#bitch yiu really thought
theserenityinviolence · 8 months
"really?! You think 5 minutes on call is enough? smirk"
-girl who came in around 6 minutes
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zxphy · 1 year
Okayy so you wanted some ideas, right? I saw your incel! Scaramouche post and I was wondering what your thoughts are on a yandere incel! Xiao? It's a popular idea but I really love it and maybe you could write it for Fem! Reader or Gn! Reader if you don't write fem! Readers
☆ No bitches?
Yandere! Incel! Xiao x Fem! Reader
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Tws/cws: Xiao, misogyny, women beating, domestic abuse, use of the word "retard", implied noncon, fem aligned reader lmfao, gaslighting, doxxing, rape and murder threats, and non consensual groping. Multiple spelling mistakes are present. Both you and Xiao are 18.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Xiao was your best friend since childhood, but as you both got older into adult hood, he started acting different.
A lot more grabby and forceful. He was unable to get a girlfriend or get laid, so he went to reddit and 4chan to vent his frustrstions, there he met lots of people just like him.
He may or may not have asked them "why do women not like me", getting multiple misogynistic replies. Bro was easily manipulated then turned into a self proclaimed "incel" in about a month. He believed everything his new group of friends said.
He always talked about his discord servers and his gross friends to you, saying how they give him the best advice and their misogynistic views about how women should know their place and yada yada.
You started to hang out with him less and less, as Xiao grew incredibly insufferable. Just being near him made you uncomfortable, you were scared of even being in the same room as him.
Even though you hardly talked to him, yiu still interacted online because hey! He's been your best friend since birth you don't have the heart to end the friendship.. :(
The less time you spent with Xiao, the more time you spent with Aether, one of his best friends. Xiao obviously took notice of thst, and his huge crush on you did NOT help.
Xiao considered himself a nice guy, thinking he deserved sex from "females". Complaining that girls only want Chads who just use them for their body and leave, as if incels aren't the same thing but worse.
You wanted to help him you know.. NOT have that mindset, but his stupid 4chan friends kept encouraging his disgusting way of thinking!! :(
At sometime, Xiao eventually confessed his love for you. But honestly, you kind of expected that to happen considering you were the only chick that even looked in his direction, let alone talked to him. You let him down as lightly as you can, trying not to set him off. Cause from what you heard, self proclaimed incels usually never take "no" for an answer and take every rejection personally.
"I'm sorry Xiao, it's not you.. it's me." Oh it's definately him.
"But I'm a nice guy! I'll treat you well and get everything you want. I have a job, I can spoil you!" Ah. That would make sense as to where he gets all the money to blow on hentai from.
"I just don't have any feelings for you besides platonic ones. I'm sorry and I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." You begin to sweat, praying you didn't set him off.
Xiao looked down to the ground at his feet and sighed. "I understand." You sigh in relief, until Xiao says this,
"Can I at least have a hug?" Oh fuck.
You begin to sweat more and nodded slowly, "S-sure man.." you open your arms out for a hug and Xiao embraces you tightly, good fucking god he smells disgusting. When was the last time he showered?? It should be common knowledge that axe body isn't a substitution for showers. The scents clash in a way that make your nose hairs burn and your toes curl. It took everything out of you to not gag.
But on the other hand, Xiao was in heaven, you smell so good! His face is in your hair and he takes a big whiff and he shudders, obviously enjoying himself. It's been forever since he's been so close to a girl, let alone YOU.
His hands slowly trail down from your back and get lower, eventually he had his hands on your ass and gave it a a light squeeze. You push him away and laugh nervously and wave him good bye, leaving him by yourself.
Days go by and you started getting mysterious phone calls, text messages and messages on your social media from anonymous people. Majority of them being death and rape threats.
U stupid bitch why did u leave him to go fuck his best friend??
And another,
Im gonna rape u then kill u in an alleyway u deserve it stupid whore.
And another,
I know your address.
And another...
Get ready to get raped!
And... another.
He's gonna put you in your place, whore.
One time you even got a phone call and it qqs just a guy heavily breathing into the phone then threatening to rape you and then bury your body in the woods for "rejecting a perfectly nice guy."
At that point it was kind of obvious as to why you're getting such threats. Either Xiao has been using alt accounts and throwaway numbers or he had doxxed you to his other "nice guy" friends. You were honestly pissed, was he THAT butthurt because you didn't want to have sex with him? He needs to get a fucking life. Xiao used to be an amazing guy, your best friend, but now his stupid "nice guy" phase tore you both apart. You thought the rejection went well, that he'd be normal about it, but then he goes doxxing a girl because she didn't want to have sex with him? What the fuck?
You pulled your phone out of your pocket and started looking for Xiao's number, you hit him a message.
Xiao. Read 1:44pm.
XIAO. Read 1:57pm.
I know what you did. Read 2:00pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Xiao did you fucking doxx me?? Are you retarded? What the fuck is wrong with you, people keep threatening to rape and kill me you fucking ass wipe. Read 2:01pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Im sorry just meet me at my place
What?? No dawg, I'm not gonna go to your fucking house, I wanna know why you fucking doxxed me, we were literally best friends before you became a fucking misogynist. Why did you doxx me?? Read 2:02pm.
(Weird Fuck)
Come over and ill tell u
Kys. Read 2:02pm.
You shoved your phone back in your pocket and you huffed. Who does that fucker think he is?? All because you wouldn't date him!!
You being you, you still went to his home to get answers. He didn't deny doxxing you which ulset you even more. His dick probs got hard just by you texting him. (He did :3) You're sick of sll the threats, you just want it to stop. You just want Xiao to stop his bitchless behaviour. Now you're gonna do something about it.
You walk up to the lavish home and knocked on the door. Of course Xiao still lives with his dad instead of doing something productive like going to colledge like his twin sister Ganyu. You folded your arms and waited. You assumed that Mr. Zhongli wasn't home because you heard some random porn game from the third story window, Xiao's room.
You knocked again, but this time louder. You heard the game pause, then a door slamming, then rapid footsteps going down stairs. You hesrd a voice from behind the door.
"Are you the delivery guy?" *Xiao.*
"No fuckwad." You replied back. The door slowly swung open, revealing Xiao. He looked a lot more gross than you remember, he looked incredibly dishevled, with messy greasy hair, a random tshirt with very suspcious stains and dandruff on it, baggy gray sweatpants that aldo had a suspcious stain, but this time on the crotch area, and a pair of perscription glasses, the frame kind of similar to yours. But what you really could not get over, was the smell. He smelled like he hasn't showered in months, he smells entirely of spoilt food, semen, body odor and sweat. Disgusting.
"You look and smell like shit." You push past Xiao and walk into the lovely home.
"You came." He mumbled.
Of course you came, you wanted to know why the fuck he'd doxx you. He grossed you out comepletely, he was a digusting good for nothing freak. Xiao was actually a nice guy, he got good grades, was super sweet to everyone and made his father proud.
Xiao avoided eye contact and told you to follow him to his room, so you both could talk. You shook your head, feeling uneasy.
"Mr. Zhongli isn't home, why not talk here?" He ignored your question and walked up the stairs. You followed behind but kept a reasonable distance. Reasonable being several feet.
Xiao opened his bedroom door and you were immedately met with a horrible stench, his room smelled like him but worse. It smelt like semen, piss and shame. His room was covered in hentai posters and anime girl figurines, his clothes thrown all over the floor, and in the corner there was a really expensive looking gaming set up.
He could afford a multi-monitor gaming set up but not deoderant?
What couldn't go unnoticed was the collection of stiff socks gathering in a pile near his bed.
"Xiao what the hell? Your room is a fucking biohazard, feels like I need a gas mask and a hazmat suit just to be in here." You felt sorry for his father, you couldn't imagkne what it feels like having a son just like Xiao.
You walked into the room, being careful of wjere you step, Xiao sits in his gaming chair and then types a message into his Discord chat. He then got back up and cleared a space on his bed, throwing whatever was previously there onto the floor. "You can uh.. sit there."
You shook your head, but then you looked back at Xiao and he looked like he was about to cry. You felt bad so you sat anyway. You're definately burning this skirt when you get home.
You got a proper look around the room, not only seeing the weird posters, but pictures of you.
Xiao sat in his gaming chair and swung side to side, he looked nervous. Sweating as he looked at you.
You finally spoke up breaking the awkward silence. "So Xiao, why did fuck did you doxx me?" Xiao stayed silent and looked away from you. This really set you off. "Don't ignore me you asswipe! I've been getting threats of violent rape, I home you know you committed a cyber crime!"
"Relax, (Name.)" Xiao said still not looking at you. "It's not that serious." You scoffed and felt yourself getting more mad.
"Not that serious? NOT THAT SERIOUS?? Xiao! For the love of fucking christ, people are threatening to kill me! Why would you doxx me?!" You raised your voice at him, and you saw him get more nervous.
"Well.. I-I don't know I just. Me and you were like really close, but then you started fucking Aether.." You huffed, even more angry than before, "God fucking damnit Xiao! I'm trying to not fucking strangle you, but you're making it so hard!" You stood up and continued yelling, "You were so cool until you started acting like this! Kf course women won't like you if you keep thinking that she's gonna hop on your gross cock, Xiao! No one wants your tiny penis, I can assure that!"
You folded your arms and contued, "Sorry you feel so offended because I feel SAFE around Aether! He doesn't talk about how women's only purpose is to have kids and serve her mans or whatever, unlike YOU!"
Xiao fumbled with the draw strings on his sweatpants, "I-I don't know I uh just thought that you'd like me I g-guess.."
You face palmed. "Xiao. You doxxed me because I didn't want to date you? Dude! I explicitly told you that I have zero attraction to you. I only have PLATONIC feelings for you man. We had a good friendship but your gross ways ruined it-"
Xiao interupted you, "I'm a nice guy (Name), I'll treat you right. You're not like other females.."
"Oh my fucking god, Xiao..." you pinched the bridge of your nose. "I cannot believe that you think any girl would want to date YOU! A gross, disgusting people of shit incel like you! You're retarded if you think any girl would want your gross penis inside of her!"
Xiao stood up, "Fuck you (Name)!" You staggered back, surpised of his sudden outburst.
"Females like yourself are the problem. All you do is fuck chads and leave actjal nice sigmas in the dust!"
You blinked before letting out a laugh. "PFFTT!!! Dawg! Fuck this shit for real, and you know what? I'ma go to Aether's place to fuck him! How doed thst make you feel, Xiao? You gonna cry??" You flicked him off before getting up, walking to leave the room.
Suddenly your arm gets grabbed and you're pulled back, thrown onto the floor. Xiao gets on top of you and punches you square in the nose. You let out a loud squeal of pain.
"Xiao what the fu-" Xiao picks you up from under your arms and puts on on his bed, he starts feeling up your body, his hands trailing up yojr skirt, fumbling with the hem of your safety shorts.
You kicked him in the stomach and punched him in his face, Xiao staggered back and held his stomach as his glassed fell off his face, you took the chance and pushed him off you and ran.
Unfortunately for you, you tripped on the wires spewn about his room and you fell, Xiao took this opportunity and turned you around and kicked you until you stopped fighting. As an extra measure, Xiao grabbed your head, lifted it slightly then slammed it back down into the floor. You gripped your head in pain and whined.
"Xiao? What the fuck.." you wince. Xiao once again picks you up, and drops you onto his head, his hands trailing up your skirt. He lifts it slightly and pull down your safety shorts revealing your panties. His obvious erection poking through his sweatpants. Xiao went back to his gaming chair and once again started typing on his discord server, before getting up and locking his bedroom door. Too busy holding onto your head and lightly crying in pain, you had not noticed that he actually did lock the door.
The teen walked back over to you, took your shoes off and peeked off your safety shorts. He got close to you and whispered into your ear, "How does it feel to be put in your place?" He slapped you playfully.
Xiao shoved down his pants, his hard cock springing out. He hasn't shaved in a while, revealing curly black n green pubes covering his pelvic area. The tears that were threatening to fall, have fell, hot tears flowing down your cheeks hoping that Xiao isn't gonna do what you think he's gonna do.
"Xiao please. Don't do this.." You looked up at him in fear. Xiao ignored you and pulled off your panties, revealing your pussy. He threw them into a random direction. He pressed himself against you.
You're struggling to process what the fuck is going on, you're being held down, Xiao's dick is rubbing against you and half your clothes are missing.
Xiao then tore off your tshirt and threw the shreds in another random direction, then took off your bra, groping your chest the second he saw your tits.
"You're so fucking pretty.. and you're all mine." Xiao took his fingers and spread apart your lips, revealing your lovely pink insides. Xiao shoved two of his fingers inside of you just to test and you yelped.
"Fuck yeah, you're tight as balls." Xiao removed his fingers and quickly replaced his fingers with his thick cock.
He then slammed inside of you, putting his hands around your neck.
You're his now.
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I honestly think I got a little too into it, anyway I hope you guys enjoy! :3
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Say what you will about Arthur and his utter lack of game, but always appreciate the fact this man looked at Morgana, duchess of drip, and decided a dagger would be the best gift for her.
And when it was pointed out that it might not be her style, he went "ah shit you right" and just had the fucking thing tricked out. That was his solution. That was his thought process. Not that a knife was inappropriate, but that it needed to be a custom piece. No basic bitches in this household.
Mans said "what shall I get my significant annoyance this year?", shook his braincell like a Magic 8 Ball, and came up with "knife."
We stan one princely himbo.
ngl i like to use this as proof for Arthur and Morgana being so close and knowing each other so well because i have such a soft spot for my pendragon siblings 🤧
(thoughts under the cut bc….*coughs* i suffer from pendragon sibs brainrot)
listen, listen to me: these guys really did only have each other when they were younger and surrounded by nobody but stuffy nobles and an emotionally repressed/abusive father. Arthur lost his mother king before he got to know her, and Morgana lost a father whom she knew and loved so dearly. they were children who never really got to grieve what was lost from them (although, in some way, Morgana was given some time to grieve and mourn but never for too long).
Arthur has known Morgana for her spunk and rebellious nature against the status quo King Uther enforces since they were children. She was always trying to learn to fight (see her bragging about beating Arthur when they were younger in 1x10) and probably taught herself secretly how to use a sword (or had some help as well 👀 but that’s just a headcanon). She was always at odds with Uther about magic (while Arthur would receive severe punishment for disagreeing with his father, Morgana’s anguish was treated like the flights of a lady’s emotions).
It would be offensive (towards Morgana) if Arthur were to ever gift her something so stereotypical and stuffy on her birthday. He most likely knew that she would have wanted something to use to protect herself: ergo, dagger.
Fuckinnnnnnng, read what Arthur says about his gift omfg 🫠
ARTHUR Beautiful, isn't it? Feel the balance, feel the sharpness of the blade.
This man put so much thought and care into this gift for her. Listen, she was his first friend, the first person to not treat him like he was fragile or the fault of his mother’s demise. She was Arthur’s sister before he even knew that’s how he saw her and their relationship. Morgana meant so much to him, your honor, I fucking can’t. They loved each other so much despite the gradual rift that he gained when we first meet them in s1, your honOR—
But then you have Merlin’s comment:
MERLIN Well, I'm no expert, but don't women normally go for pretty things? Like, maybe, jewellery?
(yes he said this as a way to deter Arthur from sticking with a dagger bc of the vision he saw but still)
And so Arthur Dumb-of-ass & bi-of-sexual Pendragon takes Merlin’s advice, realizes that yeah, Morgana still likes feminine things like dressed and jewelry and pretty shit. LET ME BEDAZZLE THIS DAGGER JUST FOR HER
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SHE LOOKS ENTRANCED BY IT???? MAYBE TOUCHED (<- fluffy is reaching, she has gone insane) MAYBE EVEN CONSIDERING THAT ARTHUR DOES CARE AND MAYBE SHE COUOD TURN HIM AGAINST UTHER TO JOIN HER???? (<- fluffy.exe is suffering malfunctions. delusion file has been corrupted)
Literally every other noble gifted her a fancy hairbrush (those fucking posers) and you would think! With how much this show presents Arthur as emotionally repressed and very obtuse when it comes to women, you would think they would regress his character (again) to make a joke out of him (again) not knowing what to give Morgana for her birthday
Not only that, BUT SHE TAKES THE DAGGER WITH HER WHEN MEETING MORGAUSE (s3’s big bad villain who is the new up-and-coming High Priestess after Nimueh, whom Merlin smited (smote? smitten?) and does not give any fucks about Uther or Arthur. Both could just die for all she cares.)
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I would never lie to you. Transcript speaks the truth. Also, what other dagger would they speak about??? It’s Arthur’s gift and she was so touched by it that she decided to use it for her nefarious schemes of regicide!
ARTHUR To lose her now, like this...I've grown up with her, she's like a sister to me. I'd sacrifice my place on the throne for her to see another sunrise.
*deep breath*
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So much shit could have been avoided if these dumbass Pendragons just talked to each other T^T Jfc, Arthur loves those close to him so deeply. He is so loyal to them that it blinds him, that he would willingly give up anything just to keep them alive and happy.
ough, yeah I’m okay (<- liar)
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tabitha2 · 2 years
Ur thoughts float somewhere just out of reach
Who are you if you aren’t Tawanda Cox ?
What are you doing now that you’re not working
Where are u ? U wake in a strange man’s bed
When did he come back from prison ?
How did you get the game started on your own ?
Recognizing your face yr tits hips ass anywhere
Why do you have a Man’s wallet in your purse ?
But it’s never been the face you see in the mirror
Were u trying to steal from him, u dumb bitch ?
Trying to look at those words but just confused
The cops asking u all these hard questions but you so didn’t know any of the answers
Not knowing anything but what a girl like u knows.
Ur thoughts are not really thoughts are they ?
That big strong white man in yr head ? Is yr dream guy. Rough and snart and nasty. Rich, powerful, dominant, well-hung. Not someone you have ever known until you met your Master.
You are nothing like that. U a giggly, dependent fuckdoll that relies on yr partner for everything and doesn't have a care in the world and luv it
It genuinely turns u on
the true you can scarcely remember being any other person at all; it's like a dream.
i'm smh into men wanting to change my body to get them off more. like yes tell me youd make my tits so big its uncomfortable for me just cause you wanna fuck your cock between them
Like omg !
Big strong smart white men are what you are attracted not what you have ever been.
So obsessed with Cock
You are a big-tiddy sub dumb slutty black girl who cant read or do math and it turns u on.
Being so obsessed and constantly dumbfucked by his cock that u cant even think about anything else than pleasing yr owner in any way thats possible is yr new life goal. U want to forget if He dont tell u, want to stay up drooling about the thought of sucking Daddy off unless he tell u to go to sleep, u want the thought of pleasing His Daddy cock to be the only thing u needs to worry about. To be under full control is all thats on yr mind.
You’re not white. You’re niva man. You not male. Yiu not ruch. Not smart. Not attracted to wmen. Not independent. Not educated. Not able to read.
Agree with him just give all control to him
just let go, just forget you were ever any different
pretty… with a big ass, a skin tight dress…. Pink lips and big tits… ur quite the sight
You are only attracted to men and if you dont behave master will make it so you are only attracted to white men
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redgummybearz · 3 years
This app hates me and doesn't allow me to post from my computer so here I am on my phone. Anyways, I'm gonna start posting some of my oneshots from my Wattpad on here so more people can enjoy them. If yiu want more go to my wattpad.
Pairing- Rip Wheeler + Reader - Fluff
Word Count- 1623
Warnings- Rips hatred for dogs, Cursing, mentions of violence
Prompt- Rip hates dogs but Reader really wants one and does everything she can to talk her boyfriend Rip into letting her have one.
I remember from that Season 4 Episode 6 I think, Rip exspresses how he hates dogs so I thought this would be cute.
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   I really want a dog. My boyfriend Rip though, hates dogs. But I will do anything to talk him into letting me have one. When I say anything I mean anything. Have you seen the adorable faces of those little border collies, or the pugs, maybe even a pit bull. I will accept anything as long as it is in dog form.
Y/n's pov
   Its another day and that means its day three of talking Rip into letting me have a dog. The first two days was busts and he brushed it off like it was nothing but today I am going to go full force into my games.
   I woke up beside Rip in our shared bed in the foremans cabin. So I decided to go and make him a cup of coffee. He was still asleep when I returned to the bedroom with a cup of coffee in hand so I decided to wake him up with a good morning kiss. I leant down and kissed his lips softly to give him time to wake up and decide what he wanted to do. He woke up in no time and kissed me without hesitation while he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me closer to his body.
"Good morning baby" I whispered to him when we pulled apart.
"Good morning for sure. I like to start all my mornings like that" he chuckled with a small smile on his face.
"I made you a cup of coffee" I said and handed him the cup of coffee when he sat up in bed.
"Thanks sweetheart" he said as he took a sip of his coffee before really looking at the cup.
   I may or may not have went to the store and got a cup that was all black and said "I ❤️ Dogs" on it in big bold letters.
"Darling. what is this" Rip asked calmly.
"I thought the cup was cute when I saw it and I love dogs so much so I got it. I thought you could use it this morning" I explained to him briefly.
"Can we not start my good morning with a conversation about dogs. We are not getting a dog" Rip groaned as he sat his cup on the night stand and layed back down.
"Why. I want a dog so bad Rip. Please, for me" I begged.
"Dogs smell, they are annoying, and we don't have time to take care of one of one between our work baby. You know this" he explained to me.
"UGH. You are such a bitch" I groaned as I made my way out of our room and to the kitchen.
   I already got dressed this morning so I got my cup of coffee and went out the door as Rip called behind me to come back.
   The walk to the barn wasn't long and I saw Carter in the barn doing his work.
"Morning Carter. Your the first one here this time I see" I said as I grabbed a wheel barrel and pushed it over so I could help him clean out the stalls.
   I come in early some mornings just to give him a hand. Hes young and could use a little help sometimes.
"Nope" he sighed as he pointed out the door to my dad and Kayce riding through the field.
   I'm a Dutton if you haven't figured that out yet.
"They don't matter. YOU was the first one here to do your work. YOU was the one who got up early to make sure everything in the barn was in order. And it is YOU who cleanes out the stalls for everyones horses" I gave him a short pep talk.
"Yeah your right" he smiled as he went back to work.
   We worked and chatted a bit before I had to get ready to go and herd cattle. We are taking some cows to the sales so we have to get to work pretty early. I saddled up my horse while giving Carter some tips on how to saddle it and how to make sure everything is safe and in order. After exchanging a few goodbyes I left Carter to his work and led my horse out to where the rest of the Wranglers was and I saw Rip standing with them all drinking out of the "I ❤️ Dogs" cup.
"I thought you hated dogs" Ryan jabbed at him.
"I do. Y/n, loves them unfortenatly" he sighed.
"You need to get that girl a dog. She's bound to break up with you if you don't man. All she talks about is how bad she wants a dog and how you won't let her have one" Ryan said.
   Ryan's the best wingman. He too wants me to get a dog so he can be the godfather and have rights to play dates and dogsitting.
   Rip saw me coming over and quickly shut down the conversation.
"Get the work Ryan" Rip growled and sent Ryan on his way.
"I see your still using your cup, asshole" I said as I approached my oh so annoying boyfriend.
"I wasn't about to waste a perfectly good cup of coffee.
   I was about to send another jab at him but he interuppted me.
"After we are done today meet me up at the main house" Rip told me and walked off.
   I was confused but I went on with my day.
~Time skip to after the work is all over brought to you by Jimmy falling off his horse~
   Today was a tough day and I was so tired. But I found that last wind to walk all the way up to the main house to see what Rip wanted. I saw him walk off awhile ago and already head up there.
   Once I made it to the house I walked through the door and called out for someone.
"In the living room auntie" I heard my nephew Tate yell back.
   I entered to see him, Rip, my dad, and Kayce sitting on the couches and chairs.
"Why does it feel like I just entered a therapy session" I asked as I tentavily entered the room.
"We have gathered together today, to discuss your obsession with dogs. We have noticed that you have been rather down lately and its affecting your work" Kayce is taking charge of this session I see.
"It's changing you as a person and its scaring me Darling" Rip added.
"So we have been looking high and low for the right medicines for you" my dad added.
   Oh my lord they are sending me to an asylum.
"And I, Tate Dutton, found the cure" Tate said as he exited the room.
   This was very strange but when Tate re-entered the room I almost burst into tears. He was carrying a puppy in his arms with a bow on top of its head.
"Oh my god" I cried as Tate placed my favorite kind of puppy in my arms.
"I never meant for you to hate me for not liking dogs. I was just trying to not seem suspicous as we was looking for the right dog for you" Rip said to me as he came up beside me and kissed my cheek.
"I never hated you, I love you Rip Wheeler, so fucking much" I cried as I held my puppy up and gave it a big hug.
"Um wheres my love, I found the dog" Tate asked expectantly.
"His friend from school had puppies for sale and it just happened to be your favorite kind" Kayce explained.
"Thank you Tate, you are the bestest nephew I could ever ask for" I told him sat my puppy in Rips arms who grimaced and held it away from his body as I gave Tate a hug, then Kayce, and my dad.
"Now I suggest you get that puppy home and settled in. Goodnight" my dad said as he ussured Rip and I out the door.
   I took my puppy back and Rip and I walked back to our home in silence. I could tell he didn't like the idea of having a dog but he loved me and would do anything for me.
"So, got any name suggestions" I asked as Rip and I layed in our bed after helping the puppy settle in and now its laying at our feet.
   In the end, Rip and our dog became best friends. He wouldn't admit it but that dog was like a kid to him and if anyone asked he would say he still hated dogs. He even helped pick out the name. I knew that dog got to close with him when Rip didn't want to have sex because the dog was asleep on the bed and he didn't want to wake it. What a cockblock. The bunkhouse bitches, mainly Ryan, would dogsit any night we asked because that dog became like another ranch hand but it recieved its pay checks in dog bones. But I loved my dog more than anything alongside my boyfriend and later, husband.
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tendous-socks · 3 years
HES LIKE ‘ TYSM :)) ‘ AND GOES TO LOOK AT YOU AND 💥 B A M 💥 he’s blushing 😳😳
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“ are you okay??”
“ o oh yeah i’m fine… i i just need to find a certain thing… “
“oh really? i can help :) i come here all the time so i know… uhm yeah i’ll help you look “ he noticed that you stopped mid sentence as a blush took over your face
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okay okay okay
he asks what you’re looking for, expecting something like a cute rom com like fruit baskets or maybe even a story like nichijou -
hoping you said horimiya so you could both talk about it 😌🤞
“ berserk :) “
“ oh i love that- say what. “
“ oh yeah i’m also looking for.. uh sorry i’m a little embarrassed “
“ pumpkin night… “
he froze.
you chuckled as you scratched the back of your nape. a smile smile on your lips as you adjusted your haul.
“ yeah i know, gorey right? “
he nodded.
“ i dunno, i thought i’d try romance but it just makes me feel more single than i already am- which i’m surprised you like it.. or are you getting it for your partner??”
“mm? oh uh… yeah mhm yep. “
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“ ah i see… anyways uhm, i should go… “ you trailed off as you quickly grabbed a book from the shelf
“ uh yeah okay… do you wanna get uhm pet?”
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“… pet?”
“ i uh- i mean coffe- or whatever you’re into - we can uh talk about manga??” 😐😐 he’s trying okay
you looked him up and down as you noticed his the beads of sweat rolling down his face and his fidgeting. yeah he doesn’t have a lover. that’s what you’re sure of.
😈😈 hehe
“ i would love to!..” YES YES OMFG YES WOOOOO
“ but i don’t think your partner would be too fond of us together… talking about… “ you peered at the book he was holding. he could feel your eyes track up his body, almost like a profiler would as you finally met his eyes with a glint of mischief.
“ peach girl. so maybe another time hmm? “
you hummed as you walked away
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maximoff56 · 3 years
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Don't Go pt.1
Peter Parker x Speedster/Maximoff Reader
Summary: On a mission Peter gets distracted thinking that all of the bad guys has been delt with. Unfortunately he was wrong, one of the men figured out how to get free.
Warnings: angst, sadness, sad Peter, guns, blood, violence, crying
(Sorry I'm not good at warnings and stuff)
It was a seemingly simple mission, a few rouge shield agents had stolen some weapons from headquarters and the team was sent to retrieve the weapons and apprehend the men that had stolen them
It wasn't a long ride in the quinjet, only about 30 minutes from Avengers compound. You and Peter were free when the mission was called so yoi guys decided to go along. It hadn't been long since Peter had fully become Spider-Man so this would be good practice for him.
After your brother had died, Wanda pulled away from you and it only made things worse for you. Until you started going to school with Peter, it had been him to bring you out of the hole that you had dug yourself into and about six months ago he had confessed his feelings which you returned immediately.
"Hey" Peters voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "Everything alright, you're staring" You hadn't noticed that you had, in fact been staring at Peter as you got lost in yoir thoughts.
"I'm sorry Pete, just thinking" You gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand that was still interlocked with yours. "You ready for this spidy?" You changed the topic quickly before he assumed what you were thinking about.
"So ready, last time I was with everyone it was just a stupid meeting thingy but now I get to work on actual mission with you guys and I can't wait fo-" Peter stopped his rambling when he notice the smile that had taken over your face. "Stop it"
"Yo! Lovebirds get your asses over here the Jets about to land" Clint called, catching the attention of both you and Peter. You chucked and pat Peters thigh twice before getting up and going towards the rest of the group.
"So what exactly are we looking for cap?" Nat asked as she fixed the gun into her holster and a few other of her gadgets on her suit.
"The scans show that the creats should be towards the back of the building. They're the basic shield weapons creats" Steve said "Youbhave your partners so stuck close to them and don't let them out of your sight, and keep yours eyes pealed for anyone with guns" The door to the quinjet opened and the team filled out.
"You ready miny maximoff" Sam, who you had been assigned with bumped into you jokingly. Sam had taken you under his wing, both literally and figuratively when you joined the Avengers.
"Watch it Willson" You gave him a side look before taking a few steps over to where Peter was standing with Nat who was his partner. "Be careful you two. Especially you Parker" You quickly pulled Peter close you pecking his lips quickly and pulling away before he could fully register what had just happened.
"Y-yea i-ill definitely do th- that" You chuckled at his shocked face and the studder he gains when he is nervous or flustered. The blush on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the smirking Natasha standing next to him.
"Speedy hurry it up" You gave Sam a dirty look over your shoulder before waving by to Peter who said a quick 'bye' before jogging over to Sam.
"Shut the hell up snd let's go" You said as he opened his mouth to say something. "We had the west back corner for searching, now let's not dilly dally pigeon" using your speed you go to the door you were supposed to open and waited about a minute for Sam to catch up.
Each group searched their section of the back of the building, each person coming through the coms saying that their section was clear and had nothing in it.
"Alright, I'm just gonna take a lap, around the hole building, see if I can find anything. This is taking forever" You spoke through coms after getting the go ahead from Tony you made your way through the building.
Searching the building didn't take long with your speed, only about a five minutes before you had found the creats that Steve had been taking about and what you were searching for.
"Hey guys I found the creats, I'm sending you the location" you got a few 'okays' and 'nice jobs' through the coms. As you waited for the team, to show up you took in the fact that there were none of the men that had stolen the creats anywhere in sight.
"Hey" you turned your head to see Sam, Wanda, abd Clint turning the corner of the building "Nice job speedy" Sam clapped your shoulder as he examined the creats.
"Sam watched out!" You turned and saw Wanda used her powers to shove Sam, a bullet going through the creat he was standing in front of. Right where his chest was.
"Bastards" Yiu muttered and the four of you went to fight off the men, Clint calling for backup to the rest of the team.
You went to face the man who shot at Sam "Bitch" he said as you dodged one of his pushes, you had unloaded his gun, the bullets dropping to the floor with a clatter.
"Ouch" You fake a pout and quickly slammed the man to the ground, making him hid his head and pass out. You turned around and quickly had to dodge three bullets as a man behind you shot at you.
He didn't have time you shoot again before he was pulled back and his gun was taken and a punch to the face knocked him out. "Though you told us to be careful" You let out a sigh of relief when you saw Nat standing next to Peter.
"Are you okay?" You were quickly pulled into a hug by Peter. You chuckled had returned rhe hug, patting is back a few time before pulling away.
"I'm fine Peter, but you might wanna see this" you showed him over to the creats, one of which was already opened. Inside was a type of gun that you know Peter would geek out about.
And he did, taking to Tony about the makings of the gun and what they do. While you went over to where Nat was tying up the rouge agents so they couldn't get free.
"You love him don't you kid?" Your head snapped up to look at Nat. "Oh don't deny it, I see the way you look at him" you looked at the ground to attempt to hid the blush on your face.
"Wha-" Nat turned around quickly when she felt something grab her. You saw it in slow motion. The man pulling the gun from Nats holster and shoot directly in front if him, towards you, but his aim must has been off because the bullet passed you and was going right towards-
"Peter!" You yelled and speed towards him. You quickly jumped in front Peter, he had already turned to fact the commotion before the gun was fired.
His eye widened when he saw you appear in front of him. You had steadied yourself by grabbing his arms with your hands as you examined him, looking to see is the bullet had hit him.
"Y/N?" Your eyes traveled back up, expecting to meet his but his eyes were focused on your chest. "No" he whispered. That's when the pain set it, you felt your legs give out as you fell into Peter.
"Hey!" Peter had caught you and lowered both of you to the ground, his hand putting pressure onto the wound on your chest, trying to stop the blood. "Y/N, no hey come on you gotta stay with me okay."
Nat had run over to where laying trying to, find a pulse on your wrist. "Hey keep your eyes open Y/N" she said. Wanda was stood frozen a few feet away, her eyes widened in horror.
"W-why did you do that. Y-Y/N. No hey please talk to me okay" You could here Peters voice although his voice seemed distant and you couldn't really focus on it. Your vision was blurry as you tried to use your energy to listen to his voice.
"You can't leave, please don't go Y/N I- I can't lose you okay. I love you, and I- I know you love me too" the two of you had never said that before.
"I do" you chocked out, your voice was horse and extremely quiet but you knoe Peter understood because he let out a sob as the tears in his eyes finally began to fall.
"Kid you gotta get her to the ship" Tony placed a hand on Peter shoulder and Peter nodded quickly, not taking his eyes off of your paling face.
You felt Peter lift you off the ground and began to more you towards the ship. You couldn't understand what he was saying hut you could hear Peter whispering things to you as he carried you.
You were able to focus your vision one last time to see him looking down at you when dried tears on his cheeks and fresh one pooling in his eyes. You smiled softly before you felt yourself go fully limp and darkness consumed your vision.
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spooky-ghost-boi · 4 years
Words: 1892
Tom Nook x Reader
Warnings: Feederism, feeder/feedee dynamic, mentions of smut, fatass Tanuki, bad writing because I’m tired and too annoyed to edit this properly.
Description: Tom thinks he has to lose weight but his job doesn’t really do him well so he chooses to take a vacation but ends up coming back fatter and you love it.
A/N: what this shit, tumblr could you possibly be any slower? Mentally I am beyond Spain without an S, so if any Twitter bitches see this. Fight me.
Tom sighed as he sat at his desk at the resident services.
He had been trying out various diets that Isabelle had recommended to him, after trying low-carb and Keto he was trying intermittent fasting and he lost about 5 pounds so far but it was making him extremely hangry most of the time. Considering that Isabelle snacked and ate lunch while being in the same room as him.
It was all alright until that damned Kitsune had the guts to appear at the Island and try to sell some faux painting to the Resident Representative, aka you.
Tom was furious and of course, kicked Redd off the Island but in the heat of his fury he tried to calm himself down but it didn’t work especially since the fucking kitsune teased Tom for his weight, which would’ve been fine, if they were alone but you had to witness that.
As soon as Tom came home he.. Well, let his anger out by binging until he couldn’t move.
He actually liked the feeling of being stuffed but he choose to ignore it although it was quite hard and he realized it was better if he took a break from work to focus on his weight loss.
The reason for his weight loss idea was quite simple; he wanted to impress you, the resident representative, he had a crush on you and told Isabelle who suggested that losing weight could help him in winning your heart.
She couldn’t have been more wrong, but it wasn’t like they both knew your kinks.. Although it was obvious. Haha idiots.
Of course Tom had told Isabelle about his plan and she agreed to do the resident services stuff.
Tom had two months of, well, vacation.
He stayed at his house and the first two days it all went great before he started binging. Constantly. To his dismay he actually enjoyed it. He didn’t know w h y or h o w but he actually disliked that he liked feeling stuffed to the brim.
So the thicc Tanuki visited another island in hopes that it would motivate him to lose weight.
(Spoiler: it didn’t HAHAHA FAT TANUKI)
During his stay at another Island he ended up discovering lots of different foods that made him feel better about the whole Redd situation and since his coping mechanism had always been stress eating he piled on a lot of weight. He was in denial, but that didn’t stop him from trying to rationalize as to why he needed bigger clothes.
Of course you were part of his racing thoughts most of the time and he liked to fantasize about you in several different ways.
So he soon returned home.
His vacation seemed to have ended too fast for him but he also wanted to get back to work so he could see you.
He stepped on the scale the evening before he had to return to work again and was surprised when it had said that he gained 30 pounds in two months, including the 5 pounds he had lost. But that couldn’t be, could it? After pondering about as to why or how he could have gained that much weight over mindlessly eating a box of half a dozen doughnuts and two cheeseburgers. He had come to the conclusion that he was too tired and that the scale must be broken.
After dumping the wrappers into the trash, he held his stuffed gut and walked to his bedroom and got onto his bed which creaked under the weight of the tubby Tanuki. Tom eyed tge stash of mini cakes that he had beside his bed, despite feeling full and heavy he decided to have a few since ‘they couldn’t do much damage, hm?’
He didn’t notice that he dozed off and woke up in the morning, surrounded by wrappers.
Tom sat up and grunted, rubbing his still rather bloated belly that sat in his lap whenever he attempted sitting up. It wasn’t really like he noticed or minded, he didn’t even notice how snug his work shirt was. He noticed the bit of rain and put on his jacket and zipped it up, completely obvious to the belly poking out from under the rain coat.
He just sighed softly, before walking downstairs into the kitchen and having some pancakes with lots of syrup for breakfast. For some reason he felt like this wasn’t exactly enough for him and looked at the clock just to see that it was still early as shit and he had t i m e.
As you can imagine the phat Tanuki had binged to the point of being exhausted by breathing but he did have places to be at so he got up anyway and walked to the resident services.
You were there with the Nooklings and Isabelle, you were excited to see Tom again after the two of you didn’t talk for so long. However nobody told you why he was gone.
Eventually Tom entered the Resident Services and Isabelle was quite surprised.
Timmy and Tommy also were surprised.
You were surprised and horny.
Tom could see the surprise in the faces of everyone. But it also made him horny. Not to mention he was a little surprised and shy to see you there and he was blushing a little.
“Ehm, good morning.” Tom responded, he needed a cigarette or some cake.
Isabelle stayed quiet and you smiled at the Tanuki.
You decided to break the awkward moment and walked towards Tom to give him a hug, because yiu had missed him and you wanted to feel all that chonk pressed against you.
Tom hugged you back instinctively, his big belly did push the two of you a bit apart but it was hot regardless.
“I made you some cake! I thought you would like it.” You said shyly as Tom nodded.
“The thing is, I forgot it at home so if you’d like to come by after work.. You could take it home? I mean.. We could have dinner at my place.” You blurted out the last part, keeping your voice so low you weren’t sure whether he had heard you.
“That’d be splendid, hm.” Tom said, then gently let go of you.
You nodded and the two of you returned to both your respective j o b s.
Tom tried to ignore Isabelle’s comments about his weight, he was sure he lost weight. Which probably was due to his lack of physical awareness.
He had spent his time snacking during work and he comfortably filed out papers and drank his coffee. Some Animals teased him but Tom didn’t really mind, in fact it was almost kinda arousing to him and he didn’t understand why.
Eventually he closed off the shop and got into his car and made his way to your house, he was a little tired and actually quite hungry.
He knocked on your door and you opened it, smiling softly at him as he was a little out of breath.
“Come in! I already made dinner.” You said, then led him to your kitchen.
“You have an eye for interior design, hm?” Tom remarked as he sat on a chair which creaked a little under his weight. He blushed, “oh- uh.”
You noted this and smiled sheepishly at him. “It’s fine! Make yourself comfortable, it’s just you and I afterall..” You said. Maybe it wasn’t the most reassuring thing to say, if you took it out of context it could have been maybe a little weird to say that. Almost sounded like you were trying to fatten up the Tanuki and eat him.. Maybe you were but more like in a sexual way.
(A/N: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
However Tom looked a little more relaxed after you said that.
“Well, how was your day, hm?” Tom asked, as you put some food on his plate.
“It was fine, just the usual things.. I went fishing and helped out some villagers. How about you?” You asked, you had put quite a lot of food onto his plate.
“I’ve had some annoying customers, but that’s just normal.” Tom said, as he ate some of the food you had prepared, “this is really good.” He said.
After a few hours of talking the two of you warmed up to each other and you eventually told him how you felt about him and as a surprise, he felt the same way.
At that point Tom had packed away quite a few plates and snacks, the two of you sat on the couch and you straddled his lap.
He cupped your face and kissed you gently, before you fed him a tray of cupcakes. He obediently ate.
A couple snacks ago his shirt button seemed to have popped off and his sweater vest had exposed around half of his pretty chubby belly.
“You’re fat, I mean this in the most loving way possible.” You said and pinched his love handles.
“I’m just bloated-“ he said, jokingly.
“Sure.” You laughed.
“Alright, maybe I am. Happy? Hm?” Tom said as he unbuttoned his too tight pants and pinned you underneath him.
“You’re definitely fatter than before.” You remarked as you patted his overstuffed belly.
“Mhm.. You like it as much as I like it. Am I right?” He smirked.
Anyways it was a very delightful evening for the both of you and I ain’t gonna write smut because that’d be awkward as shit so just imagine it, aight?
Two ‘fucking’ months later.
You woke up next to Tom, who was still asleep and snoring quite loudly.
He had been eating quite well the past two months making him look pretty chubby, he was waddling now most of the time and his belly was s o f t^2.
You walked downstairs and made him some breakfast.
It didn’t take long for him to wake up because he smelled delicious food, he sighed and waddled his way downstairs and sat on a chair. “Good morning.” He said, smiling a little despite looking still pretty tired.
“Good morning! How’d you sleep?” You asked.
“Pretty well.. Well, until I woke up because I’m starving. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you, dear.” He said.
“Starve.” You said jokingly. “You have quite the big appetite, I give you that.” You said as you placed a stack of waffles.
“Mhm..” He yawned and ate his breakfast, “I’m still.. So tired, feed it to me? Hm?”
You couldn’t tell whether this was a suggestion or order from him, but you wouldn’t be Y/N if you turned down feeding the lazy Tanuki.
You nodded and fed him, you would straddle his lap.. If you could. Tom’s belly was taking up most of it and he didn’t mind.
He ate all of it and sighed when he felt your hands rub his bloated big belly.
Eventually the two of you got ready for work and he waddled to his car, tried to wiggle into the drivers seat which didn’t work out as his tummy was in the way of the wheel.
“Need help?” You asked.
“I would appreciate it, yes yes!” He blushed as he moved to the passenger seat and you drove the car to the Resident Services.
You had gone to work for the day.
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eldritch-araneae · 4 years
Here, have more of Sparkpulse x Pokemon crossover bc my brain couldt stop throwing more ideas, so I’m gonna copy it from Discord)
About two shiny Ralts that Bumblebee and Windblade got as their starter pokemon.
I was thinking about Bumblebee ans Windblade got their first pokemon.
Both of them in early twenties, they are not sure what exactly they gonna do ( i do imagine they did some work at professors lab?) and definitely never thought that they gonna become one of the strongest trainers in the region.
So they went into wild to get some berries, none one them have a pokemon yet.
The reason is complicated, Bumblebee is really having hard time to choose bc there are so many, and Windblade wishes it be special meeting or something, like not just go and grab random pokemon.
So they just chilling with each other, until Bumblebee gets into bush and anger a random Pidgey that was testing there.
This angry Pidgey attacks Bumblebee and it cases the pair deeper into the forest.
After it left them alone, they realised they got lost. Welp, they really should have to pick up their pokemon.
Though they weren't too upset about this, they began joking about how this Pidgey practice social distancing and personal space better than some ppl.
Suddenly, they hear rustling in the bush near them. They were ready to run in case if it's another Pidgey, but to their suprise it was two Ralts, coming out to them.
Ralts are rarely come put to ppl, ulness they feel that you are good and positive. Not to mention, both pokemon are shiny!
Windblade comments that they just spent all their lifetime luck, which makes Bee laugh.
So Windblade and Bee interacted with Ralts, even played with them. Then they were about to head out, but noticed that both Ralts took liking of them and began to follow. They realised that both pokemon  wanna join them, and they luckily had pokeballs, and they both pokemon joined willingly.
They probably gave both Ralts nicknames but i have no idea for now.
While the pair explored the forest,they noticed more  differences in their pokemon.
Windblades's like to scout ahead, walking above them and finding random thins. He likes to explore the area around.
Bumblebee's Ralts perched on his head, having a look out from anything interesting from higher ground. She took liking in Bee's soft hair and his trademark headband with horns.
Also yeah! About how Ralts hide in presence of hostility. Bee's Ralts just hides in his hair, while Blade's Ralts is hiding behind her leg, carefully peeking from there)
I did it accidentally, but like how pokemon personalities seem to be opposite of their trainers.
Bumblebee easy gets along with ppl and does most of the talking in their travels, his Ralts is very shy, often hides in his hair, though she grows more confident as she evolves.
Windblade is more socially awkward and it can be hard to her to interact with new ppl, meanwhile her Ralts us just, in your face, all the time, no escape!
Also, regarding evolution. So after Bee's Kirlua evolves into Gardevoir, they expected Blade's Kirlia evolved soon since they are the same level.
Except he wasn't evolving fir some reason, instead he seems looking something on the ground. Gardevoir asks him, and then sends mental image to Bumblebee's mind of dawn stone. That made them realise that Kirlia want to evolve into Gallade, not Gardevoir. So they when in the short side journey to find the dawn stone for Kirlia.
I think Gardevoir was the one find it, then she gives it to Windblade. Kirlia was jumping around his trainer like GIMNE GIMME GIMME))
About Bumblebee’s Alolan Ninetails.
Bumblebee's Alolan Ninetails, who even as Vulpix, has this strong "Try me, bitch! I Dare You!" attitude, and pretty epitome of "cold anger" bc the stare she might give you can send chill dien your spine.
And that how Bee and Blade learned that yiu can emerge victorious in disadvantage. This Alolan Ninetails can and will throw hands against fire type pokemon and win.
It all start when Bee comes to the town, to catch up with Windblade that arrived earlier ( idk why they got separated, probably were doing something important.) and sees this asshole who was shouting at Vulpux who froze like, half of plaza and angrily snarling at the dude.
Seeing that shit, Bumblebee steps in, defending the Vulpix. The guy explains that his Vulpix has way too short temper for an ice pokemon and she's impossible to be trained.
Bee snaps at him, telling ges just shitty trainer and he did something bad to make her lash out like that.
Guys laughs be like " ha, if you like her so much, sure take her, see if you can handle this", puts Vulpix back into pokemon and throws it at Bee.
He catches it and tell the guy that he'll make him regret his decision.
Later, together with Windblade, Bumblebee lets her out, but she immediately runs away. Seeing that she resents trainers, he figured that perhaps he can approach her with pokemon.
He sends Gardevoir after her (and later Gallade joins). This seem to work and after few hours all 3 return. Vulpix is still giving Bee cold death glare as she still don't trust him, but she return to his pokeball peacefully.
Bee spends more time on trying to bond with her first, he sees she legit has short temper and lash out easily. So he decides to talk to her that went along the like that there is nothing wrong with being angry, but lashing out onto everyone wont do any good, so instead he tells her to try to use this anger to fuel her resolve in battles.
So this actually works, she becomes calmer and start getting along with Bee’s and Blade’s other pokemon, but turns absolutely furious in battles which makes her serious oponent, regardless the type.
Much later, after she evolves into Ninetails, they stumble upon her former trainer.
The guy thinks that Bee abandoned this Vulpix, but suddenly, before Bee even replyes, Ninetails jumps from the pokeball and give the guy same cold death glare which looks even more intimidating in evolved form.
The guy cant believe this, though he still thing that Ninetails will disobey. Bee grins and challenges him in battle.
The guy thinks he can easily win this fight bc his 3 pokemon are fire types, Charizard bring among them...but his team gets crushed bc nothing stand against ice fairy fox, powered by sheer fury!
Bumblebee be like "I told you so, I will make you regret your decision~"
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lligato · 4 years
I remember when I joined that party and you were there. I was invited by a friend because he said we got bitches and mad guys to play games with and I figured it was a good way to interact with people. I joined and I met you. I didn’t know who you were or what you did. All I knew was that we were two strangers that might become friends. We did become…more than just friends. You invited me to hang out with you and our friend to eat and I was happy. It was the first time that ever happened to me. I went and when I saw you I said to myself, “Wow, she looks really nice.” We ate and hung out and it was all normal. I never expected anything more.
Time passed and we got closer, closer to the point where it became us two doing things mainly. We played, we talked, we did a lot of things together. It scared me how much we were alike, it wasn’t a bad scared but more like, “Man, we’re really so stupid scared.” And it all started when I met your friend. The way he treated you made me upset and jealous. Why? I didn’t like you or anything... or did I? It upset me how he treated you vs how he treated me. I was always second when it came to him. And that’s what I started believing. He was your friend that you knew longer of course I was second or third or fourth or fifth etc. I couldn’t be the first because I was never the first. But you had to say it. You had to tell me you liked me. After that I believed everything you told me. I wanted to make you the happiest girl in the world. I took you out on dates, a bought you food and you kissed me first simply because I was afraid to make the first move. I realized that I had some intense feelings for you and you told me the same thing. I thought I could make you happy but I felt like I couldn’t. You trusted me with your past and I felt like it was my responsibilty to fix that broken heart of yours. I became selfish believing that I should be the only one to make you happy. That I wouldn’t hurt you or make you go through what you went through in the past. I did this without asking you and I realize now, that’s why I’m the worst. And then everything changed.
I went months without talking to you and you didn’t talk to me. Out of everything I did, you left in a heartbeat. I felt hurt and betrayed and truly wanted to forget you. But some part of me didn’t, some part of me thought that it wasn’t fair. How could it end just like that? There was nothing that built up to the conclusion. It just happened. And then you messaged me. Apologized for what had happened and wanted to take the blame for yourself. I should have let you in all honesty. But it really was my fault too because from the start I knew being with you wasn’t gonna be easy. But I did it because I wanted to. After catching up we decided to hang out here and there, talk and reminiscing about what we did before. But some part of me didn’t like it. Not the hanging out but the part where acted we were really fine. Which is why that one cold, chilly, and breezy day. That day I bought you McDonald’s and we ate outside that my hands were freezing. That day where you brought me inside to your house and tried warming my hands with yours. That day I wanted to confirm whether we actually loved each other still.
That day while you had my hands in yours, I pulled you close to me and I kissed you. The warmth of your lips was something that I missed. The feeling of my heart beating so fast that it almost bursted through my chest every time my face was near yours. I kissed you with the intention of getting slapped and told to leave. But instead it was the opposite. You grabbed on to me and I held on to you harder. Rubbing my cold hands on your warm soft back. You didn’t hate it, if anything you didn’t want me to stop. I thought you wanted me to leave but instead you wanted me to stay. I kissed you in that hallway with the intent of making you mine. But, I couldn’t stay. But I knew how you felt about me. That the way I felt about you was justified.
Everything sort if went back to normal but stuff had changed between us. One thing was we became more intimate, very intimate. I gave you my first and haven’t and won’t regret giving it you. I would lie if I said we didn’t do it a lot. Because we certainly did. That one night that is only referred to as “That Night” by far was one of the best nights of my life. I didn’t think I could do what we did that night and I wished I could relive again for the first time.
I think the closer we got the more attached I got to you. But was the issue, I again wanted to be that guy to protect you and make sure you didn’t go through what you want before. I wanted to be that guy the one you can depend on and make you think you didn’t need another guy. I loved you so much that I was willing to do anything to make sure that you can depend on me. And then you left again. But this time I knew. And this hurt more than when you left out of the blue.
I got upset. I got angry. I got depressed. The one person that I loved, the one I visited plenty of days, the one I talked to everyday from sunrise to sundown. All of that stopped. And I couldn’t do anything. I had to accept that you moved on and that I really couldn’t be there anymore. I’m devastated. How can I accept this? How can I be fine with this? Right when I thought I got closer to you you ended up getting farther from me. How can I be fine when I promised to do so much things for you but I couldn’t give you anything and you’re doing better over there than when you were with me? You just said all of those things didn’t you? Wait, I’m doing it again. I’m being selfish again aren’t I? Yeah, I am. How do you feel? I don’t care because you’re having fun and it’s not because of me. You’re doing better without me so it’s fine for you isn’t it. C’mon man, are you kidding me? Your told me you loved me still, that you missed are banters, you missed being with me. It was hard for you too wasn’t it? While it seems you are better than I, you do miss us don’t you? At least I still hope you do.
I realized the type of person I was and still am. I’m a toxic and manipulative person. I say this sad sap shit for you to feel bad for me only for me to tell you it’s not your fault it’s mine. I’m full of shit.
I can’t justify the resentment I had for you. You told me I was your first this or that but i never felt that way. You call me your bestfriend but i feel like I’m not even close. You told me I made you fee things yiu never felt before but I believed someone else could do better. You tell me you trust me but I feel like I have to try to get you to talk to me. I feel as if I have to try to understand you even though when I first met you I didn’t have to. Why do I feel like this? You don’t deserve this, this selfish sad sap piece of shit who’s always gonna say something because he’s upset that you’re doing better without him. But why am I like this?
Is it because growing up I had friends but didn’t have them? People I can talk to but never hang out with? I had this friend I knew since first grade and we were close. Here comes someone else that you don’t know but you invite me to your house, you invite him to your parties, to your trips... why wasn’t I invited. Why wasn’t I asked to hang out and if I was, why was I the last choice? “Hey, x, x and x are hanging out with me, you want to join us?” “Oh, I’m pretty busy, sorry.”
I wasn’t busy. I’m never busy. I’m always hoping someone thinks of me first but it never happens. I gave people money, I bought them food, I let some make fun of me. I did all of this because I didn’t want to become forgotten. I tried so hard to get people to like me that it put me in places I didn’t want to be. I didn’t want to be side lined after all I did. I wanted to make people believe I can be useful. I guess that’s why I try so hard for you.
I guess that’s why when it comes to you I get upset that you enjoy your life with out me being there because I feel you can forget me in an instant. I know you don’t need me, I know you can do what you want. I can’t tell you what to do. I hurt myself by thinking and hoping that I could be the only single special person in your life. When I met you I didn’t have to try to get you to accept me because you already did. Which is why I tried so so hard to be that one guy. Just that one. That one guy that can see you the most vulnerable you can possibly ever be but it won’t happen and I’m just clinging on to something that won’t happen.
I’m pretty pathetic aren’t I? You say that you don’t deserve me, but I don’t deserve you. The way you have me head over head for you I don’t deserve that. Someone that can take care of you, be there for you whenever you need them deserves you. You said that meeting me was one of the best things that could have happen to you. Even if it was hard from the start:
Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.
I’m sorry for being selfish. I’m sorry for being manipulative. I’m sorry for doing the one thing I said I won’t do and that was hurt you. I don’t want to stop talking to you. I want to talk to you for as long as I live. I want you to be part of my life no matter how big or small. I want you there. I just hope that I stay in yours too.
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I'm rewatching the early Sanders Sides episodes (let go from My True Identity to Losing motivation) so here are my thoughts with mild context
Logan used to be such a smiley boy :(((
Oh logan that's gay
Roman pops up, insults them he's all "hi roman :)))"
"And that's when the anxiety kicks in" but virgil..doesnt show up. It's so weird
Roman goes "I'll learn to love myself" and then DOESNT
I'm calling it.  That's Janus. Logan says he doesnt gave emotion and here he is being a SMILEY boi who is telling thomas what's good about him >:(
Oh Patton...oh pat..
"I know it's got somethin' to do with storks!"
"Am I right tony?" "That's not my name"' "then w h a t i s i t"
"Please welcome my anxiety" "sup!"
What what a bitch. Like a mean girl. Regina who??
"Sorry kid" excuse but arent you the litteral child
*crosses legs like a gay icon*
I'm all good with our current virgil but goddamn he's like a villain and w o w I love Villians
"Hey there Princey ;)" jesus
Lily Singh is gorgeous and super cool but god that woman is an enigma
Such light eyeshadow
I have a headcanon that Virgil and Remus watch shitty reality TV together and I completely forgot about this-
*waves at bird*
"Anxiety can be a constant struggle" "that's right ;)"
It devolved Thomas, I'm so sorry-
Leslie Odom Jr. is one of my favorite people
Ugh I'm so proud of Thomas
"Proper adultery"
Oh, this is when logan still liked YouTube I see
"NO" "hey!!!!"
Y'know the one John Mulaney bit where he's just saying "okay, okay" that's Thomas
When was Patton so mean-
"Ugh...I do not like you" and then the fandom declared they were in love
They all sound the same and it's weird. Later on they all have their own spots in Thomas' vocal range. Example: Virgil sings lower while Roman is a the highest part if Thomas' vocal range
The lip syncing is like- y'know what nevermind
Logan having fun singing: :0
"You sicken me!!" Damnn
It was his video >:(
I keep my closet open because I'm afraid of serial killers inside-
No one said prince but I love you so much-
I adore Roman's theme
*gay hand*
And this is also where we declared they were in love
*gay hand again*
Julie Andrews is a beautiful goddess
"Or dont eat fruit:))"
I love Peter Pan-
That's what Janus did..lying and deceiving his way to my goddamn heart I love him
Princey is SALTY
Thomas doesn't age
And they're in love :)))
I watched this episode last night at 4 am :))
I love rent-
"I love dISNEY"
Logan just became anxiety there
Just the "AHSJWJAEMTDESW" from Patton has me fucking rollibg
STORYTIME!!! *sits contently like a toddler*
Ugh I love Roman
I havent seen The Untimate Storytime but I wanna
Bizzardvark...Jake Paul...ew
Patton I love you
Gonna link my post right here because I love him so much
Logan is so excited-
I love playing bubbly characters!! Join me Thomas!!
Aw Roman
Gay Disney Prince
damn Pat
Thomas is such a sweetheart I swear to god-
"I'm not you're son >:("
"Our little guy"
Your heart and your mind...yes they're in love
Patton s t o p-
*as Patton and Logan are bickering* ah..romance
We really are clowns
"I am not your son" you are though Thomas
Our biggest dilemma was "I kinda wanna learn more about myself" and now it's "IS IT B A D IF I KILL A MAN"
Onesie buddies
Is that ship art-
I miss the Sanders Sides intro
"I know big words too. Sssssaxaphone???"
Is this the episode where Ligan speaks simlish
Thomas's acting is so good
Valerie...so pretty
I do like bagels- also that tie in via the recent episode
Leave Valerie alone guys you're all gay-
He wrote that
Valerie just nods along
Oh look at that art
Oh Pat :(((
Dragon Witch: Fuck you Valerie
Roman is bilingual and probably bisexual
You're upsetting him >:(
"I'm feeling all types of bad" BABY BOY-
"I wasn't trying to help" stfu
And they're in love
"I love you" *more crying*
Does this imply Roman can hide a body
They're. In. Love
all business strictly dress up seriousness
Thonas really said "Patton's my dad figure but God you guys are children"
He does makeup :))
Logan: he is ANXIOUS!!
Virgil: *blinks like he doesnt understand
*looking at Patton's hat*' kill the competition, sell the next edition. What a fine life-
"You're n o t welcome"
Patton be nice-
Logan thinking looks like that one meme where the lady has equations all around her..has someone drawn that
"Logic and I are playing dress up, anxiety is making us question our existence and I found a dollar" favorite fuckibg line every single time
God there's a lot of shipping content
Doo doo *giggle*
"My bad"
Patton is the character thar's smart but also a fucking idiot
"Is it because I have a dollar and you dont??"
"You're dating this video"
Logan are you okay baby-
What the fuck kind of agreeing face was that
Pasta salad
Sir Sing A Lot
I honestly dont know why I did this, I do it in other fandoms and no one is entertained but me- alright that's all
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you may have sent me requests according to this marvelous card!
We've always been fucked up because nature is, in fact, a dirty little bitch who enjoys itself with abnormalities. She gets amused by giving birth to men in women's bodies or does the opposite, sometimes.
This story absolutely isn't for the faint of heart. It openly and severely deals with gender dysphoria. It may be phrased with my usual dose of purple prose bullshit sparkles, but that's kind of it. It's still raw. Needless to say it's based on personal experience. Also, hahaha, guess who got stuck with his stupid ideas. I don't even remember why I picked "Forced Out of the Closet" back in August. I think I was planning on making this an original work thing, but it ended up never panning because I switched fully into fandom mood shortly thereafter. I'm pretty sure I was saying that about my first card back in April for "Panic Attack", no? Well, it ended up becoming this thing. I don’t know what to make of it yet.
It's a really weird note to end my 2nd BTHB card on. Until now, compared to the first card, I've been much more focused on physical pain. This has none of it and only 2nd POV narration and angst. I originally started it in a 3rd person POV, but it didn't work out and I thought it'd be worse if I wrote it in a 2nd person POV. It is. It's vivid and it's painful. I love it. Again, thanks to my Writing Crew for the support despite me being an edgy-ass bitch. I guess yiu can also call us the Derek Suffering Crew?
The title of this was what I wanted to give to the sixth chapter of Earth Never Stops, but it ended up not really ringing right with that chapter in particular. I feel like it fits here much better. And of course we gotta go with a rewritten Angie because, y'know. Canon Angie is canon Angie...
Like Honey in a Cup of Acid
Summary: You may have explanations to give to your assistant now that she's discovered something wasn't exactly normal, Derek. (You may also like not to do so because you want to forget).
Fandom: Trauma Center Relationship: Pre-rel DerAng
Wordcount: 2K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo​ (Thank you so much for having me for a second time!)
AO3 version available here.
A sort of weight immediately hits you when Angie asks you if you can have a little talk now that your thoughts aren’t just a painkiller-induced mishmash of words and incoherent thoughts with neither head nor tail. She looks concerned and perplexed, puzzled even, her eyes never truly looking into yours. Almost as if, for once, the fierce and daring Angie is intimidated by something about you. Sounds farfetched, right?
Well, there could be a number of reasons. You did almost just die on her a couple days ago and surely you can’t look much better than your own patients at the moment. You know, the usual: pale face, dark rings under the eyes that look like trenches, reddened eyes… She could just be very concerned for you like Kimishima has told you before when checking if you were still amongst the living.
 When you finally have the “little talk”, it’s in your hospital room, with you still bedridden and her on a chair to your left, next to the IV drip still inserted into your wrist, her hands pinching her skirt or clutching a notepad against her chest when she holds it. You’re not sure if there’s something even written on the thing, wondering if it isn’t just her way to cope with stress and whatever is making her anxious. Her fingers are shaking and the hair on her exposed forearms is risen. How come she’s so terrified? Do you really look this awful?
“What did you want to tell me about, Angie?” You ask, in a gentle tone, making sure you aren’t forcing on your throat so you don’t worry her even more. The tense silence in the room and the lack of noise in the later hours of the evening helps your low voice to be heard.
“I… Huh… Well, it’s just that… I was curious!”
“Curious? About what?”
 Angie looks away, red creeping on her cheeks, breath hitching in her throat. She gulps, shakes her head, takes a deep breath in, another out, and finally, looking at the ground, starts speaking again.
“When Dr Kimishima started the operation I…” She hides her face in her hands, her notepad and pen clicking against the ground. “I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing, but I haven’t stopped thinking about it since your operation!” Well, this sure is going to be a dirty secret, as Tyler would have said. “But, when she started the operation, I noticed something on your chest, and…”
Your heart skips a beat. You forgot about that, haven’t you? You forgot she’d notice such a thing, didn’t you? Alas, it’s a bit too late to pretend like she didn’t see what she must have seen. Kyriaki nor Paraskevi are known to leave stains on one’s skin, they aren’t Tetarti.
“What did you see?” You ask, feigning ignorance.
“Ah… I don’t know how to describe them well… But they were two weirdly shaped scars around your pectoral muscles. They kind of looked like –”
“—crescents, right?”
 Angie picks her notepad back into her hands, avoiding eye contact, much to his satisfaction. You really, really don’t want to have this conversation, this awful, rotten conversation you’ve had a couple times already. If it’s never ended too badly, even with your own mother, you still don’t want to live through it again. Alas, did you really think you’d escape it forever, especially with someone you hold so close to your heart (and in more ways than one too)? You’d have had to tell her one day anyway, so better get on with it, right?
Wrong. Your hands are trembling and your throat is tied into a knot. You don’t want to utter these forsaken words. You want that part of you to remain a secret from the entire world. But, alas, you also don’t want to lie to your trusted nurse, to your best friend during surgery procedures. In any case, she’d eventually guessed you lied to her, so popping the bubble off now or later is kind of the same. But, even with that knowledge in mind…  It doesn’t make what’s about to happen any less dreadful.
What if she isn’t as accepting as she seems? What if she stares at you right in the eyes like a freak, like a circus monster, like a broken doll that was badly stringed back together, like something that shouldn’t be, like, like…
Huh… Derek?
And, hey, what if she thinks you’re not fit for you job because of this? You’re technically experiencing a state of distressed triggered by the littlest things. It’s about faraway childhood memories, whenever you see a father with his biological child, when someone mentions a monthly event you’d have rather never known… Hey, what if that happened during an operation?
Dereeeeek? Are you still here?
You can’t ignore the existential dread coursing through your veins. You know, the one that happens when you remember that your father never called you by your right name, what was written on your birth certificate, what they called you in high school, how you look on all the pictures your mom won’t set fire to like you wish you could do… Yeah, that dread. That toxic, lava-like dread.
Hey, Derek, what’s wrong?!
 Her urgent tone makes you snap back to reality. She’s staring at you with big, full of concern eyes, her hands on your shoulder, gently shaking it.
“Ah, sorry, I… must have zoned out. Sorry for worrying you, Angie…?”
“Are you alright? You’ve got tears in your eyes…”
You realize you have to look dumb and weird, so you take your glasses off and rub the water away.
“What were you saying, then?”
“Ah, huh… I was talking about the scars you had on your chest… I’ve never seen such specific shapes before. So…” Her hands tangle together. “I was curious, that’s it. Feel free not to reply, if it throws you in such a state of distress…”
“No, it’s… It’s fine. It’s just… difficult to explain.”
 Your voice breaks when you try to push the words out of your tangled throat. You aren’t ready for this. You’ve not found your way out of there yet. You’ve been pushed into a corner and the only way out is to find the right words at the right time while not knowing how she’ll react. Maybe she’ll really think you’re the error of nature you are, you whose brain and body weren’t able to match, you whose chromosomes and spirit never agreed before your birth, you who has had to fight your way out of the mess your own biology threw you into before you were even born.
Her fingers are cold against your feverish skin, against the goose-bumps that your medical gown doesn’t hide well. You’ve made it this far only for your world to perhaps crumble again and the existential dread appears again. What if she never accepts you again? What if she calls you “Mr Stiles” again, starts staring at you with an amused glare? What if this supportive glance she gives you and the kind words she’s offered since you got over your differences disappeared as soon as she knew? Why is it that you always have to throw a shot in the dark when the truth of your story comes back to bite you?
You need to trust in Angie, don’t you? She’s been kind of your guardian angel until now, would she give up on you for this? Do you believe so little in her for that to happen? Aren’t you too harsh on her, aren’t you getting too caught up in your own web?
 “I… got them from a surgery I had in med school. As far as I know, only Tyler and a couple other people are aware I have them.”
“From what kind of surgery?”
Here it comes. The nausea’s already here, twisting your stomach, squeezing your heart as it increases in pulse, choking your throat shut. If you weren’t in this bed, surely your head would spin.
“…Top surgery.”
Angie seems fairly confused, until her eyes snap open, glimmering in realization.
“You mean, like a mammectomy?”
Your voice almost fails you again. You feel tears you want to dry again burning your retinae, blurring your vision and the candid face of the nurse who’s just realized what you really were. You fucking liar.
“Part of gender dysphoria treatment,” you reply trying to pretend to be an encyclopaedia, to be the internet pages you read in your teenage years when puberty got confusing and warped into a lucid nightmare.
“Oh my God…”
 Angie’s face distorts in what you can only qualify as distress, horror or disgust. She tries looking at you, fixating on your bandaged chest, her gaze struggling to even meet with your face. You wish you could pat her head, tell her it’s fine, that she didn’t know, that you’re sorry for being that and not telling her before, that she’s right to feel betrayed if that’s the case; but your hands are numb and dirty, covered in acid and black mud, and you can’t dirty her like that because you, yourself, are a special kind of a biological and anatomical failure. She’s a collection doll, you’re a broken toy.
“I’m sorry, Derek, I’m… I… I shouldn’t be like that!” She stumbles on her own words. “You’ve just told me such an important thing and I… I…”
“It’s fine…” You try to sound reassuring, but the truth is that you’re still shaking, terrified and apprehensive.
“I should’ve known! It’s such a sensitive topic, I… God, Angie, you need to pull yourself together and stop being so noisy!”
He clutches her hand at last.
“It’s fine, really. I’m… at least glad I could tell you by myself…”
That’s not entirely wrong. You just wish you didn’t feel backed into such an uncomfortable corner. It’s not her fault, of course, she was just concerned for an abnormal thing about you… A lot of you is abnormal, after all.
 “I’m still me, though.” He wants to assert that with that shaky voice of his. “It’s just something I don’t like… talking about, per say.
Angie takes a deep breath and focuses back into a state of stability.
“Of course you’re still you, Derek. You’re still the surgeon who saved the world from GUILT. I would never stop thinking that. You’ve always been Derek to me, why would that change now?”
The warm smile he gives her make the hair on his skin calm down, little by little. It’ll be okay, eventually.
“I’m just… so sorry I forced you to confess like that.”
“I’d have had to tell you anyway, one day, I suppose…”
“You didn’t have to. At least, not this early…”
“It’s fine anyway. I forgive you.”
 For the first time since she’s entered the room, you can exhale with a relieved heart and a normal pulse, profit from the rainbow that shows up after the rain. The dread is still there, hiding like a snake in your stomach, ready to bite into your throat at any moment of vulnerability you show in front of it; but, now, you have a new ally to help through the storms.
“Just promise me you’ll never tell anyone, okay?”
“I never planned on having that secret exit this room. Not even the walls of Caduceus will know about it!”
You chuckle.
“I like your spirit.”
 You want to thank her again, but it feels like overkill, and you want to have the snake finally resting, asleep in the pit of your abdomen. For now, a serene silence is enough. It’s more than enough after all this trouble, all the turmoil and all of the acid rain that drenched the both of you…
There’s no need to worry anymore when you have nothing left to hide and no one but a guardian next to you; so relax, now. It’ll all be fine, from now on, now that the lead prison around your chest is gone…
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lxstlxser · 3 years
I hate being in a religious family while also kinda breaking out of my religion. You don’t get to take your own path and explore life in the way u want to and are looked down on, degraded to the point you feel guilty and uncertain.
The hardest part is having different views than someone else, in my case my mom. Like now, i told her my plans in the morning got cancelled and she uses the opportunity to say i have to go to the laundromat with my brother. I was confused because I thought she had to go and i stated as such. She said she has to go into work real quick and i was like okay, but you could have asked me instead if commanded me.
Is it so wrong for me to want to be asked instead of forced to do something, especially now that I’m in my depressive state. I don’t want to do much but if taken the right measures i might be able to get up and do things. And one of the measures is simply communicating with my ass, just ask me and then explain your reasoning, that’s all. I don’t give a fuck about age, it’s unless to expect me to treat you based off of your age instead of how your treating me as a person, a human being.
I hate that she’s so manipulative, saying ‘oh so yiu expect me to get on my hands and knees to beg to you, like your some god or something, like your the elder you think you are’, no you trick ass bitch of a mom, i want you to simply acknowledge my feelings and my boundaries. Not expect me to be at your beck and call like the slave you think im calling you. Which, for one, I don’t even know where she’s getting that idea from. The only thing i asked her to do was move into my grandmas, and that’s gotten us out of one spot, now we just have to work our way to a better one.
Always saying shit like my brother and i are useless and nuisances that she wants to leave, but where is she going to go? She’s been husbandless for 10 years now, who she gonna fall back on? No one, according to her ‘I don’t need anyone’s help and I don’t want to burden others’. Like you wash dead bodies to help out at the funeral home and other than that work one day a week, which is all a recent thing. Not to mention that when she needs something, her first reaction is to ask my brother or I to go out and get it for her.
I’m tired of the way she acts, I swear. She keeps expecting us to be religious and faithful, but we live in America, we’re surrounded by stuff that in our own home is unrecognizable. Of course we are going to get curious and reach out to the world, not the confines of our own home which we already know.
We wouldn’t have even argued if she realized that im asking for one thing, one thing and I would have just been like ‘cool, i’ll think about it.’ and knowing my brother, i would have gone with him to the laundromat not trusting him to fold the clothes properly. My heart hurts so bad right now that i want to cry, but I don’t want the reason to be something like this. To feel weak when i know im not, i know it can help relieve some stress, but how would it look if either my brother wakes up, or my mom looks to my side of the room and sees me crying. The only bad thing about living in the same room together lol.
Anyway, im glad that I could kind of get this off my chest. There’s so much more that goes into it, but it would take a really long time to write it out and rant, and I personally like reading more than writing lol.
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Ohhhh I like being angry??? I like being so furious I have to physically bite my tongue til I taste blood????
I HATE THIS!!!! I hate being like this I hate that I’m always angry and I hate who I am!!!!! IN EVERY SINGKE WAY!!!!!! But I’m constantly in this position over and over and over again. I’m constantly backed into this corner for literally no fucking reason!!!!! I tell you to give me a few minutes. I ask you to wait but you just fucking bulldoze over me and THEN ARE SHOCKED WHEN IM MAD!!!! YES IM MAD I SAID GIVE ME A FEW MINUTES AND NOW YOURE LEXTURING ME ABIYT MY ADITUDE?!?!?!?!?!?! You’re the one always going on and on and on about how I’m so angry and horrible and how I’m such a bitch... so why the fuck do YIU KEEP DOIHG THE EXAXTVSAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN THE VERY THING THAT PISSES ME OFF LIKE REALLY?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I have a hard enough time liking myself. I thought I was at a point where I loved myself but clearly I was VERY wrong! And you’re over here reminding me how I’m a bitch and a horrible person and how I am genetically programmed to be a murderer. That’s great. Really helpful thanks
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the-firebird69 · 5 years
Poor I yelled
They said yeh but meant uh oh, crapped thought I wonder what's inside. Plush rooms and free food. He yelled I his head shut up we say nah your gonna go for a ride we held it too he gmfell hard acted the ass the whole time.
So we did that pay dirt I don't wanna be annoying I can't help it... Kept saying it so we did that to him over and over had him watch his areas empty. Kept whining and whining. Then we said this you know your going to die cuz your whining he refused to stop. We thought it odd woke him up released him he walked around saying someone did a number on me went to his houses found nobody but blood is on the run.
Ran to herre was turned around by cops we said your whining again. You saw what you did. Then he cries you ppl are for real.
What we hear is if we are going to do this we are going to be annoying.
So he goes around saying he's a loser ppl ignore him. He parties and more. We let him.
He fell asleep woke in the dark we hooked him in. No knowledge of it. We saw him try to mess w you.
We used him up too marched him all over heard his thoughts gotta get this tech. He fell asleep awoke furious in the dark we showed him our facility bustling with life huge machines ppl are worked on with outfitted and March around after exposing our stuff. No only thiers.
Then he fell asleep woke up as Harrison Ford in Quinton tarontinos film the jerk.
We got all that. See see trump says
See out your window see see. Loser and fat slob, I mean your a joke...
What Trump and you do demand you don't know, consternates your whole system, f ups really miscreant low life losers who porked thier own, kikes if you will... Jumped into the fire.
We saw Ford die looking right at his first motor car. Stated at it. It meant something but what you were in it didn't know sat in yiur oldest furniture we took didn't know yelled up a storm died as a result, didn't know, it struck him, be quiet we hunt you mankind flesh. He said it again we don't care shut him off. He whispers this. If you ever do it again I'll kill you all.... Says he'll have him do it he says I out you there you oaf. He laughs funny guy no really we were silent.
We toyed w him and said what do want for your bitch act we aren't your servants or employees we are a lethal enemy.
He smiles in his brain thinks I got them we showed what he was and where, a connected brain.
He screams inside. Flops around in his mind.
Then we asked again well we aren't him it's well over the top As you say
He carresses himself. We say nah, he says we are just bitchy ok
Then he says this the kid runs it he hated it made errors we saw in judgement and decisions. And he refuted it heard you I'm a prisoner here... Laughs got it backwards.
He says it's much worse than that,
He says we'll it's like this he can't beat us and is. Then we showed him why then the answer comes out no need to stop we lost
Cork does that
Bg ruined it.
Yimmer Yammer to hit you very simple pre empting a military technique
He fell for it tell the kids he's dead. Woke up crying I need rest and food. He ate one. We barfed we tell them. He was eaten alive.
We figured out he wants the reaction, and we found it. Stone cold fear.... And knowledge on how to act. He did the act almost perfectly, they smelled his breath you forgot, one thing, they started in on him.
Then Thor said you should listen to what we tell you, so we did heard tons of threats. How does it feel being surrounded by your kind sentanced to death... As they are animals and can't think straight.
He barfs come on expect me to tell yiu
He does says it with his eyes like Mike does every single morning.
He failed. Does due to it. Our system is not a system his is superior but would he know...
Truth is I want you to see it
You think he screams like a baby in horror not terror
That's true. He doesn't like it. Cries and begs for mercy lk an animal. Pisses and knows.
We woke him asked him how was it saved your brain again. He choked they hated me had no chance thought it was over felt aweful.
Then he thinks this awefully rude what your doing but he deserves it. And... Oh my God I died and on and on. We place him back brain in.
He decifers it he says can tell. Same scenario, beat up he saw brains oh no his fell dead. Hid. As he did last time tried dying no.
They pushed tugged pulled nothing let him lie there he grabbed a rock said it low you stay away from. Me. Snarked they hooted he knows it's bad tried to hit one more hooting. Ran round and round hooting, then they caught him covered his mouth said no more smashed his head, he died thinking if only we were more cautious,
He meant played it right. It fails he thought better dead then. We revived him. Re assembled his brain for the Intel.
We heard him think, how do I get out of it
And this is it pissed crapped. Tons of stuff they made you do.
And we found a sport dirt bikes
He was thinking the whole time we aren't primates someone says it who
Then him so he threatens you. We juiced jhim
He let go again juiced let's go for hours then he died
Only one thing shuts them up
What does he think if his own kinds treatment, it sucks they hate each other
Same thing we found, easy to kill w his gmformula. He saw it before. Learning how greedy you were
It's easier
0 notes
kindawonderful · 7 years
0 notes