Books & A Little More
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Bethany May Levesque. Go Pilgrims! Greatest lesson in life is mind the business that pays you.  
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
The greatest thing about event like this was the clear avenue to be unfiltered with Lucien. "The food is already better. My guess is they're trying very hard to bury the last ball. Too bad they invited two very judgmental people." Hazel snorted. "Oh come on, let the boy live, Luc. Unless he burns the place down I doubt you need to worry. Let him party with his friends."
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"The bar is exceptionally low-," Lucien started, nodding to the bartender who had finished making both their drinks- "But so far, this is infinitely better than their last attempt at a ball. My only hope for tonight is that Samuel can stay out of the headlines. Also an exceptionally low bar." @bethlevesque
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
"Thank you Miss Mahdavi. I am sorry if it causes additional trouble but it is a must." Alan nods, grateful for the attempts to assuage him. Even if his worries so far are unfounded. "Lili, while I believe that you believe that. I advise you not make promises your team cannot ensure."
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"Well, not to worry, Sir. We have both your daughter's and Mr Vives' additional teams linked into the main comms," Lili reassured, gesturing to her ear piece. Both the Levesques and the FNB team had been highly insistent on their own people. "Nothing and no one will get by us tonight."
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
"I was trying to chose my words wisely but exactly that Daphne. Who's to say there isn't someone planning worse this year." Over his damn dead body. Not where his girls were concerned. "Always. She's with that little boyfriend of hers."
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"Tell me about. Honestly, Alan... She thinks that she can slap a new name on it and we'll suddenly forget what happened last time. You know I'd never judge but there's still a lot of Archibalds in the room," Daphne said in a hushed and totally judgemental tone. "Do you have eyes on Bethany?"
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
Hazel let her tongue click against her teeth, disappointed. "That woman is going to think she's queen and I won't blame her." Well she didn't have an argument. "I'm excellent and Beth well she has great company."
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"Old habits die screaming?" Anne offered before letting out a laugh. Or was it more of relieved sigh? Either way, she washed it down with the champagne. "How are you Hazel? How's your Beth?"
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
She wasn't sure if she was overstepping, well no she was definitely overstepping but he hadn't pushed her aside yet. "I can't blame you. I would say I'm surprised you came but there's a general... well, unwritten rule to these things. Maybe we start with 2 drinks." Ten was just murder. Beth wanted to laugh, this wasn't really the place for casual small talk but if it helped him. "College is great. A lot more freedom than I could dream. And well Hazel has never changed."
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Nate let out a breath when he realised it was Beth. He let out a dry laugh at her question, well meaning as it was. "Thanks for asking, Beth. I appreciate you coming over... I, uh, you know. I guess I wasn't as ready for a big party like this as I thought I was. A drink or ten sounds great." He was joking, mostly. Nate smiled then, trying to lightened the mood he so easily brought down. "Hey, how are you though? I feel like we haven't caught up in a minute. How's college? Your family?"
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
"How tight is security anyway," Alan mused. He was only here because he heard what happened last year. "I'm sure Mrs. Fairchild considered it but I can't say I don't worry."
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
This was really none of her business. Every bone in her body yelled she should mind her own business but she actually felt bad for Nate. Anyone could tell he didn't want to be here, made two of them. "I uh," She gave him a small smile, "I was wondering how you're doing?" A pretty stupid question. "I could get you a drink if you need?
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Nate couldn't stop messing with his stupid tie. At least it wasn't a bow tie. Last time it had been. Last time. Ella Fairchild could call it what she wanted, change the date and the theme, it didn't matter. He felt sick to his stomach. He wished he was high. He... totally wasn't paying attention---
"Sorry, what?" @tfrstarters
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
Hazel takes the glass, a nod to Anne. She brought the glass to her lips to hide a smile. "I don't understand why you all still entertain that old woman."
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I- Yes, it is me, Mrs Fitzherbert. No... No, I changed it back-- Yeah, yes. It was... It was a scandal, that's true. Mhm. I- Okay, I don't know if that's fai-- Right. Sure, I'll see you around. Thank- Thank you.
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Hey--- [ she stops the first tray of champagne going by and grabs two glasses ] This is going to be a long night, isn't it?
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bethlevesque · 2 months ago
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Hazel Levesque
fc: Emayatzy Corinealdi
Hazel Levesque truly wears the pants in her family. They all know it, they all talk about it and no one fights it. No one really has the energy to fight Hazel.
Previously working in PR and marketing as a lawyer (the reason why she controls Beth the way she does no, she isn't controlling, what? ). A few years into her marriage she became a stay at home wife
If you were to ask her daughter, Beth would say her mom has too much time on her hands, Hazel would say she has enough time to make new connections
She has yet to discuss it with her family but Hazel is secretly itching to get her hands involved in more. She has been looking into joining a few boards but deep down she might consider going back to work
Whether her husband is wrapped around her finger or just letting his wife has his way is still up for debate #actuallyhesobsessed
Adores the Watts children. Definitely sees more ambition in them than in her own daughter. What a shame, Beth should take notes from them.
Loves to talk shit with Lucien and Daphne, but mostly Lucien. He understands her and doesn't mind her attitude. Best friends for life!
Alan Levesque
fc: Hu Bing
Has his hands in many business, his focus on his jewel business and copper ore mining
He isn't at home often because of work. While he misses Beth often, business is business. He does bring her back gifts whenever he comes back
He is more than happy to let his wife run everything. Honestly he stands back and just looks at her with heart eyes.
The two met through a mutual friend who neither of them actually talk to anymore. It was Hazel's college friend and his business friend.
Never actually wanted kids but the moment he laid eyes on Beth? He now understands why Stevie wrote Isn't She Lovely. Actually wanted more kids but it didn't work out.
Cannot make small talk for the life of him but bring up business plans, proposals? He can talk your ear off.
Doesn't actually like that Frankie in the picture. Beth is too young to date anyone.
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bethlevesque · 6 months ago
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Mia Isaac photographed by Stephanie Diani for The Hollywood Reporter
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bethlevesque · 6 months ago
TMI Sunday!
Please send whatever to my babies!
Bethany Levesque
Jackson Cohan
Michelle King
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bethlevesque · 8 months ago
"Do you not want more expectations or were you just not prepared for the changing ones?" One of her favorite things about them and now their ability to sneak away was they could at least be honest. When else could she worry about how he actually felt about this next season. "I mean with all the stars coming back, I think I'd be nervous. Then again, I should not be trusted in front of a camera."
"To season two," she repeated, taking swig. Beth brushed the seat before settling right next to Frankie. She ducked her face, looking at the bottle to hide back her blush. "Thank you. It's nothing compared to you. You definitely make Vampire look good."
She put the bottle on the ground besides them, replacing the bottle with a canape. "No offense and I really do like being in there with you but I prefer being out here with you." She shrugged. Though what else could they do. And it wouldn't really make sense to their arrangement if they mostly hung out without others around.
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Cute. He'd heard it, he couldn't help smiling about it. The quiet moments they managed to have at events like this meant a lot to him. They'd whispered together, laughed and shared secrets. Frankie could let himself be with her. They'd talked about their families, their favourite books, their hopes for the future. In a lot of ways, Beth had become his closest friend. There was that word again... Friend.
"Ha... right," he breathed as she pushed the bottle back. "I might still be trying to process that. I mean, don't get me wrong, the first season was amazing. But with this one, I don't know. It's been like... There's more expectations. Sequel syndrome, I guess. Anyways- Let me just---," POP!
Frankie moved the bottle to avoid splashing her, letting out a laugh. He took the first swig, face scrunching at the bubbles (or the taste). "To season two," he added, handing the bottle to her, their fingers brushing. He grinned again, before taking a seat and gesturing for her to join him. Taking a breath, he said- "You look beautiful, by the way."
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bethlevesque · 8 months ago
She clicked her tongue against her teeth at his promise. "I would know who to hunt down." Though if she were honest Sam would get the bulk of her feelings, as usual. They were slowly becoming more and more comfortable with each other, some would say it was a given but it was different. He was different. It was weird to say, she was dating a movie star but at times like this, he was just Frankie. Her friend. And boyfriend, but that thought she was still swallowing.
Beth giggled, "He really couldn't, could he? I guess that's my saving grace. He might start making me look bad if he ever finds his words." Who knew Sam would be such a fangirl? Well she did but still it was hilarious to witness. She bit down on her lips as he tried very hard to navigate the right words. For a writer, the man seemed to be out of words. "Cute." Well that slipped out. "I mean of course." Nothing to see here but her own embarrassment mentally hitting her.
He had actually meant it. They were both more than happy to get away, it made sense. Though if anyone asked she would take the blame, he had a reputation to uphold. Yet the way he led the charge outside proved otherwise. Once they were free, Beth let out a breath. glad from the cool respite of inside's crowdedness. She laughed, realizing they'd just have to share the bottle. Beth shook her head, her free hand pushing the bottle back towards him. "Your night Frankie, you should open the bottle."
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Frankie smiled back at her and wished he could muster up the perfect words to express how she made him feel. If there was a script, he'd be able to deliver. But left to his own direction? Not so much. 'Thank you' felt so pitiful in the face of what she was saying, what it meant to him. All Frankie had ever wanted was to been seen. To be supported. He wanted it so bad that he couldn't speak about it. Hearing Beth say it...
He respected her opinion, a lot. He respected her. If there was anyone he could trust to be real, to be honest, with him- it was her. Ironic really considering their situation but it worked. They worked. "I'll keep my lips seal, I promise. Besides, I don't think Sam could handle a full conversation with me just yet," Frankie teased. He swallowed back his feelings and said quietly, "Thank you, Beth. That really means a lot to me, I-- You mean-- I mean, it means a lot that you're here."
"Yes," he grinned. Frankie loved the limelight and he wanted to escape. He really wanted to keep holding her hand. Frankie and Beth had a thing about roofs. It's where they had their first, fateful, date. The first time he'd let his guard down, dropped his damned act and let himself be honest. Himself. So, he kept holding her hand and made a show of sneaking them out the back. On the way, he made sure to grab extra canapes and a bottle of champagne. They were on the roof of the venue in no time, the fresh air hitting him.
"I should have grabbed glasses as well, right?" he realised before holding the bottle out to her, "Do you wanna do the honours or will I?"
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bethlevesque · 8 months ago
When had Beth turned into the Sam whisperer and when had it become her job to read Sam and have him be honest. Even the idea was tiring but if she were honest, her friend deserved to have a bit of weight lifted off his back. Even though the idiot undoubtedly brought it upon himself. "I have a decent tutor, and you know, my boyfriend is in the cast." Though if you asked her to actually explain Friday Night Bites, she might only last a few seconds. "Says the expert in love triangles right?" His history was never far enough, he had to know that. Especially when she could tease him about it. Beth gave him a small smile. It didn't really matter if he broke his promise. Gracie would make sure he hurt for ruining her night and she would be right behind her cheering her on. Rolling her eyes, she narrowed at him before not so softly elbowing him. "I hate you for the record." Though it was nice to see him smile. It would've been better if it wasn't at her fault. "Pretty cool is the tamest adjective I've heard about him. Bestie? I think I said something along the lines of there's an irritating noise around me named Sam." In truth, she had told Frankie Sam was family. And that if he ever let Sam know, he'd be subject to Sam treatment. A worthy threat in her opinion."
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Sam knew he couldn't outrun Beth, he'd have to face the music eventually. Deny as she might, they knew each other too well for games. But tonight was about Gracie, it was about Frankie. They were just the highly esteemed guests (well, Beth was more than that but y'know). "You know, you really sounded like you knew what you were talking about there," he teased before adding- "You would defend Diego, huh?" He let out a laugh at that, she was right as ever. Normally, Sam was the life and soul of the party even when he was in training. He didn't do 'wallflower', he didn't sulk (well). With that, he pulled on his best grin. "I promise, I will. Hey, c'mon... They could be talking about what you're wearing-," he paused, grinning for real- "When you're standing near him. I mean, you have to admit that your boyfriend is pretty cool. You have let him know I'm your bestie, right?"
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bethlevesque · 8 months ago
Beth couldn't help the fact that she enjoyed being able to make Frankie smile. It almost made her feel even a little bit flirty but it probably had nothing to do with her. Just them and the image they were projecting. Even if the crowd couldn't loudly hear their conversation. She couldn't be sure it wasn't just words. Though her heart felt like they were more than just words. "Well, I'm glad my words mean so much," she smiled.
He didn't have to tell her that she didn't have to watch the rest. No one else would know besides him and Sam anywhere but still. "Don't give him any ideas, he'll definitely enjoy that way too much." Beth reached out to grab his hand, squeezing. "I want to watch the rest. You worked hard and I want to support you."
"Could we?" She responded without thinking. Wasn't this his time to shine? Why did he want to leave. "Well if you don't mind, then yeah. Let's sneak away." Only a few people could make her act out of usual.
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'I wouldn't miss it for the world'. Frankie couldn't help smiling at her before promptly looking down at his feet. Acting confident came easily to Frankie, he'd practiced it for years. He could charmingly shake off a compliment with ease but accepting one with sincerity? With her sincerity? He was still working on it. Instead, he let out a laugh and tried not to blush- "That's the biggest accolade of my career so far, being kinda a benefit."
It was easier than he'd care to admit forgetting about the rest of the world when he was with her. Even in this crowded room, Frankie could feel like it was just them. "You don't have to watch the rest, promise. If you need a recap though, I'm sure Sam'll give you the highlights," he joked.
Frankie looked over his shoulder, aware that their uninterrupted time together was precious. "Do you wanna sneak away for a bit? I think I can get away with an hour before they send out a search party."
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bethlevesque · 9 months ago
This was over her head and completely out of her comfort zone. That only seemed to characterize her relationship with Frankie. It wasn't their first PR event, far from their first event as a couple but this was different. For both of them. Friday Night Bites was his baby, she could tell by the way he talked about the show — Now if you asked her, she could give you a very simple explanation, but ask her to explain the dynamics of the show and she could utter one word confusion.
It had become a little more apparent to Beth, how much Frankie had become her shield in events like these. He was usually by her side, at least for most of the night. Now, she'd just be glad if he had time to acknowledge her. Of course they have to say hi, but how long could that be before he was being whisked away. She felt almost annoyed at herself for the idea. He deserved to enjoy it.
Frankie definitely saw her before she saw him, but she could spot that voice from far away. "Hi," she grinned in response. She shrugged, there wasn't going to be an argument from her. It was a lot. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. I had to see how the season started. And I guess you're a benefit too."
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By now, Frankie and Beth had been to a lot of PR events. The premiere though? It was the biggest one to date. He was nervous. Beth hadn't known the show before they'd started this thing (her friend Sam definitely did but that was a different story). The point was, she'd never really seen him on screen like this before. Live. And with the whole cast in the room while it happened. Then came more photos, flashes, interviews, handshakes... By the time he'd untangled himself, years could have gone by.
He spotted her easily though. His stomach flipped. He ignored it, as always. He and Beth had a good thing going. They were friends, they were doing each other a favour. They might have been 'fake dating' but they were real friends. (How many more times was he going to think the word 'friend'?). Taking a breath, Frankie adjusted his 'Dracula' costume and made his way over to her.
"Hey you," he smiled, voice soft as he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "I know it's a lot-," he started (whether he meant the party, the premiere or that kiss, he didn't know)- "Thank you, for coming with me." @bethlevesque
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bethlevesque · 10 months ago
Sam side stepped the question as if his life dependended on it. Fortunately for him, this was not the time nor the place and luckily for him she knew better than to address it here. Now after today, he had to watch his back if he was still planning to still avoid the conversation. "Well, I mean a love triangle is needed in every important show but I don't know, that kiss with Victoria and Diego gave them a fighting chance." She couldn't tell anyone, especially at this party but she still didn't completely understand the show. It was everyone's favorite. "I've never seen you not feel it but it's Gracie's pride and joy you better let her enjoy." His costume was without mention at this point, only if she wanted to cause more issue. Beth laughed, shaking her head. "They most definitely aren't talking about me and if they are it's definitely not about what or who I'm wearing. It's about who I'm dating and well him."
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Sam immediately perked up when Beth came over even if he knew he was in danger of having his entire life dragged. With love, of course. On the other hand, he wasn't very good at lying to her so he tried another tactic. "What can I say? You know that I think William and Victoria are meant to end up together, not Diego. It is what is-," he smiled before letting out a sigh. "I don't know. Maybe I'm just not feeling it tonight but you know how Gracie is." There was no way Sam could have missed this and he had to dress up. Unfortunately, the only thing he had last minute was an old couple's costume. So here he was, Flynn Ryder minus Rapunzel. "I don't know why we're talking about me though when you're the talk of the red carpet. Who are you wearing?"
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