#bitchass billionaires
heartlesscad · 2 years
I dont think we utilize the fact that Jeff Bezos last name is so close to Bozo enough when we're making fun of him
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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i know this is very much just me over thinking things and i'm 99.99% sure this will never get touched on.....
1) "SNORING PHONE PRO" -- LOL i wonder if this was kylie's (the typesetter's) idea to name lex's bitchass phone/company. he's a total snooze, i agree LMAO 😂😂
however, and more importantly, 2) wth kinda app is this???
there's so much questionable info this screen reveals?? omg:
obviously, it controls the blue kryptonite lasers in the president's office (which is a WHOLE other thing i could talk about, but i digress bc i wanna focus on this app)
"guest profile" -- implies that this is an app/service that isn't exclusive to the president, and implies that it's popular enough to be used by its clients that they need to differentiate between guest logins vs regular users
"synced with active tracking" -- tracking what exactly?? yes, the lasers in the president's office, but "guest" implies that other people can control presumably other things with it. so what else can it track???
"execute process" -- what process??? again, yes kryptonite lasers, but what exactly on those lasers?? what else can/does it process???
literally what on earth is this app???? what product/service is it?? why is there a large enough clientele to manage guest and returning users (one of whom is america's billionaire president)?? why/how does it control kryptonite lasers and how tf did lex get that installed into the gd white house??
i have so many questions???????
i'm fairly certain no one but me cares about this but what can i say other than i am obsessive and picky ¯\_🥴_/¯
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Important Young Avengers/Umbrella Academy Things
Loki and Five, brunch buddies
also bitchass little shits buddies, but don’t tell them that to their faces
Teddy is one of the few people in the world who can actually knock Luther out
Kate, warily eyeing Diego’s getup: you’re not like. ghostrider or something are you?
Klaus: no im the one with the ghosts
Klaus doing everyone’s eyeliner
America does NOT have a crush on Vanya!!! shut UP
the entire team does not have a crush on Allison like???? SHUT UP
Eli and Luther: we are the Leaders of our teams
Kate, Klaus, and Diego: pppfffhhtptttphtpth
Kate and Five bonding over coffee. she is the ONLY person who can make a decent goddamn cup, holy christ
He actually hates her before the coffee, he thinks she’s all sanctimonious and self righteous and ugh like most team leaders
Then he sees her fall out of a two story window and come up shooting and he thinks “oh okay. This I can work with.”
Five ~training~ everyone in combat skills so literally like a bunch of 30 year olds getting beaten up by a kid
and Five and Loki fight and it’s both hilariously cute and incredibly terrifying to watch these murderous children go at each other
Diego: so you’re like me?
Kate: nah i don’t have powers or anything it’s called a trickshot ok
Noh hanging out with Klaus when he’s having trouble staying sober
Allison calling Luther, Eli, and Teddy the Big Boys Brigade
(+ Big Girl!!! she says while smiling at Cassie, who melts)
Noh: THAT’S Sir Reginald???? That’s your DAD???? THAT MOTHERF–
(noh and sir reginald have crossed paths before. noh’s no stranger to sir reginald’s morally questionable methods)
Kate’s friendship with Wade and her encounter with the Ghost of Ben Franklin mean she’s got the most experience with actual ghosts on her team
also people talking to what appears to be thin air
so she’s a lot less weirded out by Klaus’ whole thing, AND she’s the first to really Get Ben’s whole deal
by which I mean, she’s the one who asks stuff like “hey is Ben here?” and “What does Ben think?” She’ll have Klaus point her in the right direction and just say hi to Ben directly, without going “Klaus, tell Ben I say hi” like the rest of her team does at the beginning
Klaus is half-irritated half-amused at Kate and Ben having conversations through him
unrelated, Ben has a HUGE crush on Kate, and that was before she started talking to him. he just thought she was scary and pretty and badass, and THEN she proved she was nice, too. Klaus canNOT handle this
Cassie growing herself so she’s as tall as Luther
Kang for SURE needs to be involved because Time Travel
Kang and Five worked together on and off over the years. 
they DESPISE each other
Everyone thinks Diego and Kate are going to start dating or something but in reality they spend half of their time being mean to each other and the other half being super platonic besties
they are GROSS about their platonic-bestiness. super huggy with each other when they’re drinking, Kate always brings Diego fluffy blankets and he always brings her new arrows and they sharpen weapons together and have aim competitions and they cuddle on movie night
Diego is CONVINCED Kate has powers and she just wishes he would let it go already????
Diego: do u want to go to a police station and irritate some cops
kate: are u KIDDING? that’s my fave hobby
Klaus is L.I.V.I.N.G. for their friendship
Tommy tries to flirt with Klaus all the time and…fails. A lot. really spectacularly. 
Allison’s powers don’t really work on Billy or Noh. 
Allison and Noh have a mind control-off which is weird mostly because it looks like a flirting session interrupted by bouts of acting like a chicken or reciting Hamlet monologues
Tommy and Five sort of bond over their powers? They aren’t the same but they’re related
Also Tommy gets roped into being Fake Parent for Shenanigans a lot. He’s a little less unpredictable than Klaus and easier to pay
Billy helps Vanya figure out how to control her powers...or Vanya helps Billy learn how to harness his powers...it’s unclear who is teaching who
Kate and Vanya as a string duo
like lbr they probably know each other from being musically gifted kids?
and Tommy and/or Kate and/or Noh definitely know Klaus--at least, they’ve seen him at clubs
Tommy and Diego sleep together and it’s comically bad because they realized halfway through they weren’t being physically passionate or whatever, they were fighting over who got to bottom (be the bottom? what’s the correct way to say this)
Kate: Five come with me immediately
Five: I think not
Kate: but there’s a dog
Five:….I’m getting my coat
You’d THINK America and Five would bond over similar powers but Five says he thinks America has ostentatious presentation and gets a bloody nose for his insolence
Five pretending America is his mom just to screw with her in public
they can’t stand one another. when America gets frustrated she just lifts Five over her head until he stops being an asshole
“I am SIXTY YEARS OLD, show me some goddamn respect!” Five shouts at her as concerned families watch this happening in a park
Not sure if this is dimension hopping YA or if they’re all in the same universe
But I kinda like the idea that they were…mentored by a DIFFERENT eccentric billionaire who was MORTAL ENEMIES with Reginald Hargreeves
its Tony Stark
He doesn’t BUY the exceptional children, a lot of them still have loving families, but at various points they all lived under the same roof
And in THAT version, Peter Parker and Miles Morales are both as-needed parts of the team
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chiveburger · 6 years
fuck!!!!!!!! roger and tavia in another era are so fucking good I’m about to break my own nose. they play a married couple who invest in the stock (?) they’ve worked side by side from when both of them were just mere regular FOLK. they went from friends, to alliances, to partners, to a fucking wealthy billionaire couple!!!!!!! they worked so fucking hard and her dad always hated her because she earned her money the “dirty” way which is such a lame ass bitchass way to think...... regardless of that, roger and tavia’s chemistry is SO good I don’t even care how many people they have to kill, how many dirty underhanded ways they have to attempt, how many people they betray I ZOO NOT CARE!!!! them being together is so sexy like they both love each other (at this point), and have strived for a better future. they link arms and walk together with roger in a suit, tavia in a pants suit and they are just RETRO SEXY MUSIC. they really are the epitome of power and I absolutely love them with my whole heart. I really wish some of ya’ll watched cantonese dramas because really??? I need to speak about them. I think they are just so cool and invincible even though at the end they probably won’t be anymore. I’m just gonna make it last like this is my favorite onscreen couple this year goodness
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buenoes7 · 4 years
@officialwarrenbuffett @hollywood #billgates #warrenbuffet #fortune500 #billionaire #millionaires #millionaire_mentor WTF... THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME FOR YOUR BITCHASS TO GIVE, or allow me to introduce you to a real curse... IDGAF ABOUT THE WORLD, yet and still? mY heart is for those who might believe, to Know that there is Only one God, and he sent his #Spirit to save those of The true descendants of Jacob, and by chance and grace even nations who practiced things ranging from #sodomy and #canabalisim drank blood, and still do, because it is in their DNA, even they could find grace on a day of judgement day... I will feel like this until I Am aware that God has fully sealed up the remainder of those who are worthy enough to be considered his children, by birth and adoption, of. YOU OF THE EARTH WITH THE MOST #money , now is a time for you to release it... AND YOU #meek #poor #homeless #middleclass #uppermiddleclass and #lowerclass #caste based all around the world, now is the time to confront those w/ in a gentle reminder, That you are all the world, and innocent children may suffer from their lack of giving... This is the moment to not ask the poor, but the rich to empty their accounts for the care of those who need... and sad but true? Many of those with money will totally ignore the call, or feign interest, but, really not care at all... and It is ok... Because this is a wake up for those of you who are with and without? That God has no discrimination inside the whole Spirit... org rich and poor have been killed by this , and the giving and the greedy... REALITY IS BOTH WILL BE HELD TO GIVE ACCOUNT OF THEIR LIVES, AND I PROMISE YOU WITH WHAT I WAS GIVEN I KNOW YOU HAVE NOT... It is better to give, then god R.I.P. it out of your idealism, and greedy magic manifesto called Money... with reality 😷 😷 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_iuz4cnoqM/?igshid=16nyguhzi01zi
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