#blind ignis scientia
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Celebrate (Ignis X Reader)
"Mmm... Lace too? You spoil me, Love." Ignis chuckled as his fingertips gilded upwards, tracing the crescent loops of soft thread as they stretched over warm skin. His lover shivered, tucking her heels into the gentle curve at the base of his spine, and the imprint of a smile burned itself into his throat. Although it was his best intention to make it home early for their anniversary, fate had other plans. Starting with his braille display suddenly deciding not to work with his computer today, a goose flying through the window of the meeting hall in the Citadel and scaring every council member of New Insomnia into screaming, and his driver's car getting a flat on his way home. It had been a trying day all in all, but to find his lover waiting at the door made it all that much better.
"I-ah! I-I wanted it to be special." The tips of her fingers slid along the width of his shoulders, pausing only to trace the raised edges of old scars that peppered his skin like stars. Even now, after so many years of worship, it never failed to amaze him how her love savored every detail of his body, his mind, his soul. Whether it be a word, a stuttered breath, the cologne lingering on his shirt, or the darkest nightmares that haunted his mind. She absorbed it all and reflected back a love warm enough to rival the returned sun of its glory. "I know you're supposed to save lace for your 13th anniversary, but-" Whatever else she had wanted to say drowned itself in an open mouthed moan as her back arched, pressing the warm weight of her bare breasts against his chest.
"I'm quite thrilled you didn't." The lightest nip to the soft junction of her jaw and ear made her throat bulge under his lips, her hips arching higher, pressing the warmth of her damp heat directly against his hardened crotch. The ache coiling in his guts tightened, threatening to give way into the silk of his boxers, but no. He couldn't let go that quickly. Keeping a firm handful of her deliciously round ass in his hands, Ignis pushed his shoulders off the wall, forcing half of his senses to emerge and focus on the floor creaking under his measured steps. Five steps to the bedroom, only five steps and he could lay down his lover and worship her as she deserved. But those five steps may as well be five miles. Her grip tightened as he moved, the blunt edge of her nails pressing small crescents into his shoulder, while the other curled deep into his hair. Tiny pinpricks of fire raced through his scalp, encouraging him to move faster, a similar signal to when he was buried deep inside her and she needed more of him. "Patience, love. We're almost there."
"Ignis." She sighed into his throat, the ends of her hair brushing against the sensitive underside of his jaw, and a warm tongue swirls in the notch of his collarbone. He knows she feels it the moment his body rebels. His stride faltering, the increasing thunder of his pulse in his ears, echoed by the pitter-pat of her own heart against his chest. By some Astral's blessing, his knees brush against the soft mattress sides, the sensation so unexpected that his grip falters and his lover slides free. Landing in a surge of giggles and squeaking springs, gentle fingers slid from the safety of his neck to his chest, and tugged lightly on the lapels of his shirt. His spine obeying the silent command to bend down as plush lips find his ear once more. "Come celebrate with me."
#i heart ignis#ignis x reader#i love ignis#blind ignis#ignis scientia#yes ignis is my favorite character#ignis#ffxv#ffxv ignis#blind ignis scientia#ignis scientia x reader#older ignis#older ignis scientia x reader#blind ignis scientia x reader#blind!ignis
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He just realized the game is 100%-ed and there’s no more new recipehs. A very unfortunate event for the Ignis Scientia #1Mom nation :( there’s more versions of this drawing underneath. Laterzzzzzz
Gotta flex seal myself back together.
#FFXV#final fintasy 15#ignis scientia#World of Ruin#blind Ignis Scientia#final fantasy#FFXV Fanart#fanart#video game fanart#video games#art#my art#digital art#digital painting#screencap redraw
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When the last fight is lost, the last sword broken; The last call sounded, the last order spoken;
#Ignis Scientia#FFXV#Final Fantasy XV#FF15#Final Fantasy 15#alt text embedded#my art#it's digital#fan art#When from the field where braver hearts lie sleeping#Faint and athirst and blinded I come creeping#(the poem is Defeated by Sophie Jewett)#happy birthday ignis#fth24ex#ffxvrmx
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Fans of Final Fantasy XV will be all too familiar with Ignis's facial scars after he puts on the Ring of Lucis and sacrifices his sight to save Noctis. As well as the scars on his left eye and right eybrow he also has scars on the bridge of his nose and his lower lip. I was going through some old screenshots of Episode Ignis when I noticed that immediately after his fight with Ardyn he doesn't have any marks on his nose or lower lip. He does, however, gain those scars in Verse 2 when he follows Ardyn, but that ending is not canon and he wouldn't end up with those scars later in the main game. I'm sure I'm not the first to spot this discrepancy and as Ignis is my favourite character I'm surprised I didn't notice it sooner.
All images copyright Square Enix Co Ltd.
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I need more of him speaking latin please
Translated spells from devnotes
Flagra – Blaze
Arde – Burn
Maior, fortior – Greater, stronger
Fulgur – Lightning
Glacies – Ice
Acidum – Acid
Dolor – Pain
Malleus – Hammer
Confusio – Confusion
Morere – Die
Veni et iuva me – Come and aid me
Configo – I pierce
Ignis – Fire
Peri – Perish
Macte virtute – Be blessed (for your courage)
Ira et dolor – Wrath and pain
Te curo – I cure you
Treme – Shiver
Quod dico face – Do as I say
Invoco te – I summon you
Tonitrus – Thunder
Deure – Wither
Macesce – Wither
Cudo – I beat
Mortalis – Deadly
Ferio – I strike
Frange – Shatter
Inficio – I poison
Stupefacio – I strike (you) dumb
Impero tibi – I command you
Incende – Set fire
Diminuo te – I shatter you
Tormentum – Torture
Gela – Freeze
Perure – Be consumed
Ira – Wrath
Caedo – I cut
Ex Textura – From the Weave
Detono – I thunder
Mortem tuum sum – I am your death
Venenum – Poison
Tu es nihil – You are nothing
Dissolve – Melt
Dialino – I shred
Torre – Roast
Vis medicatrix – Healing Power
Seco – I carve
Circulus mortis – Circle of death
Resisto mortem – I resist death
Vita excolatur – Let life be enriched
Voco spicae – I summon spikes
Magis amica veritas – Truth is a better friend
Te video – I see you
Tempestas – Wind
Risum teneatis? – Can you help laughing?
Resisto ignem – I resist fire
Non fit injura – No harm is done
Sphaera mortis – Sphere of death
Corpora sana – Healthy bodies
Diminue – Be diminished
Crescit eundo – It grows as it goes
Intactilis sum – I am untouchable
Ververo – I lash
Obedi me – Obey me
Pulso – Open up
Ad lapidem – To stone
Non compos mentis – (You are) not in control of your faculties
Esurio – Be afraid
Resisto frigus – I resist cold
Omnia mutantur – Everything changes
Signum arcanum – Magic symbol
Ad maiorem dei gloriam – For the greater glory of god
Tenebra – Darkness
Mundus vult decipi – The world wants to be deceived
Nulla salus – There is no salvation
Punge – Sting
Ludus non factum est – The game is not over
Hostium munera – Gifts of enemies
Plue – Let it rain
Esto perpetua – May it be perpetual
Bene curatur – It can be healed well
Non movere – Don’t move
Voco murus – I summon a wall
Morio – You absolute fool
Voco flagella – I summon tentacles
Venustior – More charming
Pallida mors – Pale death
Aresce – Dry up
Resarcio – I repair
Evanesco – I disappear
Vincere est vivere – To conquer is to live
Fiat voluntas dei – May god’s will be done
Et alibi – And elsewhere
Invisibilis – Invisible
Propera – Hurry up
Inaccessus – Inaccessible
Nocturnus – By night
Vos curo – Heal you
Demento te – I drive you insane
Agilius – With more agility
Caveat incantator – Let the caster beware
Inexpugnabilis – Impregnable
Virtus et scientia – Virtue and knowledge
Voco vineae – I summon vines
Tempora mutantur – The times have changed
Maledicte es – You are cursed
Vincit qui patitur – He conquers who endures
Voco potentia – I summon power
Risus abundat – Laughter is abundant
Pulchrior – More beautiful
Da mihi facta – Give me the facts
Ocior – Make haste
Resisto venenum – I resist poison
Horribilissimus – The most horrible
Loquere si tibi placet – Speak if you please
Stabilio – I stabilize
Voco araneae – I summon webs
Te occludo oculos – I close your eyes
Dum vita est, spes est – Where there’s life, there’s hope
Canto te – I enchant you
Caeco te – I blind you
Mors tua, vita mea – Your death, my life
Fiat lux – let there be light
Para bellum – Prepare for war
Volo non fugia – I fly but do not flee
Gigans – Giant
Vivat crescat floreat – May it live and grow
Efferve – Swarm over
Ubi es? – Where are you?
Surge – Arise
Incommodum – Disaster
Siccut cattus – Like a cat
Citius – Faster
Resisto acidum – I resist acid
Mors certa – Death is certain
Te adstringo linguam – I bind your tongue
Ex nihilo – Out of nothing
Sine metu – Without fear
Voco glacies – I summon ice
Minimus – The smallest
Intellego – I understand
Voco nubes – I summon clouds
Auribus teneo lupum – I hold the wolf be the ears
Corruptus – Infected
Ale me – Feed me
Flagello – I whip
Es praedae mei – You are my prey
Cave circulum – Beware of the circle
Amo sanguinem – I love blood
Amicus animalis – Friend of animals
Mors animae – Death of the soul
Cum mortuis in lingua mortua – With the dead in a dead language
Aqua pura – Clear water
In nocte consilium – The night brings advice
Umbrae – Shadows
Tibi do pennas – I give you wings
Te absolvo – I acquit you
Inveniam viam – I will find a way
Irretio in sphaera – I trap you in sphere
Ostende secretorum tuorum – Reveal your secrets
Oculus tempestatis – The eye of the storm
Resurg – You will rise again
Mutatis mutandis – With appropriate changes
Tuebor – I will protect
Aridissimus – Driest
Intelligenti pauca – Few words suffice for he who understands
Eiecto te – I throw you out
Cresceat scientia – Let knowledge grow
Silentium – Silence
Impero te – I command you
Time – Be afraid
Resisto – I resist
Video veritatem – I see the truth
Viam sapientiae – The way of wisdom
Stultissime – You most stupid
Ut ventus – Into the wind
Secreti umbrarum – The secrets of the shadows
Clausus – Locked
Lux in tenebra – Light in darkness
Ab uno disce omnes – From one, learn all
Ad vitam aeternam – To eternal life
Impero mortuos – I command the dead
Morbidus – Diseased
Sol Invictus – Unconquered Sun
Te exsecror – I curse you
Mors incerta, vita certissima – Death is uncertain, life the most certain
Gustas dulcis – You taste so sweet
Fronti nulla fides – Appearances deceive
Dissera – Open up
Expello te – I expel you
Extende – Enlarge
Voco arvina – I summon grease
Vae victis – Woe to the conquered
Scio, Didici, Pecto – I know, for I have studied, with my mind
Vita, Mortis, Careo – Life, and death, I am without
Manus, Potentis, Paro – A hand, powerful, I prepare
Veritas, Credo, Oculos – The truth, I believe, with my eyes
Facio, Voco, Ferre – This I do, I call, to bring you forth
Incertus, Pulcher, Imperio – Uncertain, beautiful things, I command
Cupio, Virtus, Licet – I want, excellence, allowed to me
Praeses, Alia, Fero – Protecting, another, I bring this forth
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Do You Know This Disabled Character?
Ignis Scientia is blind.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 1, Poll 2
A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave here.
Ignis Scientia-Final Fantasy XV
Blind, gay/demi-romantic, asexual
Ignis only lost his eyesight (rather than his life) due to his strong will to protect Noctis. He is stated by the game makers to be in a deep relationship with his colleague and friend, Gladio. So it's halfway confirmed/heavy implied for those two boys. (And might be Ignis is asexual). And this man deserves so much. He is the mom friend and gives everything. And so much is taken from him.
Wylan Van Eck-Six of Crows
Wylan has dyslexia (heavily implied, but not outright said bc setting) and is gay,
Dyslexic and gay!
They are in a adorable m/m relationship, and also have severe dyslexia to the point that (when eight) he could not read or write despite formal education
Wylan is gay and dyslexic!
Wylan and Jesper have the absolute cutest relationship. Also, Wylan has dyslexia. I don't think it was outright said, but that was heavily implied. It just couldn't be set out loud for the sake of maintaining the fantasy setting. He's such a good character, and is primarily known for his skill with explosives, not his struggles with reading and writing. The other protagonists also never judge him for it, and the only character who does is the kind of person 90% of readers want to kill by the end of the series.
His boyfriend Jesper helped him fake being able to read so they could beat Wylan's shitty dad.
- He's incredibly sweet - But can also be ok with murder sometimes, like when killing unconscious people wasn't good - so just wake them up. - He was thrown out of the house and his father tried to kill him, because of said dyslexia, but managed to survive. Then rebelled against his father and with the help of friends took down his empire - He is very talented at the flute. And can draw very well, along with being a great chemist and demolition experts (hired for making flash bombs and other cool shit-) - Helps break into a world-class prison, then blushes the entire time because the person he's pared with keeps flirting with him - Asks his (eventual boyfriend) if he's into guys. Then immediately gets flustered when Jesper picks it up - Is very rich heir (due to shenanigans) and there's a one-off line about this sweet bean kind of being a sugar daddy- (just gives his boyfriend money to do stocks with, to stop him from gambling) - Supports his boyfriend throughout his gambling addiction and tries to help him overcome it
Wylan is dyslexic and because of this written off as stupid by his father. However, he is actually a genius, especially with chemicals, and he uses his genius and his new band of misfit friends to take his father down and read him for filth in front of a whole bunch of important people. He is good at making things explode. He also nabs himself a hot boyfriend in the process so good for him!
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @wisheduponastar is the third submitter.
#polls#poll#disabled characters#lgbtq characters#disability#lgbtq#lgbtq dcs round 1#lgbtq dcs wave 1#ignis scientia#final fantasy xv#final fantasy 15#wylan van eck#six of crows#shadow and bone
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Latin Spell chants for BG3
I did not make this list! It was made by ExoZilla in r/BaldursGate3 but I wanted to share it here! This list is from early access, so it only has up to level 2 spells, but honestly the chants stay similar for higher level spells. Some of these might have also changed since EA so take that with a grain of salt, anywhere here’s the original post:
Disclaimer: I do not speak Latin. Some of my spelling/translations/syntax are going to be wrong. Most of them are from Wikipedia, random websites, and context clues. Also, if anyone knows the chants I wasn't able to translate/translate correctly, feel free to correct me.
Fire Bolt- Ignis (Fire)
Ray of Frost- Glacies (Ice)
Acid Splash- Acido (Acid)
Blade Ward/Guidance/Thaumaturgy- Maior et Fortior ("Greater and Stronger")
Chill Touch- Timere ("Be afraid!")
Dancing Lights/Light/Produce Flame- Fiat Lux/Sol Invictus (“Let there be light”/“Unconquered sun”)
Eldritch Blast- Dolor* (Mental/Physical Pain)
Mage Hand- Veni et iuva me ("Come and help me!")
Poison Spray- Venenum (Poison)
Resistance- Resisto ("I resist")
Sacred Flame- Incende ("Set fire!")
Shillelagh/Flame Blade- Para bellum/Canto te ("prepare for war"/"I enchant you”)
Shocking Grasp- Fulgor (Levin or flash)
Thorn Whip- Flagellum, Flagello/ ?? verum (to flagellate, whip/"?? sweep")
True Strike- N/A
Friends- N/A
1st level Spells:
Armor of Agathys/Barkskin/Bless/Enhance Ability/Jump/Mage Armor/Shield of Faith- Macte virtute ("Be blessed with virtue")
Arms of Hadar/Inflict Wounds- Morere ("Die!")
Animal Friendship- Obedi me/Obeus temeum lupum ("Obey me"/??)
Bane/Ray of Enfeeblement- Tu est nihil (“You are nothing”)
Burning Hands/Scorching Ray- Ardere (To burn)
Charm Person- Impero te/Tempora muntante ("I rule you”/“Temporary change”?)
Color Spray/Blindness- Te occludo oculos/Caecus te("I blind your eyes"/"I blind you")
Command/Ensnaring Strike/Sleep- Impero tibi (“I rule you”)
Create Water- Lues/Aqua pura (Plague, pestilence?/“Clean water”)
Cure Wounds/Healing Word- Te curo/Vis medicatrix* (“I cure you”/"healing power")
Destroy Water- Arescere/Arere decimos ("Become dry"/"Become ten times as dry"?)
Disguise self- Mutatis mutandis/Omnia mutatio (“With things changed that should be changed”/“Change it all”)
Dissonant Whispers- Dolor ("Mental/Physical Pain")
Entangle- Voco vinae/Vinum est et gloriat ("I call forth vines"/??)
Faerie Fire- Te video/Ubi est ("I see you”/“Where are you?”)
False Life/Aid- Vitae extollato/Dum vita est spes est ("Life raised"?/"While there is life, there is hope")
Feather Fall- Non fit injura/Se neme ("There will be no injury/harm"/??)
Find Familiar/Goodberry/Moonbeam- Ex textura (“Weave from the outside”?)
Fog Cloud- Voco nubes ("I call forth clouds")
Grease- Voco arvina ("I call forth grease")
Guiding Bolt- Facula/Flagra ("Little torch"/"Blaze/be inflamed")**
Hail of Thorns- Dia denum (??)
Hellish Rebuke/Flaming Sphere/Spike Growth- Ira et dolor ("Wrath and pain")
Hex- Maledicus/Te exsecror (Abusive, scurrilous/“I curse you”)
Hunter’s Mark- Est praedae mae/Mos certa (“You are my prey”/"Certain death"?)
Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat- Proprae/Ocior/Citium (??)
Magic Missile- Tormentum (a piece of artillery/missile)
Protection from Good and Evil- Tueor/vincit qui patitur (To watch over, protect/“he conquers who endures”)
Ray of Sickness- Inficio ("Infect")
Speak with Animals- Amicus animales/Loqui ut tibi placet (“friend of animals“/“To speak as you please”?)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter- Rezum teniates??/Reza sabuntat?? (??)
Thunderwave/Shatter- Detono (Thunder/"Expend one's thunder")
Witch Bolt- Harures (??)
*Non-Tav/NPC exclusive line
2nd level spells:
Blur- Incomodo?/Nullus sui ("Inconvenient"?/"None of him/her/them")
Darkness- Tenebrum/Umbra (Darkness/Shadow)
Darkvision- Lux en tenebra/Secretum curaro (“Light in darkness”/??)
Detect Thoughts- Video veritatem/Virtus est scientia (“I see the truth”/“Virtue is knowledge”)
Hold Person- Non movere/Ad lapide (“You do not move”/“To stone!”)
Invisibility/Pass Without a Trace- Evanesco/Invisibilis (To vanish, disappear/ self-explanatory)
Lesser Restoration- Te absolvo/Vincere est vivere (“I absolve you”/“To conquer is to live”)
Melf’s Acid Arrow- Dissolvae (Self-explanatory)
Mirror Image- Fronte nulla vides/Mundus vult decipi ("No faith in the front"?/“The world wants to be deceived”)
Misty Step- Inveniam viam/Ad alibi (“I will find a way”/"To elsewhere")
Prayer of Healing- Fiat voluntas Dei/Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (“May God’s will be done”/“For the greater glory of God”)
Protection from Poison- Résistance venenum (“resist venom/poison”)
Silence- Silencio (Self-explanatory)
Web- Voco arenea ("I call forth a spider's web")
#baldurs gate#baldur’s gate 3#bg3#bg3 spells#bg3 fanfic#bg3 fanfiction#baldurs gate 3#bg3 gale#gale fanfic#Gale Dekarios fanfic#liv posting
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hi ! I hope this isn't too much 😭 I'm the same anon as before and I loved the ignis fic so much it made me cry a bit /extremely pos
I was thinking if you could do another one of the reader meeting ignis for the first time after he became blind, and how ignis would act? also the reader worrying about him and comforting him
thank you sm in advance I love your writings so much 😭
im so glad you enjoyed it! ofc i can write you some more :)
☆ together
ignis scientia x male reader [he / him]
sypnosis: above.
the lowercase is intentional !
- slight episode ignis spoilers and mentions of fighting & injuries.
fighting, bloodshed and chaos. those words accurately described what had happened at altissia a few days ago. a day that many, such as [name], had never experienced before in their lives.
yet, everything seemed like it just happened in a flash. [name] barely remembered what happened, it was almost as if he was not present during the event. unfortunately, he was. he absent mindedly witnessed such tragedy.
it had been a few days since the group had been truly together. the group consisting of gladio, ignis, noctis, prompto and [name] had been all seperated after the fight, but they luckily all found eachother in the end. even if that meant that half of them were gravely injured.
noctis had gotten gravely injured, and so had ignis. nobody had spoken to noctis yet as he was still knocked out, and similarly so for ignis.
ignis had used the powers contained within the ring of lucii to try and defeat ardyn. however, he didn't know the consequences it would bring. he had scarred the left side of his face and he had gone blind. it was horrible, something nobody imaged would happen to a person like ignis. yet, ignis risked everything just to make sure his friends were safe.
[name] was anxiously sitting outside of the room where ignis was resting. the man hadn't seen how ignis looked like yet, he was just waiting outside whilst biting his nails out of nervousness.
[name] was scared, and saying he was scared was truly an understatement. he was terrified, really. he doesn't know what has happened to the man he cares about the most, the man he loves the most. it was unbearable just sitting there waiting on the floor. too unbearable.
a few footsteps caught the attention of [name]'s ears and a door opening. then, someone cleared their throat to alert [name] and it was none other than gladio.
"you can go see him now, he's awake." gladio said, his voice hoarse. it was different to how he usually sounded, [name] noted. this was definitely taking a toll on gladio, and everyone for that matter. everything that had happened those few days ago was affecting everyone.
[name] immediately stood up and nodded at gladio before rushing into the room. he couldn't wait a second longer to see ignis, or what had happened to ignis. [name] knew he had to brace himself for what he was about to see, because it could be rather unsettling. luckily for him, it wasn't.
[name] walked into the room and his eyes immediately scanned the room. every wall, every corner and every surface was looked at before [name]'s eyes finally met ignis' face.
"ignis.." [name] whispered out loud, taking a few, small steps forward towards the man he had just mentioned. [name] then finally got to the bed ignis was laying on and he crouched down besides it.
"hey." [name] continued to whisper. "are you alright? are you feeling any pain?" [name] asked, gently stroking one of ignis' palms. he was being as careful and as gentle as he could possibly be to not injure him any more than he already was.
ignis groaned a little before he sat up on the bed, rubbing his eyes and staring into practically nowhere. "i'm alright, just a little sore." ignis sighed, trying to make his injuries seem better than they actually were. in reality, they were worse. that fight with ardyn, using the ring, it hurt like hell. it didn't help that ignis could no longer see anything, not even [name], anymore.
"that's good." [name] hummed, his voice gentle, just like his touch. he tried to be as soothing as he could be, if that was even possible. he wanted to make sure ignis was okay, but it didn't seem like that was really the case.
ignis sighed again and he closed his eyes. it wasn't as if it made a difference anyway, his vision had gone and his whole world was shrouded in darkness - just like eos' fate.
"actually, i'm not alright." ignis admitted. his voice was unusually quiet, and shaky. [name] was starting to get worried - this wasn't the ignis he knew.
"i can't see, [name]." ignis confessed, his voice growing more and more shaky as he continued to speak. it was as if he was on the verge of tears, getting ready to cry at any given moment.
[name] looked at ignis a little confused. "of course you can't see.. your eyes are closed, ignis." [name] replied, trying not to laugh at his comment.
"no, [name]." ignis sighed again, a small frown on his face. he then opened his eyes and tilted his head towards [name]. "i can't see, [name]. i've gone blind." ignis admitted.
[name] was now in a state of panic and confusion. he didn't understand. how did such a thing happen? ignis could see without his glasses.. but now he had gone totally blind?
unbeknownst to [name], ignis had used the ring of lucii to try and fight ardyn. it led to him gaining a scar on his face, and his loss of vision. the power was too much for him that it deteriorated his eyesight and painted his skin with a memory he'll never forget.
"i.. got myself into a fight with ardyn trying to protect noct." ignis explained, trying his best to keep his composure and look strong infront of [name]. "i used the ring's power, [name]. it was too much and this is how i ended up." ignis shook his head. he didn't enjoy the situation he was in, but he would live with it no matter what.
"oh.." [name]'s voice dropped along with his face. he couldn't believe what he had just heard. he didn't even know that ignis had gotten into a fight with ardyn. why did he not know sooner? ignis was meant to be the man he loved, and cherished, and cared for but he didn't even know that the other had been seriously injured.
"ignis, i'm.. i'm sorry." [name] mumbled, letting go of ignis' hands. he then burried his face into his own hands, feeling as if he was about to cry. he couldn't believe such a thing had happened, and all he could do was apologise for something he hadn't done.
"[name], it's alright." ignis frowned as he felt the mood shift suddenly. he knows he shouldn't of dropped something so heavy, but [name] was bound to find out anyway. "i'll get used to it. it's fine." ignis sighed. in reality, it wasn't fine. nothing was fine about this situation, but ignis just wanted [name] to stop worrying.
[name] shook his head, biting his lip whilst he was at it too. none of this was fine, when ignis said it was fine he lied. how could [name] trust him now? everything was going to be so different, [name] couldn't help but worry. he had to worry for himself and ignis, there was nothing else he could do.
"it's not alright, ignis. i know you don't think this is alright, you yourself said earlier you were alright then you lied." [name] spoke, his voice cracking as it filled with various different emotions. he felt so distressed, yet angry, yet worried at the same time. he was so confused. why wasn't he there for ignis?
ignis felt the area around him before he grabbed [name]'s hand and held it close to him. "yes, i'm afraid you're right. i'm not alright, [name]. i'm far from it." ignis admitted, feeling vulnerable speaking about his emotions so openly.
"i'm scared, terrified even. i don't want to live the rest of my life in darkness. i won't be able to see you, or the others anymore. i won't be able to cook or drive the regalia." ignis started to break down, letting all of his emotions flow as he spoke to [name]. "i'm useless now, [name]. my lost vision had made me useless." ignis sighed.
[name] shook his head and he gripped onto ignis' hand tightly to try and somewhat reassure him. "no, no ignis. you're not useless." [name] said, frowning as he heard how negative ignis was about himself and his situation. "you're far from it, being blind doesn't make you useless! we'll get through this, ignis. i'll help you, ignis. i'll do everything i can to help you." [name] continued, practically on the verge of sobbing.
"[name], it would be pointless." ignis mumbled, still thinking of himself as useless because of this situation. he didn't believe that anything good could come out of this situation. "my vision won't magically come back if you help me, and nothing good will come from this!" ignis groaned.
then, [name] cut off ignis with a kiss. he couldn't take ignis speaking of himself so negatively. it hurt him too much to hear the love of his life speaking so negatively about himself. he couldn't stand it, and he wouldn't stand it one bit.
"ignis." [name] stated as he pulled away from the kiss, brushing a few stray hairs out of ignis' face. "you are far from useless, and me helping you won't be pointless." the male continued, doing his best to reassure ignis.
"we'll get through this together." [name] carried on speaking as he slid onto the bed to lay next to ignis. "no matter what, we'll always be together. i'll guide you until we're old, help you navigate the world when all you see is darkness." [name] hummed, speaking more and more sweet promises into ignis' ear.
[name] carefully traced the scar that was under ignis' eye. it was so beautiful that it looked natural on ignis. [name] loved it already.
"ignis, i love you. i'll love you no matter what. if you're blind, unable to get out of bed, or even unable to do anything. i'll always love you." [name] whispered into ignis' ear before placing a kiss on ignis' scar.
"it's me and you, together forever. you got that?" [name] smiled, placing a few more kisses along ignis' face. he wouldn't stop, even if ignis asked him to. he loved him too much to ever stop loving him.
ignis sighed, giving up all of his protesting now. he wouldn't even try to stop [name], because he knew [name] wouldn't stop if he asked.
"fine, yes. it's us together, always." ignis smiled himself, leaning into [name]'s touches and kisses. he didn't want this feeling to stop, ever. he wanted to truly stay with [name] forever and for as long as possible.
"now that you said that, i'm never letting you go." [name] chuckled to himself, leaning in and making himself comfortable against ignis' chest. "we're staying by eachothers side no matter what."
it was true, [name] never let go of ignis. the two faced the impossible and [name] did whatever it took to help ignis face the darkness he was surrounded it. the two stayed by eachother's sides, together, forever.
☆ author's note : i hope you liked it, anon :) i really enjoy writing for final fantasy characters so keep the requests coming! im sorry this took a bit longer, i'll try get more requests done near the holiday time.
☆ requests ▪︎ masterlist
#ignis scientia#ignis x male reader#ignis x reader#ignis scientia x male reader#ignis scientia x reader#x male reader#x reader#gay#foryou#mlm#final fantasy 15#final fantasy xv#ffxv#ff15#final fantasy x male reader#episode ignis#final fantasy#ff
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Mutare: Vampire!Ignis Scientia x Reader
A call had woken you in the night.
From dreamless, floating sleep you awoke to the ringing of your phone on the nightstand, the vibrating rattling the wood and buzzing in your head uncomfortably. You squinted in the darkness, eyes blinded slightly by the bright light of your illuminated phone next to you.
You grabbed it, annoyed at whoever it was on the other end for ruining your sleep. You relaxed, your shoulders dropping in contentment seeing it was Ignis who was calling.
He needed to stay late to greet diplomats and other high-ranking officials to prepare for some royal ball coming up. Something about some party for a different prince or something, you couldn’t really put together what Ignis was saying as he rushed out the door, stopping to give you a quick kiss goodbye like he always did.
You raised the phone to your ear, humming instead of saying hello.
But it wasn’t Ignis’ voice on the other end.
“(Y/n), you need to get here.” It was Gladiolus. In the background, you could hear Noctis and Prompto freaking out. “There’s been an accident.”
You nearly dropped your phone.
It felt like a spike had shot through you. Your chest ached, you suddenly felt cold despite being wrapped in the luxurious blankets your fiance had just bought. You were surely awake now.
“What happened? Where’s Ignis?”
Your voice wavered, if the royal shield noticed it, he didn’t mention it.
“It’s too much to give over the phone. You need to get here, he’s in a bad shape.”
The phone cut off in your ear, leaving you in the still silence of the apartment. For a moment you just sat there utterly stunned. You sat and stared into the empty void of darkness sitting in the apartment, and for a moment, you felt all alone.
You sprung out of bed, fear now controlling you like a puppet, you threw on shoes and a jacket and rushed out with keys in hand, still in your pajamas. The elevator ride down was suffocating, time seemed to drip like honey but it also felt like you were wasting it standing in the descending box.
The doors opened with the usual chime and you dashed out, nearly plowing over some people in front of you.
In the car, you struggled to breathe correctly. Each breath was shakier than the last, your eyes were prickly with tears. You sat in silence in the car, your foot slowly growing heavily on the gas pedal. You were sure you ran a stop sign or two, but at this point, you didn’t give two shits. The radio was off, you listened to the vehicle hum beneath you, afraid that any music or even breaking news over the radio would make you break down.
You saw distant flashing lights, red and white and blue lights racing towards the grand Citadel standing tall maybe just a mile away.
Your heart ached, your hands shook and clutched tighter to the steering wheel. You wondered what would break first under the pressure; Your knuckles now light or the steering wheel creaking.
You were forced to stop just a little ways away from the Citadel, police had blocked off the roads, ambulances were filed neatly in front. You saw medics running stretchers up and down the towering stairs.
You booked it, weaving through the crowds that had formed and ducked under the barricades. You managed to get to the base of the stairs when you were stopped by two officers.
“Get off of me! My fiance is in there!” you cried, attempting to somehow wiggle your way out of their grasps.
“Let them in!” you heard a voice boom. The three of you looked to the top of the stairs to see Cor hurrying down the stairs, Prompto was right behind him. “Let go, officers.”
“But Marshall-”
“But nothing! I said: Let go.”
The Marshall towered over the two officers, he had the coldest gaze that would put Shiva to shame. The two officers let go of your arms and Cor put a surprisingly comforting hand on your shoulder.
Prompto came to your other side, gentle hands stroking your shaking back.
“What happened?”
“I’ll explain, but we need to move.”
“Where’s Ignis?”
“He’s inside,” Prompto murmured.
The normally bright and cheerful man seemed to want to tuck into himself and disappear. He looked so nauseous and scared like he would vomit the moment you mentioned something gross to him.
As you three ascended, your eyes never left Cor’s face.
“It was an attack. A Nifilheim diplomat. I knew something was wrong with him the moment I laid eyes on him. I only wish I had stopped him before he entered the Citadel.”
“An assassin?”
Cor paused for a moment.
“Something else. We’re not sure of his motives. He’s in captivity under the Citadel, however.” You three reached the top of the stairs were officers, Crownsguard, and Kingsglaive all stood. Two Kingsglaive immediately pulled open the doors and stepped out of the way. “Gladiolus can explain to the rest. I need to finish here.”
As if he was called, the towering shield rounded the corner. Prompto ushered you forward, leaving Cor behind. The halls had diplomats all either scared out of their minds with makeup runny and expensive clothing ruined or dirtied, or being taken care of by medics and Citadel nurses. There was a bit of blood splattered across Gladio’s hands which were balled at his sides.
It was a little tough to keep up with Gladio’s long and powerful strides, but you somehow managed.
“Where’s Ignis?” you questioned as soon as you got into a quiet hallway. “What happened?”
“Niflheim sent a vampire,” another voice stated.
Looking down the hallway, you saw Noctis approaching. His expensive suit was torn at the arms, his hair you knew he took care of so meticulously was now a mess.
“You’re supposed to be with the King, safe and away from this,” Gladio stated plainly. “How did you get past my father?”
“He’s with Drautos in the cells.”
“A vampire?” your eyebrows raised. “Niflheim has vampires now too?” The pit in your stomach suddenly grew deeper. You looked back at Gladio with nervous eyes. “Don’t tell me-”
“Ignis was attacked.”
“Is he alright? Where is he?”
Gladio guided you down another hallway, avoiding rushing nurses and maids. Down the hall stood a large elevator, metal shining brightly.
“You need to see him,” Gladio nervously rubbed the back of his neck. Looking to Noctis and Prompto gave the shield nothing, suddenly the shield was no longer confident in himself to tell you exactly what happened. “He’s still here, we can’t let him leave on an ambulance,” was all he said as he pressed the button to summon the elevator.
The four of you piled into the regal elevator as Noctis pressed multiple buttons on the panel. The descent was quiet and cold, none of you made a noise until the doors finally opened. It was all blank and dull, the hallways painted a few shades of gray and the floor cold stone was dark.
“What is this place?” you looked up to the shield.
“They go with the cells, medical rooms,” he didn’t look back at you.
His unruly eyebrows were knit together in mixed emotions;
Somewhere between discomfort and regret.
Gladio lead the way for the three of you, twisting down a corner and following the corridor down until you finally came upon a door that had a ring of light around it.
The hallway was empty. No nurses, not even any carts in the hallway. Only a small pool of blood at the closed door before you four. Gladio pushed the door open, eyes wide with shock.
“He’s not here.”
Peeking into the room, you could confirm that it was empty. There was a mess, however. The bedding was rumpled and thrown to the foot, the IV was toppled over and fluid was all over the floor, there were blood droplets all over the bed from where the cords were yanked out.
The three entered the room to see if there were any signs of a struggle when you heard the faint sound of glass shattering echo down the hallway followed by a soft moan. Almost as if you were drawn by the noises alone, your feet carried you down the hallway until you could peek around the corner. All the way down the hallway stood a glass door now opened, shattered pane in the center with blood around the hole.
You stepped into the hallway and carefully stepped forward, trying to stay as quiet as possible as you crept up to the door. The closer you got, the more you could make out a tall and shadowy figure through the glass. You could hear glass moving, drawers opening, metal bending.
It was like you were in a trance. The closer you stepped towards the door, the harder it was to reason to yourself to stop, to shout out for them. Next to the door was a damaged card reader, no longer sparking. There was a sign for biohazards in black and yellow.
You placed your hand on the door, careful to not touch the shards of glass that remained. You could feel the presence of the person, the air around you was thick with dread, you were suffocating. You slowly pushed the door open just a bit, just enough to let a little more light into the room.
Suddenly, your back struck the wall behind you, the air was knocked out of you, your head suddenly grew fuzzy. You whimpered and gasped as slender fingers harshly wrapped around your throat to keep you pinned under fierce strength. It was only when you unscrewed your eyes from the pain did you feel your world come to a hard stop.
He stood before you.
Glasses obstructed, skin paled and clammy, hair a mess now falling before his eyes. But what were once emerald green eyes were now dark and reddened. His lips were pulled back to reveal sharp canines, capable of puncturing holes in your neck without resistance.
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Prompto/Ignis Fic Recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
third time's the charm by greyskiesblack - Rated T
The last thing Prompto expects when he finds a Mr Flopsy toy is a date, but that's exactly what he gets.
For What It's Worth by saisei - Rated T
Genetically engineered clones weren't made to live long. When Prompto finds out he has just months to live, he calls Ignis. Ignis will know what to do.
Come Find Me by saisei - Rated T
Prompto sees Ignis' soul-light the moment they first meet; Ignis doesn't. Prompto knows that not everyone's guaranteed a happy life with their soul-partner, but he's glad to be able to be friends. He doesn't mind knowing he can never have more.
i saw you in the stars by chthonicheart - Rated T
To: Noctis 11:02 AM did i happen to get married to anyone last night? To: Noctis 11:02 AM particularly, ignis?
The Train by Selador - Rated T
Someone summons daemons in the middle of the train in Insomnia, and Ignis isn't sure if he wants to date the blond guy who helps out or recruit him. Fortunately, he's good at multitasking.
Momentum by Asidian - Rated T
Just the sight of him, standing there holding a cup of coffee, barrels through Prompto's brain like a puppy excited about going out for a walk – and before he even realizes what he's doing, he's fumbling for the camera. He snaps five shots, in quick succession: Ignis looking into the distance, expression soft and preoccupied. Ignis lifting the coffee. Ignis with his lips on the rim, taking a tentative taste. Ignis closing his eyes as though to savor it. Ignis with his eyes open again, looking directly toward the camera. Wait, thinks Prompto, as the last one burrows its way into his thoughts and starts setting off alarm bells. What?
Dragon Blush by Selador - Rated G
Dragons always protect their hoard.
You Say Rotato (and I Say I Love You) by lithos_saeculum - Rated G
Prompto, brainwashed by late-night infomercials, starts buying Ignis useless kitchen gadgets. Surely this can't end well. Or can it?
until you make me move by taizi - Rated T
This moment is one Ignis will keep until it sits in his memory the way Prompto’s camera sits in his hands; well-loved and weathered from being picked up and admired over and over and over again.
How to Break a Deal With the Devil by ohmyfae - Rated T
Prompto Argentum was cursed at birth by a bored trickster god, giving him inhuman, glowing red eyes. His curse earned him censure and ostracism from the town in which he grew up, but he stubbornly refused the god every time he appeared to offer Prompto a wager as a way out.
Then Prompto met Ignis Scientia, a blind traveler from Insomnia with secrets of his own, and with their burgeoning friendship, Prompto found that he suddenly had much more to lose...
Hold Me Tight, Or Don't by countingpaperstars - Rated T
It was then that he saw him - the most gorgeous person he’d ever laid eyes on, leaning against the bar and laughing openly at something his friend next to him was saying. His hair was spiked up, like many of the other patrons', and he’d somehow squeezed into the tightest pair of jeans ever created, a purple coeurl-print shirt stretched across his broad shoulders like sin. In which Prompto finally meets Noctis' advisor Ignis, but to both of their surprise, they've met before.
The Short Double-Life Of Ignis Scientia by ohmyfae - Rated T
Ignis Scientia has promised Noct that he'll go out and meet his new friend, Prompto Argentum. Just for an afternoon, of course, to make sure that the strange, disconcertingly cheerful teenager is truly everything he seems to be.
Eight hours later, Ignis is sitting in Clarus Amicitia's office, covered in glitter and body paint. How the hell did it end up like this?
Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive by whimsicottly - Rated G
“Give it to me straight. Does Ignis hate me?” “Yep,” Noctis says. “Wait, what?!” Prompto struggles to not fall out of his chair. It takes him a second to recompose himself. “I mean, of course! I knew that.” “That explains why he watches out for you in battle, takes the time to learn about your interests, and makes excuses to spend time with you,” Noctis, the traitor, continues. “Good job figuring it out.” “When you put it that way… “
If the Strain Proves too Much by saltslimes - Rated T
Prompto knows, on some sort of principle, that Ignis will not kill him. Consciously, unconsciously, whatever. But practice and principle are two different things.
#veryace recs#ffxv#prompto argentum#ffxv prompto#ignis scientia#ffxv ignis#ffxv noctis#noctis lucis caelum#gladiolus amicitia#ffxv gladiolus#ao3 fic recs#fanfic recs#ao3
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Late to the party but Baldur's Gate 3 owned me and the lack of motivation hit hard. However, finally getting toward doing the starter call! There's no cap so like and comment for as many starters as you like. It might help break me out of the slump.
Agastuma Zenitsu-blind date with Jake Wheeler (0-??)
Aloth Corfiser-going with Kieran Hunter (0-??)
Anya Forger-going with Diana Holland (0-??)
Astarion Ancunin-Blind date with Freya Beauchamp (0-Freya vcndetta)
Ban Yue-going with Sylvie Slytherin (0-??)
Beelzebub- going with Gu Soo Oh (0-??)
Ding Tao- blind date with Alex Mercer (0-Xiao Chiye mvsicinthedvrk, Shen Zechuan masqce, Qi Zhuyin masqce)
Dizzy Tremaine- going with Sam Maek Jong (0-Jester circleofstarrs)
Gil Legume- going solo (0-??)
Hua Cheng- going with their husband Xie Lian (0-Xie Lian mvsicinthedvrk)
Ignis Scientia- blind date with Nico D'Angelo (0-Nico irresistiibles)
Jeremy Smith/Bonnie- blind date with Daniela Dimitrescu (0-??)
Julian Alfred "Jaskier" Pankratz- going solo (0-Yennefer mischiefxmuses)
Kaoru Sakurayashiki- going solo (0-??)
Kili Oakenshield- blind date with Lorelai Gilmore (0-Lorelai spellbcok)
Lan Jingyi- going with Belphegor (0;-Wei Wuxian mvsicthedvrk, Anya spellbcok)
Lan Xichen- going with Nie Mingue (1;-Jin Guangyao masqce, Nie Huaisang irresistiibles, Nie Mingjue)
Lang Ying- blind date with Beth Corcoran (0-??)
Legolas Thranduilison- going with Bloo Kazoo (0-??)
Lu Ten- going with Jae Yoo (0-??)
Luis Serra Navarro- blind date with Derek Hale (0-??)
Luo Binghe- going with Shen Qingqiu (1-Shang Qinghua irresistiibles, Ning Yingying irresistiibles, Shen Qingqiu)
Markl- blind date with King Clawthorne (0-??)
Michael Afton- going solo (0-Charolette mischiefxmuses)
Montgomery Gator- blind date with Tylor Tuskman (0-??)
Shen Wei- blind date with Arnold Novak (0-??)
Shi Mei- blind date with Fabian Prewett (0-Mo Ran tragcdysewn)
Taka- going with Apollo (0-??)
Vax'ildan Vessar- going with Lee Yeon (0-Percy mischiefxmuses, Ellie circleofstarrs)
Wen Ning- going with Danny Phantom (0-??)
Wu Xi- going with Jing Qi (0-??)
Xiao Xingchen- going with Xue Yang and Song Lan (0-??)
Zhang Chengling- going with Louis Duck (0-??)
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Ignis Scientia of New Insomnia, The Chosen.
All accounts speak of the True King leaving no heir, his Nobel sacrifice bringing back the light ending his reign. Those closest in his fight left with no words, no orders, and wholly humble, it is well known that all those who watched the sun rise once more that day felt relief…. But also lost.
The Chosen King, also known as “The True Seeing” King was placed forwards, tasked with leading by those left behind in the sun's light. No arguments were made, no one claiming to have royal blood. No one wanted the throne after so much chaos had been caused by it… after how much blood had been spilt because of it.
The burden now on The Chosen King, the light having returned did not mean our problems were solved. Lucis still lay in shambles, the people still cramped in small fortified cities without true order. Monstrous machinery kept running despite the demise of their master, aimless with hatred attacking all that moved. The Chosen King took up arms, seeing no mercy for the soulless creatures. Any daemon or built soldier slain where it stood, armies of them falling and littering the deserts with broken metal. All remains of daemons were burned in cleansing fires… but the metal was piled high, left in place after orders - a reminder in time of how they had fallen.
Not afraid of the continuous fight, only a small few were hand selected as the new army of The Chosen King to help. Those who had stood by his predecessor who asked for forgiveness were given their penances. These soldiers were not only tasked with protecting the people who returned to the crumbled city of Insomnia… but to rebuild it anew. Each brick was painstakingly cleared from the crumbled streets, each body buried after being given their rights. It took labour and time, but the shining city began to take form, left with remanence of the old city once again as reminders. It seemed important to those left behind that no history was left without evidence and its mark on the world.
The only part of the old city that remained completely untouched was the citadel. Allowed to remain as it was, the Chosen King and the two men who remained at his side throughout his reign continued work in there alone. It became a sacred ground, the walls gifted with plants and flowers that seemed only to ever grow, never to wither, as if the Gods had blessed the place themselves. Inside, it is still said the remains of the fallen Kings of Old Insomnia lay, their graves hand crafted by the New King, his right hand, and his shield.
During his reign, The Chosen King took no partner, nor bore an heir. Instead, he looked amongst his people for those with qualities he deemed fit. He placed into law that blood could no longer be the way Kings were made, and those who shone brightest and kindness in New Insomnia would take the throne. It may have been considered foolish at first, as lustful eyes looked to tempt the crown to their own heads. But none who had cruelty in their hearts could fool the three men who protected what the True King had died for. Each one fell into ruin under blank stares, often paraded through the streets as punishment for their mockery of what was considered sacred.
In older age, The Chosen King, despite his blindness, saw threats well, and made sure to flatten them before they could storm against New Insomnia’s walls. It was considered an age of peace in the eyes of civilians, and all who trained to protect the city felt their fights were not in vain. Battles fought were not without their King, who swept through enemies as if his sight still remained. No man who stood at his side felt fear in the field, all knowing well tactics had long been perfected.
Despite age, it was the youngest of the three survivors, the Hand of the King who died first. It is still sadly unknown how Prompto Argentum took their last breath. All records around the man’s death seem to either be lost or destroyed. He was declared of Lucis by The Chosen King, his body was carried by his companions through the streets until they met the citadel. No sound was heard, no one dared to break the silence even in their grief. The wind seemed to blow softer on the day as birds stopped their singing in mourning of the Hand of the King. No one tells of the day the youngest man of the three died, only that since that day, the Shield of the King refused to speak. His voice seemingly lost in his grief, the impact of the loss was felt in the Royal Palace all throughout. All stories of the Hand were cheerful, speaking only of his kindness and tragedy of his loss. Anyone who whispered rumours of his true birth became unwelcome, often gone before they were able to defend themselves.
Time passed, and while hearts could not be mended, an heir was eventually chosen with special care. Not a soldier, nor a scholar. A man only placed forwards seemingly due to his compassion. The Heir was given no privilege in his upbringing, but once chosen, was schooled in combat only as a means to defend himself - the rest, told of history to make sure mistakes could not be repeated. They learned well under The Chosen King, and his silent Shield.
The grief the city felt at the passing of their Chosen King could not compare. Those who had been touched by his protectiveness of New Insomnia covered their eyes in cloth as a gesture to him. Unlike the Hand of the King, the streets were filled with chimes of songs of grief and sobbing. All those who had known him told stories of what he had done for them. The city of New Insomnia was awash with banners of all colours, and those who stood blindly in the streets could not see as their king was carried towards his final resting place. Once more opening the doors to the citadel, the New King carried out the wishes of his predecessor. Buried beside Noctis Lucis Callum and his father, beneath the marble floor where the old throne once sat, the doors were sealed for the final time. The spear, which had served Ignis Scientia so well, was taken by his Shield - Gladiolus Amicitia, into the outside world. While it held no power as the Royal Arms had once, the tradition of placing the weapons away from the city held true. Its last known resting place, however, is unknown, as Gladiolus never returned to New Insomnia. He took his leave still in silence, strapped with the weapons of his fallen allies.
It is said that Gladiolus returned the spear to the place The Chosen King lost his vision. Others say that the Shield still walks Lucis, much like the Gilgamesh of old, protecting what he held dear.
The only true thing known is that the four men who stood against the darkness all took their own paths in death.
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by Genly Words: 6075, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Ravus Nox Fleuret , Ignis Scientia , Prompto Argentum Relationships: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Ignis Scientia Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers , Enemies to Friends to Lovers , Ravus Nox Fleuret Lives , Dead Lunafreya Nox Fleuret , Ignis Scientia is Not Blind , Pining , Angst , POV Ravus Nox Fleuret , Masturbation , Falling In Love , Canon Disabled Character , Disability , Physical Disability
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{Dylan Wang, 26, male, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, IMPERIAL BODYGUARD JI XINYUAN of JAPAN CHINA! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are DETERMINED and CHARISMATIC enough to handle it. Just don’t let your PERSONAL DESIRES bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out YOU HAVE BEEN LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY FOR YEARS {rawr, 28, GMT+1, she/her, no triggers} + princess kai-ming's bodyguard wc
NAME: Ji Xinyuan "GIVEN NAME": Fei BIRTH NAME: Maeda Toshihisa AGE: 26 GENDER / PRONOUNS: Male, he/him ORIENTATION: Bisexual
INSPIRATIONS: Essek Thelyss (Critical Role), Hubert von Vestra (FE3H), Akechi Gorou (Persona 5), Jin Guangyao & Nice Huaisang (The Untamed), Ignis Scientia (FFXV), the Scorpion Clan (Legend of the Five Rings)
• • •
FAMILY: None MARITAL STATUS: Single POLITICAL AFFILIATION: Loyal to the Japanese royal family LANGUAGES: Japanese (native), Chinese (bilingual), Tagalog (fluent), English (passable), Spanish (passable). Fakes an accent when speaking anything other than Chinese.
Xinyuan speaks of his history with such solemnity, pride and honesty that he has won the hearts of many in the imperial court. The only child of a very patriotic landowner down in his luck who dreamed of seeing his only son earn a position in court, and spent most of his rapidly decreasing resources educating the child. He taught Xinyuan literature, languages, martial skills such as archery, and horsemanship. Yet his wayward son, blinded by his natural talents and the brazenness of his youth, rejected his father's teachings and efforts and left his home with dreams of becoming a renowned poet. Though he produced some works of decent quality, it wasn't long until word reached him that both his parents had fallen ill and died.
Ji Xinyuan believed this misfortune to be a divine punishment for his ungrateful, rebellious behavior, and turned all of his efforts back to the path that had been chosen for him. At the age of 19, he famously prostrated himself outside the imperial palace and begged for "a chance to atone for his sins and fulfill his late father's wish". His talents, strong sense of honor and social graces caught the attention of his superiors and recently earned him a privileged role as one of the bodyguards accompanying the imperial family.
Toshihisa was born to Chinese ambassadors and presumed dead in the fire that killed his parents. He cannot remember whether that was the name he was given at birth or not, and he can only speculate whether the event was or wasn't an accident, but he doesn't trouble himself with conjectures. For as long as he can remember, he has had a purpose, and unlike his false persona he accepted the role with great pride.
He received the best education and was raised in privilege. When the time came, he traveled to China, where he had his tale fabricated and his ascension orchestrated. He aims to become the imperial family's most trusted soldier and confidant... and hopes his blade skills will never be required.
After the Reckoning, and the exile of princess Kai-ming, his previous charge, he became the Emperor's bodyguard. He has earned Angelo's trust, when the truth is Xinyuan profoundly despises the man. During the current conflict, he sends word of China's moves to Japan through informants, while simultaneously assisting princess Giuliana in their goal to dethrone their brother.
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Ok hard mode… top 5 fictional characters
Oh god. Fuck. Okay. This is in no particular order cuz I genuinely can't rank most shit in my life let alone my most prized of blorbos. And honestly I decided to stick to characters I used to rp on Tumblr because well, that's what came to mind djdjdjdhdj
1. Charles Xavier from the X-Men reboot series. Oh. Charles. You messy, emotionally neglected man who took too much of the world unto him. But instead of letting it make you bitter, you made yourself believe in only the best. But you watched as that blind hope hurt those you love around you again and again and again and you shut yourself off from your connection and it made you bitter but you still held onto that hope and-
2. Richie Gecko from From Dusk Till Dawn (the series ONLY). I am fully aware that Richie is a terrible person, I don't need the lecture. But oh god, Richie. A man seen as a genius, but also stupid at the same time. Unable to connect well with others, always seen as unnerving, as awkward. Who's only connection to the world is his brother. And he fights for that connection but for his own place in the world at the same time. Richie, a man who killed his father because the pain he couldn't let his brother suffer anymore at his hands. Richie, a man who's always been seen as out of his mind finally losing but finally SEEING. And letting it consume him. Richie!!!
3. Ignis Scientia. The caretaker, the tactician. Adviser and friend and chef and driver and body guard. All these roles and yet he does not falter. He bears them all with ceaseless pride. Who sacrifices his sight, who'd sacrifice his very life, for Noctis. Who'd let the world burn for Noctis, if only it meant that Noctis could be happy, that Noctis could be safe. That Noctis could LIVE
4. Loki (specifically from the movies and BEFORE Ragnarok). Adopted son, trapped in a family that loves him but does not understand him. Anger, bitter, all too aware of the chasm between himself and those he loves. Who lets this chasm grow deeper and fester from wounds of things left unsaid. Who wants his family but hates them all the same. Who holds just as much blame but cannot see it through his own hurt.
5. Uhh....my brain is blanking but I'll get back to you on a fifth one. There is one, I know there is djdjdjdjdjd
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