#bill skarsgard fiction
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lihikainanea · 1 year ago
I know you have had a little writers block and not much time to write but in case this can inspire more tiger and Bill hear goes. So Bill is working on a movie that is a mess. He took the job because because he really loved the director, but lets so with rewrites and other politics that director quit. Bill was still in a contracted he could not easily get out out and he did not want to quit something he had already put work into.
Filming finally started back up with a new script and he was doing his best to make his character believable. But his neppo-baby co-star was not helping. Of course he was also considered a neppo-baby by the US press but he did not think he was not a brat like this woman. She wanted to change things in the script. She wanted special foods and no one could talk to her unless she was officially on set. He could not even get her to go over lines or how he could respectfully touch her during scenes since they were playing a couple.
He of course talked though things with Tiger as much as he thought he could but this was a very tough shoot. He would come home late and only get about 6 hours before having to be back on set.
His mind is wheeling one night when he has to do a love scene with this awful girl the next day. Tiger calms him enough for him to fall asleep. His brain has other ideas to fix the thoughts he has about the next day. He dreams of actually having an affair with awful girl. And the sex is just....he wakes in cold sweat. He was moaning in his sleep and he can not even look at Tiger. And boy does he not want to go to work that day either.
Ohhhhh I like this.
Look, I mean, with how many films actors do--every once in awhile, they must work with fellow castmates that they just hate. Abhor. Their hatred is so thinly veiled that it's incredibly palpable to the crew onset, but thankfully things rarely ever make it to the press because of NDAs and big ass scary lawyers and the like. But every once in awhile--we, the ever little-seeing public--we get wind of it. Think Don't Worry Darling. The drama surrounding that production, for the so many reasons it seems to entail, was just--unf, chef kiss to those of us that still love the thrill of a little celebrity drama.
And I'm sure Bill, in all of his perfectionist nature, was also hated on a few sets. His perfectionist nature. His insistence on trying the scene 100 different ways, for 100 different takes, until he was satisfied. Not everyone performs to that calibre nor do they hold themselves accountable to such lofty expectations as that big swedish talking tree, but that's just who he is. That's how he works.
But y'know, I'd even venture to say that it's quite rare that Bill actually likes his castmates and fellows actors he works with. That's not to say that he hates their guts--not at all. But rather he's just pretty...ambivalent about the whole thing. Neutral. He's the Switzerland of film sets. He's a pretty private person in general, a pretty guarded individual, and for him this is a job. Onscreen chemistry is far more important than actual chemistry in this line of work, and he's able to separate the two. He can have great onscreen chemistry with someone that he's not super friendly with, and he doesn't feel any inclination to add the to the inner workings of his closest social circle. Beers after a long day on set is one thing, the occasional celebratory dinner, gifts for the make up and costume crew. Getting to know everyone on a first name basis. But beyond that, Bill is more than happy to go back to his trailer between takes, or go back to his apartment at the end of the day, and cook dinner with tiger or have drinks with some of his friends who flew out to spend a few days with him.
And on that note, he's probably had to work with a lot of actors that he really doesn't like. People who either take themselves way too seriously (Bill thinks method acting is the most ridiculous fucking thing anyone could ever do), or the opposite--people who don't take this seriously at all. And if you call Bill a nepo baby to his face you'll likely be tackled violently from stage left by tiger--but it's also why he's ultra sensitive about those nepo baby actors who don't have any talent, and don't even have the work ethic to build it up.
It's still like pulling teeth to get Bill to admit that his laast name opened up a few doors for him, but he'll also be the first to admit that his initial acting jobs weren't....uh, they weren't great. But he worked at it, he honed his craft, he worked his ass off, and now nobody can say the opportunities he's gotten have been handed to him.
But y'know, the thought of nepotism--well, it doesn't really bother some people.
And maybe on a recent film set, Bill is living in his version of hell. His love interest in the film is a girl in her young to mid-twenties, the type who grew up with two famous parents and all of a sudden decided she wanted to act--so roles were handed to her. Bill's not quite sure how she even got the job given how their chemistry read went, with Bill nearly glaring daggers at her the whole time. She's just the type of person he can't stand. She's loud about everything. She comes with an entourage to everything. It's always over the top, all the time. She never learns her lines. She doesn't give him anything to work with in a scene, reciting her lines like a robot and not leaving anything to improv, natural reactions. She needs a million takes for one scene--not because she's a perfectionist--but because she forgot her lines, or didn't listen to the notes the director gave her. Bill is pretty convinced this entire film could have shot in half the time if she'd just be a little bit of a fucking professional about it.
The whole thing irks him at first, then just pisses him right the hell off shortly after. She's late for the call time, when the other actors are sitting in the transport car well before the ass crack of dawn waiting for her to come out her house. She comes into the makeup trailer blasting her music and yelling along with her entourage, while Bill is reviewing his scene changes and trying to get his head into his character for the day--they knock over his coffee, get in everyone's way, and just never shut the fuck up. Her friends--and her--are all filming all the time, and Bill spends most of his time between takes trying to dodge ending up on someone's instagram or tiktok.
But y'know, it's just so pitifully ironic that the only scene this girl is keen to rehearse--a little too keen, actually--are any of the kissing scenes, or the sex scenes. And with one scheduled in just a few days time, this little nepo baby has been all over Bill trying to find proper times--evenings, of course, with a little wine to loosen up--for them to uh, practice. Bill's gag reflex has been barely contained.
And like, tiger bears the brunt of his rants at the end of every filming day. Whether it's 2AM or 2AM or anywhere in between, he always FaceTimes her when he wraps the day and tiger always thinks that vein in his neck is real damn close to bursting.
"She just...she doesn't get it tiger," he rants, pausing to take a drag of his cigarette, "This is a fucking joke to her. This is my job, my profession, and it's a fucking joke to her."
"Has anyone told her?" she asks, "Maybe she needs to be called out on it."
"Her dad's studio is partially funding this one," Bill exhales, the camera shaking as he continues to walk.
"You're fucked then," tiger smiles sadly. Bill just makes a frustrated noise before continuing to rant for the next hour.
And like, maybe tiger goes to visit him on set right? And she's not it before, the whole rehearsing an upcoming steamy scene with him--but wait wait, I'm getting ahead of myself here.
So, tiger visits him on set and sees firsthand what a fucking nightmare this girl is. Tiger spends most of her time in his trailer but somehow, she still has to dodge what feels like a million cameras all linked to a hundred different kinds of social media, all from her entourage. They ain't shy about questions that are none of their damn business either--shit like who she is, how she knows Bill, what she's doing there.
"I'm his bodyguard," she cracks, except tiger is kind of scary when she's pissed off and she's not really blinking so suddenly the gaggle of girls don't really know what to think.
In any case, tiger can definitely see why Bill has been so pissed off lately. Everything is a joke to this girl, she doesn't take anything seriously, and suddenly she's just real excited about the scenes coming up in a few days.
"We should practice tonight!" she says gleefully, as both her and Bill are sitting in the makeup trailer getting all un-done after the day. Tiger quirks a brow from the back of the room where she's playing with one of the other actor's dogs.
"No thanks," Bill says immediately.
"You can come by, I'll get some wine, we can loosen up."
"No," he says again.
"We need to rehearse," she continues, "We need to practice."
"I've had enough practice."
And thankfully one of the make up artists--tiger makes a note to give her a big hug after--one of the make up artists sees every single hair on Bill's neck stand up.
"Bill, sorry--can you stop talking? It's getting the make up caught in the creases and making it hard to remove," she says kindly. Bill gives her a wide smile.
"Sure, sorry," he says softly.
And that's the end of that.
But like, look. It's plain as day. Bill is chainsmoking. He didn't sleep that night, he just rants and rants at how repulsed he is, and how much he's dreading the next 1.5 weeks worth of scenes. Tiger does her best to distract him--keeps his whisky glass full, hell she even gets him in the sauna and sucks his soul out from his dick just to try and get his mind off it. But the sun rises the next morning as much as we sometimes wish it wouldn't, and Bill has to go to work.
I'll be waiting for you in your trailer bud," tiger says reassuringly, "Remember, you can take as many breaks as you need."
But y'know, here's the thing. Bill is getting through it, because he's a goddamned professional. Is he having fun? No. Does he hate every second of it? Yes. But it's not that. It doesn't take him long to figure out that this girl...she's purposely fucking up the scenes, just so they have to do them again. And again. And again. The scene where he has to push her up again a wall, rip her shirt open, and kiss the hell out of her? Somehow, that scene took the entire day to shoot. 57 takes.
The actual sex scene, him on top of her, both of them wearing nothing but tiny little pasties? Somehow, that took two entire days to shoot. More than 100 takes.
On any set that Bill has been on, things like that could usually be shot in anywhere from 4-6 takes--maybe half a day, depending on lighting and equipment needs.
Bill was livid. He drew the line initially and demanded a closed set, after she brought her entire entourage to watch that day. It took a lot of negotiating, but Bill wasn't budging on it.
And every single day that Bill went to set and have to film that, when he'd get home--man, he took it out on tiger. The poor girl was ravaged. Bill just needed her, needed to completely wreck her, just to get the taste and feel and everything of that other pain in the ass as far away from him as possible.
But y'know, Bill's mind is a cruel place.
And maybe its triggered by something small. He has a long day on set so tiger goes shopping, and when he comes back to his rented apartment she has some stuff strewn everywhere and Bill spots a shirt on the bed. His blood boils.
"What the fuck is this?" he marches over to it, holding it up.
"It's....my new shirt?" tiger says cautiously, "I thought it was cute."
"Get rid of it tiger," he snaps. He grabs his lighter from his pocket, flicking it open and holding it to the shirt.
"Okay whoa," tiger jumps, grabbing the shirt from him, "Easy bud. What's going on."
"She has this shirt," he seethes, "I don't ever want to see it on you."
"Ah," tiger says, "Right. You won't see it again bud."
"Promise?" he puts the lighter away.
But it's enough to just...kickstart some part of Bill's brain that should have stayed dormant. And that night, he drifts off to sleep with tiger in his arms and his thumb in her mouth--except he dreams of her. And it's ~spicy~. A stupid ass, unreasonable sex dream that felt really good. Amazing sex, actually, and from the noises he was making tiger wasn't sure if he was in pain or having the time of his life but the piece of plywood digging in to her back gave her a small inclination.
That is, until he woke up and all but shoved her away with enough force that she almost went tumbling off the bed.
"Bill!" she shrieked, but he was already scratching at his skin and lightly smacking his own face.
"No no no no no," he muttered, "No no no god fuck no."
His eyes snap to hers and they're wild, pupils huge, his hair sticking up all over the place and his chest heaving.
"You," he says, out of breath, "Here. Now."
And tiger doesn't have time to do anything before two long arms wrap around her waist and haul her up with force, slamming her into his chest.
"Fuck me," he growls into her neck.
"What?" tiger's still trying to get her wits about her because a second ago she was asleep and comfy and now this wild ass enraged beast has his hands all over her and she can't quite keep up.
A hard spank lands on her ass and she squeals a little, but then he has his fist balled in her hair and his teeth biting at her neck.
"Fuck me," he growls again, "Fuck me into next fucking week."
"Bill, what the hell is going--"
But then suddenly she's in the air, and then she's pinned under his body as he looms--big and scary and totally wild--above her.
"Tiger, I just had a dream about her," he snaps, "And now you need to get it the fuck out of my head so that I never have to see it again. So I'm only going to ask you one more time."
He yanks her head back, licking up her neck before biting down hard on her earlobe. His other hand cups her harshly through her panties and she gasps.
"Fuck me," he growls.
Tiger is all too happy to oblige.
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texaschainsawmascara · 1 year ago
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movies know exactly how I like my Skarsgårds
Boy Kills World / Infinity Pool
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sweetbillwriting · 6 months ago
In The Dead of Night
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Characters: AU Eric played by Bill Skarsgård from The Crow (2024)
Setting: This story is set in A WHOLE OTHER WORLD than the movie. Shelley isn't a part of this story. Eric will be different from the movie, especially because I haven't seen the movie.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: I have STILL not seen the movie because it hasn't premiered here yet!
“I just think about him a lot. I'm sorry, I don't have the right to do that; I haven't even met him; I just believe I would have really liked him…”
I sat opposite Lotti by her little table with Eric's photo albums in front of us. Sneakily, I had put back the photos I've stolen because I didn't need them anymore.
I shouldn't have been there; I was lying to her in the most awful way, but I also went behind Eric's back to find out things he didn't want to tell me. I had the answers right there, and my curiosity took over.
“You know, I think he would have liked you too. You have a curiosity he would have liked. You feel comfortable with yourself, but with optimism and creativity. He would have liked that,” Lotti said with a smile. She had a good day today and talked about Eric with a smile. I smiled back at her by her words, but the warmth in my chest was from the memory of hearing Eric say “I love you” to me. He had said it that morning on the phone. I would go to him later that night; he worked late that Saturday, so I didn't have a reason to go to him that early, but I had a key to his apartment, so I didn't need to wait for him.
“Can't you tell me more about him? Why do you think he started to take drugs?”
Lotti looked out through the window and smiled sadly. It felt like she had a need to talk about everything, and I was right; my simple question made her tell me stories I never thought I would hear.
Lotti looked at the little boy in the playroom, through the plexiglas. He wore a striped long-sleeved shirt in green shades and red sweatpants. The clothes were a bit big and looked well-used, probably from other kids social services had rescued from dysfunctional homes. He was two years old but lacked the chubby cheeks other two-year-olds would have but also was disinterested in the toys surrounding him. A white rabbit stuffy lay just in front of him, but he didn't give it a look; he just looked around. A young social worker sat by his side and looked at him with wonder. He looked like a doll with his big green eyes, and he sat just as still with his small hands resting on his thighs.
“He can't stand up yet or crawl, so that's probably why he doesn't play,” said the social worker next to Lotti and her husband Eric. They nodded a little even if something else felt wrong.
“Why can't he do that? Does he have a disability?” Eric asked the social worker and looked at baby Eric again. He hadn't moved an inch.
“No, no. He's healthy. Just a little underweight and some rashes. Ehm… We believe he hasn't left the crib very often. Most of his time had probably been spent alone in the bed-”
“What? Has his mother left him in the crib?” Lotti looked between the social worker and the boy, upset.
"Yes, but that is nothing that will shape him. He's so young, so that's nothing you’ll need to worry about.”
The social worker said it with assurance, even if there wasn't any research on the subject in the 90s.
Lotti nodded but felt a lump in her throat.
"His mother is sentenced to six months in prison for drug trafficking, but we believe she needs help with the boy after that too. She must make changes to be able to get him back.”
Lotti was sure. She didn't need to know any more. She wouldn't leave that boy to his destiny. They had room for one more child in their home, and Eric, her husband, earned enough money as a seller in the technology field. It was a business growing every day, and his salary went up with it. He looked at Lotti with a calming smile. He knew his wife had already made a decision, and he felt the same. They could give the boy the security he never had. He looked at the papers, seeing the boy’s name, the surname they shared. It felt like a sign. He wasn't the religious type, but Eric was a family name, a name passed on with love and respect.
The social secretary opened the door to the room baby Eric was in, and the married couple saw him look towards it with a fast movement. They walked in slowly to him, afraid that their presence would scare him, but he sat the same way and looked at them with big eyes. Carefully, Eric lifted up the boy in his arms, and Lotti moved close to them. His eyes shifted from side to side, looking at them. He looked sad but with a calm curiosity.
“Hey Eric, hey sweetie…” said Lotti. He looked at her the same way, but his eyes gave away so many emotions. Lotti dragged a finger over her cheek, wiping away a tear. For her, it was impossible to think that the boy's mom didn't want to take care of him; he had an aura—a much stronger aura than other kids his age had. It was just something with him. Lotti looked at her husband, who had pulled the boy closer to his chest. Both could feel it in their bones, and they could see in the other's eyes they felt the same thing. This boy was theirs. This boy was theirs, and they would do everything in their power for him to only be theirs and save him from his mother and all the darkness.
Little Eric stood on a chair by the sink next to Lotti. He was quite short for his four years but had a personality bigger than other boys his age, and so lovable Lotti could see how others envied her. He stood and washed the dishes with her and laughed while playing with the bubbles. He always wanted to be close to them, always wanting to help.
“You're so good at this, Eric!” Said Lotti with a laugh when he gave her a completely clean glass. Eric laughed again so she could see the deep dimple in his cheek. She kissed it hard and dragged her fingers through his messy hair. In just a few hours, he would go to his biological mother and then come back to them as a shell again. He never told them what happened at his mother's, and that was what made it harder for them to do something. There was no proof the bruises on his little body were from something else than rough playing, but Lotti knew her boy so well, his games well, and it wasn't bruises from the playground.
Lotti woke up from her thoughts when she heard her other son in the living room. He was playing video games and made sound effects for the game. Eric looked towards the living room, and when Lotti did it too, he waved with his little hand, showing that he wanted them to look at what Robin was doing. He always wanted skin-to-skin contact, so Lotti pulled him up on her hip and carried him out to the living room. Robin gave them a bit of an irritated look but wiped it away when his mom dragged her fingers through his hair.
“Are you winning?”
“Yes!” He screamed proudly, and Lotti giggled at him. She looked at Eric, who didn't seem to find the game amusing, and instead looked out from the living room's big window.
“It's sunny…” he said with a small voice. Lotti often got the feeling he didn't dare to use his full voice, and he almost whispered when he talked.
“Do you want to go out? Should we go out and draw a little?”
Eric nodded and dragged his hand over her neck. He was soon five years old but felt both younger and older at the same time.
They moved out to the back of the house, in the early spring sun. She could see Robin through the window and, at the same time, make the last few hours of Eric's time there the best she could. He sat in her lap, drawing whales and colorful birds. He was great at it and could disappear into it completely, but not today. She knew he knew what would happen soon. How they would put him in the car and drive him to the social service office, where his biological mom would get him. She knew he would cry in panic and how the social worker would need to pull him away from her neck. She knew Linda would look smug when she left with their son, not because he wanted her more, just that she was his mom, whatever they said. She didn't need Eric's love; she just wanted to win.
Lotti knew she would cry the rest of the day and think about what Eric did at his mom's place. She wondered in what state he would come home in. Eric hugged her hand hard in his and looked up at her with his big soulful eyes. They were shining with tears.
“I love you, mommy…”
It was a plea, a cry for help, but she couldn't do anything. She took a deep breath so she wouldn't start crying and hugged his little body against hers.
“I love you too, Eric. My baby, my son... I love you most in the entire world.”
It was the third meeting they have had with Eric's school that year. Becoming a teenager was not easy for him, and it revealed sides in him they hadn't noticed before.
He had been such a calm child, and after he stopped seeing his mother, he also started to feel safe and comfortable in his own skin, but instead of those sides growing in him, other things took over.
While some teenagers became a bit moody, he got depressed and had a hard time getting up from bed in the mornings. When he finally was in school, he couldn't concentrate and did things you should absolutely not do in a classroom. Playing with a lighter and burning things up was his favorite, painting on the walls another. Even if all his teachers saw that he was a nice boy with serious problems, they kicked him out of the classroom, and Eric found himself chain smoking and listening to music that matched his mood. He was lonely. Extremely lonely, so when the wrong sort of people stretched a hand out to him, he was quick with taking it.
“We haven't seen Eric for a week now. If it continues like this, we're forced to call social service,” said the principal and leaned against his desk. Lotti looked at her husband and sighed deeply. It was always heartbreaking to hear about how Eric slowly destroyed his life. She knew it wasn't his fault. His biological mother had probably taken substances while pregnant; he had trauma since his childhood with her, and on top of that, he had such severe panic attacks that he had cried for death.
“Eric is a lovely young man and is really appreciated as a person-”
“So why don't you help him more? The only thing you do is throw him out of the classroom! Why should he go to school when no one wants him here?” Lotti said, upset. The principal gave her husband a look, like he thought he should calm his wife down, but Eric felt the same thing and looked at the principal with an angry look.
“We must think about the other students... You haven't thought about maybe taking Eric to a doctor? To get some help with his... problems?”
Lotti looked down at her hands and sighed deeply. She knew they probably needed to do that, but pulling him away to a doctor felt awful. He didn't need that on top of everything else.
Robin always came home from school alone, even if they had told him to drive his brother home. They had given him a new metallic red Mercedes, and it’d been clear that he would give Eric a ride home. Robin always said Eric wanted to go home by himself, and their parents didn't know what to think. Eric liked being alone, but it was a long way home. Lotti looked at Robin disappear to his bedroom with two girls laughing while she sat down by the window. She worried the whole day for Eric and how the medications would affect him. He was such a sweet boy, and she didn't want to destroy that with all the pills he had been prescribed.
She smiled a little when she saw him come walking. He looked like a black raincloud in his black zip hoodie, black jeans, black hair, and black eyeliner around his eyes. He carried his khaki backpack on one shoulder, full of pins from different bands and motifs made to provoke. Still, the kids on the street jump around him. Eric smiled a little while they tried to impress him with their skateboards and MP3 players. Lotti got warm in her chest. It was just something really special with him, and everyone liked him.
“Hey mom!” He shouted when he came in through the door.
"Hey, honey,” answered Lotti and walked out to the hallway to meet him. He had pulled off his hoodie and surprised her with a yellow t-shirt, a sex pistol t-shirt, and he had put his converse neatly on the shoe rack.
He gave her a hug, like he always did when he came home and Lotti took his hand. They needed to talk but were interrupted by Robin's laugh. He came down with his two girlfriends, and Lotti let go of Eric's hand to not embarrass him in front of the older girls. They giggled when they saw him, and he got red in the cheeks and ears.
“Hey Eric,” said one of the girls, and the both of them giggled. Robin rolled his eyes.
“Don't forget to come home for dinner,” said Lotti to her oldest son while her younger son stood looking down on the floor.
“Yeah, yeah!” He answered and opened the door for the girls. Just before he closed it, both Lotti and Eric heard one of the girls say, excited:
“Your brother is so fucking cute!”
Lotti looked at her youngest son, who smiled embarrassed but tried to hide it from his mother. She smiled at him, amused. It was true; he was cute, and she knew he would be more than that one day. She wished she didn't need to have the talk she needed to have with him—let him bask in the girl’s words—but instead she needed to take him to the kitchen, where his medications stood in a row.
“So this is for your ADD, this is the antidepressants, these you can take if you have anxiety, these are for the OCD…” Lotti looked at a note while pointing at the medications in front of them. Eric looked at the medications and dragged his hand over a bruise on his neck he had told his parents was from his karate training. He saw something else than his mom did while looking at the pills.
“You can have them here in the kitchen, in a cabinet-”
Eric gave her a disliking look.
“Robin's friends are always here digging around; can't I just have it in my room?” He said and continued to drag his hand over the bruise. Lotti looked at her son. He was a trustworthy young man, and she trusted him with her life.
“Okay, but you must take them every day.”
Eric nodded, taking the medications in his hands, and walked up the stairs. He would take them every day, but also take more and more for every day.
“That doctor… I can't understand why he felt it was a good idea to give a fourteen-year-old so many medications… But also…” Lotti sighed and looked down at the pictures of Eric. “I can't understand how I thought it was a good idea for him to take care of it all himself. I forgot he wasn't my own flesh and blood so many times…”
I sat in silence for a while, until Lotti sighed.
“But what happened then? I guess you noticed he had taken them all?”
Lotti nodded.
“Yes, and we didn't get him any more medications. He tried to tell us he wouldn't do it again, but we weren't that stupid this time. Then I kinda... Forgot about it all?” Lotti looked shameful. “You must understand, Eric was such a lovely young man with me and others around; I kind of forgot he actually didn't feel well, or maybe I didn't want to believe so? He was just sweet all the time, so we didn't notice he fixed his own drugs instead.”
“Like what?”
“First I think it was weed, then he started with ecstasy and amphetamine... I don't really know when he started to take opiates.”
It was all so sad. They had wanted to give him everything, but his background caught up with him. He had inherited the addiction gene and was also traumatized by abuse. He didn't have a chance. His anxiety had taken over his life, and he still was fighting so hard.
I looked at Lotti while she dried her tears with her floral napkin. I wanted to tell her that the person she loves the most was alive and quite happy, but I didn't dare. I didn't know how that would affect her, and I didn't want to create fights with either Robin or Eric. It was both their choice, and I wanted to give them both respect.
“Did he take drugs all the time after that?”
Lotti looked up at me again and made a loud exhalation. It probably took all her power to talk about Eric, but she continued anyway.
“No, he had a girlfriend that got him to stop, Felice, but when the relationship started to go south, he also felt a need for drugs. And then… With Simone, everything got so much worse.” I looked at Lotti with big eyes. I could feel a stir of anger in my stomach when I thought about Simone, but also jealousy, it was hard thinking about Eric with another woman.
“She broke his heart. Eric was a sensitive boy—so sensitive, and she didn't take his mental health problems seriously. She didn't understand where his addiction came from, so she broke up with him. The next I hear...” Lotti took a break and swallowed hard. “The next…” She swallowed hard again, but the tears had gathered in her eyes and would spill over even if she did everything in her power not to cry. I took her hand in mine, and she let herself cry silently.
“He had overdosed. Heroine. My boy… My little boy…” she cried. My heart beated hard in my chest, and my throat burned like I had swallowed a match. It was awful that she believed he was dead.
“When was this?” I asked carefully.
“Soon three years ago.”
I nodded slowly. It must have been around the same time she had been through her accident, so it was easy to fool her, but that was also what made it even worse. She had also lost her husband around the same time. Why did they do this to Lotti?
The full moon looked at us while we made out. Big and round, it stared at us just like in my dreams, but this time we weren't alone. We sat outside on a cold autumn night after having danced at The Pulse. Four of his friends sat and looked at us while we made out on a teeter-totter on the playground. We had run around there like two kids while his friends passed around a joint.
I had his bomber jacket on top of my own coat while he just wore an oversized t-shirt with a big picture of Courtney Love in a thin neglige. Even if he had so few clothes on, I put my cold hands on his stomach to touch his skin and muscles.
“He's just skinny!” Shouted Jackie towards us, and both me and Eric looked at him amused. Eric dragged me closer to him so he could stuff his nose in my hair and breathe in, and I dragged my hands to his naked back.
“Should we go home?” He whispered, and I nodded. I wanted him to myself now.
“Do you know she stalked you?” Shouted Jackie just as loudly as he had done before. Eric looked at him with a smirk, like it was a bad joke. I, on the other hand, gave Jackie a worried look and swallowed hard.
“Yeah, she had seen you around and begged me for your address. It wasn't a coincidence you met her outside the store.”
Eric looked at me with a confused smirk. He didn't seem to believe Jackie, and neither would I, if it hadn’t been about me.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. We're going home now,” said Eric, who helped me off the teeter before he stood up himself. While doing that, his sleeve rode up, and I could see the aggressively purple bruise on his upper arm. I saw that Nick looked at it too, but I looked away when he looked at me.
“It's nice seeing you together. Seeing you with a girl. It suits you,” said Nick in a brotherly way, but there was a hint of worry there too. Eric lit up and pulled me close to him. He looked at me with big eyes.
“Yeah. It feels like a dream sometimes.” He didn't let me go with his eyes while his friends started to ‘oh and ah’ and whistle as a joke. Eric smirked at them but then lifted me up easily so I had my legs around his waist.
“Let's go home.”
It was all so good between us, except when his anxiety crept on him in the night, like something heavy lay on his chest, and he couldn't get it away. I could see him touch his neck, like that was the solution. I dragged his hand away and let him lay against my chest and breathe deeply.
“Tell me. What do you think about?”
Eric laid quiet, like he expected the question to disappear if he just ignored it.
“Talk to me, please.”
“I don't know,” he said lowly. “Just shit. Old memories.”
“What kind of memories?” I wanted him to tell me about his childhood with his own words, but he was quiet again.
“It can help to talk about it.”
“I don't know what to say,” he said and shrugged his shoulders. “It's just bullshit things.” 
He was just the same as he was when he was four years old. I wondered if he had told anyone what had actually happened to him as a child. I dragged my fingers through his hair until he suddenly talked with a whisper, like he didn't dare to say it out loud.
“It was my own fault... I should have said something, but... I guess I was ashamed."
“You don't need to be ashamed; it wasn't your fault.” 
My comment could reveal I knew more than I should, but he didn't say anything about it; he just sighed deeply and laid a hand over his face. 
“Eric? You were a child; it's okay to talk about it. You don't have any responsibility for this.” 
He nodded a little but didn't remove his hand, so I moved him away from my chest and laid down so our faces were at the same height. 
I waited for him to say something, and at last he did. 
“I had the best parents... My foster parents. I love…” he swallowed hard and looked down at the sheets. “They were the best, but my biological mother... Eh fuck,” he sat up in bed and laid his hands over his face. I didn't move, hoping he would lay down when he was ready. 
“She was just fucked up.” He shrugged his shoulders like that was all. 
“Fucked up, how?” I asked and dragged my hand over his naked back. Eric put his hands on his head and dragged them back to his neck in an uncomfortable manner. 
“Eh fuck Della, I don't want to talk about this.” 
I nodded a little and pulled lightly on his forearm. 
“Okay, of course. Come now, baby, let's sleep…”  
He laid down on my chest again, and I hugged his head in my arms. I was disappointed he didn't want to tell me, and at the same time, I worried so much about him. It wasn't healthy to carry around such things in his chest without processing them. I also felt the bad conscience grow in my tummy. I knew so much about him but pretended to know nothing so he would tell me more. 
Eric fell asleep after having listened to my heart for a couple minutes; he didn't seem to notice it beating harder with anxiety. I was his girlfriend, but the only thing I did was lie. I wanted to be honest; I wanted our relationship to be true, but for that to happen, I needed to tell him I had stalked him, I had fooled his mom and brother, and I had lied to him. He would never forgive me for that. 
I pressed my cheek against the top of his head and breathed in his minty shampoo. I tried to calm myself with deep breaths, but my tears slipped down in his black hair and disappeared. I wished it could be as easy for my lies to disappear. 
I could see that all of my girlfriends looked at Eric with big eyes, even my sister, Desiree. 
We were out dancing at a club, celebrating Halloween, and getting tipsy on tequila shots. Eric was one of the few guys in the club that had some sort of Halloween costume. He had let me do his makeup, and we matched each other, with black tears streaming down our cheeks, and he also had my black lipstick on. He did what he wanted and didn't even think about how people would react. 
“I think you need a glass of water!” He said to me over the music and laughed at my disoriented look. “I’ll get one for you!”
Eric stood up and walked away to the bar. He towered over most people, and it made it easy for me to see where he went. I looked at my friends who also looked after him. He wore a dark gray tank top in a loose model that showed off his arms and muscular chest. He paired it with bleached jeans that sat baggy on his long legs. 
“He's hot as fuck!” Nessa said to me loudly over the music even if her boyfriend sat next to her. I giggled and laid my head against the couch. I was a bit too drunk, but I had the luxury to know I had a boyfriend who would be able to carry me home. 
“He is, but... He looks like a player! Are you sure he is a good guy?” asked Desiree and looked at me seriously. 
“He's not a player! I promise. Don't you notice how shy he is?” 
Eric had said hello to everyone but kept mostly quiet while we talked. He just nodded a little with a smile when he agreed with something. 
“Are you sure he's shy? It can just be a way to win you over,” said Nessa's boyfriend and took a sip of his beer. I gave him an irritated, pointed look.
“You think he has played shy for three months? He's shy! Even if he looks like a bad boy!” I said with a drunken giggle. Desiree shook her head amused and also giggled. We fell quiet when Eric came back, carrying a glass of water for me and a beer for himself. In my toxication, I crawled into his lap with a giggle and kissed his face several times. I was so proud to have such a hot, sweet boyfriend. I could see jealous eyes on us. Eric smirked at me but then pressed his lips against mine. 
“What's your training routine?” Paulina's boyfriend asked suddenly. I had seen him looking at Eric a lot, but I hadn't put so much thought into what it meant, but now I knew. I looked at Eric, who played with my short leather skirt with an uncomfortable expression. He was probably not so comfortable answering that because he trained a bit too much. It was sometimes many hours a day. 
“No, you don't really know, right? You just work out when you want to,” I said so he wouldn't need to answer the question. He looked at me with big eyes, then smiled. 
“Yeah, it's not scheduled, so I don't know,” said he with a shoulder shrug.
We became even more intoxicated, except Eric, who drank as much as the other guys but was completely unfazed. We were outside of the club, ready to go to the next destination, but we needed to wait on Nessa, who puked in an alley with Desiree as help. Paulina and Amanda looked between me and Eric, leaning against the building further away, closer to the alley. 
“He's super hot... Isn't that hard? I don't mean this in a bad way, but... He's a really hot guy, while you're more... Cute?” said Amanda.
I scoffed and looked at Eric, who had pulled up his tank top to show his abs for the men around him. It was silly behavior and probably nothing they would have done if they weren't drunk. 
“You mean I'm not hot enough for him?” 
“I don't mean it like that! Just that you maybe don't match?” 
I shook my head in disbelief but also wondered how she would continue the conversation, but instead both of my friends just looked at him when he laughed showing off his abs. I was so proud of him. So, so proud of that amazing human, but now I felt worried and jealous. Because of Demi's reaction to him, I had started to believe I was the only one seeing his beauty, but I was so wrong; even the guys stood and gawked at his body. I had been naive, and now I got worried some other girl was around the corner, prepared to steal my man. 
I left Paulina and Amanda without saying anything and walked up to my tall boyfriend. He was the tallest in the group. He was the fittest in the group. The hottest of them too. I wasn't the hottest of my friends; I wasn't even the tallest. 
“I'm tired,” I whined and pushed my face against his chest, acting like I was more drunk than I was. Eric looked down at me with a silly smile and put my hair behind my ear with soft fingers. 
“Do you want to go home?” He asked and lifted my chin so he could look me in the eyes. I pouted and nodded like a sour five-year-old. He played with my pouting underlip with his thumb in a teasing way and made the same face himself. 
“Then we go home, yeah?” 
I nodded but lifted my arms, and he lifted me up like it was obvious what I wanted. I could see my girlfriends look at me with some sort of envy. Maybe they just wanted their boyfriends to be more like Eric, or they wanted him. I didn't care, the only thing I knew was that I would never let him go. He was mine. 
How we ended up on the floor I couldn't remember. I could only remember what I saw right then and there. Eric had my naked leg in a tight grip, slung over his shoulder, while snapping his hips fast. His girthy cock pushed into me fast and hard and I could hear myself moaning in a pathetic way; sometimes I even mixed in his name, something I've never done with any guy before. When I looked up at him, I could see his dark gaze and open mouth. I could see a sweaty chest and abs and a v-line carved with the sharpest knife. He kissed my calf while slapping his hips against mine. He let me often lay down because I couldn't match his strength and stamina, but he didn't complain; it felt more like he fucked me even harder because he wanted to tease me.
“Can I come inside of you?” He said it between his pants, and I just nodded. He had learned he didn't need to do much to get me to come when he had transformed me into a pile of just lifeless body parts, he just pressed down with two fingers over my clit, like it was a button, and rubbed it a few times, then I came together with him. 
I really needed to start to work out again. Even if I hadn't really done any heavy lifting, I had pain in my thighs the next morning. I was happy my parents had been nice and had taken Odin for a night; in exchange, they could meet my boyfriend. I looked at my boyfriend snoring loudly with an open mouth. He always snored loudly when he had been drinking alcohol. Sometimes he even woke me up. I was nervous about bringing him to my parents. I knew he would be the best boy but I didn't know if my parents would be as well behaved. I don’t even think they had seen someone with as many tattoos as Eric. They would probably be uncomfortable but I hoped they at least would be nice. 
I laid my nose against his neck even if he was snoring and slung a leg over his hip. I just wanted to be close, and I hoped the sight of my pussy so close to his cock would make him perk up when he was awake. I smirked to myself, lost in filthy thoughts, so I didn't even hear the entrance door open. 
If I knew, I would have jumped up and closed the door to the bedroom. If I knew that Robin had taken his own key to surprise me early in the morning, I would have suggested Eric should take a run in my neighborhood. The last thing I would do was lay naked with his brother, who started to get hard in his sleep. 
I thought I heard the sound of keys but waved it away as nothing. Instead, I dug down my nose even further down in Eric's neck and let my pussy push against his hardened cock. I knew it was okay I did that; he just likes being woken up with sex.
“What the fuck?” I heard Robin say behind me in such a confused voice that I didn't even recognize his voice. I turned to the door and met his blue eyes that looked at us upset. First I couldn't move, even if he could see so much of our naked bodies, and when I started to realize what was actually happening, I moved away from Eric and covered us both up with covers. 
“Oh my god, oh my god... Robin, it wasn't meant…” I whined and put my hands over my face in shame. 
“You're fucking with him??” Said Robin, upset and waved with his arms, so he accidentally waved down a vase standing on my vanity table. It was crushed into hundreds of small pieces, but it also crushed Eric's sleep, and he looked up, confused. He sat up, exposing his whole naked torso, and it made Robin look away, like he thought the view was disgusting. Eric looked at Robin in silence than at me in confusion. 
“What, what, what is this?” He stuttered. His big green eyes were full of worry but also hurt. He already knew I had done something stupid that would break his trust in just as many pieces as the vase. 
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peggyao3 · 3 months ago
Tell me about your taste in ✨(fictional) men✨ in the reblogs and comments, I'll go first —
I like my men playing characters who are pale and sickly looking like Victorian children, with freaky sociopathic tendencies and a high chance of murder. Meanwhile, the actors are absolute sunshine looking, warm, golden boys with the biggest smiles in the universe.
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I've also noticed that having a plush, pouty mouth, deep-set puppy eyes and a cute, straight nose drastically improves the score on the peggy-o-meter 🔥🥹
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morepreciousthanrubiess · 1 month ago
ultimate male celeb/fictional crushes (very superficial)
Cilian Murphy in disco pigs or in watching the detectives
Tom Hardy as the Kray twins or as this handsome pilot in dunkirk but also as Tom Hardy
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne
Jesse Eisenberg as Mark Zuckerberg
Barry Keoghan a few years ago lol
Tom Holland as Tom Holland
Armie Hammer as the Winklevoss twins
Evan Peters as every character on American Horror Story ever
Josh Hutcherson as Peeta Mellark
Ewan Mitchell
Eddie Redmayne in Hick/Runaway Girl
Lucky Blue Smith
Alexander Skarsgård as Amleth
Elijah Wood
Bradley James as Arthur Pendragon in BBCs Merlin
Rupert Grint as Ronald Weasley
Domhnall Gleeson as Wiliam Weasley or as Konstantin Levin in Anna Karenina
Charles Weasley (with no screentime ever but I absolutely love the idea of a buff Weasley working with dragons)
tbh and to my greatest misfortune redheads don’t need much further qualification:/ save me pls
Daemon Targaryen
Jacaerys Velaryon
Robb Stark
Ramsay Bolton
Björn Ironside
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vampireheist · 2 months ago
I love bill Skarsgard but Matthew goode/ Krisfor Lazar is the only HOT count orlok that exist to me. 'He has gone by many names.' 😩🥵
I believe count orlok was ONE of them.
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chaptersleftunwritten · 8 months ago
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A little mood board spinning off of this post!
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midwestpencess · 2 months ago
Nosferatu: A Nightmarish Descent into Gothic Horror
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Robert Eggers’ Nosferatu is a hauntingly poetic reimagining of a classic tale, weaving together a tapestry of light, shadow, and surreal dreamscapes that stay with you long after the credits roll. At over two hours, the film's runtime is an unexpected commitment, but every moment is meticulously crafted, drawing the audience into its otherworldly atmosphere.
Eggers’ play with light—or more accurately, its absence—creates a visual feast. The interplay of shadow and flickering candlelight evokes a gothic intimacy that feels both oppressive and beautiful. For much of the film, Nosferatu himself is not just a character but a presence—an ominous shadow creeping over cityscapes, sweeping across walls, or lingering in the folds of billowing curtains. This ethereal approach heightens the tension, making him an omnipresent force of dread.
The costuming adds another layer of depth to the character of Count Orlok, played chillingly by Bill Skarsgård. Inspired by Vlad the Impaler, Orlok’s heavy, layered robes and dramatic mustache evoke the gravitas of a high-born Transylvanian nobleman. Skarsgård brings him to life with a rotting, corpse-like physicality, shattering the trope of the seductive, shimmering vampire. His voice is equally captivating—measured, deliberate, and steeped in old-world authority. Every line drips with a refined menace that perfectly captures the essence of an aristocratic predator.
Across the board, the performances are equally captivating. Lily-Rose Depp delivers an incredible showcase of body acting, conveying a fragile intensity that feels deeply visceral. Nicholas Hoult’s portrayal of fear is raw and authentic, grounding the supernatural elements of the story in genuine human emotion.
While Eggers’ Nosferatu may not be for everyone, with its deliberate pacing and artful yet unsettling tone, it’s a masterclass in atmospheric horror. By blending meticulous costuming, a haunting vocal performance, and a shadowy, decayed depiction of the vampire, Eggers offers a vision of Count Orlok that is as terrifying as it is unforgettable.
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alphabetbill · 1 year ago
N E O N W O L V E S [ teaser? ]
“ this city is my [ h u n t i n g   g r o u n d ] . people like you will always fall prey. no matter how smart you are, now matter how fast or far you run, rabbit. [ y o u ’ l l  b e  d i n n e r  i n  t h e   e n d ] “
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He just wants to [ e s c a p e ] the city. She just wants to [ s u r v i v e ] it.
La LaXina is Rockett’s home– and she’ll fight dirty before she ever gives it up. The Neon City has many chips and cracks, sure, but she was born and raised on these rough streets, and her loyalty to them may just be what spells her end. She’s got debts to pay and her own grave waiting, that is, if the Southbanks King of crime can catch her first. Janes Hoffman wound himself stranded in La Laxina after a heist gone wrong sent him packing to the prison city, where the only way out is to climb the ranks and bribe one of the crime High Lords into smuggling you out. He works with lock picks, not fists, and he’ll need all the help he can get to make it out alive. A hungry wolf is a deadly wolf- and the King is out for blood, and he's got his whole pack of animals searching. Rockett can't run from her problems forever, and there are fights Janes won't come out of easily. They'll have to pull something out of their asses and come up with a plan to survive- because there are some fates not worth meeting.
Just a little something I'm working on. I haven't put Rockett on the cover yet because I didn't really want to use a face claim for her, so I guess when the time comes for the first chapters to be posted, you'll be able to imagine her according to your own liking.
I'm working on the first chapter now so if all goes to plan, as many things don't, you'll get to see that pretty soon.
This story will take place in a futuristic cyberpunk city called La LaXina [ La-zeena], which is named after a fictional Goddess of Waste and Discourse. The city [otherwise known as The Neon City or LaLa] serves as a place for the mainland to dump their prisoners. The city is ruled by High Lords [crime bosses], who are Janes Hoffman's only ticket to being smuggled off the island and to another country where he can start out fresh. He teams up with Rockett, a street fighter who is on the run from one of those High Lords, who calls himself the King of the Southbanks. She'll teach him how to fight, how to work some snazzy futuristic weapons and how to move up in the ranks of street-fighting and racing in order to be scouted for jobs by any interested High Lords.
Looking forward to working on it and I hope I'll have some level of dedication but probably not. We'll see how it goes. A trigger warning list will come with each chapter.
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thewrathoffemalerage · 7 months ago
My other blog is @chaptersleftunwritten if you guys wanna give it a lil peep! I’m trying to make as many moots as I can 🫀
Let’s be friends!!
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kikitata2 · 1 month ago
I am aware of the fact that a handful of my posts about the Nosferatu remake have centered around the portrayal of Count Orlok (which this post will be somewhat following up from this one here). But unlike that post, this one will be much more chaotic and frenzied.
But holy fucking shittttttttt! Ever since we’ve been getting HD gifs of the 2024 Nosferatu remake around Tumblr, I’ve always been reminded of some of the effects that Bill Skarsgård’s portrayal of Count Orlok has held on me ever since seeing the bloody movie.
Like I have never crashed out like this mentally over a fucking fictional character. He’s so fucking intimidating and dangerous and outright extremely red-flaggy as shit but also so fucking arousing and “hot” at the same time??? Like what the actual fuckkkkkkkkk???
And it makes me feel so confused and strange because the dude is literally THE LAST KIND OF PERSON that I should want to fold over, let alone even want to be near him if in the scenario that I ever actually fucking encountered the bitch.
But holy christ do I get so wildly feral and turned on by him at the same fucking timeeeeeeeeee
It’s his overwhelming presence, his deep booming voice, his height, the accent, the fucking mustache.
And don’t get me fucking started on HIS EYES.
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lihikainanea · 2 years ago
I am picturing Bill having this specific hobby/thing he likes (a book, a game, an album, etc.) and Tiger knows about it. it's not really Her Thing but she can dabble into it (learn it, experience it). and then one day Bill talks about it and Tiger just simply agrees with him, says a few points of her own about how she's grown to like it, and Bill is just a bundle of emotions. because it's a lot of things at once. she took the time to see what it was about? and then as he listens to her talk about it more it's all OF COURSE she'd get it. OF COURSE she understands the joy he gets from it, why it means so much to him, and so on. it's just a simple moment, but Bill feels so seen and it hits him like a truck. he is so in love. they end up snuggling. :'D
oh god, what if it's something so completely out there and something so not-on-brand that he's actually a little bit shy about it? What if it's something so absurd like....like crochet, nani.
And I'll bet tiger thinks it's real sweet right? Because maybe Granny taught Bill how to crochet. Maybe they'd kind of spend hours together over tea and madeleines, Bill would be holding the ball of yarn while Granny's hands went a mile a minute, and eventually Bill just kind of...well, he picked it up too. And tiger thinks it's so sweet, this big dude with these huge clumsy hands, but the thing is...Bill is kind of really good at it. Like, really good. So tiger also appreciates having all kinds of warm socks and mittens and toques all custom made. And Bill is pretty damn talented, so he crochets all kinds of fancy patterns with all kinds of colours and every once in awhile when a mutual friend compliments tiger's new cute mittens, Bill just sort of smiles shyly and lets himself be a little proud.
And like, he's also super into it, you know? Once he lets go of the initial embarassment. Maybe once tiger points out that literally thousands--if not millions--of people have seen his ween (And literally the ween of nearly every male in his family) on a big screen so a little crafty habit is nothing to be ashamed of. He's part of groups. Facebook groups, online groups. One is for troubleshooting, which he turned to when he couldn't figure out why his current project was just getting wider and wider or when his chain was too tight or he was only crocheting in the front loop. One is for inspo, all kinds of things he wants to create. And one is a legit little support group in the area that meet up every so often, and Bill wishes so badly that he could go but he just doesn't want the visibility. He knows he's the only man in the group, and he's...well, he's him. it would cause a stir.
So my girl tiger--ever the one to indulge her Big Dude in all of his adorable weirdness--maybe there are like, CONS for these things. A Crochet-Con. And she gets wind of one happening about 2 hours away, way in the country side. There's only about 100 people or so who attend, it's so niche, and after some careful creeping tiger realizes that the average age of the participants is like, 80.
Nobody will know who he is there.
It's a whole 2-day event. There's discussion groups to troubleshoot common issues. There's a workshop on crocheting complex patterns. There's a small trade show area where you can sell some of your goods. So tiger gets two tickets, prints them out, and gets all giddy.
Maybe she wanted to keep it a surprise for longer, but when she bounced into the living room she saw her big dorky dude there on the couch, his thick rimmed glasses on, a foot propped up on the coffee table. His tongue was poking out the side of his mouth in concentration as his gaze was fixed on the small crochet hook, the ball of yarn, and this dainty, intricate pattern between his huge hands.
"I have a surprise for you," she smiles, plopping down on the couch. Without missing a beat Bill passes her the ball of yarn and she instinctively unravels some of it as his little crochet hook bobs and weaves at an impressive speed.
"Oh yeah?" he smirks but doesn't look away, "What's that?"
She puts her hand on the small pattern he's creating but he squawks.
"I'll drop a stitch!" he shrieks, then inspects the little piece of fabric thoroughly. Tiger just quirks a brow, and waits.
"Crisis averted?" she chuckles.
"Barely," he snarks, then he softens. "What's up kid?"
Tiger pulls the tickets out from behind her back and hands them to him, and he adjusts his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
"Hooker Con?" he asks skeptically.
"Keep reading."
He scans the rest of the writing, and then his eyes light up.
"It's a crochet con?" he asks excitedly. She nods, smiling.
"It's two days?" he continues reading, "Troubleshooting, discussions, workshop--oh my god, the Jasmine stitch?! that one's impossible to do!"
"It's in two weeks," she says, "I thought it might be fun."
But then suddenly, his face falls.
"Tiger, what about--"
"They won't," she answers his silent question, "I creeped a few past...Hookers. They're all in their 80s bud. I don't think it'll be an issue. And if you're worried, we can glue a beard on you. Slap a wig on."
He smiles at her, leaning over to kiss her.
"There's two tickets," he mumbles, "You're going to come?"
"Of course," she chuckles, "I'd love to."
"But it's crochet," he says shyly.
"It's you," she tells him with another kiss, "And I love this little hobby of yours. I think it's sweet."
"You do?"
"Of course. And I want to...FOTH and frog and HOTH all weekend with you."
Bill laughs boisterously.
"I love it when you talk dirty to me," he chuckles.
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crowsofdarkness · 2 months ago
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Call me Crow • 31 • She/Her • Writer
On this page, you will find many things I love, mostly my writing. I write for Bill Skarsgard(any of his characters as well), Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes.
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Current Works In Progress
Buy me a coffee?
Twitch: live stream The Sims 4 with Bucky Barnes.
My blog, along with what I write is 18+ so mdni(blank blogs will be blocked)
My inbox is always open but please know, no hate will be allowed. My blog is meant to be a safe space for everyone.
Everything I write is fiction, none of it is real.
Unless stated otherwise, the pictures or gifs I use on my stories/photo imagines are not mine. Credit to whoever they belong to.
I’m here to have fun and reblog things that make me happy. I hope you can find some sense of fun on my page as well 🖤
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sweetbillwriting · 5 days ago
Way Out of Line
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Character: Keith Toshko from Barbarian (2022) played by Bill Skarsgård.
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, heavy themes.
Notes: I know Bill looks young in this picture but it is actually from 2022! He just has great skin!
I knew it wouldn't be good. My mom had understood. My dad would have probably found an excuse as to why Keith and I sat like we did, but my mom was much more realistic and didn't walk around things. 
She led me to her and my dad's bedroom and closed the door. It took a few seconds for her to turn around, and I expected the worst, an awful angry face, but instead she looked at me in pity. I made a confused face and shrugged my shoulders.
“Honey…” she said with a sigh and looked at me tiredly. ”I know Keith is handsome, on top of that rich, but… You must stop trying to make him see you. He's going through a divorce, and to be frank, you're a child compared to him.” 
I looked at my mom with big eyes. She believed it was just me running after Keith. It was a good thing she didn't understand we were sleeping together, but it was also a bit of an insult. It felt like she couldn't believe Keith would want me. It felt like she made me into a stupid little girl when I actually was his mistress. His sexy, open-minded mistress that he got to spank and say the filthiest things to. I was not a little girl in his eyes. 
She sighed and looked away but then gave me a stricter look, like her energy to be kind had run out. 
“You will dress modestly, not search for contact, especially any body contact. You will stop acting like you need his help with everything. You can do your assignments without his help. Okay?” 
I looked down at the ground but nodded. I was just relieved she didn't know what Keith and I actually did. That she believed I had a one-sided crush on him was better.
She left the room without giving me a final look, and I walked to my bedroom. It was hard to know what I would do. Keith and I had just solved our problems, and I wanted to be close to him, but I knew my mom would keep an eye on me. She had kept an eye on me my whole life so it would be even worse, when she believed I made a fool out of myself in front of my dad's friend. I didn't even have my phone in my room, and it quickly became boring to just sit on the bed staring out into nothing. Of course, I could have turned on my TV, but why would I do that when I knew I wouldn't watch?
Minutes became hours, and when my mom let me know dinner was ready, I finally dared to join them on the lower floor. Even if I could feel Keith's eyes on me, I didn't dare to look at him. It felt like he stared holes into the side of my face, but realistically he only threw glances at me. He talked with my dad about one of his patients who he had problems diagnosing. I could hear a mix of wonder and irritation when Keith mentioned several diagnoses my father obviously hadn't even thought about. 
“Ehm, next weekend, I'm going to visit some friends that work at the theater in New York. I wondered if maybe Jacqueline wanted to join me. She's an actor after all.” 
I looked up at Keith with starlit eyes because it sounded amazing. And being alone with him again in some fancy suite would be even better. I looked at my parents; my dad looked at me with a smile, obviously excited for me, but my mom gave me a sour look, like it was my idea. 
“I will obviously take care of her. We will be together all the time. Just meet them, see a play, eat nice…” 
My mom looked at him skeptically now. I didn't know what she was thinking, but it felt like she started to understand.
“I'm getting jealous. Sounds awesome, right, honey?” Said my dad as he leaned back in his chair. My dad still thought about me as a little girl, so the thought of Keith being attracted to me probably didn't exist in his world. 
My mom cleared her throat. 
“Didn't you have schoolwork to do, honey?” She gave me a pointed, strict look. I tried to cover my disappointment and nodded. 
“I can help her with that; we will be finished before the weekend.” Keith smiled at me, and I smiled back because it sounded so good, and I forgot my mom's eyes were on me.
“Sounds good; if you finish in time, you can go. But you must be back for Sunday dinner. And no boys in the hotel room.” 
My dad joked about it because for him it was a silly thought that I would let an unknown boy into my room. What he didn't think about was that the man who had invited me to the trip, whom he knew so well, had every plan to share a bed with me. 
My cheeks became red. 
“Of course not…” 
“Then that's decided!”
My mom gave my dad a hard look, but he didn't notice; he just turned to Keith to talk about a car he wanted. Keith looked at me fast, a gaze full of triumph. I looked at him and couldn't stop myself from smiling with the same emotion.
Keith asked me for several days to let him come to my bedroom at night. I said no and settled to just study with him and make out. To avoid my parents, he had started to come to campus, but there were the sorority girls instead. He didn't care about what they thought and gave me intimate kisses on my shoulders, neck, and lips while we did my assignments together. I wore the shortest little black skirt I had with a simple pink cardigan without a bra, even though my mom had told me to dress modestly around him. If he looked from above, like he mostly did, he could see down my cardigan and see my nipples perk up in his presence. I had started to understand he liked me a bit girly and not too obviously sexy. He liked me with sexy, sweet things.
“Can't it irritate you?” he suddenly asked as he leaned back in his chair. 
“What?” I furrowed my brows. 
“That your parents talk to you like you were a teenager. You know, they don't decide what you do on your weekends. You're an adult.” 
I looked at his eyes, which were really serious now but also annoyed. I shrugged my shoulders. 
“They always have…” 
“But you're 21. If you want to fuck a 38-” 
I laid my finger over his lips, afraid a sorority girl would overhear. A few of them had seen me holding hands with a guy in the library and I had lied and said he was a 25 year old economics student, of course also religious. I couldn't say why I was so afraid to tell them the truth because I even thought about dropping out from the sorority but when those girls stood in front of me I felt such a strong need to do the right thing. 
“What?” Said Keith a bit irritated, he probably understood it was his age I had hushed him for. I gave him a quick look. He had leaned back in his chair next to mine, playing with a pen. He looked obviously irritated, clenching his jaw and a sour expression. It was the first time I had seen that face directed at me and looked at him worriedly.
“I never thought some fucking Christian girls should decide over my life. I should go so you don't have to worry about them seeing you with an old man.” 
“Keith…” I whined and took hold of his arm before he stood up. 
“I'm sorry. I… I will drop out as soon as I can. I don't want them to judge us. I just want you.” 
He shrugged his shoulders. 
“Don't do that for me. But what did you say to those girls who saw us then? That I was a creep taking your hand?” He smirked like he was amused by his words but also annoyed he even said them. I licked my lips and looked at his hands as they dragged over his jean-clad thighs. 
“I said you were a student. That you were 25 and an economics student.” 
It felt best to be honest and I recieved raised brows back then a surprised smirk. 
“No one can believe I am 25. I'm closer to 50 than 25.” 
With furrowed brows, I counted in my head 25 to 38, 13 years. 38 to 50, 12 years. Oh. But he looked much closer to 25 and the girls had believed me. 
“They believed me. They didn't ask more about your age, they just asked how long we had dated.”
Keith chuckled in disbelief, but he looked flattered, and it had obviously made him think about something else. I should remember that; that I could distract him with flattery.
We went back to studying, but out of nowhere he looked at me with big eyes. There was a boyishness over him, and he bit his lip with a smile.
“25?” He asked with a low voice. I smirked, amused, both by the question and also that he had an ability to look younger than me sometimes, but still be my Daddy. 
“25.” I said, dragging a hand through his messily pushed-back hair. 
If Keith's hands had wandered before, it was nothing compared to how he was after he heard he looked like a 25-year-old. I could even see some people staring when his hand crawled in under my cardigan while he made out with my neck. Even though I could feel tingling in several places in my body (especially between my legs), I steered him away with a giggle. It was better to get him to the car so he could go completely wild instead, but we were forced to wait a bit because he had gotten too excited. Too excited. I knew teenage boys could get hard in all kinds of different situations, but I hadn't expected it from a grown man, especially not someone as sweet and collected as Keith. I blushed at the thought that I had made him get like that, but also, by the location. He was in the campus library. 
“Are, are you finished?” I asked awkwardly. He had leaned back, and I couldn't see any signs he still was excited. He dragged his hands through his hair and looked at me. 
“Yeah… Sorry for that.” Keith looked a bit embarrassed with a strained smile before he stood up. 
You're the piece of gold. That flushes all my soul. Extra time, on the ground. You're my playground love.  Anytime, anyway. You're my playground love…
His hands caressed my cheeks and neck while our tongues slid against each other, deep inside our mouths. He breathed heavily while I moaned into his mouth.
We sat in his car's backseat, parked in one of our secret places. Me over one of his thighs while he sat with his legs spread. My hands lay on his chest, where they were safe. I didn't really dare to let them wander too much, even if I could notice Keith pushing out his crotch, hoping I would give him some attention. When Keith's hands moved down my back and then under my skirt, I knew what we would do. He gave me a hard clap on my left ass cheek, and even if I knew, I jumped in his lap.
“Lay down on your belly… In Daddy’s lap.” 
I swallowed hard, from both nerves and excitement. Something told me he would be rougher than he had been before, but still I laid down in his lap after he had helped me pull off my cardigan. When I had laid down, he helped me pull down my tights and panties. I could feel he was already hard, but I didn't dare to move even if I wanted to feel. 
Keith made a pleased humming sound when I lay there with my ass up. I waited in anticipation and nerves for him to spank me, but it didn't come. I looked back at him confused, and it was then he slapped my right ass cheek, like punishment for me looking at him. I jumped but let him do it again and again.
“I can be so annoyed at you…” He whispered and dragged his hand over my lower back. I wished he would do that to my bum to soothe the burning his spanking had given me, but his hand stayed on my back. 
“You make everything so hard… Your parents, your friends…” He spanked me again, harder this time, but now I moaned from a mixed feeling of pain and pleasure.
“I want you to say to them to go fuck themself.” His hand dragged down my ass cheek to my thigh, where he pushed them apart. I had a quick thought that it was he who made everything hard; he was the one who was married, but when his thumb started to drag over my groin, I lost all those thoughts and just enjoyed feeling him doing circles up to my ass. He spread my legs even more, then I felt him let a long thread of spit land on my asshole and drop down to my pussy. He did it again and let it land more directly between my outer lips. He dragged two fingers, shaped as a V, over and over my lips and up to my ass. It was teasing and mean that it was all he gave me, and after a while I begged him to give me more. It was then he spanked my pussy, and I made a loud, pained sound.
“That hurt!” I cried out. 
“Should I stop?” He asked and took his hands away from me. I got cold at once and missed his touch.
“Please don't stop, Daddy…” 
“I thought my girl didn't like it? I thought my girl didn't want to listen to Daddy anymore?” He sounded pleased, high on his power.
“I will always listen to Daddy… Please just… Daddy, please just fuck me…” I whined pathetically looking back at him while lifting my hips, hoping to entice him into giving me more. Keith smirked, then dragged a teasing thumb over my pussy and, with slow circles, found my clit to circle in the same way. 
“Do you know how tall I am? I can't fuck you in the backseat of a car. That's for short, little men. Daddy is tall and big.” 
I moaned, and when he sped up the rhythm, they became more erratic.
“But I could do it up against the hood…” He stopped giving me pleasure when I was close to an orgasm but also when I was the easiest to persuade. I looked back at him, and he wiggled his eyebrows playfully. 
“There are never people around here… No one will see.” He smiled and bit his lip and made me giggle with blushing cheeks.
“Okay, Daddy…” 
I had pain in my hips where the hood had hit over and over when Keith had slammed into me. When he noticed I was in pain, he had let me lie on the hood instead. He was a gentleman.  My cheeks became red everytime I thought about that moment but then he fucked me in the campus bathroom and several times in my bed while my parents were asleep. I never got used to being his center of attention, but I started to get comfortable being with him. Being sexual and free. 
It was the Thursday before we would go away on our trip, and I was prepared to pack my things because I (and Keith) had finished my schoolwork, so my parents couldn't say anything, but when I came home, it wasn't as calm as a regular Thursday would be. From the living room, I heard noises, voices, and laughter that sounded a bit forced. I walked to the dining room after I had taken off my outerwear and pulled in my white turtleneck in discomfort. 
There were just women talking, talking loudly and high-pitched, like they had been drinking a bit too much wine. My ears were right because when I walked into the dining room four of my mom's friends sat there together with my mom but also Keith. He sat on the edge of the table, leaned back, dressed in a gray t-shirt. They could see his bulking biceps and veiny forearms and how the wine glass looked small in his big hand. I could see they were watching him like he was a prey. They were all much closer in age to him than I was, and I could guess some of them, if not all of them, had experience of divorce. Keith didn't even look up at me when I came into the room; it wasn't until the others acknowledged me that he gave me his attention. 
“Hey Bunny!” Said my mom's friend Monica, who I knew had been divorced a year ago and celebrated her 40th birthday a couple of years ago. 
“Hey…” I said awkwardly.
“Get a soda and sit down with us!”  
I gave my mom a look, and she smiled at me. She had given me weird looks the whole week, but now, when four other women flirted with the man I wanted, she suddenly could smile. I looked at Keith, who looked as uncomfortable as me, especially when one of the women dragged her hand over his forearm, asking him if he wanted more wine. 
“I’ll have some wine,” I said with an attitude. Everyone reacted even if they didn't want to, but that I had that sort of attitude was something new for me. My mom cleared her throat but Monica took out a wine glass from the cabinet and let Parisia fill it with the burgundy liquid. I could feel Keith's eyes on me, but I just looked at Parisia. She was really attractive with her big curls and warm hazel eyes. She sat on his left side, and I wondered if he had looked down her deep neckline.
When the shock of my attitude and wine drinking had simmered, they continued to talk. They talked about New Age and spiritualism. All of the women were really positive to it, but I recognized Keith's face when he tried to not smirk. I wanted to look at him, meet his eyes, and smirk with him, but he looked at Parisia while she talked about her retreat to Cambodia. It was all a weird game where all of us analyzed each other; my mom looked at me, I looked at Keith, and he looked at Parisia. The other three women probably looked at Keith too, but it wasn't anything I noticed. 
“He's nothing for you, okay?” my mom said in French with a low voice and laid her hand over mine. “Keith is charming, sweet, and friendly, but you must understand it doesn't mean he has an interest in you. He's the same way to every woman. There is a reason he's in a divorce…” 
I pulled away my hand from her grip and looked at Keith sitting leaned back against the chair's back, smiling warmly at Parisia. 
“It's easy to like Keith. He's a sweet, attentive man, but it's just that. He's a man, and he needs a woman. You must stop forcing yourself on him. I don't want you to come home in tears from your trip because he has flirted around.” 
I looked down at my well-manicured nails, the pink heart ring on my index finger. When I was alone, I put it on my ring finger, pretending it was an engagement ring from Keith. I had thought about our fairytale wedding even if he hadn't even said he was in love with me. I looked up when I heard him laugh lowly; that laugh I thought he was saving for our private moments. I looked up and saw him give Monica his full attention. It felt like my heart moved from side to side painfully, like it tried to break free from the veins holding it down. I stood up so abruptly the chair fell and made a hard bang against the floor. Everyone got silent, but I didn't care. I hated him at that moment. I hated his lying, manipulative ass. Fuck him. Fuck Keith.
From the brush I could feel your soft stare. Serpentine wrapped around my hot skin. Through the roses I followed your call. Should've known this is how it would end…
I crawled down in bed just dressed in a pair of baby pink lace panties I had bought with my dad's money. I had taken off my makeup but had styled my hair so it could drape over the pillow in dreamy loose curls. I had my back towards the door with the cover so low someone behind me could see my whole naked back. I wore the earrings Keith had given me, even if it wasn't comfortable at all to lie on. I did it all for him, sure he would come crawling to me. He had said I was the only one for him. 
After having thought through my mom's words, I realized she just wanted me to forget him, but she didn't know he had been lying between my legs every night that week. How he looked me deep in the eyes while he forced his cock into me with brutal force. He would come to me, begging for forgiveness and then show how much he loved me. And I was right. 2.39AM He crept into my room and sighed when he saw the dreamy view I had created for him. I wanted him to just undress and join me in bed so we could make love and forget about what had happened, but I didn't hear him make a sound for a minute. 
“What did I do this time?” He asked tiredly. Even if I wanted us to just make up and make out, I felt a need for him to beg for forgiveness now when he asked. 
“Parisia? What is it with her?” 
“You flirted with her.” 
When I said the words, I became reminded of how deeply they had looked in each other's eyes and felt some sort of relief that I hadn't forgiven him too easily. He was an asshole. 
“I didn't flirt with her. I talked.” 
“No, you flirted with her.” 
“Fucking Christ, Jacqueline? Didn't we just talk about this? Where does this jealousy come from?” He had raised his voice a bit, and it made my stomach knot together. I didn't want him to be mad at me. 
“I… I…” I stuttered and moved in my place so the beautiful draping of my hair got destroyed. 
“Your mom wanted me to meet her single friends. What the fuck should I do? Say that I'm fucking her little virginal daughter? You don't want that. You don't want me to expose you like that.” 
I sat up carefully and looked at him. The cover secured by my armpits.
“You don't want that either. They're your friends.” 
“To be honest, I wouldn't care if it wasn't for my divorce. But also because of you. I know you're not ready for the drama. Your parents will try to tear us apart so fucking violently. They will say awful things about me and probably, if I know them right, make you feel dirty for it, and I don't want that for you…” He sat down on the edge of the bed while he talked and looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I nodded a little because I could imagine he was right, especially if they knew I called him Daddy. 
“I love you, you know. Even if I'm married. Even if you're way too young. I can feel dirty sometimes, you know. I have never seen myself as the guy dating such a young girl, woman.” 
I looked at him like I was listening intensely, but I could just hear three words over and over in my head. 
I love you. I love you. I love you. 
My eyes teared while he talked; he probably believed I felt offended by his other words, so he moved closer to me so he could lay his arm around me.
“I love you too, Keith. I love you too, Daddy.” Even if he had just said he loved me as a woman, it felt younger hearing those words, and without even thinking about my nakedness, I crawled into his lap and hugged him tightly around his neck. My naked chest was pressed against him and my pussy sat just above his cock. 
“Baby girl…” Keith said with a chuckle as he played with my thong. I giggled girlishly and grinded against his crotch. Keith leaned back with a smirk and because my arms locked around his neck he pulled me with him. He played with my hair, smoothly dragged his hands down my back, and took a hold of my panties. I thought he would pull them off, but instead he pulled them up so it burned between my outer lips. I whimpered but looked at him with love. He removed me carefully from his lap so I sat next to him. A big hand unbuttoned the black belt he had cinching his navy blue slacks and pushed the pants down with his khaki boxers. His thick erection bounced out like a spring and stood out proudly, trying to reach the sky. Even if I had seen it so many times now, I blushed, especially because I knew what he was hoping for. A blow job. I had never done it, and the thought of it made me nervous. I just thought about what he expected. I would never be able to get all of him into my mouth and it was probably what he expected. I was afraid I wouldn't even be able to get his tip in because of its thickness. 
Keith pulled off the gray t-shirt he was wearing and leaned back on his elbows. It was so obvious what he wanted, and I really wanted to give it to him. He loved me. That sexy man loved me; of course I should suck his cock. Carefully, I took his length in my hand and looked at it terrified. I hadn't even gotten used to having it inside of me; now he would push it down my throat until I suffocated. 
I dragged my hand up and down his shaft with the pressure he had taught me, letting the palm of my hand roll over his tip while spitting down on his shaft. I could see in the corner of my eye Keith bite his lip.
“Say hello to Daddy's cock, baby… Kiss it a little…” he said sweetly. It was obvious he knew this was my first time, but I didn't feel embarrassed anymore. Keith liked that he was my first, so much we had deleted my earlier relationship from our mind. He was my first in everything. 
I giggled a little, kissed his tip, and looked up at him. Keith smiled warmly, fatherly at me, and then kicked off his pants completely so he could stand on his knees in bed with me on all fours in front of him. I kissed his tip again; it was just as blushed as my cheeks. Keith smirked like his little girl finally dared to say hello to a dog. It wasn't far from it because even if his cock couldn't bite, I acted like it could. 
“You want to lick it a little? Just the tip?” He said the last thing when he saw my nerves go up. I was a little doubtful, but Keith leaned down to be able to give me a soft kiss and hug one of my tits in his broad palm.
“It's okay, baby… You decide… Daddy just wants us both to have a nice time.” I looked into his big eyes and felt comfort and love radiate from him, and it made me continue to massage his member. 
“I want your cock in my mouth, Daddy.” Keith smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead. He straightened his back so I could look up at his broad chest and sharp v-line. I wouldn't lose that man, so before Keith was ready, I started to lick his tip like it was the best cherry lollipop I've tasted. Keith chuckled a little and played with my hair so he could see what I was doing.
“Continue down, yeah, lick every part of it…” he said lowly, and I did as he said, dragging my tongue all the way down to the root and then starting over again. While kissing and licking the underside of his length I looked at his balls. They were groomed, shortly trimmed and looked neglected while I worked his shaft. Did I dare? I didn't even dare to touch them really, afraid to be too rough with his crown jewels, but while looking up at Keith, who had now closed his eyes, the need to please him became bigger than my own childish fear. I worked my tongue down his shaft, his root but then continued down to lick his left ball with a broad tongue. I noticed his ass clenched, and he let out a loud exhalation. I continued to lick and twirl my tongue around his balls, and it made him actually moan. He didn't do that a lot. 
“Suck them, suck them hard…” Full of confidence in hearing him in pleasure, I dared to take one of his balls in my mouth. I didn't succeed in getting the whole one in because of its size, but I did my best sucking them. While I was lost in my job, Keith took my hand and laid it around his length and helped me jerk his slick cock. Surprised by how wet it was, I looked up and saw him dripping precum from his tip. My hand dragged through it, smearing him in his own liquid. It looked too good; he looked too good moaning with closed eyes, so intoxicated by confidence and power, I took as much of his length into my mouth. I was surprised how much I could take but also that I liked the feeling of being suffocated by him. My long hair got stuck in the stickiness and my wet lips, but neither one of us cared. I had a mission, and Keith was lost in pleasure. He looked down at me with heavy eyes and smirked a little while I bobbed my head up and down. If I knew he saw me with his precum around my lips, my cheeks red and my eyes running, I would have been self-conscious, even if he loved the view.
“Mm… Baby girl…” He said, strained just before he let out a longer moan than he had before. He clenched his ass cheeks again and gave my cheek a little push, but I didn't understand what he meant by it and felt his cum splattering down my throat. I swallowed hard, hoping I wouldn't need to gag or cough, but it was obvious I wouldn't be successful, and I pulled his cock out so I could gag and cough in a messy mix. Keith chuckled a little and leaned down to kiss my cheek even if they were wet from spit and his own juice. 
“You're so fucking cute… And sexy… Daddy's girl…” 
We stayed up all night, talking about our trip but also who we were when we were in high school. Keith said he was a nobody, he worked at the school radio and didn't want attention. I wondered if he didn't get that just because of his last name but he said he didn't get attention for that until he started college. We didn't talk about who he was in college, it was strange when he had spent that time with my father. 
I said I was the good girl in high school, good grades, a part of an acting group and a tutor. 
“I would have been in love with you. I loved the good girls that smelled like roses and lilacs.” 
I giggled at him. He lay stretched out in my bed, in just his boxers while I was sitting up, looking down at him. He had a hand behind his head so I could play with the hair in his armpit. 
“You're seventeen years older than me! If we were in high school together you would have been a teacher!” Keith looked at me with a dimpled smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I still would have been in love with you.” I made a face but smiled because it was also strangely sweet. 
“That would have been inappropriate!” 
“I know. That's the sort of power you have over me.” 
I giggled again and kissed him. He slipped his tongue so I did the same, he even let them wrestle outside of our mouths. Keith groaned and corrected his cock so I knew we would pause a little. I really had power over him. I laid down next to him on my side and Keith laid down the same way but turned to me. 
“Did you have a girlfriend in high school?” 
“A couple. I still was rich, you know,” he joked, making me laugh. 
“You're so much more than that, Keith-” by reflex I looked up when I heard a sound that sounded like my door opening, a sound Keith had made me excited to hear but Keith was laying in front of me. In the door opening stood my mom, looking at me laying just in lace panties and Keith in just his boxers. No one could miss what we had been doing that night because my sheets were all crooked. 
My mom's face was hard to read. Maybe she was shocked, or she was offended, appalled? 
“Mom…” I whispered desperately and sat up without covering myself up. Keith looked at me confused but then he sat up and turned towards the door. My mom looked at me for a few seconds before she looked at Keith. It was obvious he didn't belong in my sweet room. His strong manly hands shouldn't be on my young perky tits and I shouldn't put my young years on a man who had already lived his. I thought she would get angry, scream, call on my dad but she just looked at Keith then she closed the door silently. I turned my eyes to Keith while feeling strong anxiety and he looked at me with furrowed brows. I couldn't get a word out but Keith asked the question we both wondered: 
“Was that it?” 
Broken wings fall from my back. As the dirt begins to crack. Hold my waist as we fall below the garden. Oh gardener of eden. We fell from the heavens, the earth could not hold us. Gardener of Eden. The embers below set our hearts aglow. Oh Gardener of eden… 
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Black Hat Approves Of The new Nosterafu
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I have a feeling he's sick of those vampires are misunderstood creature fiction and loves seeing ones in all their evil glory. Bill Skarsgard might have missed with the Crow but he's rocking with Nosferatu.
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thenightling · 2 months ago
Nosferatu 2024
I will say this, the movie has a great ambiance. It is aesthetically gorgeous. Nosferatu will hopefully rekindle a trend in classic style unironic, un-deconstructed, Gothic horror. That being said the movie's premise is almost exactly like the original 1922 film, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, since many people haven't seen the original silent film. (Side note: I want a remake of F. W. Murnau's 1926 Faust in this style from the same production team!). The few changes are mildly disturbing, including ...grief necrophilia? Anyway, the original 1922 film was the very first time a vampire died via sunlight in fiction, before Universal studios would borrow it for Son of Dracula in 1943 and from 1943 onward American films and TV usually had vampires burning in the sun. So, of course, the way Count Orlok is destroyed had to remain in tact. One change that annoyed me slightly was the film indicated that Nosferatu is a particular TYPE of vampire that spreads plague. It's true there were plague rats in the original 1922 film but Nosferatu, the word, just means vampire- not a specific type of vampire. I do like that there is some new emphasis on the idea that Count Orlok was a sorcerer when he was alive and there was apparently more occult content. As the original Nosferatu was a "version of Dracula with the serial number filed off" you will notice there are some similarities to the 1992 film Bram Stoker's Dracula, aesthetically, and plot-wise. Nosferatu's plot was always Dracula with some minor changes and character name changes, and the count getting a physical redesign. Bram Stoker's widow even successfully sued the 1922 production and a court ordered that all copies of the film be destroyed. Thankfully prints of the film survived long enough for Dracula to go into the public domain so the court order did not have to be carried out. (Let's hope someone doesn't try to have it enforced one day to try to squeeze some money over to the Stoker estate). So in short, Nosferatu (2024) IS an aesthetically beautiful Gothic horror film that I hope will initiate a trend in the style. But I will say this, I still think Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) is a better movie even though it adds a love story that was not in Stoker's novel, most of it, otherwise is still (in my opinion) the most faithful adaptation of Bram Stoker's novel. That Mina / Dracula love story is a guilty pleasure of mine, by the way. This latest Nosferatu movie makes the Blue Oyster Cult song, about the 1922 film, get stuck in my head. Also Bill Skarsgard is really starting to make a name for himself playing monsters. I hope it lasts. I still say Doug Jones is the best current monster movie actor. But Bill comes close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gts2yGraydk
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