riousluvs · 1 month
about me ⋆˚✿˖°
heyyyy, i go by ri, i’m currently in high school, and i love the color green!
i’m starting this blog to serve as a personal reminder of what self care and school tips/habits help me so that i can look back on it in the future while hopefully helping out someone else too!
i also want to be able to look back on this to get a past glimpse on my life
some more about meee: i’m 5’3, a hijabi, and in my first year of the ib diploma program (yikes!) so this is bound to be an eventful year!
i’d love to make friends/mutuals but even just being involved in this community sounds like a ton of fun
ok goodnight 🌙
ri 🫶🏽
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dionereflections · 1 year
Dione reflections introduction
Hello dear comunity!
This blog has the objective to ponder thoughts about differents subjects...
□ philosophy
□ psychology
□ science
□ literature
□ history
from books, movies, articles, etc.
Asking questions, for the purpose of giving answers or not...it depend on each one of us
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sarahmoonartroom · 2 years
First Ramble
Hello metaverse.
This is my first blog post of the new semester. I want to document my process through photography, video, and writing to view it from a different lens. I want this space to be an online journal for me to write about the adventures of getting my Masters in fine arts at Washington University in St. Louis. I just moved here in August and after an actual whirlwind of a first semester that included...moving from Atlanta to St. Louis with my feline son, Tobias, getting integrated into my new community, participating in group shows, meeting new professors, peers, and getting to know more about the art scene in St. Louis (which is surprisingly POPPIN').
After finishing my first semester, I found myself saying "I need to write about this, I need to photograph, record also.... and repost inspiration, and display my work. So to honor my teenage angst, I created a Tumblr. I do enjoy visual journaling so much, but I need something to type on. I love typing. I love sitting on the couch in from of the heater with Tobias typing away. And I love spilling tea (or research) to people that didn't ask for it.
So welcome to Sarah Moon's Art Room, inspired by the lil Art room in my basement of my childhood home (I'll have to upload some pics soon.... it was my first studio space my parents gave to me for Christmas in 2007... "Sarah Moon's Art Room" was born.
Sarah Moon
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Mod Rin
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Name: Mod Rin
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: Mod
Emoji: 🍊
Hi!! I’m Mod Rin,,,I’m not a Rin kagamine kinnie, but I’m faceclaiming her for this blog ☆彡 I’m a loud, proud lesbian and trans supporter!
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soulful-addict · 2 years
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twitter © blogintro
(20230318) Day 2 of Watsons K-Beauty Festa in Malaysia
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willamholmeswatson · 27 days
This blog will be about things that are important to me.
Random thoughts
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whoislailav · 2 years
Pinterest! Tiktok!
https://pin.it/1K58UtM www.tiktok.com/@whoislailav
About me:
༄ Pronouns: she/her. a proud capricorn. birthday: December, 26! xnfp. ༄
❁ fandoms: stranger things, dangonranpa, kakeguri, demon slayer, ddlc, dhmis, madoka magica, spy x family, classroom assanation ❁
hobbies: art, poetry, writing, meditation,
bts >>>
ఌbias: namjoon, suga ఌ
ꕥwriting and fandoms blogs (mostly) ꕥ
𖦹 fave song atm:
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|| ABOUT ME! ||
hi!! welcome to my blog! I reblog all sorts of different material that I enjoy or find interesting. from gore to true crime, memes, poetry, quotes, scene/emo/2000s stuff and more :) some of the material here may not be for everyone, so please be careful when scrolling through the types of things I reblog, because certain material may give you an unexpected surprise. now that’s out of the way, have a good day ^^
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casulo · 4 years
Welcome to meu (my) blog!
Hello Friend, 😊
Welcome to casulo! Casulo is the Portuguese word for cocoon (the threads that certain insects wrap themselves in prior to metamorphosis), I chose this word because it describes the way in which I guard my feelings and thoughts. I created this blog as a potential tool I can use to express myself and to learn how to organize my thoughts (which tend to run at a million miles per hour). As a person who graduated with a degree in psych and believes in the power of mindfulness and compassion, I unfortunately have not experienced much of either of those in my daily interactions nor in individual therapy sessions, which makes managing my stress and anxiety quite difficult. While I tend to feel lonely and misunderstood a lot of times, due to reasons previously mentioned, I try to sit with those feelings and invest in different coping mechanisms I can use to have love and empathy for myself. My biggest goal is being able to effectively communicate with others and holding either them or myself accountable for the harm done. Accountability doesn’t come easy to or for me. My home is governed by the cultural values of my home country which means minors like myself do not get passed the microphone to speak about familial harm—in fact only the men get the microphone. These patriarchal figures that govern my family have caused significant harm to me and others in the family, so I’d like to unpack some of that harm for my own peace of mind. All that being said, I’m not expecting much of an audience but if you’re here, thank you for reading and I hope that I and everyone else that’s in the same life raft as me can one day bloom from their casulo.
 Muito amor,
Vic (They/Them)
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ghost-tag-blog · 6 years
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“Y-You’re looking right at me..hello?”
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third3yeblonde · 2 years
Well, its been awhile.
Sure has, like, 2 years actually since I’ve even logged into my tumblr account. lol. anyways. I’ve come to the conclusion that I need some sort of outlet to express my feelings, get some thoughts out of my head and into the abyss and away from me if needed... Not sure if anyone would be interested in reading my entries or anything like that... but I’m not going to be just posting basic diary entries, there will still be cool stuff too.. Oh well, if my shit gets read and people actually grow interested in my life and what not, well, thatd be cool and weird at the same time but I’d definitely accept it with open arms. Support from anywhere healthy anyways is always helpful... and i need all of it that I can get.. My ADHD and Bipolar 1 diagnosis require these types of things to lead a healthy, functional life.. so they say.. so hey, if you have either one of those mental illnesses, or if you have any kind of mental illness! feel free to holla at me, we can have good conversation and share ideas and what not. and just be there if someone needs an ear.. you know? thats what I want my tumblr to be about really. mental health and just coping through my own struggles along side others would be really cool to me.. and you know, cool pictures and stuffs.. I think I’ll call this my introduction ? to using my tumblr again? Idk why that needed to sound like a question but oh well. I shall talk to you soon, I have plenty to talk about, just not the most time right this second. SO until I can actually sit and pour some shit outta my head, to all a good night. ttyl 
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Blog Intro
This blog will cover a few things hopefully! First on the plan is to share things from my 3 separate trips to Japan! Including stories from the time I lived in Japan for an entire year. 
I’m a graduate student this year so hopefully I’ll be able to update this regularly. 
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anaspiringalice · 4 years
My Disney Story: Apsi’s Introduction!
Hi there! Thanks for clicking to get to know a little bit more about the person behind the posts. It’s nice to meet you! You can call me Aspi.
I won’t be sharing too much personal information on the blog, but I’m a chronically ill twenty-odd-something who has been mentally living in Disneyland every single day for nearly three years. Currently, I’m still residing in my home country of Canada. It’s beautiful here, but no matter what road I look down I only see Sleeping Beauty’s Castle at the end of Main Street. I might not trade my home for the world, but I can certainly consider letting it go for a couple months for fantasy.
I could say that my story began back in the 90's when I was first introduced to Disney films and found that my like for them was just a little bit more than anyone else around me. Where people "grew up" and out of it, I was forever stuck admiring the beauty and nostalgia of the music, artwork, animation and storytelling. I'm just like a lot of you reading this, hopefully.
But, my Disney story truly began on November 9th 2017. It was my birthday and despite the best efforts of friends/family to be of comfort, company and cheer I was at home alone and struggling with severe chronic pain and anxiety. I was walled up inside my bedroom, not physically capable of getting out of bed without assistance and too tired to try. In fact, I couldn't do anything to enjoy my birthday. Now, I'm not really someone for personal celebrations. I don't like the attention, I don't like the presents, I don't like any of it. Usually, I like the day completely ignored save for a game of Clue (Cluedo in some countries), Red Robins for dinner and chocolate or red velvet cake. That’s an amazing birthday, in my eye. But, there is a huge difference between wanting to be left alone and not having a choice in it. Many people not in similar situations to me now are sure to understand: everyone likes to take the day off and spend it at home, but when there’s a stay-at-home order and you’re not allowed to leave? Completely different. All you want is to go out. Add in that you’re overwhelmed with pain that you can't do anything about and it’s no fun at all. It wasn't even snowing - and I love the snow! I was miserable and I decided that would be the last year I'd ever feel like that on a day where I was supposed to "feel special."
So, that begged the question - what would my ideal birthday be like? My first idea landed on an anime convention falling on that date, as cosplaying is my favourite hobby. Unfortunately, it is way too cold in November for that to ever be a thing and it was quickly scrapped. At that time, Youtube user Briberry (now Briannacherrygarcia) was uploading a hilarious bunch of shenanigans from Alice and the Mad Hatter at Disneyland. That was all that it took. I hadn't been to Disneyland since 2004 and I had no memories of my visit, despite being more than old enough to! It started as something just for fun, planning exactly how I would have a birthday in the park. That was all it was, a fantasy, until I came back to it a few weeks later and decided... well, why not? Why can't I save up and do a solo trip for a few days?
I went completely mental over the idea. I subscribed to nearly anyone with a Disneyland-based youtube channel, followed as many blogs as possible and spent more hours than was healthy planning. Not a moment passed where I wasn't thinking about the trip. I talked about it so much that my sister, who had been to the Disneyland park several times, was a bit jealous I'd be going without her and she invited herself. The rest is history! In November 2018, my sister and I went for my "first" trip to The Happiest Place On Earth. After an extremely hard year for our family, it was exactly what we needed.
I'll share more details on the 2018 trip in my Reliving Disney tag as the blog progresses since I’d like share all the magic. But, there was one moment which really stuck out to me. While playing musical chairs with the Alice-less Mad Hatter, I realized I knew all of the "lines" she was supposed to say. I took them from the pianist and Hatter and I had some back-and-forth. When we played, he did all he could to keep me in the game as long as possible without being unfair to the kids who were younger than I. When he approached me to pull me off my chair and give it to a child who couldn't sit in time, he dropped his voice and whispered to me: "You would be good at this, you know." I belonged there and I knew it. Gone were my previous thoughts of maybe wanting to become as Cast Member and be friends with Princess Aurora. My friend was none other than Alice herself.
The following months comprised of me doing all I could to help myself with my health problems, more than I had before. I spent an extended period away from my city where I can receive better healthcare and have been trying to knock off many of the other things which stand in my way to prevent me from auditioning. In fact, I don't ever expect I'll become a cast member in the way I want to. To me, that's not the point. To me, what matters is not that I succeed, but that I try. I will go to an audition, no matter how high the odds are stacked against me.
"You try, you fail. You try, you fail. But the only true failure is when you stop trying." "What do you want me to do, huh?" "Try again." (--- Disney's Haunted Mansion, 2003.)
Sometime in the summer of 2019 I was discussing this with one of my best friends, who sadly moved very far away from me earlier in the year. When it was mentioned that along with roommates, they were all planning a trip to Disneyland "sometime" in the future that I wanted to hijack the trip the way my sister did with me. I snuck in and took over as Trip Planner, or Magic Coordinator. We roped in a few more people and turned a "maybe in the future" dream to a "now" reality. We're still facing issues to the COVID-19 Pandemic, but no matter how high the odds are stacked we will all go! That leads us to the now! So come along with me and relive memories of the past and follow along while I share my thoughts on planning for Disneyland during Halloween/Christmastime!
Remember, all it takes is faith and trust...
- Aspi!
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cityvibesdc · 5 years
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#MeettheBlogger Day 2 of Blog Launch!! Racquel Auguste is the blogger behind the curtain! Just call me Auguste for short… Hi and welcome to my blog, City Vibes. To keep it short and sweet here are 5 things you should know about me:  Background: I was born and raised in #Queens, New York. Moved to the Washington D.C. area back in 2014 for a government 9-5.  Personality: Extroverted introvert (yes, it’s real), humorous and silly, passionate and ambitious, #Capricorn, Haitian-American (being #Caribbean does affect your personality!) Passions: God, international affairs, politics, food/booze (obviously), my family, community service and traveling.  Biggest #PetPeeve/Dislikes: Judgmental people, slow and distracted drivers, the cold!  Fun Fact: *subject to change* I use to model when I was in college and was even featured in @Essence – October 2012!  #Newblogpost #bloglaunch #brandambassor #bloggerinchief #travelblogger #blogintro #model #funtfact #didyouknow #doYouBoo #newyearnewme (at Washington D.C.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5YTAjWppJh/?igshid=1sdd0dvaol0an
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Why I made this blog
I made this blog for myself, mostly.
As of right now, I can’t find my inspiration. I used to draw or write every day, and now I’m just... stuck.
So I’ll use this blog to post images and writings of mine that I make, no matter how incomplete, ugly, or beautiful they are. I’ll also share things that inspire me to perhaps encourage myself to create more. It’s difficult being in a dump like this, but I’m working my way out and back to the creative side of life.
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pirevolution01 · 5 years
Life is more than a jam packed day-timer. PIREVOLUTION we serve you better in 2019 through our motivational articles, public speaking, inspire you to be successful and bring out the best version of you daily. Everyone needs a dose motivation to be successful #motivation #blogintro #mondaymotivation #motivationalspeaker #nigerianmotivationalspeaker #inspirational #inspiration #bloggerstyle #bloggers #motivationalvideo #jpi #pirevolution #inspire #pi (at Abuja, Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKSBX4gwzK/?igshid=asitwztnl7tx
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