#blank space analysis
biggayenergypod · 3 months
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Aww Mon is such a lucky woman, she must be so excited-
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Bonus from this amazing sequence:
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AWWW that's-
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Immediately eats an entire lime wedge to destroy the sweetness
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dearreader · 11 months
the fact that slut could’ve replaced blank space is so insane to me.
like slut subverts expectations by being a sad love song WHICH DOES prove that everyone thought she would be something else that she wasn’t, which is similar to blank space.
blank space being a satire of how the media views her and joining in on the joke while slut being a love song of falling in love and thinking it might be worth it to be called a slut to go out on dates with this guy because she can feel herself falling in love. like they both do similar jobs but in different ways, one by joining in on the joke and the other proving her point of the joke being wrong.
and she chose to join in on the joke instead of call the joke out
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ilostyou · 1 year
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taylor x 5sos parallels - part 13/? (for anon)
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foxes-that-run · 1 year
Kiwi has similarities to Blank Space in that it considers if something hurtful in a tabloid was true. Harry said Kiwi was one of the first songs written for the album after a rest post-1d, he described it as releasing a lot of pent up creative energy in the Behind the Music (at 15:50). To Radio 1 Harry said it 'started as a joke but now is one of his favorite songs' (at 13:43). Mine too Harry.
Kiwi music video
The girl in the flower suit in a hallway is Harry. A blonde boy at 1:05 (on the Cactus line) represents Bleachella Taylor on April 29, 2016.
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The other kids start flinging words then food and eventually the Harry/TS kids get drawn in. Harry himself shows up to release dogs, remind us of Dunkirk by crawling in the food fight.
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Possibly my favourite is that it ends on a class photo that the Taylor child is not in, like every time they are together. it's genius.
When was it written
MMIH, Kiwi and Sweet Creature were the first songs written for the album, in LA between February and May 2016. MMIH and Kiwi are in this photo of the album taking shape from before Harry cut his hair for Dunkirk.
There is also a video of Harry singing it with long hair in Behind the Album
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[Verse 1] She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect And all the boys, they were saying they were into it Such a pretty face on a pretty neck
Harry introduces his muse as a smart, pretty woman who smokes and drinks. He has a similar character in Daylight who does cocaine in the kitchen. Harry definitively said on Howard Stern he hates smoking, so while not literal shows Harry's muse is flawed.
[Pre-Chorus] She's driving me crazy, but I'm into it (Oh) But I'm into it (Oh), I'm kinda into it It's getting crazy, I think I'm losing it (Hey!) I think I'm losing it, oh, I think she said
Stockholm Syndrome, has similar messages of enjoying being driven crazy by a paramor.
[Chorus] "I'm having your baby" "It's none of your business"
The way Harry sings this chorus like a tabloid headline. The ‘it’s none of your business’ is directed to the media & listener. Taylor also spoke about serious impacts of these in Miss Americana and sold a parody TS tabloid version of Reputation. The parody tabloid connects that Ready for it? also refers to these, To be so lonely has the line 'I wasn't ready'.
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[Verse 2] It's New York, baby, always jacked up (Hey) Holland Tunnel for a nose, it's always backed up When she's alone, she goes home to a cactus (Uh) In a black dress, she's such an actress
The start of Verse 2 links back to Harry's feelings of pent up frustration and creative energy from the year before.
Cactus is a play on words, cactus/prick/CH, however it’s also sung in a way to sound like Cat(us). In the 2015 Grammys red carpet interview Taylor says she’s "going home to the cats".
Taylor was alone, Harry was touring in Australia, the next time they were seen in the same place was the 2015 BBMAs Taylor was with a cactus.
Gorgeous also includes a line about stumbling on home to her cats alone. In May 2018, long after Kiwi was released, Toe confirmed their relationship with matching cactus photos.
[Verse 3] She sits beside me like a silhouette Hard candy drippin' on me till my feet are wet And now she's all over me, it's like I paid for it (Cha-ching!) It's like I paid for it, I'm gonna pay for this (Oh!)
In the final verse is in the aftermath, his connection with his muse is empty, like a silhouette, a reference to Two Ghosts. Ready for it? also refers to them as ghosts.
'Like I paid for it' / 'I'm gonna pay for this' are about a casual hook up with chemistry. This is a Pay for it is a theme in Harry and Taylors songs about each other (like he paid for it), but he still loves them so will emotionally pay for it. Harry uses similar language in other songs, in Grapejuice "I pay for it more than I did back then."
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
Describing Emma In Emma Falls In Love + Describing Herself In Other Songs
When Emma Falls In Love: "all the bad boys would be good boys if they only got the chance to love her"
Blank Space: "I can make the bad guys good for a weekend"
When Emma Falls In Love: "she's so New York when she's in LA"
False God: "I'm New York City, I still do it for you babe"
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What if abed was offered pierces money and boat trip so he could learn not to rely on other people and then he got kidnapped by pirates instead? Imagine the angst but also troy being determined to rescue him
anon you are. doing things to my brain. a callback to “troy will find me” would make me sob. i like it.
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ehliena · 5 months
Something I noticed about the anti Zutara discourse (can you even call it that?) is that people seem to thing that two instances of Aang mentioning he cooks equals a male wife, so Aang isn't making Katara his maid (another anti Zutara argument that they seem to think that the people who ship Zutara automatically hate Aang - also wrong).
Now I'm aware that Aang mentioned that he tries different combinations of ingredients for those recipes for Katara to try, but here's the thing, cooking and trying out recipes does NOT equal being the only one in charge of cooking.
In the series, we've seen Katara being the one cooking when they were camping. Yes we could say that Aang was tired from training or that he was a kid (they all were), but maybe, just MAYBE they (Katara and Aang), as a married couple, split the chores?
Maybe Katara cooked when Aang was busy being The Last Airbender.
But maybe when things got too demanding, Katara was so used to saying: it's okay Sweetie I understand. And it's not like she could leave the kids and go off and help in the council full time or the kids would have ended up as she and Sokka did, without parental guidance for a bit.
Anyway, NO Aang is not necessarily a male wife. NO Katara probably chose to be a hands-on mom of her own free will, and she was not coerced.
Please stop making broad generalisations from snippets of content the canon shoots at us and preaching it as if they wrote every second of these characters lives out.
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violetasteracademic · 26 days
Why do you think gwyn would be added as a love interest for azriel if they don’t end up as endgame? Why complicate the love triangle between elain/lucien/azriel?
Hello my lovely anon!
It can sometimes be hard to tell where the anonymous asks in my inbox are coming from. It is never my intention to argue or try to convince any other ships why they are wrong. I tag my work very carefully, ask my beloved rebloggers to do the same, and just want to stay in a cozy bubble. I think all ships are allowed, and the time I spend here breaking down the text and providing analysis is only for fun and comfort. I don't ever want or wish for my posts to end up in the wrong tags. Now that I've gotten that disclaimer out of the way, this is an ask where I can't *totally* tell what perspective it is coming from, but I am assuming it is being asked in good faith and I will answer how I typically do.
Point blank, I do not believe G/wyn was introduced as a love interest. Only Elain was.
I don't really know that I have anything else to add to that conversation, because people either think it was romantic or it wasn't. But I will say that I assume we can all agree on all sides that the bonus chapter is what led to the fervor of the G/wynriel ship as G/wyn quite literally replacing Elain as the romantic interest and not just a fun, enjoyable ship for those who don't jive with Elriel and want to carve out a space for themselves in the fandom. And as someone who has read all of SJM's bonus chapters and not just this one, I'm going to provide side by side comparisons using *only* bonus chapters that I can almost guarantee many people have not read- since most people don't read the bonus chapters. I still get comments on old tiktoks every day asking what the Azriel bonus chapter is and where to find it. And not once have I ever been asked about the myriad of other BC's out there.
Crescent City Spoilers ahead:
House of Sky and Breath has three bonus chapters. There is one in particular that is almost a carbon copy of G/wyn and Azriel's portion in his POV bonus, and it is the Tharion POV chapter with Hypaxia:
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^^Both men head to a place where they assumed they would be alone, minds heavy and restless and needing to work off some tension before they could sleep- only to find their space already occupied.
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^^They both flounder a bit with social niceties, awkwardness, being polite, the other person clearly wanting to be alone, and yet wind up falling into a conversation anyway.
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^^ Both pairs experience surprise at being asked questions no one has ever asked them before. They also reveal information about themselves- and notably- both bonus chapters reveal heavy backstory or indications about unique or hidden powers.
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^^ Both men experience some sort of lingering sensation that they could have sworn was happening after saying goodnight.
And last but not least:
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Both Tharion and Azriel end on a particularly strong emotional note. Tharion is passing notes through Fitz back and forth with Hypaxia. He notes how he has never had such an instant, honest, and deep connection. He won't let anyone interfere with her birthright, and if she was in danger, he would risk everything he had to protect Hypaxia.
Azriel is secretly regifting a necklace to Gwyn, and feels truly happy at the thought that it might make her happy. He likes and respects her and is glad to think of being able to make her smile. (I of course think there is a reason for this, which I've broken down here but I also don't think it's necessary to minimize their friendship for this post.)
If you look at these two bonus chapters side by side, they are literally a copy and paste. Two people needing to be alone and winding up together, talking about things they have never talked about anyone with, and both men really powerfully feeling the strength and depth of a connection. And if you read Tharion's chapter in full, there are actually way more details of him talking about how beautiful and gorgeous she is, and how he has to stop himself from going down that road. But did this set up Hypaxia and Tharion as romantic love interests?
Nope. Hypaxia is queer as queer can be. Kitty only on her menu. But they develop a very genuine and close friendship. Because the thing is, SJM writes an incredible amount of deep and meaningful friendships between men and women. And they are always a blend of emotion, intimacy, a bit fun and flirty, full of banter, and true trust and connection. So as far as BC's, Azriel and G/wyn and Tharion and Hypaxia are the only comparable ones in her catalogue. And they are pretty damn comparable. It's also important to note that the Tharion and Hypaxia bonus chapter was included in the book where she is very much revealed as 100% queer and not even a little bi, so it's not like SJM was trying to create a red herring or a conversation. That's just how she writes her hetero platonic friendships. Take it up with her, man.
Meanwhile, the things that make it clear that a romantic interest is being introduced occurs in the Elain portion, and can be directly compared to the Nessian bonus chapter. Both men being willing to beg on their knees for a taste. Both men absolutely losing their minds over Elain and Nesta's scents. Both men knowing it was wrong, it was stupid, but being unable to stop themselves anyway. Both men having issues of what their family would think if they found out introduced (only Rhys DID find out and laid down that forbidden romance hard.)
Here's the thing- many people read Elain and Azriel as romantic for over four books and there were people out there like, nah, I don't see it, they are more like brother and sister. And then the bonus chapter confirmed, no, actually, they are wildly down bad and desperate for each other. Wanting to taste and touch and kiss each other- romantic interest confirmation. Fun and banter-y conversation occurring because two people needed to be alone but actually wound up in the same vicinity as someone else and had a deep conversation and talked about things they've never spoken about with anyone before-Platonic friendship. You can disagree. But it doesn't change the fact that right now, a group of fans are interpreting G/wyn and Azriel's interactions as romantic, and preferring it to Elain and Azriel's confirmed romantic interactions.
Sarah did not add G/wyn as a love interest and complicate things. The fandom did. Until Azriel is not sleeping, not thinking clearly, down bad desperate to get on his knees for G/wyn- and until G/wyn leans into his touch and says yes, they are actually currently friends. Could that change in the future? Totally. But Sarah literally has not written it yet.
I don't mind that the G/wyn ship exists. I love her. I have real life G/wynriel friends who are not online like we are. They are good people with good hearts who have different taste in Azriel's potential romance than me. They don't ride at dawn for Elain like I do, nor are they violently misogynistic against her or being toxic and hateful towards other women online. They just liked G/wyn's story and want more of her. That's okay. But it is important to pay attention to what has actually been written vs. what is being assumed by a group of people that openly dislike the only female character remaining with a confirmed book and who has been confirmed as a love interest.
Read Sarah's other bonus chapters! They are fun. Azriel's isn't the only one that has ever existed, but it seems like that sometimes (and I'll admit, it's amazing and I love it so fair). And nothing happened in the bonus chapter that is going to change the course or foreshadow to anything new. Not everyone has access to them, and bonus chapters do not create new plot. They are just an incentive to make money and secure pre-orders.
I think that's everything! You guys are awesome for reading these insanely long posts and vibing with me here. ily.
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mxtxfanatic · 6 days
No, every interpretation is not valid in a piece of media unless the creator has explicitly said somewhere that they have left their work open to interpretation. If you wanna “choose your own adventure” your way through a story, Minecraft exists, The Sims 4 was made free, a blank Word/Google document is a few clicks away, a pen and paper are easily found in the supplies section of most stores. A story for adults with a plot, characters, and conclusion is not your build-a-bear. You are looking for fanfics.
Someone else took the time to make a thing and share it with you so that you could understand the thing they are trying to communicate to you. If an author writes, “The sky is purple,” you don’t get to go, “Well, in the world that I live in, the sky is blue, so the sky in the story must be blue, too. Let’s discuss!” and treat that as “valid interpretation” that should be discussed with equal weight as the people discussing “ok, what’s the significance of the sky being purple? 🤔” I don’t give a singular fuck about whether you are familiar with the "cultural context" of the story or whether you can understand the original language it was written in or whether or not you know the creator on a person level. None of that shit matters, because nobody consumes media for the express purpose of finding out whether or not it conformed to the bank of knowledge Rando Number User #24,232 has learned in life. No person engaged in real critique ever has to take you seriously if your attempts at "analysis" begin and end at "I don't know the author irl to know what their intentions were, so anything goes!" That is a lazy copout, nothing "critical" to be found. Not everything in a general fandom space has to be canon-exclusive, no, but every claim to canon has to align with what is in the actual source material. There’s nothing wrong with either of those statements.
So no, you don’t get to waltz into a canon space going “Jiang Cheng is a great brother and uncle, let’s discuss” and then get upset when told “In this book, Jiang Cheng is an abusive uncle and childhood friend, and round these parts, we discuss the book.” Don’t wanna discuss Jiang Cheng's canon characteristics? The main tags never went anywhere. Get from round these parts.
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legallybrunettedotcom · 3 months
Can you recommend some good film podcasts to listen to?
for sure. i can't say that i follow any of these like super religiously, but i'd say all of these are pretty neat and now it's just a matter of which hosts/guests don't annoy you lol. also if anyone else has any more recs, do tell! :) the next picture show is roundtable discussions examining how classic films influence and inspire modern films so you’ll have something like all the president’s men and spotlight comparisons or the wicker man and the vvitch. cool for double feature movie nights.
the big picture has reviews, especially of latest movies, but they also talk about some arthouse stuff. they also do these like top 5 lists, oscars analysis etc. roundtables and interesting guests
the rewatchables both the big picture and the rewatchables are from the ringer website/network so hosts and guests overlap. it’s what it says on the tin. they rewatch movies and then do all these categories, personally my favourite and i think they're very funny.
you must remember this host does incredible research, it’s really about like secret and forgotten histories of 20th century hollywood. they did like a 12 part series on eroticism and sex in 80s cinema, now they moved onto the erotic 90s.
sleepover cinema is super fun and definitely the type of podcast i would want to have, just two friends talking about late 90s/early 2000s movies and pop culture in general that sort of shaped the collective unconscious of “girls and gays” as they say.
intermission from the cinegogue is super chill. they just invite guests and ask them a bunch of movie questions in a way that you would ask a friend, yk like if you could watch movies from only one country which one would you choose, or like favourite nepo baby director. but they also do reviews. blank check cover entire filmographies of directors
black on black cinema for black film reviews and discussions
reel asian podcast for asian and asian american film reviews and discussions
a piece of pie for lgbt films and topics and subtext and such
junkfood cinema for shitty and cult movies. also how did this get made is about bad movies we love.
space brains for science fiction
final girls horrorcast for horror, sci-fi, thrillers both well known and obscure
filmspotting and the film cast for reviews of new and old as well
sardonicast does pretty much everything
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Archetype Exploration: Perfect Soldiers
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(Hey, please look at this blog's pinned post before reading this post; it gives a lot of context for the lens I'm looking at these characters through, k thx. also, shoutout to @finalgirl-nihilbliss for guessing the archetype)
CW: Abuse, Projection, Surface-Level Media Analysis
If your comfort character exhibits any of the following symptoms:
constant brooding
face frozen in a perpetual scowl
possession of a "dark past" they don't like to talk about
frequent blank stares into the middle distance
constantly trains for something uncertain
You may have just found yourself in the presence of a Perfect Soldier.
Perfect soldiers are characters who were groomed, often from birth, for the sole purpose of inflicting harm on their fellow man. These characters are efficient, tactically-minded, and above all else, violent. Perfect soldiers will often excel at combat and strategy, but struggle with emotional sensitivity.
Note that just because these characters are violent and closed off now doesn't mean that this is their natural temperament. Often, perfect soldiers have some kind of natural compassion that was stomped out through years of abuse training. This can come in the form of a sole loved one who tragically died, but more often than not, it simply manifests as a soft side sanded away.
If the Perfect Soldier doesn't start that way, who is to blame for their transformation? In sci-fi and fantasy, this transformation is usually caused by a morally corrupt institution built to churn out perfect soldiers (the Jedi Academy, the Galalunan Military Academy, the Space Marine Legions, etc.). Other times, perfect soldiers are groomed raised by a cruel and abusive father figure (Endeavor, Bro Strider, Belos, etc.). Some settings even blend the two by having an institution with a twisted general (think Shadow Weaver from She-Ra).
Typically, if a perfect soldier has a character arc, it's usually one of healing and letting go of their anger. This almost always contains at least two of these three steps in the order of your choosing:
The perfect soldier leaves the institution of their torment, either by circumstance or by excommunication. Once on the outside, they'll typically find that their raw might is irrelevant to their survival, and they'll instead need to rely on their lacking social skills. This exit from the comfort zone will prompt the soldier to learn a lot of people skills, typically leading to a "softening up" of sorts. Note that this doesn't have to be a literal escape from a physical place. Rather, it could just be a character being outside their guardian's zone of influence.
The perfect soldier discovers some imperfection with their guardian/institution. Perhaps there's some kind of inconsistency in its moral values. Other times, the soldier finds a secret the guardian/institution has been covering up. Whatever it is, this will prompt the soldier to question their leaders' infallibility.
The perfect soldier meets a person who shows concern for them in spite of the soldier's outward hostility. This outside party will likely witness or hear about the perfect soldier's tumultuous upbringing and take pity on them. This will likely prompt an attempt to reach out to the soldier, something which may or may not be rejected. Whatever the case, this act compassion will likely stick with the soldier, and prompt them to think about their own worth.
An arc like this usually resolves with a direct confrontation with the abusive mentor(s) who turned them into a weapon of war. If the soldier is a member of the supporting cast, this may come in the form of some heroic self-sacrifice, usually to protect the aforementioned outside party. Alternatively, if the soldier is a protagonist, their confrontation will likely be much more active, and may even be a proper fight. The soldier tends to win this fight either with the power of friendship or compassion but this isn't a strict requirement. If the writers really want to get spicy with it, they might even spare their tormentor, really leaning into the idea of abandoning violence (note that this runs the risk of coming off as a "forgive your abusers" narrative).
Alternatively, the lack of a grand confrontation can be a form of narrative resolution in and of itself. Living well is the best revenge, after all, and showing that our former perfect soldier has moved on to a happier, more peaceful life can be a far stronger statement of growth than a glitzy fight to the death.
(This is the part where I tie this whole thing back into the gimmick of the account. If you just wanted a Trope Talk style summary of the archetype, you've seen all there is to see. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to do your daily clicks.)
Why do you keep submitting this?
So, out of all the characters that I've seen submitted, this is easily the most prolific character archetype. At the time of writing, somewhere between 40-50 characters that have been posted roughly fit this archetype, and that's not including any of the characters I haven't posted yet.
Why do submitters connect this particular trope with trans women so damn much?
Firstly, it's important to consider that in most western fiction, the soldier is an inherently masculine archetype. From the classical epics of the Odyssey and the Iliad, to the superheroes and action stars of modern-day blockbusters, there's a very real conflation between a character's manhood and a character's capacity to do violence. A lot of mainstream military propaganda does the same, suggesting that men who enlist are more "authentically masculine" than those who don't. This archetype serves as a critique of that idea; it shows us that this masculine ideal can be, and often is, a soul-crushing experience. In a sense, the idea of transitioning serves as an escape from this image.
Furthermore, it's important to consider what this character arc is actually about: a miserable character discovering that a better life is possible, and making steps to achieve personal peace. Often, these characters are fiercely loyal to the institutions that take advantage of them. These characters are often fine with it because they can't conceive of a better world. Once that's presented to them, that's when they start to leave. Frankly, given that a lot of people still don't end up knowing about trans folks until they're adults, I'm surprised more trans people don't connect to characters like this.
Finally, this arc gets back to the core question at the center of this blog: could transition have saved her? The archetype, in its construction necessitates a level of misery, ergo it implies that the character needs saving. It's no wonder these characters tend to garner a lot of Hurt/Comfort fanfic (Anakin Skywalker alone has more Hurt/Comfort fic than some of my favorite fandoms period). There's an inherent desire for these characters have better lives, and maybe some estrogen could do it.
This is my best guess, anyway. If you have thoughts, feel free to share them.
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clegfly · 9 months
OMORI and colour- an analysis
hey, so this is a post I’ve been wanting to make for a while and never got round to doing, but here I am.
Something I noticed in OMORI and have continued to notice throughout the game is the symbolism between colours and characters, and what they say about their relationships or their mannerisms, because there’s actually a LOT there, more than I expected.
keep in mind this is a pretty basic analysis and I’m sure there’s much more to be discovered, but I haven’t fully learned everything there is to know about colour theory and so this isn’t really my field of knowledge, I just wanted to share my findings.
also, spoilers ahead, so beware!
Filling in the wheel
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This is a basic colour wheel, and the model I will be referring to throughout this analysis.
in OMORI, and even in external items outside of the game like merchandise each of the main cast are associated with a specific colour.
for example, SUNNY is associated commonly with yellow throughout the game. Here’s a small chart I made to keep track of my references…
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I’m sure there’s more but here’s what I’ve got.
so now we know where sunny stands on the colour wheel, in the yellow region.
the rest of the cast can be easily identified on the wheel- KEL clearly falls into orange, HERO clearly falls into blue, MARI clearly falls into purple, BASIL clearly falls into green and AUBREY clearly falls into pink.
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But wait, that’s not the complete wheel.
you’ll notice AUBREY’s positioning differs from the rest of the group, and that’s because I’ve specifically put HEADSPACE AUBREY in that section. Where REAL WORLD AUBREY actually falls is on the red segment of the wheel as that colour is better associated with her emotional state and also slots her better into place on the wheel.
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So that means the rest of these midtones represent the rest of the HEADSPACE counterparts, right?
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You’ll notice one more blank space, but let’s put that one aside for now. We’ll fill it in later. For now let’s begin to focus on the relationships between these segments on the wheel.
Complementary colours
Complementary colours are defined as “pairs of colours which, when combined or mixed, cancel each other out (lose hue) by producing a grayscale color like white or black. When placed next to each other, they create the strongest contrast for those two colors. Complementary colours may also be called "opposite colours"”.
in other words, these colours complement each other, and are paired together as they are the most striking next to one another. They are opposites, but belong together.
so, who do we have complementing on our OMORI wheel?
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Now, this is quite complicated to look at but I’m going to use what I think is probably the most important relationship in the game and use it as an example.
MARI is commonly associated with purple throughout the game, so much so that it’s constantly in our faces. The main colour for SUNNY’s headspace where he escapes the tragedy of what happened to her is purple, AUBREY laments about a lost promise of dying their hair purple and pink together, MARI gets a grape flavoured (purple) popsicle in one of the photos in BASIL’s album, etc. she’s very clearly shown to be “purple”symbolically throughout the game, no question there.
and as for SUNNY, as we’ve gone over earlier, he is represented by yellow.
so when we reference our colour wheel once having placed these two in their respective spots, what do we see?
MARI and SUNNY complement one another.
And we see this consistently for other key or contrasting relationships through the game. HERO and KEL complement both in the REAL WORLD and HEADSPACE, and so do AUBREY AND BASIL.
They are shown to complement each other, when placed with their associated colours on the wheel.
so, what about STRANGER? Who does he complement with? After all the segment opposing him is empty.
I feel as though there’s only one answer which makes sense for the game.
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OMORI complements STRANGER and STRANGER complements OMORI.
but, for OMORI, this seems out of character. The character itself is typically associated with black to represent the repression of the truth and also the darkness behind his actions to keep SUNNY guarded from the truth, so this warm colour feels out of place.
but looking deeper into the symbolism, I disagree. Orange itself represents liveliness, optimism, and enthusiasm, which I think represents HEADSPACE. However red, while associated with anger for AUBREY, is more commonly associated with danger and most importantly sacrifice.
As well as this, this specific hue shows to carry more of a red pigment than an orange.
so I believe this can represent this distracting and overwhelming joy of HEADSPACE whilst having great sinister undertones just Millimeters beneath the surface, something very fitting for OMORI as he’s portrayed in the game. (Side note: I don’t think OMORI is evil, by the way. I’m talking about his actions and portrayal in contrast to HEADSPACE, nor his intentions. I view OMORI more as a robotic kind of character than anything but that’s an analysis for another day.)
so, in conclusion, there’s a lot to be told from this wheel. Here’s a finished polished version for anyone who wants to use it, including some extra notes I didn’t discuss here. If there is anything at all you want me to elaborate on or go more in depth into, or just neglected to discuss at all, please let me know! Thank you for reading!
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(PS also open for criticism on the wheel- especially if you know more about colour theory than me! I don’t go into much detail about what each colour association represents within the characters themselves here so that may be for another post)
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literaryvein-reblogs · 5 months
A List of Poetic Terms
anaphora the repetition of a word or phrase, usually at the beginning of a line.
alliteration the repetition of sounds in a sequence of words.
allegory narrative with two levels of meaning, one stated and one unstated.
apostrophe direct address to an absent or otherwise unresponsive entity (someone or something dead, imaginary, abstract, or inanimate).
assonance the repetition of vowel-sounds.
beat a stressed (or accented) syllable.
binary dual, twofold, characterized by two parts.
blank verse unrhymed iambic pentameter.
caesura an audible pause internal to a line, usually in the middle. (An audible pause at the end of a line is called an end-stop.) The French alexandrine, Anglo-Saxon alliterative meter, and Latin dactylic hexameter are all verse forms that call for a caesura.
chiasmus from the Greek letter Chi ( Χ ), a "crossed" rhetorical parallel. That is, the parallel form a:b::a:b changes to a:b::b:a to become a chiasmus.
climax the high point; the moment of greatest tension or intensity. The climax can occur at any point in a poem, and can register on different levels, e.g. narrative, rhetorical, or formal.
consonance the repetition of consonant-sounds.
couplet two lines of verse, usually rhymed. Heroic couplet: a rhymed iambic pentameter couplet.
diction word choice, specifically the "class" or "kind" of words chosen.
elegy since the 17th century, usually denotes a reflective poem that laments the loss of something or someone.
end-stopped line a line that ends with a punctuation mark and whose meaning is complete.
enjambed line a "run-on" line that carries over into the next to complete its meaning.
foot the basic unit of accentual-syllabic and quantitative meter, usually combining a stress with one or more unstressed syllables.
free verse poetry in which the rhythm does not repeat regularly.
imagery the visual (or other sensory) pictures used to render a description more vivid and immediate.
meter a regularly repeating rhythm, divided for convenience into feet.
metonomy a figure of speech in which something is represented by another thing that is commonly and often physically associated with it, e.g. "White House" for "the President."
ode a genre of lyric, an ode tends to be a long, serious meditation on an elevated subject.
prosody the study of versification, i.e. the form—meter, rhyme, rhythm, stanzaic form, sound patterns—into which poets put language to make it verse rather than something else.
refrain a phrase or line recurring at intervals. The definition does not require that a refrain include the entire line, nor that it recur at regular intervals, though refrains often are and do.
rhythm the patterns of stresses, unstressed syllables, and pauses in language. Regularly repeating rhythm is called meter.
scansion the identification and analysis of poetic rhythm and meter. To "scan" a line of poetry is to mark its stressed and unstressed syllables.
simile a figure of speech that compares two distinct things by using a connective word such as "like" or "as."
speaker the "I" of a poem, equivalent to the "narrator" of a prose text. In lyric poetry, the speaker is often an authorial persona.
speech act the manner of expression (as opposed to the content). Examples of speech acts include: question, promise, plea, declaration, and command.
stanza a “paragraph” of a poem: a group of lines separated by extra white space from other groups of lines.
symbol an image that stands for something larger and more complex, often something abstract, such as an idea or a set of attitudes.
symbolism the serious and relatively sustained use of symbols to represent or suggest other things or ideas. (Distinct from allegory in that symbolism does not depend on narrative.)
synecdoche a figure of speech in which a part of something is used to represent the whole, e.g. “wheels” for “car.”
tone the speaker’s or author’s attitude toward the reader, addressee, or subject matter. The tone of a poem immediately impresses itself upon the reader, yet it can be quite difficult to describe and analyze.
topos a traditional theme or motif (e.g. the topos of modesty).
trope a figure of speech, such as a metaphor (trope is often used, incorrectly, to mean topos)
valediction an act or utterance of farewell.
If these writing notes helped with your poem/story, please tag me. Or leave a link in the replies. I'd love to read them!
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cometrose · 7 months
how do you feel about the eyes being a window to the soul and Zhongli's eyes not being shown in flashback?
oh now we are getting into videogame analysis.
The first it could represent his "unchanging expression" during the Archon War. It is was rumored that during the war, Morax did not show emotion and was rather "cold and unfeeling" and his judgements were "rational and dispassionate". He wore an emotionless mask and his stone-cold expression did not change until the war ended and not seeing his eyes is a simple representation of Morax's behavior. There are no eyes, because there is no emotion, there is barely a face (he is blank as stone) so its just very clever visual symbolism.
On the other hand, it could suggest there is more to Zhongli than meets the eye. As you said eyes are windows to the soul, and from a narrative point eye symbolism is powerful tool in literature. The most common usage for eye symbolism is to represent wisdom, knowledge, truth, perception or control.
Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is something the writer's are deliberately hiding. It could mean his true nature, has not been revealed to us. It doesn't necessarily means his physical eyes have changed but rather the Morax of the past presented himself differently than the Morax of today.
Zhongli's true origins are unknown we have no idea where he came from, what he truly is and the truth of many of his contracts (the tsaritsa, celestia, khaenriah just to name a few). We have known Zhongli for so long, but do we actually know anything about him? Not seeing Zhongli's eyes means there is even more to his identity that has not been revealed to the traveler. His true soul, identity, or purpose have not been revealed, we have not seen him for all that he is.
I have my own theories about Zhongli's true origin (why is the third act of liyue archon quest a new star approaches hmmmm) but if you look through some of the Liyue books or character stories you will notice there is a lot of mention about Zhongli's eyes.
In Rex Incognito, Rex Lapis' disguises as a woman with "eyes shone a brilliant amber" or a rugged worker with "eyes shone like amber from the mountain mines in the light of the setting sun" and a noble young man with "his golden eyes smiling."
In Moonlit Bamboo Forest, the main character meets a woman that "didn't appear to be an adeptus, apart from the piercing gaze of her golden eyes."
Even Tubby, you know the teapot adeptus that takes care of your teapot? In the story quest for the teapot she mentions a "golden-eyed adeptus" explained the limits of adeptal power in teapot to her. First of all Ping mentions in part I of the same quest that Rex Lapis blessed the adepti with "illumination" that allows them perform sub-space creation and form teapots. So the adeptus is clearly him.
In the description for the Euphonium Unbound: Winding, the teapot furnishing that allows you to play music "According to Tubby, a certain adepti with black hair and golden eyes wanted to temporarily change the melody echoing in the Realm Within to match the aesthetic of the tea on the table when he was having a small gathering with his friends in the Realm Within."
These are just the descriptions I can remember off the top of my head. Like many characters have gold eyes but Zhongli alone has so many many references to his eyes. Whenever genshin wants to describe Zhongli without saying his name they just say a person with "golden/amber eyes". Hell there was literally some Millelith soldier that knew Rex Lapis wasn't dead because he saw some guy with golden eyes walk past him.
Like really long story short. Eye symbolism is super important to Zhongli and a key part of his characterization. It is clear that no matter what form he takes it seems his eyes stay the same. Which is super interesting for shapeshifter characters. Shapeshifters usually change everything about themselves unless it very important to them so for Zhongli to hold onto a part of himself could suggest so many things. It could also just be a limitation of his transformation.
ANYWAY to hide Zhongli's eyes in his flashbacks even though we have seen the eyes of all the other archons and then to make his signature description his "golden eyes" is so interesting. Why make his signature feature his eyes then not show us his eyes!! What is the reason!
And again the first answer isn't exclusive at the same time, because his eyes are so important Zhongli not showing his eyes in flashbacks could mean that back then he was hiding a part of himself. Now that he is free from the title of Rex Lapis he can show his eyes freely without care, he is free from the contract of protecting humanity he doesn't have to wear an emotionless mask anymore so his beautiful eyes are on display.
Though interestingly in his museum collaboration we got to see Morax's eyes and in his archon outfit and all. However that could've taken place after the war and is also a fun little collab so like *shrugs shoulder* who knows!
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doingitbrokenhearted · 4 months
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Thinking about that analysis I saw a while ago about Blank Space being about bearding…. Ofc she would blow him a kiss during that song and not, say, Lover
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ren1327 · 8 months
"Loser Baby" frame analysis (2/3)
(With lyrics)
Red = Husk
Pink = Angel Dust
Purple = Both
Normal = My commentary
[HUSK] We're both losers, baby We're losers, it's okay to be a
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Notice how Husk holds all four of Angel's hands. He leads him into a dance, his wings arcing around Angel as if to protect him when Husk twirls and spins him. Angel is surprised but goes with it. He's often pulled into things against his will, but Husk keeps his hold on his hands only and only holds, not grabs. Angel looks more surprised how gentle he is in this dance.
[ANGEL DUST] Coked up, dick-suckin' hoe?
[HUSK] Baby, that's fine by me
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Everyone, almost everyone! Shames Angel for his vices: sex and drugs. To the point that he's taken it to the nth level from other's judgement. He even goes blank when Husk goes to answer him. But the old bartender assures him he doesn't care about Angel wanting what he wants. Once again. He cares about Angel dropping his porn star persona around him. He smiles, drops his lids and looks up at him. Almost like its a secret. Angel can enjoy what he enjoys around Husk, as long as its what he wants when he wants it. Husk doesn't want Angel to feel any shame around him.
[ANGEL DUST] I'm a loser, honey A schmoozer and a dummy But at least I know I'm not alone
[HUSK] You're a loser
[ANGEL DUST & HUSK] Just like me
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Angel embraces the fucked up situation he's in. But he knows he's not suffering alone now. While Husk often has lines under his eyes, Angel has some very subtle ones in the inner corner of his eyes and one between his brows. He's tired. And he's fine showing Husk he's tired.
Husk has his shoulders hunched up as far as they can go, while Angel is more so relaxed. Husk is supporting Angel's weight on him when they lean on each other. Sure, Angel may be lighter, but Husk is allowing him to rest on him both physically, mentally and emotionally. At this point, Angel is allowing Husk in: He's broken through his walls to meet Husk.
[HUSK] I got an appetite for gamblin'
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While this started out as Husk's song, it's slowly become thier song. He has a spotlight on him while he sings.
[ANGEL DUST] I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find
[HUSK] Go ahead baby, sing that song, come on!
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But this time, Angel's spotlight stays on and Husk's spotlight doesn't come on or collide with his. His song is all Angel now. Angel is his center of his attention. Angel has suffered from his sexuality being judged by others, making all the violence he was answered with something he "asked for". Husk knows the difference here, even shows the difference in his words. He's fully embraced Angel and isn't shaming him for being sexually active. He's hyping up Angel and showing full support for who he is. "Sing that song, come on", as in "be who you are and don't you dare be ashamed".
[ANGEL DUST] I got no holes left to deflower
[HUSK] I sold my soul to save my power Now I'm on that demon's leash
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They understand how desperate and messed up thier situations are. They're trapped under tow different overlords. Interesting note, Valentino's rope is spaced and disorganized. And they fade and fall off first, and a second later, Husk's rope unravel and fall. If this is from Husk's POV, he may believe Angel has an opportunity. That Angel can escape while he just has to deal with his situation until Alastor lets him go.
[ANGEL DUST & HUSK] I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour
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Husk is still supporting Angel. The lines under Angel's eyes cant be seen as well, as if he's finally relaxing. Even his shoulders are more relaxed.
Husk has gotten through to him.
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