#bitta luck
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Bitta Luck has found cake.
In Okehampton, in Devon, England.
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mylittlestims · 7 months
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Bitta Luck Stimboard!!
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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sciderman · 1 month
saw your tags- how goes the surgery recovery?
obbgh, it's rough. it's rough. my body kicks up a very big fuss about things that used to be very easy for me - and lets me know that i'm pushing my luck. i'm not in a great deal of pain - luckily - but every now and again when i'm feeling weak i have to remind myself, hey wait, sci - you were impaled four times, and there's a whole bit of you that is missing.
a whole bit of me! gone! no wonder my body is trying to make sense of it. a whole bit of my body is gone!! they took a piece a me. yoinked it right out of me. my right adrenal gland is gone. she's GONE. i look down at my tummy, covered in bandages and scars and think. hoh god. there's a bitta me missing.
my body hates wearing clothes. my binder is a big NO NO, and i cry about just about anything. i cried this morning about needing to take the train to get to the hospital for a doctor's appointment. i cried hard enough that my dad is going to drive me there. i know i will cry later about having to take the train back. but i'll be okay. i'll also cry about the car ride being too bumpy.
i went to a play two days ago and laughed so hard it hurt. it hurts to laugh. makes me feel all achey the next day, like a hangover.
it's nice that a lot of people in my life are worrying over me right now. that feels nice. a lot of people who i didn't think would be around. i feel simultaneously like they shouldn't worry but - of course they should worry. it's nice to be worried about. if they didn't worry about me, i wouldn't feel so strong.
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Lifeboat 04 Evening Sailing
[full chapter in link]
For a horrible moment, Sesa was scared the little Bitta, Lana, had vanished. Gotten out of the safety of the crate and with the work Sesa had been distracted by. Gutting and processing as much of her catch as possible, between catching some more. Sesa had wanted to get as much as possible before going home and surprisingly… She filled the carrying crates with filet and gutted fish.
Even had enough of the leftovers that she was both full and had what was left to trade with the rock crab trappers at the town docks. Maybe with the general store too, for dry goods before going back home by dark. 
Those thoughts had led Sesa to coming to check on her tiny guest. Sort of fishing partner, as it was the good luck of the bitta that was seemingly helping.
Only Lana did not respond at first when called. Even when Sesa carefully took the top rope off and lifted the lid as quietly as possible. Wincing at the sound the wood made but no response. The wishboat and liferaft were still there, there were signs that Lana had eaten a bit more. 
Alarmed at the dangers of someone that size on even Sesa’s relatively bare boat, the woman was about to lift the crate but caught the barest sound. Sesa flexed her hands in the air after carefully letting the lid rest down. Listening intently and watching before catching the whisper of sound again, and then Sesa stilled. Her shadow was blocking out most of the direct sunlight. 
The woman rubbed her right hand on her clothes, reached in and saw the flutter of movement again. Lifting one of the fee edges of the scarf, catching a bit of off color between the stitches. Lifting the edge and saw the bitty form laying down under the small shelter of the cloth. It took a surprising amount of self control to not let out a large sigh, but Sesa had to reach carefully over.
A finger carefully touched Lana’s back, just long enough to feel the human, bitta, breathing. Slow, and small in comparison, breaths of someone in that was just that tired to sleep through normally questionable sounds. The temptation to pick up and hold, that almost childish want to just hold someone so tiny, almost won out. Almost. Nearly.
Sesa sighed only once leaning back and pulled her hand away. Paused and nudged the lift raft a bit farther away from Lana’s spot so if it did move it would not hurt her. Carefully putting the lid of the crate back on, and the line to hold it on.
“What’s wrong with you Sesa?” The woman muttered to herself, huffing at her own reactions. It took ages, but there was proof of the stories of the bitta, but it was also just a scared girl, or young woman in her fish crate. The fear of before was very real, not hard to miss. Now that the excitement had been tampered by familiar work, even if more than normal, Sesa could recognize that Lana did not know what she was. Sesa might as well be not just a giant to her but a possible monster that admitted to eating things raw for survival. A hand rested over Sesa’s very full stomach, having to stop eating it was strange to her.
Sesa was catching things that would likely eat the bitta.
“Uuhhmph…” Sesa groaned to herself, sitting back on the bench, not expecting to have anxiety today that did not revolve around wasting money on bait and not catching enough. She had run out of bait a few hours ago but was still catching things with some of the organs of the catches. 
She might need to use the crate Lana was in, or just save a few whole fish that were just gutted and headed to trade? 
“How am I going to hide her?” Sesa muttered as she looked up and watched the flags above flickering. The afternoon to evening wind coming from offshore was kicking up. It was tempting to stay and keep fishing, to fill the hull and just get home to finish processing and go to town another day. The other crates were full now, and she had said they could head back inland. 
She would not be that greedy, Sesa got up to start making sure her sail was still good. That strange anxiety coming back as the woman thought of the size of the bitta, human. Most animals would be a hazard, unaware feet as well. What felt like a short size for her old sailboat was just too big for Lana it seemed.
Hells, her life raft had benches and signs that many of her kind would fit in there.
…would Sesa’s own home be safe? She did not have hollow walls, it was solid stone and some wood. The safest spot, at least temporary, for the Bitta might be on top of the dining table. The old thing was her grandfather’s work, and mostly held Sesa’s assorted projects with a space set aside for eating. 
Would that be rude to set Lana up there for at least a day or two? That's where some of her miniature plant gardens and… and.
Sesa felt herself flush as she awkwardly remembered that there were also the tiny Bitta house sets. Half made, some finished, others not yet finished being carved. Not knowing it would be the fairy garden or house models equivalents. Something that was more a small creative hobby for Sesa (pun not intended), in the quiet times between work. Even in the dull winter it had been enjoyable.
Would Lana be offended, or mind? There was a bed in one spot that was… older.. maybe a bit big for her size. Sesa made a mental note to get the bed out and change the fabric inside so it would not be dusty. At least she could offer a clean bed for Lana, even if the Bitta did not want to stay with her for long.
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hungharrington · 1 year
i need your help i’ve been having too many thoughts about sneaky fucking with steve and I don’t know what to do with them… I trust you with the job soldier
bestie ur so in luck cos i literally just wrote sneaky fucking the other week over here - but it’s a bitta mean!steve so if it doesn’t scratch the itch…. u just come on back n lemme know, yeah? 🫡 soldier
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ancicntforged · 11 months
"I'm glad that I entered the contest of my own free will this time." Ruby chuckled, while already knowing what to do. Holding up hand and pointing it towards the sky, Ruby shot countless ki blasts. Thankfully it was night-time, so the contract between the bright ki and the night was easier to see, but that wasn't all.
Ruby had flawless control over her energy, so changing colors and making shapes with them wasn't too hard for her, but still a good showcase of talent and entertainment.
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Hence why Ruby was able to deliver quite the show for those that were watching.
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"Haha, that took a bitta mental power, not gonna lie." She wasn't so much sweating, but was getting a bit of a headache. "Either way, good luck to the other contestant, whoever they are."
The Poll!
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
@stageplayhero - Continued from here
Memories are fickle things at the best of times. Add a bunch of trauma to it, and you're guaranteed to have some holes. They can be locked away so deep that it would be hard to access them without rigorous prompting. But that was fine. In some cases, it was better if Wilford didn't remember. He can't hold a grudge against a stranger, after all!
Missing the deeper context to Mark's response, Wilford blinked, before shrugging and taking another chocolate. "Easy mistake. Most people wouldn't think a handsome guy like me would have such a sweet tooth.
A perfectly normal conversation. A perfectly ordinary setting. The scene was set, but there's no set script to follow. This is entirely improv. Good luck, Mark.
"I can getcha anythin' ya want. Red, white, rosé, that bubbly stuff, th' fancy bubble stuff, somethin' else I'm probably forgettin'. C'mon. Take a seat. I'm sure y've got some good tales ta share!" Whether Mark followed him to the bar wasn't relevant, as Wilford would talk regardless. "It's th' pride an' joy of recent times. I put a lotta this together by myself. Got a little bitta help. An' it helped that this place did used ta be a bar an' a roller rink before I got here. Made that part of things a lot easier. Arcade's new though. Nice ta have a project ta work on."
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October 23 prompt: Dreams & Nightmares / Costumes / "Monsters aren't real!"
Character(s): Helsinki (Taika/Lady Luck), Nyo Iceland (Kristín/Baby Bee), 2P Denmark (Mikkel/Pooch)
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(art by @askfairyromano )
Mikkel hadn't really celebrated Halloween since he was a child. Reason being that his biological family never let him or Hanne celebrate. By the time the two were adopted, Mikkel was considered too old due to him having been teenager. Now, he's an adult and has kids of his own that have pulled him into celebrating.
Taika loved dressing up for Halloween. Gave her another excuse to dress up outside of cosplay. Good thing she already has an outfit planned for the party she's going to be attending.
Kristín didn't really dress up much for Halloween anymore. She felt as if she'd grown out of it, just as Emil had. Didn't mean she couldn't celebrate in her own way. Which is how she ended up at a Halloween store. She was looking at the decorations when she felt little hands get hold of her pant leg. Looking down, she saw a little girl with glasses looking up at her. The girl's smile was infectious. Kristín found herself smiling in return. Not long after, the person who she assumed was the girl's father came over with a boy following him.
"Sorry about that," he said. "Looked away for a moment to help my son and next thing I knew she was gone." The girl made a happy sound when he picked her up, curling up to him. "No, it's fine," Kristín said. "My brother's raised kids of his own, so I get it." Both noticed when the girl motioned with her hands. An eyebrow was raised. "She wants you to help her pick a costume," her father said. "Oh, sure," Kristín said. With that, Kristín and the girl now known as Bitta looked through the little girls costumes until they found one she liked. A Dalmatian.
Taika was the first to show up to the party. The person to open the door is none other than Mikkel. In his arms is his tiny daughter, Bitta, eating a cookie and in her Dalmatian costume. A soft smile crossed his face and he let her in. Kristín showed up later on and for the first time in a while, she’s wearing a costume.
“Taika Hokkanen, dressed as the Winter Soldier.” Taika smirked and headed to the front of the room. She placed a hand on her hip and looked at the crowd.
“Kristín Kallidóttir, dressed as Luigi.” Kristín smiled a bit and joined Taika at the front. Taika placed an arm around Kristín’s shoulders and made the peace sign as people got pictures of them.
“Mikkel Winther, dressed as Leo, the lion holder before the swap.” Mikkel seemed surprised. When he signed that to Bitta, the girl smiled and hugged him. Smiling, Mikkel hugged Bitta and carried her to the front with Taika and Kristín. Bitta looked at Kristín and smiled. She got a smile in return. The trio had won the costume contest.
Lady Luck sat on the roof of a building the following morning. She was looking around and making sure that nothing was going on. Two people sat next to her, one on each side. She didn’t need to look at them to know who they were. Pooch and Baby Bee. Ever since the miraculous were swapped by accident, the trio have stuck together.
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writer59january13 · 4 months
Daemons within gray matter of this male run amuck...
hence yours truly (me) seeks mental health services
without any luck even after reading Scripture
from my namesake who exuded pluck after paging thru
the AETNA Medicare directory, whether a group practice or individual, I expended energy and precious time today June sixth two thousand and twenty four
hoping to get linkedin and truck with a suitable therapist, cuz various and sundry issues such as chronic anxiety, dysthymia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and panic attacks plagues sexagenarian old body electric matter of fact mein kampf and hard times reducible
to four letter description conveyed by the word yuck. Exhaustion prevails courtesy emotional distress self evident to any anonymous reader predicated on morose poetry of mine invariably discouraging positive ambitions for friendship receiving, yet I experienced
unexpected welcome response from over the hills and far away where Teletubbies come to play with me, whose fealty being a bosom buddy gratitude sexagenarian does express and so what if three score plus five year old does regress. Once upon a time
more than half century ago,
in a faraway galaxy
this second born and singular son
of Harriet and Boyce Harris
(mother and father since passed away
May third two thousand and fifteen,
and October seventh
two thousand and twenty respectively) though
both parents during their lifetime
beset with impossible mission
to administer to my psychological woe
and actually unwittingly exacerbated
dysfunctional behavior of mine
exhibited, jump/kick started, and witnessed videre licet
courtesy their verbal
browbeating with ultimatums
aghast at irregular impulsive decisions
to attend this, that or another institution
of higher learning
post high school graduation
psyche subjected to actions experienced
being whipped back and forth,
to and fro, hither and yon
analogous to ma yo-yo.
Scads of irrational thought processes
bombard nooks and crannies
within me swiftly tailored
harried styled noggin
sense and sensibility
doth create veritable boondoggle stumping psychological masterminds
even Sigmund Freud himself if alive
would be mystified and ask ghost writer
of Mary Shelley to craft sequel,
where Doctor Victor Frankenstein
rids trademark neurosis of mine
shape shifting Matthew Scott Harris'
witnessed when whirled
wide web of electrodes
activated courtesy toggle subsequently flash brilliant lightning bolts
in tandem with deafening booming thunder
reconfiguring bitta bing bitta
chitty chitty bang bang switch
rendering corporeal cerebral flesh
truly significantly reconstituting
dogma, enigma variations, karma,
and persona of aforementioned
poet of Perkiomen Valley into altered state, whose psychological state now mimics,
dovetails, and approximates
that of Neanderthal man
forever linkedin to seventh heaven.
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ponyaday · 2 years
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8/11/22 - Bitta Luck
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Bitta Luck has found cake.
In Devon, England.
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mlpfinds · 3 years
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colouredteapot · 9 years
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these qts
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
SUMMARY// Bucky loses his first fight since meeting you
WARNINGS// mentions of fighting and minor injury, light smut, fluff, the tiniest bit of angst
AU// Fight club!Biker!Bucky x F!Reader
NOTE// This is a lil bitta insight on the upcoming fight club au fic I've been planning for biker!bucky 👀 but it also didn't come out as I had planned thanks to drinking alcohol too fast 🥴
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"Five minutes Barnes." Tony said from the doorway of the locker room of the abandoned gym the fight was scheduled in. Bucky nodding in agreement as you carded your fingers through his hair. "You've got this, Buck. Okay?" You assured, gathering his hair to tie an elastic around it.
"My nerves are on fucking end, if I can't calm down. I won't be able to fight. This guy is huge." He scoffed, shaking his head as you moved to stand in front of him. "Tony has a lot of money on this one." He continued, oblivious to the way you were unbuttoning your blouse.
"Look-" his eyes snapped up to look at your chest as you exposed it to him. Shoulders relaxing a little and head tipping to the side. "Better?" You asked with raised eyebrows. "Much." He exhaled, not looking away from your breasts. "Don't get too excited, you only have a few minutes left. Get your sleeve on."
Bucky frowned as you started to button your shirt again, not looking away until the last button was fastened again. "Buck, sleeve." You said handing it to him. "Okay, okay." He chuckled, tugging the spandex fabric up his scarred left arm.
"Hurry it up!" Tony called as Bucky put the gloves on.
"Good luck." You said softly, a gentle kiss pressed to your lips before he sent you a wink. "I'll be back for my prize, babygirl." He teased, backing towards the door. "I'll be waiting."
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
Bucky was quiet the entire ride back to his apartment, only talking to ask if you wanted to stay with him or wanted Tony to take you home.
He figured you'd stay, but he had lost, so he wasn't sure if it'd be the same answer as every other time. Especially since it was the first fight he'd lost since the two of you started seeing each other.
"Let's clean you up, alright?" You said, taking his hands to pull him with you to the bathroom. Running a warm bath to soothe his sore muscles as he undressed behind you.
He silently let you clean him up as he sat in the warm bath, something he use to refuse in the beginning until he realized you wouldn't give up until he agreed, and how your relaxing touch melted away the tension that built up through the match and after.
You could tell he was mentally beating himself up for losing, no matter how many times Tony assured him it was fine and everyone loses from time to time.
"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to stay. I know you're use to me winning." He muttered, letting his head lean back against the edge of the tub. "You still won to me, Buck. You tried your hardest and that's all that matters." You said softly, carefully wiping away any dried blood on his face with the warm rag.
"I can't believe I fucking lost... I have to crack down extra hard to get ready for the fight with Rumlow. I have a point to prove with that one." He stared up at the ceiling as he spoke, sighing when you pressed a kiss to his bruised cheek. "And you will. I'm proud of you for taking the match with Rumlow. I know you've been avoiding it since everything happened."
Bucky's heart warmed as he turned his head to look at you, a soft smile creeping on his face. "Do I still get my prize?" You breathed a laugh at him and nodded. "Always. What kinda prize do you want?"
"Anything that involves nudity or me holding you." He chuckled, watching as you stood from kneeling on the floor next to the tub. "You finish up, I'll wait for you in the room."
Leaving him to finish, you walked down the short hall to his bedroom. Undressing before slipping under the covers.
A few minutes passed and Bucky walked in, drying his hair with a fluffy grey towel as he lifted the edge of the cover to peak at you with a playful smile.
"Feel any better?" You asked in almost a whisper as he got into the bed next to you. "Mhm." He hummed in response, moving his large frame over you. "As long as I have you, I've already won."
You bit back a laugh, rolling your eyes jokingly as you laced your fingers in his damp hair. "You are so cheesy." You said, pulling his head down to slot your lips over his, lifting your legs to his waist.
Bucky slipped his hand down to run a finger through your folds, humming in approval as your slick coated the digit before shifting around for a more comfortable angle.
"Bucky, you're hurt. Let me get on top." You insisted, going to sit up when his large hand held your waist. "I'm fine, baby. Just lay back." He nodded, eyebrows knitted together as he lined himself up with your heat.
He wouldn't tell you- but he needed to have you under him. Clinging onto him as he pulled you apart, whether his ribs were bruised or not. He'd bare the ache of his muscles to have the pleasurable sting of your nails digging into his back mask over it.
To repay you for always being there to help him patch up even after the roughest matches.
Bucky watched your eyebrows scrunch together and eyes flutter closed as he eased into you, slowly rocking his hips into yours to press deeper with each steady movement.
Your face buried in the dip of his neck, senses taken over by everything Bucky as each sweet moan filled his ears. His arm going under your back to hold you closer, the angle making your fingers tug the soft strands of his hair to elicit a moan from his chest.
"So lucky to have you." He breathed out, your lips latching to the side of his neck to leave light marks he'd proudly show off until they faded and were replaced by new ones.
The knot in your core tightened with every bump of his hips against yours, the slow, deep strokes against your walls quickly pulling you to the edge as you whimpered against his skin. Gripping his hair in your fingers as you released around him.
Bucky's huffed out breaths fanned your jaw and neck as he worked for his own release, holding you tighter against him when his hips stuttered. His movements stopping when your teeth grazed the more sensitive skin of his left shoulder, choking out a moan as he filled you with thick spurts of his spend.
You sighed happily, your hands roaming down to his firm chest as he peppered kisses from your jaw to your lips. Slowly moving his arm from under you to let your body relax against the mattress, laying on his side next to you.
"I owe you so much, you're the best thing that's happened to me." He mumbled when you turned to face him, your arm laying over his side. Careful to avoid his ribs. "You don't owe me anything. If I gotta watch you take punches, I'm always gonna patch you up." You sighed, cuddling into his chest.
Bucky's fingers traced lines across your back, his chin resting on the top of your head. "As long as it makes you happy, I'll always let you."
🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤 🖤
Taglist: @likeahorribledream @cxddlyash @iwannabekilledtwice @bookstan0618 @glxwingrxse @yliumy @pineprincess @makbarnes @cupcakehinch @doasyoudesireandlive @magicwithinnightmares @preferredrealty @andy-is-gay @stucky-my-ship @marvel-3407 @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @i-l-y-3000 @avoxzy @impala1967666 @mollygetssherlockcoffee @supernaturalbaesduh @bucky-hues @suchababie @an-adult-midget @ju5tyna20 @hallecarey1 @jxlystan @elizabeth228 @secret21121 @strwbrrybucky @busybeingtrash @harrysthiccthighss @everything-burns-down @ynsdiarys @sunnynapp @bucky-harrymybfs @sylleblossomstar @winter-soldier-101 @smokeinherperfume @andreead @amalfoyandariddle @mal-edictions @commonintrest @eireduchess @doll1917
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Lifeboat 09 Mirth makes the time go by
[Story also on Ao3] This also was my add to GT july but...day late. good luck it being on time for that <.<
Chapter 09:
It did, in fact, take a longer time to get home for Sesa then she normally would have taken if alone. Talking to someone who she had to keep a sharp ear out for was interesting. As well as challenge to also keep watch over. 
Not that Lana was proving to be the kind of person to get into trouble on her own for the sake of it. Or to just bolt with an opening. No, the semi little beach lizards themselves decided that the Bitta smelled tastier than the last scraps from the fish that Sesa gave them.
“Good gods, what's wrong with them?” Sesa demanded, holding Lana against her front, pulling one of the big sailed males off her hip. And gently tossed it into the water off the dock. Knowing it was perfectly safe for it to swim, not the first she dropped off the dock. 
“I don't want to be eaten by dinosaurs,” Lana whimpered from where she was within Sesa's hold. Being grabbed and yanked away from gravity, let alone from the sail backed creatures in time was… well, at least Sesa did not seem to care that Lana had been sick. Transferring Lana to Sesa's other hand and just shook off the bit of yuk to her.
Really, Lana sees and meets her second clear dinosaur and they try to eat her with no hesitation. At least the ‘birdies’ were very friendly! To the point of demanding to rest with Lana in her spot on the mast. Lana got to pet the creatures and accidentally triggered the ones sitting on the shelf with her into an intensive grooming session. 
Sesa was moving, making sure no other of the lizards were on her before stepping over to her boat. Sail nearly folded up and tied to the dock. The giant reached down to grab and pull the mostly empty crate onto the dock, then stood up. “I hate to say it, but I think you're going to be safer in this while I load the wagon.”
“Yeah…” Lana could only sag against the supporting digits. “I'm… I'm sorry I threw up on your other hand.”
Lana sounded so guilty that Sesa paused to look down at the Bitta. Feeling her own guilt but still glad Lana was safe, “There's nothing to be sorry about Lana. I can wash my hand, but you wouldn't have likely survived missing a limb. I'll get you safe on the wagon here, and you can sit still.”
“Are there a lot of those at your house?” Lana worried as she was carried to the wagon that was just as titanic as Sesa's boat. The tiny human watching with wide eyes as the crate of safety was moved to what looked like the footwell of the riding section.
Lana realized she had no experience with wagons, no idea what parts were called but some basics.
“Thankfully no,” Sesa said as she made sure the crate was secure. In its spot, as well as running her hands over the outside to make sure that none of the beach lizards could get inside. “There's lizards, but not any that eat more than bugs and plants in the garden. They have little sticky feet, but like the outside walls then coming in most times.” 
Lana peered over the edge of the big hand, watching as Sesa nudged a few things inside. Mostly making sure the lifeboat was back on the scarf, and nothing spilled other than the water in the lid but that had already drained. None of the berries seemed tossed from in that boat. Sesa double checked that no beach lizards were on the wagon before lowering Lana inside the crate. “I'm going to put a weight on top for now, just to keep anything from knocking the lid open.”
“That seems like a good idea,” Lana wavered as she slid off. Grabbing at the nearest support of Sesa's hand. Took a breath and got her balance coordination back. “they can't dig in or claw in right?” 
“Only time they've gotten into a box was when I left the lid off it.” Sesa was still checking outside. “It's not fully sealed, I made these to drain water. I'll hear you for sure if you call out, no more open wind like on the boat. Ready?”
Lana flushed and backed away from the hand she was still partly leaning against. “Right, okay. It's loading and safe, right?”
“Loading, home and safe.” Sesa agreed, not minding that she would have to do all the loading and unloading. She fitted the lid and firmly wedged it down, finding something heavy to put on top before hesitating. Hand touching one of the sides, double checking that the few gaps were not large enough for any aggressive lizard heads. Sesa could have sworn she felt something tap her finger, but was not fully sure so drew back. “Call if you need, I'll get everything up and loaded. Maybe distract these brats.”
Sesa sighed and then moved away, shooing some of the beach lizards. Lana called them…dinosaurs? Something like that. They were almost acting normal now, trilling at her on the way back to the dock. “Rude, all of you, why did you try and eat the Bitta? Lana isn't good, and don't listen to those bad fairytales.”
Did the beach lizards understand her? Likely not so much, but it helped that little bit for relieving some stress. Sesa scrubbed her hands in the sand before stepping back onto the boat. Taking time to just unload everything in the late afternoon-evening light into the dock. Gear and supplies, only talking most care with the dry goods and the bolt of fabric to go put in the wagon. Sesa hesitated in some confusion, as it looked like Asin's handwriting on several crates. Like he had put things into some of the returned crates from others? One crate was definitely not her own and instead something that came.from the store shipments likely. It smelled like…baking things? Was there a mix up? Sesa turned the crate, pretty sure someone put that in her boat instead of by the dock. She was about to open it and saw the paper tacked to the other side. This had her drowning and then lifted the paper.
Not a mistake. Don't think of leaving it. Take what's the real value of the fish in trade, you stubborn woman. 
Next time you're in town, Sesa, bring me some fresh and dried mushrooms! I'll find some more mini plants for you.
Loves from Cally.
Yes I told Asin to hide all the goods in your boat. 
Sesa stared at the letter, thinking of the woman that did not come up to her chest. A woman she really did not want to be on the bad side of, or even a grumpy angle of her. Sesa opened the crate and took a shakey breath, startled but also understood why some of the crates were so heavy. Cally had stuffed them full.
Going back to the dock, Sesa carefully opened each crate, double checking now, to find what needed to stay dry. A few were filled with goods from others she had traded the fish for. Sesa was noticing a bit more of a generous amount from the others, and stood to squint over where Lana was on the wagon. Wondering to herself if this was the Bitta’s good luck. Normally people from town were a lot more stingy than this in Sesa's experience.
Sesa paused once.the wagon was loaded, walking over to check on said Bitta. “Are you okay Lana?”
“Yeah, it's a lot more stable now.” The little voice spoke up from inside, “how's it going out there?” 
“Everything is loaded that's going home.” Sesa assured, picking a onle of the beach lizards off the wheel, giving its own sail like fin a run before gently dropping it off on the ground. “Just going to put the gear away. And Buck should be close enough to hear me.”
“Buck?” Lana asked confused from in the crate. “Who's that?”
“He's the critter that pulls the wagon.” Sesa laughed, “I let him graze around the cove when I'm out fishing, good boy that knows to stay near his wagon.”
“Oh…oooh, that's going to be….big.” Lana realized, and Sesa just barely caught the softer words, “Why is everything so big? Is something in the water?”
Sesa grinned, covering her mouth and chuckling as she walked back to the dock and boat. With everything else moved it was not hard or long for the woman to put away the fishing gear in a shed well up off the shoreline. Then the sails, take the mast down and.pull the boat into the bigger shed that John had helped her make a few years ago. 
She paused at finding a note, the other hermit had come down the mountain and stopped by the cove. Leaving a net made bag filled with some good sized nuts inside that she liked. An offering to see when she would be in town next and if he could trade some of his bear hunt for some things. “Pfft, little do you know, you stubborn man.”
There was a low snort that had Sesa smiling more, taking one of the nuts out and offering it in a flat hand. The big creature rumbled happily at the treat, following Sesa back to the wagon. The woman set the bag of nuts on the seat, made sure the brakes were set, “Okay, found Buck. We can get home now.”
“This sounds so weird, but you might want to tie the box?” Lana spome up, and as Sesa looked over the tiny bita was sitting at a corner and peering out of one of the slightly larger gaps. Watching Sesa get the beastie into his gear and lined up.
“I can, had an idea too,” Sesa assured, coming back after judging the weight in the wagon. She paused to pull off the outer layers of shirts, so she just had her sleeveless under shirt, and pulled the vest over top. Checking the pockets. Then finding some line to tie the crate, moving the weight off to open the lid and peer inside, “Didn't spend all my money did you?” 
“I thought that was for me?” Lana asked, having been sitting on the coin pouch to look out. “Should only take  ...two days to move one thing inside.”
“Well, it shouldn't take more than a few months to move the coins.” Sesa grinned wide at the playful tone. She hesitated a moment before offering a hand near but not beside Lana, “Want to see some of the trip? I promise not to pull you around again if I can help it.”
The little Bitta blinked at the large hand. Then looked up, Sesa could have sworn there was a look like Lana did want to but hesitated. Remembering the beach lizards, the giant woman spoke again.
“You'll be riding with me, out of the reach of the lizards.” She started to pull back but froze as a small hand reached out, catching a finger tip. Sesa smiled again, not as big but delighted that there was some trust shown. The woman just hoped she was not forcing that trust as Sesa carefully lifted Lana out.
“Can we look at some of the local… pla…ants… what is that?” Lana started to ask and then trailed off at seeing the big burden beast now attached to the wagon. 
Buck it's name was, he was dosing a bit while standing in the rigging to the wagon. Massive enough that it's, his back came up to Sesa's chest, it had a broad back and hips. It had what looked like plates of natural armor over its back, hips and shoulders going down about half way. The beast had a base color of dart gray and highlights of brown striping down its legs and on its neck.
“This is Buck, he's my bull Parua.” Sesa introduced as she cupped both hands around Lana. Moving to let her see the Parua creature. “He's wagon trained, the cows are back home, they should be giving both here soon in spring.”
“It's amazing,” Lana's soft voice spoke, trying to peek over the edge of Sesa's fingers and look at Buck's legs. It reminded her of something. Something that tickles the back of your mind but just could not be grasped yet. It was almost alike an elephant, the legs and sort of the build but not exactly. Not like any big dinosaurs either. 
The big creature's face was surprisingly soft. It had larger lips like a horse or a cow, or other grazers like that. Large ears flicked and he sighed looking back at Sesa. As if asking if they were going yet.
“Par-oo-ah.” Sesa sounded the word out as clear as she could. “Parua. Good livestock and working animals.”
“Parua…” Lana managed the name. “They, um, don't eat meat right?”
“Only grazers,” Sesa assured, but did not take Lana coae to Buck's head. This seemed close enough for the Bitta. “Never seen them even bother the garden birds, or anything small..but you don't need to worry about them. Like I said you'll be riding with me.”
“How?” Lana asked, still distracted by Buck it took a moment for her to look back. Blinking and then gave a nervous giggle at seeing Sesa messing with a small, high up breast pocket on her vest. “Really?”
“It's not deep,” Sesa offered, reflex using her free hand to poke a finger into the pocket that was indeed shallow.
Lana stared at the spot with an unreadable expression. Enough that Sesa started to deflate a bit, worried that she ended up with a bad idea after all. Then the Bitta dissolved into giggling in her hand. 
“I'm… pocket sized?”
Sesa blinked and then gave a relieved sigh, smiling a bit at hearing the giggles. At least she did not seem to be offended by Sesa's idea. “You are, I guess. But if you don't like it we can find a different way of…transport.”
Sesa knew everything was going to get shaken up on the wagon. Thus the extra padding that Asin had done for the small things. She did not want to shake Lana up as well, and was at least sure her own pace was smooth. Lana at least seemed willing to try, and it ended up with her standing in the vest pocket and could fold her arms over the edge of the spot. Looking around, the Bitta notably relaxed a little bit after a few paces of the giant walking to pull the breaks.
Lana felt surprisingly secure there. Then blinked and looked all around now that Sesa was moving and walking alongside Buck. Staring up at the trees, many were well over a good hundred feet tall, old growth trees for sure. Or ancient growth? They were definitely on a cleared path that was wider than the wagon, some smaller shoots of trees on the edges of the path.
Then Lana took in the ‘undergrowth’ between the massive trees, even bigger than Sesa. Who had to easily be between thirty and forty feet herself. The young woman squinted, realizing the grass she was seeing was not, in fact grasses. Lana nudged and pushed at Sesa’s chest, “What’s that?”
“Hmm?” the giant woman rumbled a confused sound. Glancing at Lana and then tried to see what she was looking at. “Stiff grass? It's been going wild the last few years, but they help with erosion.”
“Can I see it?” Lana asked, twisting in the pocket to look up at Sesa’s face, brightened when the giant shrugged lightly with her right shoulder away from Lana.
Sesa queued Buck to slow down before reaching up to help Lana. Really just catching the excited bitta from falling. Sesa was not quite sure how she ended up crouched on the side of the path, holding a tiny human between her hands so that Lana could reach for the ‘grass.’ but watching tiny hands grabbing at the thick grass, and then looked started at the excited yell the followed.
“IT’S CORN!” Lana yelled after unwinding a pod. Buck stopped and turned his head around to try and find the new voice while Lana was tossing up her arms in her own shock, “What. The. Hell. Is this place?”
“Cor-en?” Sesa echoed, baffled, but smiling at the excitement expressed. And at a demand shifted her hands closer to the biggest of the thick grass plants that had a bunch of pods from last fall but were not eaten yet by any wild parua. “Are you going to want to see every plant on the way home?”
Lana looked up, eyes wide, “Yes.”
The instant response and the complete lack of any silliness or sarcasm but the clear want to see all the plants had Sesa laughing. Closing her hands around Lana to both buffer the loud sound and to hold her as steady as possible while Sesa’s shoulders shook. “It’s going to take forever to get home…pffft!”
What normally would take an hour and half, took almost three as after so long Lana demanded to see something she spotted. Amassing a little collection in ‘her’ crate, foodstuffs that she readily recognized mixed into the wild weeds that Sesa knew them as. Even though it took much longer than normal, it did not seem like it. Only all at once realizing it was nearly dark by the time Sesa’s home came into view.
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theauthorlives · 2 years
behind closed doors (for Yancy~)
Behind Closed Doors
"I gotta say, I lucked out real good with Jones. Having him as a cellie has been one of the best things that's happened in a long while." Yancy grins as he put his hands behind his head while relaxing into his seat. "He ain't like most of us in here. I mean, he's gotta be something like us if he got arrested - and I ain't one to ask nothing 'bout someone's past - but he's not, y'know..." he trails off as he tries to decide the best phrasing for what was in his head.
"Jones is still a somebody. He don't got that same sob story a lot of us do, nor do he got no sorta trauma haunting him. A bitta fresh air for some of us who's been cooped up in here for a long time. He gives me this vibe of, uh, someone who has a good life, but got caught with drugs. All this? It don't faze him none and he'll walk outta here like it was vacation, and that's real cool. Then on the flipside, he's all relaxed and chilled when it's just us in the cell. It's like... it's gonna sound stupid, but it's like we ain't in there. He don't give two shits about my past or what sorta fuck-up I's is. And sure, maybe I think he's pretty good looking, but I know better than to ask him out on some sorta date. He ain't gonna be here long, in my estimation, while I ain't leaving here any time soon. Either it's a short sentence, or he'll get transferred to one of the low security prisons as a step back into civilian life. Why pin feelings on something like that? He'd be better with someone out there. But that dont mean I'd say 'no' if he wanted a brief fling or something, 'course..."
"Besides," he snorts, getting himself back on topic, "Bam-Bam keeps insisting he seen Jones on TV before. I tells him that people is gonna look like other people. Jimmy the Pickle once told us one of them science facts that there's a few people that looks exactly like youse. There's no way anyone in TV is gonna come here. If they gots arrested, then they'd be in a max security place to keep 'em safe. If they WAS here, we'd never hear the end of it. So no, I don't buy that stupid-ass rumour. It's like saying I look like some Internet celebrity."
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