#black natives
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sacredverses · 4 months ago
is a tribute—
a tribute to the soul, to truths unveiled, to journeys deep, to clarity;
a tapestry woven with the threads of each heartbeat,
where questions arise, embracing the essence of being,
an exploration of treasures held close,
and the strength to honor that dance in those around us.-D'elve
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luvmesumus · 5 months ago
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southernmermaidsgrotto · 1 year ago
Send some asks !!!
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I'm in the mood for answering questions so feel free to drop in the askbox anything related to hoodoo and black magic, rootwork/herbalism, curanderismo and brujería and magic in general!
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3rdeyeblaque · 2 years ago
Today we venerate Geronimo on his 194th birthday 🎉
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A prominent leader & powerful medicine man, Ancestor Geronimo stands among legendary greats of our [for some] Indigenous ancestors, here, on Turtle Island.
Born, Goyathlay ("One Who Yawns"), of the Bedonkohe Apache tribe in No-doyohn Canon, AZ, Geronimo earned his title on the battlefield as a healer's heart hardened by loss & circumstance in his fight for peace & justice.
At 17, he was initiated into the Council of the Warriors, which allowed him to marry his wife, Alope & father their 3 children. Geronimo knew peace between the Bedonkohe Apache & Mexican communities until he & other warriors returned from a trade expedition to find all of their horses & supplies taken and their brothers in arms & loved ones slaughtered - including Geronimo's wife, mother, and 3 children. This singular moment would set the course for the rest of his life; transforming him from a peaceful healer a relentless fighter.
He joined the Chiricahua band of the Apache Nation and took part in numerous raids on then-Mexican territories in Northern America &, even moreso, against European colonizers encroaching on Apache land. Here, he earned the name "Geronimo" by their enemies & bore the name with pride. Geronimo spurred hundreds of Apache to revolt against being forcibly herded into Reservations & flee into Mexico. Thus began their 10-year long war against the European colonizers amid periods of peaceful farming on newfound soil.
Geronimo led his final campaign in May 1885, leading an army of 500 warriors against 5,000. Five months and 1,645 miles later, Geronimo & survivors along with women and children were tracked to their camp in the Sonora Mountains, MX. Geronimo managed to escape with Chief Naiche, 11 warriors, and a few women and boys back to Sierra Madra.
On September 3rd,1886 a conference was held at Skeleton Canyon in Arizona to induce Geronimo to surrender, once again, promising him that he and his followers would be permitted to return to AZ after an indefinite exile in FL. Of course, that promise was never kept. Upon surrender, Geronimo & his fellow prisoners were shipped by boxcar to Florida for imprisonment forced into hard labor & paraded in front of White audiences until his passing.
In 1905, Geronimo began dictating his memoirs which was later published as, "Geronimo’s Story of His Life". Today, Geronimo rests at Beef Creek Apache Cemetery in Oklahoma; never having returned to his Apache homelands - even in death.
"Wisedom and peace come when you start living the life the Creator intended for you. " - Geronimo [in reflection]
We pour libations & give him💐 today as we celebrate him for his healing medicines & courageous heart in his fight for peace/justice for his & other Indigenous peoples impacted by European colonization.
Offering suggestions: tobacco smoke, libations of water, soil from Apache land in AZ, & war drum music of the Bedonkohe band of the Ndendahe Apache Nation
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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thenixkat · 2 years ago
Black Seminoles: A Nation Divided- 
A Nation Divided - Indian tribes across the country are reaping windfall profits these days, usually from gambling operations. But some, like the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, are getting rich from belated government payouts for lands taken hundreds of years ago. Now, the government is paying the tribe $56 million for those lost Florida lands, and the money is threatening to divide a nation. CBS News, "60 Minutes" July 10, 2002
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santanaali · 11 months ago
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spiderbitesandvampirevenom · 2 months ago
STOP TREATING THE USAMERICAN COLONIAL PROJECT LIKE IT IS COMPLETE!!!!! it is an active settler-colony, and by acting like it's not actively colonizing the land it is on you are literally doing their job for them. you all are like five minutes away from lamenting the fucking vanishing indian.
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22youcanduit · 3 months ago
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fyblackwomenart · 2 months ago
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Simon Treadwell
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s0rr3l · 5 months ago
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i’ve jumped feet first into the hole of black myth wukong!!!
and also caved and drew an oc
this is Lǐyú (鲤鱼) meaning carp (uh but i found this through google translate so take that w/ a grain of salt)
carp are considered lucky in chinese culture - its what im basing their ‘powers’ on, they have good and bad luck
and guess who’s lucky enough to be pulled into bmw :)
also gave a name to the destined one since ‘destined one’ is a mouth full
name i picked for him is yēzi (椰子) which means coconut!! was looking up stone fruit and cocnuts re one of them, plus he was (presumably) born on flower fruit mountain, he might have been given a fruit name before being whisked away to train for his destiny
uh anyway not canon but i thought it was cute
massive shoutout to everyone in the black myth wukong/wukong x reader tag bcs y’all inspired me to draw my oc! wanted to join the fun so here i am
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floweryomi · 20 days ago
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I have findally hopefully pretty much finalized this pair of RDR2 tattoos that I want to get
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lionofchaeronea · 8 months ago
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Photographic half-length portrait of a Native American (Dakota) man named Sun Flower, taken by a photographer for Heyn Photo in 1899. Now in the Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
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ravensvalley · 5 months ago
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Evening at the wildfires watch tower. Mountainous Parts of the Northern Hemisphere.
@BenAdrienProulx September 20, 2024.
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months ago
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Jean-Baptiste Pointe DuSable was born in Saint-Domingue, Haiti (French colony) during the Haitian Revolution. At some point he settled in the part of North America that is now known as the city of Chicago and was described in historical documents as "a handsome negro" He married a Native American woman, Kitiwaha, and they had two children. In 1779, during the American Revolutionary War, he was arrested by the British on suspicion of being an American Patriot sympathizer. In the early 1780s he worked for the British lieutenant-governor of Michilimackinac on an estate at what is now the city of St. Clair, Michigan north of Detroit. In the late 1700's, Jean-Baptiste was the first person to establish an extensive and prosperous trading settlement in what would become the city of Chicago. Historic documents confirm that his property was right at the mouth of the Chicago River. Many people, however, believe that John Kinzie (a white trader) and his family were the first to settle in the area that is now known as Chicago, and it is true that the Kinzie family were Chicago's first "permanent" European settlers. But the truth is that the Kinzie family purchased their property from a French trader who had purchased it from Jean-Baptiste. He died in August 1818, and because he was a Black man, many people tried to white wash the story of Chicago's founding. But in 1912, after the Great Migration, a plaque commemorating Jean-Baptiste appeared in downtown Chicago on the site of his former home. Later in 1913, a white historian named Dr. Milo Milton Quaife also recognized Jean-Baptiste as the founder of Chicago. And as the years went by, more and more Black notables such as Carter G. Woodson and Langston Hughes began to include Jean-Baptiste in their writings as "the brownskin pioneer who founded the Windy City." In 2009, a bronze bust of Jean-Baptiste was designed and placed in Pioneer Square in Chicago along the Magnificent Mile. There is also a popular museum in Chicago named after him called the DuSable Museum of African American History.
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angelfacemjj · 9 months ago
Hey, this is your friendly reminder that cisnormativity and gender binarism are products of colonialism and racism, so I really recommend you, white trans people, to start engaging with anti racism, because ignoring our experiences and upholding white supremacy is only gonna worsen the situation. <3
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navisakura · 2 years ago
Is anyone else pleasantly surprised at the sheer amount of black, latino and other poc!reader fics that have come out of the ATSV fandom? Like it’s normally so rare to find fanfics with a poc or a dark/brown skinned reader in mind but seeing so many different people integrate their culture and background into their work is genuinely heartwarming
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