psychcdelica · 7 months
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dcviated · 1 year
@sapphiren replied to your post “"Good. I will see you in two in-game unskippable...”:
He's busy gathering the courage to ask Jean on a date and then going on said date ;)
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Wow I have no idea what you're talking about!!!
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bigtopveggie · 1 year
✌ Surprise me!
Send me ‘ ✌ ’ and i’ll make a graphic of your muse ! Free to use/edit/just reblog without credits just have fun 💚!
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I enjoy playing with gifs and made a cute status banner ~ ! Lo-fi Tarutaru drinking tea session 🍵🐋!
PSD + IMGs link💚! Expire in 30 days !
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awesomeuchuu · 1 year
"what was your plan ??  you could’ve gotten yourself killed !" - Arashi @ Madara
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Wow, did his midsection ever hurt. It would probably bruise eventually, but as long as there was no major damage done, he figured he was fine. Dirt and grime stained his hands and he began to dig around in his pockets for a handkerchief. Finding one, he finally turned his attention to Arashi, giving her a lopsided smile. "Trade secrets, Princess. Can't tell you."
"But..." Madara added as an afterthought, wiping blood away from his face. "If it's any consolation, I'm perfectly fine and those people won't bother anyone in that neighborhood where Adonis-san's sister live anymore." Hopefully.
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demonsfate · 2 years
@sapphiren SENT ...
The bruises and cuts from the battles that took her to get here are completely ignored as she rushes to the familiar man whose back is turned to her. Tears of relief spill from her eyes as she catches her breath. “Thank goodness I found you, Jin!” Finally, she has reached her goal— though she knows this is only the beginning.
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THE FIRST THING HE NOTICES ISN'T HER FACE - but the injuries that are scattered about her body. & he's actually angry. Uncertain if at her, or himself - that someone he cared for tremendously, would get themselves hurt over someone such as himself.
Although he did miss her, & truly his heart wanted to greet her - be overjoyed to see her. Jin couldn't stand to see her hurt because of him - he couldn't bear watching tears stain her cheeks. So, instead of being welcoming toward his dear friend, Jin reacts coldly as he jerks himself back.
" Xiao - ! If I wanted you to find me, I would've come to you, " he snapped. " Stay away from me - stay far away. "
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prideraiised · 1 year
@sapphiren​ :  Lux waves at him
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He waves back!
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ofsgiathan · 1 year
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@sapphiren sent: “Your eyes… you’re a SOLDIER, aren’t you?” Aerith knows those mako-infused eyes— after all, they’re just like Zack’s. Harsher, perhaps, but with the same shade that indicated the experiments that person went through. “Do you perhaps know someone from SOLDIER named Zack? It’s been… quite a while since we last saw each other.”
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❝  Was,  ❞  he corrected, the tone a bit more brash than intended. Though perhaps still being called wouldn't entirely be wrong considering Angeal never could get rid of the SOLDIER mindset. It's like the saying went: once a soldier, always a soldier. And that's the best way to explain Angeal's entire view on it. A small sigh crept past parted lips as he spoke again, the tone a bit nicer, ❝  I  was, at  one  point,  a  SOLDIER,  yes.  ❞
Oh how he hated having to answer such a question about Zack. But, at the same time, he found it to be rather hilarious. Angeal would like to think he knew the man he once trained considering the current predicament the two of them were in. With a small chuckle came an answer about the other man,  ❝  And  as  for  Zack?  I'd  like  to  think  I  know  him.  I  trained  him,  actually.  ❞
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tricksheart · 1 year
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Akira's Birthday 2023!! ( Feb 26th but accepting through 3/3 )
@sapphiren said: "Senpa— I mean, Akira-kun… happy birthday!" Sumire has a cake in her hands. In specific, it's a strawberry cake of two layers, though it looks a bit like the second layer might fall to the side any minute now. "I made some cake for you, but it doesn't look quite right, so it's okay if you don't want to eat it…"
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Akira's not sure when Sumire knew what type of cake to get him for his birthday but he was happy anyways. He's sure to make a note to ask her later but for now, he stares at the present, as it's about to fall over and onto the plate.
"I guess I have to be as 'fast as eyes'". Akira jokes before taking out a fork and starts eating the second layer as that was the weakest link in the cake at the moment. It's not too bad and it is edible. There was a lack of real fruit put into it though but not everyone has a father that wanted to become a pastry chef but settled on becoming a detective that taught his son the value of excellent desserts when Akira was younger.
Anyways, with a mouth full of cake, Akira tries to swallow a piece before he starts talking again. It would be rude and gross of him to start talking during that. "It's good. And you don't have to stop calling me senpai. Hell, my mom still gets called Ms. Amano even though my parents are married. So it's okay to keep calling me that honorific since I consider it a little nickname because everyone else doesn't call me that".
Akira finishes the cake afterwards. He wonders if he should had offered Sumire a piece but he had been so happy about getting a strawberry cake that all thoughts of sharing had gone out the window. "Thanks Sumire. Maybe in a month I can make you some tarts as a present. I'm sure you will love them....and get inspiration to get better".
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psychcdelica · 1 year
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@sapphiren asked: “So this is your place?” Iris enters, quickly noting that the space is, indeed, very Junpei. It’s the night of Valentine’s, her mother and Date have gone out on some romantic dinner and she knows they are not getting back so early. So what a better time to sneak out to stay at her boyfriend’s place than now? Blue eyes shine with excitement when she spots his console. “Oh my god, we should totally play some games! And then we can order takeout, and watch a movie, and, um…“ As she trails off, her face turns red.
It was a bit nerve-wracking bringing his girlfriend back to his very bachelor pad, it's clean at least (he's sure of that.), and with a slow turn, the key welcomes the two into the humble abode. There's minimal furniture, (in fact he's lucky he has a sofa at this point.) But anyway, he's glad they've decided to do this - whilst it's been nice to sneak in dates, it's nicer still to just be able to enjoy her company.
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"Yep," he strains out, worried she won't like it, "welcome home," Oh good, he's blushing too. It's clear to see when she spots his console, of course, she's a gamer at heart. Heh, how cute. "Make yourself at home, would you like a drink?" He's making something warm... with this cold weather, it's important she keeps herself warm and well...
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"Anything we get to do, I'm sure it'll be fun-" And oh, she's blushing, and his mind is quickly draining to a gutter - no, Junpei, you can't - she's not ready! Or something, oh no it's suddenly really hot in here, how did a guy get so lucky with a wonderful woman like Iris Sagan?! "I mean, spending time with you is always fun..."
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dcviated · 1 year
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@convxction @squidsavior @sapphiren
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Thanks you guys. I had to retype this three times because mobile is just like that with me.
Every year I get older the tech is less kind to my fingers. :')
And now Im waiting for IT to finish upgrading my laptop with another hard drive. That I dont need but thems the breaks.
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sylleblosscm · 1 year
✂ reverse (Jean’s FFXV verse!)
Symbol Starters [accepting]
✂ - for my muse to rescue yours from danger (+rev)
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It is in Luna’s nature to trust, and in her nurture to remain cautious. And a warall its own to wage with herself as she finds treachery in these once-beautiful lands. Frittering just beyond the Empire’s grip, drawing their ire from Noctis but never going so far as to seem lost to them, her duty doesn’t falter. Nor does it wait. With Titan behind her, Gentiana called away on divine business and Umbra on a mission of his own, Luna is left with Pryna and a few kind strangers for the night. 
 Or not so kind, it seems, as they had taken the first chance available to restrain her. Turning the Oracle over to the Empire (and any number of other shady characters) must certainly carry a hefty reward, but Luna finds herself less frightened and more confused as to why the Gods do not answer her prayer for rescue. She cannot die here - there is still work to be done. 
 Pryna bares her teeth in a way most unbefitting of her gentleness, and Luna dearly hopes never to see the sight again. Drawing breath to admonish her kidnappers and demand kinder treatment for her companion, her fury is drowned out by a sudden slam. And in what was the doorway moments ago, Luna finds her trust at last. Even if all citizens do not have her wellbeing at heart, she knows where there is the Lucian Crownsguard insignia, there is safety just beyond.
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braveryhearted · 1 year
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'You're lucky that you are cute'. He says under his breath, clearly upset but likes Lucy enough not to make a fuss on not having a feature despite being the one shirtless all the time.
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wildwoof · 1 year
"You've got your charm, Koga-chan, but I think if you learned to control your temper a bit better you'd be even more attractive, you know?" Some advice from Arashi.
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"Haah? I have my temper perfectly under control, Ari! There is nothin' wrong with how I handle myself!" He doesn't get it, finding no wrong.
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catsdisco · 1 year
@sapphiren sent: mind if i join you? (Yukari -> Shinjiro)
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Her voice calls out to him as his hand meets the handle of the door to leave the dorms, body freezing at her offer—at the fact that she had noticed him leaving in the first place. Though he had ended up re joining SEES, he didn’t expect the others to actually make an attempt at befriending him. Still, Shinjiro remained pretty closed off—but he was trying. He made a promise to Akihiko to try, so…
“..Fine.” His voice was monotonous as he glanced over his shoulder, a deep exhale leaving him and allowing his shoulders to slack a little. He had to go pick up a few things; might as well have extra hands, right?
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“…Fuuka asked for help to make something specific. I realized we didn’t have the right ingredients….You better be fine with carrying some shit.”
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demonsfate · 1 year
@sapphiren SENT ... “Jin!” Xiaoyu approaches, excited, with a bag of handmade chocolate treats in her hands. She presents the bag to him. “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
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Upon her voice reaching his ears, Jin turns his full attention over to her. His hands, albeit large, takes the bag with a mindful gentleness. ❝ Wow, Xiao... you really didn't have to go through the trouble... ❞ But after popping a chocolate in his mouth, he's grateful she did. The content hum he makes shows how much he liked it. & also the action of chucking another in his mouth.
Afterward, he reaches into the insides of his hoodie. Shortly after digging around, he pulls out a very small plush cat that's around the size of his palm. It's pink & sits like a person with a heart in its lap which reads, you're the purrrfect valentine. By the quality of it, it looks similar to something you can pick up at the grocery store.
❝ I wanted you to have this. ❞
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🌟 ― i love how you portray your muse(s)
💯 ― your headcanon posts are always on point
✨ ― i love the way you write
💖 ― you seem like a genuinely nice person
🌺 ― simply admiring you from afar
Look y'all I'm resorting to begging you to reblog the meme so I can send you emoji - Accepting!
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Please take these hearts in return! I know you recently came back and your blog is such fun to have on my dash. Love that you write with so many of my mutuals!
And if you ever want to plot/write a thread, let me know. I may not be familiar with every fandom but I try to work with muns the best I can to get a crossover verse that works for both of us.
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