Coûts cachés de la possession d’une voiture électrique
Faits en bref sur les coûts cachés de la possession d’une voiture électrique
Le prix d’achat moyen des voitures électriques est supérieur à celui des voitures à essence, mais l’écart se réduit. Le froid réduit l’autonomie d’une voiture électrique tout en augmentant les temps de charge. À mesure que les batteries des véhicules électriques vieillissent, leur capacité de charge diminue.
Les garanties sur les batteries des voitures électriques durent au moins 10 ans. Les batteries des véhicules électriques peuvent durer jusqu’à 20 ans.
Si vous envisagez d’acheter une nouvelle voiture, vous avez probablement trouvé tout le battage médiatique autour des véhicules électriques (VE) difficile à ignorer. Aujourd’hui, nous n’abordons pas les avantages et les inconvénients de l’achat et de la possession d’un VE par rapport à un véhicule à essence à moteur à combustion interne (ICE).
Nous sommes ici pour approfondir les nombreux facteurs contribuant aux coûts de possession quotidienne d’une voiture électrique. Nous examinerons les coûts opérationnels, offrant une voie plus éclairée pour estimer le coût réel de possession d’une voiture électrique.
Trajectoire de croissance des voitures électriques
La société mère de Kelley Blue Book, Cox Automotive, prévoit dans un nouveau rapport qu'un million de nouveaux véhicules électriques seront vendus aux États-Unis en 2023. C'est plus du double du volume vendu en 2021. Voir aussi „Comprendre le TCO des véhicules électriques : Coûts cachés et économies potentielles».
La croissance des ventes du secteur provient de l'expansion rapide de Tesla et du lancement constant de nouvelles voitures électriques sur le marché. Les constructeurs automobiles ont lancé 33 nouveaux modèles cette année, et plus de 50 véhicules électriques nouveaux ou mis à jour supplémentaires seront lancés en 2024.
Quels sont les coûts cachés de la possession d'un véhicule électrique ?
Nous définissons les coûts cachés de la possession d'un véhicule électrique comme les coûts que vous devez budgétiser mensuellement ou annuellement lorsque vous possédez un véhicule électrique.
En discutant des coûts cachés associés à la possession d'une voiture électrique, nous nous intéressons principalement aux coûts de possession directement liés au système de propulsion électrifié d'un véhicule électrique. En d'autres termes, nous abordons les coûts de possession d'un véhicule électrique qui ne sont pas supportés par les propriétaires de véhicules ICE.
Il ne s’agit donc pas tant de coûts cachés que de coûts de passage des véhicules à combustion interne aux véhicules électriques, que vous ne réalisez peut-être pas ou ne prenez pas en compte lors du calcul du coût de possession.
Les surprises en matière de dépenses sont l’ennemi d’un budget mensuel familial. Nous avons pour objectif de révéler autant de surprises en matière de coûts des véhicules électriques que possible pour vous aider à créer et à suivre un budget réaliste.
CONSEIL DE PRO : J’ai passé d’innombrables heures à faire des recherches et à étudier les véhicules électriques. J’ai également passé du temps au volant de plusieurs véhicules électriques. Voici une vérité que j’ai découverte : plus vous gardez longtemps une voiture électrique, mieux elle se compare aux coûts de possession d’un véhicule à essence, du moins en apparence.
Non seulement la différence de coût de transaction signifie moins car elle s’étale sur une plus longue période, mais d’autres avantages en matière de coûts des véhicules électriques, comme des coûts d’entretien et d’énergie moins élevés, continuent de s’accumuler dans la colonne positive pour la possession d’une voiture électrique.
Cependant, le seul inconvénient important des véhicules électriques qui est difficile à surmonter est le coût inattendu de l’amortissement accéléré. Continuez à lire.
La liste des coûts cachés
Si vous souhaitez passer directement à l'article, veuillez utiliser les liens ci-dessous. Coûts d'achat : électrique ou essence. Infrastructure de recharge. Coûts de l'électricité. Dégradation et remplacement de la batterie. Entretien et réparations. Primes d'assurance. Valeur résiduelle. Déficit d'autonomie des voitures électriques. Frais d'État pour les voitures électriques.
Coûts d'achat : électrique ou essence
Avant d'examiner ce qui peut être des dépenses inconnues pour les nouveaux propriétaires de VE, nous devons noter brièvement l'avantage du prix de transaction ICE. En moyenne, les nouveaux véhicules électriques coûtent plus cher que ceux équipés de moteurs à combustion interne.
Selon les données de Cox Automotive, le coût moyen d'un nouveau véhicule ICE était de 48 528 $ en mai 2023, contre 55 488 $ pour le véhicule électrique moyen. C'est avant de prendre en compte les remises ou incitations gouvernementales pour les voitures électriques.
Si vous et le VE êtes admissibles au crédit d'impôt complet de 7 500 $, cela pourrait compenser la différence de coût. De plus, les prix des voitures électriques ont chuté régulièrement au cours des derniers mois, en baisse de plus de 10 000 $ en moyenne au cours de l’année écoulée.
Cependant, les prix de transaction ne sont pas tout. De nombreux facteurs contribuent aux coûts de possession des véhicules électriques par rapport aux véhicules à moteur à combustion interne.
Nous avons sélectionné au hasard deux exemples anecdotiques de 2023 : Hyundai Kona contre Hyundai Kona Electric et Volvo XC40 contre XC40 Recharge. En comparant les prix des versions d’entrée de gamme des deux véhicules, le Kona Electric coûte 11 410 $ de plus que le Kona, tandis que le XC40 Recharge coûte 17 000 $ de plus que le XC40 à essence.
Bien que les véhicules électriques et à combustion interne partagent le même nom de niveau de finition pour les deux marques, les véhicules électriques sont généralement dotés de plus de fonctionnalités que les véhicules à combustion interne.
Par conséquent, il ne s’agit pas exactement d’une comparaison exacte. Pour compenser cela, réduisons les deux disparités de 25 %, soit 8 558 $ pour le Kona et 12 750 $ pour le XC40.
Il s’agit de notre estimation de la différence de prix de transaction moyen si les véhicules électriques et à combustion interne offrent les mêmes fonctionnalités. Néanmoins, le fait est que les prix de transaction des véhicules électriques sont plus élevés que ceux des véhicules à combustion interne. Par conséquent, vous devez soit verser plus d’argent à l’avance, soit financer un solde plus important avec des mensualités plus élevées pour le véhicule électrique moyen par rapport au véhicule à combustion interne moyen.
Infrastructure de recharge
Si vous faites des recherches, vous pouvez probablement toujours trouver des bornes de recharge de niveau 2 gratuites dans les parkings et garages appartenant au gouvernement près de chez vous.
Par exemple, 42 stations gratuites se trouvent dans la région de Greenville, en Caroline du Sud. Cependant, vous pourriez vous retrouver à la recherche d’une station de recharge commerciale qui charge à la minute ou au kilowattheure (kWh).
Leurs prix peuvent varier considérablement d’une station à l’autre. Souvent, ces stations proposent des chargeurs rapides CC, qui peuvent rapidement recharger une batterie jusqu’à 80 %, mais à un coût plus élevé. De plus, une charge rapide répétée peut également endommager une batterie, réduisant ainsi sa durée de vie.
(Plus d’informations à ce sujet ci-dessous.) Actuellement, les stations de recharge commerciales peuvent être rares en fonction de l’endroit où vous vivez, ce qui vous oblige non seulement à consacrer le temps nécessaire à la recharge de la batterie de votre véhicule électrique, mais également à localiser et à vous rendre à une station de recharge éloignée.
Si vous avez de la chance, votre employeur fournit quelques chargeurs gratuits à son personnel.
Recharge à domicile
L’utilisation du système de charge de niveau 1 inclus avec la plupart des véhicules électriques est suffisante pour recharger l’électricité de la batterie des véhicules hybrides rechargeables (PHEV) classiques en raison de leurs batteries de plus petite capacité.
Cependant, la recharge de niveau 1 n'est pas pratique pour les voitures électriques, qui peuvent nécessiter jusqu'à 36 heures pour charger la batterie du véhicule électrique jusqu'à 80 % et plus.
Sachant que la plupart des propriétaires de véhicules électriques chargent leur véhicule à domicile et que la recharge à domicile est moins chère que la recharge commerciale, vous comprendrez rapidement la sagesse d'acheter un chargeur domestique de niveau 2.
Cependant, posséder un chargeur de niveau 2 peut avoir un prix élevé. En vérifiant sur Amazon, nous avons constaté que l'écart va d'environ 200 $ pour un chargeur portable de niveau 2 à 1 000 $ pour un chargeur permanent.
Par exemple, si vous optez pour un système permanent dans votre garage, vous devez le faire installer par un professionnel. Selon bobvila.com, vous pouvez dépenser entre 400 $ et 3 400 $ pour l'installation.
L'écart de prix important est dû au fait que vous avez besoin d'une source d'alimentation de 240 V (comme celle utilisée par votre sèche-linge). L'installateur devra peut-être faire passer une telle ligne jusqu'à l'emplacement approprié pour la charge. Vérifiez les incitations à l'installation de votre état et de votre compagnie d'électricité. Souvent, il y aura des incitations pour réduire le coût.
CONSEIL DE PRO : avant de débourser de l'argent pour un chargeur de niveau 2, demandez à un professionnel d'évaluer votre système électrique pour déterminer si la source de 240 V est disponible et les coûts associés à son fonctionnement là où vous en avez besoin. Que vous choisissiez le chargeur portable ou que vous installiez un chargeur de niveau 2, vous avez besoin d'une source d'alimentation de 240 V.
Coûts de l'électricité
Tout comme le prix au gallon de gaz, les tarifs de l'électricité fluctuent. Selon un article de Forbes de mars 2023, les coûts de l'électricité ont grimpé en flèche aux États-Unis. Dans certaines régions (Nord-Est), les prix ont bondi jusqu'à 57 % de janvier 2021 à janvier 2023.
Forbes prédit que cette tendance va se poursuivre. Vous pouvez adopter un certain comportement pour atténuer la hausse des coûts, comme déterminer à quelle heure ou à quels moments de la journée l'électricité coûte le moins cher dans votre région. En général, c'est tôt le matin. Le fait de recharger votre véhicule électrique pourrait vous faire économiser quelques dollars.
Vous devrez utiliser un peu de mathématiques pour calculer le coût de la recharge de votre véhicule électrique. Commencez par trouver votre dernière facture d’électricité. Vous devez trouver le nombre total d’heures de kWh utilisées et diviser ce nombre par le total final de cette facture. Vous obtiendrez ainsi le coût d’un kWh d’électricité.
Par exemple, le coût moyen pour les ménages américains est de 16 cents par kWh. Vous devez également déterminer le nombre de kilomètres que vous parcourez en moyenne chaque mois. Par exemple, la moyenne nationale par mois en 2021 était de 1 124 miles.
La plupart des experts s'accordent à dire qu'une voiture électrique obtient entre 5 et 6 km d'autonomie avec un kWh. Nous vous conseillons d'être prudent et d'utiliser 5 km par kWh lors de l'élaboration de votre budget.
Divisez votre kilométrage mensuel par 3 pour déterminer le nombre de kWh dont votre véhicule électrique a besoin chaque mois.
Multipliez ce nombre par le prix que vous payez pour chaque kWh. Le résultat est un coût mensuel approximatif pour recharger votre véhicule électrique. Par exemple, 1 124 ÷ 5 km d'autonomie par kWh = 375 kWh x 16 cents = 60 $ pour le prix mensuel de recharge de votre voiture électrique.
Pour nos véhicules de comparaison, l'Agence de protection de l'environnement (EPA) du gouvernement estime le coût annuel de recharge du Kona Electric à 600 $, tandis que le ravitaillement du Kona coûte 1 700 $. Recharger le XC40 Recharge pendant un an vous coûtera 850 $. Faire le plein du XC40 pendant un an : 2 450 $.
Dégradation et remplacement de la batterie
Nous entendons souvent le coût du remplacement d’une batterie de véhicule électrique comme l’une des principales raisons pour lesquelles nous ne pensons pas à acheter une voiture électrique. Cette crainte n’est pas sans fondement.
Les coûts de remplacement restent historiquement élevés. Par exemple, J.D. Power a indiqué que le coût moyen du remplacement de la batterie d’une Tesla Model S, Model X ou Model 3 pourrait coûter au moins 13 000 $. Vous pouvez acheter une Model 3 2023 pour environ 40 240 $. En d’autres termes, la batterie représente environ 30 % du coût total de la Model 3.
Ce n’est pas une exception. La réalité est que la batterie est un facteur important qui contribue au prix d’un véhicule électrique.
Il y a cependant de bonnes nouvelles. Selon Recurrent, une entreprise qui suit ce genre de choses, la plupart des remplacements de batterie se font sous garantie. Le gouvernement fédéral exige que les garanties des batteries des véhicules électriques couvrent au moins huit ans ou 100 000 miles. Les garanties de certains constructeurs automobiles couvrent des périodes plus longues.
À partir de l’année modèle 2026, la Californie exigera que les batteries des véhicules électriques conservent au moins 70 % de leur autonomie pendant 10 ans ou 150 000 miles.
Les modèles 2030 et au-delà devront être conçus pour conserver au moins 80 % de leur autonomie pendant cette période. Attendez-vous à ce que d’autres États suivent l’exemple du California Air Resources Board (CARB), comme beaucoup l’ont fait par le passé.
Toutes les garanties ne sont pas égales. Certaines ne remplaceront qu’une batterie complètement défectueuse, tandis que d’autres remplaceront les batteries qui ont perdu un certain pourcentage de leur capacité de charge.
De plus, de nombreux experts affirment qu’une batterie de voiture électrique peut durer jusqu’à 20 ans. GeoTab, une entreprise basée à Toronto qui surveille l’état des batteries des flottes, constate que la plupart des batteries de véhicules électriques se dégradent d’environ 2,3 % par an.
CONSEIL DE PRO : Lisez les petits caractères de la garantie de la batterie du véhicule électrique pour vous assurer qu’elle précise une réduction de capacité en pourcentage comme motif de remplacement complet pendant la période de couverture de la garantie.
Par exemple, la garantie de la batterie de véhicule électrique de Cadillac stipule que la batterie sera remplacée si elle tombe en dessous de 75 % de sa capacité d’origine.
Au fur et à mesure qu’une batterie vieillit, elle perd une partie de sa capacité de charge. Au lieu de se charger à 100 %, elle ne peut se charger qu’à 90 ou 80 %.
Cela signifie plus de temps passé à recharger et moins d’autonomie, ce qui représente un coût supplémentaire en argent et en temps. La température peut également influencer la capacité d’une batterie à se charger complètement, et les températures chaudes et froides réduisent l’autonomie d’une voiture électrique.
L’AAA a testé plusieurs véhicules électriques et a constaté que des températures de 20 et 95 degrés Fahrenheit réduisaient l’autonomie par rapport à 75 degrés. Dans tous les cas, les températures froides peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur les temps de charge. Plus la batterie est froide, plus le temps de charge est long.
ARTICLE CONNEXE : Étude : Tous les véhicules électriques perdent de l’autonomie par temps froid, certains plus que d’autres
Les chargeurs rapides CC sont un autre ennemi des batteries en bonne santé. L’introduction d’électricité dans une batterie à un volume élevé a des conséquences néfastes sur la capacité de la batterie. Une charge répétée sur un chargeur rapide réduira la capacité de la batterie à se charger complètement.
De plus, remplir à plusieurs reprises une batterie à 100 % de sa capacité accélérera également la perte de capacité de charge, et les constructeurs automobiles recommandent de charger à 80 % sur des chargeurs rapides.
Entretien et réparations
Il n’y a pas grand-chose à entretenir dans une voiture électrique. Cette catégorie ne pose donc pas de problème majeur en ce qui concerne les coûts cachés, car c’est un domaine dans lequel les propriétaires de véhicules électriques économisent souvent beaucoup d’argent. Il n’y a pas de tuyaux à remplacer, d’huile ou de liquide de transmission à changer ou à remplir.
Il n’y a pas de chaîne de distribution, etc. Vous voyez le tableau. À moins qu’elles n’impliquent le système de batterie du véhicule électrique, les réparations sont à peu près les mêmes que pour un véhicule à essence uniquement. Le Hyundai Kona et le Volvo XC40 offrent d’excellents véhicules de comparaison pour les coûts d’entretien et de réparation à long terme.
Selon une étude réalisée par Cox Automotive, le coût moyen des réparations pour les versions ICE et EV du Kona est le même au cours des cinq premières années de possession. En revanche, les coûts d’entretien programmé sont nettement plus élevés pour la version ICE que pour la version EV des deux véhicules. Voici comment se répartissent les coûts d’entretien et de réparation.
De toute évidence, le Kona Electric a un avantage sur la version ICE. Sur cinq ans, la différence de coût d’entretien s’élève à 3 279 $. Cependant, chaque nouvelle Hyundai offre un entretien programmé gratuit pendant trois ans ou 36 000 miles.
Pour le propriétaire moyen de Kona, cela signifie aucun coût d’entretien pendant les trois premières années, ce qui réduit cet avantage de 3 279 $ à 2 353 $. Pourtant, rien à négliger, n’est-ce pas ?
Pour le Volvo XC40, le XC40 Recharge entraîne un coût de possession plus élevé dans ces catégories. Cependant, la disparité est si faible qu’elle est insignifiante. Primes d’assurance
Que votre voiture soit électrique ou à essence, les primes d’assurance continuent d’augmenter. Ce n’est pas une bonne nouvelle, en particulier pour les propriétaires de véhicules électriques, car l’assurance des véhicules électriques a tendance à coûter plus cher de toute façon.
Pourquoi ? D’abord, en moyenne, les voitures électriques coûtent plus cher que les véhicules à essence. Nous en avons parlé plus tôt.
De plus, bien que les véhicules électriques ne comportent pas autant de composants et de pièces que les véhicules à moteur à combustion interne, ceux qu’ils possèdent sont souvent plus chers à remplacer. Par exemple, la réparation ou le remplacement d’un bloc-batterie est extrêmement coûteux.
0 notes
Philip Elliott at Time Magazine:
The actual roadmap for 2024 might have moved when you were not looking. Maybe—and it’s a big maybe, admittedly—the biggest detour in politics right now is parked in the driveway. In ways subtle and overt, the electric vehicle has become the avatar for clean energy in the minds of voters, which may prove to be a political clunker for Democrats, despite having the stronger story to tell.  The voters most turned off by talks of Tesla Cybertrucks and Chevy Bolts? Young voters, voters without college degrees, and Latinos, according to new polling from the centrist groups Third Way and The NewDeal that is hitting allies’ inbox as you read this. Their surveys find a surprising 44% of the American electorate hold a negative view of electric vehicles. The numbers are about the same for voters in the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia. That’s an anchor that no engine—powered by raw jetfuel or lithium-ion batteries—can move with so little time before Election Day in November. [...]
There’s long been a myth—and a popular one at that with progressives—that so-called Climate Voters are a sufficient force in politics to sway outcomes. This is, to be frank, not at all the case. In fact, climate change seldom merits a spot in the top-five ranking of priorities. The Third Way survey found just 4% of voters ranked climate change a deciding priority, well behind the economy, border, and democracy itself. Even amid the wave of inflation and worries about day-to-day costs, gas prices aren’t even a driving force; food, housing, taxes, and health care all outpace the price at the pump, according to Third Way’s research. 
That’s not to say Climate Voters can be ignored, strategists say. They are likely to be highly educated, high-propensity voters who favor Biden by a solid 96-point margin. (They also have checkbooks that fuel the campaign and its allies.) The problem is there just aren’t enough of them to counter their intellectual inverse, a group lumped together in Third Way research as Economy First Voters. This conservative bloc tends to be heavily tilted toward Latinos, women, younger voters, and those who lack a college degree. These voters view themselves as just trying to get through the week without the government making it harder. And for these voters, Trump enjoys a 26-point margin and opposition to EVs enjoys a 44-point toehold. For Economy First Voters, a full 64% of these voters tell pollsters that climate change will have to wait until inflation is under control.
[NOTE: Poll conducted between May 9-18, 2024.]
Could anti-electric vehicle sentiments be the reason why Donald Trump is polling well? A poll from Third Way and The NewDeal conducted between May 9th and 18th reveals that 44% of those hold anti-EV sentiments, and those holding anti-EV sentiments are more likely to back Trump in the election.
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valictini · 1 year
God, (q!)Baghera is so fucking sad about not finding any message from Pomme. It’s tricky because the messages seem to only pop up in places where only the parents and the eggs have access to… except all of Pomme’s secret locations are empty… Baghera seems convinced that no message arrived for now.
IF there’s a message somewhere, the only places left I can see are either one of Pomme and Etoiles’ 200k blocs exploration waystones, OR more specifically the « social battery » deserted island they built a tent on with Etoiles some time ago, but honestly, I’m not sure that Etoiles would even remember it x’D for now we don’t know, and we must suffer
The messages seem to be obvious enough to find though, so I’m sure that the day Pomme sends a message, we won’t be able to miss it
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andmaybegayer · 9 months
Michael scope
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Zeiss Jena Laboval ?3? I think, documentation for the Laboval series online starts and ends with the Laboval 4. By all accounts this is their upper mid range lab scope, with Amplival being the top of the line before you get to big scopes that have to be installed by a technician.
There's a large variety of Zeiss scopes that were manufacturered on this side of the iron curtain, as you can see this is an East German piece. Pretty good condition, scratchy condenser optics but the objectives and eyepiece seem to be in great nick, from a quick inspection, and that's what matters. Eyepieces are 10×'s, Objectives are a 3.2 semiplanar, a 10, a 40 planar (which I think will get a lot of use), and a 100 oil immersion. Pretty normal setup.
I don't have slides and slips yet so I can't do a proper mount, but this is pretty promising for just sliding a sheet of paper into the slide holder. Proper mounting will improve the focus plane immensely. 32× and 100× so far.
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The illumination is off-centre and uneven but that's resolvable and anyway it might be fun to move to LED. I also want to build some top illumination brackets for opaque subjects.
I had like. A kiddies toy microscope growing up and I got as far as trying to make it do darkfield with pieces of cardboard, but never something this professional, binocular optics is such a big step up on its own.
The only real issue I've seen so far is that the stage Z axis is very sloppy, huge backlash. Everything has been stuffed with new grease recently so at least it moves smoothly, old scopes and old typewriters both have a tendency to seize if they're forgotten for more than a few months at a time.
I'll swing by the lake and pick up some algae and protist samples later, and I need to order slides and slips. Also I can print some darkfield and oblique illumination filters.
Probably not going to fuck too much with oil immersion, but who knows, also I'll keep an eye out for water immersion objectives.
I think that with an appropriate head replacement and some filter hacking I could get phase contrast microscopy up and running, probably scavenging some Amplival parts. I'd need to see. I can definitely get fluorescence microscopy working with an illumination upgrade. It would also be nice to gut the electronics and put in a simple battery powered illumination system I can charge over USB so I don't have to rely on wall power. Even the stock tungsten lighting is only 5W at 6V so that's easy to swing.
Objectives are DIN 45mm I think, and it sounds like many Eastern Bloc microscopes use standardized head mounts. I'll also be able to print a lot of parts for this, but I'll probably want to get some black filament for optical reasons.
First I want to do some protist sketches, I picked up a protists book at a used bookstore a while ago and it got me really hyped to do protist watching. This is definitely at some level me trying to replace macroscopic wildlife spotting in my life.
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lockes-woods · 7 months
A Rose's Thorns
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When Ash moved back to the east coast they were set on experiencing new things. They had a new apartment, a new job, and a new outlook on life. One thing they didn't account for was meeting their true mates less than a day into that new life, but the universe worked in mysterious ways.
(Mishanks/nonbinary reader)
WARNING: Sexual Themes; MDNI
Ash couldn’t believe their luck; it had been less than a day since they moved into this apartment building, and they were already trapped in the elevator. Their initial fright of being stuck in a six-by-six room had melted away and bloomed into irritation. They had been waiting for over an hour for the emergency responders to do anything to remedy their current situation. On top of that, they were starving. The whole reason they had gotten into this mess was because they had no food in their apartment and their stupid jetlag wouldn’t let them sleep. All they wanted were some chicken nuggets and fries from the 24-hour McDonald's up the block. On top of everything else they were 70% sure that they were in pre-heat. Ash knew that their heat was coming up, but they had lost track of their suppressants in the coast-to-coast move. It felt like the universe was against them.  
          They took a deep breath in through their nose and out through their mouth. Ash tried to look at the very thin silver lining of their situation. At least they hadn’t gotten seriously hurt when the elevator jerked to a stop. At the most, they’d be a little sore in their knees from the fall.
          Ash let out another groan as they checked their phone. It was only at 14%. While they were relieved that they had any battery life left they had no idea how long it was going to take for them to be ‘rescued’. The security guard relayed that they should stay calm and that the fire department had arrived, but that was over a half hour ago. If Ash had to guess they’d say that they were fully between floors. There wasn’t any other explanation for why it was taking the firefighters so long to free them.
          Their head snapped up as they were suddenly jerked into motion; Ash braced themself against the floor as the elevator lowered them down a bit. Their relief was short-lived when the elevator stalled again. At least now they could hear muffled talking on the other side of the doors. Ash heard the faint sound of clanking before the doors were being pried apart from the other side. They quickly scurried back as the mechanical sounds only got louder. If they had to guess it was probably the jaws of life being used. They couldn’t think of anything else that could be that loud and effective.
          Before they knew it the doors had been breached open. Ash was suddenly hit with a wave of alpha scent. It was strong, but not in a bad way. It had the base notes of campfire undercut with the sweet smell of freshly mowed grass in the summer and a citrusy smell they couldn’t quite place. Fuck. Ash cursed to themself; they could feel themself getting wet. It has to be my preheat, right? They tried to rationalize. Ash tried to push the other possibilities aside. They hoped to god that this random alpha hadn’t triggered their heat; It’d be so embarrassing to suddenly go into heat at the mere smell of their scent. Hell, the last time that happened to them they had been a teenager; they were almost thirty and should have better control of their primal instincts. Ash didn’t even want to entertain the idea that this could be their ‘True Mates”. After living all over the country for the past ten years they had given up on that fairytale. They were convinced that they’d never find the other two people they shared their mark with.
“You alright up there?” a deep voice called from the other side of the door.
“Yeah,” Ash responded as they crawled closer to the door. Only the bottom two feet were open; the rest of the door was blocked out by a brick wall.
“Are you hurt in any way?” the deep voice followed up.  
 “I have a few bruises, but nothing life-threatening,” they answered.
“That’s good to hear,” the same voice responded, “We’re going to have you scoot through the opening legs first.”
“Won’t there be a drop?” Ash asked nervously. They hated heights with a passion; they couldn’t even get past the second rung of a ladder if someone was paying them.
“Yes, but we won’t let you fall.” The voice answered.
“O-okay,” Ash said hesitantly. They slipped their cross-body bag on and scooted over to the opening. They took one last deep breath before sliding through the opening, Ash was immediately caught by a pair of strong arms before being placed gently on the ground. The gray-haired firefighter who caught them immediately backed up away from them as another firefighter stepped towards them. Ash had to crane their neck back slightly to make eye contact with the redhead. He was at least 6’6” at the shortest, an almost full foot taller than the Enby. If they had to guess they’d say he had to be an alpha prime. Not only because he towered over the alpha who had helped them out of the elevator, but also because of the way he held himself.
          Ash bit their lip as the alpha stepped into their personal space. They could feel themself getting wetter as they were hit by another wave of the smokey scent. The air around Ash felt thick. They swallowed nervously as they looked up and made eye contact with the firefighter. His pupils were blown, they could just make out the faint silver of his iris.
“I know you said that you were okay, but it’d make me feel better if you’d let my paramedics take a look at you.” The redhead said, looking down at them. Ash tried to contain the shiver that shot through them at the sound of his deep voice. They simply nodded in response, not trusting their voice to stay level.
“Lucky Roux, get over here.” The redhead barked over his shoulder.
“Comin’ Chief,” a tall wideset man responded as he hurried through the lobby.
“If you could come with me Mx. I can give you a once over and send you on your way.” The EMT said smiling down at Ash. They nodded and followed him over to a nearby bench.
“Now if I could have your name and date of birth,” he asked as they took a seat on the bench.
“Ash, March 9th, 1996,” They responded as he unpacked his bag.
“And your secondary gender?” he prompted.
“Omega prime,” They answered.
“Are you currently taking any medications?” he asked.
“Just suppressants and birth control,” Ash answered.
“And are you feeling pain in any part of your body?” he asked.
“Just faint ache in my knees; I fell on them when the elevator stopped.”
“Okay, even though it isn’t likely; I’d like to check you over for a concussion and do a baseline check of your vitals.” He said crouching in front of them.
“Who is the current president?” he asked pulling out a pen light from his pocket and shining it into their eyes.
“Biden,” They answered.
“Good,” he said, “Now I’m going to have you follow my finger with your eyes”
          Ash nodded and followed his finger. After a moment the EMT nodded and pulled his hand away from their face and pulled out a stethoscope and blood pressure cuff. Ash bounced their leg nervously. They were acutely aware that the fire chief’s focus hadn’t left them since they exited the elevator. He was currently talking to the gray-haired firefighter in a hushed tone about ten feet away, but his gaze remained on them.
“I’m going to take your blood pressure now; do you have a preference of arm?” he asked, pulling Ash’s attention back to him.
“Whichever’s easier for you.” They answered. The EMT nodded wrapping the cuff around their left arm. Ash tried to focus on keeping their breathing as even as possible. At this point, they were trying to get this over with as quickly as possible so that they could run to the store before their heat began in full earnest.
“Good,” the EMT said pulling the cuff from their arm, “You’re free to go,” he said smiling down at them reassuringly. Ash nodded and thanked him before standing up. The lobby had emptied out significantly since they had been helped out of the elevator. The only ones remaining were the fire chief, them, and the EMT. The chief made his way over to them at a relaxed pace as the EMT made his way out of the building.
          Ash was again surrounded by the smell of sweet smoke as he advanced towards them. They had been around a lot of alphas in their lifetime, but no one else’s scent came close in comparison to how strong his smell was.
“So how do you want to do this?” he asked quirking an eyebrow at them.
“Do what?” They asked confused.
“You don’t know?” he asked.
“Know what?” Ash asked back.
“We’re true mates,” he said, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You're joking,” Ash responded, genuinely confused.
“Sweetheart how does my scent smell to you?” he asked, leaning in close.
“Like I’m being suffocated by it.” They answer honestly.
“In a good or a bad way?” he asked. Ash paused for a moment before responding.
“In a good way; it feels like I’m being cocooned by it.” They answered bashfully; they could feel their face begin to warm from his attention.
“Has another alpha’s scent ever done that to you?” he asked patiently.
“No,” they shook their head.
“I know we just met, and you have no reason to trust me, but I can smell your scent the same way.” He said.
“Really?” They asked. He nodded as he leaned down to their level.
“I can smell your slick from here and it’s driving me fucking insane.” He whispered into their ear. Ash bit their lip to contain a groan as they felt a new gush of slickness leak out of them. They shook their head slightly trying to clear their mind.
“Can’t we just touch and see if there’s a spark?” they asked.  
“We could, but after we touch there’s only a certain amount of time before you go into your heat, and I go into my rut. I want to get you in a safe location without having to deal with the time restraint or other alphas picking up your scent.” He explained, “For now I think you’re just going to have to go off of my marking.”
          Ash bit their lip and nodded in agreement. They could already feel their mind begin to get hazy just from being in his presence for this long. The redhead shrugged off his jacket and sat down facing away from them. He reached behind him and pulled down the collar at the base of his neck revealing two roses that were crossed at the stem. One was in bloom while the other was still just a bud. They were the same as the markings behind Ash’s ears, except for the fact that neither of Ash’s had bloomed yet.
“You’ve met our other mate?” they asked as he tugged his jacket back on.
“Yeah, his name is Dracule Mihawk. He’s also an alpha prime, he’s waiting at home if you’d like to go to our house. Or would you feel more comfortable here with your nest?” he asked.
“Oh, I actually don’t have my nest set up here yet. I just moved back here from the West Coast yesterday. All of my things are still in boxes.” They explained.
“Would you feel comfortable coming to our home?” he asked, standing up and turning to face them. Ash paused for a moment before nodding in agreement. They were in no way set up for a heat, hell their box bed hadn’t even finished fully expanding yet. That paired with the fact that they had no real food in their apartment or nest made the decision a no-brainer. Plus, the idea of being surrounded by their scent made their inner omega purr in satisfaction.
“Do you need anything before we leave?” he asked.
“Maybe I should grab some clothing?” they said after giving it some thought.
“Okay,” he nodded, glancing at the wrecked elevator, “I guess we’re doing stairs unless you want to risk it?” he asked looking at the other elevator.
“Yeah, no stairs sound good,” Ash said with a laugh as they led him over to the staircase and began to ascend up to their level. “I live on the third floor,” they called out over their shoulder. Ash didn’t have to look behind them to know he was following them. They weren’t sure whether or not they were imagining it, but they could have sworn the temperature around the redhead was at least ten degrees hotter than the rest of the space around them. Ash fished out their keys from their bag and unlocked their apartment. Ash paused after taking a few steps in when they could no longer hear the alpha behind them. They turned and saw him waiting respectfully outside their apartment door.
“You can come in ya’know.” They said with an amused look on their face. He grunted in acknowledgment and leaned against the closed door as they grabbed their things. Ash made quick work of gathering three outfits, basic hygiene items, and their blanket that they’ve had since they were a pup. They were about to zip up their duffle bag when an unopened package caught their eye. Ash tore into and let out a sigh of relief at the sight of two protection collars. They tossed them into the duffle bag before making their way back to the redhead.
“All set?” he asked, Ash nodded. Before they could even think of throwing the bag over their shoulder, the alpha picked it out of their grasp and slung it over his right shoulder. They smiled up at him in appreciation as they made the walk back down to the lobby.
“I’m Ash by the way; I use they/them pronouns. What’s your name?” Ash asked looking up at him as they approached the entrance.
“Shanks; he/him” he answered, before pausing at the door, “I know we just met and haven’t even cemented anything yet, but would it be okay if I held your hand? I don’t trust those who are out at this hour to behave themselves; especially when your scent is so strong.”
“Sure,” Ash nodded as they took his gloved hand and interlaced it with their left hand. They looked up before continuing to see if he had any other hold-ups. They caught a brief glance at Shank’s reddened cheeks before they stepped out into the night.
“How far away do you live?” they asked as they headed a block south to the nearest subway entrance.
“We’re two subway stops west of here,” Shanks said, keeping pace with Ash’s shorter strides.
“Oh, are you in the suburbs?” they asked. Their apartment building was about as far west as you could go in center city before hitting the suburban neighborhoods.
“We’re on the cusp of the suburbs and the city; we live in a townhouse,” Shanks answered as he briefly released Ash’s hand to tap his phone for the fair before entering the subway station. They followed his lead and quickly paid before relinking their hands. Ash bit their lip to hide their smile as Shanks squeezed their hand reassuringly as they waited for the train.
“What were you doing out at this time of night?” Shanks asked, peering down at them as their train pulled up.
“Oh, I was on my way to McDonalds. I haven’t gone food shopping yet, and I’m wide awake from the time difference.”
“When did your flight get in?” he asked as they stepped onto the train. Shanks led them to a seat in the corner and had Ash sit between him and the wall, while he took a defensive seat between them and the rest of the train. Ash could feel their inner omega purr again. They had known each other for less than an hour and he was already taking steps to ensure their safety like they were his.
“I took a red eye and got in around five am yesterday morning.” They answered, as Shanks’s released their hand and pulled out his phone.
“So, you haven’t even been in the city for a full day yet?” he asked.
“Yeah, no that’s why my sleep schedules all messed up. I would normally stay awake until midnight on the West Coast. So even though it’s only four in the morning I’m wide awake.” They explained, “I don’t think it helped that I took a four-hour nap yesterday afternoon.”
“Probably not,” Shanks responded with an amused look on his face as he slid his phone back into his pocket.
          Ash felt their face heat up as their stomach let out a grumble.
“Are you hungry?” Shanks asked, peering down at them.
“A little bit,” Ash answered rubbing the back of their neck, “I never got to McDonalds because of the whole elevator thing.”
          Shanks nodded in response as he pulled out a granola bar from his inside pocket. “Do you want this?” he asked.
“Please,” Ash responded, taking the bar from him and taking a healthy bite out of it. They were too focused on eating the bar to notice the fond look Shanks had on his face as he watched them eat something that he provided for them.
“So do you have to go back to work, or are you off for the rest of the night?” they asked, after swallowing the last of the granola bar.
“I’m off for the next few days; I’m taking rut leave. My lieutenant Beckman is more than capable of running things while I’m away.” Shank answered as they pulled into their stop. He once again gripped their hand in his gloved one as they ascended to the street.
“Oh, okay.” Ash responded slightly relieved, “Was he the one who helped me out of the elevator?” they asked.
“Yeah,” Shanks nodded, “I don’t think I’d let anyone else touch you.” He confessed.
“You already knew I was your mate?” Ash asked slightly confused.
“Yes, as soon as they opened the doors to the shaft I was hit with your scent.” He explained, stopping in front of a charcoal gray building, “I’ve only ever been hit like that by Mihawk’s scent when we first met.”
          Ash nodded in understanding as they made their way up the steps to the stoop of the gray townhouse.
“Ready?” Shanks asked, looking down at them fondly. Ash nodded as they tried their best to mentally prepare to meet their other mate. In a way, they were relieved that they were jetlagged. They were too tired to properly feel all the emotions that came with meeting your mate. While they were a bit anxious it was nothing compared to how their nerves would normally be. Ash quickly toed out of their shoes before they trailed behind Shanks as they made their way through the corridor to the back of the house towards the only source of light.
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salmontheking · 2 years
Teumotiv IB.012 Sunshine, strategic interceptor of the World Liberation Airforce
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Also known among pilots the as laser pointer (Sibirigo: рэизарущка, réizarúshka [ɾɛꜜizʌɾuꜜɕkʌ]) or foo fighter (фуфа̄ита fufâita [ɸuɸaꜜit̪ʌ]).
Made to take out strategic missiles and bombers, it carries the heaviest airborne laser of the Pacific Bloc and cruises at mach 4. A number of interceptors is kept in a state of perpetual readiness, with engines already spun up, since a slight cut in response time could save a major city or nuclear weapons battery from vaporization.
The previous IE.003 interceptor, built on an AWACS airframe, has proven too slow. Before it could come within range of incoming ballistic missiles, they would reach their functionally invulnerable reentry stage. The Acquisitory Commission of the World Liberation Army was reluctant to fund a new airframe, a fact possibly related to Ordnance officers worrying it would encroach too much on the Ordnance's nuclear defense role. Cranial engineers of the World Liberation Airforce Innovation Wing decided to convert the B.012 Everest supersonic bomber instead - the only high supercruising aircraft in service with enough payload capacity.
The bomb bay was dedicated to the laser, its power supply and cooling system, the nose radome was replaced by an optics dome, and cooling intakes were added on the dorsal side to take advantage of turbulent air from vortices. Since a conical dome would interfere too much with the laser, and a round nose would kill the aircraft's supersonic performance, a drag-reducing aerospike was installed as a compromise, already used with success on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. A second set of optics above the cockpit covers frontal angles obscured by the spike, although with lesser beam quality.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
The European Union (EU) and Chile inked on Friday a fresh partnership deal that will give the bloc greater, easier access to lithium, copper and other raw materials that are key to the transition to renewable energy sources
Chile, the world’s top copper producer and the second largest lithium miner, will drop tariffs on all imports from the EU, except sugar, and make it easier for European companies to invest in the country, the European Commission said. 
The agreement means EU companies will be less hindered by Chile’s dual pricing system for domestic use or exports and potential export monopolies, while still allowing the South American country to promote domestic processing.
Chile will, in return, secure more favourable access for its exports, particularly food and professional services. 
Currently, more than 60% of EU imports of the lithium used in batteries that power electric vehicles are from Chile.
Brussels considers the Latin American country as a vital strategic partner as it seeks to diversify resources imports away from China and pivot away from Russian gas.
9 Dec 22
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jcmarchi · 6 months
Defenders of Ukraine Showed How They Use Czech Howitzers DANA - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/defenders-of-ukraine-showed-how-they-use-czech-howitzers-dana-technology-org/
Defenders of Ukraine Showed How They Use Czech Howitzers DANA - Technology Org
Artillery is still a very important part of modern warfare. Especially self-propelled howitzers that can quickly react to the movement of enemy forces. The defenders of Ukraine showed how they successfully attacked a column of Russian armoured vehicles with Czech self-propelled howitzers DANA.
DANA howitzer in Ukraine. Ukraine got a large number of these howitzers in 2022. Image credit: АрміяInform via Wikimedia (CC BY 4.0)
A short video showing the actions of the defenders of Ukraine was released by the Commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Pavlyuk. He did not reveal where the operation took place or when the video was taken but it involved the 21st and 56th Mechanised Brigades of Ukraine.
“Enemy infantry, TOS-1A Solntsepyok, a tank and a BMP with soldiers were destroyed,” Pavlyuk wrote. The TOS-1A is a multiple launch rocket system, sometimes called a heavy flamethrower due to its thermobaric rounds. It is a particularly hated weapon by the Ukrainians and the most expensive weapon mentioned by Pavlyuk.
This attack was carried out by drones and Czech howitzers DANA. If you want to be precise, the DANA is not a Czech, but a Czechoslovakian howitzer, which is reflected in its 152.4 mm calibre, typical of Eastern Bloc countries. However, Ukraine received these howitzers from the Czech Republic, which is one of Ukraine’s strongest military supporters.
The DANA howitzer was created around 1976 and entered service in 1981. It is a large artillery piece mounted on a Tatra 8×8 chassis. Weighing around 30 tonnes, this weapon is said to be capable of reaching speeds of up to 80 km/h and performs very well off-road. This is important because howitzers like the DANA are often on a quick-fire mission and retreat so that the enemy can’t calculate their location using counter-battery radars. DANA howitzers usually participate in shoot-and-scoot operations.
DANA’s internal ammunition compartment holds 60 rounds. More can be delivered using other machines. This howitzer destroys targets at a distance of up to 20 km and its rate of fire is 2-5 shots per minute. In addition to the main gun, the DANA also has a 12.7 mm machine gun, mainly needed for self-defence in case it is ambushed while on the move from one position to another. The crew of the DANA howitzer consists of 5 soldiers.
In 2021, a modernized version of DANA M2 with improved fire control and communication systems was introduced. DANA actually became the basis of several modern self-propelled howitzers. For example, the 155 mm Zuzana and DITA are close relatives of the DANA howitzer. Ukraine is still waiting for its DITAs, but soon it will be operating pretty much all versions of DANA.
The DANA is a quick and reliable howitzer. It can deliver quick blows to the advancing Russian forces and then retreat. Ukraine will need more of these kinds of weapons in the near future and it’s good to know that they are coming.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Tech.wp.pl, Wikipedia
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House Republicans are planning bills on permitting reform to boost all kinds of energy production along with legislation specifically to benefit fossil fuels.
WHY IT MATTERS: The oil-centric proposals are a sharp turn from efforts by Democrats focused on steep emissions cuts and would face opposition in the Senate and from President Biden.
DRIVING THE NEWS: Rep. Bruce Westerman, the top Republican on the House Natural Resources Committee, told reporters on a phone call Thursday one of his priorities is unlocking quicker government approvals for all kinds of energy projects, from oil to solar.
• Westerman said Republicans also want to pass legislation boosting new mining in the United States. This would give companies making batteries and EVs more domestic options for raw materials.
• He also wants to advance legislation related to forest growth – a climate concept similar to what former President Trump trumpeted with his “Trillion Trees Initiative.”
THE INTRIGUE: Proposals on permitting reform have had buy-in from moderate Democrats and President Biden, while drawing sharp opposition from progressives because it could ease regulatory pressures on extractive industries.
FLASHBACK: Environmentalists – and Republicans – killed a vote before the midterms on faster permits that Biden promised Sen. Joe Manchin (D) in exchange for passing his signature climate law, the Inflation Reduction Act, Axios’ Ben Geman reported at the time.
ZOOM IN: Westerman’s office stated in October that Republicans will advance a bill that would force regulators to finish reviews of any kind of construction project on federal lands within one-to-two years.
• Manchin’s deal with Biden included similar deadlines.
THE BIGGER PICTURE: Republicans want these deadlines to expedite an “all-of-the-above” energy and climate strategy that includes more oil and gas drilling.
• Westerman said Republicans also plan to move bills that would singularly benefit fossil fuel production – a negative for the climate and a likely non-starter with Democrats.
• By comparison, faster approvals could actually benefit Biden’s climate agenda. Wind and solar projects are often on public land and impact waters or rare species guarded under environmental laws.
• At the same time, U.S. carmakers are clamoring for more minerals and materials made here after Democrats nudged them to create local supply chains in the Inflation Reduction Act. Many EV materials currently come from China.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Republicans will have trouble passing fossil fuel-friendly bills under Biden but the contours of a potential bipartisan deal are emerging around how the bureaucracy considers approving energy projects.
YES, BUT: In a closely divided Congress any political bloc could stop legislative progress, like frustrated progressives or conservatives animated to squash any bill that Biden could claim as a bipartisan win.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
HARARE, Zimbabwe -- Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday hailed recent elections as a sign of the country’s “mature democracy” and a victory over Western adversaries, as he took an oath of office following a vote whose credibility was questioned by both Western and African observers.
Mnangagwa, 80, won disputed polls held on Aug. 26, garnering 52.6% of the vote ahead of main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa’s 44%. His ZANU-PF party, which has ruled the tiny nation of 15 million people since independence from white minority rule in 1980, also retained a parliamentary majority.
“There are no losers but victory for the people of Zimbabwe against the neo-colonial tendencies of our country’s detractors and those who believe that might is right. … We have shamed our detractors,” he said before jubilant supporters, many of them bussed to pack a 60,000-seater Chinese-built stadium in the capital, Harare.
“Counter revolutionaries and their proxies will never prevail in Zimbabwe,” said Mnangagwa, who routinely accuses the opposition of being puppets of the U.S and other Western nations that placed sanctions on the country two decades ago over alleged human rights violations.
The elections are the second since the ouster of longtime autocratic ruler Robert Mugabe in a 2017 coup. Mnangagwa, a close Mugabe ally for years, became president following the coup. He undertook to thaw icy relations with the West after taking power.
He even applied for Zimbabwe to rejoin the Commonwealth, a bloc of mainly former British colonies that Zimbabwe left in 2003 after it became apparent that the organization would extend a suspension imposed a year earlier following elections marred by allegations of violence and rigging.
But criticism over his rule by the West has seen Mnangagwa strengthening ties with traditional Mugabe allies such as China and Russia. He hosted Iran’s president Ebrahim Raisi in July, months after a visit by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, and talked up coalitions against U.S sanctions.
Mnangagwa also won disputed presidential elections against Chamisa in 2018. The country’s constitutional court rejected Chamisa’s challenge of the election result.
The 45-year-old opposition leader did not approach the court this time despite describing the poll as a “blatant and gigantic fraud” and calling for fresh elections supervised by the country’s neighbors.
Observers from regional blocs the Southern African Development Community and African Union as well as the Carter Center and the European Union said that although voting day was largely peaceful, an atmosphere of intimidation had characterized the runup to the polls.
Mnangagwa did not directly address Chamisa’s concerns or those of the observers during Monday’s speech, but he described the elections as “peaceful, free, fair, transparent and credible” and criticized Western sanctions as “illegal” and “heinous.”
Credible elections were viewed by many as a key step toward ending Zimbabwe’s international isolation and setting the stage for the recovery of a once prosperous economy in a country with rich agricultural land and vast mineral resources.
Zimbabwe has Africa’s largest deposits of the highly sought-after battery mineral lithium that has attracted interest from China.
Mnangagwa in his inauguration speech promised to use the country’s minerals that include gold and diamonds to drive economic growth. He touted developments in roads and dam construction and a rebound in the agricultural sector as evidence of his record.
A carnival atmosphere engulfed the stadium, with thousands dressed in the ruling party’s green, yellow and red colors dancing to live music. Helicopters and planes from the country’s air force flew in formation and neatly dressed security forces slow marched, among other displays that included a 21-gun salute. The presidents of Mozambique, South Africa and Congo attended the event.
But the situation was muted in much of the capital, Harare, an opposition stronghold where street vendors teemed the streets. About two thirds of the country’s working age population survives on informal trade such as street hawking after the collapse of many formal industries over the past two decades, according to the International Monetary Fund.
Mnangagwa promised a new era of freedom, democracy and economic prosperity after replacing Mugabe, yet many say they don’t see much change.
“There is nothing to celebrate, it’s going to be another five years of suffering and repression,” said Onismo Mweda, pushing a cart from where he sold fruits and vegetables in the capital’s central business district.
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The Net Zero Industrial Act proposes a production goal of 40% of the EU’s requirements for key green technologies – such as batteries – being made domestically in 2030. T&E said the goal would boost Europe’s strategic autonomy but more actions are needed. The proposed simplification of permitting processes will help set up new projects in Europe, but the EU should provide financial aid to scale up production quickly(..)
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photos-car · 2 years
Lancia Ypsilon 2023 - Moteur hybride doux et GPL Ecochic
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La nouvelle Lancia Ypsilon 2023 avec plus de style et de performance et plus connectée.
La Lancia Ypsilon , bien qu'elle ait 11 ans, reste l'un des modèles les plus vendus en Italie. Un succès qui vient de loin, avec plus de trois millions d'unités vendues depuis 1985, en quatre générations différentes. Pour maintenir l'Ypsilon au goût du jour, en attendant la nouvelle génération, attendue en 2024, Lancia annonce une mise à jour de la gamme qui apporte quelques nouveautés : le "model year 2023 ", qui peut d'ores et déjà être commandé , n'introduit pas de changements esthétiques et techniques majeurs, mais des innovations au niveau du système multimédia et des équipements.
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Voir tous les modèles Lancia À l'intérieur de la Lancia Ypsilon 2023 À l'intérieur nous trouvons un nouveau système multimédia avec un ��cran tactile de 7 pouces compatible avec Apple CarPlay et Android Auto sans fil. D'autres nouveautés sont la base pour le chargement sans fil des smartphones et la caméra de recul (débutant sur ce modèle), qui facilite le stationnement. Sans changer l'aménagement intérieur, la Lancia Ypsilon 2023 adopte une nouvelle garniture bleue pour le tableau de bord et les panneaux de porte, des accents multicolores verts sur le pommeau de vitesse, sur la coupelle du volant et sur les cadres des bouches d'aération.
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Les graphiques du tableau de bord ont également été repensés. Autre nouveauté, les sièges recouverts de Seaqual Yarn, un fil de polyester créé à partir du recyclage de plastique collecté en Méditerranée. La partie technique ne change pas. Le seul moteur disponible pour la Lancia Ypsilon reste le 3 cylindres 1.0 Mild Hybrid. Il associe le moteur essence de 70 CV de la famille Firefly à un bloc électrique BSG 12 volts alimenté par une petite batterie au lithium. Également disponible en version GPL. Voir tous les modèles Hybrides Nouveau coloris vert rosée Pas d'innovations esthétiques notables pour la Lancia Ypsilon , à l'exception du nouveau coloris vert rosée. La garniture argentée présente désormais de nouvelles moulures noires sur la calandre, les contours du logo et le pare-chocs inférieur. La série spéciale Alberta Ferretti est également disponible dans la gamme. L'équipement de série comprend toutes les innovations technologiques apportées par la mise à jour.
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Jusqu'au 31 décembre! la nouvelle version Lancia Ypsilon LPG Ecochic est proposée à partir de 189 euros par mois ! avec une avance de 3 070 euros! 36 versements de 189 euros et un dernier versement résiduel de 9 210 euros (TAN 6,85 % APR 9,58 %). Galerie Photos
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danzameccanica · 5 years
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Chi ha seguito in tempo reale l’andamento della musica durante gli anni si ricorderà di un meraviglioso momento di post-punk revival nei primi dieci anni del Duemila che, grazie agli Interpol, diede vita a decine di band da far risanguinare il cuore a tutti i darkettoni dell’epoca che ancora non potevano godere delle varie renunion storiche che accaddero qualche anno dopo. Editors, the National, the Departure, Bloc Party, White Lies ecc.. Erano anni meravigliosi dove a volte pure gli Strokes o i Franz Ferdinand rientravano in queste categorie per uscirne subito. Quel revival post-punk ancora senza synth-pop, tutto fatto di chitarre frenetiche che attingevano non tanto all’origine del post-punk, quanto a quel momento di definizione di gothic-rock. I Blacklist vengono fuori da New York in un momento in cui sono stati davvero l’ultima ruota del carro in un meraviglioso periodo storico in cui l’indie-rock (con le virgolette eh) rempiva gli stadi. Hanno condiviso i palchi coi The Mary Onettes e i nascenti A Place to Bury Strangers.
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Midnight of the Century prende le nuove sonorità delle band appena citate ma tirando in ballo le chitarre dei primissimi U2 (Boy e War) e di Sisters of Mercy senza creare un’atmosfera troppo lugubre. Tutti i brani hanno un approccio rock tangibile, come i Cult di Love, con una batteria bella potente e piena. "Flight of the Demoiselles" dimostra una band strepitosa che invece di tenere il basso in primo piano sfoggia chitarre e batterie. Un post-punk più rock del solito. Molto più vicini a The Unforgettable Fire piuttosto che a Pornography. Meno frenetici dei Sisters ma più avvolgenti, con quello spirito americano. Ma si sente che la band viene dalla città più europea degli States perché manca qualsiasi accenno al folk-cantautoriale che sta nel DNA dei nordamericani. Ci sono gli Skeletal Family, i Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, i March Violets. Ci sono tutti loro se tutti loro avessero fatto un disco in questi anni. Ma soprattutto ai synth e alla produzione c’è Ed Buller, che ha messo le mani nella seconda parte degli Psychedelic Furs, dei Suede, dei Pulp ma – soprattutto di una band quasi gemella dei Blacklist negli anni ’90: i That Uncertain Feeling. "Language of the Living Dead" assomiglia ai Bloc Party mentre "Odessa" sembra omaggiare i The Church per poi crescere in questo singolo perfetto da cantare a squarciagola sotto la pioggia. I ricordi vanno subito alle corse in moto di The Lost Boys, a quei panorami vampireschi ma neo-gotici; pizzi, merletti e canotte da basket; motociclette e denti aguzzi. Sangue e whiskey. "Julie Speaks" cita ancora i fraseggi di The Edge (cavolo se non sembrano le sonorità di Under a Blood Red Sky !!!) e più si va avanti ad ascoltare l’album più si giunge a quella torbida oscurità fatta di fumo e lava dei The Mission di fine anni ’80. "Poison for Tomorrow" è uno degli ultimi brani davvero memorabili dell’album, (con qualche strattone alla giacca dei Suede) prima di chiudere il disco con brani decisamente più atmosferici, rilassati, un po’ a metà strada fra Echo & the Bunnymen e David Sylvian ("the Cunning of history"). "Worlds Collide" suona come una specie di b-side di "Odessa" creando forse le linee vocali più pop dell’album, senza rinunciare alle solite splendide chitarre. Midnight of the Century può arrivare a sfiorare l’alba con questo ultimo brano ma per il resto rimane un disco notturno, un album da sparare nella macchina in corsa, prima che tutto il revival Drive-80s-synthpop rubi la scena questo mondo.
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summer-vibes-com · 21 days
Kit d'entretien de Piscine Intex 28698
L’amusement est assuré pour l’été, avec ces propositions qui plairont aux petits et aux grands ! Achetez Kit d’entretien de Piscine Intex 28698 et profitez de votre temps libre ! Couleur: Gris Argenté Bloc d’Alimentation: Batterie Câble électrique Type d’installation: Montage mural
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lanuitlennuie · 1 month
je rêve que P me passe commande de six sifflements rangés dans une sorte de parallélépipède ou caisse de bières. Je me réveille pour noter la commande de ce bloc batterie impossible et joyeux, le lit trempé de sueur.
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esseha · 3 months
Incendie chez Merinal : Une Réaction Rapide et Efficace Assure la Continuité des Activités
Le groupe pharmaceutique Merinal a annoncé qu’un incendie s’est déclaré le 2 juillet 2024 à 3h30 du matin au premier étage du bloc utilité de leur unité M2 (MERINAL2) à Khemis Khechna. L’incident a eu lieu au niveau des batteries responsables du maintien de la tension électrique entre les coupures de courant et le déclenchement des groupes électrogènes. Fort heureusement, aucune perte humaine ni…
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