#blue checkmark and everything
stardust-sunset · 1 month
guys who’s natalie shay and why did she like my instagram story
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astrum-aureus · 1 year
tumblr is the only place I can go to for relatively decent takes about the oceangate thing
If I see another chud on Twitter say it was “because of diversity hiring” (because of a quote of the ceo saying he didn’t want to hire “50 year old white men”) or whatever I’m going to fucking lose it
“Diversity hiring” did not fucking make this man get into his own shittily built unsafe submarine. “Diversity hiring” didn’t make this man think that “safety is a waste”. And make him refuse to do any level of safety testing.
Also some people are saying “well nasa didn’t do safety testing before going to the moon” (yes they fucking did. Yes, apollo 1 happened. And you know what? They fucking took what they learned from that mission to make damn sure nothing like that would happen again.) (oceangate basically disregarded every warning sign. They fired the director who raised alarms about this shit. Their vanity titanic missions will never be comparable to space travel, suck my dick instead, billionaire dicksuckers)
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I think it's so hilarious that the Blue Checkmarks aren't even visible on mobile
Like you go and buy all those checkmarks and then everyone who's on mobile can't even see them
Really on brand for tumblr
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deadtower · 2 years
“tumblrmart” trying to sell us shit that missing e/xkit/new xkit have been offering for free for 10 years … i have to laugh
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Why the heck does Tumblr have a BLUE CHECKMARK SYSTEM?
Like please no this is the only website I can go to and not have to stress about stuff like that. Tumblr is the only social media website unaffected by influencer culture and that's how we prefer it. Now I don't hate influencers or anything I actually have a few who I follow and enjoy their content. But its nice to have a getaway place untouched by that. Now its seems like every time you turn around Tumblr is trying to become more and more like the others
To be honest I completely blame Elon Musk for this blue checkmark thing. Because its not even a verification system you have to go through. Its like a subscription where you pay 7.99 to have a blue checkmark on your blog.
I swear if I come on here and see an update for something like reels or short form videos. I'm going to scream.
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warcrimesimulator · 2 years
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aropride · 9 months
misinformed depressed 14 year old tiktok user: i want to kermit sewer slide so bad it's unreal i want to be unalive /gensrs
most annoying person on the internet, screenshotting this: SAY REAL WORDS. i would NEVER censor a word because unlike YOU kids, i'm not AFRAID of the RAW TRUTHS of this world.
person in the replies: this is why all teenagers should be banned from the internet forever and/or their parents should monitor everything they do online until they turn 18.
33 year old nurse practitioner trying to do sex education on tiktok for some reason: (pointing to a flower) this is the v u l v a, this is the [email protected] maj0ra, this is the cl 1 tor is, this is the [email protected]@
blue checkmark guy on twitter: I would suck Elon Musk off in a heartbeat not in a gay way just because I respect him as an innovator
tumblr: we are retiring tumblr live on january 24th, 2024
world's most intelligent but liberal baby: hey guys i finally figured out how to solve the hodge conjecture. now i'm working on establishing world peace by having a peaceful conversation with world leaders regarding various human rights issues. can i have some milk please
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shitsndgiggs · 13 days
hi girll !
i saw that you post the long distance relationship with hector that was my request..so thanks 🫶🏼🫶🏼
is that possible to have one more imagine with hector ? like something the reader is an influencer and she became famous really quickly and get a lot of followers. and one day hector dms her and they start talking and few weeks after she went to barcelona for his birthday and to enjoy time with him and they are really closed. (i don’t have a lot of inspiration but at the end, they finished in love…)
thanks !!
Héctor Fort x influencer! reader
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My rise to internet fame was nothing short of wild. One day, I was posting beauty tips and lifestyle content for my small group of followers, and the next, my account blew up overnight.
Suddenly, I was an influencer, with brand deals, interviews, and thousands of people watching my every move.
It was surreal, to say the least. But nothing—and I mean nothing—could have prepared me for that DM.
Hector Fort. Yes, the Hector Fort. Barcelona's rising football star, DMing me out of the blue.
It started so casually, with him commenting on one of my photos where I was in Barcelona during a quick weekend getaway: "Next time you’re here, let me give you a real tour of the city."
At first, I thought it was a prank. Maybe some fan account or a really convincing fake profile. But no, the blue checkmark was there, and after doing some internet sleuthing, I confirmed it was him. The real Hector.
I stared at the message for what felt like an eternity, trying to figure out how to respond without sounding like a complete fangirl. I typed out something witty: "A real tour, huh? Is that a promise?"
From there, it snowballed. What started as simple back-and-forth messages turned into daily conversations.
We talked about everything—football, life in the spotlight, my sudden fame, and his matches. It felt natural, easy, like I had known him for years.
One night, about two weeks in, Hector mentioned his birthday was coming up. He was casual about it, but there was an invitation hidden in his words.
"You should come to Barcelona for my birthday," he texted me one evening. "I’ll show you that tour I promised."
The flight to Barcelona felt like it took forever. It wasn’t my first time in the city, but it was definitely the most nerve-wracking. I was finally going to meet Hector in person.
I arrived in Barcelona a day before his birthday, and we planned to meet up at his place later that night.
My stomach churned with nerves as I approached the door, my heart racing in anticipation.
The door swung open, and there he was—Hector, looking even better than in his photos. His smile was warm and inviting, and I instantly felt a little more at ease.
“You made it,” he said, pulling me into a hug, his voice a little muffled as he spoke into my hair.
“I did,” I smiled, relaxing into the hug. “Happy early birthday, by the way.”
“Thanks,” he grinned, pulling back just enough to look at me, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and something else I couldn’t quite place. “Come on, let’s make this weekend unforgettable.”
The next few days were a blur of birthday celebrations, late-night talks, and just enjoying each other’s company. Hector was exactly like he’d been over the phone—funny, thoughtful, and always making me laugh.
On the day of his match, I sat in the stands with the VIPs, watching him warm up on the field. I’d never been much of a football fan before, but watching Hector out there, so focused and in his element, made my heart swell with pride.
I was completely lost in the game, cheering him on with every touch of the ball.
When Barcelona scored, I jumped to my feet, clapping and shouting with the crowd. Hector glanced toward the stands, searching until his eyes met mine.
Even from the pitch, I saw the faint smile spread across his face. That moment made my heart flutter.
As the final whistle blew, signaling Barcelona’s victory, the players began celebrating on the field. The atmosphere was electric, with fans singing and chanting.
I watched Hector as he made his way toward the tunnel, but before he disappeared into the locker room, he turned and started walking in my direction.
My heart pounded as he came closer, his eyes locked on mine. I could feel people staring, whispers swirling around me, but I didn’t care. Hector reached the edge of the stands and smiled up at me.
“You came all this way,” he said softly, his voice carrying over the noise of the stadium.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I said, smiling down at him, my heart racing in my chest.
He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at the crowd of fans and cameras. Then, he stepped forward, reaching for my hand. “You know people are going to talk, right?” he asked, his voice low and serious. “They already are.”
I glanced around, noticing the people already snapping photos and recording us. I could see the headlines in my head, but I didn’t care. I squeezed his hand and met his gaze.
“Let them talk,” I said firmly, smiling. “I don’t care.”
Hector’s face lit up, his eyes softening. Without another word, he leaned in and kissed me—right there in front of thousands of people.
His lips were warm and soft against mine, and for a moment, the entire stadium seemed to fade away.
The crowd around us erupted in cheers and gasps, but all I could focus on was Hector. His kiss was gentle but firm, filled with unspoken feelings we hadn’t yet put into words.
When we finally pulled apart, Hector grinned at me, his hand still holding mine. “Guess it’s official now, huh?”
I laughed, breathless. “I’d say so.”
Hector chuckled, giving my hand a squeeze before heading back toward the locker room. But not before turning back and flashing me a playful wink.
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ryan-sometimes · 8 months
Capitalism makes life so soulless to me. Every fridge, car, and phone looks the same. The “competition” that we thought would breed innovation has instead bred uniformity and planned obsolescence. Blue checkmarks on Twitter had a similar effect and now every popular tweet is filled with bullshit replies from the same 5 accounts who’ve been paying to stay at the top. The replies are unrelated to the tweet and are devoid of true humor and wit. Soulless.
Every day living under capitalism is colorless. No variety in anything I see in real life or online. Every big hit on the radio sounds the same. Every appliance and electronic looks the same. Every TV, every fridge, every phone and tablet is indistinguishable. The sameness of everything is torture.
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resi4skz · 6 months
Title: Starstruck (pt2)
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Pairings: idol!Chan x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, bike s*x
Part 1 , Part 3
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"Right in here, please," I say as I put a checkmark on the list of things to put away before closing the bakery. "I need everything to go smoothly as possible on Monday."
"Why are you so snappy?"
I turn, giving Luna a confused look. "I'm not snappy."
"Uh huh," she rolls her eyes as she took off her apron. "Let's go before you start hyperventilating about seeing their fanmeet in about," she glances at her wrist watch, "3 hours."
"I don't know what to wear."
"Alright. Let's go."
"Where we going?"
We arrived at the venue an hour earlier and we showed the tickets to the vendor. "Ah, right this way please." He leads us to a different enterance and I glance at the back, seeing others standing in line with merch.
"Ma'am, these are VIIP tickets. It gives you access to backstage."
"Okay. He's definitely going in the good books," Luna says smiling.
"Jeez, how much do you think he spent of these tickets?"
"Honestly? Probably a lot, but who knows?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe he got them knowing you were coming."
Fuck. How do you expect to me to act after knowing this information?
We walk around the staff and stand just right to the main stage. The butterflies in my stomach right now is nothing compared to what it would've been watching them from the front. This was their 4th fanmeet and I couldn't have been more happier for them. They have achieved so much in the past 6 years.
"Okay, wow. This is awesome," Luna says, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Are you sure I'm wearing the right clothes?"
"Yes, now stop fussing over it!"
She made me wear a black corset with black skirt, boots and a leather jacket. My hair was down in loose curls. Okay, maybe she does have some taste.
"Hey, you made it."
I turn around and I'm again blown away by he man in front of me. He was wearing a blue coat and pants with white shirt underneath, topped with black boots. And his hair was styled in a wavy look. And damn, he looked good. "I hope no one gave you trouble coming inside?"
"Uh, no. Everything went smoothly," I replied. I felt a poke on my arm. "Ah, right. This is my best friend, Luna."
"Oh, hi Luna. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah," she waves nervously at him. I roll my eyes. Why did I even bring her with me?
Then more guys appear behind him. Oh my god. It's them. Leeknow, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. The whole gang is here. Holy cannolli. This isn't real life.
"Alright, we gotta go. It's time for us to go on the stage," Chan states. For a second, I felt his eyes trail over me, my attire but he turned around and walked away with the group. I blinked, asking myself what happened.
But he turned around and walked straight to me. He takes my hand and says, "I'll see you later?"
I nod.
He smiles, his dimples on display. He leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "See you later, babygirl," he says, winking at me before sprinting back.
"Did he just....kiss you on the cheek? Wait. Am I dreaming?" Luna pinches her arm and hisses in pain. "Definitely not dreaming. Holy shit."
Holy shit was right.
Because their fanmeet was a success. They played small games, did dance challenges, did a lot of performances and by the end of it all, they were still happy and energetic. I don't think I've ever seen them be this happy before.
And their performances? Just wow. And with Chan in a sleeveless top? Those arms made me weak in the knees. "Stop drooling."
I sigh, feeling those butterflies again. "Luna, I'm not drooling."
"Is it me or is he only looking at you?"
"Who?" I asked as I follow the direction she pointed at. He's smiling, but his eyes show something else, something desperate as he looks at me. He disappears in the back rooms, probably to change and freshen up.
"Okay. You have my permission," Luna nods.
"Permission?" I blinked at her.
"To get thoroughly fucked by h-oompf."
I cover her mouth with my hand. "Are you insane?!"
She pries my hand off. "Do you not want to? You do know who he is, even as the biker tiktok dude."
"I knew I shouldn't have told you that."
"Hey, I would've found out either way. But the question still remains."
"Which is?"
"Do you like him? Enough to take you, sweep you off your feet?"
"I mean yeah, but-"
"Oh. Here he comes."
He walks over, wearing all black. Very similar clothing to mine. "Ready?"
"Uh, are we leaving?"
"Yes. You and me. I wanna take you for a ride."
I look at Luna then back at him. I feel her hand on my back, giving me a little push. He grabs my hand, intertwining it with his own as we walk away, sprint more like, away from the book. "Wait. What about the res-" He stops, turns around and cups my face, he takes advantage of my surprised expression and swoops in for a kiss. When he pulls away, he smiles down at me before grabbing my hand again and walking outside.
What just happened?
The roar of the engine filled the night air as I zoomed down the empty road, the darkness engulfing me like a comforting shroud. The pair of gloves hands around my waist felt more comfortable than riding my bike alone. Her hands were small but god, did they feel good against me.
My headlights cut through the blackness ahead, illuminating the twisting road as it disappeared into the distance. The cool night air whipped against my helmet, the only sound besides the thundering of the engine. I was going to the place I had found a few weeks ago, where I could be this tiktok personality I made for myself.
I felt her arms tightened around me. Maybe she wasn't used to bike rides? Flashes of streetlights and neon signs painted the surroundings in streaks of light, blurring past in a colorful whirlwind. The occasional silhouette of a building or tree flashed by, casting eerie shadows in my path.
As I leaned into the curves, the sensation of speed combined with the solitude of the empty road created a thrilling sense of freedom. But with her behind me, it was more than freedom. I had been waiting for this day. I wanted to see her again because when I dropped her off at her place the other day, all I wanted to do was rip off that dress she wore.
It was then I knew that I was fucked. 100% fully fucked.
The city lights glimmered in the distance, a distant beacon guiding us on our journey through the night. In that moment, it was just me, my bike, Y/N and the open road stretching out before us—an endless expanse of possibility and adventure.
As I take a turn, I felt her hands wandering. Any lower, it would be dangerous territory. I grab her hand and squeeze. A warning. But as I speed off into the highway, her hands slide down low. Lower. Until they've reached their destination.
The little minx.
Through my tight jeans, she uses her hands to grab my clothed dick and gives it a rub. Fuck. My hand tightens as I try to maintain my hormones at bay level till we were at the destination.
5 minutes.
She gives it another rub and I almost crash. This is going to be harder than I thought.
4 minutes.
I swerve into the left lane, as the traffic was faster and I wanted nothing more to reach the location faster than I had originally planned.
3 minutes.
I groan as her hands slide up and down a bit quicker. I grip her hand, stopping it.
2 minutes.
Reaching around my back, I find her ass cheek and gives it squeeze. Hard. I feel her jerk towards my back.
1 minute.
Taking a left turn, I see the familiar abandoned cliff as her hand reaches down again. I curse as I increase the speed of my bike. I need to get there faster.
30 seconds.
Slowing down the bike, I, very gently, park the bike.
15 seconds.
Turning off the ignition, I wait till she's off the bike. Then I climb off, unbuckle the clasp of my helmet before taking it off as she also takes her helmet off.
5 seconds.
I stare at her till she's composed herself. Then I'm on her.
I don't get time to breathe as he's on me within seconds, our helmets long forgotten on the ground. Lips and teeth clashing as his hands slide around my back, giving it a slight push towards him. I felt his hardness on my lower tummy. "Wait," I lightly push him away. "I need to breathe."
His delicious mouth travels down to my jaw and neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. "Mmm, Channie," I moan as he sucks and bites a spot on my neck.
"You little minx," he breathes against my mouth. His hands travels to my hair and grabs a bunch before yanking on it lightly making my head tilt up a bit. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
"I may know on some leve-, ah," I let out a yelp when he yanks on my hair.
"Brat." He growls, attacking my neck with wet kisses and biting the delicate skin. "I had to tell the boys I was going for my nightly rides," he gives a long sniff before coming up. "But they don't know I was going with you."
I'm then hoisted up on the bike as he settles himself between my legs and kisses me again. His kisses are desperate and dominating. I reach for his jeans when his hands grab my arm. "Nuh uh, baby." He makes me stand and spins me around. "I need to be inside you."
"But, ah!" I moan as his palm makes contact with my right ass cheek as he bends me over.
He wastes no time and removes my black panties from under my skirt. "Damn. You're perfect." I hear something ripping which I think was a condom wrapper.
And then, in one swift motion, he snaps his hips into me. My eyes roll back in my head as I groan at his girth, feeling the stretch. "Fuck," I groan. I've imagined this moment in my delusional mind but this was beyond my dreams. "How are you this big?"
"Fuck, you're so tight," he moans as he pulls out completely before snapping his hips against me. "This cunt was made for me, fuck you feel so good."
He gradually picks up speed as his hand travel around my waist towards my throbbing clit. The only sound you could hear was our heavy breathing, into the darkness surrounding us. I felt the tight knot in my lower belly ready to burst. "Chan, please."
"Fuck, yes!" He grunts, now slamming into me. "You're close, aren't you? You gonna cum? You gonna cum for me?"
I nod my head. "Yes!"
His fingers rubs my clit and I see stars in front of my eyes as my climax hits me the hardest, my legs shaking but he doesn't stop. "Oh, fuck. Fuck, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum." His hips ram into me a few more times before he stills, spilling his seed into the rubber.
We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breaths. He finally pulls out and I groan at the odd feeling. I try to move but my legs refused to budge. "Uhm."
I hear him zipping up his jeans. "You okay?"
"I can't move."
"My legs."
He softly chuckles as he walks over and grabs both my arms, lifting me up. I shriek. "Put me down!"
"Hold still!"
He turns me around and puts me on the bike with my legs hanging over. Placing his hands on the lower part of my legs, he gently starts massging them. "Good?"
"Hmm," I savour the feeling coming back to my legs. "You should've started with this first."
"Oh, really?"
The nerve of this guy, showing me his dimples. "I'm a sucker for massages."
"Noted," he says as he comes up, face to face. "Say, what are you doing next weekend?"
"Why, you wanna take me a on a date?"
"Yeah. Is that a problem?"
"Well, considering how this date went, I might agree to it."
"Brat," he pecks my lips before he picks up the helmets and hands me mine. "You're more than welcome to feel me up again once we're on the road."
My cheeks heat, my blush making its permanent stay on my entire face. "Wha....I wasn't feeling you up!"
"Uh huh," he says wearing his helmet and grins turning his head towards me. "And I didn't give you the best sex of your life just now."
I narrow my eyes at him as I hop off to let him sit first. As he turns on the ignition, I climb on behind him. He grabs my hands and places them around his waist. And the we were off, into the same darkness that surrounded us mere minutes ago.
Who knew I would be startstruck by the guy I watched on my laptop and phone was interested in me? And the biker dude? Oh man. If only the world knew what we just did.....
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A/N: wtf did I just write 💀
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pollymorgan · 3 months
Coach Negan Part 2
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Warnings: Negan beeing Negan, hot table sex
Okay, I did it again! Have fun with the second part! 🤭
When I wake up, I briefly think I had a pretty intense dream. But when I see the phone lying next to me on the pillow, I realize that unfortunately, it was real.
Oh man, I've started some pretty weird actions lately. Somehow, my life seems to have gone a little off track. But phone sex with my daughter's hated gym teacher pretty much tops it all.
At least I didn't oversleep, not even once this week! Who knows, maybe I'll still be "Mother of the Year."
Feeling a bit off-kilter, I shuffle to the bathroom to freshen up.
With the toothbrush in hand, I let my thoughts wander. Okay, the whole phone call was a bit sexy. Well, actually, pretty hot. My cheeks start to flush as I think about Negan's voice and how dominant he was.
Damn, the whole thing was more erotic than anything I've experienced in the last 5 years. At least! Although that's not saying much....
Suddenly Negan's last words come to mind.
"Okay, I'll expect you tomorrow at 3:30 pm for a parent-teacher meeting at the school, and without panties.. Good night!"
Fuck! My ex-husband is picking up the kids today. At least, that's the last I heard. From experience, I can say that can change at any time. Anyway, I absolutely must not run into Negan at this time, preferably never again. But that will probably be a bit difficult...
The morning goes by thankfully without any major catastrophes. A few arguments, two forgotten homework assignments, and spilled milk later, I've dropped off my three kids at kindergarten and school on time.
Feeling somewhat relieved, I return home. There's chaos in every room, but it's quiet in the house. After calmly drinking a coffee, I decide it's really time to start filling my social media channel with content again. After all, it's become my job, albeit somewhat involuntarily. I'll make a post about a nutritious, quick meal for stressed out mothers. At least I don't have to go shopping again. I have all the necessary ingredients in the fridge, and it's not too time-consuming.
Just as I'm preparing everything, my phone vibrates. Assuming it's a message from my ex, canceling the meeting with his kids for some flimsy reason, I open the message annoyed.
"Be on time today, otherwise it's detention! 😉 Negan."
Oh God, I had hoped this whole thing would just fizzle out. Feeling a bit nervous, I set the phone aside and try to focus on what I actually had planned. But that's not so easy! I keep staring at my phone, afraid of receiving the next text or out of desire? I can't even define it myself.
Screw it! I was married for 19 years and I've based my whole life on this man. Taken care of the kids and the household and always put myself last. Only to be left. So, what's wrong with having a bit of fun?
I quickly grab my phone and reply.
"Just detention? 😯 I expected a more creative punishment! 🙈"
I hesitate for a moment, but then I send the text. My heart pounds wildly in my chest as I see the two checkmarks next to the message. It only takes a few seconds before I receive a reply.
"You naughty girl, don't challenge me ...".
I can't help but grin.
Quickly I type, "As they say, 'Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go on the teacher's desk' or something like that ...😉"
"I can't wait ... Room 319, in the big gymnasium," I receive as a reply.
I look at the clock. It's just after 12 pm. I quickly finish my Instagram post to have enough time to get ready.
After a thorough shower, I stand somewhat desperate in front of my closet. I absolutely must not show up too sexy at Peggy's school. But my obligatory gray jeans and a plain t-shirt that has been my wardrobe staple lately won't do either.
I'm as excited as before a first date, and in a very strange way, that's what it is.
In the depths of my closet, I find a royal blue knee-length pencil skirt and a matching white blouse with large dots in the same color, with the price tag still attached. I put it on and critically examine myself in the mirror. I've always been slim, but the impending divorce has cost me at least another five kilos.
I loosely tie up my hair and apply light makeup. Then I put on my favorite scent, a mix of vanilla and cherry that I've worn far too rarely lately, afraid the bottle might run out.
Now there's no time for doubts. Determined, I go to the car, start the engine, take a quick look in the rearview mirror to remove mascara smudges under my eyes, and head towards the school.
There are only a few students left on the grounds. Most have already finished, just like my daughter. Thankfully! He actually managed to pick her up. Miracles do happen after all!
I have the terrible feeling that everyone is watching me and knows exactly what I'm up to, although that's obviously nonsense.
Feeling a bit nervous and with a pretty strong flutter in my stomach, I go to the big gymnasium. Disoriented, I roam the narrow corridors and then stop in front of room 319. Okay, so I'm really going to go through with this.
The door isn't closed, just ajar. I take a deep breath and then push it open further. Negan is sitting at the desk, focused, with some papers in hand, and suddenly startles. As he catches sight of me, he begins to grin, his perfect teeth shining through.
Oh man, has he always looked so damn good? He's wearing a khaki jacket over his jeans shirt and glasses with a dark rim. Determinedly, he stands up and walks directly towards me, while I remain rooted to the spot, staring at him.
He stops right in front of me and leans against the door frame with one arm. I have to look up at him because he easily towers over me. The woody, masculine scent of his cologne envelops me and literally clouds my senses.
"Never heard of knocking?" he smiles at me and then lightly licks his lower lip with his tongue.
Finally, I find my words again. "Well, I seem to be a really naughty girl, but at least I'm on time...".
Dramatically, he looks at his golden wristwatch. "Right on time..." he states curtly and gestures for me to come in, before immediately locking the door. At the sound of the lock, my heart gives another heavy thump.
So, I'm really here now.
I quickly glance around the room, feeling his eyes on me the whole time.
"Sit down!" he commands and goes back to his desk. Just as I'm about to take a seat on one of the two chairs in front of it, he protests.
"No, here..." He taps the table clearly and sits on his chair, never taking his eyes off me. After a brief hesitation, I sit down, as ordered, directly opposite him on the table, crossing my legs. As confidently as possible, I look down at him. When our eyes meet, small electric shocks run through my entire body, seemingly converging in my lower abdomen. His gaze continues to roam over my body, to my legs and back up. We remain silent for a moment, but then he breaks the silence with the sentence, "And did you remember not to wear any panties?".
My cheeks blush even more intensely, I have to swallow hard before I can respond. "Yes."
"Okay, then show me..."
Slightly confused, I try to think. This man hasn't even touched me, let alone kissed me yet, and I'm supposed to present my most intimate parts on a desk to him?
"Come on, don't be shy..." he adds demandingly, noticing my hesitation.
As if on command, I jump off the table in one go, pulling up my tight skirt until it barely covers my butt. I then brace myself on the desk with both hands, ready to jump up and slightly spread my legs in front of him. Negan leans further forward and stares unabashedly at me. He grasps my knees to open my legs a little more.
It's the first time I feel his warm hands on my bare skin.
"And shaved just for me, that wasn't necessary..." he states, satisfied and self-assured.
His hands slowly continue to my thighs, then he lightly rests on them and positions himself directly between my legs. His face is only a few centimeters away from mine, and I feel his breath just as heavy as mine. I examine every pore and every small scar thoroughly until my gaze falls on his lips. Without thinking further, my arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer to me.
Finally, our lips meet. The kiss is immediately wild and without any restraint. Full of desire, our lips press against each other, and our tongues immediately explore each other.
All I can think about is how good all of this - how good he - feels.
Negan firmly grips my butt with both hands and dominantly pushes my pelvis closer to him. The fabric of his jeans presses against my bare skin. I feel how hard and big he already is. I can clearly feel him, right at the spot that yearns for him the most. I softly moan into the kiss.
"Damn, that's the sound I wanted to hear! I haven't been able to think of anything else since last night..." he exclaims excitedly.
Then he swiftly takes off his jacket and starts to slowly unbutton my blouse. My black lace bra is revealed. Before he kisses me again, he looks down at me.
"Fuck, look at you...you're so incredibly beautiful," he says softly.
My hands move confidently to his pants, feeling for his belt.
"Not so fast...first, I want to taste you...every damn inch of your perfect body!"
He grins at me, and I immediately do nothing but eagerly wait to see what he has in store next.
Negan slowly takes off my unbuttoned blouse and skillfully unclasps my bra. He immediately grasps my breasts firmly with his large, warm hands and plants delicate kisses on my sternum. His beard scratches against my delicate skin, giving me goosebumps. His mouth moves to my right breast, and I let my head fall back. I thoroughly enjoy the feeling of his tongue on my sensitive nipple. His hand firmly grips my left shoulder and pushes me down. Now I'm completely lying on the desk, while his kisses travel deeper and deeper.
Without hesitation, he grabs my knees and presses my legs firmly against my body. Then I feel his warm breath on my wet vulva. Automatically, I press my pelvis further towards him, and he starts kissing along my inner thighs, while I eagerly await feeling his lips on my pulsating clitoris finally.
My whole body is tense as he continues to tease me, his mouth gently returning to my thigh.
Impatiently, I slide back and forth on the desk.
He releases his firm grip from my knees and gives me a light slap on the butt.
"Damn, it's sexy how turned on you are... I could continue like this all day..." he remarks with a grin, unbuttoning his jeans shirt as his dark chest hair is revealed. I prop myself up on my forearms, looking at him expectantly.
"Okay, okay... Who can resist such a look and such a sweet pussy..." he says, leaning back between my legs to finally touch me where I need it the most.
Skillfully, his tongue wanders to my most sensitive spots, applying just the right pressure and perfect tempo.
I moan in relief and lean back again. He softly sucks on my swollen clit, and my legs start to tremble. I grab his hair and hold onto it tightly because I feel like I need that support. The orgasm hits me unexpectedly. I never thought I could reach the peak so quickly.
Negan grabs my wrists and swiftly pulls my upper body back up. Breathing heavily and utterly exhausted, I look at him, and he smiles contentedly, his lips moistened with my wetness.
"Wow, okay..." he says.
"Wow, okay..." I reply and pull him closer to kiss him.
"Now I want to fuck that perfect pussy..." he whispers in a deep voice into my ear, opening his pants with one hand. Then he briefly separates from me to open the drawer of his desk and retrieve a condom.
I watch him, and suddenly I seem to be able to think clearly again. At least, I can imagine how many times he has done this before. How many lonely, abandoned mothers he has already screwed on this desk, that he even keeps condoms in his drawer.
Without saying anything, he seems to notice my gaze very precisely and knows how to interpret it.
He grabs my chin between his index finger and thumb and turns my head decisively towards him.
"Hey, don't even think about it, okay? ...I only placed it there today, in the slight hope that you would seriously consider my nice offer..."
He lets me go to put on the condom without breaking eye contact.
My eyes wander between his dark ones, and I get lost in them.
I nod hesitantly and flinch slightly as I feel his tip pressing against my entrance.
Negan runs his thumb over my mouth. My lips feel dry and sensitive.
"Don't close your eyes now, look at me as I enter you..." he says unequivocally.
I already feel him slowly pushing deeper and deeper into me. When he is all the way in, he places his burning hot forehead against mine. His mouth is slightly open, and his breath is heavy. I enclose his lower lip with my lips. It is an incredibly intense feeling to be so full. I feel my lower abdomen contract repeatedly as he slowly starts moving inside me. It doesn't take long for his thrusts to become faster and harder. I realize he is close to coming.
"Sit on the chair, I want to be on top of you!" I say, trying to gain some control and at least once have the upper hand.
"Okay, whatever you want... really anything!" he says, breathing heavily, and sits back on the chair behind him.
He looks incredibly sexy. With those piercing eyes, his slightly swollen lips from the intense kisses, the unbuttoned shirt revealing his slim hairy chest, and his large hard penis that I immediately want inside me again.
I jump off the table and climb onto his lap. With my right hand, I grasp his pulsating cock and let him glide into me. Negan holds onto my hips, and I place my hands on his shoulders to support myself. Slowly, I begin to move, and he penetrates deeper into me.
"Damn, you're finding spots in me that I didn't even know..." I smile and then bite my lower lip in concentration. I mean it literally. I have never felt anything like this before. My movements become faster, and I feel the tension running through Negan's body.
"Let's come together..." I whisper softly to him.
"Okay, baby..." he says decisively, and his hand moves purposefully between my legs. Quickly and with quite a bit of pressure, he circles my hypersensitive clit with his thumb.
I feel like I can hardly breathe from excitement. My lower abdomen almost cramps painfully.
I manage to groan "Now..." just before another intense orgasm floods my body. But not only me, I also feel how Negan is coming intensely. Exhausted, I collapse on his lap. His arms embrace me and press me firmly against his bare chest. For a moment, all you can hear is our exhausted breathing, then he whispers softly while still deeply inside me.
"That was insane. When can we do this again?"
I grin at him contentedly. "I have the whole weekend free from the kids... so I'd be happy to do it again tomorrow..."
Then I kiss a bead of sweat off his forehead.
He pouts, "Why wait until tomorrow? ...How about tonight and then the whole night... Believe me, I want to explore a few other spots in you..."
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filmbyjy · 1 year
TWITTER SUCKS! > sixteen! let me sniff [written]
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synopsis > who knew you could become famous overnight for paying $8 for a single blue checkmark? however, it does come with consequences…what happens when the actual BELIFT Lab comes knocking at your door. all because you simply impersonated your bias.
masterlist | previous | next
WORD COUNT: 0.9K words
WARNINGS: I do mention sex here like a couple of times but they are just for shits and giggles. I could never write smut (though JAM OUT was a whole complete different level)
a/n: holy shit, first written chapter of the series😮 ALSO!! SELAMAT HARI RAYA TO MY MUSLIM FOLLOWERS🫶🏻🫶🏻 time to get your raya duit and spend it on enha😍
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everything was fine. well at least what heeseung thought, he didn’t know that the staff he was practically close with was mean to the other members. until they told him of course.
he knew this staff was pretty quote on quote ‘touchy’ but heeseung never thought she was crazy. however, if the boys say she’s insane then it must be true. heeseung could trust the boys way more than her, after all she just recently started working with their team.
— placing this in case read more messes up —
“hyung, just watch and observe her for a couple of weeks. you’ll notice how mean she is with sunoo and sunghoon.” jay says.
and it’s what heeseung did. he observed her and he was definitely not surprised. jay always knew how to tell the truth, he was also never a great liar. there was also something in particular she does which ticks heeseung off. it was the way she handled things, especially with fans.
it was like those bodyguards at airports. who push those ‘fans’ when they were about to enter the waiting area. the only difference is the ENGENEs that they met were really nice and respectful, she was not. she had insist the ENGENEs weren’t allowed to photograph any of them. which seems fair since it was a private schedule but heeseung felt like it was unnecessary. the fans weren’t even asking for a photograph, they were simply shocked to see the boys and said hi.
“I get what you mean, she’s crazy.” heeseung says. all 7 of the boys were sprawled in the living room. ni-ki and jake were playing the PS5.
“I think she purposely approached HYBE to get a job and be close to heeseung hyung. she sees me and sunghoon hyung as a threat because she knows that we don’t fuck with her.” sunoo rolls his eyes.
“well, she’s creepy. how old was she again?”
“hyung’s age?” jake says. he yells after because ni-ki’s kart had pushed his to the side. “YAH! NISHIMURA I WAS WINNING.”
“too bad, jake hyung.” ni-ki sticks out his tongue, teasing the boy.
“she’s like one of the youngest staff member on our team. she’s definitely trying to seduce hyung.” jungwon says.
“the attempt isn’t subtle at all. we literally see her undressing heeseung with her eyes.” sunghoon complains. heeseung gasps before covering his body up as if he could imagine her eyes.
“she did that?”
“oh hyung, if only you weren’t oblivious. yes, she did undress you with her eyes.” sunghoon says.
“she literally slowly panned her eyes up and down your body. she looked like a total pervert.” jake gags.
“fuck, what do we do?”
“hmm, maybe we could…lowkey record her? use the en-core camera and like angle ourselves to where she is sort of seen but also off-camera so they won’t blur out her face.” jungwon says.
“won, you are a genius.” jake says.
“oh I know.” jungwon smirks. jay playfully rolls his eyes.
“anyways, are you going to confess to (name) noona?” sunoo tilts his head. he prettily flutters his eyes whilst cupping his face. heeseung shakes his head.
“I don’t like (name) like that. we are just flirting for fun, besides i can’t just risk my career like that.”
“then what’s with all the ‘god, she’s beautiful’ or ‘i wish I could date her’ muttered under your breath, hyung?”
“i just-I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to fall in love.”
“so you became a simp? that still shows you have feelings for her.” sunghoon says.
“I don’t know what love is.” heeseung huffs.
“booooo, for someone who flirts with ENGENEs all the time. you suck at realising your feelings.” jay grumbles.
“you are like jay hyung. a virgin.” jungwon says.
“man, I have sex.” jay folds his arms.
jake snorts, “with what? your right hand? that’s not sex.”
“hyung, ni-ki is right there.” jungwon scolds.
“it’s true though, what bitches is jay pulling.” sunghoon shrugs.
“your mom.” jay says.
“sorry but my mom has taste. reason why, she and my dad created me. the hot sexy bitch I am.” sunghoon flips his hair.
it went dead silent and sunghoon rolls his eyes. “I make the face of the group. you should be thankful for my visuals.”
“heeseung hyung is the face of the group but sure, we thank you for your visuals.” sunoo says.
“only sunoo has my back. you guys are fake as fuck.” sunghoon huffs.
>> next day >>
as per usual, the boys had their schedule. their plan had already initiated. today, jay was their videographer.
“heeseung, it’s time for your makeup.” heeseung was about to go but sunoo decided to put on an act knowing jay was already recording.
“jieun noona, could you help sew my clothes? it seems like there is a tear in the clothes.” sunoo says. jieun rolls her eyes.
“there are other stylists around, can’t you ask them? I have to prioritise heeseung first.”
“the other stylists are busy with the other members-”
“I don’t care, go find another stylist.” she pushes sunoo away. sunoo rolls his eyes once he turns his head away, jay was there to film everything. jay knew ENGENEs could trust sunoo’s judgement. he was always right when it came to feeling a person’s character.
another opportunity rises after the performance, this time jake records.
“heeseung, come here. you must be smelling horrible.”
“uh, yeah. I just finished a performing.” heeseung says, he could feel the awkwardness and he hated it.
she sniffs heeseung and sighs, “I knew it. come on, let’s get you cologne or something. you smell like sweat.” jake gasps behind the camera. jungwon watching in horror.
“nah, she’s foul for that.” sunghoon says.
“heeseung hyung must feel so bad now.” ni-ki pouts.
“you smell too ni-ki.” jake says. ni-ki shoves jake.
that’s all before jake shoves ni-ki and they start play fighting. like puppies.
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series taglist[open]: @lovers-szn @shiguresohmas @moonshoon @byunappetit @strvlveera @rikisly @4lythe @lalalalawon @beansworldsstuff @enhastolemyheart @jaehaki @shinsou-rii @jeanbob @sxftiell @renchai @nyfwyeonjun @invusblog @lhees01 @donghyckl @enhafika @dimplewonie @foxsunoo @luv2lia @lvrjjun @curly-fr13s @bubblytaetae @raikea10 @ce1ight @luvlee1313 @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @soobisrealgfnotfake @justkatehere @l0tisflower @jseobsky @haerinism @liliansun @kyanmeai @nobodyshallenter @faeryhee @pkjay @mlink64 @luxurystark-jackson @aleombre @yenqa @heestrawberries @soaen @ckline35 @http-gyu @climbingmandevillas @stopeatread @y4wnjunz @aetherlol @whippedforbeomgyu @elisabeth-02 @tlnyjoong
(to be added please send an ask or click here)
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sasukeless · 6 months
lmaoo speaking of dudebros did you see that tweet from the other day with goku and vegeta and naruto and sasuke that said "which duo is more gay" and it had dudebros genuinely debating it. like blue checkmarks and everything. the arguments were kind of shallow but it was funny as fuck
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my personal favorites
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roykiller07 · 2 months
idk if anyones done this yet but i translated the fine print on bills soul contract 👍👍👍 its under the break in case its considered spoilers
you are now twenty one grams lighter
this contract is legal and binding[] we reserve the right to use your likeness[] face[] voice and small town pluck in whatever nefarious manner is deemed necessary[] sans soul[] your soulmate will not recognize you and will walk right past you on a cold autumn day[] never making eye contact[] not even processing that you have eyes at all[] no amount of interaction will move them to a place where they can remember[] in feeling[] the thousands of lifetimes you have already spent together[] each time choosing whatever form would keep you closest like otters holding hands in a tumultuous river[] you were birds[] you were trees with roots entangled[] drinking in the sunlight together[] []wherever we go next[] whatever you choose[] i will always be right there with you[][] thats done[] buddy[] congratulations[] you have chosen bill instead[] mcdonalds reserves the right to put a giant yellow m on your torso and forehead and send you walking through a crowded times square while you scream []the fries[] the fries[] they don[]t degrade in nature[][][] it[]s an immortal food[][][] they will be in the landfills long past our deaths[][] good god[] the things s i[]ve seen[] me[] who am i[] oh i[]m bill[]s previous lawyer[] he put my soul into a quill pen so i can write his legal documents until the sun snuffs out like a candle in this sick universe[] i used to be so hot[] i was so fine[] now i[]m fine print[] speaking of which[] bill reserves the right to put your soul into an inanimate object[] a strange creature[] a concept[] a sentence[] a tasteful but rustic mason jar with wildflowers in it[] if at any point you wish to have visitation rights with your soul[] you will be swiftly denied[] unless you had a cool day planned for the both of you[] then bill might want to come along[] by signing this document you forfeit any rights to eating soul food[] it will turn to ash in your mouth[] a fitting punishment for a fool who squandered the only true gift life owes you[] bill reserves the right to dress your soul however he deems necessary[] especially if your soul was a nerd before acquisition[] soulmakeoverrr[] your soul may become fractured and placed into different objects[] this has no purpose and will not resurrect you if you die[] signee has forfeited all rights to any afterlife[] including but not limited to[] heaven[] hell[] purgatory[] big corner[]flow state[] the dream house[] the reincarnation processing center[] axolotl[]s tank and consequences hole[] signee can no longer board any soul train and is advised to discard all bellbottoms[] signee can no longer have a puppy as a best friend[] they can sense what is gone[] cats are indifferent[] signee can experience occasional demon possessions from horculus the red[] plabos the merciless[] morbus son of mortem[] plaga the oozing and other such common demons roaming earth searching for weakened[]empty vessels[]tips for ripping your soul out at home[] watching youtube commentary channels[] attending an extended family event with an open bar[] using generation ai and asserting that you are creative[] turning a blind eye to human suffering[] amassing more wealth than needed[] purchasing a blue checkmark
i didnt feel like interpreting the punctuation (which is all just rectangles on the og document). it is translated letter by letter so if it seems like i forgot a space or wrote a letter where there shouldnt be its because it was like that in the original. pls let me know if u think i achsually made a mistake !!!!!
ive been translating everything i can and ill post the rest if ppl want but i felt like everything else was small enough anyone could translate it, this one was just long enough a lot of ppl wouldnt wanna bother 😋
i believe the code to get this image is: NAITSUAF
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ganondoodle · 10 months
some ramblings about the overworld and reusing of the map in totk
i was one of the people that didnt mind revisiting the same map bc i loved the world and would gladly rexplore it all again, i was confident theyd change it up so it felt fresh again .. but it really wasnt, but even if it wasnt i was fine with it bc i was sure theyd HAD to use the build up from botw, with the shiekah and yiga alone theres so much you could do, and a captivating story or characters are more important than any map change to me-
and then, most changes on the surface were artificially stuck onto the world, like some small boulders the size of a large boulder stuck onto a wall, weirdly fusing with it (but thats not relevant and doesnt have a reason either) which really doesnt change anything much, some caves and holes in the ground but nothing really substantial at all, the most changed was death mountain and the gerudo city (while the regions themselves didnt really change either .. no in any interesting way at least to the extend i saw in my what 200+ hours)
im no game dev expert but do know a little and changing up a model and breaking stuff off really isnt THAT much to do so i really dont understand why they dotted the world with useless rocks and little caves that are all extremely similar instead, but then change stuff that is WEIRD to change and would have been easier to leave as it was- like the shrine of life being scraped of the walls, or smoothing over the places were shiekah towers were in botw like they never existed in the first place, and then sometimes adding something for no reason (like apparetly theres a new useless tiny ruin on the akkala fortress??? why?? how?? and i heard someone say they changed how the big hole in one of the peaks of the big mountains looked, like the icy blue texture was removed?? i dont know if i went there in my playthrough but i dont doubt it lol) and instead of the holes of the big shiekah tech pillars being left its just .. filled up with dirt, just like the bit of the calamity ganon arena being jsut rock now and the pit being fileld with just dirt as well-
and theres MORE changes that are arguably MORE time consuming to do but are both unnecessary to do and also WEIRD, erase everything shiekah and say it all vanished into thin air while theres clearly guardian parts in the new, shittier, towers and one decayed left at the hateno institue, the ancient furnace isnt just GONE its filled with rocks that had no way to get there naturally
but then the rest of the world is pretty much the same, with very little changes and if its plopped onto it without actualyl meaning anything, even inconvenience you too, like the path to hateno being blocked by a fortress of monsters so you cant get there via horse, and even if you clear them out, with or without the quest, they just come back with the bloodmoon, i thoguht if i do it with the quest theyd be gone for good and clear the path again, but NO you participating in the fight means nothing but another checkmark bc they will redo it over and over and it will be blocked again anyway (but then the "pirates" which are also a monster fortress .... dont come back ... waht) or the blockage of the bridge at the twin mountains too, you cant actually change anything, the one in the gerudo valley is also just another weird blockage, do you want to force me to build stuff? no thanks ill just walk then and be annoyed about it bc thats way easier
(sidenote, satori being reduced to someone pointing at caves that doesnt even tell you if you did them already or not is so disrespectful, i loved satori bc it wasnt some player helper but a strange and beautiful being, it jsut lived there and you had to be careful to even catch a glimps of it, the atmosphere around it being creepy and otherworldly you dont know what its really capable of, like you are staring at a godly being you cannot talk to but it accepts you when you are there and leaves as soon as you let go of it.... and nows its just a cave pointer...)
so, especially if you played botw, it all very much feels like a retread but with little sprinkles and weird changes (or outright annoying ones like the shrine of life being licked of the walls) here and there and othertimes just plain annoying inconveniences, and then the main points of your quest are .... in the same spot as in botw as well, its at rito village, death mountain, gerudo town, zoras village ... its repetition is entirely unnecessary, you had interesting locations all over the map, put a temple into or under akkala fortress my god that things i BUILD for that, anything in akkala really, put another one high into the mountains, in or UNDER hateno?? the krog forest or the deku tree being one?? kakariko??? no ?? it jsut had to affect each species exactly where they are .. again, and even the temples are there so its not even a thing made there affects the town nearest but still far away enough to be different or the terrain literally leveled the ground and they are gonna have to look to settle elsewhere (the closest is gerudo town but like ... is it), its not just repetetive but also makes the regions feel WAY more disconnected and self contained, none of them care about each other or do anything but defend against the thing that conveniently affects them directly at the same place again and the activities are largely the same too, find shrine find krog
ok then we got the sky, .. which is largely empty with just some repeating minibosses or some get crystal to there thing, its empty and barren of life, not a single NPC ever goes up into the sky aside from two dungeons companions, despite them already using the sonau tech ballooons and what not and having literal bird people there AND being literally obsessed with anything sonau, rarely theres a construct there, a robot with little to tell and not really doing anything, the ruins dont tell a story either, its just .. there
then theres the underground and omg its just as big as the overworld map! and then the .. terrain and look of it is almost always the same (only in the gerudo region is it a little more sandy) with the same kind of sonau thingies being the same everywhere that dont even LOOK ancient, it bothers me so much, are you telling me this building has been here for well over 10 THOUSAND YEARS?? and then the lightroots ... are in the same spot as the shrines .. so its not even a discovery really bc you know where shrine or root is now .. and then every more important place is literally beneath surface important places (even under taburasa .. the town you newly built in botw) which again .. isnt really a discovery then, and then the map itself is just the surface map but inverted, which to some may be a neat thing but, to me ... so its the surface AGAIN but more boring bc it doesnt have any regional differences too and then they have the gall to put the old amiibo stuff there (the labyrinths??? you go throguh all that and its just the renamed same armor from botws DLC??? how dare you), or some crystal things for your battery that are just another currency that has to be exchanged twice to specific people to be most useful- and the big weird magician statues ?? man idk if i should help this one, the giant mech like statue is giving me the creeps, and how the hell is it talking through the statues of thE GODDESS??? HUH´? and then it turns out its just a guys that sells you largely useless stuff for yet another currency you can only use at few specific spots
even the enemies are the same aside from mini- and gigamas, it even repeats the enemies from the surface
the best part of the underground/surface are the yiga, and even they are made kinda boring, in the underground its little outposts that give you some crystal currency and blueprints for autobuild i bet you arent ever gonna use, the most valuable thing is their little diaries and on the bigger spots koga (he is surperior to every single other character, sorry gan) but even kogas questline is like .. removed from everything else, its its own contained thing ocne again ... the arenas that are kinda fun to do but ultimately
you have a barely changed map from botw, a largely empty sky with some rather boring shrines or minibosses that get used over and over and no story to tell really, and then the entire map of the surface again with important points and shrine points being repeated as well
and then you get option over option to skip any traversal of all that too, with ultrahand and the towers and the ceiling jump and fast travel its a repetetive map twice and one largely empty with out skipping from point a to point b
i know how difficult game dev is, but in all those years with a giant team and money this is it? and not even the story has anything to go for? how do you take the addictive exploration of botw and turn it boring
anyway, yet another ramble taking me the entire evenign to write, again, this is not meant as blind hatred but an expression of my feelings and thoughts about it and for this one why it felt so weird and boring to explore ... the thing i like so much about botw ..
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months
When are u going to post next part of ’Whats up danger?’
i have no idea. i haven’t started on the second yet and have mostly been working on the framework for the story for the latter, acts and considering adding more multiverse mayhem [ maybe an act in a distant future with hsr kafka! spiderman! or even yandere! hsr (with kafka as their universe’s spiderman) x reader to add more crossovers ]
looking at what i have planned this might be my longest multipart series here ever
BUT good news is that my damian wayne brainrot is still going strong so rest assured motivation wise im def up for writing soon. it’s just that my schedule and growing my other social medias takes precedence.
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i bought the blue checkmark just to have motivation to be on the site again cause acting as a fem vtuber gives me waves of self hatred and gender/body dysphoria at times🫠
but yeah feel free to tell me if you guys are interested in those ideas or suggest more fandoms we could add.
it’s the multiverse baby. everything is possible.
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