#billy x trini brotp
azurezfiction · 2 years
Character ask :
Katherine Hillard
Chip Thorn
send me a character and i’ll list: @sentinelofstories
Javi Garcia
favorite thing about them: His aesthetic, his love of music, relationship with his sister. The fact he always has her back, and is always there for her. His genuine good nature with people and down to earth attitude.
least favorite thing about them: Really wish Mr Garcia would lay off of him or at least Javi standing up to him.
favorite line: Not so much aline but Javi taking a moment to realise that Izzy and Fern are together.
brOTP: Javi with Zayto, Amelia, and Izzy
OTP: I don’t really have one for him?
nOTP: Javi being sad. 
random headcanon: Javi is incredibly flexible. Like flexible enough to make Yoga masters jealous.
unpopular opinion: I don’t really have one for him? 
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: N/A
send me a character and i’ll list:
Katherine Hillard
favorite thing about them: The fact that despite that she was evil, Katherine managed to hold her up high and work towards a better future, she never wallowed or despaired after joining the ranger. And worked on herself to become better. 
least favorite thing about them: Wish she got to showcase her dancing and diving stuff more.
favorite line:  Her telling off Jenny back in Turbo. That was excellent!
brOTP: Katherine and Tanya.
OTP: Katherine x Billy
nOTP: Katherine x Jason, Katherine x Tommy
random headcanon: Katherine does eventually become a dance teacher once she grows older and opens up her own dancing school for young girls. Many of which open in Australia and Angel Grove.
unpopular opinion: She shouldn’t have gotten with Tommy, nothing against her but the way the relationship started and written was… not the greatest.
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: N/A
send me a character and i’ll list:
Billy Cranston
favorite thing about them: He’s so adorkable? And the fact he understands the morphin grid, working to help his team and protect the earth. I like the fact he immediately jumps onto something without even needing prompting, and does whats need to ensure victory.
least favorite thing about them: LET. HIM. BE. CONFIDENT.
favorite line: Him passing the torch to Tanya. It’s just so… *Billy*.
brOTP: Billy x Trini, BIlly x Kimberly, Billy x Jason.
OTP: Billy x Katherine
nOTP: N/A?
random headcanon: Billy does take long walks to help cool himself off, and clear his head when he stumbles 
unpopular opinion: I’m fine with him not being a Gold Zeo?
song i associate with them: n/a
favorite picture of them: n/a
send me a character and i’ll list:
Chip Thorn
favorite thing about them: His optimism, and his hope. He’s essentially the bright light of the team that keeps them moving forward.
least favorite thing about them: Could tone down the energy a bit? I can understand why people do find him obnoxious but he’s a lovable guy.
favorite line: N/A
brOTP: Chip and Daggeron, Chip and Xander
OTP: Chip x Vida
random headcanon: Chip ends up going into the healthcare sector working as a surgeon or as a nurse.
unpopular opinion: He and Vida should have gotten together before the end of Mystic Force.
song i associate with them: n/a
favorite picture of them: n/a
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runaways-withme · 7 years
Billy being the first one to respond to Trini’s confession at the campfire like “It’s okay , you’re with us now” is so sweet esp since Billy never really had friends either n they both have ppl who don’t understand them 
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Power Rangers 2017 Headcannons
What if when they got really angry,(or any strong emotion, but it started with anger) their eyes glowed? Like Jason's fighting with his dad or something, and he feels this really strong spike of anger, and suddenly his eyes are just kinda glowing a bright red?
Or someone was insulting someone on the team near Trini and she turns to glare at them, and they just see this kid whos eyes are just fucking glowing yellow?
Or someone on the cheer team find out that Trini or Billy was hanging out with Kim and cornered them about it, just being really rude, and one goes to grab their arm, because they weren't going to just stand around and listen to them, and Kim was around and grabbed the kids wrist and her eyes are bright pink.
What if they got characteristics of theirs zords? Some more than others?
Jason has sharper teeth than before, and eats more meat than he did, has more muscle on his thighs.
Billy is extremely sturdy and hard to knock over and doesn't eat as much meat.
Kim has really good eyesight, and eats fish more than she used to.
Zack eats more vegetables, and his hair grows faster in the winter.
Trini's sense of smell is almost ten times as strong as a normal human, and can kinda smell if someone is sick(cats can do that, I was exited to do this one because cats) she can see in the dark a lot more, but is a bit nearsighted, she can hear if someone is near or walking near, her eyes do the cat thing when its really bright (you know.... the cat thing
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That thing) she doesn't blink as often as a human and you can't win a staring contest, and people are often unnerved when she doesn't blink in a long time (mostly teachers) and could stay still for a long time.
In photos they have to concentrate so that their eyes don't do that thing when you take a photo of an animal and their eyes glow because for some reason they do that and its hard to explain to people when they ask but Kim and Jason would just say its a filter and Trini would stare at you until you left, Zack would say something weird and nobody asks Billy about it because someone asked at school and got four death glares so distracting they didn't pay attention to what Billy was saying.
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"I wanted to see if you were okay. See if you needed any company." (x)
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sabansbabes · 7 years
Billy: Jason says I'm cute af which I assume means 'and fun'
Trini: Aw, it doesn't
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fan-fiction-prompts · 7 years
Trini: she's so tall
Zack: true
Trini: and pretty
Zack: also true
Trini: I want her to sit on my face
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makinjakenpancakes · 7 years
Hi yes I'd like to request the beautiful trini/billy brotp preferably them geeking out over star wars and/or space
“You like Star Wars?” Trini said. “I like Star Wars!”
“I don’t like people that don’t like Star Wars,” Billy said.“Let’s not like those people together!”
“I can do that,” Trini said with a smile. “I think peopleare too hard on the prequels.”
“They have ups and downs like any franchise,” Billy said. “TheClone Wars helped me appreciate the prequels a lot more.”
“Are you caught up with Rebels?” she asked.
“I’m a few episodes behind but I think Thrawn is my favoritevillain,” he said.
“I own every Timothy Zahn book,” she said.
“Can I borrow some?” he asked.
“Any time, no prepare to die!” she said into her headset.
The two of them were playing Battlefront against each other.They had team speak on so they could chat as they gunned each other downdigitally. Both of them were at their rooms in their pjs with snacks. Both ofthem laughing like goons as they shot laser bolts at one another.
“For the Empire,” she said with a cackle.
“For the Rebel Alliance,” he said as he mashed buttons.
Trini laughed as she got the hero coin and became DarthVader. She handily won and Billy tossed his remote because he was so close togetting a hero coin. If only he hadn’t run out of sprint. He grabbed a bag ofchips and ate them to feel better.
“Good game Didi,” he said between chews.
“Yeah just keep CramsTon more chips in your mouth,” shegiggled.
“Okay, thems fighting words home girl,” he saud and startedthe rematch.
“Bring it on Billiam,” she said.
“Only Zack can call me that,” he said.
“Not after I wipe the floor with you Rebel Scum,” she saidand cackled.
Their digital deaths continued to climb higher as they both targetedeach other. The battle was neck and neck, their teeth gritted as they bothclawed for victory. Billy’s hands were sweaty as he tried to get the hero coinbut he was shot, the time hit zero and Trini laughed again.
“How are you so good?” he said.
“You don’t make too many friends when you move as much as Ido, so video games became my friends,” she said.
“I thought we were friends,” he said.
“We are but I’m still gonna kick your butt in Batlefront,”she said and he could almost hear her smirking.
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eirenical · 4 years
Trick’s on YOU, GONNA DO BOTH.  ;D
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
FUCKING HELL.  If you’d asked me WAY back in my PR fandom days, I don’t know if I would have understood you asking if I shipped Billy with anyone but Trini, but 25 YEARS LATER, HERE WE ARE.  XD  I love them SO MUCH.  I think they support each other and shore up each others’ weaknesses REALLY WELL and they just... GET each other.  I love how their relationship progressed through canon and they are my BABIES and I LOVE THEM and they are definitely a long term OTP who are never leaving my brain, I’ve built them an entire wing, a workshop, and a juice bar.  ^____________^
Obi-Wan x Quinlan Vos
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Obi-Wan is, without question, my little black dress for this fandom.  XD  He goes with EVERYONE.  XD  And I don’t really know any of Quinlan’s canon, but I have encountered him in fanon and fanfic many a time and I love him.  I could 100% see them having a friends-with-benefits sort of arrangement during the clone wars, and I could definitely see them being good friends beyond that (and maybe even something more?), and providing some kind of a balancing influence on each others’ darker natures.  So, yeah, I could definitely get behind that.  ^_^
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seize-the-droid · 5 years
Keira Briggs!! ^_^ for the world building Wednesday!!
This was also asked by @pinacoladaranger! So here ya guys go!
full name: Keira May Briggs.
gender: Female.
sexuality: Heterosexual.
pronouns: She/Her.
family: Christopher Briggs [ Father ], Nora Briggs [ Mother ], Jordan Briggs [ Older Brother ], Grace Briggs [ Younger Sister ].
birthplace: Detroit, Michigan.
job: Green Ranger
phobias: being brainwashed,
guilty pleasures: mint chocolate chip ice cream, comic books, arcade games.
morality alignment?:
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introverted.
organized/disorganized: organized.
close minded/open-minded: open-minded.
calm/anxious: anxious.
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable.
cautious/reckless: cautious.
patient/impatient: impatient.
outspoken/reserved: reserved.
leader/follower: follower.
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic.
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic.
traditional/modern: modern.
hard-working/lazy: hard-working.
otp: Keira x Jason
ot3: n/a
brotp: Keira x Tommy / Keira x Trini / Keira x Billy
notp: Keira x Rita Repulsa? [ I have no idea, LOL ]
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random-xs-memory · 6 years
My Armada [Updated 02/12/19]
Just a masterlist of my ships, in case any one was interested. 
A quick rundown, Bold is OTP, Bold Italic means BROTP on the verge of becoming romantic (God help me...), and the ones that are followed by question marks are ones that I can’t possibly explain but I ship anyway. I hope there's no confusion. 
I am unashamed of these ships,  All I ask is that you respect my opinion of these fictional characters and the ship, just as I would yours even if we don’t agree.
Bruce x Maria ???
Bruce x Natasha
Bruce x Wanda ???
Wanda x Vision
Sansa x Tyrion
Jaime x Brienne
Jon x Ygritte
Arya x Tyrion
Bates Motel
Norma x Norman
The Cabin In The Woods
Marty (The Fool) x Dana (The Virgin)
Dead Rising
Frank x Isabella
Doctor Who
Eleven x Clara
Tentoo x Rose
Topher Brink x Claire Saunders | Whiskey
Phoebe x Joey
Ginger Snaps
Brigitte x Sam
Sam x Ruth
Harry Potter
Draco x Ginny
Harry x Hermione
How To Train Your Dragon
Ruffnut x Snotlout
Hunger Games
Katniss x Peeta
Peeta x Johanna
Effie x Haymitch
Finnick x Annie
Dave/Kick-Ass x Mindy/Hit-Girl
The Last of Us
Ellie x Joel
Maria x Tommy
Sawyer x Juliet
Jin x Sun
Hurley x Libby
Maleficent x Diaval
Maleficent x Aurora x Diaval
Metal Gear Solid
Revolver Ocelot x Quiet
The Office
Michael x Office
Michael x Pam
Dwight x Angela
Mercy x Soldier 76
Penny Dreadful
Vanessa x Ethan
Caliban x Happiness
Pirates of the Caribbean
Jack x Carina
Will x Elizabeth
Chel x Wheatley
Power Rangers
Mighty Morphing
Billy x Trini
Ninja Steel
Preston x Sarah
Charlie x Miles
Star Wars
Anakin x Padme
Darth Vader x Jyn Erso ???
Han x Leia
Rey x Poe
Finn x Rose
Phasma x Hux
India x Charlie
Sam x Becky
Sam x Meg 2.0
Dean x Castiel
Dean x Lisa
Until Dawn
Chris x Sam
Robbie x Jade
Tori x Andre
The Walking Dead
Beth x Rick
Carol x Daryl
Eugene x Tara
Maggie x Glenn
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My grumpy ranger 💛
favourite thing about them ~ how fiercely loyal she is, like this is a girl that started off running up rocks and jumped over a cliff just to avoid talking to the other rangers. Then as they start to get to know one another she starts to trust them and her loyalty to them is so strong. Her “Kim! I’ll go with you” in the final fight always kills me because she’s just come so far from not caring about them to wanting to fight alongside them.
least favourite thing about them ~ this is a hard one, I would say the way she holds things in. Both Trini and Kim are both guilty of doing this - the holding shit back and not talking about what’s bothering them or how they are hurting until it hits a point. I think with Trini it’s also she holds back because she’s constantly moving, she’c constantly having to uproot her life so she holds back to avoid getting hurt but she definitely improved with this for sure.
favourite line ~ [about security] “someone should have pointed that out. Oh wait, I did.” - it’s just so snarky and petty and I think it sums up her personality so well, the delivery is just so sharp and gaaah I love this sarcastic little shit! 😍
brOTP ~ BUMBLEBEE BESTIES! aka Zack and Trini. These two are such a force to be reckoned with, constantly teasing one another but man if they are working together! They pull the best pranks and are just so silly with one another. Zack is the first one to call her T.
OTP ~ Trimberly/Trini x Kim. I don’t think this needs to be explained. Just look at the donut scene if you need more proof.
nOTP ~ Trini and a man. Sorry my girl is a lesbian and that’s that.
random headcanon ~ when Trini gets overwhelmed or emotional she reverts to speaking in Spanish. Remember that scene in GA where Callie is speaking in English and then she flips into Spanish and so all the other rangers are like ???? except Kim who violently blushes in the corner. I also have the headcanon that Trini and Billy spend time together in such a soft and gentle capacity - they’ll just sit together and enjoy the quiet both getting on with their work or listening to music and it’s just the comfort that they are both there and present. Sometimes the others will walk in and Trini is teaching Billy Spanish phrases, other times Billy will be working and every now and again Trini will hand him a tool or give him a water bottle.
unpopular opinion ~ I um don’t really have one that I can think of.
song i associate with them ~ “Small but Mighty” from Teacher’s Pet (2004)
favorite picture of them ~ a gif instead of a picture but her smile, this moment is just so carefree and fun. It feels like the point where Trini fully accepted she was opening up to the rangers and to Kim. It was so special and the smile is so soft and pure.
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azurezfiction · 2 years
Character Ask: Grace Sterling Ryan Mitchell Coinless Zack Taylor
send me a character and i’ll list: @augment-techs Grace Sterling:
favorite thing about them: The fact that Grace doesn’t down and take shit, she moves forward, while learning from the past. She means well to the MMPR rangers and is trying to do what’s best, simply doing it in her own way.
least favorite thing about them: There are times where Grace comes off as condescending, but that’s due to the trauma from her first mission with her team and losing them bar Terona. I get where she comes from with Zordon and he views his failures, the loss of Jamie, Daniel, and Nikolai and the weight she carries due to those deaths. He carries the same level of blame and now there’s a team of rangers that are rangers? Yeah no dice there. 
favorite line: Her telling off Drakon like he’s a spoiled little brat that got caught and is grounded. 
brOTP: Grace and Nikolai. I think if the series continued, she and Nikolai would have built up a great BrOTP and Nikolai acting as her second in command as Billy basically does with Jason.
OTP: Grace Sterling/Jamie Gimour, Grace Sterling/Terona Washington, Grace Sterling/Terona Washington/Jamie Gilmour. 
nOTP: Grace Sterling x Any of the MMPR Rangers. 
random headcanon: Grace actually cooks her own meals, and does her own house work. She might have company and all, but she’s still a regular person. 
unpopular opinion: She needs to cool down a bit? I guess? I don’t mind that she ended up recruiting someone to be the Green Ranger, given the circumstances. But honestly, Grace, a teenager? Really? 
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: Her turning to her team trying to prompt them to taking Zordon’s offer to head to the moon with the nod. Idk but I think it was a funny pic.
send me a character and i’ll list: Ryan Mitchell
favorite thing about them: Despite Ryan being raised by demons and all, immerses himself straight into the team and is trying to do his best helping them fight off Queen Banshera and her demon army, despite them taking him in and all. 
least favorite thing about them: The fact we never really got to see his knowledge about the demon’s and how being raised by them affected Ryan when transitioning to the human world or the consequences of trying to return to the human world after so many years. 
favorite line: “I don’t know if there’s any good left in me.” Idk but that line hits hard.
brOTP: Ryan and Dana. Brother and Sister dynamic for the win!
OTP: Ryan Mitchell x Carter Grayson. I feel like Ryan can help Carter out of his comfort zone, and help him have fun outside of his introverted nature. Plus I think they’d have a very romantic relationship. 
nOTP: Incest, Ryan x Kelsey.
random headcanon: Ryan is not the greatest with technology, due to his time in the demon world, he does possess a level of magic that does interfere and short-circuit technology from time to time. It’s gotten better over the years, but every now and again he blows up a toaster merely by touching it.
unpopular opinion: WIsh we got more scenes with him struggling in the human world and confusion on how human society works.
song i associate with them: n/a
favorite picture of them: Ryan smiling when receiving his Lightspeed jacket and officially becoming a member of the team.
send me a character and i’ll list: World of the Coinless Zack
favorite thing about them: That even in the World of the Coinless, Zack is still Zack. He’s doing his best to ensure the survival of humanity and trying to protect the people around him. 
least favorite thing about them: That he’s suffered so much and can’t seem to catch a decent break. 
favorite line: Zack snapping at Trini for bringing back Rita, without telling him and calling her out.
brOTP: Zack and Trini, Coinless Zack and Younger Zack!
OTP: Coinless Zack x Coinless Aisha
nOTP: Coinless Zack x Drakon, Coinless Zack x Scorpina
random headcanon: Doing weapon maintenance and basic exercises help calm him down, and re-focus on things. It’s the little things that he has control that reminds Coinless Zack that even though there’s a war out there, the smallest things can make the difference.
unpopular opinion: I don’t think I have one?
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: All scenes with Coinless Zack are perfect~
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runaways-withme · 7 years
Trini and Billy Brotp Headcanons
 I realy think they’d be surprisingly good friends like Billy would be kinda scared of her at first bc she’s p intimidating despite..being short 
-but she’s always protective of him bc she know’s how it’s like to be bullied for being different like she had bad experiences at the other schools she went to    [more under the cut]
-Trini gets ignored a lot outside of the group, Billy wishes he could be ignored bc ppl bully him way too much and Jason isn’t always there to protect him
-Trini has a class that’s near one of his classes and she always makes sure to rush out of her class to get to Billy so she can protect him/ be there if something happens
-Trini loves Billy like a brother and understands that he doesn’t always get sarcasm so she either tries to dial it down around him or explain it to him
-he doesn’t always get it but he apperciates her trying
-When Trini comes out, they get teased for being “the freaks of the group” n Billy gets sad but Trini gets ready 2 fight
-She gets into trouble (the school system sucks) just for sticking up fr her friend n Billy joins her in detention sometimes just bc he wants to hang out with her
- “hey, thanks for protecting me, I was getting really scared and I-”
-”It’s okay Billy, we’re friends, I’m just mad that we couldn’t use our powers on them for being jerks”
-he also brings the snacks in detention n always finds different things to tal to her abt so she won’t be bored
-Sometimes he would go kinda off topic be Trini still pays good attention and never interrupts him bc she knows how much it sucks when ppl don’t care at all abt her
-This leads to him venting to her a lot
-She always makes sure no one talks over him/ignores what he says
-Idk why but I feel like they would play a lot of video games together n it would be like.. a fighting action game (I don’t..play video games lmao) n Billy would be like getting excited n being like “this is the stategy we shd use when we fight!” n like she would just validate him 
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Too Cute
Anon asked:  Can u do a Trini X reader where Trini introduces the reader to her friends and Trini does something super gay and Zack is all "that's the gayest thing you've ever done" to which Trini starts freaking out and the readers is all "lmao Trini what the heck calm down we're literally dating."
I’m not exactly sure where the hell I was going with it but....fuck it I guess? I hope ya like it!
@zacktxylor @jxsonscott @themorphinggrid
Warnings: Cute shit. Brotp: Black and Yellow Bumblebee
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
It all started when Trini had introduced you to her friends via text and photos, proudly showing you off to the other Rangers. Then Kim had asked if she could meet you in person, then Zack chimed in, and soon enough, everyone honestly really wanted to meet you. It was terrifying to say the least, meeting the Rangers in person. Trini says that she only told them the ‘good things’ about you which was cute in a way.
So Trini lead you over to the mines, where the others were waiting around a huge campfire, with snacks apparently. “Hey guys!” Trini greeted happily, practically pulling you towards the circle.
Billy was the one to jump up out of his seat first, happily offering you and Trini a pair of skewers with marshmallows on them. “You guys got here just in time, we’re just about to start!”
“Thanks…Billy right?” you ask as the boy nodded, before going back over to take his place next to another young man.
“Okay guys,” Trini said, before you sat next to her. “This is my significant other, Y/N.”
You wave your hand slightly at them in greeting. “Hi, nice to meet you all in person.”
“I’m Kim. I’m sure you know that but it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Kim said with a smile.
“Of course you know me, I’m Billy Cranston. Thanks for making Trini smile whenever she comes to do her Ranger duties.” He says with a bright smile, holding his marshmallow out into the embers. “Jason. Jason Scott.” The former football star saluted at you.
“Zack. Zack Taylor, Trini’s best bud.” Answered Zack with a wink of his eye. You can hear Trini scoff, rolling her eye and flipping off her so called ‘best bud’. The Black Ranger let out a gasp, clasping his chest with his hand. “Trini, you wound me.” “Fuck off Zack.”
You giggle, leaning over to kiss your girlfriend’s cheek. The night wore on, roasting marshmallows and sharing drinks and stories, along with Jason grilling you to see if you were worthy for Trini. You seemed to have passed the test however. You felt someone tap your shoulder and you turn to see Trini who was holding out her S’mores in front of you, inviting you to take a bite. A giggle leaving your lips, you happily lean in and take a bite, happily moaning at the warm and yummy taste as you pull away.
“Y/N, you got something,” Trini says, leaning in closer before her tongue darted out to like the chocolate off of your cheek. You let out a small whimper of surprise as Zack begins to laugh. You both turn to the Black Ranger, “What the hell, Zack?” Trini asks. “That is so cute, holy shit, this is the gayest thing I’ve ever seen.” He taunts.
Trini blushes brightly, “Z-Zack, shut up! I mean we’re a couple –“
“Trini, babe.” You begin to say, putting your hand on her shoulder. “Yes we are dating, and are very happy. So you can shut it Zack.”
Zack only laughs, rolling his eyes. “I know Y/N, I’m just super happy you two are together. It’s too cute you know?”
“Okay we only have one marshmallow left.” Jason suddenly announces.
Everyone soon got quiet, glancing at one another as though they were on their guard. “How about we play rock, paper scissors for it?” you offer. “Y/N, even though I love you, I’m not gonna share this with you if I win.” Trini challenges with a wink.
“Bring it on.”
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xanthera · 7 years
I just got back from a 10:20pm showing of Power Rangers because, hey, I'm an adult. I have a bit of extra cash, and I don't have anywhere I need to be tomorrow until noon, so why the fuck not? My thoughts coming away from a second viewing: Billy is still a cinnamon roll. Billy Cranston is a pure soul who deserves all of the love all the time forever and anyone who disagrees can fight me. Something I don't see a lot of people taking about: Kimberly and Jason are popular kids who have to deal with the consequences of the shitty things they did, and the fact that they bond over growing as people and realizing that doing a bad thing doesn't make you a bad person is a really beautiful thing. If we get a sequel, I'd love for them to touch on that more. They cut out the romance but they still have chemistry, so we get an awesome Kim x Jason BroTP. The nostalgia factor is so strong. I wanted to cheer when the zords came out but there were a couple of other people so I refrained. I do NOT want to go to bed right now because that last fight scene got me so pumped. The cafe scene is still the gayest thing I've ever seen. Kim and Trini have so much sustained eye contact throughout this fuckin movie, you guys. Lionsgate, if you give us a sequel, MAKE IT GAY. NAOMI SCOTT AND BECKY G SHIP IT, LISTEN TO YOUR ACTORS. Go see Power Rangers. Seriously.
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lovequinn · 7 years
Power rangers for the fandom thing
Favorite character: trini but it’s a really close call
Least Favorite character: i don’t really have one tbh
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): TRIMBERLY, jason x billy i guess, um that’s pretty much it
Character I find most attractive: kimberly hart but again it’s a close call
Character I would marry: trini or kim
Character I would be best friends with: any and all of the rangers
A random thought: the cake/donut/whatever scene makes me wet
An unpopular opinion: this fandom (at least movie-wise) is too young for discourse #bless
My canon OTP: there aren’t any canon ships so again #bless
Most badass character: ALL OF THEMMMM but watching my two girls kick ass is really satisfying
Pairing I am not a fan of: i mean i don’t adore jason x kim just because i want trini and kim together but they aren’t problematic or bad in any way so i really don’t have a pairing i dislike
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): none of them!!
Favourite friendship: OT5 forever also i love kim and jason as a brotp also BILLY AND JASON
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