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hibiscus02 · 3 months ago
I could make a serious Wicked review and talk about the vocals and the choreography and the costumes and the sets, which are all great, but this is tumblr, and I know that all of these aspects will not matter nearly as much as me reviewing the movie by how much gay subtext they put into it, so that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
Elphaba and Glinda are either holding hands or have their arms linked for about 70% of this movie. Literally, after they officially become friends these girls are attached at the hip.
'What Is This Feeling?' remains about as gay as it usually is, but I will highlight that they lie awake at night thinking about each other which. I know what you are etc etc
The scene where they dance together is. I have no words. That was beautiful. Both actresses put so much emotion into the sequence. And there's a moment where Glinda puts her hand on Elphaba's face, almost like she's brushing away the tears there, and that shit made me cry as well.
'Popular' is insanely homosexual. There's a scene where they're laying down on the bed looking into each other's eyes, and Glinda shifts to basically be on top of Elphaba. My jaw was on the floor. Just lots of touching and Looks all throughout.
When they go to see the Wizard all that casual touching I mentioned previously is multiplied by tenfold, and there are several moments where Elphaba looks at Glinda for reassurance, which was very sweet.
'Defying Gravity' made me just as emotional as I knew it would. I do wish they had hugged but honestly with all the handholding and the staring into each other's eyes, and Glinda wrapping the cloak around Elphaba, they gave us plenty. Once again the acting caught me by surprise (specially from Ariana), both of them communicate so much with just looks.
Anyway my overall thoughts are, these bitches gay, good for them. They did not tone down the subtext at all (like I know some people were worried would happen), and while they didn't make anything explicit either (which I never expected them to*), I'm confident that both Cynthia and Ariana understood the assignment in regards to the kind of relationship Glinda and Elphaba have in canon, and that was enough for me.
*I will admit that a secret corner of my little lesbian heart hoped beyond hope that they would include the scene from the book where Elphaba canonically kisses Glinda (iirc it's supposed to be during Defying Gravity), but like, I always knew they wouldn't.
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rpfofficial · 1 year ago
are you bisexual. have you been bisexual. Will you be bisexual. when will you be bisexual
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aspharah · 2 years ago
shoutout to bi ppl fr. bi women, bi men, bi nonbinary people. blows a kiss to masc bi women and fem bi men in particular. fat bi people, bi poc, aspec bi people, trans bi people, i love all you guys
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spookberry · 9 months ago
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coming out as a gay tucker truther
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xxplastic-cubexx · 2 months ago
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sawxwhxrex · 1 month ago
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don’t let this flop pls
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ohno-pleasure · 7 months ago
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If it wasn't for disappointment, I wouldn't have any appointment 💕
[[i block ageless blogs]]
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fuckassfag · 8 months ago
Need to stare longingly at a guy while he rambles and rambles and rambles about whatever is on his mind. Maybe even give him a kiss from how cute he is when talking.
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pockspocket · 5 months ago
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Butch Wolverine!!! Close ups under the cut!
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mamawasatesttube · 6 months ago
tbh one reason i never actually want dc to make kon queer is that i really really love the narrative of a gay boy who has no idea what attraction feels like, but just does his best to imitate what he sees on tv and what he knows from everything downloaded into his head. and all of that media talks about how teenage boys should be all about women and how sexy they are, and he goes okay!! i'll do that!! i'm a clone of superman and women love superman so i can make this work!!! and then he gets groomed and abused and groomed and abused and he's traumatized by it without realizing that he's traumatized, so that when one of his friends expresses interest in him he tells her he can't, and when he tries to maybe go on a date with another he explicitly says he just wants someone to understand him. until finally he ends up dating the friend who said she wants to date him because, well, she's wonder girl and he's superboy, and everyone says superman and wonder woman should date, so shouldn't they...? and when they finally break up it's in part because he says he needs to figure out who he is, and...
that boy has never once truly been attracted to a woman and i will die on this hill. however dc would never in a thousand years acknowledge the complexity of the queer experience enough to admit that compulsory heterosexuality and internalized homophobia are real. so in that regard, im glad they aren't going to let him out of the closet anytime soon, because they'd absolutely just slap a bi flag on him and continue to not acknowledge how fucked up his relationship with tana was, or that his relationship with knockout existed at all. it would be the most surface level thing ever just for the sake of getting more rainbow dollars. so tbh i hope they don't touch him until they learn how to write stories with actual depth again.
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hibiscus02 · 2 months ago
So far my favorite thing about the X-Files is that they stablish pretty early on that Mulder will break into, trespass or infiltrate government-adjacent and military facilities, he will get caught doing it, and then Scully will have to go and get him like "yes, he did something illegal, but he's just a silly little guy" as if Mulder's her annoying-but-harmless dog who got into someone's trash and not a grown ass man trying to expose government secrets.
And at first, both the viewer and said government agents who caught Mulder sneaking around will be under the impression that Scully is the reasonable, levelheaded rule-follower in this dynamic, but the show is quick to point out that if someone does refuse to hand Mulder back she is more than willing to highjack a car and hold another officer at gunpoint in a hostage situation, she would just prefer to ask politely and avoid the hassle.
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katabay · 1 year ago
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some mk1 kenshi and johnny cage sketches because I feel so so so normal about them
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saywhatyouwillbut · 11 months ago
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nora going from writing an ace-spec main to a (probably allosexual) bi main, and the difference is so chef's kiss. they're both disasters don't get me wrong, but jean having attraction in his inner monologue even with the trauma he's been through implies to me that neil's demisexuality has absolutely nothing to do with his trauma. hilarious in retrospect because, if i remember correctly, neil in his inner monologue basically blames his lack of sexual attraction on his mother's abuse the few times he kissed girls when he was on the run, but he doesn't have a single sexual thought until andrew lets him in on his feelings in book three,,, meanwhile jean's out here actively fighting his bisexuality like his life depends on it (he thinks it does) (he'll learn it doesn't eventually)
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shoplifting · 6 months ago
Your silent protagonist doesn't have to use sign language btw. They don't have to write things down, either. They don't have to use language at all. Not every single person who doesn't talk can use words the same as you, or use them at all, so your favorite silent character shouldn't have to use what you consider a grammatical language to communicate in your fanart and fics. AAC exists. Drawing exists. Gestures and body language exist. Btw.
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hiding-under-the-willow · 1 month ago
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I remain on my Zeph bullshit \o/
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heynhay · 5 months ago
thinking abt kleah. and like, on one hand i like the idea of everyone else being the same gender-wise in vld except them. but on the other hand i always love the bits where keith's gaydar is too dookie to realize lance is bi or lance has to have a bi crisis so maybe i can make allura SO butch that kat is like damn....leah likes him..... and not women...... meanwhile leah is essentially walking around in a butch bait t shirt whether knowingly or not
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