#blanca varishikov
kapa56 · 1 month
Unpopular Opinion #1 Banana Fish edition
Blanca need to get his lashings:
1. What do you mean you ,a grown ass man, abandon a traumarised child at least 2 times and let him stay with someone like Dino because you are sad your wife died?
2. Then you go and abandon a second severly traumatised teenager with the excuse that you care about the first one.
No but seriosly, Blanca is a villian in my eyes. He is no John Wick, he is a clown and a deadbeat.
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lixlynx00 · 2 years
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Drew banana fish characters as bsd wan scenes some time ago and felt like sharing it on here as well since people on a subreddit i am in liked it. (PS: i feel like my art style similar to akimi Yoshida's doesn't go all so well w bsd wan and also i felt lazy on the last one so it looks a little crappie thus i might remake it)
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deimosatellite · 3 years
thinking abt how up until the third act of bf (blanca showing up), ash had probably looked up to blanca, even until then. we never hear blanca mentioned until then, but in the back of ash's mind he thinks about blanca as someone who actually wanted to help him, and has that view of him especially since he was so young when blanca was around.
making it all the worse when blanca suddenly shows up and ash is like wtf is he doing here only to find out blanca wants to hurt him and his little family hes made and how Much that must have hurt. to have trusted someone like that only to find out that they Didnt have his best interests in mind to the point where he threatens what little happiness hed been able to find to drag him back to his abuser. how young ash was when he looked up to him, how young ash is Now (hes 18-19 here, which is still YOUNG) and suddenly his life is turned on its head by this whole ass adult man he thought he could trust and look up to, all those years.
blanca wtf KDKDKDKF
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Why Can't It Just Be Water Under The Bridge?
"Hey." Blanca tries to smile, but tiredness has already set in and he desperately wants to go back to bed. The next few days are going to be rough, especially now that he's learned his new target is Ibe's pupil. The kid has potential but he's inexperienced, something Blanca can take advantage of. He's also made one of the worst mistakes a hitman can make: falling for your target. It'll serve as a good warning for him, that it will only bring him pain.
He knows Ibe sure as hell won't agree with that. But he doesn't want to think about that right now.
Written at 5am with minimal editing
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ashes-callenreese · 3 years
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coconutlimeverbena · 2 years
Some harsh truths that every Banana Fish fan must accept😖
-Sing douses himself in Axe every day
-Yut-Lung has a Valley girl accent
-Eiji was not a virgin when he arrived in America
-Ash did all that running around and probably never wore socks with his sneakers. He also willingly slept in jeans
-Shorter would hit on your partner as soon as you leave the room
-Max is a chaotic bisexual
-Blanca would blow your back out
Sorry to break it to y'all 😔
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emeraldeyes23 · 3 years
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Some scenes from the second part of the stage play focusing on Ash and/or Eiji✨(TW for the scene with Foxx)
Please watch the online stream if you can’t see it live to support the stage play. The actors did an amazing performance. The AshEiji scenes moved me to tears🥺 I’ll post more pics from the side characters in a separate post.
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You find more info about the Stage Play and the online stream here:
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blanca : are you two friends?
yut lung :no
sing : yes
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aslan-jade-okumura · 4 years
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flyboyeiji · 3 years
Maybe, just maybe Ash would have not gotten stabbed by a random street thug if he took up Blanca's offer to chill in the Caribbean with him.
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Ash and Blanca would buy a cottage by the seaside and build a library of the pretentious American classics written by cishet old white men.
Man, at least Ash would've been alive.
Ash could have laid low for a couple of months (worst case, a few years) and then he could have purchased a one-way ticket to Narita International Airport, Japan. Eiji would be beyond happy.
STUPID WHITE BOY. I love him but sometimes the things he does and say infuriates me a lot. Like hello sir, please stop being so self-sacrificing in regards to your own happiness.
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harlemchickenlives · 3 years
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justizia · 3 years
It's 1:14am when Sergei checks the time.
Sergei - being a trained assassin - is a horribly light sleeper. Nowadays, he does not keep a Glock under his pillow. He heard something, however didn't spot anything that could've caused the sound, so he turns around and closes his eyes once more. Suddenly there's fabric rustling. He sits up, tries to figure out what's going on; looking over to see if Max is alright, the source of the noise is been quickly identified. It's Michael - at least he thinks it's Michael, the thought feeling almost embarrassing; how easily the name slips out of his mind; maybe it is time to engage with the child - standing at his father's side of the bed, the pastel blue pyjamas (with the pale, yellow accents and "hello sunshine" stitching) crumpled and the teddy carefully placed on the mattress; gently pulling at the covers, softly calling out Papa? and there's a tremour in the boy's voice which is hard to miss, even for someone like him.
It's 2:39am when Sergei checks the time. His partner doesn't seem to wake up - in the end it is Max' child, but that's not things work; even the ex-assassin knows that much.
Okay - a nightmare startled the kid and now he can't fall asleep, his mind littered of scary images and the fear of his dreams becoming reality. Sending Michael back to his room and telling him to try and sleep isn't really the best idea, which Blanca is aware of.
The air is a bit chilly, he realizes once he peeled himself out of the covers; your father is sleeping, how about I'll come with you and we figure this out together, alright? and now he's carrying the child back but he can't sleep without his bear (which he left next to his dad) and a we have to go back, please and quick walk back later, the two are now in Michael's bedroom. The room is softly illuminated from the nightlight and a few toys are spread out on the ground. Blanca vaguely recalls a conversation from earlier that day - I will put them away later, Papa! I'm still playing, pinky promise! - and lets out an amused huff; later is in fact fairly open for interpretation. The boy gets gently placed onto the bed, being silently tucked in by the new man in his life. With a promise of I'll be right back he leaves the room, only to reappear with a pair of glasses. There's one book that's not placed in the bookshelf, but sitting on top of it. Urmel from the Ice Age.
Despite being criticised for not doing the voices like Papa, Micheal seemed to enjoy it, though. After finishing the current page, he glanced over to the bed - the teddy tightly hugged, blanket covering the shoulders and almost completely hiding the child beneath it, his back rising and falling rhythmically. Blanca stays for about five minutes, to make sure the boy is actually asleep and ends up staying another five minutes - he can't remember when he saw a child resting this peaceful.
Getting up silently, he placed to book onto the shelf and picked up the toys; you simply cannot break a pinky promise. Looking one last time after Micheal, he gently closes the door and makes his way back to Max.
It's 3:41am when Sergei checks the time, the image of the boy still on his mind.
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chocopannacotta · 3 years
I can’t believe Yut Lung’s character and entire motivations boils down to “he gets no bitches” Blanca literally said go outside kiss a girl do something 💀
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deimosatellite · 3 years
hi banana fish tumblr i have a topic up for debate: is blanca a himbo
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blue-jeens · 4 years
I don’t know if this was intentional but the sheer difference in the scene where Ash fights Max and the one where Ash fights Blanca is so revealing about Ash’s relationship to the people who have taken on a “parental” role in his life
When Max is fighting him he says
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Max doesn’t really want to fight Ash, he’s trying to stop him from engaging in self-destructive behavior, he wants Ash to stop running into gunfire(which he does, in fact, try to do later on).
*sigh* Then there’s Blanca.
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When Blanca fights him he’s testing Ash, very cruelly too. He’s hurting Ash to teach him a lesson, a very stupid lesson too. Not to mention Blanca is essentially the reason Ash (to his own knowledge at the time) had to enter a contract of sexual servitude with his abuser. He directly played a part in 
And for what
for fucking what
Max is nowhere as skilled in physical combat as Blanca is, but somehow he has enough character to stand up for a seventeen-year old up against the goddamn mafia than a highly trained assassin who is more concerned with living a life of frivolity
Max embodies some of the best aspects of masculinity in my opinion - the use of strength in service of those who need protecting, even if it puts himself at risk - and Blanca embodies the worst, the pursuit of self-preservation and self-gratification, even at the cost of other people’s suffering simply because he can get away with it.
Max is courageous, Blanca is a coward wielding power
That’s not to say Max is perfect. He is flawed, and human and makes mistakes says some things without thinking but he isn’t malignant like Blanca is.
Blanca had the audacity to tell Ash he should have “gotten over” his past by now, as if he’s talking about a rough breakup.
(read: when Ash has that conversation with Jessica and he minimizes his own sexual assault, dismisses it. Do you think that might be because that’s how Blanca must have taught him to cope?? To just get over it??)
Like let’s be real Blanca seems like the kind of guy who jumps in to play Devil’s advocate every chance he gets because it gets his ego-dick hard. He’s lowkey an abuse apologist and breaking Marvin’s hand that one time when it was convenient for him does nothing to erase his complacency in everything else he did.
Max on the other hand shows Ash the compassion Ash refuses to show even himself. When he’s burning the pictures he tells Ash to forget about it, then corrects himself immediately after
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Just the acknowledgement that Ash isn’t letting himself be affected by his trauma: he doesn’t exactly get to pick and choose what affects him
Not only that, despite clearly having gone through a comically nasty divorce, Max never projects his own relationship issues onto Ash, and even teases him about Eiji on occasion while keeping enough of a respectful distance
Blanca, curse his soul, is like an emotionally abusive narcissistic parent who is obsessed with seeing himself in Ash and tries to constantly police who Ash gets close to and isolates him from the people he cares about and who care about him. A lot of it probably stems from his own loneliness and the fact that he couldn’t have a happy ending then how could Ash?
This got longer and more rambling than I had originally planned but,
In conclusion, Max Glenreed is the only valid father figure for Ash Lynx
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sayaka19fan · 3 years
i want to ask you about the killed girl . when was she killed ? before or after Ash& Blanca meeting ? and who the bastard killed her ??
We know that she was murdered because someone thought she was Ash's girlfriend.
If Blanca knew about her, he would have mentioned her when rebuking Ash about keeping Eiji around. But realistically Yoshida might have forgotten about her after that scene in the apartment. She has never talked about this girl in her interviews.
But if we want to make sense with what we have, I think that the key element is that they thought she was his girlfriend.
Ash, however, admitted that they didn't get together. Based on the context, it seems that they haven't even kissed. I doubt Blanca would see her as a danger at that stage.
I mentioned in the post above that Dino thought Ash was spending money on a woman and he says so messing with Ash's hair. If Ash was even pretending to be Dino's lover, he wouldn't reply "it's none of your business!" and Dino acts as if he is amused by his own guess. It's more like Dino was saying "Be careful, if I notice, people will notice too."
There was no woman, just Griffin, of course, but my point is that Dino wouldn't take action on the basis of a piece of gossip, even if his policy toward Ash having a girlfriend wasn't tolerant. And we can't say whether Dino saw it as a bad thing or not. He seems more concerned about the lack of discretion though.
As I said previously, Ash must have started training under Blanca once he turned 14, so I think she died during Ash's first year with Blanca. There's a chance that Marvin was somehow involved. Blanca saw Ash scared when he met Marvin but he wasn't paralyzed the other two times he met the man. Marvin must have said something scaring, and we know what Ash fears the most: people being hurt because of him. Marvin could know about the girl and this could be the reason why Ash was reluctant to denounce Marvin's inappropriate behavior to Dino (namely he was blackmailed). Ash wouldn't tell the real reason to a just-met Russian assassin. 😂
As for who killed her, we know that Ash has always gone berserk every time they killed someone he cared about. No matter what, he can't stay cool. We know that he was accused of killing 4 people when he was sent to juvie. Dino wasn't expecting this turn of events but wasn't surprised either. Blanca's training must have been intense with little to no room for personal affairs. Ash took his revenge as Blanca left, this is my view on the matter. Perhaps the person who spread the rumor was Marvin, but the actual perpetrators were from a rival gang.
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