thetaizuru · 10 months
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blahparsec · 8 days
I pulled myself out of a swamp. 
There was no time for hesitation or self-doubt no more. 6 years ago. something clicked in my brain. I had to get out. Not for myself, but the small child, who’s hand was firmly clenched in mine, not letting go, she deserves a better life. I had to get her out.
I carved my own path through the thick vegetation. The overgrowth I was fighting with was modelled to me by the elders of my past. As a child, I copied their workflows and imprinted all this mess inside of me, and now I had to get out. Out the labyrinth of jungle so thick that no light passes through. A path that nobody showed me before, a workflow I found through books of countless humans doing the same thing - called therapy - a path one learns through as one goes along. Where there was a wall, I learned to climb over. Where there was an obstacle I learned to go around. Where there was a dead end, I learned to carve my way through. When I fell, I learned to stand up. When I failed I learned to try again. When I fell apart, I learned to support myself. Every tree needed to be understood, seen and accepted, every branch loved every leaf told: thank you, there was a reason why you exist, but now I’m safe so I have to let go of you and set you free.
After 3 years of hard work we reach the ocean, I think we are finally free... from the chains of plants that were tryna suck us back in were all just a bad dream, I pulled us out. We could put it all behind us and relax. We are on the shore. We breathe clean air and see far far away and cook dinners on outdoor fire, watch sunsets every day... We learned how to happy. 2 years pass.
I know our journey isn’t over. The ocean is calling my name. I’m worried it might not be safe, but I take her along, cuz I promised I’d never leave her behind anymore. Suspend myself underwater, it’s calm and peaceful, I am mesmerized by the beauty. Dolphins and whales floating around and she plays with them day in day out. beams of light cutting through water.... this is so new In May - an earthquake. The water is set on fire, with the eruption of the volcano, it’s oozing lava and damaging the coral reefs! fire rain upwards underwater! sea mammals and fishes in distress and panic! I have to find the source of this thing....I search for it, go deeper and deeper, it’s gotta be somewhere here.. I travel, employ underwater maps in aid of my navigation... Some fishes eager to help show me the way. Finally, I see something glowing right at a very bottom of the ocean. I get closer. On a sea bed sat at the deepest part of me a huge blue sphere, occulant and iridescent with metallic overglows, swirling inside of it is the darkness itself. I stare into it, it stares back. It’s the core of my attachment to life. The Phantasy Bond to my father.
The idea that I am bad and you were good. The idea that it was all my fault. It has to stay this way, because if I am bad then that means I can get better, I can make things right eventually. As long as I don’t stop trying, I never loose. Then nothing is lost. Then things can get turned around. I’ll find a way through! If there isn’t one, I’ll create one! I will never give up! I’ll never go back to the jungle! I have to hold on to this, as it is the core of who I am. All this was burried at the bottom of the ocean my entire life. So many layers of the jungle cut through and peeled off to make my way here.
This is devastating. I know I have to let go of the sphere. It is at the very core of suffering of all sea creatures inside of my ocean. No no no no absolutely not, I won’t, I can’t. This will not. Go fuck yourself. It’s the source of the only light I ever knew. I will protect it at all costs and anyone who attempts to mess with it can walk off of a fucking cliff. This things stays unchanged right where it belongs! Fuck u. Call me the bad one. I gotta be the bad one. I refuse to accept that this damage was just damage, and was of no use at all. I refuse to accept that this was just unfortunate and devastating for no reason whatsoever. I refuse to accept that this thing is bigger than me and there is nothing I can do, and I just gotta what? flush it down the toilet? u what now? You know nothing. I can’t accept that the source of all my light is just a snake that perpetually eats it’s own tail. What the fuck. I refuse this horror and choose denial. I don’t know what to do. I am not letting go of the sphere. This sphere is the creator of all happy parts of me. There won’t be anything left of me if this thing gets destroyed. And how would I destroy it anyway? I don’t know what do with this thing.
So I sit with it. I understand this is a problem. And at the level that I am at, I am unable to solve it or even know where to start. I just have to trust that my future self will know what to do. How to let go. So I sit with it. 3 months pass.
I sit with it and allow it to be. I look at it. 
I watch it closely, I watch and listen to it breathe.
Now I get really close. I can feel it’s breath on my chest. It’s throbbing, it’s throbbing with pain. And then a thought suddenly hits me. I hug it, this huge thing, easily 7700 sizes of me. I give it the biggest hug I can. And a little bit of the darkness seeps out and gets absorbed into me. Just a tiny bit. I metabolize it and breathe out the dark bubbles. The desert of pain has one sandgrain less now. I finally understand. This thing just needs a 770 million hugs. Fuck. This shit is so fucking simple, it makes me laugh.:)
The reality is so much more simple than I imagines:)
Let the next 10 years of my life roll on.
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haris-bulic · 6 years
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Video inteview for Tristotrojka - 2014  architecture, ilustration and drum and bass Enis Čišić - ilustration artist, Mensur Demir - architect, Adis Kutkut Billain - sound designer directing and interview: Haris Bulić, Ena Kukić photo and video editing: Muzafer Agić, Kenan Muslić
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zip-zapple · 1 month
Not big at the moment, but I’ll add more sometime!
[Mr. Frugal’s side]
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murasaki-cha · 7 months
As everyone knows I'm a super huge fan of Assistant To The Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer. And today I discovered this manhwa which really reminded me of ATTV!
It's called "I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster"
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Basically our mc reincarnates to the body of one of the main villains of this tragedy novel she read just as she is waiting execution and she finds out she's immune to any kind of poison. She gets saved by the ml which is the main villain of the story but she doesn't know he's the main villain since he looks different from the novel description. Things happen and she starts working for the ml as a poison taster in his store and meets with a bunch of other villains in the book. The main goal for mc is to not get entangled with the main characters since she doesn't wanna die.
The story is so cute and I'm loving it so much. All the characters are so funny even the side characters are so entertaining and lovable. Mc and ml have such a funny dynamic between them and they're freaking cute together. Also the communication here lemme tell you👌✨️ no stupid misunderstandings whatsoever! Also ml knows that fl is transmigrated he figured that since chapter 2! Yeah I know I too was surprised that can happen!
Both main characters are very well fleshed. Both of them have personalities and their own goals, they're not just 2 characters meant to fall in love and just that. The plot is also very interesting, not anything super original but it's not so clishe it's become repetitive and boring, it does have it's own originaloty thoug and it has some very nice world building. The characters alone hook you up and never let you go they're all so fun. Also the artstyle is amazing, the artist really pays attention even to the tiny details.
So if you enjoy a found family between a chaotic band of misfits who always cause havoc and an adorably cute romance between a villain and their employee than give this manhwa a read!
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faytelumos · 1 year
"I didn't know who else to come to. I need your help. You're strong, you're capable, you—"
"Ah-choo! Oh, sorry, excuse me, it must be my allergies. You see, I'm allergic to bullshit."
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puddlestheduck1 · 6 months
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celedyn · 1 year
May DWC 2023
Day 7: Lover, Aftermath
(NSFW below the cut: strong sexual themes)
(Difficult to discern text is clarified in the * footnotes.)
All around him the music pounded, bodies in motion to its heavy, dominating beat. The flickering lights of the fire room danced over bare flesh that was bowed as people tangled themselves in one another. Across the room he could pick out the familiar swell of Cythion’s broad back, perfectly accessorized by the pair of hooves kicked up to rest on the kaldorei’s shoulders. It was good to see him having fun.
Celedyn pushed himself up to sit on the stage, enjoying the higher vantage point. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The night had progressed into full swing, the earlier drift of curious tourists and people who wanted just a little sample of what a spicier evening could look like had already wandered in for their bit of fun and then back out again and by now the people left in the room were those ready to play.
Well, maybe not that one. His eyes found Lance’s pale shape tucked in the shadowy corners, as delicately sculpted as a string of lilies of the valley and for all the world looking like he was determined to stay exactly where he was rooted. Maybe it was those curling horns that made him so stubborn... Or maybe he just liked to watch, the pretty little pervert.
A sudden flash of white hot pain shocked him out of his thoughts with a sharp yelp. He jolted, one hand moving to cover the fresh red stripe on his ass and twisted, his expression scandalized only to find Dice grinning down at him, the offending fire whip in hand. The sindorei’s voice was deep and unmistakably amused as he chastised the other elf “The stage is for performers only.”
“I AM a performer!” Celedyn shot back, with a huff. He gave a grand gesture that swept the length of his body up to proudly lifted chin “Everything about this is a performance.” He stuck out his tongue as he uncapped his bottle of water, taking a swallow to refresh his dignity. Out in the crowd he spotted Leon, his expression blissfully adrift as the woman he had left the Gilnean with finally lifted herself up enough to grant him fresh air. “You know, I think you’ve got the very best view in all of the room and here you are, refusing to share it!”
With another flick of the wrist and the heavy sound of leather dragging through air the bottle was gone from Celedyn’s hand. Not shattered, but snatched away by the sudden rush of heat from the fire whip. Dice caught it neatly, draining it as he sauntered to the front of the stage to return the empty vessel to the squinting elf. “The stage is for performances only.” His lips spread in a warm smirk as he rolled his weight to one hip, one brow arching. “So perform.”
Celedyn didn’t need anything more than the mere suggestion before he merrily snatched up the opportunity for attention, tucking one leg beneath himself to shift closer. He started in low, nose brushing at a knee, blue eyes flicking up to meet Dice’s face before his lips parted and he seductively dragged his tongue up a well muscled thigh. He only got half way through his swipe before the the taste struck him and he froze in place, eyes instantly showing regret.
Without hesitation, Dice covered for the pause, reaching down to take a stern grip on the high elf’s platinum locks. Contained laughter sparkled in his eyes “Not what you were expecting?”
Celedyn’s tongue was still out, remaining in place as though he’d stuck it to a frozen street light. “Ah thoud id would be thwead.” *
“Would sweat have been that much better?”
“Ah need the elegdrolides. Thome BILLAIN thtole muh dring!” **
Dice dragged him back with a warm chuckle as the high elf regretfully drew his tongue back into his mouth. Cele kept his face soft and rapt for the crowd, but the other elf could see the distaste in his intense, prolonged eye contact as he swallowed the mouthful of oil. 
Dice’s gaze slipped away just a moment before returning to watch Celedyn’s face. The sindorei’s voice was low, private “Are you sure you want to stay up on this stage? The performances get pretty heated.” His eyes held a deep, meaningful intensity as he watched the high elf’s face.
“If I leave right now I expect you to call the Kirin’Tor and have the sayaad taking my extraordinarily attractive form arrested immediately.” He grinned, but that stare remained. Celedyn paused, licking his lips before giving a simple, confident “Yes.”
So slight that it may be missed were the two not so close, a line of tension unknotted and relaxed in Dice’s shoulders. He stood up to his full height once more and looked out into the crowd, giving a subtle tip of his jaw before stepping away. 
Celedyn turned, blue eyes scanning over the room, trying to follow who the Sindorei had motioned to, and why. Deep in the recesses of the VIP section, he spotted the lady of the hour herself. Vixannya sat as poised and elegant as ever as she surveyed the room. Another woman might have lost their composure that way; breasts covered only by Sera’s hands, partially obscured by an perfectly shaped ass that he would recognize as Ryland’s at 200 paces, but she looked what could only be described as pleased.
The high elf was brought back to the moment by the sudden whoosh of the whip before the heat curled around him and dragged him upstage.
The foot placed squarely on his chest pushed him flat on his back and the stern look from the sindorei kept him there. The whip’s heat flickering out as it dropped from its master’s hand, trapped under the high elf and keeping his arms pinned close to his sides. He huffed with indignation but Dice could see him easily recover; the way his spine arched slightly up off the floor, long legs arranging themselves elegantly, ever aware of the visual he presented for his audience. 
Cele’s head turned as he spotted motion to his side, eyes briefly lighting as he recognized Cy, only to widen as he noticed what the Kaldorei was handing off. Dice held the candelabra aloft, sauntered the edge of the stage, his steps sure and powerful. He grinned as he turned back to see the high elf’s attention rapt, his breath heavy, his cock shamelessly hard.
The first hot touch of wax had him gasping, arching at the sudden spike of adrenaline that pierced right through the front of his skull. Dice moved quickly, precisely, letting dribbles spatter across his chest and shoulders like freckles on sun kissed skin; only relenting and lifting the candelabra when he decided it needed a bit more time to melt, dropping down to one knee to sensually run his hands over his work.
The bound elf writhed, pressing back into his palms. Celedyn’s stomach flexed as he lifted up, tried for a kiss, but was pushed right back down again with a soft, frustrated grunt. The next place the wax struck was his belly, sensitive skin jumping as each drop fell. He teased, letting a trail drizzle along the crease of the iliac furrows that the high elf so frequently gloated about, adding just a bit here and there until he could see fear start to rise up in those eyes, the breath freeze in his chest as he grew precariously close to that neglected length, threatening to give it more attention than it could handle.
He waited until Celedyn seemed just about ready to jump out of his skin before hauling him up to kneel, kicking his knees apart to make sure the audience got the full view. The whip slouched down uselessly, but by now he was quite certain the other elf wasn’t going anywhere, blue eyes hazy and watching him dance like he was the only thing in the room. 
Celedyn’s long legs made for dramatic trails of the hot wax, the candles carefully angled to first create a wall, the position just so before a second pass sent rivulets down his inner thighs and broke a lusty cry from painted lips. He took advantage of it, gripping the high elf’s hair and swallowing that moan with a rough, possessive kiss. 
Celedyn’s arms wrapped his shoulders and a moment later Dice was hauling him up and off his feet, giving his ass a lascivious squeeze as he finally broke the kiss with a smile that had melted a thousand hearts. Smoothly he walked to the edge of the stage and knelt, passing the still dazed man down to Cythion before retrieving his whip, the flame crackling back to life as he gave it a hearty snap. 
Still half dazed, Celedyn caught the eye of Sindorei woman who’d been enjoying their spectacle from the front row. Nova’s smirk widened just a bit as he gave her a little wiggling wave of his fingers and she raised her glass as though offering him a toast. He grinned and tucked himself into Cy’s familiar warmth. “Have you come to volunteer to clean me up, kitten?”The high elf’s voice was rough with lust, his hands sliding over the Kaldorei’s shoulder like ivy attempting to swallow a castle wall.
Cythion grinned down at him; “I’ve come to volunteer to mess you up.”
* ”I thought it would be sweat.”
** “I need the electrolytes. Some VILLAIN stole my drink!”
@daily-writing-challenge @cythion @cellody @dicenne @mremaknu @vixannya @serazhen @rylandfalkov @weavingthroughtales
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liquidsludge · 11 months
Villain tober day 19. And because Spiderman 2 comes out tomorrow, im deciding to draw mostly spider man billains for a bit. And because he has been al over the marketing today i just made some little sketches of…
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thetaizuru · 5 months
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bozemane · 11 months
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Billain - Lands Unbreached, 2022
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nymph1e · 2 years
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zip-zapple · 4 months
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Crimson Heart and Miss Greed!
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protocolseben · 12 days
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lunathetransqueen · 1 month
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Av,g areyou abouot to haev a billain arc
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