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I consumatori scelgono il biologico: crescita sostenibile per aziende e consumi.Coldiretti Alessandria: salvaguardare il Made in Italy e garantire trasparenza ai consumatori
Secondo i dati del 2024 raccolti dall’indagine Nomisma, il consumo di prodotti biologici in Italia continua a crescere a ritmo sostenuto. Il 93% della popolazione tra i 18 e i 65 anni, pari a 24 milioni di famiglie, ha acquistato almeno un prodotto biolog
Secondo i dati del 2024 raccolti dall’indagine Nomisma, il consumo di prodotti biologici in Italia continua a crescere a ritmo sostenuto. Il 93% della popolazione tra i 18 e i 65 anni, pari a 24 milioni di famiglie, ha acquistato almeno un prodotto biologico nell’ultimo anno, un dato che segna un significativo incremento rispetto al 50% del 2012. Questa tendenza evidenzia una maggiore…
#Agricoltura biologica#Alessandria bio#Alessandria today#alimentazione bio#alimenti bio#aziende agricole#bio extra UE#Biodiversità#Biologico#biologico italiano#certificazione bio#certificazione europea#cibi biologici#Coldiretti Alessandria#Coldiretti Bio#Concorrenza sleale#consumatori italiani#consumi sostenibili#consumo responsabile#crescita sostenibile#Google News#green claims#importazioni bio#indagine Nomisma#italianewsmedia.com#Made in Italy#marchio Made in Italy#mercati biologici.#Pier Carlo Lava#prodotti bio
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Lillia Hokagane Pixie Review
An UTAU blog on Tumblr asked me to review their UTAU

Art by glicoloidpocky
Lillia Pixie Sample
Age: 14
Character item: cherry blossom
Height: 4"6
Weight: 70 lbs
Likes: cherries, flowers, soft fabrics, flowery perfume
Dislikes: hot pink, people with annoying laughs, scratchy wool clothes, sour foods (except sour cherries), overly sweet foods, wasps, and thunderstorms.
Personality: Lilia is very vain and proud of her voice. She often overestimates her abilities, and only shows her sweet side to Nomu. She is probably the worst possible cross between himedere and tsundere, and worst of all she’s cute, so people feed her ego.
Voicer/Manager: Lillianna h. (maru)
Official Site
Lillia’s official site is on Tumblr. Her Pixie append can be downloaded from Dropbox.
Lillia’s design is really adorable! The hair especially is very distinct and I love the colors of her outfits. Yellow and green together isn’t a combination you see in most UTAUs despite how common a color palette it is. I do prefer the normal outfit, only because the stage one is a little generic and the colors are more pleasing to look at.
First Impressions
Lillia has a mellow, midrange, feminine tone. She is aliased in both romaji and hiragana, making using this voicebank easier to use than her older one.
Pixie has a strong, clear tone with a dramatic flair.
Her frequency map is incomplete, but most of it is there.
Her consonants are quiet and hard to hear, so using a high consonant velocity is usually required.
A bit of her oto is off, such as in the “ru” sample. There are only a few errors, however.
Pixie also has a few unique features, such as the regular “wa” sample being replaced with “uwa”. There also a few extra samples such as “ue” and “ui”. These aren’t necessary, but they make her stand out and make the voicebank feel more complete.
Ease of Use
Because of her oto and unique samples, you will likely find yourself editing the preutterance/overlap by hand a lot. She fits easily into fast-paced, energetic genres like rock. Her range is more flexible than you’d think, and she can sing in higher and lower octaves well.
Other Comments
There is a bit of background noise and a few crackles in the samples. There’s also a few volume inconsistencies, but they only rarely come up.
The default resampler doesn’t treat her voice very kindly and corrupts a bunch of the otherwise fine-sounding samples.
My recommended flags: consonant velocity >130, B0Y0C50F0E20H50 My recommended resamplers: fresamp12
Final Thoughts
Lillia’s Pixie append is an ok CV voicebank with a strong, mature tone. Her voice and character have a lot of potential, and I can’t wait to see where she goes next.
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L'Istat rende noto che ad Agosto in Italia l’export cresce su base annua del 24,8% in termini monetari e dell’1,3% in volume. L’aumento dell’export in valore riflette ampi aumenti nelle vendite sia verso l’area Ue (+27,6%) sia verso i mercati extra Ue (+22,1%). L’import registra un incremento tendenziale del 59,1%, che risulta molto più intenso per l’area extra Ue (+84,0%) rispetto all’area Ue (+36,3%). Tra i settori che contribuiscono maggiormente all’aumento tendenziale dell’export si segnalano: articoli farmaceutici, chimico-medicinali e botanici (+72,9%), prodotti petroliferi raffinati (+88,0%), prodotti alimentari, bevande e tabacco (+22,7%), macchinari e apparecchi n.c.a. (+13,6%) e sostanze e prodotti chimici (+29,1%). Su base annua, i paesi che forniscono i contributi maggiori all’incremento dell’export nazionale sono: Stati Uniti (+43,1%), Francia (+26,4%), Germania (+17,1%), Spagna (+36,6%) e Turchia (+72,8%). Prosegue la flessione dell’export verso la Russia (-16,4%). Per approfondimenti si suggerisce la lettura dell'articolo in archivio Istat numero 276078. - - - - - - - - - - - - 📣 Seguici per maggiori post 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom 👉@coneicom - - - - - - - - - - - - 🔎 se vuoi conoscerci meglio, visita il nostro link in bio e scopri tutti i nostri prodotti gratuiti. - - - - - - - - - - - - 📍Siamo a Forlì, incontriamoci per parlare di investimenti! - - - - - - - - - - - - #import #export #importazioni #esportazioni #forli #coneicom (presso Forlí - Cesena, Emilia Romagna) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj7HO-GMPAh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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⚫️⚪️ NEW WORLD ORDER 4 LIFE ⚪️⚫️ Big shoutout and thank you to @rockandrollcollectibles for this awesome addition to bring my Ultimate Edition collection complete once again 🙌 Macho Man Randy Savage NWO Legends UE truely is awesome and arguably an upgrade to the OG ringside Exclusive version. Jammed with accessories such as 2 soft good T shirts, 2 extra face scans, an extra set of interchangeable hands a cool set of #machoman shades and a madness bandana! Where do you rate this against Batista and the Upcoming Bret Hart & Rock in the Legends UE collection? ⚫️ ⚪️ ⚫️ ⚪️ ⚫️ 🔗 Follow the Slink Link in my bio to all of my other socials ⚡️Follow the link in my bio for discount codes 📖 Turn on story notifications to keep up to date with the latest figure drops and news ————————————————————————————— ⬇️ Ignore these ⬇️ #machomanrandysavage #newworldorder #nwo4life #macho #toosweet #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwf #wcw #nxt #wrestlemania #wwehalloffame #wwehof #wweshop #wweelitesquad #wweelite #wwemattel #mattel #collection #collector #collectibles #toystagram #toyphotography #wrestling #wrestlingfigures #wrestlingfigs #actionfigure #scratchthatfigureitch https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj2dvIIsulT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Name: Margaret Rabia Levesque-Watts Age: 23/4 Occupation: Up anc coming model Location: UES Parents: Bethany Levesque + Samuel Watts
The last person anyone in the UES expected to have a kid without being married was Beth and the last person she expected to have a kid with was definitely Sam. But it happened, it’s here, and her name is Margaret or Maggie. Margaret just sounds old and she’s anything but.
Maggie took the kindness of her mother, the looks of her father (so he says), and much to her mothers dismay the love of attention. Some also say she has the inability to hold a relationship but hey if her dad can get married, she’ll be alright.
Maggie never understood why her mother had such a hard time in school, Constance was right out of a story book for her but then again she definitely had more friends throughout high school. She partied. Went to class (usually). And partied some more. If there was a most likely to get blackout drunk, she would’ve won it.
College was when reality hit. Although not the smartest, she had managed to finesse herself into a great school... Only to drop out because and I quote “College life isn’t for those who know what they want to do with their lives.” Meanwhile she has no clue either. But 4 more years of memorizing books was not in her agenda.
So, meet current Maggie. College drop-out, perfect older sister, amazing example (read sarcasm), great example of how to give you mother a heart attack, working in a boutique Maggie. Who’s recently signed a modeling contract, so maybe it was meant to be. Even if her mother keeps pushing her back to college.
Older sister of her step siblings
Looks like she can kill, does both.
Inability to hold a relationship longer than 6 months
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Crystal Abrams Pronouns: Up To Player Age: 22 years old Hometown: Brooklyn, NY Occupation: UTP Social Status: Outsider Faceclaim suggestion: Kiersey Clemons
Who Is Crystal?
“Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard.”
Crystal Abrams... I admit, you’ve managed to stay successfully off my radar. What have you been doing all this time? Watering your plants? Fighting injustice? You are good at just, well, getting on with it. You do have a soft spot for strays though, that much is obvious - people and puppies. You’re too kind for your own good but then again, mommy and daddy did teach you to put others before yourself. When you’re not giving away your last dollar to someone less fortunate, treating yourself to another totally necessary pair of overalls, you’re trying to find yourself. The world is a big place and there’s a thousand things you could do. A little overwhelming, no? I’m sure you’ll see the bright, hopeful side of it. So, what’s pulled you into my eye line? Vanessa, of course. You’re a pacifist until it comes to voicing your opinion on younger sibling’s, ah, new found friend group. I’m sure this year is going to be fun for us. Speak soon. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
UTP (two paragraphs of biography; helpful key points listed below - message if you’d like to make any changes or not in the app if you would rather the bio written up for you!)
Crystal is very much influenced by their parents, Gabriela and Arlo, who are a pair of humanitarians. Vanessa often argues they care more about other people (strangers) than their own children but Crystal gets it. Big picture, right? The ‘greater good’. Crystal volunteers whenever possible and shares their parents beliefs on a lot of topics including not believing in private schools (hello, education should not be for sale).
Needless to say, Crystal is definitely not one to support the ‘scandalous elite’. In fact, if it weren’t for Vanessa becoming overnight besties with Serena van der Woodsen, they wouldn’t have given the Upper Class another thought. Crystal isn’t sure they like who Vanessa is becoming, or might become, if they keep hanging out with the likes of Serena and Co.
Is currently trying to keep the stray cats and dogs they keep taking in a secret from the Landlord. And the minor (major) DIY changes Crystal’s made to the apartment. Oh, and this one hole in the bathroom wall that ended up there after a party... Oops.
Has always been a very chill, very aloof, older sibling to Vanessa and is grateful they’ve always been good at taking care of themselves. Was happy to let V move in when they wanted to come back to Brooklyn. Crystal does miss the days of it just being them, eating bad takeout and badmouthing Dan’s private school.
Is the world’s best bargain hunter and owns way too much denim. Can sew (mostly little flower designs), paint, dominates at DIY and will defend this one greasy diner around the street from their apartment to the death.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
UTP (if applicable; alternatively you can note their thoughts on Gossip Girl’s return!)
Vanessa Abrams - the younger sibling. They’re close- used to be much closer, actually. They’re also roommates. With V’s new UES friends seeming to be not a phase, things have started to get a bit tense between the two. Crystal is worried about them.
Michelle King - bestie! These two have been BFF since they were in high school, Freshmen year. Crystal loves Michelle so much, she’s the funnest person that they’ve ever met.
Rylea Palmer - Crystal took Rylea in when she first came to the city at 17 after having been kicked out by her family. They’ve been friends and roomies ever since.
Faith Mendez - they’ve been on a couple of dates but Faith’s a tough one to read, you know? Super pretty and interesting though. A future doctor too.
Dan Humphrey - Vanessa’s BFF/obvious major crush since forever. Crystal feels like they’re watching a soap opera with them, waiting to see if V will ever spill their feelings.
#o#kiersey clemons fc#gossip girl rp#rp#bio rp#c: crystal abrams#vanessa#michelle#rylea#faith#dan#brooklyn#abrams#outsider
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Boku No Hero Academia - Quirks
Everybdy likes inventing new superpowers/superheroes/supervillains in their spare time to make life less boring right? I mean.. that’s a lot of what I do, especially at work. It’s “super” fun, get it?! HAHAHAHA--
It’s always the most fun trying to come up with said stuff so that it’d fit into the world that inspired it. So... here are the Heroes and Villains I came up with specifically for the BNHA universe.
••••♦•••• The Camouflage Hero, (Former Villain) Ignormous
Named after his power, and the fact that he is "ginormous," being very tall. Nicknamed Ignoramus by those who mock and/or dislike him.
Quirk: Unnoticeable By making use of his quirk, Ignormous can not be consciously perceived by anyone observing his presence in person or over live feed electrical display. Despite any actions he may take in front of or to anyone else, he will be completely ignored.
If he were to punch someone in the face, they would completely ignore it until they noticed the wound of there own accord after the fact. Have you ever found a cut or bruise somewhere on your body and not known where it came from? His power works similarly to that effect.
His power does not make him invisible or intangible. Someone could be looking for him because they know “someone” is in the room, but they will ignore any evidence that “he” is in there if it stems from him.
While they might notice his footprints and follow them, as soon as they come to where he is standing, they will ignore his being there and become puzzled by the sudden and abrupt ending of the trail.
Weaknesses: Unnoticeable only works in real time against biological people. Robotics can detect Ignormous. Ignormouses only real weakness against heroes or villains is that his quirk ability is ineffective against anyone with sufficiently strong mental power or focus ability (such as by way of an intelligence enhancing quirk).
Bio: When his quirk first manifested, his own mother completely ignored him. He grew up in his youth without anyone ever paying attention to him or caring for him, so he grew up without learning the valuable life lessons that lead a child to become a mature and morally educated adult. This pointed him towards a petty villain career.
After being eventually defeated by a hero with the quirk "focus" that allowed the hero to perform mental and physical tasks more effectively, Ignormous cried for joy that someone finally noticed him. He was never caught before that, and still, very few people know he exists even as a hero. Ignormous started a career as a hero with great difficulty, but with help from the hero who possessed "focus", Ignormous managed to pass the qualifications and exams.
Ignormous has a lonely prsonality.
••••♦•••• The Rainbow Hero Cloud Spectre
Quirk: Full Spectrum Cloud Spectre has the power to change the color of water. Using this quirk, she can make clouds depict images to convey messages to a large number of people (depending on cloud cover), making her a valuable asset in emergency evacuations.
This quirk can also be used on the humidity in the atmosphere. By darkening the water in the air Cloud Spectre can lower visibility by 50% for enemies (and allies, and himself). This move is called "dark cloud". It can be used locally around a persons head, but they can easily move out of it.
Because the human body is made up mostly of water, Cloud Spectre can camouflage herself somewhat by changing color. He can also do this to other people. By camouflaging allies or civilians who are trying to hide, she can protect people from being targeted by villains. She can also use this power to dye villains and suspects what she calls "suspicious red!".
Cloud Spectre can fake injuries by making black and blue spots on her body, or by turning water red to imitate blood, fooling foes into a sense of false security.
To a lesser effect Full Spectum can be used to make illusions. These illusions are shaky and are always transparent.
All changes of color made by this quirk dissipate in eight hours.
Weaknesses: Full Spectrum's main weakness for a hero is that it doesn't grant any combat ability. At best, it can help to make sneak attacks. In addition to that, Full Spectrum can not control the movements of water so any changes made in coloration, especially in air humidity, can be rendered useless if the water is moving too quickly for the hero to keep up with.
Bio: Cloud Spectre wears a full body costume that changes color under use of her powers, enabling her to more easily camoulfage himself.
She prefers to be a support and rescue hero since her battle power is low. Shee does however fight with a bo staff that has been modified to produce a mist from water stores hidden inside of it. The valves are hidden, and it can also electrocute enemies. The taser effect of the staff can travel along currents of mist to shock enemies at a short distance and several at once. Cloud Spectre’s suit is also insulated against electric shock.
She usually spends her time as a rescue and support hero on rooftops where she can monitor the situation and relay information using the clouds. She can also use "dark cloud" at a distance this way.
••••♦•••• Kicking Hero Gagrun
Named for how funny she looks when he runs.
Quirk: Triple Leg Triple leg allows Gagrun to manifest two extra right or two extra left legs. She can not give herself an extra right and left leg each. When these legs combine in power, they allow her to jump, run, and kick with extra power. They also give her incredible balancing abilities. That balance has led her to develop an advanced internal equilibrium as well.
Without the extra legs, Gagrun has an average run speed and leg strength, however when the extra two manifest, all (four) of her left or right legs each become four times as powerful. Gagrun has a combined leg power sixteen times stronger than average when she uses his quirk, minus the other leg.
With Triple Leg activated, Gagrun is capable of using martial arts stances that no one else can because of her increased stability and balance. Her leg and following hip strength made her an expert in wrestling and judo type moves.
Weaknesses: Gagrun's leg based abilities are very one sided. Her strongest side will always outshine the weaker.
Bio: Gagrun is a powerful enemy because of his physical abilities, but he's not really a power type. While it's true that he is capable of delivering strong blows to opponents, he's not very capable when it comes to real destruction. Gagrun is best defined as an all rounder-type of combat hero. He's mobile, dexterous, sure-footed, strong, and specially trained for close-quarters combat.
Starting halfway down the thigh, Gagrun's legs are a dark blackish red.
••••♦•••• Star Hero Hotboy Comet
Quirk: Satellite Satellite is a quirk that manifests as a summonable miniature ball of fire that can be moved and controlled by Hotboy Comet. It sparks into existence when Hotboy Comet wants to make use of it. It naturally shows up as a baseball sized yellow star.
The fireball is very much like a small sun. It can used to short out nearby electronics by creating sunspot emp waves, and it can burn through most materials very quickly.
Hotboy Comet can make the sun grow as large as a small van. When enlarged like this, it can also attract objects with a strong gravitational force. The radius of effect for this gravity pull is equal to the distance between Hotboy Comet and the center of Satellite.
Weaknesses: Satellite gets smaller the farther away it is from Hotboy Comet. The sun can not move more than 20 ft away from Hotboy Comet at its center. The sun can be extinguished if there is no oxygen to burn in the atmosphere. It can not be smothered by water however. The mini-sun alters water on a molecular level to create oxygen to burn.
Bio: None invented.
••••♦•••• Eclipse Hero Moon Boy
Quirk: Revolve Revolve allows Moon Boy to seamlessly avoid physical threats coming towards him. With this quirk he can float a distance of his choosing away from an object, and he will begin to revolve around that object.
Moon Boy can choose to revolve around the center of gravity of an entire object, or only part of it, meaning he can float around a villain entirely, or around the villain’s punching attack. He could then continue his revolution near to the villains body with a strong punch of his own to counter.
The closer Moon Boy revolves around an object the faster he moves around it.
Moon boy can not revolve more than 50 meters away from an object, and he moves at less than one mile per hour at that distance.
At close quarters combat, Moon boy is very effective with this quirk, because he can always choose to be out of range of his enemies, and will always be moving around them. Once he is behind them, he can close in and tighten his revolutions. The extra speed he gains from moving closer makes his attacks do more damage. When revolving anywhere withing two meters, Moon Boy moves at over 45 meters per second.
Weaknesses: Moon boy always revolves counter clockwise along the earth's gravitational axis, and he can not change direction of his revolving no matter what. If he is not quick to distance himself after a failed attack, Moon Boy will end up revolving right into the most dangerous line of attack of enemies. Moonboy isn't effective at long range combat.
Bio: Hotboy Comet's sidekick.
••••♦•••• Air Strider Hero Walkman
Quirk: Everstand Everstand is a quirk that allows Walkman to stand, walk, or run on anything. He can stand on beams of light, on water, and even pressurized air walls.
In additional to walking on unusual none solid surfaces, Everstand allows Walkman to walk on walls and ceilings against gravity.
verstand also lets Walkman walk on dangerous surfaces without injury. Walkman's feet are virtually indestructible, and he can walk on spikes, blades, acid, lava, and fire without harming himself.
ue to the indestructible nature of his feet, Walkman can also deliver some very hard kicks, and he can use his feet to block attacks too.
Weaknesses: The ability to interact with anything to walk on it only applies to Walkman's feet. The rest of him is very vulnerable.
Bio: None selected.
••••♦•••• Multi-Power Hero Gambino
Quirk: Roulette Roulette is a quirk that allows Gambino to utilize one of a number of different quirks, however he can't normally control which ones he gets to use at any time. There is a randomization process to it.
ambino has large white circles on his cheeks. Displayed on them are symbols representing different powers. Gambino can randomize the symbols like with a slot-machine, causing them to cycle through (moving downward) the list of available powers. The symbols will always match each other when they stop, granting that power they represent to Gambino.
Gambino can use a "force stop" to choose which power/combination to work with, but if he does, he can't cycle through his power pool again for a while. Force Stop can not be used to choose two powers at once.
The powers roulette grants are elemental in nature. (listed here from least to most favourite, according ot Gambino.)
Magnet. - Pulls metal toward or away. Can magnetically cling to metal. Shadow. - Can generate fire like shadows that sticks to material. Doesn't spread, doesn't produce heat. Blocks out light, and can not be blown away or put out until Gambino changes power. Can be thrown. Fire. - Can light himself on fire without hurting himself. Venom. - Can touch people and give them flu-like symptoms, making them tired, weak, and nauseous. Air. - Can blow out air from his lungs with incredible force, cutting through steel or pushing back foes. Electricity. - Becomes a human taser to stun foes. Water. - Can turn into water to prevent injury. Ice. - Can freeze anything within 5ft. Earth. - Can telekinetically levitate earth matter weighing less than 400 lbs. Laser. - Can shoot lasers from each finger tip.
Weaknesses: Gambino can only use one at a time and can't choose which one without sacrificing the ability to randomize his power set again.
Bio: None selected.
••••♦•••• Emotion Villain Easier
Quirk: Hormone Easier has a large red button on his forehead. When it is pressed by someone or when it is pressed against someone, Easier can change their emotional status and their opinions on certain things. The effects last for several hours to several days depending on how inclined they are to naturally keep that emotion and opinion.
This quirk is very useful against heroes, since only one use of it can force a hero to repent their righteous actions and turn to the side of evil (but not for long).
Hormone can also be used on Easier himself by pressing his button. He can make himself braver and more focused, letting him perform tasks more effectively. He can also make himself happy. Hurray!
Weaknesses: Easier has to hit people with his forehead to affect them.
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Praga, República Tcheca 🇨🇿 _ _ Idioma Local: Tcheco _ Moeda: Coroa tcheca (CZK) ou Koruna, em tcheco. Faz parte da União Europeia (UE), mas ainda não adotou o Euro _ Clima: No verão as medias variam de mínima de 16 °C e maxima de 26 °C. No inverno as medias variam de mínima de -1 °C e máxima de 3°C. _ Obrigatório Seguro Viagem? Sim! Para toda Europa, inclusive com coberturas mínimas especifica. Temos parceria de Seguro Viagem, cote seu seguro com o link em nossa Bio ;) _ Comida Tipica: Bramboračka – Sopa de batatas; , com almôndegas de fígado (játra).; Šopský salát – Uma salada deliciosa e simples, feita com pepino, pimentão vermelho, tomate e queijo balcânico (que é bem salgado).; Tatarák – Um bife tártaro (ou steak tartare). _ Segurança: Super Seguro! _ Necessário Visto? Não se for ficar até 90 dias (mas é importante controlar a validade do passaporte, que deve ser de no mínimo 6 meses da data do retorno ao país de origem); Sim para períodos acima de 90 dias. _ Água: Pode beber água da torneira, encher garrafinhas vazias nas fontes da cidade (ao menos quando houver um aviso dizendo o contrário) e até pedir água de graça nos restaurantes. _ Voltagem da Tomada: 230v _ Altitude: Max 399m e Min 177m _ _ CURIOSIDADES… _ Vira, vira, vira… O país produz tanta cerveja que, lá, ela é mais barata do que água ou refrigerante! Não por acaso, também é campeão mundial no consumo: cada tcheco bebe, em média, 150 litros por ano. O brasileiro não chega nem à metade: cerca de 68 litros (certeza que meus amigos Brasileiros são de origem Tcheca rs) _ Seu pé merece um descanso… Em casa, os tchecos não costumam ficar descalços, de meia ou com os mesmos sapatos que usam na rua. Cada membro da família tem uma espécie de sapatilha, utilizada só no lar. É comum até terem pares extras para oferecer às visitas _ Eles comem sopa antes de todas as principais refeições. É um costume do país. Em restaurantes o valor da sopa inclusive já é incluso no preço. _ O país é quase que completamente cercado por montanhas. Elas servem de fronteira natural entre os países ao redor. _ . . . . . #mochileiros #mochilao #loucosporviagem #viajarépreciso #europa #bemvindosabordo #seguroviagem (at Prague, Czech Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzRKGItJ_B7/?igshid=ygagpr2niofn
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Keegan’s Interview
Talk me through your experience in school (UNI/high school/intermediate/primary)
primary school learning wise he did pretty well, doesn’t struggle with anything but maths
intermediate was pretty normal was bad wasn’t amazing really good at Spanish
high school realised he was really bad maths almost didn’t get UE got in year 13
what does dyslexia mean to you
a learning disability people struggle with the formation of a word the order of letters because he watched a micro-documentary, on tv
most people know what it is, but people don’t realise how bad it is how bad it is when dismissed
it one of those things where people feel unconfinable thinking about it makes the worded seem easier to not think about it people don’t like to change
What do you think it is like to have dyslexia?
Really struggled with numbers, can sympathies Wouldn’t take more English subjects Make things like bio close to impossible Because of how many words
Wouldn’t be able to thrive in things like English
Have you ever felt out of place in a learning situation?
Every time we were in maths, and it was basic calculate Makes you feel stupid, which is sad because that isn’t right
The school makes you feel like the 3 main subjects are super important, and if you are not good at them you are stupid
What is the best way you learn?
Was bad at studying Used to listen to 60s surfer rock music, and read over notes Or he would just wing This didn’t really work for him didn’t really good at study His brain doesn’t stoke information Because of the more of a visual person It was easier to study for something he liked Remember words better than numbers
How would you go about helping someone with dyslexia? Learning skills with dyslexia
Very smart But they cut there self-short because they struggle
Good at work but isn’t written the best
When they do ask for help people are always up for helping Made it easier to understand someone In a way treat them the same as other students, but always check up on them to make sure that they aren’t struggling
Treating them normal is helpful because it makes them feel alienated
Extra support can make them feel better and make them feel like they want to push them self
What’s something you would say to a younger person with dyslexia?
You are cool
Just because you have this one thing that makes things harder it doesn’t define you, it just gives you a different perspective
Because they don’t hear that a lot Because most kids in NZ don’t get enough support
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😀Welcome to @sadik.plants 🌿 . Eve's Extra-Large Japanese Juniper Bonsai Tree, 12 Years Old, Planted in 12 Inch Ceramic Container, Outdoor Bonsai ! ! ! Cannot Ship to CA California ! ! ! . 👉 check the link in bio . . . . . . . #bonsai #bonsaiwork #bonsaigarden #bonsaiexhibition #bonsais #bonsaitrees #bonsaifamily #bonsailovers #bonsaiindonesia #bonsaitree #bonsaiart #bonsailife #bonsaiworld #bonsailove #bonsais #bonsaitrees #bonsaist #bonsaigram #bonsaipot #bonsailover #bonsái #bonsaipots #bonsaimaster #bonsaiexhibition #bonsaikennels #bonsaimania #bonsaï #bonsaicare #bonsaiindonesia #bonsaistyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B5hnYjXD-ue/?igshid=ftv6bd9abeec
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Administration of Andhra Pradesh Jobs 2018
gvt of Andhra Pradesh Higher Education Department declared Job notice to enlist hopefuls who finished Any Post Graduate government jobs in Andhra Pradesh for Post Graduate Degree Holders
1. Sri Padmavathi Mahila Viswavidyalayam, Tirupati, (from Women candidates as it were)
2. Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor Dist.,
3. Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Chittoor Dist.
4. Adikavi Nannayya University, Rajamahendravaram, E.G. Dist.
People of the most abnormal amount of skill, honesty, ethics and institutional duty are to be designated as Vice-Chancellor. People with recognized scholastics, with tremendous experience as Professor in a University framework or in an equal position in a presumed inquire about and/or scholarly managerial association, may apply. The choice procedure will include both open warning and ability look.
Candidates should sign on the merged sheet of data and encase the accompanying archives obligatorily to the Bio-information. In the event that the narrative evidences are not encased, such utilizations of the candidates will be put aside with no further notice.
(I) Documentary confirmation of Professor and retirement date – Proof as procedures (or)
(ii) Certificate marked by the Registrar in view of the records of the University showing the accompanying
(I) Date of Birth
(ii) Date of arrangement as Lecturer/Asst. Educator
(iii) Date of arrangement as Reader/Associate Professor
(iv) Date of arrangement as Professor
(v) Total length of administration as Professor
(vi) Total left finished administration for retirement
(vii) Date of superannuation.
The candidates ought to take after the accompanying structure in aggregating the bio-information.
(I) Bio-information with the rundown of subtle elements of every segment in the grouping of segments of exceed expectations sheet and extra data, assuming any.
(ii) A different record sheet demonstrating the class of every part and taken after by walled in areas.
(iii) Paper cuttings and Photos toward the end
Determination Procedure
Determination Will be Based either Written Exam/Interview
Step by step instructions to Apply
1. Candidates should sign each page of the bio-information (not fenced in areas) and send Bio-information and nooks as winding official in the configuration endorsed in point 3. Unsigned bio-facts and messaged bio-pieces of information will be put aside with no further notice. Candidates are required to send filled-in exceed expectations sheet in exceed expectations shape (not PDF or some other frame) to the email recommended with "candidate name as the record name".
2. Application with nitty gritty bio-information jobs featuring accomplishments, scholarly and regulatory experience and recommended design as attached, might be sent inside 20 days from the date of notice by enrolled post to the accompanying location:- The Special Chief Secretary to Government Higher Education (UE) Department Room No. 268, 1 st Floor, Building No. 4 A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi, Amaravathi-522238
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💨💨 WHO NEXT 💨💨 Up today is the final piece in the Amazon Fan Takeover Exclusives puzzle, Goldberg Ultimate Edition. This was the version I voted on taken from his WCW run back in 1998 in which he captured both the big gold world title and the #us title! A great figure to add to the ultimate and not a repeat which is awesome, as always jam packed with accessories. Both #championship belts, 2 extra sets of interchangeable hands and 2 extra heads one of which actually has his famous entrance smoke coming out of it which is the personal highlight for me! Where do you rank this amongst the UE Fan takeover line? 💨 💨 💨 💨 💨 🔗 Follow the Slink Link in my bio to all of my other socials ⚡️Follow the link in my bio for discount codes 📖 Turn on story notifications to keep up to date with the latest figure drops and news ————————————————————————————— ⬇️ Ignore these ⬇️ #goldberg #billgoldberg #whosnext #wcwnitro #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwf #wcw #nxt #wrestlemania #wwehalloffame #wwehof #wweshop #wweelitesquad #wweelite #wwemattel #mattel #collection #collector #collectibles #toystagram #toyphotography #wrestling #wrestlingfigures #wrestlingfigs #actionfigure #scratchthatfigureitch https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci2Z3B_M3wp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Die 6 Minuten Regel für Miele Dampfgarer Mit Backofen
25 % (2 Stimmen) Kaiser EH 6312 Einbau Dampfgarer Backofen.. abstimmen. Dampfgarer Tupper - toll fürs Büro Der Dampfgarer Tupper ist ein Dampfgarer der ganz besonderen Art, er ist nämlich weder ein… Genau ebendarum, möchten wir dich vor dem Kauf die Daten zu Verfügung stellen, hiermit du keinen Fehlkauf tätigst. Die Dampfbacköfen können ohne Druck dann aber auch zum Backen von Speisen genutzt werden. Backofen mit Dampfgarer.. Die Stiftung Warentest verglich und bewertete 02/2012 Dampfgarer. Diese zusätzliche Feuchtigkeit verbessert den Geschmack, die Konsistenz und Farbe und gleichzeitig bleibt die Knusprigkeit erhalten, so dass jede Mahlzeit zu einem Meisterstück wird. Die Behälter sind dabei so geformt, dass sie den Dampf durchlassen, sich gleichzeitig aber auch ideal stapeln lassen. Auch Auftauen, Aufwärmen und Blanchieren geht im Dampfgarer. Ihr Dampfgarer spart Zeit und Nerven - Sie müssen immer an alles gleichzeitig denken? Mikrowelle? Fazit zum Philips Avent SCF 870/20 Dampfgarer. Besonders Interessierte können auch zum Dampfbackofen greifen, der alle Vorteile vereint und gerade für große Küchen gedacht ist. Darf ich vorstellen: Mein heißgeliebter SteamPro Multi-Dampfgarer mit Sous Vide und was ich persönlich so an ihm schätze.
Das ideale Geschenk: der kleine edelstahl Dampfgarer von WMF mit 2 Garbehältern (2,15 l Fassungsvermögen), inkl. Nichts brennt an, nichts trocknet aus und der gute Geschmack bleibt natürlich auch erhalten. Stellar: STM01 Premium 16 cm 3 Ebenen Dampfgarer Set, Edelstahl, silber. Kombi-Steamer / Dampfgarer. Bin verwirrt. Und wenn die halt bei Miele zu kostenintensiv ist, würde ich ne Alternative wählen, aber ganz sicher nicht den reinen Dampfgarer von Miele. Wirklich gefehlt hat uns bei zwei Kompaktgeräten noch überhaupt nichts. Wie wärs mit einem Silikon oder Bambus Dampfgarer? Der Elektrobackofen BP301352WM von AEG besitzt die Energieeffizienzklasse A+ und zeichnet sich durch seine große Garraumkapazität von 71 Liter aus. Wasser würde dann nicht schon bei 100 Grad Celsius, sondern erst bei knapp 120 Grad Celsius anfangen zu kochen. Zum inoffiziellen Standard gehören derzeit drei Etagen, auf denen Sie bis zu drei unterschiedliche Gerichte gleichzeitig zubereiten können. Wir haben die aktuell erhältlichen Dampfgarer verglichen und unsere Bestenliste zusammengestellt. Die AEG MaxiSense Induktionskochfelder mit FlexiBridge oder Bridge-Funktion passen sich hingegen automatisch den Maßen des aufgestellten Kochgeschirrs an.
Die Grillfunktion würde uns fehlen, weil wir die zum Pizzabacken brauchen. Der Markt für Dampfgarer ist der Markt, auf dem.. Spätestens, wenn Sie einmal Spargel im Dampfgarer zubereitet haben, werden Sie den Unterschied sehen und schmecken. Mit unseren Top 25 Listen kannst Du dir einen großen und auch genauen Überblick über die Produkte und Preise machen. 1. Freistehender Dampfgarer. Dampfnudeln haben ihren Namen nicht von ungefähr. Zur ue with herd mit dampfgarer. Der Philips HD9140 erinnert beispielsweise mit einem Signalton daran. Dampfgarer gibt es als Einbau- oder Standgerät. Elegant siemens dampfgarer graphics with siemens dampfgarer.
Die Produkte haben wir allerdings (noch) nicht selber getestet. Wenn Du nicht so gerne liest und eher der visuelle Typ bist, dann solltest Du dir ein wissensreiches Video über einen bosch backofen mit dampfgarer Test ansehen und dir hierbei dein Wissen aneignen. Ob Sie nun einen Kuchen backen oder einen leckeren Braten für Ihre Familie zubereiten wollen, mit dem geeigneten Backofen gelingt dies im Handumdrehen. Best aeg bsm a prosight plus flex with aeg backofen dampfgarer. Meuth rät zu einem Gerät mit Wasseranschluss, sie ist dazu gewechselt. Latest gebraucht siemens einbau dampfgarer hb d in steinhagen um uac u shpock with siemens dampfgarer. Mit der Timer-Funktion können Sie die Zubereitung von Speisen im Voraus planen und den Dampfgarer ein- und nach einer bestimmten Zeit automatisch wieder ausschalten. Dampfgaren ist gesund, günstig und unglaublich lecker. Vergleich 2018: Auf finden Sie die besten Modelle in einer übersichtlichen..
Aus diesem Grund wird nach der Nutzung auch immer eine gründliche Reinigung empfohlen - so die Empfehlungen der Hersteller. Bei einem Dampfgarer - egal welches Modell gewählt wird - können unterschiedliche Speisen in einem Garraum zubereitet werden. Wasser würde dann nicht schon bei 100 Grad Celsius, sondern erst bei knapp 120 Grad Celsius anfangen zu kochen. Wir von haben https://www.reisland.net/dampfgarer/clatronic-dg3547 es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Dir bei der backofen dampfgarer kombi test Suche unter die Arme zu greifen und bieten dir auf dieser Plattform eine enorme Auswahl an Lebensmitteln, von Bierzapfanlagen, über elektrische Küchenwaagen, bis hin zu Dörrautomaten. Der Philips HD 9140 besitzt nicht nur ein extra Behälter für Kräuter und Gewürze sondern bietet neben 5 Garprogammen auch eine Warmhaltefunktion. Wenn Sie nun einen neuen Backofen kaufen wollen, haben Sie die Qual der Wahl. Durch die großen Vollglas-Türen können Sie Ihre Speisen während des Garens außerdem genau im Auge behalten, genauso wie bei einem Backofen. Da die Garzeiten beim Dampfgaren und Kochen nahezu identisch sind, müssen Sie Ihre Kochgewohnheiten nicht umstellen. Wenn es sich um ein modernes Gerät handelt, unterscheiden sich die Garzeiten mit einem Dampfgarer kaum noch von den regulären Methoden. Dampfgarer, Kombigerät oder eingebaute Mikrowelle? In der Regel ist diese Form der Nachrüstung jedoch relativ teuer im Vergleich zu anderen Systemen. Nach der Recherche im Internet sind wir aber nun so verblieben das wir lieber Siemens Geräte möchten und diese uns selber kaufen wollen. Es wird nur die notwendige Menge Wasser erhitzt, die zum Garen benötigt wird.

Siemens Dampfgarer Mit Mikrowelle
TIPP Rezeptbuch Dampfgarer
Meinen Thermomix habe ich seit 1 Jahr und wenn z. B. Gemüse im Dampf gegart werden soll, mach ich das nur noch im Varoma-Aufsatz. Aber einen Backofen brauche in unbedingt. Sie können selbstständig zum Garen verwendet und frei in der Küche positioniert werden. Neue Geräte haben auch Dampfgarer in sich vereint. Backofen mit Dampfgarer Vergleich: Alle aktuellen ★ Modelle aus 2017/2018 im Detail Check Testergebnisse Favoriten der besten Backöfen mit Dampfgarfunktion.. Gruppe 2: Gemüse, das über 100 °C gegart wird - alternativ in der Pfanne, noch besser im Dampfgarer > kräftiges, festes Gemüse. Sie erhalten hier also ein Kombi-Dampfgarer für den professionellen Gebrauch. Edelstahl-Dampfgarer mit Bedienungsanleitung, wurde kaum benutzt.
Kochbuch Siemens Dampfbackofen
Backofen Dampfgarer Kombi
Elektroherd Mit Dampfgarer
Welchen Dampfgarer Kaufen
Siemens Mikrowelle Mit Dampfgarfunktion
Backofen Mit Pyrolyse Und Dampfgarer
Amazing siemens dampfgarer hbd with siemens dampfgarer. Hier wird gern mit Bio geworben, da Bio für vitaminschonen steht https://www.reisland.net/dampfgarer/russel-hobbs-cookhome-19270-56 - Spargel ist hier das Paradebeispiel der Hersteller zum dünsten. Miele Dampfgarer gibt es in zwei unterschiedlichen Bauformen. Ein direkter Dampfgarer Test Vergleich kann hier schnell ungerecht erscheinen. Gerade Knödel sind perfekt für den Dampfgarer geeignet (auch die herzhafte Variante). Cheap cheap travel guides for berlin with berlin with dampfgarer grokche. Selbstverständlich geht es nicht nur um die Meinungen von anderen Kunden, sondern viel mehr um die technischen Daten, Fakten und Einstellungen der Kriterien von Dampfgarer Topf. Welche Vor- und Nachteile solch ein Gerät mit sich bringt, zeigt der nachfolgende Dampfgartopf Test. Diese gehören im deutschen Raum auch zu den bekanntesten Marken, wenn es um elektrische Dampfgarer geht. Gemüse, welches in einer Gefriertruhe aufbewahrt wird, besitzt zudem meist weit mehr Vitamine als vermeintlich frisches Gemüse, das oftmals schon Licht und einem langen Transport ausgesetzt worden ist. Nur an den Rezeptideen fehlt es dir noch? Elektronische Dampfgarer oder Dampfgartöpfe können hier oft nur mit 4 Liter dienen, weshalb auch bei der Zubereitung der Gerichte mehrere Durchgänge notwendig sind. Dampfgarer Einbaugerate Test Nett Dampfgarer Einbaugerat.
Miele Backofen Und Dampfgarer
Neff Backofen Dampf
"Dieses Mal habe ich den Dampfgarer als „reinen Topf verwendet und darin einen leckeren, gesunden Curry-Eintopf gekocht, was die vielseitige Nutzungsmöglichkeit des Vitalis aufzeigt." Du musst keineswegs der Experte sein, sondern einfach nur eine wenig Ahnung davon haben. Einige Geräte sind zudem eine Kombination aus Backrohr, Mikrowelle und Dampfgarer... dass das Gerät im Herd mit integriert ist, wird das Backrohr heute.. Cookhome with dampfgarer edelstahl. Das Gerücht ein Dampfgarer eignet sich ausschließlich zur Zubereitung von Fisch und Gemüse hält sich nach wie vor hartnäckig. Externe Tests werden weiter unten auf der Seite verlinkt. Der große Edelstahl-Garraumn ist einfach sauber zu halten und bietet viel Platz. Wir haben für Sie die besten Garer im Vergleich getestet.

Sie sind auf der Suche nach einem neuen Dampfgarer? Der Dampfgarer ist ein wahres Allround-Talent und die ideale Ergänzung zu Backofen und Kochstelle. Kann man im Dampf garen ohne reisland.net/dampfgarer/philips-hd9170 Dampfgarer? Dank der getrennten Ebenen verhindern Sie das vermischen von Garsäften und somit der Aromen Ihrer Lebensmittel. Dabei handelt es sich beim Systemdampfgarer meist um eine besondere Stahlkonstruktion, die wie ein Blech in die Schienen des Backofens eingehängt werden. Schnell wirst du rein instinktiv deine Favoriten haben und somit kannst du anfangen die Kurzbeschreibungen zu lesen und Dir die wichtigsten Eigenschaften merken. Sind Sie allerdings in einer festen Beziehung und sind zu zweit, dann können bereits die Kombidämpfer oder Elektrodampfgarer mit 3 oder 5 Etagen ihren Preis wert sein. Wir von haben es uns zur Aufgabe gemacht, Dir bei der freistehender dampfgarer miele Suche unter die Arme zu greifen und bieten dir auf dieser Plattform eine enorme Auswahl an Lebensmitteln, von Handrührer, über Waffeleisen, bis hin zu Popcornmaschinen. Weitere Ersatzteile für Herde, Dampfgarer.. Interesting good schnes wandregal mit schubladen in wei schwarz oder holzfarben kaufen with mit schubladen with dampfgarer grokche.
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Name: Carlos Jordan Vives Age: 22 Occupation: Student Location: UES Parents: Bethany Levesque + Frankie Vives
Carlos definitely thinks of himself as the pride of his parents. Could it be that he’s the only boy from both his parents? Or the fact that he is the youngest so he has the sense of somewhat spoiled? Or because he, in his own words, is the better twin. Either way, he has somewhat of an ego in terms of his family position.
Carlos has been acing his way through school, he managed to be both a ‘nerd,’ in the sense of courses and having a constantly great grade, and a ‘jock,’ in the sense of participating in sports.
All year round, he’s active. Participating in a sport every season, it’s a great past time, and great way to keep his mind business. First season football, then wrestling, finally track. And when summer comes, he’s in whatever camps he can or clubs to fill his boredom. The boy can’t sit still.
Has step sibling (Maggie)
Younger twin to full sister May
Started karate when he was younger, has kept through with it
Has a habit of bouncing his leg or tapping the table. Don’t call him out, just let him live.
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Hey gang! Just a little update from your friendly neighbourhood mods. Currently we’re working on a character page so we’re in the process of updating graphics and tweaking bios (shout out to your loveliness and patience those of you who are waiting for your new babies!). There will also be a new batch of bios coming exploring new areas of the UES (ooh lala!)
The spooky season is upon us so we hope you’re having a good fun time if you’re into Halloweeny! After then, we’re going to post the official ‘wrapping up’ post for the Fairchild Ball event and move us ever onward so get those open starters out there. But don’t worry about rushing okay, you know that any event threads can go on as long as you like!
So, more updates to follow. Keep sending our GG all the juicy deets and do your best to ah, take in all the...extraness of this ball’s events. Sending you all snuggs and mimosas,, XOXO
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#Repost @lamia_biocosmetica ・・・ (Scroll down for english!) . SORTEO, SORTEO!!! 🌿🌿🌿 . Quiero celebrar que ya somos más de 300 por aquí... Eskerrik Asko! Gracias! 💞 . Me he venido arriba y he decidido que vamos a sortear un Pack Ritual Lamia completo!!! Te apetece? 😇 (puedes verlo en el link de la bio) . PARA PARTICIPAR: ✔ Síguenos en Instagram o Facebook. ✔ Dale a me gusta a esta publicación. ✔ Etiqueta a dos personas a quienes les gustaría ganar este premio. ✔ Doble participación si compartes esta publicación! . 🕛 El sorteo será el domingo 27 de mayo 🌍 Valido para toda la UE . SUERTE!!! 💐 . . . GIVEAWAY by Lamia Biocosmetica!!!🌿🌿🌿 . I want to celebrate our 300 followers with you! Thank you for your support! 💞 We'll send a Lamia Ritual Pack to a lucky winer... (link in the bio) 😇 . HOW TO PARTICIPATE ✔ Follow us on Instagram or Facebook ✔ Like this post ✔ Tag two friends who may like it ✔ Extra participation if you share this post! . 🕛 The lucky winer will be anounced on the 27th of May 🌍 Valid for EU countries only . GOOD LUCK!!! 💐 — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2wRmSLV
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