bloodraven55 · 5 years
heaven forbid that someone actually needs to be medically diagnosed as trans to be trans. i cant just choose to be a different gender, thats not how that shit works. or do you believe someone like trisha patyas is /actually/ trans? secondly, owl doesn't hate bees, i've personally seen her on a discord, discussing good things about bees. and her blakexadam server is set up for a completely different reason. fuckn check your facts. she doesn't hate bees, she hates wasps, which is what you are.
I believe that cis people don’t have the right to gatekeep the trans community or define transness, and since I’ve had a number of trans people agree with me that she’s a shitty person I’m gonna trust their judgement on issues that affect them.
And yes, she does hate B/umbleby and its shippers. Why do you think she wastes her time constantly yelling about how abusive and toxic it is as a ship and complaining that no one should ship it because it’s unhealthy? But of course she never applies the same logic to any other ships that should be abusive by her criteria cause we gotta have that sweet double standard, am I right? I’d be eager to see an explanation for why she bothered creating an entire list of reasons why B/umbleby is supposedly unhealthy and why she refers to it as a “toxic ship” at every opportunity if she apparently likes it so much lmao.
There is no good reason to have a space for T/auradonna on your server. None. It’s giving a platform for people to ship an underage girl who was still practically a child with the mass murderer who abused her and it’s disgusting.
“Wasp” means nothing. It has no set definition so anyone can decide what they individually want it to mean. It’s pointless to say “oh but X person doesn’t hate Bees only wasps” because who decides what makes someone a “wasp”? The person calling them a “wasp” does, and they can call literally anyone a “wasp” if they don’t like them.
I did check my facts, and they showed that she’s a pretentious narcissist who thinks she can speak for communities she’s not a part of as well as insisting that a perfectly healthy ship is problematic, and also that she’s a massive fucking hypocrite. She just wants to get attention by shouting her nonsense as loudly as possible, which is why I’ve specifically not advocated for going after her or trying to deplatform her curious as to how speaking against harrassment makes me a “wasp”, and I cannot take anyone with that attitude seriously.
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sir-adamus · 5 years
Not the same as last anon but the CinderxEmerald ship is just as bad as BlakexAdam, it is just as bad and abusive
oh worm
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sails4ship · 6 years
RWBY: Ship Names
*that I can think of*
WhiteRose/IceFlower (RubyxWeiss), Ladybug/BlackRose (BlakexRuby), StrawberrieSunrise/SisterHood (YangxRuby😝), CrescentArc (JaunexRuby), MetallicRose/RedDestiny (PyrrhaxRuby), RoseStorm (NoraxRuby), CresentFlower/LillyRose (RinxRuby), RedVelvet (VelvetxRuby), Chocolate Chip (CocoxRuby), Nuts&Dolts (PennyxRuby) RedSea (RubyxNeptune), RedSun/Suns and Roses (SunxRuby), FallenRose/SilverMaiden (CinderxRuby), Roseman (RubyxRoman), SythCream (RubyxNeo), SiverSole (Mercury xRuby), Gemlins*gem&gremlins*/YellowRose (EmeraldxRuby), RedBull (AdamxRuby), RoseGarden (RubyxOscar), SilverMoon/RosePin (RubyxOz), SilverSlipers/RedSlpiers (RubyxGlynda)
Monochrome/Checkmate (WxB), Freezerburn/MeltedSnow (WxY), WhiteKnight (JaunexWeiss), WarriorPrincess/RedAngel (PyrrhaxWeiss), SnowStorm/HailStorm (NoraxWeiss), WhiteLilly (WeissxRin), WhiteChocolate/IceCoffee (CocoxWeiss), SnowBunny/AtticHare (WeissxVelvet), Iceberg (WeissxNeptune), Macaque*snow monkey*/WinterSolstice (WeissxSun), SnowMaiden/FallenAngel (CinderxWeiss), ColdCane*cocaine* (WeissxRoman), WeissCream/IceShnee (Weissx Neo), BlackIce (WeissxMercury), ColdCrime (WeissxEmerald), BullSchnee/Abominable (WeissxAdam)
Beauty & Beast (BlakexAdam), BlackKnight (JaunexBlake), Neko/Sphinx (PyrrhaxBlake), PawPower/PinkPanther (NoraxBlake), BlackLilly/NinjaCat (RinxBlake), BlackVelvet (BlakexVelvet), DarkChocolate/BlackCoffee/Coffee&Tea (BlakexCoco), BlackSea/CatFish/Beauty of the Lake (BlakexNeptune), BlackSun/Elcips (BlakexSun), HellCat/BlackFlame (CinderxBlake), Darker than Black (BlakexMercy), CatBurglar (BlakexEmerald)
Bumblebee😍 (YangxBlake), NobleFlames (JaunexYang), YellowAsh (YangxPyrrha), PowerHouse/DoubleBarrel (YangxNora), YinYang/RinYang (YangxRin), HotCoco/CorssBarrels (YangxCoco), HellFire (YangxCinder) BakedAlaska (YangxNeo), KickBox (YangxMercy), GoldMine (YangxEmerald), RagingBull (YangxAdam), JustRight (YangxJr)
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razorblade180 · 7 years
RWBY Ships in perspective (I'm ready for the hate)
I wasn’t gonna talk about this but I lost a bet so… I’m going talk about ships and the reality of them when it comes to aggressive shippers(by no means am I hating on any of these ships!) I think breaking this up by characters is easier.
Ruby: we know nothing about her sexuality so all her ships are fair game I’m bringing up two ships specifically. RoseGarden: possible unless Ozpin does something or she’s gay.
Lancaster:Possible unless she’s gay or jaune isn’t ready for relationships.
Weiss:As of know we at least know she likes dudes (Neptune) so she should at minimum be called a “Useless Bisexual”
WhiteRose: it’s possible
FreezerBurn: it’s possible
Monochrome: possible but considering Blake’s harem she has not likely.
WhiteKnight:FreezerBurn may hate it but it could happen!
Blake:Also is basically confirmed into dudes so she could be Bi unless she says herself she’s going lesbian.
BlackSun:Sun in the first episode they meet winks at her so you know it could happen. From Vol.1 to Vol.5 you can find a moment that gives it creditability(Vol.3 episode 2 is a good example)
Calico: I mean I guess it could work?
BlakexAdam: canonically it sort of sailed.
Yang: She checks out the dudes in episode 3 of Vol.1 but easily could swing both ways imo.
Bumblb:Hey I mean it wouldn’t be surprising and could actually happen, but y'all shippers can’t deny BlackSun can happen just as easily; it’s the honest truth.
FreezerBurn: it’s been mentioned but hey don’t let one volume get yourselves in war with Whiteknight (yang has aggressive shippers) leave each other in peace.
Jaune: He’s straight (martial arc you’re a beautiful group of fans though and I love the art)
WhiteKnight:stay humble and don’t let haters hurt you!
Lancaster:Honestly could be end game
Dragonslayer: in my dreams unless RT starts pushing it.
Knightshade: probably not but that would sort of awesome and crazy.
Renora: sailed!
Bonus!: Tai is straight and so is Qrow. The art is cute but so help me if one more FireBall fan try’s to say they aren’t then you’re drinking more than Qrow or Willow Schnee (they are cute father figures though)
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nightrainrosefaunus · 5 years
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alienbeing · 8 years
For the ship ask: 1, 2, 8, 18, 30!
Your favourite non-canon ship? - RomanxNeo from RWBY - is it canon? Who knows but it’s not exactly confirmed. (also RomanxNeoxCoco poly ship^^’ ) as well as YangxBlake. Or FreedxMiraJane from Fairy Tail
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping? SaukraxKakashi thanks to you lol
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time? ummm probably something when I was a kid watch digimon maybe? LOL I dont know? Wait, I have to still ship it? I’ve been in the DGM fandom a long while so lets go with KandaxLenalee
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you? I mean does is count if I dont ship it? Lets go with BlakexSun, no wait, BlakexAdam. Because that ships a horrible mess (RWBY)
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom? I tend to stay out of all shipping fandoms really so I cant really say.
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12-31-2000 · 11 years
I have a confession to make, I SHIP BLADDAM!!
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becoming-pathological · 11 years
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Blake hated Adam's new haircut because he could just barely keep himself from running his hand over the top of Adam's head and skimming his thumb over the nape of Adam's neck.
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