#blanca and roja
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JOMP BPC - December 10th - Ampersand
feat. Blanca & Roja by Anna-Marie McLemore ♥️
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fullibooked · 13 days ago
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Anna-Marie McLemore is one of my all time favourite authors. I've read everything they have published and connected to every one. I've never appreciated magical realism as much as I do in their stories. These two books are the most recent and it's safe to say they are worth the time.
Blanca and Roja is a story of sisters and brothers, both of blood and friendship. It's a story of swans and sacrifice and finding where you fit in. I fell in love with Yearling by virtue of his name and then his love for his best friend. I might have yelled at Blanca and Roja to JuST TaLk tO eAcH OtHEr but you know how sisters are. With non-binary characters and queer grannies and boys who turn into bears this book has everything I could ever want.
Dark and Deepest Red is a story of tradition, family, kind magic and Romani women. Told in two parts, one of a young woman Strasburg in 1518 and one of another in the present day. It's a story of red shoes and dancing until you die and prejudice. While the dancing plague itself both fascinates and terrifies me,Ii was swept off my feet by Lavinia and her family, and enchanted by the glimmer in the modern tale and the magic of willpower. Again, McLemore writes the real kind of people with just enough magic to make these stories heart-capturing.
Look i could go on and on but tl;dr I love, love, love Anna-Marie McLemore and everything they do.
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groriatrevi10xx · 2 months ago
would you draw blake and jackie from hello conde?
Anónimo: ¿Dibujarías a Blake y Jackie de Hello Conde?
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Blake: Me recuerdas a alguien.../You remind me of someone...
*La Reina Blanca sonríe.../The White Queen smiles...*
Jackie: ¿A ese "alguien" le gustaba cortar cabezas?, Porque es algo que a mí me gusta hacer.../Did that "someone" like to cut heads off?, Because it's something I like to do...
*Hay algo de burla en las palabras de la Reina Roja.../There is something mocking in the Red Queen's words...*
Blake: Ah sí, ese "alguien"... Le encantaba cortar cabezas, solía discutir con ella por eso... Prefiero la horca, es más satisfactorio... Es una muerte lenta.../Oh yeah, that "someone"... He loved cutting off heads, he used to argue with her about it... I prefer gallows, it's more satisfying... It's a slow death...
*La Reina de Corazones parece interesada... Y sonríe un poco.../The Queen of Heart seems to be interested... And smiles just a little...*
Jackie: Bueno, prefiero la decapitación.../Well, I prefer decapitation...
*La Reina del Ajedrez no se queda atrás, sigue hablando.../The Queen of Chess is not far behind, she continues speaking...
Blake: Genial, mi nombre es Blake... Soy la Reina del Ajedrez o Reina Blanca, como te guste llamarme... Es un honor tenerte en mi Reino, en mi Jardín... Mi gran País de las Maravillas.../Great, my name is Blake... I am the Queen of Chess or White Queen, as you like to refer to me... It is an honor to have you in my Kingdom, in my Garden... My great Wonderland...
Jackie: Jackie, ese es mi nombre... Soy la Reina de Corazones o la Reina Roja, supongo que es obvio... Gracias por la invitación.../Jackie, that's my name... I'm the Queen of Hearts or the Red Queen, I guess that's obvious... Thanks for the invite...
*Y como si fuera poco, siguió hablando de cortar cabezas y ahorcar personas... Vaya, los invitados simplemente decidieron ignorarlo, muy incómodos, mientras de vez en cuando se tocaban el cuello.../And as if that wasn't enough, he continued talking about cutting off heads and hanging people... Boy, the guests just decided to ignore him, very uncomfortable, while occasionally touching their necks...*
G: Jajaja ahí está, espero que te haya gustado mi querido anónimo.../Haha, there it is, I hope you liked it, my dear anonymous...
Canónicamente, Blake prefiere la horca antes que la decapitación, y solía pelear con Scarlett por esto, sólo porque su familiar prefería cortar las cabezas de sus súbditos desobedientes en lugar de colgarlos.../Canonically, Blake prefers hanging over decapitation, and used to fight with Scarlett over this, only because her familiar preferred to cut off the heads of her disobedient subjects rather than hang them...
Aclaro que Blake no es igual a Hela o Scarlett, ella no es mala, pero tampoco es buena... Ella es neutral... Ella es simplemente ella misma, así que la imaginé hablando con Jackie sobre este tipo de cosas... Para recordar los buenos tiempos de peleas tontas que nunca volverán.../Let me clarify that Blake is not the same as Hela or Scarlett, she is not bad, but she is not good either... She is neutral... She is just herself, so I imagined her talking to Jackie about this kind of things... To remember the good times of silly fights that will never come back...
Jackie y Blake no están en la misma parte de Hello Conde, pero sí existen en el mismo Au... Aún así, es lindo imaginar si se conocieran, no sé... solo lo imaginé con esta pregunta.../Jackie and Blake aren't in the same part of Hello Conde, but they do exist in the same Au... Still, it's nice to imagine if they knew each other, I don't know... I just imagined it with this question...
{Dato aleatorio del día que no tiene nada que ver con esto: Blake es la única de casi todas las Reinas que he creado que usa una corona de plata... No de oro blanco ni de ningún otro tipo de oro, ella prefiere la plata... Aunque no puede evitar mirar la corona de Jackie, esta brilla pero hay algo en ella que le divierte y no llama su atención.../Random Fact of the Day that has nothing to do with this: Blake is the only one of almost all the Queens I've created who wears a silver crown... Not white gold or any other type of gold, she prefers silver... Although he can't help but look at Jackie's crown, it shines but there's something about it that amuses him and doesn't catch his attention...
Aunque su bodega está llena de oro, hay algo en ese preciado metal que no le llama la atención o simplemente no le interesa, ¿quizás?.../Even though her cellar is full of gold, there is something about this precious metal that doesn't attract her attention or she is just disinterested, perhaps?...}
Y recuerda, Jackie no es mi personaje, ni el Au de Hello Conde es mío... Créditos a continuación... ↓/And remember, Jackie is not my character, nor is the Au from Hello Conde mine... Credits below... ↓
Blake: Es mia... {It's mine...}
Jackie es de {Jackie is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Hello Conde {Au} es de {Hello Conde {Au} is from}: @vanetheglitchfox - @hello-conde
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cabeswaterdrowned · 9 months ago
book recs? My fav books are trc, aftg, soc, shadowhunters/riordanverse etc and the likes (so basically the most basic literature taste known to man) thanks!
well I enjoy all of those and trc is my fav series so will give you a couple of my main fantasy recs along those lines or not dissimilar and throw in one of my fav thrillers which is very gay and explores dark themes for aftg adjacent rep, and then another suspense book i love. I sort of went with books i could draw some type of lines of comparison to at least one of the books you mentioned.
•The Diviners series by Libba Bray — this is my go to ya fantasy rec these days, it’s historical urban fantasy with some horror and mystery elements. It’s set in 1920’s New York, book one opens focusing mainly on Evie and a specific case of a ghost serial killer but introduces other chars, after the first book it becomes more about an ensemble cast of Diviners who have different supernatural powers and their dynamics, also the main antagonist is bigotry and hate which I’m aware is a concept that can be done poorly in fantasy and I won’t pretend every beat of it is flawless but it is my favorite example of a fantasy series take on that concept that I’ve read. More importantly stunning character work I especially adore the female chars among the diviners Evie Theta and Ling, Ling is one of the most special characters ever and these books should be worth reading because of her INTP canon ace lesbian with autistic swag realness alone. 
I definitely would recommend it to TID/TLH fans for the historical setting and atmosphere as well as some of the playing with man vs machine + to TRC/TDT fans for the characterization and also the second book is largely about Henry and Ling learning about their dream powers and developing a friendship through this and also Ling has a narrative foil in dreamspace she’s gay with just think some of those idea would resonate with trcers + to SoC fans for the ensemble dynamics. 
•The Gemma Doyle trilogy by Libba Bray
This is one I used to describe to people as The Gangsey all girls au set in Victorian London and that’s not fully accurate but it works enough to be a pitch, but basically it’s about this group of four girls who go to a boarding school together and discover a sort of parallel world where they can bee free and realize their ambitions detached from society, but in the real world they’ve awakened horrors they must deal with too. I need to reread this one but it was deeply formative, if you love messy complicated female friendship dynamics and paranormal/mystical plots that are just creepy enough this is for you. Also my favorite character in it is a gay blonde mean girl character who is ambitious and wants autonomy above all else but does also love her friends fiercely Felicity Worthington you will always be famous <3 if you enjoy Jessamine Lovelace and Grace Blackthorn from TSC she has strong parallels to both those chars imo and is better written/handled arc wise. But I will tell you that the other wlw char in the book who is her love interest dies there is byg, just so you no one gets mad at me for that. But still very worth the read imo. 
•The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy by Laini Taylor
this series is a mix of urban fantasy and high fantasy, the first book is set mainly in Prague but large parts of the other books take place in a fantasy world called Eretz so there is a fun parallel worlds element. But it’s about Karou who is one of theee protagonists of the 2010s yet got paid dust justice for my girl, and she’s an art student in Prague who was raised by a family of monsters (chimeara), her surrogate father is Brimstone and he has a business of selling wishes for teeth that Karou sometimes helps with but is frustrated that she isn’t allowed to know why or what they’re for. Karou’s dynamics with the chimearas and with her best friends Zuzana who is also a wonderful character and inspo for my letterboxd url rabidfairy09, are really lovely and the prose is so beautiful… but the story really takes off when the love interest Akiva is introduced I won’t go into details about that because spoilers, but they have one of my absolute favorite romances in the genre that does subvert and play with those paranormal forbidden star crossed romance tropes in ways I think are quite fascinating. Books 2 and 3 are more complicated to describe there is an essential conflict between chimeras or devils vs angels in this world so there’s your modern tsc connection, and very lyrical prose although I find Lainis even lusher and more elegant than trc prose. 
• Sawkill Girls by Clara Legrand 
Ya horror book that I remember reading over the summer in high school and I think it’s a good summer read tonally, part of the plot is one of those stranded on an island survival stories but it’s less intense than like Yellowjackets (no cannibalism), I don’t actually have much to sell about the plot I just enjoyed the vibes and also there are lesbians one of whom is an ambitious driven abuse survivor who had an arc I remember really liking.
•Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie Mclemore I actually really love all the books by her I’ve read but I think this is a great one to start with. Basically there are multiple generations of women who are all witches living together (300 fox way vibes), and Estella has several cousins and she and them are all in love with the same woman who is the daughter of the man who owns the estate, and there’s a thing where boys and this family keep disappearing and then one of them shows up and resulting drama. The main romance is m/f but like all the female chars being bi, it is a good romance from my memory but the main event is the familial dynamics, the main character Estella’s arc around dealing with her internalized self hatred and a lot of anti colonial themes those anti colonial themes and themes of multigenerational trauma are very relevant in all the Mclemore I’ve read so yes, very much would read her starting with this book. Also very gorgeous prose as is in all her magical realism stuff. 
•this one is already quite popular on tumblr so you may have read it but The Folk of the Air series by Holly Black, if you enjoy the cutthroat gang in SoC and that high fantasy world I think you would enjoy it I also get some Zoya vibes as well as Kaz vibes from Jude the main heroine. Won’t bother with detailed description because again, very popular books. 
•Wayward Children series by Seanan McGuire
basically a series of portal fantasies or fairytales for adults, they are all novellas and it’s an ongoing series following several different chars not all of whom appear in each book. But I enjoy them and I think if you like Riordanverse this is like an adult fantasy take on similar concepts in a way, even though it’s not directly mythology based.
•The Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir
This is the other tumblr popular series on the list and has a good amount of overlap with trc/aftg/soc fans so will only give the brief pitch that it’s adult sci fantasy and about lesbian necromancers in space. You will be very confused at least some of the time but it is worth it, trust me. 
•Black Iris by Leah Raeder 
new adult psychological thriller with a sapphic romance that slaps so hard. Delaney Keatings is one of my favorite unreliable narrators and also just an A+ character, there’s not a lot I can say about the actual plot because a lot of it is psychological but will give one other plot hint: vigilantes. Definitely look up trigger warnings before reading this there’s a lot about homophobia and also references to sexual violence, drug use a lot more it’s very in line with Aftg in terms of like, grittiness in that regard. Do highly recommend. 
•Dare Me by Megan Abbott 
like with Mclemore I love this author in general and would recommend everything I’ve read by her but this was my first book of hers so it’s a good introduction, and also a lot of it is about girls on a cheer team having homoerotic psychosexual dynamics as well as the murder, so it’s also in line with aftg thematically in that way. gay sports media. 
There are a lot of others but I don’t want to make this list ridiculously long so… here are some recs <3 thank you so much anon for letting me ramble and I hope you like them!
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Do you ship...
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meeghanreads · 1 year ago
Top 5 fairy tale retellings
Hello friends!! Welcome to Top 5 Tuesday!! This week’s topic is top 5 fairy tale retellings!! Now, I know this topic is not for everyone. In fact, it’s pretty much designed purely for me. But, as host, that’s my prerogative every so often. And, I’m not sorry. Sorry. But, for not being sorry. Not for the topic. I’ll stop now. Apparently, somewhere in the world 26 February is National Fairy Tale…
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soficierva1734 · 2 years ago
Estrella Azul
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Cola Roja
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Corazón de León
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Garra de Tigre
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Tormenta Blanca
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Rabo Largo
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Viento Veloz
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qbdatabase · 2 years ago
Daily Book - Blanca and Roja
Blanca & Roja Anna-Marie McLemore YA Fantasy, 2018, 375 pg Latina female MC x partially-blind male LI; Latina female MC x transgender / non-binary / genderqueer LI (he/she) The del Cisne girls have never just been sisters; they're also rivals, Blanca as obedient and graceful as Roja is vicious and manipulative. They know that, because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods ...
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indiferencia · 2 years ago
Recomendaciones para pedir asilo en España
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(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push(); Si quieres pedir asilo en España, debes seguir una serie de pasos y cumplir una serie de requisitos que te pueden ayudar a maximizar las posibilidades de éxito en ese trámite. El éxito al pedir asilo no sólo se cuenta como lograr que te concedan el estatus de refugiado, sino, por ejemplo, obtener la protección subsidiaria o una residencia humanitaria, entre otros. El asilo es una forma de protección internacional que se otorga a las personas que han sufrido persecución o tienen un temor fundado de sufrirla por motivos de raza, religión, nacionalidad, opinión política, pertenencia a un determinado grupo
Leer el resto de la noticia: Recomendaciones para pedir asilo en España
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Amarres De Amor En Buenaventura y Buga.
¿El amor que deseas parece estar lejos? 💔✨ Con mis servicios profesionales de amarres de amor, te ayudo a reconectar con esa persona especial usando rituales ancestrales y técnicas energéticas respetuosas. Cada trabajo es personalizado y se realiza con ética, buscando siempre el bienestar de ambos. ¡Recupera la pasión, el entendimiento y la armonía en tu relación! 🌹🔮 Contáctame y descubre cómo el universo puede conspirar a tu favor. 💖 #AmarresDeAmor #RitualesDeAmor #EnergíaPositiva #Esoterismo #amor
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shanghaitea · 1 month ago
@xfortunearcana | ( continuación ask ).
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— Sí, eso. Me gustarían algunas indicaciones.
Trey no estaría muy contento cuando se enterara de que había dejado el campus sin avisar, pero, siendo sincera, ¿acaso alguien más se iba a dar cuenta? Y no era como si estuviera insultando la colección de libros de Night Raven. Sólo quería comparar información.
Pasó una mano por su falda, esperando que su uniforme -algo retocado, algo diferente- no dejara muy claro que no era parte de Royal Sword o de Mirror Rose. Sacó una tarjeta de su bolsillo: un pase bibliotecario de Mirror Rose Institute, academia hermana de Royal Sword.
¿Que cómo lo había conseguido?
Siguiente pregunta.
— Me gustaría llevarme libros referentes a procesos alquímicos durante la época de la Guerra de las Rosas. —sorbió por la nariz, cruzándose de brazos. En realidad sólo necesitaba que le indicara dónde estaban los libros sobre Alquimia, pero con suerte no decidía perseguirla por la biblioteca. O demasiado. Con suerte.
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groriatrevi10xx · 6 months ago
♥️...The Queen of Hearts and the Snow Queen/La Reina de Corazones y la Reina de las Nieves...❄️
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"It is said that in a distant time, the Red Queen and the White Queen spoke calmly at a Ball, as if they had known each other for a long time.../Se dice que en un tiempo lejano, la Reina Roja y la Reina Blanca hablaban tranquilamente en un baile, como si se conocieran desde hacía mucho tiempo..."
"The Dear Queen of Hearts laughed at the Witch's argument and the Ice Queen just sighed... Like old friends... Or family.../La Querida Reina de Corazones se rió ante el argumento de la Bruja y la Reina de Hielo solo suspiró... Como viejos amigos... O familia..."
G: 👀...
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botanicavirgenmorena · 1 year ago
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batanriotus · 2 years ago
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Recetas de mi abuela
La Jara blanca.
Aunque hoy en día es poco usado, se tomaba en jarabes para la tos 
La jara Roja.
Ha sido usada durante mucho tiempo como alivio al dolor de estómago. Se tomaba tanto en infusión como poniendo la planta sobre el mismo abdomen.
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dakota-zen · 2 years ago
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《Rima XXIV》
Dos rojas lenguas de fuego
que, a un mismo tronco enlazadas,
se aproximan, y al besarse
forman una sola llama;
dos notas que del laúd
a un tiempo la mano arranca,
y en el espacio se encuentran
y armoniosas se abrazan;
dos olas que vienen juntas
a morir sobre una playa
y que al romper se coronan
con un penacho de plata;
dos jirones de vapor
que del lago se levantan
y al juntarse allá en el cielo
forman una nube blanca;
dos ideas que al par brotan,
dos besos que a un tiempo estallan,
dos ecos que se confunden,
eso son nuestras dos almas.
Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
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technicolorsetting · 2 years ago
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You know how Alex had his omg he looks like fucking prince charming moment when Henry came to meet him and he showed up riding his horse? Well, I think Henry should have the equivalent from Alex. Full telenovela ranchero/ texas cowboy experience. Bring Alex out in a horse wearing a hat and tank top. I want to see Henry gay panicking
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