Local Prince is Trying His Best
88 posts
I'm Roman and I've decided that Himbo is the only acceptable trope. No further questionsHe/him
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
If you want to follow me. I’m @thebirdsdonthavetobequiethere and it has the exact same aesthetic as this blog
This account isn’t my primary and it got a bit old hopping from blog to blog, I just decided it would be better to have a blog that’s my own and all of my interests. So it’ll basically be a lot of Sanders Sides with some Percy Jackson and Musicals sprinkled in <3
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
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Sometimes Logan will greet the group by going "hello, class!" And these three idiots play along by greeting him back as if they were, indeed, in a class
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
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...I'm just sayin-
Remus gives me 👁👄👁 vibes
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Remus gives me 👁👄👁 vibes
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Me: *reading cute fanfic*
The fanfic: "And Logan annoyed them by droning on about useless facts"
Me: *goes to look for new fanfic*
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
UPDATE: better drawing
His arms are tight at his side because I cant draw arms and it's 5am
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Currently obsessing over Logan so like-
I imagine logan with his hair pushed back. It's kind of naturally that way and he likes it because it's easy to maintain and easy to run his fingers through (a nervous habit of his). I tried to throw together a quick sketch and it sucks but what I'm imagining is like this
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I know everything is off on my proportions but yeah. I dont have many other Logan drawings (my drawings are mainly remus and Roman 😔😔😔)
But I made this post to offer to y'all, Logan Sanders using a headband to push back his hair or using a ponytail.
Thank you for coming to my trade talk and expect fanart with this concert
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Currently obsessing over Logan so like-
I imagine logan with his hair pushed back. It's kind of naturally that way and he likes it because it's easy to maintain and easy to run his fingers through (a nervous habit of his). I tried to throw together a quick sketch and it sucks but what I'm imagining is like this
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I know everything is off on my proportions but yeah. I dont have many other Logan drawings (my drawings are mainly remus and Roman 😔😔😔)
But I made this post to offer to y'all, Logan Sanders using a headband to push back his hair or using a ponytail.
Thank you for coming to my trade talk and expect fanart with this concert
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Okay maybe not the coolest but it's pretty dope
So like what if Logan's room is naturally dark and everytime he has a though it lights up on his walls. It's spelled out like a neon blue light. Maybe not every thought but every question and it's solution. Or if he dwells on a thought for a while, it will pop up. They go away after a few minutes because he's constantly thinking but imagine how cool that would be.
On an angstier note I feel like in Logan's room your emotions are numbed but Logan still gets upset and his mind still races even with the room's calming aura. So along with the solutions to math equations and thomas' problems there's occasionally a "am I good enough?" And "why cant I just be normal" lighting up the walls
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Did anyone ask for my Roman headcanons?? No? Too bad
His room is messy as shit.
Can't see your damn feet under all of his crap.
But he loves it and knows where everything is. Logan wants to murder him because if this
Roman is the ugliest crier in the goddamn world.
Snot everywhere and his face is contorted to be all scrunched up. Tears probably get in his mouth. He absolutely hates it
He wears mascara and eyeliner because it makes him feel HELLA pretty. It's not fun when he cries though 😔😔
He religiously watches Mean Girls
The musical is a whole new experience. It transcends this mortal plane.
Let him play regina.
If he's pissed at you and you go into his room, there's bound to be a fugly slut poster of you.
He choreographs stuff in his free time!! He leaves his stinky room and goes into the imagination to dance!!
He's done a lot of his favorite shows and will sometimes conjure people to play other roles or ensemble to complete his pieces
He always dances as the lead. Not because he feels he deserves the lead ( :(( ) but because it's a lot of fun
Patton loves this and sometimes dances with him if Romas asks!!
Remus will turn up to dance uninvited but then it turns into sibling bonding time. Though that's very rare, they usually bicker before Roman shoots him to his side if the imagination
He doesnt sleep at night because he's in charge of dreams and always wears himself thin when hyperfixating on projects
That's why dreams are so weird because he's barely conscious when he does them.
He also takes a lot of naps because of this.
Remus only does dreams when Roman accidentally falls asleep, thus a nightmare.
When Roman hyperfixates on things, he really cant pull himself away. Patton will bring him food and Logan will remind him to take breaks so Thomas' mind isn't over worked.
People can stop by and provide company but if they want a conversation it's one sided.
"How was your day?" "*shrug*" "cool cool. How's that project going?" "*shrug again*" "are you just going to reply with shrugs?" "that's nice Virgil. Give me a second, something doesnt look quite right"
He likes strawberries a lot...he just does. Anytime he sees them in the fridge he goes fucking feral
"Patton I thought you got two things of strawberries" "well kiddo, one of them was for Roman. Do you want your own too?"
He is very VERY affectionate with everyone and if offered cuddles, he drops what he's doing immediately as long as they didnt interrupt him as he's fixated on something. In that case he's say "give me ten minutes"
Roman doesn't sleep in his bed unless someone else is there half of the time.
He usually falls asleep at his desk or on the couch.
When he sleeps on the couch and wakes up with a blanket, he can always tell who did it.
Thin blanket but tucked in?? Virgil, he doesnt want Roman to get too hot in fear of him getting comfortable and waking up but also would like him to be comfortable.
Fluffy and tucked in? Patton, he wants to make sure his kiddo is comfy and sleeps well. If it's hot, he'll turn the air on so Roman can use the blanket
Fluffy blanket off the couch? Logan, optimal warmth but easy to get and put back.
Any of the above blankets, on the floor? Remus, stinky stinky rat man.
Vague memory of a blanket/ someone walking by and not doing anything? Janus, they're still pissed at eachother
No blanket? No o e noticed he was sleeping, he's always insecure about this. He wonders if anyone noticed his absence
As long as he's not focused on one project he hopes from one thing to the next
He adores painting and drinks paint water on accident a lot.
Everyone thinks that Remus intakes the most paint water but they're wrong. It's Roman. But Remus has drank a lot, it's just always on purpose
He loves oil painting and his art mimics the look of a historical pieces
He likes to paint the people around him but no one will model (in reality he's too afraid to ask someone to sit in a room for a handful of hours) so he takes pictures of the sides (most of the time they're unaware) and paints those.
That's how he paints dynamic things
That's all of this princley rat that I adore.
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Back it up back it up. This chapter is fucking amazing but home is no one talking about how RIDICULOUS the sight of Patton's room must be. He's in a throne of stuffed animals with a pony tail on his head, in a messy ass room with a disco ball and frogs as dance music plays. That my friends is the room of a god
I Got Hacked by a Fourteen-Year-Old
Pairings: N/A Characters: Janus, Emile, Logan, Roman, Remus, Patton, Remy, an OC that you’re gonna love to hate >w> Chapter warnings: Kidnapping mentions, blackmailing, gaslighting, manipulation, homicide mention, human trafficking mention, planted drugs mention, mild nsfw mentions, referenced past relationships, if you’re reblogging on mobile you might have a bad time Word Count: 9,023
“Who are you?”
Janus blinked twice as his username came up “Kidnapper” and sucked in a breath. Someone knew about everything that had been going on the past four months. The question was, who? A message on the bottom said “unknown is typing…” and Janus waited for it to finish.
Unknown: My name is not important >w>
Janus snorted before he typed his reply.
Kidnapper: I don’t play games with people I don’t know.
Unknown: Sorry, sport, I don’t play that way :P
Kidnapper: Alright, what do you want?
Unknown: You have someone important to me
Ao3 Link
Janus stood with his hands in his pockets as he waited for his boys to get out of school. He leaned against his car, a sigh of boredom escaping his lips. A few other parents chattered between each other as they waited as well. Janus wondered if they were friends or they met through their children.
A few eyes would pretend not to stare at the scar on Janus’s face, but Janus did his best to ignore it. He always did.
The bell rang, announcing the children’s departure from the school. A few seconds later, kids started spilling out of the school. Groups of older kids walked together and droned on about how boring their day was. Younger kids charged into their parent’s arms and greeted them.
Janus stood up a little straighter. His eyes kept scanning the crowd for both Roman and Remus to leave. The number of kids trickling out of the building started to slow, and Janus’s heart started to quicken. Did someone take them? Were they hurt? What if the foster care system found out about-
Two familiar shapes left the front doors, and all the tension in Janus’s body disappeared. However, he didn’t fail to notice how Remus didn’t have that dimpled smile on his face, and Roman gave the ground a dirty look.
“Good afternoon, boys,” Janus called out.
Two heads snapped up, and the sourness on both their faces disappeared. They raced forward and tackled Janus into the side of the car.
Janus laughed before he continued, “Well, you two didn’t miss me at all I can see.”
“Liar,” Roman mumbled into Janus’s shirt.
“I prefer sarcastic,” Janus answered. He addressed Remus, “Did anything interesting happen today?”
Both boys got quiet, and neither of them would look up at Janus. Janus found it harder and harder to maintain his fake smile.
“No, not really,” Remus eventually mumbled out.
Janus quirked a brow as he looked over at Roman.
“It was okay,” Roman answered.
Janus let out a long sigh. Only two weeks at their new school and Roman and Remus were already keeping secrets from him. Well, he supposed they were learning from the best. Janus opened the car door, and Roman and Remus slid in.
“Hey, you got the window seat this morning.”
“So? You got it twice yesterday.”
“It’s my turn!”
“No, I got in first.”
Janus sighed through his nose as he shut his car door. He lifted Roman into the air and put him on the other side of the car.
“There, now you both get the window seat,” he said. The action seemed to quell the fight for now, but Roman and Remus still glared at each other from across the seat. Janus sighed and rubbed his hand down his face. Even though it was exasperating, he couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
This is why he didn’t adopt kids.
Keep reading
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Me rn
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
I'm rewatching the early Sanders Sides episodes (let go from My True Identity to Losing motivation) so here are my thoughts with mild context
Logan used to be such a smiley boy :(((
Oh logan that's gay
Roman pops up, insults them he's all "hi roman :)))"
"And that's when the anxiety kicks in" but virgil..doesnt show up. It's so weird
Roman goes "I'll learn to love myself" and then DOESNT
I'm calling it.  That's Janus. Logan says he doesnt gave emotion and here he is being a SMILEY boi who is telling thomas what's good about him >:(
Oh Patton...oh pat..
"I know it's got somethin' to do with storks!"
"Am I right tony?" "That's not my name"' "then w h a t i s i t"
"Please welcome my anxiety" "sup!"
What what a bitch. Like a mean girl. Regina who??
"Sorry kid" excuse but arent you the litteral child
*crosses legs like a gay icon*
I'm all good with our current virgil but goddamn he's like a villain and w o w I love Villians
"Hey there Princey ;)" jesus
Lily Singh is gorgeous and super cool but god that woman is an enigma
Such light eyeshadow
I have a headcanon that Virgil and Remus watch shitty reality TV together and I completely forgot about this-
*waves at bird*
"Anxiety can be a constant struggle" "that's right ;)"
It devolved Thomas, I'm so sorry-
Leslie Odom Jr. is one of my favorite people
Ugh I'm so proud of Thomas
"Proper adultery"
Oh, this is when logan still liked YouTube I see
"NO" "hey!!!!"
Y'know the one John Mulaney bit where he's just saying "okay, okay" that's Thomas
When was Patton so mean-
"Ugh...I do not like you" and then the fandom declared they were in love
They all sound the same and it's weird. Later on they all have their own spots in Thomas' vocal range. Example: Virgil sings lower while Roman is a the highest part if Thomas' vocal range
The lip syncing is like- y'know what nevermind
Logan having fun singing: :0
"You sicken me!!" Damnn
It was his video >:(
I keep my closet open because I'm afraid of serial killers inside-
No one said prince but I love you so much-
I adore Roman's theme
*gay hand*
And this is also where we declared they were in love
*gay hand again*
Julie Andrews is a beautiful goddess
"Or dont eat fruit:))"
I love Peter Pan-
That's what Janus did..lying and deceiving his way to my goddamn heart I love him
Princey is SALTY
Thomas doesn't age
And they're in love :)))
I watched this episode last night at 4 am :))
I love rent-
"I love dISNEY"
Logan just became anxiety there
Just the "AHSJWJAEMTDESW" from Patton has me fucking rollibg
STORYTIME!!! *sits contently like a toddler*
Ugh I love Roman
I havent seen The Untimate Storytime but I wanna
Bizzardvark...Jake Paul...ew
Patton I love you
Gonna link my post right here because I love him so much
Logan is so excited-
I love playing bubbly characters!! Join me Thomas!!
Aw Roman
Gay Disney Prince
damn Pat
Thomas is such a sweetheart I swear to god-
"I'm not you're son >:("
"Our little guy"
Your heart and your mind...yes they're in love
Patton s t o p-
*as Patton and Logan are bickering* ah..romance
We really are clowns
"I am not your son" you are though Thomas
Our biggest dilemma was "I kinda wanna learn more about myself" and now it's "IS IT B A D IF I KILL A MAN"
Onesie buddies
Is that ship art-
I miss the Sanders Sides intro
"I know big words too. Sssssaxaphone???"
Is this the episode where Ligan speaks simlish
Thomas's acting is so good
I do like bagels- also that tie in via the recent episode
Leave Valerie alone guys you're all gay-
He wrote that
Valerie just nods along
Oh look at that art
Oh Pat :(((
Dragon Witch: Fuck you Valerie
Roman is bilingual and probably bisexual
You're upsetting him >:(
"I'm feeling all types of bad" BABY BOY-
"I wasn't trying to help" stfu
And they're in love
"I love you" *more crying*
Does this imply Roman can hide a body
They're. In. Love
all business strictly dress up seriousness
Thonas really said "Patton's my dad figure but God you guys are children"
He does makeup :))
Logan: he is ANXIOUS!!
Virgil: *blinks like he doesnt understand
*looking at Patton's hat*' kill the competition, sell the next edition. What a fine life-
"You're n o t welcome"
Patton be nice-
Logan thinking looks like that one meme where the lady has equations all around her..has someone drawn that
"Logic and I are playing dress up, anxiety is making us question our existence and I found a dollar" favorite fuckibg line every single time
God there's a lot of shipping content
Doo doo *giggle*
"My bad"
Patton is the character thar's smart but also a fucking idiot
"Is it because I have a dollar and you dont??"
"You're dating this video"
Logan are you okay baby-
What the fuck kind of agreeing face was that
Pasta salad
Sir Sing A Lot
I honestly dont know why I did this, I do it in other fandoms and no one is entertained but me- alright that's all
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Your honor I love him
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
Babey boi 🥺🥺🥺
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06/08/20 - What would an unbelievably extra prince do on the celebration of his first appearance? Have an even more unbelievably extra photoshoot. His “birthday” was June 3rd and I couldn’t believe all of the amazing art, poetry, and videos! Thank you all so much!! Happy Birthday, Roman. ❤️ (📸:
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
I’m taking a step back from social media
I’m doing this because I get a feeling of sadness and dread every time I open my tumblr. I’ll still be attempting to work irl to help out with the blm movement however I can. I’ll still be sharing resources and petitions on my blog. I just will no longer be as present, and I won’t be posting art for the time being. I know that it’s natural for things to get uncomfortable in times like these, and I quite frankly feel that my own discomfort doesn’t matter at all. That said, I’ve been asked by my family to care for my own mental health, so I hope you understand why I have to do this. I love you all and I wish you all the best. Goodbye for now.
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
It's okato be scared. People were dicks. Dont feel a need to rich yourself, we're in your corner
I was gonna draw something to go along with a fic and i was gonna do a poc roman since i feel like ive started something on accident and like... I drew the background and setting and the second i tried to draw roman i had an anxiety attack 😅😅
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currently-shushing-birds · 5 years ago
I'm so glad you're getting the support you deserve Ghost! You seem so sweet and you really didnt deserve the bullshit those people said to you. Know that you've got an army of people who support and love you dude <3
So far 23 people have dmed me saying they support me and are sorry about the other people who got a bit roudy on the original post, the post that someone said "this shit has to stop" veryvery soon after it was posted has like 2k notes now, i have seen at very very least 11 posts talking about what happened like skirting around tagging me (you can tag me guys, its okay you dont gotta like "@/" me) and a sudden BURST if roman as a poc and trans fanart, hell even thomas got dmed and RESPONDED about it.
Things have been wack, and im gonna put the post back up later this week, im really happy seeing all theese people talking about it even though i didnt do much of anything, i wanna kesp seeing the art and the stories and the cosplays guys, send them my way i wanna reblog them all
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