#sesa is just
Lifeboat 04 Evening Sailing
[full chapter in link]
For a horrible moment, Sesa was scared the little Bitta, Lana, had vanished. Gotten out of the safety of the crate and with the work Sesa had been distracted by. Gutting and processing as much of her catch as possible, between catching some more. Sesa had wanted to get as much as possible before going home and surprisingly… She filled the carrying crates with filet and gutted fish.
Even had enough of the leftovers that she was both full and had what was left to trade with the rock crab trappers at the town docks. Maybe with the general store too, for dry goods before going back home by dark. 
Those thoughts had led Sesa to coming to check on her tiny guest. Sort of fishing partner, as it was the good luck of the bitta that was seemingly helping.
Only Lana did not respond at first when called. Even when Sesa carefully took the top rope off and lifted the lid as quietly as possible. Wincing at the sound the wood made but no response. The wishboat and liferaft were still there, there were signs that Lana had eaten a bit more. 
Alarmed at the dangers of someone that size on even Sesa’s relatively bare boat, the woman was about to lift the crate but caught the barest sound. Sesa flexed her hands in the air after carefully letting the lid rest down. Listening intently and watching before catching the whisper of sound again, and then Sesa stilled. Her shadow was blocking out most of the direct sunlight. 
The woman rubbed her right hand on her clothes, reached in and saw the flutter of movement again. Lifting one of the fee edges of the scarf, catching a bit of off color between the stitches. Lifting the edge and saw the bitty form laying down under the small shelter of the cloth. It took a surprising amount of self control to not let out a large sigh, but Sesa had to reach carefully over.
A finger carefully touched Lana’s back, just long enough to feel the human, bitta, breathing. Slow, and small in comparison, breaths of someone in that was just that tired to sleep through normally questionable sounds. The temptation to pick up and hold, that almost childish want to just hold someone so tiny, almost won out. Almost. Nearly.
Sesa sighed only once leaning back and pulled her hand away. Paused and nudged the lift raft a bit farther away from Lana’s spot so if it did move it would not hurt her. Carefully putting the lid of the crate back on, and the line to hold it on.
“What’s wrong with you Sesa?” The woman muttered to herself, huffing at her own reactions. It took ages, but there was proof of the stories of the bitta, but it was also just a scared girl, or young woman in her fish crate. The fear of before was very real, not hard to miss. Now that the excitement had been tampered by familiar work, even if more than normal, Sesa could recognize that Lana did not know what she was. Sesa might as well be not just a giant to her but a possible monster that admitted to eating things raw for survival. A hand rested over Sesa’s very full stomach, having to stop eating it was strange to her.
Sesa was catching things that would likely eat the bitta.
“Uuhhmph…” Sesa groaned to herself, sitting back on the bench, not expecting to have anxiety today that did not revolve around wasting money on bait and not catching enough. She had run out of bait a few hours ago but was still catching things with some of the organs of the catches. 
She might need to use the crate Lana was in, or just save a few whole fish that were just gutted and headed to trade? 
“How am I going to hide her?” Sesa muttered as she looked up and watched the flags above flickering. The afternoon to evening wind coming from offshore was kicking up. It was tempting to stay and keep fishing, to fill the hull and just get home to finish processing and go to town another day. The other crates were full now, and she had said they could head back inland. 
She would not be that greedy, Sesa got up to start making sure her sail was still good. That strange anxiety coming back as the woman thought of the size of the bitta, human. Most animals would be a hazard, unaware feet as well. What felt like a short size for her old sailboat was just too big for Lana it seemed.
Hells, her life raft had benches and signs that many of her kind would fit in there.
…would Sesa’s own home be safe? She did not have hollow walls, it was solid stone and some wood. The safest spot, at least temporary, for the Bitta might be on top of the dining table. The old thing was her grandfather’s work, and mostly held Sesa’s assorted projects with a space set aside for eating. 
Would that be rude to set Lana up there for at least a day or two? That's where some of her miniature plant gardens and… and.
Sesa felt herself flush as she awkwardly remembered that there were also the tiny Bitta house sets. Half made, some finished, others not yet finished being carved. Not knowing it would be the fairy garden or house models equivalents. Something that was more a small creative hobby for Sesa (pun not intended), in the quiet times between work. Even in the dull winter it had been enjoyable.
Would Lana be offended, or mind? There was a bed in one spot that was… older.. maybe a bit big for her size. Sesa made a mental note to get the bed out and change the fabric inside so it would not be dusty. At least she could offer a clean bed for Lana, even if the Bitta did not want to stay with her for long.
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hawberries · 2 years
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also i think Sesa and Heavyrain are dating ?
[image is two simple drawings of Sesa and Heavyrain from the waists up. In the first, they appear to be contemplating something offscreen, both looking somewhat unimpressed. In the second, Sesa is holding back a disgruntled-looking Heavyrain who seems ready to lunge. Heavyrain says, “I will stomp him to death,” and Sesa nervously responds, “let’s call that Plan C.”]
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1driedpersimmon · 2 years
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Arknights doodles again ☺️ last doodles of the year heh
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ksksksrahrah · 2 years
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meindraws · 2 years
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... and then the Doctor walks out the door.
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urwendii · 8 months
Friday! I've managed to finish my msv and ainursesa assignments yesterday. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to get an update for Qorinómi tonight.
D-2 of my race and I need to squeeze in one last training today as well as prepping myself mentally bc I might just die considering I just realised a few days ago there's a portion ran in the sand (if you have never tried running in sand it's awful) and im out of my depths distance wise.
But with all that past me in a few days, updates will hopefully go back to the usual schedule and I have upped the chapters count by one (and possibly 2) chapters.
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shirogane-oushirou · 11 months
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so uh. aheem heem. anybody here play AK? djdbdjjx this isnt really selfship related and i don't normally post gacha profile info outside of my initial "i made an account!" posts, but everyone on this side of tumblr has been super chill sooo~!
we can trade clues in the base and i can shuffle other ops in if you need to borrow someone i have for an event! this is my only gacha game, so i'm on top of it if you'd need anything!
(for anyone who doesn't want to bother with the image, i'm Ro#6367!)
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matchasu21 · 2 years
i may be delusional about this but Sesa’s horns looks like something out of homestuck
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probably gonna regret saying this 
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fictionalthrill · 1 month
Forced Hand: Chapter 1 - Inescapable Past
A/N: Greetings! Here is the first chapter of my Gwayne Hightower series. Sorry for making it such a late post! Thanks to whomever takes the time to read my writing. As I mentioned yesterday on this post, this series will not be fully canon nor will it accurately follow details from the show/book. I will follow certain details but given the nature of the story, I will take many liberties. Also, I will do my best create a HoTD environment through descriptions and dialogue, but I don't expect that to be accurate either...
Also, I will now present my blog as an 18+ space given the route I plan to take with my writing. I don't plan to write anything explicitly salacious, but certain topics and themes will come up and I just want to be cautious.
Description: Lady Y/N Blackstone is informed by her father that he intends to arrange a marriage for her... again. Meanwhile, Gwayne gets a visit from his father. WARNINGS FOR THE CHAPTER: Nothing that requires warning. Pairing: Female Reader (Lady Y/N Blackstone) x Gwayne Hightower
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There were many ways in which Y/N’s day could have started. However, as she tried to indulge her morning meal, the way her day already unfolded was certainly not what she had expected.
         “I’m sorry, father, but I must refuse to this,” she said.
         “Refuse? Darling, you cannot simply refuse, this is not how things work,” he said.
         “I believe I should be allowed to refuse yet another forced marriage attempt. I do not need to be married off, I can survive on my own. I say you do not concern yourself with me and rather focus on Lorenah’s future.”
         “Y/N, you are my daughter, as is Lorenah, both your futures are of my concern.”
         “But to go through this again? I do not wish to endure all I did the first time. I would rather Lorenah’s prospects are secured, properly, so she does not suffer the same fate as me. The rest does not matter.”
         “But it does. Who shall provide for you and look after you once I am gone?” her father said, but then found himself in a cough fit. Y/N went to stand to help but he waved his hand. “I am alright.”
         “I do not need to be looked after, father. Besides, I am far from the preferred marriage age, and my prospects have long been tarnished. You know who made sure of that.”
         “You are not far from the marriage age. It might not be the ideal but—”
         “What has brought this on again, anyways? It was aunt Sesa, was it not?”        
         “Your aunt—”
         “I knew it,” she cut him off and stood up. “Any time that woman visits she takes it upon herself to intervene in our lives and you let her!”
         “No. She intervened when you try to marry me off and we all know how that went. Then she rushed you into finding Aianna a match, and now she’s back looking to start things up again.”
         “Y/N, how can your future be ensured if I am no longer walking the earth?”
         She came closer to him and took his hand in hers. “Father, I understand you care and in caring you worry for me, but I will be fine. Besides, I’ve already spoken to Aianna, and her and Lord Corbus are more than happy to take me in, if needs be.”
         He removed his hand from hers. “You’ve discussed this with your sister?”
         “You didn’t really believe I hoped to give marriage another try did you?”
         He stared at her. “That was not for you to discuss.”
         “No? Father, it is my life, and the last time it was in someone else’s hand, I was—”
         Just then, Sesa appeared in the room. “Good morrow, Lord Blackstone. Ah, Y/N!”
         “Aunt Sesa,” Y/N grumbled as she walked away from her father.
         “Sesa, morning,” Lord Blackstone greeted.
         Sesa approached the table and took a seat.
         “I am going to see how preparations are going for Lorenah’s arrival,” Y/N said.
         “Oh, Y/N, has your father told you the news?”
         “I was actually discussing it with her now.”
         “Oh, there’s no need for discussion this is great news!”          “I beg to differ,” Y/N said.
         “Y/N, it is unbecoming of a lady of your age and stature to be unwed.”
         “What is unbecoming is to be engaged one day only to find out the next it is no longer so.”
         “Y/N,” her father tried to reign her in.
         “Well, yes, that is unbecoming and unfortunate. But it does not define the rest of your life. Being a spinster, however, that can stain a family name.”
         She walked towards the doors and turned to stare at her aunt Sesa. “My status has not affected this family in any way. Aianna was able to marry well and Lorenah has garnered the favor of many suitors already, all awaiting the day father accepts an offer for her hand.”
         “Y/N,” Lord Blackstone tried again.
         “This is you having nothing to do but to meddle in our lives, yet again.”
         Her eyes landed on her father.
         “It’s alright, Lord Blackstone,” Sesa said. “I am not meddling. Like my own two daughters, you and your sisters were born to fulfill your duties. You are to marry and provide your Lord husbands with heirs to further extend the livelihood of this house. I am only trying to aid your father so that you may pursue that.”
         “Aunt Sesa, might I remind you, that I was not the one to choose this path for myself. And this time, I refuse to be humiliated again by others making decisions for me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”
         “Y/N,” her father called after her as she left the room. Sesa waved him off.
         “It is alright, Lord Blackstone. Let her decompress; give her time.”
         “I am afraid she has grown too stubborn as well hot-headed.”
         “All a result of being unwed. Which is why it is so important you find her a husband before it becomes permanent.”
         “I do not know about that, Sesa. It was not until I mentioned a husband that she lashed out in that way. The gods know what fire burns inside her since her misfortune… it’s taken her time to make peace with it all and here I am looking to drag her down the aisle again.”
         “My Lord, it is a woman’s duty to wed. While the circumstances were unforeseen and out of your control, it does not mean she must be condemned to the life of a spinster. If a lord will have her as a wife, you must not pass on the opportunity. Have you sent word?”
         “Not as of yet. I have only just considered this and, so far, she is unaccepting of the idea.”
         “She will accept it in time. As fathers and mothers, we know what is best for our children.”
         “May the gods will it so. I will make it known tomorrow.”
         After Blackstone finally made his plans for his daughter known, several days passed and it was enough time for word to spread. The eligibility of the daughter of one of the most prominent houses in the Veil was news that would gradually reach others. However, given said daughter was once engaged, word spread like wildfire.
         Y/N did her best to keep her mind off it, resorting to avoiding the subject and everyone in her path. That was until her sister’s arrival.
Y/N stood on the steps of the Blackstone castle watching as Lorenah exited one of the family carriages and made her towards the entrance. A smile broke on Y/N’s face as Lorenah approached her and wrapped her arms around her middle.
“Oh, how I missed you!” Y/N said.
“I missed you too, sister!” Lorenah replied.
As Y/N let go, she grabbed Lorenah’s hands, and her eyes scanned her fully. “Is that a new dress?”
“Do you like it? Aianna had it made for me.”
“It is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you are.” Y/N came at her sister’s side and draped an arm over her shoulders as she guided her in. “Come, I want you to tell me everything. From the beginning of your journey to the very end. You must be hungry.”
Just as they had made it inside, their father appeared to greet Lorenah. “My sweet little, Lorenah!” He extended his arms for her, and she left Y/N’s side to hug him.
Lord Blackstone chuckled as he took a step back to get a better look at his youngest daughter. “You appear taller. Or am I just getting smaller?”
“It is only because you have not seen me in some time, father.”
“Maybe so.”
Suddenly, Sesa came into the room, her arms extended, but not as an opening for a hug. “My dear, Lorenah, you have returned!”
Lorenah, stood before Sesa and curtsied. “Aunt Sesa.”
“It is good to see you again, my niece.”
          “I am glad to have returned, Aunt Sesa.”
         “Right, let us eat!” Lord Blackstone said. “The cook has prepared your favorite. Go on, it should be served soon.”
         “Thank you, father.” As Lorenah proceeded to the room, Sesa not far behind her, Y/N stood in place, contemplating whether dinner would be worth sitting through.
         “Will you be joining us, Y/N?” Lord Blackstone asked. “I am sure Lorenah would be happy if you joined us.”
         “I suppose so.” Y/N was about to strut past her father when he held her hand in his.
         “Dearest, please do not continue to be angry with me. I am only trying to do what is best for you.”
         “If that were really the case you would not choose for me to endure this again.”
         “Who will look after you when I am gone? Who will provide for you if I do not find you a husband to do so?”
         “Father, Aianna and I discussed this. They are willing to take me in.”      
         A fit of coughs broke out of him before he continued. “I do not appreciate you discussing something like this with your sister. It is not up to you to make these decisions.”
         “Father, listen to yourself. You are ill. You need me here. Lorenah, needs me here.”
         He placed a hand on her cheek. “My daughter, you are unlike no other. You have always strived to put yourself last. But this is not something you can be left behind on. Please, let us get past this.”
         “Clearly, I have no choice in the matter,” she said before she walked away from her father.
         As the Lord of Oldtown, Ser Gwayne Hightower did not take interest in news or happenings of the Realm unless it concerned his House or the interests of the crown. If he did not hear of it from his close advisors, he would learn of it from his father, the Hand of the King. Which is why he assumed there was something of critical importance when he was informed his father arrived.
         One of his advisors left his side as he walked over to Ser Otto. “Lord Hand, I was not aware you would be coming to Oldtown.”
         “It was not planned. We must talk,” Otto said.
         “Let us go inside then.”
         Gwayne led his father towards his study. As they stepped inside, one of the servants appeared at the door. “Shall I bring forth refreshments, my lords?”
         “No, leave us.” Otto answered. The servant bowed his head and left the two men in the study.
         “Is this a matter of the crown?” Gwayne asked.
         “No, not directly.”
         “Not directly?”
         “I received word that Lord Blackstone is once again offering the hand of one of his daughters.”
         Gwayne’s eyes snapped up to his father. Now, the courting of a lord’s daughter wasn’t something that garnered his attention. But in this instance, he couldn’t help himself.
         “And this concerns us how?”
         “It is Lady Y/N.”
         It was as Gwayne feared. Still, he kept his composure before his father, as to not reveal his disappointment. “I do not understand, father. You came all the way from King’s Landing to tell me this?”
         Otto approached his son. “Not just to tell you, but to urge you to request her hand.”
         “Request her hand?”
         “Gwayne, this is a union that could be most beneficial to our family. Lady Y/N is the eldest of Blackstone’s daughter, one of the richest and most influential families of the Riverlands.”
         “All of this I know. In fact, I can recall vying for her hand once and winning it. This was then accompanied by your disapproval which led me to call off the engagement.”
         “Gwayne you were far too young and naïve for marriage, at the time. Your duty was to Oldtown.”
         “Yes, and it continues to be so. How is this now a priority? How is this now what you want?”
         Otto took a deep breath. “Blackstone is ill. When he first learned of his illness, he made it known to some of his closest advisors, that whomever his eldest should marry, would inherit Blackstone castle, along with whatever land and fortune is left to his name. Of course, he’d leave for his other daughters and whatever descendants they produced.”
         “So, that’s the interest? The inheritance?” Gwayne stared at Otto.
         “Gwayne, do you understand the influence of the Blackstones in the Riverlands? Do you know what a marriage between our houses could bring?”
         “Why now, father? Why not let me go through with it when we were already betrothed?”
         “As I already said, Oldtown was the priority. Besides, Blackstone did not decide his intentions with his inheritance until after he learned he was ill.”
         “Did he tell you all this?”
         “No. But I have a direct source who confirmed it all.”
         Gwayne sighed. “Even if I wanted to, Lord Blackstone made it clear he wanted no business with me after what I did.”
         “Leave Blackstone, to me. Focus on Lady Y/N and winning her favor.”
         “This attempt will surely be fruitless.”
         Otto placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. “Trust me, we will get this union.”
         “Even if Blackstone gave us his approval, what of Lady Y/N? She surely still hates me. She will never go for the marriage.”
         “Then you charm her, pursue her. Show her you want this marriage.”
         “I respect your optimism, father. But for once, I do not see how we will be successful in this endeavor.”
         “Make sure to win her favor. The rest will come about.”
         Gwayne nodded. “Fine.”
         “We leave in the evening.”
         “The evening?”
         “The sooner we meet with Blackstone, the better our advantage.”
         “Did he not just announce this?”
         “Sufficient time has passed for word to go around. Coincidently, the Prince of Dorne is traveling through land to his home. But it is well known he is in search of a wife. If he has heard about this, there is a high chance he will pay Blackstone a visit.”
         Gwayne cleared his throat. “Would leaving at dawn not be better?”
         “If we are to prevent the Prince of Dorne from persuading Blackstone, we would leave now. But being as I rushed here, I shall have a meal, and we will gather our things to leave this evening.”
         “As you wish,” Gwayne nodded.
Chapter 2 - Looking Ahead
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cerastes · 1 year
I was wondering, are there any characters in Arknights that on the surface are jokesters, but anre actually immensely deep and powerful? I know about characters like Jaye and Nothing, but they aren’t particularly funny and casual. What I’m looking for is someone like Sans, basically.
"Nothing isn't particularly funny" oh we're just fundamentally different people then because I smile like a babe listening to jingling keys every time he's in the scene.
In the exact same regard as Sans, 1:1? Not really. Similar enough in some regards or in essence that they warrant mention? Yeah, I'd say so.
Aak is a good case, I'd say. Aak is a very casual guy, perhaps excessively so, referring to Doctor as "my dude" and in general having a very whimsical whistle to his steps, not to mention his seemingly jovial soul. Then you dig a bit deeper and you realize, well, despite the way he behaves, he takes what he does extremely seriously and is one of the most ruthless characters in the cast as a whole, in addition to being a medical sciences prodigy the likes of which Terra has seldom seen, and being infamous in the criminal underworld as a vigilante and executioner that has no qualms disposing of a mother fucker, if said fornicator of moms is a criminal and adversely affects others. See, the thing with Aak is that he, for the longest time, hated being so good at the medical sciences, because as he saw with his own twisted father, a brutal underworld doctor and criminal, curing illnesses doesn't begin to truly rid the common man of their suffering: There are always oppressors, abusers, those who selfishly make lives difficult for others for their own gain. Aak believes that to be a truly good "doctor", he needs to eliminate the root cause of the people's suffering: Criminals that will hurt them. Since his cooperation with Rhodes Island, his views have shifted a bit for the better (understanding people better, finding a good friend that shares his latent curiosity and love for the medical sciences and research in Warfarin), but it's still evident that Aak remains an unstable vat of fluoroantimonic acid waiting to bubble over, if the right trigger is present. He's not particularly powerful, with all his evaluations being "Normal" and "Standard", but his ruthlessness, his knowledge of the underworld, and his deep knowledge of medical sciences do make him quite dangerous despite "my dude"ing you.
Ceobe is the other one that comes to mind. Ceobe basically replicates the experience of having a big dumb loving dog, not just with Doctor, but with others as well, such as her canonical friends Vulcan and Sesa (Sesa being someone that also qualifies imo), and is in general a fun goober that livens up every scene she's in on virtue of, well, being a big dumb loving dog with all that entails: She WILL break into the kitchen even though she knows it's forbidden for her to do this, she WILL steal food, she WILL whimper and apologize, she WILL grow immensely defensive over her loved ones over things like "a loud vacuum cleaner" and WILL act over any perceived threat with maximum power; the entirety of Integrated Strategies 1, Ceobe's Fungimist, comes about because Ceobe gets high on hallucinogenic mushrooms she found in the jungle, and goes apeshit because she imagines this whole scenario where Villains have kidnapped Doctor and only she and whatever friends she can recruit on the way can save them, resulting in her beating the absolute shit out of numerous warrior tribes Dynasty Warriors style. Let's talk about that last part! She beat the absolute shit out of numerous warrior tribes Dynasty Warriors style while high as fuck on shrooms. She can do that! Because Ceobe is actually fucking shredded. Despite being a Funny Dog, Ceobe is a legitimately Arts genius, having no formal training and yet being able to use Arts with no problem, almost instinctively, as well as simply being able to harness pretty much any weapon she touches and empower them further with her Arts. Part of this is definitely because she's VERY Infected, but not even that explains just the sheer magnitude and expertise with which Ceobe seems to use her Arts. And speaking of? She dragged herself, across much of Terra, while incredibly Infected and with no care at all.
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Ceobe, by all rights, should be dead. Not even the Medic Operator that wrote her medical file has a lot of faith, and her Oripathy is explicitly very grave and only getting worse. And even in this state, she dragged herself and the small arsenal strapped to her back across the world.
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Her Physiological Endurance rank of Outstanding is no joke. Keep in mind, this is a rank equivalent to the toughest and most resilient characters we know of, such as Specter and Hoshiguma.
This is all stuff you'll only ever realize about Ceobe if you pay attention, because she's almost exclusively used for comedic relief, but the funny dog is actually a natural archmage and weaponmaster that just won't fucking die, if we were to use more fantasy adjacent terms for her.
There's more (like Sesa) but those two are the ones that jumped to mind.
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itstokkii · 4 months
Hey, I just want to talk to you about a few things in regard to Turkfra's post. I think you should really be more careful about what/who you're insinuating is racist especially because there really was nothing racist about that post or the way she's shipping them. TurkFra is very obviously an enjoyer of France being GNC and even a Transwoman(no matter the ship and just enjoys that characterization clearly), and insinuating that she's only doing that to ship France with Turkey (which isn't even part of MENA so I'm not sure why you're referring to him as if he is?) can sound a tad transphobic if not racist in itself imo. I mean, she wasn't hypermasculinizing him at all. She was just saying that she finds him hot and never mentioned ethnicity. TurkFra also has had "Minors DNI" on her blog for a while(think she still does?), and it is clearly a more adult-oriented space, so I'm not really sure why you were on her blog to begin with… I know you don't mean any harm with this but I think you should take a few seconds before jumping to conclusions about other people like this.
"Turkey (which isnt even a part of MENA so idk why youre referring to him as if he is)"
"Why would you look at her stuff she says Minors dni"
hmm ok interesting. so then tell me why she wouldn't tag appropriately since I could clearly see those posts on the turkey tag. But I guess because she said the magic word open sesa- i mean minors dni her racism is excusable! checkmate liberal 😎😎
"She wasn't hypermasculinating him at all" dang OK then so I guess this was a fever dream?
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dw babe I know enough abt my people being seen as hypermasculine mongols/arabs and about my place being a ~mysterious Agrabah place~ to the Russians to Spot the Orientalism ! no lecturing from anon required ❤️
my whole point being that it's bad to have a feminine france (whether france is a feminine man or a transwoman), alongside a hyper masculinized turkey, brown man(where turkey is explicitly being fetishized for his masculinity and dominance), not to have a feminine france. anyways super white to dodge people calling you out for being weird about brown men dominating subby femme white men only to instead accuse them of being transphobic
bonus fraturk moodboard if you stick to the end ❤️
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Lifeboat 12: SQUASH?!
“What did you want me to see if I could get seeds out of again?” Lana asked as she looked around inside of the newly placed crate.
Sesa looked up from working on the lid of the crate. Thinking about the question, the woman looked over at another crate set on a chair. There were a few crates that had been set around Sesa for sorting supplies. “Oh the vine berries. I got some from the store. It's a sweet-savory fruit. I think it's a fruit?”
The giant woman looked at another crate and poked at the wrapped things. Careful not to tear the paper as it had updated news. The lid to the crate was set aside, so Sesa could use both hands, opening a few containers and then set one beside where she was working on making a second doorway for Lana in the crate lid. Unwrapping and happy to see nothing broke, or oozed. 
“I like the savory berries, but I've never got one to sprout, just rot in the ground.” Sesa set the container down on the big table, then smoothed the paper out. Scanning for anything interesting in the news, but smiled at seeing a recipe, trying not to laugh at the text of, ‘Nutty pie! So good even Bitta will move into your home!’
“Do you like nuts?” Sesa blinked and looked up, spotting Lana sitting on the edge of the crate and kicking her legs. Sesa realized she needed to make some sort of stairs for the Bitta.
“Yes, well, nuts I'm used to. I thought I saw what looked like chestnut trees on the way here.” Lana tilted her head, unable to help thinking of a big nutshell about the size of her. Everything was so weirdly big in this place!
Sesa looked around and picked something up from in the massive pots that Lana had yet to really see inside of yet. The giant woman was alarmingly fast, but thankfully Sesa had learned to slow down around Lana. She was holding something tan and brown between two fingers and once more, Lana felt her inner thoughts grind to a halt. Staring at something she almost recognized, but the scale was… off.
“That looks like an acorn.” Lana blurted, “That's… the size of the jars.”
The nut inside was likely the side of her head. The nut had to be a few pounds at least as Lana rattled the shell to listen to the nut inside. Maybe five pounds? Did it have more tannins being so big? Or was what was in a normal nut all stretched out? 
Was that possible?
Lana’s brain was getting so much bafflement, she wondered how much more she would keep having. The young woman found herself grateful that Sesa was so patent with her and did not leave her in that giant's city. With how the ‘peaceful’ dinos all seemed to want to eat Lana too, she was not sure what animals would show up in a city.
“Not a…chestnut?” Sesa's voice asked, jarring Lana back to reality. So looked up, then down at the acorn, and shook her head. “Oh… not good then?”
“Nuu, this is still good,” Lana paused, making a face at her own confused words, “Wait. I mean, yes, good thing. Do you have more? Or different types of tree nuts?”
“I have a few nuts I've collected,” Sesa admitted, puzzled but was smiling a bit at Lana’s fascination. “I can dig them out once we finish getting you set up.”
The bigger woman grinned at the clear, tiny, pout. Sesa wanted to reach out, put her project down and cup her hands around Lana. It was almost an irresistible urge, the want to do, but Sesa took a breath and made herself not. She finished the cut into the wood, and hummed before setting the lid upright how it would sit in the crate. Just on the table. “Is this a good enough size door? Can you walk through?”
Lana looked down at the nut, carefully set it down before the Bitta hopped down. Sesa would definitely need to make some sort of steps for her. Not a lot, maybe just a few like four or five wide steps. Sesa should have something even like that around. She had not used up all the materials to make the Bitta home models. Not at all.
The giant woman felt awkward at the thought of her hobby and now had a real live Bitta here. Again. 
She focused back on track, watching as Lana came over and peeking through the opening. Sesa smiled watching Lana ease through, hands carefully touching the sides. “Needs to be fixed. I need to make it a bit taller, and wider. unless you want it narrow?”
“A little wider would be nice,” Lana looked up, eyeing the new door frame above her. “It should be tall enough though.”
“Almost,” Sesa dared to carefully touch a fingertip to Lana's leg, “The lip of the crate was most of the way up you shin when you were sitting on it. The door isn't big enough. Hop up in the crate so I can measure better?”
Lana looked back and forth, considering before she understood. “Oh! I get it, it's like a foot and change up...will be.”
A foot?
Sesa grinned as she looked at the, maybe inch or so space. Suddenly getting an interesting idea, was an inch a foot for the Bitta? Once Lana was safely inside the crate, Sesa lifted the lid and set it against the spot it would be on, the door space did shrink about a third of the space.
“...yeah, I see, not big enough to be comfortable.” Lana's voice called from inside, and Sesa chuckled.
The giant woman reached for her pencil, holding the lid with her right hand. Starting to make a better opening as Lana popped out. Leaning out to see what was going on, tracking the movement of the pencil. “How's that?” 
“I think? Is the knot going to be okay halfway through?” Lana pointed at something just to her right.
Sesa leaned down to look, where there was a slight color difference. “It should be alright, but I can cut the other way instead to avoid the spot. Or you can have a window?”
The giggle that came at once had Sesa smiling down at Lana. The Bitta extracted herself to go inside the crate and look around. “Maybe windows would be nice. Not sure where yet.” 
“We can always add some later,” Sesa assured as she lifted the lid, finding that Lana was sitting on the floor of the crate. “It might not be much to start with, but if you want more of a bed I think a few of the little… ‘Models’ of Bitta houses might have something inside. I still want to smooth that little cooker thing out.”
“I did kind of like the two levels,” Lana assured, “Unless it's a safety thing?”
“It is, that chip has to stay in a sand buffer, just like mine. Don't want your new home here to catch fire.” Sesa said, moving the lid and using a carving knife to make the door the right size. “My house is made of thick stone, but I really like this table. My grandfather made it when he made the house.”
“Safety first,” Lana smiled, for now happy to sit on her spot and watch Sesa world. “Nothing wrong with that. Can I ask some more things?”
“I don't mind.” Sesa said, smiling as she worked. Not wanting to admit how much she was enjoying the morning talking with the Bitta. Someone that was not demanding Sesa do something for them, but looking up at the bigger woman with weary hope. 
Sesa paused her carving for a moment, as it really sank in that this tiny person was going to be dependent on her. Mostly depending on her, for more than protection. The woman wanted Lana to be as set up as possible. Turning back to her task as the Bitta asked.
“What are we going to do for a door?” Lana asked, still peaceful in her spot. 
Sesa paused, realizing that was a good question. Doors were good things. “It’s not very impressive for now, but I did get a lot of the fabric scraps from the weavers. Maybe we can use a piece of that until I can make a hinge small enough.”
“That could work.” The bitta tilted her head, remembering how stiff some fabrics from the other day was, mostly Sesa’s vest. “Better than nothing, ya?”
“Yeah,” Sesa echoed, looking at some of the things on the table. Glanced down at what she had done before adding as she lifted the lid. “Here, let's try this.”
The lid was fitted back into place, and there was a happy sound from inside the crate. “Much better!” 
Sesa could not help smiling as the giant watched when Lana came back to the door, being careful of the edges still but there was a good space between her on all sides now. “Yes it is, I’ll sand the edges down for you too.”
“Thank you,” Lana backed up reflexively as the lid of the crate was moved and pulled off. She paused once sitting down at the edge of the crate, “And… um, Thank you Sesa.”
“For what?”
Lana looked up, finding golden eyes back on her, “For helping me, even if I was… am, scared. For not putting me in like a pet tank, or leaving me somewhere. Thank you for saving me from the dinosaurs that wanted to eat me.”
Sesa’s neutral, concentrating expression softened. Getting that more pleased, or happy look like when they were cooking together. “You’re welcome, but I couldn’t leave you. That dosen’t seem… right. You’ve been… are a person. Just….very oddly- erm.”
“Tiny?” Lana snorted softly, hopping down to the ground, tabletop. Walking around the crate lid to where Sesa hand set the containers of ‘vine berries.’ pausing as a large hand stopped just short of her, as if Sesa was moving on reflex but stopped herself.
Lana considered, then took a few steps over to pat the back of Sesa’s hand. 
Hearing the rumble back, “Very small. But you’re very cute.”
Lana flushed a bit, looking away and walked to the equivalent of berry containers, only, well. Crate sized…
Exactly like those big crates at fall of pumpkins at the stores because it was full of pumpkins! 
Vine berry.
Lana rested her hand on the edges of the container, leaning over it a bit. It felt like wood, but was thin enough to bend, yet thick enough that it almost looked expexive to Lana. not like particle board, but… it was one piece? Paper? paper -ish? Wait, Lana thought as she picked up a white pumpkin up off the stack in the container. Remembering some little boxes like this at a farmer’s market but with strawberries.
She felt a bit dizzy again as another facet of the size scale hit Lana, standing beside a giant’s berry container. That was a pumpkin. Whites and what Lana recognized as being marbled green and orange, a seed pumpkin?
How much stuff filtered over to this world?
Definitely not plastics as far as Lana could tell, but she turned the pumpkin around in her hands. She knocked her knuckles on it, hearring the hollow sound, and then tested the skin. Rine really. Definitely ripe and ready. 
“We can definitely grow some pumpkins.” Lana smiled, paused and then brightened up turning to see a surprised and happy Sesa. “OH! Hey, I just thought of something Sesa!”
The giant blinked, expression turning confused as she paused and had what looked like sandpaper in hand. Watching the human run back to the crate. Pumpkin set on the side of the crate, not completely forgotten but set aside. Lana had climbed up and was rummaging through her lifeboat, and her backpack left inside. 
“...what did you remember?” Sesa guessed, watching in some amusement as the Bitta pulled over a decently sized bag for her back by the vine berry. Plopping down to start pulling things out. A change of clothes and an assortment of other little things Sesa could not tell what they were. 
“Okay, you know how I told you I set up gardens and stuff to make money on the side?” Lana asked, pulling a thick bag out, envelope really but nice and protecting the smaller little clear bags, as well as some paper bags. It took a second for Sesa to realize there were patterns on the paper as well as miniscule writing.
The giant woman leaned over, folding her arms on the table and had to get close to try and see the details. The words seemed gibberish to Sesa, but she controlled her breathing and focused on the little bits, and saw the tiniest of little pictures of plants. Fruit? “...you have seeds with you?”
“Yeah,” Lana smiled, taking a few deep breaths with the giant woman’s head so close. She was fine, it was okay. “Including some pumpkins! I have the big ones, sugar pie, even some blues. Not to mention I have several other squashes. Some veggies and flowers too. Even have some strawberries! A lot… My Auntie’s wanted a lot of those.”
The bitta paused, tilting her head and picked something out that she had been hoarding while on the lifeboat. A packet of dehydrated fruit from a friend. “I might have some more too, I almost forgot I have some stuff that might sprout too.”
“All the things,” Sesa said softly, before moving back and straightening her back, smiling, “At least you can have some familiar things growing?”
“Is it safe to grow things outside for me?” Lana wondered, not really able to see outside well. Or just out the window of Sesa's cabin from where she was. “With the dinosaur lizard things?”
“... good point.” Sesa eyed her pots, and then shrugged, “We can find something inside for you, I was told the vine berries… pumpkin? Need to grow inside anyways.” 
“Do you have any more containers like that?” Lana asked, pointing to the container with the pumpkins.
“I do, some older ones too I haven't done anything with. Oh and the pots the miniature trees are in.” Sesa looked over to her right to point at the pots, “I do need to get those repotted, and the garden birds into something. They've probably laid a bunch of eggs and need water. Let's at least get you something to sleep on, Lana, and some basic supplies if you want to cook. Get the garden birds somewhere safe after. Maybe they're an animal you can use?”
“Maybe?” Lana paused, thinking about the mention of eggs. Could it be chickens? 
That seemed a little too good to be true.
“What do they eat?”
“...you know I'm not sure, I know they like the scraps of the cooking gourds. I normally let them go in one of the protected garden plots. They seem to eat bugs that try for those plants.” Sesa was shifting back and stretched again working a stiff muscle out. She was moving to look for something, paused and sighed. “I left it in the shed. I'll be back, Lana.”
“Okay?” Lana answered, puzzled as the only shed she was aware of was back at the cove. Then realized that she really did not have an idea of what it looked like outside other than having seen a barn-like building to the… east of the house’s main window. 
At least the left of the window when facing it. 
Lana almost asked to go with Sesa as she was getting boots on. Then changed her mind, not wanting to see the even bigger world outside right now. She gave a nervous giggle, and after getting glanced at blurted out, “Watch out for monsters?” 
Sesa grinned, “Don't worry, I can kill any monsters Lana. And if for some reason I can't, I'll get John to come down from his cabin.”
Sesa pointed to her bed still in the living space, and the fur blanket on it. “He hunted and made that for me after all.”
“That's one creature?” Lana squeaked. 
“Maybe two,” Sesa considered, “he had to use something to even it out.”
“I don't think I want to see what that came from. Or meet it.”
“You won't,” Sesa promised as she got up, “Not alive anyways. John keeps them away. I'll be right back.”
Lana waved, not sure if Sesa saw it, but that was okay. It was notably quieter with the giant gone as the door opened and closed, but not too much so. She could still hear whatever animals outside, and those chitters again. Lana walked over the table top, until coming to the ‘pots’ that held the trees. She could not see what was inside them, did not sound like a chicken but did sound like a bird of some sort.
Backing up, Lana tried to see what the tree was, it seemed like a plum, or cherry? 
“What is this place?” Lana wondered aloud, glancing around, not meaning her current… residence? The cabin was more like…several malls put together? At least cabin fever might not be that bad. Hopefully.
Hearing the distant footsteps coming back some fifteen minutes later, Lana looked up from where she had come back to. Currently setting all the pumpkins out in neat rows away from where all the work was going on. At least away from Sesa’s work area. The main door opened, the giant woman had what looked like a tray in one hand with a few assorted things on it. 
Definitely a different shed somewhere closer then the one at the cove.
“Welcome back?” Lana called, and got a smile back. “Goodies?”
“Goodies? Oh, heh, that’s cute. Yes, goodies.” Sesa was still smiling as she got her boots off again, paused as if considering something. “I need to find my other shoes. Might be in the storage room.”
Sesa came over, hesitated before getting to the table and made herself take a breath. Lana tilted her head but understood as the giant woman slowed her steps the last few paces before sitting down. That was kind, Lana realized, willing to come over as the tray was set down and the crate lid moved to the side. It was a few feet tall at least, the edges that was, and when Lana found it came up to her middle and peered in. 
There were some more of those bent wood containers, Sesa had grabbed them and they just looked a bit dry or dusty. There were also a few small her-sized things, like a table! A bench, and a few more things that were carved from wood and… and…
There was a boxy like room thing, and a car sized squash fruit.
Not like pickup size, but the size of a small compact car. ‘Just’ small car sized. It likely could fit on a flatbed truck?
Like the massive world record pumpkins, only it put those to shame and even held its shape. It looked like scallop squash, but was colored dark green with dark orange stripes and spots freckled over it.
Lana could fit in it!
“This is an eating gourd!” Sesa said cheerfully, then was leaning over to look at the vine barries. As if comparing again the difference between the two. Or what was alike?
Lana did not want to sit in the giant pumpkin... Well, no, there was still that intrusive thought to want to be a godsdamns fiery and sit in a hollowed out giant pumpkin. “What’s it taste like?” 
Sesa laughed at the confused question, “Tasty? Better with seasonings.”
“You could make so many pies, and soup and everything with that.” Lana wondered aloud. Paused, and then she climb over the edge of the tray and came closer. Almost running into a solid seeming table before getting distracted by that.
“....You can make pie out of gourds?!” Sesa demanded leaning back, startled. She looked around, even up at the recipe books she had, then to that paper with the nut pie recipe. “No one told me that! Why didn’t anyone tell me that?”
The demand was not aimed at Lana but the Bitta giggled as she looked up at the almost offended expression on the giant.
“...how do you make it?”
“Well,” Lana thought, remembering the days spent with her family cooking. “You have sugar, the squash, I saw a bunch of seasonings. Something has to be alike to what’s needed. Do you have milk or cream?”
“I’m about to, when the cows give birth.” Sesa brightened up. “I also froze some last fall!”
“Do you have a pie crust recipe?”
“I found one in my grandmother’s books I use!”
“Do you have edible eggs?” Lana asked, tilting her head.
Sesa stared out the window, blinked slowly before brightening up. “I don’t yet. But I’ve been meaning to trade a neighbor for egg layers!”
Lana giggled again, “Well, we can make some pie then when we have everything. Depending on that milk. You might like some whipped cream on top too!”
“....What now? That sounds odd…is it good? Whipped cream?”
“Very good, more so if you make it a little sweet.” “Sweet cream… like fancy tea in town? It can be whipped?”
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dsknsk · 1 year
Operator names (trends)
(any operator will be mentioned only once, even if they fulfill multiple categories)
The 'Why do I need something fancy, lemme just use my name' operators (more are on this list actually)
RockRock (Rochelle Rockwell)
The Warrior Cats operators
(noun/descriptive word + noun, usually nature-based)
Flametail (she has the name of an actual Warrior Cat. he drowned as he fell through the ice)
Wildmane (when spelled as one word)
The operators who let themselves rather be described
The colorful operators
Akafuyu (aka = red)
Projekt Red
Qiu Bai (bai = white)
ShiraYuki (shira = white)
Luo Xiaohei (hei = black)
Blue Poison
The operators you can build on
The operators with a famous name
Beehunter (= Beowulf)
These operators think foreign languages are cool, actually
Shaw (xiao)
Waai Fu
La Pluma
Noir Corne
The operators at home in the kitchen
Vigna (vigna angularis)
The musically talented operators
Wind Chimes
The operators who mash two words into one
The operators you can find on the map
The operators who refer to their origin species
Tuye (means 'camel')
FEater (= iron-eating beast, aka panda)
The mythological operators
Ceobe (= cerberus)
The nature-loving operators
Quercus (= oak)
Rosmontis (= rosemary)
Kal'tsit (= calcite)
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authortobenamedlater · 7 months
E5 deep dive! This will be fun because Mr and I have VERY different opinions on certain parts of this episode.
The good:
This might be Pablo Schreiber’s best performance yet, and that’s saying something.
Everyone delivers in this one. Soren and Laera have some great moments, separately and together. Riz’s final lines with John (and that hug!), Halsey’s and John’s speeches at Vannak’s funeral, Kwan’s vision and her shamelessly calling John on his BS. This episode does a great job of showing the fallout from Reach on a small scale. Not what it did to humanity as a whole, but what it did to these individual humans.
The exit from Reach and Riz’s last run for Vannak are epic.
Vannak gets a great send-off, and can we talk about how well-preserved he was after being dead for a week?
Makee continues to be one of the most intriguing characters for many reasons, not the least of which is she’s inexplicably (literally inexplicably; they haven’t explained it) alive. She cries as she watches Reach fall, then says she cares nothing for “the Demon” (who she ordered ‘Gatanai not to kill a few hours ago). She and Cortana appear to be hatching some kind of plan.
Speaking of Cortana…EVERYTHING I thought about that opening scene in the first episode got flipped on its head. Did Cortana sell her soul (operating system?) to Parangosky in exchange for John or something?
Also speaking of Cortana, John is so not OK without her it hurts to watch. “If I’d had my armor, if I’d had her with me” 😭 “There’s a space where there used to be a voice and a feeling someone knew me” 😭😭 Just get these two back together already.
Kai’s little strut when she meets the S-IIIs 😍
The bad:
Reach didn’t quite go out with the bang it deserved, unless there’s a heck of a surprise in store. I’m not sure what would have been the bang it deserved, but this wasn’t it.
Admiral Keyes is not around. Yes, I knew he wasn’t going to be, but I love him darn it.
Vannak was all dead, not only mostly dead as I had hoped and will continue to imagine.
Still no Miranda, not that I expected her. Does she know her dad is dead?
Observations/predictions/wishful thinking:
Riz’s exit. One part where that @mrtobenamedlater and I do not agree. I saw this coming from the start of the season. Riz was already hurting and increasingly disillusioned with Spartan life. Now she’s even more beaten up. She was never really going to be a Spartan again. She can barely even walk when she tells John she’s done. Her departure made a good contrast to John’s response. His way to honor Vannak’s sacrifice is to hunt down his killers; Riz’s way is to live the life his sacrifice spared.
I don’t think this is the last of Riz, however. We’ll run into her again.
Makee seems to be filling the Sesa ‘Refumee role from Halo 2, with her line about the Prophets being liars. She is on no one’s side because no one is on her side.
Given that Makee describes ‘Gatanai to Cortana as the fleet master and calls him “the Arbiter,” I guess he’s the Silver Timeline’s Thel ‘Vadam? And his line to Makee about how she lives only by his grace? Did he personally revive her or something?
Also I’m going to assume Makee never touched the artifact in E2, probably just as well since that would have taken John out, and that she and ‘Gatanai took it off Reach. Why didn’t she touch it though?
Did Kessler get kidnapped for a new Spartan program? I’m all about Uncle Master Chief going to rescue his surrogate nephew by the way.
Where did Perez and that transport go? I was sort of expecting to find them on Aleria.
This episode will get derided as “filler” but it sets up a lot for the rest of the season: The Arbiter, the ring, Kwan’s and Madrigal’s place in all this, the Spartan-IIIs.
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Worst arknights characters to have a as henchmen?
Well it's not Monch, that's for damn sure
Ceobe: hard to trust with complex tasks
SilverAsh: will turn every assignment you give him into a plot that's infinitely more complicated than it needs to be
Ling: drunk
Jessica: cries if you ask her to do henchwoman shit
Catapult: lacks discipline
Honorable Mentions
Mlynar: depends on how much leave he has available. Would really rather just stand around and read his newspaper than do henchman shit
Gnosis: thinks he's smarter than you
Ch'en: Ch'en
Sesa: too chuuni
Robin: may betray you for money
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lilyblackdrawside · 6 months
I'll likely never actually raise Sesa, but I love him so much.
His delayed grenade S2 that has him miss any enemy that's just slightly above average movespeed
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His sprite with the silly Mista cap
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His isekai demon ass E2 portrait and his entire attitude. Like, the first two lines are so cliché and then what's the ultimate price we pay for depending on him? sweetened black tea.
He's so good.
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