#blow a bag
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 206
There seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding, Ellie is realizing as she opens the door- in her pajamas no less- to the freaking Justice League. Either that or they’re gonna’ have to go on the run from something her brothers or Vlad did. 
What do you mean Jazz blew up a building?! Without inviting them?!
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fionaapplerocks · 28 days
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Fiona Apple Paper Bag video, original edition [x]
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Cyberverse Wheeljack
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jimmyspades · 4 months
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THE BLACKLIST 1.10 "Anslo Garrick (No. 16): Conclusion"
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popillia · 4 months
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Con bag done 😌 we gaming
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hecatesbroom · 6 months
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Betty White in Life with Elizabeth (again, because look at her!!)
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kylejsugarman · 8 months
love how the first half of breaking bad season 2 had those vague cold opens of Disaster and Body Bags to make u think that walt and/or jesse had been killed and then they were like "haha don't worry guys!! they're Okay :) but walt Did set off a chain of events that led to the collision of two airplanes full of passengers who all died horrible, agonizing deaths. he's okay though :)"
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lollytea · 2 years
Hunter sleeping on the floor and Gus getting the couch likely because Hunter insisted that Gus take the more comfortable spot 😭
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novelconcepts · 4 months
sooo interested to hear your thoughts on lottie/laura lee for the ship meme!! 😊
Oh, I absolutely ship Lottie and Laura Lee. Lottie as the fandom bicycle is so funny to me, but she really does have some of the most fascinating dynamics to work with. Laura Lee in particular is great because, again, she could so easily have been one-note. Haha, look, she's just too far into the Jesus fandom, nothing else going on. And, from the pilot, we kind of get the sense that Lottie feels that way about her.
But then they're in the woods, and Laura Lee is strong. She's got her faith--maybe the first real sign to Lottie that faith in something is what's going to keep them all going--and she's so eager to share it. Not in a forcible way, but from a truly gentle, excited "come here, come learn about something that means so much to me" perspective. More than anything, she's willing to listen to Lottie without judgement when Lottie is worried she's going crazy. It's so kind, and I love that Lottie goes from rolling her eyes at Laura Lee to really leaning on her, trusting her with this massive vulnerability. And THEN for Laura Lee to be so brave, to make what turns out to be a sacrificial voyage, and for Lottie to replace her as the faith foundation of the wilderness (but in a way that Laura Lee probably wouldn't be so keen on, had she lived) is so heartbreaking and genuine. I will always, always love that it's Laura Lee who haunts Lottie first, who haunts her right out of nearly freezing to death. Laura Lee, who Lottie doubtless would have laughed at until the crash, giving her something to hang onto when she's got nothing left.
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reprisearchive · 6 months
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Hunger hurts, and I want him so bad, oh, it kills
Fiona Apple
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
did you see fluke is playing in a new bl??? he left gmm and got himself that main role first thing as he should!
I did see that and I chuckled lmao he really said if yall don't give me that main role I deserve imma go get it myself and he really did lol I'm so proud 🥺
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idk about the show though, the plot sounds a bit..... hm. idk. we shall see. but for now I'm just happy for him 🧡
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all this talk of quintessence being so volatile and dangerous and we’ve never once seen it blow up or do anything dangerous. c’mon shannon follow through give us the star bombs
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spaghettibaseddreams · 9 months
I'm not a monster fucker, I am a monster canoodler. I want to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and smooching with the minotaur after giving him a whole spa treatment and then put flowers on his head.
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dreamieparadise · 1 month
Momina's hair gets easily messy, and it's why she has a tendency to run her hands through her hair a lot. She will pull and stroke her bangs without thinking.
In fact, Momina is someone who can appear rather sloppy despite her fashion sense. She can't seem to get her bows or ribbons straight. She pulls on her sleeves, and her shoelaces tend to get untied. She is also a messy eater despite also being very motherly/nurturing. It can paint a conflicting image.
Kyoko is someone who takes it upon herself to adjust Momina's appearance. She sees her brother in Momina, and it initially leads to her to Momina. Although her eventually adoring Momina is also because of who she actually is.
Another who ends up fixing Momina's appearance is Hayato. Unlike Kyoko, he doesn't ask permission and kind of just does it while scolding her. "How'd you even get the bow like that?!" Momina, who can be petty, will sometimes go: "Sorry, dad...!" Which only angers and embarrasses Hayato. It especially annoys him because Momina never reacts like that when Kyoko does this. She simply thanks her and gives her a big hug. [I wonder why the difference in treatment...!? Clearly a mystery...!]
Jojo and I like thinking that Haru ends up in the same high school as everyone else, and so she ends up picking up this habit with Momina as well. Hayato and Haru fuss over her the most, with Haru going as far to wipe and dab at Momina's face for her. It embarrasses Momina but because she knows she means well she doesn't really say anything. [However she does tell Miruku later over the phone. Sobbing, "these two girls at the Cafe snickered at me after Haru did that!!!"]
Parentified and infantilized at the same time... truthfully, this is one of the reasons Momina's favourite person is Miruku. Miruku understands Momina's health issues but doesn't infantilize her. Always listens to her and is understanding of her anxiety and [over]protectiveness as well.
I've gone on tangents but wanted to speak on why Momina's hair tends to have messy strands strewn about or her ribbons are loose and angled funny. If I could draw shoes properly her shoelaces' bow would be verticle!!
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