Troublemaker, and a sample of Quantum Teal by Birmingham Pens that I'm really excited to try.
I just realised I didn't swatch another purple I had that's also called Milky Way (but it's by Pentonote). I also swatched Classic Green by Diamine but just didn't show it off because I... only have 1 green, but I'll be happy to share if anyones interested.
By the way, all of these swatches (except for the Classic Green) is done by a glass dip pen.
Some notes for similar inks: Boilers Steam by Birmingham Pens and Dragon by Octopus Fluids are pretty much identical, the main difference is that Dragon is a lot more sheenier. Maskara and Simulan by Vinta Inks are also extremely similar, the main difference is that Maskara is a little more warmer, while Simulan is cooler. Bog Sage and Snowfield by Dominant Industry look similar on camera, but Bog Sage shades a lot more, while Snowfield is just lighter (and has glitter).
As for favorite inks, my opinion heavily depends on how it looks when writing with a fountain pen, but I will say I really like Dugong Bughaw by Vinta Inks (my mega sheener ink) and Dragon by Octopus Fluids. I'm really looking forward to using Blueze Hadancourt by Dominant Industry on my pen because It looks really pretty (Yuletide by Diamine as well). Oh! Classic Green too, but I just put that in yesterday so I'll have to do more writing, but I like how it looks (but maybe it's just because it's a change from blue-purples). LASTLY, I really love the Cat swatch by Colorverse, I believe it looks best with dip pen.
As for inks I want to get in the future, the only ink I have in mind that I want to get 100% is Gyeyu Jeongnan by Colorverse. I love snow, and it looks like blood on snow which I think looks really cool. And at least one Wearingeul ink. I almost caved and bought The Great Gatsby for myself, but I heard a lot of reviews that it was underwhelming so I held back on it. I bought 1984 for a friend and red glitter on red ink is crazy. Enki, Wendy Darling, White Rabbit, I am a cat, and The Happy Prince seem like inks I'm interested in, though.
As for new pens. From left to right: Lamy Safari (M), Jinhao Acrylic 82 (M), Monteverde Ritma (Omniflex), Jinhao Tiandao 1935, and Pilot Kakuno (M)
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I'm pretty sure I showed off my Lamy Safari before but I'll show it again because I like how it looks and reminds me of a Premier Ball (my fav).
I do have more pens but they're unremarkable. What I do want to talk about is my Monteverde Ritma. I've wanted this thing since the beginning of my proper Fountain Pen journey. I believe it's the most expensive pen I have so far. The capping and posting is magnetic which I absolutely love. The unfortunate part is the Omniflex nib. I never heard of it before and wanted to try it, good fucking god do not ever get this nib, it will not work 95% of the time. You need to be gentle with it otherwise you will permanently spread the tines so far apart that ink wont flow anymore. Just get a medium nib, my Monteverde has been rendered useless for now before I get a JoWo #6 replacement. It's unfortunate because the nib is gorgeous too! It just fucking sucks nut
The other pen I wanted to talk about is the Jinhao Tiandao 1935 (2 pictured under the pen pic). This is my absolute favorite pen. I wasn't sure I was gonna like it because it's the fattest pen I have but I love writing with this thing! Unfortunately, it does leak a lot more by the slit/breather hole of the nib compared to my other pens, but it's cool. I did also get this pen for the design at first. I think my friend finds the guitar clip corny but I like it a lot!!! It's funny as fuck. I might get a red version of this pen just because of how much I love it.
I'll be laying off of the pen collecting after that, I did get a Moonman M2 (not pictured) as my first eyedropper and it's just fine, I like how the ink looks in the barrel though. The only other pen I have in mind that I still want to get is an Opus 88 Demonstrator. I LOVEEE frosted stuff, I wish more pen companies did that style of design. I'm just... still working my way up on whether I am willing to spend 100+ on a pen.
I'll be slowing down a lot with these since I barely used any of the inks since I don't really write outside of work stuff, but also I've become very picky with what I want now, especially since I've made a conscious effort to go for more warmer or green inks because I have a crazy collection of cool colors right now. I'm also picky with inks in general, I really don't like normal ass inks where there's nothing special about it (no sheening or shimmer), but funny enough, I'm also very picky with the sheen was well (I don't like purple/green sheens). Also, I find that a lot of my inks look a little lighter compared to my glass dip pen samples, but I don't know if it's just that most of my pens run dry or what. If that is the case, then that's a little disappointing.
But that's it so far, I'll be happy to do a writing sample of any of the inks if anyone's interested.
EDIT: I just remembered one other thing.
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I've wanted to get an ink muddler for a long time but they just do not fucking sell this one (this is by Dominant Industry) in NA for some reason OR they just sell out fast, which is really sad. I need to get one of these because my glass dip pen fucking sucks at swatching with, and I really do not want to waste Q-tips.
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prototypesteve · 6 months ago
Solo Travel: Find Magic.
Venturing out on a solo vacation can be daunting. There’s a shit-ton of adulting you’ll need to do:
It’s up to you to make your flight. It’s up to you to not lose anything. It’s up to you to stay hydrated and healthy and mindful and motivated.
It can be easy to give in and say “hard nope” and stay home, even if you really want to start travelling solo.
How do you get past all that, and find the will to save up, plan, gear-up, get a passport or a reliable road-trip vehicle, and go? Magic. You believe in magic and you let yourself want it.
When I was in my late teens I was in a waiting room and idly flipping through a magazine (it was the late 80s). I turned the page and there was a two-page tourism ad with a massive photo of Lake Louise, in Banff National Park. Supernaturally milky blue water, tiny red canoes, backed by a colossal wall of mountain capped by an ancient glacier. I remember murmuring aloud, “I want that.” I wanted to feel what that photographer felt. I wanted awe. I wanted magic.
Years later, I finally had enough of my shit together to go there, and it was everything I expected, and it made all the hard adulting worth it. (I wound up moving to Calgary so I could go to Lake Louise any time I wanted to.)
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Photo 1: Lake Louise, Alberta. (This is from 2012, and taken with an old iPhone 4S, but it most closely resembles the view I saw in the magazine ad.)
In 2003, I saw a video about Tofino and Pacific Rim National Park. By 2003 I had plenty of experience going on budged-friendly road trips to Vancouver, where I’d stay in the (at the time, affordable) Jericho Beach Hostel. But Tofino would cost more, require a longer vacation, and take me way out of my “there’s always a city close by” comfort zone. But I wanted to see real waves, walk through a real coastal rain forest, and see the ocean fog roll in. I wanted magic,
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Photo 2: My (used) 1998 Pontiac Sunfire, and a budget kayak, and my mediocre Norco mountain bike, somewhere at a rest stop along the trans Canada Highway, in British Columbia
By 2005 I had the right gear, a decent budget, and enough self-confidence to drive out and hike down sketchy wooden stairs to Half Moon Bay near Uclulet and see the actual Pacific Ocean—not the Salish Sea between Vancouver and Vancouver Island—for the first time. That week I felt the magic of being at the edge of my world. It made all the adulting easy.
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Photos 3 & 4: The first time I saw the Pacific Ocean without Vancouver Island or the Olympic Peninsula lining the horizon, and the first time I saw fog move in over Vancouver island from the Pacific Ocean,
Ever since my 8th and 9th grade teachers told us stories about the old Globe theatre, I’ve dreamt of seeing a play in the rebuilt Globe in London (back then, even rebuilding the Globe was still a dream that wouldn’t be finished until the late 90s). But I live an ocean away, in Canada, I’m introverted, and no matter how much money I make, I have always felt like I’m out of my class-depth at any social gathering. Wrong childhood neighbourhoods, wrong schools, wrong career field. It took me until my 2nd trip to England to work up the nerve to buy a ticket to see a play at the Globe. I wanted to be there like one of the people I imagined during English class as we studied Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, and The Scottish Play. I wanted the magic.
Friday night, August 23, 2024, I spent two hours almost dizzy with a flood of feelings I’m going to need months to process, because I sat in Bay H, Row C, Seat 29, at Shakespeare’s Globe, in London, and watched a beautiful, perfect, magical performance of Much Ado about Nothing, and like I said, I’m going to be sorting out my feelings about this for months.
Yes there’s the Osemanverse overlap, Much Ado appears in Loveless. There’s the Aroace angle, watching two seemingly aro characters get shipped by their friends and family, bla bla bla. There’s a lot. But whatever. For me the magic was being the adult who teenage-me grew up into, sitting there in my seat that I absolutely belonged in, on my trip that I put together for myself, to chase down dozens of my other lifelong dreams, sitting there, and feeling that I was allowed to be there, and then delighting in the magic of live theatre, compounded by the magic of loving myself enough to push through every excuse not to be there.
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Photos 5, 6, and 7: The Globe Theatre (there’s no photography during the performance, and I don’t think I’d have bothered, if there was.
Find your magic. Thrive. It doesn’t have to cost a lot: My first solo trips cost me a tank of gas and a tenting campground fee, or a night’s stay at a hostel. It doesn’t need to be risky: Backpacker hostels and modern hotels often have more sophisticated security than your home or workplace. It doesn’t have to be ambitious: Maybe it’s lunch at a diner in a small farm town nearby, maybe it’s a low-key late summer concert in a park, maybe it’s building that sandcastle you never got to build because you grew up far away from water. Whatever it is, go find it! Let it change you.
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peachdues · 1 year ago
Ok first of all thank you so much for writing the fics and taking your time. I’m honestly so tired of other people and not keeping their opinions to themselves… ignore them your perfect in my eyes ✨
Also ima need you to drop more of your skincare routine/ products because I’ve never had my skin so 🤌🏼
That moisturizer you recommended to someone else for dry skin is saving me 😩
Thank you my darling angel 😭 ngl this made me feel better — it’s been hell at work this week so I haven’t written a ton (plus, y’know, dealing with bullshit).
IM SO GLAD MY RECS HELPED!! I got another anon asking about my skincare routine and it got buried, so I’ll re-share — especially since I’ve made a few changes!
AM routine
Garnier’s micellar water to cleanse (pink cap — I think the blue and green leave a residue and I don’t like it)
Byoma’s balancing face mist
Natrium’s niaciminacide acid serum OR vitamin C (never together!)
Cosrx snail mucin essence (this is a winter step, just to make sure my skin stays nice and hydrated)
Byoma gel eye cream (the de-puffing one)
Byoma gel moisturizer
Beauty of joseon sunscreen (SPF 50)
PM routine
I start by double cleansing — it’s SUPER important to double cleanse with an oil-based cleanser especially if you wear sunscreen!!
Cleanser (1) — natrium’s oil balm/makeup remover with a warm washcloth
Cleanser (2) — I alternate every other day with youth to the people’s superfood cleanser (I just got it and I’m obsessed) and panoxyl (10%). I’ve also used versed’s jelly milky cleanser on non-panoxyl days, and I love that, too!
Byoma’s balancing face mist toner OR beauty of joseon’s ginseng toner (I alternate)
Natrium’s hyaluronic acid serum (apply while face is still wet from toner — otherwise it won’t absorb properly!)
*optional* face mask — usually a Dr Jart’s sheet mask, 2-3 times a week
Versed’s gentle pressed retinol serum
Cosrx snail mucin essence
Cosrx snail mucin 92 all in one cream
Versed rich skin soak moisturizer
An eye cream from No 7 but idk which one it is — brightening??
And I sleep on a silk pillow case! That helps with skin stuff (and hair)
happy skincare!
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mollylcairneystudio · 1 year ago
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Indigo Milky, 2023, Mixed media drawing and collage, 12.25 inches x 16.75 inches
Image Description: blue mushroom with stem and cap in foreground with beige mining illustrations in background
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tigertaurus22 · 6 months ago
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Lempika is quiet and thoughtful, adding her two cents to certain situations when she thinks it necessary.
Souseiseki often uses her for recon or scouting but also for help with the harvesting of crops and disposing of compost.
She still has the ability to enter people’s mindscape N-Fields. Instead of simply cutting at the weeds stifling a soul tree’s growth, Lempika can cause them to decay and enrich the soil.
Her special ability outside the N-Field is causing technology to rust and decay at an exponential rate. This could be fatal to Reploids but it only seems to work on non-sentient tech.
She was created by the Mother Elf as a gift for Souseiseki, using a piece of her core energy and data from the maiden’s memories of her artificial spirit.
Lempika is the first cyber elf to resemble a fungus, specifically a Lactarius Indigo. It is more commonly known as the indigo milk cap, indigo milky, the indigo lactarius, or the blue milk mushroom. It is a species of agaric fungus in the family Russulaceae.
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