#blood moon total lunar eclipse tonight
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newstoday365 · 16 days ago
''Blood Worm Moon' US Weather Forecast: Top Spots to View Tonight's Total Lunar Eclipse''
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Most of the U.S. will have at least partial glimpses of tonight’s total lunar eclipse, with about three-quarters of the nation expected to see the moon as it moves through Earth's shadow. The total eclipse begins at 2:26 a.m. Eastern Time on Friday (11:26 p.m. Pacific Time tonight or 06:26 GMT) and will last for 66 minutes.
The best viewing conditions are expected across the lower Great Lakes, Ohio Valley, Central Plains, and Texas, where skies should remain relatively clear. However, a major storm system moving out of the Northern and Central Rockies will bring widespread clouds and precipitation from Montana south to eastern Arizona and western New Mexico, likely obstructing the view in those areas.
Cloud cover will also pose challenges for eclipse watchers along the Pacific coast of Washington, Oregon, and northern and central California, where a marine layer of low clouds is expected at eclipse time. Similarly, low clouds are likely to obscure the moon along the Gulf Coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, the Florida Panhandle, and parts of South Florida. See More......
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updateusanews · 16 days ago
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In pictures: UK stargazers wake up to lunar eclipse
✔️ Rare view of the lunar eclipse in the USA!
Watch at a glance
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usaupdatenewsblog · 16 days ago
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In pictures: UK stargazers wake up to lunar eclipse
✔️ Rare view of the lunar eclipse in the UK!
Watch at a glance
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hauntedbirdfox · 16 days ago
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In pictures: UK stargazers wake up to lunar eclipse
✔️ Rare view of the lunar eclipse in the UK!
Watch at a glance
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ask-the-sides-anything · 16 days ago
Hey kiddos! There was a super cool moon tonight! -🩵
Indeed. It was a total lunar eclipse paired with a blood moon. A fairly rare occurrence. -Logan
It was epic! The moon was red! I tried to get a picture but you know phone cameras...
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The moon looked like it was bleeding!
Yes, very cool, shame Virgil has to miss it ~Janus
Yeah... Where is Virgil? -🩵
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deviantplum · 16 days ago
"Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse" you mean the Moon, the Earth, and the Sun are having a threeway and the Moon is bottoming tonight.
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see-arcane · 16 days ago
As we prepare for the Ides of March, don’t forget to pregame with the
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synodicsoma · 16 days ago
Blood moon tonight folks!! Less than 15 mins before the total lunar eclipse. Fucking wish I could time my werewolf au drawings and writing around moments like this, but sadly my work ethics is tragic and in often slumps.
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asterism343 · 16 days ago
There is a total lunar eclipse TONIGHT! Visible in the entirety of North and South America! It's really cool! You should watch it if you can!!
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naomi121406 · 5 months ago
🌕 Lunar Melody 🌕
🌕 A pop-culture spell to strengthen your psychic abilities (such as clairaudience, claircognizance, etc), inspired by Fatal Frame IV 🌕
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A Lunar Melody is someone's unique tone, tied to their identity and gifts, their very soul. This Lunar Melody can change pitch according to the person's emotional state and general health. We all hear it unconsciously, and not being able to hear your own Lunar Melody (according to the games) can cause a foggy mind, partial or complete memory loss, dizziness, headaches, emotional distress, among other things. It is also said that people with stronger lunar melodies have a stronger connection to the spiritual realms, the Afterlife, and are often mediums. According to lore, Lunar Eclipses are times when the veil between worlds are thinner and in the games, the Lunar Melodies of people are more receptive, for good or for bad, during this time. So let's try to use that in our favor! Doing this following exercise at a time when the veil is thinner will help you identify what gifts you have but maybe didn't know about, and strengthen the psychic abilities that you already know of. Kind of like stretching a muscle that's been atrophied, with the Moon's help.
⚠️ An older version of this spell was posted by me a long time ago and now seems to be lost. I'm posting this new (and somewhat improved) version as someone asked for it, and it may be of use to others aswell.
🌕 You'll need:
A lunar eclipse, ha. If it wasn't obvious by the title and inspiration, you'll be performing this ritual under a lunar eclipse. Partial or total, your choice, but I think it's safer to do it for the first time under a partial eclipse.
A consecrated mask. Preferably of some organic material (thick paper or wood). Paint it entirely with black ink/paint, that has been previously mixed with a drop of your blood. If you don't feel comfortable working with blood, saliva can work as a substitute (as a personal concern of yours, a tie to you) or even better, tears, as they relate to your sight. After you've painted it, let it dry outside under a Full Moon, asking for the Moon's blessing.
Five white candles.
A bowl of water (preferably a dark bowl, or some scrying bowl)
Music player and a song of choice.
A notebook and pen to take notes.
🌕 Steps:
🌕 First you'll have to define your workspace. I recommend that you create a circular sacred space with a radius of at least 60-70 cm around you. You can use a rope to mark the circle or not, that's up to you. Then set up your five candles on this circle, forming a five-pointed star. Open sacred space as you normally would (if you call on the elements, deities, etc, this would be the time to do that)
🌕 Set before you, inside the circle, the scrying bowl. Best if you can see the Moon's reflection on the water (doing this outside is best but not necessary). Call on the Moon God/Goddess of your choice, and ask them to bless the water and guide your sight.
🌕 Using your music player, play the song you've chosen to meditate with. You can use the Moonsong from the games (said to calm people's soul) or some other that resonates with you (see what I did there?). When you do, first say "Spirits of Song, of chimes, drums, flute, piano and string, lend me your guidance tonight".
🌕 Then, the meditation. Or the frenzy. Put on the mask. You can choose to stay still or dance. If you stay seated, gaze into the water, and try to make out shapes, pay attention to any sounds, emotions, smell, word or image that comes to your mind. Write them down when you're done. If you dance, offer your dance to the Moon and let it guide your steps. Placing the bowl on the center of the circle, dance around it and pay attention to the sensations of it, without judgement. What do you see in your mind's eye? pay attention to what you hear, smell, feel. Don't overthink it in the moment, just let it move through you and only care to remember it for later, so you can write it all down, and you can analize it all you want after it's over.
🌕 After you've written down your notes, you can close your sacred space as you normally would, give thanks to the Spirits you've called to aid you, and even leave a small offering out for the Moon afterwards if you wish.
🌕With Love, Nao🌕
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a-hell-of-a-time · 16 days ago
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"Tonight is a blood moon and a lunar eclipse, which will be total in some places.
Go check it out."
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democracyunderground · 16 days ago
AFTER MIDNIGHT, TONIGHT. The period of total eclipse will begin at 2:26 a.m. Eastern time early Friday morning, which corresponds to 11:26 p.m. Pacific time. Totality will last 66 minutes. The region of the country that will likely have the best overall weather conditions for tonight's total lunar eclipse will be the lower Great Lakes and Ohio Valley, southwest into the Central Plains and down into the Lone Star State of Texas.
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aeionastrologyandtarot · 16 days ago
As the Worm Turns: Virgo Blood Worm Full Moon
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As the Worm Turn: Virgo Blood Worm Full Moon
Tonight's Lunar Transt will be a busy one. A Blood Worm Full Moon with a total lunar Eclispe for Starters. The Worm Full Moon derives its name from a time, in Native American traditions, prior to Spring when the earth grows softer and warmer, urging earthworms to throw off their casts or skins. This adds nutrients and composting agents to the soil, which aids newly emerging plants, urging them to thrive and grow. It will also be a Total Lunar eclipse, where the Earth casts its shadow across the lunar surface, giving the it reddish cast. This is why they are referred to as “Blood Moons�� it will Start at 1am EDT/10:pm PDT Eclipses, in astrological terms, provide greater insight into the part of the consciousness being affected. Because this eclipse affects the Moon, governor of unconsciousness, your impulses and desires may be very present in your thoughts. This particular eclipse, in the sign of Virgo, may direct your attention to your the Virgo aspect making a it a good time to evaluate how your needs are met and what can be done to make things better. How obtain them or what you'll need to maintain them. It may also make you access of physical needs such as food, shelter and issues that pertain to such concerns. Virgo, are the organizers of the zodiac. Through analysis and observation, they can determine how to improve how a system works and make it better. Practical, hardworking, and supportive. They can also be hypercritical, insincere and preoccupied. The Moon, in astrology, is concerned with needs such matters as food, security, and emotional support. For the Virgo Full Moon, analyzing what nurtures you, your feelings and what makes you feel more secure will play an important part. Finding emotional security will rate high at this time, as the moon heightens such sensitivities. Full Moons are times for completions, bringing projects and endeavors to their conclusions, or redirecting existing energies to new efforts and enterprises. Given that this is a Virgo Full Moon, it is also one the more stable Full Moons, the Virgo aspect making a it a good time to evaluate how your needs are met and what can be done to make things better. This Full Moon is a particularly good for painstaking activities in your life and to address issues related to your quality of life and health. This is may be a good time for a spa day, invigorating health regime or simply a day off. Within the next three days (from the 18th- 20th)), you may spend your time contemplating what needs are being met and which ones are unfulfilled. The Moon, which governs psychic energy and intuition, makes this a good time to perform divinations and explore all possibilities about just such questions. The work you do now may serve you well into the days ahead and the rapidly approaching spirit
Virgo, this is a really good time to get something going. Any effort you’ve been keeping in reserve or held off upon should now be advanced. The energies of this moon, coupled with the approaching season of spring, may make this an extremely productive for you and your abilities Pisces, what needs must you attend to? What has been neglected? Look upon these next three days as a time to get in touch with yourself and what remedies are required. Again, let the main focus be upon that which helps you feel effective, accomplished. Sagittarius and Gemini, some matter may urgently be in need your attention. It might not seem an important in light of other concerns but the Full Moon may force your hand. Attend to the issue with an eye toward resolving what may ultimately prove to have been a long-standing problem.
As we bask in the glow of the Blood Virgo worm Moon, take the time to better understand who you are and what you need. Inner strength comes when we nurture and feed our inner resources. Aeion is a professional astrologer and tarot card reader with 30 years of experience. His approach is based in the belief that divination should be in employed to enhance ones' life experiences, not to predetermine them. Let Astrology and Tarot be your tools for better living
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winnipegwinterpeg · 16 days ago
A chance to catch a glimpse of a lunar eclipse is coming tonight—no special tools or protection required.
The phenomenon is known as a ‘Blood Moon, and it’s expected to be visible on Thursday night and Friday morning.
Planetarium astronomer Scott Young described it as a “fascinating event,” where over the course of a few hours the moon turns “blood red.”
“It’s great because it’s not one of those events where you need special eye protection or special gear,” he said in an interview with CTV Morning Live on Thursday.
“And you don’t have to be at a certain spot at a certain time. It’s pretty much everybody in North America will get a chance to see this.”
Young explained a lunar eclipse occurs when the moon lines up with the earth’s shadow.
He added that during totality, which will take place around 1:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. on Friday, is when the moon will appear most red. However, the hour before and after totality is when you’ll see the most motion of the earth’s shadow.
The eclipse will be visible anywhere you can see the moon; no protective gear is needed.
“If you have a pair of binoculars, that’s the best instrument to watch this with, or just with your regular eyes,” Young said.
The Manitoba Museum will also be live streaming the lunar eclipse online.
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gatekeeper-of-witchcraft · 16 days ago
lunar eclipse tonight gyns!
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usanewsinformetion · 15 days ago
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'Blood Worm Moon' US weather forecast: Best places to see tonight's total lunar eclipse
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