#bless you martina
lesbiandeancas · 1 year
every late 90s/early 00s country song about being blessed or deserving happiness is about late seasons dean actually
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siemprecr7 · 2 years
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Cristiano via IG story ❤🙏
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jovial-thunder · 1 month
Downtimes, module editor, water temple
Happy summer! There's smoke in Portland but it's not too bad. Bless firefighters. Work on Lancer Tactics continues apace.
This month has been mostly focused on the largest heretofore-untouched section of the game: downtimes and the module editor for designing the sequences between combats. We're not planning on doing anything particularly innovative or new in its design — if you've played Banner Saga, Fire Emblem (gameboy versions), or Rogue Squadron you'll recognize what's going on here.
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Repair, level up, have visual-novel-style conversations with companions, do some light choose-your-own-adventuring, and pick & launch the next combat. All pretty standard downtime fare — games have pretty thoroughly explored these patterns as vehicles for narrative at this point.
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The unique thing that Lancer Tactics is offering on this front is an editor to make your own entire campaigns. Classic games like Warcraft or Age of Empires had incredible scenario editors, but making anything more than a one-mission map was solely the domain of modders. Over the last few weeks, we've gotten a full basically-visual-novel-editor working ingame where you can orchestrate NPC story arcs, clocks ticking, branching paths, and triggered events for all the stuff that happens between combats.
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All of the campaigns we ship with the game are going to be made with these same editors, which'll force us to really make sure that they're solid tools. I think it'd be very funny to someday see someone like completely ignore all the mech stuff and just make a visual novel in this engine.
There's no new preview game build this month because adding this big section of the game means too many things are under construction. I'm happy with how fast we've been able to get this going, but making ingame editors is a lot of unglamorous UI piping and data refactoring work. Fingers crossed that it'll come together enough that we'll be able to get the first version of this editor in your hands in time for the next update
Other Changelogs
Carpenter has started re-making the tutorial level from the demo in this new engine, which is pushing us to add a bunch of stuff to the combat editor. I added triggers for playing arbitrary effects on the map, moving the camera, storing arbitrary data to the battle/module states, enabling/disabling/triggering other triggers, AND/OR conditions, and putting execution limits on triggers.
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Triggers can highlight UI or actions (so it can be like "use the boost to get through!" and the boost button becomes all shiny)
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New "camera start" zone type
Added a "hotspot" zone type that has a little floating title, and plastered the names of other zones on the map (visual style stolen from some Foundry VTT modules)
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Added water, whose level can be set via the editor or triggers.
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Added unmounted pilots who can mount up into Shut Down mechs. We continue to plan to not have pilot combat be a part of the core game, but it'll be useful for scenario or scripted sequences.
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Added activation pips and template icons to the mini healthbar on units.
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A bunch more portrait editor assets from Martina, including facial hair. Here's a check Carpenter did where he tried to recreate some official Lancer art ingame. ✨
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Schedule update
Taking a look at our original date for the "bones" of the game ("finishing the battle engine, basic character creation, 2 mechs per manufacturer, and an a 'instant action' mode"), we estimated being able to get it done by the end of November. The emotional milestone for me on this front is getting the game to a complete enough state that I feel OK about swapping it in on the itch.io page.
I've been saying that the 3D cataclysm has pushed us back back about 3 months, and I think that's still holding true. Carpenter and I haven't officially made the call yet, but I think it's likely we'll need that time to port more mech content; here's a graph they made that shows about where we're sitting on the PC and NPC mechs for the "bones" target in terms of mechanics and action icon/sprite. 
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(This data is pulled from a big table they made that includes ALL talents/gear/traits where we've been marking things off as we've implemented them. Very handy for tracking where we are.)
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That's all for now. Tata!
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skibasyndrome · 25 days
wilmon + “hold still, babygirl” 🎀
Martina.................... bless. I absolutely CANNOT thank you enough for sending in that prompt!!! ANYWAYS, some of you know I am newly obsessed with the idea of a gender-questioning or nb or transfem Wille so... hope you guys like transfem Wille as much as I love her
also, cw: kinda nsfw, gender affirmation is one hell of a drug, getting teary-eyed during sex, but in a good way I promise <3
“Hold still, babygirl...,” Simon's voice is muffled against the side of Wille's neck, but clear enough for her to hear it. Wille gasps, tightening the grip of her fingers in Simon's curls, stilling her writhing thighs, letting Simon grab them again. She's barely holding on as is, her hold on the marble countertop Simon just fucking lifted her onto weakening every time Simon digs his fingers into her soft flesh, but the way he says it, the softness, the affection, the let me take care of you hidden between the lines is sending her mind into overdrive. Simon slides his hands up her body, along the outside of her thighs, her hips, her waist, smoothing over the soft fabric of her new sundress so reverently, so intentionally that it sends a pang to her chest. This is it, she thinks, this is fucking it, this feels so right she wants to cry on the spot. "So beautiful," Simon tells her, words breaking out of him like he's not in control, like he like has no choice but to vocalize his adoration. No need, Wille thinks, because she can feel it, has felt it all afternoon, in every casual touch and every single glance. "So, so beautiful," he adds, even breathier now, and Wille bites back a moan when he emphasizes the words by grabbing a handful of her ass. It's a lot, it's almost too much, they're not even naked yet and it's so so much. But Simon isn't done with her, he's not leaving any room for doubt and Wille doesn't thinks she's ever felt so much fucking love at once. Simon mouths down her neck, gives her collarbone a gentle nibble, presses a kiss against the top of her sternum, then stops for a moment, gives Wille the chance to tell him where she wants him and that alone forces another broken gasp out of her. She just nods frantically, pushing Simon's head closer, making sure his lips don't leave her skin. Simon slips the sleeve of her dress, the strap of her bra down her shoulder, mouths further down her chest and Wille is going to die. This shouldn't feel real, she doesn't dare to look down, afraid that she'd wake up from a dream if she's not careful, but she can see it behind in her mind's eye, the visual accompanying the sensation, Simon kissing and licking over her skin, shoving the lace of her bralette out of the way with his face to get to her nipple. Just as she thinks the arm propped up behind her, holding her up, is going to give in, she feels Simon snake his arm around her middle, feels him dig the tips of his fingers into her ribs (a reminder, this is real). Simon uses the other arm around her ass, maneuvers her body further towards the edge and Wille can feel him, fuck, she can feel him. With her skirt slipping up over her thighs, bunching up around her hips, Simon is making space for himself between her legs. She can feel him, pressing against her hot and firm and so, so enticing, and she feels him all over her, so there, and holding her so tightly, with so much fucking care that, despite herself, she feels her eyes starting to burn. She presses them shut more tightly, wraps her legs around Simon's hips, crosses her ankles and pushes him closer, holds him so close she'd be scared of hurting him if it wasn't for him pulling her even closer him with a grunt. "I've got you, sweetheart," he says, and Wille whines when Simon lets go of her nipple, tries to make him stay there for just a little bit longer, she needs him there, doesn't he see? But Simon is unrelenting, squeezes her middle, and, Wille cranes her neck to lean into the touch, brushes his hand through Wille's hair and tucks a strand behind her ear. Fuck. She swallows against the lump in her throat. "I've got you, princess," Simon breathes against her mouth, taking all the air out of her lungs. When their lips finally meet, Wille can taste the salt of her tears and desperately wraps her arms around Simon's back, like he could disappear any second.
....... I'm not going to apologize. Just know I LOVE HER and I love the way Simon loves her and I haven't felt this attached to a version of them in quite a while... pls be kind to her, she's finding herself 😭😭😭 TYSM MARTINA ILY 💜💜💜
Send me "Wilmon" + a sentence and I'll write you 5(+) more
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iamknicole · 10 months
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A/N: Bare with me the holidays are a busy time for me so it'll most likely be week day uploads when I do start posting chapters! Enjoy! Comment, reblog & share! Updates depend on engagement! 🌻
Warnings: A bit of cursing, 18+, Minors DNI
The sound of kids talking and playing filled Shania's ears as she entered the three year old classroom. A few kids noticed her, running to give her hugs then went back to playing. She watched them for a moment then went to the connected boys restroom, peeking in. 
"Hey, Ms. Martina. You buzzed for me?"
Martina stood from her kneel in front of the middle stall. "Yeah. Jaden has a stomach thing and no clothes."
Shania walked in to check on the child, giving him a soft smile. "Not feeling good, buddy?"
His voice came out weak and sad. "No ma'am."
"I'll get somebody to bring you some ginger ale and extra clothes while I call mommy and daddy. Sound good?" Giving him another pout, she turned to Martina. "If you want when he's cleaned up, you can bring him to the office with me. Tell me the last name again."
Leaving the classroom, Shania power walked through the daycare back to her office and to her desk. After going through her software, she found his profile and dialed the first number. 
"Good morning, Mrs. Fatu. This is Shania Taylor at Busy Bees. Jaden's not feeling well and he's had an accident so you're gonna have to come pick him up. Thank you. See you soon."
Shania left the same message three times with Jaden's mom, dad and uncle. She sighed softly realizing there was only one more number to call. Dialing the number, she put it on speaker so she could pull her curls away from her face. 
The deep voice startled her a bit as she honestly wasn't expecting anyone to answer. 
"Helloooo," the voice sang out, "Somebody there?"
"Sorry, yes." She picked her phone up, moving it closer to her.  "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. This is Shania Taylor from Busy Bees. Is this Joshua Fatu?"
"Uh, yeah, this Josh. Busy Bees?"
"Yes, Busy Bees. Your nephew, Jaden, is enrolled here."
"Oh shit, my bad," he said quickly, "I don't think I ever knew the name. He aight? He need something?"
She glanced at her office door when she heard a light knock, finding Martina standing in the doorway with Jaden in tow. She waved them in, pointing at the ottoman in front of her window. 
"He's actually not feeling well and had an accident. He didn't have any clothes but I keep extras here so that's taken care of. You are gonna have to get him though."
Josh went silent for a moment, Shania could hear rustling around in his background.
"I don't mind at all but did you call Jon or Trinity first?"
"Yes sir," she said softly as she rolled her chair over to Jaden. She covered him with her throw blanket. "I called them and the other uncle they had listed, no one answered."
"Aight, I'll try to call them. I'm on the way though, Ms. Taylor."
"Thank you, see you soon."
The small monitor on her desk chimed and real time video popped up fifteen minutes later. Easing up from her spot, Shania checked the monitor then went to the front door of the center. She pushed the door open for him, a small smile on her face. 
"Hey, Mr. Fatu." She watched him as he stepped inside. "Thank you for coming."
He looked around the foyer then at her, giving her a small nod. "Josh. Just Josh. I gotta get em from the class?"
"Nope, he's actually been in my office with me. Fell asleep not too long ago. He had me watching toy videos so the nap was a blessing in disguise for us both," she joked. "Since he is asleep, I can go ahead and get a copy of your license."
He frowned a little at that. "Why?"
"I make copies of everyone's licenses when they come to pick up one of my babies. State law. Keeps them safe. You can step into my office."
The two stood in silence while she made her copies. Josh grabbed Jaden's backpack, bag of soiled clothes and the small bottle of ginger ale beside him. He watched Shania move quickly around her office from the printer to the filling cabinet then to her desktop, lingering there for a few minutes. She wrote something down on her post it before peeling it off. Going to Josh, she held it out to him smiling. Slowly, he took it then looked at her. 
"What's this?"
"Your family's code to get into the door so you don't have to wait to be let in whenever you come get him."
"Thank you," he stuffed it into his pocket then carefully picked up his sleeping nephew, "I need to sign em out?"
"I'll take care of it. You just take care of my buddy. When you talk to his parents, let them know he can return when he's been symptom free for 24 hours."
"Gotcha. You the boss lady huh?" He joked adjusting Jaden in his arms. 
Her smile grew a little wider, her cheeks pushing her eyes into small slits. "I wouldn't say boss lady but I am the owner."
"Shit. Forreal?"
"Yes and we don't talk like that in Busy Bees, Josh." She chastised playfully.
He flashed her a quick smile, giving a peek of his gold fronts on his bottom teeth. "My bad, Ms. Taylor. Ima let them know though. Have a good day, don't work too hard."
Walking in front of him to the door, she propped the door open for him to exit. She watched him effortlessly unlock his truck, put Jaden's things in then Jaden into his seat. She called out to him before he could open the driver side. 
"What's up?"
"Call me Shania."
His fronts made another appearance. "Yes ma'am."
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archduchessofnowhere · 6 months
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Elisabeth's grand mistress of the court [Oberhofmeisterin], Countess Esterházy, with whom she had never felt comfortable, remained in Vienna. Archduchess Sophie had no say in the choice of Elisabeth's travel entourage. She complained to Franz Joseph's brother Karl Ludwig about the lack of trust: the advice she had given Franz Joseph had been nothing more than “fruitless attempts”. Thus Sisi was not accompanied to Madeira by her grand mistress of the court, but by her new deputy, Princess Mathilde Windisch-Grätz. The latter had only been appointed as Elisabeth's lady-in-waiting in 1860 and had endeared herself to her from the very first moment. Mathilde's husband had died in the Italian campaign of 1859; the empress had shown compassion for the grieving young widow, left with a small child, and the two became friends. Mathilde's brother was not surprised that she had agreed to go: “That Mathilde would comply with the Empress' wishes was to be expected, given the personal relationship between the two, but the responsibility for this undertaking, so infinitely serious in every respect, is great”. The appointment of Mathilde as deputy grand mistress of the empress's court aroused some astonishment. Archduchess Therese was furious: “Countess Esterházy is being sidelined in a very strange way. In her place, the young Mathilde Windisch-Grätz goes to Madeira; it is also strange that the latter leaves her small child behind”.
Mathilde was an intelligent and thoughtful woman who did not allow herself to jump to conclusions about people. She tried to look at Elisabeth without prejudice and not let herself be influenced by the opinion of the court society. During her stay in Madeira she kept a diary: reading it would be instructive, as the young deputy to the grand mistress of the court gained a deep insight into the empress's nature. But she was in doubt as to whether she would pass on her private notes on Elisabeth to posterity, who would hardly get a correct idea of her complex personality. That is why she left his brother to decide whether or not the diary should be kept. The comments on her relationship with Elisabeth and her character contained therein are, in their frankness, more interesting than what most contemporary women were able to report. “If you think,” Mathilde wrote to her brother, “that what I have written is detrimental to the existing opinion of her [Elisabeth], see to it that no one else but yourself can read it; and do not judge her too harshly; tell yourself that if, after the undeniably difficult hours she has given me, I still cling to her with such a warm and intimate love, there must be more in this woman's nature than the public can recognise. One has to know her exactly as I do, at least as long as I have lived in close contact with her world, to be able to correctly judge some of her faults, unfortunately, but also the qualities of her character. God bless her, I have few more ardent desires”. Alfred Windisch-Grätz eventually decided to destroy his sister's diary.
Winkelhofer, Martina (2022). Sissi. La vera storia. Il camino della giovane imperatrice (Translation done by DeepL. Please keep in mind that in a machine translation a lot of nuance may/will be lost)
Pictured: Princess Mathilde with her daughter Eleonore, by Ludwig Angerer, circa 1862 (left); Empress Elisabeth, by an unknown photographer, circa 1860 (right). Via the Wien Museum.
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dawnthefox24 · 8 months
*Cole Is watching Gabe yelling at Doomfist not because he kidnapped him because he asked him for his blessing *
Doomfist: You aren't even blood related and be glad I'm asking you for his hand in marriage.
Sombra: *raises her hand*Can I be the maid if honor ?
Doomfist & Reaper/Gabriel: Yes/NO!!!
Widowmaker: As long as there wine I do not care...
Moira: *smirks* I can officiate the wedding
Moira: *rolls her eyes* I'm on nobodies side but I do find this funny
Mauga:*pokes his head in grinning like a mad man* I LOVE WEDDINGS!! Who is getting married!?
Doomfist: Me and Cassidy
Mauga: Awe man Congrats!! I CALL BEING BEST MAN!! Doomfist: Thank you
Sigma: *happens to over hear everything*Who is getting married?
Sombra: *smiles happily and points too Doomfist and Cole* Cole and Akande
Sigma:*smiles softly* oh that's wonderful, congrats Akande
Doomfist: *smiles* Thank you Sigma
Reaper/Gabriel: *is beyond pissed* COLE IS NOT MARRYING YOU AKANDE AND THAT'S FINALE!!!!
Cole:...um do I get a say in thi-
Reaper/Gabriel & Doomfist: No/NO!!
Cole: Alright....
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neverlostmycrown · 6 months
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Evanescence - Evanescence (Ev3) Deluxe Edition, 2011 - Digital Booklet
(hq via archive.org)
Amy would like to thank: I want to thank everyone at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, for letting us use your amazing place to create, and for making us feel like part of the family. Special thanks to John and Martina McBride (for running such an awesome studio, and for the BBQ!) Nathan Yarborough - the best and sweetest assistant engineer anywhere, and all the interns who gave me rides home. Also, thank you to all our friends at S.I.RNash- you’ve been such an important part of this record. From writing and pre-production to rehearsing and performing, it all happened in the big room at the end of the hall! Thank you for being so good to us. Big love to Nick Raskulinecz, the man with the plan. Thank you for believing in me, for pushing me, for making me stronger, for cracking me up, and knowing when to say HELL YEAH!! Thank you Paul Figueroa: Engineer extraordinaire, master chef, bowling champion! Thank you Terry, Tim, Will and Troy for having my back, for bringing rad, inventive ideas to the table, and most of all, for making it LOUD! Thank you so much David Campbell, Dave Eggar and all of the string players. Thank you Chris Vrenna, you rule! Thank you Will B. Hunt for the inspiration, the good times, and the very special music we made together. Thank you to John Nicholson, one of my new favorite people! Also thank you to Phyllis Sparks and Mike Simmons. Thank you Dave Fortman, for your advice, support, and friendship throughout my career. Thank you Diana Meltzer for discovering me and always supporting me! Thank you Josh, for supporting and encouraging me to be brave and remember love, above all. Thank you Mom, Dad, Carrie, Lori, and Robby for being my biggest fans and always supporting me, making me feel safe when life gets hard, and taking me to Disney World no matter how old I get! Love to all of my wonderful family- I am so blessed. Gotta give a shout out to my girl, Beth! Thanks for being someone I can always count on. I can’t wait to laugh around the world with you once more! Thank you Zach and Stacy Williams, for your friendship and your inspiration. Thank you Eddie “Muscles” Mapp (for being awesome). Thank you everyone at Wind-up records for working so hard for us and putting out this album. Thank you Andy Lurie for all your hard work and support. Thank you Chrissy Igoe and the rest of 110 Management. Thank you Gary Haber and Patty Wicker for everything you do for me! Thank you Ken Ewing, Sheryl Rowling and Steve Baron. A very special thank you to our fans, for listening to our music, for letting it take a place in your hearts, for sharing your lives with us, for making all of this possible.
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brookston · 11 months
Holidays 10.29
Black Salsify Day (French Republic)
Bob Ross Day (Abeldane Empire)
Candies Day
Coronation Day (Cambodia)
C6HO Day (Kentucky)
Cumhuriyet Bayrami (North Cyprus, Turkey)
Cyrus the Great Day (Iran)
Feed the Birds Day (UK)
Festival of Global Climate Change
Fiestas Patrias begins (Honduras)
Halloween Eve Eve
Hermit Day
Hide From Everyone Day (a.k.a. Hermit Day)
International Internet Day
Laugh Suddenly For No Reason A Lot Today Day
Naming Day (Tanzania)
National Boner Day
National Book Day (Brazil)
National Cat Daddy Day
National Cat Day
National Hermit Day
National Martina Day
Oatmeal Day
PSC Awareness Day
Sea Slug Day
Separation of Church and State Day
Turkish Republic Day (Turkey)
World Online Networking Day
World Psoriasis Day
World Stroke Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
National Disgusting Little Pumpkin-Shaped Candies Day
National Oatmeal Day
Poperinge Beer & Hop Festival begins (Belgium) [Every 3 years, 3rd Friday, but postponed from 2021]
5th & Last Sunday in October
European Summer Times Ends (EU) [Last Sunday]
International Creole Day (Dominica, Saint Lucia) [Last Sunday]
Jounen Kwéyòl (Creole Day; Dominica, Saint Lucia) [Last Sunday]
National Grandparents Day (Australia) [Last Sunday]
National Student Baptism Day [Last Sunday]
Reformation Sunday [Last Sunday]
Visit a Cemetery Day [Last Sunday]
World Swim Hat Day [Last Sunday]
Independence Days
Turkey (from Ottoman Empire, 1923)
Westarctica (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Abraham of Rostov (Christian; Saint)
Andrei Ryabushkin (Artology)
Chef (a.k.a. Theuderius; Christian; Saint)
Chiara Badano (Christian; Blessed)
Colman mac Duagh (Christian; Saint)
Douai Martyrs (Christian; Saint)
Gaetano Errico (Christian; Saint)
Ghatasthapana begins (Nepal)
Isis/Osiris Mysteries II (Pagan)
James Hannington (Anglicanism)
Kojagrat Purnima [15th Day of Dashain]
Lazarus Long Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mary of Edessa (Christian; Saint)
Maximillian (Christian; Saint)
Narcissus of Jerusalem (Roman Catholic Church)
Nut Day (Pastafarian)
Robertson (Positivist; Saint)
Warren the Warthog (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Historically Unlucky Day [10 of 11]
Historically Bad Day (Stock Market Crash, Hurricane Sandy & 8 other tragedies) [10 of 11]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [58 of 71]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
All I Want for Christmas Is You, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1994)
The Autobiography of Malcolm X, with Alex Haley (Biography; 1965)
Being John Malkovich (Film; 1999)
Blue Moon, 24th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2019)
Bullwinkle Busts a Brush or The Cleft Palette (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 226; 1963)
BUtterfield 8, by John O'Hara (Roman à clef Novel; 1935)
Create Dangerously, by Albert Camus (manifesto; 1957)
Don Giovanni, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1787)
The Fleischmann’s Yeast Hour (Radio Series; 1929)
Get Nervous, by Pat Benatar (Album; 1982)
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest (Film; 2010)
Hemispheres, by Rush (Album; 1978)
Hulu (Streaming Network; 2007)
The Huntley-Brinkley Report (TV News Show; 1956)
Jingle Bell Rock, recorded by Bobby Helm (Song; 1957)
Keeping Up Appearances (UK TV Series; 1990)
Last Night in Soho (Film; 2021)
Man of the Century (Film; 1999)
Mind Games, by John Lennon (Album; 1973)
My Generation, by The Who (Song; 1965)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Animated Film; 1993)
The Portrait of a Lady, by Henry James (Novel; 1880)
Portrait of a Moose or Bullwinkle Gets the Brush (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S5, Ep. 225; 1963)
Princess Mononoke (Anime Film; 1999)
Ray (Film; 2004)
Red Riding Hoodwinked (WB LT Cartoon; 1955)
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You Now! (WB Animated Film; 2021)
The Sentinel, 25th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2020)
Trip for Tat (WB MM Cartoon; 1960)
Welcome to the Pleasure Dome, by Frankie Goes to Hollywood (Album; 1984)
What’ll I Do?, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1947)
Wild Target (Film; 2010)
Today’s Name Days
Ermelina, Hermelindis, Melinda (Austria)
Časlav, Honorat, Ida, Narcis (Croatia)
Silvie (Czech Republic)
Narcissus (Denmark)
Alf, Alfred, Fred, Fredi (Estonia)
Alfred, Urmasimo (Finland)
Narcisse (France)
Ermelinda, Franco, Grete, Melinda (Germany)
Abramios, Melina (Greece)
Nárcisz (Hungary)
Ermelinda, Michela, Massimiliano (Italy)
Elva, Elvijs, Fortuna, Laimonis (Latvia)
Gelgaudas, Narcizas, Tolvydė, Violeta (Lithuania)
Noralf, Norunn (Norway)
Euzebia, Franciszek, Longin, Longina, Lubogost, Narcyz, Teodor, Wioletta (Poland)
Anastasia (Romania)
Zinaida (Russia)
Klára (Slovakia)
Narciso (Spain)
Viola (Sweden)
Garrison, Cyrano, Cyrena, Narcissa, Narcissus (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 302 of 2024; 63 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 7 of week 43 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 15 (Geng-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 14 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 14 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 2 Mir; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 16 October 2023
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 22 Descartes (11th Month) [Robertson]
Runic Half Month: Hagal (Hailstone) [Day 3 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 36 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 6 of 29)
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lunamagicablu · 2 years
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Aggrappati a ciò che è buono, anche se è un pugno di terra.
Aggrappati a ciò che credi, anche se è come un albero solitario.
Aggrappati a ciò che devi fare, anche se è una strada molto lunga rispetto a dove sei ora.
Aggrappati alla vita, anche quando è più facile lasciare perdere.
Aggrappati alla mia mano, anche quando me ne sono andato.
Aggrappati alla consapevolezza che sei un figlio o figlia benedetto del Divino.
Aggrappati al sapere che sei connessa.
Aggrappati alla memoria di chi sei veramente!
benedizione degli Indiani Pueblo & Patricia Martina
Hold on to what's good, even if it's a handful of earth.
Hold on to what you believe, even if it's like a lonely tree.
Hold on to what you have to do, even if it's a long way from where you are now.
Hold on to life, even when it's easier to let go.
Hold on to my hand, even when I'm gone.
Hold on to the knowledge that you are a blessed son or daughter of the Divine.
Hold on to knowing that you are connected.
Hold on to the memory of who you really are!
blessing of the Pueblo Indians & Patricia Martina
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sassenach77yle · 1 year
HE MADE IT TO Amanda’s room a half step before Brianna and scooped the child out of her bed, cradling her against his pounding heart.“Jemmy, Jemmy!” she sobbed. “He’s gone, he’s gone. He’s GONE!!” This last was shrieked as she stiffened in Roger’s arms, digging her feet hard into his belly.“Hey, hey,” he soothed, trying to rearrange her and pet her into calm. “It’s okay, Jemmy’s fine. He’s fine, he’s only gone to visit Bobby overnight. He’ll be home tomorrow.”“He’s GONE!” She squirmed like an eel, not trying to get away but merely possessed by a paroxysm of frantic grief. “He’s not here, he’s not here!”
“Aye, like I said, he’s at Bobby’s house, he—”“Not here,” she said urgently, and thumped the palm of her hand repeatedly on the top of her head. “Not here wif me!”“Here, baby, come here,” Bree said urgently, taking the tear-streaked child from him.“Mama, Mama! Jemmy’s GONE!” She clung to Bree, staring desperately, still thumping her head. “He’s not wif me!”Bree frowned at Mandy, puzzled, a hand running over her, checking for temperature, swollen glands, tender tummy…“Not with you,” she repeated, speaking intently, trying to get Mandy out of her panic. “Tell Mummy what you mean, sweetheart.”“Not here!” In utter desperation, Mandy lowered her head and butted her mother in the chest.“Oof!”The door at the end of the hall opened, and William Buccleigh came out, wearing Roger’s woolen dressing gown.“What in the name of the Blessed Virgin’s all this riot?” he inquired.“He took him, he took him!” Mandy shrieked, and buried her head in Brianna’s shoulder.Despite himself, Roger was feeling infected by Amanda’s fear, irrationally convinced that something terrible had happened.“Do you know where Jem is?” he snapped at Buccleigh.“I do not.” Buccleigh frowned at him. “Is he not in his bed?”
“No, he isn’t!” Brianna snapped. “You saw him leave, for heaven’s sake.” She forced her way between the men. “Quit it right now, both of you! Roger, take Mandy. I’m going to phone Martina Hurragh.” She thrust Amanda, moaning around the thumb in her mouth, into his arms and hurried for the stairs, her hastily acquired nightclothes rustling like leaves.He rocked Amanda, distracted, alarmed, nearly overcome by her sense of panic. She emitted fright and grief like a radio broadcasting tower, and his own breath came short and his hands were wet with sweat where he clutched her Winnie-the-Pooh nightie.“Hush, a chuisle,” he said, pitching his voice as calmly as he could. “Hush, now. We’ll fix it. You tell Daddy what waked you up, and I’ll fix it, promise.”She obediently tried to stifle her sobs, rubbing chubby fists into her eyes.“Jemmy,” she moaned. “I want Jemmy!”“We’ll get him back straightaway,” Roger promised. “Tell me, what made you wake up? Did you have a bad dream?”“Uh-huh.” She clutched him tighter, her face full of fear. “Was big wocks, big wocks. They scweamed at me!”Ice water ran straight through his veins. Jesus, oh, Jesus. Maybe she did remember her trip through the stones.“Aye, I see,” he said, patting her as soothingly as he could, for the ferment in his own breast. He did see. In memory he saw those stones, felt and heard them again. And, turning a little, saw the pallor of William Buccleigh’s face and knew he heard the ring of truth in Mandy’s voice, too.“What happened then, a leannan? Did you go close to the big rocks?”“Not me; Jem! That man took him and the wocks ate him!” At this, she collapsed in tears again, sobbing inconsolably.“That man,” Roger said slowly, and turned a little more, so that William Buccleigh was in her field of view. “Do you mean this man, sweetheart? Uncle Buck?”“No, nonononononono, a other man!” She straightened up, staring into his face with huge, tear-filled eyes, straining to make him understand. “Bobby’s daddy!”He heard Brianna coming upstairs. Fast, but unevenly; it sounded as though she was bumping against the walls of the staircase, losing her balance as she hurried.She stumbled into view at the top of the stair, and Roger felt every hair on his body stand up at the sight of her white, staring face.“He’s gone,” she said, hoarse. “Martina says he’s not with Bobby, she didn’t expect him tonight at all. I made her go outside and look—Rob lives three houses down. She says his truck is gone.”
[Cap 85Son of a witch ~An echo in the bone ]
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sygneth · 1 year
what brushes did you use on that harryjean art? I really love the texture!
I used a mix of brushes from this and this pack (they are awesome, I totally agree! Bless Martina for sharing them for free!!) And some basic PS brushes for the ground
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sylvieeee5 · 2 years
it's finally time...
for episode 3!!!
please pardon my lateness- I had family over last week, and then I got the second booster shot and it knocked me out for a couple days!
But we're BACKKKK
And here's a Sonic for your troubles :)
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Oh! And if you'd like to support my poor time management skills, I would greatly appreciate if you'd consider donating to my Kofi! haha. i'm. broke
!Warning!! Book/show spoilers ahead!
"Welp, guess they jumped overboard. Alright, back to dinner, everyone!"
How'd you get that figure? Did Kate tell you?
"Alright gang, stay calm, we don't want them to hear us. By the way, we're 120 feet over the ocean, so uh... don't look down."
Down? Shouldn't you have gone up??
...do you think constance has a evil plan pre-formed in case she ever decides to go rogue?
she hopped on the ruse train :)
y'all ever hear a good word and decide hm! nice word! i will use it Always from now on
what do you mean
Number Two's plan B is biological warfare!! love that for her
I think you can be as judgmental as you want when it comes to his second mind control scheme in as many years
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noland HUH
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constance wants a taste
gambling montage hell yeah!!
смерть или слава.
i absolutely love that they made her russian vsjdaskdf
i know nothing about gambling so that was. interesting to watch with no context jasfkjs
please let the pie truck be connected to moocho in some way please pl
"I'm highly concerned about the lion in this cave. Oh, what's that? I've stumbled upon a pile of meat and am being invited to sit on it? Well, why not?"
no it ain't, nathaniel
roll credits kinda!
impromptu parenting seminar with ms perumal. we love to see it
hehehe! same. haaaaaaaah
okay but how is that considered cheating?? it's a strategy!
i mean... true enough
then again i somehow doubt this is a legal operation so if you're stealing from criminals, two wrongs make a right! /j
kinda thought this guy was risker when i saw the trailer. guess not!
Ahhh, you can totally take him. You just have to make it outside and them sic Madge on 'im! Just... don't look.
oh right, international waters. no laws! don't look that up, i promise it's true
the earnestness of that line awwww
Good job, Reynie. Applejack would approve!
Those "water polo" players are lucky Martina's not here. You do not besmirch the name of sports in her presence- unlike Kate she won't hesitate, bitch.
i love cannonball oh my god
...that line, and referring to his followers as "family" is.... really reminding me of my own experience in a similar organization. Man.
...excuse me a second
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.... given what we know about constance that somehow seems competely plausible
Not so "equal in weight", huh, Atalanta?
rip milligan's luggage :(
these are children you two
she just called your ship sad. with class!
love that kate really is expanding her vocab- she didn't lie to milligan in ep 1!
do they not have passports?? did they leave them behind with the adults?
What happened to "Nicholas, I've moved on?"
if you're going through the grieving process simply say "no"
Unlike last season, the bright yellow is actually very effective camouflage in a lemon grove!
(also, little bit of trivia- coastal Italy does have the ideal climate for growing lemons!)
free snacks for the road ayyy
they sound like they're looking for their lost dog shakjdsl
sebastian's brokennnnnn
the engineering on that luggage cube must be insane because the ones on top are essentially floating
which was not very from your perspective! was that a diss?
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and now i'm laughing bc i'm thinking of the chekhov's gun bit from the goes wrong show s2 ajaskhjh
And there's an example of one right there!
"But today I learned that morality is relative!"
so has reynie's "oh no humanity might be evil" arc been replaced with a "humanity's evil so i'm gonna lean into it lmao" arc?
constance over there like "oh? really? yes a completely figurative saying imagine that"
highly, highly accurate
and also
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jeffers was in curtain's drama club in college and curtain couldn't stand him but he was on board for the evil scheme stuff so what can you do.
more evidence for the drama club theory. gotta pose dramatically before even attempting to hail one of the numerous nearby cabs to follow them! you go king.
Alright! That was episode 3: A Gold Bar in Fort Knox. I feel like this was sort of a transitional episode, and I'm... not sure how I feel about that. The Shortcut and the people on it were a huge part of the book's journey, and here... it's just used to get from point A to point B, rather than being an interesting stop of its own. With that, I'm gonna have to give this one a 7/10. I really hope they do more with Noland and Cannonball down the line... But I am fascinated to see where the brainwashed Mr. Benedict plot goes...
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See you all shortly for episode 4!
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skibasyndrome · 1 month
wilmon + “a streak of blood was smeared on wille’s cheek, running all the way down to his neck” 😈
dsfjklsjadhfka Martina ily, this is going to be so niche, but BLESS YOU for sending this in.
TW: blood (obviously), mild blood kink (possibly) and... murderer AU vibes
A streak of blood is smeared on Wille’s cheek, running all the way down to his neck. Simon just stares at it, wide-eyed, and gulps audibly. "It's not mine," Wille mumbles and turns to make his way towards the bathroom, ready to wash off all the reminders of today, but Simon's hand on his wrist is suddenly holding him back. "Wh-," he doesn't get much further than that before Simon is crowding him against the door, their chests almost touching. Every breath Wille sucks in is filling his nostrils with the smell of his own shower gel on Simon, and it gets so much worse, no, better, when Simon leans in ever closer, nuzzling Wille's stained cheek with his nose, sending a shiver down his spine. "Tell me what you did, Wille."
Martina... my sibling in murderer AU.... THANK YOU FOR THIS 💜💜💜
Send me "Wilmon" + a sentence and I'll write the next five
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mjrimando · 1 year
MY VALENTINE - Martina McBride (MJ Rimando Cover)
Hi Guys! Here is My Valentine song cover. Hope you like it.
I am so happy when I sing songs for people. I am introverted but trying to deep dive into my passion for singing.
LIKE and SHARE :) I would love to see your comments and put your song requests there. :)
Please subscribe to my channel, it would really mean so much to me.
Thank you, guys! Love you all! mwah!
God bless
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newcountryradio · 18 days
New Country 27e jaargang  #T1245 (S804) (C45) van 9 September 2024  (wk 37) uitzending op Smelne fm & Crossroads Country Radio
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Album van de week: Colby Acuff - American Son              
Classic album:  Shania Twain – The woman In Me  Soon            1995
Hits of the Year : 2004
Maandfavoriet : Ella Langley & Riley Green – You Look Like You Love Me     
Maandartiest : Patty Loveless      
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Patty Loveless – Blame It On your heart        *maandartiest
Trisha Yearwood – XXX’s and OOO’s (An American Girl )           #1 30 jaar.
Zach Bryan  ft Kacey Musgraves – I Remember Everything 
Zach Top – Beer For Breakfast
Wyatt Flores - Dont Wanna Say Goodnight
Cole Swindell - Forever to Me nw
Koe Wetzel & Jesse Murph - High Road.
Troy Cartwright – Wild One
Cody Johnson – Dirt Cheap    #3
Colby Acuff - Scared Of The Dark     Album vd week
 Colby Acuff - How Do I Feel Alive fy the castellows      *Album vd week
Reba McEntire – Little Rock      Entertainer 1986
Keith Urban – You Look Good In My Shirt
Freddy Weller – Games People Play
Merle Haggard –   Going Where the Lonely Go
Ella Langley & Riley Green – You Look Like You Love Me .  . favoriet 
Kenny Chesney – Everybody Wants To Go To Heaven .  sofi
Shania Twain - Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under  classic album 1995
Shania Twain – Any Man Of ine     classic album
The Deslondes – Hold On Liza , .
Martina McBride -  My Baby Loves Me      (3 in 1) 
Martina McBride -  Blessed       
Martina McBride -  A Broken Wing      
Colby Acuff  - American Sun    Album vd week
Sierra Hull – All I Ever Need Is You
Post Malone  - M.E.X.I.C.O  (ft Billy Strings)     #1 album.
Thomas Rhett - I Could Spend Forever Loving You
The Castellows – Sober Sudays  (feat Wyatt Flores )
Sweethearts Of The Rodeo - Sing Me Back Home
Vince Gill - I Still Can’t Say Goodbye
Cody johnson – 18 Wheels   Truck
Patty Loveless – Chains    maandartiest
Toby Keith ft Luke Combs joe Diffie - Ships That Don't Come In  juweeltje
George Strait - To the Moon vw
Colby Acuff - Sizanne     Album vd week
Lainey  Wilson -  4x4xU
Paul Simon and Willie Nelson - Homeward Bound
Robert Weston -  Won't Settle Down   Dutch corner
Cash On Delivery – No More You
Toby Keith – American Soldier       #5 2004
Blake Shelton – Some Beach       #4
Kenny Chesney /Uncle Cracker – When The Sun Goes Down      #3
Gretchen Wilson – Redneck Woman  # 2004
Tim McGraw – Live Like You Were Dying       #1 2004
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