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rockmineralcrystal · 5 months ago
Hey, I'm Rock! I'm the author of the shadowpeach story Better If I Run! If you have any questions about the story or just wanna chat, feel free to send in asks!
Newest chapter: 18
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rockmineralcrystal · 4 months ago
So this is what it was like, huh?
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The fic own @rockmineralcrystal
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abidethetempest · 5 days ago
Eliksni Conditional Mood
This post is part of my ongoing project to create a language for the Eliksni! For more information check out my masterpost linked here.
Recently, I added a new mood to my verb system: the conditional. It somewhat overlaps with the hypothetical but, it expresses the fact that an event is possible/likely, IF another event happens first.
This post got pretty long, so look for the deets under the readmore!
The most obvious case of this would be in statements containing the word "if". "If x happens, y will happen." In English, the use of "will/would" is how the conditional mood is often marked. In Eliksni, you use the particle kas.
Thal kas biir klii, kas priistun klii. "If you look, you will find."
Thal kas biirem klii, kas priistem klii. "if you looked, you would find."
This is a different meaning from the simple future tense statement, Priistun klii, which in English also translates to "You will find it." The difference is that that statement is not dependent on another event to cause it to happen. In both statements, "priistis" is conjugated for the future tense, because the act of finding is happening in the future.
Conditionality can also be expressed about the past, as in example 2. It also is not restricted to simple verbs, continuous and perfect aspects can be applied to verbs in the conditional mood, the tenses and aspects just need to match across both statements. This use of the conditional cannot be applied to present-tense statements.
Also, both verbs in a conditional statement such as this need to be accompanied by the particle. The best way to remember this is that the conjunction thal, "if", always causes the conditional particle to appear.
There are another use for the conditional mood besides plain "if-statements" like the above, which is polite expressions of wanting.
It is perfectly valid to say:
Nuls neh empuursis, "I want to sleep."
But a more polite, formal way of saying you want something is to use the conditional mood:
Nuls neh, giire kas empuursun. "I want, that I would sleep."
The reason it's considered polite is, well. Not based in anything super logical to be honest, but it originated from some thoughts I had that the thing you want being conditional on your wanting it makes it more of a request than a demand. Sort of like the difference between "want" and "would like".
It's also a way to soften a request when you want someone else to do something.
Instead of:
Nuls neh aklii anen amyksis. "I want you to follow me." or Niidreh amyks anen. "Please follow me."
You would say:
Nuls neh, giire aklii anen kas amyksun. "I want, that you would follow me."
Nulsis is not the only verb you can use in these statements either. Freyis "to need", griiris "to hope/wish", and even liidravis could also be valid.
Notes about "future-in-the-past": In English, the auxiliary verb "would" is used sometimes to express things that happen in the future relative to an event that happened in the past. You see this in statements like "I said I would sleep." The would there is expressing that the "sleep" happened after the "said", so in the future..... but also in the past. In an effort to help anyone doing translations who runs across this sort of construction, I am saying here and now: MY ELIKSNI CONLANG DOES NOT USE THE CONDITIONAL MOOD TO EXPRESS FUTURE-IN-THE-PAST.
"But Indee," I hear you ask, "how do you say things like "I said I would sleep", then?"
Like this: Ehlanem neh, giire neh empuursun. Literally, "I said, that I will sleep."
Technically, the second part of this statement being in simple future tense means it could happen anytime in the future, including after the present moment. However, without a word specifiying which time in the future the sleep part will happen in, such as "now, soon, tonight, tomorrow, later", etc., this statement is interpreted as future-in-the-past.
Sorry if things got a little confusing at the end there! Time stuff can be such a hassle to try and explain. As always feel free to reach out to me directly if you need clarification on something :)
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yagmurun-sesii · 9 months ago
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Biir evimiz olmalı kaygılardan uzak !!!
Ümit Yaşar Oğuzcan
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rockmineralcrystal · 4 months ago
Better If I Run chapter 15:
Fic by @rockmineralcrystal
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bugunbirazleylayim · 5 months ago
Biir ufak düzensizlik söz konusu ama şöyle bir bir dk dur yaa tamam tamam sorun yok desem bence her şey düzelir :ı
Haftanın ilk iş günü böyle hissetmesem iyiydi ama neyse halledilir 😌👌 halledemezsek itinayla kufredilir 🥲👌
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longliveridge · 3 months ago
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Viviane - Entre Nous (Between Us - Ci Sunu Biir)
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dusunmekaybolursn · 11 days ago
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rockmineralcrystal · 5 months ago
Okay this will have no impact on the story whatsoever but I AM curious:
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yazan-kalem-siyah06 · 9 months ago
*Salihlerden Mübarek Bir Zât Varmış.*
Bir Cuma günü, Evde un kalmayınca merkebine yüklemiş buğdayı, Değirmene doğru koyulmuş yola...
Değirmene vardığında, çuvalı indirirken merkep kaçıyor. Merkebi aramaya çıksa, Cuma namazı kaçacak.
*Kendi kendine;*
*“Sen nereye gidersen git, ben Rabbimin emrinden çıkmam, Doğru Cuma namazına gidiyorum..”* diyor...
Vakit giriyor ve huşû içinde ibadetini yapıyor...
Cumadan sonra bakıyor, merkep hâlâ yok... Tarlaya gitse merkep lazımdır. Un için zaten yine merkep lazım.
*“Ben şimdilik eve gidip biraz dinleneyim, sonra çaresine bakarız”* diye düşünüyor...
Eve yaklaşınca, ahırdan merkep sesi geliyor.
*“Hanım, bu merkebin burada işi ne?”* diyor. O da,
*“Efendi, bugün ödüm patladı, az kalsın ölüyordum”* diyor:
*“Bir aslan merkebi önüne katmış, bir o tarafa, bir bu tarafa, derken ahıra kadar getirdi. Ben de korkudan odanın bir köşesine saklandım. Pencereden baktım, aslan geldiği gibi gitti.”*
*“Hanım, bu bizim merkep değil mi?”* diye soruyor. Hanım da,
*“Evet bizim merkep”* diye cevap veriyor.
Adam şaşırıp kalıyor... Hanımı bu arada,
*“Bey, senin karnın açtır. Taze un geldi, ekmek yaptım”* deyince adam hayretle,
*“Hanım, un nereden geldi?”* diyor.
*“Sorma bey! Komşumuz değirmene gitmiş, kendi unu yerine bizim unu getirmiş, yanlışlığı anlayınca da unu bize bıraktı. Yani unumuz geldi...*
*"Sana bir haberim daha var bey! Bizim komşu bahçesini sulamış ancak kanalı açık unutmuş, bizim bahçe de sulanmış!”*
Mübarek zat, hanımından bunları duyunca ellerini açmış ve şöyle dua etmiş:
*“Allah’ım! Ben senin bir emrini yerine getirdim, sen benim üç ihtiyac��mı gördün. Sana ne kadar şükretsek azdır Ya Rabbi...*
*Mânâya bakmayı bilmemişse Göz ;*
*Güzel de bir , çirkin de bir . . .*
*Vermeye kudretsiz kalmışsa El ;*
*Zengin de bir , fakir de bir . . .*
*Ezandan huzursuz olmuşsa Kulak ;*
*Duyan da bir , sağır da bir . . .*
*Allah Aşkını tatmamışsa Gönül ;*
*Sevgi de bir , nefret de bir . . .*
*Kul'luğun önüne geçmişse Kibir ;*
*Şeytan da biir , Melek de bir . . .*
*Ve ; Gaflet uykusuna dalmışsa Ruh . . . !*
*Yaşam da bir , ölüm de bir ! . . .*
*Ey kapıla
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rockmineralcrystal · 5 months ago
Oh my gosh this is AMAZING!! I love the colors and Wukong's expression 😭😭😭
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Did I mention there are too many scenes I want to draw in this chapter?
The fic own @rockmineralcrystal
Your story is really wonderful.
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jupiterliyazar · 1 year ago
Vazgeçilmeez biir hayalet gibiii
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kahirlarim · 3 months ago
bugün çok güzeldi çok çok çok. yarın hoplaya zıplaya rehberliğe gideceğim. tek sıkıntı denemelerin bir tık düșüklüğü olabilir ama hallederiz evellallah. bir haftadır içimizdeki seytani bitirmeye çalışıyorum (sadece okulda okuyarak) cok guzel ilerliyor ama okumam gereken daha baska baska biir sürü kitap var. oblomovda da en son nereyi okuduysam hâlâ ordayim. dun okuyup da uyuyacağım diyerek yataga girdim ama telefonun cazibesine kapilarak okumadim. (gamze hoca beni kesecek) lucifer ve prison break izlemeye baslamistim. her sabah kahvalti yaparken en az bir bolum bitiriyorum o an hangisini izliyorsam. (lucide 5.sezona kadar izleyip sonra sikilmam dışında sorun yok tabi ama yine başladım sonuc olarak) prison break da cok guzel gidiyor. adlarini unutuyorum ama adamin abisi de kendisi de cok yakisikli 🤌🤌 gecen haftalarda spliti izlemistim. manyaksı bir şeydi ya. geçen pazarda akıl oyunlarini izleyecektim ama iki saatten fazlaymis. zaman gec olmustu onun yerine luci izledim. asil ve salak seytanim. gun icinde okulda musayla vildanin atismalarini izlemek keyifli oluyor. abdulrahmanin kafasini kitaptan kaldirmadigi anlarda hayret verici cidden. serdarin surekli baskanligi birakip sonra birden bire baskanlik yapma isteginin gelmesi de arada sinir bozuyor kabul. ama iyi çocukları ya. kimircik saclariyla sinifin ortasinda dikilmesi komigime gidiyor. o değil de sinav yoluna gireli sosyal hayatimin sifirlandiginin farkında olmamak ama birden bire sabahin 5.30unda kalkip da gece kafami yastiga koyarken saatin 11i gectigini gorunce lan ben bugun sadece ders mi calistim farkindaliginin olmasi da ayri bir şey. saka maka 8 saatim okulda geçiyor 🤦🏻‍♀️ konudan bagimsiz yasemin hocanin sürekli toplanti yapacagiz deyip kocluk başladıgi haftadan beri(3 hafta oldu) her karsilasmamizda cok yogunum kizlar, hastayım kızlar, wp grubu kurariz bir yerde toplaniriz demesi fazla sinir bozucu. fatma hocayı istiyorum evet. çiçek hocacim. o değilde münür hocanin sürekli goz devirmesi icimdeki o hayvansi ilkel varlığı ortaya cikariyor. hayır simdi laf atacak olmasa gozlerinizde bir sorun mu var sürekli kayiyorlar hocam diyeceğim ama işte. trabzonlulari severim bu hoca haric. baya olmustu boyle konusmayali. iyi oldu. simdi derse kacanzi. kendimi aysu gibi hissediyorum of. ona laf atıcam varotik varlık deyip duruyor. ne demek diye sordum soylenisi hosuma gidiyorum diyor. bugün 5 ders saati boyunca uyudu. ben o kadar egik dursam midem düşer galiba ya. zaman geçiyor. kactim. huzurlu geceler. 🩷🫶🏻
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abidethetempest · 4 months ago
Eliksni Interrogative Mood/Words
This post is part of my ongoing project to create a language for the Eliksni! For more information check out my masterpost linked here.
I've been agonizing over wanting to change how I do the interrogative and the related words for a while bc I never really felt like the first pass I did was right. I've been avoiding it bc it means having to go back and edit some older posts, but honestly it was less than I was expecting.
The interrogative is now marked using the suffix -sa. This can be added onto any word in a sentence to make the sentence into a question. It's most commonly placed on the verb (and it is required to do so in the formal register and higher). Placing it on words other the verb is done to place emphasis on another part of the question.
In informal speech, you can use sometimes use an upwards inflection at the end of a sentence to indicate a question without needing the suffix. I would recommend only doing so in short/simple sentences.
Here's a normal, non-question sentence: Biir kli miireks. "You see (the) animal.
Adding the interrogative onto the verb makes it a question. Biirsa kli miireks? "Do you see the animal?"
Moving the interrogative suffix around changes the emphasis, like how italics or stressing a particular word would in English. "Do you see the animal?" (The question is particularly abt if you see it and not someone else.) "Do you see the animal?" (The question is abt if you see the animal and not another object.)
Interrogative words (ie, who, what, when) are formed from the combination of a noun and -sa, with the exception of kiisat.
Who: person + sa, eliksa
What: thing + sa, kiisat
When: time + sa, ikrimsa
Where: place + sa, priisa
How: way/method + sa, greyrsa
The next two I don't have the nouns for yet, will come back and do them when it's not 1 am lol.
Why: reason + sa
Which: choice + sa
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sorcerous-caress · 1 year ago
Hi hello I'm back and non-anon (bc I'm not scared anymore lmao), I sent in the star elf/eldarin ask!!
First off, for your influence on my DM work, I table for a party of really really new players, so a lot of them are just starting out as humans for now. To kinda get them further into the realm of exploring different worlds, I built an elf NPC somewhat inspired by your modern AU (but a little bit turned down on the sexual stuff bc I need them to not get distracted lmao), and a lot of your more general posts led me to want to explore the specific customs and practices of different elven groups, which led me down a rabbithole and now I'm trying to piece together dnd lore from the very beginning, like the genetic origins of the current species and stuff. It's been a super fun inquiry, and I have you to thank for inspiring me!!
As for your response to my ask...
DAMN. the Echoes of the Fey concept was SUPER COOL and now I really wanna look into that too bc it could work for some insane roleplay and some neat scenarios. I just love the idea of nonverbal and magical communication bc it has so much potential, and it's even better if it doesn't follow the mechanics of speech and is more based around general emotions or a different quantifying system. It's so fun to explore!!
Also oh my godddd, HUMANS AND HUMAN WORLDS AS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR. My ask was all over the place but you fully caught on to exactly what I was talking about!!! Even beyond the sexual side, there's something so intimate and beautiful about removing your "higher" level methods of communication for a raw, gritty ability to just feel. The idea of essentially letting down all of those magical concepts that are inherently emotional and having to go it alone and figure it all out physically is just so, UGH. There's something there but I don't have the words to explain it (but you did, and I'm so glad you get where I'm coming from)
But yeah there's so much to explore there and I love it so much
Love ya 💜💜
I love ya too!! 🩷🩷
Also omfg using the human infatuated modern elf as a guide for your new players is a genius move.
Like this one loser high elf with a respectful facade who is just so obsessed over humans that the second they see a gaggle of new human adventure waddling around like ducks, looking at everything with shiny eyes, the elf takes an emergency holiday from their high paying job and goes to the humans.
Imagine all the pep talk they'd give themselves.
"Okay okay we got this!! We got this! We practised this before in the mirror.
All you have to do is walk up to them and introduce yourself yes yes, mention that you're a high elf and throw some elvish words around, humans love these right?
Do NOT mention the porn and do NOT ask to touch their ears no matter how adorable and tempting they look to squeeze-well maybe...if the human is willing and it's not weird right? They'd allow me to touch their ears if I asked nicely so maybe-
NO-NO NO NO. no touching ears, stay focused for Corellon's sake! It is my job to guide humans after all, yes? All those stories you read of elves guiding humanity weren't just fantasy, if the elves don't look after the humans then who will? The dwarves? HA, as if."
Then they walk up to them, pretending to be all graceful and noble like.
"Ehem! Aethen, uh, humans, right? Isee that your kind is still as lost as ever. Maethe you are in need of a guide, yes? "
They'd also be a bit protective of them, especially around other elves who call humans biir aka garbage. Having an entire argument with the other person in elvish and insulting their entire lineage before turning to the humans like nothing happened and asking if they'd like to go to a tavern? The elf's treat.
Also this elf's whole education about humans came from the Internet and half of it is misinformation. Somehow they know the most niche of medical facts about humans yet lack knowledge about the most basic things.
This is just me talking about my modern human kink high elf. Your npc was just inspired by them so I'm not expecting them to act the same or have the same concept, still this was a fun idea!
And Aaaa thank you so much <3333 you're so kind. This praise is going straight to my heart and making it bigger. Feel free to drop by anytime and share any of your human kink idea or even knowledge about elves!
Rn I'm reading about the human age boom in the forgotten realms, it is kinda interesting to think about a time where humans were far and between before literally ruling over the earth in the span of thousands of years.
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shain01 · 1 year ago
biir şeyler yapıyorum, yürüyorum, konuşuyorum, yemek yiyorum yani her zaman yaptığım işleri sürdürüyorum ama nasıl anlatsam, bir boşluk duygusu içimde
sanki içimde derin bir hiçlik var.
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