blogtunm-blog · 7 years
PROTON http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html 1. #Proton has been #sold. It has been sold to #foreigners. 2. They say Proton is my brainchild. Now the child of my brain has been sold. 3. Yes. I am #sad. I can cry. But the deed is done. Proton can no longer be #national. #No national #car now. We #Malaysians are glad to be rid of this pesky car. I am sure Proton will do well. It will be a commercial success. It will be sold all over the world. The Proton name will be everywhere. 4. It will be like #Singapore. Malaysians are proud of this great #city -state. If it had not been sold it would be, perhaps, as well developed as Kuala Kedah or Kuala Perlis. Then we cannot be proud of Singapore. 5. Now we can be proud of Proton. With money and superior #technology it will compete with #RollsRoyce and #Bentley. 6. But I cannot be proud of its #success. I cannot be proud of the success of something that does not belong to me or my #country. Maybe other Malaysians will, but not me. Come to think of it, if our country is sold to others, to the very rich people of other countries, I am sure our country will become well developed too. It can even be a fully developed country – exceeding the expectations of #Vision 2020. 7. It will be a great country with super #highways, high-speed #rail (HSR), gleaming #skyscrapers, shining new towns, beautifully landscaped and lighted. But I can’t be proud! Can I be proud to be living on the fringes of this great country so well developed by the buyers. 8. I will #die soon. I am already beyond average age. And as I slip into my final years, or month or days, I will watch as our beloved country is sold to foreigners to settle the trillion Ringgits that we owe. We will have to sell more and more of our country. 9. What are our assets? Our land of course!! That was what we did in the past. We sold chunks of our country. We lost the land we sold. That is what we are doing now. And that will be what we will have to do – or forfeit our country; like we forfeit Proton. 10. Proton the child of my brain has been sold. It is probably the beginning of the great sell-out. The process is inexorable. No other way can we earn the billions to pay our debts. The only way is to sell our assets. And eventually we will lose our country, a great country no doubt, but owned by others. 11. I am a sissy. I cry even if Malaysians are dry-eyed. My child is lost. And soon my country. 12. Please excuse me. 
http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html 1. Proton telah dijual. Ia dijual kepada orang asing.   2. Mereka dakwa Proton adalah ilham saya.  Sekarang ini ilham saya telahpun dijual.   3. Ya. Saya sedih. Saya boleh menangis. Tetapi perbuatan itu telah dilakukan. Proton bukan lagi nasional. #Tidak ada lagi #kereta #nasional. Kita rakyat Malaysia berbangga telah menghapuskan kereta yang menjengkelkan ini. Saya pasti Proton mampu lebih baik. Ia akan menjadi kejayaan komersial. Ia akan dijual serata dunia. Nama Proton di mana-mana sahaja.   4. Ianya akan jadi seperti Singapura. Rakyat Malaysia berbangga dengan negara bandar terhebat. Jika ianya tidak dijual sebelum ini, mungkin, pembangunannya ada seperti Kuala Kedah atau Kuala Perlis. Kita takkan berbangga dengan #Singapura 5. Sekarang kita boleh berbangga dengan Proton. Dengan wang dan teknologi lebih canggih ia akan bersaing dengan Rolls Royce dan Bentley.   6. Tetapi saya tidak boleh berbangga dengan kejayaannya. Ini tidak boleh dibanggakan kerana ianya bukan lagi milik negara ini. Mungkin rakyat Malaysia yang lain akan berbangga, tetapi tidak kepada saya. Mari fikirkan, jika negara ini dijual kepada orang lain, kepada orang yang kaya yang bukan dari negara ini, saya pasti negara ini akan membangun. Ianya akan jadi negara membangun - menjangkaui apa yang diharap dalam #Wawasan2020 .   7. Ia akan jadi negara terhebat dengan lebuhraya super, keretapi berkelajuan tinggi, bangunan pencakar langit yang berkilau, bandar-bandar baharu, lanskap yang indah dan permai. Tetapi tetap tak boleh dibanggakan! Adakah saya boleh berbangga untuk hidup di pinggir bandar membangun terhebat yang dibangunkan pembeli.   8. Saya akan pergi tak lama lagi. Saya sudah melangkaui had usia. Sementara saya nikmati tahun terakhir, atau bulan atau hari, saya akan melihat negara tercinta ini dijual kepada orang asing bagi melangsaikan hutang trillion Ringgit. Kita akan terpaksa jual lebih dan lebih dari negara ini.   9. Apakah aset kita? Tanah ini semestinya!! Itulah yang kita telah lakukan sebelum ini. Kita jual ketulan bahagian negara kita. Kita hilang tanah yang dijual. Itulah yang kita lakukan sekarang. Dan itulah apa yang kita bakal buat - atau kehilangan #negara ini; seperti kita kehilangan Proton.   10. Proton ilham saya telah dijual. Ianya mungkin permulaan kepada penjualan terhebat. Prosesnya tidak dapat disekat. Tidak ada cara lain untuk kita bayar hutang berbilion. Caranya hanyalah menjual aset negara. Dan akhirnya kita akan kehilangan negara ini, negara hebat tanpa ragu lagi tetapi dimiliki oleh #orang   11. Saya insan yang lemah. Saya menangis jika rakyat #Malaysia tidak menangis. Saya kehilangan anak. Tak lama lagi kehilangan negara saya. 12. Maafkan saya... Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/proton-has-been-sold-to-foreigners.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/05/tiga-penjuru.html1. #Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 adalah yang terpenting dalam sejarah negara. 2. Tumpuan ialah kepada menjatuhkan rejim Najib. Seluruh rakyat sedar bahawa rejim pimpinannya telah merosakkan negara. Kerosakan ini berlaku dalam semua bidang. #Politik 3. Dalam politik negara Najib telah hancurkan #demokrasi sehingga #Malaysia dikenali sebagai kleptokrasi; iaitu Kerajaan dipimpin oleh penjenayah yang melesapkan kewangan negara; Kerajaan yang tidak berpandu kepada undang-undang; Kerajaan yang menekan rakyat secara zalim; yang membelakangkan keadilan; yang tidak hormati perpisahan antara legislative (pembentuk undang-undang) dengan executive (pelaksana dasar dan undang-undang) dan judiciary (kehakiman). Ketiga-tiga ini dikuasai oleh Najib sebagai ketua Kerajaan dari pihak pembuat undang-undang. Dasar berkecuali sudah dihapuskan oleh Najib, diganti dengan ikatan ketenteraan dengan negara #China . #Ekonomi 4. Ekonomi Malaysia rosak teruk kerana rasuah, peningkatan perbelanjaan pentadbiran dan penambahan kakitangan Kerajaan yang tinggi; belanjawan yang tidak bijak yang menumpu kepada mendapat sokongan popular kepada Perdana Menteri khususnya, pinjaman terlalu besar dan dasar yang menekan swasta. Hari ini beban hutang tidak dapat dibayar oleh Kerajaan. #Sosial 5. Kos sara hidup rakyat meningkat kerana #cukai #GST dan kejatuhan nilai #Ringgit yang teruk. Pengangguran meningkat termasuk dikalangan lulusan #universiti. 6. Pelaburan asing terhad kepada pembelian tanah untuk dibangun bandaraya oleh kontraktor luar dengan mengguna bahan dan pekerja dari negara kontraktor. Kos pelajaran dan rawatan meningkat tinggi dan tidak dapat ditanggung oleh kebanyakan rakyat. 7. Semua bidang-bidang politik, ekonomi dan sosial yang telah jadi buruk kerana dasar dan pengurusan Najib akan menjadi lebih buruk lagi jika Najib terus berkuasa. 8. Hanya jika Kerajaan pimpinan Najib diganti dengan kerajaan baru sahaja barulah boleh keadaan politik, ekonomi dan sosial dipulih semula. 9. Bolehkah kita yakin Kerajaan yang mengganti dapat mentadbir dengan lebih baik dari Najib? Sesungguhnya tidak ada Kerajaan yang begitu buruk dan berjenayah besar seperti Kerajaan Najib. 10. Kerajaan yang bercadang mengganti Najib ialah Kerajaan parti-parti campuran #pembangkang yang akan dipimpin oleh pemimpin-pemimpin yang mahir dalam politik dan dibantu dengan mereka yang berpengalaman dalam pentadbiran negara. Mereka tidak ada rekod jenayah atau menyalahguna kuasa. Mereka terpelajar dan pernah menjadi anggota Kerajaan. 11. Soalnya apakah mungkin gabungan parti-parti lawan menang dalam PRU14. Besar kemungkinan mereka menang jika pertandingan hanyalah antara mereka dengan #BarisanNasional . 12. Tetapi ada parti-parti yang kononnya akan letak calon untuk melawan Najib dan #BN . Dengan ini akan berlakulah pertandingan tiga atau empat penjuru. Kesannya ialah pengundi yang berhasrat mengalahkan Najib akan berpecah dua atau tiga. Penyokong Najib, kerana sebab-sebab tertentu akan bersatu mengundi BN. Najib akan menang kerana berpecahnya undi pembangkang. 13. Dengan perkataan lain parti-parti yang memecahkan pengundi penentang sehingga pertandingan menjadi tiga atau empat penjuru, sebenarnya menyokong BN dan Najib. 14. Perbuatan ini menjadi satu jenis pengkhianatan kepada usaha menjatuhkan Najib dan menghentikan kerosakan kepada negara. Najib akan teruskan cara pentadbiran yang umum tahu akan memufliskan negara dan meletaknya di bawah kuasa asing.Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/tiga-penjuru.htmlTun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
RESPECT MALAYSIA http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/04/respect-malaysia.html 
 1. #Najib wants the world to #respect #Malaysia. 2. It is going to be a very difficult task for the #world. 3. Currently the world has labelled Malaysia as one of the ten most #corrupt #country in the world. And there are good reasons for labelling Malaysia corrupt. 4. Najib himself is alleged by the #American #Department of #Justice   #USA as being involved in the biggest #money #laundering activities in the world. Then of course is the loss of billions of #Ringgit by #1MDB under Najib. Bankers in #Singapore have been jailed and two #bank forced to close down for their role in illegal dealings with 1MDB. The #Swiss A.G. has failed to get the cooperation of the #Malaysian A.G. over #illegal dealings involving 1MDB. 5. And now a deputy #minister had been caught telling a #lie that the Malaysian A.G. had asked for #information on 1MDB from the Swiss A.G. which the Swiss promptly denied. 6. Then there is the #USD 681 #million in the PM’s private account which no one in the world believes is a gift from a #Saudi #prince. 7. The world #press is asking why Najib is still the #PrimeMinister of Malaysia, and no investigation has been made by the police over reports of Najib’s wrongdoings by Bank Negara, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and the Auditor-General. That these reports have been made official secrets is something that is difficult for the world to accept. Hiding evidence is a crime in any country. But in Malaysia the Government of Najib does this with impunity. 8. The world is aware of the sackings of auditors by 1MDB and that there has been no auditing of 1MDB over the last two years. 9. These facts are known to the world. Malaysians will know more. They know that the Malaysian Government is highly indebted, is in deficit, is unable to meet #budget allocations. They know of the high level of corruption in the Government. They laugh at the orchestrated shows of support for the Prime Minister. And they know of the huge sums of money received by #BN members of #Parliament to ensure their loyalty. 10. They know of the depreciation of the Ringgit, the high cost of living and the fall in their living standards. 11. The controlled #media may make glowing reports about Malaysia’s economy but the world knows that Malaysians are suffering in terms of the economy, are living in fear of harassment by Government agencies, of high levels of unemployment. 12. In this world of easy communications and the Internet, what Malaysians know will also be known to the rest of the world. Hence the question asked of Malaysians when abroad. Where before there was admiration for Malaysia’s achievement, now foreigners ask Malaysians, “What is happening to your country?” Clearly they know that things are going wrong in Malaysia. 13. But Najib seems to demand that the world respect Malaysia. What is there for the world to respect about Malaysia. 14. Can they respect Malaysia because BN has the means to realise its promises to Malaysians. So far the BN record is the worst registered in terms of #economic achievements, #democracy and the rule of #law, #freedom of the media and #free #speech, open debates and quality of life. And the #history of wrong doings by Najib as listed above cannot be unknown to the world. 15. In fact Malaysians abroad often hide their Malaysian identity for fear of being told about the corruption and the allegations of wrongdoings by their Prime Minister. 16. Najib should stop making ridiculous demands that the world should respect Malaysia. But if this is what he wants, then allow the courts to hear charges of wrongdoings by him and lift the ban on the reports by Bank Negara, #MACC and the Auditor General. 17. Better still, he should resign and let Malaysia be democratic again. A kleptocracy, a Malaysia ruled by crooks and #criminal as alleged by numerous foreigners and their institutions will never gain the respect of the world. 
Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/04/respect-malaysia.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com 
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
HIGH VALUES http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/04/high-values.html blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 1. It is amusing to read about Dato’ Sri Najib urging Malaysians to have high cultural and moral values. Even more amusing is his demand for the world to respect his Malaysia.
2. But then Najib does not believe in leadership by example. He apparently believes in doing what “I tell you to do and not what I do”.
3. But whether he believes in leadership by example or not his followers cannot help but look up to him as their model. Accordingly his UMNO followers have become as corrupt and immoral as him.
4. How on earth does he expect that in 33 years time, through his 2050 Transformation Slogan, Malaysian would posses high moral values and culture?
5 .Najib is not an example of a person of high moral values. In the first place he believes that cash is king. This simply means that people can be corrupted to make them do anything; to vote for BN in the next election for example. As a result Malaysia has been classified as one of the then most corrupt countries in the world. Do people respect a highly corrupt country.
6. And the money for corruption will come largely from stolen 1MDB money. Incidentally there seems to have been no audit of 1MDB money over the last two years. Is this something which will make the world respect us.
7. Now we hear reports of senior civil servants having hundreds of millions of Ringgit which had obviously been acquired corruptly. Far from achieving higher moral values, it seems the values have deteriorated under Najib. Morality and culture are going from bad to worse. Merely introducing a new slogan about Transformation in 33 years is not going to spin Malaysians around to possess high cultural and moral values.
8. Actually Najib’s call to Malaysians to achieve high moral values and culture and for the world to respect Malaysia is ludicrous. Currently Malaysia’s name is mud to the world. Malaysians are ashamed to admit they are Malaysians when abroad. Such as the reputation of Malaysia caused by Najib’s 1MDB losing billions of Ringgit, money laundering and the billions found in his banking account.
9. Worse still is the fact that he is still the Prime Minister of Malaysia. In Brazil and South Korea, mere suspicion of corruption has resulted in suspension and arrest. But in Malaysia Najib is safe and is brazenly telling Malaysians to be honest, and demanding the world to respect this corrupt country.
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
MOVEMENTS OF MONEY http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/04/movements-of-money.html 1. Money is no longer in the form of #coins and currency notes. Today money may be in the form of #cheques , #creditcards , entries in the account #book of banks, telegraphic transfers, even bit coins.
2. But whatever form that money takes, except for small amounts, all others must be recorded in writing or some form of permanent records.
3. Money in the banks may be in the form of coins, currency notes or gold. But in whatever form the value they represent must be as stated in account books. Much of the money dealt in banking transactions do not exist except in the account books of their banks. Banks may therefore lend money which they don’t have. This is necessary because there cannot be enough coins or currency notes minted for the needs of #business .
4. We hear much these days of huge sums of money being owned by the #rich . Actually they do not have the money in cash i.e. coins and #currency notes. They only have entries in the #bank books indicating the money they have with the banks.
5. If they want to use their money for payment of #goods or #services, they merely issue cheques to the amount.
6. Today they may use a credit card which would be accepted by the seller of goods or #service, which the seller can claim from the bank. Usually the claim involves a #transfer from the account of the buyer to the account of the seller in the bank.
7. If the seller needs to use the money in his accounts, he merely issues a cheque or he uses his credit card.
8. No #cash in the form of coins and currency notes are involved at anytime.
9. When a large sum of money is paid to a person for whatever reason, the money could be in the form of a cheque. The cheque has to be deposited in a bank where the sum is credited to the account of the receipient. The cheque is retained by the bank but the stub is retained by the depositor. Of course the depositor can also maintain a book recording the payments made to the bank, or the receipt of money from the bank. In addition the cheques can hold record of the transaction.
10. If for example USD681 million is #donated to a person, then this amount will be in the record of the #donors  bank in the first place. There will be records in the bank of the money deposited with it. These records will have details of the source of money, the form of money and a lot of other details.
11. When the money is given to a receipient, the source bank will have records of the acts involved in instructing the bank, the form of transfer, receipts by the receipient or the receipient’s bank charges etc.
12. The receipient bank will credit the amount in the account of the receipient with details of the donor’s bank.
13. If subsequently the receipient spends the money, for whatever purpose, it will be recorded by the bank (debited), recorded in the cheques issued and if the cheque is cashed, the cash paid out as cash or cheques or transfer to the account of the creditor would all be recorded.
14. Clearly an investigator can follow the records of the movements of the USD681 million including the return of USD620 million to the generous #Saudi #Prince
15. Banking secrecy should not be in the way of an #investigation by Government authorities investigating #criminal acts.
16. The mere letter of admission by the generous #donor is not enough. Neither can the decision of the #AttorneyGeneral that there has been no wrongdoings be accepted without all the records aforementioned.
17. Even swearing on the #Quran is not acceptable as we cannot tell how strong is the faith of the swearer.
18. So, what can be believed is that the #USD 681 #million or RM2.6 billion in the account of the #PrimeMinister is #1MDB #money . And unless it can be proven otherwise the money must have been stolen. The person stealing money must be classified as a thief whether he is punished or not.
Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/04/movements-of-money.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com #malaysia
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blogtunm-blog · 8 years
PROTON http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/02/sad-proton-is-to-be-sold-to-foreign.html blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 1. I am sad that Proton is to be sold to foreign companies. Having a strategic partner is ok. But once Proton is sold to foreigners it will cease to be a national car. It will just be producing foreign cars in Malaysia. That is something we have been doing since the 1970s.
2. Proton may not be profitable now. But it was very profitable before. Admittedly it was because it was protected. But even after protection ceased it was profitable. All countries protect their automotive industry. It may not be through high import duties. But there are other ways of preventing imports from challenging locally made cars. These other ways are actually much more effective and can result in excluding foreign-makes completely. That is why Proton cannot be exported to these countries. We are very generous. Anybody can export their cars to this country. Sub-standard cars too can be imported.
3. I am out of Proton now. Since then I have not been allowed to even meet or speak or phone Proton staff.
4. That is alright.
5. My fear is that if we do not own Proton anymore the Malaysian automotive industry will suffer a great loss.
6. The vendors and suppliers of components will close shop. Lots of workers will lose their jobs. And Malaysia’s engineering capacity will be reduced. It will not be a developed country in 2020 or later. Malaysia will remain a third world developing country.
7. Once upon a time Malaysia was called an Asian Tiger. Today Malaysia is not even a pussycat. We have become one of the ten most corrupt countries in the world.
Syabas! Najib.
Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/02/sad-proton-is-to-be-sold-to-foreign.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 8 years
J.B. DEVELOPMENT http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/01/jb-development.html blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 1. I don’t know if it is true about HRH The #Sultan of #Johore is throwing a challenge to me over the development of J.B.
2. Maybe it is only #TheStar which is interpreting what HRH says as a challenge to me.
3. But unless HRH denies he is challenging me, I will take the report of The Star as the truth.
4. I admit I am at a disadvantage here. While people can say what they like about me, and I welcome their freedom to say so, I hope that in responding to HRH’s challenge I will not be arrested and jailed without trial. If it is with trial, I welcome the arrest.
5. Now, what did I say? Nothing more than repeating a report by Bloomberg in the #press . But I appreciate why Bloomberg is not challenged nor denied.
6. What did #Bloomberg say in its report on Nov 22 last year? It said that a China Chinese company will build Forest City in J.B. which can accommodate 700,000. It went on to say that plane loads of China Chinese are being flown in to view the man-sized model (with pictures) and they have and will buy most of the properties in Forest City.
7. I doubt if many Johore #Malay s and #Chinese are buying or going to #buy these apartments. There just aren’t that many Malaysians to buy all these properties.
8. Bloomberg, in the same report mentioned 60 other development similar to #Forest #City , and these are also being sold to mainland #Chinese .
9. Looking back to 1819, when Sultan Ali of Johore did not lease #Singapore to the #British , the Temenggong signed the lease. And look at Singapore today. A part of Johore is now a foreign country – well developed no doubt, but a foreign country.
10. There will be in all more than a million foreigners living in #JB #ForestCity and the 60 other development. These new places will not become a foreign country, but it will have an inordinate percentage of foreign people. If they stay long enough they will be entitled to become citizens of #Malaysia .
11. Yes, I promoted Foreign Direct Investment. But it was not about buying land in Malaysia, developing them and selling them to foreigners, who will stay there.
12. #FDI is about investment in the manufacturing industry. Malaysian companies will construct the building and Malaysians will work in the industries. They will acquire skills and start their own manufacturing business.
13. Malaysian contractors are completely capable of building all kinds of buildings and develop land. We don’t need foreigners to do this. Look at Malaysia today. 90% or more of these new buildings and development are by Malaysian companies. Majority of the buyers are Malaysians, and they are the people who stay there.
14. But when foreigners buy land, there is not even an inflow of capital. Much of the #money will be borrowed locally. And they can do their #business with their own banks.
15. Whatever foreign companies earn will be expatriated, will result in outflow of capital. When the scheme is introduced wherein you can buy property in China and get one flat or house free in Malaysia, no profit will be made in Malaysia – therefore no taxes will be paid to the Malaysian Government.
16. Let all transactions be transparent. Publish all documents about the investments, the number of workers, their home countries, the buyers, the banks which finance and all expatriation of funds. Do this honestly. No hiding. Please don’t ask a certain Tunku Aziz to verify. He may have been the Malaysian Head of Transparency International, but he approves completely the stealing and the #corruption of #1MDB .
17. So let the truly international #Transparency #International examine the exposed #official documents. Let the people see the documents to prove their genuineness.
18. Looking #East is not about asking the countries of the East to buy land in Malaysia, develop and sell to the people from these countries. Yes, we have encouraged foreigners to make Malaysia their second home. But their numbers are very small. Looking East is not about mass immigration of hundreds of thousands. It is about Malaysians learning about how these Eastern countries developed themselves.
19. It is easy to accuse me of being a racist. I have been called a Malay ultra before.
20. This labelling, this demonising actually expose the lack of credible arguments against what I do or say.
21. It reflects a fundamental lack of basis for the arguments against me.
22. This is a multiracial country. People of different ethnicity, #language , #religion , #culture and even #economic well-being have lived in this country in #peace .
23. In many countries even a slight difference in the interpretation of their common religion has resulted in violent conflicts and wars. But relatively speaking Malaysia is stable and peaceful.
24. It is stable and peaceful because we accept each other as we are. During my 22 years as PM, there were no significant racial clashes. Differences, yes. But no violence. And the country grew.
25. Had I been a racist, my periodwould have seen turmoil and regression in this country.
26. You can dispute what I say. That is your democratic right.
27. I dare The Star to publish what I say in full. It is a measure of the Government fear of the truth that the mainstream media is strictly controlled.
28. I will accept this article being totally blacked-out because we are living in a kleptocratic country where truth is anathema, only to be whispered but never said aloud.
29. I am a #Malaysian born in #Kedah .
30. Malaysia is my home and the object of my loyalty. If I have to be accused of les majeste for what I say, so be it.
Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad 16 January 2017
P/S: In the case of #HongKong and #Macau , #Pondicherry, #Goa and other #French and #Portuguese enclaves in #India , upon the colonial masters giving up their #empire, these territories were returned to the #original countries. All occupied lands were also returned to the original owners of these territories.
The edited version of this letter was published in the letters pages of The Star #newspaper, Jan 17, 2017.
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blogtunm-blog · 8 years
MENGHALAL YANG HARAM http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/01/menghalal-yang-haram.html 1. Bolehkah duit yang didapati secara haram diguna untuk membiayai ibadah tertentu?
2. Kita semua maklum bahawa jika kita termakan makanan yang haram bagi orang Islam (daging babi umpamanya) maka kita tidak bersalah. Tetapi jika kita tahu makanan yang dihidang itu haram, kita makan juga, maka perbuatan kita itu salah disisi agama.
3. Demikian juga apabila kita tahu duit itu dicuri, tetapi kita terima duit itu untuk apa juga tujuan, maka perbuatan itu tentulah salah. Jika salah untuk perbuatan lain, tentulah salah juga untuk membiayai ibadat.
4. Hanya mereka yang bertujuan membodek orang tertentu sahaja yang akan halalkan wang yang dicuri oleh Kerajaan. Kalau menyatakan wang dicuri tidak boleh biayai ibadat haji adalah percubaan menjadi Tuhan, kenyataan itu menunjuk kekerdilan akal fikiran. Pangkat tidak boleh membetulkan pendapat yang salah. Pencuri berpangkat masih pencuri.
5. Duit yang dicuri masih duit haram. Ia tidak boleh dihalalkan dengan menggunanya untuk ibadat. Makanan yang haram tidak akan menjadi halal kerana dihidang selepas baca doa selamat, atau bertahlil.
6. Walaupun kita Bismillah, daging yang haram masih haram dimakan. Perbuatan yang dilarang, yang diharamkan tidak jadi halal kerana kita mula dengan menyebut nama Allah, Yang Maha Pengasih, lagi Yang Maha Penyayang. Kalau kita curi duit untuk membuat kerja haji, sesuatu ibadat yang kita wajib buat hanya jika kita mampu, atau untuk buat sunat umrah, apakah perlakuan kita itu ibadat atau tidak. Atau apakah ibadat kita boleh diterima jika kita terima duit yang dicuri orang lain. Tidakkah dakwaan kita mendorong pencurian kerana yang dicuri boleh dihalalkan dengan mengguna sebahagian atau semuanya untuk ibadat, termasuk ibadat haji.
7. Apakah hanya dengan dihalalkan oleh orang yang bergelar Mufti, maka yang haram itu menjadi halal.
8. Kalau nak terima duit curi untuk buat kerja haji, terimalah.
9. Saya tak akan terima walau apa pun tohmah dilempar kepada saya. #malaysia #Islam #money #halal #haram #haji #umrah #mufti #ibadah Bolehkah #duit yang Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/01/menghalal-yang-haram.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 8 years
TAHUN BARU http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2016/12/tahun-baru.html blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 1. Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2017. Dalam bahasa Inggeris mereka berkata Happy New Year.
2. Mungkin orang Melayu hanya ingin berada dalam keadaan selamat sahaja. Mungkin kita tidak mengharapkan tahun baru menjadi tahun yang seronok gembira.
3. Sesungguhnya kita tidak boleh tahu keadaan masa depan kita, walaupun untuk satu tahun sahaja. Tetapi kita boleh teka jika kita mengambil kira tahun-tahun yang lepas dan tahun ini (2016) yang kita lalui. Kita tahu beberapa keadaan yang kita alami tahun yang kita tinggalkan ini tidak akan berubah. Keadaan akan diteruskan. Dan mungkin menjadi lebih buruk.
4. Tetapi sedikit sebanyak kita boleh pengaruhi keadaan jika kita berusaha untuk memperbaikinya. Ingatlah segala yang baik itu datang dari Allah swt dan yang buruk itu datang dari kita. Allah tidak akan memburukkan nasib kita jika ada usaha dari kita untuk memperbaiki diri kita. Janganlah kita terlalu cepat untuk menyalahkan takdir apabila sesuatu yang buruk berlaku kepada kita. Jika kita usaha untuk memperbaiki nasib kita, itu juga takdir.
5. Bukanlah niat saya untuk bersyarah agama pada hari yang mulia ini. Hanya ingin mengingat diri saya dan mungkin pembaca bahawa usaha diperlukan oleh diri saya/kita supaya akan terselamatlah tahun 2017, tahun baru ini, Insyaallah.
6. Sudah menjadi lumrah bahawa pada permulaan tahun kita membuat resolusi berkenaan sesuatu yang baik yang akan kita amalkan pada tahun baru ini. Saya tidak akan beritahu sesiapa apa dianya resolusi saya. Tetapi Insyaallah akan saya cuba amalkan sepanjang 2017.
7. Sekali lagi saya ucapkan kepada semua Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru 2017.
8. Mudah mudahan Allah akan mencurah rahmat kepada kita rakyat Malaysia.
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
APANDI’S APPREHENSION http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/06/apandis-apprehension.html   1. The A.G., Tan Sri Apandi Ali is frustrated at not being informed by the #US# Department of #Justice of its latest #civil #lawsuits against #1MDB that appear to be a “repeat” of last year’s suits. 2. He expresses strong concerns at the insinuations that have been made against the #PrimeMinister (Dato Seri #NajibRazak ) of criminal wrongdoings. 3. Why the A.G. thinks he should be informed before the statements are made by the Dept of Justice of #America is a mystery. There may be some understanding about cooperation between the two countries when carrying out investigations on international crimes. But the A.G. is not known for cooperating on 1MDB investigations with foreign counterparts. The #Swiss #Attorney General has said this clearly. He stated “despite repeatedly saying it (the #Malaysian A.G’s Dept) will cooperate with any foreign #agencies investigating the 1MDB scandal, (it) refused to reply to the Swiss Attorney General’s office request for detailed #information on the issue”. 4. There was no agreement about informing the Malaysian A.G. on crimes committed in the U.S. or anywhere. The #moneylaundering was through US #bank , the purchases of #property with allegedly stolen money were in the US and some twenty other #criminal acts were all committed in the U.S. and are U.S. affairs. Whether the criminals are Malaysian or not is irrelevant. Is the Malaysian A.G. expecting to intervene in the release of the 250 page statement. Is he expecting to get the Department of Justice of the US to declare that the statements are #official #secrets, to be hidden from the public? Does he expect the Dept of Justice to declare that there have been no wrongdoings based on the statements? Does he expect the DoJ to ask “Malaysian Official 1”  for confirmation that he was not involved in any wrongdoings. Does he expect the Department of Justice of the U.S. to close the case after the alleged criminal has denied he had committed any wrongdoings? 5. He, Apandi, can do this in Malaysia. He can ignore the laws of Malaysia. He can stop the police from further investigations. He can tell lies about the contents of the report made by Malaysian institutions and agencies. But he cannot expect the #UnitedStates of America to collaborate in his own wrongdoings, including hiding evidence. Certainly Malaysian jurisdiction does not include the US. 6. This latest report, all 250 pages of it, is not a repeat of the first statements. It is perhaps the most comprehensive report resulting from months of thorough investigations by experts. It is devastating in exposing the details, including the conversations between the parties and the banks involved, the account numbers, the actual dates when large sums of money was diverted from the so-called 1MDB joint venture with Petro Saudi to the fraudulent companies, to banks and finally into the account of Malaysian Official 1 in #Ambank Malaysia. Reference is also made to the wife of Malaysian Official 1 receiving #diamonds and #jewellery worth hundreds of #million Ringgit. Since #Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department and #BN Stategic Communications Director, Rahman Dahlan has identified Malaysia Official 1 as Najib, denial by the wife is about as good as the denial by Najib. 7. The statement insists and proves that the USD681 million and various other sums which were transferred to the account of Malaysian Official 1 came from 1MDB. 8. The amount of money from 1MDB which was stolen is mind-boggling. Even in USD they run into billions. The purchases include million-dollar properties, a #jet #plane, a huge #luxury #yacht, numerous #diamonds each worth tens of millions of #USD, setting up a #film #company and the #production of films costing hundreds of millions of ringgit. 9. Then there is the life-style of #JhoLow and #RezaAziz together with many 1MDB officials. Huge sums were lost in gambling at #casinos in #LasVegas, flying all over the world in #private #jets, bought with stolen money or rented, sailings in luxury yachts etc. 10. These are serious and massive misuse and loss of money borrowed by 1MDB to invest as sovereign wealth. 11. Truly reading the statements by the #DepartmentOfJustice is hair-raising. Nothing on this scale had ever happened in Malaysia. Indeed even the officials of the Department of Justice of the United States were flabbergasted at the scale of money laundering, the greed and the robberies which had taken place. They believe this is the biggest case of money laundering that they have ever come across. 12. Yet in Malaysia, the A.G. and the IGP blatantly declare that no wrongdoings have been done to require investigations and criminal charges to be made. While being quick to set up “independent” commissions to investigate alleged crime committed 40 years ago because of a request by a party member, serious allegations by a justice department of the United Stated are simply brushed off. The A.G.’s sense of self importance is laughable. 13. Truly the rule of #law no longer operates in Malaysia. Millions of Malaysians may not know or appreciate what has happened. But whether they know or not they will have to pay a very high price in the future as a result of the massive robbery perpetrated by the leaders they trusted to rule this country. 
 14. What has happened is shameful. Reading the report by the Dept of Justice of the US about the #cheating, the blatant disregard for the laws of the country, the collusion by highly placed leaders, the greed make one want to hide in shame at being a #Malaysia . 
Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/06/apandis-apprehension.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
MELAWAT GEELY http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/06/melawat-geely.html   1. Saya mengaku saya lawat #Geely di negara #China. Saya juga melawat #Volvo di #Sweden, #Jaguar di #Britain, #Nissan dan #Toyota di #Jepun dan #Volkswagen di #Jerman. 2. Saya melawat banyak syarikat automotif di dunia untuk menjual Syarikat Proton. Tetapi saya gagal. Ternampak orang lain lebih berjaya, Syabas dan tahniah, saya ucapkan kepada mereka. 3. Mungkin saya gagal kerana bercakap berkenaan pembelian #enjin dari #Geely. Geely memiliki Volvo dan saya dapati enjin design Volvo cukup baik. Proton tidak ada enjin yang boleh diterima oleh #Eropah. Jika dipasang enjin Geely/Volvo mungkin kita akan menepati #spec #Euro 6. Dahulu pasaran luar yang terbesar bagi Proton ialah Britain. Sekarang kita tak dapat jual barang sebiji pun kereta Proton di Britain dan di Eropah kerana tidak menepati Euro 5. 4. Saya cuba upgrade enjin Proton. Tetapi Proton tolak. Saya juga buat pick-up #truck. Proton bukan sahaja tolak, tetapi tidak bersetuju jual 1000 Proton Preve yang pembeli sanggup mengalih dari sedan kepada pick-up. 5. Oleh kerana #Honda tidak benar Perdana dengan enjin #Accord dieksport, usaha dibuat untuk pasang enjin #Campro Proton 1600cc dengan #turbo #charger yang mempunyai kuasa sama dengan #Perdana 2000cc. Kereta ini didapati sama kuat dengan Perdana 2000cc dan mampu naik #GentingHighlands tanpa sedikit pun masalah. Lagipun kos enjin Proton Campro RM8,000 lebih murah. Upgrade kepada 2400cc pun boleh. Tetapi Proton tolak. 6. Untuk #cash-flow Proton perlu jual lebih dari 8000 biji tiap bulan. Tetapi Proton menjual kurang dari 8000 sebulan. Tidak dapat pendapatan yang cukup untuk bayar #vendors dan #overhead. 7. Vendors tidak membekal #parts kerana tidak dibayar. Kereta tak dapat dipasang kerana tak cukup komponen. Keluaran rendah dari permintaan. Penjualan tidak dapat ditingkatkan. Demand ada. Bekalan kurang. Proton rugi. 8. Sejak saya tinggal Proton, pegawai dan kakitangan Proton tidak dibenar bercakap dengan saya, jauh sekali bertemu. 9. Ramai pembekal berjumpa saya untuk saya tolong dapat duit yang dihutang oleh Proton. Tetapi saya tidak boleh buat apa-apa. 10. Sebenarnya kereta Proton tidak kurang baiknya dari kereta import yang sama harganya. Tingkap automatik berjalan baik. Masalah ini diatasi 10 tahun dahulu tetapi masih disebut. Ramai yang membeli kereta Proton puas hati. Yang tidak puas hati tidak mengguna Proton, tidak tahu kualiti Proton. Mereka masih percaya cermin tingkap tidak naik. 11. Saya masih ingat zaman kereta Jepun dijadi objek ketawa kerana kononnya jika cat dikikis akan terlihat label Milo. Industri otomotif #Japan dan #Korea berjaya kerana Kerajaan mereka tidak benar kereta asing diimport sehinggalah kualiti kereta mereka sudah boleh bersaing dengan kereta #import. Sehingga kini pun tak banyak kereta buatan asing di negara mereka. 12. Kita terbuka. Siapa sahaja boleh pasar kereta mereka di #Malaysia. Kereta kita tidak boleh masuk negara mereka kerana berbagai sebab. Dan kita akur. 13. Tak usahlah pertahan bahawa kita masih ada kereta #nasional. #Kereta milik orang lain, dikeluar dan dijayakan oleh orang lain, tidak boleh diiktiraf sebagai nasional. Apakah dengan pegangan melebihi 0.1% maka pihak yang memiliki 49.9% tidak punyai apa-apa kuasa langsung. 14. Ya. Memang terdapat kos yang tinggi mempertahan #maruah. Lebih mudah jual sahajalah maruah. Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/06/melawat-geely.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
1MDB WITHIN AND OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/06/1mdb-within-and-outside-country.html 1. In #Singapore the #StraitsTimes reports that MAS (Monetary Authority of Singapore) slaps fines on UOB and Credit Suisse for 1MDB related transactions.
2. MAS said it completed its two-year review of banks involved in 1MDB – related transactions.
3. Previous to this, two banks were shut down and seven people were arrested, fined and jailed for involvement in criminal acts related to #1MDB.
4. In #America, the #Department of #Justice #DOJ #FBI issued a 132-page statement regarding money laundering of 1MDB money done by #RizaAziz and #JhoLow. The department stated that 3.5 #billion #dollars of 1MDB money was involved and 1 billion #US of #property, #paintings and receipts from a #film produced with the #stolen money have been identified and frozen.
5. The #Attorney General of #Switzerland had investigated illegal acts involving 1MDB money and requested the cooperation of the #Malaysian Attorney General to progress the investigations. The Malaysian Attorney General agreed to cooperate but subsequently refused.
6. Media reports throughout the world made it clear that stealing on a massive scale was done by the #PrimeMinister of #Malaysia, referred to as Malaysian #Official 1 #MO1 in the #DepartmentofJustice report.
7. The reports were defamatory and if not true should have been sued by the Malaysian Prime Minister. But no summons have been made by the Prime Minister in any jurisdiction.
8. But at home all that happens is that the Attorney General simply declared that the Prime Minister has not committed any wrongdoings. This was corroborated by the Prime Minister.
9. The Attorney General then ordered that no more investigations on 1MDB should be carried out. Although he later said that he did not say this, the fact is that the Attorney General has not requested the Police, or the MACC or any other body to investigate 1MDB. Instead all the reports mentioned above were put under the Official #Secrets #Act. Access to the #reports is now #denied to everyone including #Government #agencies and #institutions.
10. But we now hear fabulous reports by the MACC about people being caught with huge sums of money obtained corruptly. There seems to be a drive to clean up the country of #corruption. This is great.
11. But no investigation, no media report is made of the 2.6 #billion #Ringgit which got into #Najib private account. Is it because #MACC believes the stories told about this money, which include;
a. Statement by #NazriAziz on 11th Aug 2015 that “the money was a donation from a friendly country to help #UMNO win the 13 General #Election ”.
b. #AhmadMaslan, on 30th July 2015 said, “Not true. There was no flow of funds in the personal accounts of the Prime Minister”.
c. Najib himself on 25th Jan 2016, “It is true that RM42 million went into my account, but I do not know who put it in”.
d. Najib, on 4th July 2015 stated, “I deny receiving any money in my account”.
e. #AzizKaprawi, commenting on the allegation on 20th Aug 2015, stated “The #donation was meant to help UMNO against DAP which is supported by the Jews”.
12. In the face of all these allegations, reports, statements and worldwide condemnations, shouldn’t the Attorney General open again the #police #investigations on the shenanigans involved in the management of 1MDB money and #remove the reports by #Bank Negara, the Malaysian #Anti-Corruption #Commission and the #Auditor General, from the #OfficialSecretsAct.
13. It is well-known that criminal acts in the Government do not constitute official secrets. In fact it is the duty of everyone in the Government or outside the Government to report such #crimes.
14. It is absurd if the Malaysian Government insists there is nothing wrong with 1MDB when other #countries are arresting people, closing banks and declaring that massive #moneylaundering is done involving 1MDB money.
15. If really there has been no wrongdoings then the #AttorneyGeneral must show proof that the money is all there, safe and sound. Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/06/1mdb-within-and-outside-country.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
LEE KIM YEW http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/05/lee-kim-yew.html blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M 1. A personal letter to his friends by Tan Sri Dato Seri Paduka Lee Kim Yew has gone viral.
2. It is a sad story; a story of the depths to which the Government of Malaysia, it’s Prime Minister and civil servants have sunk. It is about daylight robbery in which tax is levied on money without legitimate reason, in which a willingness to pay the #tax was basically rejected after many negotiations in which LHDN (Inland Revenue Board) has agreed on the terms but subsequently reneged on it’s agreements, in which money earned through legitimate business in the savings of the victim was labelled as money obtained through criminal acts and the victim is to be charged under AMLA, Anti Money Laundering Act for trying to launder money. Under AMLA, the victim can be arrested, detained and charged in a court of law. In the meantime the savings, all RM126 million would have been seized by #LHDN.
3. This money will no doubt become a part of Government revenue and will be spent by the Government. If later it is found that the victim had not done any money laundering and the money should be returned, the Government will have used all this money for free while the victim would lose earning on fixed deposit. The Government will of course not pay any interest on the money it detained. Recovery would take years.
4. There are very many instances where wrongful taxes are levied and threats of black listing or seizure of passports are made. We read about companies and individuals being asked to pay back – taxes in the tens and even hundreds of millions. There did not seem to be documentary proofs of the amount of taxes owed. But nevertheless they are harassed into admitting and paying. It seems to be a way for Najib’s Government to raise funds and to prevent the opposition parties from getting funding for the election.
5. But with regard to the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s account, no investigations are made as to #money #laundering being done by him. Yet the Dept of #Justice of #America #DOJ #FBI has stated clearly that the money was stolen from #1MDB. Claiming that it is a gift from the Arabs is clearly an attempt to legitimise the source i.e. Najib should not be charged with money laundering.
6. The A.G. acting as judge as well as Public Prosecutor has passed judgement on what is believed to be criminal reports involving 1MDB and the money in Najib’s personal private accounts. He declared there is no evidence of wrongdoings by Najib. And then the A.G. placed the reports under the #Official #Secrets #Act. Now not only can the public have no access to the reports but may not quote from the reports even if they have read them without risking being charged under the #OSA .
7. Usually it is the people who try to flout the law. Now we see in Malaysia the Government and in particular the #PrimeMinister blatantly flouting the #law .
8. When the custodians of the law flouts the law, the people can do nothing. Reports against the Government could just be dismissed. The courts will not hear the charges. There will be no judgements. The criminals will remain #free to commit more #crimes.
9. Some people say I destroyed democracy. They must be glad of #Najib ’s restoration of #democracy .
10. Quo Vadis #Malaysia . Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/lee-kim-yew.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
HOW NAJIB PLANS TO WIN http://blogtunm.blogspot.com/2017/05/how-najib-plans-to-win.html 1. Najib is fully aware of the dire consequences to him if he loses. He will therefore leave no stone unturned in his effort to get the #votes for the 14th General #Election. He knows the possibility of losing even in his constituency of #Pekan. In 1999 he won only by 241 votes and that also by hijacking votes of soldiers encamped in other constituencies. 2. For some time now he is striving to starve the opposition of funds. 3. Elections are costly. Posters, flags and buntings need a lot of money. Literally hundreds of thousands of these have to be produced. They will cost millions. The workers must be paid allowances, fed with nasi lemak and bottled drinks. There will be tens of thousands of them. At 2 bottles a day, 30,000 to 40,000 of bottle will be drunk. 4. Then the vehicles have to be rented or borrowed. Fuel would have to be paid for. 5. Rallies and ceramahs cost #money. Thousands will attend and some drinking water would be needed. Tents and stages and public address systems will have to be rented. 6. All these need millions. If you do not have millions you cannot influence the people. Najib has billions. He is ensuring the opposition receive no donations. 7. How? 8. By imposing taxes on any money owned by even the relatively rich. And so: 9. Money more than RM 40,000 taken out from the bank will be asked to give details as to how the money is to be spent. Any hint that the money is to be donated to Opposition parties will meet obstacles to withdrawals, and harassments by income tax people. 10. Any borrowing for this purpose will not be approved. 11. The LHDN will demand for payment of back taxes amounting sometimes to hundreds of millions. If disputed the tax payer must pay first or be black listed. He may even be raided, records and passports seized. 12. If the court finds there is no justification, it would take years before the money is returned. 13. And now the AMLA (Anti Money Laundering Act) is used. Never mind if there is no evidence. But if LHDN or some government agencies declare that a person with money in a bank is suspected of money laundering then the money would be frozen. The process of proving there was no money laundering would take years. During that time the money cannot be accessed by the owner. No contribution to the opposition would be possible. 14. Of course money in the account of the #PrimeMinister and certain Government members would not be frozen in Malaysia. They will not be accused of money laundering. They will be free to give the money to BN parties during election. 15. You can lodge a police report. You risk being questioned and detained. You may be charged with sabotage of the economy, or of being a terrorist. 16. The courts may throw out the case. But that would take years. You will suffer all kinds of harassments, made bankrupt, deprived of your passport etc. During appeals to the Appeal Court and then the Federal Court, the harassment of the victim will go on. This is meant to deter others from attempting to support the opposition. 17. With Pakatan Harapan financially paralysed Najib expects to win based on his enormous financial strength and the willingness of the administrative officers to commit wrongdoings if ordered to. 18. I have been accused of having destroyed democracy during my tenure. Since #democracy has been destroyed already, the only thing that is being done by Najib must constitute #kleptocracy. #malaysia Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/how-najib-plans-to-win.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
1. Terdapat ramai yang mendakwa saya sokong mereka. Nama saya diguna untuk memberi kekuatan kepada apa yang hendak dilakukan oleh mereka. Ini termasuk kempen untuk menggagalkan usaha saya untuk mengalahkan Kerajaan pimpinan #DatoSeriNajib 2. Tindakan mereka secara langsung atau tidak langsung akan memesongkan tumpuan #ahli Parti Peribumi Bersatu Malaysia daripada menjatuhkan #Najib kepada masalah buatan mereka. Kononnya ketua bahagian yang diberi watikah tidak baik, tidak mendapat sokongan ahli parti dan rakyat. Kononnya ini semua disebabkan ada pemimpin tertentu. 3. Sekarang ia sudah naik ke tahap menolak kepimpinan tertinggi parti. Kononnya Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin patut disingkir sebagai presiden parti. Kononnya dia mengguna saya untuk kepentingan dirinya. Kononnya dia ingin dapat jawatan tertentu baginya. 4. Kita semua tahu bahawa amatlah sukar untuk memujuk pemimpin #UMNO terutama yang memegang jawatan dalam Kerajaan, menjadi #Menteri terutamanya meninggalkan UMNO. Kalau meninggalkan pun atau menjadi bekas menteri, tidak sanggup mereka menyertai gerakan melawan UMNO. Sudah tentu mereka tidak berani mendekat diri dengan parti seperti #PPBM yang secara lantang mendesak supaya Najib disingkir. 5. Tetapi #Muhyiddin memegang jawatan Timbalan Perdana Menteri kerana menjadi #Timbalan #Presiden UMNO. Jika Najib turun kerana apa-apa sebab Muhyiddinlah yang akan jadi #PerdanaMenteri 6. Baginya dan bagi #ShafieApdal membenar diri disingkir dari jawatan-jawatan menjadi korban yang amat besar. Umum tahu yang Muhyiddin mengkritik Najib semasa masih menjadi Timbalan Perdana Menteri. Akhirnya dia disingkir. 7. Setelah disingkir, tidak seperti orang lain yang kehilangan jawatan, Muhyiddin tidak jauhkan diri dari saya. Sebaliknya beliau bersedia untuk bersama menubuh Parti Pribumi Bersatu dan menjadi Presidennya. Beliau menerima cadangan saya supaya saya menjadi #Pengerusi Parti, kedudukan yang dipandang lebih tinggi darinya. 8. Banyaklah kerja yang dibuat oleh beliau untuk menjayakan Parti Pribumi Bersatu, jauh lebih dari orang yang bercadang menyingkirnya. 9. Jika hari ini ia disingkir, parti akan berpecah kerana ramai ahli parti yang menyokongnya. Maka akan gagallah usaha memenangi #PRU14 . 10. Saya percaya mereka yang mencadang tindakan ini berhasrat untuk menggagalkan perjuangan parti PPBM. Sekaligus mereka ingin lihat saya gagal dan Najib berjaya. 11. Mereka yang mendakwa mereka sokong saya, sebenarnya adalah musuh saya yang berjuang untuk Najib. Jika mereka teruskan usaha ini saya bersetuju mereka dikeluarkan dari parti. Penyokong Najib tidak ada tempat dalam #Parti #Pribumi #Bersatu #Malaysia. Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/penyokong-saya.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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blogtunm-blog · 7 years
blogtunm.blogspot.com Tun M  
1.  Dikatakan terdapat 4 juta Gen Y yang sudah sampai umur untuk mengundi dalam PRU 14. Di masa yang sama terdapat lebih ramai yang sudah lama dewasa dan berhak mengundi. Pendapat dan perjuangan mereka tidak sama. 2. Sementara yang sudah lama dewasa masih ingin meneruskan perjuangan lama mereka, Gen Y tidak ambil kisah perjuangan lama dahulu. Bagi mereka yang relevan ialah keadaan sekarang. 3. Mereka dilahir setelah sudah lama merdeka. Perjuangan untuk kemerdekaan tidak relevan lagi. Dato Onn, Tunku, Tun Razak dan Dr Mahathir hanyalah nama-nama dalam sejarah. Mereka tidak lagi boleh buat apa-apa untuk Gen Y. 4. Yang boleh ialah pemimpin sekarang. Tetapi pemimpin-pemimpin sekarang juga tua. Ada yang sudah menjangkau 90 tahun. Tak mungkin mereka faham masalah Gen Y. 5. Mereka semua sama. Sama ada dalam Kerajaan atau dalam parti-parti pembangkang – mereka sama. Politik mereka adalah kuasa – politik cari duit – politik salahguna kuasa, politik mengekalkan kedudukan mereka. 6. Parti lawan pun sama, parti Kerajaan pun sama. Yang berbeza parti lawan masih berebut-rebut untuk tempat berpura-pura bersatu, mengejar tempat dan kuasa. Ini pendapat Gen Y. 7. Parti Kerajaan pula tidak membenar sebarang rebutan kuasa, taksub dengan kepimpinan mereka, menyokong secara buta tuli, menafikan kenyataan. 8. Antara dua pasukan yang akan bertanding ini, pada pendapat Gen Y, sama sahaja. Menang mati bapak, kalah mati emak. 9. Oleh itu apa perlunya Gen Y melibatkan diri, mengundi dalam PRU. Menang ke, kalah ke sama sahaja. 10. Yang tua akan undi – undi untuk muka lama – undi untuk perjuangan yang lama. Tetapi undi yang tua sahaja tidak mencukupi. Bermakna mereka akan kalah. Bermakna penerima dedak akan menang. Bermakna cash akan terus jadi King. 11. Yang tua tidak boleh ditinggal. Yang muda tidak boleh diketepikan. 12. Untuk kemenangan gandingan antara tua dan muda diperlukan. Yang tua mesti faham pemikiran yang muda. Yang muda mesti ambil kira keusangan minda yang tua dengan perjuangan lama mereka. 13. Najib boleh menang bukan kerana rakyat sokong dia. Najib boleh menang kerana rakyat sudah bosan dan “sinikal” terhadap politik. 14. Bosan! Mereka tidak undi. Tak undi samalah dengan undi Najib. 15. Najib menang; semua kalah. Read more at: http://blogtunm.blogspot.my/2017/05/lama-dan-baru.html Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad http://blogtunm.blogspot.com
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