#blue dragonfly clan
werewolf240moon · 2 days
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Annasahi Aleyna cosplay from Vilecti also known as Élodie Turmel
She even took a picture with Vanrah @poizongirl
Credit: Vilecti & Vanrah (instagram and Facebook)
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yuesya · 1 year
No because you can’t just say “someone who won't leave her” about mom!shiki and give us NOTHING on the moments she and yuzuki had together, you can’t—
*sobs into my pillow*
The first time Gojo Yuzuki ever sees the fabled Gojo Shiki is during midnight, in the middle of the garden.
... It's an unexpected encounter. Yuzuki wakes up in the middle of the night, coughing harshly. Blood paints his lips, stark-red and crimson.
He feels like he's about to go insane -insane from being trapped inside this room, filled with the scent of bitter medicines and the scent of incense. From being trapped inside this broken body, the constant pain and irrefutable weakness from which there is no reprieve-
He doesn't know what possesses him that night. All he knows is the singularly overwhelming desire to get out, to escape this gilded cage that was created for his own good, and he...
He opens the door. On light, trembling feet, Yuzuki slowly steps outside into the summer night. He doesn't really know where he's going, just that he needs to move, and then in midst of the darkness, he sees-
Yuzuki's feet come to a stop, through no volition of his own, and he finds himself staring.
There's a girl, whose silhouette is faintly visible beneath the lanterns scattered around the lily-pond. The summer season means that the water lilies are in full bloom, and even though the colors are washed out in the darkness of night, the lantern-light brings them back in rosy hues of red and pink.
She's dancing.
She's dancing, across the bed of madly-blooming lilies. Somehow, he has the presence of mind to register that her feet are bare, as she gently touches upon a lily pad as a dragonfly skims atop the water. The girl spins gracefully, then leaps into the air once more. As light as a bird taking flight, but infinitely more ethereal. It's an absolutely masterful display of control over cursed energy-
The girl lands in front of him, long white hair fanning out behind her as she looks him directly in the eyes, and suddenly all air is forced out from his lungs.
Her eyes are blue. Unmistakably blue, shining with an eldritch glow beneath the moonlight.
Cursed blue eyes.
... There's only one person in the clan that this could possibly be, and Yuzuki stumbles, horrified by his own breach in decorum from such rude staring as he prepares to apologize-
And instead, coughs out a mouthful of blood. Directly onto the blessed child's yukata.
He desperately attempts to regain control of himself, desperately tries to do something, anything to salvage the situation-
"Well, that's new," a soft voice sounds in front of him. Light, lilting, and just a touch amused. "I didn't know I was that scary."
The last thing that Yuzuki is aware of before he tips over and loses consciousness is a pair of hands reaching out to catch him, unbothered by the blood.
Faintly, he smells lilies.
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wangxianficrecs · 1 year
exit, pursued by fierce corpse by hauntedotamatone
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exit, pursued by fierce corpse
by hauntedotamatone
Not rated, 4k, Wei Wuxian & Wen Ning
Summary: “The Jin clan of Lanling is rich beyond rich,” The second boy whispers, or rather, attempts to whisper. “If we bring them the head of the Yiling Laozu, they’ll have no choice but to reward us!” It’s quite a stupid endeavor, especially for three, unarmed, young masters whose knowledge of combat and heroism likely comes from playhouses alone. - “Wei-gongzi,” Wen Ning whispers, barely louder than the sound of a person breathing and all the more striking when it comes from one who does not. His face is still, the undisturbed waters of a pond, but there is something in his eyes that reminds him of brightness, the shine of a dragonfly skimming the water. - alternatively; wen qionglin, the method actor.
Kay's comments: A fic that's not sugar-coating the life Wei Wuxian and the Wens were living at the Burial Mounds, as they were trying their best to survive. Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian are on their back home when they encounter three young masters intent on poisoning the dreaded Yiling Patriach. They decide to take things into their own hands and Wen Ning bites right into the poisoned apple to teach those guys a lesson! He's a great actor indeed and honestly, I loved the idea so much. Two silly little guys indeed.
Excerpt: “Did I ever tell you my parents had a donkey?” Wei Wuxian says, seemingly out of the blue as they trudge onwards “ They carried almost everything they had on its back. I bet I could borrow one for a bit and return it before anyone notices.” Wen Ning gives a thoughtful hum that Wei Wuxian has come to recognize as skeptical. He’s right to be. Animals do not particularly care for Wei Wuxian any longer, balking at the sight of him, aside from the crows that have come to expect there will be something for them to eat wherever they hear the sound of Chenqing. Such an aversion would have proved useful to him long ago. It’s come at least ten years too late. “Fine, you could negotiate with the donkey,” he concedes. “Have you ever thought of going into livestock diplomacy?” “I used to bring strays to jiejie,” Wen Ning says. This was, after all, the very means through which Wei Wuxian met Wen Qing. “She couldn’t always fix them, but she always tried.”
pov wei wuxian, burial mounds settlement days, assassination attempts, slice of life, depressing slice of life, friendship, crack treated seriously, good friend wen ning, found family, pranks and practical jokes, canon compliant, yiling laozu wei wuixan, ghost general wen ning, @hauntotamatone
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 7 months
okayyyy the lovely @ruthvelyan tagged me in a game to gush about an oc?? lmao idk all the rules, i think it can be any oc you like, but i love to talk about my beloved dorterrr so! lmao here we go <3
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i'm sorryyyyy i don't have almost any good screen grabs of her bc i'm too busy playinggg lmao
NAME: Miri of Clan Lavellan (all the shems think her clan name is her second name and she is judging them lmao)
NICKNAME: usually it's just Miri, but Varric calls her Snowdrop! (partly bc she reminds him of Merrill :') )
GENDER: cis female
TAROT/ZODIAC: judgement and the wheel of fortune // scorpio sun, capricorn moon, aries rising
HEIGHT: 5'3" // 160 cm
ORIENTATION: straight and polyamorous
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: Dalish! her clan roamed the Free Marches and Antiva when she was young.
FAVORITE FRUIT: pears! she loves the flowers too <3
FAVORITE SEASON: summer, definitely! during the summers her clan would travel father south to escape some of the heat, and that often meant they'd spend months camped along the Minanter River. she loved to swim there, and loved all the colorful dragonflies. <3
FAVORITE FLOWER: waterlilies! also courtesy of the Minanter :)
FAVORITE SCENT: wood smoke, the spices used to cure venison in her clan, fresh bread, and the scent of fresh herbs (things like wild mint, elfroot, embrium, vetivert root, and lemongrass!)
COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: teaaaa all the way, and she's especially fond of green tea. she'll drink whatever caffeine is available, though, for sure. i headcanon that Cullen drinks a particular earl grey blend with peppermint for his headaches, and when they get closer i'm sure she drinks it with him and loves it!
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-7. she tries very hard to get enough sleep, because she knows she's cranky without it and isn't as suited to the work she has to take care of, but she's got a bit of insomnia that makes falling asleep difficult. she's always up with the sun.
DOGS OR CATS: both! her clan kept dogs, but the Circle had a few cats kept around as mousers, and she really enjoys both now.
DREAM TRIP: after being with the Inquisition, Miri's been pretty much everywhere--what she really wants is to go visit her clan, who now live in Wycome on the coast of the Free Marches.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: 1-3, depending on the season. she doesn't tolerate either hot or cold very well, and adjusts accordingly. she's always liked having soft furs on her bed, too, because it reminds her of home.
RANDOM FACT: Miri's eyes are heterochromatic! she's got one that's green, and the other is blue.
ahhhh this was so fun, jaz, thank you for the tag!!
i have no idea who's been tagged yet, soooo if you've already done this, that's cool, or if you wanna do it again with a different oc, i would love to see it! i'm gonna tag @starstruckkittyface @broodwolf221 @jazzmckay and anybody else who'd like to do this! i love hearing about ppl's ocs so genuinely, if you wanna do this and haven't been tagged, poke me so i'll see it <3
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grogusmum · 2 years
Hello mama! Hope you good 🥰 If you already wrote it, delete this ask. (And I will read you other fics I promise)
I'm wondering about a fic where din djarin wonders when Grogu was born but he can't have this information and he will celebrate when they met, instead. With some Grogu pov lines.
I have not written anything like this! Thank you sweetie!
Let's see what we come up with.
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Din very much wanted to mark a special occasion with Grogu back with him.
He had spoken with Ahsoka about finding out more about Grogu's birth, to no avail.
"The records, sadly, are gone, and of course Grogu can't tell us," she told him with sympathy. "But perhaps you can celebrate something else."
"I suppose," Din watched Grogu waddling along in such long grass that at times it was taller than him, following an insect. A dragonfly from the looks of it.
"Perhaps the day the Armorer named us a clan."
Ahsoka hummed in the affirmative, smiling at the little green child as he tried to catch the insect.
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Grogu wanted to do something special for his dad, but he wasn't sure what. He had no credits, of course, so he couldn't buy anything, and he wouldnt be able to do it without the Mandalorian knowing anyway even if he did.
They were to go to Mandalore any day, but Grogu didn't know the plan. He was rarely consulted on such matters, to his chagrin. But he was pretty sure Auntie Peli would help if she could.
One morning, Peli was watching Grogu while Din prepared for their journey to the home of the Mandalorians.
"Hey, what are you up to there, Bright Eyes?" She asked coming around a corner to find him with the pit droids, his hands covered in oil and grease, trying to make a picture on a scrap of flimseyplast.
The droids were supposed to be his lookout, but they got distracted.
Grogu rolled his eyes at those guys, and Peli laughed kindly.
"You want to make a picture, fella?"
That's right, sister! Of course, Peli only heard babbling and cooing.
"Let's what we got!" She said carrying him over to her work table, she set him down and looked around.
Grogu was excited, he was excited to be on the table with so many interesting things and that Auntie had understood what he wanted. He couldn't help but get wiggly and giggly.
"Listen I don't have much, but here is a nice whole piece of flimsyplast and well, I got these marking pens, three colors- not too shabby."
Not too shabby at all ma'am!
He loved marking pens, there were black and green and white. The flimseyplast was gray so the white would be alright, Grogu smiled a big toothy grin at Peli, and she gave his ear a playful tug-
"No problem, Bright Eyes!"
Grogu worked very carefully, he was pretty sure he only had the one piece of flimseyplast.
When his dad returned, he was ready! He had the picture he made hidden in is robe and he was very excited and giggly. Din looked at him with amused curiosity. Grogu could tell by his helmet tilt and huff.
After some conversation with Peli that Grogu was not apart of, Din Grogu AND Peli went to Boba Fetts palace!
Grogu was shocked by this development!
At the Palace, Grogu was again shocked, the hall was decorated with bright penant flags, a mudhorn banner and there were blue cookies, roasted meats, colorful drinks. The Mods were there, so was that Cobb, and of course Uncle Boba and Auntie Fennec. All there to celebrate Din and Grogu becoming a family, The Mudhorn Clan of House Djarin!
"Congratulations little guy!" Peli beamed then joined that domo friend of hers. Grogu shrugged his shoulders at that guy.
Din looked at Grogu in his arms. Grogu could tell he was smiling, so he pulled the flimseyplast out of his robe and gave it to the Mandalorian.
"Whats this, Grogu?"
Din unfolded it to find a drawing of himself and Grogu riding a mythosaur.
"I- is this us? on a mythosaur?" Din said astonished, "How do you even know what they would look like?"
Grogu trilled and cooed. Chatting away about the features of the drawing.
Din was quiet for a time, just looking at the child's drawing then rather thickly, "Thank you, son. Let's get you some cookies."
Updated with Grogu drawing!
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the-clawtake · 5 months
(So it turns out, Jehan has always had a habit of... liberal interpretations of orders. As his Ursari is not scared of informing him. Even if, frustratingly for his superiors, he tends to be right.)
“And that was the reasoning behind my chosen course of action, Ma’am.” Jehan stifled a wince as his sibkin finished the explanation. It was, given the information on which it had been based, a perfectly reasonable explanation, but Jehan had disagreed from the beginning with the other cadet’s interpretation of the briefing, and in hindsight, had been correct.
“Well reasoned. Your logic is sound, Cadet. A pity then, that you based your conclusions on flawed data.” The tutor panned her gaze across the other members of the Sibko where they were gathered around the holotable, before fixing a stare back on the luckless cadet. “You’re briefing specified that the Opfors had made no declaration of intent, and offered no formal Batchall. You were informed of the class of dropship that had been tracked making a landing, and had access to the information detailing it’s capabilities. Furthermore a brief examination of the insignia on the dropship imagery provided, or a consideration of the foe’s IFF frequencies should have clued you in that they had no Clan affiliations, and thus could not be expected to follow Zelbriggen. I am disappointed in you, Cadet. Do better.” She turned now to Jehan.
“And you. Cadet Jehan. Would you care to inform me what your orders were?”
“Aff, Ursari. Proceed to the marked Nav point, maintain radio silence, and await further instructions.”
The tutor nodded, hummed briefly. And then inquired, in a honeyed tone.
“And do you feel, Cadet, that your actions were in compliance, with those orders?” Jehan paused at this. Considering.
“Aff.” he said after a moment, with a confidence he did not feel. “I proceeded, as ordered, to the assigned nav. At no point did I break radio silence. I was, at every stage of the exercise, ready and willing to recieve updated orders.”
“And that is how you would record it in your after-action report? Neg, do not answer. We shall see.” The Ursari pressed a control on her remote, and the projection on the holotable shimmered into movement. Another toggle and the transparent projection of an Alpha pattern Adder shifted from glowing a pale blue to a bright yellow. As they watched the replay of the exercise, Jehan’s Adder approached the marker for the nav point the cadet commanding the exercise had set, paused for a moment, and then continued moving, off the ridgeline he had been assigned, down a defile and into a wash that would put him in a more advantageous position if the opfors had deployed it’s full capability and not just what had been detected.
“That does not look like awaiting further instructions at the Nav, Cadet. You may not have agreed with your commander’s orders, or his interpretation of the briefing, however I observed that briefing. You raised your concerns at the time. Your commander chose to disregard them. That is on him. However. Disregarding his orders reflects on you.” The playback continued. The second opposition star, the one the dropship had the capacity for, but who’s deployment had not mentioned in the briefing, swept over the nav point unopposed, but missed Jehan’s Adder in it’s concealed position.
The commanding Cadet gave the order to engage. From his concealed position, Jehan began to loose volleys of LRMs on the weaker rear armour of the second star Battlemech’s, who turned to engage him en masse. By the time he went down, a Dragonfly and a Black Hawk were shattered hulks, but the remaining three ‘Mechs joined the primary star, and soon the rest of the Cadet star joined him in defeat. The Sibko watched in silence, until the Ursari stopped the playback.
“This scenario was intended as a no-win from the beginning. You are reaching the point in your training where you cannot afford to be unaware of shortcomings. A return to the Inner Sphere could happen any time, and you must all be ready and prepared. Cadet Hans, you make assumptions. You do not examine your preconceived notions, and this negatively impacts your decision making. Cadet Jehan, you have a bad habit of disregarding orders you do not agree with. This is likely to get you killed, by Trial of Grievance if not by enemy action. These are failings you both must correct. And as for the rest of you...” She turned to each Cadet who had been involved in the exercise in turn, calling out their shortcomings, explaining where they needed to improve, or what they needed to alter.
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inolienkiki · 6 months
cataloguing all my new books because I love doing this
my friend was in town last week, and having somebody visit reminded me that I can just. go places and do things whenever I want
so I went to three different bookstores, and I also ordered some online "just in case"
so. new this week:
Lumberjanes 1 & 2 (ND Stevenson & friends)- I read the first one earlier this year and liked it, but was a little confused? so I got the sequel to help me out with that!
Wheel of Time 4, 5, & 6 (Robert Jordan)- I'm already this far in. What more do I have to lose?
Echo (Pam Muñoz Ryan)- A fond memory! I was asked to review an advance copy of this book when it came out in 2015. At the time I was making fast friends with the local librarian, and she ended up asking me to review a lot of books after this, including The Box and the Dragonfly, my favorite book ever! I remember liking Echo a lot, and then it got the Newbery medal so I was probably right.
Hollow Dolls (MarcyKate Connolly)- I was looking for Monstrous, another book I reviewed around that time, but found out the author is still writing... about body snatchers apparently? How could I say no?
Edgedancer, Dawnshard, & Mistborn Secret History (Brandon Sanderson)- Found some nice hardcover editions of these three Sanderson novellas I love. I know Lift's not a popular character but she's one of my favorites <3
Power of Three, Omen of the Stars, & A Vision of Shadows (Erin Hunter)- Finally got myself Warrior Cats arcs 3, 4, and 5! I've never actually read AVoS so I'm very excited about that.
Onestar's Confession (Erin Hunter)- I don't actually like Onestar and I've heard this book isn't very good, but it's the only Super Edition any of the bookstores had...
Secrets of the Clans, Code of the Clans, & both Ultimate Guides (Erin Hunter)- The first two of these are a lot nicer than I expected! The full-color illustrations and fold-out maps are very welcome, and almost make up for Featherwhisker not being in the second Ultimate Guide >:(
A Thief in ThunderClan & The Rise of Scourge (Erin Hunter)- Rise of Scourge isn't my favorite but it's waaaay prettier in color. I've been excited about its release.
The Disappearing Spoon & The Icepick Surgeon (Sam Kean)- I love both these books! But I didn't own them for some reason... so I finally got them in paperback to match my other Sam Kean books.
Chasing Vermeer & Hold Fast (Blue Balliett)- The Wright 3, also by Blue Balliett, is one of the most well-thumbed books in my library! I finally got myself a copy of Chasing Vermeer, plus Hold Fast, which I've actually never read.
Gregor the Overlander (Suzanne Collins)- I don't actually remember why I put this on my reading list, but I'm really excited to try it out!
Nevermoor: The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Jessica Townsend)- One of you on my dash is really excited about this book, and I'm ready to get into it too.
The Constant Rabbit (Jasper Fforde)- I'm going to read Thursday Next eventually and I think it's going to thoroughly absorb me, so I figured I'd try some of his other books first! This one is about anti-rabbit bigotry, apparently.
Babel: An Arcane History (R.F. Kuang)- I'd been casually waiting for this to come out in paperback so I could try it without committing too much. We'll see how I feel about it!
The Thursday Murder Club (Richard Osman)- I love mystery series, especially big or ongoing ones, so I figured I should give this a try! Weirdly enough, I know Richard Osman from having been on Taskmaster, despite him being pretty thoroughly independently famous.
Legends & Lattes (Travis Baldree)- The premise intrigued me. I normally go for epic fantasy, so I'm not sure if I'll find this fun... depends on the quality of the storytelling and the presence of a romantic subplot (or, preferably, the lack thereof.)
The Hexologists (Josiah Bancroft)- My best friend told me about this, and it looked so ridiculous I just had to try it (/pos).
Raybearer (Jordan Ifueko)- I know almost nothing about this! But it was another friend's first recommendation, and if her taste is anything to judge by, I'm going to love it.
Gideon the Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)- Also new and exciting for me. I say I like to read fantasy, but I feel a little bad that most of that rests on Brandon Sanderson. So I'm trying some new fantasy authors!
Because Internet (Gretchen McCulloch)- I used to listen to her linguistics podcast a lot- "Lingthusiasm"- so for a long time I thought her last name was spelt McCullough. I'm sure she'd find that interesting.
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (V.E. Schwab)- I know V.E. Schwab has written a lot of cool-looking fantasy books, so I'm trying out a standalone from her to see whether I'd like to read more. Should be intriguing!
Watership Down (Richard Adams & friends)- This is actually a graphic novel adaptation of the original classic, which is a book I absolutely love. I got this for my grandma for Christmas, and I just couldn't resist getting my own copy!
This Is How You Lose the Time War (Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone)- I do love time travel, and anything that scratches the DARK itch will be well welcome.
In the Lives of Puppets (TJ Klune)- After reading The House on the Cerulean Sea and Under the Whispering Door, I'm sure this will be lovely. I'd been eagerly awaiting its paperback release for quite a bit!
Yeah, I don't know why I did this. I love both reading and collecting books, and sharing them with people is quite the treat <3
I hope my 3 followers and cheezbot enjoy this!
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- D
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Dace-: "[noun] a small freshwater fish of the minnow family, typically living in running water"
Dahlia-: "[noun] a tuberous-rooted Mexican plant of the daisy family, which is cultivated for its brightly colored single or double flowers"
Daisy-: "[noun] a small grassland plant that has flowers with a yellow disk and white rays"
Daffodil-: "[noun] a bulbous plant that typically bears bright yellow flowers with a long trumpet-shaped center"
Damselfly-: "[noun] a slender insect related to the dragonflies, having weak flight and typically resting with the wings folded back along the body"
Dance-: "[verb] (of a cat) move in a quick and lively way; [noun] a series of movements that utilize speed and rhythm"
Dancing-: "[noun] the activity of dancing for pleasure or in order to entertain others"
Dandelion-: "[noun] a widely distributed weed of the daisy family, with a rosette of leaves, bright yellow flowers followed by globular heads of seeds with downy tufts, and stems containing a milky latex"
Dapperling-: "[noun] an agaric and possibly poisonous mushroom in the family Agaricaceae"
Dapple-: "[noun] a patch or spot of color or light; [verb] mark with spots or rounded patches"
Dappled-: "[adj] marked with spots or rounded patches"
Dark-: "[noun] the absence of light in a place; [noun] a dark color or shade; [adj] with little or no light; [adj] (of a color or object) not reflecting much light; approaching black in shade"
Darner-: "[noun] a large slender-bodied dragonfly"
Dart-: "[noun] an act of running somewhere suddenly and rapidly; [verb] move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly"
Dash-: "[noun] an act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily; [verb] run or travel somewhere in a great hurry"
Dawn-: "[noun] the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise"
Day-: "[noun] the part of the day when it is light, the time between sunrise and sunset"
Deathcap-: "[noun] a deadly poisonous basidiomycete fungus, one of many in the genus Amanita"
Deep-: "[adj] extending far down from the top or surface"
Deer-: "[noun] a hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers that are shed annually and typically borne only by the male"
Delta-: "[noun] a wetland that forms as rivers empty their water and sediment into another body of water, such as an ocean, lake, or another river"
Deluge-: "[noun] a severe flood"
Dew-: "[noun] tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night"
Dewberry-: "[noun] a trailing European bramble with soft prickles and edible fruit which has a dewy white bloom on the skin"
Dill-: "[noun] an aromatic annual herb of the parsley family, with fine blue-green leaves and yellow flowers"
Dim-: "[adj] (of a light, color, or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly; [verb] make or become less bright or distinct"
Dipper-: "[noun] a short-tailed songbird related to the wrens, frequenting fast-flowing streams and able to swim, dive, and walk under water to feed"
Dive-: "[noun] a plunge head first into water; [noun] a steep descent by an aircraft or bird; [verb] plunge head first into water; [verb] (of an aircraft or bird) plunge steeply downward through the air"
Dock-: "[noun] a perennial plant that grows from taproots, related to sorrel"
Doe-: "[noun] a female deer"
Dog-: "[noun]  domesticated carnivorous mammal that typically has a long snout, an acute sense of smell, nonretractable claws, and a barking, howling, or whining voice"
Dogwood-: "[noun] a shrub or small tree of north temperate regions, which yields hard timber and is grown for its decorative foliage, red stems, or colorful berries"
Dot-: "[noun] a small round mark or spot; [verb] mark with a small spot or spots"
Dotted-: "[adj] marked with or in the form of dots"
Dotterel-: "[noun] a small plover with a brown streaked back and a chestnut or buff belly with black below"
Dove-: "[noun] a stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice. Doves are generally smaller and more delicate than pigeons, but many kinds have been given both names"
Down-: "[noun] the layer of fine feathers found under the tougher exterior feathers of birds"
Downy-: "[adj] covered with fine soft hair or feathers"
Dragonfly-: "[noun] a fast-flying long-bodied predatory insect with two pairs of large transparent wings which are spread out sideways at rest"
Dream-: "[noun] a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep; [noun] a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal"
Dreaming-: "[verb] experience dreams during sleep; [verb] indulge in daydreams or fantasies about something greatly desired"
Drift-: "[noun] a continuous slow movement from one place to another; [verb] be carried slowly by a current of air or water; [verb] (especially of snow or leaves) be blown into heaps by the wind"
Drizzle-: "[noun] light rain falling in very fine drops; [verb] rain lightly"
Drought-: "[noun] a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water"
Dry-: "[adj] free from moisture or liquid; not wet or moist"
Duck-: "[noun] a waterbird with a broad blunt bill, short legs, webbed feet, and a waddling gait"
Dune-: "[noun] a mound or ridge of sand or other loose sediment formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert"
Dunlin-: "[noun] a migratory sandpiper with a down-curved bill and (in the breeding season) a reddish-brown back and black belly"
Dunnock-: "[noun] a small passerine, or perching bird, found throughout temperate Europe and into Asian Russia"
Dusk-: "[noun] the darker stage of twilight"
Dust-: "[noun] fine, dry powder consisting of tiny particles of earth or waste matter lying on the ground or on surfaces or carried in the air"
Dusty-: "[adj] covered with, full of, or resembling dust; [adj] (of a color) dull or muted"
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werewolf240moon · 2 months
Can you draw the blue butterfly (Anna) and the tiger/grey cat (iruu) together ?
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Iruu Romanov and Aleyna Annasahi
Anna & Iruu belongs to VanRah @poizongirl
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singular-yike · 2 years
What is Yago's lore anyway?
Welp yokie, here we go: Yago, the current Ametsukana
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Personal Background Lore
Once human-like, they were acknowledged (presumably) for their incredible ability as a blacksmith and promoted to godhood, after which they gained their incredible longevity, along with a bunch of other abilities.
The current Ametsukana (天目津金 gold of the heavenly eye): A surname seemingly granted to the god of blacksmithing, that is passed on when they retire and are replaced. (As seen from Yago trying to recruit Sukune as "the next Ametsukana")
Their given name Yago (ヤゴ), is the Japanese word for dragonfly larvae, nymphs or naiads, a reference to their role in supporting the Taira clan's efforts to claim the Dragonfly Castle
As a god themself, they know of their fellow god Souko Shirami
Their ability to "create weapons" lets them make weapons perfectly suitable for anyone, save for themself
Only considers a weapon "completed" after they are first used
The creator of the Tasouken (considered incomplete since no one can ever truly use it), the Bankuruwase -DaviD- and Fumikiddo's metal club
Their dream is to create the perfect weapon for themself, but until that can happen, they're using the Sugari no Ontachi, the long sword they have hanging from their left hand, as a replacement
The Sugari no Ontachi is apprently the counterpart to another blade in the outside world, although we don't know much more about this
The Sugari no Ontachi (須賀利御太刀) is also a sword that exists in our reality, one of the treasures of the Inner Ise Grand Shrine. The sword, along with the shrine itself, is dismantled and reforged/rebuilt once every 20 years.
The following image shows a replica based on one of the sword's incarnations as it was revealed between reforging:
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Story Lore (I'm sure you know this part quite well so I'll be brief)
Supported both sides of the Heaven-Shadow War, supplying both sides with weapons
Watched over the Taira clan (and their failures) for many generations
Assisted their friend, Taira no Iwakado, with his homunculus project (notably with slaying an oni for it)
Promised Iwakado to watch over Fumikado and to ensure that they grow to be a capable ruler
Wants to retire by the time of BPoHC, and wants Sukune to be their successor
Heard of the Shitodos' glorious exploits, and wants to make them all weapons
Was able to sense Suzumi's meddling with time during the war, though forced to keep quiet about it
Inspirations and Bases (A big part of why I really like Yago)
Ame-no-Mahitotsu-no-Kami (天目一箇神 heavenly one-eyed god)
A god of iron making and blacksmithing, known by a number of other names
Notably, they are identified as the god Amatsumara (天津麻羅), famous for helping forge the mirror (Yata no Kagami) used to lure Amaterasu out of Ama-no-Iwaya, returning sunlight to the world
He is also said to be who the hyottoko (火男 fire man) mask is based on, which depicts a man wearing a white scarf with blue dots blowing air (into a bamboo pipe to stoke a fire). Yago themself wear the mask on their head and over their left eye.
A typical hyottoko mask
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Kanayago-no-Kami (金屋子神 metalworker child-god)
A less well-known Shinto goddess of blacksmithing worshipped in the Chūgoku region of Japan
She is said to have taught the people of a village in the Harima Province how to smith various metal objects, in response to their pleas for rain. (Not really sure why but hey lol)
She is sometimes depicted as a male god instead and treated as the same god as Ame-no-Mahitotsu-no-Kami > She is largely important here because Yago's name can be found in hers, although in different Japanese characters and with different meanings
Kanayago, here depicted riding on a fox
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Ippon-Datara (一本踏鞴 one-legged bellows)
A youkai that has an eye on a thick trunk-like leg
Occasionally said to be the corrupted form Ame-no-Mahitotsu-no-Kami
Both only have one eye due to staring at the fire in their forges for a long time; while the reason they have only one leg is from working on the bellows for too long. Both of these were common occupational diseases for blacksmiths, which are reflected in Yago's design A depiction of Ippon-datara, here with arms too
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Other Cool Stuff
Alright so at this point, I've covered everything major thing about them, but here are two more cool points that I just feel the need to also mention:
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The first layer of Yago's spell background features the "5-7 Paulownia Emblem" (五七桐), which is often taken by shrines where Ame-no-Mahitotsu-no-Kami is enshrined as their shrine emblem
The second layer of Yago's spell background features this cloud pattern, which, while in of itself isn't that impressive or notable, is also shared by Souko! Which makes it a bit of a god pattern! Which is extremely neat imo :)
Yago's Clouds
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Souko's Clouds
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Welp, I
that concludes everything I really have to really get out there about Yago, thanks for bearing with me :)
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Clan Names - Bugs and Creepy Crawlies
Ant: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A black or red cat, usually someone diligent, hardworking and well-behaved, someone cooperative.
Bee, Bumble: Primarily a ThunderClan name. A cat who is thickly striped, someone who wiggles a lot or is clumsy, a cat who is industrious and determined.
Beetle, Scarab: Used by all clans equally. A cat who is tough and stands out, protective.
Caterpillar: A ThunderClan or WindClan name. A brightly colored or vibrant cat, to have great potential.
Cicada, Swarm: A WindClan or ThunderClan name. A mostly black or brown kit, someone who single loudly and frequently, someone social.
Cocoon, Pupa: Used by all clans equally. A white or silver cat, someone who is growing.
Cricket, Locust, Grasshopper: Used by all clans equally. A brown or black furred cat, someone with long hind legs.
Dragonfly: A RiverClan or ShadowClan name. A cat who is agile and sure-footed, someone with great confidence and skill.
Firefly: Used by all clans equally. A distinctive or easily noticeable cat, soothing or attention-grabbing.
Flea, Tick, Mite: Primarily a ShadowClan name. A cat who is small and irritating, annoying and bothersome.
Fly: A ShadowClan and a ThunderClan name. A mostly black cat, someone who is irritating, agile and clever.
Grub, Larvae: Primarily a ShadowClan name. A white or orange furred at, well-fed or rounded cat.
Honey: Used by all clans equally. A golden or yellow furred cat, one who is soothing or kind.
Hornet: A ShadowClan or a WindClan name. A bright yellow cat, a cat who is easily bothered or agitated, aggressive; someone territorial.
Ladybug, Ladybird: A RiverClan or a WindClan name. A mostly red or deep orange cat, welcome or friendly; dangerous.
Maggot: ShadowClan Exclusive. A bright white or yellow cat, vile or infuriating, able to make the best of bad circumstances, adaptable.
Midge: A ShadowClan or a WindClan name. A mottled or tortoiseshell cat, someone who is nervous or sneaky.
Mosquito: Primarily a ShadowClan name. A cat who is small and pushy, often and white banded cat.
Moth, Butterfly: Used by all clans equally. A distinctive cat, someone skilled with herbs or medicine.
Pillbug: Used by all clans equally. A gray furred cat, someone playful or shy.
Roach: Primarily a ShadowClan name. A dark brown cat, one who is adaptable and determined.
Scorpion: Used by all clans equally. A black or deep red cat, someone with a shiny coat; deadly or sharp-clawed.
Silk, Cobweb: A WindClan or a ThunderClan name. A white or blue furred cat, someone with very soft fur, a skilled craftcat; alternative to spider.
Snail, Slug: A RiverClan or a ShadowClan name. A silver or gray cat, cautious or slow to action.
Spider, Tarantula: A ShadowClan or a ThunderClan name. A dark furred cat, someone with legs, trapper; manipulator or planner; a skilled craftcat.
Swallowtail: Primarily a WindClan name. A cat who is brightly or strikingly colored, swift, clever and athletic.
Wasp: Used by all clans equally. A black or yellow cat, someone dangerous of quick-witted.
Weevil: A ShadowClan or a WindClan name. A black or dark brown furred cat.
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minamoto-misaki · 2 years
Tattoos and piercing
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Misaki has many tattoos but is yet to reveal the meaning or the purpose of some tattoos.
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Tattoos
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Misaki is yet to reveal the meaning for this tattoo. According to google this tattoo represents opposing forces coming together and achieving a balance in life.
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Dragonflies are heavily associated with peace, harmony, positivity, adaptability, living in the moment, elegance, maturity, independence, happiness, prosperity, change, personal growth, and an understanding of life. Misaki decided to get this tattoo when she was dealing with depression.
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In interview with glamour Misaki revealed that this tattoo represents her siblings. The flying bird represents her eldest brother, Yukio and the moment when he left her and her second brother, Yukiharu. She has this tattoo on her right wrist.
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Most tribes saw the raven as a bearer of wisdom as well as trickery, hence the chinese part of her clan adopted raven as their clan symbol. It's a tradition for clan leaders to get raven tattoo.
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The snake is a timeless symbol of rebirth, temptation, fertility, power.  Dragons symbolize strength, grace, and intelligence. Misaki and Yukiharu, both have matching tattoos.
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She has black koi fish behind her left ear and blue (red) koi fish behind her right ear. Yin yang koi tattoos represent the duality and harmony of life.
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This tattoo is dedicated to Aghase and Got7. She has this tattoo on her left wrist got7 written under the bird. This tattoo is very precious to her as she designed it herself.
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Misaki got his tattoo in the memory of Yukio's fiancé who played a huge role in her life as mother figure.
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Misaki has this tattoo on her right arm. It's cancer constellation.
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Piercings
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Misaki has two lobe and upper lobe piercings.
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nomadwrites · 7 months
songs of longing - pt. 1 ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
gojo satoru ft. suguru geto
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synopsis ⋆˙⟡ gojo watches from the sidelines as you fall in love with his best friend, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions upon realising his feelings for you. in the wake of your lover’s passing, he wrestles with his yearning to confess his love, feeling torn between honoring his loyalty to suguru and pursuing his own desires.
chapter contents ⋆˙⟡ angst, fluff if you squint hard enough, mild violence (sparring with geto)
notes ⋆˙⟡ it’s finally out! the first part to my mini series and probably the longest thing i've written in a long while so i hope you guys like it! i'm also gonna be pretty busy in the coming weeks but i'll try to get the remaining parts out asap
enjoy! ‧₊˚✩
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gojo is first introduced to you when you're seven years of age, a year his junior, all winsome and toothless as he chases you through the corridors of his expansive abode.
his pale blue yukata flutters in the wind, giving life to the pattern of dragonflies that decorate the fabric. the pitter patter of feet on mahogany echoes through the hallways, your laughter a vast contrast to the otherwise solemn calm.
the gojos were one of three esteemed jujutsu sorcerer families, and perhaps the most regimented of the bunch.
for every new batch of sorcerers brought into the world came a need to celebrate. it was tradition for gatherings to be held in recognition of the approaching generation, typically hosted by one of the three main families.
despite its optimistic intentions, you felt nothing but the palpable atmosphere of tension between families, evident in their ice-cold stares, and faux smiles. what it really was, was an opportunity for gossip, whispers of which clans had succeeded in birthing capable heirs, and which had not, weaving their way through conversations and sparking the flames of speculation.
you had long since grown bored of listening to your parents engage in small talk with the other families, having left the crowd of people, marveled by the sheer size of the gojo residence.
your fascination with the unfamiliar territory had you tiptoeing around the labyrinth of passageways, passing by a few rooms, some of which had been left open wide enough for you to peek inside.
an odd looking keychain lying haphazardly on the floor catches your attention as you wandered the halls. you moved to pick it up, dangling it in front of your face to get a closer look before continuing on. it was then that you’d felt a presence close by, turning a corner and peeking out from behind a wall in hopes of uncovering the source.
it was a boy, no taller than you were, with silver hair and cerulean eyes, staring right back at you. he seemed apprehensive as he took a step forward, and you guessed that the toy had belonged to him.
you grinned cheekily as you took off, grasping the little thing in your hands as the boy gave chase, bringing you to the present moment.
“give it back!” he demands, and you turn to see him hot on your tail.
“i will!” you yell back, holding the toy above your head and slowly coming to a halt, raising your arms in surrender, “i just wanna see how it works!” the toy in question being a small rectangular device, translucent with a keyring hanging off one end. it had three little buttons alongside a small window of a screen.
"what is it?" you ask, baffled, your lips forming an 'o'.
the boy rolls his eyes as he stomps over to you, pointing at the toy. "that's a digimon virtual pet," he says matter-of-fact, crossing his arms over his chest to try and seem intimidating, unsure of your intentions.
you fiddle with the buttons, watching the pixels dance on screen to form little creatures. “woah,” you gawk in childish wonder, the boy allowing himself a moment to relax, intrigued by your genuine bewilderment.
“cool, huh?” he raises a brow, eyeing you from head to toe, and when he doesn’t sense any form of ill intent from you, he takes a step closer.
you pay him no mind, watching enthusiastically as a creature comes on screen, leaving a swirl of black pixels in its wake. “it’s pooping,” you giggle, bringing the device up to his face to show him as if it weren’t his to begin with. “look!”
he laughs, truly amused by your blitheness as he takes the device into his hands. “if you think that’s cool,” he pauses, fidgeting with the toy, “watch this!”
the suspense has you hovering over his shoulder on your tippy toes, watching as the little creatures stand in opposition, the words “battle” filling the screen.
“satoru,” another voice calls out, both of you whipping your heads to find a young woman clad in a yukata, her pale complexion complimenting the snowy white fabric of her garment. she gestures for him with a gentle flick of the wrist, a smile gracing her features
pretty, you think to yourself.
the boy turns back to you and shoves the toy somewhere within the folds of his yukata, and you almost miss the small pout tugging at his bottom lip. you find yourself mirroring his disappointment, knowing you’d have to part ways with your new friend.
the woman turns to face you, her affectionate smile radiating a warmth that makes your heart flutter. “you too, little lady,” she adds, and you perk up, exchanging a look of excitement with the boy as he extends a hand out to you.
“come on,” he beckons, and you reciprocate the gesture, placing your little hand in his before shaking it.
“i'm gojo satoru,” he tells you, keeping his gaze ahead in an attempt to seem stern and confident, like a grown up. but he flashes you a boyish grin when you tell him your name, both of you trailing behind the woman as you make your way back to the hall.
four years later, gojo tells you that you’re his best friend, his cheeks flushed and his gaze averted.
you've come to witness the effects of his stringent upbringing as the era’s strongest sorcerer, his family's uncompromising nature being the main factor.
it was always training first, second, third; then whatever fleeting pockets of time he had left were spent trying to live as much of a normal childhood as he could.
it's no wonder he can be a little stoic at times, overtly disciplined for his age. he’s slowly growing out of it though, thanks to your influence and the incessant need to break him out of his shell.
“you’ve got all the time in the world to be boring when we’re all grown up,” you’d said to him.
he's grown about half a head taller than you since the time you first met, not entirely sure when that had happened, but you continue to hope that you'd get there too.
you're humming a tune, cotton candy in hand as you navigate through the throng of people, bright lights and festive music filling your senses. satoru follows closely behind you, busying himself with what was likely to be his third mizuame of the day.
“what a time to be alive,” you breathe, enjoying the gentle breeze on your skin.
your friend hums in agreement, pulling back the sleeves of his navy yukata to avoid getting them dirty. unsurprisingly, the sweet tooth has his hands (and mouth) full.
you love going to festivals, never failing to take it up as an opportunity to dress yourself in pretty garments, all the while indulging in the many treats that lined the streets of japan.
the both of you take turns deciding on what to feast on next, stopping at almost every yatai and ogling at the mouthwatering fares. you don’t miss out on the games either, always somehow turning it into a competition between the both of you.
he wins, of course. every single time, much to your dismay.
you tut, popping a dango into your mouth as the boy walks alongside you, his hands brimming with the prizes he's won. you hadn't even noticed it getting darker, the sun having set behind the clouds, the canopy of night adorning little flecks of white that light up the sky.
you slow, noticing a crowd of people stopping to peer up at the sky, the words “fireworks” reaching your ears. your grumpy expression soon washes over, an ear-splitting smile taking it’s place as you whip your head to face your puzzled looking friend.
“it’s starting, it’s starting!” you squeal, buzzing with excitement as you grab onto his arm, careful not to squeeze him too hard as you lead him to a good spot atop a small grassy hill.
you make it just in time as the velvety sky erupts into a mix of bright colours, booms resounding from the fireworks above. your mouth hangs open in awe, wide eyes reflecting the vibrant colours illuminating the sky.
satoru smiles, his boyish grin spreading across his face as silver strands dance around his forehead. “so cool,” he almost whispers, clearly enjoying the show just as much as you are.
“aren’t you glad i brought you along?” you ask, a proud smile on your face.
satoru taps a finger to his chin, humming as he pretends to think. “maybe,” he drawls.
“well, you’re welcome,” you say, smugly. your response has him rolling his eyes, sticking out his tongue to let out an exaggerated blegh. you reach up to flick his forehead, but find yourself stopping a mere few inches away from his face, pushing against the repulsive force of his infinity that keeps you from reaching him.
“that's not fair!”
“it's okay to admit you're jealous, y'know. i won’t judge."
you take it back, you much preferred it when he was quiet.
"thank you," he says more seriously now, still keeping his gaze fixed on the sky. his words are enough to knock you out of your annoyance as you turn to face him.
he finds your gaze, and there's a softness in his eyes, something you don’t see very often, the explosion of colours in the sky reflecting off his face like a watercolour painting.
he looks away again, and he’s thankful you can’t see the tinge of pink that tints his cheeks under the low lighting.
pretty, you find yourself thinking, just as you had years ago. but you’d never tell him that. he doesn’t need the ego boost.
“for being my best friend.”
you're used to his usual attitude and snarky remarks, but it's always a little surprising whenever he gets like this, seemingly out of the blue.
you almost miss it, his words coming out in a soft murmur. you blink once, twice, opening your mouth to say something but you’re at a loss for words. your heart swells with something you’re not entirely sure of, but thankfully, gojo clears his throat, returning to his usual boyish demeanour and saying, “can we get back to the food now?”
time seems to fly as you both find yourselves in your first year at jujutsu high, accompanied by two other students in your year; a brunette with short, tousled hair, accentuated by a subtle beauty mark beneath her right eye. the other was a taller male, similar in height to satoru, his long, dark hair often pulled back into a bun. his ears bore the faint stretch of black gauges, adding an edge to his appearance.
you don't know when you first started to notice, but you liked talking to geto; his voice was mellow, a soothing lullaby to your ears. you’ve got a (not so small) crush on him, you’ll admit, finding comfort in his presence like a warm blanket that shielded you from the cold.
he's so different, yet similar to your white-haired friend all at the same time. the latter had taken a liking to him rather quickly. despite all the bickering, they share an underlying endearment, with gojo looking to him as a kind of moral compass.
the four of you had been training together for the last couple of months, today being no different as you take turns sparring each other on the school field.
shoko takes her usual spot under a tree, perfectly content with sitting out. you don't mind it though, knowing combat wasn’t something she’s ever really been interested in, given her role as your team’s resident healer.
"c’mon, we don't have all day!" satoru nags, round tinted glasses sitting low on the bridge of his nose, a new thing to help keep him from overexerting his six eyes.
they’re stylish and fitting for him, you think.
"you ready?" geto asks, snapping you out of your train of thought.
"’course i am," you bite back, playfully. he responds with a smile, and your breath hitches in your throat. damn it.
"loser pays for dinner!" gojo chimes in, shoko echoing after him as he signals the start of your fight.
you roll your eyes, lunging towards your opponent. he doesn't even flinch, stepping aside to summon a low-level curse, which you'd anticipated. you ground yourself before jumping onto it’s back, slicing through the curse with ease and taking the opportunity to push forwards.
your fists collide with geto's as you concentrate on throwing strategic punches, all the while avoiding his. it's hard keeping up, his ability in close combat eclipsing your own. your muscles scream for relief, your body growing tired from the previous matches you’ve had as you leap back to catch your breath.
suguru fixes his posture, inky strands sticking to his forehead, “payin’ for dinner again today?” he teases, and you huff.
“second time in a row!” gojo adds, pursing his lips in a mock kissy face as he wriggles his arms.
you ignore his antics, rushing towards geto once more, sliding yourself between his legs and catching him by surprise as you land a kick to his back. the force has him stumbling forwards and you grab hold of him, preparing to take him down.
in your eagerness, you don’t see a curse he’s summoned as it tackles you to the dirt, leaving you stunned momentarily.
when did he-
the next thing you know, suguru has his hand up against your throat, his fingers ghosting over the skin of your neck to signal the end of your match. you’re praying he doesn’t see the way your face burns a bright red as he lends you hand, pulling you up to your feet with ease.
“gotta work on paying attention,” he says, with that damn smile of his that gives you butterflies. you do nothing but nod, concentrating on steadying your heartbeat as it thumps loudly in your chest.
you pat down your uniform, swiping away the blades of grass that had clung to the fabric, jutting out your bottom lip in a small pout. suguru seems to notice, as he always does, sighing before ruffling your hair.
“we’ll split the bill.”
you look up at him, surprised. you open your mouth to protest, but satoru cuts you off, coming to rest his elbow on your shoulder as he coos.
“oh my hero!”
geto tuts, looking to you as he gestures to gojo, “how’ve you managed to stay friends for so long?”
“bribery,” you say, watching as vivid blue eyes narrow, moonlit eyebrows furrowing in tow, “lots of it.” he scowls with his mouth wide, letting out a loud, “hah?”
“wouldn’t it be weird?”
“nah, why would it?”
“we’re in the same team and all,” geto sighs, leaning back against the bench with an arm propped up on the backrest. “didn’t you practically grow up together?”
satoru shrugs, casually taking a sip of his cola. normally, he’d be the one asking for advice, although he rarely heeded any of it. “i mean, yeah,” he nods, “but you like her don’t you? i’d say to just go for it.”
for reasons unbeknownst to the sorcerer, something in him sinks and with another swig of his carbonated beverage, he swallows the feeling. suguru’s right, you did practically grow up together, your relationship akin to that of siblings, of course he’d feel a little perplexed about his best friends dating each other.
that’s probably what it is.
“i’ll take care of her,” suguru says, his gaze fixed on the floor and voice laced with conviction. satoru’s thankful for the reassurance and smiles, leaning back and bumping a fist to geto’s chest.
“i know.”
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part 2 in the works ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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pinksparklelps · 2 years
since i hit 100 lines on my iceclan notes i decided to share with you all
IceClan Cats
LEADER Shadestar - long furred white and dark ginger smoke tom; green eyes
DEPUTY Jetback - medium furred dark brown bengal point she-cat; green eyes
MEDICINE CAT Bogjump - medium furred black tom; amber eyes Turtledust - short furred ginger tom; hazel eyes (DEAD) Cobraholly - medium furred ginger tom; hazel eyes
WARRIORS Skipfur - long furred golden rosetted she-cat; hazel eyes Moonflood - medium furred white bengal tom; yellow eyes Mumbleshell - medium furred silver tabby tom; green eyes (DEAD) Dawnflood - medium furred dark gray tabico she-cat; yellow eyes Gannetpatch - long furred light brown and white tom; pale green eyes Kestrelshine - short furred white and light brown tabico she-cat; amber eyes Partridgebright - short furred ginger tom; yellow eyes Bitterncloud - short furred ginger tom; blue eyes Peakspeckle - medium furred white she-cat; pale green eyes Dragonfly - long furred pale ginger marbled tabby tom; amber eyes Amberhawk - medium furred light brown bengal she-cat; amber eyes Poppysong - long furred silver bengal and white she-cat; blue eyes (DEAD) Swallowfoot - long furred silver speckled point she-cat; green eyes; red feathers on tail Kinkclaw - medium furred dark brown bengal tom; pale green eyes; jay feathers on tail Skyjay - medium furred dark brown torbie she-cat; amber eyes Seedrapid - short furred black she-cat; hazel eyes (PRESUMED DEAD) Smallclaw - long furred white and brown bengal she-cat; pale green eyes Featherspark - short furred pale gray she-cat; hazel eyes; blue feathers on tail
APPRENTICES Birchpaw - long furred light brown smoke she-cat; blue eyes (DEAD) Shadepaw - medium furred black ticked tabby tom; pale green eyes (DEAD) Maggotpaw - medium furred black tom; amber eyes; maple leaf behind ear (DEAD) Timberpaw - medium furred silver tabby she-cat; dark blue eyes Narrowpaw - short furred pale ginger tom; amber eyes; blue feathers on tail
QUEENS/CAREGIVERS Fallow - short furred white and dark gray speckled tom; amber eyes (DEAD) Fleetshade - medium furred silver tabby point she-cat; dark blue eyes Chivebounce - short furred dark brown torbie she-cat; green eyes Maggotpad - medium furred pale ginger tabby and white tom; blue eyes
ELDERS Shadehollow - long furred white she-cat; blue eyes Fireflood - medium furred brown tabby tom; amber eyes Gir - long furred ginger she-cat; blue eyes
KITS Mantiskit - short furred white tabby tom; green eyes Warmkit - short furred black tom; yellow eyes Sagekit - short furred white marbled tabby she-cat; green eyes Partridgekit - short furred golden tabby she-cat; dark blue eyes Honeykit - short furred black tabico she-cat; amber eyes Batkit - short furred silver ticked tabby tom; amber eyes; wearing blueberries Brownkit - short furred dark brown tortie she-cat; dark blue eyes; wearing catmint
RELATIONSHIPS Kestrelshine & Cobraholly are mates and their kits are Skyjay, Maggotpaw, Seedrapid, and Turtledust Dawnflood & Jetback are mates Shadestar & Gannetpatch are mates Fleetshade is the mother of Partridgebright and Bitterncloud Fallow is the father of Birchpaw, Chivebounce, Peakspeckle, and Kinkclaw Fleetshade and Dragonfly are mates and their kits are Timberpaw and Narrowpaw Chivebounce and Moonflood are mates and their kits are Mantiskit, Warmkit, and Sagekit Maggotpad is the father of Partridgekit, Honeykit, and Batkit Swallowfoot and Skyjay are mates
EVENTS Shadepaw, Birchpaw, and Mumbleshell are slaughtered by rogues while on patrol A wounded cat on the border was found by Chivebounce and joins the clan after being healed (Dragonfly) Kinkclaw found some feathers and started wearing them A wounded cat on the border was found by Dragonfly and joins the clan after being healed (Amberhawk) A patrol finds a gang of rogues who kill Fallow and leave the territory Maggotpaw found a maple leaf and decided to wear it Dragonfly is crushing on Fleetshade A wounded cat on the border was found and joins the clan after being healed (Poppysong) A kittypet was found in the borders; they have joined the clan (Shadehollow) A kittypet was found in the borders; the patrol attempted to chase off but eventually let them join (Fireflood) A loner was found in the border; the patrol attempted to chase off but eventually let them join (Smallclaw) Poppysong and Maggotpaw die from poisoned prey A loner was found in the border; they joined the clan (Featherspark) Narrowkit was playing with feathers and started wearing them Fleetshade invites a kittypet to join the clan, they end up joining (Gir) note: AspenClan has shown up twice now - make them a clan later Chivebounce thinks Shadestar should declare war on AspenClan A loner and their kits were taken into the clan (Maggotpad, Partridgekit, Honeykit, and Batkit) A tree fell and killed Turtledust Cobraholly, seeing Bogjump so distraught, becomes a medicine cat to support his friend with healing the clan Chivebounce found an abandoned kit and brought them back to camp (Brownkit) Swallowfoot found and started wearing feathers Brownkit has attempted to sneak out of camp, where was she going? Seedrapid was caught and taken away by twolegs, never to be seen again Brownkit snuck some catmint from the medicine den and started wearing it
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pandoramusicbox · 3 years
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the high fay so in the “moderen days” of music box fay are relatively rare, but in the past they had a vast global empire. this was mostly by the general dominance of the high fay. high fay are all relatively human sized and shaped, have wings, have no tail, have silvery iridescent blood, and are hemephrodites. so any gender presentation is purely from personal preference. (the most common genders for fay are fluid) all fay are heaven kin, meaning they are naturally born with magic. for high fay they have the innate abilities of, self levitation, glamor (gender presentation, wing visibility ) , tree talk (its their language), commune with spirits, personal size manipulation (they have a minimum and maximum size limits), and travel spell. then the high fay also tend to inherit magic from the kind of fay they have and many family lines of fay also tend to have unique abilities. types of high fay: pix- human like, dragonfly like wings with color closer to the base same color as their eyes and magic (a common trait among fay with translucent wings) . can have antenna 4 wings selkies- large non-translucent wings, usually brown in color, often have antenna. 4 wings. changeling- torn looking wings, black sclera. 2-6 wings sellie- large, translucent, bird like wing tips. silvery freckles are common. 2 wings unsellie- wings split into three tapered points. dark hair is common, black sclera, 2 wings merrow- translucent thin wings with ends like the leaves of ginkgo trees, red hair is very common. 2-4 wings undine- top wing curves while bottom wing tapers into two points. some non-translucent patterns on top wing is common. 4 wings sprite-somewhat short bee like wings. often have a deformity that causes them to be at sharp angles.can have antenna. 4 wings picling- partly non-translucent wings the secondary wing is of greatly reduced size. 4 wings manos- smaller, almond shaped wings with visible vains. not uncommon for them to have light reflecting/ silvery freckles, 4 wings alcin- skinny semi-translucent damselfly like wings, colorful spots, 8 wings redcap- very sharp teeth, jagged wing tips, and small underwings often have splits. red hair. 6 wings bluecap- blue hair, thick stubby wings with many tapered ends, 6 wings, semi translucent. often have greying extermities. druid- partly non translucent wings, that split into “tail” bits. often have antenna. 4 wings. often have darkend extremities. hobgoblins- sharp teeth, wasp shaped mostly non-translucent wings, the top wing is the shorter of the two, grey skinned extremities. 4 wings alp- sharp teeth, black sclera, stubby translucent wings, the top pair appears like wasp wings the bottom set are more like bee wings. 6 wings sylth- top wing is sharply curved, semi-translucent. 4 wings. abilities of high fay races pix- create/ access void spaces selkies- size transmutations  changeling- stronger glamor, disguise looks sellie- light weapons+ projections unsellie- shadow stalking merrow- magical sight undine- water control sprite- telekinesis picling- short distance teleportation manos- invisibility + light manipulation alcin- elemental defense redcap- blood control bluecap- finding druid- plant control hobgoblins- barriers alp- dream manipulation sylth- healing + regeneration. high fay can have horns, though its a bit more unusual. they can have round, pointed or hooded ears. they tend to have oddly shaped pupils. they usually look similar to the people in the region they live in. (notes on pronunciation, picling: pik-ling. manos: maw-n-os. alcin: al-u-sin) some well known high fay clans(family) magics (the delights) compelling. (the bulle) ranged/ sharp shooter sight. (the brazens) fire. (the cakes) emotion manipulation, (the macaves) acid, (the lollirans) ice, (the chissps) earth manipulations. ect..
the fay have had a turbulent past, and honestly a not so steller present. as many fay live in isolated villages within the endless forest or remains from the old empire they once had. sickness, war and disaster all diminished their power. the very strict law system they have is not helping in increasing thir population and any old “civilized” glends they still have tend to be quite stuck in thir ways. this includes their general dislike for impures (hybreeds, loners and outlaws) the fay featured in the pictures are  top (l-r) white vine {sprite, vodka {pix, bulle {alp, princess cake {druid , normandy pheasant {pix. [top left of square] expresso (though she prefers expressi as it sounds cute) [bottom left square] bifty (the drink b-520 top right square] Turkish delight (current fairy queen) bottom right of square] bloody marry {red cap bottom (l-r) lemonade {manos, java {impure, half-pix
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wuxiaphoenix · 3 years
A Long Road Chapter 10 Ficbit - Bait
“I’ll speak with Priestess Sabela.” Crathach shifted from foot to foot, as if surprised at how solid ground was after his first flight. “Georg has been buried, you know. If you have to dig him up....”
Lan Wangji shook his head. “Unnecessary.”
“Oh, good - wait.” Crathach gave him a look askance. “What if his body is suffering from resentment?”
Lan Wangji held his gaze, slightly amused. “Fierce corpses attack the greatest source of yang energy.”
Crathach lifted a finger. Almost spoke. Stopped, and stared at him. “I’ll... go tell the priestess we want to pay respects to the grave.”
:You’re having too much fun,: Kellen snickered, as the Mindhealer hurried away. :Should I gallop into town to kick a corpse in the teeth?:
:If you wish, but I doubt there will be more than a restless ghost. If that.: Tentatively, Lan Wangji gave his friend a mental hug. :The folk of Valdemar do not concentrate magic as we do in the Jianghu. And the land itself - the energies are very tame. Georg’s spirit may have resentment, but I suspect his body is unlikely to carry much resentful energy.:
:Hmm.: Kellen sent the feeling of a friendly nibble of hair, followed by a brush of worry. :But now the Nie are teaching some of our Blues to meditate and gather energy. What happens if one of them dies?:
:I do not know,: Lan Wangji admitted. :If they die in sect lands, the Nie will care for them, as they do all their clan. If they die here... I am here.:
“She says it’s fine.” Crathach came back in a swirl of hasty green, breathing a little fast. “I’m warning you now, if something crawls out of any grave in there I’m hiding behind you. I know knives, but I don’t think dead men bleed.”
“Not without assistance.” Welcome assured, Lan Wangji stepped through the delicate wrought iron gate in the graveyard wall.
Crathach trailed after him, shaking his head; stopped, and glanced about, then led them both down a line of simple wooden markers, obviously placeholders for the same brass or stone plaques that had been placed on older graves. Some graves had been decked with flowers. A few with bright pebbles, such as a child might find precious. One or two had copper pennies, placed in a careful stack. And the next row over from their quarry had a group of names on one marker, topped by a child’s flying dragonfly toy; a whirligig, they called it here in Valdemar.
The Healer’s eyes lingered on bright-painted wood; turned away with a sigh. “Anything?”
“It is not that simple.” Unwrapping the oilcloth from his guqin, Lan Wangji began to play.
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