#black sails tarot
keepitdreamin · 8 hours
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Black Sails tarot part 5 (1, 2, 3, 4)
the star, moon, and sun as max, anne, and jack came to me in a holy vision and i'm still so pleased that i found images of them all sitting and oriented the same way. trio of all time
and that's it! i only did the major arcana bcs any more would've killed me lol. i think i finished the final versions in november, so it's been almost a full year and, despite the flaws i still see, i still really love this project!
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Ok Black Sails fans, I want to crowdsource ideas here. I've wanted to make art of characters as tarot major arcana for a while now and want all your opinions as to who should be which card. Reblog with your ideas or message me. I have some I think are pretty obvious but in particular I'm struggling with who the Sun should be.
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“And now it’s time for a breakdown…” /ref
Welcome to my (fairly long lol) breakdown of the thought process behind the Ulysses CMV background!! ✨ I’m gonna go through it shelf by shelf because I think that’s easiest, so… buckle up! :D
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On the far left, we have an Assassins Creed Apple of Eden! Most of the soundtracks to the Ulysses vods came from AC: Odyssey, and AC: Origins! The Ancient Greek and Egyptian music fit him perfectly, who’d have thought. Including the main song from Ulysses epilogue, “Reunited” from AC: Odyssey. Behind that is of course my hand-bound copy of On the Brink of Scientific Discovery. I had to work out a way to get my earliest entry into the Fable Fandom in there somewhere. Beside it is the skull, and a copy of Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly, which I’ve spoken about being an inspiration for Ulysses. Along with, of course, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, and Herodotus’ Histories (Herodotus being the main inspiration for epilogue Ulysses and who he became towards the end)! And naturally, James Joyce's Ulysses. I had to. Besides that again is another copy of Frankenstein, along with more Ancient Greek works, specifically Euripides’ Medea and the works of the poet Sappho! And a copy of Moby Dick, since Ahab and Ishmael were both concept names for Ulysses during character creation! Besides those, the smaller penguin books, are some of my favourite details but some of the harder to spot because they’re so small. One is another poem by Sappho, Come Close. But the OTHER is The Fall of Icarus by Ovid, which I absolutely had to put in there. Impossible to see, but I know it’s there, and it makes me happy. Of course, once again on the theme of writers is a bust of Shakespeare, but behind him, is actually the set of D&D dice I bought inspired by Ulysses, which are made to look like they have kelp and seaweed inside them! ✨ and finally on the top shelf is a ship, in reference to his sailing and ship in the epilogue art, and a mini Greek style amphora.
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On the far right, at the bottom, is the black knight chess piece, the same as Ulysses tattoo!! A reference to both the Trojan horse and him being a piece in the Telchin’s game. Behind it, the tiki mug, is a somewhat vague reference to the Sea Dragon Tavern! It’s never explicitly stated that they serve tiki drinks, but it certainly feels like a place that would. Tucked in, barely noticeable, is the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Both a reference to more ancient mythology, but also, in a little way, a reference to Lenarius. A book on the treatment and care of the dead. I think it would suit him. Make Len happy. More Greek texts (the Iliad and Odyssey again) this time including Ovid’s Metamorphosis, and Virgil’s Aeneid, a reference to both the mythological epic itself and to my little guy Virgil, from SkyBound SMP. Propped against those are a boatswain’s whistle, which I like to think is a little gift from Vorago and Casus. A captain’s call, to get someone’s attention no matter where you are on the sea, along with a small canon, which is actually from St Augustine Lighthouse, and felt very nautical. Behind those is a set of tarot cards, displaying the Magician, a symbol of manifesting and living to your true potential, which is fitting for Ulysses. All of that is of course propped on ANOTHER copy of the Odyssey. The full moon, as a little reference to his bestie Fenris, and a bear statue, which is a little nod to the fact I also voiced Deltavera (and the statue was actually a gift Jamie got me one of the times we met up)! Beside that is a handful of little bottles! The dice inside are mostly just because… that’s what I keep in those little potion bottles, but maybe they’re a reference to Wheel Not Fake or something too, who knows lol- and a little white axolotl plush. My son. My own personal little Perseus, I bought him the second I saw him akgsksgs ✨🫶
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Almost done lol. The globe on the end, both a reference to the cartography/travel, and the fact that it’s turned to just show the ocean, rather than any countries. The sea is his home, after all. Another axolotl plush, peeking out from behind yet ANOTHER copy of the Iliad and Odyssey, which is balanced on a copy of Dante’s Divine Comedy, as another little reference to Virgil from Bound SMP. Behind that is a whisky bottle, which is empty in the photo but not in the CMV, as a reference to the Kelpin’ alcohol! And finally, the stack of books in the corner. The folio society set of The Greek Myths are some of my favourite books I own, and I had to include them, along with a few more potion bottles, which actually include the dice from various Cantripped One Shots (I have special dice for characters and one shots when I can)! The stack of books behind the scrolls and lanterns also include Madeline Miller’s The Song of Achilles (one of the inspirations behind Ulysses & Vesperae’s relationship) and Circe (more Odyssey references), along with world myths and Icelandic Sagas, and The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, which was an early and incredibly influential historical text about the Roman’s (which somewhat inspired the structure and lore of the broader Telchin society!), on top of which is more mythology like the Welsh Mabinogion, the Norse Poetic Edda, and a horror anthology titled The Great God Pan and Other Horror Stories, many of which inspired Brink!! The lantern is, in all honesty, the only there not there for a specific reason… I just thought it looked cool :)
So yeah! That was my overly long analysis of my overly detailed Ulysses set background! Barely any of it is visible in the CMV, but for my little farewell to the character and world I had spent so long falling in love with, I wanted to make the background something special 🫶
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vintagerpg · 1 year
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So while the players succeed in rooting out the mind flayers in part one, that is not the case everywhere, and things are looking bad for the world as mind flayers elsewhere are successful in their schemes. The sun is dimming, the world is freezing and the flayers are running amok. That’s where Masters of Eternal Night (1998) opens.
Stopping all this involves an overland trek to…well, no one is exactly sure where. The MacGuffin, a magical mark on a character’s hand, just insists that this is the case. The wilderness is handled as a series of (non-mind flayer, mostly cold-themed) random encounters, which eventually turns up a village enslaved by the flayers (there is the added complication, too, that the mind flayers are nervous about whoever messed up their plans in the first adventure and have sent the equivalent of a black ops team out to deal with whoever is responsible — they can be an added problem throughout this adventure).
After dealing with the dominated village, the players find themselves exploring a crater filled with snow. This one is neat, because there is no map, just flat snow, so exploration sites are determined via a deck of cards, laid out a bit like a tarot reading. The ultimate goal is the discovery of a nautiloid spelljammer ship and the recovery of its navigation brain so the party can set sail for more adventure — in space!
Oh, that’s a Brom cover. I don’t have much room to talk about art, but I like this series’ illustrations a lot.
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dent-de-leon · 7 months
The sea always welcomes him. Sunlight dapples soft cresting waves, the last rays of dawn dashed upon the jagged rocks and burning shores. He can just catch the faint shimmer of scintillating scales deep beneath the murky waters. Frilled dorsal fins breaking tide, barely skimming the surface. 
Kingsley hangs onto the railing and leans over the edge. He always did like to peer too far into the deep, straining to gaze past the bleeding red tide on a Ruidus flare night. The Eyes were red too. Nine of them. Always staring, ever watching, gawking back at him in unblinking silence, phantom mirages of a red moon haze. The sight of those ghastly crimson eyes stirs something in his once dead heart, a voracious hunger from long ago. The numbing ache of all consuming Emptiness.
He hears whispers. Snatches of slithering words, an otherworldly hiss in some primal, ancient tongue from when the gods still walked this world.
Gustav’s caravan was a dazzling array of color in the bleak, dreary isles of Darktow. Peeling paint of silver moons and golden stars, tinkling little crystals and curious baubles dangling from the roof, all clattering together in a lilting chime. And he always kept the swaying lantern lit, even on nights when Kingsley was far from home. Even when there was hardly any oil left to burn. (The whalers don’t come to Darktow anymore, Desmond says. “They’re all dead, hunted down just like the whales,” someone who looked not quite like Desmond said.) 
“I made a deal with the devil,” he joked once, with a wry grin that was far too grim. 
Kingsley passes a handful of gold coins to Gustav over drinks, and his showman’s smile wavers in the harsh firelight. 
“Where’d you get all that, lad?”
“You know, here and there. Been shipping crates for Fjord. Go up to that wizard for trade some nights. The money’s been good, enough to get by. Might even be able to buy a real ship soon.” 
He doesn't mention the shadows that stalk Fjord's ship, the crates of cargo that vanish on moonless nights at high tide, swallowed by the starving sea. They always lose something, that shipping company. A crate of unmarked cargo. The first mate's ring. And on the last miserable job, one of King's very own tarot cards--not that the card itself was stolen, no. It was wiped clean, as though it had never been touched by ink. What was once the image of a smiling woman, her face beaming under the moonlight, warm and playful. Never to be seen again. The only remnant of her left was an empty title, the scrawling script in his own hand. The Maiden.
No matter how long he stared at the empty card, he could no longer remember her face.
He doesn't speak of the Hunger in the captain's eyes, or the temple lying forgotten in the depths.
Gustav’s keen stare makes his skin crawl—far too much like that damn wizard. The face of someone who knows you better than yourself, who can pick out a lie and pry it apart like a fish flayed alive. 
“You shouldn’t waste all your money on another man’s debts," he says, inflection cold and empty.
“We’re circus folk, and we stay together. Remember? You taught me that.” 
The haggard ringmaster reluctantly pockets his coin. And when King slips a bit more into his coat before bed, he mercifully doesn’t say a word. 
Kingsley sets off again at dawn, sailing back toward the one beacon he's drawn to again and again.
The Magician is beautiful. Kingsley was struck by those eyes from the moment they met—bright blue as the Lucidian Sea, lovely enough for the fairest merfolk to envy. His voice a soft, lilting calm of midmorning tide and warbling shallows, heartbreakingly gentle and trusting. 
The wizard’s tower is a phantom, a trick of the fog. It only appears on certain nights, emerging from the mists like a passing ship on the horizon. There one minute, vanishing into endless dark sea the next, swallowed up by the crash of void black waves. (There’s night, there’s darkness. And then there’s the vast emptiness of eternal abyss, when you set sail at the witching hour. It’s different, that hungry, pitch black nothingness. Darker, deeper; an all consuming, oppressive presence that blankets the whole world in suffocating silence. If you let the lights go out, there’s nothing. Just…nothing. Just you. Alone in the dark with whatever lurks beneath.)
The wizard is always waiting when he drops anchor and tosses his rope to the dock. Caleb keeps the lanterns lit for him from dusk til dawn. A copper kettle whistling beside an ancient cauldron, luxurious blankets and a warm bed. 
Kingsley remembers his first time stumbling upon the phantom manor, crashing into the dock amidst roaring thunder and torrential rain, a dead man washed ashore until the wizard found him. 
“Your vessel is in no condition to travel like this, and the storm will not let up for hours yet. I…I know I am a stranger to you, but. Please, stay for the night in my tower. I have plenty of room to spare, and…I swear it is far safer than taking your chances at sea.” 
“You’d let me wait out the storm for the night? What’s the catch?” 
“Nein. I don’t require any repayment, just—I have watched many foolish sailors perish on these waters, and I would rather not see you die on my watch.” 
Caleb waits for him at the edge of the water, a hand ready to haul him to shore, globules of light floating out to sea, flickering softly.
“Kept you waiting, did I?” King quips with a crooked grin, taking the hand at once. 
Even with his darkvision, he can't quite see the wizard flush. But it's an easy enough thing to imagine.
“Well? What did you bring me?” 
“I...found a book,” King says. 
Dark leather, decrepit pages. Bloodied, torn apart journal entries, chronicling a life lost at sea. Drawings of those nine red eyes, over and over, their omniscient, all seeing gaze boring into him night after night.
His skin crawls, itching and burning beneath the black leather gloves he never takes off. He hasn't let the Magician see the Eyes that brand his own skin. Not yet. It felt like revealing that would be...some kind of betrayal. Like the man with such gentle, haunted eyes would break if he knew the kind of person Kingsley really was. That some monster had walked in his skin before--and he himself had invited them in.
At the mention of that damned book, Caleb remains carefully neutral. Though King swears his eyebrows raise just a bit. How rare, to see his interest truly piqued. A spark of desire beyond the usual amusement at little baubles and trinkets.
“Oh? Well, there are many curiosities that get swept out to sea.”
"You'll buy it, right?" Moonweaver, he just wants to wash his hands of the damn thing. 
"Of course. Name your price--I assume it isn't coin." 
"You know me. I want something a little more interesting," Kingsley purrs, tail arching in a lax curl. 
A story, a song--and once, a stolen kiss, the wizard beaming as Kingsley pulled him in.
He remembers, faintly, the echos of a half forgotten dream. A deal with the witch, the fierce hunger in her eyes as she reached for her prize, a relic lost to the ages, begging to be reclaimed. A whispered promise between the soft rustle of turning pages, the allure of power beyond his wildest imagining, the stolen paradise that lies within eternal dreams. 
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Chapter 3: Stranger's Promise
Narrated by Marina.
Narrator: I glance around Cersei's stall. On the black velvet tablecloth lies an old, frayed set of tarot cards.
Narrator: A tall girl in an elegant, classy gown and a crystal crown is sitting behind the table. She looks like a beautiful princess!
Narrator: She shuffles the cards gracefully. I'm surprised to spot some green stubble under her veil.
Narrator: Cersei's deskmate, the youth in the noble outfit, is also standing at the side.
Noble Youth: Where are you from, young lady?
Marina: The voice...
You: So that "youth" is actually a girl...
Narrator: Meanwhile, a figure clad entirely in metal scraps is attempting to get up from the couch in the back, producing a series of loud clangs.
Robot: Activating... 20%... 30%, 35%... Activation failed.
Narrator: The strange metal man gives up his attempt and sinks back into the couch.
Cersei: Hey, Robot, don't scare our sixth member away.
Marina: What a group of weirdos.
Cersei: Bingo! That's right! We're weirdos indeed. You're indeed destined to be our sixth member.
Cersei: Let me introduce you. This is our Princess. This one is Prince. The robot dude is human, but you can just call him Robot.
Marina: You can call me Marina.
Prince: A very good name. Easy to remember.
Cersei: We all live in the Dorm of the Strange. The other students all call our building a forbidden zone!
Marina: Is that something worth being proud of?
Cersei: Anyway, if you join our club, you get free access to the Dorm of the Strange. You'll be one of us!
Narrator: Her words simply put me in a bad mood once again.
Marina: But I'm not even a student in your school.
Narrator: Princess, who has been standing silently at the side, finally sighs.
Stubbled Princess: Yeah, she's right. She's a kid. Can't you tell?
Cersei: So? She can just join the club now and enter Cicia School of Design later.
Narrator: I look up in surprise to meet Cersei's genuine, intense gaze.
Marina: B-but by the time I get in... you'll all have graduated.
Cersei: Nah, I should've graduated 4 years ago, and I'm still here. Who knows when I'll graduate? We might become classmates.
Cersei: By the way, where do you live, Marina?
Marina: I live on a big, big ship! Bigger than the whole campus, actually.
Marina: We sail all day. I don't know where to, but my brother says we'll find our destination someday.
Cersei: Wow, that sounds amazing. I deserve my own ship, too.
Narrator: Princess nods elegantly, stroking the stubble on her chin.
Stubbled Princess: It'd be nice to go tanning on the deck with a glass of champagne.
Prince: So, do you know how to steer a ship, Miss Marina?
Marina: Of course! I can do anything!
Robot: A ship bigger than the whole campus... It must be powered by cutting-edge technology. Maybe tech from the Ruins.
Narrator: They all start chatting. It's like they've already accepted me and fully believe I really do live on a gigantic ship.
Narrator: I feel right at home hanging out with them. It's almost magical. How should I describe this feeling?
Choose either "It's friendship" or "It's the mutual understanding between weirdos."
If "friendship," ...
You: It's friendship! You've made some great friends.
Narrator: So, is this what having friends feels like? Now I see why people find university fun.
If "weirdos," ...
You: It's the mutual understanding between weirdos. You fit perfectly with each other.
Narrator: Who cares if others find me weird? And what makes them so "normal" anyway?
Marina: But... I'm the 6th member, right? Shouldn't there be one more person here in that case?
Cersei: She went out to buy something. Oh, I see her over there!
Aeon: Marina!
Narrator: Before I can see the face of the fifth member, my brother has come looking for me.
Aeon: Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a while.
Marina: Aeon! You're already done?
Aeon: Yeah, it's time to go home.
Narrator: I hurriedly say goodbye to the members of the Research of Magical Humans Club and run over to take my brother's hand.
Narrator: From a distance away, I turn back and let my gaze linger on the stall a little bit longer.
Narrator: A new, grayish figure is standing by the small table now. The silhouette reminds me a little of a mirror we have on the Ark.
Aeon: What are you looking at, Marina?
Marina: Nothing, nothing! I didn't see a thing.
Marina: Aeon, can I study here in the future? I made some new friends and promised we'll become classmates someday!
Aeon: You want to go to school? Of course, you can go.
Marina: Really? You're the best!
Aeon: But if you want to pass the exam, you'll need lessons in history, languages, math, and more. Let's start lessons once we get home!
Marina: Huh? Nooooo! I don't wanna go to university anymore!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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courtrecord · 1 year
Got some ttrpgs projects in the back burner?
always, babey!
the main ones i’d really like to get back to:
my friend laura and i have an almost finished les mis inspired game that i think is really neat. it’s a game of card-based mini-games meant for telling ensemble stories about relationships to power. we literally did a set of really great playtests like??? almost 2 years ago iirc??? but we’re both so busy, we just gotta finish that last 10% lol
i have a fullmetal alchemist inspired game using the resistance system (as seen in spire, heart & ascendancy) that is currently my longest ever ttrpg @ 12k words, but it’s still got a ways to go. it does some really cool things with the system that i’m super excited about, it’ll honestly be such a shame if i never get back to it bc i’m real proud of some of the mechanics i put in there
i keep forgetting this one exists, but in like november 2021 i designed a good deal of a doctor who inspired game that actually kinda slaps? the doctor & companion analogue playbooks use totally different mechanics (bob & fitd respectively) and it does some neat stuff with longterm play. i should finish that one up too lol
@nightingem and i have some very cool ideas for a game about love triangles. funnily enough this was conceived before the full extent of my love triangle obsession of the past year had manifested
i obviously have thoughts about galactic 3e. also a compelling reason to work on it. will it happen, tho? don’t hold ur breath tbh. but like, society if
and some that are like, not so much on the backburner but ??? idk whatever is even farther than that. in the fridge, waiting to be heated up again:
the black sails game that has been rotating in my mind ever since i watched the show, but can’t make up its mind about what mechanics it should have
the hades (video game) inspired game with some really cool game-you-play-to-win mechanics but if i really wanted to achieve my Vision for the game, it would be like. so much work. maybe when hades 2 gets closer i’ll bite the bullet & figure out how to make an abridged version
a tarot-based game where u do a greek tragedy. i wrote it like, forever ago and i’d wanna do a pretty big overhaul if i went back to it, but there are some things in there i really like
some second editions/revisions i’ve had on my mind at some point: the riot starts, fallen gods, all’s fair
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serkonans · 5 months
🖤 ,💉, 🌝 ?
🖤 hobbies outside of blog:
I feel like I dabble in various things 🤔 reading, writing poetry, video games, cooking, going on walks, painting (badly), taking care of plants, astrology/tarot, I want to get into sewing, I love interior design but i don't have the disposable income to make that a hobby lmao, dnd, working out back when I still could, would love to learn to dance or sing or learn a new language, would love to travel...
💉 piercings or tattoos
I have two arrow tattoos, one on each ankle. they are totally meaningless and I got them on a whim (like $50 and two hours notice) when I was 19 xhdkdhdk. I did have my ears pierced day after Christmas last year but I had to let them close up :( no metal in the surgical room and using glass retainers wasn't recommended bc my surgeries were 3 weeks apart
🙂 show I'd recommend to anyone
oh truly there's nothing so middling that I would recommend to Anyone but if I were to say favorite show here instead it would be black sails 🙏🙏🙏🙏 which I would recommend to many people and have
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pvmpkin-gvts · 2 years
Wicked Wednesdays Pick-a-Card for 15/02/23
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[ID/ Four identical looking piles of oracle cards next to one another, on a black cloth with a white pentacle in the centre. Each pile of cards has a different silver charm on top. Pile one has a phoenix, pile two has a Christmas stocking, pile three has a pentacle and pile four has a fleur-de-lis. End ID]
Welcome everyone to my very first tarot pick-a-card reading! Please choose a pile, then click “keep reading” and scroll down until you find your reading.
Before we start, a quick disclaimer:
Please don't use tarot or other forms of divination as a sole means of decision making, or a replacement for medical advice or therapy. If you see something in the reading you don't like, also remember the future is never set in stone and nothing predicted is certain to come to pass. As this is a general reading, not every aspect of the reading will apply to every person reading it. Trust your gut to know what's meant for you. As in all things, please use your common sense.
Also, this reading was done using The Horror Tarot which does contain some unsettling imagery. This reading may not be right for you if that’s not your kind of thing. 
Pile One
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[ID/ On the same background as before: the six of cups, the ship, the milestone and hawthorne all lying face up, with the silver phoenix charm above them. End ID]
Six of Cups, The Ship, The Milestone, Hawthorne and Phoenix
Has something from your past been weighing heavy on your mind lately, pile one? Often when the present calls to the past and brings things rising to the surface it's a sign they need to be addressed. I would not be surprised if these are things you also thought you had already laid to rest, either. Unfortunately, emotional healing is rarely so straight forward. It's time to stop treating these things as bygone relics trapped behind dusty glass. Whether we like it or not, the things that hurt us are still part of us. They can become a far and distant echo, but for that to be you must listen when they are still screaming and writhing. Stop blocking your ears- it is time to have a conversation with the dark things.
Pile Two
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[ID/ On the same background as before: the hermit, the house, the tree and ash all lying face up with a silver Christmas stocking charm above them. End ID]
The Hermit, The House, The Tree, Ash and Christmas Stocking
You'll be loathe to hear this, pile two, but the solution to your current problems lies beyond your comfort zone. You've swaddled yourself too tightly, finding refuge in the familiar and routine. While this may seem comforting to begin with, it has ultimately lead you into an unhelpful cycle. Much like the ouroboros chasing its own tail, as you seek sustenance in ground you've already travelled you instead court poison. It is time to leave behind your four walls, to seek companionship and adventure. Reach out to those around you for their aid and insight. Take the leap of faith and you will find there are many waiting to catch you.
Pile Three
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[ID/ On the same background as before: the hanged man, the crossroads, the lantern and the sea all lying face up, with a silver pentacle charm above them. End ID]
The Hanged Man, The Crossroads, The Lantern, The Sea and Pentacle
Frozen by indecision, are we, pile three? It's understandable, of course- the future is a vast and undulating ocean and there are so many ways to sail it. You're probably standing on the cusp of something big, too, which never makes this easier. What you need to remember right now, pile three, is that you are perfectly capable of making the right choice for you. Brush aside all the noise, the outside voices, and you'll find what you need to light the way is already in your hands. And, if you believe in such things, the powers around you will be guiding and protecting you all the way as well.
Pile Four
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[ID/ On the same background as before: the emperor, the sun, the hare and vine all lying face up with a silver fleur-de-lis charm above them. End ID]
The Emperor, The Sun, The Hare, Vine and Fleur-De-Lis
Ah, what a bubbling, shining, regal reading! If you haven't had a reason to celebrate already, pile four, it seems you'll have one soon. There is a slight shadow at the edges here, though, reminding us that our bacchanal moments are often ephemeral, fleeting. Joy is a gossamer thing, brushing past us as it flutters on the wind, rarely remaining for long. Take this chance to drink deep of your halcyon wine, and know that whatever strength it gives you will see you fortified for that which comes next.
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naviculariis · 6 months
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Guess who finally finished Vasille's biography? you can find it in this nifty link here, and if that doesn't work, the important bits can be found below the cut.
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[ art by charrtastrophe on twt ]
NAME: Vasille Albescu
NICKNAME / ALIAS: Vas, Vassy; Necromancer
AGE: 28 [ Debut ]; 30 [ Timeskip ]
DATE OF BIRTH: September 25th
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/him
ORIENTATION: homosexual / demiromantic
RACE / ETHNICITY: Human / Devil Fruit User / White
NATIONALITY: Crescent Moon Island, South Blue
HEIGHT:  6’1” ( 185.42 cm )
WEIGHT170 lbs. ( 77.11 kg )
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Hazel
SCARS: Numerous; distinctly, his fingers are black from the tip down to the first knuckle. This isn’t paint; it’s an effect of his Devil Fruit.
PIERCINGS: Both ears twice in the lobe
TATTOOS: A black band that wraps around his right forearm with “As Above” above the band, rightside up, and a matching black band around his left forearm with “So Below” beneath it, upside down. This references the belief that there will always be some sort of correspondence between the laws of life and death. This also references the practice within Paganism ( and various other religions ) that in order to take something, something must be given ( a sacrifice of some sort, an offering, etc. ). This correlates with how his Devil Fruit works: in order to use it, he must give something up. Balance.
Vasille is a tall, lightly muscled man in his early thirties. His hair is a natural silvery blonde tone, which he typically wears long and free; though on occasion, he will braid it back, in which it falls to the small of his back. His eyes are a clear hazel tone. He holds scars along his biceps resembling ropes from an accident a few years back, as well as a large burn scar on left shoulder blade from a work-related injury. The tips of his fingers are gray- it isn’t noticeable unless one really studies it. It’s a side effect of his ability; the beginning stages of decay. It will continue to progress as he uses his ability unless he can find a way to cease the growth. Due to this, he has begun to lose feeling down to the first knuckle on each finger.
BODY TYPE: Endomorph
COMPLEXION: Clear; scarred
SKIN TONE: Limestone / Beige with grey undertones
Vasille tends to wear black or dark red “pirate” / poet laurent shirts paired with black cargo-esque trousers, and black leather boots that end slightly above the ankle. These boots are reinforced in the toes with steel, and have specialized grip on the soles to allow him traction when on a wet deck. Around his neck, he wears a golden crow skull on a gold chain; his right ring finger has braided gold band with an onyx gemstone sitting in the center, which belonged to his mother. Both ears are pierced twice in the lobe.His sword belts hold one bag of cut up cloth that is used to staunch bleeding when he needs to cut into his palm for his ability to activate, two daggers ( one short, one long ), a flintlock, and a coin purse.If the weather trends colder, he pulls out a heavy coat that dusts the floor. Black in color, with black wolf fur lining the interior. Embroidered with a golden filigree along the edges of the cuffs, only. High collared. On the back holds his personal Jolly Roger: A hand holding a skull upon the palm, fingers gripping the jaw.
Vladimir Albescu ( Father )
Maria Albescu ( Mother, Deceased )
*Captain Iris “TOMBSTONE” Karim
*Second Mate: John C.
*Navigator: Orion Karim
*Gunner / Carpenter: Roy H.
*Sails Master: Nemeria “GRAVEDIGGER” Karim
*Doctor: Ronan O'Byrne
*Crew: Raven, Dream
OCCUPATION: First Mate, Pirate, Tarot Reader, Fortune Teller, LYING THIEVING SCUM.
HOMETOWN: Crescent Moon Island, South Blue
LANGUAGES: French, English, Spanish, Arabic
ACCENT: Southern with Cajun influences
Polite ( well, as polite as a pirate can be… )
Mildly hotheaded
Power driven
Good at lying
ASTROLOGY: Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Rising
TEMPERAMENT: Vasille is a quiet individual, preferring to keep to himself more than speaking openly, freely. He’s been described as being a cold individual, outright walking away mid-conversation at times. He avoids talking about his past, outright avoiding speaking of the events that lead him on the path he’s chosen to follow.Despite this, if one were to stick around enough to cause him to break (which is relatively easy, really), he’s quite the chatter box- especially about the arcane magics. He also keeps an ear out for Marines- after all, being the son of a former Captain means you know a thing or two.He is quite the charmer when he wants to be- especially if he knows it will get him information- or into a place he knows he shouldn’t be. But that’s why he lays on the sugary sweet words and plays into the “dumb blonde” trope. Works like a charm.
Men are weak creatures.
-He was gradually losing feeling in his fingers until Nemeria “Gravedigger” Karim brought him back to life, after he was pierced through the abdomen by Commodore Fujihara. Since then, he has regained sensation in his hands, but the black, necrosis-esque pigmentation continues to spread.
Shinda Shinda Fruit — A Logia type devil fruit that allows the user to to raise the dead and use them as both offensive and defensive ‘puppets’, bending their will to the user’s own.
TYPE: Ranged combat
Vasille is a unique case. Coming from Crescent Moon Island, which has a nickname for being the City of the Dead, Vasille had already been well aware of the Shinda Shinda fruit. However, he hadn’t been on the lookout for it; rather, the fruit seems to choose its user. Prior to eating the fruit, he had already been dabbling in the arcane arts, researching dark magics and relatively banned practices. He has himself a form of an infamous book, one that he had created and continues to write.
With this ability, he is able to raise up to 6 bodies at once, though it is dangerous for him to attempt this. As with all things tied to the balance between life and death, it is give and take: he must first offer a blood sacrifice via his own blood before the bodies can rise. Due to this, his palms and forearms are covered in scars from doing this. More often than not, it is humans who rise, though occasionally, an animal will join the ranks.
Mild Telekinesis — Once the dead are above ground, a telekinetic connection is formed, and Vasille is able to control them with his mind alone, giving directions on where to move, how to move, and what actions to take.
Binding (Blood Variation): Caging: surrounding an object with barriers or otherwise restricting their actions, so they can move inside but have no way of getting out.
Entombing: Surrounding an object completely by a substance or another medium, so they can't move at all, or at best wiggle slightly. In this case, Vasille’s coffins that he creates, using a mixture of a wood stain and his own blood to create the bind rune needed.
Enhanced Strength: Vasille is stronger than the average human. Having to, occasionally, not only lift but carry deceased bodies requires strength.
Enhanced Agility: He is flexible, having always been so and continuing to train with his flexibility. It aids in his line of work, having to squeeze into awkward places at times.
Skilled in Hand-to-Hand Combat: He trained in hand-to-hand combat, specifically in aikido, mainly in the event that his devil fruit is rendered useless. However, he is also adept at boxing.
Knife: He carries a pocket knife with him in the event of needing to raise the dead.- Gauze: He carries a roll of gauze with him to staunch his bleeding when he performs a blood sacrifice.- Clawed Ring: he wears a ring that doubles as a claw on his left middle finger. This is both a fashion statement as well as a weapon; he keeps it sharp enough to cut through skin, whether that be his own or someone else's.- Gun: He carries a flintlock as a last-ditch effort.
Sensitivity to Light: His mutation causes his skin to be more sensitive to sunlight. While he won't burst into flames while in direct sunlight, after spending an hour in the sun, his skin will start to get a rash. He carries sunblock on him at all times due to this.
Sea Water: As with any Devil Fruit user, Vasille’s Devil Fruit ability will be rendered useless when doused in sea water.
Sea Stone Prism: As with any Devil Fruit user, Vasille’s Devil Fruit ability will be rendered useless when touched by Sea Stone Prism.
Body Count: He can only raise six bodies at once, though this is dangerous. His body will start to overexert itself, pushing itself to the limits to keep the reanimated bodies upright and in control, even if it means breaking down its own muscles and tissues. This causes his nose to bleed, as well as coughing up blood.
POWER: 3/5 C
SPEED: 3/5 C
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driftwoodskeleton · 1 year
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surprise! im alive! barely. i have been so ill lately, and am still so tired. still, we are on the mend! ^-^
im mostly just rambling below the cut, so its there to keep this from getting tooo big:)
got some new dice! i actually had one of these dice from a PoD i got a couple years ago but now i have a full set!
and i have made some more shrink charms, here's two:) Wally looks pretty good imo, but the tarot card did not go so well when i shrank it. maybe its a sign?
pre-ordered the blue version of Ghosts new EP on vinyl and i am so excited for it to arrive! also have the patch and pin on order too ^-^
hit level 84 in the current destiny season which is more than double what ive gotten to in the past! might actually hit level 100 if im lucky :D
just got sea of thieves again after not playing for like 2/3 years, im sailing alone but its a lot of fun! i might play some more tonight actually, im really enjoying it and its a good break from destiny.
in like 4/5 days, mum and dad are going to spain for their anniversary and im looking after the house again, but thankfully the dog is going in kennels bc i could not handle looking after her and me and both the cats for a week, someone would die. probably me tbh. im gonna buy a whole box of millie's cookies and live off of them >:3
the black and white colours from my favourite set of colouring pencils are finally so tiny that they're unusable, so ive had to order a new set but the earliest its gonna arrive is the 5th :/
i found all my fallout prop chem bottles that i made when i was 16ish, im gonna post them at a later date i think bc they're kinda cool. i was gonna put my ADHD meds in one of them but i have misplaced my meds which is truly shocking. (it isn't)
if u are reading this, i hope you're doing well:)
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keepitdreamin · 8 hours
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Black sails tarot part 4 (1, 2, 3, 5)
temperance was also one of my favorites to make. i just really loved fiddling with all the illustration bits to make it look good and this one worked really well
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sonicshipbattles · 1 year
Daily Submission Stats
Overall Submissions: 194 Unique Ships Submitted: 85 Most Submitted Ship: SonAmy (25 overall submissions - 6 for general SonAmy, 19 for specific versions) 2nd Most Submitted Ship: BlazAmy (18 overall submissions - 14 for general BlazAmy, 4 for specific versions) 3rd Most Submitted Ship: ShadAmy (17 overall submissions - 14 for general ShadAmy, 3 for specific versions) Well, in two days we've sailed past the amount of ships that both the Sonic and Eggman tournaments had submitted during their whole submission periods (Sonic had 70 unique ships, Eggman had 65). So we'll at least be doing a 64 ship tournament for Amy. The next step would be a 128 ship tournament, which would be the biggest we've ever done here. I don't think we'll get that many, but these results are already surprising, so you never know Right now, if I tried to fit 84 ships into a 64 ship bracket that'd mean doing 21 threeway polls, which isn't ideal. If that's the case, I might seek out other options, like doing preliminaries between ships with less submissions to see which ones make it into the bracket of 64. As always, here are the ships that only have one submission, if anyone wants to give them a boost:
Amy (Black Rose)/Amy (Rusty Rose)/Amy (Thorn Rose) Amy (Modern)/Amy (Sonic Boom) Amy/Aubrey (Omori) Amy/Basil (Omori) Amy/Belle Amy (Paladin)/Blaze (Percival) Amy/Blaze/Elise/Sally Amy/Blaze/Espio/Silver/Sonic Amy/Blaze/Sally Amy/Blaze/Sticks Amy/Blaze/Sticks/Surge Amy/Blaze/Tekno Amy/Brittany Miller (Alvin and the Chipmunks) Amy/Coral Amy/Dexter (imaginary boyfriend) Amy/Espio Amy/Espio/Silver Amy/Fiona Amy (Classic)/her hammer Amy/her love for destiny (tarot) Amy/Jewel/Tangle/Whisper Amy/Jewel/Surge Amy/Johnny Lightfoot Amy/Knuckles (General) Amy/Knuckles (Sonic Boom) Amy/Knuckles/Shadow/Sonic Amy/Lanolin Amy/Manic Amy (Nimue)/Merlina Amy/Metal Sonic (Classic) Amy/Metal Sonic/Shadow Amy/Metal Sonic/Sonic Amy/Metal Sonic/Surge Amy/Mina Amy/Nicole/Sally Amy/Ricky Amy/Scourge Amy/Shadow (Archie) Amy/Shadow/Silver/Sonic Amy/Sonia Amy (Black Rose)/Sonic Amy (Nimue)/Sonic (King Arthur) Amy (Rusty Rose)/Sonic Amy (Thorn Rose)/Sonic Amy/Tangle/Whisper Amy (Rusty Rose)/Tekno Amy/Tikal Amy/Trip Amy/Whisper
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starlightalchemist · 2 years
So.... Im posting this here IN CASE there happens to be someone who understands the kind of brain rot I'm going through. One Piece Persona AU.
Literally all I have is what Arcana the main cast would match to. Also important to note: I used both a tarot database AND persona games to assign Arcana.
• The Fool Arcana
• The Strength Arcana
• The Chariot Arcana
• The Emperor Arcana
• The Lovers Arcana
• The Temperance Arcana
• The High Priestess Arcana
• The Star Arcana
• The Death Arcana
• The Hierophant Arcana
• The Magician Arcana
• The Tower Arcana
• The Empress Arcana
• The Justice Arcana
White-Beard (Edward):
• The Hanged Man Arcana
Black-Beard (Teach):
• The Wheel of Fortune Arcana
The One Piece
• Za Warudo
To get to "Sea of Souls":
• During "The Twilight Hour" (any time the sun is touching the water), the ship sails strait towards sun on the horizon line. (Either they'll just phase into the other world OR they'll have to go under water somehow, TBD).
There are a few more major characters, and Arcana to assign, but I only just started Wano so I'm waiting to catch up a bit first. I've been told to wait until I meet Yamato (???) So we'll see what happens. If anyone actually sees this, so so sorry in advance cause it might be a while before another update!
(IF anyone sees this, my asks are open)
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jeweled-weevil · 2 years
So today I found out that the text author of a rare tarot deck I have is one of the main actors in the first season of Black Sails. Weird.
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tarotlogy · 2 years
Death (XIII)
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And so, eventually we come to the Death Card XIII,  number 13, the most commonly feared card of the Tarot. Even though this fear is unjustified the Death Card has struck terror into the hearts of those whose reading it has turned up in. The poor Death card has had some its share of bad press over the centuries. To atone for our typical knee-jerk reaction to its appearance, let us now dispel some common held myths and get down to its true spiritual and everyday meanings.
A skeleton dressed in black armor rides in on a white horse. In other decks, this skeleton is often depicted as Azrael, the Angel of Death. He carries a black flag depicting a white rose. The horse is surrounded by different figures. A king, a bishop, a woman and a little girl. In the background a boat sails out to sea leaving two hunched figures and a small black cross marks a grave. Beyond in the distance, on top of the mountain, stand two stone towers. Between the two towers the rising sun is just visible.
Yes, the card is to do with death, but not physical death. To represent a possible, and I mean possible physical death, there would need to be at least four to five of the following; The Tower, Judgement, the Three, Four, Ten of Swords, Five of Cups.  The Blank Card may figure in this line up too.   Several other reversed cards may give an indication of failing health but the above cards turning up in a reading would give the reader cause for concern.
The Death Card stands for sweeping change and transformation which can often feel like a death when its force of impact hits hard.  It symbolises the death of a situation in our lives. Death comes in many shapes and forms and throughout our life we go through many little deaths which prepare us for the ultimate, the final death of all, the physical death. Little deaths start from the moment the umbilical cord is cut, being weaned off the breast or soother, learning to sleep in our own room, going to school, going to college, leaving home, getting married. These are the normal deaths we all experience in life and are usually accepted quite readily. No one would view these occasions as deaths but more so as beginnings and new starts.  However, along with the new comes the old, and along with beginnings come endings.  Therefore every transition involves a death before the rebirth process.
These normal transitions in life may seem inconsequential when compared to actual physical death but even these little deaths bring their own level of grief and mourning. All you have to do is take a look at the tearful mothers saying good-bye to their little ones on their first day at school.  The sadness when your children flee the nest, the emotional tears when they leave home for college or to get married. Yes, it is all positive progress but that does not mean to say they do not cause emotional pain.  There is nothing wrong with this form of grieving and is actively encouraged to remain healthy and emotionally balanced.  It would be wrong and impossible to avoid them.  In general, people deal with these bitter-sweet times in a normal and functional manner, observing and accepting them for exactly what they are, part of being emotional and psychologically influenced human beings.  Life settles down into a new normal and people let go of the old and get on with their lives.
However, not all of us are as willing to let go as we should. These deaths can become a problem when they are not accepted for what they are, a death, that there is no going back, and that one must re-adjust and move forward.  These particular types of death feel very different to the deaths above.  The Impact of such deaths can be powerful and shocking to our system.  When the one you love, no longer loves you. No matter how hard you work to rekindle the fire, you are told that it is over. The marriage you thought was forever is cast aside leaving you alone and insecure. The business that you put all your life savings, heart, energy and passion into is now going under. The best friend who lets you down, betrays and belittles you. The company you loyally and faithfully worked for  is letting you go. The promotion that was given to someone else.  The family secret discovered that is too shocking to bear. These  deaths are not so easy to stomach.
The Death Card deals with not just these kind of deaths in our lives, but most importantly how we react to them. Do we spend time grieving and mourning for what has just gone, until we finally accept the loss, and slowly and carefully move on? Or do we resist and struggle against the changes, determined to keep things the way they were, in denial of the situation? Do we fling ourselves around and believe that our life is over and take to the bed? Is all considered lost? Do we rant and rave and demand the life back? Do we lose faith in life and become bitter, negative and pessimistic?
The Hanged Man through reflection came to realise the material things, people, or aspects of himself that had to be surrendered and sacrificed in order for him to grow spiritually.  It is in The Death Card they are taken away from him. If he is prepared and agreeable to surrender that which has to go, then his passage will be much smoother, and he will recover more easily. However, if he has not spent his time of suspension wisely, he may clutch and grab on to what needs to go, believing that he will be destroyed in the process, his life ruined or over if he lets go.
Death riding into town will not consider his pleas or listen to his wailing, for it will be accepted that The Hanged Man understands the reasons Death has arrived to visit him in person. Death will gallop through and vanquish everything in his path. When the dust settles only the strongest and worthiest will have survived his raid.  Death will approach rapidly, unexpectedly, do his work and be on his way. It must then be decided if what he has taken with him was really worth holding onto in the grand scheme of things. The Hanged Man must be very honest with himself, for when Death rides in, it is on the understanding that change has been sought on a subconscious or spiritual level. The Hanged Man may have been wanting something to give, something to change for a long time, but was too afraid to do anything about it himself.  Death heard his unconscious call and responded.  Death does not call to where he is not needed or invited, but when he arrives, he takes matter in hand and under his control.
The Universe will not allow stagnation to set in for any prolonged period of time, so if you sit on something negative in your life for too long, it sends in Death to clear the boards and sweep away all that is useless, outdated, destructive or unhealthy. No one really wants to stay in a bad place or situation, but sometimes we get paralysed by fear. Fear that we shall lose our identity, fear that we will not be able to cope, fear that we will be out on the street, fear that we will not be able to start again, that we will never get another chance. The thing is that for new life or new energy to be released, we must first be prepared to release the old energy. When the old energy is gone, a void is left. The Universe  acts to support this release by supplying new energy to fill the void. From Death comes Birth or New Life. Remember that it is not just physical changes being dealt with in the Death Card, but also attitudes and  beliefs.
Look at the King in the Death Card. He refused to accept the changes, resisted the new, and perished as a result. The bishop uses his spiritual understanding of Death and his faith to survive the dawn raid. The young woman has tried her best to accept the changes that Death brings, has even brought him flowers to show her understanding and respect, but at the last-minute panics believing she will be trampled by the hooves of the horse Death rides. In her fright and terror, she drops the flowers. Not strong enough to look Death in the face she turns away hoping he will not notice her and ride on by. It is only the little girl, innocent and trusting, that is fearless in the face of Death. She is ready to accept change for she believes in life and is positive in her outlook. She kneels before him and offers flowers. She is ready to accept whatever Death brings to her and is excited and curious about her future. Judging by the black crosses in the background Death has already left a trail of victims behind him. The white horse that Death rides symbolises the purity behind his actions. Death is only doing this for your own good. The horse appears gentle. It is only the fixed rigid beliefs of the figures before him who look on Death as the annihilator.
The sun rises between the two stone towers on the mountain symbolising that from dark comes light, and the worst is just about over. From Death comes Rebirth. The sun also represents new hope and new life. If we remain strong and positive through the dark times we are assured that the sun will rise once again and dispel all the gloom.
The Death card represents the Sun Sign of Scorpio. One of the lessons for Scorpio is to learn to accept  change and not be so fearful of it. There is often strength in surrender.
A chapter in your life is ending and it is important how you react to this. Acceptance and release are key here. The death of a situation which you have been seeking on a deep level.  The end of an era. Let these changes in and take effect. It is proper and right at this point in time. Trust that what is being taken from you is for the best and will be replaced by something infinitely better. The changes may appear unwelcome initially, but in the long run things will work out and you will wonder why you waited so long. There is no point struggling against these changes for they are going to happen anyway. Don’t force the changes either or try to speed them up. Everything is in divine order at this stage so just let it happen naturally. Sit back, take a deep breath, don’t give in to knee-jerk reactions and watch what happens.  If accepted in the right manner Death will bring relief after the end of a difficult period.
When it comes to relationships the Death Card will indicate that a change is coming in your relationship or that your relationship is ending. The change could be that you decide to marry or even to have a child, so it does not have to be negative. Look to surrounding cards for deeper insight. One of you may have grown away from the relationship and now want other things in life. You may have had suspicions for some time that things were not going well and that you weren’ t getting on like you used to. Feeling miserable but also fearing the disruption in your life the end might bring, you have put your head down hoping that it would all go away and sort itself out.  The arrival of Death into the scene will do the work for you and find a swift way of ending the relationship. The wondering and apprehension is over when Death appears, which probably brings a sense of relief along with sadness and if-onlys. Maybe your attitude to relationships in general is changing. Of course the appearance of Death in a reading could also indicate a Scorpio person in your life.
Remember, it is perfectly okay to spend a period of time grieving and mourning the changes in your life before moving on.  Death is not intentionally cruel and does not abandon you once his work is done.  On the contrary, for those who understand his nature he hands them over into the care of Temperance, the next card in The Major Arcana.  He knows that Temperance will work with those affected by his energy to bring stability, harmony and peace back to their lives.
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