princepasio · 1 month
He's sweating because he's lost track of Hoopa again. Oh no.
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princepasio · 5 months
grinding his teeth and stomping his feet about red!!!!
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princepasio · 5 months
"Say, Lear, what do you envision me wearing one day in Pasio?"
He pauses when she asks it, his head tilted a little as he considers her. He even takes the time to walk around her, examining her from all angles, before he puts his hands on his hips.
"Bellis designs most of the synga suits, and we take input from the trainer as well....but I could imagine a cute dress to go with your Clefable partner. Or - or we could match it to another partner of yours, if you'd like. Maybe a spring yukata to match with your Chikorita?"
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princepasio · 5 months
Some questions I have out of curiosity--
What is the culture of Pasio like? How do you adapt Pokémas-style battling to a written setting? Where do you picture it being relative to other regions in your setting? Are there any Pasian Pokémon variants?
the culture of pasio heavily borrows from lear's home region (that i call the impresa region in my own mind, but its not a solid name) but also borrows from kalos (where bellis is from) and the greater kanjoh area in regards to battle policies and ideas. it's foremost a tournament space.
the battle system is something i've been working on in the background, but it's not too complicated - you have teams of three, either three pokemon to one trainer or three trainers with one partner each, and you battle against similar teams of three.
i think it's genuinely in the middle of the ocean somewhere LOL but i think it might be southwest of kalos, paldea and galar.
and no, there aren't any native pasio pokemon! the island is entirely manmade, so there's no naturally occurring pokemon there. however, for my region for lear............there are some regional variants there, like a variant of gallade that is steel/psychic and carries a shield.
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princepasio · 5 months
what if you sent me asks about Pasio today
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princepasio · 5 months
“Lear, I presume? Thanks for the invite… I assume I’m not just here for battling, huh? People RARELY ask for me by name, and all.”
"Ah, Rika!"
He claps his hands together as he says her name, beaming a smile in his best attempt at coming off as both regal and friendly. (It's a little much, really.)
"Welcome to the island! I'm glad to see you arrived safely. You're someone we've been keeping an eye on for a little while - color me surprised that you had moved out of Paldea before we could call you along with your friends, but I'm glad we managed to get ahold of you."
He opens his hands as he turns to walk with her, intent on showing her the mansion and grounds.
"We study the subject of Syncing with Pokemon here, and you've proven yourself a capable trainer. So - yes, actually, a majority of your time here will be studying your battling techniques! Professor Bellis has a few pieces of gear to give to you, but otherwise you'll be free to explore and battle to your heart's content."
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princepasio · 6 months
Pasio is still being overrun by ghosts - Hoopa seems to be having a blast, though.
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princepasio · 6 months
He's being bapped while a crisis is going on. What else is new on Pasio.
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princepasio · 6 months
Augh!!! Disaster!!! Terrible!!!
There's a blackout on the island and it's overrun by ghosts!!! It's not even Halloween!!!
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princepasio · 7 months
What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
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princepasio · 7 months
dont...............ask lear to cook. just dont do it. he's bad. hes just bad at it.
however: pasio has a robust collection of people from all over the world, so lear has made sure to staff the island with people who can make almost anything from anywhere so no one has to go homesick without their favorite.
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princepasio · 7 months
Lear's Lurantis is practicing poses on the beach today, looking eerily like she's trying to copy a certain priestess's dancing. Lear himself is training with Snubbull and Togepi - or trying to, because Togepi keeps running up to him and Snubbull is trying to sleep.
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princepasio · 8 months
planning stuff with hoopa aka theres gonna be some portal shenanigans soon
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princepasio · 8 months
His ears are burning. Hmmm.
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princepasio · 9 months
He's holding his Togepi up and looking very intently at it. The Togepi, for his efforts, is kicking his little feet with amusement.
"We have got to get stronger, but you're too small. How are we going to do anything when you're this tiny?"
The Togepi gives a squeaking response of nonsense. Well said.
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princepasio · 9 months
I'm not on him but thoughts on Lear @princepasio
“I’ve never seen anybody burn as badly as he does.
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… okay, but, for real, he’s not that bad? I don’ know that much about him, even if I see ‘im all the time … like, I know he’s from far away and he runs Pasio, but, when we talk, it’s mostly just … adventuring? Having fun? Talking about Pokémon care. But that’s good in its own way, I think?”.
I think Togepi suits him.
… I hope that I can see him soon. I wanna ask about … participatin in the Pasio tournaments.”
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princepasio · 9 months
regional fairy/steel knight gallade...................................
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