#biopunk AU
nightskyfoxyy · 2 months
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Go read @niobiumao3 s' Pirate/Biopunk AU fic I dare you
A little ha ha based on chapter 7s cliffhanger
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weireir · 15 days
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Sonic and Shadow being placed in cryosleep pods. Cryotherapy helps Shadow manage his body temperature and helps Sonic calm his nerves. But Sonic is claustrophobic and has trouble sleeping in general. Shadow can probably sleep through anything.👩‍🍼 lol
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hybbart · 3 months
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Day 2448: The ranchers follow the water, and find one of the ferries docked for repairs. With its generators in okay shape they're able to catch up on some chores in relative safety.
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artsolarsash · 11 months
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Final design of Sundrop and Moondrop space western cowboys! My handsome babies are ready!
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3/14 it's Izzy! beautiful, beautiful Izzy. A full-blooded version of the same race that Yol is, with them and all of her friends being warped down to Earth thanks to a new plant she found and grew. They're big fans of plants, having an extensive garden in/next to her house, and will gladly talk for ages to you about that or anything else. Naturally, being on a whole new planet with lots of new plants to find was quite a pleasant surprise!
Generally seen as some of the smarter & more reasonable neighbors, though they are still plenty capable of causing & encouraging shenanigans when the opportunity arises >:)
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made charts for each of the 3 typical headmates, as obviously each will have a different relationship to the people of Home. I'll put the version for Soldier down at the bottom as a bonus.
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Only out when they need to be. Will protect you at all costs.
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dunkarporshop · 2 years
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Rumors have it that Las Nevadas has a brand new security system...
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enavstars · 11 months
Cyberpunk au
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RGB designs for a new au
Important things:
The inspiration for this was the game Stray (that I finally played).
This is a hyperfixation that I don't know when it's going to end. I'll probably draw things from it as much as my motivation lets me but don't expect it to be a constant thing like Eclipse or On the road.
I love worldbuilding so there is a lot of details of this au already, feel free to ask questions.
The world is dark and very corrupted but the tone of the au is chill because the sibs dgaf about the world.
Worldbuilding details (my friend wrote this because this is complicated and I suck at writing) [very long text under the cut]:
The key element of this AU’s worldbuilding is a new biohazardous artificial plant which was originally genetically engineered by the scientist of the RGB’s city-state to fight the air pollution that plagued the region by attempting to reduce the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere (yes this is a biopunk universe :)). However, because they are an ugly reddish colour, have a bitter taste and are extremely nutrient-deficient and unhealthy, they have no natural predators and can spread like wildfire across both fertile plots and forests like weeds. On top of that, due to that nutrient deficiency, which stems from the slow absorption ability of their roots (not nearly enough to keep the heavy rate of photosynthesis), they evolved on their own to attach themselves to other living beings as parasites and basically invaded the entire area around the metropolis. With them being potentially lethal, this caused a massive problem that made the city panic; although they have plenty of weak points (like fire and a vulnerable immune system) and it takes them very long to get their roots to the rest of the body, their grip is so deep and strong that the only option is to remove the infected body part. So their special ability became a critical issue when the plants unexpectedly ended up liking animals better, and with them humans themselves, because they could carry them to other places and infest those too while still sucking the life out of them until they die (oopsie). Ultimately, with the lack of proper information on the parasites, and because the situation was handled very poorly overall, they ended up taking many people’s lives and made the most vulnerable species of the area (like cattle) go endangered or extinct, which in turn altered the balance of the ecosystem and the working class’ means of living :).
Sorry this chunk was so technical, we (@kaigoesbrr and I) are biology nerds, but basically the plants were so good at making more oxygen and so ass at getting what they needed to do so that they became parasites, and now they get what they need from plants and animals (and they like animals better, like humans, because they have more stuff and help them spread further). Then society collapsed :).
All of this caused a deep economic crisis that brought about high rates of poverty, and with it, a deep fear of the infested world outside the city walls. So this whole conundrum led to the city closing off to the lands around it, implementing absurd levels of security like a tight border control and a slower, more strict business traffic, and making a huge dark translucent dome that encapsulates the whole city to keep any potential smuggled plants from ever growing by blocking the natural sunlight. They even made a ditch around their walls (kind of like a moat) and burnt and bombed the fields and suburbs around them to make them extremely infertile. So yeah, this city-state is a terrible place to live, a gloomy prison where not even the sun and stars can be seen, but most the inhabitants never leave out of that paranoid terror and the heavy bureaucracy needed to just go outside and touch grass.
(haha with poor funding corrupt scientists who didn’t know what they were doing made a mess, shocker how that would backfire horribly).
However, the outside isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. In the end, the plants did clean the air as they were supposed to, and, as nature does, it did somewhat recover from the disaster to where human life is now sustainable again.
Taking advantage of their thick crust, trees were the least affected by the plague, and the other plants in the forest developed new natural defences against the parasites, which was yet another reason why they in turn became best at infecting animals. And many of the fungi, abundant in the now more humid forest (haha cooler air equals more rain), took advantage of their weak immune system (due to their fucking incompetent creators making a mess of the original plant’s DNA) and infected them (haha scammer get scammed). So basically, the fields and farmlands were lost to the people, but the forests are still intact. Also, even though one of the rivers around the city, the one which makes its ways under it and is therefore connected to the water supply and sewer systems, is trashed, the other, which is further away, is now perfectly healthy due to the city closing off and therefore leaving it alone for enough time. The real issue here lies within the actual government, which obviously does not want to expose how corrupt and lazy they are when dealing with problems and so they keep fueling the paranoia of their most vulnerable citizens since they are kids :). One way they do so is by manipulating the information their people get, claiming bullshit like “the current ecosystem is wild and polluted, it cannot offer our economy anything anymore!” and “the plants are dangerous and will kill you if you ever come into contact with them, and they have infected virtually every living thing around!”. Another is by not educating their population about “the Outside”, treating it like a sort of taboo. Therefore, they refuse to explain, or hush those who try to, the actual danger of the plants and how to deal with them (they do have many weaknesses, after all).
But the people in this world have yet another nasty problem. In this AU there are beings believed to be anthropomorphic demons due to their pointy ears, fangs, and sometimes strange behaviour. But in fact, these people are descendants of the dragons that once lived in these nations, but their origins were forgotten as the world gradually lost touch with its spirituality and ancestry, and now those who were once revered for their “godlike attributes” (yes, they kinda worshipped dragons, I mean, who wouldn’t) are today facing discrimination. However, even though they aren’t considered exactly “people”, the pure humans are still kind of afraid of them, so they usually choose the subtler kind of racism. In most governments, “Demons” get less job opportunities and are denied high positions, can be freely banned from any establishment, and face unmatched prejudice just for existing, especially those with a stronger blood relation with their ancestry. In the city, they are treated as less than even the robots (nindroids of all kinds), who are treated like any other respected social group by now because they have grown so advanced that most of them are just like humans in metal armour. In fact, many of them are mechanics, who are held in high esteem for making the many bionic implants for the humans.
And all of that combined made the RGB siblings (who are obviously demons, especially Lloyd), decide never to leave the Outside, where they grew up, to go live in the city.
When they were younger, Kai and Nya adopted Lloyd when they found him asleep in a box in the middle of nowhere, after having been abandoned themselves a few years earlier. This time, though, their dynamic in this AU is more of a team than Kai being a mom to them both like he always is, so even if Kai feels the most responsible for being the eldest sibling, they rely on each other almost equally. They fend off the plants that threaten them with fire (no they do not have powers, but Kai uses a fucking flamethrower because it’s Kai), and usually live on whatever they can find in the wild: mostly by making traps for game, fishing in the cleaner river and occasionally foraging edible plats (that’s more risky and they are more carnivorous anyway). Also, Nya routinely strolls through the ruins of the suburbs to collect scrap junk to turn as much of it as she can into useful trinkets, the rest of which she sells to Ed and Edna’s junkyard and their son, who is an amateur mechanic (wink wink but no shipping actually). Apart from that though, they usually sneak into the metropolis to cause a bit of mayhem here and there, which over time and on top of the fear over their species has earned them a reputation of People You Don't Wanna Mess With (or "Demons", more like). More than once they’ve even messed with a few of the gangs around town, which started sprouting up after the disaster, so overall their presence in the city is tolerated, but frowned upon. They manage to bypass the annoying border control thanks to the faulty assistant robot who raised them, named Echo (wink wink), who cannot perform any other social job (what he was made for) than to be the ferryman for those few people who decide to cross the wide moat and venture out into the Outside. They usually take a secret tunnel that a few smugglers managed to make, and the Guard do nothing because they do not give a fuck about demons anyway (in fact, only a few people know that their actual names aren’t Red, Blue and Green because nobody gives a fuck indeed). They do actually know a few people there, some of whom are also demons (like Mistake and Ronin), but especially as kids (which is when the story starts) they spend most of their time in the wild chilling and going on adventures :³.
(no the city and the plants are not named, we’re lazy :))
Anyway this is what I'll say for now. There's a lot more info, and hopefully drawings, coming. Hope you like this au because I love it for now ^^
(Btw let me know if you want me to make a post/reblog explaining the designs for the Rgb siblings and some info behind them)
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jackdaw-sprite · 9 months
Hi, @ep-10 ! I was your truce gifter this year for @phandomholidaytruce and I decided to use your prompts for a Japanese ghost--kinda, but mostly for a biopunk fantasy au. You're getting some character designs for a biopunk fantasy AU set in a world suspiciously similar to Sengoku era Japan! And also backstory. Mostly backstory, really.
Warning for someone getting baked alive in a kiln.
I mean, we all know who.
Jack and Maddie Fenton are a married pair of researcher/alchemists who've been brought into the country with the influence of an old friend of theirs, Vlad. He wants them to figure out the secret to producing porcelain, an expensive and magically versatile ceramic with a production process that's a closely guarded secret in a nearby, much more economically powerful country.
To this end, Vlad has supplied the Fentons with enough wealth and resources to not ask things like "where did you get this?" and "what exactly is going to happen when it gets out that we're trying to make porcelain?"
As it turns out, this is a very important question, because together the pair piece together how to build a kiln that burns hotter than any they've ever seen before and for the very first time make the coveted porcelain.
The victory is short lived: their son Daniel goes missing that very day, and then their search for him is waylaid by another discovery: some of the porcelain is coming to life, animated by a horrific amalgam of flesh and vitriol. They must find Danny, but first they must make sure the monsters they've made are destroyed…
So! The three big players in our cast of characters here are Jack, Maddie, and poor, poor Danny. They are coincidentally the only ones I had time to do a character design for, so let's look at Jack first, who is holding an experimental porcelain vase:
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That's quite an outfit. It's, uh. Not quite standard in the Sengoku: while he's wearing a hitatare, it's been modified, and he's chosen not to wear pants because it's technically not, like, a crime. I chose this for him because Jack:
a) Does not care about what everyone thinks of what he's wearing, or he wouldn't wear a jumpsuit all the time in canon b) Hates the feel of most clothes
Hitatare were growing in popularity during the Sengoku because of how comfortable they were, so it seemed a good fit for Jack. They didn't necessarily need to be worn with hakama if you were of a lower class, but it would be frowned upon to go without if you were off a higher class.
The modifications he and Maddie have made to it make it even less restrictive than a standard hitatare, and a bit more suited to their work of experimenting with kilns and clay.
The obi is stitched into place, so it doesn't actually act like a belt and put a line of pressure across Jack's stomach, and they've added a button to the side to hold the hitatare closed, instead. The stitching around the sleeve openings is pretty archaic by this point, but they've kept (or added) it so he can draw the openings closed when he wants, and a second draw string runs along his sleeve to let him draw the sleeves away from his hands when needed, while still letting him let them extend to their full length to act as a barrier between his skin and unpleasant textures.
He's got some leather gloves and a pair of very early goggles to protect his hands and eyes from the heat of the kilns.
The geta act as an additional layer of protection against bad textures, since they should keep him above mud.
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Maddie, here holding a shattered fragment of porcelain, is dressed far less eccentrically, because this (left) is before the porcelain came to life. She's just wearing a kosode with hakama and a leather apron. (She has gloves too, they're just tucked away at her back) The smaller sleeves stay out of the way while she works, and the hakama are roomy. She's wearing waraji, because she prefers what I assume is more stable footing and a lower center of gravity.
This is especially true after they start fighting the porcelain. Pictured here, you can see she keeps her hair out of her face with a standard low ponytail, and the Fenton Anti-Creep stick manages to still exist in this world, despite all odds.
This Anti-Creep stick is a bokken with embedded teeth of broken porcelain for a better shattering potential--metal, especially enough metal of sufficient quality for a sword, is expensive, and they're dealing with something that's only a stronger ceramic…
Which brings us to the kiln. And, to his great misfortune, to Danny.
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This is a multi-chambered climbing kiln. While I don't think it's the first kiln that allowed firing temperatures to reach that required for porcelain in Japan in our world, it's the most common and appeared around the same time as that first one. The design of it encourages airflow in a way that traps and directs heat to build it on itself and distribute it reasonably evenly.
The kiln chambers would get filled with the pots to be fired, then they would set a fire in the little step down in each chamber. Then they would seal the kiln chambers entrances with fire bricks, except for a small stoking hole to keep the fires fed.
Then they'd light the main fire at the mouth to the first, lowest chamber called the stoke hole and the fire box respectively.
And then they would keep the fires lit, and feed them, wood upon wood upon wood…
Until eventually, the kiln warmed, grew sweltering, grew hot, hot like fire, like iron in a forge and then hotter still, until the whole of the inside glows.
Like the center of the earth.
At the lowest, porcelain requires a firing temperature of 1000 degrees. Celsius.
Brass melts, at that temperature. Porcelain itself gets its strength from melting.
And Danny…
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Danny tripped. Danny was loading one of the chambers, and he tripped and he hit his head and by the time he woke he was sweating.
He tried to crawl away from where he knew the fires were. The flue, where the spent air left the kiln, has charred finger marks where his burnt away after the carbon dioxide and heat drove him unconscious a second time.
It was a mercy.
By the time he woke again, his body was cooling.
You see, the Fentons enchanted the kiln to make it try to repair pieces that were falling apart during the firing process. And, if one piece was destroyed in the firing anyway, to use the fragments to reinforce the other pieces in the kiln.
Danny was in the kiln. Danny's body failed.
Bone ash is not a critical ingredient in porcelain, but its presence makes it much, much stronger.
Danny woke up made of porcelain.
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His sandals left black on the soles of his feet and the fingers on one hand that had burned looked skeletal. But he woke up.
And he ran.
Later, he'll find help. Later, he'll find a way to fight the other things in the kiln that day, and the results of later firings. Later, he'll meet a boy who loves puzzles and information and who teaches him how to use a bow and arrow to keep his fragile body intact. He'll meet a girl who loves foraging (partly because it gets her away from her parents) but loves justice more.
(Whether he'll stop wearing his clothes like a corpse is another question.)
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Danny here is wearing something hitatare adjacent and hakama, along with a yugake.
Happy truce!
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driftingmoonmenace · 3 months
Guard Dog AU Lore
Some of this has already be mentioned in my previous lore post and asks, but I've broadened more on the world setting and stuff!
Eventually I'll make another post going into more detail about the story and more about Y/N and Sun/Moon interactions and feelings but this is what I got for now!
I'll put it under the cut since it's a little lengthy!
The AU is futuristic and has a lot of Biopunk/Cyberpunk dystopian overtones, with technology that is more advanced than today’s modern technology. Despite its advances there is a lot of societal unrest. The general public is suffering because of how capitalistic its society has become and mega-corporations basically run the world. 
Most cities are a very dense concrete jungle, with neon lights and hologram ads everywhere.
A major branch of technology and scientific research has made a lot of progress using robotics and DNA for creature creation. Their ultimate goal is to create super-soldiers for military and authoritarian use. To help rapidly grow their department and data, they’ve teamed up with mega corporations and other research facilities globally, and have allowed them access to their base data findings for their own use to so that they can explore and discover more ways to broaden their projects. It has been several years at this point since this decision has been made and many new methods have cropped up since. 
Most of these creatures vary in shape, size (though most are much larger than humans), and theme, and also vary on how much of them is a blend of organic and robotic augmentations. To everyone they are simply known as ‘Creatures’ and don’t have an official name. Most of them are sentient and intelligent enough (levels of intelligence vary between them, though none are made to be super intelligent) but overall they retain an underlying feral nature. This way it's easier for them to fight each other without question of ethics between them and easier in some ways to control, so them being more animalistic is by design.  
By allowing companies to invest and create within the scientific branch, they’ve come up with a way to capitalize on it for entertainment purposes, further funding their research and lining their pockets with more money. They have created a new form of entertainment which is ‘Creature Cage Fights’ or better known as its official league name CFE (Creature Fighting Entertainment). Similar to wrestling and illegal animal fighting, these creatures are pitted against each other to fight within large stadiums and whomever knocks out their opponent, or renders them unable to continue the fight, wins. CFE is the main umbrella league and places globally are able to form their own mini-leagues under CFE. 
People are able to spectate in person or television and have the ability to place official bets (similar to horse racing). This idea of making them for entertainment allows these creatures to be normalized to the public and for further studying their fighting capabilities to gather research. Companies and people of wealth have also taken to sponsoring or hosting fights to make a profit.
There are ‘Death Matches’ where creatures must fight until either one (or both) die. These kinds of fights are deemed ‘illegal’ and not televised, yet the police and higher people of authority turn a blind eye and allow them. Death matches are typically hosted by the rich and tickets are sold to other rich people to spectate and place bets. These fights are really only used as a way to make money, profits being split between the hosts and companies who lend their creatures out to these fights. 
Fazbear Entertainment, like many other companies all over the world, have joined the scientific branch to get in on this new form of entertainment that’s rapidly growing in popularity globally with people of all ages and cash in on big profits. So far FazCo has made several creatures of their own. These include: Freddy, Chica, Roxy, Monty, and Sun & Moon. 
Sun and Moon, who are more heavily robotically augmented (though still partially organic) compared to the others, are unique in that they are dual AI who both share a body and a ‘brain’. Being able to seamlessly switch between the two and both having their own preferred fighting style. Both AI can come together to create a third form, Eclipse, which has a different fighting style than their own individual ones. Instead of creating a new separate AI or ‘person’ when this happens, this form is instead both AI simultaneously co-piloting the mind and body together. 
The idea of their creation was to have a creature that is able to have multiple different fighting styles and able to switch between them to keep their opponent unaware and on their toes. This feature is actually a huge secret that Fazco has been keeping. The public and other fighters are completely unaware that they are dual AI, as all of their marketing and paperwork is labeled ‘one entity’ named Eclipse. 
The only way to tell which is which is their eyes changing color and the differences in demeanor. When Sun is in control, both eyes are white. He comes off more playful and upbeat, almost ‘puppy-like’. He’s also more excitable and has a seemingly endless amount of energy. When Moon is in control both eyes turn red. He’s more laid back and less energetic. He’d rather be a gremlin and chill (maybe take a nap) than bound all over the place like his counterpart. When both AI come together to become Eclipse, the left eye is white and the right eye is red. Eclipse has a blend of both of their personalities harmonizing into one. 
In a fight Sun, Moon, and Eclipse are completely different in how they act compared to how they are in their downtime. Sun is more performative and wants to make the fight into a spectacle and woo the crowd, taunting his opponent and making them into a joke. He much prefers it than actually fighting while Moon is the opposite.. Moon is more violent and bloodthirsty when he fights, rather than playing around. Eclipse, while they do show off and taunt to an extent, they’re more calm and cunning, fighting efficiently with heavy hits to end the fight quickly. 
The major underlying fact no matter what situation they’re in, is there will always be that feral blood-lust fight/kill instinct at play in the back of their mind. Both are more than capable of killing if they want or need (human or creature a-like), and its ferocity shows whenever they’re irritable, angry, or upset. 
To satiate the general public and quell their fear of public safety when it comes to creatures, CFE decided to officially give these creatures ‘handlers’. One to two fellow humans who help train them, bond with them, accompany them at all times, and ‘keep a leash’ on them to show that they are under control.
The job of a ‘Handler’ is a dangerous one (and the fatality rate is high, unbeknownst to the public) but it also has its perks that make it all that more tempting. The pay is well above blue-collar average, with all-expenses-paid for traveling, hotels, and other miscellaneous job related things. There’s the obvious spotlight of being a creature handler to a successful championship winner that also has its perks, though it’s not too uncommon for some handlers to avoid it as much as they’re able to.   
FazCo is based in a large underground facility on the outskirts of a city where their research development and creatures are kept, the building being under heavy surveillance. Handlers are required to live in a section of private living quarters on-site, though they’re able to leave the facility at any time and must be chaperoned in order to do so. This acts as an extra precaution in case of any information leaks. Handlers are also on-call 24/7 and can be flown out anywhere globally at a moments notice, so having them live at the facility makes it easier. 
At FazCo handlers have a few job requirements such as training and ‘bonding’ with their creature for a certain amount of time per week or preparing for upcoming matches through supervised fighting simulations. Having a handler that is able to keep a creature under control (with whatever means necessary) and making sure both perform their best during matches is the highest priority.
Y/N, having grown up poor their whole life in a bad neighborhood with nothing to lose, jumps on the opportunity of a newly listed ‘Handler’ job. A quick successful interview has them sign a very hefty NDA contract with FazCo and from there they’re immediately moved to the facility. They’re told that the previous handler had quit (though the truth is they were killed) so FazCo was looking for someone new to assign to Eclipse.
Y/N is actually unsure of how to feel when they first meet Eclipse. There’s excitement and awe but there’s also the growing fear in their gut that Eclipse may be too much to handle for them. The pay and job perks with a comfy living situation is really the only thing keeping them there at first. 
Sun/Moon/Eclipse are capable of simple speech, small one word answers and short sentences, and have a general understanding of what’s being said or going on around them. However they aren’t very trained to be aware of their strength or how fragile a human can be so they are more dangerous than other creatures. They have killed multiple handlers in the past through aggression or ignorance.
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niobiumao3 · 9 months
Phee takes a bounty from the Empire, which normally she would never do, but times are tough and it’s good pay for a seemingly simple task: locate and retrieve an errant Imperial alchemist. It sounds like the perfect quick score. They’ll swing by his little hermitage, grab him and toss him in the hold, drop him off on their way south for the end of the season. It’s not even anyone dangerous, just one (1) truant bottle-pusher. How much trouble could it really be?
So much trouble. So, so much.
Age of Sail / Alchemy / Bio-steam-punk Fusion AU
One day I was chatting with @nightskyfoxyy and she showed me a sketch of Phee as a proper pirate. And I was like oh yes I like the idea of, you know, age of sail shenanigans except there should be steampunk and some alchemy. Also some biopunk. Then I chatted with @ahsokatechie about additional particulars. And well, this all happened. I have no excuse except I like writing weird fusions.
This is variant from the canon TBB storyline in that Crosshair leaves Kamino with the Batch, but the major beats of S1 and a few aspects of S2 remain. There’s various cameos from other TBB and TCW characters but this is mostly Tech, Phee, and the Batch.
The science in this isn’t intended to be any more realistic than SW itself, so as much as I tried to add some in where I could, realistically I am definitely going for vibes, not accuracy.
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weireir · 2 months
In my story, scientists have spoiled Sonic too much because there’s something they fear about him. This, along with Sonic’s knowledge of nature, causes Sonic to become rebellious. So the scientists use Shadow as their proxy to control Sonic, but treat Shadow poorly.
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hybbart · 5 days
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Day 2527: The sensors Tango set up finally go off and they head out to follow their target back to their base. When they get there, though, Tango fumbles their cover. There's a stranger that is far too familiar, and yet...
Time to re-justify the biopunk tag!
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artsolarsash · 11 months
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The final design is coming
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duncanor · 3 months
When I think of a Trigun modern au I always end up making it a Biopunk /cyberpunk au no matter what. I just cant unplant Trigun fully, it's just too interesting.
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l00opy · 2 years
Unhinged bisexual father and his feral aroace child
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These are some references for my Time Travelling Criminal AU:) Pretty sure nobody gives a shit about it but I like it so
This AU is set in punk-like aesthetics such as steampunk (A LOT), biopunk, cyberpunk (looking at Grooves), etcetc… Also thought that Snatcher’s aesthetic would be somewhere like the victorian or elizabethan era, maybe something like oldschool royalty and dark academia lmao
I’ll be doing Mu next, hopefully the others too. I’m having hell trying to think of Conductor’s outfit
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alightcaseofohno · 1 year
Tma Biopunk au where the Extinction formed and fucked up the world, wiping out almost every creature except for some fear avatars who managed to weather it.
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