#bismuth sisters
haemocyaninz · 2 years
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They took most of the non binary slay in the family
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Plum Bismuth (one of @haemocyaninzart‘s ocs). They have a slim build, purple hair tied back into an afro puff, dark brown skin, and a thin build.
She stands in profile, blowing yellow bubble gum. She wears a hair clip, spiked collar, green tshirt, ear piercings, purple backpack, purple paint splattered skirt, and mix match knee high socks. The background is blue with white triangles and the words “PLUM B.” ./End ID.]
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mymanyfandomramblings · 4 months
Steven Universe Characters as humans--a compilation of my sister's artwork
As always, this artwork is my sisters--please reblog, do not repost
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As always, if you like the artwork, please reblog so that as many people as possible can see it
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naamahdarling · 1 month
I have to show you them.
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Jas and Bizzy.
(Jasper is the seal? point boy with the curly ear on the left, and Bismuth is the lilac? lynx point girl on the right.)
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Do you understand now?
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That they are so adorable?
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They're littermates and love each other very much.
Jas doesn't seem to have any original ideas at all, he just kind of does whatever he sees his sister doing, unless it takes effort. Bizzy seems to have lots of ideas but they're all very bad and naughty. We appear to have a himbo and a crimebeast. They are Incredibly Friendly and I desperately want to keep them.
Look at those aquamarine eyes, oh my goodness.
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eyesthecolorofarson · 8 months
Best Man Pt.2
Jazz watched, bemused, as Danny bounced around the work room. He went from one project of an improved Specter Speeder to a project he and Sam were working on with the mutated fauna in Amity to his newest.
She didn’t know what to think about Damian, but she was thankful the Council would like him. He was obviously raised entirely around aristocratic figures but possibly separated. His wording choice suggested the former and odd accent suggested the latter. She’s always been worried about Danny’s open heart, even more so when she saw his reaction to just seeing Damian.
Thankfully, Damian seemed just as smitten as Danny was. She didn’t necessarily believe in love at first sight, but she understood an alphas immediate attraction to an omega who fit all their preferences and an omegas immediate attraction to the same. Though it is odd how they both fit each other’s preferences.
She would ignore it for Danny. He’s been so excited and happy since their meeting, and even though it’s only been two days he’d already started making the wedding rings. Dad was over the moon when he asked for the blueprints and chemical makeup. Apparently he wasn’t going to make the actual ring part until he knew what Damian would like.
Those thoughts reassured her over-protective mind. She’d thought the attraction was either an aphrodisiac or plain old mind control, but Damian’s reaction to Danny told her that wasn’t the case. She’d been able to overhear a portion of their conversation, and it soothed her to hear Damian getting more and more flustered.
Her protectiveness flared up when she walked in on the kissing, but Danny’s face of absolute horror washed it away. As the best big sister she was she ignored how he now smelled of brown sugar and spice, coffee and caramel. She would only make fun of him for the rest of his existence. Like the best big sister she was.
“Jazz! C’mer, I got it to work!” Danny excitedly waved her over, bobbing in the air. She marked her page and went to the work table. It had a microscope, scale, Bunsen burner, dozens of glass beakers in racks, pipets, magnets and a friability tester. In the middle of everything was a Petri dish with a single green geode.
They were calling it Ectolite, and it seemed to be the Infinite Realms version of fossil fuels. It was created from decaying Blob ghosts or fading emotional remnants. Naturally, anyways. It took a very long time for ghosts to fade and Blobs were no exception.
Artificially they were much easier to make. She thinks. It only took Danny two days after all. “What cut are you going to make it?” She asked as she put on gloves. They didn’t want to contaminate the love it would emit with her own feelings. The love it was supposed to emit if Dannys theory was correct. “I don’t know. The other gem changes shape and texture, but I didn’t check to see if the bottom changes too.”
Danny used a pair of tweezers to pull the shape of the geode into a triangle, then a square, and then a circle. He worried his bottom lip. “I want it to keep this free flowing quality, but I don’t know if actually cutting it will change it. But if it can be manipulated like this,” he stretched it until it looked like a teardrop with a thin tip, “then touching it could ruin the shape I put it in.”
Danny moved aside and let her inspect it more closely. Each side of the geode seemed to be a different texture, one side looking like an earth geode, one looking like bismuth, one appearing to be sea foam, and one seemed to look like a meat hammer. “Have you talked to dad?” She moved the dish to the microscope as Danny groaned.
“I would–and honestly I really wanted to make it with him, but–well, it’s mom again.” She hummed. The geodes cells seemed to be shaped in an infinity symbol, and when she pulled them with the tweezers the cells seemed to go through cellular division to fill the new space, and reabsorb when she moved it back.
“Still angry?” “Worse.” Danny sighed, and she glanced to see him lounge into the air. “She overheard me tell dad about Damian and now she’s pissed that she not only has a half ghost son, but a liminal son-in-law. She’s convinced I’m overshadowing him.”
Talking about mom was always difficult after the reveal. Dad had taken it surprisingly well, explaining that he loved Danny more than he hated ghosts. He even went as far as to say he’d make an effort to learn about ghosts from actual ghosts. Mom on the other hand… “It’s not your fault,” she leaned up from the microscope and took his hand. “Moms always been more eccentric than dad, and we both know she lost it a few years ago with the Pandora situation.”
“We can’t force her to change, and we can’t change ourselves for her. It’s not fair for her or us. The only thing we can do now is try to move on.” Danny sighed and squeezed her hand. “I know, it’s just—I don’t know why, but I blame myself.” “It’s not your fault.” She said again, firmer this time. “It’s not your fault you got hurt, it’s not your fault you hid Phantom, and it’s not your fault she reacted like that. You did the best you could in your situation.”
She was so proud of him. He’d saved the town, the universe and multiverse, he was rebuilding the Infinite Realms and now he was courting someone. It hurt her heart in the best way. He was growing up so fast, and it made her so happy.
“Hey,” she pulled him down until he was back on the ground, “how about you take a break? You can go and see Damian, maybe meet his family, take him on the first date and talk more about the wedding. You can ask him about the ring.” Danny lit up.
“Yeah! That sounds great! Do you wanna come? I think you’ll really like him.” She smiled and shook her head. “I have an appointment with a few ghosts about setting up my firm. Besides, I think I’ll give it a bit more time for our last meeting to wear off.” He blushed and she couldn’t help but ruffle his hair. He laughed and batted her hand away.
“Alright, but you’ll meet him next time, right?” She smiled. “Promise. Now go see your omega.” Danny’s grin was wide enough to show all his sharp teeth. Teeth that were similar to hers. She pulled him into a hug and kissed his head. He squeezed her as if he was scared he would break her.
Jazz watched as he bobbed out of the room, and once he was gone let herself deflate. She pulled out her phone and saw all the texts from her mom. There were at least eighty and they just kept coming. Telling her to call her, to be reasonable, to convince ‘the ghost to let that poor omega go’. Six more came in rapid succession.
Jazz knew she could just block her and get a new phone. It’s what Danny did. But for some reason she just couldn’t. Well, she might know the reason. It was all simple guilting and manipulation, her mom pretending she was the good guy and it was really Danny who was the problem. She was being manipulated subconsciously, and every text she read only made her feel more sorry for her mom.
Her finger hovered over the ‘block’ button. She really, really wanted to press it. But there was a little girl inside her, whispering ‘no! You’ll never see momma again! I miss momma so much, don’t you?’ She sighed, made sure the notifications for that number were off, and picked up her book as she walked out. She had ghosts to help move on.
Danny fixed his shirt again. And then he adjusted his pants, which messed with his shirt. Should he wear his cape? He really liked his cape, but would it be too much? Oh! He had a space blazer that Nocturne got him! He could wear that with a—well, would a button up with the blazer be too formal? He should choose a different shirt. And black or white? Black, black was good. He ran his hand through his hair in the mirror before taking a breath and choosing the turtle neck.
He pulled his hair into a pony tail, fixed his belt, adjusted his blazer, the turtleneck, and then put on his shoes and grabbed his second courting gift. It was a circlet crown with a silver chain. The front had a small, teardrop gem and the sides had three larger ones inside flowers with dangling gems. He’d found it after he’d raided the treasury for anything he’d think Damian would like, and even imagining him in it was making Danny blush.
He wrapped it in green velvet cloth, then put it in a black box and wrapped it with a green ribbon, both of which he’d, uh, liberated from a jewelry store. He couldn’t ask his servants for one because they’d take that information to the break room, those gossips.
Wait. Where would he even meet Damian? At his house? He didn’t know where he lived. Well, he kind of did, but would him showing up unexpectedly be rude or creepy? He didn’t have a way to contact him. But he really, really wanted to see him. Should he just use the Ring of Rage? He’d use the Ring. “Ring of Rage, take me outside of Wayne Manor Dimension 45Q-X.” The Ring glowed bright and a red portal opened in front of him. When he stepped through he was in Gotham City.
Wayne Manor looked like every other manor he’d seen, just more Victorian Gothic with gargoyles and cobblestone walls. He fazed through the gate and took a deep breath. Walking up the steps felt similar to walking to fight Pariah Dark. He rang the doorbell, and adjusted his hair over his shoulder before the door opened.
The man who opened the door seemed to be a butler, rather old but like Damian–and everyone else in Gotham–smelled like death. He smiled, and hoped he wouldn’t be freaked out by his teeth. “Hello! My name is Daniel Phantom, but you could call Danny! Would you know if Damian is available, and if he is could I perhaps talk to him?” The man studied him for a second, then smiled and opened the door wider.
“Ah yes, King Phantom, an honor to meet you your highness. Damian has not stopped talking about you since your meeting. I am Alfred Pennyworth, the primary caretaker of Wayne Manor and it’s residents.” Danny stepped inside and held out his hand. “Please, Mr.Pennyworth, the honors all mine! Damian spoke about you quite highly. You don’t have to call me your highness or king or any of that royal decree.”
Alfred took his hand and shook it, and his smile made him feel a bit better. “Thank you, Master Daniel. If you will follow me, I believe Master Damian is currently in the dining room with his siblings and father.” Oh god, siblings and father? “Pardon me, Mr.Pennyworth,” his smile strained a little, “but—how many of Damian’s siblings are here?” Alfred seemed to notice his slight distress, and it made him smile a bit wider.
“Five of Master Damian’s siblings are present today, as well as close family friend Barbara Gordon, a rare occurrence you are lucky to see.” Oh. Ok. So, six of Gothams Greatest Detectives and The Batman are here. Oh god he hoped he didn’t do anything stupid. But knowing him he’d fall and break his nose the moment he walked in. He really had to stop thinking like this. He just—oh, for the love of Ancients, he was a king! He could handle meeting his future father, brother and sister-in-laws. He could do this! For Damian!
Alfred opened a door for him, and he said a small ‘thank you’ and tried not to wince under all the eyes now on him. It looked like a large dinning room with a long rectangular table filled with various foods. What time was it? Oh he hoped he didn’t interrupt breakfast. All the chairs were filled and they were staring at him with various emotions on his face.
But his eyes landed on Damian, and suddenly none of it mattered. Damian’s face lit up, and he launched himself out of his chair with a joyful shout of his name and into his arms. The force made him raise a few inches into the air, and he couldn’t help but laugh and pull Damian closer.
He still smelled like him. It was as if he’d added his scent into his own, and Danny wanted nothing more than to lean into his neck and leave a mark. But the voices in front of him reminded him there were others here, so he had to–literally–come back to earth and address the situation.
Jazz and Clockwork would be so proud of him.
When he lowered Damian had wrapped his arms around his neck and touched their heads together. “Oh Daniel,” he cooed, and his voice drove him a bit crazy, “What a wonderful surprise! I’ve missed you so.” He couldn’t help but laugh and nuzzle his nose, inhaling more of his scent. “It’s been but two days and I already have a piece of my soul dedicated to you. You’ve captured my mind in a state of worship that continues even in your absence.”
Damian’s face flushed and his smile grew and Danny wanted to kiss him. He held himself back. “Oh. My. God. Daniel!” Another voice said, and Damian pulled back and Danny moved to his side, wrapping and arm around his waist as Damian wrapped an arm around his as someone approached. The man in front of him had light brown skin and slightly long black hair and blue eyes.
He raced through his Gotham knowledge and held out his hand, smiling. “Richard Grayson! Though, you go by Dick, correct? Damian’s told me about you!” Richard’s, or Dick, smile widened and he shook his hand enthusiastically. “Dick, please. It’s nice to meet you, Daniel! Damian has told me so, so much about you.” Oh, that was good! From Damian’s blush and slightly embarrassed scent that was really good!
He let his smile become more relaxed, and Damian led him to a chair next to his that Alfred had somehow gotten in the short time they’d talked. “Thank you,” he said to the butler, pulled out Damian’s chair for him since Pandora would kill him otherwise, and sat when he did. Him sitting seemed to wake the rest of the table.
“So.” Bruce Wayne said, and Danny was reminded he was Batman. “I haven’t heard as much about you as Dick has. Tell me, who are you? You seemed to be a meta, correct?” That first part felt like it wasn’t really for him, but he wasn’t going to be intimidated–even though he definitely was. It also felt like bit of a lie since Alfred knew who he was, but he would answer honestly.
He straightened his shoulders, held his head high and looked Bruce in the eyes. All while trying to appear non-hostile. “My name is Daniel Phantom. I am the High King of The Infinite Realms, The Afterlife Dimension. I act as the King of the dead and underworlds as well as their gods. And, if you shall allow, I want nothing more than to make Damian my Queen.”
There was a pause and he couldn’t help but notice the uptick of caramel in Damian’s scent. He liked it. Dick looked very happy, and the others looked either confused, worried, or–in who he thought was Stephane Brown and Cassandra Cains case–absolutely overjoyed.
Bruce didn’t let anything show, but he glanced to Cassandra. She met his eyes and nodded enthusiastically, softly clapping her hands and giggling with Stephane. He hoped that was good. It felt good. Bruce didn’t seem to think it was good.
“King of the Afterlife?” Another asked, and he definite knew who he was. Jason Todd. “Does that mean your dead?” He could feel Bruce trying to burn a hole into his head. “I’m actually an odd case. I’m what ghosts call a Halfa, which means genetically I’m half ghost. It’s rather odd, so the simplest way I could explain it is that I act as the line between life and death, but I’m capable of moving it. Sometimes more dead, sometimes more alive, but always a bit of both.”
He hummed and leaned back, and Timothy Drake leaned forward. “How does that work? You said genetically, but how are you moving, ruling a kingdom if you always have one foot out the door?” Damian’s spice turned a little hot, but not in a good way the way it did when they were kissing. He rubbed his thumb in circles on his hips, and it lessened the scent.
“Let us not hound my future mate,” Damian scolded, and his face flushed. “Daniel, you must’ve came here for a reason, yes?” Damian leaned a little out of his chair, and Danny did too. “That I did!” He pulled the box out of his blazer and presented it to him, “I wanted to see if you’d like to go on our first romantic outing, as well as give you another gift. It will connect to the crown you choose, as well as your veil if you’d like to wear one.”
Someone choked, and he heard the girls and Dick ‘aww’ as Damian blushed. Caramel and brown sugar wrapped around in, and he let his own scent do the same. Together, they smelled like a cup of coffee in a thunderstorm, a warm hug in autumn, the kitchen during the holidays. Damian took the box and gently undid the ribbon, smoothly wrapping it around his wrist before opening the box. He gasped, and Danny remembered he didn’t check where the gems were from.
Under the normal light they looked very out of this world. They seemed to look like heat waves, or the lines you’d see on an old box TV. Damian tilted the back center gem back and forth, and the color changed, the middle of it seemed to split into an eye—oh. Oh! He knew what they were! Oh thank the ancients, this was the best mistake he could’ve made!
Damian leaned back quickly as the waves came off the gem in a smooth streak, similar to his tail when he flew. It circled his shoulders and then expanded, solidifying into a white cat with four tails. Its eyes were a vibrant purple, and it didn’t seem to have fur but its skin was sleek and metallic. Like an Egyptian cat but without the wrinkles. It meowed and made some clicking sounds, sniffing Damian’s cheek before relaxing on his shoulders. Its mouth was filled with sharp teeth and a black tongue.
Someone muttered ‘oh my god’ and the giggling and ‘aww’ing increased. All good things. Damian’s eyes were wide as he traced a finger along the cats back, and it liked it if it’s purring was anything to go by. “This is a cat from Dimension AB12-00! Because of this Dimensions number everything in it is usually numbered in some way. This cat was the fourth born in its litter, as you can tell from the tail. They like to hide in shiny things. I believe it’s siblings are in the other three gems, though they’ve been incredibly shy so I don’t truly know.”
That was a bit of a lie, he could sense them a little bit, but that just made everything better! Damian looked overjoyed, cooing over the cat as it crawled into his lap and sniffed around. “Oh, she’s beautiful, what is her name?” “You can choose. They do not have one.” He let her sniff his fingers, and chucked lightly as she affectionately bit them. “I found them in the treasury, and as far as I know they’ve been in there for about twenty thousand years. At this point they’re AB12-00’s version of a Saber Tooth Tiger.”
The other cats were coming out. The one in the left kept coming out then going back in, and the one in the front teardrop bounced out and onto Damian’s lap. This one had only one tail, and it meowed and pawed Damian’s chest for attention. He laughed and scratched it behind the ear. As he did he leaned forward, put his hand around Danny’s neck and pulled him forward to kiss him. Danny blinked for a moment before kissing back.
It was just as wonderful as last time. The whole world seemed to shrink until they were the only thing that existed, as if they’d become one. But he didn’t get to enjoy it like he wanted because someone loudly cleared their throat. Damian pulled away quickly, his scent embarrassed and his face bright red. It was cute. He glanced to the table and had to stop himself from shrinking.
That was definitely Batman glaring at him. He had this odd shadow over his face, and it actually looked like a mask. “Wow,” Tim teased, “didn’t know you knew how to do that!” They all laughed as Damian’s face became redder, and he couldn’t help but give him a kiss on the cheek. “I’m very glad you like it. I know you’ll be a wonderful owner for them.” Damian huffed, but his scent showed he was very happy.
The two cats seemed very tired, probably because they’d been in the gem for so long they weren’t used to this much movement. Damian was sad to see them go, so Danny proposed that they set up a schedule to get the cats used to being outside the gem. “Where would you like to go for our outing? You can choose any time, any place, and I will find it for you. I have access to it all.”
“Oh, I don’t know. Where would you like to go? I wish to learn more about your interests as you have for mine.” Oh that was sweet. He could take him anywhere in the multiverse he wanted, and Damian wanted to know more about him. He felt his face heat up, and took Damian’s hand. “Well, I love space! If you'd like, I could take you to my favorite planets in this dimension. There’s a planet a few galaxies away called Elma, and it’s inhabited completely by crystals!”
Danny rambled about Elma, detailing the crystal coral reefs and the glass islands and the crystallized sulfur and ozone in the atmosphere that protected the planet from invaders and painted the surface in sun catching rays. He waved his hands around and used ice to create the cris-cross pattern they froze in and the colored crystalline that made constellations that could only be seen on this planet.
“Ah! I apologize!” He said sheepishly, fiddling with his hair, “I did not mean to take over the conversation. But I could tell you more on Elma, if you’d like. I could take you to the Riverbend Festival!” Damian’s scent was so sweet and sugary, and he wanted to drown in it. “Do not apologize! You are so passionate, Daniel, the way your eyes shine as you detail the things you love is divine! I would love to see the festival! Is there anything I should wear for the weather, the activities and the like?”
They would be walking a lot, it would be chilly but not too cold, and something smooth he could give a crystallized texture to help them blend in since off-planet outsiders were basically impossible. Damian nodded, gave him a small kiss which almost made him explode, and stood and rushed off. On instinct Danny stood as well, and was left there with his future mates family.
“Damian, wait! Lemme help!” Stephane called, and her and Cassandra rushed off after him. Ok, that was two less interrogators. He must’ve looked a little nervous because Dick smiled and said, “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.” Danny laughed with him, and tried not to look at Bruce. “Your taking him off planet? Into another galaxy? What’s the point of that? You could take him anywhere on Earth.”
Dicks smile tightened, and Jason not-so-subtlety kicked Bruce. “I, for one, approve. I sorta want to threaten you, but I get the feeling that wouldn’t work on you.” Danny laughed. “Yes, I don’t tend to get actually scared anymore. One of my Council members is the personification of fear, and after looking him in the eye multiple times a day nothing fazes me.”
“And to answer Bruce’s questions, I want to show Damian the reaches his rule will go if he becomes my queen. Death goes far beyond this Dimension, and I pride myself on being able to at least slightly connect with every world and culture I come into contact with. I don’t mind if Damian does not wish to do that, but I want to see if he can. I believe he can.”
Bruce didn’t look any happier. If anything he seemed to be pouting now, and his scent was sour and unpleasant. Tim also had an odd sort of look on his face. “How do you plan to get onto Emla if you know nothing can enter the atmosphere?” Bruce raised up—“By teleportation. I can turn intangible as well.” — and sunk back into his chair. Jason snorted. “I’d like to get to know you more!” Barbara said suddenly. She’d been silent the whole time, watching him, and he’d honestly forgotten she was there.
“There’s going to be a Gala on the twenty-third, two weeks from today, to announce Jason and his mates child. Knowing how forward Damian is and how forward you seem to be, I’d assume by that time you’ll be sure that your going to become mates, correct?” Danny shook off his shock and nodded. “Yes, I’m already sure. But by that time we’ll have the wedding planned out, I’d hope.” Her smile grew. “Then would you like to come as Damian’s future mate? I think he’d love to flaunt you to everyone.”
“That I would.” At Damian’s voice he turned, and—
Holy shit. Oh my ancients he’s so beautiful. He’s perfect. He’s never seen someone so stunning. Damian was wearing a dark green button up with black dress pants and shoes, with the circlet crown. It fit him perfectly. It was all tight and form fitting, and it seemed like his scent was a thousand times stronger and sweeter.
His mouth gaped like a fishes for a moment, and it made him realize Damian had come right up to him. He closed his mouth with a snap, reattached his tongue, and regained his senses. “I’ve never seen anyone or thing as mesmerizing as you.” He smoothly took Damian’s hand and kissed it. Damian’s face was a nice red, and he heard the girls giggling. Damian was wearing the ring. It made him purr louder.
Wait, purr? Oh FUCK he was purring. He quickly tried to stop but it didn’t work. It only made it stutter, and he cleared his throat. “Ah….Apologies.” He laughed awkwardly, and subtly tried to hit his chest. It didn’t work. Thankfully, for some reason, Damian looked as if he was in love. “I was unaware you could make sounds such as this,” Damian came closer, almost chest to chest, and tilted his head back to expose some of his neck.
“It’s attractive.” His braid short circuited. He swallowed, tracing the curve of Damian’s collarbone with his eyes. He imagined kissing along his shoulder, tracing his fingers down his spine, and biting—he bit his tongue off again. A growl had been building in his throat, but he knew Bruce would take it as a threat.
He cleared his throat. Damian looked very pleased with his reaction, and he leaned closer, inviting him to leave a mark. He really, really wanted to. But Bruce’s scent was getting more and more hostile, so he held himself back. “Ha…thank you, my love. Are you ready?” Damian bid everyone goodbye, and Danny used the Ring of Rage to open a portal to Elma.
“Oh my gooooooddd!!!” Dick cheered, grabbing Jason and rocking him back and forth. “I told you!! I told you!! Oh my god he’s even perfecter than I thought!!” Jason laughed and Bruce huffed. Tim laughed and the room was quickly filled with excited chatter and laughter.
“You should’ve seen him!” Steph squealed, “He was so nervous and exited and he smiled at me! He smiled and hugged me and said thank you so much!!” Cass giggled and clapped her hands, “Very happy! Very good! Hopeful!” “King of the goddammed afterlife man,” Jason chuckled “how the hell’d he do that?”
“You’re just jealous,” Tim poured himself more coffee but quickly stopped when Dick pulled him into a hug. “Anyone would be!” Jason retorted as he was also pulled into the hug. “This went awesomely!” Dick laughed, “Barbara, good job remembering the Gala! Oh I hope he brings his sister next time. Maybe we can meet his parents too!”
Alfred came around and took the chair Daniel had been seated in. “I look forward to seeing them dance.” He smiled at his grandchildren, and accepted Cass’s hug. Bruce made a ‘hmf’ noise, and Jason rolled his eyes. “Geez old man, what’s the problem now? Too touchy for your taste?” Barbara snorted. “He probably wasn’t respectful enough,” They both laughed as Bruce’s sulking increased.
“I just think it’s suspicious is all,” they groaned, “No, no, listen; what are the chances the king of the afterlife wants to marry the prince of the League of Assassins after their first meeting? What if he wants access to the Lazarus Pits?” Barbara rolled her eyes. “Why would the king of the dead want to bring people back to life? He’d be losing citizens.”
“He could be angry about that!” Jason sighed and banged his head on the table. “Maybe he’s only pretending to court Damian, as revenge! Regardless we need to be careful, we don’t know what he’s capable of.” Jason tried to hit his head again but was stopped by Dick. “Your just upset Damian’s getting courted. Relax, if this was for revenge why would he give Damian four cats?”
Barbara snorted, “Four saber tooth tigers!” And they laughed. Bruce huffed again. “Oh, and that second gift? It’ll attach to his veil or crown??” Steph fell into her chair with a dreamy sigh. “Did I tell you guys the ring was his mom’s wedding ring? It isn’t just an otherworldly ring?” The whole room seemed to gasp. “Master Dick!” Alfred scolded playfully, “That is not a detail you keep to yourself! What do you think of that, Master Bruce?” The room laughed. Bruce huffed sulkier.
“We still need to be careful.” “And we will.” Cass said firmly. “But. We will not deny him this happiness. He’s very hopeful. Very happy.” Tim chuckled as he took a sip of his coffee. “More than happy, I’d say. He kissed him in front of us! And the first thing Daniel said? ‘I have a piece of my souls dedicated to you’? Whoo!” He fanned himself, and the table laughed. “You could see it in the way he looked at him! That man, this literal king, looked like a lovesick puppy!”
“Imagine their wedding,” Jason continued dramatically, “not just a royal wedding but a union of the living and dead. Imagine the scandal, the scene!” Alfred patted Jason’s shoulder. “This is not one of our books, by boy. But,” he went on as the table laughed again, “I believe he would find it most helpful if we only assisted in the wedding when asked to, no?” There was a murmur of agreement, and Bruce once again huffed. Alfred gave him a look, and finally he conceded, “Alright, I’ll allow it. But we still need to be careful.” Immediately the table launched into discussion, and Bruce was forced to listen to the excitement of his youngest sons wedding.
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heckyeahbispearl · 5 months
…I say, for bein’s made of light they can be real dull sometimes…
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86 notes · View notes
shinysparklesapphires · 7 months
i'll be your server today! ask for anything and i shall provide...
banners i used x (template by @/haryuwu!)
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more info utc!
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voice claim X
full name: Luis Lagator (pronounced louie, he's very particular about that)
pronouns: he/they
twisted from: louis (PAtF)
unnamed older sisters
unnamed father
unnamed mother
unnamed grandmother
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gator (floyd)
snappy (vivenne)
roi des marais (rook)
lou (his father)
lou-lou (his mom and grandma)
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background: Luis grew up in Port'O'Bliss, when he went to a summer camp in the Bismuth Bayou, where he met a certain frog boy...
His parents worked a lot so he grew up mainly around his two older sisters and his grandma, who taught him how to cook and manners all that stuff.
Luis is usually not very easily angered but he does get annoyed if you say 'louis' instead of 'louie' he always tries his best to be polite to everyone and dislikes seeing people sad
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unique magic: fakeout
allows the user to create illusions through musical talents (in luis's case it would be through his trumpet) whenever the instrument is played an illusion of the user's choice
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theanonymousclown · 1 year
Tell a friend to tell a friend- She’s BAAACK!!
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This is an Owl House/Steven Universe AU, specifically an ‘SU in TOH’ variant!
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Casual Kiddos + Season 1 Adults
So in Season 1, a human named Steven wanders into the dimension of Homeworld. He is quickly accepted into the fold of The Crystal House, a home for three outlaws Witches who came together- Garnet, the daughter of a Wild Witch (Ruby) and an upstanding Demon (Sapphire), Pearl, a former Guard for the Covens before defecting, and Amethyst, a cursed Witch.
Steven and Amethyst start in the Detention Track…
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But quickly chose to Multi-Track. Amethyst studies Beastkeeping, Construction, Illusions and Abominations. Meanwhile, Steven starts out studying Healing and Plants, but expands to Beastkeeping, Oracle, and Illusions to learn the type of magic that the other Gems learned (Amethyst, Garnet and Pearl in that order)
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Season 2 happens then (featuring the new uniforms) and the Crystal Gems have to deal with the three Main Heads- Blue, the Healing Head, Yellow, the Abominations Head, and White, the Empress’s Head. What they learn as the season continues is that, actually, they (and Pink, who was the Plant Coven Head before she ‘died’) are witch hunters. Pink was a born a Witch in the Human Realm, and so her sisters gave up their witch hunting ways to find someplace Pink could be safe… or so they thought. Really, White never gave up being a Hunter, and was just looking for a way to get rid of every witch at once.
What Steven learns at the end of Season 2 is that, first off, he’s a Grimwalker. White made him as a copy of Pink and wanted to use him to test various murder methods on witches, but Pink found out and fled, faking her death. She cut her and Steven’s ears to keep them safe in the Human Realm, but she botched the job a bit. Pink took on the name Rose, fell in love with and married a human named Greg Universe, and died in childbirth with her daughter Nora (who also passed).
Steven does… not take this well.
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And spends like half of Season 3 downright miserable.
But yeah that’s the main summary of the AU! Some additional Notes:
Yellow is the Abominations Head because she created the Cluster.
Peridot takes over as Plant Head after Pink (because Peri’s a farmer). The Other Coven Heads are Nephrite for Beastkeeping (because she was a beast), Lapis for Oracle (because she was trapped in a mirror and I can warp that into a crystal ball), Jasper for Construction (all quartz are Construction, it’s why Amethyst has it), Fable for Illusions (Because obviously), Aquamarine for Potions (idk, she has a wand?? So I guess Potions is the witchiest Coven??) and Pyrope for Bard (I have no clue why)
Bismuth is Raine, because obviously.
Pearl has an Illusions sigil, so that obviously causes problems.
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PARTNERS IN CRIME - Stevinel SU Fan Comic Chapter 2: Rogues Like Me Page No. 46
Ch.1 Start Ch.2 Start Previous Next
Our first close up view of 83!!! I was so excited to finally draw this gal, since like Condor, she’s gonna be a very important reoccurring character in this comic!!! <333 (Her gem is obscured in this shot of her, but it’s actually in her left upper shoulder ^^)
And we also get some more 83 & Armoury lore… apparently there used to be four other bismuths working there, who have all moved on since the beginning of Era 3. Two went to Homeworld, and two others went to an unknown planet. (And NO, it’s not Earth – let’s just say, any blue/green planet I draw in this comic that DOESN’T have Australia on it, ISN’T Earth. That makes it easier to recognise! XD). I had a lot of fun designing the five bismuth sisters, and later on I’ll definitely be posting full versions of them. They all have names, personalities and backstories as well!!! (In fact, two of the bismuths were originally created for one of my earliest fics… they even predate Partners In Crime itself!!! They were added to the story during the script development for Chapters 2 and 3 ^^)
And lastly, we get another look at the outside of the Armoury. Originally the final panel was going to be a distant x-ray like view of the Armoury with the elevator leading down to the Workshop underneath, but I decided not to for simplicity’s sake. That would have taken FAR too long and would have been difficult in terms of perspective. So instead, we’re briefly returning the blue/pink palette, and showing Gingersnap and Snickerdoodle again!!! XD
(You don’t wanna know how long it took me to draw Homeworld. I really hope it was worth it. ALSO NO, THOSE THREE PLANETS ARE NOT ACTUALLY THAT CLOSE TOGETHER!!! I only drew them like that to show where the bismuths live now XD)
(Also tell me in the comments which bismuth design you like best – 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5???)
Info and FAQ about PIC here. Join the official PIC discord server!
(Made in FireAlpaca) Steven Universe is owned by Rebecca Sugar
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a-casual-egg · 18 days
Some time ago, I saw a post about fan kids, and since then, I've been thinking about some of the fan kids I made up, so I wanna talk about some of them!
Under the cut because it's a lot
Charlie is Dob and Egbert's adopted demon child. Bismuth had them investigate some spooky goings-ons, and they find out that a little baby/toddle demon playing is the cause of all the chaos. They're won over by the baby/toddler almost immediately, and Dob looks at Egbert with big puppy dog eyes and asks if they can keep them. Egbert says yes, of course.
When I first made Charlie up, a friend of mine suggested that Dob and Egbert name them Charlie after Charles Fontelroy Stripworth Colcahoun The Third At Your Service (Dob wanted to name them the full name but they compromised on naming them Charlie). Charlie was originally based on this Tumblr post:
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but became a lot more.
Charlie has very pointy teeth and likes to bite. They bite their toys and their blankets and their chewlery and their dads. They bite a lot and they have a lot of energy. At first, Dob thought he had as much energy, if not more, as Charlie, but he was sorely mistaken. He's often exhausted before Charlie is, but it is so rewarding when Charlie actually does sleep because it is soooo cute when they sleep.
Not only does Charlie love their dads and biting, but they also love asking questions and sharing information. They find out a lot of information by being a little kid just walking around and asking random questions. After they learn stuff, they tell their dads every small little bit of information they learn, and their dads listen to what their kid has to say.
For example, one day, Charlie asks Dob what he and Egbert are gonna do for date night, and through many other questions, Charlie learns Dob's entire plan for date night. With this new information, they go find Egbert and tell them everything. He's just like, "Oh yeah? Really? Very interesting." the entire time while Charlie like flops on the bed or the floor and stretchs their arms and legs in the air like little kids do. When Dob finds out that Egbert knows all about it, he's sheepish, but Egbert gives him a kiss because he appreciates all the thought put into date night and Dob melts.
Overall, Charlie is very observant and likes mimicking their dads, leading them to mimic Egbert's tail moments with their own tail. Since I love the idea of tails being like another hand/arm to grab stuff, I think Egbert would notice Charlie mimicking their tail motions and pick them up with his own tail then plop Charlie into his lap for a big cuddle. It also works for when Charlie is about to do something they shouldn't, Egbert can just pick them up with his tail and either gently but firmly explain why Charlie shouldn't do what they were about to or just go back to doing whatever he was doing while Charlie pouts.
Dob is more silly with Charlie and lets them paint his nails for fun. Being that Charlie is around like 4-8, the nails are messy, but Dob still loves them and shows them off to people. He also invents a lot of games for him and Charlie to play together.
I don't know how quickly Charlie is introduced to the rest of the guild, Bismuth, and Suzette, but they love them so much even if Corazón is offended when Charlie interrupts him with baby babbling.
Anabelle is Barnaby's daughter from most likely a fling. Her hair is usually in braids, and she isn't really emotive. She's kinda similar to the Dimmer Sisters in the sense that she's kinda like a creepy little girl from a horror movie. She loves animals, especially reptiles, and has a snake that she talks to (I have a working idea that the snake helps her like a support animal of some kind).
Barnaby is very sweet and loving towards her because he doesn't want his daughter to have the awful childhood he did. She's very intelligent, however, isn't great at talking to people like her dad is, and often hides behind people just watching. She's probably autistic to be honest.
I have a sorta joke with her where she invents hair dye because she deserves to, so her hair is usually a soft pink in my mind. She runs her hands through her hair to calm herself down and because she likes the feeling.
She's also very silly. She and Barnaby have a lot of inside jokes, and they make each other laugh/giggle. They probably have the same laugh if that's possible. Anabelle is also silly in the way that she wakes her dad up by hitting him in the face with a pillow.
Barnaby doesn't really bring up Anabelle in order for him to keep up his reputation as a rich socialite that does random things for fun, but I have two like main ways for Anabelle to meet the hobbyhorses.
The first one is Barnaby brings the crew back to his place after a dangerous heist and she's peeking out behind a wall and someone notices her, points her out, and Barnaby picks her up and asks her why she's up so late (It's bc she missed her dad). Then she's introduced to the others, and they simply adore her.
The second one is Edvard and Kasimir stumble into her during a heist, then she joins them on a heist and talks about her dad and how cool and sweet he is. To Edvard and Kasimir it's a random child and a random father but then later like not during the heist but a later time maybe in Eleanor's townhouse the three of them run into Barnaby and he asks Annabelle to explain and that's how they find out Anabelle is a Fortescue and also they know a lot abt how soft Barnaby actually is.
She and Lilith get along really well and talk about snakes and spoiky stuff. Lilith becomes Auntie Lilith very quickly. She watches Edvard a lot, and he explains the science he's doing while only kinda being creeped out by this blank-faced child. Edvard does eventually become her step-dad, and he nurtures Anabelle's love for science. I think as an adult, Anabelle is either a leech or a whisper and becomes known as the leech or whisper with a big snake.
Eddie is the son of Edie Valentine and Billie Joe Thicket. He's named after Edie's little brother Eddie and is an absolutely precious little angel. He's a sweetiepie who loves his family so much. He's a big hugger like his mom and dad will follow his family members around like he's a little duckling. Edie usually stops him if he tries to follow her on a monster hunt, though. She'll scoop him up, explain why he can't go, give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek, and hand him to his dad.
While he can't visit his mom at work, he can absolutely visit his dad at work and does so pretty often. He's met all his dad's coworkers, including the animals. He waves and says hello to everyone just like his parents. Eddie is very close with all of Billie's bison and Buckthorn. When he's visiting his dad at work, he always visits the stables and pets the animals. He's probably named one of the bison, and Billie very proudly says that Eddie was the one who named that bison every time. It's also probably a very silly or cute name that Billie says with the same dramatics he does for every other bison name.
When Edie gets back from monster hunts, Eddie is so excited, and Edie gives him so many kisses while he giggles. He then tells his mom all the stuff that happened while she was away. He does big gestures with his hands as he recaps everything because he's seen his dad do it, and Edie thinks it's so cute.
I headcanon Edie as autistic and Billie as having adhd so I think Eddie might have both (frankly all these fan kids have at least autism or adhd). His parents and the posse help him a lot with making things accessible. He has his own orange or yellow noise-canceling headphones and his own stim toys.
Edie also makes a lot of Eddie's clothes to avoid any fabrics that put Eddie in sensory hell. He has a few skirts and dresses because of this. He likes the way the way they move and spin. Everyone in the family is supportive about it and will fight someone who's a jerk about Eddie's fondness of more feminine clothes.
Speaking about the family, I think Eddie wakes up pretty early, like his mama and like Uncle Silas, so a lot of mornings, he'll "help" Silas with making breakfast, which mainly involves telling Silas all his favorite breakfasts and what he thinks would make good breakfast combos, picking inconsequential things for the breakfast (like which measuring cup should Silas pour the water into when making pancakes (using pancake mix), which egg should Silas crack next, and which frying pan should he use), and setting the table.
He also reads the funnies in the newspaper with Grandpa Nate, and they laugh at Garfield together. Maybe Nate even reads some of the comics out loud in funny voices to make Eddie laugh. Eddie could also use the funnies as reading practice, like a member of the family points out a word, and Eddie tries to read it, sounding it out as he goes. They congratulate him when he's figured it out.
He's just a happy-go-lucky little guy who has adoring parents! So adoring that they'd probably be cheering at school plays (like I think the Addams family are in the Addams family movie). Eddie loves his family soooo much, and they love him just as much.
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asco-bisco · 30 days
SBG Steven Universe AU
my take on school bus graveyard au and what gems I think the characters would be. I also added weapons but I only thought of a concept for Ashlyn and aiden.
Ashlyn - I think she would be either a jasper or amethyst. My first idea was an over cooked ruby but rubies are low-class guards and I don’t want to put Ashlyn in that position but her being an over cooked ruby is part of a whole other idea I had in mind.
I think her falling under a guard role would fit best for her, in my opinion but I feel like there’s something I’m missing. Aside from that, I also think that her weapon would be something like Mega Pearl’s weapon because her doing ballet just makes me think of ribbons but I’m not sure.
Aiden - My original idea was for him to be a plain human since that’s his role in one of my fic ideas but if he were to be a gem, I think it would be a pearl. Making Aiden a low-class gem and an ‘object’ might be purely for character but I feel it fits. I think he would be a rebel like Pearl and not follow orders or break rules.
But he could also be an aquamarine, a gem assisting diamonds but also being granted freedom since they can fly from planet to planet and collect what they please.
His weapon I feel would be something like a dagger or a spear like Pearl, if we’re going with the pearl idea. Or maybe just a two sided dagger or spear.
Ben - I have three ideas for him, a sapphire, a morganite, or a pearl. Oh, and he has a cracked gem for all of them.
A morganite because they are gems in charge of architecture and are artistic gems but not much is known about them other than that and they are high-ranking gems.
A sapphire because I felt like it just fit. Also, my sister told me sapphires like to sing but I couldn’t find anything about that, I still think Ben should be a sapphire - it’s also for a whole toher idea I had in mind.
A pearl because they are known to serve the higher-ups and as stated earlier, they’re objects. In the Webtoon, Ashlyn thinks that Ben follows Aiden around because he doesn’t know what to do with himself so giving him the role of a gem with the purpose of purely serving others and being ordered around would fit.
Logan - An aquamarine or zircon. I don’t actually have a reaosn as to why I chose a zircon for him other than the fact that him being a lawyer was amusing to me. And for an aquamarine because of whatever I explained for Aiden. But a pearl could work for Logan too since both him and pearls were ‘objects’ and assisted people.
Y’know, like him and Barron.
Tyler & Taylor - I was thinking they were one of Yellow Diamond’s experiments, they were a forced fusion or were like the rutile twins. I’m giving them trauma because they don’t have mommy and/or daddy issues anymore so making them an Off Color or a forced fusion experiment seemed fitting.
Other than that, I think Taylor would be a peridot or bismuth(more fitting) since they’re both known to create things. Her being a bismuth seems fitting since I saw on Red’s Insta story that Taylor can weld things together.
I don’t know what Tyler would be though. Either a guard that was pushed aside because I was planning for him to be ‘over cooked’ like Amethyst.
Actually, both the twins are over cooked now because I said so/hj
This is super messy, I’ll probably end up rewriting this when I get my lapotp
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artemispanthar · 8 months
totally echo your tags on the bismuth post. I haven't really been able to engage with steven universe (or adventure time for that matter) since they ended. too many emotions. maybe one day we'll both get to our rewatches and feel all the things we want to feel. but for now, here's to putting it off 🤝
I'm glad to know I'm not alone! I've been wanting to do a rewatch but SU meant so so much to me when it was on, it was quite a big part of my life for a while so I have all these memories (not just of watching the show and the emotions within the show but also all the hype and chatting with all you lovely folks and also my little sister was so little when we started watching and now she's almost an adult!!) I know as soon as I start watching it again all those emotions will come flooding in and it seems like a lot! I'm the kind of person who needs to be in a particular 'mood' to really start most things anyway so it just really seems like something I gotta psych myself up for it. It's weirdly daunting even to think about!
But yeah, it is super nice to know it's not just me. I definitely hope we're able to get around to rewatching it one day. If you're anything like me, once you do get around to it you'll be like "Aw man, what took me so long!" lol
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haemocyaninz · 2 years
My more recent posts have image descriptions from me that are tagged “#described”.
Common triggers are tagged to the best of my ability.
Feel free to lmk if you need anything else
Twt: @/haemocyaninz
Kofi Comms link: https://href.li/?https://ko-fi.com/haemocyaninz
Artfight link: https://artfight.net/~haemocyaninz
…Glub glub🫧
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mymanyfandomramblings · 3 months
Crystal Gems as Humans in Formalwear (art by my sister)
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apolloendymion · 6 months
emergency divination readings!🃏🔮☕💎🕯️
tarot, runes, tea leaves, pendulum, and crystals!
(info on my situation here)
for $5, you may choose one of the following:
single card or rune (see deck options below)
tea leaf reading
crystal chip scattering (see crystal list below)
pendulum reading (see pendulum options below)
additional cards/runes [$1 each]
my cat will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see cat pic & bio below) [$2]
my dog will choose your card(s)/rune(s) (see dog pic & bio below) [$2]
I'll recommend a deity/spiritual entity to guide you based on your query and results; you may ask for an entity from a specific culture if you'd like (open practices only!) [$5]
please dm me with proof of payment, your choice of divination method, any add-ons or preferences, and a clear, single-sentence query. you may provide extra context to assist with the reading. tips and dona.tions appreciated.
🕯️ vnm 🃏 cshpp 🔮 gfndme ☕
options and photos of my equipment (& cute pets!) beneath the cut:
deck options:
standard smith-waite: tiny (smaller than a US quarter), pocket size (comparable to a business card), and standard size
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nonstandard smith-waite: the somnia tarot by nicolas bruno (incredible photography project. eerie, dreamlike, liminal, yet the physical props give it a more grounded, tangible feel than your average deck.), the tattoo tarot (stunning art, if you like clean but complex designs, classic playing card artwork, or traditional western tattoo art, this deck will really resonate with you.), the literary tarot (each card depicts classic literary characters from around the world; deck sales benefited charity. my personal favorite. every detail is carefully crafted to appeal to book lovers. elaborate, shiny, magical. also they gave odysseus top surgery scars)
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specialty decks: the caretaker (@cryptotheism, formerly @normal-horoscopes)'s normal tarot deck (completely original oracle deck, feels liminal and dark, but somehow peaceful; great for someone pondering deep mysteries or looking for advice in hard times), moreno & quijada's sonoran tarot (smith-waite's major arcana only; stunning and vibrant watercolors of sonoran desert wildlife. really showcases the power and wonder of the natural world. local purchase from indie artists who I've personally met)
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if you'd like me to use a specific tarot spread template, please let me know. otherwise i will choose the best option for your query + number of cards. you can also pick a spread mat, if you like! you don't need to purchase enough cards to fill the mat; i can get creative with the placement. just let me know if you want the floral mat or the bunny mat:
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other options:
pendula: metal (this was a gift and i don't know what it's made of; brass maybe? gold in color.), howlite, glass beads with sea turtle scene
crystal chips: red jasper, various quartz, flourite, lapis lazuli, lace agate, tigers eye, sunstone, sodalite, bismuth. all stones can be thrown, or you/i can choose 5-10 specific stones that resonate with your query.
runes: elder futhark, white clay, handmade. wyrd optional.
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my kitty cat, nachtus:
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nacht came into my life through my current girlfriend, who has had him since he was born. every time she went into the room with his litter, he scrambled up her pant leg like he knew she would be his favorite person. he's about 2 years old now, and loves cuddles, belly rubs, q-tips, waking up our boyfriend in the middle of the night, bothering people while they're gaming, and sitting on my gf's shoulder like a parrot.
my puppy dog, misha:
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misha came into my life through my current boyfriend, who has had him since he was a puppy. he was a rescue, along with his brother oakley, who went with my boyfriend's sister. misha is a chug (chihuahua-pug mix) and is estimated to be around 8 years old. he loves cuddles, being swaddled in blankets, barking at strangers, lying on the softest pillows he can find, and zoomies!
thanks so much for taking the time to read this. it means more than you know.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 2 months
Some Myoinks bcs Yes
Also Major Scar Warning for the 9th Goober. (Can't really put the keep reading thing bcs unfortunately there can only be one-)
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So this was smtn I have been working on for quite a while & now I'm finally done.
Anyways, here is the Mynks who were drawn in this picture!
Ghost Mynk (Lunelohk + Solbreyk Hybrid) (Trans-masc/Genderfluid, He/She/It)
Bee Fly Mynk (Pure Nil (Shivering Isles Variant)) (Female, She/Her)
Dolphin Mynk (Pure Maokla) (Male, Any)
Satyr Mynk + Bismuth Inspo (Pure Eldahk) (Trans-Masc Demi Boi, He/They)
Solstice Mynk (Fezar + Solbreyk Hybrid) (Equin's sister) (Trans Female, She/Her)
Equinox Mynk (Fezar + Solbreyk Hybrid) (Sols' sister) (Female, She/Her)
Bearded Reedling Mynk (Pure Apnoaw) (Male, He/Him)
Cockatrice Mynk + Cinnabar Inspo (Fezar + Apnoaw Hybrid) (Enby, They/Them)
Nautilus Mynk (Maokla + Daemoris (Dementia Mynks) + Lunelohk Tribrid) (Agender, They/It/Neo)
Btw only 3 & 4 have names. (3 is named Caldr Cyantis & he is actually for a frend of mine who had ordered him.) (4 is named Quiver Ceevek & is currently in a relationship with 1.)
The others don't have names so if you want... You can give them names.
Also here is some bonuses underneath this:
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1: A ver w/o the glowy stuff.
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2: The goobers but all by themselves.
Anyways uh... Hope u enjoy this thing- Imma take a lil break now till tomorrow. (Which is
Characters are all created by me.
Art: MINE >:(
Program: IbisPaint x
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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how the fuck was Steven supposed to kill the diamonds? With the crystal gems a team consisting of like 8 people? One is a human girl with a sword, another is a random technician and another is a disabled soldier? With the breaking point? The diamonds are huge and have insane powers they could use to protect themselves with ease so...and if somehow he did find a way to kill them- what would the aftermath be? What would happen to the corrupted gems? The system on homeworld wouldn't have changed, they'd still kill the off colors, they'd still be colonizing planets etc. would spinel still be waiting never knowing anything about what happened to her friend? Like what would have happened- 'oh the diamonds will probably go right back to killing people if Steven let them live and therefore Steven will be responsible for all the blood on their handa when that eventually happens, it's also unjust and toxic that Steven forgives other peoples abusers on their behalf we always let the colonizers have redemption arcs and portray the people they hurt as villains for fighting back' yeah okay, you cop Steven is a moral failure who is guilty of colonization and hes an abuse apologist who ignore the victims and demonizes them(where we watching the same show? Did we not see Steven try to help centipetle? Did we not see him break down over the cluster- could Steven had forgiven the diamonds for the sake of the victims? I do give some shit to Steven for how he acts about rose but even then he's a teenage with PTSD)-The situation also changed from 'homeworld gems are coming back to earth after the war to create a geo-weapon, they thought they won the war and didn't care about colonizing the earth anymore' to 'now they want rose quartz to hang for as justice for what happened to pink diamond' to 'pink diamond faked her death and her attempt to escape the abuse and evils of her home ended up turning her friends into monsters and her deciding to die to create Steven has led her sisters trying to drag her back to homeworld to uphold the horrible caste system' no more going after earth the way they used too, now the conflict was personal.
su's ending was bad- it felt hollow rushed and like so much happened but also like not enough was happening- it was a mess but also, su is about restorative justice and changing unhealthy family dynamics, and that's actually great. I get pissy about Steven Universe's ending-lapis, peridot, lars and bismuth were completely irrelevant the complaints i have about white diamond are the exact same ones i have about the collector (i hate them both) the movie piled more shit onto rose's bad rep sheet when it was really unnecessary and the show only portrays the perspective she was a brat which was great at the start but once you see how internalized she was and that shes an abuse victim the show should have portrayed her more empathetically, and if we wanna talk about the show as a whole- i hate that shattering can be reversed fully now and that jasper didn't stay dead as much as i love her, i hate that the show never acknowledged how toxic sadie was toward lars (kidnapping him and steven the donut prank- lars was a dick but sadie was a psycho) or how its hard to defend pearl after they made her a total creep (even if you don't read fusion as sexual its still super uncomfortable to see pearl lie to garnet like that and take advantage of something that meant so much to garnet) and i dislike that peridot lost her edge and the episode "too far" pissed me off (amethyst you encouraged peridot to be mean and call garnet a slur, pearl a braindead slave and Steven an affront to nature but when she made an accidentally ableist remark while trying to compliment you that's when it became a problem?). Su botched a fuckton of its messages and the filler was hit or miss in terms of quality and a lot the hate was Deserved (it did get uncomfortably sexual when it came to certain fusions- and rebecca sugar being Jewish bi, nonbinary etc doesn't exempt them from criticism- it felt perverted in several parts and rocknaldo was a worthless episode though if I hear another anti-Semitic take on this show im gonna flip- y'all don't know what Nazism is please stop using that word without understanding it) but I while I have my complaints about the ending I think Steven changing the diamonds minds was the only appropriate way for the show to end, the show always was about making amends or living life after the carnage had settled without focusing on vengeance/perpetuating the cycle of violence it was always about seeing nuance and not seeing you people you come into conflict with as enemies. I'm not angry at the diamonds being redeemed, I hate how it was handled, I'm not angry at the show for saying bismuth was wrong I hate how it was handled she deserved better but Jesus christ can we stop acting like the only appropriate way the show could have ended is with Steven 'realizing pacifism is bad and killing the abusers/colonizers is the only answer' because fuck diplomacy and systemic change-
also Steven is fully willing to use violence, Steven would pick up a gun and shoot to before batman or aang would ever if it meant saving his world (this isn't me shitting on those characters just pointing out Steven isn't that extreme of a pacifist) and Steven carries a lot of anger as we see in su future (whether or not you think it's a hot mess it's canon) while i don't think he hates the diamonds he definitely resents them and is afraid of then but holds back (until he ya now gats... Way worse mentally), he wants to fix the system not get justice or vengeance or make huge moral judgements where he is in the right when he hurts others- steven isn't an abuse apologist who believes him self morally superior (he actually kind of is afraid of that) he isn't afraid to use violence if he seems it necessary (he's a diplomat and his skills lie in talking things out- of course he'd go to that first) he cares a lot of about the victims of the diamonds and people who have been hurt- even if they hurt him. Steven is deeply flawed his martyr complex reveals him to be incredibly entitled and desperate to be in control and for others to be hurt or bad so he can fix their problems so he can feel good about himself and deals with a lot of guilt and by future he has developed anger issues- but he always cared about others that's why he did what he did and does what he does
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