#birfday bear
dcviated · 2 years
I hope you have a wonderful birthday today, bear! Any fun plans and/or presents for today? Maybe little party hats for the cats?
Still trying to come up with an IC ask or two, but I'm working on replying (and adding to queue! You know how I feel about quick replies) to Wylan being smitten today. So that's happening.
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I hope so too. But as you can probably guess I'm not making a huge event of it. P: Didnt take time off and my wife is working until later to boot.
But I got a delicious meal to look forward to when shes back and. There might. Be a cake.
And a secret gift my wife got me thats been sitting on the table for almost a month... we will see later what that is too.
Dont fret too hard over sending asks. Theyre appreciated but far from mandatory. Id rather you enjoy the day yourself my friend.
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echoooo000 · 5 months
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@soggifin hap birf
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potter-solomons · 1 year
I MADE IT TO 34 today. I'm going to imagine Alfie singing me 'appy birfday to my dove all day 😂
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cowcowwow · 9 months
Happy birthday!
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𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 • 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
SUMMARY: Charles and your son buy you a meaningful gift for your birthday
Genre: fluff
Warning: none
Pairing: Charles leclerc x reader, dad! Charles leclerc
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Your sons hand was held tightly in Charles as they walked through the Store. The two were on a mission to find you a gift for your birthday. Your son was going on and on about how he wanted to get you a big gift. Macaroni necklace were no longer satisfying to the little boy anymore.
After a bit Charles caved and decided to take him to buy you something. After you left to go out with your girlfriends, the two leclerc’s went on their hunt
“We get a big gift Papa.” Your son said to Charles. The two looked through the aisles trying to figure out what to get. Charles suggested a mug and makeup but your son was quick to say no.
“Qu'est-ce qu'on va avoir ?" (What are we going to get).’ Charles stopped, kneeling down to your son’s height. The 4 year old pressed his pointer finger to his chin, eyebrows knitted as he started to think.
“I don’t know.”
Charles hummed. “Maybe we can get her some jewelry. Comment sonne un collier?” (how does a necklace sound?)
Your son face lit up and he quickly nodded. Charles stood back up and took his son’s hand leading them to the jewelry store.
“Wow, look at all these papa!” Your son peered into the glass case looking at all the different pieces of jewelry. Charles smiled. He loved watching your son getting fascinated by the little things in life.
“so which necklace should we get for Maman?” Charles asked after your son was done looking at the display.
“We get those most beautiful one.”
“how about we get something with your name on it?” Charles leads your son over to the necklace with names on it. Charles and your son spent a few minutes discussing what they should get.
After a bit of tiny bickering they settled on a necklace that said mama and a charm with both Charles and your son’s initials.
As Charles and your son walked out of the store after Charles paid your son couldn’t contain his excitement.
“Je suis vraiment enthousiaste.” (I’m so excited)
Charles chuckled placing the boy in his car seat. While Charles buckled him up he couldn’t help but tell him a few last words.
“When we get home you can’t tell Maman we got her the necklace. We have to wait till tomorrow. Pinky promise me you won’t say a thing.”
Charles held out his pinky finger. Your son quickly wrapped his pinky around his father’s. “I promise!”
Charles and your son made it home around the time you did. For the rest of the night Charles and your son kept their secret between them both.
Whenever you asked what they did while out all they did was mumble nothing with a little smirk.
The next day Charles woke up as soon as the sun peaked over horizon to get your birthday started. He slipped out of bed quietly so he didn’t wake you up and got dressed. It wasn’t unusual for Charles to get up early so if you saw him missing it wouldn’t be suspicious.
He left the apartment and ran to the store quickly. He got your favorite flowers and some pastries and tea from your favorite bakery.
When he returned home you were still fast asleep unaware of his run.
Charles creeped into your sons room quietly. The little boy was fast asleep in his car bed with his teddy bear tucked under his arm. He looked so peaceful. Charles didn’t want to wake him up, but he knew if he didn’t your son would be upset.
“Hey y/s/n, C'est l'heure de se lever.” (time to get up)
Your son sat up rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Is it Maman birfday?”
Charles hummed. “Yes it is. Ready to get her the gifts we got?”
Your son nodded and tore the blanket off his body. He was ready.
You were fast asleep when you felt jumping on the bed. Groaning you Slowly opened your eye’s. The first thing you see is your smiley son standing In your bed in his Ferrari pajamas.
“Maman, Joyeux anniversaire!!”(happy birthday) your son leaned down and kissed your cheek gently something he learned from watching his dad.
“happy birthday Mon amour. We got you some breakfast from your favorite bakery and some flowers.”
Charles sat the breakfast bag and flowers on your nightstand before he leaned down and placed a kiss on your other cheek.
“maman me and papa got you a present yesterday!”
You son took the gift from Charles and handed it to you. The little boy giggled with excitement as you began ripping the paper off the present.
You gasped when you saw the necklace in the box. “ This is amazing baby!”
“It has Mama on it for you and me and papa’s initials.” Your son smiled proudly as he explained.
“I love it. I’m going to wear it every day.” You leaned over and kissed your son Chubby cheek making him giggle. you turning to Charles and doing the same.
“Can you put it on me?” you asked Charles. Your husband smiles, “of course.”
You turned around letting Charles place the necklace around your neck. You looked down at it taking it in. You weren’t lying when you said you were going to wear it every day. It was beautiful, it’s going to be your prize possession forever.
“Im hungry.” You heard your son say. He eyeballed the bag on the table. Charles laughed. “Ok let’s eat breakfast then later we’re going to get ready so I can take maman on to other surprises.”
My request are open for any Charles fics because I have no ideas. Also if I write more dad fics what should I call the boy?
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Some Curtis love for you. ❤️
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You know I will always take some Curtis love.
I'm A Girl Uncle Honey
"Okay Uncle Curtis, your birfday is same as mine." Sophia stated while she had Curtis sit on the edge of the couch, her makeup kit spread out on the coffee table.
Curtis gave a slight nod. "Yup, sure is Sophia Bear. Coming up in another month."
"So we gotta be pretty for the par-tay!" She announced while flipping open the pretty as a princess color kit, loaded with everykind of shade of eye shadow, blush and lipstick that a little kid could ever want. "I gotta practice your look now."
You watched from the other end of the couch, hiding your amusement with your nose in a book, but you peeked over the edge to see Curtis's reaction.
Now this man could give so many excuses to his niece, try to talk her out of painting his face. But he scooted closer while looking at the colors she had available and he pointed to a very vibrant blue. "This would make my eyes really look nice." In which she picked up her brush and dabbled it into the color, adding a generous amount of an almost neon blue.
"M'kay, close your eyes." Sophia said so seriously that Curtis followed her instructions right away.
Sophia concentrated so hard on applying the layers of makeup to Curtis, her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth and her brows furrowed, much like his does when he was concentrating on something. After a while of them going back and forth about colors, she announced he was finished and set her brush down.
"How do I look?" Curtis asked, turning to face you. Your eyes were twinkling over the book as you studied him. You had to admit, Sophia did a pretty good job for being all of four years old.
"Very handsome Curtis, Sophia you did an excellent job." You praised, making the little girl beam proudly at her work. She swiftly turned to her makeup pallet, grasping the brush to give to her uncle.
"Okay, make me pretty Uncle Curtis." She informed him.
"Kid, you're already pretty without it." He took the brush and swipped it in the first color she was pointing too. "But let's see if I can do as good a job as you did on me."
It was much later, after Sophia was fast asleep in the guest bedroom for the night did you find Curtis washing off the makeup from his face. You leaned against the doorway watching him while he scrubed at the blush Sophia got half mixed in his beard. "You're pretty good with her, doing her makeup and everything."
"I'm a girl uncle Honey, I gotta be prepared for anything." He said lightheartedly as he continued scrubbing at his face. "You got any of those wipes to take this off though?"
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justalittlecutiepie · 3 months
Happy birfday to me!! M got some super cute stuff + a hello kitty build a bear and clothes for my mel!!
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aleanthrope · 6 months
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my boyfriend @wereyeena got me the build a bear werewolf, my mum got me the black wolf and my mum crocheted me the maned wolf!!
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haunted mound card made by my bf!!! NOT revealing my age
AAAND a new tablet and balders gate 3!!! this is the xp-pen artist 12 pro!! it's so good tho the colouring is kinda off
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ofbelobog · 1 month
"Bronya...?" A quiet, unsure tone that was normally never evident in Seele's voice breaks the otherwise silent atmosphere of the room-- her eyes remain fixed on something (anything) that isn't anywhere near Bronya's gaze; were she to look close enough, the Underworlder's cheeks would be flushed with a soft pink tint. Her hands remained tucked behind her back, clearly in an attempt to hide something. A poor attempt, but an attempt nonetheless. "I... ah... Happy birthday," She mumbles as she steps closer, ducking her head as she worries her bottom lip between her teeth. This shouldn't have been embarrassing as it was, really, but... this was all new to her, as well. It wasn't like she normally had the ability to get a gift so ... personal and tailored. "I brought you something. It's-- It's kind of silly, honestly, and I wouldn't even blame you if you didn't like it!" A nervous laugh follows, violet eyes finally raising to inspect the expression on her partner's face. The deep breath that follows is all she does to steel herself for the embarrassment that will surely come after. With shaky hands, she extends a plushie towards her friend-- it's a fluffy black cat, with narrowed eyes that bear a stark resemblance to an annoyed expression. The whiskers are slightly crinkled, giving the impression that perhaps it's a kitty that has erred on the wild side. The most important addition, however, is a little red bandana tied around its arm... One that matches the same one that Seele sports, a gift from Wildfire that never left her person. "It's dumb, I know. Honestly, I'll just-- Ah, damn it... Serval said it looked like me, and she thought it would be cute if I gave it to you, but this is all so stupid!" The last part of her tirade comes out in a jumble, voice raising to an octave higher than normal. Her eyes close for the briefest of moments before she forcefully stuffs the 'cat' into Bronya's arms. A brief pause, an uncharacteristic silence from Seele-- followed by her leaning forward to lightly press her lips to the other girl's cheek in something that could barely be called a kiss. (She blames it on the nerves.) "H--- Happy birthday, okay?" Seele barely manages to choke it out before turning on her heel, a single gloved hand covering the lower half of her face. She couldn't get out of here fast enough, honestly, and she had to stifle the urge to crash through the window of Qlipoth Fort in order to have the quickest escape route possible. DAMN, THIS IS EMBARRASSING. I CAN'T FUCKIGN DO THIS
(( happy birfday miss bronya YAYYYY ))
There is so little fanfare on this day that one might almost forget the nature of the occasion. The staff of Qlipoth Fort move as normal, the walls remain bare and undecorated, and Bronya—celebrant though she may be—finds herself rummaging through paperwork instead of blowing out candles. The Supreme Guardian doesn't mind. Every birthday was not a celebration of her, but rather, a celebration of who she would be. Each passing year marked a step closer towards Guardianship. Though disguised with joy and sweet cakes, it would always be a reminder of how far Bronya still was—and how she's closer than she's ever been.
But, of course, this office minutiae doesn't last long. Like the flap of butterfly wings rippling through the cosmos, a visitor tears her way through the silence. 
"Oh, hello Seele."
Bronya greets the Underworlder with her usual cordial nod, but it doesn't take her long to realize that there's nothing usual about Seele's behavior. The flushed face, the stammering voice, the meekness of her movements—all are symptoms of some greater anomaly that she is not privy to. Until, of course, Seele stutters and stumbles her way through her words, and Bronya realizes her reason for coming here. Gray eyes widen.
"You remembered my birthday?" she says, her heart pounding as Seele brings out something from behind her back. While she would expect someone from the Overworld to be familiar with the date, she doesn't think an Underworlder would care to know—doesn't think that Seele of all people would. But she does know, and she does care. Enough to even bring her a custom gift.
Bronya feels something in her chest squeeze when she sees the black cat. The feeling intensifies when she notices the resemblance it has with its giver.
One might see it as nothing more than some shabby crafts project, but Bronya sees it as an extension of Seele's very soul—a piece of herself that she wishes for her to have. There is no greater honor than to be bestowed with such a precious thing. The Overworlder feels its burden weigh in her stomach and in her chest, sinking like hot metal into snow.
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"Seele, I don't know what to say, I'm very touched—Ah!"
Before she can continue her speech, the stuffed cat is pushed into Bronya's arms. And before she can recover from that, Seele plants a kiss on her cheek—lighter than a butterfly's feet yet somehow searing with the fury of a thousand suns. While the Underworlder retreats, pulling away so quickly her face is but a red blur, Bronya lingers on the moment. Her hand goes to her cheek, fingers pressing onto the skin that Seele touched. As though wishing to imprint it into her face forever.
"Seele…" Bronya finally utters after a brief silence. Then, she lets out a small laugh, "You're being very silly. Of course I love your present. Thank you…" unconsciously, her arms wrap around the black cat tighter, smothering it in an embrace, "Thank you for everything."
( In the coming days, people will notice a small change in scenery—there, atop the Guardian's desk, a stuffed black cat stands in permanent watch, its eyes seemingly following any who enter Qlipoth Fort. While some are unnerved by it, the Supreme Guardian only looks at it with a great deal of fondness. )
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dcviated · 2 years
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@convxction @squidsavior @sapphiren
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Thanks you guys. I had to retype this three times because mobile is just like that with me.
Every year I get older the tech is less kind to my fingers. :')
And now Im waiting for IT to finish upgrading my laptop with another hard drive. That I dont need but thems the breaks.
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kassifieddocuments2 · 2 months
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happy birfday frebby fast bear.... is been ten years, waow. anyway here's spring bonnie and fredbear!!! no it's not just them instead of the fnaf 1 crew because i didn't wanna draw foxy and chica today wdym
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pnuk-r0ck · 2 months
Hiii interwebs I was hanging with some friends 4 Themis @themisthemenace birfday and me and Syd @faded-moon13 went 2 Build-a-bear @ the mall we went 2 and we made bears 4 each other😈 I made the brown 1 for Syd named Framk and they made the rainbow 1 4 me named Rawr XD
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The people working there were sooo nice and 1 employee gave us PTV bracelets (first ones Syds, second ones mine)
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juneberrie · 1 year
happy birfday to percy jackson aka the silliest pookie bear to ever pookie bear
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hoppinkiss · 3 months
I wonder what my budget's gonna be for the birfday trip.... the mall near the theme park has a build a bear workshop and im Tempted
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coolrpblog · 4 months
Aestri approaches the taller man slowly holding something behind her back.
“I heard today’s your birthday! Happy birthday Masked one!”
She hands over a small brown and cream teddy bear with a red bow tie. Unfortunately, he was missing his left eye but everything else about him was mint.
“Since it’s your birthday… how about a song? I’m a pretty good singer.~”
Late Jason birfday asks
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Jason looks to the bard, tilting his head. When the teddy bear was shown now, Jason visible perked up as he carefully grabs the stuffed animal. Hugging the stuffed animal now. Even if it was slightly damaged, he really likes it.
Tilting his head once more he nods. A birthday song sounds great, it's been many years since having that.
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fruityenderman · 1 year
Birfday so good so far! Went to a bookstore then build a bear, coffee was still toasty when I got back to the car, now picking up my favorite pizza, ice cream, and cake mix! Also hoping to draw a bunch when I get home!!
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