#bill H.R. 9495
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noenvyy · 3 months ago
Bill H.R. 9495--Declares Certain Non-profits terrorist organizations
Please read and share and CALL YOUR SENATORS
EMERGENCY: Earlier today, MAGA Republicans in Congress just rammed through legislation that could give Donald Trump the power to destroy organizations that oppose him—including MoveOn.1
Even more terrifying, 15 Democrats voted in favor of the bill.2
The bill, H.R. 9495, gives the Treasury Department—i.e., the Trump administration—unilateral power to declare a nonprofit to be a "terrorist-supporting organization" and strip its tax-exempt status.3 Organizations that oppose him could be shut down with just a swipe of a pen from Trump.
While Trump's Cabinet appointees soaked up the news cycle, the House tried to push this thoroughly dangerous bill under the radar last week. Two-thirds of the House was initially needed to pass the bill. But now Speaker Mike Johnson has figured out a new way to require only a simple majority to pass the bill, and the House voted to pass the bill earlier today.
H.R. 9495 was originally written to attack organizations showing support for Palestinians, and it is a dire threat to nongovernment organizations trying to support the Palestinian people suffering in the current war, but it could give the Trump administration the ability to declare any organization as "supporting terrorists"—with no proof, no burden of evidence, no due process.4,5
More than 150 religious, reproductive health, immigrant rights, human rights, racial justice, LGBTQ+, environmental, and educational organizations, led by the American Civil Liberties Union, have spoken up against this awful bill.6
The House tried to push through the bill with a two-thirds majority procedure last week, and 52 Democrats voted for it.7 Today they needed only a simple majority, and the House passed the bill with the support of 15 Democrats. We cannot allow a MAGA-controlled Senate in January to pass this bill.
This bill is different. If it passes, it has the possibility to silence any organization that Trump targets. And considering his history of retribution, we know he won't miss out on this opportunity to try to shut us down. It's an especially frightening prospect given Trump's previous attempt to designate anti-MAGA protesters and pro-Palestinian advocates as terrorists, and to vilify those he disagrees with as the "enemy from within."10
We need to sound the alarm in a major way to stop H.R. 9495 and prevent Trump from shutting down nonprofit organizations!
Please, please please, flood the Senate with calls to make it very clear that we will not abide by this attack on our First Amendment rights. We need to step up before it's too late. Use this link to find and contact your representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Take Action: Tell Congress to OPPOSE H.R. 9495
1. Visit the IS Action Center to sign a petition to oppose H.R. 9495. 
2. Call your Congressional Representative TODAY and urge them to vote NO on H.R. 9495 when it comes up again for a vote. You can find contact information for your Member of Congress here. And the list of California representatives who already voted yes on previous votes here.
3. Social Media Engagement: Post on your platforms and tag your Representative to urge them to oppose H.R.9495.
Sample posts:
ACTION NEEDED As a constituent of [@RepresentativesSocialMedia] and a staunch supporter of the nonprofit sector, I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495. This bill may be well-intentioned but it erodes due process and jeopardizes vital services for vulnerable communities.
Nonprofits are critical to our communities. H.R. 9495 may mean well, but it threatens due process and risks harming those we serve. [@RepresentativesSocialMedia], vote NO on #HR9495. #ProtectNonprofits 
Sample script for calling your representative:
I’m calling to urge you to oppose H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, scheduled for a vote later today. This bill poses a direct threat to nonprofits by granting the Treasury Secretary unchecked power to label organizations as “terrorist supporting” and strip their tax-exempt status. Even worse, this can happen without evidence, intentional links, or any requirement to disclose the reasons for the designation. The lack of due process and accountability leaves nonprofits defenseless against vague and potentially politically motivated accusations.
While the bill includes provisions for tax relief for American hostages—a noble cause—this should not come at the expense of jeopardizing nonprofit operations and democratic values. These provisions should be separated into their own bill that doesn’t include the unchecked harm to nonprofits. 
Please oppose H.R. 9495 to protect nonprofits and the communities they serve. Thank you for your time and consideration.
1. "HR 9495: Bill Threatening Nonprofits Passes House," Nonprofit Quarterly, November 21, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/200463?t=8&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. "Congress Is About to Gift Trump Sweeping Powers to Crush His Political Enemies," The Intercept, November 10, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/200453?t=10&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
5. Ibid.
6. "Civil Society Letter to House Opposing H.R. 9495," ACLU, September 20, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/198929?t=12&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
7. "House GOP Moves to Ram Through Bill That Gives Trump Unilateral Power to Kill Nonprofits," The Intercept, November 15, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/200452?t=14&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
8. "No Labels files DOJ complaint about groups boycotting its 2024 presidential ballot access effort," CBS News, January 18, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/186092?t=16&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
9. "MoveOn.org and Bucks man defend post-insurrection petition in NAC, Worthington defamation claim," Phillyburbs.com, June 7, 2021 https://act.moveon.org/go/200454?t=18&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
10. "Scalise preps vote on terrorism bill decried as a gift for Trump," MSNBC, November 19, 2024 https://act.moveon.org/go/200446?t=20&akid=416946%2E34090080%2EE7NXm5
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smollbetawooper · 4 months ago
A project by Fight for the Future
URGENT: Tell your reps to vote NO on H.R. 9495!
The House will vote TODAY at 4 PM to determine whether the incoming Trump administration will have the power to shut down non-profit organizations with no due process.
We can’t let Congress give Trump the power to crush dissent and target organizations fighting for justice. Tell your representatives to vote NO on this dangerous bill!
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transformativeworks · 3 months ago
HR 9495 is going back up for voting. All non-profit orgs are in danger.
The Committee on Rules is meeting at 1600 EST on 18 Nov 2024. The agenda includes HR 9495.
If this bill passes, the Secretary of the Treasury would have the power to strip any non-profit group of it's tax-exempt status with no due process.
If you are part of the fandom community and you are in America, please contact your reps and ask them to vote NO on HR 9495.
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thelocalmuffin · 3 months ago
Hey everyone, House just passed H.R 9495 as of 11/21, which is a bill that prevents non-profits for helping with causes such as Palestine and other acts the government deems "terrorism."
The guardian explains why it's a massive problem here.
This could seriously hurt non-profits that are trying to help multiple good causes with the vague terminology they are using to give themselves power to dictate what that means.
They are trying to fast track it while everyone is panicking about the results of the election. CALL YOUR SENATORS AND SAY NO TO H.R. 9495.
If you can't call for any reason, absolutely spread the word and reblog this post.
This is extremely serious and a dangerous bill. We should do what we can to stop it.
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taikeero-lecoredier · 3 months ago
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Sadly the nonprofit orgs killer bill passed the house and is now on its way to the senate,endangering orgs such as ACLU,EFF,FTF, Internet Archive, AO3 ( @transformativeworks )and any fighting for human rights. Take some time to voice your disappointment at the reps who voted yes on this terrible bill,and thanks the rep that voted against it. However the next step will be to focus on the Senate, here you can find your senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/ If your senator is a democrat, you can use this script: "I am calling to urge my representative to vote no on H.R. 9495 . This is a dangerous bill would give the Trump administration unilateral power to label any non-profit as terrorist supporting and shut it down without due process. I am calling on my representative to defend civil rights organizations and oppose this bill. Thank you.” You can also tell them you'll vote for them if they vote no on this bill. Anything goes. if your senator is republican/MAGA, use their own words against them :
"As your constituent, I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495. This bill poses a dangerous threat to the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment and must not pass the Senate. It grants any incoming administration unchecked authority to revoke the tax-exempt status of non-profit organizations without oversight or due process. Such government overreach is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our democracy. This bill undermines the principles of free speech and freedom of association, cornerstones of American liberty.
H.R. 9495 threatens to pave the way for political suppression, allowing the government to selectively target and shut down organizations based on ideological disagreements. This could affect any non-profit, including churches and conservative groups, as well as organizations that champion human rights and civil liberties. Regardless of political leanings, this bill sets a chilling precedent that no American patriot should support.
While situations relating to the hostages deserve careful attention, they can and should be addressed in a separate, narrowly tailored bill. H.R. 9495, however, is a broad, unconstitutional overreach that strikes at the heart of free speech and freedom. It is unpatriotic and incompatible with the values we hold dear as Americans.
I implore you to stand as a defender of liberty and uphold the rights of your constituents. Be a patriot, listen to the voice of the people, protect our God given right to free speech as Americans, and reject this dangerous legislation. Vote NO on H.R. 9495. Thank you, God Bless and God Bless America." (Taken from here )
You can also come join our server internet dedicated to fight against bad bills (and other bad internet bills such as KOSA) We organize call in days and gather ressources ! https://discord.gg/pwTSXZMxnH
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artarchangel333 · 4 months ago
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hr9495 is a bill that would destroy our only way to fight against trump and his administration. Please call your house reps. If your house rep is democrat please tell them what I said above. If theyre republican tell them that this would also affect non profits like the Salvation Army! They’re voting on hr9495 this Monday so please call within today and tomorrow. If you can’t call due to not being American or just fear please tell your American friends to call their reps.
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gandlafsbignaturals · 3 months ago
Hello Everyone,
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For all my USA peeps, I y'all to contact your representatives. There is a bill that is being brought to Congress and it is very detrimental to non profits in the country.
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scarlettgauthor · 3 months ago
Do you want to be more politically active? Would you like to annoy your elected officials? Do you not know where to start?
Let me tell you about 5Calls.org!
5 Calls is a website that started up during the first Trump administration to give people a to-do list and scripts for contacting their elected officials about the progressive issues most important to them. It is still here, still kicking, and still providing the same service FOR FREE. I just used it this morning to demand my Senators block Block H.R. 9495, the non-profit killer bill. It takes literally five minutes to call both Senators and my Congresswoman (if I even have to call all three), and 50% of the time I end up leaving a voicemail. When I do talk to a staffer, they're always very nice!
This is an easy, fast, and achievable way to make your voice heard, and it DOES make a difference.
"But I have a shitty GOP Senator!" I hear you say, and I say CALL THEM ANYWAY. They're making your life worse! You should return the favor and annoy the living shit out of them! Remind them they do NOT have a mandate from the people for their cruelty, and/or bust out your acting chops to pretend to be a Republican and complain that bathroom bills are nanny-state nonsense.
The more of us that do this, the more effective it is. I put it on my to-do list for every morning and those staffers are going to learn my name and zip code by the end of the week.
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pintadorartist · 3 months ago
Bill HR 9495 still remains a threat to nonprofits and independent news
Bill H.R. 9495, aka the “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act,” was meant to protect US Hostages from tax penalties; the problem is that the bill received an add-on that would give the Treasury Secretary the power to strip any non-profit of their tax-exempt status based on the idea that the nonprofit is a “terrorist supporting” organization, all without due process or a justification.
And although another exemption was added to the bill that would "protect" Non-profits from this by exempting Non-Profits that have approval from the Office of Foreign Assets Control(OFAC). This would still target non-profit organizations since all it would take to attack them is to just rescind that prior approval
This would give the upcoming Trump administration the power to kill any non-profit org, from AO3 to the ACLU. Even local nonprofits and independent news sources could be stripped of their status and be unable to receive funding to stay open, all because they had different views than the government.
Unfortunately, the bill passed the House and is headed toward the Senate, but there hasn't been any update regarding the bill or a date to vote on it; it's probably best to find your Senator and call, email, or fax them to tell them to vote no if it comes to a vote.
Below are some tools and a list of Senate leaders you should call in addition to your senator:
Democrat Senate Leaders:
Chuck Schumer:
Phone: (202) 224-6542
Fax: (202) 228-3027
Dick Durbin:
Phone: 202-224-2152
Debbie Stabenow:
Phone:(202) 224-4822
Elizabeth Warren:
Phone: (202) 224-4543
Mark R. Warner:
Phone: 202-224-2023
Amy Klobuchar:
Phone: 202-224-3244
Fax: 202-228-2186
Bernie Sanders:
Phone: 202-224-5141 Fax: 202-228-0776
Catherine Cortez Masto:
Phone: (202) 224-3542
Joe Manchin:
Phone: 202-224-3954 Fax: 202-228-0002
Cory A. Booker:
Phone: (202) 224-3224
Fax: (202) 224-8378
Tammy Baldwin:
Phone: (202) 224-5653
Brian Schatz:
Phone: (202) 224-3934
Republican Senate Leaders:
Mitch McConnell:
Phone: (202) 224-2541 Fax: (202) 224-2499
John Thune:
Phone: (202) 224-2321
Fax: (202) 228-5429
John Barrasso:
Main: 202-224-6441 Fax: 202-224-1724
Joni Ernst:
PHONE: (319) 365-4504
FAX: (319) 365-4683
Shelley Capito:
Phone: 202-224-6472
Steve Daines:
p: (202) 224-2651 f: 202-228-1236
Find Your Senator:
Or you can call the Congressional switchboard today and ask to be connected with each of your Senators’ offices. Demand they vote against this bill: (202) 224-3121
If you don’t like talking to people, you can call after their offices close so you can leave a message
you can also Text RESIST to 50409 to send your message into a fax and email to your senator
Fax tool:
Here are some call scripts that you can use as fax and email as well:
If you have a Democrat Senator, you can use this script:
“I am calling Senator [THEIR LAST NAME] as a constituent to urge them to vote against the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act, when it comes to the Senate floor. This bill would give the Treasury the power to kill non-profit organizations without evidence, and will be used as a sledge hammer to destroy any organization that speaks out against the incoming President’s agenda. No matter who was in power, this bill would be authoritarian and ripe for abuse. Handing this power to a President known to be vindictive, and who has promised to be a “day one” dictator, would be a failure of congressional leadership. Please share my thoughts with the Senator, urging them to vote against this dangerous legislation. Thank you”
If you have a Republican Senator, you can use this script:
“As your constituent, I urge you to vote NO on H.R. 9495. This bill poses a dangerous threat to the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment and must not pass the Senate. It grants any incoming administration unchecked authority to revoke the tax-exempt status of non-profit organizations without oversight or due process. Such government overreach is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned for our democracy. This bill undermines the principles of free speech and freedom of association, cornerstones of American liberty.
H.R. 9495 threatens to pave the way for political suppression, allowing the government to selectively target and shut down organizations based on ideological disagreements. This could affect any non-profit, including churches and conservative groups, as well as organizations that champion human rights and civil liberties. Regardless of political leanings, this bill sets a chilling precedent that no American patriot should support.
While situations relating to the hostages deserve careful attention, they can and should be addressed in a separate, narrowly tailored bill. H.R. 9495, however, is a broad, unconstitutional overreach that strikes at the heart of free speech and freedom. It is unpatriotic and incompatible with the values we hold dear as Americans.
I implore you to stand as a defender of liberty and uphold the rights of your constituents. Be a patriot, listen to the voice of the people, protect our God given right to free speech as Americans, and reject this dangerous legislation. Vote NO on H.R. 9495. Thank you, God Bless and God Bless America.”
Here’s that petition again:
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lokiinmediasideblog · 4 months ago
Bill H.R. 9495 is back. It'd give Trump power to kill non-profit orgs
This would make pro-Palestine nonprofits illegal among others. This is time-sensitive as it'll be back on Monday.
If you are too anxious to call use this free fax service:
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godsmistake13 · 3 months ago
update on hr 9495: today, there was a vote today, and it unfortunately passed committee markup. thankfully, loads of dems have opposed this bill during the process.
apparently, people don't even need to agree on something to bring it to the house for the full vote. you learn something new every day.
the full house vote will commence this week on either wednesday, or thursday. for now, continue calling our house representatives to oppose this bill, and try to pass the no kings act.
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reminder that it's not a full vote. it just passed committee (unfortunately). still, continue calling.
here all the dems that voted yes for hr 9495.
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please stay calm, and continue to call, and keep up the pressure in the house. thank you.
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infamouslydorky · 3 months ago
I'm incredibly sorry to be the one to break bad news but hr 9495 did go up for a second time and got passed by the house. Its in the senate's hands now.
On a lighter note, thanks for being a source of joy. Fellow medic appreciator 🤝
Damn. Failed on round 2.
Article from 12hrs ago.
Up to the senate now, eh? Message your representatives and hold them accountable.
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nudityandnerdery · 4 months ago
A bill in the House would allow the Secretary of the Treasury to designate a tax-exempt organization for being "terrorist supporting organizations."
Right, this can never be misused.
Contact your representatives. Tell them to vote no.
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daytimemin · 3 months ago
Please continue to call your representatives about opposing H.R. 9495 and calling house leadership about opposing KOSA. We continue to make up ground and stop bills like these as we continue to be loud about about our opposition to them! 🫡
Steve Scalise: (202) 225-3015
Mike Johnson: (202) 225-2777
Hakeem Jeffries: (202) 225-5936
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beloskin · 4 months ago
Tell Congress to Oppose H.R. 9495.
H.R. 9495 includes the legislative text of H.R. 6408, a bill that could give any President unprecedented power to target and shut down nonprofits and activist student groups.
The House previously passed H.R. 6408 with very little opposition, a bill that could give any President unprecedented power to target and shut down nonprofits and activist student groups.​
The legislation intended to target and strip the tax-exempt status of organizations advocating for Palestinian human rights.
The Senate refused to take it up after tens of thousands of our members sent letters to Congress urging opposition.
But now, House Members are attempting to pass a different bill (H.R. 9495) that includes the legislative language of H.R. 6408, which would be disastrous for all of our organizations working towards a lasting ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the occupation.
Tell your Member of Congress to protect the right to dissent and oppose H.R. 9495 and any other legislation targeting our organizations for advocating for Palestinian human rights.
Can you join me and write a letter?
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cosmicriff · 4 months ago
URGENT: the House is voting today on a bill that would give the Trump administration unprecedented power to shut down non-profits and civil rights organizations. The FFTF organization has put together a calling tool to pressure key offices to vote no
call-in number is 319-313-7674
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