#but also ree. you did not have to come for him like that. he knows he sunburns.
sandwhitches ยท 2 months
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๐—ฐ๐˜„: mentions of cheating, slight angst
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When was the last time you stood up? Your legs were beginning to grow numb, knees sore and tingly against the ground as you hunched before the synthetic glow of a laptop screen. A long emptied energy drink can sat dormant on your lap, forgotten in the swarm of schemes that bounced around the walls excitedly in Sunaโ€™s bedroom.ย 
Suna was beside you, feverishly penning down what was happening. It was a neatly lined table: the first column was for names, the second for dates, and the third for offenses.ย 
The name of your ex-boyfriend. October 31st. Cheated on you with your friend.
The name of your friend. October 31st. Hooked up with your ex-boyfriend.
The name of Sunaโ€™s old roommate. June 17th. Took the cash out of his wallet and ran.
The name of a girl you hardly knew. February 5th. Keyed Sunaโ€™s new rustbucket for parking in โ€œher spot.โ€
โ€œThink thatโ€™s enough to start off?โ€ He peered up at you groggily, flexing out his spent fingers with a wince. You nodded, eyes trailing the list of thirty or so names, โ€œMore than enough.โ€ Of the names were people who had wronged you, who had wronged your friends, who had wronged friends of friends and their friends, too. It was practically untraceable.ย 
Suna sniffed, thinking, then scooted next to you to examine his laptop screen, โ€œSmart.โ€ย 
You felt yourself flush at the subtle praise, chalking it up to the unreasonable amount of caffeine in your system, then glanced back at your work. โ€œWell,โ€ you murmured sheepishly, โ€œAt sight was taken.โ€ย 
Rintaro rolled his eyes, a lethargic shrug following, โ€œDumb name, anyways, sounds too romantic.โ€ You snickered, โ€œWhat? I thought it was a good play on words. Like love at first sight, just, notโ€ฆlove.โ€ You both chuckled dryly at this, slightly delusional with exhaust. It was hard to make time for this, it was even harder to plan this, and the execution was no easy feat, either.ย 
โ€œI like this name you picked better. Sounds kinda confrontational, yaโ€™know?โ€ย 
You licked your lips, then snapped impatiently, a queue for him to hand you the extensive list in handwriting only you seemed to be able to read at that point.
โ€œChicken scratch.โ€ You muttered, earning a groan from him as his watchful eyes ensured you typed every word to a tee.ย 
Suna was your best friend. Suna was the best of the best. The cream of the crop. The apple of your eye. The only person you think, no, you know would ever want to take things this far.
It was a little past four in the morning by the time you finished, sighing in satisfaction as he rubbed your back, โ€œNice.โ€
You turned to face him, the tips of your noses inches apart; how many times had you been this close on his floor? Too many to count, surely, but why did it feel so different lately? Especially in that moment as you both dove headfirst into your favorite secret you ever will keep. The secret youโ€™d keep in the years to come.ย 
โ€œIs this a bad idea?โ€ You mumbled abashedly, balling your sweaty palm. Sunaโ€™s expression lightened and he shrugged once more for the umpteenth time, โ€œMaybe, butโ€ฆโ€ he clicked his tongue in thought, โ€œweโ€™ve wanted this for a while.โ€
Itโ€™s decided. You nod. This is a very good bad idea, indeed.ย 
Turning back to the computer, you mashed around on the keyboard, deft fingers pressing at the clacking mouse on the floor, โ€œOkay,โ€ you sighed. โ€œItโ€™s live.โ€
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โœฑ "THEY DID IT!!! THEY SAID THE THING!!!!" ass moment
โœฑ formal apology to anyone i may have unintentionally (it was slightly intentional) led to believe that they murdered someone, or, that one person who thought they were vampires (I liked that theory the best)
โœฑ y/n and suna are no strangers to controversy
โœฑ spiteful bitches who match each other's toxic freak
๐—ฎ/๐—ป: hehe sorry this is a bit late. everything is about to go to shit. also ree (who is unfortunately not here to see it, fly high!) and i looked up the actual onsight.com and it was a python coding wtv the fuck...starting a gofundme for me to buy the domain /j
๐˜๐—ฎ๐—ด๐—น๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜: @zumicho @nectardaddy @moucheslove @kodzu-ken @phoenix-eclipses @piopioo @lvtilzs @s777athv @localgaytrainwreck @reignsaway @savemebrazilhinata @pop-ghost @naweirdo @sunsribn @staileykout @milesmoralesluvs @chaconadine @aboutkiyoomi @m3gitsune @wizardhore @ineednanami @wakashudou @torkorpse @st4rdusttx @renkitsune @solaqes @sereniteav @eveyams @myromanempiree @saltypuffin1040 @nbcvs @gsyche @miiyas @starkyu @renardiererin @puppenpop @sleepystrwbrryy @yumiecheesecrackers @sp1ng @mfcherry @semieita24srockstargf @nanamis-right-tiddie @strawbrinkofdeath @piapiaweee3 (blogs in bold could not be tagged, please check your settings!)
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bambi-kinos ยท 6 months
I really enjoy your meta and look forward to more mclennon analysis. Out of curiosity, you mentioned that you think they started being physical in 1964 - is there a reason why that year specifically? Personally, I've always thought they started sleeping together in 1963, and my reasoning for that is they seem much closer in videos/photos, not to mention it was the year they "broke through", so to speak.
Would love to hear your thoughts on that!
Hmm well I guess it depends on how they, and we, define their sex life. John and Paul were sexually intimate starting since they were teenagers because John brought Paul into the group wanks. (tbh it's a miracle Paul didn't brain John with something heavy thanks to all that Winston Churchilling.) There's really no telling how it progressed from there, anything is possible with these two. Until Paul tells us the details (and I do not put it past him) then he and John could have been hooking up at literally any point in their relationship. When I think of them getting physical with each other, I'm thinking of them getting each other off with intent and purpose, and considering the style of the time this would mean penetration. Everything else can be handwaved away.
I pick 1964 because of this post: https://www.tumblr.com/got-ticket-to-ride/739464905120497664/its-the-anniversary-day-of-john-and-paul-in-paris?source=share
It's just something about it, y'know. John and Paul are in their city. They stayed up all night and well into the morning and then slept deep into the afternoon, almost evening. And then as GTTR says, "And then they emerge from their hotel room looking like a newlywed couple."
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Well, there's just a certain satisfaction radiating off them isn't there?
But I do see your point: why wouldn't they be hooking up earlier? Why wouldn't it escalate physically before this? Why would they wait until Paris 1964?
I have a few reasons, they are admittedly flimsy but since we are all just making shit up then it's fine, right?
Julian was born in 1963. I've read bits and pieces of Beatles 1963 by Rees and that book is full of little chunks about John running home to see Cynthia and the baby (usually not even for a full night/day because he was so busy.) Their schedule is also packed, they are constantly on the move especially during the night because this is where they had to start being smuggled out of theaters and such. So I genuinely think that John and Paul did not have the time or the space to have sex with each other. I know I am saying this when they had time to hook up with groupies between shows but considering who John and Paul are, and what they mean to one another, I just struggle to imagine them acting that way with one another. They would want to take their time with one another and get it right. They're hopeless romantics at heart, they're both deeply enamored with the idea of "you're special, you're different" so I genuinely think they would want to take their time with each other physically and do it right. I don't think they had that time in 1963 with the way they're running all over the UK.
Then there's the Absolute State of John and Paul's relationship in 1963. Remember that the halcyon days of Paris are way in the rearview mirror at this point. In 1962 Stuart died, Cynthia got pregnant, and John had to get married to save her reputation. I can't imagine Paul reacting well to any of this though I'm sure he put his cheery stoic mask on. Then in 1963, Julian is born. Barcelona happens and John seduces Brian to get the songwriting credit that he wanted and screws Paul out of their deal. Considering this is something Paul is still angry about to this day, I can't imagine how he blew his fucking top at John when he found out that May:
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I don't think Paul was in the mood for any hooking up in 1963. John has a baby with a woman, is married, then he fucks off to have a gay experience with their manager and then when he comes back he's screwed Paul's side of the business on the downlow? I would be on the fucking six o' clock news lmao, John would not have escaped my wrath. It's really no wonder Paul made a specific point of hooking up with Jane Asher isn't it? He was making a point to John specifically and John seethed about it.
However I do think that something happened in 1963 that healed the rift in the Lennon-McCartney relationship:
Paul got sick from the gastric flu and he fainted dead away in the dressing room. John was very upset and was seen pacing the room when the doctor arrived to check on Paul. This is how we know that Paul actually fainted for real, if he was just feeling feverish John would be concerned but maybe not like that. @james-winston has a pair of really fantastic posts about the aftermath of the fainting incident that I have taken as gospel and I fully apply this to any McLennon analysis I write about this period. The key point though is this:
I have a headcanon that Paul being sick caused something to happen between John and Paul that left them both feeling awkward around each other. I don't think it is was sexual, I think it was more likely that John (who thought he was cursed to have all the men he loved die on him) was afraid something might happen to Paul, and reacted emotionally to it.
This all took place in November, after the Wooler thing, after the burn from Barcelona has had a chance to soften, after they both have had time to get used to the idea that Julian exists and has a place in their lives now. I think this was enough to mend things between them. And you know what else happened the night Paul fainted? Brian secured The Beatles their spot on Ed Sullivan:
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So once Brian comes back and tells them the news, John and Paul flip right back into the honeymoon phase. The wounds of the past are forgotten (for now) and they're right back in each other's pockets. I think it's around this time period that Paul was taking photos that now make up Eye of the Storm.
TBH I can imagine John and Paul hooking up at this date. If someone looked at this and said "well this looks like a prelude to sweet love making to me" then that's perfectly reasonable. There's some suggestive photos in Eye of the Storm where Paul is taking John's picture from what looks to be a bathtub while John makes faces at him. It could have been then, absolutely.
But I like the idea that Paul wanted to wait until the next year. 1963 was rough on all of them and he and John are both big on getting new starts. Wait for 1964 to roll around. Brian says we're going to Paris in February. I can wait until then.
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And just this once, it was worth it.
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starseedpatriot ยท 7 months
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I have no patience for you trolls that donโ€™t understand why Trump had to push the jab anymore. I really donโ€™t. And Iโ€™m not apologizing for it either.
#1 Had he not done so, he would have been labeled an enemy of the people for not providing a vaccine. He also would have been immediately attacked harder than ever, and then immediately impeached. For fuck sake, they attacked him for talking about the things that did work, how the hell do you think they would have acted had he come out against the vaccine???
#2 Had he not done that, weโ€™d still be in lockdowns. Weโ€™d still have mask mandates, and half the damn country would still be at home.
#4 He gave ALL OF US more than enough information on HCQ, Ivermectin and Regeneron. As well as Chlorine Dioxide, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc. He literally told the populace about all of that - like a broken record - FOR MONTHS before a fucking vaccine was even mentioned.
#5 No one in this country was forced to take it. Yep. Some private companies mandated it. But ya know what? PEOPLE STILL HAD A CHOICE. Anyone in this country that took the vaccine made the choice to do so. I get that folks were forced to take it or lose their livelihood. Iโ€™m empathetic and understanding to that - at the same time, Iโ€™m not gonna ignore the fact that even those folks caved to fear and didnโ€™t even offer up the opportunity for God to serve up a new job or career in their lives. For every person I know who took it to save a โ€œjobโ€, I know someone who stood firm in their convictions, denied it, and were lead to better opportunities by a divine hand. Iโ€™m sorry, but the vaccine was an ultimate test of faith in this country, and many failed to place their trust and faith in God to see them through, instead choosing to take the jab to stay in their comfort zone. God canโ€™t work for you if you never even give him the chance by not standing within your truth and conviction.
#6 DJT putting Fauci up front shined a spotlight right on him and exposed his shit to exponentially more people than it ever had been before.
#7 DJT told us all from the get go what Covid was, where it came from, and how to treat it. Many, however, still choose to ignore all the above points and ree like school children being told they canโ€™t have a nap.
He literally had no fucking choice. Period. End of story.
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msbhagirathi ยท 6 months
IPKKND LIVE BLOG - Season 1 [Epi - 2]
Cooooommmmmmmeeee ooooooonnnnnnnn, letz start the second epiiiiiiiiii.
So we are starting right from where we had left them off. ANDDDDD BAAAAMMMM! Khushi jolts out of her (or rather their?) trance and realizes where her hand is, snatches it back. Pulling out Arnav from his trance as well.
I want you to focus on their expressions in the scene. Look closely, when she snatches her hand away from his collar. His gaze, instantly falls down to her hand and there's a moment where he steels himself and maybe even thinks that 'How dare she!'.
It's as if Arnav realizes that he needs to be angry and THEN all hell breaks lose, as he throws her out of his hands. He orders the head of his PR team to control the photos and videos of this 'scandal'. Khushi is locked in a room for interrogation.
Back in Gomti Sadan, the neighborhood aunties are gossiping about Khushi's absence. Buaji asks about the papers' whereabouts to Payal. But, Payal, already very nervous and tongue-tied, reduces to tears. I am surprised why did Buaji not see the change in her demeanor and most importantly her spilled tears. But, that's also not much surprising coz Buaji can hardly ever read Payal or Khushi's distress over anything that they seem to be facing alone, in the entire show. This scene also indicates that Payal has never been the rule-breaker kid, she's always been kind of a 'yes-man' to her parents.
Ohh! Did you notice how Khushi's voice sounds so off? Do you know why? Turns out Sanaya was sick with cold while shooting this sequence. She mentioned this in that interview with Mrs. Gul Khan, which was released right after IPK ended a few months ago.
Arnav instructs the team to interrogate Khushi and check whether a rival company (Re-Fashion? RI-Fashion? REE-Fashion? whatever, lol.) send her there to ruin his fashion show in exchange of some petty amount of money.
Payal's belief, of her Abhishek ji standing up to his family's demand of the dowry, breaks. She realizes that he is present there, knows everything going on but still refuses to speak up. She is heart-broken.
Was it only me or you also thought that the way Sanaya pronounced 'profession' is kind of-idk-intriguing?-sexy?-hot?-pata nahi choro (ok, leave it.)
Garima tries to associate the papers' absence to Khushi's absence. Payal has been caught like a deer caught in headlights.
Arnav comes to meet or rather to interrogate his wife 'that' girl, for 'answers'. Khushi requests him to let her go as she explains him that she landed there by mistake.
He is so adamant in throwing all the unfortunately familiar 'accusatory' questions. What was that 'Wipro-Fashion'? 'PRO-Fashion'? Whatever. See, many of you would disagree, here, but I think he is legit right in doubting her intentions, given the type of people he would have dealt with till now in this profession. Although, WE know, from Khushi's POV, that she is right, BUT that's the thing, he doesn't.
"Then let it (the marriage) break. Problems like these are nothing for girls like you. If one leaves, then trap another." ("Toh tut jaane do shaadi. Tum jaisi ladkiyon ka kya hai. Ek jayega, dusra phasaa lena.") And the BG score changes to something close to tandav beats. Maybe, just maybe he realized that he has struck a chord or crossed a line or fcked up real bad. It can be any of the three.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! The dreaded moment is here. Khushi retaliates but she does not realize the volcano in front of her, ready to burst out with hot, molten lava. She attempts to side step him but he grabs her by the arm and yanks at the dori of her blouse. Pearls scatter around, everywhere on the floor. Khushi is horror struck, devastated, horrified and all the girls watching this for the first time already knew what that meant. And hated Arnav for doing that to her for a long, long time.
See the irony, here. In the previous episode, we saw them together in that beautiful frame. No-one had any doubt of them being the alpha couple of the show. BUT. BUT. BUT.
After this scene, audience must have doubted, some might even have gone to the extent to declare Arnav as the villain. And later considered Shyam as the hero, coz of the way, he was introduced (we will come to that in that episode).
Hmm. I am thinking. Why did he let her go? Like? So....easily? After she pulled the ribbon from her hair and covered her exposed back, or rather her modesty. Arnav has frozen. At his spot. He isn't even moving a finger. (I will have to process this scene and then will let you know in a separate post.)
With this, the scene blurs and along with Khushi, we reach Gomti Sadan, where everything is eerily silent. Wait. Did we reach so early? Didn't Khushi take the whole day to reach SM? Then how come- ohh Guilty Arnav might have arranged a car for her to reach her home safely-Lol. Who am I kidding with? This is ASR, we are talking about. Let's stop with the wishful thinking.
Gomti Sadan. Gossips. Malign in their social image. A broken marriage. All of these are termed as a "Kali' (black ink) by Buaji. And who's at fault? Khushi. She talks of pulling off her braid and handing it to her. Basically, beat her ass off.
Buaji, I think, was never able to accept Khushi as her own child. She was always the only one to differentiate between the two. She was only the one who instigated Garima and Shashi against her. Although, Shashi had wholeheartedly accepted her as his daughter but Garima, often used to get manipulated into believing the worst, in Khushi.
Even now both Buaji and Garima are convinced that Khushi was, somehow, jealous of her sister's fate (that she was getting married) and so to malign it, she decided to sabotage the wedding by taking away the papers and fleeing out of everyone's sight until the wedding is called off.
Lol. Junior Engineer. And Buaji thinks, that's self-explanatory for them, having a right to ask for a dowry. Khushi explains herself. But, she is admonished by her (B-ji), for acting like a 'Dadi Amma', means trying to act above her age, by interfering in elders' matters.
Still, for the Guptas', specifically for Mrs. Garima Gupta, a broken marriage is worse than Payal getting married into a money-hungry family. Do you see it here? Getting MARRIED is of more importance than getting married into THE RIGHT FAMILY.
And as if all this admonishing and insulting is not enough, so, she kind of disowns her daughter. "Mat kaho hume Amma".
Khushi, who already had abandonment issues, guilt of being a burden to 'this' family, is now shell shocked. Someone please save this poor kid.
Buaji does it again! Hip, hip hurray guys! She again pulls up the orphan card and a non-refundable debt (of getting adopted by her brother and sister in law) card! What an awesome timing Buaji! Shut up Buaji. What? Shashi said this. Not me. I have manners, ok.
"Arre tujhse saga humara koi nahi hai." Payal's words calms Khushi to some extent. But, they are still not enough as we see that Khushi cannot sleep, and keeps tossing and turning, recalling her amma's harsh words.
She wakes up and opens their shop's door. Khushi is shown handling an LPG gas cylinder, an oil cannister and lighting a match stick, giving us the impression of her attempting to give up her life.
Precap starts. *quickly pauses it* I don't watch precaps. Spoilers. Don't like them. Bye. Such a stressful episode to watch.
P.S. : Remember the interview I was talking about? This is it. Please do give it a watch if you haven't already. It's so beautiful them sharing the off-screen things and being all nostalgic. You'll love it. :)
Previous Next Episode!
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ignitesthestxrs ยท 1 year
I know you said youโ€™ve gone back into it slowly but any book recs?
yes absolutely!! i have read some bangers lately tbh. also another thing i am trying to do is start uuuh reviewing what i'm reading so i will link a couple of those as well. but here is a sporadic collection of my reading enjoyments of the last year or so!
em is hands down one of the best writers i know with prose that will punch you in the face and leave you asking if you can have another, please.
IF FOUND RETURN TO HELL is a queer found family novella featuring a done-with-this protag working in a wizarding call centre who abruptly comes down with a case of 'sweet angel baby boy possessed by demon hell child' in a broken magical healthcare system where following protocol is more important than like, helping people. so what is journeyman wen to do if not, you know, help anyway?
THE DEATH I GAVE HIM is the queer scifi hamlet retelling of my dreams, which is funny because i didn't care about hamlet until this book taught me how to. a thoughtful exploration on the nature of adaptation, death & immortality, and also what happens when your best friend is an AI and you wanna fuck him.
IN COLD BLOOD by Truman Capote the original true crime novel. still stuck in my truman blorbo moment. full review here
ASSASSIN'S APPRENTICE by Robin Hobb classic 90s fantasy with surprisingly emotional focus on the protag in a way i really dug. unhinged levels of accidental queerbaiting in a way that i enjoyed rather than despaired of. full review here.
PANDORA'S JAR: WOMEN IN THE GREEK MYTHS by Natalie Haynes a great overview of classical women that takes into account multiple sources and the way they have been read over centuries, and how the time in which a tale is being told affects the tale just as much as what the text of the story actually is. does a good job of walking the middle ground between like, historical sexism and the reflexive girlbossification instinct.
IN OTHER LANDS by Sarah Rees Brennan the queer harry potter offshoot we all actually deserve. portal fantasy with an acerbic main character who will save the world out of sheer spite because the world doesn't seem to think he can save it, or want him to do it even if he could. a genuinely lovely musing on the nature of loneliness, what abuse does to a child, how it's hard but possible to overcome the prejudices you learn when you're young, and how eventually, you're going to have to make the decision to let yourself be loved.
SHE WHO BECAME THE SUN by Shelley Parker-Chan truly i don't have the word for how fucking excellent this queer epic fantasy is. set in mongol-ruled china, this book is a masterclass in political intrigue, historical fiction, military fantasy, and also genderfuckery. feat. the kind of tragedy you see coming for several hundred pages and still takes your breath away when it hits, and also lesbian fisting. anyone who says books based in history can't get queer can get fucked.
A MARVELLOUS LIGHT by Freya Marske for a total 180 in mood, here is your queer romantic fantasy set in an Edwardian England that is reflective of the fact that like, queer people did in fact exist in Edwardian England. A lighter fare that nonetheless will hit you right in the heart and leave you delighted that a) there's a second book out now and b) the third one is coming soon. also Freya is an Artiste when it comes to writing good sex scenes, which
i belatedly realise it seems like i'm focusing on in this post but i just! like a queer text that tackles queer sex with nuance and interest and the horror and/or joy of the body, and the above authors are all fucking masters at their art (which includes, but by no means is limited to, writing about fucking)
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Today, in UK Politics
I'm going to have to start putting a date on these things. I'm referring to 20/10/22.
The Prime Minister resigned. She lasted nearly nine Jane Greys (8.889 if you want to be exact), or 4.4 Scaramuccis.
So anyway, Liz is out and this means there's someone new to come in. Yay! Hopefully this is the last new PM before Christmas.
In the July leadership contest, when the Tories finally realised that maybe, just maybe, Boris was a terrible Prime Minister, a candidate has to be nominated by 20 Tory MPs to be included in the first round of voting's ballot. They then held the vote, and anyone with less than 30 votes was withdrawn from the competition. Voting continued with the MP with the lowest number of votes being withdrawn (and others withdrawing even if they did scrape in) until two people were left, and then all Conservative Party members, that's MPs as well as paid up members, then voted. It's obviously a lengthy process (this started in July and ended with Liz Truss the winner in September).
This time they've decided it'll all get done by the end of next week. Nominations close on Monday, and anyone with 100 nominations goes through. Given that there's currently 357 sitting MPs, that obviously means a maximum of three people going through. "If three candidates reach the threshold there will be an vote of Conservative MPs. The top two will then be subject to an indicative vote of Conservative MPs before going froward [sic] to an online vote of Party members. This will be completed by 28 October 2022. If only one candidate secures the required nominations there will be no confirmatory vote of Party members and the candidate will be confirmed leader on Monday 24 October 2022."
In case the last two bullet points were too lengthy, here's the TL;DR - I've had colds last longer than this leadership contest.
But why take your time over an important decision like who should run the actual country. It feels like something you should rush, right?
Jeremy Hunt says he doesn't want to be in charge. Probably very wise of him, honestly. (Seriously, though, remember when he was the worst Tory MP you could think of?! What sweet summer children we were!).
Neither does Michael Gove (remember when he was also in the running for worst Tory MP you could think of? Ah, the naivety of trusting vaguely to the political process).
Jacob Rees-Mogg, allegedly the Business Secretary, but we all know he's really the Minister for the 18th Century / a Victorian scarecrow haunted by a dead Victorian industrialist, is said to be encouraging people to nominate Boris Johnson, who apparently does appear to be in the running.
Boris Johnson.
The good news is, the suggestion of nominating Boris has immediately split the party. Because that's what they need. More divisions.
BBC political correspondent Ione Wells said that some senior Conservatives have said they would consider standing down and thus triggering by-elections if Boris gets the job back. On the other hand, Cabinet Office Minister Brendan Clarke Smith insists that the former prime minister was a proven winner who could restore his party's fortunes. This must be true, because everybody's favourite Boris fan, Nadine Dorries, says he's a winner! Her credibility - for want of a better term - is currently a little shot right now.
Penny Mordaunt, currently the Leader of the House, appears to be in the running, and so does Rishi Sunak, who was Chancellor of the Exchequer until he resigned in July and kicked off the whole getting rid of Boris things.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said his party was on an election footing, with a manifesto at the ready. I imagine they've been getting it into electioneering-ready status amidst the surprise that the Tories, handed a metaphorical rope by Labour's tabling amendments on the fracking legislation that had to be voted on, put said metaphor around their own necks and started shoving each other off the equally metaphorical battlements.
Also demanding an election is Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, and Wales's First Minister Mark Drakeford.
Not that they can force one, unless Labour can convince enough Tories to vote with them in a vote of no confidence, which they're unlikely to try for anyway. It's so much more useful for them if the Tories keep shoving people who cannot do the job into the PM job and burn their own party down from the inside.
Which will make a nice change for Labour, who over the last few years have been cheerfully engaging in the left wing's favourite hobby - schisming. Gosh, but the left love a good schism.
The next general election is not required to take place until at least 2024 (and by January 2025 at the latest) and, at this stage, it looks unlikely that date will be brought forward.
Because we're British, this is also happening, and it is magnificent.
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heavyhitterheaux ยท 2 years
The Rose That Grew From Concrete
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AN: introducing my Urban series! I hope yall like this!
Synopsis: You didn't have the greatest upbringing as a child and finally got your big break after working towards a lifelong goal. You made it up in your mind that love was something out of fairy tales and therefore didn't exist because of all of the heartbreak you experienced. That was until you met someone named Urban.
Pairing: Urban Wyatt x Singer!Reader
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You planted a smile on your face as you watched one of your good friends walk down the aisle to her forever love.
There you were, in your lavender bridesmaid dress taking in the scene in front of you.ย 
This had been the norm as of lately.
It seemed like all of your friends were getting engaged, married, and having children and here you were still single at the age of 25.
Not that it bothered you.
Okay, maybe it did a little bit.
But you had made it up in your mind that real true love didnโ€™t exist.
You didnโ€™t exactly grow up with the best examples of a healthy romantic relationship being presented in front of you.ย 
Your parents divorced when you were only two years old, they both remarried to different people however you came to the conclusion when you were seventeen that you had been witnessing the most toxic shit ever.
You were to the point where you would be the divorce lawyer for the both of them so that everyone would be able to go their separate ways and not have to deal with each other anymore.
So, therefore you decided that you would be content with being the rich auntie to all of your godchildren and therefore not getting married or having any children of your own.
Your passion had always been singing, dancing, as well as performing for others for as long as you could remember.ย 
When one of your videos ended up going viral once you had posted it, you caught the attention of no one other than DJ Drama and you were essentially signed under him with Generation Now when you were only 22.ย 
A lot had happened over the past few years and you had been nothing but extremely thankful.
When you had done a show in Atlanta, Jack Harlow who had also signed under Generation Now came to see you along with his wife Ree and his best friend Urban.
You werenโ€™t even going to lie, when you laid eyes on Urban, your breath immediately hitched in your throat.
You admit that at the end of the night, Urban had found his way into your DMโ€™s and it took you maybe three days to answer him.
The feeling of butterflies in your stomach? Ew.
It was something that you had experienced before, but you never wanted to get your hopes up so you immediately decided to not to pursue anything further.
If you didnโ€™t put your heart out there, it wasnโ€™t likely that it would end up being hurt.ย 
But, Urban was persistent.
He was never disrespectful in any way, shape, or form but you just couldnโ€™t help but to still be scared.
You had finally exchanged numbers and were steadily texting back and forth and trying to get to know each other.ย 
Any time the two of you would be in the same city, if you werenโ€™t too busy both of you would meet up with each other and spend time together.
But, you didnโ€™t know if it actually qualified as a date?
You told Urban your reservations to a certain extent, so he was aware.
All you told him was that you were focusing on your career at the moment and wasnโ€™t really looking for anything serious.ย 
And he told you that he respected your decision.
But, in due time the two of you would grow closer.
You came to visit him on tour with Jack and he would come to visit you while you were on tour.
The two of you had been talking for six months when Urban asked you on a formal date.
You actually said yes.
Those past few months had been some of the happiest in your life, and if you were happy you werenโ€™t about to deprive yourself of it.
It wasnโ€™t until the one year mark when you were visiting Urban on tour with Jack and he had told you that he loved you.
In the moment you were in disbelief, but essentially was quick to say it back.
After Urban had fallen asleep, you immediately hopped up and rushed across the hall to knock on Jack and Reeโ€™s room door.ย 
Ree opened it clearly confused and concerned by the look on your face.
โ€œY/N? Whatโ€™s wrong?โ€
โ€œIโ€™m freaking out and Iโ€™m doing this new thing when I donโ€™t run when I get scared. But I am literally this close to running so I need for you two to talk me off the fucking edge of this cliff.โ€
โ€œOkay, first off, I need you to breathe. Second, come on and sit down.โ€
Ree moved to the side so that you could enter into the suite. You quickly sat down on the couch opposite her and Jack who was scrolling on his phone not paying attention to much around him.
โ€œSo explain from the beginning.โ€ Ree said while handing you a bottle of water before taking her place back next to Jack and quickly grabbed his phone from him.
โ€œBabe! I was watching that.โ€
โ€œYou can have it back in a minute, Y/N is apparently having a crisis and needs us.โ€
โ€œWeโ€™re all ears, go ahead.โ€
You took a deep breath before basically spilling your guts out. You had become extremely close to both Jack and Ree over the past year and knew that you could trust them. They had truly been the only example of a healthy and loving relationship that you had seen in the past few years and knew that they would be able to have some insight. Oh, and also the fact that theyโ€™ve known Urban longer than you have and would hopefully know how to deal with this situation.
โ€œUrban told me that he loved me.โ€
โ€œFINALLY!โ€ Ree exclaimed while Jack did nothing but smile towards you. He was happy and proud of his best friend.
โ€œWhat? Finally?โ€
โ€œOkay donโ€™t tell him that I told you this butโ€ฆ heโ€™s been wanting to tell you for a while. Urban is head over heels for you. I cannot wait for the double dates!โ€ Ree confessed while looking over at you.
โ€œBut, whatโ€™s the problem? Because I feel that if there wasnโ€™t, you wouldnโ€™t be over here.โ€ Jack asked, looking confused.
โ€œDo you not love him back?โ€
โ€œNo! Thatโ€™s not it at all! I justโ€ฆ Iโ€™ve never felt like this before and itโ€™s a scary feeling.โ€
โ€œThat makes sense, it would be scary for you. I know you mentioned to me the other day that you had never been in a long term relationship before.โ€
โ€œI havenโ€™t and uh.. What if I mess this up? It seems like based on my luck, I always mess up something good in my life.โ€
โ€œWell, thatโ€™s not true.โ€
โ€œHow is it not?โ€
โ€œYou are literally one of the most successful artists to come out of Generation Now besides big head over here. That says something.โ€
โ€œYou gonna stop calling me names.โ€ Jack responded and rolled his eyes.
โ€œLove you too, stink. Anywayโ€ฆ Y/N? Take a chance. Urban is so worth it.โ€
โ€œI have no doubt that he is, butโ€ฆโ€
โ€œWhen I tell you that he is literally the sweetest, kindest, most considerate person. Heโ€™ll treat you right. But if something arises that tells you otherwise, me and Jack will kick his ass. Right, baby?โ€
โ€œRee, you wonโ€™t hurt a fly, next.โ€
โ€œKeep telling yourself that, anyway, Y/N take a chance on my boy. He really does care about you and talks about you nonstop all the time.โ€
โ€œWhat if we break up?โ€
โ€œGirl, yall are barely in a relationship. Letโ€™s not get ahead of ourselves.โ€
โ€œBut, how did you two know that you loved each other and that you found your person?โ€
โ€œI know this sounds cliche as hell, but when people say youโ€™ll know when you know, itโ€™s true. I realized one day when I woke up that I couldnโ€™t see myself without her.โ€
โ€œAww, stop! Oh, and you were stalking me.โ€
โ€œI WAS NOT!โ€
โ€œYes, you were! ADMIT IT!โ€
โ€œMm hmm, stalker.โ€
โ€œIs that where your nickname Buttercup came from?โ€ You curiously asked.
โ€œYes! Go ahead boo, explain the story and explain your stalkerish ways.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m ignoring you. Anyway, my mom was coming to visit me and she would be there for motherโ€™s day in Atlanta so I went to get her a bouquet of flowers.โ€
โ€œAnd he saw me!โ€
โ€œYes, stink. Stop interrupting.โ€
โ€œOh, sorry. I thought Iโ€™d add my two cents.โ€
โ€œYou told me to tell it, didnโ€™t you? Next time you do it. Anyway, I was looking at the multiple displays of flowers and then decided on the persian buttercup flowers. And then she came over and asked if I needed help. Of course I accepted because uh have you seen my wife? Anyway, I got them and uhhh I was in Atlanta for the next few days and I would go back every day to see her and well now weโ€™re married and I called her buttercup since those also happen to be her favorite flowers.โ€
โ€œYou tell that story so well each time. You downplayed the stalker part though.โ€
โ€œOkay, anyway back to the task at hand. Y/N, when you know, you know.โ€
โ€œI just look at the both of you and want what you have.โ€
โ€œYouโ€™re going to get it. Who knows? Your dream man might be right in front of your face. Youโ€™re never going to find out by running from him.โ€
Even though you were doing your best to not run away, you couldnโ€™t help but to have your fear overtake you and left in the middle of the night even if Jack and Ree were trying to reassure you.ย 
When Urban woke up that morning, he was confused and saw that all of your things were missing. The first thing he did was try to text you and call you.
Urban- Y/Nโ€ฆ. where are you?
Urban- Donโ€™t tell me you left without saying anything to me
Urban- We talked about this and I thought you said that you would stop this shit
Urban- Baby, youโ€™re reading the messages Iโ€™m sending so stop ignoring me
Then Urban got an incoming text from Ree
Ree- Urby! Will you two hurry up so we can eat?! Iโ€™m starving and Jack is getting hangry and Iโ€™m about to fight him
Urban- Y/N isnโ€™t even here
Ree- ??
Urban- She must have left when I was asleep. Did she say anything to you?
Ree- ๐Ÿ‘€
Urban- REE!!!
Ree- I know nothing and you cannot make me talkย 
Ree- Aight so boom! She came to me and Jack in the middle of the night saying she needed to talk. Long story short, sheโ€™s scared shitless of the relationship she has with you but we reassured her that you would treat her right and that she had nothing to worry about. Oh, and she loves you too! BYE!
It had been about a week and a half when Urban was finally able to see you in person since both of you were in New York.
The communication between the two of you had become awkward in a sense and Jack was trying his best to get the two of you to be on the same page.ย 
You reached out to apologize to him first and to ask if he would be willing to talk about everything. He agreed.ย 
So there the two of you were, sitting next to each other in the privacy of your hotel room. Urban was waiting for you to start talking first, because he for damn sure wasnโ€™t going to do it.
โ€œUrban, I get if youโ€™re mad at me. I would be mad at myself too.โ€ You said while looking down and trying not to make eye contact with him.ย 
โ€œIโ€™m not mad, just frustrated.โ€ Urban answered as he lifted up your chin to be able to look at him.ย 
โ€œAnd thatโ€™s fair.โ€
โ€œDid you even mean it when you told me that you loved me back?โ€
You were definitely taken aback that he would even ask you that, but it was a fair question from your recent actions.ย 
โ€œYes, 100 percent. I would never lie about something as serious as that. You know how I am and my track record.โ€
โ€œThen what is the problem? You canโ€™t run all the time, we talked about this. You want to be running for the rest of your life?โ€
โ€œI know, itโ€™s just been a bad habit to break. Iโ€™ve been running my entire life it seems like and I need it to end.โ€
โ€œAll I want is for you to feel safe and secure with me.โ€
โ€œAnd I do. I think that I have to get out of my own head. Thatโ€™s literally the only thing standing in my way.โ€ You confessed being completely honest.ย 
โ€œSo, you want to be with me?โ€
โ€œYes of course. I have never felt this way about anyone before and itโ€ฆ Iโ€™m just scared and really overwhelmed with my feelings. I donโ€™t know how to process them very well.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m willing to be patient and I want you to take your time in learning how to do that. I want to make this work.โ€
โ€œI do too, I justโ€ฆ I donโ€™t want to mess up a good thing when itโ€™s staring me right back in the face.โ€
โ€œFrom this point forward we need to be on the same page. No more running.โ€
โ€œNo more running. Promise.โ€
โ€œIf something is bothering you, come and tell me. You donโ€™t have to always figure out things on your own.โ€ Urban stated as he slid you into his lap and kissed your forehead.
Just then Urbanโ€™s phone and yours went off indicating a text from Ree in the group chat.
Ree- Did yall make up yet?! I already have my outfit ready for the double date. Be ready by 8.
Jack- BABY!! Will you stop instigating?!
Ree- No, Jackman! I want to see them happy!
Urban- Where are we even going?
Ree- That is for me to know and for the rest of you to find out!
Jack- I hate when you say things like that
Ree- Y/N!!! Come help me with my makeup!!! Iโ€™ll do your hair!
Urban- You two will be ready at midnight
Jack- exactly
Ree- shut the fuck up Urby and Jackman you are already on thin ice with me
Y/N- maybe 8:30, but weโ€™ll get there
In a separate thread with just you and Ree she sent you another text
Ree- I promise you heโ€™s worth it!ย 
161 notes ยท View notes
a-moment-captured ยท 1 year
Go read @heavyhitterheaux latest post about Jack, FL, and the triplets finally being born.
I could reblog the fic and reblog but that just would not be enough for me to explain how much this chapter means to me and how hard it was to read.
Little backstory:
During my delivery of Coit, I started to hemorrhage and he was stuck. He was only out from his abdomen on up. Iโ€™ll explain why later.
My water broke at 7am and by the time my mom checked me again(she was an OB nurse at the time), I was already 9cm. So we rushed to the hospital. By the time I got there, got in the room, in the gown, and in the bed, it was time to push. It was that quick! No time for an epidural!
What started out as a normal delivery quickly went south. I was pushing with everything in me but Coit wasnโ€™t budging. He was stuck. All of a sudden, I felt light headed, looked at my mom and said โ€œMommy Iโ€™m pushing but he isnโ€™t coming.โ€ She said I had a deathly look on my face. I did because I was bleeding to death.
My OB had a short 2-3 minute window to make the right decision or I would die or Coit would or we both would. And my mom would be there to witness it. My OB made the decision to cut me all the way down(I donโ€™t remember the pain because I was too focused on Coit). My mom kicked off her sandals, stood in a chair and shoved on my stomach. One hard shove and out Coit came!
Coit was intubated immediately and they were able to stop the bleeding long enough for me to see them before they rushed him to a nicu almost an hour and half away. I was taken straight to surgery. I would spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in the hospital and finally got discharged that Monday. I came home, showered, and rode the hour and half to get to my child. I donโ€™t think Iโ€™ve ever been that nervous or in that much pain.
Iโ€™m leaving out a million details but Coit wa born with a membrane blocking urine coming off his kidneys. It only happens to 1 in 8000 newborn boys! Itโ€™s that rare! Thought he would need a kidney transplant by 5 years old but he has perfect and healthy kidneys!
Ree, this entire chapter was perfect. It was everything it needed to be and more. Yes, I cried but we both knew I would because of the memories it would bring. I tell you almost daily what an amazing writer you are but even that doesnโ€™t seem like enough. You perfectly displayed what Jack felt and what Iโ€™m sure most fathers would feel and experience during situations just as this. Especially when itโ€™s a black woman because we know the stats and we hear the stories of horror when it comes to black women during delivery. I donโ€™t even know if you thought about that part but I did for both of us. This also gives a glimpse into what itโ€™s like as a nurse during situations like this. Keeping your emotions in check, taking care of your patient, but also trying to calm their significant other. From the bottom of my heart, I love you and Iโ€™m so proud of you and Iโ€™m so thankful that I have you not just as a friend but a close friend and someone I talk to every day.
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weirdestbooks ยท 2 months
Kindred Spirits (Wattpad | Ao3)
Ireland and Choctaw meet in person for the first time, requested by Im_so_fucking_tired
May, 1990
County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Contae Mhaigh Eo, Poblacht na hร‰ireann
Ireland exhaled a shaky breath as he looked out at the people attending the Famine Walk. He was leaning on his cane, as he wanted to participate without his wheelchair. The cane's familiar presence helped Ireland feel grounded.ย 
While Irelandโ€™s people today understand the trauma of an Gorta Mรณr, they didnโ€™t witness it as Ireland did. Standing here, Ireland could close his eyes and see his people, the ones who originally completed this walk on that harsh winter day. Ireland might not have been there himself, but he saw enough of an Gorta Mรณr to know what it had to have looked like.
The starving, the sick, and the bodies.ย 
Ireland shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to push aside the memories. He didnโ€™t want to think about them. He knew if he did, he would be overwhelmed by them, and he didnโ€™t have his children here to help him through that.
โ€œThe memories hurt, donโ€™t they?โ€ Ireland heard an unfamiliar masculine voice from behind him ask. He had an accent, one that sounded somewhat like Americaโ€™s but wasnโ€™t. Maybe a regional American one?
Ireland turned around, taking some of his weight off his cane. Hissing slightly, more weight was put onto his bad leg and brace there.
The man's features surprised Ireland. He wasnโ€™t a human. His flag was purple, with a yellow seal in the center. The seal was yellow, with a red bow, quiver, and arrow in the center. Outlining the seal was a blue band, separated from the yellow and purple by a green braided-looking line. In the blue band were the words, โ€˜The Great Seal of the Choctaw Nation.โ€™
The Choctaw Nation. A Native American Nation.ย 
What was he doing in Irelandโ€™s country?
โ€œDia duit,โ€ Ireland said, not sure what else to say. He had never expected to meet this man, although Ireland certainly had much to say to him. But words failed him, and he was silent. The Choctaw Nation smiled.
โ€œHalito, Ear-ree,โ€ he said. Ireland laughed at Choctawโ€™s attempt to say his name in Gaeilge.ย 
โ€œItโ€™s ร‰ire. Thatโ€™s how you pronounce my name.โ€ Ireland said. The Choctaw Nation looked embarrassed.
โ€œOh, my apologies. Iโ€“I didnโ€™t realize,โ€ he said, his voice flustered. Ireland smiled.
โ€œDonโ€™t worry about it. Your trying to speak it means enough,โ€ he said, smiling broadly, feeling the happy flutters in his chest that always appeared when he heard another nation speak his language. After so many years of England and Britain trying to beat his language out of him, so many years of being told it was useless, hearing a nation try to speak it was amazing.ย 
The Choctaw Nation smiled. He seemed just as unsure of what to say as Ireland did, but his smile seemed to communicate more than words ever couldโ€”it communicated understanding, much more than words could say.ย 
However, colonized peoples always seemed to understand more about each other than they could say. Words were hard, but understanding wasnโ€™t.ย 
โ€œWhy have you come?โ€ Ireland asked, hoping to break the silence.
โ€œI came with some of my leaders. We heard about the Famine Walk, and we decided to come because during your famine, weโ€”โ€ Ireland cut him off.
โ€œI remember,โ€ He stated plainly.ย 
โ€œYou remember?โ€ The Choctaw Nation asked, looking surprised. Ireland blinked, also surprised. Had he really expected Ireland to forget that?
โ€œWhy would I forget?โ€ Ireland asked. He never forgot the countries who chose to help him during that time. Ireland never forgot the groups of impoverished people who helped him. Why would he forget the people who showed him more compassion than Britain ever did?
And Ireland remembered the Choctawโ€™s donation very well. They were just like him in many ways, and even when they had little, they still chose to help Ireland. Ireland wonโ€™t forget kindness like that.
If The Choctaw Nation had looked at a loss of words before, he looked even more at a loss now. Did Ireland's remembering really surprise him that much? Ireland shifted positions, readjusting the way he was using his cane. Ireland had been standing up for too long, and his knee was starting to protest the weight of his body.
โ€œAre you alright?โ€ Ireland asked, starting to get concerned. That seemed to break The Choctaw Nation out of his shock, and he nodded.
โ€œIโ€™m not used to being remembered like that, especially not by your people. Especially not byโ€ฆIโ€ฆdo yourโ€ฆI expected your people to forget. I didnโ€™t even thinkโ€ฆIโ€ฆit's amazing that you do,โ€ he said. Ireland chuckled.
โ€œI don't think itโ€™s amazing that I remember. I have no reason to forget. What is amazing, however, is the fact that you decided to help. You needed that money.โ€ Ireland said. The Choctaw Nations titled his head, dark brown eyes showing warmth and amusement.
โ€œSo did you, ร‰ire. My people were struggling, yes, but yours were dying. Like mine had. We wanted to ease your pain. We knew what it was like. And it's not just something you ignore, that you donโ€™t try to help.โ€ he said.ย 
โ€œGo raibh maith agat. That meansโ€“โ€
โ€œI remember.โ€ The Choctaw Nation said with a cheeky grin. Ireland grinned back, laughing slightly.
โ€œHavรกรญ gave you my message then?โ€ย  he asked.ย 
โ€œShe did.โ€
โ€œThen why did you think I would forget?โ€
โ€œItโ€™s been a long time since 1847.โ€ The Choctaw Nation said. Ireland nodded.
โ€œIndeed it has been,โ€ Ireland said, his hand drifting down towards his knee brace as he rubbed the fabric. Things have changed a lot since then.ย 
โ€œWhat happened to your leg, ร‰ire, if you don't mind me asking?โ€ The Choctaw Nation said that the movement of Irelandโ€™s hand was probably catching his attention. Ireland flinched at the memories, phantom pains running through his knee, mixing with the actual chronic pain he had there. Ireland hissed in pain, closing his eyes.
Then Ireland sighed.
โ€œThe cost of independence is a lot,โ€ Ireland said, tears in his eyes. He only wished his athair could have been there to see independence achieved. It was hard adjusting to being independent while adjusting to the fact that Ireland would never walk normally again alone, to life with one eye alone. But Ireland endured. His scars are a tribute to what he survived, and Ireland wouldnโ€™t give them up for anything.
โ€œBut it was worth it.โ€ The Choctaw Nation responded. Ireland nodded.
โ€œIt is always worth it to fight for yourself and your people.โ€ Ireland said, โ€œNow, enough sad talk. We are both old men, and I think we should swap some happier stories.โ€
The Choctaw Nationโ€™s lips twitched, and he nodded.
โ€œThat sounds fun, ร‰ire.โ€ He said. Ireland limped over and wrapped an arm around his shoulder.
โ€œGood. I want to make sure you have fun while you visit my country, so long as you return the favor when I visit your nation,โ€ Ireland said.ย 
โ€œYou want to visit my nation?โ€
โ€œOf course I do! Youโ€™re a nation, and part of being a nation includes having relations with other countries. You came to visit me, so I visit you. Diplomacy! And friendship.โ€ Ireland said. The Choctaw Nation smiled, slightly teary-eyed.
Ireland smiled back. He was glad to finally got to meet the nation who helped him.ย 
He hoped they would be able to meet with each other more in the future.ย 
Good allies are hard to find.
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of-twilight-and-moonshadow ยท 9 months
Safe - Emery x Kenny
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How in the WORLD did I NOT post this?! I can't believe I've been sitting on this one. Oops.
Have some fluff! *throws*
Part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series.
Also; If you speak Japanese, and find that I got the translation below incorrect, I apologize. I got it off of google translate. The english translation is below it, for those that don't speak Japanese though <3
Word Count: 1118
Tag List: @katries @mrsmatt @summertimefun1982
If you want added to the list, let me know!
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With everything going on, it was safe to say that Emeryโ€™s anxiety and emotions were a whirlwind, up and down like a rollercoaster. It caused so many self-doubts and demons to rise to the surface in her mind, the never-ending thoughts making it difficult to sleep. Last night had been no different, Emery barely getting an hourโ€™s worth of sleep interrupted by constant bouts of being awake.
Just after 7 in the morning, Emery woke up once more with her heart beating against her chest like a battering ram. A deep sigh escaped her throat as she carefully rolled over so she wouldnโ€™t bother Kenny- but to her surprise, he was not to be found.
โ€œGuess heโ€™s already upโ€ฆโ€ she thought, pushing back the covers and getting up. Her feet shuffled down the hallway as the smell of bacon and freshly brewed coffee hit her nose. Reaching the kitchen, Emeryโ€™s eyes landed on Kenny, who stood with his back to her. He kept a careful eye on the bacon and looked at something on his phone.ย  A soft smile graced her face, her body warming up with adoration for the older Canadian, taking a moment to take in the sight before carefully padding into the kitchen. Coming to a stop behind Kenny, Emery slowly and gently reached her hands up and slid them around Kennyโ€™s abdomen. His posture tightened briefly in surprise before she felt him relax in her arms, Emeryโ€™s hands flattening against his chest.
โ€œGood morning,โ€ Kennyโ€™s voice rumbled warmly, the vibrations felt through the placement of her hands.
โ€œโ€ฆmorningโ€ฆโ€ Emery replied, her voice soft and barely audible. Kenny wasnโ€™t oblivious- he knew that something was on her mind and affecting her sleep, but he didnโ€™t want to pry.
โ€œWould you like some coffee?โ€
Emery stood there, considering the offer for a moment, before eventually giving her head a soft shake, not lifting her skull from Kennyโ€™s broad back. Her fingers played with the cloth on the front, liking the softness of the fabric.
โ€œDo youโ€ฆ want to go out today? Go for a walk, visit that one butterfly exhibit?โ€ Kenny was trying anything, hoping to lift Emeryโ€™s spirit in any way he could. When she once again shook her head no, he felt his heart sink a bit. Hopefully, he could figure something out that would help her.
Throughout the day, Emery stayed at Kennyโ€™s side- but didnโ€™t pay much attention to what was going on. Movies and TV shows played in the background, whatever game Kenny was playing at the time, and phone calls that Kenny had with TK or the Bucks. While it didnโ€™t seem like much, it was their usual to share the same room in a comfortable silence. However, this occasion was not the same silence- it was almost a bittersweet, awkward silence that fell around the space.
With a building frustration at his game, Kenny got up and walked away from the desk, sitting down on the couch beside Emery. He leaned his head back to rest it on the couch with a sigh, closing his blue eyes momentarily before reopening them and looking at his better half. He reached out and gently took her hand in his own, rubbing his thumb over the skin on the back of her hand in soothing circles.
โ€œReeโ€ฆ. Angelโ€”whatโ€™s on your mind? I know somethingโ€™s bothering you; talk to me, please.โ€
The silence stretched for a few moments as Emery stared at their hands connected, his larger hand engulfing her own. The strength that he possessed, yet he was always so gentle with her. Chewing on her bottom lip, Emery contemplated her words before sighing.
โ€œJustโ€ฆ scared, I guessโ€ฆ with everything going on with BCCโ€ฆ and Callisโ€ฆ. Pheonixโ€ฆ I know you had the surgeries, and youโ€™re all good nowโ€ฆ. But Iโ€™m still worried about youโ€”about Adamโ€ฆ. Nickโ€ฆ Matt โ€“ Cassidy, too. A part of me feels helpless, like Iโ€™m a hindrance and that Iโ€™m just in the way,โ€ Emery began, the words just flowing from her mouth now that she started, โ€œMaybe Iโ€™m not good enough, not strong enoughโ€”maybe I donโ€™t deserve any of this, donโ€™t deserve youโ€” and Iโ€™ve tried not thinking about it, ignoring it. For a while, I did, tooโ€”but then the nightmares started happening, and I couldnโ€™t get over them, and I donโ€™t want to sleep because I know once I fall asleep that theyโ€™ll just come back andโ€”โ€
โ€œWoah woah, easy, Kitten, easy,โ€ Kenny soothed, maneuvering on the couch to look at Emery better. His hands reached out, careful not to startle her. His hands cupped her face, eyes looking into her own with love and worry. His thumbs brushed away the tears that had fallen unbeknown to her, and Kenny placed a gentle kiss on Emeryโ€™s forehead.
โ€œAre you afraid to fall asleep because you think youโ€™re gonna have a nightmare?โ€ he asked her, to which she nodded wordlessly before subconsciously nuzzling into his hand. Kennyโ€™s heart broke to see her in such an emotional state; all he wanted to do was make everything better, to see her smile once again.
โ€œDo you thinkโ€ฆ.โ€ Kenny asked, โ€œDo you think it would be helpful if we were cuddling?โ€
Emery opened her eyes and peered at Kenny, swallowing the lump in her throat before giving an uncertain nod. Gently, the Canadian reached his arms out to pull her close, laying back on the couch. Her head rested against his chest, his relaxed breathing lulling her into a calm sense of security. Kennyโ€™s left hand wrapped around her waist, holding her close, while his right hand stroked through her brown and blue hair.
Planting another soft kiss on her forehead, Kenny whispered, โ€œAishi teru yo, koneko chan. Anata wa watashi ga ima made deatsu ta naka de mottomo tsuyoku, mottomo yasashiku, mottomo kanpeki de, ย mottomo omoiyari no aru hito desu. Watashi to onaji you ni jibun wa mi te morae tara ii nonie to omoi masu. Subete no gimon ya shinpai wa torinozoke tara ii nonie to omoi masu. Yasuraka ni, aisuru hito yo, watashi wa akumu wa yosetsuke nai tame ni koko ni iru.โ€
(Translation: I love you so much, kitten. You are the strongest, sweetest, most perfect, most caring person I have ever met. I wish you could see yourself the way I do. I wish I could take away all the doubts and the worries. Rest, my love, I will be here to keep the nightmares at bay.)
Against his chest, he felt a smile lift her lips just barely and gave a gentle smile of his own, listening to her breathing even out as she slowly drifted off, โ€œSleep, Iโ€™ll keep you safe.โ€
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lolitaa-17 ยท 1 year
Maybe one day youโ€™ll feel what Iโ€™ve felt now.
College au! Eren x reader, Jean x Reader
Mentions of drugs (marijuana), angst!?
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โ€œYouโ€™re special to me.โ€
It was all bullshit. All the lies Iโ€™ve kept up with thinking they were noting but the truth.
You snuck a joint to your lips. It was a chilly autumn night. You were stressed out with school and work. All of it just stacking up.
โ€œDidnโ€™t know you were a stonerโ€ Eren made his way to the open swing next to you.
โ€œIโ€™m not, just needed to release some stressโ€ you smiled.
โ€œThatโ€™s what all the stoners sayโ€ He chuckled.
You offered him the joint and he gladly accept it. You slowly started swinging on the swings while the wind blew against your face.
โ€œHow did you know I was hereโ€ you asked him watching him take a hit of the joint.
โ€œNot gonna lie, I came up here to smoke a doinkโ€ he laughed.
โ€œA doinkโ€ฆEren shut the fuck upโ€ you laughed along with him.
You two sat in silence for a while after while the joint was just being passed around. Eren would usually join you every time youโ€™d go out to smoke a joint. You enjoyed the company every time though. It never bothered you. What did bother you though was when youโ€™d see him in campus and he would act as if he never met you in his life. Just thinking about it ruined your whole tendency.
โ€œAlright imma dipโ€ you get up from the swing to dap Eren up.
โ€œWe havenโ€™t finished the J yetโ€ he says passing you the joint but you decline it.
โ€œNah Iโ€™m good. Iโ€™m probably just gonna go grab some food and head back to my dormโ€ you take a sip of your water.
โ€œWoah and youโ€™re not gonna invite to go grab some grubs with youโ€ he holds onto his chest as if heโ€™s offended.
โ€œWell come on thenโ€ you started making your way to your car as Eren followed shortly behind.
โ€œWhat are you feeling?โ€ you look over at Eren who had already been glued to his phone.
โ€œFine with whateverโ€ he says paying no mind to what you had been saying.
You started the car and connected your phone to the bluetooth. โ€˜Will Heโ€™ by joji started playing. Shortly after you rolled the windows down and started driving to Sonic.
โ€œSo where we gonna go get the grub?โ€ Eren asked as he finally turned his phone off and started rubbing his hands together.
โ€œSonicโ€ you said as you kept all your attention on the road.
โ€œWhatโ€™s your major again?โ€ His question that he always ask every time you guys hang out.
โ€œArtโ€ you replied.
โ€œWhatโ€™s with these one word responses now?โ€ He chuckled.
You stopped at the red light and looked him.
โ€œThereโ€™s really nothing much to say about my major itโ€™s pretty self explanatory.โ€ You chuckled and looked at your phone to check if anyone had texted you.
โ€œYouโ€™re right my badโ€ he looks out the window.
You turned your gaze back at the road and continued to drive as the light turned green.
Shortly you two arrived at sonic. You two just ordered what you had been craving at the time and sat in the car waiting for your food.
โ€œThis shit about to smackโ€ he says as he use the dashboard as โ€˜drumsโ€™ playing some random beat.
โ€œY/nโ€ฆand Eren?โ€ You heard a male voice speak from your side of the window.
โ€œOh hey jeanโ€
โ€œCan you step out really quick I need to to talk to youโ€ jean says while opening your car door.
โ€œYeah I got youโ€ you step outside the car and follow behind jean as you two were at a reasonable distance from the car.
โ€œWhat are you doing with Eren? Kind of a strange duo donโ€™t you think?โ€ He ask leaning against one of the tables.
โ€œI know exactly where this is gonna go, and itโ€™s a no.โ€ You say sitting next to Jean.
โ€œThatโ€™s surprising, thereโ€™s not one girl I know whoโ€™s his little sex toy.โ€ He laughed.
โ€œHeโ€™s sweet to hang around with, but weโ€™ve never had a moment where things got weird.โ€ You leaned your head on Jeans shoulder.
โ€œThatโ€™s also surprising.โ€
You and Jean always had an on and off relationship. But it never ended terrible it was just wrong time right person type of deal. In college you feel like having a relationship is not really an option for you.
โ€œYou also reek of weed.โ€ He says pushing your head off his shoulder as a joke.
โ€œShut upโ€ you quickly get up from the table.
โ€œIโ€™m gonna head back to the car, Iโ€™ll catch you laterโ€ you hugged him before making your way back to your car.
You entered the car to see Eren on his phone.
โ€œHe definitely still wants you.โ€ Eren says before looking up from his phone.
โ€œHe is my ex and we never ended on bad termsโ€ you chuckled.
โ€œYou still have feelings for him?โ€ He asked turning his phone off and fixing his full attention towards you.
โ€œWell yeah obviously just not as muchโ€ your phone buzzed taking your attention away from Eren.
โ€˜Donโ€™t let him fool you y/n.โ€™
You look up from your phone and see Jean turning off his phone and making his way to his car as he just grabbed his food.
Eren felt a burning sensation in his chest. Seeing you give all your attention to a boy that wasnโ€™t him made him feel some type of way. He never had a problem with any other girl but you.
โ€œSo graduating this year from college huh? How do you feel?โ€ He asked you trying to gain your attention back to him.
โ€œIโ€™m excitedโ€ you say looking out the window as the food was finally arriving to the car. โ€˜Thank youโ€™ you say to the worker as you gave her tip.
You passed Eren his food as you started stuffing your face with your own food.
โ€œItโ€™s crazy though, all your friends are juniors and here you are the only seniorโ€ he says also stuffing his face with his food.
โ€œOnly because of that dumbass high school that moved me up a gradeโ€
โ€œThats impressive though, nerdโ€ he says moving his arm around your shoulders.
He moves in closer while looking at your lips. โ€œI know you and Jean were talking about meโ€ You kept eating calmly so he didnโ€™t become skeptical.
โ€œNot reallyโ€ฆnot everything revolves around you pretty boyโ€ you flick his nose.
โ€œHe didnโ€™t try to โ€˜warn youโ€™ from me?โ€ He says looking back and forth from your lips to your eyes.
You nod โ€œHe was just asking me about some art project we have due soon.โ€
โ€œGoodโ€ he slowly moves closer to finally meet your lips.
Youโ€™d be lying if you said you hated it. His soft pink lips the felt nice. You followed along his rhythm. You shortly pulled away.
โ€œIโ€™m tired that joint was indica.โ€ You laughed as you started the car connected your Bluetooth again. This time โ€˜So Highโ€™ by Doja cat was playing.
Eren kept his gaze on you, he hasnโ€™t said anything ever since you broke the kiss. โ€˜Why were you so hard to get with?โ€™ He thought to himself. โ€˜Maybe because youโ€™re still caught up on your ex?โ€™ He thought to himself again.
โ€œNext time we gotta do sativa.โ€ He says finally breaking the silence.
โ€œFor sure.โ€
After a couple minutes you arrived to Erenโ€™s apartment complex.
โ€œIt was nice hanging out tonight.โ€ You say parking the car waiting for him to leave.
He grabs your chin as he pulls you towards him. His soft lips were now on yours again. His soft pecks made its way towards your neck as he sucked a bit harder.
โ€œWatch itโ€ you push his head back a bit, you knew exactly what he was trying to do.
You could feel the smirk on his lips. He made his way back up to your lips placing soft gentle kisses on your plump lips. He leaned over to take your seatbelt off. He grabbed your hips signaling you to get on top of his lap.
Maybe you did lie to Jean that nothing weird had ever happened between you guys, but it was for the better. You and Eren had a little thing here and there but you guys never actually had sex, you refused to become one of his many sex toys.
You were now on top of him grinding against his lap feeling his rock solid dick. You moved your lips away towards his neck. You definitely sucked harder than he did. But you didnโ€™t care and he didnโ€™t mind not one bit.
โ€œYou donโ€™t know how bad I want to fuck you y/nโ€ he whispered in your ear.
โ€œYou already know me Erenโ€ you smirked as you softly pecked his lips once more before returning back to the driver seat.
He scoffed as he pointed toward his dick signaling how hard he was.
โ€œWell youโ€™re home now so you can go take care of thatโ€ you winked as you buckled your seatbelt back on.
He chuckled before leaning in to get one more soft peck before exiting the car.
- 2 days later -
โ€œGirl I donโ€™t care Iโ€™m always gonna be team Jeanโ€ Lin said as she was braiding her hair getting ready to head over to her bfs house.
Your phone buzzed
โ€œLike how does he tell you he wants to fuck you soooo bad but then walks around the campus like he donโ€™t even know you?โ€ She says finishing up with her hair.
โ€œYeah thatโ€™s what gets me all the timeโ€ you say laying down like a starfish on her bed as you responded to Eren.
Too tired to get up.
Eren on the other line smiled at his phone with an idea in his head.
You were a bit confused by his response but shrugged it off. โ€œSo Tonyโ€™s tonight?โ€
โ€œYeah he wanted to go grab some dinner together then head to his house for the nightโ€ lin winked.
You chuckled before getting up from her bed as she got up to start heading out. โ€œDonโ€™t invite any douche bagsโ€ she looked at you while prepping her bag.
โ€œChill Iโ€™m not, Iโ€™m probably just gonna watch some movies and call it a nightโ€ you yawned following her to the front door.
She opens the door revealing Eren who was about to knock. Lin looks at you โ€˜are you seriousโ€™ was written all over her face.
โ€œI didnโ€™t know he was comingโ€ you whispered enough for both of them to hear you.
She rolls her eyes pushing past Eren, โ€œBye y/n, text me if anythingโ€ she emphasized โ€˜anythingโ€™.
Eren looked at you and smiled โ€œanything?โ€
โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€ You ask him letting him in.
He set a bag on the counter taking out all the snacks and drinks โ€œso I heard my little princess was tired to hang out so, I brought you some snacks so we can just chill here.โ€
โ€œFree snacks I guessโ€ you take the bag of snacks and take them to your room while Eren followed behind.
You two just sat on your bed while smoking another joint. Low music played in the background on your speaker. And there you were again on top of Eren making out with him.
โ€œY/n pleaseโ€ he whispers.
You removed his shirt as he did the same. You slowly sway your lips back and forth ignoring his words. The breathing between the both of you got heavier. He was now hovering on top of you. Moving his lips down to your stomach leaving soft kisses here and there.
โ€œEren pleaseโ€ you said stopping as he was trying to remove your shorts.
โ€œY/n I know you think that once you let me hit Iโ€™ll just ghost you, but trust me I wonโ€™t. Youโ€™re special to me.โ€ He says leaving a soft peck on your lips again.
But thatโ€™s exactly what he did.
Days passed weeks even and you never heard from Eren. You turned your phone off after you blocked him. You knew exactly where it was gonna lead. You were vulnerable to his touch, it was your fault for even letting him in your dorm that day.
โ€œI told you y/nโ€ Jean say laying beside you.
โ€œI donโ€™t want to hear that right now Jeanโ€ you rubbed your face.
Although Jean was your ex, he was also your best friend. He was mad that you and Eren had been messing in the first place but there was nothing he could really do since you two hadnโ€™t been dating.
โ€œCome hereโ€ he says opening his arms.
You hugged him tightly as the tears streamed down your face. โ€œIโ€™m so stupidโ€ you whispered.
โ€œYes you wereโ€ Lin says bringing a bowl of popcorn to your room.
โ€œBut itโ€™s okay we all make mistakesโ€ she lays down on the opposite side of you and Jean.
Eren left some girls room who was in the same building as yours. He dialed your phone number while he stood in front of your dorm room.
Voicemail immediately.
What was he expecting though? He went weeks without speaking to you and he expected you to answer his call?
That night you and him slept together, he whispered all these things in your ears. All these sweet words of affirmation. He never did that to anyone, but only you so it was more believable that you were โ€˜special to himโ€™.
You really were special to him. But he claimed he just wanted one thing out of this friendship.
A couple minutes passed Jean walked out of your dorm room, which caught Eren by surprise.
Jean noticed Eren standing by the door.
โ€œThe hell are you doing here?โ€ Jean asked closing the door behind him quickly.
โ€œI could ask you the same thingโ€ Eren says cocking his head up.
โ€œListen Erenโ€ฆyou and I arenโ€™t the same. Me and y/n had a past where I gave her everything and loved her, meanwhile you? You just fucked then dipped. So if you think that this is a competition between us โ€ฆyouโ€™re wrong.โ€
Eren stayed silent while staring at Jean. Jean was right though. Even if Eren tried to win you back the answer to everything will always be Jean.
โ€œYouโ€™ve made her miserable these last few weeks. She really thought she could trust youโ€ Jean walked away leaving Eren there.
As soon as Jean was out of sight, Eren knocked on the door. Seconds later Lin answered.
โ€œSheโ€™s sleeping what do you wantโ€ she says closing the door behind her so he couldnโ€™t catch the glimpse of you sitting on the couch watching some movie but he did see you.
โ€œI know sheโ€™s in there and awake. I just want to see herโ€ he says rubbing his neck.
Lin goes back inside. Soon after you walked out.
His eyes soften at the sight of you.
โ€œWhat is it Eren?โ€ The tone in voice was something Eren never heard, it was soft but harsh at the same time.
He pulls and a blunt and smiles bittersweetly.
You just looked at him.
โ€œIโ€™ve been sober for a while, graduation is around the cornerโ€ You say looking into his eyes.
โ€œYeah sorryโ€ He whispers.
โ€œListen y/n, everything I said-โ€œ
โ€œWas a lie obviouslyโ€ He looked up at you to see the tears forming in your eyes.
To Eren you had always been a strong person, you rarely cried in front of him or at all. This was the first time heโ€™s seen you cry.
โ€œI know and y/n I really am sor-โ€œ
โ€œDonโ€™t apologize Eren, itโ€™s not your fault. Itโ€™s mine for even letting anything happen knowing damn well what was going to happen afterโ€ you wiped your tears.
His heart ached. The guilt stacking on top him like a bunch of bricks. This relationship he had ruined all because he couldnโ€™t stop thinking with his dick.
โ€œIt was nice knowing you during these 3 yearsโ€ you smiled as the tears stained your cheeks.
And there he was left alone as you made your way back into your dorm room. He knew that meant that you two were never going to be in each others future probably ever.
He walked into the venue. Many parents and family were in seats waiting for the ceremony to start. He got a ticket to the graduation to see you once more.
After an hour your name was finally called up. He looked at the big screen to see that big smile you had as you grabbed your diploma and walked toward your seat again. It was the last genuine smile heโ€™d seen from you.
He would always go to the same park you two would always meet up at. But this time he would be alone. He rarely hooked up with anyone this year. He was focused on just graduating.
He regretted everything too late. He regretted not taking things serious with you. He regretting ignoring you on school campus. Because now youโ€™re ignoring him. And it hurts like hell. He tried texting you a couple times but the messages he sent were green. He quickly figured out that you had blocked him.
โ€œYou excited?โ€ Jean says fixing Erenโ€™s tie.
โ€œYeahโ€ Is all he could mutter.
โ€œDude youโ€™ve been like this for the whole school year, whatโ€™s wrong?โ€ He asked while looking at himself in the mirror after fixing Erenโ€™s tie.
โ€œHow it she?โ€ Eren asked Jean.
Jean stopped suddenly figuring out why his demeanor had changed this year.
โ€œSheโ€™s been doing really good actually, sheโ€™s been doing well with her art and stuffโ€ Jean zipped up his gown.
โ€œSheโ€™s actually coming todayโ€ he smiles while he put his cap on.
โ€œDid you two get back together?โ€ He asked Jean while zipping up his gown.
โ€œYeah like 5 months agoโ€ Jean says avoiding eye contact with Eren.
Sometimes Eren wishes he was in Jeans shoes. He was perfect. A perfect boyfriend, a perfect best friend.
Suddenly Jean got a phone call. He walked a bit away from Eren before answering the phone and putting it on speaker since he was still fixing his gown and cap.
โ€œHey babyโ€ he says.
โ€œWhere are youuu! Hurry I want to see how you look!โ€ You heard her voice, the squeakiness in her voice of how impatient she was to see her boyfriend.
You smiled to yourself just thinking about her face.
โ€œYeah Iโ€™m gonna be heading out soon with um Erenโ€ Jean replies.
โ€œOh okay text me when you guys head out, Iโ€™m here with your parents right now.โ€
Erenโ€™s smile faded, his parents wouldโ€™ve loved you. The fantasy of you being his girlfriend took over his head. The way heโ€™d be calling you baby and how youโ€™d be begging him to hurry up.
The ceremony was long and boring as usual. Eren made his way out the venue along with everyone else.
He looked around to see you and Jean kissing. There it was again, that heart ache he always had whenever he se saw you and Jean together.
He suddenly saw you walking over to him.
โ€œYou did it tooโ€ You have him a sudden hug which caught him by surprise.
โ€œY..yeahโ€ he hugged you back, if nobody was around he probably wouldโ€™ve picked you up and bursted crying but he couldnโ€™t, because you werenโ€™t his, and you never were.
โ€œAbout the past y/n-โ€œ you back away from the hug and shushed him.
โ€œI donโ€™t keep grudges forever Erenโ€ You laughed. That laugh how much he missed it.
โ€œYeah? Well you still have me blockedโ€ he chuckled bitterly.
โ€œSorry Iโ€™ve been busy, Iโ€™ll unblock you laterโ€ you smiled as Jean snaked his hands around you.
โ€œCongratulations thoughโ€ฆpretty boyโ€ you flicked his nose once more before heading back to Jeanโ€™s family.
All he could do is watch you walk away. He would run after you and grabbed you if he could. But he couldnโ€™t. But at least he knew that youโ€™d always be in minimal contact with him. Thatโ€™s good enough for him though.
โ€œNow I know how you felt y/nโ€ He whispered as his tears ran down his face.
Hey Iโ€™ve been gone for such a long time because I literally did not know what to write and because school was kicking my booty ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ I barley passed this year guys trust me. But ayeeee ๐Ÿ˜›๐Ÿ˜› summer breakkkkk.
This was low key rushed but I hope you guys enjoy !
I just reread this and I literally cannot spell..anyway let me know if you guys want an Eren ending ๐Ÿ˜‰.
45 notes ยท View notes
sophie-avocado-girl ยท 1 year
MegaMan Fully Charged (My AU)
Part 1 โ€œBig plansโ€
Author's note: Yeah, I did it... I DID IT!!!
Note before the part: Enjoy the first part of my fic... ;]
Another school day is began in Silicon City. Everything around is calm, nothing foreshadowed any troubles. Although the only thing that even slightly bothered the citizens of Silicon City, is that the number of crimes in the city is increasing and increasing. Just the other day, somehow managed to detain one of the known criminals of Silicon City whom everyone called The Fog Ghost. He made a real fog chaos in the bank, but why he needed it, he, of course, refused to explain. And that is why the citizens were wary. But in general, no one shows it.
Student Aki Light was walking quietly to school, and Chaotique decided to see him off. A couple in love sometimes looked at each other with a smile.
"Thank you for choosing to see me off, Kay-Kay" โ€” Aki said smiling at his girlfriend โ€” "But are you sure you won't be late for your school? You said your school is far away from here"
"Hah, forgot that it only takes me a couple of seconds to get to school from anywhere in the city? It's okay, you don't have to worry about me" โ€” Chaotique replied, also smiling.
Aki let out a light chuckle at that. But then, for some reason, his expression slightly frowned. Kay-Kay noticed this and got a little worried.
"Is everything okay, Aki?" โ€” She asked with a concerned look.
"Oh, yes, of course, I'm fine. It's just that there's so much going on lately. You know the crime rate is getting even higher than usual. I'm just, uh... A little stressed out about it all, as my whole family. But overall I'm fine." โ€” The brown-haired boy explained, trying to keep a wide smile on his face.
Robotic girl with a bangs looked at him with sympathy, but still smiled slightly โ€” "Oh, I understand... But I'm glad that you're all okay overall. I hope someday this all will end."
Both Aki and Chaotique were already approaching the school. There they met their friends, Chauncey and Rita.
"Hey Chauncey! Hey Rita!" โ€” They spoke to the two of them in sync.
Both Chauncey and Rita greeted them back. Chauncey then turned back to Rita to continue their conversation.
"Well, Ree, good luck at school, as they say, study well, well, etc. But if someone offends you, then you immediately call me, they will find out what asphalt tastes like!" โ€” The scissors robot said with confidence, placing his hands on Rita's shoulders.
The cross-eyed girl giggled at this. โ€” "Oh Chauncey, I know you care a lot about me, but honestly, you don't have to worry so much about me. The only thing that can offend me are the walls and poles that for some reason constantly come across my way. But this is also my fault basically on my own, but never mind. Thank you for your support." โ€” She said, smiling broadly at Chauncey. Chauncey smiled back at her.
Both hugged each other tightly. As soon as Rita turned around to go to the school, she crashed into a pole. As always.
"OUCH! Agh, who put up the poles here??" โ€” She said a bit annoyed, but immediately calmed down and went to the school.
And Chauncey remained in place for a while, looking after Rita with a gentle smile. But then he felt someone next to him and turned around. He saw Iceman in front of him.
"Gah! Ice! Don't scare me like that again please!" โ€” Exclaimed Chauncey, startled.
The white-blue robot chuckled at it and spoke in a bit sly tone. โ€” "C'mon bro, already admit that you like Rita, I can see how you have become attached to each other lately!"
"No, it's not true! Rita and I are just best friends, nothing more!" โ€” Cutman protested, blushing a bit.
"ยซJust best friendsยป, of course I know that excuse... At first you say you're just friends, but in the end it turns out that you're in love with each other..." โ€” Iceman replied slightly annoyed, but in a bit mocking tone.
Cutman and Iceman continued to argue for a little while, and at this time the couple in love, Aki and Chaotique, had already approached the school.
"Well Kay-Kay, see you after school?" โ€” Aki asked, smiling at his girlfriend.
"You even asking, of course yes! And if you'll need any help, call me." โ€” Chaotique replied, smiling back at her boyfriend.
They kissed each other on the cheek. Chaotique headed towards her school with her super speed, while Aki went to his school.
And all this time, none of the guys suspected that they were being followed. No one noticed the little drone that was flying over everyone and stalking someone.
"Well, great, it seems that everyone who is needed is in place..." โ€” The tall bot in dark purple colors and luminous eyes said to himself. His name is Captain Darkshade. He was the one who's stalking our guys through the drone in his lair. โ€” "Time to let the dark horse in... Mess!"
The robotic prankster girl, also known as a known criminal named Mess, flinched when she heard her name from her boss. She immediately walked over to him and stood up quietly.
"Yes, boss...?" โ€” Mess said in a nervous voice.
Captain Darkshade turned to his henchwoman and spoke in a cold tone. โ€” "You remember our plan, donโ€™t you?..." โ€” He asked, looking coldly into the young criminal's eyes.
The robotic criminal prankster girl swallowed nervously and replied. โ€” "Y-yes, boss..."
"Great. Now go to school and do everything according to plan. And at least try not to disappoint me this time..." โ€” The tall bot said in an even colder tone.
"Yes, boss...." โ€” Mess replied timidly, looking at the floor a little sadly.
Mess ran from the lair to Aki's school with super speed, leaving Captain Darkshade and the rest of her allies in the lair.
Mess ran into the school and of course no one noticed her. She ran all over the school system setting up something, but what exactly is unknown, as it is part of her boss's plan.
When she was done, she ran to her locker and locked herself in to transform into her real form, under the name Melissa. She cautiously peeked out of the locker to make sure no one was watching her. Once out of the locker, she looked around again, just in case. She exhaled and took her bag from the locker. She took the powder and covered her scar on her eye with it.
Just then, a small robotic spider with a bandaged paw climbed onto Melissa's shoulder. He looked at Melissa and began to beep something in his own language. Melissa looked at him and, looking around again, answered quietly to him.
"Don't worry Lou, this time it will be all right, I'm sure of it. Now quickly hide in my bag." โ€” Said robotic girl with dyed bangs to her little friend. Lou rolled his four eyes and jumped into Melissa's bag.
Melissa silently walked towards her classroom. There was only one thing in her thoughts - if only this plan would work.
The lesson has begun. Aki's class was in Hal's class. Everyone listened to the teacher's explanations and almost fell asleep. Only Bert listened with interest to Hal.
Suddenly, Aki began to have some strange forebodings. He seemed to suspect that something bad was about to happen. He began to look around suspiciously. The redhead cross-eyed girl noticed this and, in a whisper, spoke to Aki, but as always she doesn't said his name correctly. โ€” "Are you okay, Kiko friend? Is something wrong?"
Aki jumped a little in surprise and, looking at his friend, let out a nervous chuckle. โ€” "Oh, no no, I'm fine Rita, honestly. I just, uh... I just probably didn't get enough sleep, hehe... And please, remember finally, I'm Aki, not Kiko."
Rita, confused, blinked her eyes a couple times, but then she smiled slightly and didn't bother Aki anymore.
It would seem that everything is calm and nothing bad can happen. But suddenly there was a sound of an explosion. At first, everyone looked at each other, thinking that maybe it just seemed. But actually it is not. Another explosion sounded. Aki was the first to run out of the classroom and saw everyone running down the hallway towards the exit. He smelled burning, and then he heard someone in the crowd shouting "Fire! Everyone out!". Then Aki realized what had happened.
Aki's entire class also ran towards the exit. And Aki himself with his siblings ran to a secluded place to transform into Megaman, Namagem and Zero. The fire flare up more and more, the smoke gradually filled the school building.
"Everyone out! Quick, quick, quick!" โ€” Megaman shouted, controlling with Namagem and Zero the crowd so that everyone could run out of the school at time.
A figure of a robotic girl appeared on the roof of the school. It was Mess who proud of herself watched over as the crowd scattered in fright in all directions. Now she has one step left - the battle with Megaman and his siblings. She believed that this time everything would work out.
"Alright, did everyone leave the building?" โ€” Namagem asked, looking around the crowd.
"Hm... Wait, where's Rita?! Has anyone seen my foster sister?!" โ€” Bert exclaimed, noticing that Rita was not among them all.
And at this time, Cutman and Iceman ran up to the school, noticing what was happening with their friends.
"Guys, how did this happened?! And where's Rita?!" โ€” Cutman screamed in fright.
Everyone looked at each other. They understood that Rita had stay in the school.
"Oh no... I guess she's still in the school..." โ€” Megaman said, also scared for his friend who still in the burning building.
"I'm going to save her!!" โ€” Chauncey yelled with a fear and confidence. He began to walk towards the school, but Iceman stopped him by grabbed his arm.
"Chauncey, no! It's a dangerous!" โ€” He said, scared for his brother.
Chauncey looked back at Iceman and, getting a bit angry, replied to him. โ€” "I do not care if it's a dangerous or not, nothing can stop me if I should to save the one who I care about!!"
"Then I'll save Rita! She's my foster sister and I'm going to save her through thick and thin!" โ€” Bert said to them, but he also was stopped by Ashley.
"Are you crazy or something?! You'll burn!" โ€” Ashley said as she holds Bert's arm. Everyone's just being scared and doesn't know what to do. But our heroes team will deal with everything.
Mess was hiding in the bushes. She wore her glasses and neon circles around her arms and legs. She pointed her fist at Megaman, preparing to fire. But when she heard everyone talking about Rita, she paused.
"Rita...?" โ€” She said quietly, getting also scared for her, so to say, friend.
And Blue Bomber said with a confident look to everyone. โ€” "Don't worry guys we'll find her and save her before the firefighters arrive." โ€” After those words he, Zero and Namagem ran to the doors of the school, but there was an explosion from which they were thrown back. Everyone else got terrified.
While this time, Mess was already inside of the burning school, looking for Rita. She looked at every corner, but Rita was nowhere. Robotic criminal prankster girl was already upset, until she heard the familiar voice from somewhere.
"P-please... Someone, help me..." โ€” Rita was repeating every time in a hoarse voice, coughing as she was sitting on the floor near the lockers.
Mess came running to Rita's voice. She began to approach her, but the red-haired girl barely, but quickly got to her feet and began to resist.
"N-no, go away from me, criminal! Don't touch me! *coughing*" โ€” Rita said, trying to protect herself.
"Hush, hush, I'm not going to hurt you, honestly. I want to help you." โ€” Mess said to Rita, trying to calm her down.
"Why should I believe you?! You're a criminal! You hurting my friends! *coughing* I'm not going to accept a help from a criminal like you!" โ€” The cross-eyed girl was still resisting. She does not hate Mess, she's afraid of her.
Mess understood that Rita doesn't trust her, but she took a deep breath and tried to approach her again. โ€” "Listen, I understand you don't believe me and despising me, but please, let me help you or else you'll burn!" โ€” Robotic girl on rollers said in a calm voice, still trying to reassuring Rita. She stretched her hand to Rita and said. โ€” "Please, just let me help you."
Rita could not understand why the criminal was trying to help her, but due to the situation she was in, she still took Mess's hand. โ€” "Okay, I accept your help... *coughing*"
Mess placed Rita on her back. With her super speed, she began to make her way to the exit, but he was filled up. Worried, she began to look for an emergency exit, and literally a second before he was also filled up, Mess managed to get out.
Trying to catch her breath, Mess put a slightly weakened Rita on the ground. โ€” "Hey, how are you? Are you okay?" โ€” she asked, putting her hand on Rita's shoulder. Although she was well aware that Rita, in any case, had already inhaled smoke and this was not very good.
"*coughing* Yes, I'm fine... Thank you." โ€” Rita answered as she looked at Mess with a slight but thankful smile.
Mess smirked a bit at it. Then she hid in the bushes again since she's still need to fire at her enemies.
By that time, firefighters had already arrived and were putting out the fire.
"We don't know how it happened, but we'll find out. Something tells me it wasn't accidental at all. It's like someone did something on purpose to start a fire." โ€” Namagem said to the main firefighter, suspecting that everything really happened not incidentally.
Meanwhile, Rita approached everyone, covered in dirt and dust. When the guys saw her, everyone was very surprised how she managed to escape, but at the same time everyone was very happy that she was safe. All of Rita's friends rushed to hug her tightly. Three children of superheroes approached this scene.
Megaman, confused, asked Rita โ€” "Honestly, I'm glad you're okay, but I don't understand... How did you escape?"
Rita looked at him and, with the suggestion that no one would believe her, replied โ€” "You won't believe me, but... Mess saved me!"
Everyone, having heard Rita's words, began to blink their eyes in surprise.
"What?! But- It's impossible! That narcissistic egotist is not capable of such a thing!" โ€” Zero exclaimed, annoyed and angry at it. She's definitely doesn't believe in it.
Rita wanted to start proving the truth, but suddenly Megaman got shot at his back. Everyone was shocked and fled in fright in different directions, and only our heroes remained.
Megaman stood up at his feet and got mad. โ€” "Who did this?!" โ€” He exclaimed.
"It's was me!" โ€” Mess said as she appeared in front of their faces with a smug smirk.
"Agh, she's here again." โ€” Zero got annoyed by Mess's another appearance.
Megaman looked at Mess with a mix of annoyance and anger. โ€” "I see you want a fight again, Menace on rollers?" โ€” He said as he pointed his buster towards her.
Mess looked at all three heroes. She grinned and said with a confident and smug look. "Hah, try to catch me first." โ€” And after that, she ran away with a super speed.
The Light siblings heroes began to chasing her and using their weapons, but Mess managed to dodge all the time.
Zero angrily swung her saber at the robotic criminal girl with all her might, but Mess fired a neon circle at Zero, causing Zero to be thrown aside. Then Megaman began to use Elecman schematics and shot at Mess, but the criminal girl dodged and hit Blue Bomber at his stomach, also throwing him aside. Namagem got mad and wanted to take a revenge for his siblings and already wanted to shoot at Mess, but she began to speak to him.
"You know what, Nam, I could spare you, you're an interesting and hilarious guy, but you make the mistake of messing around with these guys. Wouldn't you like to have some fun and take a break from these superhero duties?" โ€” Mess said, looking at Namagem with a slight smirk.
Namagem got confused by Mess's words. But after a few seconds, he come back to his senses and answered. โ€” "Do not try to fool me, vandal, I'm not gonna to listen to your tricks!"
Mess's slight smirk fade away. โ€” "Oh. How pity. I thought you were smarter." โ€” After those words, she began to attack Namagem with her shooting neon circles.
Namagem began to attack Mess back. Once Megaman and Zero came to their senses, they also started attacking Mess along with their brother. Surprisingly, Mess handled the heroes better than usual. She now dodges more and deals more damage than usual. This is very alarming for our guys. But the Light siblings did not give up and continued to fight, but the energies were already running out.
Mess noticed that her enemies getting weaker. She grinned evilly at it and continued to attack them. But after some time of fight, she suddenly got a signal. It's was a signal from her boss's lair. Mess didn't wanted to leave this sweet battle, but she couldn't disobey Captain Darkshade. She sighed and, with all her might, shot at the ground in front of three superheroes that everything around was shrouded in dust.
Megaman, Zero and Namagem began to coughing and, when the dust cleared, they noticed that Mess was no longer there. They began to looking around, but there is no trace left of Mess.
"Where did she go?!" โ€” Zero exclaimed, still wanting to finish this criminal.
"Calm down sis, she's gone already. But it's weird that she just left the fight without a reason. What's wrong with her lately? But of course she will back soon... But anyway, everyone's safe now." โ€” Megaman said to his sister with a sigh.
And Namagem was in confusion. He tried to understand why did Mess was talking to him like that, but nothing came to his mind.
The Light siblings are very tired after this fight. Mess fought much harder than usual. What happened to her is unclear.
After the fire, the school had to be refurbished.
The next day, the Light kids were walking and discussing what happened yesterday. Chaotique walked with them. She was kinda shocked as she listened to Aki as he recounted what had happened.
"Oh my... I see you had to spend a lot of energy... Mess as always in her repertoire." โ€” Kay-Kay said to Aki, feeling annoyed knowing that Mess again with her tricks.
"Yes... But this time, she fought much harder than usual. This time she deals even more damage. It's kinda strange... We always spent a lot of energy on her, but this time she literally almost knocked us down." โ€” Aki answered to her, feeling that this is weird how much stronger Mess become.
"... Oh... It's unexpected..." โ€” Chaotique said at it as she also felt confused.
All the four kids are continued to discussing about this ยซMenace on rollersยป and a little bit about other members of a criminal group.
At Captain Darkshade's lair, Mess stood in front of her boss with a serious expression.
Darkshade spoke to her in a less cold tone, almost proud. โ€” "Mess, you did a good job in fighting these children, there is a result, I see this time everything turned out much better than usual. Congratulations. It seems that it was not in vain that I gave you all these serious trainings during these days..."
Mess sighed quietly in relief. She didn't show it, but inside she felt proud because her boss had never praised her like that before. It can be said that he never praised her at all.
"But boss, let me just ask you just one single question... Why do we always leave the battlefield in the middle of a battle? When we can finally finish off these superhero kids!" โ€” Clawswoman spoke up, not understanding why their boss was constantly calling them in the middle of battles.
"Yes boss, why do we have to interrupt the battle right in the middle of it?" โ€” Fogman also said agreeing with Clawswoman. Lou the robotic spider nodded in agreement.
Captain Darkshade looked at the three of them with a slight anger and annoyance.
"I'm the one asking the questions here, in case you forgot. But this time I'll make an exception... With each battle, these superhero kids get more tired, which means they become weaker. And the weaker they get, the more likely they are to be defeated. Very soon we let's finish with their whole family and nothing and no one can stop us! And from tomorrow, we will start preparing hard for this..." โ€” He explained with a sense of self-confidence and a feeling of power.
After these words, he turned to the screens and quietly said to himself. โ€” "Soon all the power will belong to me. And he will realize how wrong he was about me... *evil laughter*"
To be continued...
Note after the part: Alrightttttt here's the first part is done๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป To be honest, something tells me that you didnโ€™t expect the actions in fanfiction will begin from those moments :') But it doesn't matter. I know that it probably didn't work out very well, I'm not very good at fanfiction, so there may be some mistakes. But I hope you enjoyed it ^^
Write your suggestions and guesses on this part๐Ÿ‘€โœจ
Have a good day or night! โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ’šโœจ๐Ÿ’œ
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cleverpaws ยท 2 years
NOT. a generation loss blog
dee en eye if you support that man and that skeleton and what they did in that cage..
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actually im keeping the title like that its so fucking funny to me
salutation i am michael (he/they) and uh. get intro post'd x100 - bi and/or gay whichever is more comedically convenient - aro ace & apl spec fool. peace and life - nonbinary dude ๐ŸŽธ๐ŸŽธโšกโšกโšกโšก there's no comma there for a reason - average EX library volunqueer again :( - king of the wildly inconsistent art & writing styles <- Update we figured out why this was. you'll never guess - cartoonist ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ - Mongoose/weasal/etc - i love 2 run around and have wild frolicking visions of Character - adhd. autism. npd. maybe ocd. long ago the four nations ruled in harmony - the original #1 hetch fan (shared title) - plural btw. i will now gaslight the internet into thinking i was open about this the whole time and you all just missed it - ^ u probably wont meet many other headmates just bc our switches r mostly passive influence and very short-lived. except shilo. shilo really likes tumblr for some reason
I RUN @showfallmanagement AND @lostnfounder THE SHOWFALL ASKBLOGS!!! COME SAY HI!!!
ALSO MORE RECENTLY STARTED @notslmccl do NOT go look at "chase" and do NOT poke him with sticks
dream team fans and harry potter fans you are not welcome here!! TRANSGENDER BLAST RAHH ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
also no, people who think queer labels can "contradict" each other you are not welcome here either ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ * my bi gay aroace nonbinary guy energy explodes you x100 *
things i am not normal about: - GENLOSS!!!!!!!!!! 4๏ธโƒฃ - ^ and, by extension, ENCOREVERSE!!!!!!!! ๐ŸŒˆ - BITB!!!!!!!! - JRWI IN GENERAL I JUST PUT BITB FIRST!!!! - SPLATOON!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿฆ‘๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒŠ - MINECRAFT!!!!! - HOLLOW KNIGHTTTTT!!!! ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ›๐Ÿ› - ANGELS JUST LIKE AS A CONCEPT!!!!!!!!! - BODY HORROR!!!!! - VIDEO ESSAYS!!!!!!!!
things i am actually somewhat normal about (casual interests): - dsmp!!! - tdp ๐Ÿ’ช love hate relationship - ghibli movies - cartoons in general! - assorted indie horror games - indie animation usually
i tag any and all posts that contain hetch with "#hetch generation loss" and any and all remotely sneeg/frank related posts with. shocker. "#sneeg/frank" go nuts gay people ("#asks" are also tagged)
(and if you go through "#saving this" you will find my many artist resources, recipes, and the occasional Insanely Good Post i think about every day)
ALSO!!! im like Never serious on here ever but just 4 the record (i dont even know if anyone will see this) please do not call me ur friend if i dont know you!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ im aplatonic and while i do still have ppl i consider friends its personally just weird for me to be forced into friendships by people i literally havent interacted with that much (even if we're mutuals!!!!! sah ree guys) (saying stuff like "my friend" at the end of msgs in like that semi joking tone is fine tho)
how ever...... mutuals r totally free 2 ask for my discord or msg me on here ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ
also if you EVER need me to explain any encoreverse lore to you i will drop everything to do so ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
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(all banners n images r mine except the mcytblr sexyman voted one by @/tmmyhug and the sonic narc abuse one by @/nicepersondisorder)
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skittering sounds alright ill get out of your hair . the particles aren't though. yeah sorry man they uh. they really get stuck in there. sorry
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pcttrailsidereader ยท 1 year
Top Ten PCT Books
There is an overwhelming abundance of books in the pantheon of PCT literature. I have read many over the past 40+ years (often in the process of developing the three anthologies . . . see #2). I have given some thought recently to my Top Ten PCT books. It is a rather arbitrary list certainly influenced by my own preferences and the reality that many of the early voices were male. I am confident that I have missed some worthy choices and would invite readers to submit their favorites.
The Pacific Crest Trail: Exploring America's Wilderness Trail by Mark Larabee and Barney Mann
My rationale for putting this beautiful coffeetable book at the top of my list is that it captures the spectacle of the PCT in photos, includes essays about the history and culture of the trail, and rounds things out with profiles of the people of the trail. I never tire of flipping through and relishing the photos. There are other excellent books of photos from the PCT, but this is a comprehensive resource under one cover.
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2. The Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: California; The Pacific Crest Trailside Reader: Oregon and Washington (Edited by Rees Hughes and Corey Lewis) and Crossing Paths: A Pacific Crest Trailside Reader (Edited by Rees Hughes and Howard Shapiro)
While I admit to a certain bias, the 150 short stories captured in this trilogy reflects the full range of PCT people and experiences in, for the most part, their own words. It really is a 'must read' for those interested in a full appreciation of the PCT. It also draws from many of the individual accounts of walking the trail that would otherwise dominate your bookshelves.
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3. The Great Alone by Tim Voors
Of all of the many accounts of walking the PCT, why did I elevate this particular account? I have read countless memoirs written by PCT hikers. They are all deeply personal accounts of hiking the same 2,650 miles, generally with a few variations here and there.ย  Most are enjoyable, a few are tedious or self-important, but virtually all suffer from following a similar formula.ย  Any of you who have read even a handful know the formula โ€“ preparing for the trail, physically and mentally adjusting to trail life through the desert and the High Sierra, marveling at trail culture, persevering through the monotonous Northern California and Oregon stretch, and the race to the end through the wet and often white spectacular North Cascades.ย  It is delightful to find a memoir that carves its own unique path.ย  Tim Voors in The Great Alone has done just that.
Throughout his time on the trail, Voors spends some serious time devoted to reflection that he gracefully weaves into the story of his walk north.ย  He manages to share his introspection in a way that never seems tedious and rarely seems forced.ย  What if I die tomorrow?ย  Quitting.ย  Restructuring your life around your dreams.ย  Do I believe in God? ย Much of what he learns comes from the wisdom of hikers a generation younger than him. I believe his honesty and candor makes his reflections engaging as does his self-deprecating humor.ย  It may help that Voors shares my own belief that walking the PCT is richest when it includes a spiritual experience where hikers think about themselves and the world around them and their role in the world.
Voors, who is Dutch, demonstrates his command of English throughout the book.ย  In addition, his simple watercolor paintings (he is aptly known as โ€˜Van Goโ€™ on the trail) and the photos he has included enrich the total experience of reading the book.ย  I would rarely comment on the choice of paper used in printing the book, but I really liked the thick, textured paper (which seems to be a trademark of the publisher, Gestalten).ย  The graphics throughout the book are exceptional and add measurably to the quality of the reading experience.
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4. Wanderlust: A History of Walking by Rebecca Solnit or On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor
Pick one of these two books. Although Moor talks about the PCT in On Trails, both Solnit and Moor offer the best homage to 'walking' among the many philosophical treatments available. They are the books I wish I had written about pedestrianism.
5. The High Adventure of Eric Ryback by Eric Ryback
Ryback's account of his 1970 hike from Canada to Mexico on a trail that was often just a concept elevated the profile of the PCT. Read by dreamers like me (and thousands of others), Ryback's book was my first exposure to the PCT and the impetus for me to walk the PCT. It captured the spirit of adventure that has drawn hikers to the trail in the decades since.
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6. A T'hru-Hikers Heart: Tales on the Pacific Crest Trail by Ray "No Way" Echols
Ray Echols collection of essays, compiled following Ray's tragic death along Deep Creek by his widow, Alice Tulloch, is also not your typical PCT account. I have kept this book in my collection because I find the depth of Ray's experiences, the strength of his feeling, the wisdom of his writing so exceptional. In it all, he manages to capture why I return to the trail year after year.
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7. Seven Summers (and a few bummers) by Bob Welch
As I mentioned before, I am disinclined to include accounts of walking the Pacific Crest Trail that begin in the desert south and proceed linearly and predictably. However, I found Bob Welchโ€™s account of completing the PCT with his brother-in-law, Glenn, refreshingly bumpy (and very real).ย  Written with self-deprecating humor, Seven Summers seems part Bill Brysonโ€™s A Walk in the Woods, part Barney Mannโ€™s Journeys North, but all uniquely the Oregon Boys (Bob and Glennโ€™s trail name).ย  The Oregon Boys dealt with hypothermia, fire, quitting (and starting again), the realities of work and family, snow, injury, and more, but in the course of 11 years they finished the PCT.
The book captures the special challenge of being a section hiker. As Welch observes near the end of the book, section hiking necessitated thirty-two travel days,โ€œ just getting to and from that trail, that encompassed more than 17,000 miles, just so I could hike 2,650 miles.โ€ He continued, โ€œSome 180 miles of extraneous hiking miles [were] needed to get to and from trail heads; to follow โ€œworkaroundsโ€ because of fire closures; to get off-trail water and food; and to return to points that we overshotโ€.
Welch, a lifelong journalist and author of a number of other books, makes the book an enjoyable read. By the end of the book you feel a special connection with Bob and Glenn and their spouses. Seven Summers touches on the changing nature of the PCT, profiles a number of hikers on the trail, captures the essence of trail culture, and the PCT experience. In addition, it is a pleasure to read a well-crafted book. And only a few times did I tire of Welchโ€™s humor.
I appreciated the inclusion of photos, maps, special charts (โ€œBreakdown of the 17 Section Hikesโ€, how he put everything in his pack, his equipment list, a best and worst list, the PCT experience by the numbers, etc.), and some delightful illustrations by Don White.
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8. The Pacific Crest Trail: A Visual Compendium by Joshua M. Powell
This is another unique and very entertaining treatment of the PCT. I loved his collection of lists and notes of every possible (and some I never would have thought of) aspect of a thru-hike on the PCT. Powell shows us the various flora and fauna he discovered along the trail. Everything from pileated woodpecker to lupine. Paintbrush to rattlesnake and many, many more. He goes on to create illustrations of notable buildings found in trail towns and illustrates an alphabet from scripts seen along the trail. He describes his mental struggles, landmarks, weather, and specific trail notes. There are numerous easy to read charts and graphs and stunning graphics.ย  Everything from elevations of various sections to traits shared by thru-hikers and characters in Steinbeck novels.
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9.Journeys North by Barney 'Scout' Mann
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Scout's treatment of his PCT thru-hike experience is the most traditional of those included in my top 10 list. He has the advantage of a long and rich association with the trail . . . as a hiker (along with his wife Sandy . . . aka 'Frodo'), as a long-time devoted trail angel, as a PCT board member, as an advocate for the PCT and for the national trail system. That history gives his account additional 'heft' often missing in other accounts.
10. Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart by Carrot Quinn
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Carrot Quinn authored one of my favorite PCT blogs/journals; one I followed religiously on her trek north. Cleverly written and insightful, I think I appreciated it even more because Carrot's take on the experience was so different from my own. Written with humor and, at times, a biting insight, I think that Carrot's writing helped me take my own PCT experience a little less nobly and self-importantly.
Other Contenders: I really like Suzanne Roberts's Almost Somewhere: 28 Days on the John Muir Trail, but did not include it because it is limited to the JMT. Roberts is a wonderful writer. I also enjoyed Gail D. Storey's I Promise Not to Suffer: A Fool for Love Hikes the Pacific Crest Trail. It is clever and fun but did not make the cut because, like Cheryl Strayed, Gail walked less than half of the PCT. I also tend to discount books written about fast-walking the trail because, while I admire the tenacity and strength for such an achievement, I am biased against those that don't savor the PCT experience.
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askforfireman ยท 1 year
(???)/5 stars : would not recommend
re-vamped by Ree tagging: all (for funsies!)
NAME: Volke
height: 187cm (6/2ish)
strength โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† ( 3 1/2 ; built solid so he's lucky ; boon for hefty contracts ; the Daein lifestyle of needing to be able to throw a solid punch)
dexterity โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (he cannot be caught. ninja. only reason he's still kicking is by slipping the noose)
health โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (lackluster despite his demeanor - that Daein lifestyle of starving. did not help him grow with good health, but he manages)
energy โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (health affects it, so weighed down by lackluster health ; training has significantly improved his energy levels ; busybody)
beauty โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (would consider himself average, but doesn't focus too much on cosmetics)
style โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (not a fashion guru. never claimed to be. won't be. practical over pompous.)
hygiene โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (is too used to going a hot minute without a nice cleanse so it's unfortunately habitual. is much better about it & trying to appear as professional as needed in his line of work)
perception โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (he's nosy. he knows everything about you. works in intelligence - needs to be perceptive. literally puts his food on his plate)
communication โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (awful. loner, not great with people. can communicate if need be but prefers to keep chit-chat short)
persuasion โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (not-well liked or charismatic, so probably not the first person that will be listened to. also doesn't care too much about swaying someone. it's not his problem)
mediation โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (might just sling two people who are quarreling into a wall and slink off. or might just slink off. never pays enough to get caught in the crossfire.)
literacy โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (Daein-lifestyle. he can read and write, but gets curt when people use fancy language because it's not his forte. below avg.)
creativity โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (Fireman for a reason - he puts out your problems. gotta be creative to get good reviews on yelp. questionable, but creative.)
cooking โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (can get by. only seasons with salt and pepper.)
tech savvy โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (nifty at figuring things out. typically catches on because he's observant)
combat โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (has to fight to land some jobs and keep going. has done it his entire life. it's like breathing.)
survival โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (he's been doing it since day 1. grew up poor and lived everywhere. jack of all trades. the guy you want if the apocalypse comes)
stealth โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (how else would he get his intel on people?)
street smarts โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜… (grew up on the streets. knows every nook and cranny. knows where to go and where to avoid. knows who's hostile and who's not.)
seduction โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (not a charming bone in his body)
luck โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (pretty average, but he doesn't believe too strongly in luck. humors the idea, but doesn't worship it)
handling animals โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (no.)
pacifying children โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (I think we know how his and Veyle's thread is going)
intelligence โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (intelligent in the sense of adaptability is HIGH. has been adapting his entire life to this screwed up world. But book smart? no. can figure things out, but won't start posing complex questions. really just doesn't care.)
happiness โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (he's indifferent. it's just life. ambles in limbo with his joy because it's a gray area that he just doesn't cater to. not depressed or anything close to it, but not very familiar with the feeling of complete happiness. strong gray area)
spirituality โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (doesn't really acknowledge the goddess but knows she's . . . real)
confidence โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (avg ; self-esteem? all he feels is the weight of gold in his pocket, not the pressure/opinions of others)
humor โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (dry and deadpan like a desert. scoffs a lot - it's his laugh)
anxiety โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (could not give any fewer fucks. might feel a tingle when he needs a job done quickly but probably won't)
patience โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (actually great! takes patience to have things go smoothly, and he'd rather succeed the first time on a job than have to do it again. +hard to get clients with impatience)
passion โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (is pretty much just existing. very monotonous life. not really passionate about anything. very tragic. )
nice ย  ย  ย  ย  โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  mean (doesn't come off as the nicest but doesn't intend to be mean)
brave ย  ย  ย  โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  cowardly (really doesn't care at this point?)
pacifist ย  ย  โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  violentย  (either or. not quick to temper)
thoughtful โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย impulsiveย (prefers to think things through)
agreeable โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  contrary (not here to start a fight but can finish one)
idealistic ย  โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  pragmatic (thinks idealists are blind dreamers)
frugal ย  ย  ย  ย โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† ย  ย  big spender (grew up poor and will not blow his funds)
extrovert ย  โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  introvert (not the crowd-sort. uh-uh. nope. leave him alone.)
collected ย  โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย  ย  wild (more calm than anything. wild doesn't imply efficiency in the workforce)
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
charisma โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (he flusters when Ike thanks him. THANKS. bare minimum of social skills and he fucks it up)
empathy โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (understands that people might feel certain ways but doesn't connect with them. not his business unless he gets paid for it)
generosity โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (doesn't really work with a discount system. gets flustered attempting to be generous)
wealth โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (with the rates he charges? heh. the only issue is that . . . he's not a big spender. he's like a dragon hoarding gold.)
honest ย  โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† deceptive (doesn't actively lie unless he needs to but that doesn't mean he gives complete truths either)
leader ย  โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย  follower (neither. just leave him alone. please. followed Ike to honor Greil. that was the one rule breaker)
polite ย  ย  โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†ย ย rude (comes off as rude because he's awkward)
political โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† ย indifferent (largely indifferent until you start roping politics into scientific shenanigans like Izuka did)
higher power โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (was with Ike's party when shenanigans went down, but isn't really spiritual)
fate/destiny โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (not that poetic, but definitely feels like he's just existing so he could clock out one day and be alright calling it fate)
magic โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (he's seen it, yeah, but there isn't a magical bone in his body)
soulmates โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (no. doesn't even think about feelings and you think he's gonna think about divine romancing? no.)
good and evil โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (literally exists in that gray area. believes more so in doing what needs to be done for you to survive.)
luck โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (likes the concept, but doesn't really think about it)
family โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (what family?)
friends โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (they're clients. contracts. people that will pay him and then he'll move on.)
love โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (never really learned about it. never really had it. doesn't really acknowledge that it's a thing.)
home โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (home as in family? no. doesn't have that. doesn't know if he wants it, but certainly doesn't have it)
health โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (Daein-lifestyle. grew up lacking in it but worked himself out to a good constitution when he grew older. can start to slack on it if he's busy)
praise โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (please don't praise him. he's never been exposed to that sort of goodness, and it makes him awkward/uncomfortable)
justice โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (can differentiate great good from terrible evil, but it's largely gray to him. he gets paid either way)
truth โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (he doesn't prioritize truth bc at the end of the day he can be honest or lie - whichever puts gold in his pocket)
power โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (he doesn't think he needs many assets of power. considers himself content with what he has - it's gotten him this far. could always be improved, sure)
fame โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜† (getting his name around gets business, but doesn't like an audience)
wealth โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜† (big priority because he grew up lacking it and longed for it so it's his way of satisfying everything that he's lacking but he simultaneously doesn't spend it because of that dread of being penniless again)
others' opinions โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†โ˜†โ˜† (only cares because if word on the street of him is bad? no business. and that's not good.)
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heavyhitterheaux ยท 2 years
"And I'm going to be better about that. I got my ass handed to me by you, my parents, Urban, and Clay. I know I haven't been the best husband towards you and that needs to change. I never ever want you to feel like that ever again. You are literally the most important person in my life and I need to treat you like you are." Glad to see him FINALLY trying to put in the work, instead of always bashing my bby YN when they got a problem!!
"It's not only you, I have things to work on as well."ย Look at my Babygurl, sheโ€™s the best yโ€™all!!
โ€œThe Harlows donโ€™t clear up rumors. If thatโ€™s what they want to believe, let them. But I mean seriously? Why did they put you instead of me? It would have made more sense.โ€ Heโ€™s really bringing the line I DONT CLEAR UP RUMORS!! To life ๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€œWe need all of the distraction that we can get to keep them from finding out that Iโ€™m pregnant for the time being and this is the perfect distraction. Thereโ€™s a movie premiere coming up and he can go with me to L.A. and then Iโ€™ll come back home. Iโ€™ll do my New Year's Eve performance with Miley and then Iโ€™m going ghost.โ€ YALL MY BABY IS A MOTHAFUCKIN MASTERMIND, yโ€™all donโ€™t understand ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
โ€œIโ€™m sorry and I know that doesnโ€™t even begin to cover it. Iโ€™m sorry it also took me this long to come and talk to you about it with just the two of us. I was just so mad and so upset and Iโ€ฆ something similar happened in my last relationship and all I got were flashbacks. So once again, I knew deep down that you would never do that to Urban and I just feel so horrible about the whole thing. You didnโ€™t deserve that.โ€ Now see THIS IS GROWTH, sheโ€™s acknowledging the fact she was wrong & pin pointing how she felt WITHOUT making excuses for her behavior.
โ€œJACKMAN! BABY NUMBER TWO WANTS IT SO GET IT!โ€ Not her specifying which baby ๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€œFine. Thatโ€™s it. Since nobody's answering me, Iโ€™m bringing in back up. Private Garden is now on their way too because theyโ€™re concerned about the two of you.โ€ She ainโ€™t playin no games SHE FKR BACKUP ON THE HOES ๐Ÿ’€
REE OMG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS & LET ME TELL YOU!! You DID. NOT. DISAPPOINT. Iโ€™m so sad you canโ€™t see everything I wanna say ๐Ÿ˜ญ but just know I FUCKING LOVEDDD EVERYTHING ABT THIS ๐Ÿ˜˜
I loveeee this and thank you boo
Yeah he has a lot of work to do since she did say that she's still mad at him and she probably will be for awhile
He's actually going to reflect over the past year and see how much he truly hurt her and he's definitely going to be mad at himself
Yesss growth for Yasmin!
And yes baby number 2 loves greasy food lol
Just wait for PG's reaction ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
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