#blame hoopa
horizonboundtrainer · 2 years
May's original weapon was a simple wooden staff her father gave her at the age of eight. She kept it with her up to the Delta Episode where Zinnia stole it from her in Granite Cave.
And the last she's heard of her, Zin's still carrying it around as she travels the world.
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Gonna vibe, night
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 months
Hoopa Ring Mail! French Onion Soup, courtesy of Ren at @chaos-cousins, sent by @ziodyne-amax
ah damnit you made me cry. I’m blaming the onions
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askdeoxys · 1 year
“I’ll be honest with ya, Deo: I don’t care. Hey! Don’t blame me though! I’m just tired of hearing about it. I mean, no offense, but we get it,” Kujo stated pointedly, a wry yet somehow apologetic smile on his face. It was a statement that instantly killed the conversation at the table which the Hoopa took note of. “..What? All three of us are thinking it! Don’t give me that look..,” he would add with an awkward rubbing of his neck- a guilt beginning to creep up on him. 
“...” Deo fell silent. He wasn’t necessarily angry because Kujo simply said what Deo had already thought, but he still knew not how to respond. “My bad. We can move on.” No longer with the desire to gamble, Deo threw his cards into the middle of the table to allow for his two acquaintances to continue without him. 
Dioxys looked between the two, unsure of how to broach the tension in the air. For now, he chose to lay his cards on the table and pour the three another round of drinks with his idle psychic touch. He watched the glasses and bottle dance in the air while he mulled over his words, and Kujo would be the one to address the tension in the interim. 
“SOooooo.., D’,” the Hoopa started as he looked over at the yellow alien, “In lighter news, Deo and I were talking the other day. Why don’t you say something to Cherri?” He knew the question was extremely pointed, of course, but it would distract the pair with ease. Or, so he thought. Regardless, he grabbed one of the newly poured glasses from the air and shot it back at once. 
“You were talking about me, Deo?” Dioxys asked with a cold glare, though his gaze could have burned a hole through his orange acquaintance, “I thought I made it very clear how I detest you talking of me without my knowledge?” 
Forced to shunt Kujo’s slight to the back of his mind, Deo shrugged broadly, “But, hear me out. Aren’t you impressed that I can talk about something other than myself?” With desire to deflect in the conversation, Deoxys quickly picked his cards back up as if to resume play, and he’d float one of the glasses closer to him in anticipation for absorption. “Anyways, I heard the deadline has been moved up. Doesn’t that seem kind of.. I don’t know, brash? They’ve barely given you a break, D’.” If there was one thing Deo could distract his mind with, it was work. 
However, Dioxys had no interest in approaching that topic. Instead, he chose the lesser of two evils: “There’s nothing to say to Cherri, Kujo,” he replied as straight-forwardly as he could, “We are of two different worlds, and they are an individual who.. -Well, for lack of better phrasing; I am at the bottom of their totem pole.” Already having sensed what the pair might respond with, Dioxys added swiftly, “Socially, at least. Obviously, our work is a different story.” 
“Bah!” Kujo slammed his hand of cards on the table with one hand, and with his other hand, he reached over and grabbed Deo’s drink out of the air and shot it back. “You think you know everything, D’, but you don’t know that!” 
“I mean, he’s never been wrong before…,” Deo added meekly. 
Kujo waved his hand dismissively after he dropped the glass to fall to the ground. Before continuing his rant, he grabbed the half-drank bottle out of the air; “If you had a nickel for everytime you think you’re fallin’ in love..- You don’t even like them that much? Shit, you’re fallin’ in love!” He could not have made a more pointed statement, and it was a statement that would once again cause the table to fall in awkward silence. 
“...” Deo sighed. With an idle application of his psionic well, he reconstructed the broken glass from the ground and set it back on the table with an expectation that Kujo would pour him a refill. “..Okay, actually, let’s be honest. Why don’t you say something, D’? What have you got to lose?”
“Friendship,” Dioxys replied without hesitation, “And, to be frank, we have far greater worries we should be focusing on- like the deadline being moved up.” Tired of this path, he decided to choose the other lesser of two evils. “Or, Deo, would you prefer us to tackle your topic?”
“I’m good-”
“GOOD IDEA!” Kujo bellowed with an ignorance of Deo’s expectation to be refilled. “Deo, don’t you think you complain too much? Don’t you think it’s.. -Well, trite? D’ and I get it, Deo. You’re sad. Can we move on?” With an immediate sensing of Dioxys’ anger rising, Kujo quickly continued as if to save himself in this situation, “Okay, I’ll admit, this all sounds really bad. Let me rephrase: you both need to get over yourselves and address your problems because I am honestly real tired of having to babysit the both of y’all.” 
“It’s just not that simple,” both Deo and Dioxys responded simultaneously, but Deo would continue to say for himself; “No one can help me but me, and I don’t want to help me.”
Meanwhile, Dioxys would add his own statement right after Deo’s; “I would rather wallow in my pitiful, human tribulations than have someone I care about sour their perception of me. They don’t ever need to know, and I am content with that. All that matters is that we continue on for our goal and succeed.” 
Kujo just groaned as he let his slumped posture bring his jaw down to smack onto the table. “What am I going to do with the two of you?”
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mooflettes · 10 months
So, you told me to DM my idea, so here it is!
I believe that Pecharunt wants one thing: Revenge. Essentially, it’s constantly in pain, agony and suffering. However, no one knows about it, one day in the crater, when most of the trees and terapogas’s died, everyone pinned the blame on Pecharunt and exiled it from the crater. Fueled by hatred, it vows to return and destroy the crater and the world. Starting by absorbing
the last Terapogas, but he doesn’t know the location so it seeks after the masks that Eustace made. After waiting for who knows how long, the events of the DLCs happen. The only difference is that the doll at Peachy’s is not there but the shop owner is (Pecharunt placed her under its control). Before Stellar form Terapogas is defeated, Pecharunt comes out and absorbs it. There is a reason why but Pecharunt is not only absorbing Terapogas, but other
legendaries as well. See, I remember BirdKeeperToby making a video about the tree of life and how the last legendaries may relate to it. But for simplicity’s sake, Pecharunt formulated a plan and also wants to absorb Eternamax Eternatus, Ultra Necrozma, Zygarde Complete form, The Tao trio and Mega Rayquaza. VERY SPECIFICALLY in those forms. It’ll have enough power to then take down the creation trio in another timeline. Then it would travel to another
timeline to absorb Arceus before it hatched and become god in that timeline (he did absorb Hoopa Unbound in another timeline) However, it was eventually stopped by the protagonists and the legendaries would be freed. But it was a hollow victory in the end, as before Pecharunt unfused, it was able to use the last of its energy to blast Kieran to another timeline where Pokémon are nothing more than machines, and the Pokemon that were freed did not make a full
recovery as the legendaries were still poisoned even after 8 months. And Kieran is nowhere to be found. Pecharunt would then be deemed too dangerous to capture and train so high tech prison was made specifically just to house it. Making it the first pokemon to be imprisoned. But that’s my idea! Sorry if I rambled on for too long (a bit of my autistic side is here). If you’re confused about Pecharunt absorbing, I think that can happen as Pecharunt may have the
ability to absorb souls, since the third signboard in Kitakami talked about ‘your soul will be forfeit to the ogre’ or something, but I think it’s referring to Pecharunt. Also, I think that Pecharunt would probably rename itself later into something like ‘Dokuwāro’ or something. But again, thanks for listening!
Okay, so while this stuff may fit on my alt, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS IDEA! Dokutaro/Pecharunt being blamed for something wouldn't be off the mark, as it always has seemed kinda mischievous to me. I also kinda am inspired to maybe thing that Dokutaro is the reason like Ogerpon is blamed for a lot of other things than just the situation with the Loyal Three. Dokutaro could be not just upset because it didn't get it's way but for other happenings such as say Eustace not making it a glittery mask to give it power or something else, so Eustace is now cursed by Dokutaro. I was thinking of the idea that maybe Eustace is stuck in the blackish void of it's inside-shell, if that even makes sense, and that being how Dokutaro stores souls.
I know this is a little ooc from what you said but you're giving me ideas to spitball here. Also its name being Pecharunt...it must have been small and weak and frail at one point...what if it took mock-pity on Kieran later on and fed Kieran his power or so? I'm sorry if my answer seems a little broken I have a weird attention-span and can only remember certain things^^ I love this idea tho and I wonder if I could incorporate it into like, the itty bitty bits n' pieces of Project Venus, esp since it somewhat lines up in canon!
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princepasio · 10 months
Sitting together on a bench, watching some fireworks fly up and colour the night sky, Yuri turned and pressed her lips to Lear's cheek in a show of affection while Hoopa snickered nearby with the group of giggly Clefairy.
Fireworks were a common occurrence in Pasio, particularly in months so packed with holidays as these. He's glad to be watching them with her, the sky lit up in shades of red and gold, when she leans up to press a kiss to his cheek.
He jolts at the feeling, his face turning pink. Hopefully he can blame it on the cooling weather.
"Ah! Ha. Are you enjoying yourself tonight, Lady Yuri?"
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ghost-kid-kieran · 8 months
Hoopa sorry for not talking a lot recently:(
Blame it on unbound keeping asking for Hoopa to focus on Hoopa's conversations with him...
But know Hoopa still cares a lot about Kierankan!
It's alright, Hoopa! It's always nice to hear from you no matter when you talk :)
I still care a lot about you too!
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hoopa-is-hoopa · 1 year
Are...are you a ghost from one of the villages that unbound hurt long ago?
Hoopa is so sorry for what unbound did...
So much pain...so much death... But hoopa is not to blame! Not fully at least!Hoopa and unbound are same body different minds!!!
Don't blame hoopa for unbound actions! Please don't blame hoopa for those...
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girlmaster132 · 1 year
Rules: Tag 10 people you’d like to know better!
Got tagged by my hoemies @pro-penlicker and @jedi-enthusiast
Relationship Status: Single as fuck, probably won’t find anybody until college or if college ends. But if I still don’t want to have a relationship, then probably never. 
Favorite Color: Red! It’s the color of blood!  kidding aside I blame Undertale but as a kid I always liked Mario and the red pikmin so here we are. 
Favorite Food: ANYTHING SALTY. Very unhealthy but idk having salt in food makes it more “tastier” for me. But for specific ones Spaghetti and Rebisco crackers (this shit’s salty lol)
Song Currently Stuck In My Head: “Our Love” from Arcane, “Hoopa theme” from pokemon brick bronze (Roblox game), And “Elogia Cinerosa” from Genshin.
Last Thing I Googled: “Our Love Arcane” and “How to earn money in obscure writing app”
Time: 9:52pm (as I’m writing this, Phil time!)
Dream Trip: I always wanted to visit Canada to experience snow, please I live in an oven give me SNOW.
Something I Want: Money. Who doesn’t want to get some bread. But other than that a diagnosis for my crumbling mental health <3!
Tags: Wake up it’s your time   @sbasbbsbs
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crystalelemental · 1 year
[PokeMas Spoilers] Paulo decided to commit crime right now? Please tell me it's true! I really hope the writers of DeNa subverted trope to broke it, cause I'm curious how it will go with this story mode so far.
(I quit the game to reduce my time due to personal life going on)
Can’t blame you. Disengaging from gacha is always correct. But spoilers: yeah he did! Well kinda. He hasn’t done crime. But he is going evil. The whole thing is that he’s confronted with Ghetsis being how Ghetsis is, and gets super pissed about people like him, glows purple like a FEH Fallen banner character, and unlocka Hoopa Unbound, who seems to be his partner. He’s taking after Lysandre of all people, with the intent of being the Last Evil; the one who takes on the role of villain to wipe away every other evil being. It fucking rules. This is exactly what I wanted. He’s gonna turn back, he’ll get better, but I wanted them to commit to the evil bit, just for a while. For me. As a treat. And by god are they doing it.
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ask-games-galore · 12 days
Are you blaming the hoopa for you eating the monster?
I... Yes. Yes that's what happened and I'm ashamed of lying so blatantly.
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teamconductors · 3 years
Remember pokemon mystery dungeon, where you needed to save a mole that was captured by a Zapdos, who blamed it for the earthquakes? Thats basically how I imagine 90% of the Team Conductors to go. One of them somehow Angered/annoyed a legendary pokemon, and they need to rescue them. Eventually one's just captured by a legendary who's just wants to join in with the Meme.
The one who memes is gonna be Hoopa or Mew or something
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Pokemon I Would Live in Fear of If Pokemon Were to Become Real
1. Galvantula. That is a giant spider with the ability to paralyze people with electricity. No thank you.
2. Kyogre/Groudon. If they wake up, they individually can cause a minor apocalypse. In the midst of this apocalypse, they are also trying to kill each other. If I was in Hoenn, I would just cry.
3. Anything that has Gigantamaxed/has the potential to. I have very little understanding of what is happening with Gigantamax Pokemon but it can happen in the wild, and that is a wild animal that is as tall as a house. I’ll pass on that please.
4. Any Poison/Grass type. Not to sound judgmental, but going on a walk would be a nightmare if I had to check every patch of grass for like, Oddish. It would be so annoying but there’s not really a better solution unless you’re okay with getting hit by Poison Powder.
5. Drowzee/Hypno. I live in fear of them already. If they were real, I would be even more afraid.
6. Ditto. I wake up in the morning to take my dog out for a walk, but it’s looking at me funny. Instead of a dog’s face, I see :3.
7. Noctowl/Pidgeot. Imagine if hawks and other birds of prey were as big as human beings. The food chain is a little bit different in the Pokemon world, I guess.
8. Gorebyss. I am aware that it is not just Gorebyss that sucks people’s life force, but it is the one that I would be most likely to pet. Like you expect a Ghost-type to do so and can plan for it, but this is a very pretty fish that you could accidentally buy as a pet.
9. Beartic. Imagine polar bears being an option anywhere where there is relatively cold weather and usually a good amount of snow. Except these polar bears are angrier. And they can use Icicle Crash.
10. Hoopa. It can send you to another dimension. If Pokemon become real, its probably to blame. It’s super mischievous, and I don’t know what end making Pokemon real would provide it, but I don’t want to find out.
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morpekoed · 4 years
[ @soulsoftened​​ / —– 🇸 ​ 🇹 ​ 🇦 ​ 🇷 ​ 🇹 ​ 🇪 ​ 🇷  ​]​
► / / —– [ ʀ ᴇ ᴀ ᴅ ʏ • s ᴛ ᴀ ʀ ᴛ ] —– / / ;      SHOULD HAVE SAID something sooner about it. Was not hard to figure out what happened to the other’s food. Could have apologised for it, but the type specialtist had no control over her hungry partner. Hopefully the other wasn’t trying to save it for later.
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          ❝ oh , you probably shouldn’t leave food unattended . morpeko tends to eat whatever he can find . ❞     considers if for a moment , but decides it better to give hers .     ❝ relax ,   you can have mine ,   ‘m not really that hungry anyway . ❞
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asavt · 2 years
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Someone's a big fan of the angst, I don't blame you tho.
Gonna be mostly writting this thinking that they nap together from time to time. (I am weak for that sorta stuff ok?? A thing I'm planning to add one way or another into the thing I'm working on ah...)
Who is a night owl:
You think they have a choice? I think Cheren is used by now to sleep late because he is working as a freaking teacher (dude, who is a teacher at 16??) and, well, you have Lear who pretty much runs the island and also has this one trouble maker called Hoopa that likes to play at night.
I think Lear more than Cheren though.
Who is a morning person:
Cheren. Lear used to be but not anymore, he doesn't have another option though.
Are they cuddlers:
Who is the big spoon and who is the little spoon:
Changes from time to time. Really depends on how they are feeling (example: Lear feeling down or not, Cheren feeling tired as hell, etc.).
What is their favourite sleeping position:
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Who steals all the blankets:
Surprisely? Cheren. It's completly unconscious but it happens.
What they wear to bed:
Already answered. Have I told you guys I hate drawing feet?
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt:
Who falls asleep mid-conversation:
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares:
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep:
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theceoofrusa · 7 years
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"If you really are meant together, you'll be together in the end even if you are separated."
I reread ORAS for the nth time and why am I seeing this as a foreshadowing part?!
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