#bloodright au
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deusvervewrites · 2 days ago
Bloodright: Himiko trying to scheme about all these hero students she totally doesn't care about except yesterday Asui showed Midoriya pictures of her younger siblings and she can't stop thinking about how cute frogs are
It's really killing the vibe
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kururu418 · 1 year ago
Tales Of Mewni Future AU: Bloodright Part 2
With the challenge set in stone, Dagon is ready to take the throne of the Waterfolk kingdom for himself. Meanwhile Delphine insists on defending her title as heir for herself, and prepares to do just that.
Delphine, Calypso, Cassandra, and Callixtus belong to @princesscallyie
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nooowestayandgetcaught · 2 years ago
read on AO3
~1k, Kasanoda Ritsu/Sendou Tetsuya, T-rating, Canon AU
Summary: Tetsuya's father, the head of the rival syndicate to Kasanoda Family Syndicate, orders Tetsuya to come home.
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fixxofvixx · 2 years ago
BLOODRIGHT - Vampire Taekwoon AU - Chapter 21
Hello! It's been a while but I'm still here! I hope you are too! This chapter stumped me so much as I couldn't figure out how I wanted it to go.
I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! Love you all!!!!
"Taekwoon!"  In a flash, the door burst open and his hand was wrapped around Kaxon's throat before you could blink.
"What the hell did you do?!"
"He tried to bite me."  
When Taekwoon heard your words, his face changed to pure rage.  
"You have a death wish.  You promised to help her and you're trying to bite her?!  Are you insane?  Do you even have a cure?"
"I--agh--I a-am the c-cure!"  Kaxon was having trouble forming words with Taekwoon squeezing his throat.  You were surprised his head was still attached, honestly.
"What the hell are you talking about?!"  Taekwoon lightened his grip so Kaxon could talk.
"I am the cure.  That's why you can't produce a cure.  It's inside me.  I have to bite her."
“Do you think I’m an idiot?  Did you really think I would let you come in here and bite her?  You must have lost your mind!  Cure her now before I rip your head off!”  Takewoon was practically seething as he tightened his grip on Kaxon again.  
Kaxon’s hands clawed at Taekwoon’s, trying to get him to let go.  In a moment of desperation, Kaxon pulled something from his pocket and stuck it into Taekwoon’s ribs.  Taekwoon grunted in pain when an electric shock coursed through his body.  The voltage was enough to send Taekwoon stumbling back, landing on the floor, dazed.  
Kaxon came to stand next to you and your heart lurched.  With Taekwoon incapacitated, you didn’t know what Kaxon would do.  You wanted to run but there was no strength left in you.  
“Rest assured, Y/N, I did not come here to hurt you.  Your heart does not need to beat so fast.  It’s just a taser and it won’t hurt him.  Of course, there’s about 5 times the amount of voltage in this thing….he is a royal after all.”  Kaxon turned the taser over and over in his hand while Taekwoon rose to his feet, fuming.
Kaxon held up the taser in front of you and smiled, “Would you like one?”
“Kaxon, I suggest you give her the cure so I can tear each limb from your body slowly….with my bare hands.  If you had any hope of leaving here alive, that is gone now.”
In the blink of an eye, Kaxon moved and placed himself behind you on the bed.  Taekwoon’s movements were a second slower, most likely because of the electricity still running through his body.  Kaxon was kneeling behind you but didn’t touch you.  To be honest, when you quickly glanced behind you, you caught a glimmer of fear in his eyes.  
Did Kahn really have something he needed?  He was willing to go against Taekwoon, who is obviously stronger, just to have a chance for you to help him.
“Taekwoon, I’ve told you how I can cure her.  The longer you wait, the worse it will get.”
“You son of a–”  
“Stop!”  You spoke up before another fight could start.  Taekwoon looked at you in confusion.
“I’m tired…..I’m tired of being sick…I’m tired of you both fighting.   Please…just stop.”  You took a deep breath, your own outburst draining more of your energy.
“But, Y/N….”  Taekwoon inched closer, hoping to remove Kaxon from the bed behind you while talking with you.
“Taekwoon….please?  I don’t want to see any death today, alright?  I want to be able to stand up on my own, walk around the garden, and eat something more than porridge.  Please….”  Surprisingly, tears formed in your eyes and you realized how helpless you really felt.  Thankfully, Taekwoon finally understood.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry.”  He came to stand next to you and took your hand.  “No more fighting.  Kaxon, remove yourself and we’ll talk.”
"Of course."  Kaxon spoke slowly as if he was reluctant to trust Taekwoon's words.  Once he was off the bed, he stood next to the bedpost, waiting for Taekwoon to begin but you spoke first.
"Explain this to me.  I'm not going to blindly let you bite me unless you can prove that what you are saying is true."  
Kaxon was silent for a moment, carefully choosing his words.
"The virus is developed using my blood.  I'm not a full royal vampire like my brother.  Whoever my father is….."  Kaxon paused for a moment and then cleared his throat.  "He gave me some type of blood that works as a type of poison.  After a while, I was able to develop an antidote for it."
"So why can't you just give me the antidote?"
"It doesn't work on its own.  For years, I injected every imaginable solution into my body to try and neutralize the poison.  After a while, I realized that it works but only in a certain way.  The antidote is produced by the enzyme that is released when I bite someone.  Once it's out of my body, it doesn't work."
"You expect us to believe that?"  Taekwoon began to walk towards Kaxon but you stopped him with a hand on his arm.  
"Is he lying?"  You knew Taekwoon was monitoring Kaxon's heartbeat for anything that would indicate he wasn't telling the truth.
"Not that I can tell but….."
"I thought other vampires can't bite me?"
"I am not allowed to take any blood from you and I will not.  Your blood is now protected and I would be in worse shape than you if I tried."  Your thoughts turned over and over in your head.  Knowing Taekwoon would never agree, you went with your gut instinct.
"What about Taekwoon?  Is the poison still in his body?"
"No, his royal blood neutralized the poison long ago."
"Then….do it."  
"Taekwoon…. the doctor your mom brought couldn't do anything.  He knows if he's lying you wouldn't let him walk out of here alive.  Right, Kaxon?"
"Right you are, my lady."
"Kaxon…." Taekwoon's distaste for Kaxon's choice of words wasn't lost on you.
"I address her with the utmost respect, I assure you."  Kaxon turned to you and continued.  "Thank you for believing in my words.  I swear upon my name that you will feel as good as new in a couple of hours."
Kaxon stepped forward slowly, aware of Taekwoon's position beside you.  
In a couple of moments, Taekwoon's mother burst through the door followed by the doctor.
"What is it?"
"Your Highness, I assure you that I will completely cure y/n.  She has agreed to my method and–"
"He wants to bite her!" 
"Have you gone mad, Kaxon?  What do you mean?"
"Kaxon has explained how the poison in my body works.  The only way to cure it is for him to bite me."
"And you trust him, y/n?"
"Trust might be a bit of a stretch…..but I am willing to believe him considering he wouldn't leave alive if he killed me."
"Right you are, my dear.  Taekwoon, let's trust y/n's decision.  Come over here with me."
"You are free to kill and dismember me in any fashion you see fit should I fail, Taekwoon.  I promise you that."
"There'll be nothing left of you, Kaxon.  Know that."  Taekwoon walked over to his mother and stood with his arms over his chest.  
Kaxon walked over to you and held out his hand for your arm.  He kneeled on one knee before your bed.  You didn't dare to look at Taekwoon lest you chickened out.
"This won't be long.  You'll be up and dancing by this evening."  Kaxon lowered his head to your arm and you closed your eyes.  You could feel his breath on your skin and you tried very hard not to pull away.  You couldn't imagine anyone else besides Taekwoon biting you and your mind automatically wanted to reject it.  
After a moment you felt his teeth pierce your skin.  You had been prepared for excruciating pain but you felt nothing.  Surprised, you looked at your arm and, sure enough, his teeth were embedded in your skin.  A numbing sensation traveled from your arm to the rest of your body.  You felt slightly dizzy but didn't feel the need to pass out.  
After a few moments, Kaxon released your arm and leaned back.  
"Doctor, I trust you will be able to patch her up?"  Kaxon looked at you, "I will not close these and let them heal on their own.  I'm sure Taekwoon would not like the usual method of closing wounds."
You blushed slightly, thinking of the many times Taekwoon had taken care of the bites with his tongue.  Kaxon stood from the floor only to walk a couple of steps and collapse back onto the hard wood.
You gasped and looked up for help from Taekwoon but realized he wasn't there.  Your eyes cut to his mother but she was checking on Kaxon.  
"Taekwoon?" You jumped when your call was greeted in return with a loud crash.  Her heart sank.  He was mad.  So mad in fact that he wouldn't even come back to your side after Kaxon had supposedly cured you.  Once the doctor had finished with your arm, he joined Taekwoon's mother.
"Y/N, we'll take Kaxon to another room.  You just rest and I'm sure Taekwoon will be along shortly. 
You nodded and let your back settle against the headboard again, waiting.
Three hours later, Taekwoon was still gone.
Was he that upset with your decision?  You indeed felt at least ninety percent better but he never came to check on you.  
You stood from the bed finally and headed to the bathroom for a shower.  You had a small measure of hope that Taekwoon would appear once you were finished.
Your hope died when you exited the bathroom only to find his mother sitting on the edge of your bed.
"Don't be discouraged, my dear.  He's only mad for a bit.  He'll come around, just give him some time."  She stood and headed for the door.  "Kaxon is still out.  Perhaps everything will look brighter in the morning."
You could only nod.  You feared speaking would cause a sudden onslaught of tears.  You wanted Taekwoon.  He was supposed to be by your side, rejoicing in the fact that you were getting better.  
"I prepared some soup downstairs for you.  You should eat something."  She smiled before leaving you in the room once again.  
Food definitely sounded good but you wanted to find Taekwoon first.  Opening Taekwoon's closet, you put on one of his robes over the nightgown his mother had left for you earlier.  Once you were out in the hallway it seemed as if it had been forever since you'd seen the outside of the room.  Going to the right would lead you to the stairs and then the kitchen.  But the left led to the rooms upstairs.  You figured Taekwoon would be the furthest from people so you started to the left. 
There was no trace of him on the second floor so you tried the third floor.  You had only been up there a couple of times but it was in serious need of refurbishment.  It was dark when you reached the landing and it was cold.  A door to one of the rooms was lying on the floor, in pieces, and you assumed that was the loud crash you'd heard before.  
"Taekwoon?"  You walked a few more steps but stopped when you heard a few footsteps from the end of the hall.  Once your vision focused on the darkness you saw a dark mass with red eyes staring back at you.
"Taekwoon?  What are you doing up here?  Why are you–!"  Your words caught in your throat when Taekwoon sped forward.   In an instant, his body was against yours as he had pressed you into the wall of the hallway.  His breathing was heavy and he seemed to be struggling for control.
You slowly reached up and placed your hand against his cheek.  His skin was clammy and it felt as if he had been crying.  
"Are you okay?"  
He didn't answer.  Instead he placed one hand over your stomach, securing you to the wall.  The other hand went to the arm that Kaxon had bitten.  He raised it to inspect the bandage there.  With a slight growl, the hand against your waist went around your back and he lifted you against him.  He sped to one of the rooms and dropped you onto one of the beds there.  He followed you down and hovered over you, one knee on either side of your hips.  He extended your bandaged arm out over the bed and began removing the bandage.  Scared that it hadn't healed you tried to pull your arm away.
"Taekwoon, what are you up to?"
"Be still."  His usual soft voice had now become gruff like silk over gravel.  The tone convinced you to lie still and let him do what he wanted.
Once he had the bandage off, he inspected the wound.  He ran his thumb over the two tiny holes that Kaxon had made.  His other hand once again spread over your stomach just before he leaned down and sank his teeth into the same holes.  A startled gasp left your throat and you tried to pull your arm back but Taekwoon was pure steel at the moment.  After a few seconds, you realized that he wasn't feeding.  He had only bitten you but didn't take any blood.  Soon after, you felt his tongue close the wounds and he brought his lips to yours.  You wrapped your arms around his neck and held on.  His thumb went to your chin and pulled your mouth open so he could sink his tongue inside.  His actions were rough but not painful.  You knew what his fuel was: jealousy.  You kissed him back with just as much enthusiasm so he would hopefully know that you only wanted him.  His lips traveled and he used his hand under your chin to turn your head so he could gain better access.  His teeth sank in lightly several more places until you were a puddle beneath him.  Only when your arms lost all strength and fell from his neck did he stop.  He was breathing hard against your neck, struggling with words.
"I'm–" He took a couple more breaths before trying again, "I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have done that."
He raised his head to look at you but you could only see his crimson eyes in the darkness. 
"I was too rough, I'm sorry."  His hand gently moved the disheveled hair from your face.  
"You weren't.  I'm fine."  You smiled at him, thankful that he was talking to you again.  
"Your lips are bruised.  I shouldn't have hurt–"  You cut off his words by raising your head and placing a kiss on his lips.
"I'm not hurt.  I feel much better than before and I'm only sad that you stopped."
"You are way too forgiving."  He buried his face in your neck and you let out a short laugh.  He sighed and his body melted on top of yours.  "Do you really feel better?"
"I do.  I was a little sad that you disappeared on me, though."
"I…..once his teeth went into your skin, I lost it.  I had to leave before I tore the place apart.  I've been up here ever since."
"Silly boy."
"Don't taunt me."  His teeth grazed your collarbone and you squirmed beneath him.
"Then continue what you were doing."   
"My pleasure."   
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ponykidcurtis · 4 years ago
5, 8, and 20 ✨
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
well i have a gift exchange fic to do so that’s first, but i haven’t started so no snippets lmaoo 
but after that the first on the list is the hunters au mystery spot fic, since i never got around to finishing it for halloween whoops :/ here’s a bit from that:
He grinds a palm into his eye to rub away the last of the sleep clinging to him and makes himself get up, stumbling tiredly towards the kitchen. 
Buck is there, leaning up against the counter with a mug of fresh coffee in his hands. He’d stayed over the night before, claiming to be too tired to move from Eddie’s couch, so Eddie had thrown a pillow at him and made him promise not to snore. 
Eddie shoots him a glare, but the effect is ruined when he yawns loudly. Buck grins. 
“You don’t like your new alarm?” he teases. 
“Don’t even know how you guessed my passcode,” Eddie mutters, half to himself. 
“You made it Christopher’s birthday. It wasn’t that hard to figure out,” Buck says. 
“I hate you,” Eddie says, and scans the counter for a second mug. There isn’t one. “Where’s mine?”
“Your machine is literally right there.”
“You made yourself coffee, in my kitchen, with my machine, and didn’t make me any?”
“You’re the worst,” Eddie grumbles. 
“So I’ve been told,” Buck says, but obediently steps aside when Eddie shoulders past him to reach into the cupboard for a mug.
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
hmm not really? Bloodright and J+C are up there probably, just since I keep putting them off lmao so maybe this year is the year!! who knows!! maybe i’ll at least get them officially started :) 
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
i always have plans to work on og fiction, and yet
new year fic asks
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joker-tracey · 6 years ago
It's Official!
I've lost all hope in myself and dug further into the rabbit hole when it comes to stories on this site. I have to give kudos to those who have managed to catch and keep my attention with their well thought out work.
I love your stories, they captured my interest rather quickly and I don't regret a single word I have read from these series!
Teaching Vixx
Healing Ravi
I have yet to start on Demon Leo but I will soon, I promise!
I happened upon your blog by accident but you had me the moment I read headcanons about the boys and a pirate au. I delved further into your wondrous writings and have yet to stop reading. Pirate King had me by the first chapter and I have yet to stop.
I can not phantom to wait and read more of what you two create. Your works are what I read at night before I go to bed and by the gods does it keep me on edge to read the next chapter or three the next night to come.
Thank you so much for your gracious blessings to my eyes!
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fanfics-enthusiast · 6 years ago
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***VIXX Leo
(Chaptered - Ongoing) BLOODRIGHT:
Vampire!AU: CH01 - CH02 - CH03 - CH04 - CH05 - CH06
****Author: @fixxofvixx
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deusvervewrites · 2 days ago
Bloodright: Is Himiko able to mentally silo off her friendships as Midoriya in ways she isn't with her crush on Ochako? Is she disturbed to realize she actually cares about them?
Not quite. She has the same problem she has with Uraraka: method acting is hard
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oommmmmoo · 23 hours ago
'The one thats Away'
Bloodright: How does Himiko actually hold Ochako prisoner after the camp raid when she's presumably got massive amounts of superstrength plus whatever One for All does to zero gravity? Did Ochako already break a few limbs during the raid so she's halfway delirious with pain?
I'm going to be honest: I forgot about the logistics.
Though, the whole 'teleported elsewhere' thing does kind of make escape slightly more complicated on the grounds of "which way am I running?"
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deusvervewrites · 16 days ago
Escaping Gravity AU x Quirks and Gadgets AU x Bloodright AU x All For Eri AU x All For Support AU:
Midoriya: Ok, so you’re All For One’s daughter.
Uraraka: Yes.
Midoriya: And you are also All For One’s daughter.
Melissa: That is correct.
Midoriya: And you are his adopted daughter who was supposed to spy on U.A.
Himiko: Yup!
Midoriya: And you were supposed to be All For One’s…protege? Except that you accidentally killed him, and he gave you all his Quirks, probably to avoid dying.
Eri: Mmhm.
Midoriya: And you all thought that I was his unknown fifth child.
Everyone else: Pretty much.
I mean after all that it hardly sounds like a stretch
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deusvervewrites · 8 days ago
Bloodright: Himiclone fades into the background when Original Himiko reunites with the League but Himiko forgets to have her destroy herself (why would she? She trusts herself) so she can pursue the yuri agenda that Magne and Twice have enlightened her to. Maybe she has a romantic fight scene with Ochako that ends with her disintegrating while begging her to give Himiko a chance.
I was definitely picturing Himiklone begging Uraraka to help Himiko while dissolving
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deusvervewrites · 9 days ago
Bloodright: The League, who know the closest of anyone to the full story, are actively working on getting Himiko to acknowledge her feelings for Ochako. Unfortunately, all this progress is being made with the Twice clone.
What if the Himiklone comes back to make her case to Uraraka on Himiko's behalf and that's part of the lead-in to AFO dying of yuri
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deusvervewrites · 10 days ago
Bloodright X Bainus: man, what are the odds that you completely make up an identity to infiltrate UA with where the made-up person is not only real but an alien sorcerer who can see through your whole façade, and just so happens to be in the same class?
The Force does not work in mysterious ways. It is however, a little shit about it.
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deusvervewrites · 10 days ago
Bloodright: Y'know what'd be really funny? Because of Himikos crush on Ochako, all her attempts to recruit her-and by proxy, her classmates-end up backfiring. We already know that Ochako is putting two and two together regarding Himiko and 'Midoriya', but her classmates ending up getting better because of it?
During the Sports Festival, Shoto would be forced to use his fire and Himiko would remark that 'You finally decided to use YOUR fire?' which would cause Todoroki to put things into perspective.
She doesn't try to save him because he'd be easier to recruit, yet she doesn't know why she has this nice feeling in her heart after the festival.
tl;dr: Himiko's attempt to keep her classmates pissed at society backfire, and she starts learning that helping people feels good. Not that she knows what that feeling is yet.
Yeah this checks out
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deusvervewrites · 11 days ago
Bloodright AU: Eri figures out that Midoryia and Himiko are the same person. She doesn't mention this to anyone because she doesn't see why its important.
Eri, being six, lacks quite a bit of extremely important context and this is the only reason she hasn't completely derailed the plot
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deusvervewrites · 12 days ago
Bloodright: If Ochako doesn't want to babysit the kid Himiko tells her she can always have one of her classmates do it! Like that Midoriya kid. He seems reliable and good with children, as might befit a potential spouse-
Midoriya might even volunteer!
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