#birds migrate
mapsontheweb · 5 months
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A female falcon was equipped with a satellite tracking system in South Africa before migrating to Finland. Image shows tracker data. In just 42 days, she flew over 10.000 km, at an incredible average of 230 km per day and nearly in a straight line.    
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getvalentined · 1 year
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So tumblr has started putting this little banner at the top of posts from new accounts, and honestly I kinda dig it. I've seen a lot of people get absolutely eviscerated for doing something that was perfectly normal on their previous platform but a huge faux pas here, and I think this little banner will go a long way to mitigating that.
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soupandcats · 10 months
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Finally got the chance to scan my book!🕊️
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audible-smiles · 8 days
Oregonians: Lights Out Oregon starts tonight! It’s peak migration season for the next month, and millions of birds will be flying by night. Bright lights disorient them, draw them into cities, and increase the number of window strike deaths. If you have any overnight lighting, please consider turning it off! You can also call local businesses if you see lighted buildings overnight, to inform them of the risk.
Other people: Your city, county, state, or other region may have a similar initiative with slightly different timing or specific recommendations. Look it up!
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brooklynbridgebirds · 13 hours
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Ovenbird Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 6
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solarpunks · 1 month
This bird came back from extinction - now scientists in a glider are teaching it to migrate
Extinct in central Europe for 300 years, 36 northern bald ibis are following an ultralight aircraft on their long-forgotten migration route from Austria to Spain
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Fritz was inspired by the 1996 film Fly Away Home in which the main character flies an ultralight plane to show orphaned geese their migratory path. The film was based on the work of “Father Goose” Bill Lishman, a naturalist who taught Canadian geese in the same way in 1988.
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Breeding efforts to increase their population over the past two decades have been successful, but without guidance from wild ancestors, the birds – known for their bald red head and long curved beak – no longer had any knowledge of which direction to fly for winter. Early reintroduction attempts were largely unsuccessful – instead of returning to suitable wintering grounds such as Tuscany, Italy, the birds flew in different directions and died.
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When they reach the wintering grounds, the birds become fully independent and no longer need their foster parents, although they still recognise them years later and actively approach to say hello (the birds have a ritual greeting in which they spread their hair and bow, making a “chrrupp” noise). The central European population has increased from zero to almost 300 since the start of the project in 2002, and in 2011 the first bird migrated back to Bavaria from Tuscany without human help.
This is amazing and also very sweet. Do click though and read the whole article at the Guardian.
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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thomas--bombadil · 1 year
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Watching a warbler frolic and forage, as it travels southward, will brighten your day, I assure you.
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mostlybirdsandphotos · 5 months
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a sora!!
my first time seeing one, and it was so casual that everyone who saw it was astonished—for such a notoriously shy bird it spent a lot of time out in the open, even getting so close my camera couldn't focus on it anymore! it was a lifer for quite a few people last morning ( ˙꒳​˙ )
I really enjoyed watching it hop around looking for bugs and flicking its tail, and watching it disappear into the grass only to pop out instantly much further than I would have expected. it's also a lot smaller than I expected, only about the size of the red-winged blackbirds!
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klemannlee · 5 months
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Blackpoll Warbler
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typhlonectes · 2 months
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Fantastic Journeys: Shorebirds Are Next-Level Athletes
Shorebirds are the undisputed marathon champions among migratory birds. About 20 species of shorebirds have been recorded making nonstop flights longer than 5,000 kilometers, or 3,100 miles—about the distance from Boston to San Francisco. No other species of migratory bird has been recorded completing a nonstop flight longer than 4,000 km. The longest known shorebird flights—about 12,000 kilometers and nine days in length—belong to the Bar-tailed Godwit during its migration from Alaska to New Zealand. But even small shorebird species make epic flights. The Semipalmated Sandpiper, which at about 22 grams weighs less than an apple, makes nonstop flights of 5,300 kilometers from Canada to South America—that’s the aerial equivalent of completing 126 consecutive marathons...
Read more: https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/fantastic-journeys-shorebirds-are-next-level-athletes/
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ostdrossel · 7 months
Do you have special songs,
smells or sounds that instantly transport you to a time or place? These guys do that for me. Once I am hearing them, I know spring is on the way. Male Redwinged Blackbirds usually appear first, along with Grackles, but yesterday, I also saw the first females, as well as some Cowbirds. So despite the snow this morning, spring is really unfolding!
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geopsych · 5 months
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Scarlet tanagers are red enough to begin with but when you see them in that first sunrise light they look like they're lit from within.
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mrkida-art · 8 months
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Just a little guy from Ravenhill
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nemfrog · 9 months
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"Southbound ducks on western flyway." Life. September 28, 1959. Cover photo.
Internet Archive
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brooklynbridgebirds · 20 days
Black-crowned Night-Herons roosting in staghorn sumac over a small pond in Brooklyn Bridge Park! There are 7 of these living dinosaurs there now, maybe more to come? 🦖🦕😁
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