#blitzø i love you
silverscreenlipstick · 5 months
you know what fucks me over?? is that there is a chance that stolas is completely unaware of blitz initially only coming to see him for his book. like yeah, they talked about it eventually, but after they spent the night together. i can’t imagine how hurt he’s gonna be once he finds out.
like, no wonder hes gonna be all like “i want someone to want - me!”
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cielo-chii · 3 months
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I love you bitch by VINE
I can’t do animation so I did this lil comic, for a immersive experience listen the sound in the link
Thank you for your time 🤡
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gyroshrike · 9 months
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Finally finished the thing
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daddyhoothoot · 28 days
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satoumafuyuss · 3 months
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This is totally how this scene went, right?
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helluvazbin-whore · 4 months
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you guys he was so fucking sweet
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phddyke · 8 months
Husk: Angel, I’ve noticed you’re using sex and drugs as an unhealthy coping mechanism.
Angel: It’s true, I am. That’s because of [relevant backstory]
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lost-romantique · 1 month
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I want Ghostfuckers to come out just for the chance to see Blitz in this fit, serving so much rizz that it should be illegal.
That's it, that's the post.
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moon-andstardust · 3 months
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That scene. That scene right there is soo telling. We've known since the beginning that Blitz has commitment issues, but we're only now starting to see just how deep they ran and just how much they affect his relationships.
I feel like these words, "I love you," trigger blaring alarms in his head, a panic reaction. Remember what happened the first time he dared to love someone? The first time he tried to confess his love?
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Oh, nothing big.
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He just permanently disfigured his crush, killed his mother and ruined his sister's life*.
This accident, this event lies in the core of 90% of his issues and problems.
This is why he runs the second things get serious. This is why he dumps Verosica the second she says she loves him.
In Blitz's eyes, his love is destructive. His love only ruins. So if he cuts ties before things get too complicated, maybe the other person won't get even more hurt, even more damaged. It's a twisted and fucked up desire to protect not only himself and his heart but also his loved ones**. It has turned into a self-fulfilling prophecy and a never-ending cycle: the more he pushes and pushes and pushes, the more people push back. Because no one likes getting hurt. No one likes having their heart broken. And when these people finally snap, when they've had enough of Blitz's bullshit? He can point and say, see? I told you so! They are better off without me!
Blitz's cruelty doesn't stem from outright malice. It stems from Blitz being deeply broken and damaged.
Before he can start a stable romantic relationship of any kind, he needs to forgive himself for that accident. Otherwise, that deeply rooted self-loathing will continue to get in the way and cause him to repeatedly self-sabotage. And he has to do it himself, Verosika can't do it for him, M&M can't do it for him, Stolas can't do it for him.
The good news is that he is already taking the necessary steps. Making up with Fizz: a step in the right direction. Genuinely apologizing to Stolas and Verosika: a step in the right direction. Letting go of Stolas, realizing that his actions have serious consequences on his loved ones, owning up to his mistakes: all steps in the right direction. I don't know about ya'll but I'm eager to see where this is going and what happens next.
*it was an accident. Wrong place, wrong time, but Blitz sure as hell doesn't believe that.
**I belive this last bit is fully subconscious and Blitz isn't much aware of it. He says it himself: he buries all of it deep in his mind, avoids thinking about it at all costs
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helluvabunch · 4 months
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I love it here 😭
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2minutesnotice · 5 months
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I'm feeling devious!
You're looking glamorous! ✨
Let's get mischievous!
And polyamorous 💖
Run, run, run away!
Just take my hand and we'll abandon this world.
We'll wash those tears away,
You're young and beautiful, and I'll love you always ❤️
We got no time for pain.
When it's just you and me in ecstasy!
(The Orion Experience/ The Cult of Dionysus)
We all know that Blitzøs heart is too big to just love one person.
Give me all the Polycule thoughts my lovely people, we need some love before the Full Moon.
Close Up under the Cut
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akirathedramaqueen · 17 days
No rest for the wicked
What often keeps my mind occupied and worried for the last couple of... weeks, or even months, maybe, is what might happen to Stolas's relationship with Octavia in the near future.
We know something bad is brewing. The trailer gave us enough information to freak out but learn nothing from it. I think though that I have found yet another foreshadowing, and I am sad I did. I was not sure if I should post it since predictions and speculations are not quite my style, but fuck it, I’ll roll with it. I want you to suffer with me <3 Besides, after yesterday's @tealvenetianmask's wonderful post about Stella and how society enables her behavior, and my rambly reblog, which delves more into Stolas's relationships with Octavia and how they are affected, I decided I need to let it out of my system.
So, you see... while I believe this screenshot is our last hope for us, the Stolitz nation—that these two dumbasses will have ANOTHER chance to talk properly...
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It implies that something arguably worse than their breakup is going to happen. Something on the 'whole palace is in ice and Stolas is in immediate mortal danger' level of 'worse.' Something bad enough to make them forget all the shit they’ve gone through with their disastrous miscommunication and unite to face a common threat.
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Something that would make Stolas to leave quickly and forcibly. Run for his life. Disappear, sweeping off his trail, without Octavia knowing...
And let her think he ran off with Blitzø.
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Are you gonna run off with him and leave me behind? Go away, where I can't find you?
Make her run around the palace looking for him and not being able to find him. Because he isn’t there.
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Daddy! Daddy... I had a dream! A really bad dream! I was looking all over the palace, and I couldn't find you anywhere! You weren't there!
And the worst part is that it would make her assume the worst: that he left her behind just for a weird red dickhead.
Because Stolas's relationship with Blitzø has caused a rift between the prince and his daughter.
Because he, unfortunately, has never told her what kind of mother Stella is, or what she has done to him. She is left to believe everything was okay until that imp came around, seduced her father, ruined her family, and wrecked her home.
Because Stolas grew distant and forgot about the important stellar event he promised to show her. Was he wrong for it? Of course not! Stella made everything to throw him off the rails completely that morning. But Octavia still has the right to be upset.
Not to mention that she’s nowhere to be found since that night in Los Angeles… Why isn’t she around? Is she resentful toward him? Is she being kept from him? Or is he keeping her at arm's length because of the assassination attempt and his deteriorating state of mind? What happened?
I can already see how Stella and Andrealphus could use all of it against Stolas, grooming Octavia and simmering her in hatred for him. Bluntly lying about true reasons Stolas fled.
Stolas kept silent about the abuse he survived, hoping to protect Octavia and let her live a perfect childhood. But instead, she won’t have a single soul to support her, since Stolas will be chased off and hated. By her. Surrounded by vultures who now prey on her, who have couped her father and forced him to break the solemn, earnest promise he made to her.
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What?... No! No, no, never! I'd never do that. Never...
How fucking tragic is that?
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aetherixs · 3 months
better plot twist than fight club
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gyroshrike · 4 months
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Big fan of when this man cries, big fan.
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nineshrike · 4 months
Call me a Stolas apologist if you'd like, but Stolas wasn't wrong to portal Blitzø out.
Blitzø had basically just challenged Stolas to take his turn at insulting him, let's go, let's have everything out, let's make this breakup a fight to remember, remind me why I don't deserve you -- and Stolas. Doesn't.
Because that's not how fights like this have ever gone for him. Stolas's past relationship wasn't like Blitzø and Verosika trading insults in Spring Broken; it was standing still and quiet while Stella hurled abuse at him. He's stood up for himself against her, yes, but how can he stand up against Blitzø? When Blitzø's right, and when Stolas is seeing Blitzø through such rose-tinted glasses?
From Stolas's perspective, there really isn't anywhere the conversation can go after that. Anything else that is said will just make the situation worse. So he ends it. And, honestly, even if Blitzø was reaching out at the end there, he still hadn't had time to process, and I can't really see an emotional reconciliation happening that quickly. It probably would've just devolved into another argument. At this point, space and time are the best things for both of them.
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satoumafuyuss · 6 months
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Still getting used to drawing them but I'm happy with how this turned out so I will post it :)
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