#they would be beating the shit out of each other on the training deck and then walk away to have a lovely dinner and chat
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heynhay · 5 months ago
thinking abt kleah. and like, on one hand i like the idea of everyone else being the same gender-wise in vld except them. but on the other hand i always love the bits where keith's gaydar is too dookie to realize lance is bi or lance has to have a bi crisis so maybe i can make allura SO butch that kat is like damn....leah likes him..... and not women...... meanwhile leah is essentially walking around in a butch bait t shirt whether knowingly or not
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misfortunelady69 · 6 days ago
I like you
Zoro X Male Oc
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I should have left it alone.
Things were fine the way they were.
We trained together. We fought together. We understood each other in ways the rest of the crew didn’t. No words needed—just the clash of swords, the burn of muscle, the satisfaction of pushing past our limits side by side.
He respected me.
He trusted me.
And I ruined it.
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I don’t remember when it started.
Maybe it was the way he always turned to me first in battle, instinctively covering my blind spots. Or the way he never backed down from a fight, even when we were both bleeding and barely standing.
Maybe it was the late nights on deck, sitting in comfortable silence, sharpening our blades under the stars.
We had a rhythm. A balance.
He was my rival, my comrade—my friend.
And somewhere along the way, I started wanting more.
I ignored it, at first. Pushed it down, drowned it out with training, exhaustion, anything that would kill the thought before it could grow into something dangerous.
But it didn’t stop.
It got worse.
Every time he grinned after a good fight, every time he laughed like the world wasn’t a battlefield, every time he looked at me with that fire in his eyes—I wanted him.
And that was my first mistake.
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We were sparring. Just like always.
The others watched from the sidelines—Luffy grinning, Usopp betting against me (the bastard), Sanji pretending not to care.
Swords clashed, sweat dripped, and for a while, it was easy to forget.
Then he knocked me down.
Flat on my back, panting, heart pounding, looking up at him as he loomed over me, his blade at my throat.
I should’ve been pissed. Should’ve been focused on getting back up and wiping that smirk off his face.
Instead, all I could think was—he’s amazing.
"You're getting slow," he said, offering a hand.
I took it before I could hesitate. His grip was strong, calloused, familiar.
I held on for a second too long.
And the way his brows furrowed, the way his smirk faded just a little—I knew.
He noticed.
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I didn’t plan to.
It wasn’t some big confession, some dramatic moment under the stars.
It was just us.
Alone on the deck after training, sitting side by side, nursing our bruises. The others had gone to sleep. The only sounds were the waves and the distant hum of the ship.
I was exhausted. My guard was down.
And the words slipped out.
"I like you."
My stomach dropped.
I turned to look at him, already regretting it.
His expression was unreadable—his usual glare, but sharper. Colder.
He scoffed. "Don’t joke about shit like that."
I swallowed. My throat was dry. "I'm not joking."
His face twisted in something I didn’t recognize. Anger? Disgust? Disappointment?
He stood up abruptly, running a hand through his hair like he was trying to shake off something unpleasant. "Tch. You really are an idiot."
Something in my chest clenched. "Zoro—"
"No." His voice was hard. "We’re not doing this."
I felt like I'd been punched.
"You don't even—"
"What? You want me to consider it?" He snapped, turning to face me, and for the first time, I saw real anger. "We're fighters. We train together, we have each other's backs—that’s it. That’s all it ever was."
I couldn’t breathe.
"You wanna screw that up over some dumb feelings?" He scoffed. "Grow the hell up."
My hands clenched into fists. "It’s not dumb."
He exhaled sharply, looking away. "I’m going to bed."
And just like that, he was gone.
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After That, Everything Changed
We still trained.
We still fought side by side.
But something was broken.
The silence between us wasn’t comfortable anymore—it was heavy, suffocating.
Our sparring matches felt different, sharper, like he was trying to beat something out of me. Like he was making sure I understood.
And I did.
He wasn’t just rejecting me.
He was cutting me off.
I wanted to pretend it didn’t hurt. That I could just move on, act like it never happened.
But every time he looked at me now, there was something missing.
And I hated myself for missing it.
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breakfastteatime · 2 years ago
Today's request is 'You've got one minute' for @ralndown ^_^
Every time Cal thinks he’s settling into a routine on Bracca, something awful happens. Maybe the Ibis Maw gets hungry for flesh and grabs a tentacleful of unsuspecting scrappers. Maybe a ship that’s been in the same place for two years suddenly decides to collapse under its own weight. Maybe someone breaks something aboard an old terraforming lab and suddenly there’s a bunch of people turned into trees.
Today, Cal’s crew makes it halfway through their shift before the worst, most terrifying siren goes off. Bracca doesn’t have a lot of warnings for incoming disaster, but this one? This is the one they’re all trained to react to in one way, and one way only.
Get out. Get out now or die.
Maybe that’s why the Force left Cal feeling nauseous all day. It’s so useful like that.
Dropping the wires he’d started stripping, Cal follows the others. Prauf’s leading them and he’s already on the comms, listening intently to whatever’s being said. When he stops still and holds up a hand to make everyone else do the same, Cal shivers under the weight of the collective fear around him.
It only gets worse when Prauf starts issuing orders in a sharp tone of voice Cal’s never heard before.
“It’s a chemical leak. A bad one. We’re too deep in the ship to get out in time. Get into your emergency teams, find a room, and seal yourselves in. If we’re lucky, we’ll see each other on the other side of this thing.”
People break off into their groups. There’s no time for goodbyes or good lucks. Cal sticks close to Prauf and Tabbers. He takes a breath and immediately coughs it out, a sharp bite scraping the back of his throat. Prauf grabs him, throws him into a room, and Tabbers seals the door.
It’s not enough. The room, a tiny refresher, has an air conditioning vent high on the ceiling. Even Prauf can’t reach it to close it off. Gas seeps in. Cal hears people coughing and choking from all around, senses their fear and pain.
“We gotta seal it, now!” Tabbers shouts. His eyes stream, coughing hard. “We’ve got one minute before we’re all spitting out chunks of our lungs.” He pulls a wall panel down. “Weld this over that vent!”
“Lift me up,” Cal says. He puts his filter mask on, hoping it will help. “I can do it.”
Putting his own mask on, Prauf grabs Cal, lifting him. Cal plants his feet on Prauf’s shoulders. His eyes burn, so full of tears he can hardly keep them open. Tabbers hands him a sheet of metal and Cal presses it to the vent, welding torch in hand as he covers it up. He can’t keep his eyes open, so he trusts Prauf to guide him, molten metal sealing the panel in place.
“Good job,” Prauf says, lowing Cal down. “Sit, both of you. That gas is light, so we should be safer down here.”
Cal’s feet touch the ground. He drops to the deck moments later, eyes squeezed shut, lungs still rebelling. His mask isn’t doing much to help, but it’s better than nothing.
“Is this shit what I think it is?” Tabbers’ voice is muffled by his mask.
“Yeah,” Prauf replies. Cal hears him sit beside him. “Someone messed up big time.”
“I’d threaten to beat the idiots myself, but I cannae imagine they’re alive now,” Tabbers says.
“What is it?” Cal asks when he can talk again.
“A chemical weapon designed to rot battle droids,” Prauf says.
“Aye, not that it worked,” Tabbers adds. “It’s far better at killing us organics.”
Cal never heard about anything like that. Not that he tells the others. The idea that the Republic would create something like that leaves him nauseous.
“Looks like no one thought to remove the canisters before we started pulling this thing apart,” Prauf says. “Foreman said someone cut off the wrong thing and boom – we’re all breathing in poison.”
Cal doesn’t join the conversation. He pulls his knees to his chest, keeps his eyes firmly closed, and tries not to suffocate in the feelings of so many people dying around him. He pushes the Force away, begs it to leave him alone like it usually does.
Prauf’s big, warm hand lands on his back. Cal startles, eyes flying open. His vision is fractured by the tears still running, but the burn is easier to manage now.
“You okay?” Prauf asks.
“Yeah,” he says, knowing he doesn’t have to worry about how rough his voice sounds. And then, because he needs a distraction, he keeps talking. “Can’t believe we’re stuck in a ‘fresher.”
Tabbers chuckles. “Get comfy, brat. We might be here a while.”
It’s two days before the foreman gives them the all-clear. The survivors are given a half-shift break to clean up, get something to eat and drink, and then sent back to work to make up for the two days of sitting around doing nothing. Cal notes that their crew is down several people when they meet up to be assigned duties, but no one says anything.
Back to the Bracca routine.
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bellewintersroe · 2 years ago
James ‘Moe’ Alley x nurse Jenny OC- Headcannons - Part 3.
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Ok so I think there’d be a small time jump here. I feel like the Easy boys would be training in Toccoa a couple months longer than when the nurses would arrive from their own training? Maybe it’s a year in, so this is set in mid 1943, a year before war, but they’re all gonna get shipped off to England in maybe 9 months or so on the European Campaign.
It’s maybe a week or so since the botch of a date, and neither Jenny or Alley have kinda made much conversation, there’s awkward glimpses that they share, but ugh no it’s so weird vibes, yet they still desperately want to talk to each other.
why do I feel like they’d all be sat at a table in some American bar not far from barracks, and there’s plenty of locals there, and some of the girls take a liking to the group of boys Jenny is sat with. “Can I sit here?” Alley would approach, taking the seat next to her.
Jenny’s heart skips a beat as a smile grows on her face. “Yeah.” Just as it all feels somewhat exciting again, the women make a move. Which is fine, but they take a particular liking to Alley.
oh god, he doesn’t know how to handle it, he’s kinda swarmed and he’s all flustered, he doesn’t really know what to say. When he turns around to kinda check where Jenny is, seeing as he sat specifically there for a reason, he’s even more disheartened to see her deep in a conversation with Floyd Talbert, his arm slung over the back of her chair.
Ouch. Well there goes that dream- omg it’s actually really sad but it’s all a big misunderstanding, but anyway both of them get all jealous over each other respectively, they’re constantly glancing back at each other at the wrong times.
yeah it’s even more messier, I don’t think Alley has the confidence to kinda intervene and Jenny doesn’t seem like the type to be territorial over somebody she’s not with- I feel like overtime she’d become a much more confident and headstrong person.
For now she just sits with an odd sense of sadness, sipping on her drink as she watched all these pretty local girls fawn over Alley.
I think that would be the end of whatever ‘relationship’ until England, by that time, alotttttt of time has passed, there’s a lot of growing and maturing in the meantime as they both mentally and physically prepare for war.
Ok so you know how it’s an 11 day journey from New York to England by ferry? Well Jenny HATES open water, she hates deep water, she hates murky lakes- do I need to go on?
so she’s trapped in this sweat box with too many men for the next week and a half, and she’s a nervous wreck. Everybody’s teasing her and making her get all flustered but they don’t realise the depth of her fear.
So one night she refuses to go down into the confided space below decks, Liebgotts been PLEADING with her but she outright refuses and the men working on the ship don’t know what to do with her?
she’s like pint sized compared to half of them but she’s so stubborn.
Liebgott kinda does this run inside and he’s all dramatic like, ‘well I’ve tried and the girl is glued out there’. Moe overhears and kinda perks up. ‘Who?’ ‘Jen.’ Whilst they barely have a relationship there, he for some reason feels like he just can help. He had troubles getting in the aeroplane when they first did their test jumps. So he kinda relates???
So he slips out and immediatly she’s all like ‘Joe, I’m not going down there, I don’t care how much you’re tryna’ bribe me-’
‘I’m not Joe’. And she’s all like oh shit, wondering what the hell Moe is doing out here.
I feel like he’d be a little awkward, but he’d be so gentle and ask her what’s going on. To say they hadn’t interacted a whole lot since their disaster of a ‘date’ it’s surprisingly comfortable.
He tells her about how scared shitless he was to jump out of the plane and she finds herself giggling along. It’s like the attraction is rekindled immediately. How can she say no? They end up walking back below deck together and both Alice and Liebgott are like ‘hell no not this again, I’m not suffering through anymore disaster dates’.
But things kinda blossom from there, they’d smile at each other so much, it was contagious, and omfg Moe would be so gentle and shy, he’d literally giggle over things she said and some how they get onto the topic of laughing about how bad their date was.
Surprisingly any tension is out of the window the minute they actually get talking- and let me just say the boat ride went a million times better.
Moe would wake up literally excited to talk to her, and by the last night Jenny found herself lingering on deck a little longer than usual specifically so she could walk besides Moe back inside. If they could bunk near each other, they would. But they’d end up playing cards to pass time, sitting on one another’s beds like children at a sleepover.
by the end of the trip they’re somewhat inseparable, it’s actually really cute. The lingering gazes and gentle touches come semi natural, neither of them are super confident with making the first move, so they’re just enjoying whatever’s going on in the moment.
I think once they get to England and everything intensifies 10x more, with the threat of war looming as well, this definitely pushes the pair together.
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scribblestatic · 1 year ago
Here's the published Chapter 1 for Of Death, Heroes, and Pork Cutlets.
Here's part of Chapter 2 I managed to write almost three years ago, and drabbles describing what would've continued after that point.
As always with my fics or AUs, warnings apply. Especially for this one, since it's rated E for explicit descriptions of blood and gore.
The institution of the Japanese police often gets flack for essentially being the clean-up crew in the aftermath of a villain attack. The lackeys of law enforcement in the day of pro heroes.
However, there are special teams the government directly created, designated to assist the heroes, nearly being heroes themselves. The SAT, or Special Assault Team, originally created in 1977 for a national safeguard against terrorism, was partially repurposed in 1996 during the rise of quirks.
In 2017, a few years after heroes were finally starting to be formally recognized by police, the government decided first to supervise the actions of the top heroes using the SAT just in case they went rouge.
SAT members were also among the casualties of the first great attack from █████████.
Once trust was further built between the police and the pro heroes with the founding of the Hero Public Safety Commission, the seedlings of the institutionalization of hero training, and governmental registration, instead of being watchdogs, in 2043, they became allies.
As the views of police began to shift more in favor of heroes instead of police, the SAT shifted further into the shadows until they became relatively unheard of. The first officially-recognized underground heroes were members of SAT who decided to utilize some of the freedoms heroism gave them while still associating heavily with the police.
By 2100, the name SAT had disappeared from many vocabularies. By 2175, it seemed almost as though they were nonexistent to the general public. By now, barely a Japanese citizen, even among the prefectural police, would know what you’re talking about. Some police even have stories of training with comrades who suddenly just left, deciding against continuing their training, without knowledge that they were accepting a new training altogether.
However, underground and certain pro heroes are aware of the existence of the SAT. The top trusted heroes, rated on a different scale than the publicity ratings, all acquire knowledge and potential usage of the SAT when the situation cannot be handled by a group of heroes alone, especially if the knowledge of the situation is not viable for other heroes except the one raising the alert. The SAT are often called on for Level 4 to Level 5 threats, or issues in which extreme secrecy is required.
All █████████ terrorist attacks have qualified for Level 5 alerts and the need for extreme secrecy.
And at the moment, despite being a Level 4 alert, the apparent reawakening of the dead also requires extreme secrecy.
The area is blocked off.
SAT specialists were brought in as soon as All Might had given additional information on the presumed quirk in question, and the specialists make sure that not a single sight, sound, or smell of the event is open for public eyes. They use their quirks to cause people to subliminally turn a blind eye or put up innocuous detour signs further away. Some roads are suddenly under construction. Some street lights suddenly stop working and need repairs. Nothing out of the ordinary.
A straight line of SAT officers stand at each end of the little tunnelway, all decked out in combat gear that could take a beating and armed with both bullets and tranquilizer darts. Bullets usually weren’t brought out, only used for if no other option was viable.
Quite frankly, they aren’t sure what options are viable. Training had prepared them for living combatants, after all.
“Fuckin’ hell...of all things. Of all things, it’s this. Shit. Should be thankful this happened at this location with All Might in particular present. For all intents and purposes, this is—”
The officer is given a subtle elbow to the side, the man choking on his muttered words.
“Don’t. Don’t say it.” The other officer grits her teeth behind her helmet. “Don’t say anything that could jinx this right now.”
There’s only two people between them and the other line of their comrades, each trusting the other to be careful. The first, the No. 1 hero of Japan, All Might. As the SAT is well aware of his limitations, he’s still in his deflated form, shadowed eyes staring straight at the other person, his phone in his hand.
Said other person is still groaning intermittently, his sickly pink brain matter exposed to the world and blood staining his white undershirt a very deep red. The crack in his skull runs all the way from somewhere under his bushy mess of green hair to the unfortunately crumpled nose smushed against his face like an abandoned post-it note.
Getting rid of the slime villain was an easy task—simply tossing the bottles to the officers for them to take to jail. The boy had followed the movements of his hands, however, so caution had keyed everyone up except for the short, lanky corpse himself. Especially when those pale, sea-foam eyes had settled right back on All Might.
His skin’s gained a terrible pallor with so much of his blood coming out of his body. His nose dribbles with it, and it seeps out of his mouth, though most of it had spurt out from the initial damage to his head. He stumbles on unsteady feet, trying to stand up straight but being unable to for long periods of time.
An officer, carefully watching, brings her intercom up to her mouth. Her voice comes out of the top of the heavily armored car. “All Might, thank you for your patience,” she begins. “We’ll start the apprehension process.”
All Might nods firmly in reply, still staring at the boy.
...Is this some curse, All Might wonders. Because in all his years of being a hero, he has never once seen a quirk like this. At least, he assumes it’s a quirk.
Because he is not going to let himself fall into superstition. He’s doing his best to consider this situation logically, as illogical as it is. Even so, he’s only known of quirks that extend a person’s life span if they are alive. After all, that was the only way his former nemesis had been alive for so long. But he’s never seen a quirk that brings one back from the dead, especially not so half-heartedly.
The boy groans up at him, and he holds in a shudder.
No...he won’t let horror movies influence him in this real life situation. He has to think pragmatically.
Like how the boy has yet to look away from him, yet has not moved to attack him. The boy can clearly see despite the foam green color of his irides and the white shade that has overtaken his pupils. He’s only stumbled and tried to stay up straight, all the while staring up at him.
“...Young boy?”
He stays staring, wide open. All Might sees a resemblance between the boy’s current appearance and that of a dead, rotting market fish.
“Young boy… Young Midoriya, can you hear me?”
--- ---
And that's what I managed to finish.
Anyway, here's where it was gonna go.
Izuku's body seems to respond to his question with some more mindless groaning, but he realizes it's starting to sound somewhat like a word. The lines of SAT officers steadily close in as he tries to understand.
The more he hears it...the more it sounds like he's trying to say..."all"?
All Might? No...he has to be overthinking it.
Meanwhile, behind the defensive lines, the clean-up crew arrives. They're the ones who will be cleaning up Izuku's blood and waste before checking the sewage lines for his potentially biohazardous blood.
One of the people who arrived for the clean-up had been eating lunch in the van. They had just a bit of it left, that being a few pork buns. One of the others (eh, how about Chide) chide him for bringing food to a death scene, wondering how he could do it.
Meanwhile the guy...eh, let's call him Bun Man. Bun Man says something along the lines of "Dead body or no dead body, I've gotta eat to clean it up."
All Might gets a notice from the encroaching SAT members that the cleaning crew has arrived. He reports that he understands.
As he feels regret over the current condition of Izuku's body, he sees the boy's nose twitch. Though it's crinkled up against his bleeding face, it still moves a bit.
He sees the pale pupils in the body's eyes tremble, then constrict.
The deceased, who had been swaying harmlessly just moments before, suddenly turns his head with an audible crack. A low groan leaves his gaping mouth, startling the SAT team, who firm up their stance.
Izuku's body turns away from All Might and starts walking toward the line.
The SAT team he's facing calls out for him to stop moving, but he keeps stumbling toward them.
In an attempt to get him to stop, All Might contemplates grabbing him. His memories of watching zombie movies makes him not want to. After all, if he gets bitten and turned into something, he still has some of his energy left. What if he goes wild?
But he's not stopping his forward stumble. Perhaps he really did imagine the boy trying to say something. Had to be his own guilt.
...At the very least, he could keep his body from doing things that would endanger others. He'd just have to focus on not getting bitten.
So, All Might takes off his shirt--not like they haven't seen his dilapidated body before, anyway--and wraps it around one of his arms. The cloth should be able to keep the teeth from biting too hard once he grabs him.
He then goes for it, grabbing hold of Izuku's limp left arm, his wrapped arm going around his collarbones.
Izuku's body stops.
All Might starts to br--
Izuku's body steps forward again, dragging him.
He feels the shirt get wet with Izuku's almost completely drained blood and, apparently, saliva.
All Might's still not inflated, but he has some energy left for his quirk. Of course he'd be a bit weak when it comes to stopping him in such a form.
So, All Might inflates, using his quirk to become buff again.
Izuku's body stops short of stumbling forward, shoulders going slack.
The SAT team starts moving in a bit faster, seeing that the deceased has been constrained. All Might starts to say it's all ri--
Izuku's body lets out a groan, and he stomps down.
His step causes the concrete below him to crack. Most importantly, he drags All Might--inflated and using his quirk--forward for that step. And the next one. And the next one.
He starts stumbling faster as the groans turn to snarls. And All Might, to his shock, cannot stop him. Even as he digs his feet into the ground, using the full force of his weight (over 500 lbs in his buff form), the body trudges forward. At least he strains, but the fact anyone's able to pull against All Might in this form at all shocks the SAT members.
Their team leader approves of lethal retaliation as soon as All Might cannot hold on any longer. They'll shield All Might to prevent him from getting killed, but the kid, or what's left of him, has to go.
The boy's gaping maw lets out snarls now, saliva dripping as he lowers onto his hands and feet, crawling forward against All Might's strength and weight. His fingers shred against the ground, but they're bloodless and pale, leaving little more than pulpy, fleshy residue. His nails loosen and fall off from the strain.
But he continues forward.
All Might pulls with all his strength, but despite that, he continues.
Steam starts coming off his body, and he curses.
"Shit... Shit!"
His body weakens in a puff of smoke.
Then Izuku's body bursts forth from the mist, mouth agape as a shrill shriek echoes in the tunnel.
The SAT team immediately begin non-lethal retaliation in an effort to get eyes on All Might before they shoot. But Izuku's suddenly quite fast.
And he's strong, too.
He bulldozes right through the line, even when a guy with a strength quirk tries to stop him. His lanky body acts like he's not there at all, running forward.
The cleaning crew, seeing this, begin to scramble to hide or avoid him as more SAT crew take aim.
Izuku's body runs right toward one of the guys who tripped and fell, now screaming bloody murder.
His mouth opens wider.
Several crew take the shot, hitting their marks.
Izuku's head explodes into gore. His body falls to the ground in a frump of limbs, right at the feet of the guy he was running at.
The man stares in shock at the now headless body. Well, mostly headless. The bottom jaw was still clinging to the bottom of his neck.
He starts to sag, and the SAT team starts moving in.
But then he cries out in shock and horror. All Might looks over from where he is in the tunnel, stumbling to his feet to go and...try...something.
Izuku's body hasn't stopped moving.
His hand, worn down to reveal the tips of his finger bones, cling to the man's ankle. His other hand reaches up, grasping his other calf. He cries out for help as someone takes a shot at the body's chest.
The headless body doesn't even flinch as it crawls up onto the man. Now, they can't take any shots except to kill them both.
The guy begs for help as the mostly headless body gets on top of him. The tongue in its bottom jaw lolls out, seeming longer than before and much too prehensile. The throat gurgles above him, and the man begs to not have his face eaten off...
But the body's face crawls past him.
Instead, it approaches his hand.
Just as the man starts to beg to not have his hand eaten, the body's suddenly barbed tongue shoots out, making him scream.
A SAT members shoots.
It hits the body in the shoulder, but that doesn't deter it.
Instead, it drags the thing it caught with its tongue closer...
The box with the man's remaining pork buns in it.
The raw, fleshy fingers stumble over getting the box open, and the man, scared, stiltedly tries to get from under the body. Of course, with the blood and bile and waste, it smells disgusting, and he almost vomits. But he holds back enough to move, even able to adjust the body to get from under it.
The instant he has space, he backs away.
But the body isn't paying attention to him.
Instead, it has gotten the pork bun box open and is ripping the remaining buns apart before swallowing the pieces. It even puts a bun against the base of its head and allows the tongue to pull it in, swallowing it whole.
Once all the buns are gone, the body sits back on its knees.
Then, it twitches.
The bullet in its shoulder falls out.
So do the other bullets that shot into it.
The flesh around its jaw gurgles, and blood starts to drip from its destroyed fingertips. Then, with crackling and wet noises, the body shifts and changes...growing something...
Within seconds, the body forms a new head.
However, unlike the one the body perhaps had before, it now has a jagged, pale scar from the top of it's hairline head down past its nose and toward its upper lip.
When it...when he sighs, he sounds relieved.
He sags to the side, flopping over quietly.
Everyone stares, frozen, and in shock. Then, the SAT squad leader calls on them to move in, and they quickly go forward, cuffing the boy's wrists and binding him in as many ways possible.
All Might sits back, aghast.
Then, he looks at his hands.
What in the world just happened?
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saintsofwarding · 2 years ago
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Chapter 13: I Wanna be a Cowboy, Baby
When Rose was ten, after the pony incident had faded to something of a nostalgic memory, Heisenberg had looked at the little girl, wan and pale and noodle-armed, and said, without warning, "Hey. Wanna beat each other up?"
"...What?" Rose had looked up from the book she was only half-reading. Heisenberg was bent over the table, cigar in his teeth, glasses pushed down his nose, working without cease on a snarl of engine parts, cables, and wiring. Tools levitated around him; he'd just pluck one from midair whenever he needed it.
"Kids at school call you weird," he said. "Push you around. I know. You don't tell me about it but I've seen the bruises. I know you don't want to use your freaky tentacles on 'em. Still. That shit doesn't slide with me."
"I'm fine," Rose had protested, but Heisenberg had held up a grease-stained hand, cutting off her next words.
"If you don't stop those little bastards," he said, with a tell-tale growl in his voice to match his ferine grin, "I'm gonna have to. And I'm not gonna be as nice to 'em as you will."
The very real threat of Heisenberg murdering her elementary school bullies had been enough to prompt Rose to accept his offer of combat training. As it turned out, 'combat training' boiled down to 'how to throw a haymaker and survive a hard-core, knock-me-down, blood-in-the-eyes bar fight'. It made sense to Rose, even at the time; he relied on his powers to win every scrap he found himself in, and with good reason.
Still, there was no denying that Heisenberg could throw a mean punch. Hours they spent in the alley behind their grimy inner-city building, Rose nervous at first as he showed her how to hold her wrist, how to keep her thumb outside her fingers so she didn't shatter it- "Not that a broken finger would stop you for long, kid."- but as they repeated the set- punch, knee to the groin or guts, stomp their fuckin' face in- she began demanding more and more, longer and longer, until her muscles ached and her hands hurt and at last she got it right.
Sweaty, hair sticking to her face even in the cool autumn air, she grinned up at Heisenberg and got her hair ruffled in response.
"Good job, Rosie," he'd told her, and flung his arm over her shoulder, hugging her to his side. "Hey, you wanna go eat junk food 'til we puke?"
The kids at school didn't bother her anymore, and didn't squeal on her; maybe getting decked by a wispy little blonde kid they considered humiliation enough.
I've fought worse than you, Rose had thought, remembering a forest howling with snow, the snarls of lycans deep between the trees. The glimmer of their eyes. But she'd never fought people before, ones who could look back at her in fear.
Now, her arms folded over her stomach, her heartbeat ticking the seconds by, she knew she was right back in it again.
"This is the plan," Chris Redfield said. "And I'm only gonna say it once, so all of you, pay attention."
A roomful of BSAA commandos- the entire combatant task force within the temporary facility- stretched before him. They stared at him, at Rose, eyes full of suspicion or resolve. Each one of these people, Rose knew, was prepared to fill her with bullets the second she did something weird. Each one of these people had trained for years to fight creatures like her.
Still, some of the suspicion was aimed at Redfield. She'd seen the kind of man he was from Heisenberg's memories- the golden boy of the people, the soldier who'd stared demons in the face time and time again and come out on top. What had changed now?
Rose shifted in the new and much more practical black pants and jacket Chris had unearthed for her to wear. She had the uncomfortable feeling this treatment had something to do with not only his failure at the village, but his failure afterward, as well. Losing both her and one of Miranda's top ex-enforcers in one fell swoop...maybe it had knocked him down a few notches in the eyes of the organization he worked for.
"I've spoken to HQ," Chris went on. "Because Rosemary here has given me the information I need for me and the Hound Wolf Squad to root out Ouroboros and take them down. It might simply be one head on the hydra, but destroying their Embryo deployment facility here in Regent City will send them a message they can't ignore. Maybe next time, they'll think twice about sending their monsters into the path of civilians."
"You got more info on this plan, Redfield? Or are you all just talk?" called a voice from the crowd.
"Backup from HQ will be here within the hour," Chris went on, ignoring whoever had spoken. Rose tightened her arms around herself, trying not to fidget, chew the skin on her lips, look suspicious. Behind her, between Chris and the door to the room, the Hound Wolf Squad stood at the ready- casual, but Rose sensed their tension. They'd spring into action, a seamless unit, at Chris's command. "Plenty of time to get to the Embryos and blow them to hell. From there, it's cleanup, and we can all go home."
"And why's she not in the cage with the other bioweapon?" asked a woman to the left of the room with a massive burn-scar down the side of her face. She gestured at Rose.
"That's the thing," Chris said.
He glanced at Rose- a tiny, quick dart of the eyes.
A signal.
You ready?
Rose gave a little nod in return.
Sure. We'll go with that.
"Miss Winters will explain the rest," Chris said, and stepped back.
"Sorry, guys," Rose said, and flung out her arms.
Mold exploded from the walls, the floor, from her; it fed and thrived in this dark, dank place, multiplying on itself into a startling mass of writhing blackness. The BSAA commandos burst into movement, orders shouted, curses aimed at the mold, at her, at Chris ushering the Hound Wolf Squad back through the door.
"You got this?" he called to Rose.
"Yeah!" A vast mold-tentacle wound together with another, smaller tentacles weaving between them to form a thick, impenetrable webbing, like she'd done to tie up Sam, like she'd done to block the window at the hospital. "Go get him out! Now!"
More mold sprayed forth, the webbing thickening even as the soldiers hacked at it with combat knives; gunfire rattled from within, followed by a yelp of pain.
"Don't shoot!" Rose yelled. "The bullets'll ricochet back at you!" Her hands splayed, her eyes half-lidded, she sensed the shape of her mold-cage- a rough sphere containing the roomful of people, enclosing them on all sides. Moving her hands, she guided mold tendrils to places that needed reinforcement and snaked them around the limbs of commandos that seemed particularly good at hacking into the tough, oily stuff, immobilizing them.
Sorry, sorry, sorry, I know this is weird, she thought as she hoisted them into the air, suspending them like trapeze artists from ropes of mold. At last she was done. She lowered her hands, stepping back from the massive sphere of mold that had grown within the room in minutes. She still heard yelling from within, the chop of weapons against the barrier.
Shit. She needed to scare them into stopping, give her and Chris some extra time.
"Don't try and escape!" she yelled, after a beat. "I've seeded the air with toxic mold spores. They're dormant now, but the second you breach the cage I'll know, and I'll cause them to blossom in your lungs and turn you into my slaves...or worse!"
Eveline's laugh echoed in her mind. She shoved it away. I'm not actually gonna freaking do that, you psycho, she told herself, but another part of her wondered if she could.
If she had to, would she enslave someone to her command, like Eveline, like Miranda?
She'd once shut down Heisenberg's ferrokinesis to keep him from killing a town full of people, had only restored it when she'd deemed him stable enough to use it again. Sure, that had been a necessary decision in the moment, but actually making him do things, controlling him like a puppet, was only one or two steps further along that same path.
She gave her head a little shake. One of the commandos had dropped their gun in the initial chaos, a mean-looking black pistol. Rose scooped it up without thinking and shoved it through her belt, then spun on her heel and dashed from the room, after Chris and the Squad.
Chaos met her down the hallways. An alarm blared, a shrill klaxon from corroded warehouse speakers. The non-combatant BSAA operatives who'd accompanied Chris here scurried from her as she ran down the corridors, trying to remember which way had led to Heisenberg's containment cell. All these damn hallways looked the same.
"Where are the guards? Where the hell are all the guards?" one guy was yelling into a radio. Rose came up behind him and slammed her knee into his back, knocking him into a wall. She cracked her boot down on the radio, smashing it to pieces, then spun him around to face her.
"They're a little tied up at the moment," she said. "I'm lost. Where's the metal man?"
"You...you can't intimidate me..."
I don't have time for this, Rose thought. She got out her new gun and pressed it to the dude's eyeball. "Wanna bet?"
He pointed the way.
As she raced down the stairwell, taking the steps two at a time, she felt a rippling impactfrom beneath her, a blast that rained chips of concrete from the ceiling and made the lights flicker like a haunted house's.
That sounded like a really thick sheet of glass going boom. She'd better hurry.
The voice echoed to her. She looked down as a man in black body armor charged from the shadows. Before he slid his mask over his eyes she recognized him- the guy who'd challenged Chris earlier, who'd accused him of having a death wish.
"Knew Redfield had gone soft," he yelled, leaping up the steps as Rose stumbled back, fumbling for her pistol. "Too long in the business, huh?"
He drew and fired as Rose wrangled her gun from her side; white agony tore through her hand as it burst like rotten fruit, a shower of blood glistening in the muzzle flash. She screamed; her pistol spiraled over the railing, her mangled hair hanging off her wrist.
As the guy closed the distance between them he unsheathed a massive hooked combat knife from his side.
"You're not a zombie," he went on, "but I figure taking off the head'll do the trick anyway."
He lashed out. Rose barely dodged his swing. His second sparked off the railing, gashing her cheek on its way past; she felt the cold of the cut before she felt the slip of blood down her face.
She jerked out of the way as he spun, stumbling backward down the stairs as he geared up to charge.
"You might look like Winters' kid, but I know a mutant when I see one." He flipped the knife from hand to hand; Rose concentrated, trying to gather her thoughts enough to summon her mold, but her brain was a scrabble of terror and pain, the flesh of her mangled hand twitching, trying to stick itself back together. Come on. The power is a part of you. It's a part of you. "You aren't anything anymore, just like he was at the end. You'll die just like he did."
He lunged; the knife glittered, raised to gash down into her neck; Rose did the only thing her desperate brain could think of, the only thing she could do. She slammed her good hand over his helmet visor and sent the mold right in.
Tentacles tore from her hand, winding under the helmet and into every available orifice. Eyes, mouth, nose; his muffled cry of horror bit off as they filled his airways. Rose sent her awareness into his head; cold enclosed her mind, echoing, shifting darkness, the gibber of thoughts, the pulse of a heart that wasn't hers- let me go let me go let me go-
He went limp. Rose tore her hand backward, mold tentacles retracting, as the BSAA soldier tipped backward, collapsing in a heap to the stairs. Breathing hard, Rose stared. His face beneath the helmet was blackened and slimy, dark blood oozing from his nose and eyes, as if he'd already begun to rot. Her head felt stuffed with wool, all sound muffled.
He was dead.
She'd killed him.
Was she gonna be sick?
No. No. She couldn't be. She couldn't stop now. As she turned, preparing to go on, the corpse began to liquefy and collapse in on itself. Within seconds he was a puddle of black goo that quickly crystallized, becoming nothing more than dust.
The door was still a level below- but that wasn't an issue, was it? Before she could overthink it, Rose swung her legs over the handrail and leaped. Her heart jolted- then her feet slammed to concrete. She sprang upright and pushed through the door, into the hall beyond.
Smoke billowed over her as she shouldered through doors busted off their hinges and into the containment room. She almost tripped over the bodies at the door. The guards, she realized, out cold. Her eyes watered as she squinted through the smoke, toward the mass of smashed glass and off-kilter floodlights pointing off at crazy angles.
The containment cell had been blasted open, a ring of charred floor spreading from what looked like the initial explosion point.
"Chris?" she called.
Someone grabbed her shoulder; she whirled with a scream, but it was just one of the Hound Wolf Squad, a fox-faced redhead in a pair of tactical goggles.
She gave Rose a nod. "Made it out?" she asked. "Nice work, hotshot."
Rose managed a small smile. "Thanks."
"How long until they follow?" Chris called.
He had his gun pointed at Heisenberg, who stood in the slew of shattered glass, staring at him with a slight, smug grin on his face.
"What's a-matter?" he asked Chris. "Is Big Bad Redfield scared?"
"You told me you were gonna kill me slow last time we had a nice heart to heart," Chris said, coolly.
"Yeah, I did, didn't I," Heisenberg said. His grin widened. "Lucky for you I've still got this collar on."
"Take it off," Rose told Chris.
He glanced at her. "No way-"
"Take it off or he's not going anywhere," Rose said. "And neither am I. He'll listen to me."
Heisenberg laughed.
"He'll listen," Rose pressed. She put her hand to Chris's massive bicep. "My mold cage won't hold forever, and sooner rather than later we're gonna get overwhelmed. If you ever trusted my dad, trust me now and take the collar off."
Chris's jaw clenched, but he nodded at one of the Squad, who stepped in, unfolding a little toolkit, and got to work on the collar. Heisenberg tipped his head back, maintaining eye contact with Chris, his grin sinking slowly into a slight glitter of bared teeth.
Rose stood, her good hand raised. Come on. Don't let this all come crashing down. She couldn't stop seeing the dead man in the stairwell outside. Please, please, please-
The collar clicked open.
Heisenberg lunged.
With a snarl of laughter he grabbed Chris by the front of his harness and hoisted him into the air- it looked impossible, improbable, but he did it, a wave of pure magnetism sweeping from him, blasting aside all loose metal objects in the room, sending the Hound Wolf Squad stumbling.
"Attack pattern bister!" ordered the Afrikaner.
"This is for invading my fuckin' factory," Heisenberg snarled, his other hand around Chris's throat, his grip tightening with each word. Chris wheezed, fighting Heisenberg's grip. "For those fuckin' horse pills you shot me with. For being a total- fuckin'- asshole-"
"Heisenberg!" Rose commanded. "No!"
He looked at her. She stood with her injured hand raised, with mold writhing from the wound, pulling together shattered bone and cartilage, mangled flesh and strings of muscle, slicking it all down with a wet, sickening crackle.
"You screw this up now and I swear to god I'm gonna kill you," Rose said.
Heisenberg's eyes narrowed. He looked back at Chris.
His grin reappeared, as megawatt as ever.
"Looks like today's your lucky day," he said, and dropped him. Chris stumbled back; he touched his throat. The Hound Wolf Squad, circling them, lowered their weapons.
Heisenberg ambled over to Rose and gently took her injured hand, now almost entirely healed. "Who did this?" he said.
"Someone dead."
"Good," Heisenberg told her. He stroked his thumb over the wound. "'Cause otherwise I would've had to waste more time hunting 'em down and ripping their fuckin' head off."
He looked up. "Now where the hell is my coat?"
The outer wall exploded in a blast of rubble and orange flames. Beyond stretched the greenish gloom of a multilevel parking garage.
As Rose and Heisenberg moved in, the Squad hung back.
"Cover us," Chris ordered them. "But don't get overwhelmed. Get the hell out and to safety if it gets rough, you hear me?"
"You got it, Alpha."
Chris fell into step alongside Rose as the Hound Wolf Squad peeled away, vanishing back into the facility.
"We need to get somewhere high up," Rose began. "That way we'll have the best chances of drawing in the Embryo while keeping it away from everyone else."
"Good call. We'll head to the roof. And then-"
"I got it from there," Heisenberg drawled.
Gunfire rattled from behind them, echoing long through the parking garage. Chris's frown deepened, but he just picked up his pace, leading them toward the elevator. Its controls were dark, and when he slammed his fist into them, nothing happened.
"Shit," he muttered. "Someone cut the power. We'll have to take the stairs."
"Seriously?" Heisenberg said.
He clicked his fingers. The elevator doors crashed apart with the squeal of metal on metal. "Age before beauty, Redfield," he said, gesturing in.
Chris got in, which Rose thought was pretty generous of him.
"You're going straight back in your goddamn cage the second this is over," he said.
"Assuming a monster doesn't bite your head off in the meantime."
A brow lifted. "Yeah? That mean you or the Embryo?"
"Heh," Heisenberg said. "We can get creative."
"Can we not?" Rose said loudly.
"'Course. Sorry, sorry." Heisenberg lifted his arms, straining slightly; high above, the sound of grinding echoed down the elevator shaft, and with a hum and a shudder, the elevator lurched into the air far faster than it would have under its own steam. The parking garage shot out of view, and then they were soaring upward, the shaft walls a blur of concrete and work lights outside the elevator's smashed-open doors.
Rose held on, explaining the plan to Heisenberg. When at last the elevator slowed, coming to a halt with another squeal of metal and the smell of burning, she let go and stepped into the rainy darkness beyond.
The rooftop of what looked like a warehouse complex stretched before her, slick with rain, Regent City a blur of light over its edge. She pulled up her jacket hood and followed Heisenberg to the middle of the roof, the two of them watching the skies. She didn't miss the slight hitch in his walk, the way he winced and pressed his hand, briefly, to his chest. She didn't point out the obvious. They both knew he was still hurt.
From below-
Shouts. Commands. The hiss of radio static.
"Dammit," Chris muttered. He drew his sidearm, checked the magazine, reloaded it with deft speed. "We got incoming."
"Come on," Rose whispered. Her nails cut into her palms. If this didn't work, if the Embryo didn't show, if the BSAA backup Chris had called got here before they brought this whole thing down, they'd all three of them be locked up so tight there was no hope of freedom for them.
But if it does-
If they don't-
Maybe Heisenberg sensed what she was thinking, some scrap of connection giving him insight into her head. Maybe he just knew her all too well. He was looking down at her, now, not at the sky. His eyes winked in the light, pupils glimmering an eerie green.
"Almost Halloween," he remarked.
"What you wanna do this year, kid? Carve turnips?"
"Turnips," Heisenberg insisted. "To keep away the evil spirits. So you don't wake up with your wolf-sick mother chewing on your toes."
He had, as well, an unusual grasp on holidays. He'd tried to celebrate things like 'Midwinter Tithe' and 'Wolf-Milk Moon' when she was a child, had decorated for these days with garlic blossoms and candles, black feathers and wreaths of red ribbon. It was one of the few times she'd seen him reverent, and had moaned how she didn't want this, she wanted the same stuff her friends and classmates celebrated.
"Fine," she said now. "Turnips."
"We'll watch something gory. Something real sick and twisted."
"I'll ask the girl at the video store for recommendations."
"Hey," Heisenberg said. "Since this whole Sam thing seems like a bust, maybe you can ask her for her, uh, number, or, uh, whatever it is you kids do."
"Yeah. Sure."
"Sorry about all that, anyway."
"I'm not sure it would work out in the long run."
"Yeah, well." He paused. "Rose."
"Whatever happens-"
"Don't," Rose said, softly. She took his thumb and squeezed it, briefly, like she had when she was a child, her hands too small to hold anything else. "Save it. Okay?"
He nodded.
"Okay, kid," he said, his voice so soft she barely heard it through the rain.
"Here they come!" Chris roared.
The sound of metal breaking, of a command shouted over distance; Chris dived behind the elevator and fired, the crack of his gunfire echoing across the rooftops. Heisenberg shoved Rose out of the way, closer to the edge of the roof. Metal particles whirled into a cyclone around them, glittering in the light pollution.
"Over there-"
"Find and contain the bioweapons! If they attack-"
"Shit! Again?"
A howl echoed through the rain, through the chaos of the gunfight, Chris somehow holding off the entire retinue of BSAA commandos. Pressure swept the roof. Massive wings flashed through the low clouds, underlit by the city lights. Another shriek split Rose's head. Her heart hammered, her adrenaline spiking.
With a look at Heisenberg, she flung herself to her feet. He was at her back; he tore a piece of corrugated metal off the rooftop as the BSAA opened fire. Bullets hailed off the makeshift shield- not as many as their could have been; half the gunfire went toward the skies, keeping the Embryo back. Rose didn't want to keep it back. She leapt onto the railing and stood in the freezing, gusting rain, her arms outstretched, Heisenberg pulling more metal around them, making a bigger and bigger shield, lightning arcing between the plates.
"Come on!" Rose screamed. The Embryo's shriek echoed back to her, as if in answer. "I'm right here! Come and get me!"
It swooped from the clouds without warning: an instant of shadow, and then it was there, wings unfurled, its mouthparts splayed, the muzzle fire illuminating it from within so its translucent matter seemed to glow with ruddy light. Rose dived out of the way, and Heisenberg whirled into her place, jagged metal shards at the ready.
With a snarl he sent them at the Embryo: not to kill it, not even to incapacitate it. They sliced through the blobs of tumorous matter on either side of the thing's neck and bent, forming a kind of collar.
If we kill it, another one will take its place, Rose had told Chris. We've got to stop it at the source. Stop Ouroboros' Embryo program once and for all.
So- we don't know where these monsters are coming from.
She'd given him a hard grin.
But the monsters do.
"Chris!" Rose screamed, turning to scan the gunfight. He was there, hunkered down behind cover, raining fire on the incoming BSAA. "Now!"
"You go! I'll follow you when I get these bastards off your tail."
"Don't die," Rose called.
He saluted her. "You too, Winters."
Heisenberg grabbed the back of her coat, his other hand outstretched, lassoing the Embryo in place with the strength of his power alone. It clawed at its collar, but the metal bit deep into its matter, mutagen and acid raining to the city below.
"Hang on," Heisenberg said, and leaped. Rose yelped; they sailed into empty air, pulled along by his magnetism. With a clang he landed on the Embryo's back, boots adhered to the collar like he had with the tank-plane's wing.
He circled his finger and another piece of metal whirled into a length of cable, rough and barbed. He lashed it to the collar as Rose hung on around his neck, clinging onto him like a baby monkey.
She yelped again as Heisenberg released his control over the Embryo. Its massive wings beat down; the rooftop fell away, beast and Heisenberg and Rose rocketing higher into the sky.
The monster bucked and twisted, trying to throw them off, but Heisenberg kept them stuck tight. He cackled as they soared higher and higher, all the way from his guts, an unbridled sound of pure, maniacal joy.
"Yee-fuckin-haw!" he yelled. "Look at me, Rose! Look at me! I've tamed the beast! I should have done this to Dimitrescu years ago! Ha-HA! Imagine the look on those fool villagers' faces when they saw me riding their dragon countess into the middle of-"
"Yeah, I bet it'd be great, please let me down."
"Oh yeah." He released her. She slid down him and onto the collar. It was just wide enough to kneel on without touching the monster's acidic flesh. The edges of the collar were just beginning to blacken and crumble. She hoped to god they'd have time to find its den before the collar disintegrated entirely.
She'd clamped two pairs of thick handcuffs around her upper arms and ankles when she got dressed in her new clothes, smuggled to her between the T-shirt and pants thanks to Chris. They hummed against her skin as Heisenberg kept his control on them, holding her in place on the Embryo's back.
When she'd explained the plan to him on the elevator, all he'd said was, "We're gonna ride that thing?"
"Yep," she'd said, tensely.
He'd grinned in return. "Sold. Let's fuckin' go."
Sometimes she wanted to bash his head in with a shovel. Other times, though, it was really, really easy to like him.
They careened through the sky. The wind resistance was murder, like ropes pressing her arms to her sides; Rose grit her teeth, mold writhing around her forearms, forming a thick layer over her skin.
She pulled forward and pressed her hands to the back of the Embryo's neck, onto flesh.
See, Rosemary? I knew you could do it.
"Shut up, Eveline," Rose spat, and with a screaming effort, she shoved her mind into the Embryo like a knife into butter.
She'd expected resistance. Monster impulses. Something weird.
She hadn't expected memories.
They washed over her, a flooding, drowning deluge. She lost the edges of her physical body, flung into the depths of her own mind. White-coated scientists, seen through hazy pink liquid. An endless winding maze of white corridors. The movement of waves glimpsed through a porthole. A number, emblazoned on dark metal in white paint. Hands- her hands?- pallid and dark-veined, covered in sensors. The agony and fear as her body sloughed away from itself, as it was torn apart by some mistake in its genetic code, its mutation too violent.
A song, a voice, winding through the memories, stitching them together. A little girl, lost in the dark forest...
A voice, dry and bored and masculine. The girl's DNA is too unstable. She's powerful, but there's not enough cohesion between her original makeup and the new biomatter grafted onto her by the genetic recombination.
A new voice, a woman's voice, strained and desperate. Just...just let us keep working...I know she'll be enough!
The first speaker gave a heavy sigh. An interesting specimen, to be sure, but I think our efforts are better expended elsewhere...
Wait! The second voice again. Wait. I know what we can do. Where I can find you a perfect hybrid. Believe me. You don't know how special he is.
Rose came back into her body with a raw gasp. Her heart pounded.
"Heisenberg," she yelled.
"Veer toward the ocean! I know where we can find them!"
The Embryo screeched as he drove the metal spikes deeper, giving it a lash down its left side with the sparking end of the cable. They hung a right, scraps of cloud whipping through Rose's hair as they dropped in altitude. Regent City burst into view, the ocean stretching beyond, the lights from the docks drawn long as candle flames over the water. Rose's stomach lurched as the Embryo's wings angled, bringing them into a steeper descent.
Under her knees, the acid crept up, and up, and up the collar.
They didn't have much time.
"There!" she cried, pointing to one of the long industrial docks that stretched out into the water. "Take us there!"
They landed with more grace than the tank-plane; that wasn't saying much. The Embryo drove down its wings as the last moment, claws screeching on the concrete, bashing past unloaded cargo containers and a row of parked cars before it finally rolled to a halt.
It wasn't done. It shoved upright on its wing-knuckles, snapping its vast jaws.
Its tongue burst from the depths of its mouth. Heisenberg jerked back as it whipped around toward them. A slash of his arm sent a shard of metal through it, severing the tongue at the base. The movement proved too much for the collar. It snapped with a twang; Heisenberg grabbed Rose and bailed. They crashed to the ground as the Embryo whirled, blood and acid spraying from its mouth, and screamed.
Rose squared up to fight, Heisenberg at her side. But something was happening to the Embryo, something weird. There seemed to be something caught in its throat; it made exaggerated hacking movements, like a cat trying to cough up a hairball.
"Now that's messed up," was all Heisenberg, said as the Embryo hacked the- whatever it is- onto the pavement, and Rose saw with dawning horror just how right he was.
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starrycassi · 6 months ago
Posted this yesterday with a fever (already went to the doctors. Got a 48 hour rest because it's apparently viral) but I see the vision of fever induced me.
There's only 10 of them because they only admit in the best of the best. Coach Wymack is a bitter man who lost the loves of his life (Kayleigh) and turned all his grief into rage. He raised their son to keep his late love's legacy alive. Kevin will be the best. There is no other option. He takes kids from underprivileged families on purpose, knowing damn well that manipulating them is way easier, especially when he can just throw money at their problems until they have no one to turn to but him. The underdog stunt is a great marketing tactic, after all. He doesn't care about great techniques and amazing maneuvers — that can be taught. He wants the more vicious, ravenous and blood-thirsty players out there. Spirit is innate, and he's willing to polish it.
Danielle Wilds and Kevin Day as captain and vice captain: Obsessive, ruthless. Stopping at nothing and for no one. Raised as brothers (Wymack took Dan in much earlier here, bear with me) they fight with each other as often as they do with anyone else. Dan is of the mentality that is she managed to do it with her disadvantages, then everyone else should be able to. Kevin is still Kevin minus the redemption arc. He is constantly trying to cut Dan at the knees and vice versa. Their sibling bonding time consists of wacking each other in the head with the racquets as hard as possible.
Andrew Minyard: They get him to agree in the same way that they did the first time around — through his family. This time around, however, there are way more vague threats about flimsy planes to Germany and unexpected car crashes. Wymack encourages Andrew's violence as long as it's not going to damage their chances at winning. Yada yada we've all read nest Andrew fics. Basically that.
Nicky, Matt and Aaron: Still haven't figured out exactly what'll do with them. I know Aaron has in fact killed a man but they are like the most likely to call the cops in this whole thing. Thinking of the bitter for the things they've endured, eager to prove themselves angle.
Do take into account that Wymack isn't torturing his players for fun in her. He IS torturing them, but only when they "misbehave gravely". It's more of an economical violence situation, and he does let all of his players take a go at each other. There's no actual hierarchy outside of the field so if they want to gang up and beat the shit out of Kevin, it ain't his problem. As long as they don't do something rash like, idk, break his hand.
Renee is the trickiest one. She'd have to be taken in before Stephanie ever did, technically still being Natalie. But, you know, if she did, I'm sore that nothing would stop this woman from decking Andrew in the face. That's how they become friends. Street recognizes street.
Allison and Seth... I can just see them letting power get to their heads. Definitely. Again, both have something to prove.
Neil: I'm sorry but this man is a NIGHTMARE. Whole team scared of him low-key. Only read he isn't a captain or vice is because he refused to be. Absolutely ape shit child. Threatens to kill his teammates at least once a day.
I know that I would have to bend and mold various aspects of their personalities and backgrounds for this to work but guys hear me out okay. They're all evil. They're all punching each other in the eyes. They very blatantly tell the press that their trainings include balls flying to the face because "that's how it's done in real games, you imbeciles". Listen to me please please -
Ia there like any after swap aus? Like all the foxes as ravens? I know that there's some individual ones but I wanna see a whole reverse au or whatever
If there isn't one I might just have to write it myself atp
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thesunshineriptide · 3 years ago
Could I request the vice housewardens + Ruggie play fighting with the reader, is there a certain way they initiate if they play fight at all? Do they smack talk? I NEED TO KNOW
Also don't forget to drink water and consume your fruits and veggies 💛
This request made me so happy and it was hilarious to think about someone fighting a bunch of cryptids for fun. Anyway yes absolutely I hope this if acceptable and thank you for reminding me, I am currently drinking water now
Okay so the vice housewardens (or second in commands, which is more accurate) are the feistiest group at NRC. They are all shady or ready to deck someone which makes me think that it’s simply a trait housewardens look for. I’d imagine they all play-fight, but where and how varies greatly. Also the tags look so gnarly but I swear none of them are that violent
Hit me with your best shot
Characters: Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho, Lilia, Floyd (mentioned)
Tw// fighting, violence, drowning (mentions), biting, hunting, Rook typical behavior, Leech typical behavior, food, bruises/marks, blood mention
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Definitely a play fighter in the casual way.
Most likely to poke at you, smack you with a pillow, throw something at you, etc.
He’s probably the second gentlest in this regard because he’s human and not training to beat the fuck out of someone
When you play fight it’s probably because one of you is being snippy after a long day of dealing with other peoples bullshit.
You aren’t likely to end up actually injured or bruised or anything, but you may end up wrestling on the floor of Trey’s room or smacking each other with pillows.
He’s an older brother so he knows restraint but the urge to pull hair and smack the shit out of someone is strong.
Instead he just pins you to the ground and dramatically lays on you to keep you there
You guy definitely have a food fight.
Not like, with finished dishes or anything, but in a ‘I dropped some ice from the freezer and instead of kicking it under the fridge, we’re playing ice soccer in the kitchen at 3 am’ kind of way.
Or sometimes when you have leftover frosting from a cake he’s made you end up flinging it at each other.
If you ever cover his mouth he will lick it and give you an evil smirk
His trash talk is somehow both very good and very bad at the same time.
He gets into it but he also uses stupid insults like “you’re a poopface” mostly because he wants you to know he’s joking because onetime he called riddle an asshole and he cried so now he’s careful
Please take a boxing class with him you two would have so much fun
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Initiates by walking up and biting your shoulder or sometimes just shoving you and running.
If you accept playfighting him at least once be prepared he’s going to do it a lot.
He has so much pent up aggression.
Half of the fighting is smack talk and boy does he have a MOUTH.
Hopefully you have thick skin because otherwise when he says shit like “you look like a gazelle ass fucked a cactus” you might actually cry
Definitely rougher when he plays.
Expect claw marks, bites, bruises, and sore limbs when you’re done fighting.
Try to ignore the stares you get from everyone when they see a bite mark on your shoulder because how do you explain you didn’t do that you were actually just beating the shit out of each other
He will start a fight literally anywhere and you two probably go at it for at least an hour before he gives up
If he ends up drawing blood he’s frantically making sure you’re alright and patching you up
Probably play fights with you as warmup for spelldrive practice.
This entails him coming to your room, pouncing on you to wake you up, then maniacally laughing when you fight him off with a scowl.
But on the bright side, he brought you breakfast (Leona paid for it, shhh) so it wasn’t for nothing
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Jade isn’t one to play fight normally, he has a reputation to keep up.
So he won’t usually initiate that.
If you start to goad him into it, he just gives you a menacing smile then turns you over to Floyd to play like that.
If you still insist on playing with him, he will literally just pick you up and sling you over his shoulder until you promise to stop.
Then he drops you on the ground.
Now, that’s how it goes on land, anyway. But in water? Hooboy, hope you can hold your breath.
Jade’s third favorite thing to do is drag people underwater (the first two are hiking in the mountains and teasing Azul) and luckily for you, he remembers just how much you like play fighting!
And since Jade’s in the water, chances are Floyd is too.
They rarely do fun things without each other.
So now you’re going to be fighting for your life from two mischievous mer-eels.
Jade wears a darkly serene expression as he asks you whatever could be the matter and Floyd looks like he’s won the fucking jackpot when you surface from getting dragged into the water with them
You will not win this playfight, because there is little distinguishing it from a real one.
The only difference is that they aren’t actually trying to harm you, but you probably won’t realize that when Jade repeatedly drags you under water to see how long you can hold your breath, trapping your legs with his tail.
He finds the way you beat at him with your fists pretty adorable, which is lucky because that means you won’t drown today!
You will receive 0 aftercare from him for this traumatic experience, but he may invite you to do it again.
Don’t accept it’s a tr-
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You’re not so much play-fighting Jamil as you’re training with him.
Which is probably good, it means there’s rule and a time limit.
Anyway, most of his comments are half trash talk and half trying to get a rise out of you.
Very “is that the best you’ve got?”
Sparring with him is fucking exhausting so you likely do it mostly in the evenings or when Jamil is training some other students.
Sometimes he gets way too into it and ends up mixing breakdance moves and martial arts to kick your ass.
He has knocked your feet out from under you before and he will do it again
Moves so confidently and quickly you think he might moonlight as an assassin
Chances are you’re not gonna beat him, he’s got years of experience, but you’re getting stronger and faster when you’re with him.
If he ends up hitting you too hard he apologizes quickly and you don’t usually have many bruises due to the fact he makes you wear padding and you spar on a mat
Dude can totally take a hit so you don’t really have to hold back (he prefers if you don’t, it tests him more)
so don’t be afraid to smack him around.
Genuinely appreciative of you doing this with him and makes sure to let you know every time you take up his offer to practice together
He repays you buy providing you with snacks light on the stomach after you’re done working out together, usually some lightly chilled water and a piece of fruit.
Also sends you home with leftovers of whatever he made for dinner that night
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Hahahaha….oh dear lord. So listen, there’s two types of play fighting.
There’s the one you initiate, then there’s the one he initiates.
One of them is fun!
The other is straight from a horror movie
If you initiate, he’s happy to indulge, and he hits a littler harder than he means to sometimes but overall it’s pretty chill.
You two end up chasing each other around campus, playing what could be described as a really intense, violent game of tag.
By the time you’re done, you’re both covered in dirt of mud and have sticks and leaves sticking to you.
If he initiates, please don’t take his offer.
This is the scary one.
His version of play fighting is chasing you through the woods behind campus with a bow and arrow and yelling vague threats about “ahh, you’re close! I can almost smell you~” and occasionally shooting an arrow that is ENTIRELY TOO CLOSE for comfort.
If he catches up to you - or just decides this is the right moment - he’s tackling you to the ground.
He’ll tease you for losing before attacking you with tickles, the most terrifying of all weapons.
So maybe it isn’t scary in the end, since he was never gonna hurt you, but running through the forest with nobody nearby except for a guy armed with a long ranged weapon is absolutely terrifying, and there’s always the slim chance he misses….
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Gentlest of the list.
He’s more sure how much pressure to apply when play fighting, so it mostly ends up being pillow fights, or something else that’s soft.
Poking, bumping into you, very very gentle punching, that’s all on the table.
If you try to initiate, Idia will get very pissed.
All of his internal components are extremely sensitive, you can’t just smack him! And besides that, he’s tiny, and his brother! Why would you do this?
Idia is genuinely terrifying when his entire attention is focused on you, and hes pissed.
The flames of his hair are growing and flickering wildly as his gold eyes glare down into yours.
The only thing that calms him down is when Ortho begs him to
So you don’t really get to physically play fight with him anymore, but you do get to game together.
With Idia’s supervision.
He’s not going to be letting Ortho around you anymore since you decided to fight a literal innocent child
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I’m fairly certain that play fighting is Lilia’s love language.
He loves to beat the shit out of people.
Least gentle next to Jade, because he will literally grab you and throw you in the air.
You’re not in danger, but his awareness of the human limits is limited, unlike Jade.
Probably isn’t a fan of shit-talking in person, but definitely does it when he’s gaming late at night.
Probably play fight in the Diasomnia lounge.
There’s an audience there to watch you get your ass kicked by an old man, as well as to see you fling the five foot nothing bat across the room.
Most intense play fighting imaginable.
He’s a big fan of flipping people and literally just throwing people around.
He’s completely fine with people doing it back to him, he finds it fun.
Playing with him is like trying to fight black widow, except if you call for a time out he’ll let you.
Silver and Sebek both try and warn you not to do this.
They literally trained with him as children they know he does not fuck around.
You ignore their advice and end up with a broken leg and a bowl of Lilia’s soup.
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smaptain-smerica · 2 years ago
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Female Reader x Rooster
Time: Post-Top gun: Maverick
Y/n Blackwood - L/n, daughter of Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood. Y/n took a strong interest in planes from a young age. Knowing her father was an esteemed pilot drew her even further into the navy. Quickly, she became one of the best solo pilots and graduating at the top of her class at Top Gun.
Her next mission? Return to Top Gun, Face certain death, romantic interests, and finally, her thought-to-be-dead, father.
This book contains strong language and sexual content that may be sensitive readers under the age of 18
This story was originally posted on Wattpad, follow me on there for faster updates. I have published a non-binary version of this story published there for those who do not identify as female or use she/her pronouns. It will follow the exact same story line. Link to Wattpad Account Link to the Non-Binary version
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Tag, You're It
"Today we are going to be playing a game of tag." Maverick's voice rang out in our ears as Rooster and I flew side by side in the air.
"Each radar lock is a point. We will alternate who is 'it' by my command. Whoever has the most points moves on to the next round."
"A bracket game of tag?" I heard rooster ask with a chuckle.
"Exactly." Maverick replied. I could hear the mischief laced in his voice. In my head I could picture the smirk on his face.
I looked over at Roosters Plane and saw him looking back. He gave me a thumbs up, which I reciprocated with a smile.
"Ready?" Maverick asked us.
I took some steady breaths, gripping on the planes joystick with eagerness to start. There was a silence in the atmosphere that brought on an intense feeling of edginess. Like one wind gust would knock me over the edge.
"Rooster, you're it."
I jerked the plane to the side, making a sharp and precise 180 degree turn to fly off in the other direction. Being a single person plane had a downside of not being able to check your own flank as easily. I suppose that was part of the exercise, being conscious of your surroundings.
I used a series of maneuvers to try and throw Rooster off my tail. I struggled to move the metal bird back and forth at the top speeds. I heard the warning buzzing that he was about to toggle radar lock onto me.
"Shit shit shit." I cursed before quickly pulling up into the cloud cover. I made a few turns before ducking back down. I cruised through the sky alone. The silence was eerie, I checked around me for any other planes.
Then I heard it, the fate defining buzzing noise. I looked directly above me and saw rooster's plane. I quickly did a nosedive, crashing back down towards the hard deck.
"Switch! Wolf's it!"
Maverick's voice was like music to my ears. I was eager and more than ready to play chase. I hooked around quickly, Charging full force towards rooster and his plane.
It felt like only seconds had gone by, but 20 minutes came and gone and I beat rooster by two points. I admit, he had some balls on him. His flying had improved in just the short time we had been training. I don't want to brag, but I want to say flying with me made him more confident. And who wouldn't?
The bracket dwindled down over the course of the day. Until finally, Hangman and I flew side by side. "Prepare to lose, wolf." Hangman sneered in my ears. I looked over at him. Although I could only see his eyes, I could tell he was meaning it in a playful way.
"Prepare to have your ass handed to you." I replied back in the same playful and sassy manner.
The match started, I was chosen as it first. Hangman put on a good chase. I had managed to get a radar lock on him twice before we had to switch. When it was Hangman's turn, he also 'shot' me twice. We were neck and neck the entire time. By this time, I had flown against everybody, I figured out the rounds lasted 5 minutes before Maverick gave us the switch que.
I knew the time was running out, Hangman was putting on a good pursuit. I held my own and pulled out every single trick that I had known. The warning buzzer started going crazy in my cabin as I struggled to shake it off of my tail. I knew that Hangman was about to get a lock on my plane.
"Time is up!" And then the sound of tone.
I let out the breath that I had been holding in and leveled out my plane, preparing for the landing. Hangman appeared beside me, the smugness in his voice present.
"Told you, prepare to lose."
"Hold on, Mav said time was up before you got a lock!" I challenged him.
"I don't think so." He said in a sing-song tone before speeding up to be set up to land in front of me.
Once we were back on the ground, I got out of my plane and took my helmet off. I waited for Hangman to get out of his plane before I walked over to him. "You did not get that last point." I said confidently, defending my ground.
"I did too! You just don't want me to win." He put his hand on his chest pretending to be offended.
"You think I'd rather us tie?"
"Hey hey hey!" Both of us looked over to see rooster jogging over to his, his hands extended out towards either of us. "Let's calm down now."
I pushed my eyebrows together, shoving his arm away from me. "Oh shut up. We're fine."
Rooster looked over at hangman, who put his hands up in surrender, shooting me a wink through his blackened eye. I rolled my eyes with a smug smile on my face and happened to see Maverick walking over to us.
"Mav! Tell hangman he didn't get that last point."
"You just don't want to admit that I am better."
Maverick sucked his teeth and shook his head. "Sorry hangman, Wolf's right."
"Ha!" I pointed at his face in a childish way. I felt a little embarrassed afterwards, but it was my unfiltered reaction.
"Shit." Hangman scuffed his foot on the ground.
"Wait so who won the bracket?" Rooster asked. Maverick raised his eyebrows and looked between the three of us.
"Oh I want keeping score. I just put you all against each other and told you it was a competition so you'd try harder." With a wink, Maverick turned on his heel and walked back towards the door of the hangar, leaving Rooster, hangman and I to feel rather embarrassed.
After a much needed shower, I returned to my room. I had on a pair of comfy grey sweatpants as well as a black tank top that I didn't care about. I took my hair out of the towel and began to towel-dry it vigorously. With my head tilted to the side, I noticed a green sweatshirt thrown over the back of the chair.
I stopped what I was doing and walked over to it. I picked it up and subconsciously brought it to my nose. The faint smell of tangy pine and sweet amber wafted into my senses. I couldn't tell at this point if I had liked the smell, or the fact that it was what Rooster smelled like.
I picked the sweatshirt up and headed for my door to see if rooster was still around. I passed by the cafeteria and popped my head in. Phoenix with fanboy and payback. "Hey guys," I called out to my friends, who in turn looked my direction.
"Have you guys seen Rooster?"
Fanboy hummed around his food while nodding his head. "He just left."
"If you run you might catch him." Payback advised, a lingering smirk on his face confused me as he glanced in Phoenix's direction. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. "Okay, thanks."
I made my way to the exit at a light jog, sweatshirt gripped tightly in my hand so I wouldn't loose it. I broke through the exit door to see Rooster lifting himself into his car.
"Bradley!" I called to him, raising one arm to catch his attention more. He seemed surprised by me calling him by his real name, as he looked at me with raised eyebrows. I walked up to the driver side door of his car where he sat. I thought the sweatshirt up to absent window and handed it to him.
"Here. I wanted to give this back before I forgot." I gave him a small smile. Rooster reached over and took the sweatshirt from me. "Oh, thank you."
"No problem." I tapped on the car door gently with the palm of my hand before I turned on my heel to walk away. I felt my hand catch and I turned around to see that Rooster had put his hand on top of mine to stop me. I looked at him expectedly, waiting as he gathered up the courage to ask whatever was clearly on his mine.
"Would you, um, do you want to get dinner?"
I let his stuttering words linger in my ears before they fully processed in my brain. "Are you asking me on a date Bradshaw?"
He looked bashful, a red glow was brought to his face. "Well I- no. Yes but, no not yet." He stuttered, getting frustrated with himself for skipping over words.
I raised an eyebrow at him, leaning my hip against the front of his car. "You're stuttering."
"Take out. We get takeout and, we will go from there." Rooster finally choked the words he wanted to say out of his throat. I smirked at him, walking around to the passenger side and hopping in the Bronco.
"Let's go eat then."
Rooster drove us away from the academy, down the paved road and past the landing strips. The sand of the deserts turned red in the light of the setting sun. I held my hand out the window, laying it flat so my hand surfed through the air. My hair whipped around in the warm air that blew around the topless car.
I felt my phone buzz and I looked down to unlock it.
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I decided not to answer. I clicked my phone closed and threw it down in my lap. "Who was that?" Rooster asked.
I shook my head, waving my hand submissively. "Just Bagman."
"Oh." There was a moment of processing before Rooster continued his train of thought. "We're you two close in flight school?"
"Oh no, we hated each other. I guess over the years we got more friendly. Sometimes we text each other with our accomplishments to see who was doing better." This made rooster chuckle, I watched as his smile lines spread across his face and the mustache on his lips moved. "That sounds like him."
We ended up choosing a Japanese food drive through where I got an order of lo mein with chicken and Rooster ended up getting the same. I got one of my favorite drinks and Rooster got a sweet tea. We drove off, quickly appearing at the oceans shoreline as we drove along side it. I could smell the saltiness in the air and the breeze was significantly cooler.
We turned off on a section where the sand met the road. It looked like many other cars had gone off the road there because the decline was significantly flattened with visible tread marks on it. We unpacked our things, popping the tailgate down and setting down on it to eat while facing the ocean.
We sparked a few conversations, mostly about todays exercises and things we could have done better. Things we learned flying against the other aviators.
There was a silence between us that was comforting. I closed my eyes while chewing the last of my food. I basked in the sounds of the ocean waves and signed happily.
"Y/n, I wanted to talk about something." Roosters voice brought me from my trance and i looked over at him. He was aimlessly poking his chopsticks into his takeout container.
"A few days ago, the kiss. I know we were both under the influence but I realized I was acting on underlying feelings."
I turned my sitting position to face him, crossing my legs underneath myself.
"You... You are one of the most captivating women I've ever met. You are dangerous, hot headed, stubborn, a little full of yourself sometimes. But there's something about you that I can't keep myself from. I tried distancing myself to see if it was real or in my head."
My heart was swelling, I wasn't sure what to say in response to this. I had never heard anybody say such nice things about me. "Bradley..."
"No let me finish. I knew that with Maverick being your father would complicate things. I didn't want my relationship with him to be compromised if I ever hurt you. But I think I'm willing to take that risk. If you are."
Rooster smiled down at me with a toothless grin. He flipped his hand over with the palm facing upwards. I looked down at his hand and then back up at his eyes. Tears brimmed in my eyes from the overwhelming feeling of mixed emotions that were stirring inside of me.
"What, what does all of this mean?"
Rooster sucked air through his teeth, taking the initiative of grabbing my hand in his. "It means, go on a date with me. Go on a date with me this Saturday and if you don't hate me, then let's go on another. Okay?"
I felt his rough and callused hands squeeze mine. I looked up at his face, at the scars covering his face and the end-of-the-day stubble he was starting to grow. His handsome, stoic face that was illuminated by the faint golden glow of the sun. "Okay."
"Okay?" Rooster asked eagerly.
His face looked relieved as his smile grew across his face. "Perfect. I'll get you at 7."
"Make it 6:30, I want to sleep in on Sunday."
It was as though there was a magnet in our chest, pulling us toward each other as we talked. I could feel my heartbeat in my chest as our faces got closer.
"6:30 sharp."
Our lips connected in a sweet affair. It wasn't with the same sloppy drunkenness as the first time. It was gentle, purposeful, it brought hope for the future. I wasn't one to hold on to hope very tightly. But with this, maybe a little hope wasn't a bad thing.
Next Chapter
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This is a direct follow up to #35.
“Glad to see you make it up here ok. I’m Robert, and you are?... Eddie. Good to meet you. Did you enjoy the drive? It really is nice. That’s part of the reason why I live up here. We don’t get many clients that come up here. Most order on line, but you are the first of the season. I reviewed your e-mail again and I think I have a selection of rimchairs for you. It would help me to narrow down your selections more if you answer some additional questions….
“Here, let’s go into the workshop. So, is this going to be a chair for you? Good. Are you the ass or the ass eater? Will you ever go underneath it?... No? Ok. Don’t worry, the only time I go under mine is to work on it.... Women, men, or both?... Women. Is this part of a S&M or kink situation?... That’s fine. It’s very rare for me to find someone willing to spend all this money for the sensual aspects of eating ass. Did you bring a slave woman with you? That’s fine. Most straight men don’t….
“No, I prefer fags under mine; is that going to be an issue here? I only ask because, I want to find the best rim chair for you, and I have a wealth of expertise I rely on. I don’t want to share my experiences with you and have it be awkward.
“Good! Good! Unless we need him, the faggot is up at the main house. That reminds me, will you be using the rim chair for full toilet activities? No… you would be surprised with just how many people are. Hell, every single dominatrix I have made a rim chair for is into it. And some of those women are fucking brutal to their slaves.
“So here let’s start with these three. The left two are designed primarily for rear entry and this third one is for the front. Me personally, I prefer my slave lying behind me when he’s attending to my shithole. His tongue seems to go in deeper and at a better angle. And I don’t have to spread my legs when he’s there. That’s one of the big difference between men and women is that women are narrower than men. It gets uncomfortable at times. For me it’s just easier with it behind me. Do you have a preference?... That’s fine. They will be designed for front and rear entries, but structurally it will be designed one way.
“It’s really all about comfort. Comfort was actually that reason that got me into making rimchairs. What I saw out there was horrible. They were rimseats. To me rimseats are different than what I make. Rimseats are essentially toilet seats on legs. The faggot lies underneath, and I would squat down. I’m a big guy and I can’t sit that low for a long time, before my legs start to cramp up, about fifteen to twenty minutes at most. The problem with making the legs longer is that the faggot underneath is then straining to keep his head buried in the crack of my ass. Either it is straining to keep its tongue buried deep, or its head can move all around. Either way, the faggot tires quickly and it’s a piss poor rimjob.
“That’s why I started with the idea of transforming regular chair designs into rimchairs. I have throne-like chairs, deck chairs, reclining chairs, dining chairs, and so on. Every one has support for the toilet lying underneath, so that multiple hour-long sessions are not a problem. I can customize it to a specific head size, as well as how far in you want the slave’s face when you sit down. Or, some of the chairs allow for adjustability. I personally like feeling my faggot’s face getting wedged in there, and then to have its mouth lined up to connect with my shithole. That is priceless. No other feeling of power compares with it. If you are into slaves that are reluctant, I can make the head spaces very restrictive. I can even create a box, measured exactly to your slave’s head where they can’t move an inch. My slave tells me that it gets very claustrophobic under it. I even designed is so that the slave places its head in the box and the hinged platform lowers with a piece going below the slave’s chin preventing the slave from pulling out from underneath until you get up off the chair and let it out.
“I see you like the casual desk chair. I have one just like it at my work desk. My faggot is under that one for hours. I can be doing work, surfing the internet, or jacking off to porn. I’m not even paying attention to the tongue fucking I’m getting. It’s just adding to the general euphoria of what I’m doing.
“You have a wife, girlfriend, bitch slave, or whatever?... Oh you have an out of state friend with benefits that likes to eat ass? From what I have learned through the years, it’s hard to find a woman into it. That’s fucking awesome.
“If you really love your butthole tongued for a long time, maybe you should get a fag, until you find the right bitch. Seriously. I had one client purchase a similar seat to that one, that he had installed in his playroom. It was up against a wall. He enclosed the sides of the chair. There was a hole in the wall that the ass eater would crawl through. It was an 18 year-old faggot from down the street, and that fag tongue fucked like no other I have ever tried out, and yeah I tried it out. The most interesting thing is that they had a set time each week when they did this. The kid came in through a dedicated entrance, and the client sat down, neither of them said a word to the other. Truly amazing.
“Go on, have a seat. I’ll have it customed to your ass and thighs so that when you are sitting, your cheeks are comfortably spread. You know, those Carhartt pants are restricting your ass and legs. You’re not getting the proper placement of your ass.
“Why don’t you take them off? Other than me and shithead up in the house, no one is going to see you. I get maybe, maybe one customer a week. When we go into the design room to take measurements, I will need you to have them off. Leaving your underwear on is better than this. Briefs, no briefs. We don’t care…. Commando? We don’t care about that either.
“Look, if you think this is my way of seducing you, let me say that I like faggot boys, not real men like yourself. I get turned on when I know a man—a real hard working man—is getting his dick, ass, and everything else taken care of at the expense of faggots. I’m not talking about gay boys. I mean faggots, boys who exist to serve a real man, to take care of that man’s needs including draining his balls, eating his ass, and so on. To a faggot, draining your cock and eating your shithole is the reason for its existence, even at the expense of its own needs. So no, I wouldn’t dream of sticking my cock in you. You can count on that.
“Don’t worry about my faggot; its tiny pecker is permanently locked away. It has been that way ever since he got here last fall. You remember that first snowstorm we had? Well right before the snowfall hit its car ran out of gas, and it got stuck. At least that was its story. I made it an offer, find someone else to help in the snowstorm, or submit to me. I’ve kept it naked, with its pecker painfully locked up in that device ever since. I’ve trained it to service my shithole for hours on end. It hasn’t cum in the five months it’s been serving me.
“Let me text it to come down here…. No, it’s no problem. Go ahead and get comfortable. Take the pants off, leave them on the table. It’s best to put your work boots back on.
“That’s a beautiful cock you have. I bet the women love it. Stop the modesty thing. You are a fucking hot man, you should relish in the adoration. Have a seat. Doesn’t that feel good on your ass? You can feel the spread, but it doesn’t feel like you are falling in? Now imagine a moist tongue darting in and out of your crack.
“And speaking of a moist tongue, here’s the fag…. Faggot! This is Sir Eddie. Get under the seat and get to work….
“No more protesting. I don’t care how dirty it is. I saw your skid marks in your pants, the fag will clean you up. He lives for shit like this. Its tongue feels good in there, doesn’t it? Don’t answer, I can see it on your face. Just relax.
“I will be over there in the design shop if you need me. Try out any of the other chairs. The faggot will do whatever you want or need to feel good. You can stay as long as you like. Even over night or throughout the rest of the weekend. The fag will take care of everything for you. It’ll eat your farts, drink your piss, throat your shaft, take a beating, or whatever. Just tell it what you want, and it will comply. By the end you will understand why a faggot is better than a bitch. Make me a good enough offer, and I may throw the faggot in.”
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rafescoke · 4 years ago
Brother’s Best Friend ; Rafe Cameron
Request: heyy I’ve recently found your account and I just felt in love with the way you write and with your works so I was wondering if you could write a fic where the reader is Kelce’s sister, she’s sitting alone at home and suddenly she hears a doorbell ringing, she comes to open the door and that’s Rafe and she says something like “Kelce’s not home” or smth like that and Rafe answers “I actually came to see you” or smth like that. It can be smut or fluff or whatever I don’t really care. Sorry if this is chaotic but I just want the reader to be black and I have bad ideas lmao 😭 sending love ❤️❤️
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Fooling around with your best friend's sister is not a good sign, especially when it involves something more than skinny dipping and drinking alcohol together.
Warnings: Slight smut, mentions of drinking, slight angst, teasing Rafe Cameron
A/N: I'm so close to 700 followers wtf y'all are truly amazing ily! I'm finishing all requests in my inbox for the new few days; thank you to those who put their trust in me to write their ideas <33
(Y/N) could never deny the attraction she felt towards a certain brunette boy with that charming smile.
The feeling evolved for the first time when he came over to her house to see Kelce. He was so polite to her; giving her a turn on passing the ball and scolding Kelce and Topper for not wanting to give her a chance at playing basketball in the swimming pool.
But she was only 8 back then, and she regarded the feeling as nothing more than a silly crush.
Rafe Cameron changed when he entered high school. (Y/N) couldn't explain what was wrong, but he was not her Rafe anymore. He didn't hold the door for her, scold Kelce for making fun of her or do anything that used to make her heart soar.
Her thoughts were disrupted when a fresh blue towel hit her squarely on the face, causing her to yelp in shock.
"Do you wanna come down to the lake with us?"
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, pulling the towel to her side, and closed her magazine with a snap. Her eyes fell back to the three guys, lingering on the tallest one a little bit too long.
She cleared her throat, "No, I'm tired."
Kelce shrugged, walking towards the entrance of their home from the swimming pool. He didn't feel like having (Y/N) around anyways, because that would mean he would have to protect her from his friends.
Kelce loved his friends, of course, but he also knew the other side of them that uses girls like Kleenex tissue only to throw them away again.
"On a second thought-" (Y/N) said, stopping the three boys from entering the big house. "I think I'll go."
"You sure?" Kelce asked. God. Now he would have to play the big-brother stimulator for the whole night.
The night sky was dark, and the only light came from the moonlight up above and sometimes from the flashlight of each other's phone. Boozes laid messily on the wooden deck and their clothes were discarded all over the place.
Not one person was sober, and they were all laughing to a joke by Topper.
"Okay, okay, last one-" Topper said excitedly. He shivered, and (Y/N) thought about it as a response towards the cold lake water or the excited nerves of sharing another stupid joke. "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"Easy. To get to the other side," Rafe answered proudly. A beer drop slid down from his lips to his chin, and (Y/N) felt a strong desire to lick it.
"Okay, fine, I don't know."
Topper smiled widely, and (Y/N) could see this joke coming from a few miles away. "To get to the loser's house. Knock knock."
Rafe pulled a face, his eyebrows raised. "Who's there?"
"The chicken."
Kelce and Topper's laugh filled the silence around them, and (Y/N) found herself slightly smiling at the joke. Rafe groaned, finally understanding the joke and being angry at himself for willingly taking the bait.
"Okay, okay. The joke's over."
Kelce laughed again before taking a full swig of another beer bottle. He stared at the sky, and let out a loud huff.
"Wish we can go up there."
"Me too, man," Topper agreed. He joined Kelce by staring up at the dark sky, both clearly high out of their minds.
"Do you want to?"
(Y/N) looked to her side, not noticing Rafe who had moved from his previous position near Topper to beside her. She quirked her head to one side, her face questioning.
"Go up to the sky," he explained. He watched as she looked up to the sky, her mouth slightly parting. Her chest heaved peacefully, and her wet body donning the lilac bikini never looked so beautiful and perfect.
"Nah. I'm too scared."
"Even when I'll go with you?" he smiled. (Y/N) rolled her eyes, though her heart was soaring brightly; she would never feel scared anymore if he were to be around her all the time.
"Yeah. Even when you’ll go with me. Besides, it's not possible."
"Let people enjoy things," he said, and he was so close to her now because she could smell the coffee mint from his breath. Her heart was beating wildly, though this would be the ten-thousandth time he did this to her.
It never failed to leave her completely breathless.
"You're drooling," he whispered, and used his thumb to wipe her wet lips from the beer. Her breath hitched, and she couldn't utter any words back. She was too mesmerised with the whole situation.
His fingers stopped at her chin, looking into her eyes, and he was petrified too. He leaned in, but before anything could happen, (Y/N) moved away. He cleared his throat, and swam back to the deck.
‘I’m drunk’ was repeated by him all the way to the the place he threw his clothes off, shaking his head at the thought that he was so close to kissing her. He looked back to her direction in the lake, still staring at him. He focused back on the ties of his shorts, and made his way back to the Kelce’s house.
He ignored his best friends calls.
. . .
(Y/N) never really liked school, but she loved the after-activity that she got herself in.
Like cheerleading.
She used to think of the sport as something quirky, but in truth, once she was accepted into the school’s cheerleading team, she had never been more into a sport than before.
She walked down the field to the other side of the track where the other girls were waiting for her. Her training skirt flew slightly from the wind, and she was trying to hold them down all while carrying the water bottle and a duffle bag.
She exchanged a few greetings with her other friends, putting down her duffle bag and her water bottle. The sun was scorching hot, and all she felt like was eating ice cream inside of their boat whilst streaming down the lake, but the last time she had ditched cheer practice, it hadn’t ended well.
“Uh-oh,” someone exclaimed behind her. “Big bro is coming.”
(Y/N) looked up to the field, and sure enough Kelce was running towards her in his jersey. (Y/N) sighed, not knowing what she did now that could earn her a lecture from Kelce.
“Hey, I’m bringing a girl home after practice,” he said. “Would you mind getting a ride with someone else?”
She groaned, “Fuck, Kelce, no. You can tell your new scandal to fuck off because I am not getting an Uber to walk back to home.”
“Look, please? You can ask your friends to give you a ride, right? It’s important,” he begged. His eyes were scanning her friends now, obviously trying to find someone who could help his sister, and when he found one, his smile quirked upwards. “Yo, Sarah! Can you drive (Y/N) home after practice?”
Sarah walked towards them, her blonde hair up in a ponytail. She slung her arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders, noting the exasperated expression on her face, and gave Kelce a glare.
“You should let her drive a car if you’re going to bring a girl home after school,” she said. Kelce groaned, knowing the amount of shit he will be getting from the people around him, but he was truly trying to make it right for this new girl.
“Look, I’ll buy y’all anything for a week. Food? Sure. Clothes? Sure.”
Sarah clapped her hands, seemingly excited, and forced (Y/N) to say yes. She wouldn’t mind driving (Y/N) home, because she wanted to catch up with her about some gossip too.
“Fine. But I’m driving my own car tomorrow.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” was all he said before he jogged down to the soccer team.
That evening was hell to (Y/N). She couldn’t get the formation right, the sun was getting hotter and hotter, her hair was sticking out weirdly, and worst of all, she couldn’t stop thinking about yesterday’s event.
He was so, so close to her.
“(Y/N), come on! What’s gotten into you? The top part, again!” The coach yelled, slapping her hands against her lap. There were sweat forming on her forehead, and she was obviously hot and bothered from this whole situation.
But sport was sport. The coach wasn’t going to let today’s training to waste, and she intended for the new number to work.
(Y/N) muttered a soft ‘sorry’ before going back to her position, her heart still thumping at the thought. The cheer started, and her mouth was saying the words, but her brain was somewhere else.
The two guys by her side picked her up by her calf, and she felt the wind gushing out from beside her ears. She was high up in the sky now, throwing one arm upwards and balancing herself on one leg, and it was finally time now, to twirl into the two boys’ arms, but she wasn’t ready. Her mouth didn’t utter any words from the cheer, too focused on the step, and before she could jump back into their arms, she felt herself slipping.
“(Y/N)!” The coach yelled, running towards her by the track. Sarah and the other teammates were surrounding her now, watching as she groaned on the ground painfully, holding onto her arms.
“Okay, I take that as the end of today’s training,” the coach said, sighing. “(Y/N), are you okay? Can you walk?”
(Y/N) held her thumbs up, because she had worse injury than this before. Hell, the boxing fight she used to have with Kelce in their childhood was more painful. She sat up from the track, feeling the heat of the ground burning on her bottoms, and stretched her fingers. The pain coursed through her veins at the feeling, but kinda liked it.
“Come on, let’s get you home,” Sarah said, helping her up. She groaned when she finally stood on her two feet, feeling so painful all she wanted to do was lay back on the track, but she knew she had to go home.
She allowed Sarah helping her limp towards a black Mercedes, her eyes closed the whole time.
Okay, scratch the fight with Kelce. This one was more painful than ever.
“Can I stay at your house?” She blurted when Sarah drove out of the school gate. “I don’t feel like listening to my mom’s lecture about my leg.”
Sarah glanced at her from the rearview mirror, watching as she spread her leg out the whole backseat. The ice bag someone had gotten her was pressed against her calf, and she was sweating from the heat and trying to contain the pain.
“Yes, of course, that would be better,” Sarah said. She had other plans that evening, but helping (Y/N) overstepped all of them.
“So what’s up with you and John B?”
Sarah turned to look at her fully on her face, furrowing her eyebrows. “What do you know about John B?”
(Y/N) laughed, “The light’s green.” Just on cue, the car behind them horned at Sarah, and she quickly pushed on the pedal.
“How do you know about John B?” Sarah asked, biting her lips. If (Y/N) could find out, she couldn’t imagine what would Rafe do if he finds out.
“God, don’t be worried. I’m not going to tell anyone about this, okay? Just relax. I think it’s cute.”
Sarah’s worried expression softened, “You think so?”
“Yeah. At least you got to be with whoever you want. Some people can’t have that.”
Like her. Kelce would kill her and dump her body in the ocean for the sharks if he ever finds out how much she likes Rafe.
“You’ll find the one soon. How about that guy in your maths class?” The car turned to the right, nearing the destination.
“No. I’m not looking for anyone.”
There’s only one, but Sarah won’t like the answer.
The time was 8.23p.m. now, and (Y/N) had been in Sarah’s room for a total of 3 hours. After catching up on new gossips, watched a movie, did her English essay, she felt extremely dehydrated.
Sarah was sleeping peacefully beside her, being so tired after the practice and school, and (Y/N) didn’t feel like waking her up. She have been to The Camerons household, but that was only for Sarah’s birthday party a few years back.
She sighed, getting up from the bed to find the kitchen. The house was like a maze, and she wished they had some kind of a map to browse through.
Alas, she found the kitchen, her muscles screaming from all the wrong turns she took before. She knew where the plastic cups and plates were situated, having to help Sarah get them during her birthday party, so she didn’t have any trouble getting some.
She drank the cold water quickly, feeling the liquid sloshing down her throat. The feeling was so, so good that she wished she could go through it again.
“I do not know where your sister is, Kelce,” a voice sighed not far from the kitchen. “I told you you shouldn’t bring that girl home and just drive (Y/N) home yourself.”
The voice, unmistakably Rafe, was getting nearer and nearer. (Y/N)’s eyes widened, trying to find an empty space to hide in, but there were none. She panicked, still looking for a way out that she didn’t notice the tall figure behind her.
“Oh. Found you.”
His hair was dishevelled and wet, his chest heaving and he was shirtless.
What a nice way to bump onto each other.
“Take a picture,” he started, shutting his phone off and placing them in his shorts. “It’ll last longer that way.”
Now we’re talking about the new Rafe.
(Y/N) scoffed, pushing him away and making a disgusted face at his sweat sticking on her arms. “I’m here for Sarah.”
“Why? Did she die or something?”
God. He really is insufferable.
She made to push him away to return to Sarah’s room, only for him to grab her by her waist.
“Move.” Her tone was stern, but her stomach was flipping wildly. She tried to not look so bothered, but failed miserably.
Rafe seemed to notice her behaviour because he didn’t let go of her. “Come on, where’s the fun in that?”
She was on the same level as his neck now, and he could still smell his expensive cologne even after he swam in the swimming pool. She sighed, placing her hands against his chest.
Rafe laughed, putting his hands up in defeat, and went to grab the same glass she was drinking from. He refilled the glass and downed the content, and (Y/N) had to look away from the innocent move.
Maybe he was just saving water by not using a different cup.
“Do you need help to return to Sarah’s room or something?”
“No, I’m fine,” she refused, and made sure he could see her fake annoyed expression before she returned to the hall she came from. But there were 2 halls now, and she completely forgot which one she had been before.
“Really?” Rafe stood beside her, and she looked up to his amused face. “Because you’re in the wrong hall. It’s the other exit of the kitchen, darling.”
. . .
Why couldn’t she not see his face every single day?
It was truly troubling her, to see that boy everyday, because she couldn’t think properly every time.
The lights from the stadium blared widely, and the deafening screaming coming from both teams’ supporters rang throughout the whole field. (Y/N) was sure the whole island could hear them too.
Two things happened earlier than evening. Number one, her skirt wasn’t completely dried after being sent off to the laundry for a week, and her hair wasn’t just cooperating.
So here she was; in a shorter uniform skirt, her hair hung up into a ponytail with lots of hairspray. She wished for nothing but to be all cuddled up with her blanket in her room.
“You’re okay?” Sarah asked. She fixed (Y/N)’s lips gently, getting the lipstick and lipliner even, and gave her a kiss on the cheeks. “Don’t worry about the skirt. It looks normal.”
For a little girl.
(Y/N) sighed and involuntarily pulled down the hem of her skirt. Ten minutes from the game now, and she was nervous she would flash everyone on the school compound.
In the locker room, Rafe was sitting right next to Kelce as his best friend prayed for a win tonight. He was never that religious, and he didn’t feel the need to mutter a prayer to anyone. But tonight, he listened intently to whatever Kelce was saying because he needed to win this cup more than anything in the world.
“You’re okay?” The coach asked, patting him on the shoulder.
“Yeah. Just nervous.”
“Don’t be, you’re the Star Player. Right?”
The Star Player.
Rafe gave him a smile, and went back to his praying.
When he first entered the field to meet the rival team, his eyes couldn’t help but scanned the bleachers to find his dad. Ward wasn’t there, but Rose and Wheezie were cheering for him.
Of course.
He sighed, and went straight to the middle of the field. It’s funny how everyone was there to support him, Rafe, the Star Player, the jock, the whatever else people were saying about him.
He just wanted Ward to see him.
“Come on, man, it’s fine,” Topper said, patting his back. “He’ll come later.”
Even his friends could see how miserable he was feeling.
The first match of the game went smoothly; he scored a try goal, everyone was cheering loudly, but it was just then that one of the opponents came knocking Rafe by his side.
Rafe fell to the ground with a loud thud, earning so many gasps from the stand.
“What the fuck?!” Topper pushed whoever responsible for his fall, and the sound of a whistle rang throughout the air. “He pushed him for nothing! You saw it, fuck!”
Rafe groaned on the ground, clutching onto his arms, and he tried to spread his fingers, but couldn’t. His other teammates were surrounding him now, trying to get a good look of him, all while Topper and Kelce and another friend of his went off to the referee.
Rafe put his other hand up, trying to sit up. “I’m fine, I’m fine! Move!”
The other members scattered away, sighing in relief when Rafe came back to his legs. The referee, still getting yelled at by Topper, shook his head at something he said, and before anyone could process what happened, Topper tackled the opponent who had pushed Rafe down to the ground.
Kelce pulled Topper away after a few long seconds, telling him to stop. But one thing about Topper is that he just won’t stop.
“Stupid fuck!” He yelled, throwing another punch.
“Topper, stop, they’re going to throw you off the field!” Kelce yelled. Finally, he separated them away after the opponent’s friend pulled his injured friend away.
The referee, expectedly, pulled a red card to Topper, earning a groan coming from their coach and the stand. Rafe cursed, knowing that Topper’s one of their strongest member. He watched as Topper tried to argue with the referee, but it was no use.
“It’s okay,” Kelce said, patting his back as he made his way back to the bench. “Relax, bro, okay?” Topper calmed down after the coach said something to him, but Rafe could clearly see the distress written on his face.
“You’re okay?” Kelce asked, pointing to his arms.
Rafe could move his muscles now though he could feel the sharp pain from doing so. But he was too content on winning this game.
(Y/N) watched as the second match unfold, her teeth biting into her lips in fear. She didn’t feel like having the next week full of gloomy students and disappointed teachers, so she wanted the cup as much as everyone else.
Rafe was fast, throwing the ball smoothly back and forth with Kelce and his other friends, but it was apparent that the Star Player wasn’t feeling like himself.
It might be the arm, or the fact that Ward Cameron was too busy with his work to see his son playing.
37 minutes had passed, and the other team was leading. They only had 3 minutes left, and with the team being so drained out and their captain with a broken arm, it was clear who was winning.
The whistle blared through the field again, noting the end of the match. As the other team supporters cheered happily the other side of the stands muttered silently to each other about the game.
(Y/N) watched as Rafe yelled something at his teammates angrily before storming off to the locker room. He winced in pain, holding his arm for support, and ignored every calls from his friends as he made his way to the empty room.
Looking around quickly, she muttered a ‘be right back’ to Sarah, and quickly followed Rafe into the locker room. She wanted to see if he was okay, and if he needed help with his arm.
In truth, she just wanted to be there for him.
“Hey,” she slowly said, and Rafe’s head perked up to see her before he looked down to the ground again.
“What do you want?”
She felt a struck of pain across her heart at his tone, but decided against it. “Are you okay?”
“Fine. You’re not supposed to be here.”
“I was just trying to see if you need anything,” she said, and when his eyes finally looked up to her again, she unconsciously pulled her skirt down again.
“Yeah? I don’t need anything. Go!”
“Wow, you’re a dick,” she scoffed, and before Rafe could mutter anything back, she exited the locker room and straight to the cheer team. She felt a mixture of anger and embarrassment all at once, because God, Rafe Cameron did not just yell at her for trying to be nice.
She should’ve known better than to be ‘nice’ to him. He wasn’t the same 8 year old she met 10 years ago.
. . .
A week had passed from the game, and everything went back to normal.
Except for one person.
Rafe didn’t come to school the next Monday, not that (Y/N) wanted to see him after getting yelled at, but she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.
He didn’t just broke his arm; his father also chose not to attend his game.
It was finally Friday, and (Y/N) was too happy to stay home and continue watching Love Island. Life is better when you are focused on someone else’s relationship other than yours.
She was rolling in her bed, casually smiling at the cheesy joke made by one of the contestant, and before she could hear the reply towards the joke, the doorbell blared throughout the house.
(Y/N) groaned, thinking how Kelce must’ve forgotten his keys again, and waited a few more minutes so that he would just leave her alone and go to that stupid prick, Rafe Cameron’s house.
But the doorbell rang again, and she had no choice but to open the door. She was all alone in the big house, having both her parents still working and her maids having the day off.
But when she opened the door, the boy standing before her was the last person she wanted to see.
“Hi,” Rafe said.
“Kelce’s not here,” she mumbled, and pushed the door close. Rafe’s quickly put his hands to block the door from closing, and (Y/N) pulled away after deciding not to crush his other only working hands.
“What?” She asked, in the same tone that he had given her in the locker room. She felt good when his eyebrows were raised.
“I’m here for you.”
“Why? Did I die or something?” Bingo.
“God, you’re impossible,” Rafe sighed. “Can I talk to you? Just us two?”
(Y/N) sighed, wanting to get this done, and opened the door wider to grant him into her home. (Y/N) closed the door and pressed her back against it, crossing her arms.
“Okay. Talk.”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” He said. “I was just so angry with everything. I was pushed and Topper received a red card because of me—”
“You didn’t do anything, Rafe.”
“Yeah, but he was just trying to protect me. And, and I was just so mad at myself because I couldn’t play properly like I usually play. I’m so sorry for yelling at you. I didn’t mean it.”
(Y/N) sighed, “It’s okay. I’m over it.”
“Really?” He stepped closer, and this time, (Y/N) allowed him. “Thank you so much!”
He pulled her into a crushing hug, and before she could put her mind into it, he lifted her up and spin her around.
“Okay, okay, now you’re just pushing it,” she groaned, hitting him on his chest. “Put me down, Rafe, I swear to god.”
Rafe put her down, his face shining happily. They were close again, like that time in the lake, and (Y/N) didn’t feel like pushing him away again.
Because maybe, that 8 year old him was somewhere in there.
“Uh—” he looked away, scratching the back of his head. “Do you wanna. . . watch Netflix?”
(Y/N) cleared her throat, “I was watching Love Island. Wanna watch with me?”
Rafe nodded, anything to get closer with this girl, and followed her upstairs to her room. The first time he entered her room was 9 years ago, and it was only because Topper and Kelce had pranked him into thinking that her room was the gaming room.
“What are you doing?” The girl before him yelled, and before he could explain how he was lied to, she threw a pink hairbrush at him. He groaned from the pain, rubbing his head.
“I’m sorry, I thought this was the gaming room!”
“Out!” She yelled, and he quickly obliged.
Her room was still pink, but it was now filled with so many books, clothes and makeups instead of the dollhouse and toys he saw a few years ago.
“Is this the pink hairbrush you threw at me?” He laughed, holding the pink tool. (Y/N) snatched the hairbrush, embarrassed, and quickly stuffed them into the drawers.
He placed himself beside her on her bed, watching her as she resumed the video. He focused on the show, trying to find at least something interesting from the show, but there was nothing.
2 episodes later, he was too into the show that he pressed on the stop button before they could continue on the next episode.
“I wish they would just communicate,” he said. “Like the whole show’s pointless. They didn’t try to talk to each other about their problems.”
“Yeah, that’s what makes the show interesting, Rafe,” she said as if that was a fact, “And besides, if they communicate, everyone will win the show.”
“Then that’s just good. A win-win situation.”
“You don’t get it,” she groaned, looking into his face. “There’s no use in fighting with you about this.”
She pressed on the resume button again, and instantly, Rafe pressed on the stop button.
“Rafe, I will—”
“You still haven’t apologised for throwing the hairbrush at me.”
She widened her eyes, “That was 9 years ago.”
“Fine,” she placed her laptop aside, and turned to fully look him in the face. “Sorry.”
“Not sincere enough.”
She groaned, “Rafe, I am terribly sorry for throwing my pink hairbrush at you. I am so sorry that it hit your face and be the reason why you’re still holding vengeance at someone.”
“I’m not talking about that kind of sorry.”
“Fuck, you’re annoying,” she said. “I’m not going to bow down to you or anything.”
“Just a kiss.”
She looked at him back, her heart stopping at his words. “No.”
“Why? Because you’re Rafe?”
“Rafe? Okay, fine. I’m not Rafe. I’m Rafael.”
“Okay, it’s still a no. You’re Kelce’s best friend.”
“Didn’t you kiss Topper last year?”
“That was a dare—” she sighed. “And it didn’t mean anything.”
“Exactly. This won’t mean anything. This is just a sorry.”
It would mean everything to her to place her lips against his.
“This is sexual harassment.”
“Not if you want it too,” he said, and leaned closer to her. “And you do want it, right? I can see it in your eyes.”
She didn’t know why God would put her and Rafe in this damn position over and over again, because it wasn’t helping her to get over him.
She looked down to his lips, and how it was so inviting, and she wanted more than anything to kiss him, to finally give herself to him, but she was afraid.
“Shut up,” he cut her off, and pressed himself against her. Their kiss was slow and passionate, none like neither (Y/N) or Rafe had experienced before. Her hands found themselves wrapping around Rafe’s neck, pulling him closer.
He pulled away, grinning. “I thought you didn’t want this.”
“Shut up.” She rolled her eyes, and pulled him in for another kiss again.
He pushed her down onto the bed gently, still kissing her, and his hands were roaming down her body. She was so, so perfect and every time he saw her, he would have to look away to stop the unwanted thoughts forming in his head.
During the game last Friday, he had to pinch himself from staring at her legs in that goddamn skirt for too long.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he whispered, and she hummed in response before pushing him over so she could take control. She sat on top of him, grinning widely. She was in heaven; seeing him all worked up under her with his chest heaving.
“You would be surprised at the amount of times I imagined myself on top of you like this,” she said, placing her hands flat on top of his chest.
Rafe grinned back, trying to contain his feelings. “Yeah? Wanna show what else you’ve been imagining?”
She leaned closer, making sure to brush her bottom against him and hearing his soft groans. She placed a soft kiss against his cheek, and whispered into his ear.
“Would rather have you show what you’ve been dreaming of me.”
Rafe licked his lips, loving this side of her, and he wanted more than anything to make her his. She looked so innocent sitting there on top of him, smiling and biting her lips.
Before he could touch her in ways he never did to a girl before, a voice rang from outside the room.
“(Y/N)? Have you seen Rafe? I saw his car outside,” the voice said. After a few seconds of silence, he sighed. “You’re okay? I’m coming in, okay?”
“No, no, wait!” (Y/N) shouted, scrambling from her position on top of Rafe as he quickly pulled her up, but it was too late.
Kelce saw them in the midst of trying to get away, with his sister’s leg on one side of his best friend and his best friend’s hands still around his sister’s waist.
“What. The. Fuck.”
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia 
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mizunetzu · 4 years ago
can I request bakugou x male reader where femboyreader is smol, pretty quite and nice, and suprisingly are really ruthless on the battlefield and bakugou is just wondering where he got it from. Until next week bakugou meets his father's and brothers and all of them are tall and very manly men. But civil and nice. Hope you have a nice day,😊
Bakugou x reader - My Cute Boyfriend and His Tough-Ass Family
⚠️warnings - femboy reader, if that’s a trigger?
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Bakugou didn’t know where it came from.
One minute he was small and weak, wearing a new, girly hair pin everyday and complimenting one of the girls on their newly painted nails. The next thing he knew, he was just as batshit crazy as him during hero practice.
“Eat shit and die!” Bakugou flung across the air, sending a big blast over to (Y/n’s) location. (Y/n) sped away, dodging it with his quirk. He growled.
“Go to fucking hell!”
“Like hell I would, shit-for-brains! Suck my dick!” Bakugou landed on the ground, softening the impact with a blast pointed towards the floor. He stood there, a few good feet away from (Y/n). They were both breathing heavily, glaring down each other like they wanted to absolutely murder the other.
(Y/n) let out a piercing battle cry, before charging head first towards Bakugou and bringing his arms out to tackle him. Bakugou followed suite, charging towards him like a bull with his arm outstretched to deck him in the face.
They got closer and closer, Bakugou’s flashy explosions igniting in the air while (Y/n’s) quirk began to power up. Closer, closer, until-
“Times up!”
All might yelled over the intercom, and both students skidded awkwardly to a stop. Bakugou tumbled over with an angry shout, and (Y/n) sputtered, tripping over Bakugou’s torso making him fall to the ground as well.
“Get offa’ me, crossdresser!”
“I’m not a crossdresser, spiky bitch!”
“Your hero costume is literally a fucking skirt-!”
“Alright alright, young men! The battle is over, no need to keep fighting!” All Might awkwardly chuckled from the intercom. (Y/n) pouted, and swept himself off of Bakugou. Bakugou scoffed aswell, not even looking at (Y/n) as they both walked towards the observation building.
“Aaah! Katsuki! I’m sorry for yelling at you during hero training today!”
(Y/n) jogged up to Bakugou, gently clutching his backpack straps and slowing down to a walk. Bakugou huffed. There he went again, that totally insane side of him that came from absolutely nowhere was gone.
“Like I care, shit-for-brains.”
“A-anyways,” (Y/n) cleared his throat. “Do you wanna study at my house today? Or just...y’know, hangout?”
(Y/n) blushed as he ended his question. Bakugou stared down at him. If he told someone this was the same person yelling insults and profanities on the battlefield while fucking shit up, they’d think he was lying.
“(Y/n’s) house?” Bakugou mumbled to himself. “I don’t think I’ve ever been there before...”
“Sorry, did you say something? You’re not really the type to mumb-“
“I didn’t say shit, shittyass! Go die!” Bakugou yelled. (Y/n) chuckled.
“Yeah, yeah, I don’t think you’ve ever been to my house either.” (Y/n) sighed. Bakugou scoffed and shoved his hands further down his pockets. “You better make a good impression on my family, or they probably won’t let me hang out with you anymore.”
His family was probably just as fragile and dainty as him, was what Bakugou thought. He already saw the hugs and kisses and the “Hello, Mrs. and Mr. (L/n)” he’d have to choke out. He rolled his eyes.
“I’m home!”
A woman’s voice echoed through the house as (Y/n) and Bakugou both took off their shoes.
“Welcome back!”
“I brought my boyfriend over mom! Bakugou Katsuki-the one I was telling you about!”
He heard his mom gasp and timper into the entrance of the house, wearing an apron and holding a wooden spoon. Bakugou was right. Dainty, fragile mother; dainty, fragile (Y/n).
Bakugou cleared his throat, suppressing the gag that was about to come out.
“P-pardon the intrusion.”
“...Ehhhh? (Y/n), don’t tell me you brought one of your little dress-up friends over.” A different voice came from behind both (Y/n) and Bakugou. A young, male voice. Bakugou whipped his head around.
“Ooooh! Feisty!”
The boy, who couldn’t be older than a middle schooler, cracked his knuckles. There was something so familiar about the way he talked.
“What’d you say to me, you extra?!”
“K-katsuki...” (Y/n) whisper-yelled, wrapping his arms around Bakugou in attempts to hold him back. The boy laughed in his face.
Just as the boy was about to say something, an older boy chopped him in the back of the neck, effectively subduing the smaller one.
“Shut up! (Y/n) said he was bringing his boyfriend over! Don’t scare him away like we do all of his other friends.”
Bakugou looked up at the older one. He looked about his age, but damn was he tall. And muscular too. The boy from before may have been at least athletic-looking, but this guy just...
“W-who the hell-?!”
“Now, now boys. Don’t need to get so physical.” A deeper, throaty voice came from down the hallway, it’s heavy footsteps growing louder and louder as it came closer. A tall, well built man came through the hall, crossing his arms. You could clearly see his muscles bulge through his office shirt. “Did you all come back from school? Welcome back.”
All three boys chorused out a string of hellos. Bakugou looked from who he assumed was the dad, then the two boys, than (Y/n).
There was no way in hell they were related.
“Are-“ Bakugou croaked. “Are you adopted or something?!”
His mother laughed, covering her mouth with her free hand. (Y/n’s) mother was the only one who Bakugou would assume was, well, his mother. But these...men?
“You’re probably the only person who didn’t go running once they saw these boys in our house, Katsuki. A lot of (Y/n’s) little friends go running because Natsu teases them too much or Kaito and his father scares them off.”
“This one’s different, mom!” (Y/n) intertwined his hands with Bakugou’s. “Sometimes I yell and get all bwaaah during training-but he doesn’t mind!”
“Oh, well that’s good,” (Y/n’s) father ran a hand through his hair. “That explains why he hasn’t ran off the moment we walked in.”
Bakugou blinked. (Y/n) leaned in close. “Trust me, it happened before.”
(Y/n) timpered off to greet his brothers. Bakugou looked between all 3 boys. Despite how built and tall these testosterone-soaked males were, the way they talked and carried themselves gave off the same energy (Y/n) did during hero training. Was that where he got it? From these...men?
(Y/n) was forced into a headlock, his brother laughing scrubbing at his forehead as (Y/n) groaned. He thrashed around, albeit laughing, and tried to pry off his brothers hands.
“Come on-I thought you were training to be a hero! Where’s your muscles, huh?”
“I could easily throw you into the sun, don’t start. You’re just jealous I look better in skirt than you do.”
“Bullshit! I’m sexy as fuck!” His grip was temporarily loosened, giving (Y/n) the opportunity to slip out. “It’s not my fault none of your skirts fit me!”
“...But you know who it would fit?” (Y/n’s) other brother, the middle schooler, turned mischievously towards Bakugou.
“Hell no.”
“I’m going to fucking murder you.”
“Hey, now. That’s not very hero-like.”
“Yeah Katsuki! Not very heroic of you.”
“Murder is no good. You’ll get (Y/n)-nii’s dress dirty.”
Bakugou shook with anger as he stood in (Y/n’s) room. He sported a pink, frilly, strawberry-pink dress, that had small strawberries littered around it and stopped below his knees. His muscles peeked through the soft thin material of the dress, and the way he stood with his legs spread apart angrily was hidden under the layers of pink.
“Oh! Oh! Wait!” (Y/n) stepped into his closet with an excited smile. After a few seconds of rustling and shoving away hangers, (Y/n) popped back out with a matching dress on. His dress, however, had a baby blue tint with small blueberries scattered across the fabric.
(Y/n) did a little twirl. “Don’t I look pretty, Katsuki?”
Bakugou, crossed his arms, doing whatever it took to suppress the blush growing on his face. “Sure...whatever.”
(Y/n) happily stood next to Bakugou, smoothing out the crinkles in his blueberry dress and grabbing hold of Bakugou’s hand. “Tada~! We match~”
“You guys look like the strawberry and blueberry milk boxes I buy from vending machines at school.”
“Haah?!” (Y/n) gripped Bakugou’s hand harder. “What’d you say?!”
Bakugou stole a glance at (Y/n’s) angry face. Not gonna lie, he thought it was a bit attractive when he looked like he was gonna beat up his own brother in a frilly blue dress. He pursed his lips.
These guys taught (Y/n) well. If (Y/n) wasn’t as intense as he was during hero work, he didn’t think he’d ever fall in love with him, not the same way he is right now, at least. He felt sorta glad his family wasn’t a soft, fragile family of extras. Bakugou closed his eyes, and smirked.
“Yeah! The fuck’d you say to us, you lil punks?!”
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sleeping-on-cracking-ice · 4 years ago
Hi, I have an idea for Chishiya if it's okay! He have something going on with Kuina's friend, and after she didn't came back from a game everyone thought that she died, but she actually just left (she didn't want to become too attached to Chishiya maybe?) and 1 month later the militants found her and Chishiya is rather cold toward her because she left him without saying anything. Happy ending if possible, please
Thanks for requesting, here you go. Enjoy! 🥰
Home | Shuntaro Chishiya
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Chishiya (ft. Kuina, Niragi)
Summary: You run away from the beach, but soon were found by the militants again. Chishiya, your closest companion, is mad when you return for not saying anything.
Warning: mention of sexual harassment, swearing, grieving, heavy angst
Word Count: 4.8k
*reader is female
Author’s Note: I’m sorry if the ending is a bit cliché, but I really enjoyed writing this one!
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“I’m so sick of this shit Kuina. She’s gone. What the hell do we do now?”
Chishiya and Kuina sat on the top roof of The Beach. Their legs were dangling over the edge, above the groups of people who sang their hearts out over the loud music. They couldn’t be down there themselves, not that night.
“It’s so unfair,” Chishiya grumbled, rubbing his stained eyes with his hands. “I hate how everyone just moves on like nothing happened.”
Kuina sniffled, trying to control her runny nose as she listened to Chishiya’s pained words. “Look Chish, it was going to happen to one of us three at some point, it just happened to be Y/N.” Kuina tried to keep her voice stable, but the occasional voice crack gave away her sadness.
“Yes I know, but it still hurts so fucking bad.”
You hadn’t returned from your game. You hadn’t returned back to Chishiya and Kuina. You hadn’t returned home.
“Oi Y/N! Slow the hell down!”
You heard Kuina yell out to you from down the hall. You laughed at her desperate attempt to catch up while Chishiya walked at his own pace watching you guys.
“Why are we suddenly having a race?! We have all day to get down to the pool!” Kuina called out. You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face her. “I want to get down there before the sun comes out and everyone wakes up! Don’t you want to have it just for us three for a while?”
“I suppose so,” Kuina breathed out heavily.
Chishiya’s lips pulled up into a smile as he watched you too bicker. “Oi you two. Be quiet. People in these halls are still sleeping,” he said.
Kuina turned to Chishiya and pulled a mocking bored face towards him. “Well you’re fun this morning,” she muttered in a sarcastic tone.
All three of you made your way to the pool on the bottom floor of The Beach, tripping and shoving each other playfully while giggling. You hardly ever did this together, because Chishiya always slept until noon, so you were excited about having the pool to yourselves before the sun came up.
When you reached outside, your chatters and the sound of your bare feet on the pavement broke the silence of the night. You hoped that Hatter kept the windows closed to his suite because you knew if you woke him up he would come down and beat your asses for being awake so early.
You looked over towards the pool that was still lit up with underwater neon blue lights from the night before. You’d think that they would shut all the lights off at least to save a bit of electricity, but apparently not.
Kuina had thrown her towel down carelessly on a nearby deck chair and was now chasing after Chishiya, who powered his short legs to try and escape her.
“Chishiya you’re going in the pool! You can’t chicken out forever!” she yelled as she caught up to him and wrapped her strong arms around his waist.
You could tell the years of martial arts training paid off for Kuina as she lifted Chishiya into her arms like he weighed nothing. “Bitch, put me down! I don’t want to go in the pool! Why is that such a crime!?”
You doubled over in laughter as Kuina held the cat-like blonde in her arms, him squirming more violently as she got to the side of the pool.
“Goodbye!” she yelled and dropped him into the pool. His screaming cut off as he was submerged into the water. You walked over and placed your stuff down, listening to Kuina and Chishiya bickering in the background.
It was a shame that you were planning on walking out on these guys. But in a world like this, the bad moments really outweighed the good ones.
“Alright you’re next!” you heard behind you, making you snap out of your short daze.
“Wait, no!” you bellowed as Kuina repeated the same thing she did with Chishiya. This time, it was his turn to laugh at you.
“Jesus christ woman. The fuck got you so lively this morning?” you laughed at Kuina, who gracefully dived into the pool to tease you two.
You felt Chishiya tuck his chin on your shoulder gently, taking you by surprise. “I guess we got to act as happy as we can now. Our five day visa ends tonight.” Chishiya mumbled to you two.
The air around the three of you suddenly became stiff at the mention of the games. You lifted your hand and placed it on Chishiya’s damp hair. “It’s alright, it was a fun and relaxing five days while it lasted,” you said cheerfully.
“Don’t say that like as if you’re going to die,” Chishiya scolded you. “You won’t die, none of us three will.” He was trying to reassure himself that he would come back from his game with you all happy and healthy waiting in the lobby for him. He hoped for that exact reality every time he had to leave you to restore his visa. He panicked even when you were ten minutes later than usual. It was a constant battle with anxiety when it came to caring for you in a world like this.
But unfortunately, while Chishiya was willing to fight against the growing anxiety that came with loving you, you didn’t want anything to do with it.
You and Chishiya have been as tight as two peas in a pod since Kuina introduced you. Kuina and you happened to meet at a diamonds game that was further in the centre of the city which was where you appeared in the game. She was nice enough to take you back to The Beach, because she thought that your intelligence and gentle personality would be useful.
But the plan of using you for Kuina and Chishiya’s own personal gain went out the window when both of them built a strong connection with you. They tried so hard to stop it, but in the end, they decided to make you an addition to their little manipulative games with the others. A mysterious duo became a peculiar trio.
That’s when Chishiya began to notice other things he felt.
He began feeling an irrational attachment to you, always wanting to be around you and always wanting to make sure that you were safe. You began noticing his additional little quirks as well, as soon you both fell for each other, without the other knowing of course.
Kuina obviously knew, as she was incredibly observant. She always kept her mouth shut though, wanting to see the drama play out in front of her. It was entertaining at times.
“You two are cute,” she gushed at you and Chishiya, holding a cheeky smile on her face.
Chishiya tucked his face into your neck to hide his blush, but it only made your heart skip a beat. “Shut up,” he mumbled into your skin.
You sighed heavily as he kept his place there, snaking his arms around your waist. This was honestly normal. The closer you’ve gotten with Chishiya, the less shy he’s been to convey physical affection. You loved and hated it at the same time, because you knew the more he made your heart race, the harder it would be to leave him.
At times you thought you’d rather deal with his cold and untrustworthy personality, like how he was when he first met you. It was easier to dislike him then, but now that his real personality has shown through, you realized how good of a person he actually seemed to be.
Chishiya never became close to someone, because he knew it would be hard to pull away when he needed to use them for his own survival. So he’s just always chosen to keep everyone at a distance.
You on the other hand, you hadn’t fallen down the deep whole of caring fully for someone in this world, but you knew you were about to stumble off the edge.
While Kuina and Chishiya waited to renew their visas, you waited to run away from the stress of waiting for your friend’s potential deaths.
You, Kuina and Chishiya trudged down the steps that led to the lobby. Hatter had called everyone to meet there a few minutes ago to prepare for the games. Hearing the familiar bell ring throughout the so-called paradise made your heart weaken. It was calling you to your end, every single time.
The trio of you took your usual place towards the back of the lobby, leaning against the cement walls and looking over everyone’s heads. How weird it felt, that by the time you gathered here next, the number of people would reduce by a couple dozen. It made your stomach sink in remorse. You truly were nothing more than soldiers fighting a war that wasn’t your own.
You looked down at your own feet, beginning to feel guilty about your plan of running away. The people you would abandon, the friends who would miss you. And even they can’t come find you, but you knew it was for the best. For both you and them.
You felt something tickle your hand. You glanced your eyes down to see that it was Chishiya, trying to sneak his hand into yours as Hatter began his booming speech across the crowd. You looked up to the blonde’s face, but he was focused on Hatter. You smiled sadly and accepted his hand into yours, earning a soft squeeze from him.
Kuina placed her head on your shoulder, leaning closer towards you. It was as if they knew, and they were trying to get you to change your mind. You felt tears building up in your eyes, but quickly wiped them away with your hoodie sleeve before anyone noticed.
Damn. You were never going to forget them.
Chishiya sat in the leather lounge in the lobby. He had just arrived back from his spades game. Wasn’t too difficult, for him at least.
Only now he was stressing inside, leg bouncing up and down on the carpet quickly. He knew you wouldn’t return for a good while, but yet he always was worried about you. No matter the situation.
Niragi didn’t help the situation. He strolled over earlier with a few of his militant mates and roughed Chishiya up for a bit. He honestly wasn’t in the mood for their antics, so he didn’t fight back much. They eventually got bored and walked away.
There hardly was anyone in the lobby, it was strangely quiet.
Chishiya looked towards the entrance to the lobby where a small group of people just walked in from. He recognized them as the group Kuina was placed with, so he stood up from his seat and quickly made his way over.
He managed to spot Kuina walking by herself at the back of the group. Chishiya let out a relieved sigh and strolled up to her. “Thank god you’re okay,” he said, giving her a short hug. “You too,” she replied.
They walked back over to where Chishiya was sitting beforehand and sat down. “Do you know who Y/N went with?” Kuina asked.
“No idea, I had to leave with my group before hers,” he answered.
They both sat in silence for a while, hearts squeezing in on themselves from tension.
As group after group piled into the lobby and moved to go to the back pool to celebrate their wins. While their hearts and minds were overflowing in joy of surviving, Chishiya’s and Kuina’s slowly became heavier and heavier with grief.
One of the last groups finally came back, being a few hours later than everyone else. Chishiya searched the small crowd for your familiar face, but didn’t see it.
“Kuina,” he started with a tense voice. “Don’t say it,” she immediately cut him off. “Don’t say anything Chish. She’s fine, I know it.”
That became harder and harder to believe the later into the night it got. Soon enough, no one was left in the halls and the lobby, either gone to bed or stayed out in the pool area.
Chishiya didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t feel anything. His body was tired from the constant tensing, the constant anxiety.
He stood up abruptly and looked towards Kuina, who had her head in her hands. He gave her a sad smile, and reached his hand out to help her up. “Come on, let’s go to the roof like old times,” he smiled, fighting the tears building up in his eyes.
When they reached the top of the building after climbing many annoying flights of steps, Chishiya tilted his head back to feel the wind blow around his head. He opened his eyes and saw the galaxy of stars above him. ‘So weird,’ he thought to himself. ‘In a horrible place like this, such beautiful things can still exist.’
Kuina and Chishiya sat on the edge of the roof, feet dangling off the edge. Complete silence took over them. Neither of them knew what to say.
Kuina broke her gaze off the staggering height of the drop below them and glanced at Chishiya. He was staring straight ahead of him, hoodie covering his face so she couldn’t see what he was looking at.
“Chish, are you okay?” Kuina asked quietly, leaning forward to try and see his face. It felt strange to her, having Chishiya be completely silent for a change. Usually he would be making a smartass comment or a teasing joke towards her or Y/N. It was like the happiness in him had drained out.
He didn’t answer for a short moment, but then he turned his head to look at Kuina in the eyes. Kuina was taken back.
Chishiya had pools of tears cascading down his pale face, mixing with the sweat that he still endured from the game. He let out no sobs and no cries. Just dry, empty tears running down his cheeks like doves flying down the edge of a cliff.
“No, I’m not okay,” he muttered to her. “This fucking sucks.”
It had been a few weeks since your death, not that there was a huge difference at The Beach from your disappearance. Everyone carried on like normal, everyone except Kuina and Chishiya.
They became secluded, more than usual. Kuina spent most of her time in the hotel’s gym, trying to distract herself from everything that happened. She wanted to get stronger so she could win games, she knew that’s what you would have wanted.
Chishiya however, he wasn’t taking your death well at all. Chishiya lost his fire, his headstrong attitude and snappy remarks. He kind of disappeared himself, but only his body stayed.
He felt stupid at times. What would he have expected? Of course you died, knowing his luck. He began irrationally thinking, believing that the world took you away because he didn’t deserve someone as warm-hearted as you. He felt cheated almost. It was like the universe had you dangling on a string in front of him, and when he finally had the courage to reach towards you, it yanked you away out of his view.
When he was having particular hard days, he would lie on his bed in his room for hours, not bothering to get up for food or the bathroom. He felt numb inside, he honestly thought nothing would be able to hurt him anymore, because he’s endured the worst of his emotions.
The mirror in his room was smashed, due to his own doing. He broke it a few days after the incident, screaming into the stuffy air of his room and throwing one of his makeshift knives at it. He watched in pain as it crackled and crumbled under the impact, seeing his own reflection fall into a million pieces, much like how he was feeling at that moment.
He had never experienced this kind of hurt before. He always thought other people were being dramatic when they broke down crying after hearing their significant other or friend didn’t make it back to The Beach. He thought that it should’ve been expected, that they shouldn’t be surprised that it happened. But he guessed you never know what another person is feeling unless you experience it yourself.
But god, does he wish he didn’t, because it hurt more than a thousand knives to his cold, stone heart.
One day, Chishiya was standing on the edge of a balcony that looked over the entrance to The Beach. He enjoyed standing up there because he loved the spectacular view of the ocean. It reminded him of his real home, when he used to ride his bike down to the beach with his friends and swim in the water for hours. He missed life when it was so easy for him.
The breeze was cool on his skin, giving him goosebumps. It felt refreshing and somewhat free, a small taste of bliss for him. His eyes were shut as he listened to the crows screech in the distance and the ocean waves hit the shore. The sound of nature rang in his ears, making his endorphins swirl in his brain.
It was a good break every now and then from the usual melancholy emotions that swarmed around him, keeping his happiness locked down in chains. While he was on that balcony, actually breathing fully and normally for once, his demons decided to let loose of the chains that held his sweet happiness trapped.
Chishiya opened his dark eyes and glanced downwards towards the bottom level and saw something that caught his eye.
A group of three militants seemed to have a young woman in their grasp, one of them being Niragi himself. Chishiya watched as they tried hard to hold the smaller person at bay, as she was thrashing around trying to escape.
He frowned, confusion painting across his face. That girl, she looked oddly familiar.
Niragi told the militants to bring her around the side of the building, where a small alley was located beside the entrance. Chishiya knew that’s where the militants dragged people to kill them off, they were planning on killing her.
Chishiya wondered what she did that was so bad. Hatter hardly ever gave the order to kill someone, unless the situation was betrayal or anything worse.
He moved himself along the balcony towards where the commotion below him was occurring. He wanted to hear what they were saying, because who knows what shit Niragi gets up to without Hatter knowing. It seemed a little too suspicious to be dragging someone to their death in broad daylight, especially where everyone could see.
Chishiya heard slight fragments of what they were yelling: “You thought- … run away?!” Niragi screamed in his psychotic voice. “Let go of-...! …could have just left me there!”
Chishiya felt his heart drop. That voice, it was all too familiar. How could he have forgotten what your voice sounded like.
He lifted his head and stared forward in shock. That couldn’t be right, you’ve been dead for weeks!
He thought for a second, trying to come to a possible conclusion with the horrific yells in the background of his mind. How is it possible you could still be alive?
That couldn’t be you, it just couldn’t be. Chishiya shook his head and chuckled. “The fuck am I thinking? Great, now I’m hallucinating. No one told me that was another stage of grief.”
He turned his body to walk back inside to look for Kuina, until he heard the young woman getting attacked yell again, this time, clear as day.
“Chishiya! Kuina!”
That was it. That was definitely you.
Chishiya lifted his legs and began sprinting towards the staircase inside. There was no doubt in his mind that that wasn’t you. The way you said his name was too real to not be you.
He tripped and stumbled down the stairs, almost falling flat on his face on one flight. He had to get there before you were dead, for real this time.
As he pushed his entire body weight against the entrance doors to the hotel, he pulled a small knife out his white hoodie pocket. He had made it out of glass from his broken mirror, considering that Hatter wouldn’t allow him to have his own weapons.
Your screams were much more prominent now, more desperate sounding and more fearful. The sound pierced through Chishiya as he made his way quickly around the side of the hotel.
There you were, being pinned against the wall by two militants while Niragi held the barrel of his rifle against your chest, right over your heart.
Chishiya yelled out, which probably wasn’t the best idea considering his current situation. It was three tall men with guns against a small, frail man with a makeshift knife.
“Chishiya! The fuck you doing here?” Niragi asked with a cheeky smirk on his face. God, Chishiya wanted to punch him so bad.
“Let her go Niragi, you don’t want this to get ugly do you?” Chishiya threatened, holding his glass knife out.
Niragi laughed along with the other two militants. You still struggled against their grip, seemingly more calm with Chishiya distracting them.
“How cute ‘ey? Little blonde twink coming to save the love of his life, how sweet of you.” Niragi pressed, pushing his rifle harder against you just to push Chishiya’s buttons.
“If you haven’t noticed Chishiya, she ran away! She never died like you thought she did! She ran away from The Beach, she ran away from you!” 
His words were like bullets in Chishiya’s chest. He felt belittled and mocked, he hated it.
“Shut up! She wouldn’t do that!” he yelled frustratingly.
“Oh really?! She wouldn’t?! Then explain why we managed to find her strolling the streets of Tokyo! Not a scratch on her, and she seemed smart enough to run away when she saw us.”
Chishiya’s scowl dropped on his face. He looked at you to see if you would deny it, but you had stopped struggling against the two men and hung your head low, not looking into his eyes.
He shook off the hurt he felt from this fact. He had to focus on getting you away from Niragi before he took time to think about other things.
“Niragi please. Just let go of her, I promise I’ll make it up to you,” Chishiya begged. He felt small, never has he ever begged for something in his life.
“Hmm? How though? I was just about to have some fun with her before I killed her off. Why should I give that up just because you want me to,” Niragi spat at him. Your eyes widened in fear and you thrashed around in the grip that the militants had on you, panicking from Niragi’s threat.
Chishiya thought for a second. He would honestly give anything to bring you over to him. “My cards. You can take credit for every card that I collect for a couple of months. If Hatter or Aguni asks, just say I’m slacking. I’ll take any punishment they throw my way.”
You saw Niragi consider it before lowering his weapon off of your torso. You breathed out heavily in relief.
“Fine, but don’t expect me to do this again. You can’t bribe me with everything you sneaky fuck.” Niragi growled. The two militants let go of you and followed him out of the alleyway and into the entrance of The Beach.
You leant against the wall, staring at Chishiya as he stared down at the ground below him. The air between you two was tense. You could tell he was mad, Chishiya was always silent when he was incredibly angry.
“Chish, I-”
“Don’t talk to me. Just come.”
Don’t get me wrong, he couldn’t have been happier to see that you were alive and well. But the betrayal he felt from the fact that you ran away from him greatly outweighed his happiness.
He walked briskly ahead of you, you didn’t dare walk next to him or too close to him. He was scaring you a bit, and you wanted nothing but to sprint to your own room and hide from the rest of the world.
You were embarrassed and also frustrated you were caught. Trust Niragi and his cocky ass to find you.
Chishiya stopped in front of his own room, opened the door and gestured for you to walk inside. You hesitated before slowly making your way through the door. You hated how tense it was, it was the complete opposite of what you usually felt when you were around Chishiya.
You sat down on his bed, sitting in an awkward position and looked towards Chishiya. It was complete silence as he was frozen at the door, back towards you and holding the door handle harshly.
“What the fuck Y/N?” he mumbled. It was almost inaudible, but you could hear pain in his words, which made you immediately feel guilty.
“What the fuck was that? You ran away!?” he turned and yelled at you, tears building up in his eyes.
You flinched as his loud voice. You had never heard him yell in anger before, usually he kept his calm. You looked down to the ground, feeling your own eyes fill with hot tears. You felt like you were back in high school with your parents screaming at you for running away from home.
You couldn’t breathe. Pain and suffering dripped off his words like rain on a roof, coming together and creating an atmosphere that held air that was unbreathable. You suffocated on the oxygen, making you choke and cause tears to begin running down your cheeks.
“Why!?” he cried. “Why did you run!? There was no reason, me and Kuina could have protected you if you were too scared! Why did you think that running away was the only option!?” Chishiya stumbled closer to you, almost tripping over his own feet.
You flinched heavily as he placed his cold hands on your shoulders roughly. They were shaking from trying to hold your sobs in.
“WHY DID YOU LEAVE-” “Chishiya!” you interrupted him by snapping your head up to meet your eyes with his. His face dropped as he saw the sadness behind yours, replacing the wonderful and cheerful happiness that once swam in your eyes like dolphins in a sea.
“I l-love you,” you mumbled out between your shaky breaths. “That was the problem Chish. I-I’m in love with you and it hurt too fucking bad to know that you could disappear out of my reach at any moment. I ran because I didn’t want to watch you and Kuina die!”
Chishiya’s own hands shook violently against your shoulders. He gazed into your eyes which were red and puffy from your tears. They were shining more now than they had ever before.
“You don’t have to leave Y/N,” he whispered, still trying to control his own breathing. “I want you here, next to me. Not out there, because when you’re out there, I can’t be with you.”
You nodded and smiled sadly. Chishiya pulled his hand from your shoulder and cradled your face gently. He swiped his thumb over your cheek to get rid of the tears there. “I love you too, but I can’t be without you.”
A grin crept onto your face as you looked into his eyes. You felt safer than ever in his arms, why did you think of ever leaving?
Chishiya wiped his own tears with his hoodie sleeve and put on a happier smile. “You want to know how pathetic I am without you?” he giggled and held your hands in his.
“I almost threw myself off the top of the hotel the night you didn’t come back. Kuina had to tackle me to the ground to keep me away from the edge.” he laughed at himself.
You chuckled along with him. “Imagine if you did! What a shocker it would’ve been if I came back and Kuina saw me alive after you killed yourself because you thought I was gone!”
You both sat on Chishiya’s bed and laughed at each other. You had to do it, humour is best in times of stress and anxiety.
You opened your eyes slowly, only to be met with the blinding light of the sun seeping through the blinds. You hissed and turned your head the other way.
Chishiya chucked at your reaction, making his chest that was underneath your head vibrate. “So cute,” he muttered to himself.
You pushed your face deeper into his chest and breathed in his scent. It felt good to be back with Chishiya. It felt good to be home.
Author’s Note: oKaY so this ended up being a lot longer than expected. Please send in some requests if you have any! 🥰🥰
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siancore · 4 years ago
Concerned Friend
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Summary: Sam is a little tense after a disagreement with Sarah. Bucky goes to check on him. He is, after all, a concerned friend. But they're both hot for each other and things escalate quickly. 
Pairing: SamBucky
Rating: Explicit 
Words: 1,853
AO3 Link
It had taken Bucky a while, but he had finally begun to see Sam’s point of view on things. Sam had a lot of weight to carry, not just with his family and community, but with wider society. And society wasn’t always gentle, caring, or understanding to him. Bucky had come to find some understanding after Sam, not being able to take any more of his shit, had scolded Bucky and told him what for. Afterwards, they had talked. Sam had explained how their world was set up to benefit the people who looked like Bucky at the expense and oppression of those who looked like Sam. Bucky had wanted to reach out and hold Sam when he saw all of the pain behind his eyes. But he didn’t. That wasn’t something that they did.
Even now, as Bucky decided that he was going to go to Sam to comfort him after yet another disagreement with Sarah, he wasn’t quite sure of how he would do that. He figured just letting the guy know he was there and that he cared would suffice.
Bucky tread lightly on the small steps, but still alerted Sam to his presence as he set his feet on the decking below. The younger man was busying himself by tinkering with the boat’s engine. An oil rag slung over his shoulder and a wrench in hand.
“You come to tell me to go back and talk things through with Sarah?” Sam asked while not turning to look at Bucky. “Since y’all are besties now.”
Bucky shook his head, even though Sam didn’t see the gesture.
“Nah, not gettin’ in between that. Just came to see if you’re alright,” Bucky proffered as he stepped closer to Sam. The aroma of Sam’s natural scent mixed with his cologne and a hint of engine oil did something to Bucky. Made his stomach feel tight. Made him feel lightheaded in the best way. “Just wanted to check on you.”
Sam let out a sigh and then turned. The light streaming into the bowels of the craft glinted in Sam’s eyes and Bucky’s breath hitched. Sam was so beautiful it hurt to look at him sometimes.
“Thanks, man,” said Sam as he leaned against the engine and folded his arms across his broad chest. Bucky secretly loved when Sam did that. Was real hard for him not to stare when Sam did that. He was so gorgeous.
“So, you’re okay?”
“Sure,” Sam replied, as he rolled his head back, trying to ease some tension in his neck.
Bucky watched the way Sam’s skin became taut and inviting. He always made the simplest action look incredibly attractive. He was incredibly attractive, and Bucky found himself on the verge of salivating. He had gone to Sam trying, in his way, to offer comfort, yet instead he was ogling the man and thinking what it would be like to taste every inch of his skin.
A moment passed between them until Sam lifted his eyebrows and gave Bucky a questioning look.
“You needed somethin’ or you just came down here to stare at me?” asked Sam as he placed the wrench aside, trying to lighten the mood as the air was now thick with tension.
A different tension than what Sam was feeling before. This had the hairs on their arms standing up and their stomachs somersaulting. Bucky watched as Sam’s gaze fell to his lips briefly before he swallowed hard. Unbeknownst to Sam, Bucky could hear the faint beating of Sam’s heart. Bucky instinctively moved closer, and Sam’s heartbeat quickened.
“What do you need?” asked Bucky carefully, clearly, as he closed the distance between them. By the time he was reaching his flesh hand up to caress Sam’s face, it was too late to pull away. He couldn’t pull away. Sam had that affect, drawing him in, even when he hadn’t realized it.
A delightful quiver rippled through Sam’s body as Bucky ran his thumb over Sam’s bottom lip.
“What’re you offering?” asked Sam, his voice low and laden with desire.
Bucky smiled crookedly at Sam before leaning in and pressing a tentative kiss to his lips. Sam responded by parting his lips and allowing Bucky’s tongue entrance. Bucky moaned and then licked into Sam’s mouth as he slid his hand to the back of Sam’s head and pressed their bodies together. The kiss was wet and hot and almost desperate. Bucky kissed Sam with focus and Sam kissed him back like he would cease to exist if he stopped. They drew apart after a moment, each clutching the other’s shirts and breathing warmly against each other’s lips.
Bucky rubbed his nose against Sam’s and smiled, before bringing his mouth to Sam’s neck. He nipped and sucked a moment while Sam let out pleased little whimpers.
“Damn, Buck. Didn’t know that mouth was actually good for somethin’,” Sam teased, still finding the presence of mind to talk shit the other man.
Bucky laughed near Sam’s ear, causing him to shiver, before he sucked Sam’s earlobe into his mouth and said, “Baby, you got no idea.”
Their lips crashed together once again before a breathless Bucky snaked his hand between their bodies, rubbed Sam’s arousal through his jeans, and asked, “Want me to show you?”
Sam relished in the feeling of Bucky rubbing him through the coarse fabric until he finally remembered Bucky had asked him a question.
“Yeah,” said an equally breathless Sam. “Shit, yeah. Okay.”
Bucky smiled and pecked Sam’s lips chastely before dropping down to his knees in front of Sam. He ran both hands up under Sam’s shirt, enjoying the warmth of Sam’s skin.
He palmed at Sam’s abs and then said, “Hold this up, Sammy. I want you to watch me.”
Sam felt his cock jerk and did as he was told. He held the hem of his shirt up as he watched as Bucky unbuckled his belt and drew his zipper down. Bucky smiled up at Sam as he pulled Sam’s jeans off his hips. He rubbed Sam through his briefs and Sam moaned. Bucky thumbed the area where Sam’s precum left a darkened, damp spot.
“Already hard and wet for me, uh?” Bucky teased before kissing Sam’s navel.
“Do you ever shut up?” asked Sam with no heat behind his words.
Bucky let out a small laugh as he reached his flesh hand into Sam’s underwear. Both men held their breath a moment at the contact. Bucky’s hand was firm and warm, Sam’s dick was hard and hot.
“Jesus, Sammy,” said Bucky as he took Sam’s stiff length from his briefs. It was long, thick, and a shade darker than the rest of him with a smooth pink tip. “You really are pretty all over. I knew you would be.”
The butterflies in Sam’s tummy wilted from the flash of heat that rose up as Bucky licked his wet tongue over the tip of Sam’s dick.
Bucky made a humming sound as he licked once more and said, “Shit, you taste good, too.”
Sam was not one to ever look a gift horse in the mouth, but he was starting to throb and Bucky was down there, holding his dick and giving running commentary.
“You know,” said Sam as he placed his hand to the back of Bucky’s head. “When you’re givin’ a blow job, there’s usually not this much talkin’. You done this before, Buck?”
Bucky let out a little amused huff and started to stroke Sam’s shaft before saying, “Wilson, if I didn’t fall from that goddamn train when I did, I probably would’ve been given a court-martial from all the cocks I sucked.”
“God, Barnes. Why do you have such a morbid sense of humor?”
Sam’s question went unanswered because after one more delightfully deft stroke, Bucky licked the entire length of Sam’s dick, from base to tip, and then wrapped his pink, wet lips around his crown.
“Shit,” said Sam as Bucky’s warm mouth enveloped him and he placed his hand firmly at the bottom of Sam’s shaft. Bucky gripped him with the perfect amount of pressure as he began to suck him off, bobbing his head while working his hand up and down. Drawing more moans and curses from Sam.
Bucky moved his tongue over Sam’s smooth, dripping head, drinking him up before swallowing his entire length. Sam cursed again as he felt his cock slide down Bucky’s throat. Sam instinctively thrusted his hips forward a little before Bucky pulled off his dick and stroked it. He looked up at Sam while kissing his shaft. A tear ran from the corner of Bucky’s eye and Sam wiped it away. He watched as Bucky licked his tip and lapped up the precum as it dripped from Sam’s thick, veiny cock. He watched as Bucky devoured him again, sucking his swollen dick and humming.
Sam’s eyes rolled shut as he relished in the feeling of Bucky’s skillful mouth. As Bucky sucked him harder, work his hand over him faster. Licking and sucking and humming. Stopping only to strum Sam and tell him how gorgeous he was. How good he tasted. How he tasted better than anyone else. How Bucky could suck his pretty cock all day. How he made Bucky hard. How Bucky was so, so hard for him. And then he would take Sam between his swollen, pink lips again and suck hungrily. Greedily. Bringing Sam closer to his release.
Sam felt the heat pooling as his balls tightened. He tapped Bucky’s shoulder to let him know he was about to come. Bucky pulled off just far enough so that he could open his mouth and place his tongue under Sam’s spurting tip as Sam came in his mouth.
“Fuck,” Sam murmured as he looked down at the sight of Bucky taking his load, all thick white streams of it, and swallowing it up. “Shit, Buck. Get up here.”
Bucky let go of Sam’s shuddering dick and then stood. Sam pulled him in for a messy, hot kiss. Moaning as he tasted himself on Bucky’s lips. Sam’s spent cock was still out as he reached between their bodies and began to unzip Bucky’s jeans.
“You don’t gotta,” Bucky whispered as he kissed Sam’s neck.
“Fuck that,” said Sam as he took hold of Bucky big, hard cock and began to jerk him off. “You deserve it after that.”
Both men smiled and shared another kiss. Bucky was already dripping and close to coming. He knew it would only take a few skillful strokes from Sam and he’d be spilling his seed. The pair held one another as Bucky moaned unashamedly at the precipice of his orgasm.
“Fuck, Sammy. Sammy,” Bucky cried out, about to come undone.
Sam kissed his sweat drenched brow.
“Thanks for coming to check on me, Buck,” Sam whispered as he held Bucky close and finished him off.
Bucky came with thick ribbons of white covering Sam’s fingers before he kissed Sam’s lips once more. He rested his brow against Sam’s as he fought to catch his breath and said, “Any time, baby.”
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from-a-reckless-writer · 4 years ago
part i 
She comes to with a pounding in her head and the feeling of something being lifted off her chest. 
In seconds, her whole body feels lighter. The next thing she registers is a hand in hers. When she stirs, the hand around her tightens and she hears Brainy’s voice, “Director—”
The moment she opens her eyes, she is met with Alex Danvers; a stethoscope slung around her neck and a small flashlight on hand. In her periphery she confirms that it was indeed Brainy, holding her hand. 
“Lena, Lena, look at me. You’re at the DEO, you’re safe, you-”
“Alex, I know the drill, this is—  what? My 91st time now?” She says dryly as her hand slowly slips out of Brainy’s and her fingers massage her temples; eyes clenched shut. Alex visibly relaxes in relief, “Good. Thank fuck your sarcasm’s still intact,” she says, “But I still have to check you, alright?”
Lena nods and she guesses Kara most likely had harassed her sister just to get her hooked in. If Alex mumbling “-so damn stubborn all the damn time…” under her breath was any indication. 
She’s well aware of the other person in the bed next to hers. The one, that is now also starting to stir into consciousness. Lena had just noticed that J’onn and Nia are in the room as well, near Kara’s bedside. 
She wants to ask how she got here, how Kara found her, how the fuck did a Black Mercy get her? But everything is spinning and her coherence is slowly devolving to exhaustion. Her brain was pushed to its limits with that illusion. 
Which makes panic flare in the back of her head thinking about how Kara had seen her ideal world. 
A world, that her mind had fucking decided should center around her ex. Her ex who just happens to be a superhero. A superhero that pulled her out of her own delusions. 
Oh God, Lena thinks she’s going to throw-up. Alex takes one look at her face and immediately shoves an empty sterile container to her. She dry-heaves unto the bucket as Brainy rubs her back and holds her hair. 
“Fuck,” she whispers as Alex hands her a tissue to wipe her face. “Your vitals are fine. Your brain activity spiked for a few seconds there. But you got out at just the last minute-”
“What the fuck happened, Alex?”
She asks as she tries to sort out all her feelings long enough for Alex to give her a full explanation. 
But it isn’t Alex who answers her. 
“I found you.”
The three words are bullets flying across the room directly shot at Lena.
“Unconscious. On the floor. Black Mercy attached to your chest. That’s what fucking happened.”
Kara sounds like shit.
Was her first thought when she heard Kara speak. She guesses she looks like shit as well, but Lena can’t be certain. Her back was to her as Nia removes the wiring still wrapped around her. Her voice was firm, but Lena knew better. She knows Kara; knows she never really swears; knows when and where Kara uses the Supergirl voice. When she’s scared and she doesn’t want anybody to know. 
“Your pulse was so weak. I- I could barely hear it.”
This second statement is in contrast to Supergirl’s venom. This time words catch in her throat and Lena is fucking thankful that Kara’s back was to her. Because she knows she can’t handle those eyes. But before she could answer, Alex starts to speak, eyes briefly darting to Kara.
Lena doesn’t know whether she should be thankful for the interruption or not. 
“Which is why,” Alex cuts in and making sure to stress her next words, checking that Lena is listening, “I need you to stay here till we find out who did this. And as your doctor I’m saying you need at least 12 hours of rest.”
“What? No, somebody give me my phone. I need to call Jess,” she protests and Alex looks like she’s about to give Lena a piece of her mi—
“Are you kidding me right now? I found you on the floor, thinking you were dead, pulled you out of a parasitic trap and you want to go back to L-Corp? To what? Get killed again?”
This time, Kara’s two steps away from her bed and fuming. It makes Lena...feel...things.
“I have to call Jess—”
“Do you not get it? I spend my days trying so hard not to listen,” She grits out, “ To not to check in on you every single second of every day and then the one time—” Kara’s conviction crumbles, voice breaking, eyes shining.
 “And then,” she falters, voice heavy with emotion and tries to control herself.
“The one time, the one fucking time I decide to break my own rule, what do I hear? I hear nothing, Lena.”
The last part is a whisper. She’s shaking and all eyes are on them now.
“Do you know why? Because your heart-rate was so slow that I couldn’t pick up on it.”
Kara looks like she’s two inches away from imploding. Lena’s heart is pounding and the room falls silent and it feels like it’s just the two of them in the room having a staredown. 
“I— I’m sorry. I—”
I didn’t know. I didn’t want to know. I didn’t want to care. I’m sorry. 
“Thank you for saving me,” she voices out instead in that calm methodical way she uses when talking in the lab. Amazed at how she sounded because she herself is also less than two inches away from a complete meltdown. 
Kara’s shoulders visibly sag as she holds back tears. Lena knows she should probably say more but... she doesn’t really know what to say. 
She was still processing everything. 
It was so vivid that Lena was half-expecting to see a ring on her finger once she looks down, a stubborn part of her brain insisting that there’s a matching one in a chain around Kara’s neck.
Before Kara can say another emotional heavy statement, Lena turns to Alex instead, “Fine,” she says, agreeing to Alex’s previous order. 
“But I can’t stay here for 12 hours. And also, I need my phone, my tablet and my assistant. I’m helping in the investigation,” she says leaving no room for argument.
Alex looks like she might agree but Kara speaks up again.
“No, no. No, you’re not going near that investigation and you’re staying the 12 hours here,” Kara grunts out, jaw-clenched as Lena looks at her with sharp eyes. 
“You have no right to decide that for me—”
“Not to mention we have to tal— “
They both spit at each other at the same time.
“We have nothing to talk about,” Lena objects and she knows how much of a lie that is, but Kara just won’t fucking back down. 
“Nothing?! You’re calling this nothing?! You’re calling the fact that your ideal world was us married, nothing? You’re telling me—” she trails off and scoffs, pinches the bridge of her nose in disbelief, “You’re unbelievable-”
That was what she meant when she said Kara was two inches away from imploding.
J’onn’s voice seem to bring the both of them back to reality and Lena notices how heavy the air in the room has become, how Nia is standing stiffly at the side, how Alex’s eyes keep flicking between the both of them
“That’s quite enough from the both of you,” J’onn says and Kara whips around to face him, Lena was scared that she was going to deck J’onn for interrupting but Alex also intervenes. 
“J’onn’s right.” She puts a hand on her sister’s shoulder turning her away from J’onn. Looks like she had the same train of thought as Lena. 
“My patient needs her rest. So, all of you get out,” At which Nia nods at her with a sympathetic smile and then Brainy is hugging her whispering, “I’m glad you’re okay.” before leaving the room as well. 
“And that means you too,” Alex emphasizes at Kara, who looks like she’s going to shoot lasers out of her eyes at her sister for suggesting such an incredulous notion. 
But Kara takes a breath, gives Alex a hard look to which Alex merely raises a brow in challenge before taking a step back and speeding out of the room, not sparing Lena another glance. 
Once everyone is gone, Lena collapses back on the bed, letting out a heavy sigh. 
“She changed the timeline, you know. And reality too, I guess. Or at least she tried to.”
“Before you two became a thing, before beating Leviathan,” Alex recounts,  “She tried to change the timeline to save your friendship.”
“I’m sorry- What?”
She’s sure she looks pretty absurd with the look on her face right now. Kara did what? Kara did that? How did she not know that? How did she not know Kara literally teared apart at space and time just for her? 
“She struck a bargain with a Fifth-Dimensional imp so she can fix everything. Said she’d rather change reality than face the possibility of having to fight you.”
For a moment she feels she’s going to throw-up again. But then again, after what the both of them just went through, Lena’s not surprised. God knows the lengths she would go through for Kara.  
It feels even more visceral now, not to mention it was Alex who told her. 
“I don’t know what the hell happened between the two of you, but God, Lena she hasn’t been the same since. And I don’t really want to know what kind of bullshit the Black Mercy put you through, but I think both of you could really use their best friend right now.”
Alex sits at the side of her bed, putting a hand atop hers for a moment.
“Just think about it, while you rest,” Alex tells her, squeezes her hand and gets up again. 
“You can’t just tell me those kinds of things and expect me to rest,” Lena retorts, making Alex turn her head back to her. 
She’s glad that Alex doesn’t seem to pick sides. When the break-up happened she was expecting the DEO Director to turn up at her front step with a taser and point canons for breaking her sister’s heart. But Lena was surprised when Kelly turned up instead, telling her that Alex is with Kara, so she’s getting Kelly for the night.
The couple didn’t get anything from Kara or Lena that night, despite their various attempts at coaxing the truth out. The night was sobbed away or in Lena’s case, drank the night away; chugged enough wine that Kelly had forcefully pried the bottle from her hands. 
“Look, Lena, The two of you are really overdue for a talk.”
Alex's words bring her back to reality. She pulls a tablet out and Lena’s work phone is retrieved from her pocket. 
“So, talk,” Alex enunciates as she hands over the devices. 
“Because I am locking you here. No going to L-Corp, no trying to escape with Jess and no overworking till midnight. You get to call your assistant, tell her what happened and then you rest. That’s an order, got it?”
“Got it,” Lena grits out rolling her eyes, hiding the fact that she’s beyond warmed by the gesture. Alex merely shakes her head at her before stepping out. The door slides close behind her and Lena is finally left alone with her thoughts.
Alex has a point. Alex has a great point, her mind screams.
But...not ready, is an understatement. She is not ready to talk to Kara about the break-up, much less about why her Black Mercy induced dream is an overtly domestic version of their love story. 
She decides to file it under ‘Things For Later’ which is probably a bad idea. Her therapist would most likely tell her that. Then again, she doesn’t really think she’d be seeing her therapist any time soon. 
How does one unpack a whole alien parasite attack on your psyche in one session, anyway?
Alex finds her stood before ruined slabs of concrete. 
“Any updates?”
“We’re skip-tracing all employees from L-Corp between the graveyard shift and the morning shift.”
“Good, I have a feeling it was an inside job.”
Alex lets out an audible sigh. 
“Something you wanna say?” She says as cement crumbles under her fists and dust particles rain over her red boots. 
“Talk to her. “
Kara snorts. 
“You say that as if I haven’t tried talking.”
Alex puts a hand on her shoulder stopping her from launching another punch. 
“Really talk to her this time,” her sister stresses the words in that classic Alex Danvers’ ‘I’m-serious-so-you-better-fucking-listen’ way. 
She lets the words sit in the forefront of her mind, shoulders dropping, fists and arms following suit. 
“We were married,” She whispers and it takes two seconds for it to register to Alex before she steps closer, an ‘Oh, Kara.’ slipping past her lips. 
“We were married and happy. So happy. It felt so real, Alex, it felt so re—” 
Sobs choke her and Alex closes the gap and she lets herself be tugged in a tight, tight hug. Alex rubs comforting circles on her back as Kara’s chest heaves and tears pour. 
The thing about it was, she didn’t even spend more than one minute in that fantasy world, yet her brain acts as if she’s lived that life. As if she didn’t drop smack right in the middle of a stranger’s bedroom and the first thing she saw was a doppelganger of herself and her ex. In bed. Together. 
It was as if everything came to her in one terrifying moment of clarity. Boots in the corner. Cape haphazardly slung. Lena’s work laptop. Chew toys for dogs. Scattered Science books, then— 
Golden rings, on a finger, in a chain.
Mating bands around wrists.
Wedding portrait. Weddin— 
It all hits her at once faster than a whiplash and harder than a superpowered punch; knocking the  wind out of her lungs, until she realizes she was gasping. 
“Lena, we have to go, please. Please believe me, this isnt-” 
“Real. I know-”
“What’s your surname?”
Just like you promised. Promised. Promised. 
Alex squeezes tighter and Kara is pulled back from the depths. 
Her sister lets her go and steps back a bit to cup her face in her hands; snotty nose, sniffles and all. 
“Hey, look at me. That wasn’t real. And I know how bad you want it to be real. But Kara, nothing will happen if the both of you keep pulling away from each other. Someone needs to take the plunge.”
“She doesn’t want me, Alex. She ended things.”
Alex takes a deep breath, closes her eyes, shakes her head and then lets it all out in one go. 
“Kara. I don’t really wanna say this to your face while you’re sobbing over me. But,” Alex lets out an exasperated sigh with a shake of her head and then lets out,  “Good fuck, that is the most stupid thing to come out of your mouth. I don’t know how to stress this enough but...her IDEAL world is the two of you playing house. What more do you need? She wants you.”
“But she-” 
Alex holds a finger up to stop her from talking. 
“Nope. No. Listen to me, you are being an idiot. Well, Lena is too. But we’re talking about you right now, so… again, you are being an idiot. Just— Talk to her, Kara. How many times do I have to say that?”
Kara goes from sobbing to shocked to skeptical in the few seconds that Alex was speaking. 
“I- I don’t know, Alex.”
“Kara, she wants you. She’s just scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“You won’t find out if you don’t talk to her.”
Well, that was a great response. 
Alex is hoping that it’s great enough of a response to convince her sister.
There’s a blue lump on the side of her bed. 
A blue lump with blonde hair?
Lena rubs the sleepiness off and slowly sits.
Kara, it was Kara. 
Kara was asleep, back hunched, head pillowed on folded arms on the side of her bed.
Lena immediately realizes the uncomfortable position she is in, not to mention the cape that is now roughly bundled at the back of the plastic chair. 
She carefully lays a hand on Kara’s shoulder and shakes her softly. 
“Hey, Kara, wake up, hey,” Lena mutters quietly. 
“Wha- Lena?” Kara startles awake and shoots up from her position.
“I- you looked like you were gonna have a back ache so I-uh,” Lena was grasping for words in that usual way she does when Kara’s around. 
“Here.” She pats the space next to her, “Come on, sit here, climb in. We uh- you’re right, we should talk, might as well do it while we’re both comfy, right?”
She attempts at lighthearted conversation, she already knows the next few minutes are going to be the most emotionally draining moments of her— their life. 
Kara hesitates a bit, before nodding and wordlessly hoisting herself on the bed. 
“So, do uh- do you wanna start or should I?”
Again, she was grasping for words. 
“Go ahead,” Kara says barely above a whisper, Lena was kind of hoping Kara would go first but well, here goes nothing. 
“Thank you for coming to get me, I wasn’t expecting you to come,” Lena confesses, she really was surprised when Kara—the real Kara— showed up to rescue her. 
“I’ll always save you, you know that,” Kara butts in, as if what Lena had said was the most ridiculous thing ever. She guesses it is, to Kara’s ears. She did promise always after all. 
“Yeah, I know I just— for a moment there I just thought...well, never mind what I thought honestly-”
“You thought what? That I don’t care about you anymore? That I won’t fly off the moment I sensed you were in danger?”
Well, she’s on fire today. 
“It’s not like that, you know that,” Lena protests but Kara interrupts again.
“It is like that. You thought just because we’re over I don’t give a shit about you anymore. You of all people, know I can’t—” Kara cuts herself off as if in pain, “I’ll always save you, Lena. Together or not. I care about you,” Kara utters, turning her head to meet Lena’s eyes before facing in front again. 
Lena feels like care is a placeholder for something both of them aren’t capable of saying at present. 
She doesn’t dwell on it too much because Kara is saying something again. 
“I think…” She begins with a voice full of an emotion Lena can’t name [read: don’t want to name.]
“I care about you a little too much and that...”
Lena holds in a breath. 
“And that scares you doesn’t it?” Kara finishes and she looks at her again but this time  around Lena’s cheeks are wet. 
Kara puts a hand atop hers and squeezes and the gesture pulls words from Lena’s throat. 
“You wanted everything so fast, Kara,” she whispers, not really trusting to increase the volume of her voice lest it shakes. 
“You were telling me all these grand plans of settling down and staying together and I was still having a hard time telling you ‘I love you’ and-” her voice breaks, “And even though, you kept saying it was okay, that you were just thinking out loud, I saw how hurt you were whenever I hesitated.”
Lena’s mind briefly flashes to all those nights spent with Kara, beside her and just feeling this massive fucking pressure of living up to what Kara wants. Shy I love you’s and fear, just so much fucking fear...and insecurities screaming at her that she isn’t what’s good for Kara. 
“I- I couldn’t give you what you wanted and I just kept thinking was it me you really wanted? Or was it this domestic bliss that you’ve conjured in your head? Something you can have with somebody else. And it just kept spiraling from there. Thinking somebody better can give you what you want, somebody who’s not tainted, somebody who you can be proud of, somebody who won’t feel so fucking scared of saying ‘I love you’.”
She was aware she was one breath away from sobbing and when Kara moved closer and softly said, “Oh Lena,”
The dam burst. 
“Oh, baby, come here, I’m sorry. Rao, I’m so sorry, I- I didn’t know I made you feel that way, I’m sorry,” Kara murmurs to her as she cups Lena’s cheek and uses her thumb to wipe tears. 
Lena’s eyes were so green at the moment and Kara has to remind herself that they still have a long way to go for tonight. 
“Look at me, I’m sorry I didn’t know, I’m sorry you felt pressured but Lena, there is nobody else I want. You are the one I want, hell I’m pretty sure every me out there in the multiverse is looking for their own Lena right now. You are the best I could ever have.”
The words hit Lena and it just makes her sob harder. Kara fully turns her body to the side to gather Lena in her arms and lets her sob into her neck. 
“I- I left because I thought I couldn’t be enough, I didn’t want to. But everything was happening so fast and you wanted so many things and I couldn’t give it to you and I felt like such a fucking failure,” Lena sobs out, words slightly muffled with how hard Kara is pressing into her. 
“Lena you are not a failure oh, come here. Listen to me, you’re not a failure, you’re not supposed to build your world around me okay? You do it for yourself. You are brilliant. You are not a failure and I am so so sorry that I made you feel that way.”
Kara rubs circles on her back and squeezes around her every so often. It feels like forever that they stayed that way. Kara whispering, “Shh, breathe, breathe with me,” and Lena sniffling into Kara and Kara just wrapping all around her and calming her. When Lena’s sobs start to subside and she feels confident enough in her ability to speak she slowly breaks away from Kara. 
“I’ve been going to therapy,” she begins, “It helped...a lot. Helped clear out a lot of things f-for me. And I think,” She pauses, “Kara, I- I also think you need it more than I do.”
At that Kara’s face scrunches up in confusion. 
“How so?”
“Remember when I told you you wanted so much so fast?”
Kara gives her a nod. 
“I think you were trying to run, darling.”
She knew she should be focusing on what Lena was trying to tell her but she can’t help the little flutter of her heart at the pet name. 
“Run? Run from what?”
“Kara,” Lena starts, unsure about how she should really go about all this.
“You went through hell and back trying to fix the universe, you watched another home of yours get erased from existence. And not to mention that before and during all of that, the two of us were fighting. And then to make things worse at the end of it all, you get ejected into a universe you barely know with my brother as its savior.”
Lena lays out all the facts methodically, slowly, carefully but just blunt enough to make Kara realize that all that trauma should not just be brushed aside.
“You went through a lot.”
A lot, doesn’t even begin to describe the enormity of everything the both of them went through. But Lena supposes they can unpack that another time. There’s a pause and Lena watches Kara take a breath.
“Kara, I think you jumped into a relationship with me because it made you feel good. It made you forget about all the recent hardships you just went through. And I guess maybe I did too, you know? We both just wanted to feel some crumb of peace, but God, did we go about it the wrong way.”
Lena watches her words sink in, how Kara stops, blinks slowly only to take a sudden breath as tears slowly track down her face. 
“I- No. I didn’t. No, you’re wro- Lena, I-” Kara fails to tie together a sentence as tears start to fall down. It’s easy when everything else is in your head, when you can replay memories and cover them in filters made by your own brain, but when someone else puts it on the screen for you? That’s a different matter altogether. Nobody had shown Kara the severity of her trauma before and now it’s taking its toll.
“Oh, Kara. Come here, come here,” Lena coos, this time it was her pulling Kara in. Kara melts into her and Lena feels the telltale signs of heavy sobs come through. 
“I don’t know- I-”
“Shh, it’s okay, Kara, it’s okay.” 
She lets Kara fall apart in front of her. She knows those tears are oceans of their own, those drops carry the memory of a fallen planet, an entire culture, stories, people, loved ones. Every drop is a person Supergirl had failed to save, another universe, another home. Every drop is every lie she ever told Lena and all of the pain there was when she was gone. 
“I’m sorry, Lena, I’m sorry.”
She can’t beg forgiveness from an extinct race or a wiped out universe but Lena? She could still have Lena. 
Alex finds them curled tightly together in the Med Bay come morning. She kind of wants to cry in relief at the sight. 
Finally, fucking finally. 
She doesn’t have the heart to bother them so she grabs them an extra blanket and tucks both in, exiting with a small smile to her lips. 
They both wake up to the sound of laughter, the perpetrators— a couple of low-rank agents— stop in the tracks at the sight of a disheveled Supergirl, scowling madly at them with one Lena Luthor tucked in her arms. 
“Uh- sorry, we’ll just uh-” 
The agents bolt out of the room immediately, letting Kara slump back into the pillow. 
“Hi,” Lena croaks out with a rough voice, eyes puffy from last night. 
Snippets from last night immediately flashing in Kara’s brain. 
Kara holding Lena. 
Lena holding Kara
Teary apologies
Catching-up on each other.
Talking till yawns interrupted their words. 
More kissing. 
More kiss-
You get the picture. 
“Good morning,” Kara replies with a shy smile. 
“Is scaring agents one of Supergirl’s many talents?” Lena teases, as Kara scoffs fully turning unto her side to face Lena, hand casually brushing a stray strand of her on Lena’s face
“Serves them right for just walking in-” Kara stops mid-sentence, fingers freezing and her eyes turn hesitant, “Sorry, is this okay?”
Because even though last night had happened even though they’ve talked until words could no longer name the depth of their feelings and they turned to silence instead, Kara is still unsure. Hesitant. Wary of giving too much too soon or asking for too much too soon.
But the most difficult part is over and they both realize this as the sun from outside filter through the many wide windows of the DEO, as Lena’s next words ring about in the warmth of the morning.
“Kara, it’s okay,” Lena answers her, catching Kara’s frozen hand and leaning into the touch, pressing closer to Kara’s face, noses touching, lips a breath apart. 
“In fact, it’s very much okay.”
The first tell was the lack of a body next to her. The second was the freezing cold. Her bed was almost never cold these days. She’s grown used to sharing her bed with a Kryptonian heater, and so, to wake up from a nightmare alone in bed was now an unusual occurrence. Unusual nough to make her panic. 
She sits up, disoriented from her nightmare. Lena groggily registers a low melodic humming crackling from the baby monitor on her nightstand. 
“Kara,” she whispers into the quiet of the room, “Please come back to me.” 
The humming from the monitor begins to sound distant as it gets louder to Lena’s ears; drifting nearer and nearer to the bedroom. 
The door opens and Kara strolls in, messy bun, sleepy voice and all. In her arms a squirming, kicking, sniffling, very much awake bundle fits.
“She doesn’t want to sleep, I tried everythi-” Kara whines and then stops as she takes in Lena’s racing heartbeat, shaking lips and shining eyes. 
“Oh no, did you have a nightmare? I’m sorry, I-”
“It’s okay, Kara. Just— Come here? Please?”
Kara shuffles quickly towards the bed; Lena lifts the comforter, making room, the bed dipping as her wife climbs in.
“You okay?” she asks, once she’s settled down next to Lena. She continues rocking her arms as an attempt to get their daughter to sleep for the nth time tonight. Her wife doesn’t still doesn’t answer her, although she doesn’t miss how Lena slightly calms at her presence.
“Lena, hey, you with me?”
“I’m here, I’m here.”
“Thi- this is real, right?”
Because sometimes, there are nights where dreams feel all too real and pain comes rearing at you as if it all happened yesterday. Because after all these years, Lena still carries fear inside of her; fear that none of this is real, fhat Kara doesn’t really love her, that she’ll never be good enough, that she’ll be abandoned again. Fear that all of this is just a figment of her imagination. 
“Oh, Lena. Come here, I’m going to pass her unto you alright?” 
Lena’s eyes snap up to hers for a minute in hesitation but she finds herself slowly nodding. Kara wouldn’t give their daughter over if she isn’t sure Lena could handle it. She slowly transfers their child to Lena’s arms. 
“Do you feel her warmth?” 
“Do you feel her weight?”
“She’s real, Lena. I’m real,” Kara says as she wraps her arms around them, cradling her wife and child close. 
“She’s getting heavy.”
“Yeah, yeah that she is. This is real, Lena.”
“Here,” she gently puts a pillow beneath Lena’s arms for support as she slowly grabs one hand and puts it right over her heart. 
“Feel this? Can you feel it?” 
Lena does, Lena can and she nods and it’s real and Kara’s heartbeats are steady under her palm; each beat an echo of Lena’s name. She’s certain of that, because she’s pretty sure her heartbeats are all echoes of Kara’s name again and again and again.
“This is real.”
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sun-flower-children · 4 years ago
BakuSquad’s Boy Part 1
A/N: Based on a fic that doesn’t exist anymore :( I’ll be adding my own head canons from what i remember of the og fic. This whole thing is in a headcanon format :)))
Kirishima was sitting down when he noticed their new transfer student walking into the cafeteria looking lost. Without thinking twice he quickly caught the attention of the male and motioned him to come over.
“Is it okay if I join you?” you asked, recognizing the spiky haired student as your classmate.
“Of course, let me introduce you to everybody!”
The redhead introduced all the guys sitting at the table. The talkative blonde with the lightning bolt in his hair was Kaminari . The smiling black haired boy with oddly shaped elbows was Sero and the angry-faced pale blonde with red eyes was Bakugo. While the rest smiled at you he merely sneered and ignored you.
“Don’t let him bother you too much, he's a grouch!” Kirishima said smiling.
The entire lunch period was spent talking to the Bakusquad and explaining how you transferred from the hero school in your home country and enrolled at UA. Laughing with them and bonding over memes and hero training.
It didn’t take long for you to become part of the friend group.
Y’all are a chaotic group of motherfuckers
The group chat is mess; Bakugo is trying to help people w homework, Zero is constantly sharing tick tocks and at 2 am Denki will spam it with memes ( which pisses Bakugo off bc it wakes him up when he forgets to mute his notifications)
Y’all will study together, which surprisingly, can be super productive sometimes.
It honestly didn’t take very long for you guys to become inseparable. They have you back and you have theirs. Training and working out together is a plus because sometimes y’all are too busy to actually fully hangout.
Kirishima will compliment you in a “manly” way and will totally be your hype man. Will be ecstatic when you give back the same energy. One time Bakugo joined you guys for his morning workout and his jaw almost fell to the ground when he saw you take your shirt off.  He couldn’t help but stare like holy shit you were ripped. Training with Kiri really did pay off. Bakugo smirked to himself when he noticed his red haired friend was also checking you out when you didn’t notice. 
Going to the mall with Sero and Denki is a whole ass ride. Y’all will go to so many stores and either waste all your money or just fuck around. Hot Topic is definitely a favorite of theirs. They don’t care if it’s not your vibe because they will want to deck you out in the fitting rooms to see what you look like. Once they pushed the curtain before you were done changing your shirt and both pairs of eyes went straight to your body, making you blush.
After being friends for so long the Bakusquad could read each other's emotions and all recognized that they had crushes on you. They talked about it and concluded that this would by no means would get between their friendship but would amicably flirt with you.
They organized a sleepover not too long after. But it was basically them all fighting each other about who’s room they would be staying in. Ended up going to Bakugo’s room because it was the closest for most of them. When you got there you were so caught up with the movie that you didn't realize they were low-key fighting each other for a spot next to you/ touching you in general. It was when y’all were going to sleep when you realized you left your sheets and what not in your room. Bakugo without missing a beat said you could sleep with him which then prompted Denki to tell you that “Bakugo’s feet smell like shit you don't wanna sleep with him” for Kiri to go “ Hey that isn’t manly, you should sleep w me Y/N.”. While the three of them were battling it out you and Sero were just sitting crouched in the corner. “I mean Y/N I could always get sheets and stuff from my rooms ‘cause it's not that far from here.” only for Bakugo to throw a pillow straight in his face yelling “Shut it Soy-Sauce face!!” Yeah they felt really bad in the morning when you ended up sleeping on the floor with nothing covering you.
Sero will want to smoke with you. The first time he smoked with you, you ended up having a panic attack and he felt responsible for making you panic and so anxious. He tries to smoke by himself for the meanwhile until you convince him to let you try again. It goes much better this time. Y’all start vibing to his latin playlist and he tries to teach you but y’all just end up stumbling over each other and constantly laughing. When dancing becomes physically exhausted and watches tick tocks and videos on his phone. Which ends up with y’all crying over the video where the racoon tries to wash his cotton candy but it dissolves. At some point the tears become too much and you both reach for each other which ends up with y'all sobbing and cuddling each other. Y’all fell asleep like this :)
The whole squad smokes at one point or another. Kirishima does it whenever he’s just in the mood to hangout and he uber chills. Bakugo does it to relieve stress and just enjoy life a bit. Denki smokes the 2nd most in the group just whenever he needs to kill time or he wants to vibe.
There will be times when y'all will smoke together and just fuck shit up. Like, one night after exam y’all are smoking but shit starts getting wild. Like y'all are hopping off the walls and dancing around to random music. Denki will find a roach that's stuck on its back and trying to get back off its legs but y’all are dancing all around it thinking it's like break dancing. “ AYYYY FUCK IT UP” Bakugo would yell “GET INTO IT” Sero would then yell. One of y’all took a video and accidentally posted it on Snapchat so the next day Mina would ask like wth happened last night bc y’alls tik toks and snapchats were wack af. Sero would probably speak on behalf of the group and say “ We were just really hyper.
When they all become hyper aware of their feelings not only for you but like low-key for each other they all change a lil bit. Like:
Denki stops flirting with people outside of the Baku Squad. He’s more touchy with y’all. Holding onto arms, arms over shoulders, hands on waists, holding hands, sitting in y’alls laps (this is a big one)
Kirishima has more energy when he’s with you guys. Like he could be running lower on battery than normal but one of y'all just comes up to him and he lights up like a light bulb.
Bakugo stops ruining desks and promptly yelling at people. He’s toned down and becomes a bit more chilled out. Mostly when he's with you guys. He is still a grumpy gremlin when he is with people who aren’t the Baku Squad.
Sero actually hides it pretty well and no one notices and changes that are indicative of a crush. Probably a bit more confident in himself
Kirishima and Denki acting like they haven't seen each other in sages when it really has only been like five minutes.
And then proceed to aggressively walk toward each other, slap each others asses and plant a kiss on each other's cheeks before erupting into a huge fit of laughter. While people around them are just like ‘wtf is going on’
Touching becomes a thing.
Y’all will actively find each other when y'all want a hug or cuddles or smth. Forehead and cheek kisses are a thing. Bakugo takes much longer to warm up to everyone starting really with you and Kirishima. most comfortable holding y’alls hands loosely and rubbing your knuckles. Denki probably does this the most. He lives for physical affection, just give this poor boy his much needed cuddles and kithes.
Despite y’all high-key crushing for each other you all still are absolutely focused on your career paths as heros. Bakugo helping teach english and you trying to help ( if you know english well enough to teach )
“Ok idiots for the last time what word do we use to describe Sarah?”
“I mean she took these poor dudes apples and all of these are positive adjectives...i think.”
“Yeah Sarah’s kind of a bitch.”
“I mean Bakubro they aren’t wrong...”
You guys work so well during team vs fights bc of how well you all know each other.
It’s an absolute mess but y’all love eachother <3
I will be making a part 2 ( + 3 i think ) so hang around for more :)
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